Overview ¶
Package object contains objects for VK.
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AccountAccountCounters
- type AccountInfo
- type AccountNameRequest
- type AccountOffer
- type AccountPushConversations
- type AccountPushConversationsItem
- type AccountPushParams
- type AccountPushSettings
- type AccountUserSettings
- type AdsAccesses
- type AdsAccount
- type AdsAd
- type AdsAdLayout
- type AdsCampaign
- type AdsCategory
- type AdsClient
- type AdsCriteria
- type AdsDemoStats
- type AdsDemostatsFormat
- type AdsFloodStats
- type AdsLinkStatus
- type AdsMusician
- type AdsParagraphs
- type AdsPromotedPostReach
- type AdsRejectReason
- type AdsRules
- type AdsStats
- type AdsStatsAge
- type AdsStatsCities
- type AdsStatsFormat
- type AdsStatsSex
- type AdsStatsSexAge
- type AdsTargSettings
- type AdsTargStats
- type AdsTargSuggestions
- type AdsTargSuggestionsCities
- type AdsTargSuggestionsRegions
- type AdsTargSuggestionsSchools
- type AdsTargetGroup
- type AdsUsers
- type AppWidgetsAppImageUploadResponse
- type AppWidgetsGroupImageUploadResponse
- type AppWidgetsImage
- type AppsApp
- type AppsCatalogBanner
- type AppsLeaderboard
- type AppsScope
- type AppsScreenOrientation
- type AppsTestingGroup
- type Article
- type Attachment
- type AudioAds
- type AudioAudio
- type AudioAudioArtist
- type AudioAudioUploadResponse
- type AudioLyrics
- type AuthSilentTokenProfile
- type BaseBoolInt
- type BaseCategoryObject
- type BaseCommentsInfo
- type BaseCountry
- type BaseGeo
- type BaseGeoCoordinates
- type BaseImage
- type BaseLikes
- type BaseLikesInfo
- type BaseLink
- type BaseLinkApplication
- type BaseLinkApplicationStore
- type BaseLinkButton
- type BaseLinkButtonAction
- type BaseLinkProduct
- type BaseLinkRating
- type BaseMessageGeo
- type BaseObject
- type BaseObjectCount
- type BaseObjectWithName
- type BasePlace
- type BaseRepostsInfo
- type BaseRequestParam
- type BaseSticker
- type BaseUserID
- type BoardTopic
- type BoardTopicComment
- type BoardTopicPoll
- type ClientInfo
- type DatabaseCity
- type DatabaseFaculty
- type DatabaseMetroStation
- type DatabaseRegion
- type DatabaseSchool
- type DatabaseStation
- type DatabaseUniversity
- type DocsDoc
- type DocsDocPreview
- type DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage
- type DocsDocPreviewGraffiti
- type DocsDocPreviewPhoto
- type DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes
- type DocsDocPreviewVideo
- type DocsDocTypes
- type DocsDocUploadResponse
- type DonutDonatorSubscriptionInfo
- type EventsEventAttach
- type ExtendedResponse
- type FaveFavesLink
- type FaveItem
- type FavePage
- type FaveTag
- type FriendsFriendStatus
- type FriendsFriendsList
- type FriendsRequests
- type FriendsRequestsMutual
- type FriendsRequestsXtrMessage
- type FriendsUserXtrLists
- type FriendsUserXtrPhone
- type GiftsGift
- type GiftsLayout
- type GroupsActionButton
- type GroupsActionButtonTarget
- type GroupsActionType
- type GroupsAddress
- type GroupsAddressTimetable
- type GroupsAddressTimetableDay
- type GroupsAddressesInfo
- type GroupsBanInfo
- type GroupsCallbackServer
- type GroupsCallbackSettings
- type GroupsContactsItem
- type GroupsCountersGroup
- type GroupsCover
- type GroupsGroup
- type GroupsGroupBanInfo
- type GroupsGroupCategory
- type GroupsGroupCategoryFull
- type GroupsGroupCategoryType
- type GroupsGroupLike
- type GroupsGroupLikeFriends
- type GroupsGroupLink
- type GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList
- type GroupsGroupSettings
- type GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy
- type GroupsLinksItem
- type GroupsLiveCovers
- type GroupsLongPollEvents
- type GroupsLongPollServer
- type GroupsLongPollSettings
- type GroupsMarketInfo
- type GroupsMarketServices
- type GroupsMarketType
- type GroupsMemberRole
- type GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser
- type GroupsMemberStatus
- type GroupsMemberStatusFull
- type GroupsOnlineStatus
- type GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo
- type GroupsProfileItem
- type GroupsSelectedItems
- type GroupsSubjectItem
- type GroupsTag
- type GroupsTokenPermissionSetting
- type GroupsTokenPermissions
- type GroupsYoula
- type GroupsYoulaCategory
- type GroupsYoulaSettings
- type GroupsYoulaSubcategory
- type ImageStatusInfo
- type JSONObject
- type LeadFormsForm
- type LeadFormsLead
- type LeadsChecked
- type LeadsComplete
- type LeadsEntry
- type LeadsLead
- type LeadsLeadDays
- type LeadsStart
- type LongPollResponse
- type MarketCurrency
- type MarketDeliveryPoint
- type MarketDeliveryPointAddress
- type MarketDimensions
- type MarketMarketAlbum
- type MarketMarketCategory
- type MarketMarketCategoryTree
- type MarketMarketCategoryTreeView
- type MarketMarketItem
- type MarketMarketItemProperty
- type MarketOrder
- type MarketOrderDelivery
- type MarketOrderItem
- type MarketOrderRecipient
- type MarketOrderStatus
- type MarketPrice
- type MarketPriceDetail
- type MarketSection
- type MarusiaAudio
- type MarusiaAudioMeta
- type MarusiaAudioUploadResponse
- type MarusiaPicture
- type MarusiaPictureUploadResponse
- type MessageCall
- type MessageContentSource
- type MessageContentSourceMessage
- type MessageContentSourceURL
- type MessagesAudioMessage
- type MessagesBasePayload
- type MessagesChat
- type MessagesChatPermission
- type MessagesChatPermissions
- type MessagesChatPreview
- type MessagesChatPushSettings
- type MessagesChatSettingsPhoto
- type MessagesConversation
- type MessagesConversationCanWrite
- type MessagesConversationChatSettings
- type MessagesConversationPeer
- type MessagesConversationPushSettings
- type MessagesConversationWithMessage
- type MessagesDialog
- type MessagesEventData
- type MessagesEventDataOpenApp
- type MessagesEventDataOpenLink
- type MessagesEventDataShowSnackbar
- type MessagesForward
- type MessagesGraffiti
- type MessagesHistoryAttachment
- type MessagesHistoryMessageAttachment
- type MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddCallbackButton(label string, payload interface{}, color string) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddLocationButton(payload interface{}) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddOpenLinkButton(link, label string, payload interface{}) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddRow() *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddTextButton(label string, payload interface{}, color string) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddVKAppsButton(appID, ownerID int, payload interface{}, label, hash string) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddVKPayButton(payload interface{}, hash string) *MessagesKeyboard
- func (keyboard MessagesKeyboard) ToJSON() string
- type MessagesKeyboardButton
- type MessagesKeyboardButtonAction
- type MessagesLastActivity
- type MessagesLongPollParams
- type MessagesMessage
- type MessagesMessageAction
- type MessagesMessageActionPhoto
- type MessagesMessageAttachment
- type MessagesPinnedMessage
- type MessagesTemplate
- type MessagesTemplateElement
- type MessagesTemplateElementCarousel
- type MessagesTemplateElementCarouselAction
- type MessagesUserXtrInvitedBy
- type NewsfeedCategoryAction
- type NewsfeedEventActivity
- type NewsfeedItemAudio
- type NewsfeedItemAudioAudio
- type NewsfeedItemDigest
- type NewsfeedItemFriend
- type NewsfeedItemFriendFriends
- type NewsfeedItemMarket
- type NewsfeedItemNote
- type NewsfeedItemNoteNotes
- type NewsfeedItemPhoto
- type NewsfeedItemPhotoPhotos
- type NewsfeedItemPhotoTag
- type NewsfeedItemPhotoTagPhotoTags
- type NewsfeedItemStoriesBlock
- type NewsfeedItemTopic
- type NewsfeedItemVideo
- type NewsfeedItemVideoVideo
- type NewsfeedItemWallpost
- type NewsfeedList
- type NewsfeedNewsfeedItem
- type NewsfeedNewsfeedNote
- type NotesNote
- type NotesNoteComment
- type NotificationsFeedback
- type NotificationsNotification
- type NotificationsNotificationsComment
- type NotificationsReply
- type OauthError
- type OrdersAmount
- type OrdersAmountItem
- type OrdersOrder
- type OrdersSubscription
- type PagesWikipage
- type PagesWikipageFull
- type PagesWikipageHistory
- type PhotosChatUploadResponse
- type PhotosCommentXtrPid
- type PhotosImage
- type PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse
- type PhotosMarketUploadResponse
- type PhotosMessageUploadResponse
- type PhotosOwnerUploadResponse
- type PhotosPhoto
- type PhotosPhotoAlbum
- type PhotosPhotoAlbumFull
- type PhotosPhotoFull
- type PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset
- type PhotosPhotoSizes
- type PhotosPhotoTag
- type PhotosPhotoUpload
- type PhotosPhotoUploadResponse
- type PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset
- type PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo
- type PhotosWallUploadResponse
- type Platform
- type PodcastsCategory
- type PodcastsEpisode
- type PodcastsItem
- type PodcastsPodcastInfo
- type PollsAnswer
- type PollsBackground
- type PollsFriend
- type PollsPhoto
- type PollsPhotoUploadResponse
- type PollsPoll
- type PollsVoters
- type PollsVotersFields
- type PollsVotersUsers
- type PollsVotersUsersFields
- type PrettyCardsPrettyCard
- type Privacy
- type PrivacyCategory
- type RawMessage
- type SearchHint
- type SecureLevel
- type SecureSmsNotification
- type SecureTokenChecked
- type SecureTransaction
- type StatsActivity
- type StatsCity
- type StatsCountry
- type StatsPeriod
- type StatsReach
- type StatsSexAge
- type StatsViews
- type StatsWallpostStat
- type StoriesClickablePoint
- type StoriesClickableSticker
- type StoriesClickableStickers
- type StoriesFeedItem
- type StoriesFeedItemType
- type StoriesNarrativeInfo
- type StoriesPromoBlock
- type StoriesQuestions
- type StoriesReplies
- type StoriesStory
- type StoriesStoryLink
- type StoriesStoryStats
- type StoriesStoryStatsStat
- type StoriesStoryType
- type StoriesViewer
- type UsersCareer
- type UsersCropPhoto
- type UsersCropPhotoCrop
- type UsersCropPhotoRect
- type UsersExports
- type UsersLastSeen
- type UsersMilitary
- type UsersOccupation
- type UsersOnlineInfo
- type UsersPersonal
- type UsersRelative
- type UsersSchool
- type UsersUniversity
- type UsersUser
- type UsersUserCounters
- type UsersUserLim
- type UsersUserMin
- type UtilsDomainResolved
- type UtilsLastShortenedLink
- type UtilsLinkChecked
- type UtilsLinkStats
- type UtilsLinkStatsExtended
- type UtilsShortLink
- type UtilsStats
- type UtilsStatsCity
- type UtilsStatsCountry
- type UtilsStatsExtended
- type UtilsStatsSexAge
- type VideoActionButton
- type VideoCatBlock
- type VideoCatElement
- type VideoLive
- type VideoLiveCategory
- type VideoLiveStream
- type VideoRestriction
- type VideoSaveResult
- type VideoSnippet
- type VideoUploadResponse
- type VideoVideo
- type VideoVideoAlbum
- type VideoVideoAlbumFull
- type VideoVideoFiles
- type VideoVideoFull
- type VideoVideoImage
- type VideoVideoTag
- type VideoVideoTagInfo
- type WallAppPost
- type WallAttachedNote
- type WallCommentAttachment
- type WallGraffiti
- type WallPostCopyright
- type WallPostSource
- type WallPostedPhoto
- type WallViews
- type WallWallComment
- type WallWallCommentDonut
- type WallWallCommentThread
- type WallWallpost
- type WallWallpostAttachment
- type WallWallpostDonut
- type WallWallpostHeader
- type WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription
- type WallWallpostToID
- type WidgetsCommentMedia
- type WidgetsCommentReplies
- type WidgetsCommentRepliesItem
- type WidgetsWidgetComment
- type WidgetsWidgetLikes
- type WidgetsWidgetPage
- Bugs
Constants ¶
const ( AppTypeApp = "app" AppTypeGame = "game" AppTypeSite = "site" AppTypeStandalone = "standalone" AppTypeVkApp = "vk_app" AppTypeCommunityApp = "community_app" AppTypeHTML5Game = "html5_game" )
AppsApp type application type.
const ( AppsLeaderboardTypeNotSupported = iota AppsLeaderboardTypeLevels AppsLeaderboardTypePoints )
AppsLeaderboardType leaderboardType type.
const ( FriendsStatusNotFriend = iota // not a friend FriendsStatusOutComingRequest // out coming request FriendsStatusInComingRequest // incoming request FriendsStatusIsFriend // is friend )
FriendsFriendStatus FriendStatus type.
const ( GiftsGiftPrivacyForAll = iota // name and message for all GiftsGiftPrivacyNameForAll // name for all GiftsGiftPrivacyRecipientOnly // name and message for recipient only )
GiftsGift Privacy type.
const ( WorkStatusNoInformation = "no_information" WorkStatusTemporarilyClosed = "temporarily_closed" WorkStatusAlwaysOpened = "always_opened" WorkStatusTimetable = "timetable" WorkStatusForeverClosed = "forever_closed" )
GroupsAddress WorkInfoStatus of information about timetable.
const ( GroupsAdminLevelModerator = iota GroupsAdminLevelEditor GroupsAdminLevelAdministrator )
GroupsGroup AdminLevel type.
const ( GroupsMainSectionAbsent = iota GroupsMainSectionPhotos GroupsMainSectionTopics GroupsMainSectionAudio GroupsMainSectionVideo GroupsMainSectionMarket )
GroupsGroup MainSection type.
const ( GroupsMemberStatusNotMember = iota GroupsMemberStatusMember GroupsMemberStatusNotSure GroupsMemberStatusDeclined GroupsMemberStatusHasSentRequest GroupsMemberStatusInvited )
GroupsGroup MemberStatus(events_event_attach, newsfeed_event_activity).
const ( GroupsGroupOpen = iota GroupsGroupClosed GroupsGroupPrivate )
GroupsGroup Access or IsClosed type.
const ( GroupsAgeLimitsNo = iota GroupsAgeLimitsOver16 GroupsAgeLimitsOver18 )
GroupsGroup AgeLimits.
const ( GroupsTypeGroup = "group" GroupsTypePage = "page" GroupsTypeEvent = "event" )
GroupsGroup type.
const ( GroupsBanReasonOther = iota GroupsBanReasonSpam GroupsBanReasonVerbalAbuse GroupsBanReasonStrongLanguage GroupsBanReasonFlood )
GroupsBanInfo reason type.
const ( GroupsGroupPhotosDisabled = iota GroupsGroupPhotosOpen GroupsGroupPhotosLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Photos type.
const ( GroupsGroupSubjectAuto GroupsGroupSubjectActivityHolidays GroupsGroupSubjectBusiness GroupsGroupSubjectPets GroupsGroupSubjectHealth GroupsGroupSubjectDatingAndCommunication GroupsGroupSubjectGames GroupsGroupSubjectIt GroupsGroupSubjectCinema GroupsGroupSubjectBeautyAndFashion GroupsGroupSubjectCooking GroupsGroupSubjectArtAndCulture GroupsGroupSubjectLiterature GroupsGroupSubjectMobileServicesAndInternet GroupsGroupSubjectMusic GroupsGroupSubjectScienceAndTechnology GroupsGroupSubjectRealEstate GroupsGroupSubjectNewsAndMedia GroupsGroupSubjectSecurity GroupsGroupSubjectEducation GroupsGroupSubjectHomeAndRenovations GroupsGroupSubjectPolitics GroupsGroupSubjectFood GroupsGroupSubjectIndustry GroupsGroupSubjectTravel GroupsGroupSubjectWork GroupsGroupSubjectEntertainment GroupsGroupSubjectReligion GroupsGroupSubjectFamily GroupsGroupSubjectSports GroupsGroupSubjectInsurance GroupsGroupSubjectTelevision GroupsGroupSubjectGoodsAndServices GroupsGroupSubjectHobbies GroupsGroupSubjectFinance GroupsGroupSubjectPhoto GroupsGroupSubjectEsoterics GroupsGroupSubjectElectronicsAndAppliances GroupsGroupSubjectErotic GroupsGroupSubjectHumor GroupsGroupSubjectSocietyHumanities GroupsGroupSubjectDesignAndGraphics )
GroupsGroupSettings Subject type.
const ( GroupsGroupTopicsDisabled = iota GroupsGroupTopicsOpen GroupsGroupTopicsLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Topics type.
const ( GroupsGroupDocsDisabled = iota GroupsGroupDocsOpen GroupsGroupDocsLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Docs type.
const ( GroupsGroupAudioDisabled = iota GroupsGroupAudioOpen GroupsGroupAudioLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Audio type.
const ( GroupsGroupVideoDisabled = iota GroupsGroupVideoOpen GroupsGroupVideoLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Video type.
const ( GroupsGroupWallDisabled = iota GroupsGroupWallOpen GroupsGroupWallLimited GroupsGroupWallClosed )
GroupsGroupSettings Wall type.
const ( GroupsGroupWikiDisabled = iota GroupsGroupWikiOpen GroupsGroupWikiLimited )
GroupsGroupSettings Wiki type.
const ( GroupsGroupRoleModerator = "moderator" GroupsGroupRoleEditor = "editor" GroupsGroupRoleAdministrator = "administrator" GroupsGroupRoleCreator = "creator" )
GroupsGroupRole Role type.
const ( GroupsOnlineStatusTypeNone = "none" GroupsOnlineStatusTypeOnline = "online" GroupsOnlineStatusTypeAnswerMark = "answer_mark" )
GroupsOnlineStatus Status type.
const ( MarketItemAvailable = iota MarketItemRemoved )
Information whether the MarketMarketItem is available.
const ( ChatPhotoUpdate = "chat_photo_update" ChatPhotoRemove = "chat_photo_remove" ChatCreate = "chat_create" ChatTitleUpdate = "chat_title_update" ChatInviteUser = "chat_invite_user" ChatKickUser = "chat_kick_user" ChatPinMessage = "chat_pin_message" ChatUnpinMessage = "chat_unpin_message" ChatInviteUserByLink = "chat_invite_user_by_link" AcceptedMessageRequest = "accepted_message_request" )
MessagesMessageAction status.
const ( CallEndStateCanceledByInitiator = "canceled_by_initiator" CallEndStateCanceledByReceiver = "canceled_by_receiver" CallEndStateReached = "reached" )
State in which call ended up.
const ( SexUnknown = iota SexFemale SexMale )
BaseSex const.
const ( LangRU = 0 // Русский LangUK = 1 // Українська LangBE = 2 // Беларуская (тарашкевiца) LangEN = 3 // English LangES = 4 // Español LangFI = 5 // Suomi LangDE = 6 // Deutsch LangIT = 7 // Italiano LangBG = 8 // Български LangHR = 9 // Hrvatski LangHU = 10 // Magyar LangSR = 11 // Српски LangPT = 12 // Português LangEL = 14 // Ελληνικά LangPL = 15 // Polski LangFR = 16 // Français LangKO = 17 // 한국어 LangZH = 18 // 汉语 LangLT = 19 // Lietuvių LangJA = 20 // 日本語 LangCS = 21 // Čeština LangET = 22 // Eesti LangTT = 50 // Татарча LangBA = 51 // Башҡортса LangCV = 52 // Чăвашла LangSK = 53 // Slovenčina LangRO = 54 // Română LangNO = 55 // Norsk LangLV = 56 // Latviešu LangAZ = 57 // Azərbaycan dili LangHY = 58 // Հայերեն LangSQ = 59 // Shqip LangSV = 60 // Svenska LangNL = 61 // Nederlands LangTK = 62 // Türkmen LangKA = 63 // ქართული LangDA = 64 // Dansk LangUZ = 65 // O‘zbek LangMO = 66 // Moldovenească LangBUA = 67 // Буряад LangTH = 68 // ภาษาไทย LangID = 69 // Bahasa Indonesia LangTG = 70 // Тоҷикӣ LangSL = 71 // Slovenščina LangBS = 72 // Bosanski LangPTBR = 73 // Português brasileiro LangFA = 74 // فارسی LangVI = 75 // Tiếng Việt LangHI = 76 // हिन्दी LangSI = 77 // සිංහල LangBN = 78 // বাংলা LangTL = 79 // Tagalog LangMN = 80 // Монгол LangMY = 81 // ဗမာစာ LangTR = 82 // Türkçe LangNE = 83 // नेपाली LangUR = 85 // اردو LangKY = 87 // Кыргыз тили LangPA = 90 // پنجابی LangOS = 91 // Ирон LangKN = 94 // ಕನ್ನಡ LangSW = 95 // Kiswahili LangKK = 97 // Қазақша LangAR = 98 // العربية LangHE = 99 // עברית LangPreRevolutionary = 100 // Дореволюцiонный LangMYV = 101 // Эрзянь кель LangKDB = 102 // Адыгэбзэ LangSAH = 105 // Саха тыла LangADY = 106 // Адыгабзэ LangUDM = 107 // Удмурт LangCHM = 108 // Марий йылме LangBE2 = 114 // Беларуская LangLEZ = 118 // Лезги чІал LangTW = 119 // 臺灣話 LangKUM = 236 // Къумукъ тил LangMVL = 270 // Mirandés LangSLA = 298 // Русинськый LangKRL = 379 // Karjalan kieli LangTYV = 344 // Тыва дыл LangXAL = 357 // Хальмг келн LangTLY = 373 // Tolışə zıvon LangKV = 375 // Коми кыв LangUKClassic = 452 // Українська (клясична) LangUKGalitska = 454 // Українська (Галицка) LangKAB = 457 // Taqbaylit LangEO = 555 // Esperanto LangLA = 666 // Lingua Latina LangSoviet = 777 // Советский )
Language code.
const ( // A button that sends a message with text specified in the label. ButtonText = "text" // Opens the VK Pay window with predefined parameters. The button is called // “Pay with VK Pay” (VK Pay is displayed as a logo). This button always // stretches to the whole keyboard width. ButtonVKPay = "vkpay" // Opens a specified VK Apps app. This button always stretches to the whole // keyboard width. ButtonVKApp = "open_app" // Sends the location to the chat. This button always stretches to the // whole keyboard width. ButtonLocation = "location" // Opens the specified link. ButtonOpenLink = "open_link" // Allows, without sending a message from the user, to receive a // notification about pressing the button and perform the necessary action. ButtonCallback = "callback" )
Button action type.
const ( Primary = "primary" // Blue button, indicates the main action. #5181B8 ButtonBlue Secondary = "secondary" // Default white button. #FFFFFF ButtonWhite Negative = "negative" // Dangerous or negative action (cancel, delete etc.) #E64646 ButtonRed Positive = "positive" // Accept, agree. #4BB34B ButtonGreen )
Button color. This parameter is used only for buttons with the text and callback types.
const ( PeerUser = "user" PeerChat = "chat" PeerGroup = "group" PeerEmail = "email" )
Conversations types.
const ( PagesPrivacyCommunityManagers = iota // community managers only PagesPrivacyCommunityMembers // community members only PagesPrivacyEveryone // everyone )
Pages privacy settings.
const ( ClickableStickerPost = "post" ClickableStickerSticker = "sticker" ClickableStickerPlace = "place" ClickableStickerQuestion = "question" ClickableStickerMention = "mention" ClickableStickerHashtag = "hashtag" ClickableStickerMarketItem = "market_item" ClickableStickerLink = "link" ClickableStickerStoryReply = "story_reply" ClickableStickerOwner = "owner" ClickableStickerPoll = "poll" ClickableStickerMusic = "music" ClickableStickerApp = "app" ClickableStickerTime = "time" ClickableStickerEmoji = "emoji" ClickableStickerGeo = "geo" ClickableStickerText = "text" )
Type of clickable sticker.
const ( ClickableStickerSubtypeMarketItem = "market_item" ClickableStickerSubtypeAliexpressProduct = "aliexpress_product" )
Subtype of clickable sticker.
const ( ClickableStickerTransparent = "transparent" ClickableStickerBlueGradient = "blue_gradient" ClickableStickerRedGradient = "red_gradient" ClickableStickerUnderline = "underline" ClickableStickerBlue = "blue" ClickableStickerGreen = "green" ClickableStickerWhite = "white" ClickableStickerQuestionReply = "question_reply" ClickableStickerLight = "light" ClickableStickerImpressive = "impressive" )
Clickable sticker style.
const ( UserRelationNotSpecified = iota // not specified UserRelationSingle // single UserRelationInRelationship // in a relationship UserRelationEngaged // engaged UserRelationMarried // married UserRelationComplicated // complicated UserRelationActivelySearching // actively searching UserRelationInLove // in love UserRelationCivilUnion // in a civil union )
User relationship status.
const ( UtilsDomainResolvedTypeUser = "user" UtilsDomainResolvedTypeGroup = "group" UtilsDomainResolvedTypeApplication = "application" UtilsDomainResolvedTypePage = "page" UtilsDomainResolvedTypeVkApp = "vk_app" )
UtilsDomainResolvedType object type.
const ( UtilsLinkCheckedStatusNotBanned = "not_banned" UtilsLinkCheckedStatusBanned = "banned" UtilsLinkCheckedStatusProcessing = "processing" )
Link status.
const ( WallPostSourceTypeVk = "vk" WallPostSourceTypeWidget = "widget" WallPostSourceTypeAPI = "api" WallPostSourceTypeRss = "rss" WallPostSourceTypeSms = "sms" )
Type of post source.
const ( WallPostTypePost = "post" WallPostTypeCopy = "copy" WallPostTypeReply = "reply" WallPostTypePostpone = "postpone" WallPostTypeSuggest = "suggest" )
WallPost type.
const ( AttachmentTypePhoto = "photo" AttachmentTypePostedPhoto = "posted_photo" AttachmentTypeAudio = "audio" AttachmentTypeVideo = "video" AttachmentTypeDoc = "doc" AttachmentTypeLink = "link" AttachmentTypeGraffiti = "graffiti" AttachmentTypeNote = "note" AttachmentTypeApp = "app" AttachmentTypePoll = "poll" AttachmentTypePage = "page" AttachmentTypeAlbum = "album" AttachmentTypePhotosList = "photos_list" AttachmentTypeMarketAlbum = "market_album" AttachmentTypeMarket = "market" AttachmentTypeEvent = "event" AttachmentTypeWall = "wall" AttachmentTypeStory = "story" AttachmentTypePodcast = "podcast" )
Attachment type.
TODO: check this.
const (
CommandNotSupportedButton = "not_supported_button"
Command for MessagesBasePayload.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountAccountCounters ¶
type AccountAccountCounters struct { AppRequests int `json:"app_requests"` // New app requests number Events int `json:"events"` // New events number Friends int `json:"friends"` // New friends requests number FriendsRecommendations int `json:"friends_recommendations"` // New friends recommendations number FriendsSuggestions int `json:"friends_suggestions"` // New friends suggestions number Gifts int `json:"gifts"` // New gifts number Groups int `json:"groups"` // New groups number Messages int `json:"messages"` // New messages number Notifications int `json:"notifications"` // New notifications number Photos int `json:"photos"` // New photo tags number SDK int `json:"sdk"` // New SDK number MenuDiscoverBadge int `json:"menu_discover_badge"` // New menu discover badge number MenuClipsBadge int `json:"menu_clips_badge"` // New menu clips badge number Videos int `json:"videos"` // New video tags number Faves int `json:"faves"` // New faves number Calls int `json:"calls"` // New calls number MenuSuperappFriendsBadge int `json:"menu_superapp_friends_badge"` MenuNewClipsBadge int `json:"menu_new_clips_badge"` }
AccountAccountCounters struct.
type AccountInfo ¶
type AccountInfo struct { // Country code. Country string `json:"country"` // Language ID. Lang int `json:"lang"` // Information whether HTTPS-only is enabled. HTTPSRequired BaseBoolInt `json:"https_required"` // Information whether user has been processed intro. Intro BaseBoolInt `json:"intro"` // Information whether wall comments should be hidden. NoWallReplies BaseBoolInt `json:"no_wall_replies"` // Information whether only owners posts should be shown. OwnPostsDefault BaseBoolInt `json:"own_posts_default"` // Two factor authentication is enabled. TwoFactorRequired BaseBoolInt `json:"2fa_required"` EuUser BaseBoolInt `json:"eu_user"` CommunityComments BaseBoolInt `json:"community_comments"` IsLiveStreamingEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_live_streaming_enabled"` IsNewLiveStreamingEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_new_live_streaming_enabled"` LinkRedirects map[string]string `json:"link_redirects"` VkPayEndpointV2 string `json:"vk_pay_endpoint_v2"` }
AccountInfo struct.
type AccountNameRequest ¶
type AccountNameRequest struct { FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // First name in request ID int `json:"id"` // Request ID needed to cancel the request LastName string `json:"last_name"` // Last name in request Status string `json:"status"` }
AccountNameRequest struct.
type AccountOffer ¶
type AccountOffer struct { Description string `json:"description"` // Offer description ID int `json:"id"` // Offer ID Img string `json:"img"` // URL of the preview image Instruction string `json:"instruction"` // Instruction how to process the offer InstructionHTML string `json:"instruction_html"` // Instruction how to process the offer (HTML format) Price int `json:"price"` // Offer price ShortDescription string `json:"short_description"` // Offer short description Tag string `json:"tag"` // Offer tag Title string `json:"title"` // Offer title }
AccountOffer struct.
type AccountPushConversations ¶
type AccountPushConversations struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Items count Items []*AccountPushConversationsItem `json:"items"` }
AccountPushConversations struct.
type AccountPushConversationsItem ¶
type AccountPushConversationsItem struct { DisabledUntil int `json:"disabled_until"` // Time until that notifications are disabled in seconds PeerID int `json:"peer_id"` // Peer ID Sound int `json:"sound"` // Information whether the sound are enabled DisabledMentions BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled_mentions"` DisabledMassMentions BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled_mass_mentions"` }
AccountPushConversationsItem struct.
type AccountPushParams ¶
type AccountPushParams struct { AppRequest []string `json:"app_request"` Birthday []string `json:"birthday"` Chat []string `json:"chat"` Comment []string `json:"comment"` EventSoon []string `json:"event_soon"` Friend []string `json:"friend"` FriendAccepted []string `json:"friend_accepted"` FriendFound []string `json:"friend_found"` GroupAccepted []string `json:"group_accepted"` GroupInvite []string `json:"group_invite"` Like []string `json:"like"` Mention []string `json:"mention"` Msg []string `json:"msg"` NewPost []string `json:"new_post"` PhotosTag []string `json:"photos_tag"` Reply []string `json:"reply"` Repost []string `json:"repost"` SdkOpen []string `json:"sdk_open"` WallPost []string `json:"wall_post"` WallPublish []string `json:"wall_publish"` }
AccountPushParams struct.
type AccountPushSettings ¶
type AccountPushSettings struct { Conversations AccountPushConversations `json:"conversations"` // Information whether notifications are disabled. Disabled BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled"` // Time until that notifications are disabled in Unixtime. DisabledUntil int `json:"disabled_until"` Settings AccountPushParams `json:"settings"` }
AccountPushSettings struct.
type AccountUserSettings ¶
type AccountUserSettings struct { Bdate string `json:"bdate"` // User's date of birth BdateVisibility int `json:"bdate_visibility"` // Information whether user's birthdate are hidden City BaseObject `json:"city"` Country BaseCountry `json:"country"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // User first name HomeTown string `json:"home_town"` // User's hometown LastName string `json:"last_name"` // User last name MaidenName string `json:"maiden_name"` // User maiden name NameRequest AccountNameRequest `json:"name_request"` Phone string `json:"phone"` // User phone number with some hidden digits Relation int `json:"relation"` // User relationship status RelationPartner UsersUserMin `json:"relation_partner"` RelationPending BaseBoolInt `json:"relation_pending"` // Information whether relation status is pending RelationRequests []UsersUserMin `json:"relation_requests"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` // Domain name of the user's page Sex int `json:"sex"` // User sex Status string `json:"status"` // User status ID int `json:"id"` // TODO: Check it (always return 0) }
AccountUserSettings struct.
type AdsAccesses ¶
AdsAccesses struct.
type AdsAccount ¶
type AdsAccount struct { AccessRole string `json:"access_role"` AccountID int `json:"account_id"` // Account ID AccountName string `json:"account_name"` AccountStatus BaseBoolInt `json:"account_status"` // Information whether account is active CanViewBudget BaseBoolInt `json:"can_view_budget"` AdNetworkAllowedPotentially BaseBoolInt `json:"ad_network_allowed_potentially"` AccountType string `json:"account_type"` }
AdsAccount struct.
type AdsAd ¶
type AdsAd struct { Approved string `json:"approved"` AllLimit string `json:"all_limit"` Category1ID string `json:"category1_id"` Category2ID string `json:"category2_id"` Cpm string `json:"cpm"` AdFormat int `json:"ad_format"` // Ad format AdPlatform interface{} `json:"ad_platform"` // Ad platform CampaignID int `json:"campaign_id"` // Campaign ID CostType int `json:"cost_type"` Cpc int `json:"cpc"` // Cost of a click, kopecks DisclaimerMedical BaseBoolInt `json:"disclaimer_medical"` // Information whether disclaimer is enabled DisclaimerSpecialist BaseBoolInt `json:"disclaimer_specialist"` // Information whether disclaimer is enabled DisclaimerSupplements BaseBoolInt `json:"disclaimer_supplements"` // Information whether disclaimer is enabled Video BaseBoolInt `json:"video"` // Information whether the ad is a video ImpressionsLimited BaseBoolInt `json:"impressions_limited"` // Information whether impressions are limited Autobidding BaseBoolInt `json:"autobidding"` ImpressionsLimit int `json:"impressions_limit"` // Impressions limit ID string `json:"id"` // Ad ID Name string `json:"name"` // Ad title Status int `json:"status"` CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` GoalType int `json:"goal_type"` DayLimit string `json:"day_limit"` StartTime string `json:"start_time"` StopTime string `json:"stop_time"` AgeRestriction string `json:"age_restriction"` EventsRetargetingGroups interface{} `json:"events_retargeting_groups"` ImpressionsLimitPeriod string `json:"impressions_limit_period"` }
AdsAd struct.
type AdsAdLayout ¶
type AdsAdLayout struct { AdFormat interface{} `json:"ad_format"` // Ad format Description string `json:"description"` // Ad description ImageSrc string `json:"image_src"` // Image URL ImageSrc2x string `json:"image_src_2x"` // URL of the preview image in double size LinkDomain string `json:"link_domain"` // Domain of advertised object LinkURL string `json:"link_url"` // URL of advertised object PreviewLink string `json:"preview_link"` // preview an ad as it is shown on the website Title string `json:"title"` // Ad title Video BaseBoolInt `json:"video"` // Information whether the ad is a video ID string `json:"id"` CampaignID int `json:"campaign_id"` GoalType int `json:"goal_type"` CostType int `json:"cost_type"` AgeRestriction string `json:"age_restriction"` LinkType string `json:"link_type"` }
AdsAdLayout struct.
type AdsCampaign ¶
type AdsCampaign struct { AllLimit string `json:"all_limit"` // Campaign's total limit, rubles DayLimit string `json:"day_limit"` // Campaign's day limit, rubles ID int `json:"id"` // Campaign ID Name string `json:"name"` // Campaign title StartTime int `json:"start_time"` // Campaign start time, as Unixtime Status int `json:"status"` StopTime int `json:"stop_time"` // Campaign stop time, as Unixtime Type string `json:"type"` }
AdsCampaign struct.
type AdsCategory ¶
type AdsCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Category ID Name string `json:"name"` // Category name Subcategories []BaseObjectWithName `json:"subcategories"` }
AdsCategory struct.
type AdsClient ¶
type AdsClient struct { AllLimit string `json:"all_limit"` // Client's total limit, rubles DayLimit string `json:"day_limit"` // Client's day limit, rubles ID int `json:"id"` // Client ID Name string `json:"name"` // Client name }
AdsClient struct.
type AdsCriteria ¶
type AdsCriteria struct { AgeFrom int `json:"age_from"` // Age from AgeTo int `json:"age_to"` // Age to Apps string `json:"apps"` // Apps IDs AppsNot string `json:"apps_not"` // Apps IDs to except Birthday int `json:"birthday"` // Days to birthday Cities string `json:"cities"` // Cities IDs CitiesNot string `json:"cities_not"` // Cities IDs to except Country int `json:"country"` // Country ID Districts string `json:"districts"` // Districts IDs Groups string `json:"groups"` // Communities IDs InterestCategories string `json:"interest_categories"` // Interests categories IDs Interests string `json:"interests"` // Interests // Information whether the user has proceeded VK payments before. Paying BaseBoolInt `json:"paying"` Positions string `json:"positions"` // Positions IDs Religions string `json:"religions"` // Religions IDs RetargetingGroups string `json:"retargeting_groups"` // Retargeting groups IDs RetargetingGroupsNot string `json:"retargeting_groups_not"` // Retargeting groups IDs to except SchoolFrom int `json:"school_from"` // School graduation year from SchoolTo int `json:"school_to"` // School graduation year to Schools string `json:"schools"` // Schools IDs Sex int `json:"sex"` Stations string `json:"stations"` // Stations IDs Statuses string `json:"statuses"` // Relationship statuses Streets string `json:"streets"` // Streets IDs Travellers int `json:"travellers"` // Travellers only UniFrom int `json:"uni_from"` // University graduation year from UniTo int `json:"uni_to"` // University graduation year to UserBrowsers string `json:"user_browsers"` // Browsers UserDevices string `json:"user_devices"` // Devices UserOs string `json:"user_os"` // Operating systems }
AdsCriteria struct.
type AdsDemoStats ¶
type AdsDemoStats struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID Stats AdsDemostatsFormat `json:"stats"` Type string `json:"type"` }
AdsDemoStats struct.
type AdsDemostatsFormat ¶
type AdsDemostatsFormat struct { Age []AdsStatsAge `json:"age"` Cities []AdsStatsCities `json:"cities"` Day string `json:"day"` // Day as YYYY-MM-DD Month string `json:"month"` // Month as YYYY-MM Overall int `json:"overall"` // 1 if period=overall Sex []AdsStatsSex `json:"sex"` SexAge []AdsStatsSexAge `json:"sex_age"` }
AdsDemostatsFormat struct.
type AdsFloodStats ¶
type AdsFloodStats struct { Left int `json:"left"` // Requests left Refresh int `json:"refresh"` // Time to refresh in seconds }
AdsFloodStats struct.
type AdsLinkStatus ¶
type AdsLinkStatus string
AdsLinkStatus link status.
const ( // allowed to use in ads. AdsLinkAllowed AdsLinkStatus = "allowed" // prohibited to use for this type of the object. AdsLinkDisallowed AdsLinkStatus = "disallowed" // checking, wait please. AdsLinkInProgress AdsLinkStatus = "in_progress" )
Possible values.
type AdsMusician ¶
type AdsMusician struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Targeting music artist ID Name string `json:"name"` // Music artist name Avatar string `json:"avatar,omitempty"` // Music artist photo. }
AdsMusician struct.
type AdsParagraphs ¶
type AdsParagraphs struct {
Paragraph string `json:"paragraph"` // Rules paragraph
AdsParagraphs struct.
type AdsPromotedPostReach ¶
type AdsPromotedPostReach struct { Hide int `json:"hide"` // Hides amount ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID from 'ids' parameter JoinGroup int `json:"join_group"` // Community joins Links int `json:"links"` // Link clicks ReachSubscribers int `json:"reach_subscribers"` // Subscribers reach ReachTotal int `json:"reach_total"` // Total reach Report int `json:"report"` // Reports amount ToGroup int `json:"to_group"` // Community clicks Unsubscribe int `json:"unsubscribe"` // 'Unsubscribe' events amount VideoViews100p int `json:"video_views_100p"` // Video views for 100 percent VideoViews25p int `json:"video_views_25p"` // Video views for 25 percent VideoViews3s int `json:"video_views_3s"` // Video views for 3 seconds VideoViews50p int `json:"video_views_50p"` // Video views for 50 percent VideoViews75p int `json:"video_views_75p"` // Video views for 75 percent VideoViewsStart int `json:"video_views_start"` // Video starts }
AdsPromotedPostReach struct.
type AdsRejectReason ¶
type AdsRejectReason struct { Comment string `json:"comment"` // Comment text Rules []AdsRules `json:"rules"` }
AdsRejectReason struct.
type AdsRules ¶
type AdsRules struct { Paragraphs []AdsParagraphs `json:"paragraphs"` Title string `json:"title"` // Comment }
AdsRules struct.
type AdsStats ¶
type AdsStats struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID Stats AdsStatsFormat `json:"stats"` Type string `json:"type"` }
AdsStats struct.
type AdsStatsAge ¶
type AdsStatsAge struct { ClicksRate float64 `json:"clicks_rate"` // Clicks rate ImpressionsRate float64 `json:"impressions_rate"` // Impressions rate Value string `json:"value"` // Age interval }
AdsStatsAge struct.
type AdsStatsCities ¶
type AdsStatsCities struct { ClicksRate float64 `json:"clicks_rate"` // Clicks rate ImpressionsRate float64 `json:"impressions_rate"` // Impressions rate Name string `json:"name"` // City name Value int `json:"value"` // City ID }
AdsStatsCities struct.
type AdsStatsFormat ¶
type AdsStatsFormat struct { Clicks int `json:"clicks"` // Clicks number Day string `json:"day"` // Day as YYYY-MM-DD Impressions int `json:"impressions"` // Impressions number JoinRate int `json:"join_rate"` // Events number Month string `json:"month"` // Month as YYYY-MM Overall int `json:"overall"` // 1 if period=overall Reach int `json:"reach"` // Reach Spent int `json:"spent"` // Spent funds VideoClicksSite int `json:"video_clicks_site"` // Click-thoughts to the advertised site VideoViews int `json:"video_views"` // Video views number VideoViewsFull int `json:"video_views_full"` // Video views (full video) VideoViewsHalf int `json:"video_views_half"` // Video views (half of video) }
AdsStatsFormat struct.
type AdsStatsSex ¶
type AdsStatsSex struct { ClicksRate float64 `json:"clicks_rate"` // Clicks rate ImpressionsRate float64 `json:"impressions_rate"` // Impressions rate Value string `json:"value"` }
AdsStatsSex struct.
type AdsStatsSexAge ¶
type AdsStatsSexAge struct { ClicksRate float64 `json:"clicks_rate"` // Clicks rate ImpressionsRate float64 `json:"impressions_rate"` // Impressions rate Value string `json:"value"` // Sex and age interval }
AdsStatsSexAge struct.
type AdsTargStats ¶
type AdsTargStats struct { AudienceCount int `json:"audience_count"` // Audience RecommendedCpc float64 `json:"recommended_cpc"` // Recommended CPC value RecommendedCpm float64 `json:"recommended_cpm"` // Recommended CPM value }
AdsTargStats struct.
type AdsTargSuggestions ¶
type AdsTargSuggestions struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID Name string `json:"name"` // Object name }
AdsTargSuggestions struct.
type AdsTargSuggestionsCities ¶
type AdsTargSuggestionsCities struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID Name string `json:"name"` // Object name Parent string `json:"parent"` // Parent object }
AdsTargSuggestionsCities struct.
type AdsTargSuggestionsRegions ¶
type AdsTargSuggestionsRegions struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Object ID Name string `json:"name"` // Object name Type string `json:"type"` // Object type }
AdsTargSuggestionsRegions struct.
type AdsTargSuggestionsSchools ¶
type AdsTargSuggestionsSchools struct { Desc string `json:"desc"` // Full school title ID int `json:"id"` // School ID Name string `json:"name"` // School title Parent string `json:"parent"` // City name Type string `json:"type"` }
AdsTargSuggestionsSchools struct.
type AdsTargetGroup ¶
type AdsTargetGroup struct { AudienceCount int `json:"audience_count"` // Audience ID int `json:"id"` // Group ID Lifetime int `json:"lifetime"` // Number of days for user to be in group Name string `json:"name"` // Group name LastUpdated int `json:"last_updated"` IsAudience BaseBoolInt `json:"is_audience"` FileSource BaseBoolInt `json:"file_source"` APISource BaseBoolInt `json:"api_source"` LookalikeSource BaseBoolInt `json:"lookalike_source"` Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // Site domain Pixel string `json:"pixel,omitempty"` // Pixel code }
AdsTargetGroup struct.
type AdsUsers ¶
type AdsUsers struct { Accesses []AdsAccesses `json:"accesses"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
AdsUsers struct.
type AppWidgetsAppImageUploadResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsAppImageUploadResponse struct { Image string `json:"image"` Hash string `json:"hash"` }
AppWidgetsAppImageUploadResponse struct.
type AppWidgetsGroupImageUploadResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGroupImageUploadResponse struct { Image string `json:"image"` Hash string `json:"hash"` }
AppWidgetsGroupImageUploadResponse struct.
type AppWidgetsImage ¶
type AppWidgetsImage struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images []BaseImage `json:"images"` }
AppWidgetsImage struct.
type AppsApp ¶
type AppsApp struct { AuthorOwnerID int `json:"author_owner_id"` AuthorURL string `json:"author_url"` Banner1120 string `json:"banner_1120"` // URL of the app banner with 1120 px in width Banner560 string `json:"banner_560"` // URL of the app banner with 560 px in width CatalogPosition int `json:"catalog_position"` // Catalog position Description string `json:"description"` // Application description Friends []int `json:"friends"` Genre string `json:"genre"` // Genre name GenreID int `json:"genre_id"` // Genre ID Icon139 string `json:"icon_139"` // URL of the app icon with 139 px in width Icon150 string `json:"icon_150"` // URL of the app icon with 150 px in width Icon278 string `json:"icon_278"` // URL of the app icon with 279 px in width Icon75 string `json:"icon_75"` // URL of the app icon with 75 px in width ID int `json:"id"` // Application ID International BaseBoolInt `json:"international"` // Information whether the application is multi language IsInCatalog BaseBoolInt `json:"is_in_catalog"` // Information whether application is in mobile catalog Installed BaseBoolInt `json:"installed"` PushEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"push_enabled"` HideTabbar BaseBoolInt `json:"hide_tabbar"` IsNew BaseBoolInt `json:"is_new"` New BaseBoolInt `json:"new"` IsInstalled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_installed"` HasVkConnect BaseBoolInt `json:"has_vk_connect"` LeaderboardType int `json:"leaderboard_type"` MembersCount int `json:"members_count"` // Members number PlatformID int `json:"platform_id"` // Application ID in store // Date when the application has been published in Unixtime. PublishedDate int `json:"published_date"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` // Screen name Screenshots []PhotosPhoto `json:"screenshots"` Section string `json:"section"` // Application section name Title string `json:"title"` // Application title Type string `json:"type"` Icon16 string `json:"icon_16"` Icon576 string `json:"icon_576"` ScreenOrientation AppsScreenOrientation `json:"screen_orientation"` CatalogBanner AppsCatalogBanner `json:"catalog_banner"` // mobile_controls_type = 0 - прозрачный элемент управления поверх области с игрой; // mobile_controls_type = 1 - чёрная полоска над областью с игрой; // mobile_controls_type = 2 - только для vk apps, без элементов управления'. MobileControlsType int `json:"mobile_controls_type"` // mobile_view_support_type = 0 - игра не использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черная полоса есть. // mobile_view_support_type = 1 - игра использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черной полосы нет. MobileViewSupportType int `json:"mobile_view_support_type"` }
AppsApp struct.
type AppsCatalogBanner ¶
type AppsCatalogBanner struct { BackgroundColor string `json:"background_color"` DescriptionColor string `json:"description_color"` Description string `json:"description"` TitleColor string `json:"title_color"` }
AppsCatalogBanner struct.
type AppsLeaderboard ¶
type AppsLeaderboard struct { Level int `json:"level"` // Level Points int `json:"points"` // Points number Score int `json:"score"` // Score number UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
AppsLeaderboard struct.
type AppsScope ¶
type AppsScope struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Scope name Title string `json:"title"` // Scope title }
AppsScope Scope description.
type AppsScreenOrientation ¶
type AppsScreenOrientation int
AppsScreenOrientation supported screen orientation.
const ( AppsScreenOrientationBoth AppsScreenOrientation = iota AppsScreenOrientationLandscape AppsScreenOrientationPortrait )
Possible values.
type AppsTestingGroup ¶
type AppsTestingGroup struct { GroupID int `json:"group_id"` UserIDs []int `json:"user_ids"` Name string `json:"name"` Webview string `json:"webview"` Platforms []string `json:"platforms"` }
AppsTestingGroup testing group description.
type Article ¶
type Article struct { ID int `json:"id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` OwnerPhoto string `json:"owner_photo"` State string `json:"state"` CanReport BaseBoolInt `json:"can_report"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` Title string `json:"title"` Subtitle string `json:"subtitle"` Views int `json:"views"` URL string `json:"url"` ViewURL string `json:"view_url"` AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` PublishedDate int `json:"published_date"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` }
Article struct.
type AudioAds ¶
type AudioAds struct { ContentID string `json:"content_id"` Duration string `json:"duration"` AccountAgeType string `json:"account_age_type"` PUID1 string `json:"puid1"` PUID22 string `json:"puid22"` }
AudioAds struct.
type AudioAudio ¶
type AudioAudio struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the audio ID int `json:"id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Artist string `json:"artist"` Title string `json:"title"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Date int `json:"date"` URL string `json:"url"` IsHq BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hq"` IsExplicit BaseBoolInt `json:"is_explicit"` StoriesAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"stories_allowed"` ShortVideosAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"short_videos_allowed"` IsFocusTrack BaseBoolInt `json:"is_focus_track"` IsLicensed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_licensed"` StoriesCoverAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"stories_cover_allowed"` LyricsID int `json:"lyrics_id"` AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` GenreID int `json:"genre_id"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` NoSearch int `json:"no_search"` MainArtists []AudioAudioArtist `json:"main_artists"` Ads AudioAds `json:"ads"` Subtitle string `json:"subtitle"` }
AudioAudio struct.
func (AudioAudio) ToAttachment ¶
func (audio AudioAudio) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type AudioAudioArtist ¶
type AudioAudioArtist struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` Domain string `json:"domain"` }
AudioAudioArtist struct.
type AudioAudioUploadResponse ¶
type AudioAudioUploadResponse struct { Audio string `json:"audio"` Hash string `json:"hash"` Redirect string `json:"redirect"` Server int `json:"server"` }
AudioAudioUploadResponse struct.
type AudioLyrics ¶
AudioLyrics struct.
type AuthSilentTokenProfile ¶
type AuthSilentTokenProfile struct { Token string `json:"token"` Expires int `json:"expires"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` Phone string `json:"phone"` PhoneValidated interface{} `json:"phone_validated"` // int | bool UserID int `json:"user_id"` IsPartial BaseBoolInt `json:"is_partial"` IsService BaseBoolInt `json:"is_service"` }
AuthSilentTokenProfile struct.
type BaseBoolInt ¶
type BaseBoolInt bool
BaseBoolInt type.
func (*BaseBoolInt) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (b *BaseBoolInt) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) (err error)
DecodeMsgpack func.
func (*BaseBoolInt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BaseBoolInt) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
UnmarshalJSON func.
type BaseCategoryObject ¶
type BaseCategoryObject struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Icons []BaseImage `json:"icons"` }
BaseCategoryObject struct.
type BaseCommentsInfo ¶
type BaseCommentsInfo struct { Count int `json:"count"` CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post"` GroupsCanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"groups_can_post"` CanClose BaseBoolInt `json:"can_close"` CanOpen BaseBoolInt `json:"can_open"` }
BaseCommentsInfo struct.
type BaseCountry ¶
BaseCountry struct.
type BaseGeo ¶
type BaseGeo struct { Coordinates string `json:"coordinates"` Place BasePlace `json:"place"` Showmap int `json:"showmap"` Type string `json:"type"` }
BaseGeo struct.
type BaseGeoCoordinates ¶
type BaseGeoCoordinates struct { Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` }
BaseGeoCoordinates struct.
type BaseImage ¶
type BaseImage struct { Height float64 `json:"height"` URL string `json:"url"` Width float64 `json:"width"` Type string `json:"type"` }
BaseImage struct.
func (*BaseImage) DecodeMsgpack ¶
DecodeMsgpack is required to support images with `src` field.
func (*BaseImage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is required to support images with `src` field.
type BaseLikes ¶
type BaseLikes struct { UserLikes BaseBoolInt `json:"user_likes"` // Information whether current user likes Count int `json:"count"` // Likes number }
BaseLikes struct.
type BaseLikesInfo ¶
type BaseLikesInfo struct { CanLike BaseBoolInt `json:"can_like"` // Information whether current user can like the post CanPublish BaseBoolInt `json:"can_publish"` // Information whether current user can repost UserLikes BaseBoolInt `json:"user_likes"` // Information whether current uer has liked the post Count int `json:"count"` // Likes number }
BaseLikesInfo struct.
type BaseLink ¶
type BaseLink struct { Application BaseLinkApplication `json:"application"` Button BaseLinkButton `json:"button"` ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` ButtonAction string `json:"button_action"` Caption string `json:"caption"` Description string `json:"description"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` PreviewPage string `json:"preview_page"` PreviewURL string `json:"preview_url"` Product BaseLinkProduct `json:"product"` Rating BaseLinkRating `json:"rating"` Title string `json:"title"` Target string `json:"target"` URL string `json:"url"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` }
BaseLink struct.
type BaseLinkApplication ¶
type BaseLinkApplication struct { AppID float64 `json:"app_id"` Store BaseLinkApplicationStore `json:"store"` }
BaseLinkApplication struct.
type BaseLinkApplicationStore ¶
BaseLinkApplicationStore struct.
type BaseLinkButton ¶
type BaseLinkButton struct { Action BaseLinkButtonAction `json:"action"` Title string `json:"title"` }
BaseLinkButton struct.
type BaseLinkButtonAction ¶
BaseLinkButtonAction struct.
type BaseLinkProduct ¶
type BaseLinkProduct struct { Price MarketPrice `json:"price"` Merchant string `json:"merchant"` OrdersCount int `json:"orders_count"` }
BaseLinkProduct struct.
type BaseLinkRating ¶
type BaseLinkRating struct { ReviewsCount json.Number `json:"reviews_count"` Stars float64 `json:"stars"` }
BaseLinkRating struct.
type BaseMessageGeo ¶
type BaseMessageGeo struct { Coordinates BaseGeoCoordinates `json:"coordinates"` Place BasePlace `json:"place"` Showmap int `json:"showmap"` Type string `json:"type"` }
BaseMessageGeo struct.
type BaseObject ¶
BaseObject struct.
type BaseObjectCount ¶
type BaseObjectCount struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
BaseObjectCount struct.
type BaseObjectWithName ¶
BaseObjectWithName struct.
type BasePlace ¶
type BasePlace struct { Address string `json:"address"` Checkins int `json:"checkins"` City interface{} `json:"city"` // BUG(VK): Country interface{} `json:"country"` Created int `json:"created"` ID int `json:"id"` Icon string `json:"icon"` Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` Title string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` IsDeleted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_deleted"` TotalCheckins int `json:"total_checkins"` Updated int `json:"updated"` CategoryObject BaseCategoryObject `json:"category_object"` }
BasePlace struct.
type BaseRepostsInfo ¶
type BaseRepostsInfo struct { Count int `json:"count"` WallCount int `json:"wall_count"` MailCount int `json:"mail_count"` UserReposted int `json:"user_reposted"` }
BaseRepostsInfo struct.
type BaseRequestParam ¶
BaseRequestParam struct.
type BaseSticker ¶
type BaseSticker struct { Images []BaseImage `json:"images"` ImagesWithBackground []BaseImage `json:"images_with_background"` ProductID int `json:"product_id"` StickerID int `json:"sticker_id"` IsAllowed bool `json:"is_allowed"` AnimationURL string `json:"animation_url"` }
BaseSticker struct.
func (BaseSticker) MaxSize ¶
func (sticker BaseSticker) MaxSize() (maxImageSize BaseImage)
MaxSize return the largest BaseSticker.
func (BaseSticker) MaxSizeBackground ¶
func (sticker BaseSticker) MaxSizeBackground() (maxImageSize BaseImage)
MaxSizeBackground return the largest BaseSticker with background.
func (BaseSticker) MinSize ¶
func (sticker BaseSticker) MinSize() (minImageSize BaseImage)
MinSize return the smallest BaseSticker.
func (BaseSticker) MinSizeBackground ¶
func (sticker BaseSticker) MinSizeBackground() (minImageSize BaseImage)
MinSizeBackground return the smallest BaseSticker with background.
type BoardTopic ¶
type BoardTopic struct { Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the topic has been created in Unixtime CreatedBy int `json:"created_by"` // Creator ID ID int `json:"id"` // Topic ID IsClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_closed"` // Information whether the topic is closed IsFixed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_fixed"` // Information whether the topic is fixed Title string `json:"title"` // Topic title Updated int `json:"updated"` // Date when the topic has been updated in Unixtime UpdatedBy int `json:"updated_by"` // ID of user who updated the topic }
BoardTopic struct.
type BoardTopicComment ¶
type BoardTopicComment struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID // RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the comment Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text // TopicID int `json:"topic_id"` // TopicOwnerID int `json:"topic_owner_id"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` // Information whether current user can edit the comment }
BoardTopicComment struct.
type BoardTopicPoll ¶
type BoardTopicPoll struct { AnswerID int `json:"answer_id"` // Current user's answer ID Answers []PollsAnswer `json:"answers"` Created int `json:"created"` // Date when poll has been created in Unixtime IsClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_closed"` // Information whether the poll is closed OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Poll owner's ID PollID int `json:"poll_id"` // Poll ID Question string `json:"question"` // Poll question Votes int `json:"votes"` // Votes number }
BoardTopicPoll struct.
type ClientInfo ¶
type ClientInfo struct { ButtonActions []string `json:"button_actions"` Keyboard BaseBoolInt `json:"keyboard"` InlineKeyboard BaseBoolInt `json:"inline_keyboard"` Carousel BaseBoolInt `json:"carousel"` LangID int `json:"lang_id"` }
ClientInfo struct.
type DatabaseCity ¶
type DatabaseCity struct { ID int `json:"id"` // City ID Title string `json:"title"` // City title Area string `json:"area,omitempty"` Region string `json:"region,omitempty"` Important BaseBoolInt `json:"important,omitempty"` }
DatabaseCity struct.
type DatabaseFaculty ¶
type DatabaseFaculty struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Faculty ID Title string `json:"title"` // Faculty title }
DatabaseFaculty struct.
type DatabaseMetroStation ¶
type DatabaseMetroStation struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Metro station ID Name string `json:"name"` // Metro station name Color string `json:"color"` // Metro station color CityID int `json:"city_id"` // Metro station city ID }
DatabaseMetroStation struct.
type DatabaseRegion ¶
type DatabaseRegion struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Region ID Title string `json:"title"` // Region title }
DatabaseRegion struct.
type DatabaseSchool ¶
type DatabaseSchool struct { ID int `json:"id"` // School ID Title string `json:"title"` // School title }
DatabaseSchool struct.
type DatabaseStation ¶
type DatabaseStation struct { CityID int `json:"city_id"` // City ID Color string `json:"color"` // Hex color code without # ID int `json:"id"` // Station ID Name string `json:"name"` // Station name }
DatabaseStation struct.
type DatabaseUniversity ¶
type DatabaseUniversity struct { ID int `json:"id"` // University ID Title string `json:"title"` // University title }
DatabaseUniversity struct.
type DocsDoc ¶
type DocsDoc struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the document Date int `json:"date"` // Date when file has been uploaded in Unixtime Ext string `json:"ext"` // File extension ID int `json:"id"` // Document ID IsLicensed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_licensed"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Document owner ID Preview DocsDocPreview `json:"preview"` Size int `json:"size"` // File size in bites Title string `json:"title"` // Document title Type int `json:"type"` // Document type URL string `json:"url"` // File URL DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage DocsDocPreviewGraffiti }
DocsDoc struct.
func (DocsDoc) ToAttachment ¶
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type DocsDocPreview ¶
type DocsDocPreview struct { Photo DocsDocPreviewPhoto `json:"photo"` Graffiti DocsDocPreviewGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` Video DocsDocPreviewVideo `json:"video"` AudioMessage DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage `json:"audio_message"` }
DocsDocPreview struct.
type DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage ¶
type DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage struct { Duration int `json:"duration"` Waveform []int `json:"waveform"` LinkOgg string `json:"link_ogg"` LinkMp3 string `json:"link_mp3"` Transcript string `json:"transcript"` TranscriptState string `json:"transcript_state"` }
DocsDocPreviewAudioMessage struct.
type DocsDocPreviewGraffiti ¶
type DocsDocPreviewGraffiti struct { Src string `json:"src"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` }
DocsDocPreviewGraffiti struct.
type DocsDocPreviewPhoto ¶
type DocsDocPreviewPhoto struct {
Sizes []DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"`
DocsDocPreviewPhoto struct.
func (DocsDocPreviewPhoto) MaxSize ¶
func (photo DocsDocPreviewPhoto) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes)
MaxSize return the largest DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes.
func (DocsDocPreviewPhoto) MinSize ¶
func (photo DocsDocPreviewPhoto) MinSize() (minPhotoSize DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes)
MinSize return the smallest DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes.
type DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes ¶
type DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes struct { // BUG(VK): json: cannot unmarshal number 162.000000 into Go struct field // of type Int Height float64 `json:"height"` // Height in px Src string `json:"src"` // URL of the image Type string `json:"type"` Width float64 `json:"width"` // Width in px }
DocsDocPreviewPhotoSizes struct.
type DocsDocPreviewVideo ¶
type DocsDocPreviewVideo struct { FileSize int `json:"file_size"` // Video file size in bites Height int `json:"height"` // Video's height in pixels Src string `json:"src"` // Video URL Width int `json:"width"` // Video's width in pixels }
DocsDocPreviewVideo struct.
type DocsDocTypes ¶
type DocsDocTypes struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Number of docs ID int `json:"id"` // Doc type ID Name string `json:"name"` // Doc type Title }
DocsDocTypes struct.
type DocsDocUploadResponse ¶
type DocsDocUploadResponse struct {
File string `json:"file"` // Uploaded file data
DocsDocUploadResponse struct.
type DonutDonatorSubscriptionInfo ¶
type DonutDonatorSubscriptionInfo struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` NextPaymentDate int `json:"next_payment_date"` Amount int `json:"amount"` Status string `json:"status"` }
DonutDonatorSubscriptionInfo struct.
type EventsEventAttach ¶
type EventsEventAttach struct { Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // address of event ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` // text of attach Friends []int `json:"friends"` // array of friends ids ID int `json:"id"` // event ID IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` // is favorite MemberStatus int `json:"member_status,omitempty"` // Current user's member status Text string `json:"text"` // text of attach Time int `json:"time,omitempty"` // event start time }
EventsEventAttach struct.
type ExtendedResponse ¶
type ExtendedResponse struct { Profiles []UsersUser `json:"profiles,omitempty"` Groups []GroupsGroup `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
ExtendedResponse struct.
type FaveFavesLink ¶
type FaveFavesLink struct { URL string `json:"url"` Title string `json:"title"` Caption string `json:"caption"` Description string `json:"description"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` ID string `json:"id"` }
FaveFavesLink struct.
type FaveItem ¶
type FaveItem struct { Type string `json:"type"` Seen BaseBoolInt `json:"seen"` AddedDate int `json:"added_date"` Tags []FaveTag `json:"tags"` Link FaveFavesLink `json:"link,omitempty"` Post WallWallpost `json:"post,omitempty"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video,omitempty"` Product MarketMarketItem `json:"product,omitempty"` Article Article `json:"article,omitempty"` }
FaveItem struct.
type FavePage ¶
type FavePage struct { Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` Tags []FaveTag `json:"tags"` UpdatedDate int `json:"updated_date"` User UsersUser `json:"user"` Group GroupsGroup `json:"group"` }
FavePage struct.
type FriendsFriendStatus ¶
type FriendsFriendStatus struct { FriendStatus int `json:"friend_status"` ReadState BaseBoolInt `json:"read_state"` // Information whether request is unviewed RequestMessage string `json:"request_message"` // Message sent with request Sign string `json:"sign"` // MD5 hash for the result validation UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
FriendsFriendStatus struct.
type FriendsFriendsList ¶
type FriendsFriendsList struct { ID int `json:"id"` // List ID Name string `json:"name"` // List title }
FriendsFriendsList struct.
type FriendsRequests ¶
type FriendsRequests struct { UsersUser From string `json:"from"` // ID of the user by whom friend has been suggested Mutual FriendsRequestsMutual `json:"mutual"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` }
FriendsRequests struct.
type FriendsRequestsMutual ¶
type FriendsRequestsMutual struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total mutual friends number Users []int `json:"users"` }
FriendsRequestsMutual struct.
type FriendsRequestsXtrMessage ¶
type FriendsRequestsXtrMessage struct { FriendsRequests Message string `json:"message"` // Message sent with a request }
FriendsRequestsXtrMessage struct.
type FriendsUserXtrLists ¶
type FriendsUserXtrLists struct { UsersUser Lists []int `json:"lists"` // IDs of friend lists with user }
FriendsUserXtrLists struct.
type FriendsUserXtrPhone ¶
FriendsUserXtrPhone struct.
type GiftsGift ¶
type GiftsGift struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when gist has been sent in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Gift sender ID Gift GiftsLayout `json:"gift"` GiftHash string `json:"gift_hash"` // Hash ID int `json:"id"` // Gift ID Message string `json:"message"` // Comment text Privacy int `json:"privacy"` Description string `json:"description"` PaymentType string `json:"payment_type"` Price int `json:"price"` PriceStr string `json:"price_str"` }
GiftsGift struct.
type GiftsLayout ¶
type GiftsLayout struct { ID int `json:"id"` Thumb256 string `json:"thumb_256"` // URL of the preview image with 256 px in width Thumb48 string `json:"thumb_48"` // URL of the preview image with 48 px in width Thumb96 string `json:"thumb_96"` // URL of the preview image with 96 px in width StickersProductID int `json:"stickers_product_id"` IsStickersStyle BaseBoolInt `json:"is_stickers_style"` }
GiftsLayout struct.
type GroupsActionButton ¶
type GroupsActionButton struct { ActionType GroupsActionType `json:"action_type"` Target GroupsActionButtonTarget `json:"target"` Title string `json:"title"` // IsEnabled for GroupsGroupSettings IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled,omitempty"` }
GroupsActionButton struct.
type GroupsActionButtonTarget ¶
type GroupsActionButtonTarget struct { // ActionType == ActionTypeSendEmail Email string `json:"email"` // ActionType == ActionTypeCallPhone Phone string `json:"phone"` // ActionType == ActionTypeCallVK UserID int `json:"user_id"` // ActionType == ActionTypeOpenURL URL string `json:"url"` // ActionType == ActionTypeOpenApp GoogleStoreURL string `json:"google_store_url"` ItunesURL string `json:"itunes_url"` // ActionType == ActionTypeOpenGroupApp AppID int `json:"app_id"` IsInternal BaseBoolInt `json:"is_internal"` }
GroupsActionButtonTarget struct.
type GroupsActionType ¶
type GroupsActionType string
GroupsActionType for action_button in groups.
const ( GroupsActionTypeOpenURL GroupsActionType = "open_url" GroupsActionTypeSendEmail GroupsActionType = "send_email" GroupsActionTypeCallPhone GroupsActionType = "call_phone" GroupsActionTypeCallVK GroupsActionType = "call_vk" GroupsActionTypeOpenGroupApp GroupsActionType = "open_group_app" GroupsActionTypeOpenApp GroupsActionType = "open_app" )
GroupsActionType enums.
type GroupsAddress ¶
type GroupsAddress struct { // Additional address to the place (6 floor, left door). AdditionalAddress string `json:"additional_address"` Address string `json:"address"` // String address to the place (Nevsky, 28) CityID int `json:"city_id"` // City id of address CountryID int `json:"country_id"` // Country id of address Distance int `json:"distance"` // Distance from the point ID int `json:"id"` // Address id Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` // Address latitude Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` // Address longitude MetroStationID int `json:"metro_station_id"` // Metro id of address Phone string `json:"phone"` // Address phone TimeOffset int `json:"time_offset"` // Time offset int minutes from utc time Timetable GroupsAddressTimetable `json:"timetable"` // Week timetable for the address Title string `json:"title"` // Title of the place (Zinger, etc) WorkInfoStatus string `json:"work_info_status"` // Status of information about timetable PlaceID int `json:"place_id"` }
GroupsAddress struct.
type GroupsAddressTimetable ¶
type GroupsAddressTimetable struct { Fri GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"fri"` // Timetable for friday Mon GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"mon"` // Timetable for monday Sat GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"sat"` // Timetable for saturday Sun GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"sun"` // Timetable for sunday Thu GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"thu"` // Timetable for thursday Tue GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"tue"` // Timetable for tuesday Wed GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"wed"` // Timetable for wednesday }
GroupsAddressTimetable Timetable for a week.
type GroupsAddressTimetableDay ¶
type GroupsAddressTimetableDay struct { BreakCloseTime int `json:"break_close_time"` // Close time of the break in minutes BreakOpenTime int `json:"break_open_time"` // Start time of the break in minutes CloseTime int `json:"close_time"` // Close time in minutes OpenTime int `json:"open_time"` // Open time in minutes }
GroupsAddressTimetableDay Timetable for one day.
type GroupsAddressesInfo ¶
type GroupsAddressesInfo struct { IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"` // Information whether addresses is enabled MainAddressID int `json:"main_address_id"` // Main address id for group }
GroupsAddressesInfo struct.
type GroupsBanInfo ¶
type GroupsBanInfo struct { AdminID int `json:"admin_id"` // Administrator ID Comment string `json:"comment"` // Comment for a ban Date int `json:"date"` // Date when user has been added to blacklist in Unixtime EndDate int `json:"end_date"` // Date when user will be removed from blacklist in Unixtime Reason int `json:"reason"` CommentVisible BaseBoolInt `json:"comment_visible"` }
GroupsBanInfo struct.
type GroupsCallbackServer ¶
type GroupsCallbackServer struct { CreatorID int `json:"creator_id"` ID int `json:"id"` SecretKey string `json:"secret_key"` Status string `json:"status"` Title string `json:"title"` URL string `json:"url"` }
GroupsCallbackServer struct.
type GroupsCallbackSettings ¶
type GroupsCallbackSettings struct { APIVersion string `json:"api_version"` // API version used for the events Events GroupsLongPollEvents `json:"events"` }
GroupsCallbackSettings struct.
type GroupsContactsItem ¶
type GroupsContactsItem struct { Desc string `json:"desc"` // Contact description Email string `json:"email"` // Contact email Phone string `json:"phone"` // Contact phone UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
GroupsContactsItem struct.
type GroupsCountersGroup ¶
type GroupsCountersGroup struct { Addresses int `json:"addresses"` // Addresses number Albums int `json:"albums"` // Photo albums number Articles int `json:"articles"` // Articles number Audios int `json:"audios"` // Audios number Docs int `json:"docs"` // Docs number Market int `json:"market"` // Market items number Photos int `json:"photos"` // Photos number Topics int `json:"topics"` // Topics number Videos int `json:"videos"` // Videos number Narratives int `json:"narratives"` // Narratives number Clips int `json:"clips"` // Clips number ClipsFollowers int `json:"clips_followers"` // Clips followers number }
GroupsCountersGroup struct.
func (*GroupsCountersGroup) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (personal *GroupsCountersGroup) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack GroupsCountersGroup.
BUG(VK): GroupsCountersGroup return [].
func (*GroupsCountersGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (personal *GroupsCountersGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON GroupsCountersGroup.
BUG(VK): GroupsCountersGroup return [].
type GroupsCover ¶
type GroupsCover struct { Enabled BaseBoolInt `json:"enabled"` // Information whether cover is enabled Images []BaseImage `json:"images"` }
GroupsCover struct.
type GroupsGroup ¶
type GroupsGroup struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Community ID Name string `json:"name"` // Community name ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` // Domain of the community page Type string `json:"type"` IsClosed int `json:"is_closed"` AdminLevel int `json:"admin_level,omitempty"` Deactivated string `json:"deactivated,omitempty"` // Information whether community is banned FinishDate int `json:"finish_date,omitempty"` // Finish date in Unixtime format Photo100 string `json:"photo_100,omitempty"` // URL of square photo of the community with 100 pixels in width Photo200 string `json:"photo_200,omitempty"` // URL of square photo of the community with 200 pixels in width Photo50 string `json:"photo_50,omitempty"` // URL of square photo of the community with 50 pixels in width StartDate int `json:"start_date,omitempty"` // Start date in Unixtime format Market GroupsMarketInfo `json:"market,omitempty"` MemberStatus int `json:"member_status,omitempty"` // Current user's member status City BaseObject `json:"city,omitempty"` Country BaseCountry `json:"country,omitempty"` // Information whether current user is administrator. IsAdmin BaseBoolInt `json:"is_admin"` // Information whether current user is advertiser. IsAdvertiser BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advertiser,omitempty"` // Information whether current user is member. IsMember BaseBoolInt `json:"is_member,omitempty"` // Information whether community is in faves. IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite,omitempty"` // Information whether community is adult. IsAdult BaseBoolInt `json:"is_adult,omitempty"` // Information whether current user is subscribed. IsSubscribed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_subscribed,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can post on community's wall. CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can see all posts on community's wall. CanSeeAllPosts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see_all_posts,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can create topic. CanCreateTopic BaseBoolInt `json:"can_create_topic,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can upload video. CanUploadVideo BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload_video,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can upload doc. CanUploadDoc BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload_doc,omitempty"` // Information whether community has photo. HasPhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"has_photo,omitempty"` // Information whether current user can send a message to community. CanMessage BaseBoolInt `json:"can_message,omitempty"` // Information whether community can send a message to current user. IsMessagesBlocked BaseBoolInt `json:"is_messages_blocked,omitempty"` // Information whether community can send notifications by phone number to current user. CanSendNotify BaseBoolInt `json:"can_send_notify,omitempty"` // Information whether current user is subscribed to podcasts. IsSubscribedPodcasts BaseBoolInt `json:"is_subscribed_podcasts,omitempty"` // Owner in whitelist or not. CanSubscribePodcasts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_subscribe_podcasts,omitempty"` // Can subscribe to wall. CanSubscribePosts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_subscribe_posts,omitempty"` // Information whether community has market app. HasMarketApp BaseBoolInt `json:"has_market_app,omitempty"` IsHiddenFromFeed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hidden_from_feed,omitempty"` IsMarketCartEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_market_cart_enabled,omitempty"` Verified BaseBoolInt `json:"verified,omitempty"` // Information whether community is verified // Information whether the community has a fire pictogram. Trending BaseBoolInt `json:"trending,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Community description WikiPage string `json:"wiki_page,omitempty"` // Community's main wiki page title MembersCount int `json:"members_count,omitempty"` // Community members number Counters GroupsCountersGroup `json:"counters,omitempty"` Cover GroupsCover `json:"cover,omitempty"` // Type of group, start date of event or category of public page. Activity string `json:"activity,omitempty"` FixedPost int `json:"fixed_post,omitempty"` // Fixed post ID Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // Community status MainAlbumID int `json:"main_album_id,omitempty"` // Community's main photo album ID Links []GroupsLinksItem `json:"links,omitempty"` Contacts []GroupsContactsItem `json:"contacts,omitempty"` Site string `json:"site,omitempty"` // Community's website MainSection int `json:"main_section,omitempty"` OnlineStatus GroupsOnlineStatus `json:"online_status,omitempty"` // Status of replies in community messages AgeLimits int `json:"age_limits,omitempty"` // Information whether age limit BanInfo *GroupsGroupBanInfo `json:"ban_info,omitempty"` // User ban info Addresses GroupsAddressesInfo `json:"addresses,omitempty"` // Info about addresses in Groups LiveCovers GroupsLiveCovers `json:"live_covers,omitempty"` CropPhoto UsersCropPhoto `json:"crop_photo,omitempty"` Wall int `json:"wall,omitempty"` ActionButton GroupsActionButton `json:"action_button,omitempty"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code,omitempty"` PublicDateLabel string `json:"public_date_label,omitempty"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id,omitempty"` Phone string `json:"phone,omitempty"` Like GroupsGroupLike `json:"like"` }
GroupsGroup struct.
func (GroupsGroup) ToMention ¶
func (group GroupsGroup) ToMention() string
ToMention return mention.
type GroupsGroupBanInfo ¶
type GroupsGroupBanInfo struct { Comment string `json:"comment"` // Ban comment EndDate int `json:"end_date"` // End date of ban in Unixtime }
GroupsGroupBanInfo struct.
type GroupsGroupCategory ¶
type GroupsGroupCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Category ID Name string `json:"name"` // Category name Subcategories []BaseObjectWithName `json:"subcategories"` }
GroupsGroupCategory struct.
type GroupsGroupCategoryFull ¶
type GroupsGroupCategoryFull struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Category ID Name string `json:"name"` // Category name PageCount int `json:"page_count"` // Pages number PagePreviews []GroupsGroup `json:"page_previews"` Subcategories []GroupsGroupCategoryFull `json:"subcategories"` }
GroupsGroupCategoryFull struct.
type GroupsGroupCategoryType ¶
GroupsGroupCategoryType struct.
type GroupsGroupLike ¶
type GroupsGroupLike struct { IsLiked BaseBoolInt `json:"is_liked"` Friends GroupsGroupLikeFriends `json:"friends"` }
GroupsGroupLike struct.
type GroupsGroupLikeFriends ¶
GroupsGroupLikeFriends struct.
type GroupsGroupLink ¶
type GroupsGroupLink struct { Desc string `json:"desc"` // Link description EditTitle BaseBoolInt `json:"edit_title"` // Information whether the title can be edited ImageProcessing BaseBoolInt `json:"image_processing"` // Information whether the image on processing Name string `json:"name"` ID int `json:"id"` // Link ID URL string `json:"url"` // Link URL }
GroupsGroupLink struct.
type GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList ¶
type GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Subcategories []GroupsGroupCategoryType `json:"subcategories"` }
GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList struct.
type GroupsGroupSettings ¶
type GroupsGroupSettings struct { Access int `json:"access"` // Community access settings Address string `json:"address"` // Community's page domain Audio int `json:"audio"` // Audio settings Description string `json:"description"` // Community description Docs int `json:"docs"` // Docs settings ObsceneWords []string `json:"obscene_words"` // The list of stop words Photos int `json:"photos"` // Photos settings PublicCategory int `json:"public_category"` // Information about the group category PublicCategoryList []GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList `json:"public_category_list"` // Information about the group subcategory. PublicSubcategory int `json:"public_subcategory"` Rss string `json:"rss"` // URL of the RSS feed Subject int `json:"subject"` // Community subject ID SubjectList []GroupsSubjectItem `json:"subject_list"` Title string `json:"title"` // Community title Topics int `json:"topics"` // Topics settings Video int `json:"video"` // Video settings Wall int `json:"wall"` // Wall settings Website string `json:"website"` // Community website Wiki int `json:"wiki"` // Wiki settings CountryID int `json:"country_id"` CityID int `json:"city_id"` Messages int `json:"messages"` Articles int `json:"articles"` Events int `json:"events"` AgeLimits int `json:"age_limits"` // Information whether the obscene filter is enabled. ObsceneFilter BaseBoolInt `json:"obscene_filter"` // Information whether the stopwords filter is enabled. ObsceneStopwords BaseBoolInt `json:"obscene_stopwords"` LiveCovers struct { IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"` } `json:"live_covers"` Market GroupsMarketInfo `json:"market"` SectionsList []BaseObject `json:"sections_list"` MainSection int `json:"main_section"` SecondarySection int `json:"secondary_section"` ActionButton GroupsActionButton `json:"action_button"` Phone string `json:"phone"` RecognizePhoto int `json:"recognize_photo"` MarketServices GroupsMarketServices `json:"market_services"` Narratives int `json:"narratives"` Clips int `json:"clips"` Textlives int `json:"textlives"` Youla GroupsYoula `json:"youla"` }
GroupsGroupSettings struct.
type GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy ¶
type GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy struct { AdminLevel int `json:"admin_level"` ID int `json:"id"` // Community ID InvitedBy int `json:"invited_by"` // Inviter ID Name string `json:"name"` // Community name Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` // URL of square photo of the community with 100 pixels in width Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` // URL of square photo of the community with 200 pixels in width Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` // URL of square photo of the community with 50 pixels in width ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` // Domain of the community page Type string `json:"type"` IsClosed int `json:"is_closed"` // Information whether community is closed IsAdmin BaseBoolInt `json:"is_admin"` // Information whether current user is manager IsMember BaseBoolInt `json:"is_member"` // Information whether current user is member IsAdvertiser BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advertiser"` // Information whether current user is advertiser }
GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy struct.
func (GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy) ToMention ¶
func (group GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy) ToMention() string
ToMention return mention.
type GroupsLinksItem ¶
type GroupsLinksItem struct { Desc string `json:"desc"` // Link description EditTitle BaseBoolInt `json:"edit_title"` // Information whether the link title can be edited ID int `json:"id"` // Link ID Name string `json:"name"` // Link title Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` // URL of square image of the link with 100 pixels in width Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` // URL of square image of the link with 50 pixels in width URL string `json:"url"` // Link URL }
GroupsLinksItem struct.
type GroupsLiveCovers ¶
type GroupsLiveCovers struct { IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"` IsScalable BaseBoolInt `json:"is_scalable"` StoryIDs []string `json:"story_ids"` }
GroupsLiveCovers struct.
type GroupsLongPollEvents ¶
type GroupsLongPollEvents struct { MessageNew BaseBoolInt `json:"message_new"` MessageReply BaseBoolInt `json:"message_reply"` PhotoNew BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_new"` AudioNew BaseBoolInt `json:"audio_new"` VideoNew BaseBoolInt `json:"video_new"` WallReplyNew BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_new"` WallReplyEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_edit"` WallReplyDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_delete"` WallReplyRestore BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_restore"` WallPostNew BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_post_new"` BoardPostNew BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_new"` BoardPostEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_edit"` BoardPostRestore BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_restore"` BoardPostDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_delete"` PhotoCommentNew BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_new"` PhotoCommentEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_edit"` PhotoCommentDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_delete"` PhotoCommentRestore BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_restore"` VideoCommentNew BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_new"` VideoCommentEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_edit"` VideoCommentDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_delete"` VideoCommentRestore BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_restore"` MarketCommentNew BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_new"` MarketCommentEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_edit"` MarketCommentDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_delete"` MarketCommentRestore BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_restore"` MarketOrderNew BaseBoolInt `json:"market_order_new"` MarketOrderEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"market_order_edit"` PollVoteNew BaseBoolInt `json:"poll_vote_new"` GroupJoin BaseBoolInt `json:"group_join"` GroupLeave BaseBoolInt `json:"group_leave"` GroupChangeSettings BaseBoolInt `json:"group_change_settings"` GroupChangePhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"group_change_photo"` GroupOfficersEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"group_officers_edit"` MessageAllow BaseBoolInt `json:"message_allow"` MessageDeny BaseBoolInt `json:"message_deny"` WallRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_repost"` UserBlock BaseBoolInt `json:"user_block"` UserUnblock BaseBoolInt `json:"user_unblock"` MessageEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"message_edit"` MessageTypingState BaseBoolInt `json:"message_typing_state"` LeadFormsNew BaseBoolInt `json:"lead_forms_new"` LikeAdd BaseBoolInt `json:"like_add"` LikeRemove BaseBoolInt `json:"like_remove"` VkpayTransaction BaseBoolInt `json:"vkpay_transaction"` AppPayload BaseBoolInt `json:"app_payload"` MessageRead BaseBoolInt `json:"message_read"` MessageEvent BaseBoolInt `json:"message_event"` DonutSubscriptionCreate BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_create"` DonutSubscriptionProlonged BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_prolonged"` DonutSubscriptionExpired BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_expired"` DonutSubscriptionCancelled BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_cancelled"` DonutSubscriptionPriceChanged BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_price_changed"` DonutMoneyWithdraw BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_money_withdraw"` DonutMoneyWithdrawError BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_money_withdraw_error"` }
GroupsLongPollEvents struct.
type GroupsLongPollServer ¶
type GroupsLongPollServer struct { Key string `json:"key"` // Long Poll key Server string `json:"server"` // Long Poll server address Ts string `json:"ts"` // Number of the last event }
GroupsLongPollServer struct.
func (GroupsLongPollServer) GetURL ¶
func (lp GroupsLongPollServer) GetURL(wait int) string
GetURL return link.
type GroupsLongPollSettings ¶
type GroupsLongPollSettings struct { APIVersion string `json:"api_version"` // API version used for the events Events GroupsLongPollEvents `json:"events"` IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"` // Shows whether Long Poll is enabled }
GroupsLongPollSettings struct.
type GroupsMarketInfo ¶
type GroupsMarketInfo struct { // information about the type of store. Returned if the group includes // the "Products" section. Type GroupsMarketType `json:"type,omitempty"` ContactID int `json:"contact_id,omitempty"` // Contact person ID Currency MarketCurrency `json:"currency,omitempty"` CurrencyText string `json:"currency_text,omitempty"` // Currency name Enabled BaseBoolInt `json:"enabled"` // Information whether the market is enabled CommentsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_enabled,omitempty"` CanMessage BaseBoolInt `json:"can_message,omitempty"` IsHsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hs_enabled,omitempty"` MainAlbumID int `json:"main_album_id,omitempty"` // Main market album ID PriceMax string `json:"price_max,omitempty"` // Maximum price PriceMin string `json:"price_min,omitempty"` // Minimum price Wiki PagesWikipageFull `json:"wiki,omitempty"` CityIDs []int `json:"city_ids"` CountryIDs []int `json:"country_ids,omitempty"` MinOrderPrice MarketPrice `json:"min_order_price,omitempty"` }
GroupsMarketInfo struct.
type GroupsMarketServices ¶
type GroupsMarketServices struct { Enabled BaseBoolInt `json:"enabled"` CanMessage BaseBoolInt `json:"can_message"` CommentsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_enabled"` ContactID int `json:"contact_id"` Currency MarketCurrency `json:"currency"` ViewType GroupsSelectedItems `json:"view_type"` BlockName GroupsSelectedItems `json:"block_name"` ButtonLabel GroupsSelectedItems `json:"button_label"` }
GroupsMarketServices struct.
type GroupsMarketType ¶
type GroupsMarketType string
GroupsMarketType ...
const ( GroupsMarketBasic GroupsMarketType = "basic" GroupsMarketAdvanced GroupsMarketType = "advanced" )
Possible values.
type GroupsMemberRole ¶
type GroupsMemberRole struct { ID int `json:"id"` // User ID Role string `json:"role"` Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` }
GroupsMemberRole struct.
type GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser ¶
type GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser struct { UsersUser Role string `json:"role"` Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` }
GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser struct.
type GroupsMemberStatus ¶
type GroupsMemberStatus struct { Member BaseBoolInt `json:"member"` // Information whether user is a member of the group UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` }
GroupsMemberStatus struct.
type GroupsMemberStatusFull ¶
type GroupsMemberStatusFull struct { Invitation BaseBoolInt `json:"invitation"` // Information whether user has been invited to the group Member BaseBoolInt `json:"member"` // Information whether user is a member of the group Request BaseBoolInt `json:"request"` // Information whether user has send request to the group CanInvite BaseBoolInt `json:"can_invite"` // Information whether user can be invite CanRecall BaseBoolInt `json:"can_recall"` // Information whether user's invite to the group can be recalled UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
GroupsMemberStatusFull struct.
type GroupsOnlineStatus ¶
type GroupsOnlineStatus struct { Minutes int `json:"minutes"` // Estimated time of answer (for status = answer_mark) Status string `json:"status"` }
GroupsOnlineStatus struct.
type GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo ¶
type GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo struct { BanInfo *GroupsBanInfo `json:"ban_info"` Group GroupsGroup `json:"group"` Profile UsersUser `json:"profile"` Type string `json:"type"` }
GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo struct.
type GroupsProfileItem ¶
type GroupsProfileItem struct { ID int `json:"id"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` }
GroupsProfileItem struct.
type GroupsSelectedItems ¶
type GroupsSelectedItems struct { SelectedItemID int64 `json:"selected_item_id"` Items []BaseObjectWithName `json:"items"` }
GroupsSelectedItems struct.
type GroupsSubjectItem ¶
GroupsSubjectItem struct.
type GroupsTokenPermissionSetting ¶
GroupsTokenPermissionSetting struct.
type GroupsTokenPermissions ¶
type GroupsTokenPermissions struct { Mask int `json:"mask"` Permissions []GroupsTokenPermissionSetting `json:"permissions"` }
GroupsTokenPermissions struct.
type GroupsYoula ¶
type GroupsYoula struct { CategoryTree GroupsYoulaCategory `json:"category_tree"` GroupSettings GroupsYoulaSettings `json:"group_settings"` }
GroupsYoula struct.
type GroupsYoulaCategory ¶
type GroupsYoulaCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Subcategories []GroupsYoulaSubcategory `json:"subcategories"` }
GroupsYoulaCategory struct.
type GroupsYoulaSettings ¶
type GroupsYoulaSettings struct { IsActive BaseBoolInt `json:"is_active"` IsModerated BaseBoolInt `json:"is_moderated"` ShowModerationSetting BaseBoolInt `json:"show_moderation_setting"` ModerationStatus int `json:"moderation_status"` DeclineReason string `json:"decline_reason"` GroupMode int `json:"group_mode"` SelectedCategoryIDs []int `json:"selected_category_ids"` Lat float64 `json:"lat"` Long float64 `json:"long"` Radius float64 `json:"radius"` RadiusArea string `json:"radius_area"` Address string `json:"address"` Radiuses []float64 `json:"radiuses"` }
GroupsYoulaSettings struct.
type GroupsYoulaSubcategory ¶
type GroupsYoulaSubcategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` ParentID int `json:"parent_id"` Subcategories []GroupsYoulaSubcategory `json:"subcategories"` }
GroupsYoulaSubcategory struct.
type ImageStatusInfo ¶
type ImageStatusInfo struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Images []BaseImage `json:"images"` }
ImageStatusInfo struct.
type LeadFormsForm ¶
type LeadFormsForm struct { FormID int `json:"form_id"` GroupID int `json:"group_id"` Photo interface{} `json:"photo"` Name string `json:"name"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` Confirmation string `json:"confirmation"` SiteLinkURL string `json:"site_link_url"` PolicyLinkURL string `json:"policy_link_url"` Questions []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Key string `json:"key"` Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` Options []struct { Label string `json:"label"` Key string `json:"key"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` } `json:"questions"` Active int `json:"active"` LeadsCount int `json:"leads_count"` PixelCode string `json:"pixel_code"` OncePerUser int `json:"once_per_user"` NotifyAdmins string `json:"notify_admins"` NotifyEmails string `json:"notify_emails"` URL string `json:"url"` }
LeadFormsForm struct.
type LeadFormsLead ¶
type LeadFormsLead struct { LeadID string `json:"lead_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Date string `json:"date"` Answers []struct { Key string `json:"key"` Answer struct { Value string `json:"value"` } `json:"answer"` } `json:"answers"` AdID string `json:"ad_id"` }
LeadFormsLead struct.
type LeadsChecked ¶
type LeadsChecked struct { Reason string `json:"reason"` // Reason why user can't start the lead Result string `json:"result"` Sid string `json:"sid"` // Session ID StartLink string `json:"start_link"` // URL user should open to start the lead }
LeadsChecked struct.
type LeadsComplete ¶
type LeadsComplete struct { Cost int `json:"cost"` // Offer cost Limit int `json:"limit"` // Offer limit Spent int `json:"spent"` // Amount of spent votes Success BaseBoolInt `json:"success"` TestMode BaseBoolInt `json:"test_mode"` // Information whether test mode is enabled }
LeadsComplete struct.
type LeadsEntry ¶
type LeadsEntry struct { Aid int `json:"aid"` // Application ID Comment string `json:"comment"` // Comment text Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the action has been started in Unixtime Sid string `json:"sid"` // Session string ID StartDate int `json:"start_date"` // Start date in Unixtime (for status=2) Status int `json:"status"` // Action type TestMode BaseBoolInt `json:"test_mode"` // Information whether test mode is enabled UID int `json:"uid"` // User ID }
LeadsEntry struct.
type LeadsLead ¶
type LeadsLead struct { Completed int `json:"completed"` // Completed offers number Cost int `json:"cost"` // Offer cost Days LeadsLeadDays `json:"days"` Impressions int `json:"impressions"` // Impressions number Limit int `json:"limit"` // Lead limit Spent int `json:"spent"` // Amount of spent votes Started int `json:"started"` // Started offers number }
LeadsLead struct.
type LeadsLeadDays ¶
type LeadsLeadDays struct { Completed int `json:"completed"` // Completed offers number Impressions int `json:"impressions"` // Impressions number Spent int `json:"spent"` // Amount of spent votes Started int `json:"started"` // Started offers number }
LeadsLeadDays struct.
type LeadsStart ¶
type LeadsStart struct { TestMode BaseBoolInt `json:"test_mode"` // Information whether test mode is enabled VkSid string `json:"vk_sid"` // Session data }
LeadsStart struct.
type LongPollResponse ¶
type LongPollResponse struct { Ts int `json:"ts"` Updates [][]interface{} `json:"updates"` Failed int `json:"failed"` }
LongPollResponse struct.
type MarketCurrency ¶
type MarketCurrency struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Currency ID Name string `json:"name"` // Currency sign Title string `json:"title"` // Currency Title }
MarketCurrency struct.
type MarketDeliveryPoint ¶
type MarketDeliveryPoint struct { ID int `json:"id"` ExternalID string `json:"external_id"` OutpostOnly BaseBoolInt `json:"outpost_only"` CashOnly BaseBoolInt `json:"cash_only"` Address MarketDeliveryPointAddress `json:"address"` DisplayTitle string `json:"display_title"` ServiceID int `json:"service_id"` }
MarketDeliveryPoint struct.
type MarketDeliveryPointAddress ¶
type MarketDeliveryPointAddress struct { ID int `json:"id"` Address string `json:"address"` CityID int `json:"city_id"` CountryID int `json:"country_id"` Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` Phone string `json:"phone"` Title string `json:"title"` WorkInfoStatus string `json:"work_info_status"` }
MarketDeliveryPointAddress struct.
type MarketDimensions ¶
type MarketDimensions struct { Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` Length int `json:"length"` }
MarketDimensions struct.
type MarketMarketAlbum ¶
type MarketMarketAlbum struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Items number ID int `json:"id"` // Market album ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Market album owner's ID Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Title string `json:"title"` // Market album title UpdatedTime int `json:"updated_time"` // Date when album has been updated last time in Unixtime IsMain BaseBoolInt `json:"is_main"` IsHidden BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hidden"` }
MarketMarketAlbum struct.
func (MarketMarketAlbum) ToAttachment ¶
func (marketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type MarketMarketCategory ¶
type MarketMarketCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Category ID Name string `json:"name"` // Category name Parent *MarketMarketCategory `json:"parent"` }
MarketMarketCategory struct.
type MarketMarketCategoryTree ¶
type MarketMarketCategoryTree struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Category ID Name string `json:"name"` // Category name Icon []BaseImage `json:"icon"` // IconName string `json:"icon_name"` // Icon name Children []MarketMarketCategoryTree `json:"children"` View MarketMarketCategoryTreeView `json:"view"` URL string `json:"url"` // SEO-friendly URL to page with category's items }
MarketMarketCategoryTree struct.
type MarketMarketCategoryTreeView ¶
type MarketMarketCategoryTreeView struct { Type string `json:"type"` Selected bool `json:"selected"` // Category names from current category up to root category. RootPath []string `json:"root_path"` }
MarketMarketCategoryTreeView struct.
type MarketMarketItem ¶
type MarketMarketItem struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the market item Availability int `json:"availability"` // Information whether the item is available Category MarketMarketCategory `json:"category"` // Date when the item has been created in Unixtime. Date int `json:"date,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` // Item description ID int `json:"id"` // Item ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Item owner's ID Price MarketPrice `json:"price"` ThumbPhoto string `json:"thumb_photo"` // URL of the preview image Title string `json:"title"` // Item title CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` CanRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_repost"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` IsMainVariant BaseBoolInt `json:"is_main_variant"` AlbumsIDs []int `json:"albums_ids"` Photos []PhotosPhoto `json:"photos"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` ViewsCount int `json:"views_count,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url"` // URL to item ButtonTitle string `json:"button_title"` ExternalID string `json:"external_id"` Dimensions MarketDimensions `json:"dimensions"` Weight int `json:"weight"` VariantsGroupingID int `json:"variants_grouping_id"` PropertyValues []MarketMarketItemProperty `json:"property_values"` CartQuantity int `json:"cart_quantity"` SKU string `json:"sku"` }
MarketMarketItem struct.
func (*MarketMarketItem) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (market *MarketMarketItem) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack MarketMarketItem.
func (MarketMarketItem) ToAttachment ¶
func (market MarketMarketItem) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
func (*MarketMarketItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (market *MarketMarketItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON MarketMarketItem.
type MarketMarketItemProperty ¶
type MarketMarketItemProperty struct { VariantID int `json:"variant_id"` VariantName string `json:"variant_name"` PropertyName string `json:"property_name"` }
MarketMarketItemProperty struct.
type MarketOrder ¶
type MarketOrder struct { ID int `json:"id"` GroupID int `json:"group_id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Date int `json:"date"` Status MarketOrderStatus `json:"status"` ItemsCount int `json:"items_count"` TotalPrice MarketPrice `json:"total_price"` DisplayOrderID string `json:"display_order_id"` Comment string `json:"comment"` PreviewOrderItems []MarketOrderItem `json:"preview_order_items"` PriceDetails []MarketPriceDetail `json:"price_details"` Delivery MarketOrderDelivery `json:"delivery"` Recipient MarketOrderRecipient `json:"recipient"` }
MarketOrder struct.
type MarketOrderDelivery ¶
type MarketOrderDelivery struct { TrackNumber string `json:"track_number"` TrackLink string `json:"track_link"` Address string `json:"address"` Type string `json:"type"` DeliveryPoint MarketDeliveryPoint `json:"delivery_point,omitempty"` }
MarketOrderDelivery struct.
type MarketOrderItem ¶
type MarketOrderItem struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` ItemID int `json:"item_id"` Price MarketPrice `json:"price"` Quantity int `json:"quantity"` Item MarketMarketItem `json:"item"` Title string `json:"title"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Variants []string `json:"variants"` }
MarketOrderItem struct.
type MarketOrderRecipient ¶
type MarketOrderRecipient struct { Name string `json:"name"` Phone string `json:"phone"` DisplayText string `json:"display_text"` }
MarketOrderRecipient struct.
type MarketOrderStatus ¶
type MarketOrderStatus int
MarketOrderStatus order status.
const ( MarketOrderNew MarketOrderStatus = iota MarketOrderPending MarketOrderProcessing MarketOrderShipped MarketOrderComplete MarketOrderCanceled MarketOrderRefund )
Possible values.
type MarketPrice ¶
type MarketPrice struct { Amount string `json:"amount"` // Amount Currency MarketCurrency `json:"currency"` DiscountRate int `json:"discount_rate"` OldAmount string `json:"old_amount"` Text string `json:"text"` // Text OldAmountText string `json:"old_amount_text"` }
MarketPrice struct.
func (*MarketPrice) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (m *MarketPrice) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack MarketPrice.
BUG(VK): unavailable product, in fave.get return [].
func (*MarketPrice) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *MarketPrice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON MarketPrice.
BUG(VK): unavailable product, in fave.get return [].
type MarketPriceDetail ¶
type MarketPriceDetail struct { Title string `json:"title"` Price MarketPrice `json:"price"` IsAccent BaseBoolInt `json:"is_accent,omitempty"` }
MarketPriceDetail struct.
type MarketSection ¶
type MarketSection struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Section ID Name string `json:"name"` // Section name }
MarketSection struct.
type MarusiaAudio ¶
type MarusiaAudio struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` }
MarusiaAudio struct.
type MarusiaAudioMeta ¶
type MarusiaAudioMeta struct { Album string `json:"album"` Artist string `json:"artist"` Bitrate string `json:"bitrate"` Duration string `json:"duration"` Genre string `json:"genre"` Kad string `json:"kad"` Md5 string `json:"md5"` Md5DataSize string `json:"md5_data_size"` Samplerate string `json:"samplerate"` Title string `json:"title"` }
MarusiaAudioMeta struct.
type MarusiaAudioUploadResponse ¶
type MarusiaAudioUploadResponse struct { Sha string `json:"sha"` Secret string `json:"secret"` Meta MarusiaAudioMeta `json:"meta"` Hash string `json:"hash"` Server string `json:"server"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` RequestID string `json:"request_id"` }
MarusiaAudioUploadResponse struct.
type MarusiaPicture ¶
MarusiaPicture struct.
type MarusiaPictureUploadResponse ¶
type MarusiaPictureUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo json.RawMessage `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number AID int `json:"aid"` MessageCode int `json:"message_code"` }
MarusiaPictureUploadResponse struct.
type MessageCall ¶
type MessageCall struct { InitiatorID int `json:"initiator_id"` ReceiverID int `json:"receiver_id"` State string `json:"state"` Time int `json:"time"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Video BaseBoolInt `json:"video"` }
MessageCall struct.
type MessageContentSource ¶
type MessageContentSource struct { Type string `json:"type"` MessageContentSourceMessage // type message MessageContentSourceURL // type url }
MessageContentSource struct.
func NewMessageContentSourceMessage ¶
func NewMessageContentSourceMessage(ownerID, peerID, conversationMessageID int) *MessageContentSource
NewMessageContentSourceMessage ...
func NewMessageContentSourceURL ¶
func NewMessageContentSourceURL(u string) *MessageContentSource
NewMessageContentSourceURL ...
func (MessageContentSource) ToJSON ¶
func (contentSource MessageContentSource) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of MessageContentSource.
type MessageContentSourceMessage ¶
type MessageContentSourceMessage struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` PeerID int `json:"peer_id,omitempty"` ConversationMessageID int `json:"conversation_message_id,omitempty"` }
MessageContentSourceMessage ...
type MessageContentSourceURL ¶
type MessageContentSourceURL struct {
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
MessageContentSourceURL ...
type MessagesAudioMessage ¶
type MessagesAudioMessage struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the document ID int `json:"id"` // Document ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Document owner ID Duration int `json:"duration"` // Audio message duration in seconds LinkMp3 string `json:"link_mp3"` // MP3 file URL LinkOgg string `json:"link_ogg"` // OGG file URL Waveform []int `json:"waveform"` // Sound visualisation }
MessagesAudioMessage struct.
func (MessagesAudioMessage) ToAttachment ¶
func (doc MessagesAudioMessage) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type MessagesBasePayload ¶
type MessagesBasePayload struct { ButtonType string `json:"button_type,omitempty"` Command string `json:"command,omitempty"` Payload string `json:"payload,omitempty"` }
MessagesBasePayload struct.
type MessagesChat ¶
type MessagesChat struct { AdminID int `json:"admin_id"` // Chat creator ID ID int `json:"id"` // Chat ID IsDefaultPhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"is_default_photo"` IsGroupChannel BaseBoolInt `json:"is_group_channel"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` // URL of the preview image with 100 px in width Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` // URL of the preview image with 200 px in width Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` // URL of the preview image with 50 px in width Title string `json:"title"` // Chat title Type string `json:"type"` // Chat type Users []int `json:"users"` MembersCount int `json:"members_count"` }
MessagesChat struct.
type MessagesChatPermission ¶
type MessagesChatPermission string
MessagesChatPermission struct.
const ( OwnerChatPermission MessagesChatPermission = "owner" OwnerAndAdminsChatPermission MessagesChatPermission = "owner_and_admins" AllChatPermission MessagesChatPermission = "all" )
Possible values.
type MessagesChatPermissions ¶
type MessagesChatPermissions struct { Invite MessagesChatPermission `json:"invite"` ChangeInfo MessagesChatPermission `json:"change_info"` ChangePin MessagesChatPermission `json:"change_pin"` UseMassMentions MessagesChatPermission `json:"use_mass_mentions"` SeeInviteLink MessagesChatPermission `json:"see_invite_link"` Call MessagesChatPermission `json:"call"` ChangeAdmins MessagesChatPermission `json:"change_admins"` ChangeStyle MessagesChatPermission `json:"change_style"` }
MessagesChatPermissions struct.
type MessagesChatPreview ¶
type MessagesChatPreview struct { AdminID int `json:"admin_id"` MembersCount int `json:"members_count"` Members []int `json:"members"` Title string `json:"title"` Photo MessagesChatSettingsPhoto `json:"photo"` LocalID int `json:"local_id"` Joined bool `json:"joined"` ChatSettings MessagesConversationChatSettings `json:"chat_settings"` IsMember BaseBoolInt `json:"is_member"` }
MessagesChatPreview struct.
type MessagesChatPushSettings ¶
type MessagesChatPushSettings struct { DisabledUntil int `json:"disabled_until"` // Time until that notifications are disabled Sound BaseBoolInt `json:"sound"` // Information whether the sound is on }
MessagesChatPushSettings struct.
type MessagesChatSettingsPhoto ¶
type MessagesChatSettingsPhoto struct { Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` IsDefaultPhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"is_default_photo"` IsDefaultCallPhoto bool `json:"is_default_call_photo"` }
MessagesChatSettingsPhoto struct.
type MessagesConversation ¶
type MessagesConversation struct { CanWrite MessagesConversationCanWrite `json:"can_write"` ChatSettings MessagesConversationChatSettings `json:"chat_settings"` InRead int `json:"in_read"` // Last message user have read LastMessageID int `json:"last_message_id"` // ID of the last message in conversation Mentions []int `json:"mentions"` // IDs of messages with mentions MessageRequest string `json:"message_request"` LastConversationMessageID int `json:"last_conversation_message_id"` InReadCMID int `json:"in_read_cmid"` OutReadCMID int `json:"out_read_cmid"` // Last outcoming message have been read by the opponent. OutRead int `json:"out_read"` Peer MessagesConversationPeer `json:"peer"` PushSettings MessagesConversationPushSettings `json:"push_settings"` Important BaseBoolInt `json:"important"` Unanswered BaseBoolInt `json:"unanswered"` IsMarkedUnread BaseBoolInt `json:"is_marked_unread"` CanSendMoney BaseBoolInt `json:"can_send_money"` CanReceiveMoney BaseBoolInt `json:"can_receive_money"` IsNew BaseBoolInt `json:"is_new"` IsArchived BaseBoolInt `json:"is_archived"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` // Unread messages number CurrentKeyboard MessagesKeyboard `json:"current_keyboard"` SortID struct { MajorID int `json:"major_id"` MinorID int `json:"minor_id"` } `json:"sort_id"` }
MessagesConversation struct.
type MessagesConversationCanWrite ¶
type MessagesConversationCanWrite struct { Allowed BaseBoolInt `json:"allowed"` Reason int `json:"reason"` }
MessagesConversationCanWrite struct.
type MessagesConversationChatSettings ¶
type MessagesConversationChatSettings struct { MembersCount int `json:"members_count"` FriendsCount int `json:"friends_count"` Photo MessagesChatSettingsPhoto `json:"photo"` PinnedMessage MessagesPinnedMessage `json:"pinned_message"` State string `json:"state"` Title string `json:"title"` ActiveIDs []int `json:"active_ids"` ACL struct { CanInvite BaseBoolInt `json:"can_invite"` CanChangeInfo BaseBoolInt `json:"can_change_info"` CanChangePin BaseBoolInt `json:"can_change_pin"` CanPromoteUsers BaseBoolInt `json:"can_promote_users"` CanSeeInviteLink BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see_invite_link"` CanChangeInviteLink BaseBoolInt `json:"can_change_invite_link"` CanCopyChat BaseBoolInt `json:"can_copy_chat"` CanModerate BaseBoolInt `json:"can_moderate"` CanCall BaseBoolInt `json:"can_call"` CanUseMassMentions BaseBoolInt `json:"can_use_mass_mentions"` CanChangeServiceType BaseBoolInt `json:"can_change_service_type"` CanChangeStyle BaseBoolInt `json:"can_change_style"` } `json:"acl"` IsGroupChannel BaseBoolInt `json:"is_group_channel"` IsDisappearing BaseBoolInt `json:"is_disappearing"` IsService BaseBoolInt `json:"is_service"` IsCreatedForCall BaseBoolInt `json:"is_created_for_call"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` AdminIDs []int `json:"admin_ids"` Permissions MessagesChatPermissions `json:"permissions"` }
MessagesConversationChatSettings struct.
type MessagesConversationPeer ¶
type MessagesConversationPeer struct { ID int `json:"id"` LocalID int `json:"local_id"` Type string `json:"type"` }
MessagesConversationPeer struct.
type MessagesConversationPushSettings ¶
type MessagesConversationPushSettings struct { DisabledUntil int `json:"disabled_until"` DisabledForever BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled_forever"` NoSound BaseBoolInt `json:"no_sound"` DisabledMentions BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled_mentions"` DisabledMassMentions BaseBoolInt `json:"disabled_mass_mentions"` }
MessagesConversationPushSettings struct.
type MessagesConversationWithMessage ¶
type MessagesConversationWithMessage struct { Conversation MessagesConversation `json:"conversation"` LastMessage MessagesMessage `json:"last_message"` }
MessagesConversationWithMessage struct.
type MessagesDialog ¶
type MessagesDialog struct { Important int `json:"important"` InRead int `json:"in_read"` Message MessagesMessage `json:"message"` OutRead int `json:"out_read"` Unanswered int `json:"unanswered"` Unread int `json:"unread"` }
MessagesDialog struct.
type MessagesEventData ¶
type MessagesEventData struct { Type string `json:"type"` MessagesEventDataShowSnackbar MessagesEventDataOpenLink MessagesEventDataOpenApp }
MessagesEventData struct.
func NewMessagesEventDataOpenApp ¶
func NewMessagesEventDataOpenApp(appID, ownerID int, hash string) *MessagesEventData
NewMessagesEventDataOpenApp open the link. Click on the specified address.
func NewMessagesEventDataOpenLink ¶
func NewMessagesEventDataOpenLink(link string) *MessagesEventData
NewMessagesEventDataOpenLink open the link. Click on the specified address.
func NewMessagesEventDataShowSnackbar ¶
func NewMessagesEventDataShowSnackbar(text string) *MessagesEventData
NewMessagesEventDataShowSnackbar show disappearing message.
Contains the field text - the text you want to print (maximum 90 characters). Snackbar is shown for 10 seconds and automatically hides, while the user has the ability to flick it off the screen.
func (MessagesEventData) ToJSON ¶
func (eventData MessagesEventData) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of MessagesEventData.
type MessagesEventDataOpenApp ¶
type MessagesEventDataOpenApp struct { AppID int `json:"app_id,omitempty"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"` }
MessagesEventDataOpenApp struct.
type MessagesEventDataOpenLink ¶
type MessagesEventDataOpenLink struct {
Link string `json:"link,omitempty"`
MessagesEventDataOpenLink struct.
type MessagesEventDataShowSnackbar ¶
type MessagesEventDataShowSnackbar struct {
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
MessagesEventDataShowSnackbar struct.
type MessagesForward ¶
type MessagesForward struct { // Message owner. It is worth passing it on if you want to forward messages // from the community to a dialog. OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` // Identifier of the place from which the messages are to be sent. PeerID int `json:"peer_id,omitempty"` // Messages can be passed to conversation_message_ids array: // // - that are in a personal dialog with the bot; // // - which are outbound messages from the bot; // // - written after the bot has entered the conversation. ConversationMessageIDs []int `json:"conversation_message_ids,omitempty"` MessageIDs []int `json:"message_ids,omitempty"` // Reply to messages. It is worth passing if you want to reply to messages // in the chat room where the messages are. In this case there should be // only one element in the conversation_message_ids/message_ids. IsReply bool `json:"is_reply,omitempty"` }
MessagesForward struct.
func (MessagesForward) ToJSON ¶
func (forward MessagesForward) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of MessagesForward.
type MessagesGraffiti ¶
type MessagesGraffiti struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the document ID int `json:"id"` // Document ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Document owner ID URL string `json:"url"` // Graffiti URL Width int `json:"width"` // Graffiti width Height int `json:"height"` // Graffiti height }
MessagesGraffiti struct.
func (MessagesGraffiti) ToAttachment ¶
func (doc MessagesGraffiti) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type MessagesHistoryAttachment ¶
type MessagesHistoryAttachment struct { Attachment MessagesHistoryMessageAttachment `json:"attachment"` MessageID int `json:"message_id"` // Message ID FromID int `json:"from_id"` }
MessagesHistoryAttachment struct.
type MessagesHistoryMessageAttachment ¶
type MessagesHistoryMessageAttachment struct { Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market BaseLink `json:"market"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Wall BaseLink `json:"wall"` }
MessagesHistoryMessageAttachment struct.
type MessagesKeyboard ¶
type MessagesKeyboard struct { AuthorID int `json:"author_id,omitempty"` // Community or bot, which set this keyboard Buttons [][]MessagesKeyboardButton `json:"buttons"` OneTime BaseBoolInt `json:"one_time,omitempty"` // Should this keyboard disappear on first use Inline BaseBoolInt `json:"inline,omitempty"` }
MessagesKeyboard struct.
func NewMessagesKeyboard ¶
func NewMessagesKeyboard(oneTime BaseBoolInt) *MessagesKeyboard
NewMessagesKeyboard returns a new MessagesKeyboard.
func NewMessagesKeyboardInline ¶
func NewMessagesKeyboardInline() *MessagesKeyboard
NewMessagesKeyboardInline returns a new inline MessagesKeyboard.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddCallbackButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddCallbackButton(label string, payload interface{}, color string) *MessagesKeyboard
AddCallbackButton add Callback button in last row.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddLocationButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddLocationButton(payload interface{}) *MessagesKeyboard
AddLocationButton add Location button in last row.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddOpenLinkButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddOpenLinkButton(link, label string, payload interface{}) *MessagesKeyboard
AddOpenLinkButton add Open Link button in last row.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddRow ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddRow() *MessagesKeyboard
AddRow add row in MessagesKeyboard.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddTextButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddTextButton(label string, payload interface{}, color string) *MessagesKeyboard
AddTextButton add Text button in last row.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddVKAppsButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddVKAppsButton( appID, ownerID int, payload interface{}, label, hash string, ) *MessagesKeyboard
AddVKAppsButton add VK Apps button in last row.
func (*MessagesKeyboard) AddVKPayButton ¶
func (keyboard *MessagesKeyboard) AddVKPayButton(payload interface{}, hash string) *MessagesKeyboard
AddVKPayButton add VK Pay button in last row.
func (MessagesKeyboard) ToJSON ¶
func (keyboard MessagesKeyboard) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of MessagesKeyboard.
type MessagesKeyboardButton ¶
type MessagesKeyboardButton struct { Action MessagesKeyboardButtonAction `json:"action"` Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Button color }
MessagesKeyboardButton struct.
type MessagesKeyboardButtonAction ¶
type MessagesKeyboardButtonAction struct { AppID int `json:"app_id,omitempty"` // Fragment value in app link like{app_id}_-654321#hash Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // Fragment value in app link like{hash} Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Label for button OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` // Fragment value in app link like{owner_id}#hash Payload string `json:"payload,omitempty"` // Additional data sent along with message for developer convenience Type string `json:"type"` // Button type Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` // Link URL }
MessagesKeyboardButtonAction struct.
type MessagesLastActivity ¶
type MessagesLastActivity struct { Online BaseBoolInt `json:"online"` // Information whether user is online Time int `json:"time"` // Time when user was online in Unixtime }
MessagesLastActivity struct.
type MessagesLongPollParams ¶
type MessagesLongPollParams struct { Key string `json:"key"` // Key Pts int `json:"pts"` // Persistent timestamp Server string `json:"server"` // Server URL Ts int `json:"ts"` // Timestamp }
MessagesLongPollParams struct.
type MessagesMessage ¶
type MessagesMessage struct { // Only for messages from community. Contains user ID of community admin, // who sent this message. AdminAuthorID int `json:"admin_author_id"` Action MessagesMessageAction `json:"action"` Attachments []MessagesMessageAttachment `json:"attachments"` // Unique auto-incremented number for all messages with this peer. ConversationMessageID int `json:"conversation_message_id"` // Date when the message has been sent in Unixtime. Date int `json:"date"` // Message author's ID. FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Forwarded messages. FwdMessages []MessagesMessage `json:"fwd_Messages"` ReplyMessage *MessagesMessage `json:"reply_message"` Geo BaseMessageGeo `json:"geo"` PinnedAt int `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` ID int `json:"id"` // Message ID Deleted BaseBoolInt `json:"deleted"` // Is it an deleted message Important BaseBoolInt `json:"important"` // Is it an important message IsHidden BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hidden"` IsCropped BaseBoolInt `json:"is_cropped"` IsSilent BaseBoolInt `json:"is_silent"` Out BaseBoolInt `json:"out"` // Information whether the message is outcoming WasListened BaseBoolInt `json:"was_listened,omitempty"` Keyboard MessagesKeyboard `json:"keyboard"` Template MessagesTemplate `json:"template"` Payload string `json:"payload"` PeerID int `json:"peer_id"` // Peer ID // ID used for sending messages. It returned only for outgoing messages. RandomID int `json:"random_id"` Ref string `json:"ref"` RefSource string `json:"ref_source"` Text string `json:"text"` // Message text UpdateTime int `json:"update_time"` // Date when the message has been updated in Unixtime MembersCount int `json:"members_count"` // Members number ExpireTTL int `json:"expire_ttl"` MessageTag string `json:"message_tag"` // for }
MessagesMessage struct.
type MessagesMessageAction ¶
type MessagesMessageAction struct { ConversationMessageID int `json:"conversation_message_id"` // Message ID // Email address for chat_invite_user or chat_kick_user actions. Email string `json:"email"` MemberID int `json:"member_id"` // User or email peer ID Message string `json:"message"` // Message body of related message Photo MessagesMessageActionPhoto `json:"photo"` // New chat title for chat_create and chat_title_update actions. Text string `json:"text"` Type string `json:"type"` }
MessagesMessageAction struct.
type MessagesMessageActionPhoto ¶
type MessagesMessageActionPhoto struct { Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` // URL of the preview image with 100px in width Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` // URL of the preview image with 200px in width Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` // URL of the preview image with 50px in width }
MessagesMessageActionPhoto struct.
type MessagesMessageAttachment ¶
type MessagesMessageAttachment struct { Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Gift GiftsLayout `json:"gift"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market MarketMarketItem `json:"market"` MarketMarketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum `json:"market_market_album"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Sticker BaseSticker `json:"sticker"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Wall WallWallpost `json:"wall"` WallReply WallWallComment `json:"wall_reply"` AudioMessage DocsDoc `json:"audio_message"` Graffiti DocsDoc `json:"graffiti"` Poll PollsPoll `json:"poll"` Call MessageCall `json:"call"` Story StoriesStory `json:"story"` Podcast PodcastsEpisode `json:"podcast"` }
MessagesMessageAttachment struct.
type MessagesPinnedMessage ¶
type MessagesPinnedMessage struct { Attachments []MessagesMessageAttachment `json:"attachments"` // Unique auto-incremented number for all Messages with this peer. ConversationMessageID int `json:"conversation_message_id"` // Date when the message has been sent in Unixtime. Date int `json:"date"` // Message author's ID. FromID int `json:"from_id"` FwdMessages []*MessagesMessage `json:"fwd_Messages"` Geo BaseMessageGeo `json:"geo"` ID int `json:"id"` // Message ID PeerID int `json:"peer_id"` // Peer ID ReplyMessage *MessagesMessage `json:"reply_message"` Text string `json:"text"` // Message text }
MessagesPinnedMessage struct.
type MessagesTemplate ¶
type MessagesTemplate struct { Type string `json:"type"` Elements []MessagesTemplateElement `json:"elements"` }
MessagesTemplate struct.
func (MessagesTemplate) ToJSON ¶
func (template MessagesTemplate) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of MessagesKeyboard.
type MessagesTemplateElement ¶
type MessagesTemplateElement struct {
MessagesTemplateElement struct.
type MessagesTemplateElementCarousel ¶
type MessagesTemplateElementCarousel struct { Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Action MessagesTemplateElementCarouselAction `json:"action,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Photo *PhotosPhoto `json:"photo,omitempty"` // Only read PhotoID string `json:"photo_id,omitempty"` // Only for send Buttons []MessagesKeyboardButton `json:"buttons,omitempty"` }
MessagesTemplateElementCarousel struct.
type MessagesTemplateElementCarouselAction ¶
type MessagesTemplateElementCarouselAction struct { Type string `json:"type"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` }
MessagesTemplateElementCarouselAction struct.
type MessagesUserXtrInvitedBy ¶
type MessagesUserXtrInvitedBy struct{}
MessagesUserXtrInvitedBy struct.
type NewsfeedCategoryAction ¶
type NewsfeedCategoryAction struct { Action struct { Target string `json:"target"` Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"action"` Name string `json:"name"` }
NewsfeedCategoryAction struct.
type NewsfeedEventActivity ¶
type NewsfeedEventActivity struct { Address string `json:"address"` // address of event ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` // text of attach Friends []int `json:"friends"` // array of friends ids MemberStatus int `json:"member_status"` // Current user's member status Text string `json:"text"` // text of attach Time int `json:"time"` // event start time }
NewsfeedEventActivity struct.
type NewsfeedItemAudio ¶
type NewsfeedItemAudio struct {
Audio NewsfeedItemAudioAudio `json:"audio"`
NewsfeedItemAudio struct.
type NewsfeedItemAudioAudio ¶
type NewsfeedItemAudioAudio struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Audios number Items []AudioAudio `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemAudioAudio struct.
type NewsfeedItemDigest ¶
type NewsfeedItemDigest struct { ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` FeedID string `json:"feed_id"` // id of feed in digest Items []WallWallpost `json:"items"` MainPostIDs []string `json:"main_post_ids"` Template string `json:"template"` // type of digest Title string `json:"title"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` }
NewsfeedItemDigest struct.
type NewsfeedItemFriend ¶
type NewsfeedItemFriend struct {
Friends NewsfeedItemFriendFriends `json:"friends"`
NewsfeedItemFriend struct.
type NewsfeedItemFriendFriends ¶
type NewsfeedItemFriendFriends struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Number of friends has been added Items []BaseUserID `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemFriendFriends struct.
type NewsfeedItemMarket ¶
type NewsfeedItemMarket struct {
NewsfeedItemMarket struct.
type NewsfeedItemNote ¶
type NewsfeedItemNote struct {
Notes NewsfeedItemNoteNotes `json:"notes"`
NewsfeedItemNote struct.
type NewsfeedItemNoteNotes ¶
type NewsfeedItemNoteNotes struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Notes number Items []NewsfeedNewsfeedNote `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemNoteNotes struct.
type NewsfeedItemPhoto ¶
type NewsfeedItemPhoto struct {
Photos NewsfeedItemPhotoPhotos `json:"photos"`
NewsfeedItemPhoto struct.
type NewsfeedItemPhotoPhotos ¶
type NewsfeedItemPhotoPhotos struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Photos number Items []PhotosPhotoFull `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemPhotoPhotos struct.
type NewsfeedItemPhotoTag ¶
type NewsfeedItemPhotoTag struct {
PhotoTags NewsfeedItemPhotoTagPhotoTags `json:"photo_tags"`
NewsfeedItemPhotoTag struct.
type NewsfeedItemPhotoTagPhotoTags ¶
type NewsfeedItemPhotoTagPhotoTags struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Tags number Items []PhotosPhotoFull `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemPhotoTagPhotoTags struct.
type NewsfeedItemStoriesBlock ¶
type NewsfeedItemStoriesBlock struct { BlockType string `json:"block_type"` Stories []StoriesStory `json:"stories"` }
NewsfeedItemStoriesBlock struct.
type NewsfeedItemTopic ¶
type NewsfeedItemTopic struct{}
NewsfeedItemTopic struct.
Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` Text string `json:"text"` // Post text.
type NewsfeedItemVideo ¶
type NewsfeedItemVideo struct {
Video NewsfeedItemVideoVideo `json:"video"`
NewsfeedItemVideo struct.
type NewsfeedItemVideoVideo ¶
type NewsfeedItemVideoVideo struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Tags number Items []VideoVideo `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedItemVideoVideo struct.
type NewsfeedItemWallpost ¶
type NewsfeedItemWallpost struct { Activity NewsfeedEventActivity `json:"activity"` Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` FromID int `json:"from_id"` CopyHistory []WallWallpost `json:"copy_history"` Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` PostType string `json:"post_type"` Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` MarkedAsAds int `json:"marked_as_ads,omitempty"` Views interface{} `json:"views,omitempty"` // BUG: Views int or wallViews IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite,omitempty"` CanDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"can_delete"` CanArchive BaseBoolInt `json:"can_archive"` IsArchived BaseBoolInt `json:"is_archived"` SignerID int `json:"signer_id,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` // Post text Copyright WallPostCopyright `json:"copyright"` CategoryAction NewsfeedCategoryAction `json:"category_action"` }
NewsfeedItemWallpost struct.
type NewsfeedList ¶
type NewsfeedList struct { ID int `json:"id"` // List ID Title string `json:"title"` // List title }
NewsfeedList struct.
type NewsfeedNewsfeedItem ¶
type NewsfeedNewsfeedItem struct { Type string `json:"type"` SourceID int `json:"source_id"` Date int `json:"date"` TopicID int `json:"topic_id"` PostID int `json:"post_id,omitempty"` NewsfeedItemWallpost NewsfeedItemPhoto NewsfeedItemPhotoTag NewsfeedItemFriend NewsfeedItemNote NewsfeedItemAudio NewsfeedItemTopic NewsfeedItemVideo NewsfeedItemDigest NewsfeedItemStoriesBlock NewsfeedItemMarket CreatedBy int `json:"created_by,omitempty"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit,omitempty"` CanDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"can_delete,omitempty"` CanDoubtCategory BaseBoolInt `json:"can_doubt_category"` CanSetCategory BaseBoolInt `json:"can_set_category"` }
NewsfeedNewsfeedItem struct.
type NewsfeedNewsfeedNote ¶
type NewsfeedNewsfeedNote struct { Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments Number ID int `json:"id"` // Note ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // integer Title string `json:"title"` // Note title }
NewsfeedNewsfeedNote struct.
type NotesNote ¶
type NotesNote struct { CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can comment the note Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the note has been created in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Note ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Note owner's ID Text string `json:"text"` // Note text TextWiki string `json:"text_wiki"` // Note text in wiki format Title string `json:"title"` // Note title ViewURL string `json:"view_url"` // URL of the page with note preview ReadComments int `json:"read_comments"` PrivacyView []interface{} `json:"privacy_view"` // NOTE: old type privacy PrivacyComment []interface{} `json:"privacy_comment"` // NOTE: old type privacy }
NotesNote struct.
func (NotesNote) ToAttachment ¶
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type NotesNoteComment ¶
type NotesNoteComment struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Message string `json:"message"` // Comment text NID int `json:"nid"` // Note ID OID int `json:"oid"` // Note ID ReplyTo int `json:"reply_to"` // ID of replied comment UID int `json:"uid"` // Comment author's ID }
NotesNoteComment struct.
type NotificationsFeedback ¶
type NotificationsFeedback struct { Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Reply author's ID Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` ID int `json:"id"` // Item ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` Text string `json:"text"` // Reply text ToID int `json:"to_id"` // Wall owner's ID }
NotificationsFeedback struct.
type NotificationsNotification ¶
type NotificationsNotification struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the event has been occurred Feedback RawMessage `json:"feedback"` Parent RawMessage `json:"parent"` Reply NotificationsReply `json:"reply"` Type string `json:"type"` // Notification type }
NotificationsNotification struct.
type NotificationsNotificationsComment ¶
type NotificationsNotificationsComment struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Author ID Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Post WallWallpost `json:"post"` Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text Topic BoardTopic `json:"topic"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` }
NotificationsNotificationsComment struct.
type NotificationsReply ¶
type NotificationsReply struct { Date string `json:"date"` // Date when the reply has been created in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Reply ID Text string `json:"text"` // Reply text }
NotificationsReply struct.
type OauthError ¶
type OauthError struct { Error string `json:"error"` ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description"` RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` }
OauthError struct.
type OrdersAmount ¶
type OrdersAmount struct { Amounts []OrdersAmountItem `json:"amounts"` Currency string `json:"currency"` // Currency name }
OrdersAmount struct.
type OrdersAmountItem ¶
type OrdersAmountItem struct { Amount int `json:"amount"` // Votes amount in user's currency Description string `json:"description"` // Amount description Votes string `json:"votes"` // Votes number }
OrdersAmountItem struct.
type OrdersOrder ¶
type OrdersOrder struct { Amount int `json:"amount"` // Amount AppOrderID int `json:"app_order_id"` // App order ID CancelTransactionID int `json:"cancel_transaction_id"` // Cancel transaction ID Date int `json:"date"` // Date of creation in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Order ID Item string `json:"item"` // Order item ReceiverID int `json:"receiver_id"` // Receiver ID Status string `json:"status"` // Order status TransactionID int `json:"transaction_id"` // Transaction ID UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
OrdersOrder struct.
type OrdersSubscription ¶
type OrdersSubscription struct { CancelReason string `json:"cancel_reason"` // Cancel reason CreateTime int `json:"create_time"` // Date of creation in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Subscription ID ItemID string `json:"item_id"` // Subscription order item NextBillTime int `json:"next_bill_time"` // Date of next bill in Unixtime Period int `json:"period"` // Subscription period PeriodStartTime int `json:"period_start_time"` // Date of last period start in Unixtime Price int `json:"price"` // Subscription price Status string `json:"status"` // Subscription status PendingCancel BaseBoolInt `json:"pending_cancel"` // Pending cancel state TestMode BaseBoolInt `json:"test_mode"` // Is test subscription TrialExpireTime int `json:"trial_expire_time"` // Date of trial expire in Unixtime UpdateTime int `json:"update_time"` // Date of last change in Unixtime }
OrdersSubscription struct.
type PagesWikipage ¶
type PagesWikipage struct { CreatorID int `json:"creator_id"` // Page creator ID CreatorName int `json:"creator_name"` // Page creator name EditorID int `json:"editor_id"` // Last editor ID EditorName string `json:"editor_name"` // Last editor name GroupID int `json:"group_id"` // Community ID ID int `json:"id"` // Page ID Title string `json:"title"` // Page title Views int `json:"views"` // Views number WhoCanEdit int `json:"who_can_edit"` // Edit settings of the page WhoCanView int `json:"who_can_view"` // View settings of the page }
PagesWikipage struct.
type PagesWikipageFull ¶
type PagesWikipageFull struct { // Date when the page has been created in Unixtime. Created int `json:"created"` // Page creator ID. CreatorID int `json:"creator_id"` // Information whether current user can edit the page. CurrentUserCanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"current_user_can_edit"` // Information whether current user can edit the page access settings. CurrentUserCanEditAccess BaseBoolInt `json:"current_user_can_edit_access"` // Date when the page has been edited in Unixtime. Edited int `json:"edited"` // Last editor ID. EditorID int `json:"editor_id"` // Page ID. PageID int `json:"page_id"` // Community ID. GroupID int `json:"group_id"` // Page content, HTML. HTML string `json:"html"` // Page ID. ID int `json:"id"` // Page content, wiki. Source string `json:"source"` // Page title. Title string `json:"title"` // URL of the page preview. ViewURL string `json:"view_url"` // Views number. Views int `json:"views"` // Edit settings of the page. WhoCanEdit int `json:"who_can_edit"` // View settings of the page. WhoCanView int `json:"who_can_view"` VersionCreated int `json:"version_created"` }
PagesWikipageFull struct.
type PagesWikipageHistory ¶
type PagesWikipageHistory struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the page has been edited in Unixtime EditorID int `json:"editor_id"` // Last editor ID EditorName string `json:"editor_name"` // Last editor name ID int `json:"id"` // Version ID Length int `json:"length"` // Page size in bytes }
PagesWikipageHistory struct.
BUG(VK): edited and date.
type PhotosChatUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosChatUploadResponse struct {
Response string `json:"response"` // Uploaded photo data
PhotosChatUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosCommentXtrPid ¶
type PhotosCommentXtrPid struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Pid int `json:"pid"` // Photo ID ReplyToComment int `json:"reply_to_comment"` // Replied comment ID ReplyToUser int `json:"reply_to_user"` // Replied user ID Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text Thread WallWallCommentThread `json:"thread"` }
PhotosCommentXtrPid struct.
type PhotosImage ¶
PhotosImage struct.
type PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse struct { GID int `json:"gid"` // Community ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosMarketUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosMarketUploadResponse struct { CropData string `json:"crop_data"` // Crop data CropHash string `json:"crop_hash"` // Crop hash GroupID int `json:"group_id"` // Community ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosMarketUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosMessageUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosMessageUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosMessageUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosOwnerUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosOwnerUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosOwnerUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosPhoto ¶
type PhotosPhoto struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the photo AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID Date int `json:"date"` // Date when uploaded Height int `json:"height"` // Original photo height ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID Images []PhotosImage `json:"images"` Lat float64 `json:"lat"` // Latitude Long float64 `json:"long"` // Longitude OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID PostID int `json:"post_id"` // Post ID Text string `json:"text"` // Photo caption UserID int `json:"user_id"` // ID of the user who have uploaded the photo Width int `json:"width"` // Original photo width CanUpload BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload"` CommentsDisabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_disabled"` ThumbIsLast BaseBoolInt `json:"thumb_is_last"` UploadByAdminsOnly BaseBoolInt `json:"upload_by_admins_only"` HasTags BaseBoolInt `json:"has_tags"` Created int `json:"created"` Description string `json:"description"` PrivacyComment []string `json:"privacy_comment"` PrivacyView []string `json:"privacy_view"` Size int `json:"size"` Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` ThumbID int `json:"thumb_id"` ThumbSrc string `json:"thumb_src"` Title string `json:"title"` Updated int `json:"updated"` Color string `json:"color"` }
PhotosPhoto struct.
func (PhotosPhoto) MaxSize ¶
func (photo PhotosPhoto) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhoto) MinSize ¶
func (photo PhotosPhoto) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhoto) ToAttachment ¶
func (photo PhotosPhoto) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type PhotosPhotoAlbum ¶
type PhotosPhotoAlbum struct { Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the album has been created in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Photo album description ID int `json:"id"` // Photo album ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Album owner's ID Size int `json:"size"` // Photos number Thumb PhotosPhoto `json:"thumb"` Title string `json:"title"` // Photo album title Updated int `json:"updated"` // Date when the album has been updated last time in Unixtime }
PhotosPhotoAlbum struct.
func (PhotosPhotoAlbum) ToAttachment ¶
func (album PhotosPhotoAlbum) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type PhotosPhotoAlbumFull ¶
type PhotosPhotoAlbumFull struct { // Information whether current user can upload photo to the album. CanUpload BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload"` CommentsDisabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_disabled"` // Information whether album comments are disabled Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the album has been created in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Photo album description ID int `json:"id"` // Photo album ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Album owner's ID Size int `json:"size"` // Photos number PrivacyComment Privacy `json:"privacy_comment"` PrivacyView Privacy `json:"privacy_view"` Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` ThumbID int `json:"thumb_id"` // Thumb photo ID // Information whether the album thumb is last photo. ThumbIsLast int `json:"thumb_is_last"` ThumbSrc string `json:"thumb_src"` // URL of the thumb image Title string `json:"title"` // Photo album title // Date when the album has been updated last time in Unixtime. Updated int `json:"updated"` // Information whether only community administrators can upload photos. UploadByAdminsOnly int `json:"upload_by_admins_only"` }
PhotosPhotoAlbumFull struct.
func (PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MaxSize ¶
func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MinSize ¶
func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) ToAttachment ¶
func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type PhotosPhotoFull ¶
type PhotosPhotoFull struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the photo AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can comment the photo CanRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_repost"` // Information whether current user can repost the photo HasTags BaseBoolInt `json:"has_tags"` Comments BaseObjectCount `json:"comments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when uploaded Height int `json:"height"` // Original photo height ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID Images []PhotosImage `json:"images"` Lat float64 `json:"lat"` // Latitude Likes BaseLikes `json:"likes"` Long float64 `json:"long"` // Longitude OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID PostID int `json:"post_id"` // Post ID Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` Tags BaseObjectCount `json:"tags"` Text string `json:"text"` // Photo caption UserID int `json:"user_id"` // ID of the user who have uploaded the photo Width int `json:"width"` // Original photo width Hidden int `json:"hidden"` // Returns if the photo is hidden above the wall Photo75 string `json:"photo_75"` // URL of image with 75 px width Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of image with 130 px width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of image with 604 px width Photo807 string `json:"photo_807"` // URL of image with 807 px width Photo1280 string `json:"photo_1280"` // URL of image with 1280 px width Photo2560 string `json:"photo_2560"` // URL of image with 2560 px width Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` OrigPhoto PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"orig_photo"` }
PhotosPhotoFull struct.
func (PhotosPhotoFull) MaxSize ¶
func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhotoFull) MinSize ¶
func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes)
MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes.
func (PhotosPhotoFull) ToAttachment ¶
func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset ¶
type PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset struct { PhotosPhotoFull RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the photo }
PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset struct.
type PhotosPhotoSizes ¶
type PhotosPhotoSizes struct { // BUG(VK): json: cannot unmarshal number 180.000000 into Go struct field PhotosPhotoSizes.height of type int BaseImage }
PhotosPhotoSizes struct.
type PhotosPhotoTag ¶
type PhotosPhotoTag struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when tag has been added in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Tag ID PlacerID int `json:"placer_id"` // ID of the tag creator TaggedName string `json:"tagged_name"` // Tag description Description string `json:"description"` // Tagged description. UserID int `json:"user_id"` // Tagged user ID Viewed BaseBoolInt `json:"viewed"` // Information whether the tag is reviewed X float64 `json:"x"` // Coordinate X of the left upper corner X2 float64 `json:"x2"` // Coordinate X of the right lower corner Y float64 `json:"y"` // Coordinate Y of the left upper corner Y2 float64 `json:"y2"` // Coordinate Y of the right lower corner }
PhotosPhotoTag struct.
type PhotosPhotoUpload ¶
type PhotosPhotoUpload struct { AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` // URL to upload photo UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
PhotosPhotoUpload struct.
type PhotosPhotoUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosPhotoUploadResponse struct { AID int `json:"aid"` // Album ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash PhotosList string `json:"photos_list"` // Uploaded photos data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosPhotoUploadResponse struct.
type PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset ¶
type PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset struct { PhotosPhoto RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the photo }
PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset struct.
type PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo ¶
type PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo struct { PhotosPhoto TagCreated int `json:"tag_created"` // Date when tag has been added in Unixtime TagID int `json:"tag_id"` // Tag ID }
PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo struct.
type PhotosWallUploadResponse ¶
type PhotosWallUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }
PhotosWallUploadResponse struct.
type Platform ¶
type Platform int
Platform content creation platform.
const ( PlatformMobile Platform // mobile web version PlatformIPhone // iPhone PlatformIPad // iPad PlatformAndroid // Android PlatformWindowsPhone // Windows Phone PlatformWindows // Windows 8 PlatformFull // full web version PlatformOther // other apps )
Possible values.
type PodcastsCategory ¶
type PodcastsCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Cover []BaseImage `json:"cover"` }
PodcastsCategory struct.
type PodcastsEpisode ¶
type PodcastsEpisode struct { ID int `json:"id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Artist string `json:"artist"` Title string `json:"title"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Date int `json:"date"` URL string `json:"url"` LyricsID int `json:"lyrics_id"` NoSearch int `json:"no_search"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` IsHq BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hq"` IsFocusTrack BaseBoolInt `json:"is_focus_track"` IsExplicit BaseBoolInt `json:"is_explicit"` ShortVideosAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"short_videos_allowed"` StoriesAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"stories_allowed"` StoriesCoverAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"stories_cover_allowed"` PodcastInfo PodcastsPodcastInfo `json:"podcast_info"` }
PodcastsEpisode struct.
type PodcastsPodcastInfo ¶
type PodcastsPodcastInfo struct { Cover struct { Sizes []BaseImage `json:"cover"` } Plays int `json:"plays"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` Description string `json:"description"` Position int `json:"position"` }
PodcastsPodcastInfo struct.
type PollsAnswer ¶
type PollsAnswer struct { ID int `json:"id"` Rate float64 `json:"rate"` Text string `json:"text"` Votes int `json:"votes"` }
PollsAnswer struct.
type PollsBackground ¶
type PollsBackground struct { Type string `json:"type"` Angle int `json:"angle"` Color string `json:"color"` Points []struct { Position float64 `json:"position"` Color string `json:"color"` } `json:"points"` ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` }
PollsBackground struct.
type PollsPhoto ¶
type PollsPhoto struct { ID int `json:"id"` Color string `json:"color"` Images []PhotosImage `json:"images"` }
PollsPhoto struct.
type PollsPhotoUploadResponse ¶
type PollsPhotoUploadResponse struct { Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploaded hash }
PollsPhotoUploadResponse struct.
type PollsPoll ¶
type PollsPoll struct { AnswerID int `json:"answer_id"` // Current user's answer ID Answers []PollsAnswer `json:"answers"` Created int `json:"created"` // Date when poll has been created in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Poll ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Poll owner's ID Question string `json:"question"` // Poll question Votes int `json:"votes"` // Votes number AnswerIDs []int `json:"answer_ids"` EndDate int `json:"end_date"` Anonymous BaseBoolInt `json:"anonymous"` // Information whether the pole is anonymous Closed BaseBoolInt `json:"closed"` IsBoard BaseBoolInt `json:"is_board"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` CanVote BaseBoolInt `json:"can_vote"` CanReport BaseBoolInt `json:"can_report"` Multiple BaseBoolInt `json:"multiple"` DisableUnvote BaseBoolInt `json:"disable_unvote"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` Background PollsBackground `json:"background"` Friends []PollsFriend `json:"friends"` Profiles []UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` EmbedHash string `json:"embed_hash"` }
PollsPoll struct.
func (PollsPoll) ToAttachment ¶
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type PollsVoters ¶
type PollsVoters struct { AnswerID int `json:"answer_id"` // Answer ID Users PollsVotersUsers `json:"users"` }
PollsVoters struct.
type PollsVotersFields ¶
type PollsVotersFields struct { AnswerID int `json:"answer_id"` // Answer ID Users PollsVotersUsersFields `json:"users"` }
PollsVotersFields struct.
type PollsVotersUsers ¶
type PollsVotersUsers struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Votes number Items []int `json:"items"` }
PollsVotersUsers struct.
type PollsVotersUsersFields ¶
type PollsVotersUsersFields struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Votes number Items []UsersUser `json:"items"` }
PollsVotersUsersFields struct.
type PrettyCardsPrettyCard ¶
type PrettyCardsPrettyCard struct { Button string `json:"button"` // Button key ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` // Button text in current language CardID string `json:"card_id"` // Card ID (long int returned as string) Images []BaseImage `json:"images"` LinkURL string `json:"link_url"` // Link URL Photo string `json:"photo"` // Photo ID (format "<owner_id>_<media_id>") Price string `json:"price"` // Price if set (decimal number returned as string) PriceOld string `json:"price_old"` // Old price if set (decimal number returned as string) Title string `json:"title"` // Title }
PrettyCardsPrettyCard struct.
type Privacy ¶
type Privacy struct { Category PrivacyCategory `json:"category,omitempty"` Lists struct { Allowed []int `json:"allowed"` Excluded []int `json:"excluded"` } `json:"lists,omitempty"` Owners struct { Allowed []int `json:"allowed"` Excluded []int `json:"excluded"` } `json:"owners,omitempty"` }
Privacy struct.
type PrivacyCategory ¶
type PrivacyCategory string
PrivacyCategory type.
const ( PrivacyAll PrivacyCategory = "all" PrivacyOnlyMe PrivacyCategory = "only_me" PrivacyFriends PrivacyCategory = "friends" PrivacyFriendsOfFriends PrivacyCategory = "friends_of_friends" )
Possible values.
type RawMessage ¶
type RawMessage []byte
RawMessage is a raw encoded JSON or MessagePack value.
func (*RawMessage) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (m *RawMessage) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack sets *m to a copy of data.
func (RawMessage) EncodeMsgpack ¶
func (m RawMessage) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error
EncodeMsgpack write m as the MessagePack encoding of m.
func (RawMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m RawMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns m as the JSON encoding of m.
func (*RawMessage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *RawMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets *m to a copy of data.
type SearchHint ¶
type SearchHint struct { Description string `json:"description"` // Object description Global int `json:"global,omitempty"` // Information whether the object has been found globally Group GroupsGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` Profile UsersUser `json:"profile,omitempty"` Section string `json:"section"` Type string `json:"type"` }
SearchHint struct.
type SecureLevel ¶
SecureLevel struct.
type SecureSmsNotification ¶
type SecureSmsNotification struct { AppID int `json:"app_id"` // Application ID Date int `json:"date"` // Date when message has been sent in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Notification ID Message string `json:"message"` // Message text UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
SecureSmsNotification struct.
type SecureTokenChecked ¶
type SecureTokenChecked struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when access_token has been generated in Unixtime Expire int `json:"expire"` // Date when access_token will expire in Unixtime Success int `json:"success"` // Returns if successfully processed UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID }
SecureTokenChecked struct.
type SecureTransaction ¶
type SecureTransaction struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Transaction date in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Transaction ID UIDFrom int `json:"uid_from"` // From ID UIDTo int `json:"uid_to"` // To ID Votes int `json:"votes"` // Votes number }
SecureTransaction struct.
type StatsActivity ¶
type StatsActivity struct { Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number Copies int `json:"copies"` // Reposts number Hidden int `json:"hidden"` // Hidden from news count Likes int `json:"likes"` // Likes number Subscribed int `json:"subscribed"` // New subscribers count Unsubscribed int `json:"unsubscribed"` // Unsubscribed count }
StatsActivity struct.
type StatsCity ¶
type StatsCity struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Visitors number Name string `json:"name"` // City name Value int `json:"value"` // City ID }
StatsCity struct.
type StatsCountry ¶
type StatsCountry struct { Code string `json:"code"` // Country code Count int `json:"count"` // Visitors number Name string `json:"name"` // Country name Value int `json:"value"` // Country ID }
StatsCountry struct.
type StatsPeriod ¶
type StatsPeriod struct { Activity StatsActivity `json:"activity"` PeriodFrom int `json:"period_from"` // Unix timestamp PeriodTo int `json:"period_to"` // Unix timestamp Reach StatsReach `json:"reach"` Visitors StatsViews `json:"visitors"` }
StatsPeriod struct.
type StatsReach ¶
type StatsReach struct { Age []StatsSexAge `json:"age"` Cities []StatsCity `json:"cities"` Countries []StatsCountry `json:"countries"` MobileReach int `json:"mobile_reach"` // Reach count from mobile devices Reach int `json:"reach"` // Reach count ReachSubscribers int `json:"reach_subscribers"` // Subscribers reach count Sex []StatsSexAge `json:"sex"` SexAge []StatsSexAge `json:"sex_age"` }
StatsReach struct.
type StatsSexAge ¶
type StatsSexAge struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Visitors number Value string `json:"value"` // Sex/age value }
StatsSexAge struct.
type StatsViews ¶
type StatsViews struct { Age []StatsSexAge `json:"age"` Cities []StatsCity `json:"cities"` Countries []StatsCountry `json:"countries"` MobileViews int `json:"mobile_views"` // Number of views from mobile devices Sex []StatsSexAge `json:"sex"` SexAge []StatsSexAge `json:"sex_age"` Views int `json:"views"` // Views number Visitors int `json:"visitors"` // Visitors number }
StatsViews struct.
type StatsWallpostStat ¶
type StatsWallpostStat struct { PostID int `json:"post_id"` Hide int `json:"hide"` // Hidings number JoinGroup int `json:"join_group"` // People have joined the group Links int `json:"links"` // Link click-through ReachSubscribers int `json:"reach_subscribers"` // Subscribers reach ReachTotal int `json:"reach_total"` // Total reach ReachViral int `json:"reach_viral"` // Viral reach ReachAds int `json:"reach_ads"` // Advertising reach Report int `json:"report"` // Reports number ToGroup int `json:"to_group"` // Click-through to community Unsubscribe int `json:"unsubscribe"` // Unsubscribed members AdViews int `json:"ad_views"` AdSubscribers int `json:"ad_subscribers"` AdHide int `json:"ad_hide"` AdUnsubscribe int `json:"ad_unsubscribe"` AdLinks int `json:"ad_links"` AdToGroup int `json:"ad_to_group"` AdJoinGroup int `json:"ad_join_group"` AdCoverage int `json:"ad_coverage"` AdReport int `json:"ad_report"` }
StatsWallpostStat struct.
type StoriesClickablePoint ¶
StoriesClickablePoint struct.
type StoriesClickableSticker ¶
type StoriesClickableSticker struct { ID int `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` ClickableArea []StoriesClickablePoint `json:"clickable_area"` Style string `json:"style,omitempty"` // type=post PostOwnerID int `json:"post_owner_id,omitempty"` PostID int `json:"post_id,omitempty"` // type=sticker StickerID int `json:"sticker_id,omitempty"` StickerPackID int `json:"sticker_pack_id,omitempty"` // type=place or geo PlaceID int `json:"place_id,omitempty"` // Title CategoryID int `json:"category_id,omitempty"` // type=question Question string `json:"question,omitempty"` QuestionButton string `json:"question_button,omitempty"` QuestionDefaultPrivate BaseBoolInt `json:"question_default_private,omitempty"` Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // type=mention Mention string `json:"mention,omitempty"` // type=hashtag Hashtag string `json:"hashtag,omitempty"` // type=link LinkObject BaseLink `json:"link_object,omitempty"` TooltipText string `json:"tooltip_text,omitempty"` TooltipTextKey string `json:"tooltip_text_key,omitempty"` // type=time TimestampMs int64 `json:"timestamp_ms,omitempty"` Date string `json:"date,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // type=market_item Subtype string `json:"subtype,omitempty"` // LinkObject BaseLink `json:"link_object,omitempty"` // subtype=aliexpress_product MarketItem MarketMarketItem `json:"market_item,omitempty"` // subtype=market_item // type=story_reply OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` StoryID int `json:"story_id,omitempty"` // type=poll Poll PollsPoll `json:"poll,omitempty"` // type=music Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio,omitempty"` AudioStartTime int `json:"audio_start_time,omitempty"` // type=app App AppsApp `json:"app,omitempty"` AppContext string `json:"app_context,omitempty"` HasNewInteractions BaseBoolInt `json:"has_new_interactions,omitempty"` IsBroadcastNotifyAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_broadcast_notify_allowed,omitempty"` // type=emoji Emoji string `json:"emoji,omitempty"` // type=text Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` BackgroundStyle string `json:"background_style,omitempty"` Alignment string `json:"alignment,omitempty"` SelectionColor string `json:"selection_color,omitempty"` }
StoriesClickableSticker struct.
type StoriesClickableStickers ¶
type StoriesClickableStickers struct { OriginalWidth int `json:"original_width"` OriginalHeight int `json:"original_height"` ClickableStickers []StoriesClickableSticker `json:"clickable_stickers"` }
StoriesClickableStickers struct.
The field clickable_stickers is available in the history object. The sticker object is pasted by the developer on the client himself, only coordinates are transmitted to the server.
func NewClickableStickers ¶
func NewClickableStickers(width, height int) *StoriesClickableStickers
NewClickableStickers return new StoriesClickableStickers.
Requires the width and height of the original photo or video.
func (*StoriesClickableStickers) AddHashtag ¶
func (cs *StoriesClickableStickers) AddHashtag(hashtag string, area []StoriesClickablePoint) *StoriesClickableStickers
AddHashtag add hashtag sticker.
Hashtag must necessarily begin with the symbol #.
func (*StoriesClickableStickers) AddMention ¶
func (cs *StoriesClickableStickers) AddMention(mention string, area []StoriesClickablePoint) *StoriesClickableStickers
AddMention add mention sticker.
Mention should be in the format of a VK mentioning, for example: [id1|name] or [club1|name].
func (StoriesClickableStickers) ToJSON ¶
func (cs StoriesClickableStickers) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of StoriesClickableStickers.
type StoriesFeedItem ¶
type StoriesFeedItem struct { Type StoriesFeedItemType `json:"type"` ID string `json:"id"` Stories []StoriesStory `json:"stories"` Grouped StoriesFeedItemType `json:"grouped"` App AppsApp `json:"app"` BirthdayUserID int `json:"birthday_user_id"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` HasUnseen BaseBoolInt `json:"has_unseen"` Name string `json:"name"` PromoData StoriesPromoBlock `json:"promo_data"` }
StoriesFeedItem struct.
type StoriesFeedItemType ¶
type StoriesFeedItemType string
StoriesFeedItemType type.
const ( StoriesFeedItemStories StoriesFeedItemType = "stories" StoriesFeedItemCommunity StoriesFeedItemType = "community_grouped_stories" StoriesFeedItemApp StoriesFeedItemType = "app_grouped_stories" )
Possible values.
type StoriesNarrativeInfo ¶
type StoriesNarrativeInfo struct { Author string `json:"author"` Title string `json:"title"` Views int `json:"views"` }
StoriesNarrativeInfo type.
type StoriesPromoBlock ¶
type StoriesPromoBlock struct { Name string `json:"name"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` NotAnimated BaseBoolInt `json:"not_animated"` }
StoriesPromoBlock additional data for promo stories.
type StoriesQuestions ¶
type StoriesQuestions struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Replies number. New int `json:"new"` // New replies number. }
StoriesQuestions struct.
type StoriesReplies ¶
type StoriesReplies struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Replies number. New int `json:"new"` // New replies number. }
StoriesReplies struct.
type StoriesStory ¶
type StoriesStory struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for private object. ExpiresAt int `json:"expires_at"` // Story expiration time. Unixtime. CanHide BaseBoolInt `json:"can_hide"` // Information whether story has question sticker and current user can send question to the author CanAsk BaseBoolInt `json:"can_ask"` // Information whether story has question sticker and current user can send anonymous question to the author CanAskAnonymous BaseBoolInt `json:"can_ask_anonymous"` // Information whether current user can comment the story (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can reply to the story // (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanReply BaseBoolInt `json:"can_reply"` // Information whether current user can see the story (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanSee BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see"` CanShare BaseBoolInt `json:"can_share"` // Information whether the story is deleted (false - no, true - yes). IsDeleted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_deleted"` // Information whether the story is expired (false - no, true - yes). IsExpired BaseBoolInt `json:"is_expired"` // Is video without sound NoSound BaseBoolInt `json:"no_sound"` // Does author have stories privacy restrictions IsRestricted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_restricted"` CanUseInNarrative BaseBoolInt `json:"can_use_in_narrative"` // Information whether current user has seen the story or not // (0 - no, 1 - yes). Seen BaseBoolInt `json:"seen"` IsOwnerPinned BaseBoolInt `json:"is_owner_pinned"` IsOneTime BaseBoolInt `json:"is_one_time"` IsAdvice BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advice,omitempty"` NeedMute BaseBoolInt `json:"need_mute"` MuteReply BaseBoolInt `json:"mute_reply"` CanLike BaseBoolInt `json:"can_like"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when story has been added in Unixtime. ID int `json:"id"` // Story ID. Link StoriesStoryLink `json:"link"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Story owner's ID. ParentStory *StoriesStory `json:"parent_story"` ParentStoryAccessKey string `json:"parent_story_access_key"` // Access key for private object. ParentStoryID int `json:"parent_story_id"` // Parent story ID. ParentStoryOwnerID int `json:"parent_story_owner_id"` // Parent story owner's ID. Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Replies StoriesReplies `json:"replies"` // Replies to current story. Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Views int `json:"views"` // Views number. ClickableStickers StoriesClickableStickers `json:"clickable_stickers"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` LikesCount int `json:"likes_count"` NarrativeID int `json:"narrative_id"` NarrativeOwnerID int `json:"narrative_owner_id"` NarrativeInfo StoriesNarrativeInfo `json:"narrative_info"` NarrativesCount int `json:"narratives_count"` FirstNarrativeTitle string `json:"first_narrative_title"` Questions StoriesQuestions `json:"questions"` ReactionSetID string `json:"reaction_set_id"` }
StoriesStory struct.
type StoriesStoryLink ¶
type StoriesStoryLink struct { Text string `json:"text"` // Link text URL string `json:"url"` // Link URL }
StoriesStoryLink struct.
type StoriesStoryStats ¶
type StoriesStoryStats struct { Answer StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"answer"` Bans StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"bans"` OpenLink StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"open_link"` Replies StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"replies"` Subscribers StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"subscribers"` Views StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"views"` Likes StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"likes"` }
StoriesStoryStats struct.
type StoriesStoryStatsStat ¶
type StoriesStoryStatsStat struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Stat value State string `json:"state"` }
StoriesStoryStatsStat struct.
type StoriesStoryType ¶
type StoriesStoryType string
StoriesStoryType story type.
const ( StoriesStoryPhoto StoriesStoryType = "photo" StoriesStoryVideo StoriesStoryType = "video" StoriesStoryLiveActive StoriesStoryType = "live_active" StoriesStoryLiveFinished StoriesStoryType = "live_finished" StoriesStoryBirthdayInvite StoriesStoryType = "birthday_invite" )
Possible values.
type StoriesViewer ¶
type StoriesViewer struct { IsLiked bool `json:"is_liked"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` // For extended User struct { Type string `json:"type"` ID int `json:"id"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` CanAccessClosed bool `json:"can_access_closed"` } `json:"user,omitempty"` }
StoriesViewer struct.
type UsersCareer ¶
type UsersCareer struct { CityID int `json:"city_id"` // City ID CityName string `json:"city_name"` // City name Company string `json:"company"` // Company name CountryID int `json:"country_id"` // Country ID From int `json:"from"` // From year GroupID int `json:"group_id"` // Community ID ID int `json:"id"` // Career ID Position string `json:"position"` // Position Until int `json:"until"` // Till year }
UsersCareer struct.
type UsersCropPhoto ¶
type UsersCropPhoto struct { Crop UsersCropPhotoCrop `json:"crop"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Rect UsersCropPhotoRect `json:"rect"` }
UsersCropPhoto struct.
type UsersCropPhotoCrop ¶
type UsersCropPhotoCrop struct { X float64 `json:"x"` // Coordinate X of the left upper corner X2 float64 `json:"x2"` // Coordinate X of the right lower corner Y float64 `json:"y"` // Coordinate Y of the left upper corner Y2 float64 `json:"y2"` // Coordinate Y of the right lower corner }
UsersCropPhotoCrop struct.
type UsersCropPhotoRect ¶
type UsersCropPhotoRect struct { X float64 `json:"x"` // Coordinate X of the left upper corner X2 float64 `json:"x2"` // Coordinate X of the right lower corner Y float64 `json:"y"` // Coordinate Y of the left upper corner Y2 float64 `json:"y2"` // Coordinate Y of the right lower corner }
UsersCropPhotoRect struct.
type UsersExports ¶
type UsersExports struct { Facebook int `json:"facebook"` Livejournal int `json:"livejournal"` Twitter int `json:"twitter"` }
UsersExports struct.
type UsersLastSeen ¶
type UsersLastSeen struct { Platform int `json:"platform"` // Type of the platform that used for the last authorization Time int `json:"time"` // Last visit date (in Unix time) }
UsersLastSeen struct.
type UsersMilitary ¶
type UsersMilitary struct { CountryID int `json:"country_id"` // Country ID From int `json:"from"` // From year ID int `json:"id"` // Military ID Unit string `json:"unit"` // Unit name UnitID int `json:"unit_id"` // Unit ID Until int `json:"until"` // Till year }
UsersMilitary struct.
type UsersOccupation ¶
type UsersOccupation struct { // BUG(VK): UsersOccupation.ID is float ID float64 `json:"id"` // ID of school, university, company group Name string `json:"name"` // Name of occupation Type string `json:"type"` // Type of occupation }
UsersOccupation struct.
type UsersOnlineInfo ¶
type UsersOnlineInfo struct { AppID int `json:"app_id"` LastSeen int `json:"last_seen"` Status string `json:"status"` Visible BaseBoolInt `json:"visible"` IsOnline BaseBoolInt `json:"is_online"` IsMobile BaseBoolInt `json:"is_mobile"` }
UsersOnlineInfo struct.
type UsersPersonal ¶
type UsersPersonal struct { Alcohol int `json:"alcohol"` // User's views on alcohol InspiredBy string `json:"inspired_by"` // User's inspired by Langs []string `json:"langs"` LifeMain int `json:"life_main"` // User's personal priority in life PeopleMain int `json:"people_main"` // User's personal priority in people Political int `json:"political"` // User's political views Religion string `json:"religion"` // User's religion Smoking int `json:"smoking"` // User's views on smoking ReligionID int `json:"religion_id"` }
UsersPersonal struct.
func (*UsersPersonal) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (personal *UsersPersonal) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack UsersPersonal.
BUG(VK): UsersPersonal return [].
func (*UsersPersonal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (personal *UsersPersonal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON UsersPersonal.
BUG(VK): UsersPersonal return [].
type UsersRelative ¶
type UsersRelative struct { BirthDate string `json:"birth_date"` // Date of child birthday (format ID int `json:"id"` // Relative ID Name string `json:"name"` // Name of relative Type string `json:"type"` // Relative type }
UsersRelative struct.
type UsersSchool ¶
type UsersSchool struct { City int `json:"city"` // City ID Class string `json:"class"` // School class letter Country int `json:"country"` // Country ID ID string `json:"id"` // School ID Name string `json:"name"` // School name Type int `json:"type"` // School type ID TypeStr string `json:"type_str"` // School type name YearFrom int `json:"year_from"` // Year the user started to study YearGraduated int `json:"year_graduated"` // Graduation year YearTo int `json:"year_to"` // Year the user finished to study Speciality string `json:"speciality,omitempty"` }
UsersSchool struct.
type UsersUniversity ¶
type UsersUniversity struct { Chair int `json:"chair"` // Chair ID ChairName string `json:"chair_name"` // Chair name City int `json:"city"` // City ID Country int `json:"country"` // Country ID EducationForm string `json:"education_form"` // Education form EducationStatus string `json:"education_status"` // Education status Faculty int `json:"faculty"` // Faculty ID FacultyName string `json:"faculty_name"` // Faculty name Graduation int `json:"graduation"` // Graduation year ID int `json:"id"` // University ID Name string `json:"name"` // University name }
UsersUniversity struct.
type UsersUser ¶
type UsersUser struct { ID int `json:"id"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` FirstNameNom string `json:"first_name_nom"` FirstNameGen string `json:"first_name_gen"` FirstNameDat string `json:"first_name_dat"` FirstNameAcc string `json:"first_name_acc"` FirstNameIns string `json:"first_name_ins"` FirstNameAbl string `json:"first_name_abl"` LastNameNom string `json:"last_name_nom"` LastNameGen string `json:"last_name_gen"` LastNameDat string `json:"last_name_dat"` LastNameAcc string `json:"last_name_acc"` LastNameIns string `json:"last_name_ins"` LastNameAbl string `json:"last_name_abl"` MaidenName string `json:"maiden_name"` Sex int `json:"sex"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` Domain string `json:"domain"` ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"` Bdate string `json:"bdate"` City BaseObject `json:"city"` Country BaseObject `json:"country"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` PhotoMax string `json:"photo_max"` Photo200Orig string `json:"photo_200_orig"` Photo400Orig string `json:"photo_400_orig"` PhotoMaxOrig string `json:"photo_max_orig"` PhotoID string `json:"photo_id"` FriendStatus int `json:"friend_status"` // see FriendStatus const OnlineApp int `json:"online_app"` Online BaseBoolInt `json:"online"` OnlineMobile BaseBoolInt `json:"online_mobile"` HasPhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"has_photo"` HasMobile BaseBoolInt `json:"has_mobile"` IsClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_closed"` IsFriend BaseBoolInt `json:"is_friend"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` IsHiddenFromFeed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hidden_from_feed"` CanAccessClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"can_access_closed"` CanBeInvitedGroup BaseBoolInt `json:"can_be_invited_group"` CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post"` CanSeeAllPosts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see_all_posts"` CanSeeAudio BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see_audio"` CanWritePrivateMessage BaseBoolInt `json:"can_write_private_message"` CanSendFriendRequest BaseBoolInt `json:"can_send_friend_request"` CanCallFromGroup BaseBoolInt `json:"can_call_from_group"` Verified BaseBoolInt `json:"verified"` Trending BaseBoolInt `json:"trending"` Blacklisted BaseBoolInt `json:"blacklisted"` BlacklistedByMe BaseBoolInt `json:"blacklisted_by_me"` // Deprecated: Facebook и Instagram запрещены в России, Meta признана экстремистской организацией... Facebook string `json:"facebook"` // Deprecated: Facebook и Instagram запрещены в России, Meta признана экстремистской организацией... FacebookName string `json:"facebook_name"` // Deprecated: Facebook и Instagram запрещены в России, Meta признана экстремистской организацией... Instagram string `json:"instagram"` Twitter string `json:"twitter"` Site string `json:"site"` Status string `json:"status"` StatusAudio AudioAudio `json:"status_audio"` LastSeen UsersLastSeen `json:"last_seen"` CropPhoto UsersCropPhoto `json:"crop_photo"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` CommonCount int `json:"common_count"` Occupation UsersOccupation `json:"occupation"` Career []UsersCareer `json:"career"` Military []UsersMilitary `json:"military"` University int `json:"university"` UniversityName string `json:"university_name"` Faculty int `json:"faculty"` FacultyName string `json:"faculty_name"` Graduation int `json:"graduation"` EducationForm string `json:"education_form"` EducationStatus string `json:"education_status"` HomeTown string `json:"home_town"` Relation int `json:"relation"` Personal UsersPersonal `json:"personal"` Interests string `json:"interests"` Music string `json:"music"` Activities string `json:"activities"` Movies string `json:"movies"` Tv string `json:"tv"` Books string `json:"books"` Games string `json:"games"` Universities []UsersUniversity `json:"universities"` Schools []UsersSchool `json:"schools"` About string `json:"about"` Relatives []UsersRelative `json:"relatives"` Quotes string `json:"quotes"` Lists []int `json:"lists"` Deactivated string `json:"deactivated"` WallDefault string `json:"wall_default"` Timezone int `json:"timezone"` Exports UsersExports `json:"exports"` Counters UsersUserCounters `json:"counters"` MobilePhone string `json:"mobile_phone"` HomePhone string `json:"home_phone"` FoundWith int `json:"found_with"` // TODO: check it ImageStatus ImageStatusInfo `json:"image_status"` OnlineInfo UsersOnlineInfo `json:"online_info"` Mutual FriendsRequestsMutual `json:"mutual"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` RelationPartner UsersUserMin `json:"relation_partner"` Type string `json:"type"` Skype string `json:"skype"` }
UsersUser struct.
type UsersUserCounters ¶
type UsersUserCounters struct { Albums int `json:"albums"` // Albums number Audios int `json:"audios"` // Audios number Followers int `json:"followers"` // Followers number Friends int `json:"friends"` // Friends number Gifts int `json:"gifts"` // Gifts number Groups int `json:"groups"` // Communities number Notes int `json:"notes"` // Notes number OnlineFriends int `json:"online_friends"` // Online friends number Pages int `json:"pages"` // Public pages number Photos int `json:"photos"` // Photos number Subscriptions int `json:"subscriptions"` // Subscriptions number UserPhotos int `json:"user_photos"` // Number of photos with user UserVideos int `json:"user_videos"` // Number of videos with user Videos int `json:"videos"` // Videos number MutualFriends int `json:"mutual_friends"` }
UsersUserCounters struct.
type UsersUserLim ¶
type UsersUserLim struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NameGen string `json:"name_gen"` Photo string `json:"photo"` }
UsersUserLim struct.
type UsersUserMin ¶
type UsersUserMin struct { Deactivated string `json:"deactivated"` // Returns if a profile is deleted or blocked FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // User first name Hidden int `json:"hidden"` // Returns if a profile is hidden. ID int `json:"id"` // User ID LastName string `json:"last_name"` // User last name }
UsersUserMin struct.
func (UsersUserMin) ToMention ¶
func (user UsersUserMin) ToMention() string
ToMention return mention.
type UtilsDomainResolved ¶
type UtilsDomainResolved struct { ObjectID int `json:"object_id"` // Object ID Type string `json:"type"` }
UtilsDomainResolved struct.
func (*UtilsDomainResolved) DecodeMsgpack ¶
func (link *UtilsDomainResolved) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error
DecodeMsgpack UtilsDomainResolved.
BUG(VK): UtilsDomainResolved return [].
func (*UtilsDomainResolved) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (link *UtilsDomainResolved) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON UtilsDomainResolved.
BUG(VK): UtilsDomainResolved return [].
type UtilsLastShortenedLink ¶
type UtilsLastShortenedLink struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for private stats Key string `json:"key"` // Link key (characters after ShortURL string `json:"short_url"` // Short link URL Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` // Creation time in Unixtime URL string `json:"url"` // Full URL Views int `json:"views"` // Total views number }
UtilsLastShortenedLink struct.
type UtilsLinkChecked ¶
type UtilsLinkChecked struct { Link string `json:"link"` // Link URL Status string `json:"status"` }
UtilsLinkChecked struct.
type UtilsLinkStats ¶
type UtilsLinkStats struct { Key string `json:"key"` // Link key (characters after Stats []UtilsStats `json:"stats"` }
UtilsLinkStats struct.
type UtilsLinkStatsExtended ¶
type UtilsLinkStatsExtended struct { Key string `json:"key"` // Link key (characters after Stats []UtilsStatsExtended `json:"stats"` }
UtilsLinkStatsExtended struct.
type UtilsShortLink ¶
type UtilsShortLink struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for private stats Key string `json:"key"` // Link key (characters after ShortURL string `json:"short_url"` // Short link URL URL string `json:"url"` // Full URL }
UtilsShortLink struct.
type UtilsStats ¶
type UtilsStats struct { Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` // Start time Views int `json:"views"` // Total views number }
UtilsStats struct.
type UtilsStatsCity ¶
type UtilsStatsCity struct { CityID int `json:"city_id"` // City ID Views int `json:"views"` // Views number }
UtilsStatsCity struct.
type UtilsStatsCountry ¶
type UtilsStatsCountry struct { CountryID int `json:"country_id"` // Country ID Views int `json:"views"` // Views number }
UtilsStatsCountry struct.
type UtilsStatsExtended ¶
type UtilsStatsExtended struct { Cities []UtilsStatsCity `json:"cities"` Countries []UtilsStatsCountry `json:"countries"` SexAge []UtilsStatsSexAge `json:"sex_age"` Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` // Start time Views int `json:"views"` // Total views number }
UtilsStatsExtended struct.
type UtilsStatsSexAge ¶
type UtilsStatsSexAge struct { AgeRange string `json:"age_range"` // Age denotation Female int `json:"female"` // Views by female users Male int `json:"male"` // Views by male users }
UtilsStatsSexAge struct.
type VideoActionButton ¶
type VideoActionButton struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` Snippet VideoSnippet `json:"snippet"` }
VideoActionButton struct.
type VideoCatBlock ¶
type VideoCatBlock struct { CanHide BaseBoolInt `json:"can_hide"` ID int `json:"id"` Items []VideoCatElement `json:"items"` Name string `json:"name"` Next string `json:"next"` Type string `json:"type"` View string `json:"view"` }
VideoCatBlock struct.
type VideoCatElement ¶
type VideoCatElement struct { CanAdd BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` IsPrivate BaseBoolInt `json:"is_private"` Comments int `json:"comments"` Count int `json:"count"` Date int `json:"date"` Description string `json:"description"` Duration int `json:"duration"` ID int `json:"id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` Photo160 string `json:"photo_160"` Photo320 string `json:"photo_320"` Photo640 string `json:"photo_640"` Photo800 string `json:"photo_800"` Title string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` UpdatedTime int `json:"updated_time"` Views int `json:"views"` }
VideoCatElement struct.
type VideoLive ¶
type VideoLive struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` VideoID int `json:"video_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` Stream VideoLiveStream `json:"stream"` }
VideoLive struct.
type VideoLiveCategory ¶
type VideoLiveCategory struct { ID int `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` Sublist []VideoLiveCategory `json:"sublist,omitempty"` }
VideoLiveCategory struct.
type VideoLiveStream ¶
type VideoLiveStream struct { URL string `json:"url"` Key string `json:"key"` OKMPURL string `json:"okmp_url"` }
VideoLiveStream struct.
type VideoRestriction ¶
type VideoRestriction struct { Title string `json:"title"` Text string `json:"text"` AlwaysShown BaseBoolInt `json:"always_shown"` Blur BaseBoolInt `json:"blur"` CanPlay BaseBoolInt `json:"can_play"` CanPreview BaseBoolInt `json:"can_preview"` CardIcon []BaseImage `json:"card_icon"` ListIcon []BaseImage `json:"list_icon"` DisclaimerType int `json:"disclaimer_type"` }
VideoRestriction struct.
type VideoSaveResult ¶
type VideoSaveResult struct { Description string `json:"description"` // Video description OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Video owner ID Title string `json:"title"` // Video title UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` // URL for the video uploading VideoID int `json:"video_id"` // Video ID AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Video access key }
VideoSaveResult struct.
type VideoSnippet ¶
type VideoSnippet struct { Description string `json:"description"` OpenTitle string `json:"open_title"` Title string `json:"title"` TypeName string `json:"type_name"` Date int `json:"date"` Image []BaseImage `json:"image"` }
VideoSnippet struct.
type VideoUploadResponse ¶
VideoUploadResponse struct.
type VideoVideo ¶
type VideoVideo struct { // Video access key. AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Date when the video has been added in Unixtime. AddingDate int `json:"adding_date"` // Date when the video has been released in Unixtime. ReleaseDate int `json:"release_date"` // Information whether current user can add the video. CanAdd BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add"` // Information whether current user can add the video to faves. CanAddToFaves BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add_to_faves"` // Information whether current user can comment the video. CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can edit the video. CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` // Information whether current user can like the video. CanLike BaseBoolInt `json:"can_like"` // Information whether current user can download the video. CanDownload int `json:"can_download"` // Information whether current user can repost this video. CanRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_repost"` CanSubscribe BaseBoolInt `json:"can_subscribe"` CanAttachLink BaseBoolInt `json:"can_attach_link"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` IsPrivate BaseBoolInt `json:"is_private"` IsExplicit BaseBoolInt `json:"is_explicit"` IsSubscribed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_subscribed"` Added BaseBoolInt `json:"added"` Repeat BaseBoolInt `json:"repeat"` // Information whether the video is repeated ContentRestricted int `json:"content_restricted"` Live BaseBoolInt `json:"live"` // Returns if the video is a live stream Upcoming BaseBoolInt `json:"upcoming"` Comments int `json:"comments"` // Number of comments Date int `json:"date"` // Date when video has been uploaded in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Video description Duration int `json:"duration"` // Video duration in seconds Files VideoVideoFiles `json:"files"` Trailer VideoVideoFiles `json:"trailer,omitempty"` FirstFrame []VideoVideoImage `json:"first_frame"` Image []VideoVideoImage `json:"image"` Height int `json:"height"` // Video height ID int `json:"id"` // Video ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Video owner ID UserID int `json:"user_id"` Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of the preview image with 130 px in width Photo320 string `json:"photo_320"` // URL of the preview image with 320 px in width Photo640 string `json:"photo_640"` // URL of the preview image with 640 px in width Photo800 string `json:"photo_800"` // URL of the preview image with 800 px in width Photo1280 string `json:"photo_1280"` // URL of the preview image with 1280 px in width // URL of the page with a player that can be used to play the video in the browser. Player string `json:"player"` Processing int `json:"processing"` // Returns if the video is processing Title string `json:"title"` // Video title Subtitle string `json:"subtitle"` // Video subtitle Type string `json:"type"` Views int `json:"views"` // Number of views Width int `json:"width"` // Video width Platform string `json:"platform"` LocalViews int `json:"local_views"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` // Count of likes Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` // Count of views TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` PrivacyView Privacy `json:"privacy_view"` PrivacyComment Privacy `json:"privacy_comment"` ActionButton VideoActionButton `json:"action_button"` Restriction VideoRestriction `json:"restriction"` ContentRestrictedMessage string `json:"content_restricted_message"` MainArtists []AudioAudioArtist `json:"main_artists"` FeaturedArtists []AudioAudioArtist `json:"featured_artists"` Genres []BaseObjectWithName `json:"genres"` OvID string `json:"ov_id,omitempty"` }
VideoVideo struct.
func (VideoVideo) ToAttachment ¶
func (video VideoVideo) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type VideoVideoAlbum ¶
type VideoVideoAlbum struct { ID int `json:"id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Title string `json:"title"` }
VideoVideoAlbum struct.
type VideoVideoAlbumFull ¶
type VideoVideoAlbumFull struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number of videos in album ID int `json:"id"` // Album ID Image []VideoVideoImage `json:"image"` // Album cover image in different sizes IsSystem BaseBoolInt `json:"is_system"` // Information whether album is system OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Album owner's ID Photo160 string `json:"photo_160"` // URL of the preview image with 160px in width Photo320 string `json:"photo_320"` // URL of the preview image with 320px in width Title string `json:"title"` // Album title UpdatedTime int `json:"updated_time"` // Date when the album has been updated last time in Unixtime ImageBlur int `json:"image_blur"` Privacy Privacy `json:"privacy"` }
VideoVideoAlbumFull struct.
type VideoVideoFiles ¶
type VideoVideoFiles struct { External string `json:"external,omitempty"` // URL of the external player Mp4_1080 string `json:"mp4_1080,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 1080p quality Mp4_1440 string `json:"mp4_1440,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 2k quality Mp4_2160 string `json:"mp4_2160,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 4k quality Mp4_240 string `json:"mp4_240,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 240p quality Mp4_360 string `json:"mp4_360,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 360p quality Mp4_480 string `json:"mp4_480,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 480p quality Mp4_720 string `json:"mp4_720,omitempty"` // URL of the mpeg4 file with 720p quality Live string `json:"live,omitempty"` HLS string `json:"hls,omitempty"` DashUni string `json:"dash_uni,omitempty"` DashSep string `json:"dash_sep,omitempty"` DashWebm string `json:"dash_webm,omitempty"` FailoverHost string `json:"failover_host,omitempty"` }
VideoVideoFiles struct.
type VideoVideoFull ¶
type VideoVideoFull struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Video access key AddingDate int `json:"adding_date"` // Date when the video has been added in Unixtime IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` CanAdd BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add"` // Information whether current user can add the video CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can comment the video CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` // Information whether current user can edit the video CanRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_repost"` // Information whether current user can comment the video CanLike BaseBoolInt `json:"can_like"` CanAddToFaves BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add_to_faves"` Repeat BaseBoolInt `json:"repeat"` // Information whether the video is repeated Comments int `json:"comments"` // Number of comments Date int `json:"date"` // Date when video has been uploaded in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Video description Duration int `json:"duration"` // Video duration in seconds Files VideoVideoFiles `json:"files"` Trailer VideoVideoFiles `json:"trailer"` ID int `json:"id"` // Video ID Likes BaseLikes `json:"likes"` Live int `json:"live"` // Returns if the video is live translation OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Video owner ID // URL of the page with a player that can be used to play the video in the browser. Player string `json:"player"` Processing int `json:"processing"` // Returns if the video is processing Title string `json:"title"` // Video title Views int `json:"views"` // Number of views Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` Image []VideoVideoImage `json:"image"` FirstFrame []VideoVideoImage `json:"first_frame"` Added int `json:"added"` Type string `json:"type"` Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` }
VideoVideoFull struct.
func (VideoVideoFull) ToAttachment ¶
func (video VideoVideoFull) ToAttachment() string
ToAttachment return attachment format.
type VideoVideoImage ¶
type VideoVideoImage struct { BaseImage WithPadding BaseBoolInt `json:"with_padding"` }
VideoVideoImage struct.
type VideoVideoTag ¶
type VideoVideoTag struct { Date int `json:"date"` ID int `json:"id"` PlacerID int `json:"placer_id"` TaggedName string `json:"tagged_name"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Viewed BaseBoolInt `json:"viewed"` }
VideoVideoTag struct.
type VideoVideoTagInfo ¶
type VideoVideoTagInfo struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` AddingDate int `json:"adding_date"` CanAdd BaseBoolInt `json:"can_add"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` Comments int `json:"comments"` Date int `json:"date"` Description string `json:"description"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Files VideoVideoFiles `json:"files"` ID int `json:"id"` Live int `json:"live"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` Photo320 string `json:"photo_320"` Photo800 string `json:"photo_800"` PlacerID int `json:"placer_id"` Player string `json:"player"` Processing int `json:"processing"` TagCreated int `json:"tag_created"` TagID int `json:"tag_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Views int `json:"views"` }
VideoVideoTagInfo struct.
type WallAppPost ¶
type WallAppPost struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Application ID Name string `json:"name"` // Application name Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of the preview image with 130 px in width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of the preview image with 604 px in width }
WallAppPost struct.
type WallAttachedNote ¶
type WallAttachedNote struct { Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the note has been created in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Note ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Note owner's ID ReadComments int `json:"read_comments"` // Read comments number Title string `json:"title"` // Note title ViewURL string `json:"view_url"` // URL of the page with note preview }
WallAttachedNote struct.
type WallCommentAttachment ¶
type WallCommentAttachment struct { Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market MarketMarketItem `json:"market"` MarketMarketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum `json:"market_market_album"` Note WallAttachedNote `json:"note"` Page PagesWikipageFull `json:"page"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Sticker BaseSticker `json:"sticker"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Graffiti WallGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` }
WallCommentAttachment struct.
type WallGraffiti ¶
type WallGraffiti struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Graffiti ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Graffiti owner's ID Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` // URL of the preview image with 200 px in width Photo586 string `json:"photo_586"` // URL of the preview image with 586 px in width URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` }
WallGraffiti struct.
type WallPostCopyright ¶
type WallPostCopyright struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` }
WallPostCopyright information about the source of the post.
type WallPostSource ¶
type WallPostSource struct { Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Data string `json:"data"` // Additional data Platform string `json:"platform"` // Platform name Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` // URL to an external site used to publish the post }
WallPostSource struct.
type WallPostedPhoto ¶
type WallPostedPhoto struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of the preview image with 130 px in width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of the preview image with 604 px in width }
WallPostedPhoto struct.
type WallWallComment ¶
type WallWallComment struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime Deleted BaseBoolInt `json:"deleted"` FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the comment ReplyToComment int `json:"reply_to_comment"` // Replied comment ID ReplyToUser int `json:"reply_to_user"` // Replied user ID Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text PostID int `json:"post_id"` PostOwnerID int `json:"post_owner_id"` PhotoID int `json:"photo_id"` PhotoOwnerID int `json:"photo_owner_id"` VideoID int `json:"video_id"` VideoOwnerID int `json:"video_owner_id"` ItemID int `json:"item_id"` MarketOwnerID int `json:"market_owner_id"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Thread WallWallCommentThread `json:"thread"` Donut WallWallCommentDonut `json:"donut"` }
WallWallComment struct.
type WallWallCommentDonut ¶
type WallWallCommentDonut struct { IsDonut BaseBoolInt `json:"is_donut"` Placeholder string `json:"placeholder"` }
WallWallCommentDonut info about VK Donut.
type WallWallCommentThread ¶
type WallWallCommentThread struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Comments number Items []WallWallComment `json:"items"` CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post"` // Information whether current user can comment the post GroupsCanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"groups_can_post"` // Information whether groups can comment the post ShowReplyButton BaseBoolInt `json:"show_reply_button"` }
WallWallCommentThread struct.
type WallWallpost ¶
type WallWallpost struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key to private object ID int `json:"id"` // Post ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Wall owner's ID FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Post author ID CreatedBy int `json:"created_by"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date of publishing in Unixtime Text string `json:"text"` // Post text ReplyOwnerID int `json:"reply_owner_id"` ReplyPostID int `json:"reply_post_id"` FriendsOnly int `json:"friends_only"` Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` // Count of likes Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` // Count of reposts Views WallViews `json:"views"` // Count of views PostType string `json:"post_type"` PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` SignerID int `json:"signer_id"` // Post signer ID CopyHistory []WallWallpost `json:"copy_history"` CanPin BaseBoolInt `json:"can_pin"` CanDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"can_delete"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` IsPinned BaseBoolInt `json:"is_pinned"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` // Information whether the post in favorites list IsArchived BaseBoolInt `json:"is_archived"` // Is post archived, only for post owners IsDeleted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_deleted"` MarkedAsAds BaseBoolInt `json:"marked_as_ads"` Edited int `json:"edited"` // Date of editing in Unixtime Copyright WallPostCopyright `json:"copyright"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` PostponedID int `json:"postponed_id"` // ID from scheduled posts ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Donut WallWallpostDonut `json:"donut"` ShortTextRate float64 `json:"short_text_rate"` CarouselOffset int `json:"carousel_offset"` Header WallWallpostHeader `json:"header"` Hash string `json:"hash"` }
WallWallpost struct.
type WallWallpostAttachment ¶
type WallWallpostAttachment struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the audio Album PhotosPhotoAlbum `json:"album"` App WallAppPost `json:"app"` Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Event EventsEventAttach `json:"event"` Graffiti WallGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market MarketMarketItem `json:"market"` MarketMarketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum `json:"market_market_album"` Note WallAttachedNote `json:"note"` Page PagesWikipageFull `json:"page"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` PhotosList []string `json:"photos_list"` Poll PollsPoll `json:"poll"` PostedPhoto WallPostedPhoto `json:"posted_photo"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Podcast PodcastsEpisode `json:"podcast"` }
WallWallpostAttachment struct.
type WallWallpostDonut ¶
type WallWallpostDonut struct { IsDonut BaseBoolInt `json:"is_donut"` CanPublishFreeCopy BaseBoolInt `json:"can_publish_free_copy"` PaidDuration int `json:"paid_duration"` EditMode string `json:"edit_mode"` Durations []BaseObjectWithName `json:"durations"` }
WallWallpostDonut info about VK Donut.
type WallWallpostHeader ¶
type WallWallpostHeader struct { Type string `json:"type"` CustomDescription WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription `json:"custom_description"` }
WallWallpostHeader struct.
type WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription ¶
type WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription struct { SourceID int `json:"source_id"` Date int `json:"date"` }
WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription struct.
type WallWallpostToID ¶
type WallWallpostToID struct { Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` CopyOwnerID int `json:"copy_owner_id"` // ID of the source post owner CopyPostID int `json:"copy_post_id"` // ID of the source post Date int `json:"date"` // Date of publishing in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Post author ID Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` ID int `json:"id"` // Post ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` // wall post ID (if comment) PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` PostType string `json:"post_type"` Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` SignerID int `json:"signer_id"` // Post signer ID Text string `json:"text"` // Post text ToID int `json:"to_id"` // Wall owner's ID IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` // Information whether the post in favorites list MarkedAsAds BaseBoolInt `json:"marked_as_ads"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Donut WallWallpostDonut `json:"donut"` ShortTextRate float64 `json:"short_text_rate"` Views WallViews `json:"views"` // Count of views Header WallWallpostHeader `json:"header"` }
WallWallpostToID struct.
type WidgetsCommentMedia ¶
type WidgetsCommentMedia struct { ItemID int `json:"item_id"` // Media item ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Media owner's ID ThumbSrc string `json:"thumb_src"` // URL of the preview image (type=photo only) Type string `json:"type"` }
WidgetsCommentMedia struct.
type WidgetsCommentReplies ¶
type WidgetsCommentReplies struct { CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post"` // Information whether current user can comment the post GroupsCanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"groups_can_post"` Count int `json:"count"` // Comments number Replies []WidgetsCommentRepliesItem `json:"replies"` }
WidgetsCommentReplies struct.
type WidgetsCommentRepliesItem ¶
type WidgetsCommentRepliesItem struct { Cid int `json:"cid"` // Comment ID Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime Likes WidgetsWidgetLikes `json:"likes"` Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text UID int `json:"uid"` // User ID User UsersUser `json:"user"` }
WidgetsCommentRepliesItem struct.
type WidgetsWidgetComment ¶
type WidgetsWidgetComment struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` CanDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"can_delete"` // Information whether current user can delete the comment IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` Comments WidgetsCommentReplies `json:"comments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Comment author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` Media WidgetsCommentMedia `json:"media"` PostType string `json:"post_type"` // Post type Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text ToID int `json:"to_id"` // Wall owner PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` Views struct { Count int `json:"count"` } `json:"views"` Donut WallWallpostDonut `json:"donut"` ShortTextRate float64 `json:"short_text_rate"` Header WallWallpostHeader `json:"header"` }
WidgetsWidgetComment struct.
type WidgetsWidgetLikes ¶
type WidgetsWidgetLikes struct {
Count int `json:"count"` // Likes number
WidgetsWidgetLikes struct.
type WidgetsWidgetPage ¶
type WidgetsWidgetPage struct { Comments WidgetsWidgetLikes `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Date when Widgets on the page has been initialized firstly in Unixtime Date int `json:"date,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Page description ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Page ID Likes WidgetsWidgetLikes `json:"likes,omitempty"` PageID string `json:"page_id,omitempty"` // page_id parameter value Photo string `json:"photo,omitempty"` // URL of the preview image Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Page title URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Page absolute URL }
WidgetsWidgetPage struct.
Notes ¶
Bugs ¶
json: cannot unmarshal number 162.000000 into Go struct field of type Int
GroupsCountersGroup return [].
GroupsCountersGroup return [].
unavailable product, in fave.get return [].
unavailable product, in fave.get return []. edited and date.
json: cannot unmarshal number 180.000000 into Go struct field PhotosPhotoSizes.height of type int
UsersOccupation.ID is float
UsersPersonal return [].
UsersPersonal return [].
UtilsDomainResolved return [].
UtilsDomainResolved return [].
Source Files
- account.go
- ads.go
- apps.go
- appwidgets.go
- audio.go
- auth.go
- board.go
- database.go
- docs.go
- donut.go
- fave.go
- friends.go
- gifts.go
- groups.go
- leadforms.go
- leads.go
- market.go
- marusia.go
- messages.go
- newsfeed.go
- notes.go
- notifications.go
- object.go
- orders.go
- pages.go
- photos.go
- podcasts.go
- polls.go
- prettycards.go
- raw.go
- search.go
- secure.go
- stats.go
- stories.go
- users.go
- utils.go
- video.go
- wall.go
- widgets.go