Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type AccountChangePasswordResponse
- type AccountGetActiveOffersResponse
- type AccountGetBannedResponse
- type AccountGetCountersResponse
- type AccountGetInfoResponse
- type AccountGetProfileInfoResponse
- type AccountGetPushSettingsResponse
- type AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse
- type AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse
- type AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse
- type AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse
- type AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse
- type AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse
- type AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse
- type AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse
- type AppsGetCatalogResponse
- type AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse
- type AppsGetFriendsListResponse
- type AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse
- type AppsGetLeaderboardResponse
- type AppsGetResponse
- type AppsGetScopesResponse
- type AuthRetoreResponse
- type BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse
- type BoardGetCommentsResponse
- type BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse
- type BoardGetTopicsResponse
- type DatabaseGetChairsResponse
- type DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse
- type DatabaseGetCitiesResponse
- type DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse
- type DatabaseGetCountriesResponse
- type DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse
- type DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse
- type DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse
- type DatabaseGetRegionsResponse
- type DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse
- type DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse
- type DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse
- type DocsGetByIDResponse
- type DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse
- type DocsGetResponse
- type DocsGetTypesResponse
- type DocsGetUploadServerResponse
- type DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse
- type DocsSaveResponse
- type DocsSearchResponse
- type Error
- type FaveAddTagResponse
- type FaveGetExtendedResponse
- type FaveGetPagesResponse
- type FaveGetResponse
- type FaveGetTagsResponse
- type FriendsAddListResponse
- type FriendsAreFriendsResponse
- type FriendsDeleteResponse
- type FriendsGetAppUsersResponse
- type FriendsGetByPhonesResponse
- type FriendsGetListsResponse
- type FriendsGetMutualResponse
- type FriendsGetOnlineResponse
- type FriendsGetRecentResponse
- type FriendsGetRequestsResponse
- type FriendsGetResponse
- type FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse
- type FriendsSearchResponse
- type GiftsGetCatalogResponse
- type GiftsGetResponse
- type GroupsAddAddressResponse
- type GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse
- type GroupsAddLinkResponse
- type GroupsCreateResponse
- type GroupsEditAddressResponse
- type GroupsGetAddressesResponse
- type GroupsGetBannedResponse
- type GroupsGetByIDResponse
- type GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse
- type GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse
- type GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse
- type GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse
- type GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse
- type GroupsGetCatalogResponse
- type GroupsGetExtendedResponse
- type GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse
- type GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse
- type GroupsGetInvitesResponse
- type GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse
- type GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse
- type GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse
- type GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse
- type GroupsGetMembersResponse
- type GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse
- type GroupsGetRequestsResponse
- type GroupsGetResponse
- type GroupsGetSettingsResponse
- type GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse
- type GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse
- type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse
- type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse
- type GroupsSearchResponse
- type LeadFormsCreateResponse
- type LeadFormsDeleteResponse
- type LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse
- type LeadFormsGetResponse
- type LeadFormsListResponse
- type LeadFormsUpdateResponse
- type LeadsCheckUserResponse
- type LeadsCompleteResponse
- type LeadsGetStatsResponse
- type LeadsGetUsersResponse
- type LeadsMetricHitResponse
- type LeadsStartResponse
- type LikesAddResponse
- type LikesDeleteResponse
- type LikesGetListExtendedResponse
- type LikesGetListResponse
- type LikesIsLikedResponse
- type MarketAddAlbumResponse
- type MarketAddResponse
- type MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse
- type MarketGetAlbumsResponse
- type MarketGetByIDResponse
- type MarketGetCategoriesResponse
- type MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse
- type MarketGetCommentsResponse
- type MarketGetResponse
- type MarketSearchResponse
- type MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse
- type MessagesDeleteResponse
- type MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse
- type MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse
- type MessagesGetByIDResponse
- type MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse
- type MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse
- type MessagesGetChatResponse
- type MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse
- type MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse
- type MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse
- type MessagesGetConversationsResponse
- type MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse
- type MessagesGetHistoryResponse
- type MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse
- type MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse
- type MessagesGetLastActivityResponse
- type MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse
- type MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse
- type MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse
- type MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse
- type MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse
- type MessagesPinResponse
- type MessagesSearchConversationsResponse
- type MessagesSearchResponse
- type MessagesSendUserIDsResponse
- type MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse
- type NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse
- type NewsfeedGetBannedResponse
- type NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse
- type NewsfeedGetListsResponse
- type NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse
- type NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse
- type NewsfeedGetResponse
- type NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse
- type NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse
- type NewsfeedSearchResponse
- type NotesGetByIDResponse
- type NotesGetCommentsResponse
- type NotesGetResponse
- type NotificationsGetResponse
- type NotificationsSendMessageResponse
- type OrdersChangeStateResponse
- type OrdersGetAmountResponse
- type OrdersGetByIDResponse
- type OrdersGetResponse
- type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse
- type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse
- type PagesGetHistoryResponse
- type PagesGetResponse
- type PagesGetTitlesResponse
- type PagesGetVersionResponse
- type PhotosCreateAlbumResponse
- type PhotosGetAlbumsResponse
- type PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse
- type PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse
- type PhotosGetAllResponse
- type PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse
- type PhotosGetByIDResponse
- type PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse
- type PhotosGetCommentsResponse
- type PhotosGetExtendedResponse
- type PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetNewTagsResponse
- type PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetResponse
- type PhotosGetTagsResponse
- type PhotosGetUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse
- type PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse
- type PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse
- type PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSaveResponse
- type PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse
- type PhotosSearchResponse
- type PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse
- type PodcastsGetCatalogResponse
- type PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse
- type PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse
- type PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse
- type PodcastsGetFeedResponse
- type PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse
- type PodcastsGetStartPageResponse
- type PollsCreateResponse
- type PollsGetBackgroundsResponse
- type PollsGetByIDResponse
- type PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse
- type PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse
- type PollsGetVotersResponse
- type PollsSavePhotoResponse
- type PrettyCardsCreateResponse
- type PrettyCardsDeleteResponse
- type PrettyCardsEditResponse
- type PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse
- type PrettyCardsGetResponse
- type PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse
- type SearchGetHintsResponse
- type SecureAddAppEventResponse
- type SecureCheckTokenResponse
- type SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse
- type SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse
- type SecureGetUserLevelResponse
- type SecureGiveEventStickerResponse
- type SecureSendNotificationResponse
- type StatsGetPostReachResponse
- type StatsGetResponse
- type StatusGetResponse
- type StorageGetKeysResponse
- type StorageGetResponse
- type StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse
- type StoriesGetBannedResponse
- type StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse
- type StoriesGetByIDResponse
- type StoriesGetExtendedResponse
- type StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse
- type StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse
- type StoriesGetRepliesResponse
- type StoriesGetResponse
- type StoriesGetStatsResponse
- type StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse
- type StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse
- type StoriesGetViewersResponse
- type StreamingGetServerURLResponse
- type StreamingGetSettingsResponse
- type StreamingGetStatsResponse
- type StreamingGetStemResponse
- type UploadStories
- type UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse
- type UsersGetFollowersResponse
- type UsersGetResponse
- type UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse
- type UsersSearchResponse
- type UtilsCheckLinkResponse
- type UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse
- type UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse
- type UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse
- type UtilsGetShortLinkResponse
- type UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse
- type VK
- func (vk *VK) AccountBan(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountChangePassword(params map[string]string) (response AccountChangePasswordResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetActiveOffers(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetActiveOffersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetAppPermissions(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetCounters(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetCountersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetProfileInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetProfileInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountGetPushSettings(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetPushSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountRegisterDevice(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSaveProfileInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetInfo(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetNameInMenu(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetOffline(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetOnline(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetPushSettings(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountSetSilenceMode(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountUnban(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AccountUnregisterDevice(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImages(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImages(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetImagesByID(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsSaveAppImage(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsSaveGroupImage(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsUpdate(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsDeleteAppRequests(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGet(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetFriendsList(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetFriendsListResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetFriendsListExtended(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetLeaderboard(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetLeaderboardResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetLeaderboardExtended(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetScopes(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetScopesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsGetScore(params map[string]string) (response string, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AppsSendRequest(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AuthCheckPhone(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) AuthRetore(params map[string]string) (response AuthRetoreResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardAddTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardCloseTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardDeleteTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardEditTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardFixTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardGetComments(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardGetTopics(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetTopicsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardGetTopicsExtended(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardOpenTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) BoardUnfixTopic(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetChairs(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetChairsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCities(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCitiesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCitiesByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCountries(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCountriesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCountriesByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetFaculties(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetMetroStations(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetMetroStationsByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetRegions(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetRegionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetSchoolClasses(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetSchools(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetUniversities(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsAdd(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGet(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGetMessagesUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGetTypes(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetTypesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGetUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsGetWallUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsSave(params map[string]string) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) DocsSearch(params map[string]string) (response DocsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) Execute(code string, obj interface{}, vkErr *Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddArticle(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddLink(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddPage(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddPost(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddProduct(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddTag(params map[string]string) (response FaveAddTagResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveAddVideo(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveEditTag(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveGet(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveGetPages(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetPagesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveGetTags(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveMarkSeen(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemoveArticle(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemoveLink(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemovePage(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemovePost(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemoveProduct(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemoveTag(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveRemoveVideo(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveReorderTags(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveSetPageTags(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveSetTags(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FaveTrackPageInteraction(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsAdd(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsAddList(params map[string]string) (response FriendsAddListResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsAreFriends(params map[string]string) (response FriendsAreFriendsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsDelete(params map[string]string) (response FriendsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsDeleteAllRequests(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsDeleteList(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsEditList(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGet(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetAppUsers(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetAppUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetByPhones(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetByPhonesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetLists(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetListsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetMutual(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetMutualResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetOnline(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetOnlineResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetRecent(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetRecentResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetRequests(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetRequestsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsGetSuggestions(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) FriendsSearch(params map[string]string) (response FriendsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GiftsGet(params map[string]string) (response GiftsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GiftsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response GiftsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsAddAddress(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddAddressResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsAddCallbackServer(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsAddLink(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsApproveRequest(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsBan(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsCreate(params map[string]string) (response GroupsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsDeleteAddress(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsDeleteCallbackServer(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsDeleteLink(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsDisableOnline(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEditAddress(params map[string]string) (response GroupsEditAddressResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEditCallbackServer(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEditLink(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEditManager(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsEnableOnline(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGet(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetAddresses(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetAddressesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCode(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackServers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfo(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvitedUsers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvites(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvitesExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetLongPollServer(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetLongPollSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembersFields(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembersFilterManagers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetOnlineStatus(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetRequests(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetRequestsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsGetTokenPermissions(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsInvite(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMember(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDs(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsJoin(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsLeave(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsRemoveUser(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsReorderLink(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsSearch(params map[string]string) (response GroupsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsSetCallbackSettings(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsSetLongPollSettings(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsSetSettings(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) GroupsUnban(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsCreate(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsDelete(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsGet(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsGetLeads(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsGetUploadURL(params map[string]string) (response string, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsList(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsListResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadFormsUpdate(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsUpdateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsCheckUser(params map[string]string) (response LeadsCheckUserResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsComplete(params map[string]string) (response LeadsCompleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsGetStats(params map[string]string) (response LeadsGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsGetUsers(params map[string]string) (response LeadsGetUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsMetricHit(params map[string]string) (response LeadsMetricHitResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LeadsStart(params map[string]string) (response LeadsStartResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LikesAdd(params map[string]string) (response LikesAddResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LikesDelete(params map[string]string) (response LikesDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LikesGetList(params map[string]string) (response LikesGetListResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LikesGetListExtended(params map[string]string) (response LikesGetListExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) LikesIsLiked(params map[string]string) (response LikesIsLikedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketAdd(params map[string]string) (response MarketAddResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketAddAlbum(params map[string]string) (response MarketAddAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketAddToAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketDeleteAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketEditAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGet(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetAlbumByID(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetByID(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetCategories(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCategoriesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetComments(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketRemoveFromAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketReorderAlbums(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketReorderItems(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketReport(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketReportComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketRestore(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MarketSearch(params map[string]string) (response MarketSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesAddChatUser(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesAllowMessagesFromGroup(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesCreateChat(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesDelete(params map[string]string) (response MessagesDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesDeleteChatPhoto(params map[string]string) (response MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesDeleteConversation(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesDenyMessagesFromGroup(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesEditChat(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByConversationMessageID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChat(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChatChatIDs(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChatPreview(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationMembers(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversations(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationsByID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetHistory(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetHistoryAttachments(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetImportantMessages(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetInviteLink(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLastActivity(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLastActivityResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLongPollHistory(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLongPollServer(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowed(params map[string]string) (response MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesJoinChatByInviteLink(params map[string]string) (response MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsAnsweredConversation(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsImportant(params map[string]string) (response MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsImportantConversation(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsRead(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesPin(params map[string]string) (response MessagesPinResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesRemoveChatUser(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesRestore(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSearch(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSearchConversations(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSearchConversationsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSend(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSendSticker(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSendUserIDs(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSendUserIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSetActivity(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesSetChatPhoto(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) MessagesUnpin(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedAddBan(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedDeleteBan(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedDeleteList(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGet(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetBannedExtended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetComments(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetLists(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetListsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetMentions(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetRecommended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetSuggestedSources(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedIgnoreItemHides(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedSaveList(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedSearch(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedUnignoreItem(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NewsfeedUnsubscribe(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesAdd(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesGet(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesGetComments(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotesRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotificationsGet(params map[string]string) (response NotificationsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotificationsMarkAsViewed(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) NotificationsSendMessage(params map[string]string) (response NotificationsSendMessageResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersCancelSubscription(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersChangeState(params map[string]string) (response OrdersChangeStateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersGet(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersGetAmount(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetAmountResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersGetByID(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByID(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptions(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) OrdersUpdateSubscription(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesClearCache(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesGet(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesGetHistory(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesGetTitles(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetTitlesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesGetVersion(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetVersionResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesParseWiki(params map[string]string) (response string, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesSave(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PagesSaveAccess(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosConfirmTag(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosCopy(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosCreateAlbum(params map[string]string) (response PhotosCreateAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosDeleteAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosEditAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGet(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAlbumsCount(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAll(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAllComments(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAllExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetChatUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetComments(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMarketUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMessagesUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetNewTags(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetNewTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetTags(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUserPhotos(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUserPhotosExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosGetWallUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosMakeCover(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosMoveMoves(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosPutTag(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosRemoveTag(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosReorderAlbums(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosReorderPhotos(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosReport(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosReportComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosRestore(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSave(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMarketPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMessagesPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveOwnerPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveWallPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PhotosSearch(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCatalogExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCategories(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetEpisodes(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetFeed(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetFeedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetFeedExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetStartPage(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetStartPageResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetStartPageExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsMarkAsListened(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsSubscribe(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PodcastsUnsubscribe(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsAddVote(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsCreate(params map[string]string) (response PollsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsDeleteVote(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsGetBackgrounds(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetBackgroundsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsGetPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsGetVoters(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetVotersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsGetVotersFields(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PollsSavePhoto(params map[string]string) (response PollsSavePhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsCreate(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsDelete(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsEdit(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsEditResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGet(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGetUploadURL(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) Request(method string, params map[string]string) ([]byte, Error)
- func (vk *VK) RequestUnmarshal(method string, params map[string]string, obj interface{}, vkErr *Error)
- func (vk *VK) SearchGetHints(params map[string]string) (response SearchGetHintsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureAddAppEvent(params map[string]string) (response SecureAddAppEventResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureCheckToken(params map[string]string) (response SecureCheckTokenResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureGetAppBalance(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureGetSMSHistory(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureGetTransactionsHistory(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureGetUserLevel(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetUserLevelResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureGiveEventSticker(params map[string]string) (response SecureGiveEventStickerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureSendNotification(params map[string]string) (response SecureSendNotificationResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureSendSMSNotification(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) SecureSetCounter(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StatsGet(params map[string]string) (response StatsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StatsGetPostReach(params map[string]string) (response StatsGetPostReachResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StatsTrackVisitor(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StatusGet(params map[string]string) (response StatusGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StatusSet(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StorageGet(params map[string]string) (response StorageGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StorageGetKeys(params map[string]string) (response StorageGetKeysResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StorageSet(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesBanOwner(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGet(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetBannedExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetReplies(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetRepliesResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetRepliesExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetStats(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetVideoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetViewers(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetViewersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesGetViewersExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesHideAllReplies(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesHideReply(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StoriesUnbanOwner(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StreamingGetServerURL(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetServerURLResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StreamingGetSettings(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StreamingGetStats(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StreamingGetStem(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetStemResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) StreamingSetSettings(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadChatPhoto(chatID int, file io.Reader) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadChatPhotoCrop(chatID, cropX, cropY, cropWidth int, file io.Reader) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadDoc(title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadFile(url string, file io.Reader, fieldname, filename string) (bodyContent []byte, err error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadGroupDoc(groupID int, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadGroupWallDoc(groupID int, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadGroupWallPhoto(groupID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadMarketAlbumPhoto(groupID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadMarketPhoto(groupID int, mainPhoto bool, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadMarketPhotoCrop(groupID, cropX, cropY, cropWidth int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadMessagesDoc(peerID int, typeDoc, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadMessagesPhoto(peerID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadOwnerCoverPhoto(groupID, cropX, cropY, cropX2, cropY2 int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadOwnerPhoto(ownerID int, squareCrop string, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadPhoto(albumID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadPhotoGroup(groupID, albumID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadStoriesPhoto(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response UploadStories, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadStoriesVideo(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response UploadStories, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadUserPhoto(file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadVideo(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response VideoSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadWallDoc(title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UploadWallPhoto(file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersGet(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersGetFollowers(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetFollowersResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersGetFollowersFields(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersGetSubscriptions(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersIsAppUser(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersReport(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UsersSearch(params map[string]string) (response UsersSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsCheckLink(params map[string]string) (response UtilsCheckLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsDeleteFromLastShortened(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLastShortenedLinks(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLinkStats(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLinkStatsExtended(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsGetServerTime(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsGetShortLink(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetShortLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) UtilsResolveScreenName(params map[string]string) (response UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoAdd(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoAddAlbum(params map[string]string) (response VideoAddAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoAddToAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoDeleteAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoEditAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGet(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumByID(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideo(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetComments(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoRemoveFromAlbum(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoReorderAlbums(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoReorderVideos(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoReport(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoReportComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoRestore(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoSave(params map[string]string) (response VideoSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoSearch(params map[string]string) (response VideoSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) VideoSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallCloseComments(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response WallCreateCommentResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallDelete(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallDeleteComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallEdit(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallEditAdsStealth(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallEditComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGet(params map[string]string) (response WallGetResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetByID(params map[string]string) (response WallGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetComment(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetCommentExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetComments(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallGetReposts(params map[string]string) (response WallGetRepostsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallOpenComments(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallPin(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallPost(params map[string]string) (response WallPostResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallPostAdsStealth(params map[string]string) (response WallPostAdsStealthResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallReportComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallReportPost(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallRepost(params map[string]string) (response WallRepostResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallRestore(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallRestoreComment(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallSearch(params map[string]string) (response WallSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WallUnpin(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WidgetsGetComments(params map[string]string) (response WidgetsGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
- func (vk *VK) WidgetsGetPages(params map[string]string) (response WidgetsGetPagesResponse, vkErr Error)
- type VideoAddAlbumResponse
- type VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse
- type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse
- type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse
- type VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse
- type VideoGetAlbumsResponse
- type VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse
- type VideoGetCommentsResponse
- type VideoGetExtendedResponse
- type VideoGetResponse
- type VideoSaveResponse
- type VideoSearchExtendedResponse
- type VideoSearchResponse
- type WallCreateCommentResponse
- type WallGetByIDExtendedResponse
- type WallGetByIDResponse
- type WallGetCommentExtendedResponse
- type WallGetCommentResponse
- type WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse
- type WallGetCommentsResponse
- type WallGetExtendedResponse
- type WallGetRepostsResponse
- type WallGetResponse
- type WallPostAdsStealthResponse
- type WallPostResponse
- type WallRepostResponse
- type WallSearchExtendedResponse
- type WallSearchResponse
- type WidgetsGetCommentsResponse
- type WidgetsGetPagesResponse
- Bugs
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountChangePasswordResponse ¶
type AccountChangePasswordResponse struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
AccountChangePasswordResponse struct
type AccountGetActiveOffersResponse ¶
type AccountGetActiveOffersResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.AccountOffer `json:"items"` }
AccountGetActiveOffersResponse struct
type AccountGetBannedResponse ¶
type AccountGetBannedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []int `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
AccountGetBannedResponse struct
type AccountGetCountersResponse ¶
type AccountGetCountersResponse object.AccountAccountCounters
AccountGetCountersResponse struct
type AccountGetInfoResponse ¶
type AccountGetInfoResponse object.AccountInfo
AccountGetInfoResponse struct
type AccountGetProfileInfoResponse ¶
type AccountGetProfileInfoResponse object.AccountUserSettings
AccountGetProfileInfoResponse struct
type AccountGetPushSettingsResponse ¶
type AccountGetPushSettingsResponse object.AccountPushSettings
AccountGetPushSettingsResponse struct
type AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse ¶
type AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse struct { Changed int `json:"changed"` NameRequest object.AccountNameRequest `json:"name_request"` }
AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse struct
type AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse struct
type AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images struct { URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` } `json:"images"` } `json:"items"` }
AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse struct
type AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse struct
type AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images struct { URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` } `json:"images"` } `json:"items"` }
AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse struct
type AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images struct { URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` } `json:"images"` }
AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse struct
type AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images struct { URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` } `json:"images"` }
AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse struct
type AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse ¶
type AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Images struct { URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` } `json:"images"` }
AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse struct
type AppsGetCatalogResponse ¶
type AppsGetCatalogResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.AppsApp `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
AppsGetCatalogResponse struct
type AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse ¶
type AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` }
AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse struct
type AppsGetFriendsListResponse ¶
AppsGetFriendsListResponse struct
type AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse ¶
type AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []struct { Score int `json:"score"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` } `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` }
AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse struct
type AppsGetLeaderboardResponse ¶
type AppsGetLeaderboardResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.AppsLeaderboard `json:"items"` }
AppsGetLeaderboardResponse struct
type AppsGetResponse ¶
type AppsGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.AppsApp `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
AppsGetResponse struct
type AppsGetScopesResponse ¶
type AppsGetScopesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.AppsScope `json:"items"` }
AppsGetScopesResponse struct
type AuthRetoreResponse ¶
AuthRetoreResponse struct
type BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse ¶
type BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BoardTopicComment `json:"items"` Poll object.BoardTopicPoll `json:"poll"` RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct
type BoardGetCommentsResponse ¶
type BoardGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BoardTopicComment `json:"items"` Poll object.BoardTopicPoll `json:"poll"` RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` }
BoardGetCommentsResponse struct
type BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse ¶
type BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BoardTopic `json:"items"` DefaultOrder float64 `json:"default_order"` // BUG(VK): default_order int CanAddTopics int `json:"can_add_topics"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse struct
type BoardGetTopicsResponse ¶
type BoardGetTopicsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BoardTopic `json:"items"` DefaultOrder float64 `json:"default_order"` // BUG(VK): default_order int CanAddTopics int `json:"can_add_topics"` }
BoardGetTopicsResponse struct
type DatabaseGetChairsResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetChairsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BaseObject `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetChairsResponse struct
type DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse []object.DatabaseCity
DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse struct
type DatabaseGetCitiesResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetCitiesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseCity `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetCitiesResponse struct
type DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse []object.BaseObject
DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse struct
type DatabaseGetCountriesResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetCountriesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.BaseObject `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetCountriesResponse struct
type DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseFaculty `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse struct
type DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse []object.DatabaseMetroStation
DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse struct
type DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseMetroStation `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse struct
type DatabaseGetRegionsResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetRegionsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseRegion `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetRegionsResponse struct
type DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse [][]interface{}
DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse struct
type DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseSchool `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse struct
type DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse ¶
type DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DatabaseUniversity `json:"items"` }
DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse struct
type DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse ¶
type DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse struct
type DocsGetResponse ¶
DocsGetResponse struct
type DocsGetTypesResponse ¶
type DocsGetTypesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.DocsDocTypes `json:"items"` }
DocsGetTypesResponse struct
type DocsGetUploadServerResponse ¶
type DocsGetUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
DocsGetUploadServerResponse struct
type DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse ¶
type DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse struct
type DocsSaveResponse ¶
type DocsSaveResponse struct { Type string `json:"string"` AudioMessage object.MessagesAudioMessage `json:"audio_message"` Doc object.DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Graffiti object.MessagesGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` }
DocsSaveResponse struct
type DocsSearchResponse ¶
DocsSearchResponse struct
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Code int `json:"error_code"` Message string `json:"error_msg"` Text string `json:"error_text"` CaptchaSID string `json:"captcha_sid"` CaptchaImg string `json:"captcha_img"` RequestParams []object.BaseRequestParam `json:"request_params"` }
Error struct VK
type FaveGetExtendedResponse ¶
type FaveGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.FaveItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
FaveGetExtendedResponse struct
type FaveGetPagesResponse ¶
type FaveGetPagesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.FavePage `json:"items"` }
FaveGetPagesResponse struct
type FaveGetResponse ¶
FaveGetResponse struct
type FaveGetTagsResponse ¶
FaveGetTagsResponse struct
type FriendsAddListResponse ¶
type FriendsAddListResponse struct {
ListID int `json:"list_id"`
FriendsAddListResponse struct
type FriendsAreFriendsResponse ¶
type FriendsAreFriendsResponse []object.FriendsFriendStatus
FriendsAreFriendsResponse struct
type FriendsDeleteResponse ¶
type FriendsDeleteResponse struct { Success int `json:"success"` FriendDeleted int `json:"friend_deleted"` OutRequestDeleted int `json:"out_request_deleted"` InRequestDeleted int `json:"in_request_deleted"` SuggestionDeleted int `json:"suggestion_deleted"` }
FriendsDeleteResponse struct
type FriendsGetAppUsersResponse ¶
type FriendsGetAppUsersResponse []int
FriendsGetAppUsersResponse struct
type FriendsGetByPhonesResponse ¶
FriendsGetByPhonesResponse struct
type FriendsGetListsResponse ¶
type FriendsGetListsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.FriendsFriendsList `json:"items"` }
FriendsGetListsResponse struct
type FriendsGetOnlineResponse ¶
type FriendsGetOnlineResponse struct { Online []int `json:"online"` OnlineMobile []int `json:"online_mobile"` }
FriendsGetOnlineResponse struct
type FriendsGetRequestsResponse ¶
type FriendsGetRequestsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.FriendsRequests `json:"items"` }
FriendsGetRequestsResponse struct
type FriendsGetResponse ¶
FriendsGetResponse struct
type FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse ¶
type FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse struct
type FriendsSearchResponse ¶
type FriendsSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
FriendsSearchResponse struct
type GiftsGetCatalogResponse ¶
type GiftsGetCatalogResponse []struct { Name string `json:"name"` Title string `json:"title"` Items []object.GiftsGift `json:"items"` }
GiftsGetCatalogResponse struct
type GiftsGetResponse ¶
GiftsGetResponse struct
type GroupsAddAddressResponse ¶
type GroupsAddAddressResponse object.GroupsAddress
GroupsAddAddressResponse struct
type GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse ¶
type GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse struct {
ServerID int `json:"server_id"`
GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse struct
type GroupsAddLinkResponse ¶
type GroupsAddLinkResponse object.GroupsGroupLink
GroupsAddLinkResponse struct
type GroupsCreateResponse ¶
type GroupsCreateResponse object.GroupsGroup
GroupsCreateResponse struct
type GroupsEditAddressResponse ¶
type GroupsEditAddressResponse object.GroupsAddress
GroupsEditAddressResponse struct
type GroupsGetAddressesResponse ¶
type GroupsGetAddressesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsAddress `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetAddressesResponse struct
type GroupsGetBannedResponse ¶
type GroupsGetBannedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetBannedResponse struct
type GroupsGetByIDResponse ¶
type GroupsGetByIDResponse []object.GroupsGroup
GroupsGetByIDResponse struct
type GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse struct
type GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsCallbackServer `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse struct
type GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse object.GroupsCallbackSettings
GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse struct
type GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse object.GroupsGroupCategoryFull
GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse struct
type GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse object.GroupsGroupCategory
GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse struct
type GroupsGetCatalogResponse ¶
type GroupsGetCatalogResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroup `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetCatalogResponse struct
type GroupsGetExtendedResponse ¶
type GroupsGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroup `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetExtendedResponse struct
type GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse ¶
type GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse struct
type GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse ¶
type GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse struct
type GroupsGetInvitesResponse ¶
type GroupsGetInvitesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetInvitesResponse struct
type GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse ¶
type GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse object.GroupsLongPollServer
GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse struct
type GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse object.GroupsLongPollSettings
GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse struct
type GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse struct
type GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse ¶
type GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsMemberStatus `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse struct
type GroupsGetMembersResponse ¶
GroupsGetMembersResponse struct
type GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse ¶
type GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse object.GroupsOnlineStatus
GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse struct
type GroupsGetRequestsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetRequestsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
GroupsGetRequestsResponse struct
type GroupsGetResponse ¶
GroupsGetResponse struct
type GroupsGetSettingsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetSettingsResponse object.GroupsGroupSettings
GroupsGetSettingsResponse struct
type GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse ¶
type GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse object.GroupsTokenPermissions
GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse struct
type GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse ¶
type GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse struct { Invitation int `json:"invitation"` // Information whether user has been invited to the group Member int `json:"member"` // Information whether user is a member of the group Request int `json:"request"` // Information whether user has send request to the group CanInvite int `json:"can_invite"` // Information whether user can be invite CanRecall int `json:"can_recall"` // Information whether user's invite to the group can be recalled }
GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse struct
type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse ¶
type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse []object.GroupsMemberStatusFull
GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse struct
type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse ¶
type GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse []object.GroupsMemberStatus
GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse struct
type GroupsSearchResponse ¶
type GroupsSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroup `json:"items"` }
GroupsSearchResponse struct
type LeadFormsCreateResponse ¶
LeadFormsCreateResponse struct
type LeadFormsDeleteResponse ¶
type LeadFormsDeleteResponse struct {
FormID int `json:"form_id"`
LeadFormsDeleteResponse struct
type LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse ¶
type LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse struct {
Leads []object.LeadFormsLead `json:"leads"`
LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse struct
type LeadFormsGetResponse ¶
type LeadFormsGetResponse object.LeadFormsForm
LeadFormsGetResponse struct
type LeadFormsListResponse ¶
type LeadFormsListResponse []object.LeadFormsForm
LeadFormsListResponse struct
type LeadFormsUpdateResponse ¶
LeadFormsUpdateResponse struct
type LeadsCheckUserResponse ¶
type LeadsCheckUserResponse object.LeadsChecked
LeadsCheckUserResponse struct
type LeadsCompleteResponse ¶
type LeadsCompleteResponse object.LeadsComplete
LeadsCompleteResponse struct
type LeadsGetStatsResponse ¶
LeadsGetStatsResponse struct
type LeadsGetUsersResponse ¶
type LeadsGetUsersResponse object.LeadsEntry
LeadsGetUsersResponse struct
type LeadsMetricHitResponse ¶
type LeadsMetricHitResponse struct { Result bool `json:"result"` // Information whether request has been processed successfully RedirectLink string `json:"redirect_link"` // Redirect link }
LeadsMetricHitResponse struct
type LikesAddResponse ¶
type LikesAddResponse struct {
Likes int `json:"likes"`
LikesAddResponse struct
type LikesDeleteResponse ¶
type LikesDeleteResponse struct {
Likes int `json:"likes"`
LikesDeleteResponse struct
type LikesGetListExtendedResponse ¶
type LikesGetListExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
LikesGetListExtendedResponse struct
type LikesGetListResponse ¶
LikesGetListResponse struct
type LikesIsLikedResponse ¶
LikesIsLikedResponse struct
type MarketAddAlbumResponse ¶
type MarketAddAlbumResponse struct {
MarketAlbumID int `json:"market_album_id"` // Album ID
MarketAddAlbumResponse struct
type MarketAddResponse ¶
type MarketAddResponse struct {
MarketItemID int `json:"market_item_id"` // Item ID
MarketAddResponse struct
type MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse ¶
type MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketAlbum `json:"items"` }
MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse struct
type MarketGetAlbumsResponse ¶
type MarketGetAlbumsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketAlbum `json:"items"` }
MarketGetAlbumsResponse struct
type MarketGetByIDResponse ¶
type MarketGetByIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketItem `json:"items"` }
MarketGetByIDResponse struct
type MarketGetCategoriesResponse ¶
type MarketGetCategoriesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketCategory `json:"items"` }
MarketGetCategoriesResponse struct
type MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse ¶
type MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct
type MarketGetCommentsResponse ¶
type MarketGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` }
MarketGetCommentsResponse struct
type MarketGetResponse ¶
type MarketGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketItem `json:"items"` }
MarketGetResponse struct
type MarketSearchResponse ¶
type MarketSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MarketMarketItem `json:"items"` }
MarketSearchResponse struct
type MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse ¶
type MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse struct { MessageID int `json:"message_id"` Chat object.MessagesChat `json:"chat"` }
MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse struct
type MessagesDeleteResponse ¶
MessagesDeleteResponse struct
type MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse ¶
type MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse struct
type MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse ¶
type MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse struct
type MessagesGetByIDResponse ¶
type MessagesGetByIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` }
MessagesGetByIDResponse struct
type MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse ¶
type MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse []object.MessagesChat
MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse struct
type MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse ¶
type MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse struct { Preview object.MessagesChat `json:"preview"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse struct
type MessagesGetChatResponse ¶
type MessagesGetChatResponse object.MessagesChat
MessagesGetChatResponse struct
type MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse ¶
type MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse struct { Items []struct { MemberID int `json:"member_id"` JoinDate int `json:"join_date"` InvitedBy int `json:"invited_by"` IsOwner bool `json:"is_owner,omitempty"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"` CanKick bool `json:"can_kick,omitempty"` } `json:"items"` Count int `json:"count"` ChatRestrictions struct { OnlyAdminsInvite bool `json:"only_admins_invite"` OnlyAdminsEditPin bool `json:"only_admins_edit_pin"` OnlyAdminsEditInfo bool `json:"only_admins_edit_info"` AdminsPromoteUsers bool `json:"admins_promote_users"` } `json:"chat_restrictions"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse struct
type MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse ¶
type MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesConversation `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse struct
type MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse ¶
type MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesConversation `json:"items"` }
MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse struct
type MessagesGetConversationsResponse ¶
type MessagesGetConversationsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesConversationWithMessage `json:"items"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesGetConversationsResponse struct
type MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse ¶
type MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse struct { Items []object.MessagesHistoryAttachment `json:"items"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse struct
type MessagesGetHistoryResponse ¶
type MessagesGetHistoryResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` InRead int `json:"in_read"` OutRead int `json:"out_read"` }
MessagesGetHistoryResponse struct
type MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse ¶
type MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse struct { Messages struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` } `json:"messages"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` Conversations []object.MessagesConversation `json:"conversations"` }
MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse struct
type MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse ¶
type MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse struct {
Link string `json:"link"`
MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse struct
type MessagesGetLastActivityResponse ¶
type MessagesGetLastActivityResponse object.MessagesLastActivity
MessagesGetLastActivityResponse struct
type MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse ¶
type MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse struct { History [][]int `json:"history"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` Messages struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` } `json:"messages"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` // Chats struct {} `json:"chats"` NewPTS int `json:"new_pts"` More bool `json:"chats"` Conversations []object.MessagesConversation `json:"conversations"` }
MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse struct
type MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse ¶
type MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse object.MessagesLongpollParams
MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse struct
type MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse ¶
type MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse struct {
IsAllowed int `json:"is_allowed"`
MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse struct
type MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse ¶
type MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse struct {
ChatID int `json:"chat_id"`
MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse struct
type MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse ¶
type MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse []int
MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse struct
type MessagesPinResponse ¶
type MessagesPinResponse object.MessagesMessage
MessagesPinResponse struct
type MessagesSearchConversationsResponse ¶
type MessagesSearchConversationsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesConversation `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
MessagesSearchConversationsResponse struct
type MessagesSearchResponse ¶
type MessagesSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.MessagesMessage `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` Conversations []object.MessagesConversation `json:"conversations"` }
MessagesSearchResponse struct
type MessagesSendUserIDsResponse ¶
type MessagesSendUserIDsResponse []struct { PeerID int `json:"peer_id"` MessageID int `json:"message_id"` Error struct { Code int `json:"code"` Description string `json:"description"` } `json:"error"` }
MessagesSendUserIDsResponse struct
type MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse ¶
type MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse struct { MessageID int `json:"message_id"` Chat object.MessagesChat `json:"chat"` }
MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse struct { Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetBannedResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetBannedResponse struct { Members []int `json:"members"` Groups []int `json:"groups"` }
NewsfeedGetBannedResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse struct { Items []object.NewsfeedNewsfeedItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetListsResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetListsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` NoReposts int `json:"no_reposts"` SourceIds []int `json:"source_ids"` } `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedGetListsResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallpostToID `json:"items"` }
NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse struct { Items []object.NewsfeedNewsfeedItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` NextOffset string `json:"next_offset"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetResponse struct { Items []object.NewsfeedNewsfeedItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
NewsfeedGetResponse struct
type NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse ¶
type NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.GroupsGroup `json:"items"` // FIXME: GroupsGroup + UsersUser }
NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse struct
type NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse ¶
type NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse struct { Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Count int `json:"count"` TotalCount int `json:"total_count"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse struct
type NewsfeedSearchResponse ¶
type NewsfeedSearchResponse struct { Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Count int `json:"count"` TotalCount int `json:"total_count"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
NewsfeedSearchResponse struct
type NotesGetCommentsResponse ¶
type NotesGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.NotesNoteComment `json:"items"` }
NotesGetCommentsResponse struct
type NotesGetResponse ¶
NotesGetResponse struct
type NotificationsGetResponse ¶
type NotificationsGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.NotificationsNotification `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` Photos []object.PhotosPhoto `json:"photos"` Videos []object.VideoVideo `json:"videos"` Apps []object.AppsApp `json:"apps"` LastViewed int `json:"last_viewed"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` TTL int `json:"ttl"` }
NotificationsGetResponse struct
type NotificationsSendMessageResponse ¶
type NotificationsSendMessageResponse []struct { UserID int `json:"user_id"` Status bool `json:"status"` Error struct { Code int `json:"code"` Description string `json:"description"` } `json:"error"` }
NotificationsSendMessageResponse struct
type OrdersChangeStateResponse ¶
type OrdersChangeStateResponse string // New state
OrdersChangeStateResponse struct
type OrdersGetAmountResponse ¶
type OrdersGetAmountResponse []object.OrdersAmount
OrdersGetAmountResponse struct
type OrdersGetByIDResponse ¶
type OrdersGetByIDResponse []object.OrdersOrder
OrdersGetByIDResponse struct
type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse ¶
type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse object.OrdersSubscription
OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse struct
type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse ¶
type OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.OrdersSubscription `json:"items"` }
OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse struct
type PagesGetHistoryResponse ¶
type PagesGetHistoryResponse []object.PagesWikipageHistory
PagesGetHistoryResponse struct
type PagesGetTitlesResponse ¶
type PagesGetTitlesResponse []object.PagesWikipageFull
PagesGetTitlesResponse struct
type PagesGetVersionResponse ¶
type PagesGetVersionResponse object.PagesWikipageFull
PagesGetVersionResponse struct
type PhotosCreateAlbumResponse ¶
type PhotosCreateAlbumResponse object.PhotosPhotoAlbumFull
PhotosCreateAlbumResponse struct
type PhotosGetAlbumsResponse ¶
type PhotosGetAlbumsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoAlbumFull `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetAlbumsResponse struct
type PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse ¶
type PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosCommentXtrPid `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse struct
type PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse ¶
type PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset `json:"items"` More int `json:"more"` // Information whether next page is presented }
PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse struct
type PhotosGetAllResponse ¶
type PhotosGetAllResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset `json:"items"` More int `json:"more"` // Information whether next page is presented }
PhotosGetAllResponse struct
type PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse ¶
type PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse []object.PhotosPhotoFull
PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse struct
type PhotosGetByIDResponse ¶
type PhotosGetByIDResponse []object.PhotosPhoto
PhotosGetByIDResponse struct
type PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse ¶
type PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real offset of the comments Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct
type PhotosGetCommentsResponse ¶
type PhotosGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real offset of the comments Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetCommentsResponse struct
type PhotosGetExtendedResponse ¶
type PhotosGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoFull `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetExtendedResponse struct
type PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse struct { AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` }
PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetNewTagsResponse ¶
type PhotosGetNewTagsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetNewTagsResponse struct
type PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetResponse ¶
type PhotosGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhoto `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetResponse struct
type PhotosGetTagsResponse ¶
type PhotosGetTagsResponse []object.PhotosPhotoTag
PhotosGetTagsResponse struct
type PhotosGetUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetUploadServerResponse object.PhotosPhotoUpload
PhotosGetUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse ¶
type PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoFull `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse struct
type PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse ¶
type PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhoto `json:"items"` }
PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse struct
type PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse ¶
type PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse object.PhotosPhotoUpload
PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse struct
type PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse []object.PhotosPhoto
PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse []object.PhotosPhoto
PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse []object.PhotosPhoto
PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse struct {
Images []object.PhotosImage `json:"images"`
PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse struct { PhotoHash string `json:"photo_hash"` PhotoSrc string `json:"photo_src"` PhotoSrcBig string `json:"photo_src_big"` PhotoSrcSmall string `json:"photo_src_small"` Saved int `json:"saved"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` }
PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse ¶
type PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse []object.PhotosPhoto
PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse struct
type PhotosSearchResponse ¶
type PhotosSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PhotosPhotoFull `json:"items"` }
PhotosSearchResponse struct
type PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse struct { Items []object.PodcastsItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse struct
type PodcastsGetCatalogResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetCatalogResponse struct { Items []object.PodcastsItem `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
PodcastsGetCatalogResponse struct
type PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse []object.PodcastsCategory
PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse struct
type PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"items"` }
PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse struct
type PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse struct { Items []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"items"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse struct
type PodcastsGetFeedResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetFeedResponse struct { Items []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"items"` NextFrom string `json:"next_from"` }
PodcastsGetFeedResponse struct
type PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse struct { Order []string `json:"order"` InProgress []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"in_progress"` Bookmarks []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"bookmarks"` Articles []object.Article `json:"articles"` StaticHowTo []bool `json:"static_how_to"` FriendsLiked []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"friends_liked"` Subscriptions []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"subscriptions"` CategoriesList []object.PodcastsCategory `json:"categories_list"` RecommendedEpisodes []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"recommended_episodes"` Catalog []struct { Category object.PodcastsCategory `json:"category"` Items []object.PodcastsItem `json:"items"` } `json:"catalog"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse struct
type PodcastsGetStartPageResponse ¶
type PodcastsGetStartPageResponse struct { Order []string `json:"order"` InProgress []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"in_progress"` Bookmarks []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"bookmarks"` Articles []object.Article `json:"articles"` StaticHowTo []bool `json:"static_how_to"` FriendsLiked []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"friends_liked"` Subscriptions []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"subscriptions"` CategoriesList []object.PodcastsCategory `json:"categories_list"` RecommendedEpisodes []object.PodcastsEpisode `json:"recommended_episodes"` Catalog []struct { Category object.PodcastsCategory `json:"category"` Items []object.PodcastsItem `json:"items"` } `json:"catalog"` }
PodcastsGetStartPageResponse struct
type PollsGetBackgroundsResponse ¶
type PollsGetBackgroundsResponse []object.PollsBackground
PollsGetBackgroundsResponse struct
type PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse ¶
type PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse struct {
UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"`
PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse struct
type PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse ¶
type PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse []object.PollsVotersFields
PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse struct
type PollsGetVotersResponse ¶
type PollsGetVotersResponse []object.PollsVoters
PollsGetVotersResponse struct
type PollsSavePhotoResponse ¶
type PollsSavePhotoResponse object.PollsPhoto
PollsSavePhotoResponse struct
type PrettyCardsCreateResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsCreateResponse struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Owner ID of created pretty card CardID string `json:"card_id"` // Card ID of created pretty card }
PrettyCardsCreateResponse struct
type PrettyCardsDeleteResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsDeleteResponse struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Owner ID of created pretty card CardID string `json:"card_id"` // Card ID of created pretty card Error string `json:"error"` // Error reason if error happened }
PrettyCardsDeleteResponse struct
type PrettyCardsEditResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsEditResponse struct { OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Owner ID of created pretty card CardID string `json:"card_id"` // Card ID of created pretty card }
PrettyCardsEditResponse struct
type PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse []object.PrettyCardsPrettyCard
PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse struct
type PrettyCardsGetResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Total number Items []object.PrettyCardsPrettyCard `json:"items"` }
PrettyCardsGetResponse struct
type PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse ¶
type PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse string // Upload URL
PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse struct
type SearchGetHintsResponse ¶
type SearchGetHintsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.SearchHint `json:"items"` }
SearchGetHintsResponse struct
type SecureAddAppEventResponse ¶
type SecureAddAppEventResponse int // FIXME: not found documentation.
SecureAddAppEventResponse struct
type SecureCheckTokenResponse ¶
type SecureCheckTokenResponse object.SecureTokenChecked
SecureCheckTokenResponse struct
type SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse ¶
type SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse []object.SecureSmsNotification
SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse struct
type SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse ¶
type SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse []object.SecureTransaction
SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse struct
type SecureGetUserLevelResponse ¶
type SecureGetUserLevelResponse []object.SecureLevel
SecureGetUserLevelResponse struct
type SecureGiveEventStickerResponse ¶
type SecureGiveEventStickerResponse []struct { UserID int `json:"user_id"` Status string `json:"status"` }
SecureGiveEventStickerResponse struct
type SecureSendNotificationResponse ¶
type SecureSendNotificationResponse []int //User ID
SecureSendNotificationResponse struct
type StatsGetPostReachResponse ¶
type StatsGetPostReachResponse []object.StatsWallpostStat
StatsGetPostReachResponse struct
type StatusGetResponse ¶
type StatusGetResponse struct { Audio object.AudioAudioFull `json:"audio"` Text string `json:"text"` }
StatusGetResponse struct
type StorageGetResponse ¶
type StorageGetResponse []object.BaseRequestParam
StorageGetResponse struct
type StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse ¶
type StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []int `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse struct
type StoriesGetBannedResponse ¶
StoriesGetBannedResponse struct
type StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse ¶
type StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse struct
type StoriesGetByIDResponse ¶
type StoriesGetByIDResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` }
StoriesGetByIDResponse struct
type StoriesGetExtendedResponse ¶
type StoriesGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
StoriesGetExtendedResponse struct
type StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse ¶
type StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse struct { UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` PeerIDs []int `json:"peer_ids"` UserIDs []int `json:"user_ids"` }
StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse struct
type StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse ¶
type StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items [][]object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse struct
type StoriesGetRepliesResponse ¶
type StoriesGetRepliesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items [][]object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` }
StoriesGetRepliesResponse struct
type StoriesGetResponse ¶
type StoriesGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.StoriesStory `json:"items"` }
StoriesGetResponse struct
type StoriesGetStatsResponse ¶
type StoriesGetStatsResponse object.StoriesStoryStats
StoriesGetStatsResponse struct
type StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse ¶
type StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse struct { UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` PeerIDs []int `json:"peer_ids"` UserIDs []int `json:"user_ids"` }
StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse struct
type StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse ¶
type StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse struct
type StoriesGetViewersResponse ¶
StoriesGetViewersResponse struct
type StreamingGetServerURLResponse ¶
type StreamingGetServerURLResponse struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` Key string `json:"key"` }
StreamingGetServerURLResponse struct
type StreamingGetSettingsResponse ¶
type StreamingGetSettingsResponse struct {
MonthlyLimit string `json:"monthly_limit"`
StreamingGetSettingsResponse struct
type StreamingGetStatsResponse ¶
type StreamingGetStatsResponse []struct { EventType string `json:"event_type"` Stats []struct { Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"stats"` }
StreamingGetStatsResponse struct
type StreamingGetStemResponse ¶
type StreamingGetStemResponse struct {
Stem string `json:"stem"`
StreamingGetStemResponse struct
type UploadStories ¶
type UploadStories struct { Stories object.StoriesStory `json:"stories"` Sig string `json:"_sig"` }
type UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse ¶
type UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse struct
type UsersGetFollowersResponse ¶
UsersGetFollowersResponse struct
type UsersGetResponse ¶
UsersGetResponse users.get response
type UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse ¶
type UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse struct { Users struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []int `json:"items"` } `json:"users"` Groups struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []int `json:"items"` } `json:"groups"` }
UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse struct
type UsersSearchResponse ¶
type UsersSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UsersUser `json:"items"` }
UsersSearchResponse struct
type UtilsCheckLinkResponse ¶
type UtilsCheckLinkResponse object.UtilsLinkChecked
UtilsCheckLinkResponse struct
type UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse ¶
type UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.UtilsLastShortenedLink `json:"items"` }
UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse struct
type UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse ¶
type UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse object.UtilsLinkStatsExtended
UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse struct
type UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse ¶
type UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse object.UtilsLinkStats
UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse struct
type UtilsGetShortLinkResponse ¶
type UtilsGetShortLinkResponse object.UtilsShortLink
UtilsGetShortLinkResponse struct
type UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse ¶
type UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse object.UtilsDomainResolved
UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse struct
type VK ¶
type VK struct { MethodURL string AccessToken string Version string Client *http.Client Limit int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VK struct
func (*VK) AccountBan ¶
AccountBan account.ban
func (*VK) AccountChangePassword ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountChangePassword(params map[string]string) (response AccountChangePasswordResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountChangePassword changes a user password after access is successfully restored with the auth.restore method.
func (*VK) AccountGetActiveOffers ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetActiveOffers(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetActiveOffersResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetActiveOffers returns a list of active ads (offers). If the user fulfill their conditions, he will be able to get the appropriate number of votes to his balance.
func (*VK) AccountGetAppPermissions ¶
AccountGetAppPermissions gets settings of the user in this application.
func (*VK) AccountGetBanned ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetBanned returns a user's blacklist.
func (*VK) AccountGetCounters ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetCounters(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetCountersResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetCounters returns non-null values of user counters.
func (*VK) AccountGetInfo ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetInfo returns current account info.
func (*VK) AccountGetProfileInfo ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetProfileInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetProfileInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetProfileInfo returns the current account info.
func (*VK) AccountGetPushSettings ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountGetPushSettings(params map[string]string) (response AccountGetPushSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountGetPushSettings account.getPushSettings Gets settings of push notifications.
func (*VK) AccountRegisterDevice ¶
AccountRegisterDevice subscribes an iOS/Android/Windows/Mac based device to receive push notifications
func (*VK) AccountSaveProfileInfo ¶
func (vk *VK) AccountSaveProfileInfo(params map[string]string) (response AccountSaveProfileInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
AccountSaveProfileInfo edits current profile info.
func (*VK) AccountSetInfo ¶
AccountSetInfo allows to edit the current account info.
func (*VK) AccountSetNameInMenu ¶
AccountSetNameInMenu sets an application screen name (up to 17 characters), that is shown to the user in the left menu.
func (*VK) AccountSetOffline ¶
AccountSetOffline marks a current user as offline.
func (*VK) AccountSetOnline ¶
AccountSetOnline marks the current user as online for 5 minutes.
func (*VK) AccountSetPushSettings ¶
AccountSetPushSettings change push settings.
func (*VK) AccountSetSilenceMode ¶
AccountSetSilenceMode mutes push notifications for the set period of time.
func (*VK) AccountUnban ¶
AccountUnban account.unban
func (*VK) AccountUnregisterDevice ¶
AccountUnregisterDevice unsubscribes a device from push notifications.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsGetAppImageUploadServer returns a URL for uploading a photo to the app collection for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImages ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetAppImages(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetAppImagesResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsGetAppImages returns an app collection of images for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsGetGroupImageUploadServer returns a URL for uploading a photo to the community collection for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImages ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetGroupImages(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetGroupImagesResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsGetGroupImages returns a community collection of images for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsGetImagesByID ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsGetImagesByID(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsGetImagesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsGetImagesByID returns an image for community app widgets by its ID.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsSaveAppImage ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsSaveAppImage(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsSaveAppImageResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsSaveAppImage allows to save image into app collection for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsSaveGroupImage ¶
func (vk *VK) AppWidgetsSaveGroupImage(params map[string]string) (response AppWidgetsSaveGroupImageResponse, vkErr Error)
AppWidgetsSaveGroupImage allows to save image into community collection for community app widgets.
func (*VK) AppWidgetsUpdate ¶
AppWidgetsUpdate allows to update community app widget.
func (*VK) AppsDeleteAppRequests ¶
AppsDeleteAppRequests deletes all request notifications from the current app.
func (*VK) AppsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGet(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGet returns applications data.
func (*VK) AppsGetCatalog ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetCatalog returns a list of applications (apps) available to users in the App Catalog.
func (*VK) AppsGetFriendsList ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetFriendsList(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetFriendsListResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetFriendsList creates friends list for requests and invites in current app.
func (*VK) AppsGetFriendsListExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetFriendsListExtended(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetFriendsListExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetFriendsListExtended creates friends list for requests and invites in current app.
func (*VK) AppsGetLeaderboard ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetLeaderboard(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetLeaderboardResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetLeaderboard returns players rating in the game.
func (*VK) AppsGetLeaderboardExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetLeaderboardExtended(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetLeaderboardExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetLeaderboardExtended returns players rating in the game.
func (*VK) AppsGetScopes ¶
func (vk *VK) AppsGetScopes(params map[string]string) (response AppsGetScopesResponse, vkErr Error)
AppsGetScopes x
func (*VK) AppsSendRequest ¶
AppsSendRequest sends a request to another user in an app that uses VK authorization.
func (*VK) AuthCheckPhone ¶
AuthCheckPhone checks a user's phone number for correctness.
func (*VK) AuthRetore ¶
func (vk *VK) AuthRetore(params map[string]string) (response AuthRetoreResponse, vkErr Error)
AuthRetore allows to restore account access using a code received via SMS.
func (*VK) BoardAddTopic ¶
BoardAddTopic creates a new topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardCloseTopic ¶
BoardCloseTopic closes a topic on a community's discussion board so that comments cannot be posted.
func (*VK) BoardCreateComment ¶
BoardCreateComment adds a comment on a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardDeleteComment ¶
BoardDeleteComment deletes a comment on a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardDeleteTopic ¶
BoardDeleteTopic deletes a topic from a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardEditComment ¶
BoardEditComment edits a comment on a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardEditTopic ¶
BoardEditTopic edits the title of a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardFixTopic ¶
BoardFixTopic pins a topic (fixes its place) to the top of a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) BoardGetComments(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
BoardGetComments returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardGetCommentsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) BoardGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
BoardGetCommentsExtended returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardGetTopics ¶
func (vk *VK) BoardGetTopics(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetTopicsResponse, vkErr Error)
BoardGetTopics returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardGetTopicsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) BoardGetTopicsExtended(params map[string]string) (response BoardGetTopicsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
BoardGetTopicsExtended returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardOpenTopic ¶
BoardOpenTopic re-opens a previously closed topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardRestoreComment ¶
BoardRestoreComment restores a comment deleted from a topic on a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) BoardUnfixTopic ¶
BoardUnfixTopic unpins a pinned topic from the top of a community's discussion board.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetChairs ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetChairs(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetChairsResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetChairs returns list of chairs on a specified faculty.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetCities ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCities(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCitiesResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetCities returns a list of cities
func (*VK) DatabaseGetCitiesByID ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCitiesByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCitiesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetCitiesByID returns information about cities by their IDs.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetCountries ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCountries(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCountriesResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetCountries returns a list of countries.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetCountriesByID ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetCountriesByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetCountriesByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetCountriesByID returns information about countries by their IDs.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetFaculties ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetFaculties(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetFacultiesResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetFaculties returns a list of faculties (i.e., university departments).
func (*VK) DatabaseGetMetroStations ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetMetroStations(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetMetroStationsResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetMetroStations returns the list of metro stations.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetMetroStationsByID ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetMetroStationsByID(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetMetroStationsByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetMetroStationsByID returns information about one or several metro stations by their identifiers.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetRegions ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetRegions(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetRegionsResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetRegions returns a list of regions.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetSchoolClasses ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetSchoolClasses(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetSchoolClassesResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetSchoolClasses returns a list of school classes specified for the country. BUG(VK): database.getSchoolClasses bad return
func (*VK) DatabaseGetSchools ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetSchools(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetSchoolsResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetSchools returns a list of schools.
func (*VK) DatabaseGetUniversities ¶
func (vk *VK) DatabaseGetUniversities(params map[string]string) (response DatabaseGetUniversitiesResponse, vkErr Error)
DatabaseGetUniversities returns a list of higher education institutions.
func (*VK) DocsDelete ¶
DocsDelete deletes a user or community document.
func (*VK) DocsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGet(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGet returns detailed information about user or community documents.
func (*VK) DocsGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGetByID returns information about documents by their IDs.
func (*VK) DocsGetMessagesUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGetMessagesUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetMessagesUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGetMessagesUploadServer returns the server address for document upload.
func (*VK) DocsGetTypes ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGetTypes(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetTypesResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGetTypes returns documents types available for current user.
func (*VK) DocsGetUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGetUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGetUploadServer returns the server address for document upload.
func (*VK) DocsGetWallUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsGetWallUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response DocsGetWallUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsGetWallUploadServer returns the server address for document upload onto a user's or community's wall.
func (*VK) DocsSave ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsSave(params map[string]string) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsSave saves a document after uploading it to a server.
func (*VK) DocsSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) DocsSearch(params map[string]string) (response DocsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
DocsSearch returns a list of documents matching the search criteria.
func (*VK) Execute ¶
Execute a universal method for calling a sequence of other methods while saving and filtering interim results.
func (*VK) FaveAddArticle ¶
FaveAddArticle adds a link to user faves.
func (*VK) FaveAddLink ¶
FaveAddLink adds a link to user faves.
func (*VK) FaveAddPage ¶
FaveAddPage method
func (*VK) FaveAddPost ¶
FaveAddPost method
func (*VK) FaveAddProduct ¶
FaveAddProduct method
func (*VK) FaveAddTag ¶
func (vk *VK) FaveAddTag(params map[string]string) (response FaveAddTagResponse, vkErr Error)
FaveAddTag method
func (*VK) FaveAddVideo ¶
FaveAddVideo method
func (*VK) FaveEditTag ¶
FaveEditTag method
func (*VK) FaveGet ¶
func (vk *VK) FaveGet(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetResponse, vkErr Error)
FaveGet method
func (*VK) FaveGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) FaveGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
FaveGetExtended method
func (*VK) FaveGetPages ¶
func (vk *VK) FaveGetPages(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetPagesResponse, vkErr Error)
FaveGetPages method
func (*VK) FaveGetTags ¶
func (vk *VK) FaveGetTags(params map[string]string) (response FaveGetTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
FaveGetTags method
func (*VK) FaveMarkSeen ¶
FaveMarkSeen method
func (*VK) FaveRemoveArticle ¶
FaveRemoveArticle method
func (*VK) FaveRemoveLink ¶
FaveRemoveLink removes link from the user's faves.
func (*VK) FaveRemovePage ¶
FaveRemovePage method
func (*VK) FaveRemovePost ¶
FaveRemovePost method
func (*VK) FaveRemoveProduct ¶
FaveRemoveProduct method
func (*VK) FaveRemoveTag ¶
FaveRemoveTag method
func (*VK) FaveRemoveVideo ¶
FaveRemoveVideo method
func (*VK) FaveReorderTags ¶
FaveReorderTags method
func (*VK) FaveSetPageTags ¶
FaveSetPageTags method
func (*VK) FaveSetTags ¶
FaveSetTags method
func (*VK) FaveTrackPageInteraction ¶
FaveTrackPageInteraction method
func (*VK) FriendsAdd ¶
FriendsAdd approves or creates a friend request.
func (*VK) FriendsAddList ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsAddList(params map[string]string) (response FriendsAddListResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsAddList creates a new friend list for the current user.
func (*VK) FriendsAreFriends ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsAreFriends(params map[string]string) (response FriendsAreFriendsResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsAreFriends checks the current user's friendship status with other specified users.
func (*VK) FriendsDelete ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsDelete(params map[string]string) (response FriendsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsDelete declines a friend request or deletes a user from the current user's friend list.
func (*VK) FriendsDeleteAllRequests ¶
FriendsDeleteAllRequests marks all incoming friend requests as viewed.
func (*VK) FriendsDeleteList ¶
FriendsDeleteList deletes a friend list of the current user.
func (*VK) FriendsEdit ¶
FriendsEdit edits the friend lists of the selected user.
func (*VK) FriendsEditList ¶
FriendsEditList edits a friend list of the current user.
func (*VK) FriendsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGet(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGet returns a list of user IDs or detailed information about a user's friends
func (*VK) FriendsGetAppUsers ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetAppUsers(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetAppUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetAppUsers returns a list of IDs of the current user's friends who installed the application.
func (*VK) FriendsGetByPhones ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetByPhones(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetByPhonesResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetByPhones returns a list of the current user's friends whose phone numbers, validated or specified in a profile, are in a given list.
func (*VK) FriendsGetLists ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetLists(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetListsResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetLists returns a list of the user's friend lists.
func (*VK) FriendsGetMutual ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetMutual(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetMutualResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetMutual returns a list of user IDs of the mutual friends of two users.
func (*VK) FriendsGetOnline ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetOnline(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetOnlineResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetOnline returns a list of user IDs of a user's friends who are online.
func (*VK) FriendsGetRecent ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetRecent(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetRecentResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetRecent returns a list of user IDs of the current user's recently added friends.
func (*VK) FriendsGetRequests ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetRequests(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetRequestsResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetRequests returns information about the current user's incoming and outgoing friend requests.
func (*VK) FriendsGetSuggestions ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsGetSuggestions(params map[string]string) (response FriendsGetSuggestionsResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsGetSuggestions returns a list of profiles of users whom the current user may know.
func (*VK) FriendsSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) FriendsSearch(params map[string]string) (response FriendsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
FriendsSearch returns a list of friends matching the search criteria.
func (*VK) GiftsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) GiftsGet(params map[string]string) (response GiftsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
GiftsGet returns a list of user gifts.
func (*VK) GiftsGetCatalog ¶
func (vk *VK) GiftsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response GiftsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
GiftsGetCatalog returns catalog.
func (*VK) GroupsAddAddress ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsAddAddress(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddAddressResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsAddAddress groups.addAddress
func (*VK) GroupsAddCallbackServer ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsAddCallbackServer(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddCallbackServerResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsAddCallbackServer callback API server to the community.
func (*VK) GroupsAddLink ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsAddLink(params map[string]string) (response GroupsAddLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsAddLink allows to add a link to the community.
func (*VK) GroupsApproveRequest ¶
GroupsApproveRequest allows to approve join request to the community.
func (*VK) GroupsCreate ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsCreate(params map[string]string) (response GroupsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsCreate creates a new community.
func (*VK) GroupsDeleteAddress ¶
GroupsDeleteAddress groups.deleteAddress
func (*VK) GroupsDeleteCallbackServer ¶
GroupsDeleteCallbackServer callback API server from the community.
func (*VK) GroupsDeleteLink ¶
GroupsDeleteLink allows to delete a link from the community.
func (*VK) GroupsDisableOnline ¶
GroupsDisableOnline disables "online" status in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsEdit ¶
GroupsEdit edits a community.
func (*VK) GroupsEditAddress ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsEditAddress(params map[string]string) (response GroupsEditAddressResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsEditAddress groups.editAddress
func (*VK) GroupsEditCallbackServer ¶
GroupsEditCallbackServer edits Callback API server in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsEditLink ¶
GroupsEditLink allows to edit a link in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsEditManager ¶
GroupsEditManager allows to add, remove or edit the community manager .
func (*VK) GroupsEnableOnline ¶
GroupsEnableOnline enables "online" status in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGet(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGet returns a list of the communities to which a user belongs.
func (*VK) GroupsGetAddresses ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetAddresses(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetAddressesResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetAddresses groups.getAddresses
func (*VK) GroupsGetBanned ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetBanned returns a list of users on a community blacklist.
func (*VK) GroupsGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetByID returns information about communities by their IDs.
func (*VK) GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCode ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCode(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCodeResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCallbackConfirmationCode returns Callback API confirmation code for the community.
func (*VK) GroupsGetCallbackServers ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackServers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackServersResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCallbackServers receives a list of Callback API servers from the community.
func (*VK) GroupsGetCallbackSettings ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCallbackSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCallbackSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCallbackSettings returns Callback API notifications settings. BUG(VK): MessageEdit always 0
func (*VK) GroupsGetCatalog ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCatalog returns communities list for a catalog category.
func (*VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfo ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfo(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogInfoResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCatalogInfo returns categories list for communities catalog
func (*VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetCatalogInfoExtended returns categories list for communities catalog
func (*VK) GroupsGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetExtended returns a list of the communities to which a user belongs.
func (*VK) GroupsGetInvitedUsers ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvitedUsers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitedUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetInvitedUsers returns invited users list of a community
func (*VK) GroupsGetInvites ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvites(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitesResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetInvites returns a list of invitations to join communities and events.
func (*VK) GroupsGetInvitesExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetInvitesExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetInvitesExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetInvitesExtended returns a list of invitations to join communities and events.
func (*VK) GroupsGetLongPollServer ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetLongPollServer(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetLongPollServerResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetLongPollServer returns data for Bots Long Poll API connection.
func (*VK) GroupsGetLongPollSettings ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetLongPollSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetLongPollSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetLongPollSettings returns Bots Long Poll API settings.
func (*VK) GroupsGetMembers ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetMembers returns a list of community members
func (*VK) GroupsGetMembersFields ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembersFields(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetMembersFields returns a list of community members
func (*VK) GroupsGetMembersFilterManagers ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetMembersFilterManagers(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetMembersFilterManagersResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetMembersFilterManagers returns a list of community members filter=managers
func (*VK) GroupsGetOnlineStatus ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetOnlineStatus(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetOnlineStatusResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetOnlineStatus returns a community's online status.
func (*VK) GroupsGetRequests ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetRequests(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetRequestsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetRequests returns a list of requests to the community.
func (*VK) GroupsGetSettings ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetSettings(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetSettings returns community settings.
func (*VK) GroupsGetTokenPermissions ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsGetTokenPermissions(params map[string]string) (response GroupsGetTokenPermissionsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsGetTokenPermissions returns permissions scope for the community's access_token.
func (*VK) GroupsInvite ¶
GroupsInvite allows to invite friends to the community.
func (*VK) GroupsIsMember ¶
GroupsIsMember returns information specifying whether a user is a member of a community.
func (*VK) GroupsIsMemberExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsIsMemberExtended returns information specifying whether a user is a member of a community.
func (*VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDs ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDs(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberUserIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsIsMemberUserIDs returns information specifying whether a user is a member of a community.
extended=0 need user_ids
func (*VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtended(params map[string]string) (response GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsIsMemberUserIDsExtended returns information specifying whether a user is a member of a community.
extended=1 need user_ids
func (*VK) GroupsJoin ¶
GroupsJoin with this method you can join the group or public page, and also confirm your participation in an event.
func (*VK) GroupsLeave ¶
GroupsLeave with this method you can leave a group, public page, or event.
func (*VK) GroupsRemoveUser ¶
GroupsRemoveUser removes a user from the community.
func (*VK) GroupsReorderLink ¶
GroupsReorderLink allows to reorder links in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) GroupsSearch(params map[string]string) (response GroupsSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
GroupsSearch returns a list of communities matching the search criteria.
func (*VK) GroupsSetCallbackSettings ¶
GroupsSetCallbackSettings allow to set notifications settings for Callback API.
func (*VK) GroupsSetLongPollSettings ¶
GroupsSetLongPollSettings allows to set Bots Long Poll API settings in the community.
func (*VK) GroupsSetSettings ¶
GroupsSetSettings sets community settings
func (*VK) GroupsUnban ¶
GroupsUnban groups.unban
func (*VK) LeadFormsCreate ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsCreate(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsCreate leadForms.create
func (*VK) LeadFormsDelete ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsDelete(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsDelete leadForms.delete
func (*VK) LeadFormsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsGet(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsGet leadForms.get
func (*VK) LeadFormsGetLeads ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsGetLeads(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsGetLeadsResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsGetLeads leadForms.getLeads
func (*VK) LeadFormsGetUploadURL ¶
LeadFormsGetUploadURL leadForms.getUploadURL
func (*VK) LeadFormsList ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsList(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsListResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsList leadForms.list
func (*VK) LeadFormsUpdate ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadFormsUpdate(params map[string]string) (response LeadFormsUpdateResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadFormsUpdate leadForms.update
func (*VK) LeadsCheckUser ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsCheckUser(params map[string]string) (response LeadsCheckUserResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsCheckUser Checks if the user can start the lead.
func (*VK) LeadsComplete ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsComplete(params map[string]string) (response LeadsCompleteResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsComplete Completes the lead started by user.
func (*VK) LeadsGetStats ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsGetStats(params map[string]string) (response LeadsGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsGetStats Returns lead stats data.
func (*VK) LeadsGetUsers ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsGetUsers(params map[string]string) (response LeadsGetUsersResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsGetUsers Returns a list of last user actions for the offer.
func (*VK) LeadsMetricHit ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsMetricHit(params map[string]string) (response LeadsMetricHitResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsMetricHit Counts the metric event.
func (*VK) LeadsStart ¶
func (vk *VK) LeadsStart(params map[string]string) (response LeadsStartResponse, vkErr Error)
LeadsStart Creates new session for the user passing the offer.
func (*VK) LikesAdd ¶
func (vk *VK) LikesAdd(params map[string]string) (response LikesAddResponse, vkErr Error)
LikesAdd adds the specified object to the Likes list of the current user.
func (*VK) LikesDelete ¶
func (vk *VK) LikesDelete(params map[string]string) (response LikesDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
LikesDelete deletes the specified object from the Likes list of the current user.
func (*VK) LikesGetList ¶
func (vk *VK) LikesGetList(params map[string]string) (response LikesGetListResponse, vkErr Error)
LikesGetList likes.getList Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified object to their Likes list.
func (*VK) LikesGetListExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) LikesGetListExtended(params map[string]string) (response LikesGetListExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
LikesGetListExtended likes.getList Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified object to their Likes list.
func (*VK) LikesIsLiked ¶
func (vk *VK) LikesIsLiked(params map[string]string) (response LikesIsLikedResponse, vkErr Error)
LikesIsLiked checks for the object in the Likes list of the specified user.
func (*VK) MarketAdd ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketAdd(params map[string]string) (response MarketAddResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketAdd adds a new item to the market.
func (*VK) MarketAddAlbum ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketAddAlbum(params map[string]string) (response MarketAddAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketAddAlbum creates new collection of items
func (*VK) MarketAddToAlbum ¶
MarketAddToAlbum adds an item to one or multiple collections.
func (*VK) MarketCreateComment ¶
MarketCreateComment creates a new comment for an item.
func (*VK) MarketDelete ¶
MarketDelete deletes an item.
func (*VK) MarketDeleteAlbum ¶
MarketDeleteAlbum deletes a collection of items.
func (*VK) MarketDeleteComment ¶
MarketDeleteComment deletes an item's comment
func (*VK) MarketEdit ¶
MarketEdit edits an item.
func (*VK) MarketEditAlbum ¶
MarketEditAlbum edits a collection of items
func (*VK) MarketEditComment ¶
MarketEditComment changes item comment's text
func (*VK) MarketGet ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGet(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGet returns items list for a community.
func (*VK) MarketGetAlbumByID ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetAlbumByID(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetAlbumByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetAlbumByID returns items album's data
func (*VK) MarketGetAlbums ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetAlbums returns community's collections list.
func (*VK) MarketGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetByID(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetByID returns information about market items by their iDs.
func (*VK) MarketGetCategories ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetCategories(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCategoriesResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetCategories returns a list of market categories.
func (*VK) MarketGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetComments(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetComments returns comments list for an item.
func (*VK) MarketGetCommentsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response MarketGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketGetCommentsExtended returns comments list for an item.
func (*VK) MarketRemoveFromAlbum ¶
MarketRemoveFromAlbum removes an item from one or multiple collections.
func (*VK) MarketReorderAlbums ¶
MarketReorderAlbums reorders the collections list.
func (*VK) MarketReorderItems ¶
MarketReorderItems changes item place in a collection.
func (*VK) MarketReport ¶
MarketReport sends a complaint to the item.
func (*VK) MarketReportComment ¶
MarketReportComment sends a complaint to the item's comment.
func (*VK) MarketRestore ¶
MarketRestore restores recently deleted item
func (*VK) MarketRestoreComment ¶
MarketRestoreComment restores a recently deleted comment
func (*VK) MarketSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) MarketSearch(params map[string]string) (response MarketSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
MarketSearch searches market items in a community's catalog
func (*VK) MessagesAddChatUser ¶
MessagesAddChatUser adds a new user to a chat.
func (*VK) MessagesAllowMessagesFromGroup ¶
MessagesAllowMessagesFromGroup allows sending messages from community to the current user.
func (*VK) MessagesCreateChat ¶
MessagesCreateChat creates a chat with several participants.
func (*VK) MessagesDelete ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesDelete(params map[string]string) (response MessagesDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesDelete deletes one or more messages.
func (*VK) MessagesDeleteChatPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesDeleteChatPhoto(params map[string]string) (response MessagesDeleteChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesDeleteChatPhoto deletes a chat's cover picture.
func (*VK) MessagesDeleteConversation ¶
MessagesDeleteConversation deletes private messages in a conversation.
func (*VK) MessagesDenyMessagesFromGroup ¶
MessagesDenyMessagesFromGroup denies sending message from community to the current user.
func (*VK) MessagesEdit ¶
MessagesEdit edits the message.
func (*VK) MessagesEditChat ¶
MessagesEditChat edits the title of a chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetByConversationMessageID ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByConversationMessageID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByConversationMessageIDResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetByConversationMessageID messages.getByConversationMessageId
func (*VK) MessagesGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetByID returns messages by their IDs.
func (*VK) MessagesGetByIDExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetByIDExtended returns messages by their IDs.
func (*VK) MessagesGetChat ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChat(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetChat returns information about a chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetChatChatIDs ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChatChatIDs(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatChatIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetChatChatIDs returns information about a chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetChatPreview ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetChatPreview(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetChatPreviewResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetChatPreview allows to receive chat preview by the invitation link.
func (*VK) MessagesGetConversationMembers ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationMembers(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationMembersResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetConversationMembers Returns a list of IDs of users participating in a conversation.
func (*VK) MessagesGetConversations ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversations(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetConversations returns a list of conversations.
func (*VK) MessagesGetConversationsByID ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationsByID(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetConversationsByID returns conversations by their IDs.
func (*VK) MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetConversationsByIDExtended returns conversations by their IDs.
func (*VK) MessagesGetHistory ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetHistory(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetHistory returns message history for the specified user or group chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetHistoryAttachments ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetHistoryAttachments(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetHistoryAttachments returns media files from the dialog or group chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetImportantMessages ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetImportantMessages(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetImportantMessagesResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetImportantMessages messages.getImportantMessages
func (*VK) MessagesGetInviteLink ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetInviteLink(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetInviteLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetInviteLink receives a link to invite a user to the chat.
func (*VK) MessagesGetLastActivity ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLastActivity(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLastActivityResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetLastActivity returns a user's current status and date of last activity.
func (*VK) MessagesGetLongPollHistory ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLongPollHistory(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetLongPollHistory returns updates in user's private messages.
func (*VK) MessagesGetLongPollServer ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesGetLongPollServer(params map[string]string) (response MessagesGetLongPollServerResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesGetLongPollServer returns data required for connection to a Long Poll server.
func (*VK) MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowed ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowed(params map[string]string) (response MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowedResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesIsMessagesFromGroupAllowed returns information whether sending messages from the community to current user is allowed.
func (*VK) MessagesJoinChatByInviteLink ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesJoinChatByInviteLink(params map[string]string) (response MessagesJoinChatByInviteLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesJoinChatByInviteLink allows to enter the chat by the invitation link.
func (*VK) MessagesMarkAsAnsweredConversation ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsAnsweredConversation(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
MessagesMarkAsAnsweredConversation messages.markAsAnsweredConversation
func (*VK) MessagesMarkAsImportant ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsImportant(params map[string]string) (response MessagesMarkAsImportantResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesMarkAsImportant marks and un marks messages as important (starred).
func (*VK) MessagesMarkAsImportantConversation ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesMarkAsImportantConversation(params map[string]string) (response int, vkErr Error)
MessagesMarkAsImportantConversation messages.markAsImportantConversation
func (*VK) MessagesMarkAsRead ¶
MessagesMarkAsRead marks messages as read.
func (*VK) MessagesPin ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesPin(params map[string]string) (response MessagesPinResponse, vkErr Error)
func (*VK) MessagesRemoveChatUser ¶
MessagesRemoveChatUser Allows the current user to leave a chat or, if the current user started the chat, allows the user to remove another user from the chat.
func (*VK) MessagesRestore ¶
MessagesRestore restores a deleted message.
func (*VK) MessagesSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesSearch(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesSearch Returns a list of the current user's private messages that match search criteria.
func (*VK) MessagesSearchConversations ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesSearchConversations(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSearchConversationsResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesSearchConversations returns a list of conversations that match search criteria.
func (*VK) MessagesSend ¶
MessagesSend Sends a message
func (*VK) MessagesSendSticker ¶
MessagesSendSticker Sends a message
func (*VK) MessagesSendUserIDs ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesSendUserIDs(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSendUserIDsResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesSendUserIDs Sends a message
need user_ids
func (*VK) MessagesSetActivity ¶
MessagesSetActivity changes the status of a user as typing in a conversation.
func (*VK) MessagesSetChatPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) MessagesSetChatPhoto(params map[string]string) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
MessagesSetChatPhoto sets a previously-uploaded picture as the cover picture of a chat.
func (*VK) MessagesUnpin ¶
MessagesUnpin messages.unpin
func (*VK) NewsfeedAddBan ¶
NewsfeedAddBan prevents news from specified users and communities from appearing in the current user's newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedDeleteBan ¶
NewsfeedDeleteBan allows news from previously banned users and communities to be shown in the current user's newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedDeleteList ¶
NewsfeedDeleteList The method allows you to delete a custom news list.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGet ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGet(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGet returns data required to show newsfeed for the current user.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetBanned ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetBanned returns a list of users and communities banned from the current user's newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetBannedExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetBannedExtended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetBannedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetBannedExtended returns a list of users and communities banned from the current user's newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetComments(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetComments returns a list of comments in the current user's newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetLists ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetLists(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetListsResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetLists returns a list of newsfeeds followed by the current user.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetMentions ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetMentions(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetMentionsResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetMentions returns a list of posts on user walls in which the current user is mentioned.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetRecommended ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetRecommended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetRecommendedResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetRecommended returns a list of newsfeeds recommended to the current user.
func (*VK) NewsfeedGetSuggestedSources ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedGetSuggestedSources(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedGetSuggestedSourcesResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedGetSuggestedSources returns communities and users that current user is suggested to follow.
func (*VK) NewsfeedIgnoreItemHides ¶
NewsfeedIgnoreItemHides an item from the newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedSaveList ¶
NewsfeedSaveList creates and edits user newsfeed lists
func (*VK) NewsfeedSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedSearch(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedSearch returns search results by statuses.
func (*VK) NewsfeedSearchExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) NewsfeedSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
NewsfeedSearchExtended returns search results by statuses.
func (*VK) NewsfeedUnignoreItem ¶
NewsfeedUnignoreItem returns a hidden item to the newsfeed.
func (*VK) NewsfeedUnsubscribe ¶
NewsfeedUnsubscribe unsubscribes the current user from specified newsfeeds.
func (*VK) NotesCreateComment ¶
NotesCreateComment adds a new comment on a note.
func (*VK) NotesDelete ¶
NotesDelete deletes a note of the current user.
func (*VK) NotesDeleteComment ¶
NotesDeleteComment deletes a comment on a note.
func (*VK) NotesEditComment ¶
NotesEditComment edits a comment on a note.
func (*VK) NotesGet ¶
func (vk *VK) NotesGet(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
NotesGet returns a list of notes created by a user.
func (*VK) NotesGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) NotesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
NotesGetByID returns a note by its ID.
func (*VK) NotesGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) NotesGetComments(params map[string]string) (response NotesGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
NotesGetComments returns a list of comments on a note.
func (*VK) NotesRestoreComment ¶
NotesRestoreComment restores a deleted comment on a note.
func (*VK) NotificationsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) NotificationsGet(params map[string]string) (response NotificationsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
NotificationsGet returns a list of notifications about other users' feedback to the current user's wall posts.
func (*VK) NotificationsMarkAsViewed ¶
NotificationsMarkAsViewed resets the counter of new notifications about other users' feedback to the current user's wall posts.
func (*VK) NotificationsSendMessage ¶
func (vk *VK) NotificationsSendMessage(params map[string]string) (response NotificationsSendMessageResponse, vkErr Error)
NotificationsSendMessage sends notification to the VK Apps user.
func (*VK) OrdersCancelSubscription ¶
OrdersCancelSubscription Allows to cancel subscription.
func (*VK) OrdersChangeState ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersChangeState(params map[string]string) (response OrdersChangeStateResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersChangeState Changes order status.
func (*VK) OrdersGet ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersGet(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersGet Returns a list of orders.
func (*VK) OrdersGetAmount ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersGetAmount(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetAmountResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersGetAmount Returns the cost of votes in the user's consent.
func (*VK) OrdersGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersGetByID(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersGetByID Returns information about orders by their IDs.
func (*VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByID ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByID(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersGetUserSubscriptionByID Allows to get subscription by its ID.
func (*VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptions ¶
func (vk *VK) OrdersGetUserSubscriptions(params map[string]string) (response OrdersGetUserSubscriptionsResponse, vkErr Error)
OrdersGetUserSubscriptions Allows to get user's active subscriptions.
func (*VK) OrdersUpdateSubscription ¶
OrdersUpdateSubscription Allows to update subscription price.
func (*VK) PagesClearCache ¶
PagesClearCache allows to clear the cache of particular external pages which may be attached to VK posts.
func (*VK) PagesGet ¶
func (vk *VK) PagesGet(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
PagesGet returns information about a wiki page.
func (*VK) PagesGetHistory ¶
func (vk *VK) PagesGetHistory(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
PagesGetHistory returns a list of all previous versions of a wiki page.
func (*VK) PagesGetTitles ¶
func (vk *VK) PagesGetTitles(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetTitlesResponse, vkErr Error)
PagesGetTitles returns a list of wiki pages in a group.
func (*VK) PagesGetVersion ¶
func (vk *VK) PagesGetVersion(params map[string]string) (response PagesGetVersionResponse, vkErr Error)
PagesGetVersion returns the text of one of the previous versions of a wiki page.
func (*VK) PagesParseWiki ¶
PagesParseWiki returns HTML representation of the wiki markup.
func (*VK) PagesSaveAccess ¶
PagesSaveAccess saves modified read and edit access settings for a wiki page.
func (*VK) PhotosConfirmTag ¶
PhotosConfirmTag confirms a tag on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosCopy ¶
PhotosCopy allows to copy a photo to the "Saved photos" album
func (*VK) PhotosCreateAlbum ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosCreateAlbum(params map[string]string) (response PhotosCreateAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosCreateAlbum creates an empty photo album.
func (*VK) PhotosCreateComment ¶
PhotosCreateComment adds a new comment on the photo.
func (*VK) PhotosDelete ¶
PhotosDelete deletes a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosDeleteAlbum ¶
PhotosDeleteAlbum deletes a photo album belonging to the current user.
func (*VK) PhotosDeleteComment ¶
PhotosDeleteComment deletes a comment on the photo.
func (*VK) PhotosEdit ¶
PhotosEdit edits the caption of a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosEditAlbum ¶
PhotosEditAlbum edits information about a photo album.
func (*VK) PhotosEditComment ¶
PhotosEditComment edits a comment on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosGet ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGet(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGet returns a list of a user's or community's photos.
func (*VK) PhotosGetAlbums ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetAlbums returns a list of a user's or community's photo albums.
func (*VK) PhotosGetAlbumsCount ¶
PhotosGetAlbumsCount returns the number of photo albums belonging to a user or community.
func (*VK) PhotosGetAll ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAll(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetAll returns a list of photos belonging to a user or community, in reverse chronological order.
func (*VK) PhotosGetAllComments ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAllComments(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetAllComments returns a list of comments on a specific photo album or all albums of the user sorted in reverse chronological order.
func (*VK) PhotosGetAllExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetAllExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetAllExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetAllExtended returns a list of photos belonging to a user or community, in reverse chronological order.
func (*VK) PhotosGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetByID returns information about photos by their IDs.
func (*VK) PhotosGetByIDExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetByIDExtended returns information about photos by their IDs.
func (*VK) PhotosGetChatUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetChatUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetChatUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetChatUploadServer returns an upload link for chat cover pictures.
func (*VK) PhotosGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetComments(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetComments returns a list of comments on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosGetCommentsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetCommentsExtended returns a list of comments on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetExtended returns a list of a user's or community's photos.
func (*VK) PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetMarketAlbumUploadServer returns the server address for market album photo upload.
func (*VK) PhotosGetMarketUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMarketUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMarketUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetMarketUploadServer returns the server address for market photo upload.
func (*VK) PhotosGetMessagesUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetMessagesUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetMessagesUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetMessagesUploadServer returns the server address for photo upload onto a messages.
func (*VK) PhotosGetNewTags ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetNewTags(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetNewTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetNewTags returns a list of photos with tags that have not been viewed.
func (*VK) PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetOwnerCoverPhotoUploadServer receives server address for uploading community cover.
func (*VK) PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetOwnerPhotoUploadServer returns an upload server address for a profile or community photo.
func (*VK) PhotosGetTags ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetTags(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetTagsResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetTags returns a list of tags on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosGetUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetUploadServer returns the server address for photo upload.
func (*VK) PhotosGetUserPhotos ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUserPhotos(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUserPhotosResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetUserPhotos returns a list of photos in which a user is tagged.
func (*VK) PhotosGetUserPhotosExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetUserPhotosExtended(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetUserPhotosExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetUserPhotosExtended returns a list of photos in which a user is tagged.
func (*VK) PhotosGetWallUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosGetWallUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PhotosGetWallUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosGetWallUploadServer returns the server address for photo upload onto a user's wall.
func (*VK) PhotosMakeCover ¶
PhotosMakeCover makes a photo into an album cover.
func (*VK) PhotosMoveMoves ¶
PhotosMoveMoves a photo from one album to another.
func (*VK) PhotosPutTag ¶
PhotosPutTag adds a tag on the photo.
func (*VK) PhotosRemoveTag ¶
PhotosRemoveTag removes a tag from a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosReorderAlbums ¶
PhotosReorderAlbums reorders the album in the list of user albums.
func (*VK) PhotosReorderPhotos ¶
PhotosReorderPhotos reorders the photo in the list of photos of the user album.
func (*VK) PhotosReport ¶
PhotosReport reports (submits a complaint about) a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosReportComment ¶
PhotosReportComment reports (submits a complaint about) a comment on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosRestore ¶
PhotosRestore restores a deleted photo.
func (*VK) PhotosRestoreComment ¶
PhotosRestoreComment restores a deleted comment on a photo.
func (*VK) PhotosSave ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSave(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSave saves photos after successful uploading.
func (*VK) PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhoto photo Saves market album photos after successful uploading.
func (*VK) PhotosSaveMarketPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMarketPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveMarketPhoto saves market photos after successful uploading.
func (*VK) PhotosSaveMessagesPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveMessagesPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveMessagesPhoto saves a photo after being successfully
func (*VK) PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhoto saves cover photo after successful uploading.
func (*VK) PhotosSaveOwnerPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveOwnerPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveOwnerPhoto saves a profile or community photo.
func (*VK) PhotosSaveWallPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSaveWallPhoto(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSaveWallPhoto saves a photo to a user's or community's wall after being uploaded.
func (*VK) PhotosSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) PhotosSearch(params map[string]string) (response PhotosSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
PhotosSearch returns a list of photos.
func (*VK) PodcastsGetCatalog ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCatalog(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCatalogResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=0 method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetCatalogExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCatalogExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCatalogExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=1 method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetCategories ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetCategories(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetCategoriesResponse, vkErr Error)
PodcastsGetCategories method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetEpisodes ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetEpisodes(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetEpisodesResponse, vkErr Error)
PodcastsGetEpisodes method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetFeed ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetFeed(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetFeedResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=0 method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetFeedExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetFeedExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetFeedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=1 method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetStartPage ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetStartPage(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetStartPageResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=0 method
func (*VK) PodcastsGetStartPageExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) PodcastsGetStartPageExtended(params map[string]string) (response PodcastsGetStartPageExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
extended=1 method
func (*VK) PodcastsMarkAsListened ¶
PodcastsMarkAsListened method
func (*VK) PodcastsSubscribe ¶
PodcastsSubscribe method
func (*VK) PodcastsUnsubscribe ¶
PodcastsUnsubscribe method
func (*VK) PollsAddVote ¶
PollsAddVote adds the current user's vote to the selected answer in the poll.
func (*VK) PollsCreate ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsCreate(params map[string]string) (response PollsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsCreate creates polls that can be attached to the users' or communities' posts.
func (*VK) PollsDeleteVote ¶
PollsDeleteVote deletes the current user's vote from the selected answer in the poll.
func (*VK) PollsGetBackgrounds ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsGetBackgrounds(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetBackgroundsResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsGetBackgrounds return default backgrounds for polls.
func (*VK) PollsGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsGetByID returns detailed information about a poll by its ID.
func (*VK) PollsGetPhotoUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsGetPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsGetPhotoUploadServer returns a URL for uploading a photo to a poll.
func (*VK) PollsGetVoters ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsGetVoters(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetVotersResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsGetVoters returns a list of IDs of users who selected specific answers in the poll.
func (*VK) PollsGetVotersFields ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsGetVotersFields(params map[string]string) (response PollsGetVotersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsGetVotersFields returns a list of IDs of users who selected specific answers in the poll.
func (*VK) PollsSavePhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) PollsSavePhoto(params map[string]string) (response PollsSavePhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
PollsSavePhoto allows to save poll's uploaded photo.
func (*VK) PrettyCardsCreate ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsCreate(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsCreateResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsCreate method
func (*VK) PrettyCardsDelete ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsDelete(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsDeleteResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsDelete method
func (*VK) PrettyCardsEdit ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsEdit(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsEditResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsEdit method
func (*VK) PrettyCardsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGet(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsGet method
func (*VK) PrettyCardsGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGetByID(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsGetByID method
func (*VK) PrettyCardsGetUploadURL ¶
func (vk *VK) PrettyCardsGetUploadURL(params map[string]string) (response PrettyCardsGetUploadURLResponse, vkErr Error)
PrettyCardsGetUploadURL method
func (*VK) RequestUnmarshal ¶
func (vk *VK) RequestUnmarshal(method string, params map[string]string, obj interface{}, vkErr *Error)
RequestUnmarshal provides access to VK API methods
func (*VK) SearchGetHints ¶
func (vk *VK) SearchGetHints(params map[string]string) (response SearchGetHintsResponse, vkErr Error)
SearchGetHints allows the programmer to do a quick search for any substring.
func (*VK) SecureAddAppEvent ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureAddAppEvent(params map[string]string) (response SecureAddAppEventResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureAddAppEvent Adds user activity information to an application
func (*VK) SecureCheckToken ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureCheckToken(params map[string]string) (response SecureCheckTokenResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureCheckToken Checks the user authentification in IFrame and Flash apps using the access_token parameter.
func (*VK) SecureGetAppBalance ¶
SecureGetAppBalance Returns payment balance of the application in hundredth of a vote.
func (*VK) SecureGetSMSHistory ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureGetSMSHistory(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetSMSHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureGetSMSHistory Shows a list of SMS notifications sent by the application using secure.sendSMSNotification method.
func (*VK) SecureGetTransactionsHistory ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureGetTransactionsHistory(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetTransactionsHistoryResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureGetTransactionsHistory Shows history of votes transaction between users and the application.
func (*VK) SecureGetUserLevel ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureGetUserLevel(params map[string]string) (response SecureGetUserLevelResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureGetUserLevel Returns one of the previously set game levels of one or more users in the application.
func (*VK) SecureGiveEventSticker ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureGiveEventSticker(params map[string]string) (response SecureGiveEventStickerResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureGiveEventSticker method
func (*VK) SecureSendNotification ¶
func (vk *VK) SecureSendNotification(params map[string]string) (response SecureSendNotificationResponse, vkErr Error)
SecureSendNotification Sends notification to the user.
func (*VK) SecureSendSMSNotification ¶
SecureSendSMSNotification Sends SMS notification to a user's mobile device.
func (*VK) SecureSetCounter ¶
SecureSetCounter Sets a counter which is shown to the user in bold in the left menu.
func (*VK) StatsGet ¶
func (vk *VK) StatsGet(params map[string]string) (response StatsGetResponse, vkErr Error)
StatsGet returns statistics of a community or an application.
func (*VK) StatsGetPostReach ¶
func (vk *VK) StatsGetPostReach(params map[string]string) (response StatsGetPostReachResponse, vkErr Error)
StatsGetPostReach returns stats for a wall post.
func (*VK) StatsTrackVisitor ¶
StatsTrackVisitor adds current session's data in the application statistics.
func (*VK) StatusGet ¶
func (vk *VK) StatusGet(params map[string]string) (response StatusGetResponse, vkErr Error)
StatusGet returns data required to show the status of a user or community.
func (*VK) StorageGet ¶
func (vk *VK) StorageGet(params map[string]string) (response StorageGetResponse, vkErr Error)
StorageGet returns a value of variable with the name set by key parameter.
StorageGet always return array!
func (*VK) StorageGetKeys ¶
func (vk *VK) StorageGetKeys(params map[string]string) (response StorageGetKeysResponse, vkErr Error)
StorageGetKeys returns the names of all variables.
func (*VK) StorageSet ¶
StorageSet saves a value of variable with the name set by key parameter.
func (*VK) StoriesBanOwner ¶
StoriesBanOwner allows to hide stories from chosen sources from current user's feed.
func (*VK) StoriesDelete ¶
StoriesDelete allows to delete story.
func (*VK) StoriesGet ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGet(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGet returns stories available for current user.
func (*VK) StoriesGetBanned ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetBanned(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetBannedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetBanned returns list of sources hidden from current user's feed.
func (*VK) StoriesGetBannedExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetBannedExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetBannedExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetBannedExtended returns list of sources hidden from current user's feed.
func (*VK) StoriesGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetByID(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetByID returns story by its ID.
func (*VK) StoriesGetByIDExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetByIDExtended returns story by its ID.
func (*VK) StoriesGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetExtended returns stories available for current user.
func (*VK) StoriesGetPhotoUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetPhotoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetPhotoUploadServer returns URL for uploading a story with photo.
func (*VK) StoriesGetReplies ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetReplies(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetRepliesResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetReplies returns replies to the story.
func (*VK) StoriesGetRepliesExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetRepliesExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetRepliesExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetRepliesExtended returns replies to the story.
func (*VK) StoriesGetStats ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetStats(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetStats return statistics data for the story.
func (*VK) StoriesGetVideoUploadServer ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetVideoUploadServer(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetVideoUploadServerResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetVideoUploadServer allows to receive URL for uploading story with video.
func (*VK) StoriesGetViewers ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetViewers(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetViewersResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetViewers returns a list of story viewers.
func (*VK) StoriesGetViewersExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) StoriesGetViewersExtended(params map[string]string) (response StoriesGetViewersExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
StoriesGetViewersExtended returns a list of story viewers.
func (*VK) StoriesHideAllReplies ¶
StoriesHideAllReplies hides all replies in the last 24 hours from the user to current user's stories.
func (*VK) StoriesHideReply ¶
StoriesHideReply hides the reply to the current user's story.
func (*VK) StoriesUnbanOwner ¶
StoriesUnbanOwner allows to show stories from hidden sources in current user's feed.
func (*VK) StreamingGetServerURL ¶
func (vk *VK) StreamingGetServerURL(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetServerURLResponse, vkErr Error)
StreamingGetServerURL allows to receive data for the connection to Streaming API.
func (*VK) StreamingGetSettings ¶
func (vk *VK) StreamingGetSettings(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetSettingsResponse, vkErr Error)
StreamingGetSettings allows to receive monthly tier for Streaming API.
func (*VK) StreamingGetStats ¶
func (vk *VK) StreamingGetStats(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
StreamingGetStats allows to receive statistics for prepared and received events in Streaming API.
func (*VK) StreamingGetStem ¶
func (vk *VK) StreamingGetStem(params map[string]string) (response StreamingGetStemResponse, vkErr Error)
StreamingGetStem allows to receive the stem of the word.
func (*VK) StreamingSetSettings ¶
StreamingSetSettings allows to set monthly tier for Streaming API.
func (*VK) UploadChatPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadChatPhoto(chatID int, file io.Reader) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadChatPhoto uploading a Main Photo to a Group Chat without crop
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 200x200px, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadChatPhotoCrop ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadChatPhotoCrop(chatID, cropX, cropY, cropWidth int, file io.Reader) (response MessagesSetChatPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadChatPhotoCrop uploading a Main Photo to a Group Chat with crop
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 200x200px, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadDoc ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadDoc(title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadDoc uploading Documents
Supported formats: any formats excepting mp3 and executable files.
Limits: file size up to 200 MB.
func (*VK) UploadFile ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadFile(url string, file io.Reader, fieldname, filename string) (bodyContent []byte, err error)
UploadFile uploading file
func (*VK) UploadGroupDoc ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadGroupDoc(groupID int, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadGroupDoc uploading Documents into Community
Supported formats: any formats excepting mp3 and executable files.
Limits: file size up to 200 MB.
func (*VK) UploadGroupWallDoc ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadGroupWallDoc(groupID int, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadGroupWallDoc uploading Documents on Group Wall
Supported formats: any formats excepting mp3 and executable files.
Limits: file size up to 200 MB.
func (*VK) UploadGroupWallPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadGroupWallPhoto(groupID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadGroupWallPhoto uploading Photos on Group Wall
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadMarketAlbumPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadMarketAlbumPhoto(groupID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketAlbumPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadMarketAlbumPhoto uploading a Main Photo to a Group Chat
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 1280x720px, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadMarketPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadMarketPhoto(groupID int, mainPhoto bool, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadMarketPhoto uploading a Market Item Photo without crop
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 400x400px, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadMarketPhotoCrop ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadMarketPhotoCrop(groupID, cropX, cropY, cropWidth int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMarketPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadMarketPhotoCrop uploading a Market Item Photo with crop
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 400x400px, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadMessagesDoc ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadMessagesDoc(peerID int, typeDoc, title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadMessagesDoc uploading Documents into a Private Message
Supported formats: any formats excepting mp3 and executable files.
Limits: file size up to 200 MB.
func (*VK) UploadMessagesPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadMessagesPhoto(peerID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveMessagesPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadMessagesPhoto uploading Photos into a Private Message
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadOwnerCoverPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadOwnerCoverPhoto(groupID, cropX, cropY, cropX2, cropY2 int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerCoverPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadOwneCoverrPhoto uploading a Main Photo to a Group Chat
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: minimum photo size 795x200px, width+height not more than 14000px, file size up to 50 MB. Recommended size: 1590x400px.
func (*VK) UploadOwnerPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadOwnerPhoto(ownerID int, squareCrop string, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadOwnerPhoto uploading Photos into User Profile or Community To upload a photo to a community send its negative id in the owner_id parameter.
Following parameters can be sent in addition: squareCrop in x,y,w (no quotes) format where x and y are the coordinates of the preview upper-right corner and w is square side length. That will create a square preview for a photo.
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 200x200px, aspect ratio from 0.25 to 3, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb.
func (*VK) UploadPhoto ¶
UploadPhoto uploading Photos into User Album
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadPhotoGroup ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadPhotoGroup(groupID, albumID int, file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadPhotoGroup uploading Photos into Group Album
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UploadStoriesPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadStoriesPhoto(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response UploadStories, vkErr Error)
UploadStoriesPhoto uploading Story
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF. Limits: sum of with and height no more than 14000px, file size no more than 10 MB. Video format: h264 video, aac audio, maximum 720х1280, 30fps.
func (*VK) UploadStoriesVideo ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadStoriesVideo(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response UploadStories, vkErr Error)
UploadStoriesVideo uploading Story
Video format: h264 video, aac audio, maximum 720х1280, 30fps.
func (*VK) UploadUserPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadUserPhoto(file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveOwnerPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadUserPhoto uploading Photos into User Profile
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: size not less than 200x200px, aspect ratio from 0.25 to 3, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb.
func (*VK) UploadVideo ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadVideo(params map[string]string, file io.Reader) (response VideoSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadVideo uploading Video Files
Supported formats: AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, MOV, FLV, WMV.
func (*VK) UploadWallDoc ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadWallDoc(title, tags string, file io.Reader) (response DocsSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadWallDoc uploading Documents on Wall
Supported formats: any formats excepting mp3 and executable files.
Limits: file size up to 200 MB.
func (*VK) UploadWallPhoto ¶
func (vk *VK) UploadWallPhoto(file io.Reader) (response PhotosSaveWallPhotoResponse, vkErr Error)
UploadWallPhoto uploading Photos on User Wall
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.
Limits: width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb, aspect ratio of at least 1:20
func (*VK) UsersGet ¶
func (vk *VK) UsersGet(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetResponse, vkErr Error)
UsersGet returns detailed information on users
func (*VK) UsersGetFollowers ¶
func (vk *VK) UsersGetFollowers(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetFollowersResponse, vkErr Error)
UsersGetFollowers returns a list of IDs of followers of the user in question, sorted by date added, most recent first.
func (*VK) UsersGetFollowersFields ¶
func (vk *VK) UsersGetFollowersFields(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetFollowersFieldsResponse, vkErr Error)
UsersGetFollowersFields returns a list of IDs of followers of the user in question, sorted by date added, most recent first.
fields not empty
func (*VK) UsersGetSubscriptions ¶
func (vk *VK) UsersGetSubscriptions(params map[string]string) (response UsersGetSubscriptionsResponse, vkErr Error)
UsersGetSubscriptions returns a list of IDs of users and public pages followed by the user.
extended=0 BUG(SevereCloud): UsersGetSubscriptions bad response with extended=1
func (*VK) UsersIsAppUser ¶
UsersIsAppUser returns information whether a user installed the application.
func (*VK) UsersReport ¶
UsersReport reports (submits a complain about) a user.
func (*VK) UsersSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) UsersSearch(params map[string]string) (response UsersSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
UsersSearch returns a list of users matching the search criteria.
func (*VK) UtilsCheckLink ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsCheckLink(params map[string]string) (response UtilsCheckLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsCheckLink checks whether a link is blocked in VK.
func (*VK) UtilsDeleteFromLastShortened ¶
UtilsDeleteFromLastShortened deletes shortened link from user's list.
func (*VK) UtilsGetLastShortenedLinks ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLastShortenedLinks(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLastShortenedLinksResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsGetLastShortenedLinks returns a list of user's shortened links.
func (*VK) UtilsGetLinkStats ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLinkStats(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLinkStatsResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsGetLinkStats returns stats data for shortened link.
func (*VK) UtilsGetLinkStatsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsGetLinkStatsExtended(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetLinkStatsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsGetLinkStatsExtended returns stats data for shortened link.
func (*VK) UtilsGetServerTime ¶
UtilsGetServerTime returns the current time of the VK server.
func (*VK) UtilsGetShortLink ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsGetShortLink(params map[string]string) (response UtilsGetShortLinkResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsGetShortLink allows to receive a link shortened via
func (*VK) UtilsResolveScreenName ¶
func (vk *VK) UtilsResolveScreenName(params map[string]string) (response UtilsResolveScreenNameResponse, vkErr Error)
UtilsResolveScreenName detects a type of object (e.g., user, community, application) and its ID by screen name.
func (*VK) VideoAddAlbum ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoAddAlbum(params map[string]string) (response VideoAddAlbumResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoAddAlbum creates an empty album for videos.
func (*VK) VideoAddToAlbum ¶
VideoAddToAlbum allows you to add a video to the album.
func (*VK) VideoCreateComment ¶
VideoCreateComment adds a new comment on a video.
func (*VK) VideoDelete ¶
VideoDelete deletes a video from a user or community page.
func (*VK) VideoDeleteAlbum ¶
VideoDeleteAlbum deletes a video album.
func (*VK) VideoDeleteComment ¶
VideoDeleteComment deletes a comment on a video.
func (*VK) VideoEditAlbum ¶
VideoEditAlbum edits the title of a video album.
func (*VK) VideoEditComment ¶
VideoEditComment edits the text of a comment on a video.
func (*VK) VideoGet ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGet(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGet returns detailed information about videos.
func (*VK) VideoGetAlbumByID ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumByID(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetAlbumByID returns video album info
func (*VK) VideoGetAlbums ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbums(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetAlbums returns a list of video albums owned by a user or community.
func (*VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideo ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideo(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetAlbumsByVideo returns a list of albums in which the video is located.
func (*VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtended returns a list of albums in which the video is located.
func (*VK) VideoGetAlbumsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetAlbumsExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetAlbumsExtended returns a list of video albums owned by a user or community.
func (*VK) VideoGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetComments(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetComments returns a list of comments on a video.
func (*VK) VideoGetCommentsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetCommentsExtended returns a list of comments on a video.
func (*VK) VideoGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoGetExtended returns detailed information about videos.
func (*VK) VideoRemoveFromAlbum ¶
VideoRemoveFromAlbum Allows you to remove the video from the album.
func (*VK) VideoReorderAlbums ¶
VideoReorderAlbums reorders the album in the list of user video albums.
func (*VK) VideoReorderVideos ¶
VideoReorderVideos reorders the video in the video album.
func (*VK) VideoReport ¶
VideoReport reports (submits a complaint about) a video.
func (*VK) VideoReportComment ¶
VideoReportComment reports (submits a complaint about) a comment on a video.
func (*VK) VideoRestore ¶
VideoRestore restores a previously deleted video.
func (*VK) VideoRestoreComment ¶
VideoRestoreComment restores a previously deleted comment on a video.
func (*VK) VideoSave ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoSave(params map[string]string) (response VideoSaveResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoSave returns a server address (required for upload) and video data.
func (*VK) VideoSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoSearch(params map[string]string) (response VideoSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoSearch returns a list of videos under the set search criterion.
func (*VK) VideoSearchExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) VideoSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response VideoSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
VideoSearchExtended returns a list of videos under the set search criterion.
func (*VK) WallCloseComments ¶
WallCloseComments turn off post commenting
func (*VK) WallCreateComment ¶
func (vk *VK) WallCreateComment(params map[string]string) (response WallCreateCommentResponse, vkErr Error)
WallCreateComment Adds a comment to a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallDelete ¶
WallDelete deletes a post from a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallDeleteComment ¶
WallDeleteComment deletes a comment on a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallEditAdsStealth ¶
WallEditAdsStealth allows to edit hidden post.
func (*VK) WallEditComment ¶
WallEditComment edits a comment on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallGet ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGet(params map[string]string) (response WallGetResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGet returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallGetByID ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetByID(params map[string]string) (response WallGetByIDResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetByID returns a list of posts from user or community walls by their IDs.
func (*VK) WallGetByIDExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetByIDExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetByIDExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetByIDExtended returns a list of posts from user or community walls by their IDs.
func (*VK) WallGetComment ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetComment(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetComment allows to obtain wall comment info.
func (*VK) WallGetCommentExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetCommentExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetCommentExtended allows to obtain wall comment info.
func (*VK) WallGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetComments(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetComments returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallGetCommentsExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetCommentsExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetCommentsExtended returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallGetExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallGetExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetExtended returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallGetReposts ¶
func (vk *VK) WallGetReposts(params map[string]string) (response WallGetRepostsResponse, vkErr Error)
WallGetReposts returns information about reposts of a post on user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallOpenComments ¶
WallOpenComments includes posting comments.
func (*VK) WallPost ¶
func (vk *VK) WallPost(params map[string]string) (response WallPostResponse, vkErr Error)
WallPost adds a new post on a user wall or community wall.Can also be used to publish suggested or scheduled posts.
func (*VK) WallPostAdsStealth ¶
func (vk *VK) WallPostAdsStealth(params map[string]string) (response WallPostAdsStealthResponse, vkErr Error)
WallPostAdsStealth allows to create hidden post which will not be shown on the community's wall and can be used for creating an ad with type "Community post".
func (*VK) WallReportComment ¶
WallReportComment reports (submits a complaint about) a comment on a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallReportPost ¶
WallReportPost reports (submits a complaint about) a post on a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallRepost ¶
func (vk *VK) WallRepost(params map[string]string) (response WallRepostResponse, vkErr Error)
WallRepost reposts ( copies) an object to a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallRestore ¶
WallRestore restores a post deleted from a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallRestoreComment ¶
WallRestoreComment restores a comment deleted from a user wall or community wall.
func (*VK) WallSearch ¶
func (vk *VK) WallSearch(params map[string]string) (response WallSearchResponse, vkErr Error)
WallSearch allows to search posts on user or community walls.
func (*VK) WallSearchExtended ¶
func (vk *VK) WallSearchExtended(params map[string]string) (response WallSearchExtendedResponse, vkErr Error)
WallSearchExtended allows to search posts on user or community walls.
func (*VK) WidgetsGetComments ¶
func (vk *VK) WidgetsGetComments(params map[string]string) (response WidgetsGetCommentsResponse, vkErr Error)
WidgetsGetComments gets a list of comments for the page added through the Comments widget.
func (*VK) WidgetsGetPages ¶
func (vk *VK) WidgetsGetPages(params map[string]string) (response WidgetsGetPagesResponse, vkErr Error)
WidgetsGetPages gets a list of application/site pages where the Comments widget or Like widget is installed.
type VideoAddAlbumResponse ¶
type VideoAddAlbumResponse struct {
AlbumID int `json:"album_id"`
VideoAddAlbumResponse struct
type VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse ¶
type VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse object.VideoVideoAlbumFull
VideoGetAlbumByIDResponse struct
type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse ¶
type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideoAlbumFull `json:"items"` }
VideoGetAlbumsByVideoExtendedResponse struct
type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse ¶
type VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse []int
VideoGetAlbumsByVideoResponse struct
type VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse ¶
type VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideoAlbumFull `json:"items"` }
VideoGetAlbumsExtendedResponse struct
type VideoGetAlbumsResponse ¶
type VideoGetAlbumsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideoAlbum `json:"items"` }
VideoGetAlbumsResponse struct
type VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse ¶
type VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
VideoGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct
type VideoGetCommentsResponse ¶
type VideoGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` }
VideoGetCommentsResponse struct
type VideoGetExtendedResponse ¶
type VideoGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideo `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
VideoGetExtendedResponse struct
type VideoGetResponse ¶
type VideoGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideo `json:"items"` }
VideoGetResponse struct
type VideoSearchExtendedResponse ¶
type VideoSearchExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideo `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
VideoSearchExtendedResponse struct
type VideoSearchResponse ¶
type VideoSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.VideoVideo `json:"items"` }
VideoSearchResponse struct
type WallCreateCommentResponse ¶
type WallCreateCommentResponse struct { CommentID int `json:"comment_id"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` }
WallCreateCommentResponse struct
type WallGetByIDExtendedResponse ¶
type WallGetByIDExtendedResponse struct { Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallGetByIDExtendedResponse struct
type WallGetByIDResponse ¶
type WallGetByIDResponse []object.WallWallpost
WallGetByIDResponse struct
type WallGetCommentExtendedResponse ¶
type WallGetCommentExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` CanPost bool `json:"can_post"` ShowReplyButton bool `json:"show_reply_button"` GroupsCanPost bool `json:"groups_can_post"` CurrentLevelCount int `json:"current_level_count"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallGetCommentExtendedResponse struct
type WallGetCommentResponse ¶
type WallGetCommentResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` CanPost bool `json:"can_post"` ShowReplyButton bool `json:"show_reply_button"` GroupsCanPost bool `json:"groups_can_post"` CurrentLevelCount int `json:"current_level_count"` }
WallGetCommentResponse struct
type WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse ¶
type WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse struct
type WallGetCommentsResponse ¶
type WallGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallComment `json:"items"` }
WallGetCommentsResponse struct
type WallGetExtendedResponse ¶
type WallGetExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallGetExtendedResponse struct
type WallGetRepostsResponse ¶
type WallGetRepostsResponse struct { Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallGetRepostsResponse struct
type WallGetResponse ¶
type WallGetResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` }
WallGetResponse struct
type WallPostAdsStealthResponse ¶
type WallPostAdsStealthResponse struct {
PostID int `json:"post_id"`
WallPostAdsStealthResponse struct
type WallPostResponse ¶
type WallPostResponse struct {
PostID int `json:"post_id"`
WallPostResponse struct
type WallRepostResponse ¶
type WallRepostResponse struct { Success int `json:"success"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` RepostsCount int `json:"reposts_count"` LikesCount int `json:"likes_count"` }
WallRepostResponse struct
type WallSearchExtendedResponse ¶
type WallSearchExtendedResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` Profiles []object.UsersUser `json:"profiles"` Groups []object.GroupsGroup `json:"groups"` }
WallSearchExtendedResponse struct
type WallSearchResponse ¶
type WallSearchResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Items []object.WallWallpost `json:"items"` }
WallSearchResponse struct
type WidgetsGetCommentsResponse ¶
type WidgetsGetCommentsResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Posts []object.WidgetsWidgetComment `json:"posts"` }
WidgetsGetCommentsResponse struct
type WidgetsGetPagesResponse ¶
type WidgetsGetPagesResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` Pages []object.WidgetsWidgetPage `json:"pages"` }
WidgetsGetPagesResponse struct
Notes ¶
Bugs ¶
default_order int
default_order int
database.getSchoolClasses bad return
MessageEdit always 0
UsersGetSubscriptions bad response with extended=1
Source Files ¶
- account.go
- api.go
- apps.go
- appwidgets.go
- auth.go
- board.go
- database.go
- docs.go
- fave.go
- friends.go
- gifts.go
- groups.go
- leadforms.go
- leads.go
- likes.go
- market.go
- messages.go
- newsfeed.go
- notes.go
- notifications.go
- orders.go
- pages.go
- photos.go
- podcasts.go
- polls.go
- prettycards.go
- search.go
- secure.go
- stats.go
- status.go
- storage.go
- stories.go
- streaming.go
- upload.go
- users.go
- utils.go
- video.go
- wall.go
- widgets.go