
generates Golang struct, and simple Table/Row Data Gateway functions from PostgreSQL table metadata. Heavily inspired by xo.
Why created
Personally, I prefer Table/Row Data Gateway over ORM/Query Builder approach when using Go with RDBMS. However, it is very time consuming, tedious, and error-prone to write a lot of columns, query place holders, and struct fields that all have to be exactly in order even for a simple select/insert statement. dgw
generate Go struct, and simple functions to get/create row from PostgreSQL table definitions to avoid manually writing simple but tedious SQL.
can properly detect autogenerated column (e.g. serial, bigserial), and composit primary key to create appropriate SQL.
has ability to easily customize PostgreSQL column type <-> Go type mapping using toml config file.
go get -u github.com/Seleznev-nvkz/dgw
How to use
usage: dgw [<flags>] <conn>
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-s, --schema="public" PostgreSQL schema name
-p, --package="main" package name
-t, --typemap=TYPEMAP column type and go type map file path
-x, --exclude=EXCLUDE ... table names to exclude
--template=TEMPLATE custom template path
-o, --output=OUTPUT output file path
--no-interface output without Queryer interface
<conn> PostgreSQL connection string in URL format
dgw postgres://dbuser@localhost/dbname?sslmode=disable
id bigserial primary key
, i integer not null unique
, str text not null
, num_float numeric not null
, nullable_str text
, t_with_tz timestamp without time zone not null
, t_without_tz timestamp with time zone not null
, nullable_tz timestamp with time zone
, json_data json not null
, xml_data xml not null
id bigserial not null
, i integer not null
, str text not null
, t_with_tz timestamp without time zone not null
, t_without_tz timestamp with time zone not null
, PRIMARY KEY(id, i)
id integer not null
, i integer not null
, PRIMARY KEY(id, i)
Generate Go code by the following command.
$ dgw postgres://dgw_test@localhost/dgw_test?sslmode=disable --typemap=./typemap.toml --schema=public --package=dgwexample --output=example.go
// T1 represents public.t1
type T1 struct {
ID int64 // id
I int // i
Str string // str
NumFloat float64 // num_float
NullableStr sql.NullString // nullable_str
TWithTz time.Time // t_with_tz
TWithoutTz time.Time // t_without_tz
NullableTz *time.Time // nullable_tz
JSONData []byte // json_data
XMLData []byte // xml_data
// Create inserts the T1 to the database.
func (r *T1) Create(db Queryer) error {
err := db.QueryRow(
`INSERT INTO t1 (i, str, num_float, nullable_str, t_with_tz, t_without_tz, nullable_tz, json_data, xml_data) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) RETURNING id`,
&r.I, &r.Str, &r.NumFloat, &r.NullableStr, &r.TWithTz, &r.TWithoutTz, &r.NullableTz, &r.JSONData, &r.XMLData).Scan(&r.ID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert t1")
return nil
// GetT1ByPk select the T1 from the database.
func GetT1ByPk(db Queryer, pk0 int64) (*T1, error) {
var r T1
err := db.QueryRow(
`SELECT id, i, str, num_float, nullable_str, t_with_tz, t_without_tz, nullable_tz, json_data, xml_data FROM t1 WHERE id = $1`,
pk0).Scan(&r.ID, &r.I, &r.Str, &r.NumFloat, &r.NullableStr, &r.TWithTz, &r.TWithoutTz, &r.NullableTz, &r.JSONData, &r.XMLData)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select t1")
return &r, nil
// T2 represents public.t2
type T2 struct {
ID int64 // id
I int // i
Str string // str
TWithTz time.Time // t_with_tz
TWithoutTz time.Time // t_without_tz
// Create inserts the T2 to the database.
func (r *T2) Create(db Queryer) error {
err := db.QueryRow(
`INSERT INTO t2 (str, t_with_tz, t_without_tz) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id, i`,
&r.Str, &r.TWithTz, &r.TWithoutTz).Scan(&r.ID, &r.I)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert t2")
return nil
// GetT2ByPk select the T2 from the database.
func GetT2ByPk(db Queryer, pk0 int64, pk1 int) (*T2, error) {
var r T2
err := db.QueryRow(
`SELECT id, i, str, t_with_tz, t_without_tz FROM t2 WHERE id = $1 AND i = $2`,
pk0, pk1).Scan(&r.ID, &r.I, &r.Str, &r.TWithTz, &r.TWithoutTz)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select t2")
return &r, nil
// T3 represents public.t3
type T3 struct {
ID int // id
I int // i
// Create inserts the T3 to the database.
func (r *T3) Create(db Queryer) error {
_, err := db.Exec(
`INSERT INTO t3 (id, i) VALUES ($1, $2)`,
&r.ID, &r.I)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert t3")
return nil
// GetT3ByPk select the T3 from the database.
func GetT3ByPk(db Queryer, pk0 int, pk1 int) (*T3, error) {
var r T3
err := db.QueryRow(
`SELECT id, i FROM t3 WHERE id = $1 AND i = $2`,
pk0, pk1).Scan(&r.ID, &r.I)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select t3")
return &r, nil
$ psql -d template1
> CREATE USER dgw_test;
> CREATE DATABASE dgw_test OWNER dgw_test;
> \q
$ go test -v