Index ¶
- type AdvisoryLocker
- type AfterNower
- type Application
- func (_m *Application) AddJob(_a0 models.JobSpec) error
- func (_m *Application) AddJobV2(ctx context.Context, _a1 job.SpecDB, name null.String) (int32, error)
- func (_m *Application) AddServiceAgreement(_a0 *models.ServiceAgreement) error
- func (_m *Application) ArchiveJob(_a0 models.JobID) error
- func (_m *Application) AwaitRun(ctx context.Context, runID int64) error
- func (_m *Application) Cancel(runID uuid.UUID) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *Application) Create(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator *models.Initiator, creationHeight *big.Int, ...) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *Application) CreateErrored(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator models.Initiator, err error) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *Application) DeleteJobV2(ctx context.Context, jobID int32) error
- func (_m *Application) GetExternalInitiatorManager() seerlink.ExternalInitiatorManager
- func (_m *Application) GetJobORM() job.ORM
- func (_m *Application) GetStatsPusher() synchronization.StatsPusher
- func (_m *Application) GetStore() *store.Store
- func (_m *Application) NewBox() packr.Box
- func (_m *Application) ResumeAllInProgress() error
- func (_m *Application) ResumeAllPendingConnection() error
- func (_m *Application) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock(currentBlockHeight *big.Int) error
- func (_m *Application) ResumePendingBridge(runID uuid.UUID, input models.BridgeRunResult) error
- func (_m *Application) RunJobV2(ctx context.Context, jobID int32, meta map[string]interface{}) (int64, error)
- func (_m *Application) Start() error
- func (_m *Application) Stop() error
- func (_m *Application) WakeSessionReaper()
- type Client
- func (_m *Client) BalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *Client) BatchCallContext(ctx context.Context, b []rpc.BatchElem) error
- func (_m *Client) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (*types.Block, error)
- func (_m *Client) Call(result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (_m *Client) CallContext(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (_m *Client) CallContract(ctx context.Context, msg ethereum.CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Client) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *Client) Close()
- func (_m *Client) CodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Client) Dial(ctx context.Context) error
- func (_m *Client) EstimateGas(ctx context.Context, call ethereum.CallMsg) (uint64, error)
- func (_m *Client) FilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery) ([]types.Log, error)
- func (_m *Client) GetERC20Balance(address common.Address, contractAddress common.Address) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *Client) GetEthBalance(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*assets.Eth, error)
- func (_m *Client) GetLINKBalance(linkAddress common.Address, address common.Address) (*assets.Link, error)
- func (_m *Client) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, n *big.Int) (*models.Head, error)
- func (_m *Client) PendingCodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Client) PendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) (uint64, error)
- func (_m *Client) SendRawTx(bytes []byte) (common.Hash, error)
- func (_m *Client) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error
- func (_m *Client) SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery, ch chan<- types.Log) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *Client) SubscribeNewHead(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- *models.Head) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *Client) SuggestGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *Client) TransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
- type DeviationChecker
- type DeviationCheckerFactory
- type ExternalInitiatorManager
- type Fetcher
- type FluxAggregator
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) AcceptAdmin(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) AcceptOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Address() common.Address
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) AllocatedFunds(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) AvailableFunds(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ChangeOracles(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _removed []common.Address, _added []common.Address, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Decimals(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Description(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterAnswerUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, current []*big.Int, roundId []*big.Int) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAnswerUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterAvailableFundsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, amount []*big.Int) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAvailableFundsUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterNewRound(opts *bind.FilterOpts, roundId []*big.Int, startedBy []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorNewRoundIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdateRequested(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdateRequestedIterator, ...)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address, newAdmin []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOraclePermissionsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address, whitelisted []bool) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOraclePermissionsUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferRequested(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferRequestedIterator, ...)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferredIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterRequesterPermissionsSet(opts *bind.FilterOpts, requester []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRequesterPermissionsSetIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterRoundDetailsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, paymentAmount []*big.Int, minSubmissionCount []uint32, ...) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRoundDetailsUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterSubmissionReceived(opts *bind.FilterOpts, submission []*big.Int, round []uint32, ...) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorSubmissionReceivedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterValidatorUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previous []common.Address, current []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorValidatorUpdatedIterator, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetAdmin(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address) (common.Address, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetAnswer(opts *bind.CallOpts, _roundId *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetOracles(opts *bind.CallOpts) ([]common.Address, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetRoundData(opts *bind.CallOpts, _roundId *big.Int) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.GetRoundData, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetTimestamp(opts *bind.CallOpts, _roundId *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) LatestAnswer(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) LatestRound(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) LatestRoundData(opts *bind.CallOpts) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.LatestRoundData, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) LatestTimestamp(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) LinkToken(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) MaxSubmissionCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) MaxSubmissionValue(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) MinSubmissionCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) MinSubmissionValue(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) OnTokenTransfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) OracleCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) OracleRoundState(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address, _queriedRoundId uint32) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.OracleRoundState, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Owner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseAnswerUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAnswerUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseAvailableFundsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAvailableFundsUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseNewRound(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorNewRound, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdateRequested(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdateRequested, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOraclePermissionsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOraclePermissionsUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferRequested(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferRequested, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferred(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferred, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseRequesterPermissionsSet(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRequesterPermissionsSet, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseRoundDetailsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRoundDetailsUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseSubmissionReceived(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorSubmissionReceived, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseValidatorUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorValidatorUpdated, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) PaymentAmount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) RequestNewRound(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) RestartDelay(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) SetRequesterPermissions(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _requester common.Address, _authorized bool, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) SetValidator(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _newValidator common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Submit(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _roundId *big.Int, _submission *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Timeout(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) TransferAdmin(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address, _newAdmin common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _to common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) UnpackLog(out interface{}, _a1 string, log types.Log) error
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) UpdateAvailableFunds(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) UpdateFutureRounds(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _paymentAmount *big.Int, _minSubmissions uint32, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Validator(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) Version(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchAnswerUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchAvailableFundsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchNewRound(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdateRequested(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOraclePermissionsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferRequested(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchRequesterPermissionsSet(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchRoundDetailsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchSubmissionReceived(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchValidatorUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, ...) (event.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawFunds(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _recipient common.Address, _amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawPayment(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address, _recipient common.Address, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawablePayment(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address) (*big.Int, error)
- type FluxMonitor
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) AddJob(_a0 models.JobSpec) error
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) Connect(_a0 *models.Head) error
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) Disconnect()
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) OnNewLongestChain(_a0 *models.Head)
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) RemoveJob(_a0 models.JobID)
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) Start() error
- func (_m *FluxMonitor) Stop()
- type GethClient
- func (_m *GethClient) BalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (*types.Block, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) CallContract(ctx context.Context, msg ethereum.CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) CodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) EstimateGas(ctx context.Context, call ethereum.CallMsg) (uint64, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) FilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery) ([]types.Log, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) PendingCodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) PendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address) (uint64, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error
- func (_m *GethClient) SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery, ch chan<- types.Log) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) SuggestGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *GethClient) TransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
- type HeadTrackable
- type JobSubscriber
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) AddJob(job models.JobSpec, bn *models.Head) error
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) Connect(head *models.Head) error
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) Disconnect()
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) Jobs() []models.JobSpec
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) OnNewLongestChain(ctx context.Context, head models.Head)
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) RemoveJob(ID models.JobID) error
- func (_m *JobSubscriber) Stop() error
- type KeyStoreInterface
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Accounts() []accounts.Account
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Delete(address common.Address) error
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Export(address common.Address, newPassword string) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) GetAccountByAddress(_a0 common.Address) (accounts.Account, error)
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) GetAccounts() []accounts.Account
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) HasAccountWithAddress(_a0 common.Address) bool
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) HasAccounts() bool
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Import(keyJSON []byte, oldPassword string) (accounts.Account, error)
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) NewAccount() (accounts.Account, error)
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Unlock(password string) error
- func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Wallets() []accounts.Wallet
- type NotifyNewEthTx
- type PrometheusBackend
- type RPCClient
- func (_m *RPCClient) BatchCallContext(ctx context.Context, b []rpc.BatchElem) error
- func (_m *RPCClient) Call(result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (_m *RPCClient) CallContext(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (_m *RPCClient) Close()
- func (_m *RPCClient) EthSubscribe(ctx context.Context, channel interface{}, args ...interface{}) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
- type RunExecutor
- type RunManager
- func (_m *RunManager) Cancel(runID uuid.UUID) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *RunManager) Create(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator *models.Initiator, creationHeight *big.Int, ...) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *RunManager) CreateErrored(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator models.Initiator, err error) (*models.JobRun, error)
- func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllInProgress() error
- func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllPendingConnection() error
- func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock(currentBlockHeight *big.Int) error
- func (_m *RunManager) ResumePendingBridge(runID uuid.UUID, input models.BridgeRunResult) error
- type RunQueue
- type Service
- type StatsPusher
- type Subscription
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AdvisoryLocker ¶
AdvisoryLocker is an autogenerated mock type for the AdvisoryLocker type
func (*AdvisoryLocker) Close ¶
func (_m *AdvisoryLocker) Close() error
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AdvisoryLocker) Unlock ¶
Unlock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, classID, objectID
func (*AdvisoryLocker) WithAdvisoryLock ¶
func (_m *AdvisoryLocker) WithAdvisoryLock(ctx context.Context, classID int32, objectID int32, f func() error) error
WithAdvisoryLock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, classID, objectID, f
type AfterNower ¶
AfterNower is an autogenerated mock type for the AfterNower type
func (*AfterNower) After ¶
func (_m *AfterNower) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time
After provides a mock function with given fields: d
func (*AfterNower) Now ¶
func (_m *AfterNower) Now() time.Time
Now provides a mock function with given fields:
type Application ¶
Application is an autogenerated mock type for the Application type
func (*Application) AddJob ¶
func (_m *Application) AddJob(_a0 models.JobSpec) error
AddJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Application) AddJobV2 ¶
func (_m *Application) AddJobV2(ctx context.Context, _a1 job.SpecDB, name null.String) (int32, error)
AddJobV2 provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1, name
func (*Application) AddServiceAgreement ¶
func (_m *Application) AddServiceAgreement(_a0 *models.ServiceAgreement) error
AddServiceAgreement provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Application) ArchiveJob ¶
func (_m *Application) ArchiveJob(_a0 models.JobID) error
ArchiveJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Application) AwaitRun ¶
func (_m *Application) AwaitRun(ctx context.Context, runID int64) error
AwaitRun provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, runID
func (*Application) Create ¶
func (_m *Application) Create(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator *models.Initiator, creationHeight *big.Int, runRequest *models.RunRequest) (*models.JobRun, error)
Create provides a mock function with given fields: jobSpecID, initiator, creationHeight, runRequest
func (*Application) CreateErrored ¶
func (_m *Application) CreateErrored(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator models.Initiator, err error) (*models.JobRun, error)
CreateErrored provides a mock function with given fields: jobSpecID, initiator, err
func (*Application) DeleteJobV2 ¶
func (_m *Application) DeleteJobV2(ctx context.Context, jobID int32) error
DeleteJobV2 provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, jobID
func (*Application) GetExternalInitiatorManager ¶
func (_m *Application) GetExternalInitiatorManager() seerlink.ExternalInitiatorManager
GetExternalInitiatorManager provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) GetJobORM ¶
func (_m *Application) GetJobORM() job.ORM
GetJobORM provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) GetStatsPusher ¶
func (_m *Application) GetStatsPusher() synchronization.StatsPusher
GetStatsPusher provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) GetStore ¶
func (_m *Application) GetStore() *store.Store
GetStore provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) NewBox ¶
func (_m *Application) NewBox() packr.Box
NewBox provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) ResumeAllInProgress ¶
func (_m *Application) ResumeAllInProgress() error
ResumeAllInProgress provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) ResumeAllPendingConnection ¶
func (_m *Application) ResumeAllPendingConnection() error
ResumeAllPendingConnection provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock ¶
func (_m *Application) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock(currentBlockHeight *big.Int) error
ResumeAllPendingNextBlock provides a mock function with given fields: currentBlockHeight
func (*Application) ResumePendingBridge ¶
func (_m *Application) ResumePendingBridge(runID uuid.UUID, input models.BridgeRunResult) error
ResumePendingBridge provides a mock function with given fields: runID, input
func (*Application) RunJobV2 ¶
func (_m *Application) RunJobV2(ctx context.Context, jobID int32, meta map[string]interface{}) (int64, error)
RunJobV2 provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, jobID, meta
func (*Application) Start ¶
func (_m *Application) Start() error
Start provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) Stop ¶
func (_m *Application) Stop() error
Stop provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Application) WakeSessionReaper ¶
func (_m *Application) WakeSessionReaper()
WakeSessionReaper provides a mock function with given fields:
type Client ¶
Client is an autogenerated mock type for the Client type
func (*Client) BalanceAt ¶
func (_m *Client) BalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
BalanceAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account, blockNumber
func (*Client) BatchCallContext ¶
BatchCallContext provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, b
func (*Client) BlockByNumber ¶
BlockByNumber provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, number
func (*Client) CallContext ¶
func (_m *Client) CallContext(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
CallContext provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, result, method, args
func (*Client) CallContract ¶
func (_m *Client) CallContract(ctx context.Context, msg ethereum.CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
CallContract provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg, blockNumber
func (*Client) CodeAt ¶
func (_m *Client) CodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
CodeAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account, blockNumber
func (*Client) EstimateGas ¶
EstimateGas provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, call
func (*Client) FilterLogs ¶
FilterLogs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, q
func (*Client) GetERC20Balance ¶
func (_m *Client) GetERC20Balance(address common.Address, contractAddress common.Address) (*big.Int, error)
GetERC20Balance provides a mock function with given fields: address, contractAddress
func (*Client) GetEthBalance ¶
func (_m *Client) GetEthBalance(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*assets.Eth, error)
GetEthBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account, blockNumber
func (*Client) GetLINKBalance ¶
func (_m *Client) GetLINKBalance(linkAddress common.Address, address common.Address) (*assets.Link, error)
GetLINKBalance provides a mock function with given fields: linkAddress, address
func (*Client) HeaderByNumber ¶
HeaderByNumber provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, n
func (*Client) PendingCodeAt ¶
PendingCodeAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account
func (*Client) PendingNonceAt ¶
PendingNonceAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account
func (*Client) SendTransaction ¶
SendTransaction provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tx
func (*Client) SubscribeFilterLogs ¶
func (_m *Client) SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery, ch chan<- types.Log) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
SubscribeFilterLogs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, q, ch
func (*Client) SubscribeNewHead ¶
func (_m *Client) SubscribeNewHead(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- *models.Head) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
SubscribeNewHead provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ch
func (*Client) SuggestGasPrice ¶
SuggestGasPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type DeviationChecker ¶
DeviationChecker is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviationChecker type
func (*DeviationChecker) Start ¶
func (_m *DeviationChecker) Start()
Start provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*DeviationChecker) Stop ¶
func (_m *DeviationChecker) Stop()
Stop provides a mock function with given fields:
type DeviationCheckerFactory ¶
DeviationCheckerFactory is an autogenerated mock type for the DeviationCheckerFactory type
func (*DeviationCheckerFactory) New ¶
func (_m *DeviationCheckerFactory) New(_a0 models.Initiator, _a1 *assets.Link, _a2 fluxmonitor.RunManager, _a3 *orm.ORM, _a4 models.Duration) (fluxmonitor.DeviationChecker, error)
New provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2, _a3, _a4
type ExternalInitiatorManager ¶
ExternalInitiatorManager is an autogenerated mock type for the ExternalInitiatorManager type
type FluxAggregator ¶
FluxAggregator is an autogenerated mock type for the FluxAggregatorInterface type
func (*FluxAggregator) AcceptAdmin ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) AcceptAdmin(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
AcceptAdmin provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) AcceptOwnership ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) AcceptOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
AcceptOwnership provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) Address ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) Address() common.Address
Address provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*FluxAggregator) AllocatedFunds ¶
AllocatedFunds provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) AvailableFunds ¶
AvailableFunds provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) ChangeOracles ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ChangeOracles(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _removed []common.Address, _added []common.Address, _addedAdmins []common.Address, _minSubmissions uint32, _maxSubmissions uint32, _restartDelay uint32) (*types.Transaction, error)
ChangeOracles provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _removed, _added, _addedAdmins, _minSubmissions, _maxSubmissions, _restartDelay
func (*FluxAggregator) Decimals ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) Decimals(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)
Decimals provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) Description ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) Description(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)
Description provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterAnswerUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterAnswerUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, current []*big.Int, roundId []*big.Int) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAnswerUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterAnswerUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, current, roundId
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterAvailableFundsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterAvailableFundsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, amount []*big.Int) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAvailableFundsUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterAvailableFundsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, amount
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterNewRound ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterNewRound(opts *bind.FilterOpts, roundId []*big.Int, startedBy []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorNewRoundIterator, error)
FilterNewRound provides a mock function with given fields: opts, roundId, startedBy
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdateRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdateRequested(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdateRequestedIterator, error)
FilterOracleAdminUpdateRequested provides a mock function with given fields: opts, oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOracleAdminUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address, newAdmin []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterOracleAdminUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, oracle, newAdmin
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterOraclePermissionsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOraclePermissionsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, oracle []common.Address, whitelisted []bool) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOraclePermissionsUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterOraclePermissionsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, oracle, whitelisted
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferRequested(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferRequestedIterator, error)
FilterOwnershipTransferRequested provides a mock function with given fields: opts, from, to
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferred ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferredIterator, error)
FilterOwnershipTransferred provides a mock function with given fields: opts, from, to
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterRequesterPermissionsSet ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterRequesterPermissionsSet(opts *bind.FilterOpts, requester []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRequesterPermissionsSetIterator, error)
FilterRequesterPermissionsSet provides a mock function with given fields: opts, requester
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterRoundDetailsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterRoundDetailsUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, paymentAmount []*big.Int, minSubmissionCount []uint32, maxSubmissionCount []uint32) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRoundDetailsUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterRoundDetailsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, paymentAmount, minSubmissionCount, maxSubmissionCount
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterSubmissionReceived ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterSubmissionReceived(opts *bind.FilterOpts, submission []*big.Int, round []uint32, oracle []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorSubmissionReceivedIterator, error)
FilterSubmissionReceived provides a mock function with given fields: opts, submission, round, oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) FilterValidatorUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) FilterValidatorUpdated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previous []common.Address, current []common.Address) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorValidatorUpdatedIterator, error)
FilterValidatorUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, previous, current
func (*FluxAggregator) GetAdmin ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetAdmin(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address) (common.Address, error)
GetAdmin provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) GetAnswer ¶
GetAnswer provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _roundId
func (*FluxAggregator) GetOracles ¶
GetOracles provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) GetRoundData ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) GetRoundData(opts *bind.CallOpts, _roundId *big.Int) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.GetRoundData, error)
GetRoundData provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _roundId
func (*FluxAggregator) GetTimestamp ¶
GetTimestamp provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _roundId
func (*FluxAggregator) LatestAnswer ¶
LatestAnswer provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) LatestRound ¶
LatestRound provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) LatestRoundData ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) LatestRoundData(opts *bind.CallOpts) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.LatestRoundData, error)
LatestRoundData provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) LatestTimestamp ¶
LatestTimestamp provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) MaxSubmissionCount ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) MaxSubmissionCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
MaxSubmissionCount provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) MaxSubmissionValue ¶
MaxSubmissionValue provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) MinSubmissionCount ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) MinSubmissionCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
MinSubmissionCount provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) MinSubmissionValue ¶
MinSubmissionValue provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) OnTokenTransfer ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) OnTokenTransfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 *big.Int, _data []byte) (*types.Transaction, error)
OnTokenTransfer provides a mock function with given fields: opts, arg0, arg1, _data
func (*FluxAggregator) OracleCount ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) OracleCount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)
OracleCount provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) OracleRoundState ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) OracleRoundState(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address, _queriedRoundId uint32) (flux_aggregator_wrapper.OracleRoundState, error)
OracleRoundState provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle, _queriedRoundId
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseAnswerUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseAnswerUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAnswerUpdated, error)
ParseAnswerUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseAvailableFundsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseAvailableFundsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAvailableFundsUpdated, error)
ParseAvailableFundsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseNewRound ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseNewRound(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorNewRound, error)
ParseNewRound provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdateRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdateRequested(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdateRequested, error)
ParseOracleAdminUpdateRequested provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOracleAdminUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdated, error)
ParseOracleAdminUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseOraclePermissionsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOraclePermissionsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOraclePermissionsUpdated, error)
ParseOraclePermissionsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferRequested(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferRequested, error)
ParseOwnershipTransferRequested provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferred ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseOwnershipTransferred(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferred, error)
ParseOwnershipTransferred provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseRequesterPermissionsSet ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseRequesterPermissionsSet(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRequesterPermissionsSet, error)
ParseRequesterPermissionsSet provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseRoundDetailsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseRoundDetailsUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRoundDetailsUpdated, error)
ParseRoundDetailsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseSubmissionReceived ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseSubmissionReceived(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorSubmissionReceived, error)
ParseSubmissionReceived provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) ParseValidatorUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) ParseValidatorUpdated(log types.Log) (*flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorValidatorUpdated, error)
ParseValidatorUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: log
func (*FluxAggregator) PaymentAmount ¶
PaymentAmount provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) RequestNewRound ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) RequestNewRound(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
RequestNewRound provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) RestartDelay ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) RestartDelay(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
RestartDelay provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) SetRequesterPermissions ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) SetRequesterPermissions(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _requester common.Address, _authorized bool, _delay uint32) (*types.Transaction, error)
SetRequesterPermissions provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _requester, _authorized, _delay
func (*FluxAggregator) SetValidator ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) SetValidator(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _newValidator common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
SetValidator provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _newValidator
func (*FluxAggregator) Submit ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) Submit(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _roundId *big.Int, _submission *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
Submit provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _roundId, _submission
func (*FluxAggregator) Timeout ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) Timeout(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error)
Timeout provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) TransferAdmin ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) TransferAdmin(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address, _newAdmin common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
TransferAdmin provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle, _newAdmin
func (*FluxAggregator) TransferOwnership ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _to common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)
TransferOwnership provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _to
func (*FluxAggregator) UnpackLog ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) UnpackLog(out interface{}, _a1 string, log types.Log) error
UnpackLog provides a mock function with given fields: out, _a1, log
func (*FluxAggregator) UpdateAvailableFunds ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) UpdateAvailableFunds(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)
UpdateAvailableFunds provides a mock function with given fields: opts
func (*FluxAggregator) UpdateFutureRounds ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) UpdateFutureRounds(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _paymentAmount *big.Int, _minSubmissions uint32, _maxSubmissions uint32, _restartDelay uint32, _timeout uint32) (*types.Transaction, error)
UpdateFutureRounds provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _paymentAmount, _minSubmissions, _maxSubmissions, _restartDelay, _timeout
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchAnswerUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchAnswerUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAnswerUpdated, current []*big.Int, roundId []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchAnswerUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, current, roundId
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchAvailableFundsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchAvailableFundsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorAvailableFundsUpdated, amount []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchAvailableFundsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, amount
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchNewRound ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchNewRound(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorNewRound, roundId []*big.Int, startedBy []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchNewRound provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, roundId, startedBy
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdateRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdateRequested(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdateRequested, oracle []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchOracleAdminUpdateRequested provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOracleAdminUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOracleAdminUpdated, oracle []common.Address, newAdmin []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchOracleAdminUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, oracle, newAdmin
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchOraclePermissionsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOraclePermissionsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOraclePermissionsUpdated, oracle []common.Address, whitelisted []bool) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchOraclePermissionsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, oracle, whitelisted
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferRequested ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferRequested(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferRequested, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchOwnershipTransferRequested provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, from, to
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferred ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorOwnershipTransferred, from []common.Address, to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchOwnershipTransferred provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, from, to
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchRequesterPermissionsSet ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchRequesterPermissionsSet(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRequesterPermissionsSet, requester []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchRequesterPermissionsSet provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, requester
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchRoundDetailsUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchRoundDetailsUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorRoundDetailsUpdated, paymentAmount []*big.Int, minSubmissionCount []uint32, maxSubmissionCount []uint32) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchRoundDetailsUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, paymentAmount, minSubmissionCount, maxSubmissionCount
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchSubmissionReceived ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchSubmissionReceived(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorSubmissionReceived, submission []*big.Int, round []uint32, oracle []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchSubmissionReceived provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, submission, round, oracle
func (*FluxAggregator) WatchValidatorUpdated ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WatchValidatorUpdated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *flux_aggregator_wrapper.FluxAggregatorValidatorUpdated, previous []common.Address, current []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)
WatchValidatorUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: opts, sink, previous, current
func (*FluxAggregator) WithdrawFunds ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawFunds(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _recipient common.Address, _amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
WithdrawFunds provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _recipient, _amount
func (*FluxAggregator) WithdrawPayment ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawPayment(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _oracle common.Address, _recipient common.Address, _amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
WithdrawPayment provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle, _recipient, _amount
func (*FluxAggregator) WithdrawablePayment ¶
func (_m *FluxAggregator) WithdrawablePayment(opts *bind.CallOpts, _oracle common.Address) (*big.Int, error)
WithdrawablePayment provides a mock function with given fields: opts, _oracle
type FluxMonitor ¶
FluxMonitor is an autogenerated mock type for the FluxMonitor type
func (*FluxMonitor) AddJob ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) AddJob(_a0 models.JobSpec) error
AddJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*FluxMonitor) Connect ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) Connect(_a0 *models.Head) error
Connect provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*FluxMonitor) Disconnect ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) Disconnect()
Disconnect provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*FluxMonitor) OnNewLongestChain ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) OnNewLongestChain(_a0 *models.Head)
OnNewLongestChain provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*FluxMonitor) RemoveJob ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) RemoveJob(_a0 models.JobID)
RemoveJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*FluxMonitor) Start ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) Start() error
Start provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*FluxMonitor) Stop ¶
func (_m *FluxMonitor) Stop()
Stop provides a mock function with given fields:
type GethClient ¶
GethClient is an autogenerated mock type for the GethClient type
func (*GethClient) BalanceAt ¶
func (_m *GethClient) BalanceAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
BalanceAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account, blockNumber
func (*GethClient) BlockByNumber ¶
BlockByNumber provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, number
func (*GethClient) CallContract ¶
func (_m *GethClient) CallContract(ctx context.Context, msg ethereum.CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
CallContract provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg, blockNumber
func (*GethClient) CodeAt ¶
func (_m *GethClient) CodeAt(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
CodeAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account, blockNumber
func (*GethClient) EstimateGas ¶
EstimateGas provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, call
func (*GethClient) FilterLogs ¶
func (_m *GethClient) FilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery) ([]types.Log, error)
FilterLogs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, q
func (*GethClient) PendingCodeAt ¶
PendingCodeAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account
func (*GethClient) PendingNonceAt ¶
PendingNonceAt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, account
func (*GethClient) SendTransaction ¶
func (_m *GethClient) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error
SendTransaction provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tx
func (*GethClient) SubscribeFilterLogs ¶
func (_m *GethClient) SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery, ch chan<- types.Log) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
SubscribeFilterLogs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, q, ch
func (*GethClient) SuggestGasPrice ¶
SuggestGasPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*GethClient) TransactionReceipt ¶
func (_m *GethClient) TransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
TransactionReceipt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, txHash
type HeadTrackable ¶
HeadTrackable is an autogenerated mock type for the HeadTrackable type
func (*HeadTrackable) Connect ¶
func (_m *HeadTrackable) Connect(head *models.Head) error
Connect provides a mock function with given fields: head
func (*HeadTrackable) Disconnect ¶
func (_m *HeadTrackable) Disconnect()
Disconnect provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*HeadTrackable) OnNewLongestChain ¶
func (_m *HeadTrackable) OnNewLongestChain(ctx context.Context, head models.Head)
OnNewLongestChain provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, head
type JobSubscriber ¶
JobSubscriber is an autogenerated mock type for the JobSubscriber type
func (*JobSubscriber) Connect ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) Connect(head *models.Head) error
Connect provides a mock function with given fields: head
func (*JobSubscriber) Disconnect ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) Disconnect()
Disconnect provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*JobSubscriber) Jobs ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) Jobs() []models.JobSpec
Jobs provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*JobSubscriber) OnNewLongestChain ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) OnNewLongestChain(ctx context.Context, head models.Head)
OnNewLongestChain provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, head
func (*JobSubscriber) RemoveJob ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) RemoveJob(ID models.JobID) error
RemoveJob provides a mock function with given fields: ID
func (*JobSubscriber) Stop ¶
func (_m *JobSubscriber) Stop() error
Stop provides a mock function with given fields:
type KeyStoreInterface ¶
KeyStoreInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the KeyStoreInterface type
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Accounts ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Accounts() []accounts.Account
Accounts provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Delete ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Delete(address common.Address) error
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: address
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Export ¶
Export provides a mock function with given fields: address, newPassword
func (*KeyStoreInterface) GetAccountByAddress ¶
GetAccountByAddress provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*KeyStoreInterface) GetAccounts ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) GetAccounts() []accounts.Account
GetAccounts provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*KeyStoreInterface) HasAccountWithAddress ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) HasAccountWithAddress(_a0 common.Address) bool
HasAccountWithAddress provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*KeyStoreInterface) HasAccounts ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) HasAccounts() bool
HasAccounts provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Import ¶
Import provides a mock function with given fields: keyJSON, oldPassword
func (*KeyStoreInterface) NewAccount ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) NewAccount() (accounts.Account, error)
NewAccount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*KeyStoreInterface) SignTx ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
SignTx provides a mock function with given fields: account, tx, chainID
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Unlock ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Unlock(password string) error
Unlock provides a mock function with given fields: password
func (*KeyStoreInterface) Wallets ¶
func (_m *KeyStoreInterface) Wallets() []accounts.Wallet
Wallets provides a mock function with given fields:
type NotifyNewEthTx ¶
NotifyNewEthTx is an autogenerated mock type for the NotifyNewEthTx type
func (*NotifyNewEthTx) Trigger ¶
func (_m *NotifyNewEthTx) Trigger()
Trigger provides a mock function with given fields:
type PrometheusBackend ¶
PrometheusBackend is an autogenerated mock type for the PrometheusBackend type
func (*PrometheusBackend) SetMaxUnconfirmedBlocks ¶
func (_m *PrometheusBackend) SetMaxUnconfirmedBlocks(_a0 int64)
SetMaxUnconfirmedBlocks provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*PrometheusBackend) SetPipelineRunsQueued ¶
func (_m *PrometheusBackend) SetPipelineRunsQueued(n int)
SetPipelineRunsQueued provides a mock function with given fields: n
func (*PrometheusBackend) SetPipelineTaskRunsQueued ¶
func (_m *PrometheusBackend) SetPipelineTaskRunsQueued(n int)
SetPipelineTaskRunsQueued provides a mock function with given fields: n
func (*PrometheusBackend) SetUnconfirmedTransactions ¶
func (_m *PrometheusBackend) SetUnconfirmedTransactions(_a0 int64)
SetUnconfirmedTransactions provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type RPCClient ¶
RPCClient is an autogenerated mock type for the RPCClient type
func (*RPCClient) BatchCallContext ¶
BatchCallContext provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, b
func (*RPCClient) CallContext ¶
func (_m *RPCClient) CallContext(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error
CallContext provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, result, method, args
func (*RPCClient) Close ¶
func (_m *RPCClient) Close()
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*RPCClient) EthSubscribe ¶
func (_m *RPCClient) EthSubscribe(ctx context.Context, channel interface{}, args ...interface{}) (ethereum.Subscription, error)
EthSubscribe provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, channel, args
type RunExecutor ¶
RunExecutor is an autogenerated mock type for the RunExecutor type
type RunManager ¶
RunManager is an autogenerated mock type for the RunManager type
func (*RunManager) Create ¶
func (_m *RunManager) Create(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator *models.Initiator, creationHeight *big.Int, runRequest *models.RunRequest) (*models.JobRun, error)
Create provides a mock function with given fields: jobSpecID, initiator, creationHeight, runRequest
func (*RunManager) CreateErrored ¶
func (_m *RunManager) CreateErrored(jobSpecID models.JobID, initiator models.Initiator, err error) (*models.JobRun, error)
CreateErrored provides a mock function with given fields: jobSpecID, initiator, err
func (*RunManager) ResumeAllInProgress ¶
func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllInProgress() error
ResumeAllInProgress provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*RunManager) ResumeAllPendingConnection ¶
func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllPendingConnection() error
ResumeAllPendingConnection provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*RunManager) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock ¶
func (_m *RunManager) ResumeAllPendingNextBlock(currentBlockHeight *big.Int) error
ResumeAllPendingNextBlock provides a mock function with given fields: currentBlockHeight
func (*RunManager) ResumePendingBridge ¶
func (_m *RunManager) ResumePendingBridge(runID uuid.UUID, input models.BridgeRunResult) error
ResumePendingBridge provides a mock function with given fields: runID, input
type RunQueue ¶
RunQueue is an autogenerated mock type for the RunQueue type
func (*RunQueue) WorkerCount ¶
WorkerCount provides a mock function with given fields:
type Service ¶
Service is an autogenerated mock type for the Service type
type StatsPusher ¶
StatsPusher is an autogenerated mock type for the StatsPusher type
func (*StatsPusher) AllSyncEvents ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) AllSyncEvents(cb func(models.SyncEvent) error) error
AllSyncEvents provides a mock function with given fields: cb
func (*StatsPusher) Close ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) Close() error
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatsPusher) GetStatus ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) GetStatus() synchronization.ConnectionStatus
GetStatus provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatsPusher) GetURL ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) GetURL() url.URL
GetURL provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatsPusher) PushNow ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) PushNow()
PushNow provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatsPusher) Start ¶
func (_m *StatsPusher) Start() error
Start provides a mock function with given fields:
type Subscription ¶
Subscription is an autogenerated mock type for the Subscription type
func (*Subscription) Err ¶
func (_m *Subscription) Err() <-chan error
Err provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Subscription) Unsubscribe ¶
func (_m *Subscription) Unsubscribe()
Unsubscribe provides a mock function with given fields:
Source Files
- advisory_locker.go
- after_nower.go
- application.go
- client.go
- deviation_checker.go
- deviation_checker_factory.go
- external_initiator_manager.go
- fetcher.go
- flux_aggregator.go
- flux_monitor.go
- geth_client.go
- head_trackable.go
- job_subscriber.go
- key_store_interface.go
- notify_new_eth_tx.go
- prometheus_backend.go
- rpc_client.go
- run_executor.go
- run_manager.go
- run_queue.go
- service.go
- stats_pusher.go
- subscription.go