Overview ¶
generated by js/modules/k6/html/gen/gen_elements.go directed by js/modules/k6/html/elements.go; DO NOT EDIT nolint: goconst
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AnchorElement
- type AreaElement
- type Attribute
- type AudioElement
- type BaseElement
- type ButtonElement
- type CanvasElement
- type DataElement
- type DataListElement
- type DelElement
- type Element
- func (e Element) Attributes() map[string]Attribute
- func (e Element) ChildElementCount() int
- func (e Element) ChildNodes() []goja.Value
- func (e Element) Children() []goja.Value
- func (e Element) ClassList() []string
- func (e Element) ClassName() goja.Value
- func (e Element) Contains(v goja.Value) bool
- func (e Element) FirstChild() goja.Value
- func (e Element) FirstElementChild() goja.Value
- func (e Element) GetAttribute(name string) goja.Value
- func (e Element) GetAttributeNode(name string) goja.Value
- func (e Element) GetElementsByClassName(name string) []goja.Value
- func (e Element) GetElementsByTagName(name string) []goja.Value
- func (e Element) HasAttribute(name string) bool
- func (e Element) HasAttributes() bool
- func (e Element) HasChildNodes() bool
- func (e Element) Id() string
- func (e Element) InnerHTML() goja.Value
- func (e Element) IsDefaultNamespace() bool
- func (e Element) IsEqualNode(v goja.Value) bool
- func (e Element) IsSameNode(v goja.Value) bool
- func (e Element) Lang() goja.Value
- func (e Element) LastChild() goja.Value
- func (e Element) LastElementChild() goja.Value
- func (e Element) Matches(selector string) bool
- func (e Element) NamespaceURI() string
- func (e Element) NextElementSibling() goja.Value
- func (e Element) NextSibling() goja.Value
- func (e Element) NodeName() string
- func (e Element) NodeType() goja.Value
- func (e Element) NodeValue() goja.Value
- func (e Element) OwnerDocument() goja.Value
- func (e Element) ParentElement() goja.Value
- func (e Element) ParentNode() goja.Value
- func (e Element) PreviousElementSibling() goja.Value
- func (e Element) PreviousSibling() goja.Value
- func (e Element) QuerySelector(selector string) goja.Value
- func (e Element) QuerySelectorAll(selector string) []goja.Value
- func (e Element) TextContent() string
- func (e Element) ToString() goja.Value
- type EmbedElement
- type FieldSetElement
- type FormElement
- func (e FormElement) AcceptCharset() string
- func (e FormElement) Action() string
- func (e FormElement) Autocomplete() string
- func (f FormElement) Elements() []goja.Value
- func (e FormElement) Encoding() string
- func (e FormElement) Enctype() string
- func (f FormElement) Length() int
- func (f FormElement) Method() string
- func (e FormElement) Name() string
- func (e FormElement) NoValidate() bool
- func (e FormElement) Target() string
- type FormFieldElement
- func (f FormFieldElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (f FormFieldElement) FormAction() string
- func (f FormFieldElement) FormEnctype() string
- func (f FormFieldElement) FormMethod() string
- func (f FormFieldElement) FormNoValidate() bool
- func (f FormFieldElement) FormTarget() string
- func (f FormFieldElement) Labels() []goja.Value
- func (f FormFieldElement) Name() string
- type FormValue
- type HTML
- type HrefElement
- func (e HrefElement) AccessKey() string
- func (e HrefElement) Download() string
- func (h HrefElement) Hash() string
- func (h HrefElement) Host() string
- func (h HrefElement) Hostname() string
- func (e HrefElement) Href() string
- func (e HrefElement) HrefLang() string
- func (h HrefElement) Origin() string
- func (h HrefElement) Password() string
- func (h HrefElement) Pathname() string
- func (h HrefElement) Port() string
- func (h HrefElement) Protocol() string
- func (e HrefElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
- func (e HrefElement) Rel() string
- func (h HrefElement) RelList() []string
- func (h HrefElement) Search() string
- func (e HrefElement) Target() string
- func (h HrefElement) Text() string
- func (e HrefElement) ToString() string
- func (e HrefElement) Type() string
- func (h HrefElement) Username() string
- type IFrameElement
- type ImageElement
- func (e ImageElement) Alt() string
- func (e ImageElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
- func (e ImageElement) CurrentSrc() string
- func (e ImageElement) Height() int
- func (e ImageElement) IsMap() bool
- func (e ImageElement) Name() string
- func (e ImageElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
- func (e ImageElement) Sizes() string
- func (e ImageElement) Src() string
- func (e ImageElement) Srcset() string
- func (e ImageElement) UseMap() string
- func (e ImageElement) Width() int
- type InputElement
- func (e InputElement) Accept() string
- func (e InputElement) AccessKey() string
- func (e InputElement) Alt() string
- func (e InputElement) Autocomplete() string
- func (e InputElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (e InputElement) Checked() bool
- func (e InputElement) DefaultChecked() bool
- func (e InputElement) DefaultValue() string
- func (e InputElement) DirName() string
- func (e InputElement) Disabled() bool
- func (e InputElement) Height() string
- func (i InputElement) List() goja.Value
- func (e InputElement) Max() string
- func (e InputElement) MaxLength() int
- func (e InputElement) Min() string
- func (e InputElement) Multiple() bool
- func (e InputElement) Name() string
- func (e InputElement) Pattern() string
- func (e InputElement) Placeholder() string
- func (e InputElement) Readonly() bool
- func (e InputElement) Required() bool
- func (e InputElement) Size() int
- func (e InputElement) Src() string
- func (e InputElement) Step() string
- func (e InputElement) TabIndex() int
- func (e InputElement) Type() string
- func (e InputElement) Value() string
- func (e InputElement) Width() string
- type InsElement
- type KeygenElement
- func (e KeygenElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (e KeygenElement) Challenge() string
- func (e KeygenElement) Disabled() bool
- func (k KeygenElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (e KeygenElement) Keytype() string
- func (k KeygenElement) Labels() []goja.Value
- func (e KeygenElement) Name() string
- func (e KeygenElement) Type() string
- type LabelElement
- type LegendElement
- type LiElement
- type LinkElement
- func (e LinkElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
- func (e LinkElement) Href() string
- func (e LinkElement) Hreflang() string
- func (e LinkElement) Media() string
- func (e LinkElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
- func (e LinkElement) Rel() string
- func (l LinkElement) RelList() []string
- func (e LinkElement) Target() string
- func (e LinkElement) Type() string
- type MapElement
- type MediaElement
- func (e MediaElement) Autoplay() bool
- func (e MediaElement) Controls() bool
- func (e MediaElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
- func (e MediaElement) CurrentSrc() string
- func (e MediaElement) DefaultMuted() bool
- func (e MediaElement) Loop() bool
- func (e MediaElement) MediaGroup() string
- func (e MediaElement) Muted() bool
- func (e MediaElement) Preload() string
- func (e MediaElement) Src() string
- func (m MediaElement) TextTracks() []goja.Value
- type MetaElement
- type MeterElement
- type ModElement
- type OListElement
- type ObjectElement
- func (e ObjectElement) Data() string
- func (o ObjectElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (e ObjectElement) Height() string
- func (e ObjectElement) Name() string
- func (e ObjectElement) TabIndex() int
- func (e ObjectElement) Type() string
- func (e ObjectElement) TypeMustMatch() bool
- func (e ObjectElement) UseMap() string
- func (e ObjectElement) Width() string
- type OptGroupElement
- type OptionElement
- func (e OptionElement) DefaultSelected() bool
- func (o OptionElement) Disabled() bool
- func (o OptionElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (o OptionElement) Index() int
- func (o OptionElement) Label() string
- func (e OptionElement) Selected() bool
- func (o OptionElement) Text() string
- func (o OptionElement) Value() string
- type OutputElement
- type ParamElement
- type PreElement
- type ProgressElement
- type QuoteElement
- type ScriptElement
- func (e ScriptElement) Async() bool
- func (e ScriptElement) Charset() string
- func (e ScriptElement) CrossOrigin() string
- func (e ScriptElement) Defer() bool
- func (e ScriptElement) NoModule() bool
- func (e ScriptElement) Src() string
- func (s ScriptElement) Text() string
- func (e ScriptElement) Type() string
- type SelectElement
- func (e SelectElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (e SelectElement) Disabled() bool
- func (s SelectElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (s SelectElement) Labels() []goja.Value
- func (s SelectElement) Length() int
- func (e SelectElement) Multiple() bool
- func (e SelectElement) Name() string
- func (s SelectElement) Options() []goja.Value
- func (e SelectElement) Required() bool
- func (s SelectElement) SelectedIndex() int
- func (s SelectElement) SelectedOptions() []goja.Value
- func (s SelectElement) Size() int
- func (e SelectElement) TabIndex() int
- func (s SelectElement) Type() string
- func (s SelectElement) Value() string
- type Selection
- func (s Selection) Add(arg interface{}) Selection
- func (s Selection) Attr(name string, def ...goja.Value) goja.Value
- func (s Selection) Children(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) Closest(arg interface{}) Selection
- func (s Selection) Contents() Selection
- func (s Selection) Data(def ...string) goja.Value
- func (s Selection) Each(v goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) End() Selection
- func (s Selection) Eq(idx int) Selection
- func (s Selection) Filter(v goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) Find(arg interface{}) Selection
- func (s Selection) First() Selection
- func (s Selection) Get(def goja.Value
- func (s Selection) Has(arg interface{}) Selection
- func (s Selection) Html() goja.Value
- func (s Selection) Index(def ...goja.Value) int
- func (s Selection) Is(v goja.Value) bool
- func (s Selection) Last() Selection
- func (s Selection) Map(v goja.Value) []string
- func (s Selection) Next(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) NextAll(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) NextUntil(def ...goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) Not(v goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) Parent(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) Parents(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) ParentsUntil(def ...goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) Prev(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) PrevAll(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) PrevUntil(def ...goja.Value) Selection
- func (s Selection) Serialize() string
- func (s Selection) SerializeArray() []FormValue
- func (s Selection) SerializeObject() map[string]goja.Value
- func (s Selection) Siblings(def ...string) Selection
- func (s Selection) Size() int
- func (s Selection) Slice(start int, def Selection
- func (s Selection) Text() string
- func (s Selection) ToArray() []Selection
- func (s Selection) Val() goja.Value
- type SourceElement
- type StyleElement
- type TableBodyElement
- type TableCellElement
- type TableColElement
- type TableDataCellElement
- type TableElement
- type TableFootElement
- type TableHeadElement
- type TableHeaderCellElement
- type TableRowElement
- type TableSectionElement
- type TextAreaElement
- func (e TextAreaElement) AccessKey() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) Autocapitalize() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) Autocomplete() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) Cols() int
- func (e TextAreaElement) DefaultValue() string
- func (t TextAreaElement) Form() goja.Value
- func (t TextAreaElement) Labels() []goja.Value
- func (t TextAreaElement) Length() int
- func (e TextAreaElement) MaxLength() int
- func (e TextAreaElement) Placeholder() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) ReadOnly() bool
- func (e TextAreaElement) Required() bool
- func (e TextAreaElement) Rows() int
- func (e TextAreaElement) TabIndex() int
- func (e TextAreaElement) Type() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) Value() string
- func (e TextAreaElement) Wrap() string
- type TimeElement
- type TitleElement
- type TrackElement
- type UListElement
- type VideoElement
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( ElementNode = 1 TextNode = 3 CommentNode = 8 DocumentNode = 9 DoctypeNode = 10 )
View Source
const ( AnchorTagName = "a" AreaTagName = "area" AudioTagName = "audio" BaseTagName = "base" ButtonTagName = "button" CanvasTagName = "canvas" DataTagName = "data" DataListTagName = "datalist" DelTagName = "del" EmbedTagName = "embed" FieldSetTagName = "fieldset" FormTagName = "form" IFrameTagName = "iframe" ImageTagName = "img" InputTagName = "input" InsTagName = "ins" KeygenTagName = "keygen" LabelTagName = "label" LegendTagName = "legend" LiTagName = "li" LinkTagName = "link" MapTagName = "map" MetaTagName = "meta" MeterTagName = "meter" ObjectTagName = "object" OListTagName = "ol" OptGroupTagName = "optgroup" OptionTagName = "option" OutputTagName = "output" ParamTagName = "param" PreTagName = "pre" ProgressTagName = "progress" QuoteTagName = "quote" ScriptTagName = "script" SelectTagName = "select" SourceTagName = "source" StyleTagName = "style" TableTagName = "table" TableHeadTagName = "thead" TableFootTagName = "tfoot" TableBodyTagName = "tbody" TableRowTagName = "tr" TableColTagName = "col" TableDataCellTagName = "td" TableHeaderCellTagName = "th" TextAreaTagName = "textarea" TimeTagName = "time" TitleTagName = "title" TrackTagName = "track" UListTagName = "ul" VideoTagName = "video" )
The code generator depends on the TagName constants being defined before the Element structs
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AnchorElement ¶
type AnchorElement struct{ HrefElement }
type AreaElement ¶
type AreaElement struct{ HrefElement }
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute struct { OwnerElement *Element `json:"owner_element"` Name string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Attribute) NamespaceURI ¶
type AudioElement ¶
type AudioElement struct{ MediaElement }
type BaseElement ¶
type BaseElement struct{ Element }
func (BaseElement) Href ¶
func (e BaseElement) Href() string
func (BaseElement) Target ¶
func (e BaseElement) Target() string
type ButtonElement ¶
type ButtonElement struct{ FormFieldElement }
func (ButtonElement) AccessKey ¶
func (e ButtonElement) AccessKey() string
func (ButtonElement) Autofocus ¶
func (e ButtonElement) Autofocus() bool
func (ButtonElement) Disabled ¶
func (e ButtonElement) Disabled() bool
func (ButtonElement) TabIndex ¶
func (e ButtonElement) TabIndex() int
func (ButtonElement) Type ¶
func (e ButtonElement) Type() string
func (ButtonElement) Value ¶
func (b ButtonElement) Value() string
type CanvasElement ¶
type CanvasElement struct{ Element }
func (CanvasElement) Height ¶
func (c CanvasElement) Height() int
func (CanvasElement) Width ¶
func (c CanvasElement) Width() int
type DataElement ¶
type DataElement struct{ Element }
func (DataElement) Value ¶
func (e DataElement) Value() string
type DataListElement ¶
type DataListElement struct{ Element }
func (DataListElement) Options ¶
func (d DataListElement) Options() []goja.Value
type DelElement ¶
type DelElement struct{ ModElement }
type Element ¶
type Element struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Element) Attributes ¶
func (Element) ChildElementCount ¶
func (Element) ChildNodes ¶
func (Element) FirstChild ¶
func (Element) FirstElementChild ¶
func (Element) GetElementsByClassName ¶
func (Element) GetElementsByTagName ¶
func (Element) HasAttribute ¶
func (Element) HasAttributes ¶
func (Element) HasChildNodes ¶
func (Element) IsDefaultNamespace ¶
func (Element) LastElementChild ¶
func (Element) NamespaceURI ¶
func (Element) NextElementSibling ¶
func (Element) NextSibling ¶
func (Element) OwnerDocument ¶
func (Element) ParentElement ¶
func (Element) ParentNode ¶
func (Element) PreviousElementSibling ¶
func (Element) PreviousSibling ¶
func (Element) TextContent ¶
type EmbedElement ¶
type EmbedElement struct{ Element }
func (EmbedElement) Height ¶
func (e EmbedElement) Height() string
func (EmbedElement) Src ¶
func (e EmbedElement) Src() string
func (EmbedElement) Type ¶
func (e EmbedElement) Type() string
func (EmbedElement) Width ¶
func (e EmbedElement) Width() string
type FieldSetElement ¶
type FieldSetElement struct{ Element }
func (FieldSetElement) Disabled ¶
func (e FieldSetElement) Disabled() bool
func (FieldSetElement) Elements ¶
func (f FieldSetElement) Elements() []goja.Value
func (FieldSetElement) Form ¶
func (f FieldSetElement) Form() goja.Value
func (FieldSetElement) Name ¶
func (e FieldSetElement) Name() string
func (FieldSetElement) Type ¶
func (f FieldSetElement) Type() string
func (FieldSetElement) Validity ¶
func (f FieldSetElement) Validity() goja.Value
type FormElement ¶
type FormElement struct{ Element }
func (FormElement) AcceptCharset ¶
func (e FormElement) AcceptCharset() string
func (FormElement) Action ¶
func (e FormElement) Action() string
func (FormElement) Autocomplete ¶
func (e FormElement) Autocomplete() string
func (FormElement) Elements ¶
func (f FormElement) Elements() []goja.Value
func (FormElement) Encoding ¶
func (e FormElement) Encoding() string
func (FormElement) Enctype ¶
func (e FormElement) Enctype() string
func (FormElement) Length ¶
func (f FormElement) Length() int
func (FormElement) Method ¶
func (f FormElement) Method() string
func (FormElement) Name ¶
func (e FormElement) Name() string
func (FormElement) NoValidate ¶
func (e FormElement) NoValidate() bool
func (FormElement) Target ¶
func (e FormElement) Target() string
type FormFieldElement ¶
type FormFieldElement struct{ Element }
func (FormFieldElement) Form ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) Form() goja.Value
func (FormFieldElement) FormAction ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) FormAction() string
func (FormFieldElement) FormEnctype ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) FormEnctype() string
nolint: goconst
func (FormFieldElement) FormMethod ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) FormMethod() string
func (FormFieldElement) FormNoValidate ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) FormNoValidate() bool
func (FormFieldElement) FormTarget ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) FormTarget() string
func (FormFieldElement) Labels ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (FormFieldElement) Name ¶
func (f FormFieldElement) Name() string
type HrefElement ¶
type HrefElement struct{ Element }
func (HrefElement) AccessKey ¶
func (e HrefElement) AccessKey() string
func (HrefElement) Download ¶
func (e HrefElement) Download() string
func (HrefElement) Hash ¶
func (h HrefElement) Hash() string
func (HrefElement) Host ¶
func (h HrefElement) Host() string
func (HrefElement) Hostname ¶
func (h HrefElement) Hostname() string
func (HrefElement) Href ¶
func (e HrefElement) Href() string
func (HrefElement) HrefLang ¶
func (e HrefElement) HrefLang() string
func (HrefElement) Password ¶
func (h HrefElement) Password() string
func (HrefElement) Pathname ¶
func (h HrefElement) Pathname() string
func (HrefElement) Port ¶
func (h HrefElement) Port() string
func (HrefElement) Protocol ¶
func (h HrefElement) Protocol() string
func (HrefElement) ReferrerPolicy ¶
func (e HrefElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
func (HrefElement) Rel ¶
func (e HrefElement) Rel() string
func (HrefElement) RelList ¶
func (h HrefElement) RelList() []string
func (HrefElement) Search ¶
func (h HrefElement) Search() string
func (HrefElement) Target ¶
func (e HrefElement) Target() string
func (HrefElement) Text ¶
func (h HrefElement) Text() string
func (HrefElement) ToString ¶
func (e HrefElement) ToString() string
func (HrefElement) Type ¶
func (e HrefElement) Type() string
func (HrefElement) Username ¶
func (h HrefElement) Username() string
type IFrameElement ¶
type IFrameElement struct{ Element }
func (IFrameElement) Allowfullscreen ¶
func (e IFrameElement) Allowfullscreen() bool
func (IFrameElement) Height ¶
func (e IFrameElement) Height() string
func (IFrameElement) Name ¶
func (e IFrameElement) Name() string
func (IFrameElement) ReferrerPolicy ¶
func (e IFrameElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
func (IFrameElement) Src ¶
func (e IFrameElement) Src() string
func (IFrameElement) Width ¶
func (e IFrameElement) Width() string
type ImageElement ¶
type ImageElement struct{ Element }
func (ImageElement) Alt ¶
func (e ImageElement) Alt() string
func (ImageElement) CrossOrigin ¶
func (e ImageElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
func (ImageElement) CurrentSrc ¶
func (e ImageElement) CurrentSrc() string
func (ImageElement) Height ¶
func (e ImageElement) Height() int
func (ImageElement) IsMap ¶
func (e ImageElement) IsMap() bool
func (ImageElement) Name ¶
func (e ImageElement) Name() string
func (ImageElement) ReferrerPolicy ¶
func (e ImageElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
func (ImageElement) Sizes ¶
func (e ImageElement) Sizes() string
func (ImageElement) Src ¶
func (e ImageElement) Src() string
func (ImageElement) Srcset ¶
func (e ImageElement) Srcset() string
func (ImageElement) UseMap ¶
func (e ImageElement) UseMap() string
func (ImageElement) Width ¶
func (e ImageElement) Width() int
type InputElement ¶
type InputElement struct{ FormFieldElement }
func (InputElement) Accept ¶
func (e InputElement) Accept() string
func (InputElement) AccessKey ¶
func (e InputElement) AccessKey() string
func (InputElement) Alt ¶
func (e InputElement) Alt() string
func (InputElement) Autocomplete ¶
func (e InputElement) Autocomplete() string
func (InputElement) Autofocus ¶
func (e InputElement) Autofocus() bool
func (InputElement) Checked ¶
func (e InputElement) Checked() bool
func (InputElement) DefaultChecked ¶
func (e InputElement) DefaultChecked() bool
func (InputElement) DefaultValue ¶
func (e InputElement) DefaultValue() string
func (InputElement) DirName ¶
func (e InputElement) DirName() string
func (InputElement) Disabled ¶
func (e InputElement) Disabled() bool
func (InputElement) Height ¶
func (e InputElement) Height() string
func (InputElement) Max ¶
func (e InputElement) Max() string
func (InputElement) MaxLength ¶
func (e InputElement) MaxLength() int
func (InputElement) Min ¶
func (e InputElement) Min() string
func (InputElement) Multiple ¶
func (e InputElement) Multiple() bool
func (InputElement) Name ¶
func (e InputElement) Name() string
func (InputElement) Pattern ¶
func (e InputElement) Pattern() string
func (InputElement) Placeholder ¶
func (e InputElement) Placeholder() string
func (InputElement) Readonly ¶
func (e InputElement) Readonly() bool
func (InputElement) Required ¶
func (e InputElement) Required() bool
func (InputElement) Size ¶
func (e InputElement) Size() int
func (InputElement) Src ¶
func (e InputElement) Src() string
func (InputElement) Step ¶
func (e InputElement) Step() string
func (InputElement) TabIndex ¶
func (e InputElement) TabIndex() int
func (InputElement) Type ¶
func (e InputElement) Type() string
func (InputElement) Value ¶
func (e InputElement) Value() string
func (InputElement) Width ¶
func (e InputElement) Width() string
type InsElement ¶
type InsElement struct{ ModElement }
type KeygenElement ¶
type KeygenElement struct{ Element }
func (KeygenElement) Autofocus ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Autofocus() bool
func (KeygenElement) Challenge ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Challenge() string
func (KeygenElement) Disabled ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Disabled() bool
func (KeygenElement) Form ¶
func (k KeygenElement) Form() goja.Value
func (KeygenElement) Keytype ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Keytype() string
func (KeygenElement) Labels ¶
func (k KeygenElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (KeygenElement) Name ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Name() string
func (KeygenElement) Type ¶
func (e KeygenElement) Type() string
type LabelElement ¶
type LabelElement struct{ Element }
func (LabelElement) Control ¶
func (l LabelElement) Control() goja.Value
func (LabelElement) Form ¶
func (l LabelElement) Form() goja.Value
func (LabelElement) HtmlFor ¶
func (e LabelElement) HtmlFor() string
type LegendElement ¶
type LegendElement struct{ Element }
func (LegendElement) AccessKey ¶
func (e LegendElement) AccessKey() string
func (LegendElement) Form ¶
func (l LegendElement) Form() goja.Value
type LinkElement ¶
type LinkElement struct{ Element }
func (LinkElement) CrossOrigin ¶
func (e LinkElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
func (LinkElement) Href ¶
func (e LinkElement) Href() string
func (LinkElement) Hreflang ¶
func (e LinkElement) Hreflang() string
func (LinkElement) Media ¶
func (e LinkElement) Media() string
func (LinkElement) ReferrerPolicy ¶
func (e LinkElement) ReferrerPolicy() string
func (LinkElement) Rel ¶
func (e LinkElement) Rel() string
func (LinkElement) RelList ¶
func (l LinkElement) RelList() []string
func (LinkElement) Target ¶
func (e LinkElement) Target() string
func (LinkElement) Type ¶
func (e LinkElement) Type() string
type MapElement ¶
type MapElement struct{ Element }
func (MapElement) Areas ¶
func (m MapElement) Areas() []goja.Value
func (MapElement) Images ¶
func (m MapElement) Images() []goja.Value
func (MapElement) Name ¶
func (e MapElement) Name() string
type MediaElement ¶
type MediaElement struct{ Element }
func (MediaElement) Autoplay ¶
func (e MediaElement) Autoplay() bool
func (MediaElement) Controls ¶
func (e MediaElement) Controls() bool
func (MediaElement) CrossOrigin ¶
func (e MediaElement) CrossOrigin() goja.Value
func (MediaElement) CurrentSrc ¶
func (e MediaElement) CurrentSrc() string
func (MediaElement) DefaultMuted ¶
func (e MediaElement) DefaultMuted() bool
func (MediaElement) Loop ¶
func (e MediaElement) Loop() bool
func (MediaElement) MediaGroup ¶
func (e MediaElement) MediaGroup() string
func (MediaElement) Muted ¶
func (e MediaElement) Muted() bool
func (MediaElement) Preload ¶
func (e MediaElement) Preload() string
func (MediaElement) Src ¶
func (e MediaElement) Src() string
func (MediaElement) TextTracks ¶
func (m MediaElement) TextTracks() []goja.Value
type MetaElement ¶
type MetaElement struct{ Element }
func (MetaElement) Content ¶
func (e MetaElement) Content() string
func (MetaElement) HttpEquiv ¶
func (e MetaElement) HttpEquiv() string
func (MetaElement) Name ¶
func (e MetaElement) Name() string
type MeterElement ¶
type MeterElement struct{ Element }
func (MeterElement) High ¶
func (e MeterElement) High() int
func (MeterElement) Labels ¶
func (m MeterElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (MeterElement) Low ¶
func (e MeterElement) Low() int
func (MeterElement) Max ¶
func (e MeterElement) Max() int
func (MeterElement) Min ¶
func (e MeterElement) Min() int
func (MeterElement) Optimum ¶
func (e MeterElement) Optimum() int
type ModElement ¶
type ModElement struct{ Element }
func (ModElement) Cite ¶
func (e ModElement) Cite() string
func (ModElement) Datetime ¶
func (e ModElement) Datetime() string
type OListElement ¶
type OListElement struct{ Element }
func (OListElement) Reversed ¶
func (e OListElement) Reversed() bool
func (OListElement) Start ¶
func (e OListElement) Start() int
func (OListElement) Type ¶
func (e OListElement) Type() string
type ObjectElement ¶
type ObjectElement struct{ Element }
func (ObjectElement) Data ¶
func (e ObjectElement) Data() string
func (ObjectElement) Form ¶
func (o ObjectElement) Form() goja.Value
func (ObjectElement) Height ¶
func (e ObjectElement) Height() string
func (ObjectElement) Name ¶
func (e ObjectElement) Name() string
func (ObjectElement) TabIndex ¶
func (e ObjectElement) TabIndex() int
func (ObjectElement) Type ¶
func (e ObjectElement) Type() string
func (ObjectElement) TypeMustMatch ¶
func (e ObjectElement) TypeMustMatch() bool
func (ObjectElement) UseMap ¶
func (e ObjectElement) UseMap() string
func (ObjectElement) Width ¶
func (e ObjectElement) Width() string
type OptGroupElement ¶
type OptGroupElement struct{ Element }
func (OptGroupElement) Disabled ¶
func (e OptGroupElement) Disabled() bool
func (OptGroupElement) Label ¶
func (e OptGroupElement) Label() string
type OptionElement ¶
type OptionElement struct{ Element }
func (OptionElement) DefaultSelected ¶
func (e OptionElement) DefaultSelected() bool
func (OptionElement) Disabled ¶
func (o OptionElement) Disabled() bool
func (OptionElement) Form ¶
func (o OptionElement) Form() goja.Value
func (OptionElement) Index ¶
func (o OptionElement) Index() int
func (OptionElement) Label ¶
func (o OptionElement) Label() string
func (OptionElement) Selected ¶
func (e OptionElement) Selected() bool
func (OptionElement) Text ¶
func (o OptionElement) Text() string
func (OptionElement) Value ¶
func (o OptionElement) Value() string
type OutputElement ¶
type OutputElement struct{ Element }
func (OutputElement) DefaultValue ¶
func (o OutputElement) DefaultValue() string
func (OutputElement) Form ¶
func (o OutputElement) Form() goja.Value
func (OutputElement) HtmlFor ¶
func (e OutputElement) HtmlFor() string
func (OutputElement) Labels ¶
func (o OutputElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (OutputElement) Name ¶
func (e OutputElement) Name() string
func (OutputElement) Type ¶
func (e OutputElement) Type() string
func (OutputElement) Value ¶
func (o OutputElement) Value() string
type ParamElement ¶
type ParamElement struct{ Element }
func (ParamElement) Name ¶
func (e ParamElement) Name() string
func (ParamElement) Value ¶
func (e ParamElement) Value() string
type PreElement ¶
type PreElement struct{ Element }
func (PreElement) Name ¶
func (e PreElement) Name() string
func (PreElement) Value ¶
func (e PreElement) Value() string
type ProgressElement ¶
type ProgressElement struct{ Element }
func (ProgressElement) Labels ¶
func (p ProgressElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (ProgressElement) Max ¶
func (p ProgressElement) Max() float64
func (ProgressElement) Position ¶
func (p ProgressElement) Position() float64
func (ProgressElement) Value ¶
func (p ProgressElement) Value() float64
type QuoteElement ¶
type QuoteElement struct{ Element }
func (QuoteElement) Cite ¶
func (e QuoteElement) Cite() string
type ScriptElement ¶
type ScriptElement struct{ Element }
func (ScriptElement) Async ¶
func (e ScriptElement) Async() bool
func (ScriptElement) Charset ¶
func (e ScriptElement) Charset() string
func (ScriptElement) CrossOrigin ¶
func (e ScriptElement) CrossOrigin() string
func (ScriptElement) Defer ¶
func (e ScriptElement) Defer() bool
func (ScriptElement) NoModule ¶
func (e ScriptElement) NoModule() bool
func (ScriptElement) Src ¶
func (e ScriptElement) Src() string
func (ScriptElement) Text ¶
func (s ScriptElement) Text() string
func (ScriptElement) Type ¶
func (e ScriptElement) Type() string
type SelectElement ¶
type SelectElement struct{ Element }
func (SelectElement) Autofocus ¶
func (e SelectElement) Autofocus() bool
func (SelectElement) Disabled ¶
func (e SelectElement) Disabled() bool
func (SelectElement) Form ¶
func (s SelectElement) Form() goja.Value
func (SelectElement) Labels ¶
func (s SelectElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (SelectElement) Length ¶
func (s SelectElement) Length() int
func (SelectElement) Multiple ¶
func (e SelectElement) Multiple() bool
func (SelectElement) Name ¶
func (e SelectElement) Name() string
func (SelectElement) Options ¶
func (s SelectElement) Options() []goja.Value
func (SelectElement) Required ¶
func (e SelectElement) Required() bool
func (SelectElement) SelectedIndex ¶
func (s SelectElement) SelectedIndex() int
func (SelectElement) SelectedOptions ¶
func (s SelectElement) SelectedOptions() []goja.Value
func (SelectElement) Size ¶
func (s SelectElement) Size() int
func (SelectElement) TabIndex ¶
func (e SelectElement) TabIndex() int
func (SelectElement) Type ¶
func (s SelectElement) Type() string
func (SelectElement) Value ¶
func (s SelectElement) Value() string
type Selection ¶
type Selection struct { URL string `json:"url"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Selection) Data ¶
When 0 arguments: Read all data from attributes beginning with "data-". When 1 argument: Append argument to "data-" then find for a matching attribute
type SourceElement ¶
type SourceElement struct{ Element }
func (SourceElement) KeySystem ¶
func (e SourceElement) KeySystem() string
func (SourceElement) Media ¶
func (e SourceElement) Media() string
func (SourceElement) Sizes ¶
func (e SourceElement) Sizes() string
func (SourceElement) Src ¶
func (e SourceElement) Src() string
func (SourceElement) Srcset ¶
func (e SourceElement) Srcset() string
func (SourceElement) Type ¶
func (e SourceElement) Type() string
type StyleElement ¶
type StyleElement struct{ Element }
func (StyleElement) Media ¶
func (e StyleElement) Media() string
func (StyleElement) Type ¶
func (s StyleElement) Type() string
type TableBodyElement ¶
type TableBodyElement struct{ TableSectionElement }
type TableCellElement ¶
type TableCellElement struct{ Element }
func (TableCellElement) CellIndex ¶
func (t TableCellElement) CellIndex() int
func (TableCellElement) ColSpan ¶
func (e TableCellElement) ColSpan() int
func (TableCellElement) Headers ¶
func (e TableCellElement) Headers() string
func (TableCellElement) RowSpan ¶
func (e TableCellElement) RowSpan() int
type TableColElement ¶
type TableColElement struct{ Element }
func (TableColElement) Span ¶
func (t TableColElement) Span() int
type TableDataCellElement ¶
type TableDataCellElement struct{ TableCellElement }
type TableElement ¶
type TableElement struct{ Element }
func (TableElement) Caption ¶
func (t TableElement) Caption() goja.Value
func (TableElement) Rows ¶
func (t TableElement) Rows() []goja.Value
func (TableElement) Sortable ¶
func (e TableElement) Sortable() bool
func (TableElement) TBodies ¶
func (t TableElement) TBodies() []goja.Value
func (TableElement) TFoot ¶
func (t TableElement) TFoot() goja.Value
func (TableElement) THead ¶
func (t TableElement) THead() goja.Value
type TableFootElement ¶
type TableFootElement struct{ TableSectionElement }
type TableHeadElement ¶
type TableHeadElement struct{ TableSectionElement }
type TableHeaderCellElement ¶
type TableHeaderCellElement struct{ TableCellElement }
func (TableHeaderCellElement) Abbr ¶
func (e TableHeaderCellElement) Abbr() string
func (TableHeaderCellElement) Scope ¶
func (e TableHeaderCellElement) Scope() string
func (TableHeaderCellElement) Sorted ¶
func (e TableHeaderCellElement) Sorted() bool
type TableRowElement ¶
type TableRowElement struct{ Element }
func (TableRowElement) Cells ¶
func (t TableRowElement) Cells() []goja.Value
func (TableRowElement) RowIndex ¶
func (t TableRowElement) RowIndex() int
func (TableRowElement) SectionRowIndex ¶
func (t TableRowElement) SectionRowIndex() int
type TableSectionElement ¶
type TableSectionElement struct{ Element }
func (TableSectionElement) Rows ¶
func (t TableSectionElement) Rows() []goja.Value
type TextAreaElement ¶
type TextAreaElement struct{ Element }
func (TextAreaElement) AccessKey ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) AccessKey() string
func (TextAreaElement) Autocapitalize ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Autocapitalize() string
func (TextAreaElement) Autocomplete ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Autocomplete() string
func (TextAreaElement) Cols ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Cols() int
func (TextAreaElement) DefaultValue ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) DefaultValue() string
func (TextAreaElement) Form ¶
func (t TextAreaElement) Form() goja.Value
func (TextAreaElement) Labels ¶
func (t TextAreaElement) Labels() []goja.Value
func (TextAreaElement) Length ¶
func (t TextAreaElement) Length() int
func (TextAreaElement) MaxLength ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) MaxLength() int
func (TextAreaElement) Placeholder ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Placeholder() string
func (TextAreaElement) ReadOnly ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) ReadOnly() bool
func (TextAreaElement) Required ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Required() bool
func (TextAreaElement) Rows ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Rows() int
func (TextAreaElement) TabIndex ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) TabIndex() int
func (TextAreaElement) Type ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Type() string
func (TextAreaElement) Value ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Value() string
func (TextAreaElement) Wrap ¶
func (e TextAreaElement) Wrap() string
type TimeElement ¶
type TimeElement struct{ Element }
func (TimeElement) Datetime ¶
func (e TimeElement) Datetime() string
type TitleElement ¶
type TitleElement struct{ Element }
func (TitleElement) Text ¶
func (t TitleElement) Text() string
type TrackElement ¶
type TrackElement struct{ Element }
func (TrackElement) Default ¶
func (e TrackElement) Default() bool
func (TrackElement) Kind ¶
func (e TrackElement) Kind() string
func (TrackElement) Label ¶
func (e TrackElement) Label() string
func (TrackElement) Src ¶
func (e TrackElement) Src() string
func (TrackElement) Srclang ¶
func (e TrackElement) Srclang() string
type UListElement ¶
type UListElement struct{ Element }
func (UListElement) Type ¶
func (e UListElement) Type() string
type VideoElement ¶
type VideoElement struct{ MediaElement }
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