Epico aims to make API ingestion easy. By providing a common framework to manage API calls and plugins to handle any API-specific logic - Epico aims to make API ingestion to be as simple as creating a YAML representing the endpoints you want to ingest.
Example Usage
package main
import (
epico "./epico"
func main() {
// Arg 1: This is the path to your epico YAML configs directory.
// Arg 2: This is the path to your desired epico plugin SO file.
// Arg 3: This is the authentication creds and any other plugin-specific
// Arg 4: This is the peek function plugin-specific configuration variables
// required.
// Arg 5: This is the post process function plugin-specific configuration
// variables required.
// Arg 6: This allows for the passing of header, querystring, and body
// parameters at runtime.
// Structure:
// {
// "header": {
// "KEY1": "VALUE1"
// ...
// },
// "querystring": {
// "KEY1": "VALUE1"
// ...
// },
// "body": {
// "KEY1": "VALUE1"
// ...
// },
// },
// ...
// }
responseFunc( epico.PullApiData( "./epico-configs/", "./epico-plugins/aws/aws.so", []string{"XXXAWS_ACCESS_KEYXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXAWS_SECRET_KEYXXXXXXXXXX"}, []string(nil), []string(nil), make( map[string]map[string]map[string]string(nil) ) ) )
func responseFunc( answer []byte ) {
fmt.Printf("Answer: %v\n", string(answer))
Code Layout
: Utilities used by plugins for common API tasks such managing/parsing JSON/XML.
: Basic structs representing common connection characteristics - ApiRequest, ApiResponse, etc.
: Signers used by various APIs for security/auth.
: A sample API definition XML with the various options laid out.
Anatomy of a Plugin
Plugins have four major interfaces to the Epico core:
- The auth function which preapares our ApiRequest to Authenticate to the API
- The paging peek function which looks at the response and determines if we need to page
- The post process function which takes the API responses and parses them into a final JSON response []byte
- The response to JSON function for plugins that deal with non-JSON structures (XML, etc) to convert the response into valid JSON.
These need to be exported with the following names - PluginAuthFunction, PluginPostProcessFunction, and PluginPagingPeekFunction - like so:
// Function names are PluginAuth, PluginPostProcess, PluginResponseToJson, and
// PluginPagingPeek
var PluginAuthFunction = PluginAuth
var PluginPagingPeekFunction = PluginPagingPeek
var PluginPostProcessFunction = PluginPostProcess
var PluginResponseToJsonFunction = PluginResponseToJson
The function signatures are as follows:
: func( generic_structs.ApiRequest, []string ) []byte
The parameters are an ApiRequest, and a []string
containing auth parameters and any other plugin-specific configs. The return is an ApiRequest
that has been presigned/filled with credentials/otherwise prepared to run and be authenticated.
: func( []byte, []string, interface{}, []string ) ( interface{}, bool )
The parameters are the API response in []byte
form, the a []string
containing the split key from the indicator_from_field
in the YAML paging section, and an interface{}
representing the previous paging value/key, if any. The last value is a []string
of any plugin-specific configs. The returns are an interface{}
representing the new paging key and a bool
indicating whether further paging is required.
: func( map[generic_structs.ComparableApiRequest][]byte, []map[string]string, []string ) []byte
The parameters are a map of ComparableApiRequests
and their associated []byte
API responses, and a list of API vars/keys associated with the requests made. The last value is a []string
of any plugin-specific configs. The return is a []byte
reprsenting the final JSON output.
: func( map[string]string, []byte ) []byte
The parameters are a map of variables (usually from the ApiEndpoint.Vars
) and a []byte
representing the API response received from that endpoint. The return is a []byte
representing the response converted to valid JSON.
Development Considerations
- Please use standard
like the built-in logging functions to keep things consistent.
- Please contribute more widely reusable code to the core project rather than embedding it in your plugin.
Future Improvements