go-eventsource is a package for building an Event Store
The package is under development and the interfaces may change.
Event Sourcing Basics
How to use it
To create a new repository:
NewRepository(store, serializer)
It has an interface for saving events and loading an aggregate.
type Repository interface {
// Save one or more events to the repository
Save(ctx context.Context, events ...Event) error
// Save one or more events to the repository, within a transaction
SaveTransaction(ctx context.Context, events ...Event) (StoreTransaction, error)
// Load events from repository for the given aggregate ID. For each event e,
// call aggr.On(e) to update the state of aggr. When done, aggr has been
// "fast forwarded" to the current state.
Load(ctx context.Context, id string, aggr Aggregate) (deleted bool, err error)
// Get all events with sequence ID newer than the given ID (see
// Return at most limit records. If limit is 0, don't limit the number of records returned.
GetEventsBySequenceID(ctx context.Context, sequenceID string, limit int) (events []Event, err error)
// Same as GetEventsBySequenceID, but only returns events of the same type
// as the one provided in the eventType parameter.
GetEventsBySequenceIDAndType(ctx context.Context, sequenceID string, eventType Event, limit int) (events []Event, err error)
// Get all events newer than the given timestamp
// Return at most limit records. If limit is 0, don't limit the number of records returned.
GetEventsByTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestamp int64, limit int) (events []Event, err error)
The package comes with one serializer and two stores:
Included serializer:
Included stores:
If you want to add your own store or serializer, the package has these defined interfaces.
type Store interface {
NewTransaction(ctx context.Context, records ...Record) (StoreTransaction, error)
LoadByAggregate(ctx context.Context, aggregateID string) (record []Record, err error)
LoadBySequenceID(ctx context.Context, sequenceID string, limit int) (record []Record, err error)
LoadBySequenceIDAndType(ctx context.Context, sequenceID string, eventType string, limit int) (records []Record, err error)
LoadByTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestamp int64, limit int) (record []Record, err error)
type StoreTransaction interface {
Commit() error
Rollback() error
type Serializer interface {
Unmarshal(data []byte, eventType string) (Event, error)
Marshal(event Event) ([]byte, error)
UUID Compatibility
You might have to enable compatibility with our internal UUID package using an after-connect handler