Index ¶
- type AuthorizeServer
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelation(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceRelationInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelations(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceRelationsInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.UserRole) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) ApplyRolesForUserOnResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.ApplyRolesForUserOnResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) ApplyUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.ApplyUserActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) AssertExpectations(t *testing.T)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) DeepPing(ctx context.Context, void *common.Void) (*common.PrimitiveString, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetActionInput) (*authorize.GetActionOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetActionsByUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetActionsByUserRoleInput) (*authorize.GetActionsByUserRoleOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetAllActions(ctx context.Context, in *common.Void) (*authorize.GetAllActionsOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceInput) (*authorize.GetResourceOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourceChildren(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceChildrenInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourceParents(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceParentsInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResource(ctx context.Context, ...) (*authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResourceOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByOriginAndType(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByType(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByTypeInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByTypeOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByUserActionInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByUserActionOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesWithActionsAccess(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesWithActionsAccessInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesWithActionsAccessOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserActions(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserActionsInput) (*authorize.GetUserActionsOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceInput) (*authorize.GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserRoleInput) (*authorize.UserRole, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) HostPort() (string, string)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorized(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedBulk(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedBulkInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedBulkOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedByEndpoint(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedByEndpointInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedByEndpointOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedWithReason(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedWithReasonOutput, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) LogClientState(ctx context.Context, clientInfo *authorize.LogClientStateInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelation(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceRelationInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelations(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceRelationsInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveUserActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
- func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveUserRoleInput) (*common.Void, error)
- type Client
- func (mock *Client) AddAction(action grpcapi.Action) error
- func (mock *Client) AddActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, action grpcapi.Action) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResource(resource common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourceRelation(resource common.Origin, parent common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourceRelationWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin, parent common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourceRelations(resources grpcapi.AddResourceRelationsInput) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourceRelationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, resources grpcapi.AddResourceRelationsInput) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResources(resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) AddUserRole(role grpcapi.UserRole) error
- func (mock *Client) AddUserRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, role grpcapi.UserRole) error
- func (mock *Client) ApplyRolesForUserOnResources(userID string, roles []string, resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) ApplyRolesForUserOnResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID string, roles []string, resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) ApplyUserAction(userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) ApplyUserActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) Close() error
- func (mock *Client) DeepPing() error
- func (mock *Client) DeepPingWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
- func (mock *Client) Dial(host, port string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) error
- func (mock *Client) DialUsingCredentials(sess *session.Session, host, port, secretKey string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) error
- func (mock *Client) DialUsingCredentialsWithContext(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session, host, port, secretKey string, ...) error
- func (mock *Client) DialWithContext(ctx context.Context, host, port string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) error
- func (mock *Client) GetAction(name string) (grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) (grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetActionsByUserRole(userRole string) ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetActionsByUserRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, userRole string) ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetAllActions() ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetAllActionsWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResource(id string, originType string) (common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourceChildren(resource common.Origin, childOriginType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourceChildrenWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin, childOriginType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourceParents(resource common.Origin, parentOriginType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourceParentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin, parentOriginType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, id string, originType string) (common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser(userID string) ([]grpcapi.ActionResource, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResource(userID string, resource *common.Origin) ([]grpcapi.ActionResource, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID string, resource *common.Origin) ([]grpcapi.ActionResource, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID string) ([]grpcapi.ActionResource, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByOriginAndType(resource common.Origin, resourceType string, depth int32) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin, resourceType string, depth int32) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByType(resourceType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resourceType string) (resources []common.Origin, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByUserAction(userID, actionName, resourceType string) ([]common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesByUserActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, actionName, resourceType string) ([]common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesWithActionsAccess(actions []string, resourceType string, resource *common.Origin) ([]common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetResourcesWithActionsAccessWithContext(ctx context.Context, actions []string, resourceType string, ...) ([]common.Origin, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserActions(userID string) ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserActionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID string) ([]grpcapi.Action, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResource(resource common.Origin) (resources []string, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin) (resources []string, err error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserRole(roleName string) (grpcapi.UserRole, error)
- func (mock *Client) GetUserRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, roleName string) (grpcapi.UserRole, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorized(userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) (bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedBulk(userID, action string, resources []common.Origin) ([]string, []bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedBulkWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resources []common.Origin) ([]string, []bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedBulkWithResources(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resources []common.Origin) ([]common.Origin, []bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedByEndpoint(api, method, endpoint, userID string) (bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedByEndpointWithContext(ctx context.Context, api, method, endpoint, userID string) (bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) (bool, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedWithReason(userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) (bool, string, error)
- func (mock *Client) IsAuthorizedWithReasonWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) (bool, string, error)
- func (mock *Client) RemoveAction(name string) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResource(resource common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceRelation(resource common.Origin, parent common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceRelationWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin, parent common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceRelations(resources grpcapi.RemoveResourceRelationsInput) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceRelationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, resources grpcapi.RemoveResourceRelationsInput) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResources(resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, resources []common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveUserAction(userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveUserActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, userID, action string, resource *common.Origin) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveUserRole(roleName string) error
- func (mock *Client) RemoveUserRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, roleName string) error
- func (mock *Client) SetRequestTimeout(d time.Duration)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuthorizeServer ¶ added in v2.3.1
func NewServer ¶ added in v2.3.1
func NewServer() (server *AuthorizeServer, err error)
func NewServerOnHostPort ¶ added in v2.5.0
func NewServerOnHostPort(host, port string) (server *AuthorizeServer, err error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddResource ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelation ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelation(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceRelationInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelations ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResourceRelations(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourceRelationsInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddResources ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AddResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.AddResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AddUserRole ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (*AuthorizeServer) ApplyRolesForUserOnResources ¶ added in v2.8.0
func (s *AuthorizeServer) ApplyRolesForUserOnResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.ApplyRolesForUserOnResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) ApplyUserAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) ApplyUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.ApplyUserActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) AssertExpectations ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) AssertExpectations(t *testing.T)
func (*AuthorizeServer) DeepPing ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) DeepPing(ctx context.Context, void *common.Void) (*common.PrimitiveString, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetActionInput) (*authorize.GetActionOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetActionsByUserRole ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetActionsByUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetActionsByUserRoleInput) (*authorize.GetActionsByUserRoleOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetAllActions ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetAllActions(ctx context.Context, in *common.Void) (*authorize.GetAllActionsOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResource ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceInput) (*authorize.GetResourceOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourceChildren ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourceChildren(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceChildrenInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourceParents ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourceParents(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourceParentsInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResource ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResourceInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResourceOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByOriginAndType ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByOriginAndType(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByType ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByType(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByTypeInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByTypeOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByUserAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesByUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesByUserActionInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesByUserActionOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesWithActionsAccess ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetResourcesWithActionsAccess(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetResourcesWithActionsAccessInput) (*authorize.GetResourcesWithActionsAccessOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetUserActions ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserActions(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserActionsInput) (*authorize.GetUserActionsOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResource ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceInput) (*authorize.GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) GetUserRole ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) GetUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.GetUserRoleInput) (*authorize.UserRole, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) HostPort ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) HostPort() (string, string)
func (*AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorized ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorized(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedBulk ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedBulk(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedBulkInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedBulkOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedByEndpoint ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedByEndpoint(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedByEndpointInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedByEndpointOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedWithReason ¶ added in v2.9.2
func (s *AuthorizeServer) IsAuthorizedWithReason(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.IsAuthorizedInput) (*authorize.IsAuthorizedWithReasonOutput, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) LogClientState ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) LogClientState(ctx context.Context, clientInfo *authorize.LogClientStateInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveResource ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResource(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelation ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelation(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceRelationInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelations ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResourceRelations(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourceRelationsInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveResources ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveResources(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveResourcesInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserAction ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserAction(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveUserActionInput) (*common.Void, error)
func (*AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserRole ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (s *AuthorizeServer) RemoveUserRole(ctx context.Context, in *authorize.RemoveUserRoleInput) (*common.Void, error)
type Client ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResource ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResourceRelation ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResourceRelationWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResourceRelations ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (mock *Client) AddResourceRelations(resources grpcapi.AddResourceRelationsInput) error
func (*Client) AddResourceRelationsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResourceWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResources ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddResourcesWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddUserRole ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) AddUserRoleWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) ApplyRolesForUserOnResources ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) ApplyRolesForUserOnResourcesWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) ApplyUserAction ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) ApplyUserActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) DeepPingWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) Dial ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (mock *Client) Dial(host, port string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) error
func (*Client) DialUsingCredentials ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) DialUsingCredentialsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) DialWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetActionsByUserRole ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetActionsByUserRoleWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetAllActions ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetAllActionsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResource ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourceChildren ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourceChildrenWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourceParents ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourceParentsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourceWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (mock *Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUser(userID string) ([]grpcapi.ActionResource, error)
func (*Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResource ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserAndResourceWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesAndActionsByUserWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByOriginAndType ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByOriginAndTypeWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByType ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByTypeWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByUserAction ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesByUserActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesWithActionsAccess ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetResourcesWithActionsAccessWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserActions ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserActionsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResource ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserIDsWithAccessToResourceWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserRole ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) GetUserRoleWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorized ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedBulk ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedBulkWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedBulkWithResources ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedByEndpoint ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedByEndpointWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedWithReason ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) IsAuthorizedWithReasonWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveAction ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResource ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResourceRelation ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResourceRelationWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResourceRelations ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (mock *Client) RemoveResourceRelations(resources grpcapi.RemoveResourceRelationsInput) error
func (*Client) RemoveResourceRelationsWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResourceWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResources ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveResourcesWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveUserAction ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveUserActionWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveUserRole ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) RemoveUserRoleWithContext ¶ added in v2.9.4
func (*Client) SetRequestTimeout ¶ added in v2.9.4
Click to show internal directories.
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