how to create a client
actualClient := client.New(permissionV2Url)
testClient, err := client.NewTestClient(ctx)
to manage permissions of a resource-kind/topic, it must first be registered:
_, err, _ = actualClient.SetTopic(client.InternalAdminToken, Topic{
Id: "testtopic",
this method should be called once on every startup.
the InternalAdminToken
is a convenient token with admin rights, that can only be used internally. InternalAdminToken
will be rejected by kong.
the Topic
has the following properties:
type Topic struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
PublishToKafkaTopic string `json:"publish_to_kafka_topic"`
EnsureKafkaTopicInit bool `json:"ensure_kafka_topic_init"`
EnsureKafkaTopicInitPartitionNumber int `json:"ensure_kafka_topic_init_partition_number"`
LastUpdateUnixTimestamp int64 `json:"last_update_unix_timestamp"` //should be ignored by the user; is set by db
DefaultPermissions ResourcePermissions `json:"default_permissions"`
type ResourcePermissions struct {
UserPermissions map[string]PermissionsMap `json:"user_permissions"`
GroupPermissions map[string]PermissionsMap `json:"group_permissions"`
RolePermissions map[string]PermissionsMap `json:"role_permissions"`
type PermissionsMap struct {
Read bool `json:"read"`
Write bool `json:"write"`
Execute bool `json:"execute"`
Administrate bool `json:"administrate"`
- Id: mandatory, z.b. "devices"
- DefaultPermissions: what permissions does every resource of its kind/topic get
- PublishToKafkaTopic: optional, if != "" -> topic where cqrs commands are additionally published to
- EnsureKafkaTopicInit: optinal, should the PublishToKafkaTopic be initialized
- EnsureKafkaTopicInitPartitionNumber: how many partitions should a PublishToKafkaTopic get when EnsureKafkaTopicInit == true
the most commonly used client methods:
- SetTopic
- SetPermission
- CheckPermission
- CheckMultiplePermissions
- ListAccessibleResourceIds
- AdminListResourceIds
- RemoveResource
embed client in local api
if the resource service is supposed to receive permissions requests, the following command embeds the permissions-v2 api router
into the local router. in this case all requests that have the /permissions/
prefix in the path will be forwarded to the matching client method.
routerWithEmbededPermissionsHandling := client.EmbedPermissionsClientIntoRouter(client.New(config.PermissionsV2Url), router, "/permissions/")
to reflect this new endpoints in a swagger documentation the following generator can be used (example: lib/api/doc_gen/gen.go in )
package main
import ""
//go:generate go run gen.go
//go:generate go install
//go:generate swag init --instanceName devicerepository -o ../../../docs --parseDependency -d .. -g api.go
// generates lib/api/permissions.go
// which enables swag init to generate documentation for permissions endpoints
// which are added by 'permForward := client.New(config.PermissionsV2Url).EmbedPermissionsRequestForwarding("/permissions/", router)'
func main() {
err := client.GenerateGoFileWithSwaggoCommentsForEmbededPermissionsClient("api", "permissions", "../generated_permissions.go")
if err != nil {
this generator:
- creates with
a generated_permissions.go
file with swaggo/swag comments
- installs swaggo/swag
- generates swagger docs
to run this generator execute:
go generate ./...
go generate ./...
swagger ui
if the config variable UseSwaggerEndpoints is set to true, a swagger ui is accessible on /swagger/index.html (http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html)