Celery Operator
Project Status: The basic CRD has been created. The metrics
extraction and testing is ongoing right now...
Celery Operator deploys a quick celery solution within
Kubernetes. You can manage multiple celery clusters
within the Kubernetes through this operator. This
operator is powered by operator framework. So, this is a more
native way to create the celery infrastructure.
The tetative features supported are listed here.
- Dependency Free - No external broker is needed.
It will spin up a broker for you automatically
- Mutiple Worker Pools - You can configure different
worker pools for different queue
- Built-in HPA supported - A simple autoscaler based on resource usage
Progress updated
Here is the tracker for the MVP of this operators. After MVP,
alpha version will be implemented.
- Pod Spawning
- Redis Deployment Broker
- Scheduler Deployment
- Worker
- Implement scaling in broker
- Implement scaling in worker
- Implement scaling in scheduler
- Metric Export
- Get the metric from Broker
- Display the metric in Get and Describe API
- Create Metric Endpoint
- Testing
- Basic Celery Object Creation
- Pod delete and respawning testing
- Task Queuing
Please note that this has not been production ready yet.