This is command line tool for Machine Learning, which you can used to train ML models and deploy models as service/api.
rexcli --help$ rexcli --help
A Machine Learning command line tool to help you train models and deploy models as service/api
rexcli [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
init Prepare the Machine Learning environment on your local machine
model Train/deploy/undeploy/push/pull ML models
model-api Check your model-api status/log
version Print current version
rexcli model --help
src/$ rexcli model --help
Train/deploy/undeploy/push/pull ML models
rexcli model [flags]
rexcli model [command]
Available Commands:
deploy Deploy your model in as a model-api (Restful API)
list List all your models from model repository
train Train your ML model
upload Upload local model to model repository
rexcli model train --help
if it's local, then will create a Jupyter instance for you$ rexcli model train --help
Train your ML model
rexcli model train [flags]
-p, ---prod Train ML models in PROD Jupyter notebooks
-s, ---stg Train ML models in STG Jupyter notebooks
-h, --help help for train
-l, --local Train ML models in your local Jupyter notebook
--name string Name your local Jupyter instance (default "local-")
--port int Specify your local Jupyter instance port (default 8888)
rexcli model deploy --help$ rexcli model deploy --help
Deploy your model in as a model-api (Restful API)
rexcli model deploy [flags]
---prod deploy your model in PROD
---stg deploy your model in STG
--api-name string your model-api name
--cpu int how many CPUs (default 1)
-h, --help help for deploy
--memory int how many Gi memory for 1 model-api (default 1)
--model-framework string which ML framework you used fro training this model, e.g. MLflow/Tensorflow/XGBoost/SKLearn (default "MLflow")
--model-url string where your model is, a URL
--replica-set int how many model-api instances for 1 model-api (default 1)