Kraken has disabled stop losses so i created this bot.
If the price for BTC to EUR is lower than your set stop loss, all your open orders are cancelled, otherwise kraken might reject the order as your funds can be locked to an open order and then a market sell is placed for the full amount of BTC held.
You will be notified at every step through telegram.
Health Checks
You can check the app is alive via telegram with /alive command or through the API through the "/health" endpoint. This setup will allow you to integrate with pingdom (you can set alerting and if using a free heroku tier will keep your app alive)
ENV vars to setup:
KRAKEN_KEY Your API key setup on kraken, remember to give necessary permissions
KRAKEN_SECRET Your API key setup on kraken
STOP_LOSS_AT A float value for your stop loss in EUR
TELEGRAM_TOKEN A token you get when creating a telegram bot through BotFather
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID Start a chat with the created bot and use the /alive action to print your id and set it here
PORT Default port the app should run in
CHECK_FOR_DIP if true this waits 5 seconds after finding a potential stop loss, checks price agian, if still below threshold will sell
Running locally
Just run go run main.go to run the app
App has dotenv setup so you can configure your env vars in a .env file