Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Allowed(event *Event, authEvents AuthEventProvider) error
- func CanonicalJSON(input []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func CanonicalJSONAssumeValid(input []byte) []byte
- func CompactJSON(input, output []byte) []byte
- func EnforcedCanonicalJSON(input []byte, roomVersion RoomVersion) ([]byte, error)
- func IsValidCertificate(serverName ServerName, c *x509.Certificate, intermediates *x509.CertPool) (valid bool, err error)
- func ParseAndValidateServerName(serverName ServerName) (host string, port int, valid bool)
- func RawJSONFromResult(result gjson.Result, input []byte) (RawJSON []byte)
- func RoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
- func SignJSON(signingName string, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, message []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func SortJSON(input, output []byte) []byte
- func StableRoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
- func SupportedRoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
- func VerifyAllEventSignatures(ctx context.Context, events []*Event, keyRing JSONVerifier) error
- func VerifyAuthRulesAtState(ctx context.Context, sp StateProvider, eventToVerify *HeaderedEvent, ...) error
- func VerifyEventAuthChain(ctx context.Context, eventToVerify *HeaderedEvent, ...) error
- func VerifyEventSignatures(ctx context.Context, events []*Event, keyRing JSONVerifier) ([]error, error)
- func VerifyJSON(signingName string, keyID KeyID, publicKey ed25519.PublicKey, message []byte) error
- type ApplicationServiceTransaction
- type AuthChainProvider
- type AuthEventProvider
- type AuthEvents
- func (a *AuthEvents) AddEvent(event *Event) error
- func (a *AuthEvents) Create() (*Event, error)
- func (a *AuthEvents) JoinRules() (*Event, error)
- func (a *AuthEvents) Member(stateKey string) (*Event, error)
- func (a *AuthEvents) PowerLevels() (*Event, error)
- func (a *AuthEvents) ThirdPartyInvite(stateKey string) (*Event, error)
- type BackfillClient
- type BackfillRequester
- type BadJSONError
- type Base64Bytes
- func (b64 *Base64Bytes) Decode(str string) error
- func (b64 Base64Bytes) Encode() string
- func (b64 Base64Bytes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b64 Base64Bytes) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- func (b64 *Base64Bytes) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) (err error)
- func (b64 *Base64Bytes) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) (err error)
- type Client
- func (fc *Client) CreateMediaDownloadRequest(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, mediaID string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (fc *Client) DoHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
- func (fc *Client) DoRequestAndParseResponse(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, result interface{}) error
- func (fc *Client) GetServerKeys(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName) (ServerKeys, error)
- func (fc *Client) GetVersion(ctx context.Context, s ServerName) (res Version, err error)
- func (fc *Client) LookupServerKeys(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, ...) ([]ServerKeys, error)
- func (fc *Client) LookupUserInfo(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, token string) (u UserInfo, err error)
- func (fc *Client) SetUserAgent(ua string)
- type ClientEvent
- func HeaderedToClientEvent(se *HeaderedEvent, format ClientEventFormat) ClientEvent
- func HeaderedToClientEvents(serverEvs []*HeaderedEvent, format ClientEventFormat) []ClientEvent
- func ToClientEvent(se *Event, format ClientEventFormat) ClientEvent
- func ToClientEvents(serverEvs []*Event, format ClientEventFormat) []ClientEvent
- type ClientEventFormat
- type CreateContent
- type DeviceKeys
- type DeviceListUpdateEvent
- type DirectKeyFetcher
- type EDU
- type Ed25519Checks
- type Event
- func NewEventFromTrustedJSON(eventJSON []byte, redacted bool, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
- func NewEventFromTrustedJSONWithEventID(eventID string, eventJSON []byte, redacted bool, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
- func NewEventFromUntrustedJSON(eventJSON []byte, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
- func ResolveConflicts(version RoomVersion, events []*Event, authEvents []*Event) ([]*Event, error)
- func ResolveStateConflicts(conflicted []*Event, authEvents []*Event) []*Event
- func ResolveStateConflictsV2(conflicted, unconflicted []*Event, authEvents, authDifference []*Event) []*Event
- func ReverseTopologicalOrdering(input []*Event, order TopologicalOrder) []*Event
- func UnwrapEventHeaders(in []*HeaderedEvent) []*Event
- func (e *Event) AuthEventIDs() []string
- func (e *Event) AuthEvents() []EventReference
- func (e *Event) CheckFields() error
- func (e *Event) Content() []byte
- func (e *Event) Depth() int64
- func (e *Event) EventID() string
- func (e *Event) EventReference() EventReference
- func (e *Event) Headered(roomVersion RoomVersion) *HeaderedEvent
- func (e *Event) HistoryVisibility() (string, error)
- func (e *Event) JSON() []byte
- func (e *Event) JoinRule() (string, error)
- func (e *Event) KeyIDs(signingName string) []KeyID
- func (e Event) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *Event) Membership() (string, error)
- func (e *Event) Origin() ServerName
- func (e *Event) OriginServerTS() Timestamp
- func (e *Event) PowerLevels() (*PowerLevelContent, error)
- func (e *Event) PrevEventIDs() []string
- func (e *Event) PrevEvents() []EventReference
- func (e *Event) Redact() *Event
- func (e *Event) Redacted() bool
- func (e *Event) Redacts() string
- func (e *Event) RoomID() string
- func (e *Event) Sender() string
- func (e *Event) SetUnsigned(unsigned interface{}) (*Event, error)
- func (e *Event) SetUnsignedField(path string, value interface{}) error
- func (e *Event) Sign(signingName string, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey) Event
- func (e *Event) StateKey() *string
- func (e *Event) StateKeyEquals(stateKey string) bool
- func (e *Event) Type() string
- func (e *Event) Unsigned() []byte
- func (e *Event) Verify(signingName string, keyID KeyID, publicKey ed25519.PublicKey) error
- func (e *Event) Version() RoomVersion
- type EventBuilder
- type EventFilter
- type EventFormat
- type EventHeader
- type EventIDFormat
- type EventLoadResult
- type EventReference
- type EventValidationError
- type EventsLoader
- type FederatedStateClient
- type FederatedStateProvider
- type FederationClient
- func NewFederationClient(serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, ...) *FederationClient
- func NewFederationClientWithTimeout(serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, ...) *FederationClient
- func NewFederationClientWithTransport(serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, ...) *FederationClient
- func (ac *FederationClient) Backfill(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID string, limit int, eventIDs []string) (res Transaction, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) ClaimKeys(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, oneTimeKeys map[string]map[string]string) (res RespClaimKeys, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) ExchangeThirdPartyInvite(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, builder EventBuilder) (err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) GetEvent(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, eventID string) (res Transaction, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) GetEventAuth(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string) (res RespEventAuth, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) GetPublicRooms(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, limit int, since string, ...) (res RespPublicRooms, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) GetUserDevices(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, userID string) (res RespUserDevices, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) LookupMissingEvents(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID string, missing MissingEvents, ...) (res RespMissingEvents, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) LookupProfile(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, userID string, field string) (res RespProfile, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) LookupRoomAlias(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomAlias string) (res RespDirectory, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) LookupState(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, ...) (res RespState, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) LookupStateIDs(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string) (res RespStateIDs, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) MSC2836EventRelationships(ctx context.Context, dst ServerName, r MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest, ...) (res MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) MakeJoin(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, userID string, ...) (res RespMakeJoin, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) MakeLeave(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, userID string) (res RespMakeLeave, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) Peek(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, peekID string, ...) (res RespPeek, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) QueryKeys(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, keys map[string][]string) (res RespQueryKeys, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) SendInvite(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event) (res RespInvite, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) SendInviteV2(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, request InviteV2Request) (res RespInviteV2, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) SendJoin(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event, roomVersion RoomVersion) (res RespSendJoin, err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) SendLeave(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event) (err error)
- func (ac *FederationClient) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, t Transaction) (res RespSend, err error)
- type FederationRequest
- func (r *FederationRequest) Content() []byte
- func (r *FederationRequest) HTTPRequest() (*http.Request, error)
- func (r *FederationRequest) Method() string
- func (r *FederationRequest) Origin() ServerName
- func (r *FederationRequest) RequestURI() string
- func (r *FederationRequest) SetContent(content interface{}) error
- func (r *FederationRequest) Sign(serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey) error
- type Filter
- type HeaderedEvent
- type HexString
- type HistoryVisibilityContent
- type InviteV2Request
- type InviteV2StrippedState
- func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Content() RawJSON
- func (i InviteV2StrippedState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Sender() string
- func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) StateKey() *string
- func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Type() string
- func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type JSONVerifier
- type JoinRuleContent
- type KeyChecks
- type KeyClient
- type KeyDatabase
- type KeyFetcher
- type KeyID
- type KeyRing
- type MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest
- type MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse
- type MemberContent
- type MemberThirdPartyInvite
- type MemberThirdPartyInviteSigned
- type MissingAuthEventError
- type MissingEvents
- type NotAllowed
- type OldVerifyKey
- type PDUResult
- type PerspectiveKeyFetcher
- type PowerLevelContent
- type PreviousRoom
- type PublicKey
- type PublicKeyLookupRequest
- type PublicKeyLookupResult
- type PublicKeyNotaryLookupRequest
- type PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria
- type PublicRoom
- type RawJSON
- type RedactionAlgorithm
- type ResolutionResult
- type RespClaimKeys
- type RespDirectory
- type RespEventAuth
- type RespInvite
- type RespInviteV2
- type RespMakeJoin
- type RespMakeLeave
- type RespMissingEvents
- type RespPeek
- type RespProfile
- type RespPublicRooms
- type RespQueryKeys
- type RespSend
- type RespSendJoin
- type RespState
- type RespStateIDs
- type RespUserDevice
- type RespUserDeviceKeys
- type RespUserDevices
- type RoomEventFilter
- type RoomFilter
- type RoomVersion
- func (v RoomVersion) EnforceCanonicalJSON() (bool, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) EventFormat() (EventFormat, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) EventIDFormat() (EventIDFormat, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) PowerLevelsIncludeNotifications() (bool, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) RedactionAlgorithm() (RedactionAlgorithm, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) StateResAlgorithm() (StateResAlgorithm, error)
- func (v RoomVersion) StrictValidityChecking() (bool, error)
- type RoomVersionDescription
- type SelfDestructContent
- type SendToDeviceEvent
- type ServerKeyFields
- type ServerKeys
- type ServerName
- type StateFilter
- type StateKeyTuple
- type StateNeeded
- type StateProvider
- type StateResAlgorithm
- type ThirdPartyInviteContent
- type Timestamp
- type ToDeviceMessage
- type TopologicalOrder
- type Transaction
- type TransactionID
- type UnexpectedHeaderedEvent
- type UnsupportedRoomVersionError
- type UserInfo
- type VerifyJSONRequest
- type VerifyJSONResult
- type VerifyKey
- type Version
- type WellKnownResult
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( // Join is the string constant "join" Join = "join" // Ban is the string constant "ban" Ban = "ban" // Leave is the string constant "leave" Leave = "leave" // Invite is the string constant "invite" Invite = "invite" // NOTSPEC: Peek is the string constant "peek" (MSC2753, used as the label in the sync block) Peek = "peek" // Public is the string constant "public" Public = "public" // MRoomCreate MRoomCreate = "" // MRoomJoinRules MRoomJoinRules = "" // MRoomPowerLevels MRoomPowerLevels = "" // MRoomName MRoomName = "" // MRoomMember MRoomMember = "" // MRoomThirdPartyInvite MRoomThirdPartyInvite = "" // MRoomAliases MRoomAliases = "" // MRoomCanonicalAlias MRoomCanonicalAlias = "" // MRoomHistoryVisibility MRoomHistoryVisibility = "" // MRoomRedaction MRoomRedaction = "" // MTyping MTyping = "m.typing" // MDirectToDevice MDirectToDevice = "m.direct_to_device" // MDeviceListUpdate MDeviceListUpdate = "m.device_list_update" // MReceipt MReceipt = "m.receipt" )
const (
EventValidationTooLarge int = 1
Event validation errors
const PublicKeyNotExpired = Timestamp(0)
PublicKeyNotExpired is a magic value for PublicKeyLookupResult.ExpiredTS: it indicates that this is an active key which has not yet expired
const PublicKeyNotValid = Timestamp(0)
PublicKeyNotValid is a magic value for PublicKeyLookupResult.ValidUntilTS: it is used when we don't have a validity period for this key. Most likely it is an old key with an expiry date.
Variables ¶
var ErrCanonicalJSON = errors.New("value is outside of safe range")
Functions ¶
func Allowed ¶
func Allowed(event *Event, authEvents AuthEventProvider) error
Allowed checks whether an event is allowed by the auth events. It returns a NotAllowed error if the event is not allowed. If there was an error loading the auth events then it returns that error.
func CanonicalJSON ¶
CanonicalJSON re-encodes the JSON in a canonical encoding. The encoding is the shortest possible encoding using integer values with sorted object keys. At present this function performs:
- shortest encoding, sorted lexicographically by UTF-8 codepoint:
Returns a gomatrixserverlib.BadJSONError if JSON validation fails.
func CanonicalJSONAssumeValid ¶
CanonicalJSONAssumeValid is the same as CanonicalJSON, but assumes the input is valid JSON
func CompactJSON ¶
CompactJSON makes the encoded JSON as small as possible by removing whitespace and unneeded unicode escapes
func EnforcedCanonicalJSON ¶
func EnforcedCanonicalJSON(input []byte, roomVersion RoomVersion) ([]byte, error)
Returns a gomatrixserverlib.BadJSONError if the canonical JSON fails enforced checks or if JSON validation fails. At present this function performs:
- integer bounds checking for room version 6 and above:
- shortest encoding, sorted lexicographically by UTF-8 codepoint:
Returns a gomatrixserverlib.BadJSONError if JSON validation fails.
func IsValidCertificate ¶
func IsValidCertificate(serverName ServerName, c *x509.Certificate, intermediates *x509.CertPool) (valid bool, err error)
IsValidCertificate checks if the given x509 certificate can be verified using system root CAs and an optional pool of intermediate CAs.
func ParseAndValidateServerName ¶
func ParseAndValidateServerName(serverName ServerName) (host string, port int, valid bool)
ParseAndValidateServerName splits a ServerName into a host and port part, and checks that it is a valid server name according to the spec.
if there is no explicit port, returns '-1' as the port.
func RawJSONFromResult ¶
RawJSONFromResult extracts the raw JSON bytes pointed to by result. input must be the json bytes that were used to generate result
func RoomVersions ¶
func RoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
RoomVersions returns information about room versions currently implemented by this commit of gomatrixserverlib.
func SignJSON ¶
func SignJSON(signingName string, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, message []byte) ([]byte, error)
SignJSON signs a JSON object returning a copy signed with the given key.
func SortJSON ¶
SortJSON reencodes the JSON with the object keys sorted by lexicographically by codepoint. The input must be valid JSON.
func StableRoomVersions ¶
func StableRoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
StableRoomVersions returns a map of descriptions for room versions that are marked as stable.
func SupportedRoomVersions ¶
func SupportedRoomVersions() map[RoomVersion]RoomVersionDescription
SupportedRoomVersions returns a map of descriptions for room versions that are marked as supported.
func VerifyAllEventSignatures ¶
func VerifyAllEventSignatures(ctx context.Context, events []*Event, keyRing JSONVerifier) error
VerifyAllEventSignatures checks that each event in a list of events has valid signatures from the server that sent it.
returns an error if any event fails verifications
func VerifyAuthRulesAtState ¶
func VerifyAuthRulesAtState(ctx context.Context, sp StateProvider, eventToVerify *HeaderedEvent, allowValidation bool) error
VerifyAuthRulesAtState will check that the auth_events in the given event are valid at the state of the room before that event.
This implements Step 5 of "Passes authorization rules based on the state at the event, otherwise it is rejected."
If `allowValidation` is true: This check initially attempts to validate that the auth_events are in the target room state, and if they are it will short-circuit and succeed early. THIS IS ONLY VALID IF STEP 4 HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY APPLIED. Otherwise, a malicious server could lie and say that no auth_events are required and this function will short-circuit and allow it.
func VerifyEventAuthChain ¶
func VerifyEventAuthChain(ctx context.Context, eventToVerify *HeaderedEvent, provideEvents AuthChainProvider) error
VerifyEventAuthChain will verify that the event is allowed according to its auth_events, and then recursively verify each of those auth_events.
This function implements Step 4 of "Passes authorization rules based on the event's auth events, otherwise it is rejected." If an event passes this function without error, the caller should make sure that all the auth_events were actually for a valid room state, and not referencing random bits of room state from different positions in time (Step 5).
The `provideEvents` function will only be called for *new* events rather than for everything as it is assumed that this function is costly. Failing to provide all the requested events will fail this function. Returning an error from `provideEvents` will also fail this function.
func VerifyEventSignatures ¶
func VerifyEventSignatures(ctx context.Context, events []*Event, keyRing JSONVerifier) ([]error, error)
VerifyEventSignatures checks that each event in a list of events has valid signatures from the server that sent it.
returns an array with either an error or nil for each event.
Types ¶
type ApplicationServiceTransaction ¶
type ApplicationServiceTransaction struct {
Events []ClientEvent `json:"events"`
ApplicationServiceTransaction is the transaction that is sent off to an application service.
type AuthChainProvider ¶
type AuthChainProvider func(roomVer RoomVersion, eventIDs []string) ([]*Event, error)
AuthChainProvider returns the requested list of auth events.
type AuthEventProvider ¶
type AuthEventProvider interface { // Create returns the event for the room or nil if there isn't a event. Create() (*Event, error) // JoinRules returns the event for the room or nil if there isn't a event. JoinRules() (*Event, error) // PowerLevels returns the event for the room or nil if there isn't a event. PowerLevels() (*Event, error) // Member returns the event for the given user_id state_key or nil if there isn't a event. Member(stateKey string) (*Event, error) // ThirdPartyInvite returns the event for the // given state_key or nil if there isn't a event ThirdPartyInvite(stateKey string) (*Event, error) }
AuthEventProvider provides auth_events for the authentication checks.
type AuthEvents ¶
type AuthEvents struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuthEvents is an implementation of AuthEventProvider backed by a map.
func NewAuthEvents ¶
func NewAuthEvents(events []*Event) AuthEvents
NewAuthEvents returns an AuthEventProvider backed by the given events. New events can be added by calling AddEvent().
func (*AuthEvents) AddEvent ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) AddEvent(event *Event) error
AddEvent adds an event to the provider. If an event already existed for the (type, state_key) then the event is replaced with the new event. Only returns an error if the event is not a state event.
func (*AuthEvents) Create ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) Create() (*Event, error)
Create implements AuthEventProvider
func (*AuthEvents) JoinRules ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) JoinRules() (*Event, error)
JoinRules implements AuthEventProvider
func (*AuthEvents) Member ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) Member(stateKey string) (*Event, error)
Member implements AuthEventProvider
func (*AuthEvents) PowerLevels ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) PowerLevels() (*Event, error)
PowerLevels implements AuthEventProvider
func (*AuthEvents) ThirdPartyInvite ¶
func (a *AuthEvents) ThirdPartyInvite(stateKey string) (*Event, error)
ThirdPartyInvite implements AuthEventProvider
type BackfillClient ¶
type BackfillClient interface { // Backfill performs a backfill request to the given server. // Backfill(ctx context.Context, server ServerName, roomID string, limit int, fromEventIDs []string) (Transaction, error) }
BackfillClient contains the necessary functions from the federation client to perform a backfill request from another homeserver.
type BackfillRequester ¶
type BackfillRequester interface { StateProvider BackfillClient // ServersAtEvent is called when trying to determine which server to request from. // It returns a list of servers which can be queried for backfill requests. These servers // will be servers that are in the room already. The entries at the beginning are preferred servers // and will be tried first. An empty list will fail the request. ServersAtEvent(ctx context.Context, roomID, eventID string) []ServerName ProvideEvents(roomVer RoomVersion, eventIDs []string) ([]*Event, error) }
BackfillRequester contains the necessary functions to perform backfill requests from one server to another.
It requires a StateProvider in order to perform PDU checks on received events, notably the step "Passes authorization rules based on the state at the event, otherwise it is rejected.". The BackfillRequester will always call functions on the StateProvider in topological order, starting with the earliest event and rolling forwards. This allows implementations to make optimisations for subsequent events, rather than constantly deferring to federation requests.
type BadJSONError ¶
type BadJSONError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BadJSONError) Error ¶
func (e BadJSONError) Error() string
func (BadJSONError) Unwrap ¶
func (e BadJSONError) Unwrap() error
type Base64Bytes ¶
type Base64Bytes []byte
A Base64Bytes is a string of bytes (not base64 encoded) that are base64 encoded when used in JSON.
The bytes encoded using base64 when marshalled as JSON. When the bytes are unmarshalled from JSON they are decoded from base64.
func (*Base64Bytes) Decode ¶
func (b64 *Base64Bytes) Decode(str string) error
Decode decodes the given input into this Base64Bytes
func (Base64Bytes) Encode ¶
func (b64 Base64Bytes) Encode() string
Encode encodes the bytes as base64
func (Base64Bytes) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b64 Base64Bytes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON encodes the bytes as base64 and then encodes the base64 as a JSON string. This takes a value receiver so that maps and slices of Base64Bytes encode correctly.
func (Base64Bytes) MarshalYAML ¶
func (b64 Base64Bytes) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements yaml.Marshaller It just encodes the bytes as base64, which is a valid YAML string
func (*Base64Bytes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b64 *Base64Bytes) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) (err error)
UnmarshalJSON decodes a JSON string and then decodes the resulting base64. This takes a pointer receiver because it needs to write the result of decoding.
func (*Base64Bytes) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (b64 *Base64Bytes) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) (err error)
UnmarshalYAML implements yaml.Unmarshaller it unmarshals the input as a yaml string and then base64-decodes the result
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Client makes request to the federation listeners of matrix homeservers
func NewClientWithTimeout ¶
NewClientWithTieout makes a new Client (with specified timeout)
func NewClientWithTransport ¶
func NewClientWithTransport(transport http.RoundTripper) *Client
NewClientWithTransport makes a new Client with an existing transport
func NewClientWithTransportTimeout ¶
func NewClientWithTransportTimeout(timeout time.Duration, transport http.RoundTripper) *Client
NewClientWithTransportTimeout makes a new Client with a specified request timeout
func (*Client) CreateMediaDownloadRequest ¶
func (fc *Client) CreateMediaDownloadRequest( ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, mediaID string, ) (*http.Response, error)
CreateMediaDownloadRequest creates a request for media on a homeserver and returns the http.Response or an error
func (*Client) DoHTTPRequest ¶
DoHTTPRequest creates an outgoing request ID and adds it to the context before sending off the request and awaiting a response.
If the returned error is nil, the Response will contain a non-nil Body which the caller is expected to close.
func (*Client) DoRequestAndParseResponse ¶
func (fc *Client) DoRequestAndParseResponse( ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, result interface{}, ) error
DoRequestAndParseResponse calls DoHTTPRequest and then decodes the response.
If the HTTP response is not a 200, an attempt is made to parse the response body into a gomatrix.RespError. In any case, a non-200 response will result in a gomatrix.HTTPError.
func (*Client) GetServerKeys ¶
func (fc *Client) GetServerKeys( ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, ) (ServerKeys, error)
GetServerKeys asks a matrix server for its signing keys and TLS cert
func (*Client) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion gets the version information of a homeserver. See
func (*Client) LookupServerKeys ¶
func (fc *Client) LookupServerKeys( ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, keyRequests map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]Timestamp, ) ([]ServerKeys, error)
LookupServerKeys looks up the keys for a matrix server from a matrix server. The first argument is the name of the matrix server to download the keys from. The second argument is a map from (server name, key ID) pairs to timestamps. The (server name, key ID) pair identifies the key to download. The timestamps tell the server when the keys need to be valid until. Perspective servers can use that timestamp to determine whether they can return a cached copy of the keys or whether they will need to retrieve a fresh copy of the keys. Returns the keys returned by the server, or an error if there was a problem talking to the server.
func (*Client) LookupUserInfo ¶
func (fc *Client) LookupUserInfo( ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, token string, ) (u UserInfo, err error)
LookupUserInfo gets information about a user from a given matrix homeserver using a bearer access token.
func (*Client) SetUserAgent ¶
SetUserAgent sets the user agent string that is sent in the headers of outbound HTTP requests.
type ClientEvent ¶
type ClientEvent struct { Content RawJSON `json:"content"` EventID string `json:"event_id,omitempty"` // EventID is omitted on receipt events OriginServerTS Timestamp `json:"origin_server_ts,omitempty"` // OriginServerTS is omitted on receipt events RoomID string `json:"room_id,omitempty"` // RoomID is omitted on /sync responses Sender string `json:"sender,omitempty"` // Sender is omitted on receipt events StateKey *string `json:"state_key,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` Unsigned RawJSON `json:"unsigned,omitempty"` Redacts string `json:"redacts,omitempty"` }
ClientEvent is an event which is fit for consumption by clients, in accordance with the specification.
func HeaderedToClientEvent ¶
func HeaderedToClientEvent(se *HeaderedEvent, format ClientEventFormat) ClientEvent
ToClientEvent converts a single server event to a client event.
func HeaderedToClientEvents ¶
func HeaderedToClientEvents(serverEvs []*HeaderedEvent, format ClientEventFormat) []ClientEvent
ToClientEvents converts server events to client events.
func ToClientEvent ¶
func ToClientEvent(se *Event, format ClientEventFormat) ClientEvent
ToClientEvent converts a single server event to a client event.
func ToClientEvents ¶
func ToClientEvents(serverEvs []*Event, format ClientEventFormat) []ClientEvent
ToClientEvents converts server events to client events.
type ClientEventFormat ¶
type ClientEventFormat int
const ( // FormatAll will include all client event keys FormatAll ClientEventFormat = iota // FormatSync will include only the event keys required by the /sync API. Notably, this // means the 'room_id' will be missing from the events. FormatSync )
type CreateContent ¶
type CreateContent struct { // The "m.federate" flag tells us whether the room can be federated to other servers. Federate *bool `json:"m.federate,omitempty"` // The creator of the room tells us what the default power levels are. Creator string `json:"creator"` // The version of the room. Should be treated as "1" when the key doesn't exist. RoomVersion *RoomVersion `json:"room_version,omitempty"` // The predecessor of the room. Predecessor PreviousRoom `json:"predecessor,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateContent is the JSON content of a event along with the top level keys needed for auth. See for descriptions of the fields.
func NewCreateContentFromAuthEvents ¶
func NewCreateContentFromAuthEvents(authEvents AuthEventProvider) (c CreateContent, err error)
NewCreateContentFromAuthEvents loads the create event content from the create event in the auth events.
func (*CreateContent) DomainAllowed ¶
func (c *CreateContent) DomainAllowed(domain string) error
DomainAllowed checks whether the domain is allowed in the room by the "m.federate" flag.
func (*CreateContent) UserIDAllowed ¶
func (c *CreateContent) UserIDAllowed(id string) error
UserIDAllowed checks whether the domain part of the user ID is allowed in the room by the "m.federate" flag.
type DeviceKeys ¶
type DeviceKeys struct { RespUserDeviceKeys // Additional data added to the device key information by intermediate servers, and not covered by the signatures. // E.g { "device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone" } Unsigned map[string]interface{} `json:"unsigned"` }
DeviceKeys as per
type DeviceListUpdateEvent ¶
type DeviceListUpdateEvent struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` DeviceID string `json:"device_id"` DeviceDisplayName string `json:"device_display_name"` StreamID int `json:"stream_id"` PrevID []int `json:"prev_id"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Keys json.RawMessage `json:"keys"` }
DeviceListUpdateEvent is
type DirectKeyFetcher ¶
type DirectKeyFetcher struct { // The federation client to use to fetch keys with. Client KeyClient }
A DirectKeyFetcher fetches keys directly from a server. This may be suitable for local deployments that are firewalled from the public internet where DNS can be trusted.
func (*DirectKeyFetcher) FetchKeys ¶
func (d *DirectKeyFetcher) FetchKeys( ctx context.Context, requests map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]Timestamp, ) (map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]PublicKeyLookupResult, error)
FetchKeys implements KeyFetcher
func (DirectKeyFetcher) FetcherName ¶
func (d DirectKeyFetcher) FetcherName() string
FetcherName implements KeyFetcher
type EDU ¶
type EDU struct { Type string `json:"edu_type"` Origin string `json:"origin"` Destination string `json:"destination,omitempty"` Content RawJSON `json:"content,omitempty"` }
EDU represents a EDU received via federation
type Ed25519Checks ¶
type Ed25519Checks struct { ValidEd25519 bool // The verify key is valid Ed25519 keys. MatchingSignature bool // The verify key has a valid signature. }
Ed25519Checks are the checks that are applied to Ed25519 keys in ServerKey responses.
type Event ¶
type Event struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Event is a matrix event. The event should always contain valid JSON. If the event content hash is invalid then the event is redacted. Redacted events contain only the fields covered by the event signature. The fields have different formats depending on the room version - see eventFormatV1Fields, eventFormatV2Fields.
func NewEventFromTrustedJSON ¶
func NewEventFromTrustedJSON(eventJSON []byte, redacted bool, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
NewEventFromTrustedJSON loads a new event from some JSON that must be valid. This will be more efficient than NewEventFromUntrustedJSON since it can skip cryptographic checks. This can be used when loading matrix events from a local database.
func NewEventFromTrustedJSONWithEventID ¶
func NewEventFromTrustedJSONWithEventID(eventID string, eventJSON []byte, redacted bool, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
NewEventFromTrustedJSONWithEventID loads a new event from some JSON that must be valid and that the event ID is already known. This must ONLY be used when retrieving an event from the database and NEVER when accepting an event over federation. This will be more efficient than NewEventFromTrustedJSON since, if the event ID is known, we skip all the reference hash and canonicalisation work.
func NewEventFromUntrustedJSON ¶
func NewEventFromUntrustedJSON(eventJSON []byte, roomVersion RoomVersion) (result *Event, err error)
NewEventFromUntrustedJSON loads a new event from some JSON that may be invalid. This checks that the event is valid JSON. It also checks the content hashes to ensure the event has not been tampered with. This should be used when receiving new events from remote servers.
func ResolveConflicts ¶
func ResolveConflicts( version RoomVersion, events []*Event, authEvents []*Event, ) ([]*Event, error)
ResolveConflicts performs state resolution on the input events, returning the resolved state. It will automatically decide which state resolution algorithm to use, depending on the room version. `events` should be all the state events to resolve. `authEvents` should be the entire set of auth_events for these `events`. Returns an error if the state resolution algorithm cannot be determined.
func ResolveStateConflicts ¶
ResolveStateConflicts takes a list of state events with conflicting state keys and works out which event should be used for each state event.
func ResolveStateConflictsV2 ¶
func ResolveStateConflictsV2( conflicted, unconflicted []*Event, authEvents, authDifference []*Event, ) []*Event
ResolveStateConflicts takes a list of state events with conflicting state keys and works out which event should be used for each state event. This function returns the resolved state, including unconflicted state events.
func ReverseTopologicalOrdering ¶
func ReverseTopologicalOrdering(input []*Event, order TopologicalOrder) []*Event
ReverseTopologicalOrdering takes a set of input events and sorts them using Kahn's algorithm in order to topologically order them. The result array of events will be sorted so that "earlier" events appear first.
func UnwrapEventHeaders ¶
func UnwrapEventHeaders(in []*HeaderedEvent) []*Event
UnwrapEventHeaders unwraps an array of headered events.
func (*Event) AuthEventIDs ¶
AuthEventIDs returns the event IDs of the events needed to auth the event.
func (*Event) AuthEvents ¶
func (e *Event) AuthEvents() []EventReference
AuthEvents returns references to the events needed to auth the event.
func (*Event) CheckFields ¶
CheckFields checks that the event fields are valid. Returns an error if the IDs have the wrong format or too long. Returns an error if the total length of the event JSON is too long. Returns an error if the event ID doesn't match the origin of the event.
func (*Event) EventReference ¶
func (e *Event) EventReference() EventReference
EventReference returns an EventReference for the event. The reference can be used to refer to this event from other events.
func (*Event) Headered ¶
func (e *Event) Headered(roomVersion RoomVersion) *HeaderedEvent
Headered returns a HeaderedEvent encapsulating the original event, with the supplied headers.
func (*Event) HistoryVisibility ¶
HistoryVisibility returns the value of the content.history_visibility field if this event is an "" event. Returns an error if the event is not a event or if the content is not valid content.
func (*Event) JoinRule ¶
JoinRule returns the value of the content.join_rule field if this event is an "" event. Returns an error if the event is not a event or if the content is not valid content.
func (*Event) KeyIDs ¶
KeyIDs returns a list of key IDs that the named entity has signed the event with.
func (Event) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*Event) Membership ¶
Membership returns the value of the content.membership field if this event is an "" event. Returns an error if the event is not a event or if the content is not valid content.
func (*Event) Origin ¶
func (e *Event) Origin() ServerName
Origin returns the name of the server that sent the event
func (*Event) OriginServerTS ¶
OriginServerTS returns the unix timestamp when this event was created on the origin server, with millisecond resolution.
func (*Event) PowerLevels ¶
func (e *Event) PowerLevels() (*PowerLevelContent, error)
PowerLevels returns the power levels content if this event is an "" event. Returns an error if the event is not a event or if the content is not valid content.
func (*Event) PrevEventIDs ¶
PrevEventIDs returns the event IDs of the direct ancestors of the event.
func (*Event) PrevEvents ¶
func (e *Event) PrevEvents() []EventReference
PrevEvents returns references to the direct ancestors of the event.
func (*Event) SetUnsigned ¶
SetUnsigned sets the unsigned key of the event. Returns a copy of the event with the "unsigned" key set.
func (*Event) SetUnsignedField ¶
SetUnsignedField takes a path and value to insert into the unsigned dict of the event. path is a dot separated path into the unsigned dict (see gjson package for details on format). In particular some characters like '.' and '*' must be escaped.
func (*Event) StateKey ¶
StateKey returns the "state_key" of the event, or the nil if the event is not a state event.
func (*Event) StateKeyEquals ¶
StateKeyEquals returns true if the event is a state event and the "state_key" matches.
func (*Event) Version ¶
func (e *Event) Version() RoomVersion
Version returns the version of this event
type EventBuilder ¶
type EventBuilder struct { // The user ID of the user sending the event. Sender string `json:"sender"` // The room ID of the room this event is in. RoomID string `json:"room_id"` // The type of the event. Type string `json:"type"` // The state_key of the event if the event is a state event or nil if the event is not a state event. StateKey *string `json:"state_key,omitempty"` // The events that immediately preceded this event in the room history. This can be // either []EventReference for room v1/v2, and []string for room v3 onwards. PrevEvents interface{} `json:"prev_events"` // The events needed to authenticate this event. This can be // either []EventReference for room v1/v2, and []string for room v3 onwards. AuthEvents interface{} `json:"auth_events"` // The event ID of the event being redacted if this event is a "". Redacts string `json:"redacts,omitempty"` // The depth of the event, This should be one greater than the maximum depth of the previous events. // The create event has a depth of 1. Depth int64 `json:"depth"` // The JSON object for "content" key of the event. Content RawJSON `json:"content"` // The JSON object for the "unsigned" key Unsigned RawJSON `json:"unsigned,omitempty"` }
An EventBuilder is used to build a new event. These can be exchanged between matrix servers in the federation APIs when joining or leaving a room.
func (*EventBuilder) Build ¶
func (eb *EventBuilder) Build( now time.Time, origin ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (result *Event, err error)
Build a new Event. This is used when a local event is created on this server. Call this after filling out the necessary fields. This can be called multiple times on the same builder. A different event ID must be supplied each time this is called.
func (*EventBuilder) SetContent ¶
func (eb *EventBuilder) SetContent(content interface{}) (err error)
SetContent sets the JSON content key of the event.
func (*EventBuilder) SetUnsigned ¶
func (eb *EventBuilder) SetUnsigned(unsigned interface{}) (err error)
SetUnsigned sets the JSON unsigned key of the event.
type EventFilter ¶
type EventFilter struct { Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"` NotSenders []string `json:"not_senders,omitempty"` NotTypes []string `json:"not_types,omitempty"` Senders []string `json:"senders,omitempty"` Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` }
EventFilter is used to define filtering rules for events
func DefaultEventFilter ¶
func DefaultEventFilter() EventFilter
DefaultEventFilter returns the default event filter used by the Matrix server if no filter is provided in the request
type EventFormat ¶
type EventFormat int
EventFormat refers to the formatting of the event fields struct.
const ( EventFormatV1 EventFormat = iota + 1 // prev_events and auth_events as event references EventFormatV2 // prev_events and auth_events as string array of event IDs )
Event format constants.
type EventHeader ¶
type EventHeader struct {
RoomVersion RoomVersion `json:"_room_version,omitempty"`
HeaderedEventHeader contains header fields for an event that contains additional metadata, e.g. room version. IMPORTANT NOTE: All fields in this struct must have a "json:" name tag or otherwise the reflection code for marshalling and unmarshalling headered events will not work. They must be unique and not overlap with a name tag from the Event struct or otherwise panics may occur, so header name tags are instead prefixed with an underscore.
type EventIDFormat ¶
type EventIDFormat int
EventIDFormat refers to the formatting used to generate new event IDs.
const ( EventIDFormatV1 EventIDFormat = iota + 1 // randomised EventIDFormatV2 // base64-encoded hash of event EventIDFormatV3 // URL-safe base64-encoded hash of event )
Event ID format constants.
type EventLoadResult ¶
type EventLoadResult struct { Event *HeaderedEvent Error error SoftFail bool }
EventLoadResult is the result of loading and verifying an event in the EventsLoader.
type EventReference ¶
type EventReference struct { // The event ID of the event. EventID string // The sha256 of the redacted event. EventSHA256 Base64Bytes }
An EventReference is a reference to a matrix event.
func (EventReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (er EventReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*EventReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (er *EventReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type EventValidationError ¶
EventValidationError is returned if there is a problem validating an event
func (EventValidationError) Error ¶
func (e EventValidationError) Error() string
type EventsLoader ¶
type EventsLoader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventsLoader loads untrusted events and verifies them.
func NewEventsLoader ¶
func NewEventsLoader(roomVer RoomVersion, keyRing JSONVerifier, stateProvider StateProvider, provider AuthChainProvider, performSoftFailCheck bool) *EventsLoader
NewEventsLoader returns a new events loader
func (*EventsLoader) LoadAndVerify ¶
func (l *EventsLoader) LoadAndVerify(ctx context.Context, rawEvents []json.RawMessage, sortOrder TopologicalOrder) ([]EventLoadResult, error)
LoadAndVerify loads untrusted events and verifies them. Checks performed are outlined at The length of the returned slice will always equal the length of rawEvents. The order of the returned events depends on `sortOrder`. The events are reverse topologically sorted by the ordering specified. However in order to sort the events the events must be loaded which could fail. For those events which fail to be loaded, they will be put at the end of the returned slice.
type FederatedStateClient ¶
type FederatedStateClient interface { LookupState( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (res RespState, err error) LookupStateIDs( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, ) (res RespStateIDs, err error) }
type FederatedStateProvider ¶
type FederatedStateProvider struct { FedClient FederatedStateClient // The remote server to ask. Server ServerName // Set to true to remember the auth event IDs for the room at various states RememberAuthEvents bool // Maps which are populated if AuthEvents is true, so you know which events are required to do PDU checks. EventToAuthEventIDs map[string][]string AuthEventMap map[string]*Event }
FederatedStateProvider is an implementation of StateProvider which solely uses federation requests to retrieve events.
func (*FederatedStateProvider) StateBeforeEvent ¶
func (p *FederatedStateProvider) StateBeforeEvent(ctx context.Context, roomVer RoomVersion, event *HeaderedEvent, eventIDs []string) (map[string]*Event, error)
StateBeforeEvent implements StateProvider
func (*FederatedStateProvider) StateIDsBeforeEvent ¶
func (p *FederatedStateProvider) StateIDsBeforeEvent(ctx context.Context, event *HeaderedEvent) ([]string, error)
StateIDsBeforeEvent implements StateProvider
type FederationClient ¶
type FederationClient struct { Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A FederationClient is a matrix federation client that adds "Authorization: X-Matrix" headers to requests that need ed25519 signatures
func NewFederationClient ¶
func NewFederationClient( serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, skipVerify bool, ) *FederationClient
NewFederationClient makes a new FederationClient
func NewFederationClientWithTimeout ¶
func NewFederationClientWithTimeout( serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, skipVerify bool, timeout time.Duration, ) *FederationClient
NewFederationClientWithTimeout makes a new FederationClient
func NewFederationClientWithTransport ¶
func NewFederationClientWithTransport( serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, skipVerify bool, transport *http.Transport, ) *FederationClient
NewFederationClientWithTransport makes a new FederationClient with a custom transport.
func (*FederationClient) Backfill ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) Backfill( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID string, limit int, eventIDs []string, ) (res Transaction, err error)
Backfill asks a homeserver for events early enough for them to not be in the local database. See
func (*FederationClient) ClaimKeys ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) ClaimKeys(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, oneTimeKeys map[string]map[string]string) (res RespClaimKeys, err error)
ClaimKeys claims E2E one-time keys from a remote server. `oneTimeKeys` are the keys to be claimed. A map from user ID, to a map from device ID to algorithm name. E.g:
{ "": { "JLAFKJWSCS": "signed_curve25519" } }
func (*FederationClient) ExchangeThirdPartyInvite ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) ExchangeThirdPartyInvite( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, builder EventBuilder, ) (err error)
ExchangeThirdPartyInvite sends the builder of a event of "invite" membership derived from a response from invites sent by an identity server. This is used to exchange a event for a one in a room the local server isn't a member of.
func (*FederationClient) GetEvent ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) GetEvent( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, eventID string, ) (res Transaction, err error)
GetEvent gets an event by ID from a remote server. See
func (*FederationClient) GetEventAuth ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) GetEventAuth( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, ) (res RespEventAuth, err error)
GetEventAuth gets an event auth chain from a remote server. See
func (*FederationClient) GetPublicRooms ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) GetPublicRooms( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, limit int, since string, includeAllNetworks bool, thirdPartyInstanceID string, ) (res RespPublicRooms, err error)
GetPublicRooms gets all public rooms listed on the target homeserver's directory. Spec: thirdPartyInstanceID can only be non-empty if includeAllNetworks is false.
func (*FederationClient) GetUserDevices ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) GetUserDevices( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, userID string, ) (res RespUserDevices, err error)
GetUserDevices returns a list of the user's devices from a remote server. See
func (*FederationClient) LookupMissingEvents ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) LookupMissingEvents( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID string, missing MissingEvents, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (res RespMissingEvents, err error)
LookupMissingEvents asks a remote server for missing events within a given bracket.
func (*FederationClient) LookupProfile ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) LookupProfile( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, userID string, field string, ) (res RespProfile, err error)
LookupProfile queries the profile of a user. If field is empty, the server returns the full profile of the user. Otherwise, it must be one of: ["displayname", "avatar_url"], indicating which field of the profile should be returned. Spec:
func (*FederationClient) LookupRoomAlias ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) LookupRoomAlias( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomAlias string, ) (res RespDirectory, err error)
LookupRoomAlias looks up a room alias hosted on the remote server. The domain part of the roomAlias must match the name of the server it is being looked up on. If the room alias doesn't exist on the remote server then a 404 gomatrix.HTTPError is returned.
func (*FederationClient) LookupState ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) LookupState( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (res RespState, err error)
LookupState retrieves the room state for a room at an event from a remote matrix server as full matrix events.
func (*FederationClient) LookupStateIDs ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) LookupStateIDs( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, eventID string, ) (res RespStateIDs, err error)
LookupStateIDs retrieves the room state for a room at an event from a remote matrix server as lists of matrix event IDs.
func (*FederationClient) MSC2836EventRelationships ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) MSC2836EventRelationships( ctx context.Context, dst ServerName, r MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (res MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse, err error)
MSC2836EventRelationships performs an MSC2836 /event_relationships request.
func (*FederationClient) MakeJoin ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) MakeJoin( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, userID string, roomVersions []RoomVersion, ) (res RespMakeJoin, err error)
MakeJoin makes a join event for a room on a remote matrix server. This is used to join a room the local server isn't a member of. We need to query a remote server because if we aren't in the room we don't know what to use for the "prev_events" in the join event. The remote server should return us a event for our local user with the "prev_events" filled out. If this successfully returns an acceptable event we will sign it with our server's key and pass it to SendJoin. See
func (*FederationClient) MakeLeave ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) MakeLeave( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, userID string, ) (res RespMakeLeave, err error)
MakeLeave makes a leave event for a room on a remote matrix server. This is used to reject a remote invite and is similar to MakeJoin. If this successfully returns an acceptable event we will sign it, replace the event_id with our own, and pass it to SendLeave. See
func (*FederationClient) Peek ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) Peek( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, roomID, peekID string, roomVersions []RoomVersion, ) (res RespPeek, err error)
Peek starts a peek on a remote server: see MSC2753
func (*FederationClient) QueryKeys ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) QueryKeys(ctx context.Context, s ServerName, keys map[string][]string) (res RespQueryKeys, err error)
QueryKeys queries E2E device keys from a remote server.
func (*FederationClient) SendInvite ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) SendInvite( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event, ) (res RespInvite, err error)
SendInvite sends an invite event to an invited server to be signed by it. This is used to invite a user that is not on the local server.
func (*FederationClient) SendInviteV2 ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) SendInviteV2( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, request InviteV2Request, ) (res RespInviteV2, err error)
SendInviteV2 sends an invite event to an invited server to be signed by it. This is used to invite a user that is not on the local server.
func (*FederationClient) SendJoin ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) SendJoin( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event, roomVersion RoomVersion, ) (res RespSendJoin, err error)
SendJoin sends a join event obtained using MakeJoin via a remote matrix server. This is used to join a room the local server isn't a member of. See
func (*FederationClient) SendLeave ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) SendLeave( ctx context.Context, s ServerName, event *Event, ) (err error)
SendLeave sends a leave event obtained using MakeLeave via a remote matrix server. This is used to reject a remote invite. See
func (*FederationClient) SendTransaction ¶
func (ac *FederationClient) SendTransaction( ctx context.Context, t Transaction, ) (res RespSend, err error)
SendTransaction sends a transaction
type FederationRequest ¶
type FederationRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A FederationRequest is a request to send to a remote server or a request received from a remote server. Federation requests are signed by building a JSON object and signing it
func NewFederationRequest ¶
func NewFederationRequest(method string, destination ServerName, requestURI string) FederationRequest
NewFederationRequest creates a matrix request. Takes an HTTP method, a destination homeserver and a request path which can have a query string. The destination is the name of a matrix homeserver. The request path must begin with a slash. Eg. NewFederationRequest("GET", "", "/_matrix/federation/v1/send/123")
func VerifyHTTPRequest ¶
func VerifyHTTPRequest( req *http.Request, now time.Time, destination ServerName, keys JSONVerifier, ) (*FederationRequest, util.JSONResponse)
VerifyHTTPRequest extracts and verifies the contents of a net/http.Request. It consumes the body of the request. The JSON content can be accessed using FederationRequest.Content() Returns an 400 error if there was a problem parsing the request. It authenticates the request using an ed25519 signature using the JSONVerifier. The origin server can be accessed using FederationRequest.Origin() Returns a 401 error if there was a problem authenticating the request. HTTP handlers using this should be careful that they only use the parts of the request that have been authenticated: the method, the request path, the query parameters, and the JSON content. In particular the version of HTTP and the headers aren't protected by the signature.
func (*FederationRequest) Content ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) Content() []byte
Content returns the JSON content for the request.
func (*FederationRequest) HTTPRequest ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) HTTPRequest() (*http.Request, error)
HTTPRequest constructs an net/http.Request for this matrix request. The request can be passed to net/http.Client.Do().
func (*FederationRequest) Method ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) Method() string
Method returns the JSON method for the request.
func (*FederationRequest) Origin ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) Origin() ServerName
Origin returns the server that the request originated on.
func (*FederationRequest) RequestURI ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) RequestURI() string
RequestURI returns the path and query sections of the HTTP request URL.
func (*FederationRequest) SetContent ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) SetContent(content interface{}) error
SetContent sets the JSON content for the request. Returns an error if there already is JSON content present on the request.
func (*FederationRequest) Sign ¶
func (r *FederationRequest) Sign(serverName ServerName, keyID KeyID, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey) error
Sign the matrix request with an ed25519 key. Uses the algorithm specified Updates the request with the signature in place. Returns an error if there was a problem signing the request.
type Filter ¶
type Filter struct { EventFields []string `json:"event_fields,omitempty"` EventFormat string `json:"event_format,omitempty"` Presence EventFilter `json:"presence,omitempty"` AccountData EventFilter `json:"account_data,omitempty"` Room RoomFilter `json:"room,omitempty"` }
Filter is used by clients to specify how the server should filter responses to e.g. sync requests Specified by:
func DefaultFilter ¶
func DefaultFilter() Filter
DefaultFilter returns the default filter used by the Matrix server if no filter is provided in the request
type HeaderedEvent ¶
type HeaderedEvent struct { EventHeader *Event }
HeaderedEvent is a wrapper around an Event that contains information about the room version. All header fields will be added into the event when marshalling into JSON and will be separated out when unmarshalling.
func HeaderedReverseTopologicalOrdering ¶
func HeaderedReverseTopologicalOrdering(events []*HeaderedEvent, order TopologicalOrder) []*HeaderedEvent
HeaderedReverseTopologicalOrdering takes a set of input events and sorts them using Kahn's algorithm in order to topologically order them. The result array of events will be sorted so that "earlier" events appear first.
func RequestBackfill ¶
func RequestBackfill(ctx context.Context, b BackfillRequester, keyRing JSONVerifier, roomID string, ver RoomVersion, fromEventIDs []string, limit int) ([]*HeaderedEvent, error)
RequestBackfill implements the server logic for making backfill requests to other servers. This handles server selection, fetching up to the request limit and verifying the received events. Event validation also includes authorisation checks, which may require additional state to be fetched.
The returned events are safe to be inserted into a database for later retrieval. It's possible for the number of returned events to be less than the limit, even if there exists more events. It's also possible for the number of returned events to be greater than the limit, if fromEventIDs > 1 and we need to ask multiple servers. We don't drop events greater than the limit because we've already done all the work to verify them, so it's up to the caller to decide what to do with them.
TODO: We should be able to make some guarantees for the caller about the returned events position in the DAG, but to verify it we need to know the prev_events of fromEventIDs.
TODO: When does it make sense to return errors?
func (HeaderedEvent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (e HeaderedEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*HeaderedEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *HeaderedEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
func (*HeaderedEvent) UnmarshalJSONWithEventID ¶
func (e *HeaderedEvent) UnmarshalJSONWithEventID(data []byte, eventID string) error
UnmarshalJSONWithEventID allows lighter unmarshalling when the event ID is already known, rather than burning CPU cycles calculating it again. If it isn't, supply "" instead.
func (*HeaderedEvent) Unwrap ¶
func (e *HeaderedEvent) Unwrap() *Event
Unwrap extracts the event object from the headered event.
type HexString ¶
type HexString []byte
A HexString is a string of bytes that are hex encoded when used in JSON. The bytes encoded using hex when marshalled as JSON. When the bytes are unmarshalled from JSON they are decoded from hex.
func (HexString) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON encodes the bytes as hex and then encodes the hex as a JSON string. This takes a value receiver so that maps and slices of HexString encode correctly.
func (*HexString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON decodes a JSON string and then decodes the resulting hex. This takes a pointer receiver because it needs to write the result of decoding.
type HistoryVisibilityContent ¶
type HistoryVisibilityContent struct {
HistoryVisibility string `json:"history_visibility"`
HistoryVisibilityContent is the JSON content of a event. See for descriptions of the fields.
type InviteV2Request ¶
type InviteV2Request struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InviteV2Request is used in the body of a /_matrix/federation/v2/invite request.
func NewInviteV2Request ¶
func NewInviteV2Request(event *HeaderedEvent, state []InviteV2StrippedState) ( request InviteV2Request, err error, )
func (*InviteV2Request) Event ¶
func (i *InviteV2Request) Event() *Event
Event returns the invite event.
func (*InviteV2Request) InviteRoomState ¶
func (i *InviteV2Request) InviteRoomState() []InviteV2StrippedState
InviteRoomState returns stripped state events for the room, containing enough information for the client to identify the room.
func (InviteV2Request) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i InviteV2Request) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*InviteV2Request) RoomVersion ¶
func (i *InviteV2Request) RoomVersion() RoomVersion
RoomVersion returns the room version of the invited room.
func (*InviteV2Request) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *InviteV2Request) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type InviteV2StrippedState ¶
type InviteV2StrippedState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InviteV2StrippedState is a cut-down set of fields from room state events that allow the invited server to identify the room.
func NewInviteV2StrippedState ¶
func NewInviteV2StrippedState(event *Event) (ss InviteV2StrippedState)
NewInviteV2StrippedState creates a stripped state event from a regular state event.
func (*InviteV2StrippedState) Content ¶
func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Content() RawJSON
Content returns the content of the stripped state.
func (InviteV2StrippedState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i InviteV2StrippedState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*InviteV2StrippedState) Sender ¶
func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Sender() string
Sender returns the sender of the stripped state.
func (*InviteV2StrippedState) StateKey ¶
func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) StateKey() *string
StateKey returns the state key of the stripped state.
func (*InviteV2StrippedState) Type ¶
func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) Type() string
Type returns the type of the stripped state.
func (*InviteV2StrippedState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *InviteV2StrippedState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type JSONVerifier ¶
type JSONVerifier interface { // VerifyJSONs performs bulk JSON signature verification for a list of VerifyJSONRequests. // Returns a list of VerifyJSONResults with the same length and order as the request list. // The caller should check the Result field for each entry to see if it was valid. // Returns an error if there was a problem talking to the database or one of the other methods // of fetching the public keys. VerifyJSONs(ctx context.Context, requests []VerifyJSONRequest) ([]VerifyJSONResult, error) }
A JSONVerifier is an object which can verify the signatures of JSON messages.
type JoinRuleContent ¶
type JoinRuleContent struct { // We use the join_rule key to check whether join events are allowed. JoinRule string `json:"join_rule"` }
JoinRuleContent is the JSON content of a event needed for auth checks. See for descriptions of the fields.
func NewJoinRuleContentFromAuthEvents ¶
func NewJoinRuleContentFromAuthEvents(authEvents AuthEventProvider) (c JoinRuleContent, err error)
NewJoinRuleContentFromAuthEvents loads the join rule content from the join rules event in the auth event. Returns an error if there was an error loading the join rule event or parsing the content.
type KeyChecks ¶
type KeyChecks struct { AllChecksOK bool // Did all the checks pass? MatchingServerName bool // Does the server name match what was requested. FutureValidUntilTS bool // The valid until TS is in the future. HasEd25519Key bool // The server has at least one ed25519 key. AllEd25519ChecksOK *bool // All the Ed25519 checks are ok. or null if there weren't any to check. Ed25519Checks map[KeyID]Ed25519Checks // Checks for Ed25519 keys. }
KeyChecks are the checks that should be applied to ServerKey responses.
func CheckKeys ¶
func CheckKeys( serverName ServerName, now time.Time, keys ServerKeys, ) ( checks KeyChecks, ed25519Keys map[KeyID]Base64Bytes, )
CheckKeys checks the keys returned from a server to make sure they are valid. If the checks pass then also return a map of key_id to Ed25519 public key
type KeyClient ¶
type KeyClient interface { GetServerKeys(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName) (ServerKeys, error) LookupServerKeys(ctx context.Context, matrixServer ServerName, keyRequests map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]Timestamp) ([]ServerKeys, error) }
type KeyDatabase ¶
type KeyDatabase interface { KeyFetcher // Add a block of public keys to the database. // Returns an error if there was a problem storing the keys. // A database is not required to rollback storing the all keys if some of // the keys aren't stored, and an in-progess store may be partially visible // to a concurrent FetchKeys(). This is acceptable since the database is // only used as a cache for the keys, so if a FetchKeys() races with a // StoreKeys() and some of the keys are missing they will be just be refetched. StoreKeys(ctx context.Context, results map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]PublicKeyLookupResult) error }
A KeyDatabase is a store for caching public keys.
type KeyFetcher ¶
type KeyFetcher interface { // Lookup a batch of public keys. // Takes a map from (server name, key ID) pairs to timestamp. // The timestamp is when the keys need to be vaild up to. // Returns a map from (server name, key ID) pairs to server key objects for // that server name containing that key ID // The result may have fewer (server name, key ID) pairs than were in the request. // The result may have more (server name, key ID) pairs than were in the request. // Returns an error if there was a problem fetching the keys. FetchKeys(ctx context.Context, requests map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]Timestamp) (map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]PublicKeyLookupResult, error) // FetcherName returns the name of this fetcher, which can then be used for // logging errors etc. FetcherName() string }
A KeyFetcher is a way of fetching public keys in bulk.
type KeyID ¶
type KeyID string
A KeyID is the ID of a ed25519 key used to sign JSON. The key IDs have a format of "ed25519:[0-9A-Za-z]+" If we switch to using a different signing algorithm then we will change the prefix used.
type KeyRing ¶
type KeyRing struct { KeyFetchers []KeyFetcher KeyDatabase KeyDatabase }
A KeyRing stores keys for matrix servers and provides methods for verifying JSON messages.
func (KeyRing) VerifyJSONs ¶
func (k KeyRing) VerifyJSONs(ctx context.Context, requests []VerifyJSONRequest) ([]VerifyJSONResult, error)
VerifyJSONs implements JSONVerifier.
type MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest ¶
type MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest struct { EventID string `json:"event_id"` MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"` MaxBreadth int `json:"max_breadth"` Limit int `json:"limit"` DepthFirst bool `json:"depth_first"` RecentFirst bool `json:"recent_first"` IncludeParent bool `json:"include_parent"` IncludeChildren bool `json:"include_children"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Batch string `json:"batch"` AutoJoin bool `json:"auto_join"` }
MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest is a request to /event_relationships from
func NewMSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest ¶
func NewMSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest(body io.Reader) (*MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest, error)
NewMSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest creates a new MSC2836 /event_relationships request with defaults set.
func (*MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest) Defaults ¶
func (r *MSC2836EventRelationshipsRequest) Defaults()
Defaults sets default values.
type MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse ¶
type MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse struct { Events []*Event `json:"events"` NextBatch string `json:"next_batch"` Limited bool `json:"limited"` AuthChain []*Event `json:"auth_chain"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse is a response to /event_relationships from
func (*MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse) SetRoomVersion ¶
func (r *MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse) SetRoomVersion(roomVer RoomVersion)
SetRoomVersion can be called prior to unmarshalling JSON to control how events should be deserialised.
func (*MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *MSC2836EventRelationshipsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type MemberContent ¶
type MemberContent struct { // We use the membership key in order to check if the user is in the room. Membership string `json:"membership"` DisplayName string `json:"displayname,omitempty"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` IsDirect bool `json:"is_direct,omitempty"` // We use the third_party_invite key to special case thirdparty invites. ThirdPartyInvite *MemberThirdPartyInvite `json:"third_party_invite,omitempty"` }
MemberContent is the JSON content of a event needed for auth checks. See for descriptions of the fields.
func NewMemberContentFromAuthEvents ¶
func NewMemberContentFromAuthEvents(authEvents AuthEventProvider, userID string) (c MemberContent, err error)
NewMemberContentFromAuthEvents loads the member content from the member event for the user ID in the auth events. Returns an error if there was an error loading the member event or parsing the event content.
func NewMemberContentFromEvent ¶
func NewMemberContentFromEvent(event *Event) (c MemberContent, err error)
NewMemberContentFromEvent parse the member content from an event. Returns an error if the content couldn't be parsed.
type MemberThirdPartyInvite ¶
type MemberThirdPartyInvite struct { DisplayName string `json:"display_name"` Signed MemberThirdPartyInviteSigned `json:"signed"` }
MemberThirdPartyInvite is the "Invite" structure defined at
type MemberThirdPartyInviteSigned ¶
type MemberThirdPartyInviteSigned struct { MXID string `json:"mxid"` Signatures map[string]map[string]string `json:"signatures"` Token string `json:"token"` }
MemberThirdPartyInviteSigned is the "signed" structure defined at
type MissingAuthEventError ¶
MissingAuthEventError refers to a situation where one of the auth event for a given event was not found.
func (MissingAuthEventError) Error ¶
func (e MissingAuthEventError) Error() string
type MissingEvents ¶
type MissingEvents struct { // The maximum number of events to retrieve. Limit int `json:"limit"` // The minimum depth of events to retrieve. MinDepth int `json:"min_depth"` // The latest event IDs that the sender already has. EarliestEvents []string `json:"earliest_events"` // The event IDs to retrieve the previous events for. LatestEvents []string `json:"latest_events"` }
MissingEvents represents a request for missing events.
type NotAllowed ¶
type NotAllowed struct {
Message string
A NotAllowed error is returned if an event does not pass the auth checks.
func (*NotAllowed) Error ¶
func (a *NotAllowed) Error() string
type OldVerifyKey ¶
type OldVerifyKey struct { VerifyKey // When this key stopped being valid for event signing in milliseconds. ExpiredTS Timestamp `json:"expired_ts"` }
An OldVerifyKey is an old ed25519 public key that is no longer valid.
type PDUResult ¶
type PDUResult struct { // If not empty then this is a human readable description of a problem // encountered processing an event. Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
A PDUResult is the result of processing a matrix room event.
type PerspectiveKeyFetcher ¶
type PerspectiveKeyFetcher struct { // The name of the perspective server to fetch keys from. PerspectiveServerName ServerName // The ed25519 public keys the perspective server must sign responses with. PerspectiveServerKeys map[KeyID]ed25519.PublicKey // The federation client to use to fetch keys with. Client KeyClient }
A PerspectiveKeyFetcher fetches server keys from a single perspective server.
func (*PerspectiveKeyFetcher) FetchKeys ¶
func (p *PerspectiveKeyFetcher) FetchKeys( ctx context.Context, requests map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]Timestamp, ) (map[PublicKeyLookupRequest]PublicKeyLookupResult, error)
FetchKeys implements KeyFetcher
func (PerspectiveKeyFetcher) FetcherName ¶
func (p PerspectiveKeyFetcher) FetcherName() string
FetcherName implements KeyFetcher
type PowerLevelContent ¶
type PowerLevelContent struct { Ban int64 `json:"ban"` Invite int64 `json:"invite"` Kick int64 `json:"kick"` Redact int64 `json:"redact"` Users map[string]int64 `json:"users"` UsersDefault int64 `json:"users_default"` Events map[string]int64 `json:"events"` EventsDefault int64 `json:"events_default"` StateDefault int64 `json:"state_default"` Notifications map[string]int64 `json:"notifications"` }
PowerLevelContent is the JSON content of a event needed for auth checks. Typically the user calls NewPowerLevelContentFromAuthEvents instead of unmarshalling the content directly from JSON so defaults can be applied. However, the JSON key names are still preserved so it's possible to marshal the struct into JSON easily. See for descriptions of the fields.
func NewPowerLevelContentFromAuthEvents ¶
func NewPowerLevelContentFromAuthEvents(authEvents AuthEventProvider, creatorUserID string) (c PowerLevelContent, err error)
NewPowerLevelContentFromAuthEvents loads the power level content from the power level event in the auth events or returns the default values if there is no power level event.
func NewPowerLevelContentFromEvent ¶
func NewPowerLevelContentFromEvent(event *Event) (c PowerLevelContent, err error)
NewPowerLevelContentFromEvent loads the power level content from an event.
func (*PowerLevelContent) Defaults ¶
func (c *PowerLevelContent) Defaults()
Defaults sets the power levels to their default values.
func (*PowerLevelContent) EventLevel ¶
func (c *PowerLevelContent) EventLevel(eventType string, isState bool) int64
EventLevel returns the power level needed to send an event in the room.
func (*PowerLevelContent) NotificationLevel ¶
func (c *PowerLevelContent) NotificationLevel(notification string) int64
UserLevel returns the power level a user has in the room.
func (*PowerLevelContent) UserLevel ¶
func (c *PowerLevelContent) UserLevel(userID string) int64
UserLevel returns the power level a user has in the room.
type PreviousRoom ¶
PreviousRoom is the "Previous Room" structure defined at
type PublicKey ¶
type PublicKey struct { PublicKey Base64Bytes `json:"public_key"` KeyValidityURL string `json:"key_validity_url"` }
PublicKey is the "PublicKeys" structure defined at
type PublicKeyLookupRequest ¶
type PublicKeyLookupRequest struct { // The server to fetch a key for. ServerName ServerName `json:"server_name"` // The ID of the key to fetch. KeyID KeyID `json:"key_id"` }
A PublicKeyLookupRequest is a request for a public key with a particular key ID.
func (PublicKeyLookupRequest) MarshalText ¶
func (r PublicKeyLookupRequest) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
MarshalText turns the public key lookup request into a string format, which allows us to use it as a JSON map key.
func (*PublicKeyLookupRequest) UnmarshalText ¶
func (r *PublicKeyLookupRequest) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText turns the string format back into a public key lookup request, from a JSON map key.
type PublicKeyLookupResult ¶
type PublicKeyLookupResult struct { VerifyKey // if this key has expired, the time it stopped being valid for event signing in milliseconds. // if the key has not expired, the magic value PublicKeyNotExpired. ExpiredTS Timestamp `json:"expired_ts"` // When this result is valid until in milliseconds. // if the key has expired, the magic value PublicKeyNotValid. ValidUntilTS Timestamp `json:"valid_until_ts"` }
A PublicKeyLookupResult is the result of looking up a server signing key.
func (PublicKeyLookupResult) WasValidAt ¶
func (r PublicKeyLookupResult) WasValidAt(atTs Timestamp, strictValidityChecking bool) bool
WasValidAt checks if this signing key is valid for an event signed at the given timestamp.
type PublicKeyNotaryLookupRequest ¶
type PublicKeyNotaryLookupRequest struct {
ServerKeys map[ServerName]map[KeyID]PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria `json:"server_keys"`
type PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria ¶
type PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria struct {
MinimumValidUntilTS Timestamp `json:"minimum_valid_until_ts"`
type PublicRoom ¶
type PublicRoom struct { // Aliases of the room. May be empty. Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"` // The canonical alias of the room, if any. CanonicalAlias string `json:"canonical_alias,omitempty"` // The name of the room, if any. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The number of members joined to the room. JoinedMembersCount int `json:"num_joined_members"` // The ID of the room. RoomID string `json:"room_id"` // The topic of the room, if any. Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` // Whether the room may be viewed by guest users without joining. WorldReadable bool `json:"world_readable"` // Whether guest users may join the room and participate in it. If they can, they will be subject to ordinary power level rules like any other user. GuestCanJoin bool `json:"guest_can_join"` // The URL for the room's avatar, if one is set. AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"` }
PublicRoom stores the info of a room returned by GET /_matrix/federation/v1/publicRooms
type RawJSON ¶
type RawJSON []byte
RawJSON is a reimplementation of json.RawMessage that supports being used as a value type
For example:
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(struct{ RawMessage json.RawMessage RawJSON RawJSON }{ json.RawMessage(`"Hello"`), RawJSON(`"World"`), })
Results in:
See for a full example.
func (RawJSON) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface using a value receiver. This means that RawJSON used as an embedded value will still encode correctly.
func (*RawJSON) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface using a pointer receiver.
type RedactionAlgorithm ¶
type RedactionAlgorithm int
RedactionAlgorithm refers to the redaction algorithm used in a room version.
const ( RedactionAlgorithmV1 RedactionAlgorithm = iota + 1 // default algorithm RedactionAlgorithmV2 // no special meaning for )
Redaction algorithm.
type ResolutionResult ¶
type ResolutionResult struct { Destination string // The hostname and port to send federation requests to. Host ServerName // The value of the Host headers. TLSServerName string // The TLS server name to request a certificate for. }
ResolutionResult is a result of looking up a Matrix homeserver according to the federation specification.
func ResolveServer ¶
func ResolveServer(serverName ServerName) (results []ResolutionResult, err error)
ResolveServer implements the server name resolution algorithm described at Returns a slice of ResolutionResult that can be used to send a federation request to the server using a given server name. Returns an error if the server name isn't valid.
type RespClaimKeys ¶
type RespClaimKeys struct { // Required. One-time keys for the queried devices. A map from user ID, to a map from devices to a map // from <algorithm>:<key_id> to the key object or a string. OneTimeKeys map[string]map[string]map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"one_time_keys"` }
RespClaimKeys is the response for
type RespDirectory ¶
type RespDirectory struct { // The matrix room ID the room alias corresponds to. RoomID string `json:"room_id"` // A list of matrix servers that the directory server thinks could be used // to join the room. The joining server may need to try multiple servers // before it finds one that it can use to join the room. Servers []ServerName `json:"servers"` }
A RespDirectory is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/query/directory This is returned when looking up a room alias from a remote server. See
type RespEventAuth ¶
type RespEventAuth struct { // A list of events needed to authenticate the state events. AuthEvents []*Event `json:"auth_chain"` }
A RespEventAuth is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/event_auth/{roomID}/{eventID}
type RespInvite ¶
type RespInvite struct { // The invite event signed by recipient server. Event *Event }
RespInvite is the content of a response to PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/invite/{roomID}/{eventID}
func (RespInvite) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RespInvite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*RespInvite) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RespInvite) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespInviteV2 ¶
type RespInviteV2 struct { // The invite event signed by recipient server. Event *Event `json:"event"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RespInvite is the content of a response to PUT /_matrix/federation/v2/invite/{roomID}/{eventID}
func (*RespInviteV2) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RespInviteV2) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespMakeJoin ¶
type RespMakeJoin struct { // An incomplete event for a user on the requesting server // generated by the responding server. // See JoinEvent EventBuilder `json:"event"` RoomVersion RoomVersion `json:"room_version"` }
A RespMakeJoin is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v2/make_join/{roomID}/{userID}
type RespMakeLeave ¶
type RespMakeLeave struct { // An incomplete event for a user on the requesting server // generated by the responding server. // See LeaveEvent EventBuilder `json:"event"` // The room version that we're trying to leave. RoomVersion RoomVersion `json:"room_version"` }
A RespMakeLeave is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v2/make_leave/{roomID}/{userID}
type RespMissingEvents ¶
type RespMissingEvents struct { // The returned set of missing events. Events []*Event `json:"events"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A RespMissingEvents is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/get_missing_events/{roomID}
func (*RespMissingEvents) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RespMissingEvents) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespPeek ¶
type RespPeek struct { // How often should we renew the peek? RenewalInterval int64 `json:"renewal_interval"` // A list of events giving the state of the room at the point of the request StateEvents []*Event `json:"state"` // A list of events needed to authenticate the state events. AuthEvents []*Event `json:"auth_chain"` // The room version that we're trying to peek. RoomVersion RoomVersion `json:"room_version"` // The ID of the event whose state snapshot this is - i.e. the // most recent forward extremity in the room. LatestEvent *Event `json:"latest_event"` }
A RespPeek is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/peek/{roomID}/{peekID}
func (RespPeek) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (RespPeek) ToRespState ¶
ToRespState returns a new RespState with the same data from the given RespPeek
func (*RespPeek) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespProfile ¶
type RespProfile struct { DisplayName string `json:"displayname,omitempty"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"` }
RespProfile is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/query/profile
type RespPublicRooms ¶
type RespPublicRooms struct { // A paginated chunk of public rooms. Chunk []PublicRoom `json:"chunk"` // A pagination token for the response. The absence of this token means there are no more results to fetch and the client should stop paginating. NextBatch string `json:"next_batch,omitempty"` // A pagination token that allows fetching previous results. The absence of this token means there are no results before this batch, i.e. this is the first batch. PrevBatch string `json:"prev_batch,omitempty"` // An estimate on the total number of public rooms, if the server has an estimate. TotalRoomCountEstimate int `json:"total_room_count_estimate,omitempty"` }
RespPublicRooms is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/publicRooms
type RespQueryKeys ¶
type RespQueryKeys struct {
DeviceKeys map[string]map[string]DeviceKeys `json:"device_keys"`
RespQueryKeys is the response for
type RespSend ¶
type RespSend struct { // Map of event ID to the result of processing that event. PDUs map[string]PDUResult `json:"pdus"` }
A RespSend is the content of a response to PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/{txnID}/
type RespSendJoin ¶
type RespSendJoin struct { // A list of events giving the state of the room before the request event. StateEvents []*Event `json:"state"` // A list of events needed to authenticate the state events. AuthEvents []*Event `json:"auth_chain"` // The server that originated the event. Origin ServerName `json:"origin"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A RespSendJoin is the content of a response to PUT /_matrix/federation/v2/send_join/{roomID}/{eventID}
func (*RespSendJoin) Check ¶
func (r *RespSendJoin) Check(ctx context.Context, keyRing JSONVerifier, joinEvent *Event, missingAuth AuthChainProvider) (*RespState, error)
Check that a response to /send_join is valid. If it is then it returns a reference to the RespState that contains the room state excluding any events that failed signature checks. This checks that it would be valid as a response to /state. This also checks that the join event is allowed by the state. This function mutates the RespSendJoin to remove any events from AuthEvents or StateEvents that do not have valid signatures.
func (RespSendJoin) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RespSendJoin) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (RespSendJoin) ToRespState ¶
func (r RespSendJoin) ToRespState() RespState
ToRespState returns a new RespState with the same data from the given RespSendJoin
func (*RespSendJoin) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RespSendJoin) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespState ¶
type RespState struct { // A list of events giving the state of the room before the request event. StateEvents []*Event `json:"pdus"` // A list of events needed to authenticate the state events. AuthEvents []*Event `json:"auth_chain"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A RespState is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/state/{roomID}/{eventID}
func (*RespState) Check ¶
func (r *RespState) Check(ctx context.Context, keyRing JSONVerifier, missingAuth AuthChainProvider) error
Check that a response to /state is valid. This function mutates the RespState to remove any events from AuthEvents or StateEvents that do not have valid signatures.
func (RespState) Events ¶
Events combines the auth events and the state events and returns them in an order where every event comes after its auth events. Each event will only appear once in the output list. Returns an error if there are missing auth events or if there is a cycle in the auth events.
func (RespState) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller
func (*RespState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
type RespStateIDs ¶
type RespStateIDs struct { // A list of state event IDs for the state of the room before the requested event. StateEventIDs []string `json:"pdu_ids"` // A list of event IDs needed to authenticate the state events. AuthEventIDs []string `json:"auth_chain_ids"` }
A RespStateIDs is the content of a response to GET /_matrix/federation/v1/state_ids/{roomID}/{eventID}
type RespUserDevice ¶
type RespUserDevice struct { DeviceID string `json:"device_id"` DisplayName string `json:"device_display_name"` Keys RespUserDeviceKeys `json:"keys"` }
RespUserDevice are embedded in RespUserDevices
type RespUserDeviceKeys ¶
type RespUserDeviceKeys struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` DeviceID string `json:"device_id"` Algorithms []string `json:"algorithms"` // E.g "curve25519:JLAFKJWSCS": "3C5BFWi2Y8MaVvjM8M22DBmh24PmgR0nPvJOIArzgyI" Keys map[string]string `json:"keys"` // E.g "": { // "ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS": "dSO80A01XiigH3uBiDVx/EjzaoycHcjq9lfQX0uWsqxl2giMIiSPR8a4d291W1ihKJL/a+myXS367WT6NAIcBA" // } Signatures map[string]map[string]string `json:"signatures"` }
RespUserDeviceKeys are embedded in RespUserDevice
type RespUserDevices ¶
type RespUserDevices struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` StreamID int `json:"stream_id"` Devices []RespUserDevice `json:"devices"` }
RespUserDevices contains a response to /_matrix/federation/v1/user/devices/{userID}
type RoomEventFilter ¶
type RoomEventFilter struct { Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"` NotSenders []string `json:"not_senders,omitempty"` NotTypes []string `json:"not_types,omitempty"` Senders []string `json:"senders,omitempty"` Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` LazyLoadMembers bool `json:"lazy_load_members,omitempty"` IncludeRedundantMembers bool `json:"include_redundant_members,omitempty"` NotRooms []string `json:"not_rooms,omitempty"` Rooms []string `json:"rooms,omitempty"` ContainsURL *bool `json:"contains_url,omitempty"` }
RoomEventFilter is used to define filtering rules for events in rooms
func DefaultRoomEventFilter ¶
func DefaultRoomEventFilter() RoomEventFilter
DefaultRoomEventFilter returns the default room event filter used by the Matrix server if no filter is provided in the request
type RoomFilter ¶
type RoomFilter struct { NotRooms []string `json:"not_rooms,omitempty"` Rooms []string `json:"rooms,omitempty"` Ephemeral RoomEventFilter `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"` IncludeLeave bool `json:"include_leave,omitempty"` State StateFilter `json:"state,omitempty"` Timeline RoomEventFilter `json:"timeline,omitempty"` AccountData RoomEventFilter `json:"account_data,omitempty"` }
RoomFilter is used to define filtering rules for room-related events
type RoomVersion ¶
type RoomVersion string
RoomVersion refers to the room version for a specific room.
const ( RoomVersionV1 RoomVersion = "1" RoomVersionV2 RoomVersion = "2" RoomVersionV3 RoomVersion = "3" RoomVersionV4 RoomVersion = "4" RoomVersionV5 RoomVersion = "5" RoomVersionV6 RoomVersion = "6" )
Room version constants. These are strings because the version grammar allows for future expansion.
func (RoomVersion) EnforceCanonicalJSON ¶
func (v RoomVersion) EnforceCanonicalJSON() (bool, error)
PowerLevelsIncludeNotifications returns true if the given room version calls for the power level checks to cover the `notifications` key or false otherwise.
func (RoomVersion) EventFormat ¶
func (v RoomVersion) EventFormat() (EventFormat, error)
EventFormat returns the event format for the given room version.
func (RoomVersion) EventIDFormat ¶
func (v RoomVersion) EventIDFormat() (EventIDFormat, error)
EventIDFormat returns the event ID format for the given room version.
func (RoomVersion) PowerLevelsIncludeNotifications ¶
func (v RoomVersion) PowerLevelsIncludeNotifications() (bool, error)
PowerLevelsIncludeNotifications returns true if the given room version calls for the power level checks to cover the `notifications` key or false otherwise.
func (RoomVersion) RedactionAlgorithm ¶
func (v RoomVersion) RedactionAlgorithm() (RedactionAlgorithm, error)
RedactionAlgorithm returns the redaction algorithm for the given room version.
func (RoomVersion) StateResAlgorithm ¶
func (v RoomVersion) StateResAlgorithm() (StateResAlgorithm, error)
StateResAlgorithm returns the state resolution for the given room version.
func (RoomVersion) StrictValidityChecking ¶
func (v RoomVersion) StrictValidityChecking() (bool, error)
StrictValidityChecking returns true if the given room version calls for strict signature checking (room version 5 and onward) or false otherwise.
type RoomVersionDescription ¶
type RoomVersionDescription struct { Supported bool Stable bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RoomVersionDescription contains information about a given room version, e.g. which state resolution algorithm or event ID format to use. RoomVersionDescription contains information about a room version, namely whether it is marked as supported or stable in this server version, along with the state resolution algorithm, event ID etc formats used.
A version is supported if the server has some support for rooms that are this version. A version is marked as stable or unstable in order to hint whether the version should be used to clients calling the /capabilities endpoint.
type SelfDestructContent ¶
type SelfDestructContent struct { SelfDestruct int64 `json:"org.matrix.self_destruct"` SelfDestructAfter int64 `json:"org.matrix.self_destruct_after"` }
SelfDestructContent is the JSON content of a org.matrix.self_destruct and org.matrix.self_destruct_after event
type SendToDeviceEvent ¶
type SendToDeviceEvent struct { Sender string `json:"sender"` Type string `json:"type"` Content json.RawMessage `json:"content"` }
type ServerKeyFields ¶
type ServerKeyFields struct { // The name of the server ServerName ServerName `json:"server_name"` // The current signing keys in use on this server. // The keys of the map are the IDs of the keys. // These are valid while this response is valid. VerifyKeys map[KeyID]VerifyKey `json:"verify_keys"` // When this result is valid until in milliseconds. ValidUntilTS Timestamp `json:"valid_until_ts"` // Old keys that are now only valid for checking historic events. // The keys of the map are the IDs of the keys. OldVerifyKeys map[KeyID]OldVerifyKey `json:"old_verify_keys"` }
ServerKeyFields are the parsed JSON contents of the ed25519 signing keys published by a matrix server.
type ServerKeys ¶
type ServerKeys struct { // Copy of the raw JSON for signature checking. Raw []byte // The decoded JSON fields. ServerKeyFields }
ServerKeys are the ed25519 signing keys published by a matrix server. Contains SHA256 fingerprints of the TLS X509 certificates used by the server.
func (ServerKeys) MarshalJSON ¶
func (keys ServerKeys) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler
func (ServerKeys) PublicKey ¶
func (keys ServerKeys) PublicKey(keyID KeyID, atTS Timestamp) []byte
PublicKey returns a public key with the given ID valid at the given TS or nil if no such key exists.
func (*ServerKeys) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (keys *ServerKeys) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler
type ServerName ¶
type ServerName string
A ServerName is the name a matrix homeserver is identified by. It is a DNS name or IP address optionally followed by a port.
func SplitID ¶
func SplitID(sigil byte, id string) (local string, domain ServerName, err error)
SplitID splits a matrix ID into a local part and a server name.
Example ¶
localpart, domain, err := SplitID('@', "@alice:localhost:8080") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(localpart, domain)
Output: alice localhost:8080
type StateFilter ¶
type StateFilter struct { Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"` NotSenders []string `json:"not_senders,omitempty"` NotTypes []string `json:"not_types,omitempty"` Senders []string `json:"senders,omitempty"` Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` LazyLoadMembers bool `json:"lazy_load_members,omitempty"` IncludeRedundantMembers bool `json:"include_redundant_members,omitempty"` NotRooms []string `json:"not_rooms,omitempty"` Rooms []string `json:"rooms,omitempty"` ContainsURL *bool `json:"contains_url,omitempty"` }
StateFilter is used to define filtering rules for state events
func DefaultStateFilter ¶
func DefaultStateFilter() StateFilter
DefaultStateFilter returns the default state event filter used by the Matrix server if no filter is provided in the request
type StateKeyTuple ¶
type StateKeyTuple struct { // The "type" key of a matrix event. EventType string // The "state_key" of a matrix event. // The empty string is a legitimate value for the "state_key" in matrix // so take care to initialise this field lest you accidentally request a // "state_key" with the go default of the empty string. StateKey string }
A StateKeyTuple is the combination of an event type and an event state key. It is often used as a key in maps.
type StateNeeded ¶
type StateNeeded struct { // Is the event needed to auth the event. Create bool // Is the event needed to auth the event. JoinRules bool // Is the event needed to auth the event. PowerLevels bool // List of state_keys needed to auth the event Member []string // List of state_keys ThirdPartyInvite []string }
StateNeeded lists the event types and state_keys needed to authenticate an event.
func StateNeededForAuth ¶
func StateNeededForAuth(events []*Event) (result StateNeeded)
StateNeededForAuth returns the event types and state_keys needed to authenticate an event. This takes a list of events to facilitate bulk processing when doing auth checks as part of state conflict resolution.
func StateNeededForEventBuilder ¶
func StateNeededForEventBuilder(builder *EventBuilder) (result StateNeeded, err error)
StateNeededForEventBuilder returns the event types and state_keys needed to authenticate the event being built. These events should be put under 'auth_events' for the event being built. Returns an error if the state needed could not be calculated with the given builder, e.g if there is a without a membership key.
func (StateNeeded) AuthEventReferences ¶
func (s StateNeeded) AuthEventReferences(provider AuthEventProvider) (refs []EventReference, err error)
AuthEventReferences returns the auth_events references for the StateNeeded. Returns an error if the provider returns an error. If an event is missing from the provider but is required in StateNeeded, it is skipped over: no error is returned.
func (StateNeeded) Tuples ¶
func (s StateNeeded) Tuples() (res []StateKeyTuple)
Tuples returns the needed state key tuples for performing auth on an event.
type StateProvider ¶
type StateProvider interface { // StateIDsBeforeEvent returns a list of state event IDs for the event ID provided, which represent the entire // room state before that event. StateIDsBeforeEvent(ctx context.Context, event *HeaderedEvent) ([]string, error) // StateBeforeEvent returns the state of the room before the given event. `eventIDs` will be populated with the output // of StateIDsAtEvent to aid in event retrieval. StateBeforeEvent(ctx context.Context, roomVer RoomVersion, event *HeaderedEvent, eventIDs []string) (map[string]*Event, error) }
StateProvider is capable of returning the room state at any point in time.
type StateResAlgorithm ¶
type StateResAlgorithm int
StateResAlgorithm refers to a version of the state resolution algorithm.
const ( StateResV1 StateResAlgorithm = iota + 1 // state resolution v1 StateResV2 // state resolution v2 )
State resolution constants.
type ThirdPartyInviteContent ¶
type ThirdPartyInviteContent struct { DisplayName string `json:"display_name"` KeyValidityURL string `json:"key_validity_url"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` // Public keys are used to verify the signature of a event that // came from a event PublicKeys []PublicKey `json:"public_keys"` }
ThirdPartyInviteContent is the JSON content of a event needed for auth checks. See for descriptions of the fields.
func NewThirdPartyInviteContentFromAuthEvents ¶
func NewThirdPartyInviteContentFromAuthEvents(authEvents AuthEventProvider, token string) (t ThirdPartyInviteContent, err error)
NewThirdPartyInviteContentFromAuthEvents loads the third party invite content from the third party invite event for the state key (token) in the auth events. Returns an error if there was an error loading the third party invite event or parsing the event content.
type Timestamp ¶
type Timestamp uint64
A Timestamp is a millisecond posix timestamp.
func AsTimestamp ¶
AsTimestamp turns a time.Time into a millisecond posix timestamp.
type ToDeviceMessage ¶
type TopologicalOrder ¶
type TopologicalOrder int
TopologicalOrder represents how to sort a list of events, used primarily in ReverseTopologicalOrdering
const ( TopologicalOrderByPrevEvents TopologicalOrder = iota + 1 TopologicalOrderByAuthEvents )
Sort events by prev_events or auth_events
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { // The ID of the transaction. TransactionID TransactionID `json:"transaction_id"` // The server that sent the transaction. Origin ServerName `json:"origin"` // The server that should receive the transaction. Destination ServerName `json:"destination"` // The millisecond posix timestamp on the origin server when the // transaction was created. OriginServerTS Timestamp `json:"origin_server_ts"` // The IDs of the most recent transactions sent by the origin server to // the destination server. Multiple transactions can be sent by the origin // server to the destination server in parallel so there may be more than // one previous transaction. PreviousIDs []TransactionID `json:"previous_ids,omitempty"` // The room events pushed from the origin server to the destination server // by this transaction. The events should either be events that originate // on the origin server or be join events. PDUs []json.RawMessage `json:"pdus"` // The ephemeral events pushed from origin server to destination server // by this transaction. The events must orginate at the origin server. EDUs []EDU `json:"edus,omitempty"` }
A Transaction is used to push data from one matrix server to another matrix server.
type TransactionID ¶
type TransactionID string
A TransactionID identifies a transaction sent by a matrix server to another matrix server. The ID must be unique amongst the transactions sent from the origin server to the destination, but doesn't have to be globally unique. The ID must be safe to insert into a URL path segment. The ID should have a format matching '^[0-9A-Za-z\-_]*$'
type UnexpectedHeaderedEvent ¶
type UnexpectedHeaderedEvent struct{}
func (UnexpectedHeaderedEvent) Error ¶
func (u UnexpectedHeaderedEvent) Error() string
type UnsupportedRoomVersionError ¶
type UnsupportedRoomVersionError struct {
Version RoomVersion
UnsupportedRoomVersionError occurs when a call has been made with a room version that is not supported by this version of gomatrixserverlib.
func (UnsupportedRoomVersionError) Error ¶
func (e UnsupportedRoomVersionError) Error() string
type UserInfo ¶
type UserInfo struct {
Sub string `json:"sub"`
UserInfo represents information about a user.
type VerifyJSONRequest ¶
type VerifyJSONRequest struct { // The name of the matrix server to check for a signature for. ServerName ServerName // The millisecond posix timestamp the message needs to be valid at. AtTS Timestamp // The JSON bytes. Message []byte // Should validity signature checking be enabled? (Room version >= 5) StrictValidityChecking bool }
A VerifyJSONRequest is a request to check for a signature on a JSON message. A JSON message is valid for a server if the message has at least one valid signature from that server.
type VerifyJSONResult ¶
type VerifyJSONResult struct { // Whether the message passed the signature checks. // This will be nil if the message passed the checks. // This will have an error if the message did not pass the checks. Error error }
A VerifyJSONResult is the result of checking the signature of a JSON message.
type VerifyKey ¶
type VerifyKey struct { // The public key. Key Base64Bytes `json:"key"` }
A VerifyKey is a ed25519 public key for a server.
type Version ¶
type Version struct { // Server is a struct containing the homserver version values Server struct { // Name is an arbitrary string that the Matrix server uses to identify itself Name string `json:"name"` // Version is a string that identifies the Matrix server's version, the format // of which depends on the Matrx server implementation Version string `json:"version"` } `json:"server"` }
A Version is a struct that matches the version response from a Matrix homeserver. See
type WellKnownResult ¶
type WellKnownResult struct { NewAddress ServerName `json:"m.server"` CacheExpiresAt int64 }
WellKnownResult is the result of looking up a matrix server's well-known file. Located at https://<server_name>/.well-known/matrix/server
func LookupWellKnown ¶
func LookupWellKnown(serverNameType ServerName) (*WellKnownResult, error)
LookupWellKnown looks up a well-known record for a matrix server. If one if found, it returns the server to redirect to.
Source Files
- appservice.go
- authchain.go
- authstate.go
- backfill.go
- base64.go
- certificates.go
- client.go
- clientevent.go
- device_update.go
- edu.go
- errors.go
- event.go
- eventauth.go
- eventcontent.go
- eventcrypto.go
- eventversion.go
- federationclient.go
- federationtypes.go
- filter.go
- headeredevent.go
- hex_string.go
- invitev2.go
- json.go
- keyring.go
- keys.go
- load.go
- redactevent.go
- request.go
- resolve.go
- sendtodevice.go
- signing.go
- stateresolution.go
- stateresolutionv2.go
- stateresolutionv2heaps.go
- timestamp.go
- transaction.go
- version.go
- well_known.go