Bootstrap Limiter
This utility is aimed to provide an easy way to setup the system so that a non-privileged user can set resource limits for Blockless Functions.
This tool is designed to be run a single time, before runing the Blockless Worker Node.
If the user has no intention of using cgroups to set resource limits, there is no need in running this tool.
This tool aims to provide an easy way to manage the typical use-case.
It is not mandatory to use the tool to setup your system.
If you would like to setup your system manually, the steps are listed below.
The readme assumes your cgroup
mountpoint is the default - /sys/fs/cgroup
1. Create a directory `/sys/fs/cgroup/blockless`
2. Change owner of the directory and its subdirectories to the user that will be running the node. Example: `sudo chown -R <user> /sys/fs/cgroup/blockless`.
3. Set files `/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs` and `/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.subtree_control` to be group writable. Example: `sudo chmod 0664 /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs` (same for `cgroup.subtree_control`)
4. Add user to the group that owns the files listed in step 3. By default this would be `root`, so for example `sudo usermod -a -G root <user>`.
Removing Cgroup
You can remove a cgroup, effectively reverting the changes done by the tool by running sudo rmdir /sys/fs/cgroup/blockless
Further Reading
To read more about resource limits see here.