Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func ColorFromKey(c *Config, k Key, first bool) (string, int)
- func ColorKey(c *Config, pre, key, end string) string
- func ColorMark(color tcell.Color) string
- func CreateDefaultConfig(filepath string) error
- func NilDefaultBool(x *bool, def *bool) bool
- func NilDefaultInt(x *int, def *int) int
- func NilDefaultInt64(x *int64, def *int64) int64
- func NilDefaultString(x *string, def *string) string
- func SublteText(c *Config, text string) string
- func TextFlags(s string) string
- type Config
- type ConfigTOML
- type Custom
- type CustomTOML
- type FeedType
- type General
- type GeneralTOML
- type Input
- type InputTOML
- type Key
- type KeyHintTOML
- type LeaderAction
- type LeaderActionTOML
- type LeaderCommand
- type ListPlacement
- type ListSplit
- type Media
- type MediaTOML
- type Notification
- type NotificationToHide
- type NotificationType
- type NotificationsTOML
- type OnTimelineCreationClosed
- type OnTimelineFocus
- type OpenCustom
- type OpenCustomTOML
- type OpenPattern
- type OpenPatternTOML
- type Pattern
- type PatternTOML
- type Style
- type StyleTOML
- type Templates
- type Timeline
- type TimelineTOML
- type ViewerTOML
- type XrdbColors
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ConfigDefault = ConfigTOML{ General: GeneralTOML{ Editor: sp("TUT_USE_INTERNAL"), Confirmation: bt, MouseSupport: bf, DateFormat: sp("2006-01-02 15:04"), DateTodayFormat: sp("15:04"), DateRelative: ip(-1), QuoteReply: bf, MaxWidth: ip(0), ShortHints: bf, ShowFilterPhrase: bt, ShowIcons: bt, ShowHelp: bt, RedrawUI: bt, StickToTop: bf, ShowBoostedUser: bf, DynamicTimelineName: bt, CommandsInNewPane: bt, ListPlacement: sp("left"), ListSplit: sp("row"), ListProportion: ip(1), ContentProportion: ip(2), TerminalTitle: ip(0), LeaderKey: sp(""), LeaderTimeout: ip64(1000), NotificationsToHide: &[]string{}, Timelines: &[]TimelineTOML{ { Name: sp("Home"), Type: sp("home"), HideBoosts: bf, HideReplies: bf, }, { Name: sp("Notifications"), Type: sp("notifications"), Keys: &[]string{"n", "N"}, }, }, }, Style: StyleTOML{ Theme: sp("none"), XrdbPrefix: sp("guess"), Background: sp("#272822"), Text: sp("#f8f8f2"), Subtle: sp("#808080"), WarningText: sp("#f92672"), TextSpecial1: sp("#ae81ff"), TextSpecial2: sp("#a6e22e"), TopBarBackground: sp("#f92672"), TopBarText: sp("#f8f8f2"), StatusBarBackground: sp("#f92672"), StatusBarText: sp("#f8f8f2"), StatusBarViewBackground: sp("#ae81ff"), StatusBarViewText: sp("#f8f8f2"), CommandText: sp("#f8f8f2"), ListSelectedBackground: sp("#f92672"), ListSelectedText: sp("#f8f8f2"), ListSelectedInactiveBackground: sp("#ae81ff"), ListSelectedInactiveText: sp("#f8f8f2"), ControlsText: sp("#f8f8f2"), ControlsHighlight: sp("#a6e22e"), AutocompleteBackground: sp("#272822"), AutocompleteText: sp("#f8f8f2"), AutocompleteSelectedBackground: sp("#ae81ff"), AutocompleteSelectedText: sp("#f8f8f2"), ButtonColorOne: sp("#f92672"), ButtonColorTwo: sp("#272822"), TimelineNameBackground: sp("#272822"), TimelineNameText: sp("#808080"), }, Media: MediaTOML{ DeleteTmpFiles: bt, Image: &ViewerTOML{ Program: sp("TUT_OS_DEFAULT"), Args: sp(""), Terminal: bf, Single: bt, Reverse: bf, }, Video: &ViewerTOML{ Program: sp("TUT_OS_DEFAULT"), Args: sp(""), Terminal: bf, Single: bt, Reverse: bf, }, Audio: &ViewerTOML{ Program: sp("TUT_OS_DEFAULT"), Args: sp(""), Terminal: bf, Single: bt, Reverse: bf, }, Link: &ViewerTOML{ Program: sp("TUT_OS_DEFAULT"), Args: sp(""), Terminal: bf, Single: bt, Reverse: bf, }, }, NotificationConfig: NotificationsTOML{ Followers: bf, Favorite: bf, Mention: bf, Update: bf, Boost: bf, Poll: bf, Posts: bf, }, Input: InputTOML{ GlobalDown: &KeyHintTOML{ Keys: &[]string{"j", "J"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Down"}, }, GlobalUp: &KeyHintTOML{ Keys: &[]string{"k", "K"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Up"}, }, GlobalEnter: &KeyHintTOML{ SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Enter"}, }, GlobalBack: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Esc]"), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Esc"}, }, GlobalExit: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Q]uit"), Keys: &[]string{"q", "Q"}, }, MainHome: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), Keys: &[]string{"g"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Home"}, }, MainEnd: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), Keys: &[]string{"G"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"End"}, }, MainPrevFeed: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), Keys: &[]string{"h", "H"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Left"}, }, MainNextFeed: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), Keys: &[]string{"l", "L"}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Right"}, }, MainPrevPane: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Backtab"}, }, MainNextPane: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Tab"}, }, MainCompose: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), Keys: &[]string{"c", "C"}, }, MainNextAccount: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Ctrl-N"}, }, MainPrevAccount: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp(""), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Ctrl-P"}, }, StatusAvatar: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]vatar"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, StatusBoost: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[B]oost"), HintAlt: sp("Un[B]oost"), Keys: &[]string{"b", "B"}, }, StatusEdit: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[E]dit"), Keys: &[]string{"e", "E"}, }, StatusDelete: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[D]elete"), Keys: &[]string{"d", "D"}, }, StatusFavorite: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[F]avorite"), HintAlt: sp("Un[F]avorite"), Keys: &[]string{"f", "F"}, }, StatusMedia: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[M]edia"), Keys: &[]string{"m", "M"}, }, StatusLinks: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[O]pen"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, StatusPoll: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[P]oll"), Keys: &[]string{"p", "P"}, }, StatusReply: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[R]eply"), Keys: &[]string{"r", "R"}, }, StatusBookmark: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[S]ave"), HintAlt: sp("Un[S]ave"), Keys: &[]string{"s", "S"}, }, StatusThread: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[T]hread"), Keys: &[]string{"t", "T"}, }, StatusUser: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[U]ser"), Keys: &[]string{"u", "U"}, }, StatusViewFocus: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[V]iew"), Keys: &[]string{"v", "V"}, }, StatusYank: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Y]ank"), Keys: &[]string{"y", "Y"}, }, StatusToggleCW: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("Press [Z] to toggle cw"), Keys: &[]string{"z", "Z"}, }, StatusShowFiltered: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("Press [Z] to view filtered toot"), Keys: &[]string{"z", "Z"}, }, UserAvatar: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]vatar"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, UserBlock: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[B]lock"), HintAlt: sp("Un[B]lock"), Keys: &[]string{"b", "B"}, }, UserFollow: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[F]ollow"), HintAlt: sp("Un[F]ollow"), Keys: &[]string{"f", "F"}, }, UserFollowRequestDecide: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("Follow [R]equest"), HintAlt: sp("Follow [R]equest"), Keys: &[]string{"r", "R"}, }, UserMute: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[M]ute"), HintAlt: sp("Un[M]ute"), Keys: &[]string{"m", "M"}, }, UserLinks: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[O]pen"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, UserUser: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[U]ser"), Keys: &[]string{"u", "U"}, }, UserViewFocus: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[V]iew"), Keys: &[]string{"v", "V"}, }, UserYank: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Y]ank"), Keys: &[]string{"y", "Y"}, }, ListOpenFeed: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[O]pen"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, ListUserList: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[U]sers"), Keys: &[]string{"u", "U"}, }, ListUserAdd: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]dd"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, ListUserDelete: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[D]elete"), Keys: &[]string{"d", "D"}, }, LinkOpen: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[O]pen"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, LinkYank: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Y]ank"), Keys: &[]string{"y", "Y"}, }, TagOpenFeed: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[O]pen"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, TagFollow: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[F]ollow"), HintAlt: sp("Un[F]ollow"), Keys: &[]string{"f", "F"}, }, ComposeEditCW: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[C]W text"), Keys: &[]string{"c", "C"}, }, ComposeEditText: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[E]dit text"), Keys: &[]string{"e", "E"}, }, ComposeIncludeQuote: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[I]nclude quote"), Keys: &[]string{"i", "I"}, }, ComposeMediaFocus: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[M]edia"), Keys: &[]string{"m", "M"}, }, ComposePost: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[P]ost"), Keys: &[]string{"p", "P"}, }, ComposeToggleContentWarning: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[T]oggle CW"), Keys: &[]string{"t", "T"}, }, ComposeVisibility: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[V]isibility"), Keys: &[]string{"v", "V"}, }, ComposeLanguage: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[L]ang"), Keys: &[]string{"l", "L"}, }, ComposePoll: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("P[O]ll"), Keys: &[]string{"o", "O"}, }, MediaDelete: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[D]elete"), Keys: &[]string{"d", "D"}, }, MediaEditDesc: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[E]dit desc"), Keys: &[]string{"e", "E"}, }, MediaAdd: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]dd"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, VoteVote: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[V]ote"), Keys: &[]string{"v", "V"}, }, VoteSelect: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Enter] to select"), Keys: &[]string{" "}, SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Enter"}, }, PollAdd: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]dd"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, PollEdit: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[E]dit"), Keys: &[]string{"e", "E"}, }, PollDelete: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[D]elete"), Keys: &[]string{"d", "D"}, }, PollMultiToggle: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("Toggle [M]ultiple"), Keys: &[]string{"m", "M"}, }, PollExpiration: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("E[X]pires"), Keys: &[]string{"x", "X"}, }, PreferenceName: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[N]ame"), Keys: &[]string{"n", "N"}, }, PreferenceVisibility: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[V]isibility"), Keys: &[]string{"v", "V"}, }, PreferenceBio: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[B]io"), Keys: &[]string{"b", "B"}, }, PreferenceSave: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[S]ave"), Keys: &[]string{"s", "S"}, }, PreferenceFields: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[F]ields"), Keys: &[]string{"f", "F"}, }, PreferenceFieldsAdd: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[A]dd"), Keys: &[]string{"a", "A"}, }, PreferenceFieldsEdit: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[E]dit"), Keys: &[]string{"e", "E"}, }, PreferenceFieldsDelete: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[D]elete"), Keys: &[]string{"d", "D"}, }, EditorExit: &KeyHintTOML{ Hint: sp("[Esc] when done"), SpecialKeys: &[]string{"Esc"}, }, }, }
Functions ¶
func CreateDefaultConfig ¶
func NilDefaultBool ¶
func NilDefaultInt ¶
func NilDefaultInt64 ¶
func NilDefaultString ¶
func SublteText ¶
Types ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { General General Style Style Media Media OpenPattern OpenPattern OpenCustom OpenCustom NotificationConfig Notification Templates Templates Input Input }
type ConfigTOML ¶
type ConfigTOML struct { General GeneralTOML `toml:"general"` Style StyleTOML `toml:"style"` Media MediaTOML `toml:"media"` OpenPattern OpenPatternTOML `toml:"open-pattern"` OpenCustom OpenCustomTOML `toml:"open-custom"` NotificationConfig NotificationsTOML `toml:"desktop-notification"` Input InputTOML `toml:"input"` }
type CustomTOML ¶
type General ¶
type General struct { Editor string UseInternalEditor bool Confirmation bool MouseSupport bool DateTodayFormat string DateFormat string DateRelative int MaxWidth int QuoteReply bool ShortHints bool ShowFilterPhrase bool ListPlacement ListPlacement ListSplit ListSplit ListProportion int ContentProportion int TerminalTitle int ShowIcons bool ShowHelp bool RedrawUI bool LeaderKey rune LeaderTimeout int64 LeaderActions []LeaderAction Timelines []*Timeline StickToTop bool NotificationsToHide []NotificationToHide ShowBoostedUser bool DynamicTimelineName bool CommandsInNewPane bool }
type GeneralTOML ¶
type GeneralTOML struct { Editor *string `toml:"editor"` Confirmation *bool `toml:"confirmation"` MouseSupport *bool `toml:"mouse-support"` DateFormat *string `toml:"date-format"` DateTodayFormat *string `toml:"date-today-format"` DateRelative *int `toml:"date-relative"` MaxWidth *int `toml:"max-width"` QuoteReply *bool `toml:"quote-reply"` ShortHints *bool `toml:"short-hints"` ShowFilterPhrase *bool `toml:"show-filter-phrase"` ListPlacement *string `toml:"list-placement"` ListSplit *string `toml:"list-split"` ListProportion *int `toml:"list-proportion"` ContentProportion *int `toml:"content-proportion"` TerminalTitle *int `toml:"terminal-title"` ShowIcons *bool `toml:"show-icons"` ShowHelp *bool `toml:"show-help"` RedrawUI *bool `toml:"redraw-ui"` LeaderKey *string `toml:"leader-key"` LeaderTimeout *int64 `toml:"leader-timeout"` Timelines *[]TimelineTOML `toml:"timelines"` LeaderActions *[]LeaderActionTOML `toml:"leader-actions"` StickToTop *bool `toml:"stick-to-top"` NotificationsToHide *[]string `toml:"notifications-to-hide"` ShowBoostedUser *bool `toml:"show-boosted-user"` DynamicTimelineName *bool `toml:"dynamic-timeline-name"` CommandsInNewPane *bool `toml:"commands-in-new-pane"` }
type Input ¶
type Input struct { GlobalDown Key GlobalUp Key GlobalEnter Key GlobalBack Key GlobalExit Key MainHome Key MainEnd Key MainPrevFeed Key MainNextFeed Key MainPrevPane Key MainNextPane Key MainCompose Key MainNextAccount Key MainPrevAccount Key StatusAvatar Key StatusBoost Key StatusDelete Key StatusEdit Key StatusFavorite Key StatusMedia Key StatusLinks Key StatusPoll Key StatusReply Key StatusBookmark Key StatusThread Key StatusUser Key StatusViewFocus Key StatusYank Key StatusToggleCW Key StatusShowFiltered Key UserAvatar Key UserBlock Key UserFollow Key UserFollowRequestDecide Key UserMute Key UserLinks Key UserUser Key UserViewFocus Key UserYank Key ListOpenFeed Key ListUserList Key ListUserAdd Key ListUserDelete Key TagOpenFeed Key TagFollow Key LinkOpen Key LinkYank Key ComposeEditCW Key ComposeEditText Key ComposeIncludeQuote Key ComposeMediaFocus Key ComposePost Key ComposeToggleContentWarning Key ComposeVisibility Key ComposeLanguage Key ComposePoll Key MediaDelete Key MediaEditDesc Key MediaAdd Key VoteVote Key VoteSelect Key PollAdd Key PollEdit Key PollDelete Key PollMultiToggle Key PollExpiration Key PreferenceName Key PreferenceVisibility Key PreferenceBio Key PreferenceSave Key PreferenceFields Key PreferenceFieldsAdd Key PreferenceFieldsEdit Key PreferenceFieldsDelete Key EditorExit Key }
type InputTOML ¶
type InputTOML struct { GlobalDown *KeyHintTOML `toml:"global-down"` GlobalUp *KeyHintTOML `toml:"global-up"` GlobalEnter *KeyHintTOML `toml:"global-enter"` GlobalBack *KeyHintTOML `toml:"global-back"` GlobalExit *KeyHintTOML `toml:"global-exit"` MainHome *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-home"` MainEnd *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-end"` MainPrevFeed *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-prev-feed"` MainNextFeed *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-next-feed"` MainPrevPane *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-prev-pane"` MainNextPane *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-next-pane"` MainCompose *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-compose"` MainNextAccount *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-next-account"` MainPrevAccount *KeyHintTOML `toml:"main-prev-account"` StatusAvatar *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-avatar"` StatusBoost *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-boost"` StatusDelete *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-delete"` StatusEdit *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-edit"` StatusFavorite *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-favorite"` StatusMedia *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-media"` StatusLinks *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-links"` StatusPoll *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-poll"` StatusReply *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-reply"` StatusBookmark *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-bookmark"` StatusThread *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-thread"` StatusUser *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-user"` StatusViewFocus *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-view-focus"` StatusYank *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-yank"` StatusToggleCW *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-toggle-cw"` StatusShowFiltered *KeyHintTOML `toml:"status-show-filtered"` UserAvatar *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-avatar"` UserBlock *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-block"` UserFollow *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-follow"` UserFollowRequestDecide *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-follow-request-decide"` UserMute *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-mute"` UserLinks *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-links"` UserUser *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-user"` UserViewFocus *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-view-focus"` UserYank *KeyHintTOML `toml:"user-yank"` ListOpenFeed *KeyHintTOML `toml:"list-open-feed"` ListUserList *KeyHintTOML `toml:"list-user-list"` ListUserAdd *KeyHintTOML `toml:"list-user-add"` ListUserDelete *KeyHintTOML `toml:"list-user-delete"` TagOpenFeed *KeyHintTOML `toml:"tag-open-feed"` TagFollow *KeyHintTOML `toml:"tag-follow"` LinkOpen *KeyHintTOML `toml:"link-open"` LinkYank *KeyHintTOML `toml:"link-yank"` ComposeEditCW *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-edit-cw"` ComposeEditText *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-edit-text"` ComposeIncludeQuote *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-include-quote"` ComposeMediaFocus *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-media-focus"` ComposePost *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-post"` ComposeToggleContentWarning *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-toggle-content-warning"` ComposeVisibility *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-visibility"` ComposeLanguage *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-language"` ComposePoll *KeyHintTOML `toml:"compose-poll"` MediaDelete *KeyHintTOML `toml:"media-delete"` MediaEditDesc *KeyHintTOML `toml:"media-edit-desc"` MediaAdd *KeyHintTOML `toml:"media-add"` VoteVote *KeyHintTOML `toml:"vote-vote"` VoteSelect *KeyHintTOML `toml:"vote-select"` PollAdd *KeyHintTOML `toml:"poll-add"` PollEdit *KeyHintTOML `toml:"poll-edit"` PollDelete *KeyHintTOML `toml:"poll-delete"` PollMultiToggle *KeyHintTOML `toml:"poll-multi-toggle"` PollExpiration *KeyHintTOML `toml:"poll-expiration"` PreferenceName *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-name"` PreferenceVisibility *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-visibility"` PreferenceBio *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-bio"` PreferenceSave *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-save"` PreferenceFields *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-fields"` PreferenceFieldsAdd *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-fields-add"` PreferenceFieldsEdit *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-fields-edit"` PreferenceFieldsDelete *KeyHintTOML `toml:"preference-fields-delete"` EditorExit *KeyHintTOML `toml:"editor-exit"` }
type KeyHintTOML ¶
type LeaderAction ¶
type LeaderAction struct { Command LeaderCommand Subaction string Shortcut string }
type LeaderActionTOML ¶
type LeaderCommand ¶
type LeaderCommand uint
const ( LeaderNone LeaderCommand = iota LeaderClearNotifications LeaderCompose LeaderEdit LeaderBlocking LeaderFavorited LeaderBoosts LeaderFavorites LeaderFollowing LeaderFollowers LeaderTags LeaderListPlacement LeaderListSplit LeaderMuting LeaderPreferences LeaderProfile LeaderProportions LeaderMentions LeaderRefetch LeaderStickToTop LeaderHistory LeaderLoadNewer LeaderPane LeaderClosePane LeaderMovePaneLeft LeaderMovePaneRight LeaderMovePaneHome LeaderMovePaneEnd )
type ListPlacement ¶
type ListPlacement uint
const ( ListPlacementTop ListPlacement = iota ListPlacementBottom ListPlacementLeft ListPlacementRight )
type Media ¶
type Media struct { DeleteTmpFiles bool ImageViewer string ImageArgs []string ImageTerminal bool ImageSingle bool ImageReverse bool VideoViewer string VideoArgs []string VideoTerminal bool VideoSingle bool VideoReverse bool AudioViewer string AudioArgs []string AudioTerminal bool AudioSingle bool AudioReverse bool LinkViewer string LinkArgs []string LinkTerminal bool }
type MediaTOML ¶
type MediaTOML struct { DeleteTmpFiles *bool `toml:"delete-temp-files"` Image *ViewerTOML `toml:"image"` Video *ViewerTOML `toml:"video"` Audio *ViewerTOML `toml:"audio"` Link *ViewerTOML `toml:"link"` }
type Notification ¶
type NotificationToHide ¶
type NotificationToHide string
const ( HideMention NotificationToHide = "mention" HideStatus NotificationToHide = "status" HideBoost NotificationToHide = "reblog" HideFollow NotificationToHide = "follow" HideFollowRequest NotificationToHide = "follow_request" HideFavorite NotificationToHide = "favourite" HidePoll NotificationToHide = "poll" HideEdited NotificationToHide = "update" )
type NotificationType ¶
type NotificationType uint
const ( NotificationFollower NotificationType = iota NotificationFavorite NotificationMention NotificationUpdate NotificationBoost NotificationPoll NotificationPost )
type NotificationsTOML ¶
type OnTimelineCreationClosed ¶
type OnTimelineCreationClosed uint
const ( TimelineCreationClosedNewPane OnTimelineCreationClosed = iota TimelineCreationClosedCurrentPane )
type OnTimelineFocus ¶
type OnTimelineFocus uint
const ( TimelineFocusPane OnTimelineFocus = iota TimelineFocusTimeline )
type OpenCustom ¶
type OpenCustom struct {
OpenCustoms []Custom
type OpenCustomTOML ¶
type OpenCustomTOML struct {
Programs *[]CustomTOML `toml:"programs"`
type OpenPattern ¶
type OpenPattern struct {
Patterns []Pattern
type OpenPatternTOML ¶
type OpenPatternTOML struct {
Patterns *[]PatternTOML `toml:"patterns"`
type PatternTOML ¶
type Style ¶
type Style struct { Theme string Background tcell.Color Text tcell.Color Subtle tcell.Color WarningText tcell.Color TextSpecial1 tcell.Color TextSpecial2 tcell.Color TopBarBackground tcell.Color TopBarText tcell.Color StatusBarBackground tcell.Color StatusBarText tcell.Color StatusBarViewBackground tcell.Color StatusBarViewText tcell.Color ListSelectedBackground tcell.Color ListSelectedText tcell.Color ListSelectedInactiveBackground tcell.Color ListSelectedInactiveText tcell.Color ControlsText tcell.Color ControlsHighlight tcell.Color AutocompleteBackground tcell.Color AutocompleteText tcell.Color AutocompleteSelectedBackground tcell.Color AutocompleteSelectedText tcell.Color ButtonColorOne tcell.Color ButtonColorTwo tcell.Color TimelineNameBackground tcell.Color TimelineNameText tcell.Color IconColor tcell.Color CommandText tcell.Color }
type StyleTOML ¶
type StyleTOML struct { Theme *string `toml:"theme"` XrdbPrefix *string `toml:"xrdb-prefix"` Background *string `toml:"background"` Text *string `toml:"text"` Subtle *string `toml:"subtle"` WarningText *string `toml:"warning-text"` TextSpecial1 *string `toml:"text-special-one"` TextSpecial2 *string `toml:"text-special-two"` TopBarBackground *string `toml:"top-bar-background"` TopBarText *string `toml:"top-bar-text"` StatusBarBackground *string `toml:"status-bar-background"` StatusBarText *string `toml:"status-bar-text"` StatusBarViewBackground *string `toml:"status-bar-view-background"` StatusBarViewText *string `toml:"status-bar-view-text"` ListSelectedBackground *string `toml:"list-selected-background"` ListSelectedText *string `toml:"list-selected-text"` ListSelectedInactiveBackground *string `toml:"list-selected-inactive-background"` ListSelectedInactiveText *string `toml:"list-selected-inactive-text"` ControlsText *string `toml:"controls-text"` ControlsHighlight *string `toml:"controls-highlight"` AutocompleteBackground *string `toml:"autocomplete-background"` AutocompleteText *string `toml:"autocomplete-text"` AutocompleteSelectedBackground *string `toml:"autocomplete-selected-background"` AutocompleteSelectedText *string `toml:"autocomplete-selected-text"` ButtonColorOne *string `toml:"button-color-one"` ButtonColorTwo *string `toml:"button-color-two"` TimelineNameBackground *string `toml:"timeline-name-background"` TimelineNameText *string `toml:"timeline-name-text"` IconColor *string `toml:"icon-color"` CommandText *string `toml:"command-text"` }
type Timeline ¶
type Timeline struct { ID uint FeedType FeedType Subaction string Name string Key Key Shortcut string HideBoosts bool HideReplies bool Closed bool OnFocus OnTimelineFocus OnCreationClosed OnTimelineCreationClosed }
func NewTimeline ¶
type TimelineTOML ¶
type TimelineTOML struct { Name *string `toml:"name"` Type *string `toml:"type"` Data *string `toml:"data"` Keys *[]string `toml:"keys"` SpecialKeys *[]string `toml:"special-keys"` Shortcut *string `toml:"shortcut"` HideBoosts *bool `toml:"hide-boosts"` HideReplies *bool `toml:"hide-replies"` Closed *bool `toml:"closed"` OnCreationClosed *string `toml:"on-creation-closed"` OnFocus *string `toml:"on-focus"` }
type ViewerTOML ¶
type XrdbColors ¶
func GetXrdbColors ¶
func GetXrdbColors() (XrdbColors, error)
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.