Minimalistic embedded multi-language text template generation for go programs
Add the lib to your project:
go get
Make a file temblate/generate.go with the following content:
package temblate
//go:generate go run -mod=mod ./templates ./messages.go
and define your templates under ./temblate/templates/ with the file name formatted as <keyname>.<lang>.gotmpl (e.g. mytopic.en.gotmpl).
<keyname>must match the regex [.\w_-]* and <lang>must be present and match the regex [a-z]{2,3}.
go generate ./temblate/
This will generate ./temblate/messages.go (the name can be changed in the //go:generate line) and you can now use
mymsg := temblate.GetMessage(lang, key, &data)
where data is a struct to the members of which you refer in the template as {{ .MyField }} (standard go template format)
What's with the name
It's not a typo, temblate is a play on embedded template; the main feature compared to other go templating libs is that all template content is generated into the temblate package of your project and initialised at program start. That means you don't have to worry about files not found and multi-file resource bundling/distribution.