
package module
v1.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 15, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 24 Imported by: 1




screw is a command line parser based on struct.


  • Support for environment variable binding env DEBUG=xx ./proc
  • Supports parameter collection cat a.txt b.txt, you can puta.txt, b.txtBulk members are categorized and collected into the structure members you specify
  • Support for short optionsproc -d or long optionsproc --debug
  • POSIX style command line support, supporting command combinations ls -ltrisls -l -t -rabbreviated to facilitate the implementation of common POSIX standard commands
  • Sub Command(subcommand)support to facilitate git-style subcommandgit add ,a concise way of registering subcommands, as long as the structure is written, 3,4,5 to infinite subcommands are also supported
  • Defaults supportdefault:"1", support multiple data types so you don't have to worry about type conversion
  • Repeat Command Error
  • Strict short option, long option error. Avoid Ambiguity Options
  • Validation mode support, no need to write a bunch ofif x!= "" or if y!=0
  • command priority can be obtained to set command aliases easily
  • Parse flag package code to generate screw code
  • SpecifyParsefunction to automatically bind data


go get

Quick start

package main

import (

type Hello struct {
	File string `screw:"-f; --file" usage:"file"`

func main() {

	h := Hello{}
	screw.SetAbout("This is a simple example demo")
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", h)
// ./one -f test
// main.Hello{File:"test"}
// ./one --file test
// main.Hello{File:"test"}


base type
package main

import (


type IntDemo struct {
        Int int `screw:"short;long" usage:"int"`

func main() {
        id := &IntDemo{}
        fmt.Printf("id = %v\n", id)
//  ./int -i 3
// id = &{3}
// ./int --int 3
// id = &{3}
package main

import (


type Float64Demo struct {
        Float64 float64 `screw:"short;long" usage:"float64"`

func main() {
        fd := &Float64Demo{}
        fmt.Printf("fd = %v\n", fd)
// ./float64 -f 3.14
// fd = &{3.14}
// ./float64 --float64 3.14
// fd = &{3.14}
package main

import (


type DurationDemo struct {
        Duration time.Duration `screw:"short;long" usage:"duration"`

func main() {
        dd := &DurationDemo{}
        fmt.Printf("dd = %v\n", dd)
// ./duration -d 1h
// dd = &{1h0m0s}
// ./duration --duration 1h
// dd = &{1h0m0s}
package main

import (


type StringDemo struct {
        String string `screw:"short;long" usage:"string"`

func main() {
        s := &StringDemo{}
        fmt.Printf("s = %v\n", s)
// ./string --string hello
// s = &{hello}
// ./string -s hello
// s = &{hello}


similar to curl command
package main

import (


type ArrayDemo struct {
        Header []string `screw:"-H;long" usage:"header"`

func main() {
        h := &ArrayDemo{}
        fmt.Printf("h = %v\n", h)
// ./array -H session:sid --header token:my
// h = &{[session:sid token:my]}

similar to join command

Adding the greedy attribute supports greedy array writing. Similar to join command.

package main

import (


type test struct {
    A []int `screw:"-a;greedy" usage:"test array"`
    B int   `screw:"-b" usage:"test int"`

func main() {
    a := &test{}
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", a)

./use_array -a 12 34 56 78 -b 100
&main.test{A:[]int{12, 34, 56, 78}, B:100}

required flag
package main

import (

type curl struct {
	Url string `screw:"-u; --url" usage:"url" valid:"required"`

func main() {

	c := curl{}

// ./required 
// error: -u; --url must have a value!
// For more information try --help
set default value

Default values can be set using default tags, written directly to common types, and JSON for composite types

package main

import (

type defaultExample struct {
    Int          int       `default:"1"`
    Float64      float64   `default:"3.64"`
    Float32      float32   `default:"3.32"`
    SliceString  []string  `default:"[\"one\", \"two\"]"`
    SliceInt     []int     `default:"[1,2,3,4,5]"`
    SliceFloat64 []float64 `default:"[1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5]"`

func main() {
    de := defaultExample{}
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", de) 
// run
//         ./use_def
// output:
//         {1 3.64 3.32 [one two] [1 2 3 4 5] [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5]}
Support environment variables
custom environment variable name
// file name use_env.go
package main

import (

type env struct {
	OmpNumThread string `screw:"env=omp_num_thread" usage:"omp num thread"`
	Path         string `screw:"env=XPATH" usage:"xpath"`
	Max          int    `screw:"env=MAX" usage:"max thread"`

func main() {
	e := env{}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", e)
// run
// env XPATH=`pwd` omp_num_thread=3 MAX=4 ./use_env 
// output
// main.env{OmpNumThread:"3", Path:"/home/guo", Max:4}
Quick writing of environment variables

Using env tag generates an environment variable name based on the structure name, with the rule that the hump command name is changed to an uppercase underscore

// file name use_env.go
package main

import (

type env struct {
	OmpNumThread string `screw:"env" usage:"omp num thread"`
	Xpath         string `screw:"env" usage:"xpath"`
	Max          int    `screw:"env" usage:"max thread"`

func main() {
	e := env{}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", e)
// run
// env XPATH=`pwd` OMP_NUM_THREAD=3 MAX=4 ./use_env 
// output
// main.env{OmpNumThread:"3", Xpath:"/home/guo", Max:4}
Sub command implementation method 1
package main

import (

type add struct {
	All      bool     `screw:"-A; --all" usage:"add changes from all tracked and untracked files"`
	Force    bool     `screw:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"`
	Pathspec []string `screw:"args=pathspec"`

type mv struct {
	Force bool `screw:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"`

type git struct {
	Add add `screw:"subcommand=add" usage:"Add file contents to the index"`
	Mv  mv  `screw:"subcommand=mv" usage:"Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"`

func main() {
	g := git{}
	fmt.Printf("git:%#v\n", g)
	fmt.Printf("git:set mv(%t) or set add(%t)\n", screw.IsSetSubcommand("mv"), screw.IsSetSubcommand("add"))

	switch {
	case screw.IsSetSubcommand("mv"):
		fmt.Printf("subcommand mv\n")
	case screw.IsSetSubcommand("add"):
		fmt.Printf("subcommand add\n")

// run:
// ./git add -f

// output:
// git:main.git{Add:main.add{All:false, Force:true, Pathspec:[]string(nil)},{Force:false}}
// git:set mv(false) or set add(true)
// subcommand add

Sub command implementation method 2

The second way to implement subcommands using screw is that the subcommand structure only implements the SubMain method, which the screw library will automatically call for you. It is recommended that you omit writing a bunch of if else judgments in main (as opposed to method 1), especially when there are a lot of subcommands.

package main

import (

type add struct {
	All      bool     `screw:"-A; --all" usage:"add changes from all tracked and untracked files"`
	Force    bool     `screw:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"`
	Pathspec []string `screw:"args=pathspec"`

func (a *add) SubMain() {
	//When the add subcommand is set
	//screw automatically calls this function

type mv struct {
	Force bool `screw:"-f; --force" usage:"allow adding otherwise ignored files"`

func (m *mv) SubMain() {
	//When MV subcommand is set
	//screw automatically calls this function

type git struct {
	Add add `screw:"subcommand=add" usage:"Add file contents to the index"`
	Mv  mv  `screw:"subcommand=mv" usage:"Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"`

func main() {
	g := git{}

Get command priority

package main

import (

type cat struct {
	NumberNonblank bool `screw:"-b;--number-nonblank"
                             usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"`

	ShowEnds bool `screw:"-E;--show-ends"
                       usage:"display $ at end of each line"`

func main() {

	c := cat{}

	if screw.GetIndex("number-nonblank") < screw.GetIndex("show-ends") {
		fmt.Printf("cat -b -E\n")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("cat -E -b \n")
// cat -be 
// output: cat -b -E
// cat -Eb
// output: cat -E -b

Can only be set once

Specified options can only be set once, and error will occur if the command line option is used twice.

package main

import (

type Once struct {
    Debug bool `screw:"-d; --debug; once" usage:"debug mode"`

func main() {
    o := Once{}
./once -debug -debug
error: The argument '-d' was provided more than once, but cannot be used multiple times
For more information try --help

quick write

Fast Writing, using fixed short, long tags to generate short, long options. It can be visually compared with cat examples. The more command-line options you have, the more time you save and efficiency you can achieve.

package main

import (

type cat struct {
	NumberNonblank bool `screw:"-c;long" 
	                     usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"`

	ShowEnds bool `screw:"-E;long" 
	               usage:"display $ at end of each line"`

	Number bool `screw:"-n;long" 
	             usage:"number all output lines"`

	SqueezeBlank bool `screw:"-s;long" 
	                   usage:"suppress repeated empty output lines"`

	ShowTab bool `screw:"-T;long" 
	              usage:"display TAB characters as ^I"`

	ShowNonprinting bool `screw:"-v;long" 
	                      usage:"use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB" `

	Files []string `screw:"args=files"`

func main() {
 	c := cat{}
	err := screw.Bind(&c)

	fmt.Printf("%#v, %s\n", c, err)

Multi structure series

Multi-structure series function. A command line view composed of multiple structures If command-line parsing is going to take place within more than one (>=2) structure, you can use the structure concatenation function, which is used by the first few structures.screw.Register()Interface, last structure usesscrew.Bind()function.

│                │
│                │
│  ServerAddress │                        ┌─────────────────────┐
├────────────────┤                        │                     │
│                │   ──────────────────►  │                     │
│                │                        │ screw.MustRegitser()│
│     Rate       │                        │                     │
│                │                        └─────────────────────┘

│                │
│   ThreadNum    │
│                │                        ┌─────────────────────┐
│                │                        │                     │
├────────────────┤   ──────────────────►  │                     │
│                │                        │ screw.Bind()        │
│   OpenVad      │                        │                     │
│                │                        │                     │
└────────────────┘                        └─────────────────────┘

type Server struct {
	ServerAddress string `screw:"long" usage:"Server address"`
	Rate time.Duration `screw:"long" usage:"The speed at which audio is sent"`

type Asr struct{
	ThreadNum int `screw:"long" usage:"thread number"`
	OpenVad bool `screw:"long" usage:"open vad"`

 func main() {
	 asr := Asr{}
	 ser := Server{}

 // Test the effect with the following command line parameters
 // ./example --server-address", ":8080", "--rate", "1s", "--thread-num", "20", "--open-vad"

Support callback function parsing

  • Use the notation callback=name, where name is the parsing function that needs to be called.
type TestCallback struct {
	Size int `screw:"short;long;callback=ParseSize" usage:"parse size"`
	Max  int `screw:"short;long"`

func (t *TestCallback) ParseSize(val string) {
	//Do some parsing
	// t.Size =value after parsing

func main() {
 	t := TestCallback{}
	err := screw.Bind(&t)

	fmt.Printf("%#v, %s\n", t, err)

Advanced features

Advanced features include some features of screw packages

Parsing flag code to generate screw code

If your command wants to migrate to screw, but in the face of a lot of flag code, use the screw command to do everything.

1.Install screw command
go get
2.Resolving code containing flag packages using screw

Convert flag libraries inside main.go to screw package calls

screw -f main.go


package main

import "flag"

func main() {
	s := flag.String("string", "", "string usage")
	i := flag.Int("int", "", "int usage")

The output code is as follows

package main

import (

type flagAutoGen struct {
	Flag string `screw:"--string" usage:"string usage" `
	Flag int    `screw:"--int" usage:"int usage" `

func main() {
	var flagVar flagAutoGen

Implementing linux command options

package main

import (

type cat struct {
	NumberNonblank bool `screw:"-c;--number-nonblank" 
	                     usage:"number nonempty output lines, overrides"`

	ShowEnds bool `screw:"-E;--show-ends" 
	               usage:"display $ at end of each line"`

	Number bool `screw:"-n;--number" 
	             usage:"number all output lines"`

	SqueezeBlank bool `screw:"-s;--squeeze-blank" 
	                   usage:"suppress repeated empty output lines"`

	ShowTab bool `screw:"-T;--show-tabs" 
	              usage:"display TAB characters as ^I"`

	ShowNonprinting bool `screw:"-v;--show-nonprinting" 
	                      usage:"use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB" `

	Files []string `screw:"args=files"`

func main() {

	c := cat{}
	err := screw.Bind(&c)

	fmt.Printf("%#v, %s\n", c, err)

    ./cat [Flags] <files> 

    -E,--show-ends           display $ at end of each line 
    -T,--show-tabs           display TAB characters as ^I 
    -c,--number-nonblank     number nonempty output lines, overrides 
    -n,--number              number all output lines 
    -s,--squeeze-blank       suppress repeated empty output lines 
    -v,--show-nonprinting    use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB 





This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	ErrDuplicateOptions = errors.New("is already in use")
	ErrUnsupported      = errors.New("unsupported command")
	ErrNotFoundName     = errors.New("no command line options found")
	ErrOptionName       = errors.New("illegal option name")
View Source
var CommandLine = New(os.Args[1:])
View Source
var ErrNotPointerType = errors.New("Not pointer type")
View Source
var ErrUnsupportedType = errors.New("Unsupported type")
View Source
var (
	ShowUsageDefault = true


func Bind

func Bind(x interface{}, version string, about string) error

Bind interface, including the following functions Structure field registration Command line parsing

func GetIndex

func GetIndex(optName string) uint64

func IsSetSubcommand

func IsSetSubcommand(subcommand string) bool

func MustBind

func MustBind(x interface{})

Bind must be a successful version

func MustRegister

func MustRegister(x interface{})

func SetAbout

func SetAbout(about string)

func SetVersion

func SetVersion(version string)

func StringToBytes

func StringToBytes(s string) (b []byte)

func Unquote

func Unquote(s string) (string, error)

func Usage

func Usage()

Print Help


type Help

type Help struct {
	ProcessName      string
	Version          string
	About            string
	Flags            []showOption
	Options          []showOption
	Args             []showOption
	Envs             []showOption
	Subcommand       []showOption
	MaxNameLen       int
	ShowUsageDefault bool

type Option

type Option struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ParseFlag

type ParseFlag struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Parse flag

func NewParseFlag

func NewParseFlag() *ParseFlag


func (*ParseFlag) All

func (p *ParseFlag) All() *ParseFlag

Generate All

func (*ParseFlag) FromFile

func (p *ParseFlag) FromFile(fileName string) *ParseFlag

Set File Name

func (*ParseFlag) OnlyStruct

func (p *ParseFlag) OnlyStruct() *ParseFlag

Generate struct only

func (*ParseFlag) Parse

func (p *ParseFlag) Parse() ([]byte, error)

type Screw

type Screw struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(args []string) *Screw

func (*Screw) Bind

func (c *Screw) Bind(x interface{}) (err error)

func (*Screw) GetIndex

func (c *Screw) GetIndex(optName string) uint64

func (*Screw) IsSetSubcommand

func (c *Screw) IsSetSubcommand(subcommand string) bool

func (*Screw) MustBind

func (c *Screw) MustBind(x interface{})

MustBind is similar to Bind function, and the error is direct panic

func (*Screw) Register

func (c *Screw) Register(x interface{}) error

Only register the structure information and do not parse

func (*Screw) SetAbout

func (c *Screw) SetAbout(about string) *Screw

func (*Screw) SetExit

func (c *Screw) SetExit(exit bool) *Screw

Set the error behavior. By default, an error will exit the process (true). If it is false, it will not

func (*Screw) SetOutput

func (c *Screw) SetOutput(w io.Writer) *Screw

func (*Screw) SetProcName

func (c *Screw) SetProcName(procName string) *Screw

Set Process Name

func (*Screw) SetVersion

func (c *Screw) SetVersion(version string) *Screw

func (*Screw) Usage

func (c *Screw) Usage()

type Subcommand

type Subcommand struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Tag

type Tag string

func (Tag) Get

func (tag Tag) Get(key string) (value string)

func (Tag) Lookup

func (tag Tag) Lookup(key string) (value string, ok bool)

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL