recommended: play with evans in REPL interactive mode (very cool): evans --host -p 8443 -t -r --servername <my domain> --cacert cert/cert.pem
build and deploy
run make build - verify an executable was created in the bin directory ls -l bin
run make docker - verify with docker images that a docker image was created
run make push - very that push succeeded (login before if you need to)
create a tls secret based on newly generated cert and key make secret - verify with kubectl get secrets that the secret was created
deploy to k8s kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
wait a while - can take 20 mins
find your ingress external IP kubectl get ing grpcserver -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
and update your dns (gcp map an A record from <your domain> to the
ingress external IP
wait until the dns record propagates. You can check it with `dig
run go run main/cli.go and verify that the response is "Hello I'm the client"
you can also try evans evans --host <my domain> -p 443 -t -r --cacert cert/cert.pem