Automatically remove cloud and kubernetes resources based on a time to leave tag, ttl.
Protect resources from deletion with a protection tag, do_no_delete.
NOTE: this project is used in Qovery's production environment
Supported resources
- Kubernetes
- Document DB databases
- Document DB subnet groups
- Elasticache databases
- Elasticache subnet groups
- RDS databases
- RDS subnet groups
- RDS parameter groups
- EBS volumes
- ELB load balancers
- EC2 Key pairs
- ECR repositories
- EKS clusters
- IAM groups
- IAM users
- IAM policies
- IAM roles
- Cloudwatch logs
- KMS keys
- VPC vpcs
- VPC internet gateways
- VPC nat gateways
- VPC Elastic IP
- VPC route tables
- VPC subnets
- VPC security groups
- S3 buckets
- Kubernetes clusters
- Database instances
- Load balancers
- Namespaces
- Detached volumes
- S3 Buckets
- Unused Security Groups
You can find a helm chart here, a docker image here and all binaries are on github.
In order to make pleco check and clean expired resources you need to set the following environment variables:
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
For Scaleway
$ export SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>
$ export SCALEWAY_SECRET_KEY=<secret_key>
$ export SCALEWAY_ORGANISATION_ID=<organization_id>
$ export SCW_VOLUME_TIMEOUT=<delay_before_detached_volume_deletion_in_hours> # default is 2 hours
Basic command
A pleco command has the following structure:
pleco start <cloud_provider> [options]
General options
Debug Level
You can set the debug level with:
--level <log level>
Default is "info"
Check's interval
You can set the interval between two pleco's check with:
--check-interval, -i <time in seconds>
Default is "120"
Dry Run
If you disable dry run, pleco will delete expired resources.
If not it will only tells you how many resources are expired.
You can disable dry-run with:
--disable-dry-run, -y
Default is "false"
AWS options
Region selector
When pleco's look for expired resources, it will do it by aws region.
You can set region(s) with:
--aws-regions, -a <region(s)>
For example:
-a eu-west-3,us-east-2
Resources Selector
When pleco is running you have to specify which resources expiration will be checked.
Here are some of the resources you can check:
--enable-eks, -e # Enable EKS watch
--enable-iam, -u # Enable IAM watch (groups, policies, roles, users)
pleco start aws --level debug -i 240 -a eu-west-3 -e -r -m -c -l -b -p -s -w -n -u -z -o -y
Scaleway options
Region selector
When pleco's look for expired resources, it will do it by scaleway zone.
You can set zone(s) with:
--scw-zones, -a <zone(s)>
For example:
-a fr-par-1
Resources Selector
When pleco is running you have to specify which resources expiration will be checked.
Here are some of the resources you can check:
--enable-cluster, -e # Enable cluster watch
pleco start scaleway --level debug -i 240 -a fr-par -e -r -o -l -b -s -p -y