Overview ¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers ¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers ¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers ¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers ¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The qitmeer developers
Index ¶
- Constants
- func CalcBlockTaxSubsidy(subsidyCache *SubsidyCache, bi *meerdag.BlueInfo, params *params.Params) uint64
- func CalcBlockWorkSubsidy(subsidyCache *SubsidyCache, bi *meerdag.BlueInfo, params *params.Params) uint64
- func CheckTransactionSanity(tx *types.Tx, params *params.Params, coinbase *types.Transaction, ...) error
- func CountP2SHSigOps(tx *types.Tx, isCoinBaseTx bool, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) (int, error)
- func CountSigOps(tx *types.Tx) int
- func DeserializeBestChainState(serializedData []byte) (bestChainState, error)
- func ExtractCoinbaseHeight(coinbaseTx *types.Transaction) (uint64, error)
- func IsExpired(tx *types.Tx, blockHeight uint64) bool
- func IsExpiredTx(tx *types.Transaction, blockHeight uint64) bool
- func IsFinalizedTransaction(tx *types.Tx, blockHeight uint64, blockTime time.Time) bool
- func LockTimeToSequence(isSeconds bool, lockTime uint32) (uint32, error)
- func NewMedianTime() model.MedianTimeSource
- func SequenceLockActive(lock *SequenceLock, blockHeight int64, medianTime time.Time) bool
- func UseLogger(logger l.Logger)
- func ValidateTransactionScripts(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint, flags txscript.ScriptFlags, ...) error
- type BehaviorFlags
- type BestState
- type BlockAcceptedNotifyData
- type BlockChain
- func (b *BlockChain) APIs() []rapi.API
- func (b *BlockChain) BestSnapshot() *BestState
- func (b *BlockChain) BlockByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) BlockByOrder(blockOrder uint64) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) BlockDAG() *meerdag.MeerDAG
- func (b *BlockChain) BlockHashByOrder(blockOrder uint64) (*hash.Hash, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) BlockLocatorFromHash(hash *hash.Hash) BlockLocator
- func (b *BlockChain) CalcNextBlockVersion() (uint32, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) CalcNextRequiredDifficulty(timestamp time.Time, powType pow.PowType) (uint32, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) CalcPastMedianTime(block meerdag.IBlock) time.Time
- func (b *BlockChain) CalcSequenceLock(tx *types.Tx, view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) (*SequenceLock, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) CalcWeight(ib meerdag.IBlock, bi *meerdag.BlueInfo) int64
- func (b *BlockChain) CalculateDAGDuplicateTxs(block *types.SerializedBlock)
- func (b *BlockChain) CalculateFees(block *types.SerializedBlock) types.AmountMap
- func (b *BlockChain) CalculateStateRoot(txs []*types.Tx) *hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) CalculateTokenStateRoot(txs []*types.Tx) *hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) ChainLock()
- func (b *BlockChain) ChainParams() *params.Params
- func (b *BlockChain) ChainRLock()
- func (b *BlockChain) ChainRUnlock()
- func (b *BlockChain) ChainUnlock()
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckBlockSanity(block *types.SerializedBlock, timeSource model.MedianTimeSource, ...) error
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block *types.SerializedBlock, height uint64) error
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckRecentOrphansParents() []*hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckStateRoot(block *types.SerializedBlock) error
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckTokenState(block *types.SerializedBlock) error
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckTokenTransactionInputs(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) error
- func (b *BlockChain) CheckTransactionInputs(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) (types.AmountMap, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) Checkpoints() []params.Checkpoint
- func (b *BlockChain) Consensus() model.Consensus
- func (b *BlockChain) DB() model.DataBase
- func (b *BlockChain) DisableCheckpoints(disable bool)
- func (b *BlockChain) FastAcceptBlock(block *types.SerializedBlock, flags BehaviorFlags) (meerdag.IBlock, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockByOrder(order uint64) (*types.SerializedBlock, model.Block, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockBytesByHash(hash *hash.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) FetchInputUtxos(db legacydb.DB, block *types.SerializedBlock, view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) error
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchSpendJournal(targetBlock *types.SerializedBlock) ([]utxo.SpentTxOut, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchSpendJournalPKS(targetBlock *types.SerializedBlock) ([][]byte, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchSubsidyCache() *SubsidyCache
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchUtxoEntry(outpoint types.TxOutPoint) (*utxo.UtxoEntry, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) FetchUtxoView(tx *types.Tx) (*utxo.UtxoViewpoint, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) FilterInvalidOut(view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint)
- func (b *BlockChain) ForeachBlueBlocks(start model.Block, depth uint, powType pow.PowType, ...) error
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlock(h *hash.Hash) meerdag.IBlock
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockById(id uint) model.Block
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) meerdag.IBlock
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockByOrder(order uint64) model.Block
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockHashByOrder(order uint) *hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockHeader(block model.Block) *types.BlockHeader
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockNode(ib meerdag.IBlock) *BlockNode
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockOrderByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (uint, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockState(order uint64) model.BlockState
- func (b *BlockChain) GetCurTokenOwners(coinId types.CoinID) ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) GetCurTokenState() *token.TokenState
- func (b *BlockChain) GetCurrentPowDiff(ib model.Block, powType pow.PowType) *big.Int
- func (b *BlockChain) GetFeeByCoinID(h *hash.Hash, coinId types.CoinID) int64
- func (b *BlockChain) GetFees(h *hash.Hash) types.AmountMap
- func (b *BlockChain) GetMainChainTip() model.Block
- func (b *BlockChain) GetMainOrder() uint
- func (b *BlockChain) GetMiningTips(expectPriority int) []*hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) *types.SerializedBlock
- func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphansParents() []*hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphansTotal() int
- func (b *BlockChain) GetRecentOrphanParents(h *hash.Hash) []*hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) GetSelfAdd() int64
- func (b *BlockChain) GetSubsidyCache() *SubsidyCache
- func (b *BlockChain) GetTokenState(bid uint32) *token.TokenState
- func (b *BlockChain) GetTokenTipHash() *hash.Hash
- func (b *BlockChain) HasBlockInDB(h *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) HasCheckpoints() bool
- func (b *BlockChain) HasTx(txid *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) HaveBlock(hash *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) HeaderByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (types.BlockHeader, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) IndexManager() model.IndexManager
- func (b *BlockChain) Init() error
- func (b *BlockChain) IsCheckpointCandidate(preBlock, block meerdag.IBlock) (bool, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) IsCurrent() bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsDuplicateTx(txid *hash.Hash, blockHash *hash.Hash) bool
- func (bc *BlockChain) IsInvalidOut(entry *utxo.UtxoEntry) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsOrphanOK(serializedHeight uint64) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsShutdown() bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsUnconnectedOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) IsValidTxType(tt types.TxType) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) LatestBlockLocator() (BlockLocator, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) LatestCheckpoint() *params.Checkpoint
- func (b *BlockChain) LookupNode(hash *hash.Hash) *BlockNode
- func (b *BlockChain) LookupNodeById(id uint) *BlockNode
- func (b *BlockChain) MainChainHasBlock(hash *hash.Hash) bool
- func (b *BlockChain) MeerChain() model.MeerChain
- func (b *BlockChain) MeerVerifyTx(tx model.Tx) (int64, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) OrderRange(startOrder, endOrder uint64) ([]hash.Hash, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) ProcessBlock(block *types.SerializedBlock, flags BehaviorFlags, source *peer.ID) (meerdag.IBlock, bool, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) ProcessQueueSize() int
- func (b *BlockChain) Rebuild() error
- func (b *BlockChain) RefreshOrphans() error
- func (b *BlockChain) RemoveOrphanBlock(orphan *orphanBlock)
- func (b *BlockChain) SetDAGDuplicateTxs(sblock *types.SerializedBlock, block model.Block)
- func (b *BlockChain) Start() error
- func (b *BlockChain) Stop() error
- func (b *BlockChain) Subscribe(callback NotificationCallback)
- func (b *BlockChain) TimeSource() model.MedianTimeSource
- func (b *BlockChain) TipGeneration() ([]hash.Hash, error)
- func (b *BlockChain) UpdateWeight(ib meerdag.IBlock)
- type BlockLocator
- type BlockNode
- func (node *BlockNode) Difficulty() uint32
- func (node *BlockNode) GetBody() *types.SerializedBlock
- func (node *BlockNode) GetHash() *hash.Hash
- func (node *BlockNode) GetHeader() *types.BlockHeader
- func (node *BlockNode) GetMainParent() *hash.Hash
- func (node *BlockNode) GetMeerBlock() *meer.Block
- func (node *BlockNode) GetParents() []*hash.Hash
- func (node *BlockNode) GetPowType() pow.PowType
- func (node *BlockNode) GetPriority() int
- func (node *BlockNode) GetTimestamp() int64
- func (node *BlockNode) Pow() pow.IPow
- func (node *BlockNode) SetMeerBlock(block *meer.Block)
- func (node *BlockNode) Timestamp() time.Time
- type DeploymentError
- type ErrorCode
- type HashError
- type Notification
- type NotificationCallback
- type NotificationType
- type PublicBlockAPI
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBestBlockHash() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlock(h hash.Hash, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByID(id uint64, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByOrder(order int64, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockCount() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockHeader(hash hash.Hash, verbose bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockTotal() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockV2(h hash.Hash, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockWeight(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhash(order int64) (string, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhashByRange(start int64, end int64) ([]string, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetCoinbase(h hash.Hash, verbose *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetFees(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetMainChainHeight() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetOrphansTotal() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetStateRoot(order int64, verbose *bool) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetTokenInfo() (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) IsBlue(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) IsOnMainChain(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *PublicBlockAPI) Tips() (interface{}, error)
- type ReorganizationNotifyData
- type RuleError
- type SequenceLock
- type SubsidyCache
Constants ¶
const ( // MaxTimeOffsetSeconds is the maximum number of seconds a block time // is allowed to be ahead of the current time. // 2 hours -> BTC settings (2 hours / 2016 block -> 2 weeks) = 0.6 % // 360 sec -> Qitmeer settings ( 30*2016*6/1000 ) MaxTimeOffsetSeconds = 6 * 60 // 6 minutes // MinCoinbaseScriptLen is the minimum length a coinbase script can be. MinCoinbaseScriptLen = 2 // MaxCoinbaseScriptLen is the maximum length a coinbase script can be. MaxCoinbaseScriptLen = 100 // MaxOrphanTimeOffsetSeconds is the maximum number of seconds a orphan block time // is allowed to be ahead of the current time. This is currently 10 // minute. MaxOrphanTimeOffsetSeconds = 10 * 60 )
const CheckpointConfirmations = 4096
CheckpointConfirmations is the number of blocks before the end of the current best block chain that a good checkpoint candidate must be.
const (
// The index of coinbase output for subsidy
CoinbaseOutput_subsidy = 0
const ( // maxOrphanBlocks is the maximum number of orphan blocks that can be // queued. MaxOrphanBlocks = 500 )
const (
MaxOrphanStallDuration = 10 * time.Minute
const ( // MaxSigOpsPerBlock is the maximum number of signature operations // allowed for a block. This really should be based upon the max // allowed block size for a network and any votes that might change it, // however, since it was not updated to be based upon it before // release, it will require a hard fork and associated vote agenda to // change it. The original max block size for the protocol was 1MiB, // so that is what this is based on. MaxSigOpsPerBlock = 1000000 / 50 )
const ( // VBTopBits defines the bits to set in the version to signal that the // version bits scheme is being used. VBTopBits = 0x20000000 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CalcBlockTaxSubsidy ¶
func CalcBlockTaxSubsidy(subsidyCache *SubsidyCache, bi *meerdag.BlueInfo, params *params.Params) uint64
CalcBlockTaxSubsidy calculates the subsidy for the organization address in the coinbase.
func CalcBlockWorkSubsidy ¶
func CalcBlockWorkSubsidy(subsidyCache *SubsidyCache, bi *meerdag.BlueInfo, params *params.Params) uint64
CalcBlockWorkSubsidy calculates the proof of work subsidy for a block as a proportion of the total subsidy. (aka, the coinbase subsidy)
func CheckTransactionSanity ¶
func CheckTransactionSanity(tx *types.Tx, params *params.Params, coinbase *types.Transaction, bc *BlockChain) error
CheckTransactionSanity performs some preliminary checks on a transaction to ensure it is sane. These checks are context free.
func CountP2SHSigOps ¶
CountP2SHSigOps returns the number of signature operations for all input transactions which are of the pay-to-script-hash type. This uses the precise, signature operation counting mechanism from the script engine which requires access to the input transaction scripts.
func CountSigOps ¶
CountSigOps returns the number of signature operations for all transaction input and output scripts in the provided transaction. This uses the quicker, but imprecise, signature operation counting mechanism from txscript.
func DeserializeBestChainState ¶
deserializeBestChainState deserializes the passed serialized best chain state. This is data stored in the chain state bucket and is updated after every block is connected or disconnected form the main chain. block.
func ExtractCoinbaseHeight ¶
func ExtractCoinbaseHeight(coinbaseTx *types.Transaction) (uint64, error)
func IsExpired ¶
IsExpired returns where or not the passed transaction is expired according to the given block height.
This function only differs from IsExpiredTx in that it works with a higher level util transaction as opposed to a raw wire transaction.
func IsExpiredTx ¶
func IsExpiredTx(tx *types.Transaction, blockHeight uint64) bool
This function only differs from IsExpired in that it works with a raw wire transaction as opposed to a higher level util transaction.
func IsFinalizedTransaction ¶
IsFinalizedTransaction determines whether or not a transaction is finalized.
func LockTimeToSequence ¶
LockTimeToSequence converts the passed relative lock time to a sequence number in accordance with DCP0003.
A sequence number is defined as follows:
bit 31 is the disable bit
the next 8 bits are reserved
bit 22 is the relative lock type (unset = block height, set = seconds)
the next 6 bites are reserved
the least significant 16 bits represent the value
value has a granularity of 512 when interpreted as seconds (bit 22 set)
--------------------------------------------------- | Disable | Reserved | Type | Reserved | Value | --------------------------------------------------- | 1 bit | 8 bits | 1 bit | 6 bits | 16 bits | --------------------------------------------------- | [31] | [30-23] | [22] | [21-16] | [15-0] | ---------------------------------------------------
The above implies that the maximum relative block height that can be encoded is 65535 and the maximum relative number of seconds that can be encoded is 65535*512 = 33,553,920 seconds (~1.06 years). It also means that seconds are truncated to the nearest granularity towards 0 (e.g. 536 seconds will end up round tripping as 512 seconds and 1500 seconds will end up round tripping as 1024 seconds).
An error will be returned for values that are larger than can be represented.
func NewMedianTime ¶
func NewMedianTime() model.MedianTimeSource
NewMedianTime returns a new instance of concurrency-safe implementation of the MedianTimeSource interface. The returned implementation contains the rules necessary for proper time handling in the chain consensus rules and expects the time samples to be added from the timestamp field of the version message received from remote peers that successfully connect and negotiate.
func SequenceLockActive ¶
func SequenceLockActive(lock *SequenceLock, blockHeight int64, medianTime time.Time) bool
SequenceLockActive determines if all of the inputs to a given transaction have achieved a relative age that surpasses the requirements specified by their respective sequence locks as calculated by CalcSequenceLock. A single sequence lock is sufficient because the calculated lock selects the minimum required time and block height from all of the non-disabled inputs after which the transaction can be included.
func ValidateTransactionScripts ¶
func ValidateTransactionScripts(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint, flags txscript.ScriptFlags, sigCache *txscript.SigCache, height int64) error
ValidateTransactionScripts validates the scripts for the passed transaction using multiple goroutines.
Types ¶
type BehaviorFlags ¶
type BehaviorFlags uint32
BehaviorFlags is a bitmask defining tweaks to the normal behavior when performing chain processing and consensus rules checks.
const ( // BFFastAdd may be set to indicate that several checks can be avoided // for the block since it is already known to fit into the chain due to // already proving it correct links into the chain up to a known // checkpoint. This is primarily used for headers-first mode. BFFastAdd BehaviorFlags = 1 << iota // BFNoPoWCheck may be set to indicate the proof of work check which // ensures a block hashes to a value less than the required target will // not be performed. BFNoPoWCheck BFP2PAdd // Add block from RPC interface BFRPCAdd // Add block from broadcast interface BFBroadcast // BFNone is a convenience value to specifically indicate no flags. BFNone BehaviorFlags = 0 )
func (BehaviorFlags) Has ¶
func (bf BehaviorFlags) Has(value BehaviorFlags) bool
type BestState ¶
type BestState struct { Hash hash.Hash // The hash of the main chain tip. Bits uint32 // The difficulty bits of the main chain tip. BlockSize uint64 // The size of the main chain tip. NumTxns uint64 // The number of txns in the main chain tip. MedianTime time.Time // Median time as per CalcPastMedianTime. TotalTxns uint64 // The total number of txns in the chain. TotalSubsidy uint64 // The total subsidy for the chain. TokenTipHash *hash.Hash // The Hash of token state tip for the chain. GraphState *meerdag.GraphState // The graph state of dag StateRoot hash.Hash }
BestState houses information about the current best block and other info related to the state of the main chain as it exists from the point of view of the current best block.
The BestSnapshot method can be used to obtain access to this information in a concurrent safe manner and the data will not be changed out from under the caller when chain state changes occur as the function name implies. However, the returned snapshot must be treated as immutable since it is shared by all callers.
type BlockAcceptedNotifyData ¶
type BlockAcceptedNotifyData struct { IsMainChainTipChange bool // Block is the block that was accepted into the chain. Block *types.SerializedBlock Height uint64 Flags BehaviorFlags Source *peer.ID }
BlockAcceptedNotifyData is the structure for data indicating information about an accepted block. Note that this does not necessarily mean the block that was accepted extended the best chain as it might have created or extended a side chain.
type BlockChain ¶
type BlockChain struct { service.Service // cache notification CacheNotifications []*Notification // The ID of token state tip for the chain. TokenTipID uint32 Acct model.Acct // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BlockChain provides functions such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks follow all rules, orphan handling, checkpoint handling, and best chain selection with reorganization.
func New ¶
func New(consensus model.Consensus) (*BlockChain, error)
New returns a BlockChain instance using the provided configuration details.
func (*BlockChain) APIs ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) APIs() []rapi.API
func (*BlockChain) BestSnapshot ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BestSnapshot() *BestState
BestSnapshot returns information about the current best chain block and related state as of the current point in time. The returned instance must be treated as immutable since it is shared by all callers.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) BlockByHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BlockByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
BlockByHash returns the block from the main chain with the given hash.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) BlockByOrder ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BlockByOrder(blockOrder uint64) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
BlockByHeight returns the block at the given height in the main chain.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) BlockDAG ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BlockDAG() *meerdag.MeerDAG
Return the dag instance
func (*BlockChain) BlockHashByOrder ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BlockHashByOrder(blockOrder uint64) (*hash.Hash, error)
BlockHashByOrder returns the hash of the block at the given order in the main chain.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) BlockLocatorFromHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) BlockLocatorFromHash(hash *hash.Hash) BlockLocator
BlockLocatorFromHash returns a block locator for the passed block hash. See BlockLocator for details on the algorithm used to create a block locator.
In addition to the general algorithm referenced above, this function will return the block locator for the latest DAG.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) CalcNextBlockVersion ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalcNextBlockVersion() (uint32, error)
func (*BlockChain) CalcNextRequiredDifficulty ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalcNextRequiredDifficulty(timestamp time.Time, powType pow.PowType) (uint32, error)
CalcNextRequiredDifficulty calculates the required difficulty for the block after the end of the current best chain based on the difficulty retarget rules.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) CalcPastMedianTime ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalcPastMedianTime(block meerdag.IBlock) time.Time
CalcPastMedianTime calculates the median time of the previous few blocks prior to, and including, the block node.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) CalcSequenceLock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalcSequenceLock(tx *types.Tx, view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) (*SequenceLock, error)
CalcSequenceLock computes the minimum block order and time after which the passed transaction can be included into a block while satisfying the relative lock times of all of its input sequence numbers. The passed view is used to obtain the past median time and block heights of the blocks in which the referenced outputs of the inputs to the transaction were included. The generated sequence lock can be used in conjunction with a block height and median time to determine if all inputs to the transaction have reached the required maturity allowing it to be included in a block.
NOTE: This will calculate the sequence locks regardless of the state of the agenda which conditionally activates it. This is acceptable for standard transactions, however, callers which are intending to perform any type of consensus checking must check the status of the agenda first.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) CalcWeight ¶
func (*BlockChain) CalculateDAGDuplicateTxs ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalculateDAGDuplicateTxs(block *types.SerializedBlock)
func (*BlockChain) CalculateFees ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalculateFees(block *types.SerializedBlock) types.AmountMap
func (*BlockChain) CalculateStateRoot ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalculateStateRoot(txs []*types.Tx) *hash.Hash
func (*BlockChain) CalculateTokenStateRoot ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CalculateTokenStateRoot(txs []*types.Tx) *hash.Hash
func (*BlockChain) ChainLock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ChainLock()
func (*BlockChain) ChainParams ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ChainParams() *params.Params
Return chain params
func (*BlockChain) ChainRLock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ChainRLock()
func (*BlockChain) ChainRUnlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ChainRUnlock()
func (*BlockChain) ChainUnlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ChainUnlock()
func (*BlockChain) CheckBlockSanity ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckBlockSanity(block *types.SerializedBlock, timeSource model.MedianTimeSource, flags BehaviorFlags, chainParams *params.Params) error
func (*BlockChain) CheckConnectBlockTemplate ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block *types.SerializedBlock, height uint64) error
CheckConnectBlockTemplate fully validates that connecting the passed block to either the tip of the main chain or its parent does not violate any consensus rules, aside from the proof of work requirement. The block must connect to the current tip of the main chain or its parent.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) CheckRecentOrphansParents ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckRecentOrphansParents() []*hash.Hash
func (*BlockChain) CheckStateRoot ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckStateRoot(block *types.SerializedBlock) error
func (*BlockChain) CheckTokenState ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckTokenState(block *types.SerializedBlock) error
func (*BlockChain) CheckTokenTransactionInputs ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckTokenTransactionInputs(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) error
func (*BlockChain) CheckTransactionInputs ¶
func (b *BlockChain) CheckTransactionInputs(tx *types.Tx, utxoView *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) (types.AmountMap, error)
CheckTransactionInputs performs a series of checks on the inputs to a transaction to ensure they are valid. An example of some of the checks include verifying all inputs exist, ensuring the coinbase seasoning requirements are met, detecting double spends, validating all values and fees are in the legal range and the total output amount doesn't exceed the input amount, and verifying the signatures to prove the spender was the owner and therefore allowed to spend them. As it checks the inputs, it also calculates the total fees for the transaction and returns that value.
NOTE: The transaction MUST have already been sanity checked with the CheckTransactionSanity function prior to calling this function.
func (*BlockChain) Checkpoints ¶
func (b *BlockChain) Checkpoints() []params.Checkpoint
Checkpoints returns a slice of checkpoints (regardless of whether they are already known). When checkpoints are disabled or there are no checkpoints for the active network, it will return nil.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) Consensus ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) Consensus() model.Consensus
func (*BlockChain) DB ¶
func (b *BlockChain) DB() model.DataBase
func (*BlockChain) DisableCheckpoints ¶
func (b *BlockChain) DisableCheckpoints(disable bool)
DisableCheckpoints provides a mechanism to disable validation against checkpoints which you DO NOT want to do in production. It is provided only for debug purposes.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) FastAcceptBlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FastAcceptBlock(block *types.SerializedBlock, flags BehaviorFlags) (meerdag.IBlock, error)
func (*BlockChain) FetchBlockByHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (*types.SerializedBlock, error)
FetchBlockByHash searches the internal chain block stores and the database in an attempt to find the requested block.
This function differs from BlockByHash in that this one also returns blocks that are not part of the main chain (if they are known).
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) FetchBlockByOrder ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockByOrder(order uint64) (*types.SerializedBlock, model.Block, error)
dbFetchBlockByOrder uses an existing database transaction to retrieve the raw block for the provided order, deserialize it, and return a Block with the height set.
func (*BlockChain) FetchBlockBytesByHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchBlockBytesByHash(hash *hash.Hash) ([]byte, error)
func (*BlockChain) FetchInputUtxos ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (bc *BlockChain) FetchInputUtxos(db legacydb.DB, block *types.SerializedBlock, view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint) error
func (*BlockChain) FetchSpendJournal ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchSpendJournal(targetBlock *types.SerializedBlock) ([]utxo.SpentTxOut, error)
FetchSpendJournal can return the set of outputs spent for the target block.
func (*BlockChain) FetchSpendJournalPKS ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) FetchSpendJournalPKS(targetBlock *types.SerializedBlock) ([][]byte, error)
func (*BlockChain) FetchSubsidyCache ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchSubsidyCache() *SubsidyCache
FetchSubsidyCache returns the current subsidy cache from the blockchain.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) FetchUtxoEntry ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchUtxoEntry(outpoint types.TxOutPoint) (*utxo.UtxoEntry, error)
FetchUtxoEntry loads and returns the unspent transaction output entry for the passed hash from the point of view of the end of the main chain.
NOTE: Requesting a hash for which there is no data will NOT return an error. Instead both the entry and the error will be nil. This is done to allow pruning of fully spent transactions. In practice this means the caller must check if the returned entry is nil before invoking methods on it.
This function is safe for concurrent access however the returned entry (if any) is NOT.
func (*BlockChain) FetchUtxoView ¶
func (b *BlockChain) FetchUtxoView(tx *types.Tx) (*utxo.UtxoViewpoint, error)
FetchUtxoView loads utxo details about the input transactions referenced by the passed transaction from the point of view of the end of the main chain. It also attempts to fetch the utxo details for the transaction itself so the returned view can be examined for duplicate unspent transaction outputs.
This function is safe for concurrent access however the returned view is NOT.
func (*BlockChain) FilterInvalidOut ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (bc *BlockChain) FilterInvalidOut(view *utxo.UtxoViewpoint)
func (*BlockChain) ForeachBlueBlocks ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockById ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockById(id uint) model.Block
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockByNumber ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) meerdag.IBlock
Get Meer DAG block through the EVM block number TODO: Will continue to optimize in the future due to insufficient performance
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockByOrder ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockByOrder(order uint64) model.Block
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockHashByOrder ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockHashByOrder(order uint) *hash.Hash
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockHeader ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockHeader(block model.Block) *types.BlockHeader
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockNode ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockNode(ib meerdag.IBlock) *BlockNode
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockOrderByHash ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockOrderByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (uint, error)
BlockOrderByHash returns the order of the block with the given hash in the chain.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockState ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (b *BlockChain) GetBlockState(order uint64) model.BlockState
func (*BlockChain) GetCurTokenOwners ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetCurTokenOwners(coinId types.CoinID) ([]byte, error)
func (*BlockChain) GetCurTokenState ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetCurTokenState() *token.TokenState
func (*BlockChain) GetCurrentPowDiff ¶
find block node by pow type
func (*BlockChain) GetFeeByCoinID ¶
func (*BlockChain) GetMainChainTip ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetMainChainTip() model.Block
func (*BlockChain) GetMainOrder ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) GetMainOrder() uint
func (*BlockChain) GetMiningTips ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetMiningTips(expectPriority int) []*hash.Hash
expect priority
func (*BlockChain) GetOrphan ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) *types.SerializedBlock
func (*BlockChain) GetOrphansParents ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphansParents() []*hash.Hash
GetOrphansParents returns the parents for the provided hash from the map of orphan blocks.
func (*BlockChain) GetOrphansTotal ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetOrphansTotal() int
Get the total of all orphans
func (*BlockChain) GetRecentOrphanParents ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetRecentOrphanParents(h *hash.Hash) []*hash.Hash
GetOrphansParents returns the parents for the provided hash from the map of orphan blocks.
func (*BlockChain) GetSelfAdd ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) GetSelfAdd() int64
func (*BlockChain) GetSubsidyCache ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetSubsidyCache() *SubsidyCache
func (*BlockChain) GetTokenState ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetTokenState(bid uint32) *token.TokenState
func (*BlockChain) GetTokenTipHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) GetTokenTipHash() *hash.Hash
func (*BlockChain) HasBlockInDB ¶
func (b *BlockChain) HasBlockInDB(h *hash.Hash) bool
func (*BlockChain) HasCheckpoints ¶
func (b *BlockChain) HasCheckpoints() bool
func (*BlockChain) HaveBlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) HaveBlock(hash *hash.Hash) bool
HaveBlock returns whether or not the chain instance has the block represented by the passed hash. This includes checking the various places a block can be like part of the main chain, on a side chain, or in the orphan pool.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) HeaderByHash ¶
func (b *BlockChain) HeaderByHash(hash *hash.Hash) (types.BlockHeader, error)
HeaderByHash returns the block header identified by the given hash or an error if it doesn't exist. Note that this will return headers from both the main chain and any side chains.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) IndexManager ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) IndexManager() model.IndexManager
func (*BlockChain) Init ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) Init() error
func (*BlockChain) IsCheckpointCandidate ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsCheckpointCandidate(preBlock, block meerdag.IBlock) (bool, error)
IsCheckpointCandidate returns whether or not the passed block is a good checkpoint candidate.
The factors used to determine a good checkpoint are:
- The block must be in the main chain
- The block must be at least 'CheckpointConfirmations' blocks prior to the current end of the main chain
- The timestamps for the blocks before and after the checkpoint must have timestamps which are also before and after the checkpoint, respectively (due to the median time allowance this is not always the case)
- The block must not contain any strange transaction such as those with nonstandard scripts
The intent is that candidates are reviewed by a developer to make the final decision and then manually added to the list of checkpoints for a network.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) IsCurrent ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsCurrent() bool
IsCurrent returns whether or not the chain believes it is current. Several factors are used to guess, but the key factors that allow the chain to believe it is current are:
- Latest block height is after the latest checkpoint (if enabled)
- Latest block has a timestamp newer than 24 hours ago
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) IsDuplicateTx ¶
func (*BlockChain) IsInvalidOut ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) IsInvalidOut(entry *utxo.UtxoEntry) bool
func (*BlockChain) IsOrphan ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) bool
IsKnownOrphan returns whether the passed hash is currently a known orphan. Keep in mind that only a limited number of orphans are held onto for a limited amount of time, so this function must not be used as an absolute way to test if a block is an orphan block. A full block (as opposed to just its hash) must be passed to ProcessBlock for that purpose. However, calling ProcessBlock with an orphan that already exists results in an error, so this function provides a mechanism for a caller to intelligently detect *recent* duplicate orphans and react accordingly.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) IsOrphanOK ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsOrphanOK(serializedHeight uint64) bool
func (*BlockChain) IsShutdown ¶ added in v1.0.24
func (b *BlockChain) IsShutdown() bool
func (*BlockChain) IsUnconnectedOrphan ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsUnconnectedOrphan(hash *hash.Hash) bool
Whether it is connected by all parents
func (*BlockChain) IsValidTxType ¶
func (b *BlockChain) IsValidTxType(tt types.TxType) bool
func (*BlockChain) LatestBlockLocator ¶
func (b *BlockChain) LatestBlockLocator() (BlockLocator, error)
LatestBlockLocator returns a block locator for the latest DAG state.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) LatestCheckpoint ¶
func (b *BlockChain) LatestCheckpoint() *params.Checkpoint
LatestCheckpoint returns the most recent checkpoint (regardless of whether it is already known). When checkpoints are disabled or there are no checkpoints for the active network, it will return nil.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) LookupNode ¶
func (b *BlockChain) LookupNode(hash *hash.Hash) *BlockNode
LookupNode returns the block node identified by the provided hash. It will return nil if there is no entry for the hash.
func (*BlockChain) LookupNodeById ¶
func (b *BlockChain) LookupNodeById(id uint) *BlockNode
func (*BlockChain) MainChainHasBlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) MainChainHasBlock(hash *hash.Hash) bool
MainChainHasBlock returns whether or not the block with the given hash is in the main chain.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) MeerChain ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) MeerChain() model.MeerChain
func (*BlockChain) MeerVerifyTx ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) MeerVerifyTx(tx model.Tx) (int64, error)
func (*BlockChain) OrderRange ¶
func (b *BlockChain) OrderRange(startOrder, endOrder uint64) ([]hash.Hash, error)
OrderRange returns a range of block hashes for the given start and end orders. It is inclusive of the start order and exclusive of the end order. The end order will be limited to the current main chain order.
This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) ProcessBlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) ProcessBlock(block *types.SerializedBlock, flags BehaviorFlags, source *peer.ID) (meerdag.IBlock, bool, error)
ProcessBlock is the main workhorse for handling insertion of new blocks into the block chain. It includes functionality such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks follow all rules, orphan handling, and insertion into the block chain along with best chain selection and reorganization.
When no errors occurred during processing, the first return value indicates the length of the fork the block extended. In the case it either exteneded the best chain or is now the tip of the best chain due to causing a reorganize, the fork length will be 0. The second return value indicates whether or not the block is an orphan, in which case the fork length will also be zero as expected, because it, by definition, does not connect ot the best chain.
This function is safe for concurrent access. return IsOrphan,error
func (*BlockChain) ProcessQueueSize ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) ProcessQueueSize() int
func (*BlockChain) Rebuild ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) Rebuild() error
func (*BlockChain) RefreshOrphans ¶
func (b *BlockChain) RefreshOrphans() error
func (*BlockChain) RemoveOrphanBlock ¶
func (b *BlockChain) RemoveOrphanBlock(orphan *orphanBlock)
removeOrphanBlock removes the passed orphan block from the orphan pool and previous orphan index.
func (*BlockChain) SetDAGDuplicateTxs ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) SetDAGDuplicateTxs(sblock *types.SerializedBlock, block model.Block)
Just load from block state, so high efficiency of close range hits
func (*BlockChain) Start ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) Start() error
func (*BlockChain) Stop ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b *BlockChain) Stop() error
func (*BlockChain) Subscribe ¶
func (b *BlockChain) Subscribe(callback NotificationCallback)
func (*BlockChain) TimeSource ¶
func (b *BlockChain) TimeSource() model.MedianTimeSource
Return median time source
func (*BlockChain) TipGeneration ¶
func (b *BlockChain) TipGeneration() ([]hash.Hash, error)
TipGeneration returns the entire generation of blocks stemming from the parent of the current tip.
The function is safe for concurrent access.
func (*BlockChain) UpdateWeight ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b *BlockChain) UpdateWeight(ib meerdag.IBlock)
type BlockLocator ¶
BlockLocator is used to help locate a specific block. The algorithm for building the block locator is to add the hashes in reverse order until the genesis block is reached. In order to keep the list of locator hashes to a reasonable number of entries, first the most recent previous 12 block hashes are added, then the step is doubled each loop iteration to exponentially decrease the number of hashes as a function of the distance from the block being located.
For example, assume a block chain with a side chain as depicted below:
genesis -> 1 -> 2 -> ... -> 15 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 \-> 16a -> 17a
The block locator for block 17a would be the hashes of blocks: [17a 16a 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 genesis]
type BlockNode ¶
type BlockNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBlockNode ¶
func NewBlockNode(block *types.SerializedBlock) *BlockNode
func (*BlockNode) Difficulty ¶
func (*BlockNode) GetBody ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (node *BlockNode) GetBody() *types.SerializedBlock
func (*BlockNode) GetHeader ¶
func (node *BlockNode) GetHeader() *types.BlockHeader
func (*BlockNode) GetMainParent ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (*BlockNode) GetMeerBlock ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*BlockNode) GetParents ¶
Include all parents for set
func (*BlockNode) GetPowType ¶
func (*BlockNode) GetPriority ¶
func (*BlockNode) GetTimestamp ¶
return the timestamp of node
func (*BlockNode) SetMeerBlock ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DeploymentError ¶
type DeploymentError uint32
DeploymentError identifies an error that indicates a deployment ID was specified that does not exist.
func (DeploymentError) Error ¶
func (e DeploymentError) Error() string
Error returns the assertion error as a human-readable string and satisfies the error interface.
type ErrorCode ¶
type ErrorCode int
ErrorCode identifies a kind of error.
const ( // ErrDuplicateBlock indicates a block with the same hash already // exists. ErrDuplicateBlock ErrorCode = iota // ErrMissingParent indicates that the block was an orphan. ErrMissingParent // ErrBlockTooBig indicates the serialized block size exceeds the // maximum allowed size. ErrBlockTooBig // ErrWrongBlockSize indicates that the block size from the header was // not the actual serialized size of the block. ErrWrongBlockSize // ErrBlockVersionTooOld indicates the block version is too old and is // no longer accepted since the majority of the network has upgraded // to a newer version. ErrBlockVersionTooOld // ErrInvalidTime indicates the time in the passed block has a precision // that is more than one second. The chain consensus rules require // timestamps to have a maximum precision of one second. ErrInvalidTime // ErrTimeTooOld indicates the time is either before the median time of // the last several blocks per the chain consensus rules or prior to the // most recent checkpoint. ErrTimeTooOld // ErrTimeTooNew indicates the time is too far in the future as compared // the current time. ErrTimeTooNew // ErrDifficultyTooLow indicates the difficulty for the block is lower // than the difficulty required by the most recent checkpoint. ErrDifficultyTooLow // ErrUnexpectedDifficulty indicates specified bits do not align with // the expected value either because it doesn't match the calculated // valued based on difficulty regarted rules or it is out of the valid // range. ErrUnexpectedDifficulty // ErrHighHash indicates the block does not hash to a value which is // lower than the required target difficultly. ErrHighHash // ErrBadMerkleRoot indicates the calculated merkle root does not match // the expected value. ErrBadMerkleRoot // ErrBadCheckpoint indicates a block that is expected to be at a // checkpoint height does not match the expected one. ErrBadCheckpoint // ErrForkTooOld indicates a block is attempting to fork the block chain // before the most recent checkpoint. ErrForkTooOld // ErrCheckpointTimeTooOld indicates a block has a timestamp before the // most recent checkpoint. ErrCheckpointTimeTooOld ErrNoTransactions // ErrNoParents indicates the block does not have a least one // parent. ErrNoParents // ErrDuplicateParent indicates the block does not have a least one // parent. ErrDuplicateParent // ErrTooManyTransactions indicates the block has more transactions than // are allowed. ErrTooManyTransactions // ErrNoTxInputs indicates a transaction does not have any inputs. A // valid transaction must have at least one input. ErrNoTxInputs // ErrNoTxOutputs indicates a transaction does not have any outputs. A // valid transaction must have at least one output. ErrNoTxOutputs // ErrTxTooBig indicates a transaction exceeds the maximum allowed size // when serialized. ErrTxTooBig // ErrInvalidTxOutValue indicates an output value for a transaction is // invalid in some way such as being out of range. ErrInvalidTxOutValue // ErrDuplicateTxInputs indicates a transaction references the same // input more than once. ErrDuplicateTxInputs // ErrInvalidTxInput indicates a transaction input is invalid in some way // such as referencing a previous transaction outpoint which is out of // range or not referencing one at all. ErrInvalidTxInput // ErrMissingTxOut indicates a transaction output referenced by an input // either does not exist or has already been spent. ErrMissingTxOut // ErrUnfinalizedTx indicates a transaction has not been finalized. // A valid block may only contain finalized transactions. ErrUnfinalizedTx // ErrDuplicateTx indicates a block contains an identical transaction // (or at least two transactions which hash to the same value). A // valid block may only contain unique transactions. ErrDuplicateTx // ErrOverwriteTx indicates a block contains a transaction that has // the same hash as a previous transaction which has not been fully // spent. ErrOverwriteTx // ErrImmatureSpend indicates a transaction is attempting to spend a // coinbase that has not yet reached the required maturity. ErrImmatureSpend // ErrSpendTooHigh indicates a transaction is attempting to spend more // value than the sum of all of its inputs. ErrSpendTooHigh // ErrBadFees indicates the total fees for a block are invalid due to // exceeding the maximum possible value. ErrBadFees // ErrTooManySigOps indicates the total number of signature operations // for a transaction or block exceed the maximum allowed limits. ErrTooManySigOps // ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase indicates the first transaction in a block // is not a coinbase transaction. ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase // ErrCoinbaseHeight indicates that the encoded height in the coinbase // is incorrect. ErrCoinbaseHeight // ErrMultipleCoinbases indicates a block contains more than one // coinbase transaction. ErrMultipleCoinbases // ErrIrregTxInRegularTree indicates irregular transaction was found in // the regular transaction tree. ErrIrregTxInRegularTree // ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen indicates the length of the signature script // for a coinbase transaction is not within the valid range. ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen // ErrBadCoinbaseValue indicates the amount of a coinbase value does // not match the expected value of the subsidy plus the sum of all fees. ErrBadCoinbaseValue // ErrBadCoinbaseOutpoint indicates that the outpoint used by a coinbase // as input was non-null. ErrBadCoinbaseOutpoint // ErrBadCoinbaseFraudProof indicates that the fraud proof for a coinbase // input was non-null. ErrBadCoinbaseFraudProof // ErrBadCoinbaseAmountIn indicates that the AmountIn (=subsidy) for a // coinbase input was incorrect. ErrBadCoinbaseAmountIn // ErrScriptMalformed indicates a transaction script is malformed in // some way. For example, it might be longer than the maximum allowed // length or fail to parse. ErrScriptMalformed // ErrScriptValidation indicates the result of executing transaction // script failed. The error covers any failure when executing scripts // such signature verification failures and execution past the end of // the stack. ErrScriptValidation // ErrInvalidRevNum indicates that the number of revocations from the // header was not the same as the number of SSRtx included in the block. ErrRevocationsMismatch // ErrTooManyRevocations indicates more revocations were found in a block // than were allowed. ErrTooManyRevocations // ErrInvalidFinalState indicates that the final state of the PRNG included // in the the block differed from the calculated final state. ErrInvalidFinalState // ErrPoolSize indicates an error in the ticket pool size for this block. ErrPoolSize // ErrForceReorgWrongChain indicates that a reroganization was attempted // to be forced, but the chain indicated was not mirrored by b.bestChain. ErrForceReorgWrongChain // ErrForceReorgMissingChild indicates that a reroganization was attempted // to be forced, but the child node to reorganize to could not be found. ErrForceReorgMissingChild // ErrBadBlockHeight indicates that a block header's embedded block height // was different from where it was actually embedded in the block chain. ErrBadBlockHeight // ErrBlockOneTx indicates that block height 1 failed to correct generate // the block one premine transaction. ErrBlockOneTx // ErrBlockOneTx indicates that block height 1 coinbase transaction in // zero was incorrect in some way. ErrBlockOneInputs // ErrBlockOneOutputs indicates that block height 1 failed to incorporate // the ledger addresses correctly into the transaction's outputs. ErrBlockOneOutputs // ErrExpiredTx indicates that the transaction is currently expired. ErrExpiredTx // ErrExpiryTxSpentEarly indicates that an output from a transaction // that included an expiry field was spent before coinbase maturity // many blocks had passed in the blockchain. ErrExpiryTxSpentEarly // ErrFraudAmountIn indicates the witness amount given was fraudulent. ErrFraudAmountIn // ErrFraudBlockHeight indicates the witness block height given was fraudulent. ErrFraudBlockHeight // ErrFraudBlockIndex indicates the witness block index given was fraudulent. ErrFraudBlockIndex // ErrZeroValueOutputSpend indicates that a transaction attempted to spend a // zero value output. ErrZeroValueOutputSpend // ErrInvalidEarlyFinalState indicates that a block before stake validation // height had a non-zero final state. ErrInvalidEarlyFinalState // ErrParentsBlockUnknown indicates that the parents block is not known. ErrParentsBlockUnknown // ErrInvalidAncestorBlock indicates that an ancestor of this block has // failed validation. ErrInvalidAncestorBlock // ErrInvalidTemplateParent indicates that a block template builds on a // block that is either not the current best chain tip or its parent. ErrInvalidTemplateParent // ErrPrevBlockNotBest indicates that the block's previous block is not the // current chain tip. This is not a block validation rule, but is required // for block proposals submitted via getblocktemplate RPC. ErrPrevBlockNotBest // ErrBadParentsMerkleRoot indicates the calculated parents merkle root does not match // the expected value. ErrBadParentsMerkleRoot // ErrMissingCoinbaseHeight ErrMissingCoinbaseHeight //ErrBadCuckooNonces ErrBadCuckooNonces // ErrInValidPowType ErrInValidPowType // ErrInValidPow ErrInvalidPow // ErrNoBlueCoinbase indicates a transaction is attempting to spend a // coinbase that is not in blue set ErrNoBlueCoinbase // ErrNoViewpoint ErrNoViewpoint // error coinbase block version ErrorCoinbaseBlockVersion )
These constants are used to identify a specific RuleError.
type HashError ¶
type HashError string
HashError identifies an error that indicates a hash was specified that does not exist.
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { Type NotificationType Data interface{} }
type NotificationCallback ¶
type NotificationCallback func(*Notification)
type NotificationType ¶
type NotificationType int
NotificationType represents the type of a notification message.
const ( // BlockAccepted indicates the associated block was accepted into // the block chain. Note that this does not necessarily mean it was // added to the main chain. For that, use NTBlockConnected. BlockAccepted NotificationType = iota // BlockConnected indicates the associated block was connected to the // main chain. BlockConnected // BlockDisconnected indicates the associated block was disconnected // from the main chain. BlockDisconnected // Reorganization indicates that a blockchain reorganization is in // progress. Reorganization // request process shutdown Shutdown )
Constants for the type of a notification message.
func (NotificationType) String ¶
func (n NotificationType) String() string
String returns the NotificationType in human-readable form.
type PublicBlockAPI ¶ added in v1.0.19
type PublicBlockAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPublicBlockAPI ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewPublicBlockAPI(bc *BlockChain) *PublicBlockAPI
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBestBlockHash ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBestBlockHash() (interface{}, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByID ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByID(id uint64, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
Obsoleted GetBlockByID Method, since the confused naming, replaced by GetBlockByNum method
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByNumber ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64, verbose *bool, inclTx *bool, fullTx *bool) (interface{}, error)
Get json format block through the EVM block number verbose: Show Details or hexadecimal inclTx: Show transactions or not fullTx: Is complete transaction information displayed
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockByOrder ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockCount ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockCount() (interface{}, error)
The total ordered Block count
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockHeader ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockHeader(hash hash.Hash, verbose bool) (interface{}, error)
GetBlockHeader implements the getblockheader command.
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockTotal ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockTotal() (interface{}, error)
The total Block count, included possible blocks have not ordered by BlockDAG consensus yet at the moments.
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockV2 ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockWeight ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockWeight(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
Return the weight of block
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhash ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhash(order int64) (string, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhashByRange ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetBlockhashByRange(start int64, end int64) ([]string, error)
Return the hash range of block from 'start' to 'end'(exclude self) if 'end' is equal to zero, 'start' is the number that from the last block to the Gen if 'start' is greater than or equal to 'end', it will just return the hash of 'start'
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetCoinbase ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetCoinbase(h hash.Hash, verbose *bool) (interface{}, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetFees ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetFees(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetMainChainHeight ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetMainChainHeight() (interface{}, error)
Return the current height of DAG main chain
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetOrphansTotal ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetOrphansTotal() (interface{}, error)
Return the total number of orphan blocks, orphan block are the blocks have not been included into the DAG at this moment.
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetStateRoot ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetStateRoot(order int64, verbose *bool) (interface{}, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) GetTokenInfo ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) GetTokenInfo() (interface{}, error)
func (*PublicBlockAPI) IsBlue ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) IsBlue(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
IsBlue:0:not blue; 1:blue 2:Cannot confirm
func (*PublicBlockAPI) IsOnMainChain ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) IsOnMainChain(h hash.Hash) (interface{}, error)
Query whether a given block is on the main chain. Note that some DAG protocols may not support this feature.
func (*PublicBlockAPI) Tips ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (api *PublicBlockAPI) Tips() (interface{}, error)
Return a list hash of the tip blocks of the DAG at this moment.
type ReorganizationNotifyData ¶
ReorganizationNotifyData is the structure for data indicating information about a reorganization.
type RuleError ¶
type RuleError struct { ErrorCode ErrorCode // Describes the kind of error Description string // Human readable description of the issue }
RuleError identifies a rule violation. It is used to indicate that processing of a block or transaction failed due to one of the many validation rules. The caller can use type assertions to determine if a failure was specifically due to a rule violation and access the ErrorCode field to ascertain the specific reason for the rule violation.
type SequenceLock ¶
SequenceLock represents the minimum timestamp and minimum block height after which a transaction can be included into a block while satisfying the relative lock times of all of its input sequence numbers. It is calculated via the CalcSequenceLock function. Each field may be -1 if none of the input sequence numbers require a specific relative lock time for the respective type. Since all valid heights and times are larger than -1, this implies that it will not prevent a transaction from being included due to the sequence lock, which is the desired behavior.
type SubsidyCache ¶
type SubsidyCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SubsidyCache is a structure that caches calculated values of subsidy so that they're not constantly recalculated. The blockchain struct itself possesses a pointer to a preinitialized SubsidyCache.
func NewSubsidyCache ¶
func NewSubsidyCache(blocks int64, params *params.Params) *SubsidyCache
NewSubsidyCache initializes a new subsidy cache for a given blocks. It precalculates the values of the subsidy that are most likely to be seen by the client when it connects to the network.
func (*SubsidyCache) CalcBlockSubsidy ¶
func (s *SubsidyCache) CalcBlockSubsidy(bi *meerdag.BlueInfo) int64
CalcBlockSubsidy returns the subsidy amount a block at the provided blocks should have. This is mainly used for determining how much the coinbase for newly generated blocks awards as well as validating the coinbase for blocks has the expected value.
Subsidy calculation for exponential reductions: 0 for i in range (0, height / SubsidyReductionInterval): 1 subsidy *= MulSubsidy 2 subsidy /= DivSubsidy
Safe for concurrent access.
func (*SubsidyCache) CalcBlockSubsidyByMeerEVMFork ¶
func (s *SubsidyCache) CalcBlockSubsidyByMeerEVMFork(bi *meerdag.BlueInfo) int64
func (*SubsidyCache) CalcTotalControlBlockSubsidy ¶
func (s *SubsidyCache) CalcTotalControlBlockSubsidy(bi *meerdag.BlueInfo) int64
func (*SubsidyCache) GetMode ¶
func (s *SubsidyCache) GetMode(height int64) string
Source Files
- api.go
- behaviorflags.go
- beststate.go
- blockchain.go
- blockindex.go
- blocklocator.go
- blocknode.go
- checkpoints.go
- const.go
- dbhelper.go
- difficulty.go
- error.go
- log.go
- mediantime.go
- meerchain.go
- metrics.go
- notifications.go
- orphan.go
- orphanblock.go
- process.go
- prune.go
- sequencelock.go
- subsidy.go
- token.go
- txscriptval.go
- utxo.go
- validate.go
- versionbits.go