Overview ¶
Package android provides Go bindings for the Android NDK API.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AssetClose(asset *Asset)
- func AssetDirClose(assetDir *AssetDir)
- func AssetDirGetNextFileName(assetDir *AssetDir) string
- func AssetDirRewind(assetDir *AssetDir)
- func AssetGetBuffer(asset *Asset) unsafe.Pointer
- func AssetGetLength(asset *Asset) int
- func AssetGetLength64(asset *Asset) int64
- func AssetGetRemainingLength(asset *Asset) int
- func AssetGetRemainingLength64(asset *Asset) int64
- func AssetIsAllocated(asset *Asset) int32
- func AssetOpenFileDescriptor(asset *Asset, outStart *int, outLength *int) int32
- func AssetOpenFileDescriptor64(asset *Asset, outStart *int64, outLength *int64) int32
- func AssetRead(asset *Asset, buf unsafe.Pointer, count uint32) int32
- func AssetSeek(asset *Asset, offset int, whence int32) int
- func AssetSeek64(asset *Asset, offset int64, whence int32) int64
- func ConfigurationCopy(dest *Configuration, src *Configuration)
- func ConfigurationDelete(config *Configuration)
- func ConfigurationDiff(config1 *Configuration, config2 *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationFromAssetManager(out *Configuration, am *AssetManager)
- func ConfigurationGetCountry(config *Configuration, outCountry *byte)
- func ConfigurationGetDensity(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetKeyboard(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetKeysHidden(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetLanguage(config *Configuration, outLanguage *byte)
- func ConfigurationGetLayoutDirection(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetMcc(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetMnc(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetNavHidden(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetNavigation(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetOrientation(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetScreenHeightDp(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetScreenLong(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetScreenSize(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetSdkVersion(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetSmallestScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetTouchscreen(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetUiModeNight(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationGetUiModeType(config *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationIsBetterThan(base *Configuration, test *Configuration, requested *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationMatch(base *Configuration, requested *Configuration) int32
- func ConfigurationSetCountry(config *Configuration, country string)
- func ConfigurationSetDensity(config *Configuration, density int32)
- func ConfigurationSetKeyboard(config *Configuration, keyboard int32)
- func ConfigurationSetKeysHidden(config *Configuration, keysHidden int32)
- func ConfigurationSetLanguage(config *Configuration, language string)
- func ConfigurationSetLayoutDirection(config *Configuration, value int32)
- func ConfigurationSetMcc(config *Configuration, mcc int32)
- func ConfigurationSetMnc(config *Configuration, mnc int32)
- func ConfigurationSetNavHidden(config *Configuration, navHidden int32)
- func ConfigurationSetNavigation(config *Configuration, navigation int32)
- func ConfigurationSetOrientation(config *Configuration, orientation int32)
- func ConfigurationSetScreenHeightDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
- func ConfigurationSetScreenLong(config *Configuration, screenLong int32)
- func ConfigurationSetScreenSize(config *Configuration, screenSize int32)
- func ConfigurationSetScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
- func ConfigurationSetSdkVersion(config *Configuration, sdkVersion int32)
- func ConfigurationSetSmallestScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
- func ConfigurationSetTouchscreen(config *Configuration, touchscreen int32)
- func ConfigurationSetUiModeNight(config *Configuration, uiModeNight int32)
- func ConfigurationSetUiModeType(config *Configuration, uiModeType int32)
- func InputEventGetDeviceId(event *InputEvent) int32
- func InputEventGetSource(event *InputEvent) int32
- func InputEventGetType(event *InputEvent) int32
- func InputQueueAttachLooper(queue *InputQueue, looper *Looper, ident int32, callback LooperCallbackFunc, ...)
- func InputQueueDetachLooper(queue *InputQueue)
- func InputQueueFinishEvent(queue *InputQueue, event *InputEvent, handled int32)
- func InputQueueGetEvent(queue *InputQueue, outEvent **InputEvent) int32
- func InputQueueHasEvents(queue *InputQueue) int32
- func InputQueuePreDispatchEvent(queue *InputQueue, event *InputEvent) int32
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue)
- func JNIEnvCallStaticVoidMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue)
- func JNIEnvCallVoidMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue)
- func JNIEnvDeleteGlobalRef(env *JNIEnv, ref Jobject)
- func JNIEnvDeleteLocalRef(env *JNIEnv, ref Jobject)
- func JNIEnvDeleteWeakGlobalRef(env *JNIEnv, obj *Jweak)
- func JNIEnvExceptionClear(env *JNIEnv)
- func JNIEnvExceptionDescribe(env *JNIEnv)
- func JNIEnvFatalError(env *JNIEnv, msg string)
- func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
- func JNIEnvGetByteArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
- func JNIEnvGetCharArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, start int32, length int32, buf *uint16)
- func JNIEnvGetDirectBufferAddress(env *JNIEnv, buf Jobject) unsafe.Pointer
- func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float64)
- func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float32)
- func JNIEnvGetIntArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JintArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int32)
- func JNIEnvGetLongArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int64)
- func JNIEnvGetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env *JNIEnv, arr Jarray, isCopy *byte) unsafe.Pointer
- func JNIEnvGetShortArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int16)
- func JNIEnvGetStringRegion(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, start int32, length int32, buf *uint16)
- func JNIEnvGetStringUTFChars(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, isCopy *byte) string
- func JNIEnvGetStringUTFRegion(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
- func JNIEnvReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, elems *byte, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseByteArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, elems *byte, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseCharArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, elems *uint16, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, elems *float64, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseFloatArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, elems *float32, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseIntArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JintArray, elems *int32, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseLongArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, elems *int64, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env *JNIEnv, arr Jarray, carray unsafe.Pointer, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseShortArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, elems *int16, mode int32)
- func JNIEnvReleaseStringChars(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, chars *uint16)
- func JNIEnvReleaseStringCritical(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, carray *uint16)
- func JNIEnvReleaseStringUTFChars(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, utf string)
- func JNIEnvSetBooleanArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
- func JNIEnvSetBooleanField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val byte)
- func JNIEnvSetByteArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
- func JNIEnvSetByteField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val byte)
- func JNIEnvSetCharArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, start int32, length int32, buf *uint16)
- func JNIEnvSetCharField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val uint16)
- func JNIEnvSetDoubleArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float64)
- func JNIEnvSetDoubleField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val float64)
- func JNIEnvSetFloatArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float32)
- func JNIEnvSetFloatField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val float32)
- func JNIEnvSetIntArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JintArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int32)
- func JNIEnvSetIntField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val int32)
- func JNIEnvSetLongArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int64)
- func JNIEnvSetLongField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val int64)
- func JNIEnvSetObjectArrayElement(env *JNIEnv, arr *JobjectArray, index int32, obj Jobject)
- func JNIEnvSetObjectField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val Jobject)
- func JNIEnvSetShortArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int16)
- func JNIEnvSetShortField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID, val int16)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticBooleanField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val byte)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticByteField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val byte)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticCharField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val uint16)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticDoubleField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val float64)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticFloatField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val float32)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticIntField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val int32)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticLongField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val int64)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticObjectField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val Jobject)
- func JNIEnvSetStaticShortField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, val int16)
- func JNIMethodSig(ret JNITypeSpec, args ...JNITypeSpec) string
- func JNITypeSig(name string, arr ...bool) string
- func KeyEventGetAction(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func KeyEventGetDownTime(keyEvent *InputEvent) int64
- func KeyEventGetEventTime(keyEvent *InputEvent) int64
- func KeyEventGetFlags(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func KeyEventGetKeyCode(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func KeyEventGetMetaState(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func KeyEventGetRepeatCount(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func KeyEventGetScanCode(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func LogWrite(prio int32, tag string, text string) int32
- func LooperAcquire(looper *Looper)
- func LooperAddFd(looper *Looper, fd int32, ident int32, events int32, ...) int32
- func LooperPollAll(timeoutMillis int32, outFd *int32, outEvents *int32, outData []unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func LooperPollOnce(timeoutMillis int32, outFd *int32, outEvents *int32, outData []unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func LooperRelease(looper *Looper)
- func LooperRemoveFd(looper *Looper, fd int32) int32
- func LooperWake(looper *Looper)
- func MotionEventGetAction(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func MotionEventGetAxisValue(motionEvent *InputEvent, axis int32, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetButtonState(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func MotionEventGetDownTime(motionEvent *InputEvent) int64
- func MotionEventGetEdgeFlags(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func MotionEventGetEventTime(motionEvent *InputEvent) int64
- func MotionEventGetFlags(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalAxisValue(motionEvent *InputEvent, axis int32, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalEventTime(motionEvent *InputEvent, historyIndex uint32) int64
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalOrientation(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalPressure(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalSize(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistoricalY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetHistorySize(motionEvent *InputEvent) uint32
- func MotionEventGetMetaState(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
- func MotionEventGetOrientation(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetPointerCount(motionEvent *InputEvent) uint32
- func MotionEventGetPointerId(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) int32
- func MotionEventGetPressure(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetRawX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetRawY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetSize(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetToolMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetToolMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetToolType(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) int32
- func MotionEventGetTouchMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetTouchMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetXOffset(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
- func MotionEventGetXPrecision(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
- func MotionEventGetY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
- func MotionEventGetYOffset(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
- func MotionEventGetYPrecision(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
- func NativeActivityFinish(activity *NativeActivity)
- func NativeActivityHideSoftInput(activity *NativeActivity, flags uint32)
- func NativeActivitySetWindowFlags(activity *NativeActivity, addFlags uint32, removeFlags uint32)
- func NativeActivitySetWindowFormat(activity *NativeActivity, format int32)
- func NativeActivityShowSoftInput(activity *NativeActivity, flags uint32)
- func NativeWindowAcquire(window *NativeWindow)
- func NativeWindowGetFormat(window *NativeWindow) int32
- func NativeWindowGetHeight(window *NativeWindow) int32
- func NativeWindowGetWidth(window *NativeWindow) int32
- func NativeWindowLock(window *NativeWindow, outBuffer *NativeWindowBuffer, inOutDirtyBounds *Rect) int32
- func NativeWindowRelease(window *NativeWindow)
- func NativeWindowSetBuffersGeometry(window *NativeWindow, width int32, height int32, format int32) int32
- func NativeWindowUnlockAndPost(window *NativeWindow) int32
- func ObbInfoDelete(obbInfo *ObbInfo)
- func ObbInfoGetFlags(obbInfo *ObbInfo) int32
- func ObbInfoGetPackageName(obbInfo *ObbInfo) string
- func ObbInfoGetVersion(obbInfo *ObbInfo) int32
- func SensorEventQueueDisableSensor(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorEventQueueEnableSensor(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorEventQueueGetEvents(queue *SensorEventQueue, events *SensorEvent, count uint32) int32
- func SensorEventQueueHasEvents(queue *SensorEventQueue) int32
- func SensorEventQueueSetEventRate(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor, usec int32) int32
- func SensorGetFifoMaxEventCount(sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorGetFifoReservedEventCount(sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorGetMinDelay(sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorGetName(sensor *Sensor) string
- func SensorGetReportingMode(sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorGetResolution(sensor *Sensor) float32
- func SensorGetStringType(sensor *Sensor) string
- func SensorGetType(sensor *Sensor) int32
- func SensorGetVendor(sensor *Sensor) string
- func SensorIsWakeUpSensor(sensor *Sensor) bool
- func SensorManagerDestroyEventQueue(manager *SensorManager, queue *SensorEventQueue) int32
- func StorageManagerDelete(mgr *StorageManager)
- func StorageManagerGetMountedObbPath(mgr *StorageManager, filename string) string
- func StorageManagerIsObbMounted(mgr *StorageManager, filename string) int32
- func StorageManagerMountObb(mgr *StorageManager, filename string, key string, ...)
- func StorageManagerUnmountObb(mgr *StorageManager, filename string, force int32, ...)
- type Asset
- type AssetDir
- type AssetManager
- type Configuration
- type HeartRateEvent
- type InputEvent
- type InputQueue
- type JNIEnv
- type JNINativeMethod
- type JNITypeSpec
- type Jarray
- type JavaVM
- type JavaVMAttachArgs
- type JavaVMInitArgs
- type JavaVMOption
- type Jboolean
- func JNIEnvCallBooleanMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvCallStaticBooleanMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvExceptionCheck(env *JNIEnv) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, isCopy *byte) *Jboolean
- func JNIEnvGetBooleanField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvGetStaticBooleanField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvIsAssignableFrom(env *JNIEnv, clazz1 *Jclass, clazz2 *Jclass) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvIsInstanceOf(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass) Jboolean
- func JNIEnvIsSameObject(env *JNIEnv, ref1 Jobject, ref2 Jobject) Jboolean
- type JbooleanArray
- type Jbyte
- func JNIEnvCallByteMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jbyte
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualByteMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jbyte
- func JNIEnvCallStaticByteMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jbyte
- func JNIEnvGetByteArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, isCopy *byte) *Jbyte
- func JNIEnvGetByteField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jbyte
- func JNIEnvGetStaticByteField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jbyte
- type JbyteArray
- type Jchar
- func JNIEnvCallCharMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jchar
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualCharMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jchar
- func JNIEnvCallStaticCharMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jchar
- func JNIEnvGetCharArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, isCopy *byte) *Jchar
- func JNIEnvGetCharField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jchar
- func JNIEnvGetStaticCharField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jchar
- func JNIEnvGetStringChars(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, isCopy *byte) *Jchar
- func JNIEnvGetStringCritical(env *JNIEnv, str *Jstring, isCopy *byte) *Jchar
- type JcharArray
- type Jclass
- type Jdouble
- func JNIEnvCallDoubleMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jdouble
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jdouble
- func JNIEnvCallStaticDoubleMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jdouble
- func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, isCopy *byte) *Jdouble
- func JNIEnvGetDoubleField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jdouble
- func JNIEnvGetStaticDoubleField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jdouble
- type JdoubleArray
- type JfieldID
- type Jfloat
- func JNIEnvCallFloatMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jfloat
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualFloatMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jfloat
- func JNIEnvCallStaticFloatMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jfloat
- func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, isCopy *byte) *Jfloat
- func JNIEnvGetFloatField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jfloat
- func JNIEnvGetStaticFloatField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jfloat
- type JfloatArray
- type Jint
- func JNIAttachCurrentThread(vm *JavaVM, pEnv **JNIEnv, thrArgs *JavaVMAttachArgs) Jint
- func JNIAttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(vm *JavaVM, pEnv **JNIEnv, thrArgs unsafe.Pointer) Jint
- func JNIDestroyJavaVM(vm *JavaVM) Jint
- func JNIDetachCurrentThread(vm *JavaVM) Jint
- func JNIEnvCallIntMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jint
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualIntMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jint
- func JNIEnvCallStaticIntMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jint
- func JNIEnvEnsureLocalCapacity(env *JNIEnv, capacity int32) Jint
- func JNIEnvGetIntArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JintArray, isCopy *byte) *Jint
- func JNIEnvGetIntField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jint
- func JNIEnvGetJavaVM(env *JNIEnv, pVm **JavaVM) Jint
- func JNIEnvGetStaticIntField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jint
- func JNIEnvGetVersion(env *JNIEnv) Jint
- func JNIEnvMonitorEnter(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject) Jint
- func JNIEnvMonitorExit(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject) Jint
- func JNIEnvPushLocalFrame(env *JNIEnv, capacity int32) Jint
- func JNIEnvRegisterNatives(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, methods *JNINativeMethod, nMethods int32) Jint
- func JNIEnvThrow(env *JNIEnv, ex *Jthrowable) Jint
- func JNIEnvThrowNew(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, msg string) Jint
- func JNIEnvUnregisterNatives(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass) Jint
- func JNIGetEnv(vm *JavaVM, pEnv **JNIEnv, version int32) Jint
- type JintArray
- type Jlong
- func JNIEnvCallLongMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jlong
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualLongMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jlong
- func JNIEnvCallStaticLongMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jlong
- func JNIEnvGetDirectBufferCapacity(env *JNIEnv, buf Jobject) Jlong
- func JNIEnvGetLongArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, isCopy *byte) *Jlong
- func JNIEnvGetLongField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jlong
- func JNIEnvGetStaticLongField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jlong
- type JlongArray
- type JmethodID
- type Jobject
- func JNIEnvAllocObject(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass) Jobject
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualObjectMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jobject
- func JNIEnvCallObjectMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jobject
- func JNIEnvCallStaticObjectMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jobject
- func JNIEnvGetObjectArrayElement(env *JNIEnv, arr *JobjectArray, index int32) Jobject
- func JNIEnvGetObjectField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jobject
- func JNIEnvGetStaticObjectField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jobject
- func JNIEnvNewDirectByteBuffer(env *JNIEnv, buf unsafe.Pointer, capacity int64) Jobject
- func JNIEnvNewGlobalRef(env *JNIEnv, ref Jobject) Jobject
- func JNIEnvNewLocalRef(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject) Jobject
- func JNIEnvNewObject(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jobject
- func JNIEnvPopLocalFrame(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject) Jobject
- func JNIEnvToReflectedField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID, isStatic byte) Jobject
- func JNIEnvToReflectedMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, isStatic byte) Jobject
- type JobjectArray
- type JobjectRefType
- type Jshort
- func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualShortMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jshort
- func JNIEnvCallShortMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jshort
- func JNIEnvCallStaticShortMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jshort
- func JNIEnvGetShortArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, isCopy *byte) *Jshort
- func JNIEnvGetShortField(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, id JfieldID) Jshort
- func JNIEnvGetStaticShortField(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JfieldID) Jshort
- type JshortArray
- type Jsize
- type Jstring
- type Jthrowable
- type Jvalue
- type Jweak
- type LogPriority
- type Looper
- type LooperCallbackFunc
- type MetaDataEvent
- type NativeActivity
- func (x *NativeActivity) Deref()
- func (x *NativeActivity) Free()
- func (a *NativeActivity) JNICall(...) (err error)
- func (a *NativeActivity) KeyEventGetUnicodeChar(action, keyCode, metaState int32) (rune, error)
- func (x *NativeActivity) PassRef() (*C.ANativeActivity, *cgoAllocMap)
- func (x NativeActivity) PassValue() (C.ANativeActivity, *cgoAllocMap)
- func (x *NativeActivity) Ref() *C.ANativeActivity
- func (a *NativeActivity) SetSoftKeyboardState(state SoftKeyboardState) error
- type NativeActivityCallbacks
- type NativeActivityCreateFunc
- type NativeWindow
- type NativeWindowBuffer
- type ObbInfo
- type RawString
- type Rect
- type Sensor
- type SensorEvent
- type SensorEventQueue
- type SensorList
- type SensorManager
- type SensorRef
- type SensorVector
- type SoftKeyboardState
- type StorageManager
- type StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc
- type UncalibratedEvent
- type Unwind
Constants ¶
const ( // JNIFalse as defined in include/jni.h:1158 JNIFalse = 0 // JNITrue as defined in include/jni.h:1159 JNITrue = 1 // JNIVersion11 as defined in include/jni.h:1161 JNIVersion11 = 0x00010001 // JNIVersion12 as defined in include/jni.h:1162 JNIVersion12 = 0x00010002 // JNIVersion14 as defined in include/jni.h:1163 JNIVersion14 = 0x00010004 // JNIVersion16 as defined in include/jni.h:1164 JNIVersion16 = 0x00010006 // JNIOk as defined in include/jni.h:1166 JNIOk = (0) // JNIErr as defined in include/jni.h:1167 JNIErr = (-1) // JNIEdetached as defined in include/jni.h:1168 JNIEdetached = (-2) // JNIEversion as defined in include/jni.h:1169 JNIEversion = (-3) // JNICommit as defined in include/jni.h:1171 JNICommit = 1 // JNIAbort as defined in include/jni.h:1172 JNIAbort = 2 // MotionEventActionPointerIndexShift as defined in android/input.h:236 MotionEventActionPointerIndexShift = 8 // SensorStandardGravity as defined in android/sensor.h:92 SensorStandardGravity = (9.80665) // SensorMagneticFieldEarthMax as defined in android/sensor.h:94 SensorMagneticFieldEarthMax = (60.0) // SensorMagneticFieldEarthMin as defined in android/sensor.h:96 SensorMagneticFieldEarthMin = (30.0) // TtsEnginePropertyConfig as defined in android/tts.h:33 TtsEnginePropertyConfig = "engineConfig" // TtsEnginePropertyPitch as defined in android/tts.h:34 TtsEnginePropertyPitch = "pitch" // TtsEnginePropertyRate as defined in android/tts.h:35 TtsEnginePropertyRate = "rate" // TtsEnginePropertyVolume as defined in android/tts.h:36 TtsEnginePropertyVolume = "volume" )
const ( // AssetModeUnknown as declared in android/asset_manager.h:38 AssetModeUnknown = iota // AssetModeRandom as declared in android/asset_manager.h:39 AssetModeRandom = 1 // AssetModeStreaming as declared in android/asset_manager.h:40 AssetModeStreaming = 2 // AssetModeBuffer as declared in android/asset_manager.h:41 AssetModeBuffer = 3 )
const ( // ConfigurationOrientationAny as declared in android/configuration.h:30 ConfigurationOrientationAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationOrientationPort as declared in android/configuration.h:31 ConfigurationOrientationPort = 0x0001 // ConfigurationOrientationLand as declared in android/configuration.h:32 ConfigurationOrientationLand = 0x0002 // ConfigurationOrientationSquare as declared in android/configuration.h:33 ConfigurationOrientationSquare = 0x0003 // ConfigurationTouchscreenAny as declared in android/configuration.h:35 ConfigurationTouchscreenAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationTouchscreenNotouch as declared in android/configuration.h:36 ConfigurationTouchscreenNotouch = 0x0001 // ConfigurationTouchscreenStylus as declared in android/configuration.h:37 ConfigurationTouchscreenStylus = 0x0002 // ConfigurationTouchscreenFinger as declared in android/configuration.h:38 ConfigurationTouchscreenFinger = 0x0003 // ConfigurationDensityDefault as declared in android/configuration.h:40 ConfigurationDensityDefault = 0 // ConfigurationDensityLow as declared in android/configuration.h:41 ConfigurationDensityLow = 120 // ConfigurationDensityMedium as declared in android/configuration.h:42 ConfigurationDensityMedium = 160 // ConfigurationDensityTv as declared in android/configuration.h:43 ConfigurationDensityTv = 213 // ConfigurationDensityHigh as declared in android/configuration.h:44 ConfigurationDensityHigh = 240 // ConfigurationDensityXhigh as declared in android/configuration.h:45 ConfigurationDensityXhigh = 320 // ConfigurationDensityXxhigh as declared in android/configuration.h:46 ConfigurationDensityXxhigh = 480 // ConfigurationDensityXxxhigh as declared in android/configuration.h:47 ConfigurationDensityXxxhigh = 640 // ConfigurationDensityAny as declared in android/configuration.h:48 ConfigurationDensityAny = 0xfffe // ConfigurationDensityNone as declared in android/configuration.h:49 ConfigurationDensityNone = 0xffff // ConfigurationKeyboardAny as declared in android/configuration.h:51 ConfigurationKeyboardAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationKeyboardNokeys as declared in android/configuration.h:52 ConfigurationKeyboardNokeys = 0x0001 // ConfigurationKeyboardQwerty as declared in android/configuration.h:53 ConfigurationKeyboardQwerty = 0x0002 // ConfigurationKeyboard12key as declared in android/configuration.h:54 ConfigurationKeyboard12key = 0x0003 ConfigurationNavigationAny = 0x0000 ConfigurationNavigationNonav = 0x0001 ConfigurationNavigationDpad = 0x0002 ConfigurationNavigationTrackball = 0x0003 ConfigurationNavigationWheel = 0x0004 ConfigurationKeyshiddenAny = 0x0000 ConfigurationKeyshiddenNo = 0x0001 ConfigurationKeyshiddenYes = 0x0002 ConfigurationKeyshiddenSoft = 0x0003 ConfigurationNavhiddenAny = 0x0000 ConfigurationNavhiddenNo = 0x0001 ConfigurationNavhiddenYes = 0x0002 // ConfigurationScreensizeAny as declared in android/configuration.h:71 ConfigurationScreensizeAny = 0x00 // ConfigurationScreensizeSmall as declared in android/configuration.h:72 ConfigurationScreensizeSmall = 0x01 // ConfigurationScreensizeNormal as declared in android/configuration.h:73 ConfigurationScreensizeNormal = 0x02 // ConfigurationScreensizeLarge as declared in android/configuration.h:74 ConfigurationScreensizeLarge = 0x03 // ConfigurationScreensizeXlarge as declared in android/configuration.h:75 ConfigurationScreensizeXlarge = 0x04 // ConfigurationScreenlongAny as declared in android/configuration.h:77 ConfigurationScreenlongAny = 0x00 // ConfigurationScreenlongNo as declared in android/configuration.h:78 ConfigurationScreenlongNo = 0x1 // ConfigurationScreenlongYes as declared in android/configuration.h:79 ConfigurationScreenlongYes = 0x2 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeAny as declared in android/configuration.h:81 ConfigurationUiModeTypeAny = 0x00 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeNormal as declared in android/configuration.h:82 ConfigurationUiModeTypeNormal = 0x01 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeDesk as declared in android/configuration.h:83 ConfigurationUiModeTypeDesk = 0x02 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeCar as declared in android/configuration.h:84 ConfigurationUiModeTypeCar = 0x03 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeTelevision as declared in android/configuration.h:85 ConfigurationUiModeTypeTelevision = 0x04 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeAppliance as declared in android/configuration.h:86 ConfigurationUiModeTypeAppliance = 0x05 // ConfigurationUiModeTypeWatch as declared in android/configuration.h:87 ConfigurationUiModeTypeWatch = 0x06 // ConfigurationUiModeNightAny as declared in android/configuration.h:89 ConfigurationUiModeNightAny = 0x00 // ConfigurationUiModeNightNo as declared in android/configuration.h:90 ConfigurationUiModeNightNo = 0x1 // ConfigurationUiModeNightYes as declared in android/configuration.h:91 ConfigurationUiModeNightYes = 0x2 // ConfigurationScreenWidthDpAny as declared in android/configuration.h:93 ConfigurationScreenWidthDpAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationScreenHeightDpAny as declared in android/configuration.h:95 ConfigurationScreenHeightDpAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationSmallestScreenWidthDpAny as declared in android/configuration.h:97 ConfigurationSmallestScreenWidthDpAny = 0x0000 // ConfigurationLayoutdirAny as declared in android/configuration.h:99 ConfigurationLayoutdirAny = 0x00 // ConfigurationLayoutdirLtr as declared in android/configuration.h:100 ConfigurationLayoutdirLtr = 0x01 // ConfigurationLayoutdirRtl as declared in android/configuration.h:101 ConfigurationLayoutdirRtl = 0x02 // ConfigurationMcc as declared in android/configuration.h:103 ConfigurationMcc = 0x0001 // ConfigurationMnc as declared in android/configuration.h:104 ConfigurationMnc = 0x0002 // ConfigurationLocale as declared in android/configuration.h:105 ConfigurationLocale = 0x0004 // ConfigurationTouchscreen as declared in android/configuration.h:106 ConfigurationTouchscreen = 0x0008 // ConfigurationKeyboard as declared in android/configuration.h:107 ConfigurationKeyboard = 0x0010 // ConfigurationKeyboardHidden as declared in android/configuration.h:108 ConfigurationKeyboardHidden = 0x0020 ConfigurationNavigation = 0x0040 // ConfigurationOrientation as declared in android/configuration.h:110 ConfigurationOrientation = 0x0080 // ConfigurationDensity as declared in android/configuration.h:111 ConfigurationDensity = 0x0100 // ConfigurationScreenSize as declared in android/configuration.h:112 ConfigurationScreenSize = 0x0200 // ConfigurationVersion as declared in android/configuration.h:113 ConfigurationVersion = 0x0400 // ConfigurationScreenLayout as declared in android/configuration.h:114 ConfigurationScreenLayout = 0x0800 // ConfigurationUiMode as declared in android/configuration.h:115 ConfigurationUiMode = 0x1000 // ConfigurationSmallestScreenSize as declared in android/configuration.h:116 ConfigurationSmallestScreenSize = 0x2000 // ConfigurationLayoutdir as declared in android/configuration.h:117 ConfigurationLayoutdir = 0x4000 // ConfigurationMncZero as declared in android/configuration.h:119 ConfigurationMncZero = 0xffff )
const ( // KeycodeUnknown as declared in android/keycodes.h:46 KeycodeUnknown = iota // KeycodeSoftLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:47 KeycodeSoftLeft = 1 // KeycodeSoftRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:48 KeycodeSoftRight = 2 // KeycodeHome as declared in android/keycodes.h:49 KeycodeHome = 3 // KeycodeBack as declared in android/keycodes.h:50 KeycodeBack = 4 // KeycodeCall as declared in android/keycodes.h:51 KeycodeCall = 5 // KeycodeEndcall as declared in android/keycodes.h:52 KeycodeEndcall = 6 // Keycode0 as declared in android/keycodes.h:53 Keycode0 = 7 // Keycode1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:54 Keycode1 = 8 // Keycode2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:55 Keycode2 = 9 // Keycode3 as declared in android/keycodes.h:56 Keycode3 = 10 // Keycode4 as declared in android/keycodes.h:57 Keycode4 = 11 // Keycode5 as declared in android/keycodes.h:58 Keycode5 = 12 // Keycode6 as declared in android/keycodes.h:59 Keycode6 = 13 // Keycode7 as declared in android/keycodes.h:60 Keycode7 = 14 // Keycode8 as declared in android/keycodes.h:61 Keycode8 = 15 // Keycode9 as declared in android/keycodes.h:62 Keycode9 = 16 // KeycodeStar as declared in android/keycodes.h:63 KeycodeStar = 17 // KeycodePound as declared in android/keycodes.h:64 KeycodePound = 18 // KeycodeDpadUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:65 KeycodeDpadUp = 19 // KeycodeDpadDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:66 KeycodeDpadDown = 20 // KeycodeDpadLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:67 KeycodeDpadLeft = 21 // KeycodeDpadRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:68 KeycodeDpadRight = 22 // KeycodeDpadCenter as declared in android/keycodes.h:69 KeycodeDpadCenter = 23 // KeycodeVolumeUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:70 KeycodeVolumeUp = 24 // KeycodeVolumeDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:71 KeycodeVolumeDown = 25 // KeycodePower as declared in android/keycodes.h:72 KeycodePower = 26 // KeycodeCamera as declared in android/keycodes.h:73 KeycodeCamera = 27 // KeycodeClear as declared in android/keycodes.h:74 KeycodeClear = 28 // KeycodeA as declared in android/keycodes.h:75 KeycodeA = 29 // KeycodeB as declared in android/keycodes.h:76 KeycodeB = 30 // KeycodeC as declared in android/keycodes.h:77 KeycodeC = 31 // KeycodeD as declared in android/keycodes.h:78 KeycodeD = 32 // KeycodeE as declared in android/keycodes.h:79 KeycodeE = 33 // KeycodeF as declared in android/keycodes.h:80 KeycodeF = 34 // KeycodeG as declared in android/keycodes.h:81 KeycodeG = 35 // KeycodeH as declared in android/keycodes.h:82 KeycodeH = 36 // KeycodeI as declared in android/keycodes.h:83 KeycodeI = 37 // KeycodeJ as declared in android/keycodes.h:84 KeycodeJ = 38 // KeycodeK as declared in android/keycodes.h:85 KeycodeK = 39 // KeycodeL as declared in android/keycodes.h:86 KeycodeL = 40 // KeycodeM as declared in android/keycodes.h:87 KeycodeM = 41 // KeycodeN as declared in android/keycodes.h:88 KeycodeN = 42 // KeycodeO as declared in android/keycodes.h:89 KeycodeO = 43 // KeycodeP as declared in android/keycodes.h:90 KeycodeP = 44 // KeycodeQ as declared in android/keycodes.h:91 KeycodeQ = 45 // KeycodeR as declared in android/keycodes.h:92 KeycodeR = 46 // KeycodeS as declared in android/keycodes.h:93 KeycodeS = 47 // KeycodeT as declared in android/keycodes.h:94 KeycodeT = 48 // KeycodeU as declared in android/keycodes.h:95 KeycodeU = 49 // KeycodeV as declared in android/keycodes.h:96 KeycodeV = 50 // KeycodeW as declared in android/keycodes.h:97 KeycodeW = 51 // KeycodeX as declared in android/keycodes.h:98 KeycodeX = 52 // KeycodeY as declared in android/keycodes.h:99 KeycodeY = 53 // KeycodeZ as declared in android/keycodes.h:100 KeycodeZ = 54 // KeycodeComma as declared in android/keycodes.h:101 KeycodeComma = 55 // KeycodePeriod as declared in android/keycodes.h:102 KeycodePeriod = 56 // KeycodeAltLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:103 KeycodeAltLeft = 57 // KeycodeAltRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:104 KeycodeAltRight = 58 // KeycodeShiftLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:105 KeycodeShiftLeft = 59 // KeycodeShiftRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:106 KeycodeShiftRight = 60 // KeycodeTab as declared in android/keycodes.h:107 KeycodeTab = 61 // KeycodeSpace as declared in android/keycodes.h:108 KeycodeSpace = 62 // KeycodeSym as declared in android/keycodes.h:109 KeycodeSym = 63 // KeycodeExplorer as declared in android/keycodes.h:110 KeycodeExplorer = 64 // KeycodeEnvelope as declared in android/keycodes.h:111 KeycodeEnvelope = 65 // KeycodeEnter as declared in android/keycodes.h:112 KeycodeEnter = 66 // KeycodeDel as declared in android/keycodes.h:113 KeycodeDel = 67 // KeycodeGrave as declared in android/keycodes.h:114 KeycodeGrave = 68 // KeycodeMinus as declared in android/keycodes.h:115 KeycodeMinus = 69 // KeycodeEquals as declared in android/keycodes.h:116 KeycodeEquals = 70 // KeycodeLeftBracket as declared in android/keycodes.h:117 KeycodeLeftBracket = 71 // KeycodeRightBracket as declared in android/keycodes.h:118 KeycodeRightBracket = 72 // KeycodeBackslash as declared in android/keycodes.h:119 KeycodeBackslash = 73 // KeycodeSemicolon as declared in android/keycodes.h:120 KeycodeSemicolon = 74 // KeycodeApostrophe as declared in android/keycodes.h:121 KeycodeApostrophe = 75 // KeycodeSlash as declared in android/keycodes.h:122 KeycodeSlash = 76 // KeycodeAt as declared in android/keycodes.h:123 KeycodeAt = 77 // KeycodeNum as declared in android/keycodes.h:124 KeycodeNum = 78 // KeycodeHeadsethook as declared in android/keycodes.h:125 KeycodeHeadsethook = 79 // KeycodeFocus as declared in android/keycodes.h:126 KeycodeFocus = 80 // KeycodePlus as declared in android/keycodes.h:127 KeycodePlus = 81 // KeycodeMenu as declared in android/keycodes.h:128 KeycodeMenu = 82 // KeycodeNotification as declared in android/keycodes.h:129 KeycodeNotification = 83 // KeycodeSearch as declared in android/keycodes.h:130 KeycodeSearch = 84 // KeycodeMediaPlayPause as declared in android/keycodes.h:131 KeycodeMediaPlayPause = 85 // KeycodeMediaStop as declared in android/keycodes.h:132 KeycodeMediaStop = 86 // KeycodeMediaNext as declared in android/keycodes.h:133 KeycodeMediaNext = 87 // KeycodeMediaPrevious as declared in android/keycodes.h:134 KeycodeMediaPrevious = 88 // KeycodeMediaRewind as declared in android/keycodes.h:135 KeycodeMediaRewind = 89 // KeycodeMediaFastForward as declared in android/keycodes.h:136 KeycodeMediaFastForward = 90 // KeycodeMute as declared in android/keycodes.h:137 KeycodeMute = 91 // KeycodePageUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:138 KeycodePageUp = 92 // KeycodePageDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:139 KeycodePageDown = 93 // KeycodePictsymbols as declared in android/keycodes.h:140 KeycodePictsymbols = 94 // KeycodeSwitchCharset as declared in android/keycodes.h:141 KeycodeSwitchCharset = 95 // KeycodeButtonA as declared in android/keycodes.h:142 KeycodeButtonA = 96 // KeycodeButtonB as declared in android/keycodes.h:143 KeycodeButtonB = 97 // KeycodeButtonC as declared in android/keycodes.h:144 KeycodeButtonC = 98 // KeycodeButtonX as declared in android/keycodes.h:145 KeycodeButtonX = 99 // KeycodeButtonY as declared in android/keycodes.h:146 KeycodeButtonY = 100 // KeycodeButtonZ as declared in android/keycodes.h:147 KeycodeButtonZ = 101 // KeycodeButtonL1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:148 KeycodeButtonL1 = 102 // KeycodeButtonR1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:149 KeycodeButtonR1 = 103 // KeycodeButtonL2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:150 KeycodeButtonL2 = 104 // KeycodeButtonR2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:151 KeycodeButtonR2 = 105 // KeycodeButtonThumbl as declared in android/keycodes.h:152 KeycodeButtonThumbl = 106 // KeycodeButtonThumbr as declared in android/keycodes.h:153 KeycodeButtonThumbr = 107 // KeycodeButtonStart as declared in android/keycodes.h:154 KeycodeButtonStart = 108 // KeycodeButtonSelect as declared in android/keycodes.h:155 KeycodeButtonSelect = 109 // KeycodeButtonMode as declared in android/keycodes.h:156 KeycodeButtonMode = 110 // KeycodeEscape as declared in android/keycodes.h:157 KeycodeEscape = 111 // KeycodeForwardDel as declared in android/keycodes.h:158 KeycodeForwardDel = 112 // KeycodeCtrlLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:159 KeycodeCtrlLeft = 113 // KeycodeCtrlRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:160 KeycodeCtrlRight = 114 // KeycodeCapsLock as declared in android/keycodes.h:161 KeycodeCapsLock = 115 // KeycodeScrollLock as declared in android/keycodes.h:162 KeycodeScrollLock = 116 // KeycodeMetaLeft as declared in android/keycodes.h:163 KeycodeMetaLeft = 117 // KeycodeMetaRight as declared in android/keycodes.h:164 KeycodeMetaRight = 118 // KeycodeFunction as declared in android/keycodes.h:165 KeycodeFunction = 119 // KeycodeSysrq as declared in android/keycodes.h:166 KeycodeSysrq = 120 // KeycodeBreak as declared in android/keycodes.h:167 KeycodeBreak = 121 // KeycodeMoveHome as declared in android/keycodes.h:168 KeycodeMoveHome = 122 // KeycodeMoveEnd as declared in android/keycodes.h:169 KeycodeMoveEnd = 123 // KeycodeInsert as declared in android/keycodes.h:170 KeycodeInsert = 124 // KeycodeForward as declared in android/keycodes.h:171 KeycodeForward = 125 // KeycodeMediaPlay as declared in android/keycodes.h:172 KeycodeMediaPlay = 126 // KeycodeMediaPause as declared in android/keycodes.h:173 KeycodeMediaPause = 127 // KeycodeMediaClose as declared in android/keycodes.h:174 KeycodeMediaClose = 128 // KeycodeMediaEject as declared in android/keycodes.h:175 KeycodeMediaEject = 129 // KeycodeMediaRecord as declared in android/keycodes.h:176 KeycodeMediaRecord = 130 // KeycodeF1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:177 KeycodeF1 = 131 // KeycodeF2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:178 KeycodeF2 = 132 // KeycodeF3 as declared in android/keycodes.h:179 KeycodeF3 = 133 // KeycodeF4 as declared in android/keycodes.h:180 KeycodeF4 = 134 // KeycodeF5 as declared in android/keycodes.h:181 KeycodeF5 = 135 // KeycodeF6 as declared in android/keycodes.h:182 KeycodeF6 = 136 // KeycodeF7 as declared in android/keycodes.h:183 KeycodeF7 = 137 // KeycodeF8 as declared in android/keycodes.h:184 KeycodeF8 = 138 // KeycodeF9 as declared in android/keycodes.h:185 KeycodeF9 = 139 // KeycodeF10 as declared in android/keycodes.h:186 KeycodeF10 = 140 // KeycodeF11 as declared in android/keycodes.h:187 KeycodeF11 = 141 // KeycodeF12 as declared in android/keycodes.h:188 KeycodeF12 = 142 // KeycodeNumLock as declared in android/keycodes.h:189 KeycodeNumLock = 143 // KeycodeNumpad0 as declared in android/keycodes.h:190 KeycodeNumpad0 = 144 // KeycodeNumpad1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:191 KeycodeNumpad1 = 145 // KeycodeNumpad2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:192 KeycodeNumpad2 = 146 // KeycodeNumpad3 as declared in android/keycodes.h:193 KeycodeNumpad3 = 147 // KeycodeNumpad4 as declared in android/keycodes.h:194 KeycodeNumpad4 = 148 // KeycodeNumpad5 as declared in android/keycodes.h:195 KeycodeNumpad5 = 149 // KeycodeNumpad6 as declared in android/keycodes.h:196 KeycodeNumpad6 = 150 // KeycodeNumpad7 as declared in android/keycodes.h:197 KeycodeNumpad7 = 151 // KeycodeNumpad8 as declared in android/keycodes.h:198 KeycodeNumpad8 = 152 // KeycodeNumpad9 as declared in android/keycodes.h:199 KeycodeNumpad9 = 153 // KeycodeNumpadDivide as declared in android/keycodes.h:200 KeycodeNumpadDivide = 154 // KeycodeNumpadMultiply as declared in android/keycodes.h:201 KeycodeNumpadMultiply = 155 // KeycodeNumpadSubtract as declared in android/keycodes.h:202 KeycodeNumpadSubtract = 156 // KeycodeNumpadAdd as declared in android/keycodes.h:203 KeycodeNumpadAdd = 157 // KeycodeNumpadDot as declared in android/keycodes.h:204 KeycodeNumpadDot = 158 // KeycodeNumpadComma as declared in android/keycodes.h:205 KeycodeNumpadComma = 159 // KeycodeNumpadEnter as declared in android/keycodes.h:206 KeycodeNumpadEnter = 160 // KeycodeNumpadEquals as declared in android/keycodes.h:207 KeycodeNumpadEquals = 161 // KeycodeNumpadLeftParen as declared in android/keycodes.h:208 KeycodeNumpadLeftParen = 162 // KeycodeNumpadRightParen as declared in android/keycodes.h:209 KeycodeNumpadRightParen = 163 // KeycodeVolumeMute as declared in android/keycodes.h:210 KeycodeVolumeMute = 164 // KeycodeInfo as declared in android/keycodes.h:211 KeycodeInfo = 165 // KeycodeChannelUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:212 KeycodeChannelUp = 166 // KeycodeChannelDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:213 KeycodeChannelDown = 167 // KeycodeZoomIn as declared in android/keycodes.h:214 KeycodeZoomIn = 168 // KeycodeZoomOut as declared in android/keycodes.h:215 KeycodeZoomOut = 169 // KeycodeTv as declared in android/keycodes.h:216 KeycodeTv = 170 // KeycodeWindow as declared in android/keycodes.h:217 KeycodeWindow = 171 // KeycodeGuide as declared in android/keycodes.h:218 KeycodeGuide = 172 // KeycodeDvr as declared in android/keycodes.h:219 KeycodeDvr = 173 // KeycodeBookmark as declared in android/keycodes.h:220 KeycodeBookmark = 174 // KeycodeCaptions as declared in android/keycodes.h:221 KeycodeCaptions = 175 // KeycodeSettings as declared in android/keycodes.h:222 KeycodeSettings = 176 // KeycodeTvPower as declared in android/keycodes.h:223 KeycodeTvPower = 177 // KeycodeTvInput as declared in android/keycodes.h:224 KeycodeTvInput = 178 // KeycodeStbPower as declared in android/keycodes.h:225 KeycodeStbPower = 179 // KeycodeStbInput as declared in android/keycodes.h:226 KeycodeStbInput = 180 // KeycodeAvrPower as declared in android/keycodes.h:227 KeycodeAvrPower = 181 // KeycodeAvrInput as declared in android/keycodes.h:228 KeycodeAvrInput = 182 // KeycodeProgRed as declared in android/keycodes.h:229 KeycodeProgRed = 183 // KeycodeProgGreen as declared in android/keycodes.h:230 KeycodeProgGreen = 184 // KeycodeProgYellow as declared in android/keycodes.h:231 KeycodeProgYellow = 185 // KeycodeProgBlue as declared in android/keycodes.h:232 KeycodeProgBlue = 186 // KeycodeAppSwitch as declared in android/keycodes.h:233 KeycodeAppSwitch = 187 // KeycodeButton1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:234 KeycodeButton1 = 188 // KeycodeButton2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:235 KeycodeButton2 = 189 // KeycodeButton3 as declared in android/keycodes.h:236 KeycodeButton3 = 190 // KeycodeButton4 as declared in android/keycodes.h:237 KeycodeButton4 = 191 // KeycodeButton5 as declared in android/keycodes.h:238 KeycodeButton5 = 192 // KeycodeButton6 as declared in android/keycodes.h:239 KeycodeButton6 = 193 // KeycodeButton7 as declared in android/keycodes.h:240 KeycodeButton7 = 194 // KeycodeButton8 as declared in android/keycodes.h:241 KeycodeButton8 = 195 // KeycodeButton9 as declared in android/keycodes.h:242 KeycodeButton9 = 196 // KeycodeButton10 as declared in android/keycodes.h:243 KeycodeButton10 = 197 // KeycodeButton11 as declared in android/keycodes.h:244 KeycodeButton11 = 198 // KeycodeButton12 as declared in android/keycodes.h:245 KeycodeButton12 = 199 // KeycodeButton13 as declared in android/keycodes.h:246 KeycodeButton13 = 200 // KeycodeButton14 as declared in android/keycodes.h:247 KeycodeButton14 = 201 // KeycodeButton15 as declared in android/keycodes.h:248 KeycodeButton15 = 202 // KeycodeButton16 as declared in android/keycodes.h:249 KeycodeButton16 = 203 // KeycodeLanguageSwitch as declared in android/keycodes.h:250 KeycodeLanguageSwitch = 204 // KeycodeMannerMode as declared in android/keycodes.h:251 KeycodeMannerMode = 205 // Keycode3dMode as declared in android/keycodes.h:252 Keycode3dMode = 206 // KeycodeContacts as declared in android/keycodes.h:253 KeycodeContacts = 207 // KeycodeCalendar as declared in android/keycodes.h:254 KeycodeCalendar = 208 // KeycodeMusic as declared in android/keycodes.h:255 KeycodeMusic = 209 // KeycodeCalculator as declared in android/keycodes.h:256 KeycodeCalculator = 210 // KeycodeZenkakuHankaku as declared in android/keycodes.h:257 KeycodeZenkakuHankaku = 211 // KeycodeEisu as declared in android/keycodes.h:258 KeycodeEisu = 212 // KeycodeMuhenkan as declared in android/keycodes.h:259 KeycodeMuhenkan = 213 // KeycodeHenkan as declared in android/keycodes.h:260 KeycodeHenkan = 214 // KeycodeKatakanaHiragana as declared in android/keycodes.h:261 KeycodeKatakanaHiragana = 215 // KeycodeYen as declared in android/keycodes.h:262 KeycodeYen = 216 // KeycodeRo as declared in android/keycodes.h:263 KeycodeRo = 217 // KeycodeKana as declared in android/keycodes.h:264 KeycodeKana = 218 // KeycodeAssist as declared in android/keycodes.h:265 KeycodeAssist = 219 // KeycodeBrightnessDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:266 KeycodeBrightnessDown = 220 // KeycodeBrightnessUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:267 KeycodeBrightnessUp = 221 // KeycodeMediaAudioTrack as declared in android/keycodes.h:268 KeycodeMediaAudioTrack = 222 // KeycodeSleep as declared in android/keycodes.h:269 KeycodeSleep = 223 // KeycodeWakeup as declared in android/keycodes.h:270 KeycodeWakeup = 224 // KeycodePairing as declared in android/keycodes.h:271 KeycodePairing = 225 // KeycodeMediaTopMenu as declared in android/keycodes.h:272 KeycodeMediaTopMenu = 226 // Keycode11 as declared in android/keycodes.h:273 Keycode11 = 227 // Keycode12 as declared in android/keycodes.h:274 Keycode12 = 228 // KeycodeLastChannel as declared in android/keycodes.h:275 KeycodeLastChannel = 229 // KeycodeTvDataService as declared in android/keycodes.h:276 KeycodeTvDataService = 230 // KeycodeVoiceAssist as declared in android/keycodes.h:277 KeycodeVoiceAssist = 231 // KeycodeTvRadioService as declared in android/keycodes.h:278 KeycodeTvRadioService = 232 // KeycodeTvTeletext as declared in android/keycodes.h:279 KeycodeTvTeletext = 233 // KeycodeTvNumberEntry as declared in android/keycodes.h:280 KeycodeTvNumberEntry = 234 // KeycodeTvTerrestrialAnalog as declared in android/keycodes.h:281 KeycodeTvTerrestrialAnalog = 235 // KeycodeTvTerrestrialDigital as declared in android/keycodes.h:282 KeycodeTvTerrestrialDigital = 236 // KeycodeTvSatellite as declared in android/keycodes.h:283 KeycodeTvSatellite = 237 // KeycodeTvSatelliteBs as declared in android/keycodes.h:284 KeycodeTvSatelliteBs = 238 // KeycodeTvSatelliteCs as declared in android/keycodes.h:285 KeycodeTvSatelliteCs = 239 // KeycodeTvSatelliteService as declared in android/keycodes.h:286 KeycodeTvSatelliteService = 240 // KeycodeTvNetwork as declared in android/keycodes.h:287 KeycodeTvNetwork = 241 // KeycodeTvAntennaCable as declared in android/keycodes.h:288 KeycodeTvAntennaCable = 242 // KeycodeTvInputHdmi1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:289 KeycodeTvInputHdmi1 = 243 // KeycodeTvInputHdmi2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:290 KeycodeTvInputHdmi2 = 244 // KeycodeTvInputHdmi3 as declared in android/keycodes.h:291 KeycodeTvInputHdmi3 = 245 // KeycodeTvInputHdmi4 as declared in android/keycodes.h:292 KeycodeTvInputHdmi4 = 246 // KeycodeTvInputComposite1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:293 KeycodeTvInputComposite1 = 247 // KeycodeTvInputComposite2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:294 KeycodeTvInputComposite2 = 248 // KeycodeTvInputComponent1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:295 KeycodeTvInputComponent1 = 249 // KeycodeTvInputComponent2 as declared in android/keycodes.h:296 KeycodeTvInputComponent2 = 250 // KeycodeTvInputVga1 as declared in android/keycodes.h:297 KeycodeTvInputVga1 = 251 // KeycodeTvAudioDescription as declared in android/keycodes.h:298 KeycodeTvAudioDescription = 252 // KeycodeTvAudioDescriptionMixUp as declared in android/keycodes.h:299 KeycodeTvAudioDescriptionMixUp = 253 // KeycodeTvAudioDescriptionMixDown as declared in android/keycodes.h:300 KeycodeTvAudioDescriptionMixDown = 254 // KeycodeTvZoomMode as declared in android/keycodes.h:301 KeycodeTvZoomMode = 255 // KeycodeTvContentsMenu as declared in android/keycodes.h:302 KeycodeTvContentsMenu = 256 // KeycodeTvMediaContextMenu as declared in android/keycodes.h:303 KeycodeTvMediaContextMenu = 257 // KeycodeTvTimerProgramming as declared in android/keycodes.h:304 KeycodeTvTimerProgramming = 258 // KeycodeHelp as declared in android/keycodes.h:305 KeycodeHelp = 259 )
const ( // LooperPollWake as declared in android/looper.h:73 LooperPollWake = -1 // LooperPollCallback as declared in android/looper.h:79 LooperPollCallback = -2 // LooperPollTimeout as declared in android/looper.h:85 LooperPollTimeout = -3 // LooperPollError as declared in android/looper.h:91 LooperPollError = -4 )
const ( // LooperEventInput as declared in android/looper.h:115 LooperEventInput = 1 << 0 // LooperEventOutput as declared in android/looper.h:120 LooperEventOutput = 1 << 1 // LooperEventError as declared in android/looper.h:128 LooperEventError = 1 << 2 // LooperEventHangup as declared in android/looper.h:137 LooperEventHangup = 1 << 3 // LooperEventInvalid as declared in android/looper.h:146 LooperEventInvalid = 1 << 4 )
const ( // NativeactivityShowSoftInputImplicit as declared in android/native_activity.h:276 NativeactivityShowSoftInputImplicit = 0x0001 // NativeactivityShowSoftInputForced as declared in android/native_activity.h:277 NativeactivityShowSoftInputForced = 0x0002 )
const ( // NativeactivityHideSoftInputImplicitOnly as declared in android/native_activity.h:293 NativeactivityHideSoftInputImplicitOnly = 0x0001 // NativeactivityHideSoftInputNotAlways as declared in android/native_activity.h:294 NativeactivityHideSoftInputNotAlways = 0x0002 )
const ( // KeyStateUnknown as declared in android/input.h:58 KeyStateUnknown = -1 // KeyStateUp as declared in android/input.h:61 KeyStateUp = 0 // KeyStateDown as declared in android/input.h:64 KeyStateDown = 1 // KeyStateVirtual as declared in android/input.h:67 KeyStateVirtual = 2 )
const ( // MetaNone as declared in android/input.h:75 MetaNone = iota // MetaAltOn as declared in android/input.h:78 MetaAltOn = 0x02 // MetaAltLeftOn as declared in android/input.h:81 MetaAltLeftOn = 0x10 // MetaAltRightOn as declared in android/input.h:84 MetaAltRightOn = 0x20 // MetaShiftOn as declared in android/input.h:87 MetaShiftOn = 0x01 // MetaShiftLeftOn as declared in android/input.h:90 MetaShiftLeftOn = 0x40 // MetaShiftRightOn as declared in android/input.h:93 MetaShiftRightOn = 0x80 // MetaSymOn as declared in android/input.h:96 MetaSymOn = 0x04 // MetaFunctionOn as declared in android/input.h:99 MetaFunctionOn = 0x08 // MetaCtrlOn as declared in android/input.h:102 MetaCtrlOn = 0x1000 // MetaCtrlLeftOn as declared in android/input.h:105 MetaCtrlLeftOn = 0x2000 // MetaCtrlRightOn as declared in android/input.h:108 MetaCtrlRightOn = 0x4000 // MetaMetaOn as declared in android/input.h:111 MetaMetaOn = 0x10000 // MetaMetaLeftOn as declared in android/input.h:114 MetaMetaLeftOn = 0x20000 // MetaMetaRightOn as declared in android/input.h:117 MetaMetaRightOn = 0x40000 // MetaCapsLockOn as declared in android/input.h:120 MetaCapsLockOn = 0x100000 // MetaNumLockOn as declared in android/input.h:123 MetaNumLockOn = 0x200000 // MetaScrollLockOn as declared in android/input.h:126 MetaScrollLockOn = 0x400000 )
const ( // InputEventTypeKey as declared in android/input.h:143 InputEventTypeKey = 1 // InputEventTypeMotion as declared in android/input.h:146 InputEventTypeMotion = 2 )
const ( // KeyEventActionDown as declared in android/input.h:154 KeyEventActionDown = iota // KeyEventActionUp as declared in android/input.h:157 KeyEventActionUp = 1 // KeyEventActionMultiple as declared in android/input.h:163 KeyEventActionMultiple = 2 )
const ( // KeyEventFlagWokeHere as declared in android/input.h:171 KeyEventFlagWokeHere = 0x1 // KeyEventFlagSoftKeyboard as declared in android/input.h:174 KeyEventFlagSoftKeyboard = 0x2 // KeyEventFlagKeepTouchMode as declared in android/input.h:177 KeyEventFlagKeepTouchMode = 0x4 // KeyEventFlagFromSystem as declared in android/input.h:182 KeyEventFlagFromSystem = 0x8 // KeyEventFlagEditorAction as declared in android/input.h:189 KeyEventFlagEditorAction = 0x10 // KeyEventFlagCanceled as declared in android/input.h:199 KeyEventFlagCanceled = 0x20 // KeyEventFlagVirtualHardKey as declared in android/input.h:204 KeyEventFlagVirtualHardKey = 0x40 // KeyEventFlagLongPress as declared in android/input.h:208 KeyEventFlagLongPress = 0x80 // KeyEventFlagCanceledLongPress as declared in android/input.h:212 KeyEventFlagCanceledLongPress = 0x100 // KeyEventFlagTracking as declared in android/input.h:218 KeyEventFlagTracking = 0x200 // KeyEventFlagFallback as declared in android/input.h:226 KeyEventFlagFallback = 0x400 )
const ( // MotionEventActionMask as declared in android/input.h:241 MotionEventActionMask = 0xff // MotionEventActionPointerIndexMask as declared in android/input.h:248 MotionEventActionPointerIndexMask = 0xff00 // MotionEventActionDown as declared in android/input.h:252 MotionEventActionDown = 0 // MotionEventActionUp as declared in android/input.h:257 MotionEventActionUp = 1 // MotionEventActionMove as declared in android/input.h:263 MotionEventActionMove = 2 // MotionEventActionCancel as declared in android/input.h:269 MotionEventActionCancel = 3 // MotionEventActionOutside as declared in android/input.h:274 MotionEventActionOutside = 4 // MotionEventActionPointerDown as declared in android/input.h:279 MotionEventActionPointerDown = 5 // MotionEventActionPointerUp as declared in android/input.h:284 MotionEventActionPointerUp = 6 // MotionEventActionHoverMove as declared in android/input.h:290 MotionEventActionHoverMove = 7 // MotionEventActionScroll as declared in android/input.h:299 MotionEventActionScroll = 8 // MotionEventActionHoverEnter as declared in android/input.h:303 MotionEventActionHoverEnter = 9 // MotionEventActionHoverExit as declared in android/input.h:307 MotionEventActionHoverExit = 10 )
const ( // MotionEventEdgeFlagNone as declared in android/input.h:331 MotionEventEdgeFlagNone = iota // MotionEventEdgeFlagTop as declared in android/input.h:334 MotionEventEdgeFlagTop = 0x01 // MotionEventEdgeFlagBottom as declared in android/input.h:337 MotionEventEdgeFlagBottom = 0x02 // MotionEventEdgeFlagLeft as declared in android/input.h:340 MotionEventEdgeFlagLeft = 0x04 // MotionEventEdgeFlagRight as declared in android/input.h:343 MotionEventEdgeFlagRight = 0x08 )
const ( // MotionEventAxisX as declared in android/input.h:351 MotionEventAxisX = iota // MotionEventAxisY as declared in android/input.h:352 MotionEventAxisY = 1 // MotionEventAxisPressure as declared in android/input.h:353 MotionEventAxisPressure = 2 // MotionEventAxisSize as declared in android/input.h:354 MotionEventAxisSize = 3 // MotionEventAxisTouchMajor as declared in android/input.h:355 MotionEventAxisTouchMajor = 4 // MotionEventAxisTouchMinor as declared in android/input.h:356 MotionEventAxisTouchMinor = 5 // MotionEventAxisToolMajor as declared in android/input.h:357 MotionEventAxisToolMajor = 6 // MotionEventAxisToolMinor as declared in android/input.h:358 MotionEventAxisToolMinor = 7 // MotionEventAxisOrientation as declared in android/input.h:359 MotionEventAxisOrientation = 8 // MotionEventAxisVscroll as declared in android/input.h:360 MotionEventAxisVscroll = 9 // MotionEventAxisHscroll as declared in android/input.h:361 MotionEventAxisHscroll = 10 // MotionEventAxisZ as declared in android/input.h:362 MotionEventAxisZ = 11 // MotionEventAxisRx as declared in android/input.h:363 MotionEventAxisRx = 12 // MotionEventAxisRy as declared in android/input.h:364 MotionEventAxisRy = 13 // MotionEventAxisRz as declared in android/input.h:365 MotionEventAxisRz = 14 // MotionEventAxisHatX as declared in android/input.h:366 MotionEventAxisHatX = 15 // MotionEventAxisHatY as declared in android/input.h:367 MotionEventAxisHatY = 16 // MotionEventAxisLtrigger as declared in android/input.h:368 MotionEventAxisLtrigger = 17 // MotionEventAxisRtrigger as declared in android/input.h:369 MotionEventAxisRtrigger = 18 // MotionEventAxisThrottle as declared in android/input.h:370 MotionEventAxisThrottle = 19 // MotionEventAxisRudder as declared in android/input.h:371 MotionEventAxisRudder = 20 // MotionEventAxisWheel as declared in android/input.h:372 MotionEventAxisWheel = 21 // MotionEventAxisGas as declared in android/input.h:373 MotionEventAxisGas = 22 // MotionEventAxisBrake as declared in android/input.h:374 MotionEventAxisBrake = 23 // MotionEventAxisDistance as declared in android/input.h:375 MotionEventAxisDistance = 24 // MotionEventAxisTilt as declared in android/input.h:376 MotionEventAxisTilt = 25 // MotionEventAxisGeneric1 as declared in android/input.h:377 MotionEventAxisGeneric1 = 32 // MotionEventAxisGeneric2 as declared in android/input.h:378 MotionEventAxisGeneric2 = 33 // MotionEventAxisGeneric3 as declared in android/input.h:379 MotionEventAxisGeneric3 = 34 // MotionEventAxisGeneric4 as declared in android/input.h:380 MotionEventAxisGeneric4 = 35 // MotionEventAxisGeneric5 as declared in android/input.h:381 MotionEventAxisGeneric5 = 36 // MotionEventAxisGeneric6 as declared in android/input.h:382 MotionEventAxisGeneric6 = 37 // MotionEventAxisGeneric7 as declared in android/input.h:383 MotionEventAxisGeneric7 = 38 // MotionEventAxisGeneric8 as declared in android/input.h:384 MotionEventAxisGeneric8 = 39 // MotionEventAxisGeneric9 as declared in android/input.h:385 MotionEventAxisGeneric9 = 40 // MotionEventAxisGeneric10 as declared in android/input.h:386 MotionEventAxisGeneric10 = 41 // MotionEventAxisGeneric11 as declared in android/input.h:387 MotionEventAxisGeneric11 = 42 // MotionEventAxisGeneric12 as declared in android/input.h:388 MotionEventAxisGeneric12 = 43 // MotionEventAxisGeneric13 as declared in android/input.h:389 MotionEventAxisGeneric13 = 44 // MotionEventAxisGeneric14 as declared in android/input.h:390 MotionEventAxisGeneric14 = 45 // MotionEventAxisGeneric15 as declared in android/input.h:391 MotionEventAxisGeneric15 = 46 // MotionEventAxisGeneric16 as declared in android/input.h:392 MotionEventAxisGeneric16 = 47 )
const ( // MotionEventButtonPrimary as declared in android/input.h:403 MotionEventButtonPrimary = 1 << 0 // MotionEventButtonSecondary as declared in android/input.h:404 MotionEventButtonSecondary = 1 << 1 // MotionEventButtonTertiary as declared in android/input.h:405 MotionEventButtonTertiary = 1 << 2 // MotionEventButtonBack as declared in android/input.h:406 MotionEventButtonBack = 1 << 3 // MotionEventButtonForward as declared in android/input.h:407 MotionEventButtonForward = 1 << 4 )
const ( // MotionEventToolTypeUnknown as declared in android/input.h:415 MotionEventToolTypeUnknown = iota // MotionEventToolTypeFinger as declared in android/input.h:416 MotionEventToolTypeFinger = 1 // MotionEventToolTypeStylus as declared in android/input.h:417 MotionEventToolTypeStylus = 2 // MotionEventToolTypeMouse as declared in android/input.h:418 MotionEventToolTypeMouse = 3 // MotionEventToolTypeEraser as declared in android/input.h:419 MotionEventToolTypeEraser = 4 )
const ( // InputSourceClassMask as declared in android/input.h:429 InputSourceClassMask = 0x000000ff // InputSourceClassNone as declared in android/input.h:431 InputSourceClassNone = 0x00000000 // InputSourceClassButton as declared in android/input.h:432 InputSourceClassButton = 0x00000001 // InputSourceClassPointer as declared in android/input.h:433 InputSourceClassPointer = 0x00000002 InputSourceClassNavigation = 0x00000004 // InputSourceClassPosition as declared in android/input.h:435 InputSourceClassPosition = 0x00000008 // InputSourceClassJoystick as declared in android/input.h:436 InputSourceClassJoystick = 0x00000010 )
const ( // InputSourceUnknown as declared in android/input.h:440 InputSourceUnknown = 0x00000000 // InputSourceKeyboard as declared in android/input.h:442 InputSourceKeyboard = 0x00000100 | InputSourceClassButton // InputSourceDpad as declared in android/input.h:443 InputSourceDpad = 0x00000200 | InputSourceClassButton // InputSourceGamepad as declared in android/input.h:444 InputSourceGamepad = 0x00000400 | InputSourceClassButton // InputSourceTouchscreen as declared in android/input.h:445 InputSourceTouchscreen = 0x00001000 | InputSourceClassPointer // InputSourceMouse as declared in android/input.h:446 InputSourceMouse = 0x00002000 | InputSourceClassPointer // InputSourceStylus as declared in android/input.h:447 InputSourceStylus = 0x00004000 | InputSourceClassPointer // InputSourceTrackball as declared in android/input.h:448 InputSourceTrackball = 0x00010000 | InputSourceClassNavigation // InputSourceTouchpad as declared in android/input.h:449 InputSourceTouchpad = 0x00100000 | InputSourceClassPosition InputSourceTouchNavigation = 0x00200000 | InputSourceClassNone // InputSourceJoystick as declared in android/input.h:451 InputSourceJoystick = 0x01000000 | InputSourceClassJoystick // InputSourceAny as declared in android/input.h:453 InputSourceAny = 0xffffff00 )
const ( // InputKeyboardTypeNone as declared in android/input.h:462 InputKeyboardTypeNone = iota // InputKeyboardTypeNonAlphabetic as declared in android/input.h:463 InputKeyboardTypeNonAlphabetic = 1 // InputKeyboardTypeAlphabetic as declared in android/input.h:464 InputKeyboardTypeAlphabetic = 2 )
const ( // InputMotionRangeX as declared in android/input.h:477 InputMotionRangeX = MotionEventAxisX // InputMotionRangeY as declared in android/input.h:478 InputMotionRangeY = MotionEventAxisY // InputMotionRangePressure as declared in android/input.h:479 InputMotionRangePressure = MotionEventAxisPressure // InputMotionRangeSize as declared in android/input.h:480 InputMotionRangeSize = MotionEventAxisSize // InputMotionRangeTouchMajor as declared in android/input.h:481 InputMotionRangeTouchMajor = MotionEventAxisTouchMajor // InputMotionRangeTouchMinor as declared in android/input.h:482 InputMotionRangeTouchMinor = MotionEventAxisTouchMinor // InputMotionRangeToolMajor as declared in android/input.h:483 InputMotionRangeToolMajor = MotionEventAxisToolMajor // InputMotionRangeToolMinor as declared in android/input.h:484 InputMotionRangeToolMinor = MotionEventAxisToolMinor // InputMotionRangeOrientation as declared in android/input.h:485 InputMotionRangeOrientation = MotionEventAxisOrientation )
const ( // SensorTypeAccelerometer as declared in android/sensor.h:59 SensorTypeAccelerometer = 1 // SensorTypeMagneticField as declared in android/sensor.h:60 SensorTypeMagneticField = 2 // SensorTypeGyroscope as declared in android/sensor.h:61 SensorTypeGyroscope = 4 // SensorTypeLight as declared in android/sensor.h:62 SensorTypeLight = 5 // SensorTypeProximity as declared in android/sensor.h:63 SensorTypeProximity = 8 )
const ( // SensorStatusNoContact as declared in android/sensor.h:70 SensorStatusNoContact = -1 // SensorStatusUnreliable as declared in android/sensor.h:71 SensorStatusUnreliable = 0 // SensorStatusAccuracyLow as declared in android/sensor.h:72 SensorStatusAccuracyLow = 1 // SensorStatusAccuracyMedium as declared in android/sensor.h:73 SensorStatusAccuracyMedium = 2 // SensorStatusAccuracyHigh as declared in android/sensor.h:74 SensorStatusAccuracyHigh = 3 )
const ( // ReportingModeContinuous as declared in android/sensor.h:81 ReportingModeContinuous = iota // ReportingModeOnChange as declared in android/sensor.h:82 ReportingModeOnChange = 1 // ReportingModeOneShot as declared in android/sensor.h:83 ReportingModeOneShot = 2 // ReportingModeSpecialTrigger as declared in android/sensor.h:84 ReportingModeSpecialTrigger = 3 )
const ( // ObbStateMounted as declared in android/storage_manager.h:35 ObbStateMounted = 1 // ObbStateUnmounted as declared in android/storage_manager.h:41 ObbStateUnmounted = 2 // ObbStateErrorInternal as declared in android/storage_manager.h:48 ObbStateErrorInternal = 20 // ObbStateErrorCouldNotMount as declared in android/storage_manager.h:54 ObbStateErrorCouldNotMount = 21 // ObbStateErrorCouldNotUnmount as declared in android/storage_manager.h:61 ObbStateErrorCouldNotUnmount = 22 // ObbStateErrorNotMounted as declared in android/storage_manager.h:68 ObbStateErrorNotMounted = 23 // ObbStateErrorAlreadyMounted as declared in android/storage_manager.h:74 ObbStateErrorAlreadyMounted = 24 // ObbStateErrorPermissionDenied as declared in android/storage_manager.h:82 ObbStateErrorPermissionDenied = 25 )
const ( // WindowFlagAllowLockWhileScreenOn as declared in android/window.h:29 WindowFlagAllowLockWhileScreenOn = 0x00000001 // WindowFlagDimBehind as declared in android/window.h:30 WindowFlagDimBehind = 0x00000002 // WindowFlagBlurBehind as declared in android/window.h:31 WindowFlagBlurBehind = 0x00000004 // WindowFlagNotFocusable as declared in android/window.h:32 WindowFlagNotFocusable = 0x00000008 // WindowFlagNotTouchable as declared in android/window.h:33 WindowFlagNotTouchable = 0x00000010 // WindowFlagNotTouchModal as declared in android/window.h:34 WindowFlagNotTouchModal = 0x00000020 // WindowFlagTouchableWhenWaking as declared in android/window.h:35 WindowFlagTouchableWhenWaking = 0x00000040 // WindowFlagKeepScreenOn as declared in android/window.h:36 WindowFlagKeepScreenOn = 0x00000080 // WindowFlagLayoutInScreen as declared in android/window.h:37 WindowFlagLayoutInScreen = 0x00000100 // WindowFlagLayoutNoLimits as declared in android/window.h:38 WindowFlagLayoutNoLimits = 0x00000200 // WindowFlagFullscreen as declared in android/window.h:39 WindowFlagFullscreen = 0x00000400 // WindowFlagForceNotFullscreen as declared in android/window.h:40 WindowFlagForceNotFullscreen = 0x00000800 // WindowFlagDither as declared in android/window.h:41 WindowFlagDither = 0x00001000 // WindowFlagSecure as declared in android/window.h:42 WindowFlagSecure = 0x00002000 // WindowFlagScaled as declared in android/window.h:43 WindowFlagScaled = 0x00004000 // WindowFlagIgnoreCheekPresses as declared in android/window.h:44 WindowFlagIgnoreCheekPresses = 0x00008000 // WindowFlagLayoutInsetDecor as declared in android/window.h:45 WindowFlagLayoutInsetDecor = 0x00010000 // WindowFlagAltFocusableIm as declared in android/window.h:46 WindowFlagAltFocusableIm = 0x00020000 // WindowFlagWatchOutsideTouch as declared in android/window.h:47 WindowFlagWatchOutsideTouch = 0x00040000 // WindowFlagShowWhenLocked as declared in android/window.h:48 WindowFlagShowWhenLocked = 0x00080000 // WindowFlagShowWallpaper as declared in android/window.h:49 WindowFlagShowWallpaper = 0x00100000 // WindowFlagTurnScreenOn as declared in android/window.h:50 WindowFlagTurnScreenOn = 0x00200000 // WindowFlagDismissKeyguard as declared in android/window.h:51 WindowFlagDismissKeyguard = 0x00400000 )
const ( JVoid className = "void" JBoolean className = "boolean" JByte className = "byte" JChar className = "char" JShort className = "short" JInt className = "int" JLong className = "long" JFloat className = "float" JDouble className = "double" )
Built-in names.
const ( JClassAbsSavedState className = "android/view/AbsSavedState" JClassAccessibilityInteractionController className = "android/view/AccessibilityInteractionController" JClassAccessibilityIterators className = "android/view/AccessibilityIterators" JClassActionMode className = "android/view/ActionMode" JClassActionProvider className = "android/view/ActionProvider" JClassAttachInfo_Accessor className = "android/view/AttachInfo_Accessor" JClassBigCache className = "android/view/BigCache" JClassBitmapDrawable className = "android/view/BitmapDrawable" JClassBridgeInflater className = "android/view/BridgeInflater" JClassChoreographer className = "android/view/Choreographer" JClassChoreographer_Delegate className = "android/view/Choreographer_Delegate" JClassCollapsibleActionView className = "android/view/CollapsibleActionView" JClassContextMenu className = "android/view/ContextMenu" JClassContextThemeWrapper className = "android/view/ContextThemeWrapper" JClassDisabled className = "android/view/Disabled" JClassDisplay className = "android/view/Display" JClassDisplayAdjustments className = "android/view/DisplayAdjustments" JClassDisplayEventReceiver className = "android/view/DisplayEventReceiver" JClassDisplayInfo className = "android/view/DisplayInfo" JClassDisplayListCanvas className = "android/view/DisplayListCanvas" JClassDisplay_Delegate className = "android/view/Display_Delegate" JClassDragEvent className = "android/view/DragEvent" JClassDrawableBgMinSize className = "android/view/DrawableBgMinSize" JClassFallbackEventHandler className = "android/view/FallbackEventHandler" JClassFocusFinder className = "android/view/FocusFinder" JClassFocusFinderHelper className = "android/view/FocusFinderHelper" JClassFrameInfo className = "android/view/FrameInfo" JClassFrameStats className = "android/view/FrameStats" JClassGestureDetector className = "android/view/GestureDetector" JClassGhostView className = "android/view/GhostView" JClassGlobalFocusChange className = "android/view/GlobalFocusChange" JClassGraphicBuffer className = "android/view/GraphicBuffer" JClassGravity className = "android/view/Gravity" JClassHapticFeedbackConstants className = "android/view/HapticFeedbackConstants" JClassHardwareLayer className = "android/view/HardwareLayer" JClassHardwareRenderer className = "android/view/HardwareRenderer" JClassIWindowManagerImpl className = "android/view/IWindowManagerImpl" JClassInclude className = "android/view/Include" JClassInflateException className = "android/view/InflateException" JClassInputChannel className = "android/view/InputChannel" JClassInputDevice className = "android/view/InputDevice" JClassInputEvent className = "android/view/InputEvent" JClassInputEventConsistencyVerifier className = "android/view/InputEventConsistencyVerifier" JClassInputEventReceiver className = "android/view/InputEventReceiver" JClassInputEventSender className = "android/view/InputEventSender" JClassInputFilter className = "android/view/InputFilter" JClassInputQueue className = "android/view/InputQueue" JClassKeyCharacterMap className = "android/view/KeyCharacterMap" JClassKeyEvent className = "android/view/KeyEvent" JClassLayoutInflater className = "android/view/LayoutInflater" JClassLayoutInflater_Delegate className = "android/view/LayoutInflater_Delegate" JClassListContextMenu className = "android/view/ListContextMenu" JClassLongpress className = "android/view/Longpress" JClassMagnificationSpec className = "android/view/MagnificationSpec" JClassMenu className = "android/view/Menu" JClassMenuInflater className = "android/view/MenuInflater" JClassMenuInflater_Delegate className = "android/view/MenuInflater_Delegate" JClassMenuItem className = "android/view/MenuItem" JClassMerge className = "android/view/Merge" JClassMockView className = "android/view/MockView" JClassMotionEvent className = "android/view/MotionEvent" JClassMutateDrawable className = "android/view/MutateDrawable" JClassOrientationEventListener className = "android/view/OrientationEventListener" JClassOrientationListener className = "android/view/OrientationListener" JClassPointerIcon className = "android/view/PointerIcon" JClassPopupWindowVisibility className = "android/view/PopupWindowVisibility" JClassPreDrawListener className = "android/view/PreDrawListener" JClassRectShadowPainter className = "android/view/RectShadowPainter" JClassRemotableViewMethod className = "android/view/RemotableViewMethod" JClassRemoteViewsActivity className = "android/view/RemoteViewsActivity" JClassRenderNode className = "android/view/RenderNode" JClassRenderNodeAnimator className = "android/view/RenderNodeAnimator" JClassRenderNode_Delegate className = "android/view/RenderNode_Delegate" JClassRunQueue className = "android/view/RunQueue" JClassScaleGestureDetector className = "android/view/ScaleGestureDetector" JClassSearchEvent className = "android/view/SearchEvent" JClassShadowPainter className = "android/view/ShadowPainter" JClassSoundEffectConstants className = "android/view/SoundEffectConstants" JClassStubbedView className = "android/view/StubbedView" JClassSubMenu className = "android/view/SubMenu" JClassSurface className = "android/view/Surface" JClassSurfaceControl className = "android/view/SurfaceControl" JClassSurfaceHolder className = "android/view/SurfaceHolder" JClassSurfaceSession className = "android/view/SurfaceSession" JClassSurfaceView className = "android/view/SurfaceView" JClassTextureView className = "android/view/TextureView" JClassThreadedRenderer className = "android/view/ThreadedRenderer" JClassTouchDelegate className = "android/view/TouchDelegate" JClassVelocityTracker className = "android/view/VelocityTracker" JClassView className = "android/view/View" JClassViewAnimationUtils className = "android/view/ViewAnimationUtils" JClassViewAttachView className = "android/view/ViewAttachView" JClassViewConfiguration className = "android/view/ViewConfiguration" JClassViewConfiguration_Accessor className = "android/view/ViewConfiguration_Accessor" JClassViewDebug className = "android/view/ViewDebug" JClassViewGroup className = "android/view/ViewGroup" JClassViewGroupChildren className = "android/view/ViewGroupChildren" JClassViewGroupOverlay className = "android/view/ViewGroupOverlay" JClassViewGroup_Delegate className = "android/view/ViewGroup_Delegate" JClassViewHierarchyEncoder className = "android/view/ViewHierarchyEncoder" JClassViewManager className = "android/view/ViewManager" JClassViewOutlineProvider className = "android/view/ViewOutlineProvider" JClassViewOverlay className = "android/view/ViewOverlay" JClassViewParent className = "android/view/ViewParent" JClassViewPropertyAnimator className = "android/view/ViewPropertyAnimator" JClassViewPropertyAnimatorRT className = "android/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorRT" JClassViewRootImpl className = "android/view/ViewRootImpl" JClassViewRootImpl_Delegate className = "android/view/ViewRootImpl_Delegate" JClassViewStructure className = "android/view/ViewStructure" JClassViewStub className = "android/view/ViewStub" JClassViewTreeObserver className = "android/view/ViewTreeObserver" JClassView_Delegate className = "android/view/View_Delegate" JClassVisibility className = "android/view/Visibility" JClassVisibilityCallback className = "android/view/VisibilityCallback" JClassWindow className = "android/view/Window" JClassWindowAnimationFrameStats className = "android/view/WindowAnimationFrameStats" JClassWindowCallback className = "android/view/WindowCallback" JClassWindowCallbackWrapper className = "android/view/WindowCallbackWrapper" JClassWindowContentFrameStats className = "android/view/WindowContentFrameStats" JClassWindowId className = "android/view/WindowId" JClassWindowInfo className = "android/view/WindowInfo" JClassWindowInsets className = "android/view/WindowInsets" JClassWindowManager className = "android/view/WindowManager" JClassWindowManagerGlobal className = "android/view/WindowManagerGlobal" JClassWindowManagerGlobal_Delegate className = "android/view/WindowManagerGlobal_Delegate" JClassWindowManagerImpl className = "android/view/WindowManagerImpl" JClassWindowManagerPolicy className = "android/view/WindowManagerPolicy" JClassZeroSized className = "android/view/ZeroSized" )
android/view/... class names.
const ( JClassBaseInputConnection className = "android/view/inputmethod/BaseInputConnection" JClassCompletionInfo className = "android/view/inputmethod/CompletionInfo" JClassCorrectionInfo className = "android/view/inputmethod/CorrectionInfo" JClassCursorAnchorInfo className = "android/view/inputmethod/CursorAnchorInfo" JClassEditorInfo className = "android/view/inputmethod/EditorInfo" JClassExtractedText className = "android/view/inputmethod/ExtractedText" JClassExtractedTextRequest className = "android/view/inputmethod/ExtractedTextRequest" JClassInputBinding className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputBinding" JClassInputConnection className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection" JClassInputConnectionWrapper className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionWrapper" JClassInputMethod className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethod" JClassInputMethodInfo className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodInfo" JClassInputMethodManager className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager" JClassInputMethodManager_Accessor className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager_Accessor" JClassInputMethodManager_Delegate className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager_Delegate" JClassInputMethodSession className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodSession" JClassInputMethodSubtype className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodSubtype" JClassInputMethodSubtypeArray className = "android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodSubtypeArray" JClassSparseRectFArray className = "android/view/inputmethod/SparseRectFArray" )
android/view/inputmethod/... class names.
const ( JClassSentenceSuggestionsInfo className = "android/view/textservice/SentenceSuggestionsInfo" JClassSpellCheckerInfo className = "android/view/textservice/SpellCheckerInfo" JClassSpellCheckerSession className = "android/view/textservice/SpellCheckerSession" JClassSpellCheckerSubtype className = "android/view/textservice/SpellCheckerSubtype" JClassSuggestionsInfo className = "android/view/textservice/SuggestionsInfo" JClassTextInfo className = "android/view/textservice/TextInfo" JClassTextServicesManager className = "android/view/textservice/TextServicesManager" )
android/view/textservice/... class names.
const ( JClassAbstractThreadedSyncAdapter className = "android/content/AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter" JClassActivityNotFoundException className = "android/content/ActivityNotFoundException" JClassAsyncQueryHandler className = "android/content/AsyncQueryHandler" JClassAsyncTaskLoader className = "android/content/AsyncTaskLoader" JClassBroadcastReceiver className = "android/content/BroadcastReceiver" JClassClipData className = "android/content/ClipData" JClassClipDescription className = "android/content/ClipDescription" JClassClipboardManager className = "android/content/ClipboardManager" JClassComponentCallbacks className = "android/content/ComponentCallbacks" JClassComponentCallbacks2 className = "android/content/ComponentCallbacks2" JClassComponentName className = "android/content/ComponentName" JClassContentInsertHandler className = "android/content/ContentInsertHandler" JClassContentProvider className = "android/content/ContentProvider" JClassContentProviderClient className = "android/content/ContentProviderClient" JClassContentProviderNative className = "android/content/ContentProviderNative" JClassContentProviderOperation className = "android/content/ContentProviderOperation" JClassContentProviderResult className = "android/content/ContentProviderResult" JClassContentQueryMap className = "android/content/ContentQueryMap" JClassContentResolver className = "android/content/ContentResolver" JClassContentUris className = "android/content/ContentUris" JClassContentValues className = "android/content/ContentValues" JClassContext className = "android/content/Context" JClassContextWrapper className = "android/content/ContextWrapper" JClassCursorEntityIterator className = "android/content/CursorEntityIterator" JClassCursorLoader className = "android/content/CursorLoader" JClassDefaultDataHandler className = "android/content/DefaultDataHandler" JClassDialogInterface className = "android/content/DialogInterface" JClassEntity className = "android/content/Entity" JClassEntityIterator className = "android/content/EntityIterator" JClassIContentProvider className = "android/content/IContentProvider" JClassIntent className = "android/content/Intent" JClassIntentFilter className = "android/content/IntentFilter" JClassIntentSender className = "android/content/IntentSender" JClassLoader className = "android/content/Loader" JClassMemoryFileProvider className = "android/content/MemoryFileProvider" JClassMutableContextWrapper className = "android/content/MutableContextWrapper" JClassOperationApplicationException className = "android/content/OperationApplicationException" JClassPeriodicSync className = "android/content/PeriodicSync" JClassReceiverCallNotAllowedException className = "android/content/ReceiverCallNotAllowedException" JClassRestrictionEntry className = "android/content/RestrictionEntry" JClassRestrictionsManager className = "android/content/RestrictionsManager" JClassSearchRecentSuggestionsProvider className = "android/content/SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider" JClassServiceConnection className = "android/content/ServiceConnection" JClassSyncActivityTooManyDeletes className = "android/content/SyncActivityTooManyDeletes" JClassSyncAdapterType className = "android/content/SyncAdapterType" JClassSyncAdaptersCache className = "android/content/SyncAdaptersCache" JClassSyncContext className = "android/content/SyncContext" JClassSyncInfo className = "android/content/SyncInfo" JClassSyncRequest className = "android/content/SyncRequest" JClassSyncResult className = "android/content/SyncResult" JClassSyncStats className = "android/content/SyncStats" JClassSyncStatusInfo className = "android/content/SyncStatusInfo" JClassSyncStatusObserver className = "android/content/SyncStatusObserver" JClassUndoManager className = "android/content/UndoManager" JClassUndoOperation className = "android/content/UndoOperation" JClassUndoOwner className = "android/content/UndoOwner" JClassUriMatcher className = "android/content/UriMatcher" JClassUriPermission className = "android/content/UriPermission" )
android/content/... class names.
const ( JClassAbstractAccountAuthenticator className = "android/accounts/AbstractAccountAuthenticator" JClassAccount className = "android/accounts/Account" JClassAccountAndUser className = "android/accounts/AccountAndUser" JClassAccountAuthenticatorActivity className = "android/accounts/AccountAuthenticatorActivity" JClassAccountAuthenticatorResponse className = "android/accounts/AccountAuthenticatorResponse" JClassAccountManager className = "android/accounts/AccountManager" JClassAccountManagerCallback className = "android/accounts/AccountManagerCallback" JClassAccountManagerFuture className = "android/accounts/AccountManagerFuture" JClassAccountManagerResponse className = "android/accounts/AccountManagerResponse" JClassAccountsException className = "android/accounts/AccountsException" JClassAuthenticatorDescription className = "android/accounts/AuthenticatorDescription" JClassAuthenticatorException className = "android/accounts/AuthenticatorException" JClassCantAddAccountActivity className = "android/accounts/CantAddAccountActivity" JClassChooseAccountActivity className = "android/accounts/ChooseAccountActivity" JClassChooseAccountTypeActivity className = "android/accounts/ChooseAccountTypeActivity" JClassChooseTypeAndAccountActivity className = "android/accounts/ChooseTypeAndAccountActivity" JClassGrantCredentialsPermissionActivity className = "android/accounts/GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity" JClassNetworkErrorException className = "android/accounts/NetworkErrorException" JClassOnAccountsUpdateListener className = "android/accounts/OnAccountsUpdateListener" JClassAccountsOperationCanceledException className = "android/accounts/OperationCanceledException" )
android/accounts/... class names.
const ( JClassAsyncResult className = "android/os/AsyncResult" JClassAsyncTask className = "android/os/AsyncTask" JClassBadParcelableException className = "android/os/BadParcelableException" JClassBaseBundle className = "android/os/BaseBundle" JClassBatteryManager className = "android/os/BatteryManager" JClassBatteryProperties className = "android/os/BatteryProperties" JClassBatteryProperty className = "android/os/BatteryProperty" JClassBatteryStats className = "android/os/BatteryStats" JClassBinder className = "android/os/Binder" JClassBinderThreadPriorityService className = "android/os/BinderThreadPriorityService" JClassBrightnessLimit className = "android/os/BrightnessLimit" JClassBroadcaster className = "android/os/Broadcaster" JClassBuild className = "android/os/Build" JClassBundle className = "android/os/Bundle" JClassCancellationSignal className = "android/os/CancellationSignal" JClassCommonClock className = "android/os/CommonClock" JClassCommonTimeConfig className = "android/os/CommonTimeConfig" JClassCommonTimeUtils className = "android/os/CommonTimeUtils" JClassConditionVariable className = "android/os/ConditionVariable" JClassCountDownTimer className = "android/os/CountDownTimer" JClassDeadObjectException className = "android/os/DeadObjectException" JClassDebug className = "android/os/Debug" JClassDropBoxManager className = "android/os/DropBoxManager" JClassEnvironment className = "android/os/Environment" JClassFileBridge className = "android/os/FileBridge" JClassFileObserver className = "android/os/FileObserver" JClassFileUtils className = "android/os/FileUtils" JClassHandler className = "android/os/Handler" JClassHandlerThread className = "android/os/HandlerThread" JClassHandlerThread_Delegate className = "android/os/HandlerThread_Delegate" JClassHandler_Delegate className = "android/os/Handler_Delegate" JClassIBinder className = "android/os/IBinder" JClassIInterface className = "android/os/IInterface" JClassIServiceManager className = "android/os/IServiceManager" JClassLooper className = "android/os/Looper" JClassLooper_Accessor className = "android/os/Looper_Accessor" JClassMemoryFile className = "android/os/MemoryFile" JClassMessage className = "android/os/Message" JClassMessageQueue className = "android/os/MessageQueue" JClassMessenger className = "android/os/Messenger" JClassMessengerService className = "android/os/MessengerService" JClassNetworkOnMainThreadException className = "android/os/NetworkOnMainThreadException" JClassNullVibrator className = "android/os/NullVibrator" JClassOsOperationCanceledException className = "android/os/OperationCanceledException" JClassParcel className = "android/os/Parcel" JClassParcelArrayBenchmark className = "android/os/ParcelArrayBenchmark" JClassParcelBenchmark className = "android/os/ParcelBenchmark" JClassParcelFileDescriptor className = "android/os/ParcelFileDescriptor" JClassParcelFormatException className = "android/os/ParcelFormatException" JClassParcelUuid className = "android/os/ParcelUuid" JClassParcelable className = "android/os/Parcelable" JClassParcelableParcel className = "android/os/ParcelableParcel" JClassPatternMatcher className = "android/os/PatternMatcher" JClassPerformanceCollector className = "android/os/PerformanceCollector" JClassPersistableBundle className = "android/os/PersistableBundle" JClassPooledStringReader className = "android/os/PooledStringReader" JClassPooledStringWriter className = "android/os/PooledStringWriter" JClassPowerManager className = "android/os/PowerManager" JClassProcess className = "android/os/Process" JClassRecoverySystem className = "android/os/RecoverySystem" JClassRegistrant className = "android/os/Registrant" JClassRegistrantList className = "android/os/RegistrantList" JClassRemoteCallback className = "android/os/RemoteCallback" JClassRemoteCallbackList className = "android/os/RemoteCallbackList" JClassRemoteException className = "android/os/RemoteException" JClassRemoteMailException className = "android/os/RemoteMailException" JClassResultReceiver className = "android/os/ResultReceiver" JClassSELinux className = "android/os/SELinux" JClassServiceManager className = "android/os/ServiceManager" JClassServiceManagerNative className = "android/os/ServiceManagerNative" JClassStatFs className = "android/os/StatFs" JClassStrictMode className = "android/os/StrictMode" JClassStrictModeBenchmark className = "android/os/StrictModeBenchmark" JClassSystemClock className = "android/os/SystemClock" JClassSystemClock_Delegate className = "android/os/SystemClock_Delegate" JClassSystemProperties className = "android/os/SystemProperties" JClassSystemProperties_Delegate className = "android/os/SystemProperties_Delegate" JClassSystemService className = "android/os/SystemService" JClassSystemVibrator className = "android/os/SystemVibrator" JClassTokenWatcher className = "android/os/TokenWatcher" JClassTrace className = "android/os/Trace" JClassTransactionTooLargeException className = "android/os/TransactionTooLargeException" JClassUEventObserver className = "android/os/UEventObserver" JClassUpdateLock className = "android/os/UpdateLock" JClassUserHandle className = "android/os/UserHandle" JClassUserManager className = "android/os/UserManager" JClassVibrator className = "android/os/Vibrator" JClassWorkSource className = "android/os/WorkSource" )
android/os/... class names.
const ( JClassDiskInfo className = "android/os/storage/DiskInfo" JClassIMountService className = "android/os/storage/IMountService" JClassIMountServiceListener className = "android/os/storage/IMountServiceListener" JClassIMountShutdownObserver className = "android/os/storage/IMountShutdownObserver" JClassIObbActionListener className = "android/os/storage/IObbActionListener" JClassMountServiceListener className = "android/os/storage/MountServiceListener" JClassOnObbStateChangeListener className = "android/os/storage/OnObbStateChangeListener" JClassStorageEventListener className = "android/os/storage/StorageEventListener" JClassStorageListener className = "android/os/storage/StorageListener" JClassStorageManager className = "android/os/storage/StorageManager" JClassStorageResultCode className = "android/os/storage/StorageResultCode" JClassStorageVolume className = "android/os/storage/StorageVolume" JClassVolumeInfo className = "android/os/storage/VolumeInfo" JClassVolumeRecord className = "android/os/storage/VolumeRecord" )
android/os/storage/... class names.
const ( JClassAlteredCharSequence className = "android/text/AlteredCharSequence" JClassAndroidBidi className = "android/text/AndroidBidi" JClassAndroidBidi_Delegate className = "android/text/AndroidBidi_Delegate" JClassAndroidCharacter className = "android/text/AndroidCharacter" JClassAnnotation className = "android/text/Annotation" JClassAutoText className = "android/text/AutoText" JClassBidiFormatter className = "android/text/BidiFormatter" JClassBoringLayout className = "android/text/BoringLayout" JClassTextClipboardManager className = "android/text/ClipboardManager" JClassDynamicLayout className = "android/text/DynamicLayout" JClassEditable className = "android/text/Editable" JClassGetChars className = "android/text/GetChars" JClassGraphicsOperations className = "android/text/GraphicsOperations" JClassGreedyLineBreaker className = "android/text/GreedyLineBreaker" JClassHtml className = "android/text/Html" JClassHyphenator className = "android/text/Hyphenator" JClassHyphenator_Delegate className = "android/text/Hyphenator_Delegate" JClassTextInputFilter className = "android/text/InputFilter" JClassInputType className = "android/text/InputType" JClassLayout className = "android/text/Layout" JClassLineBreaker className = "android/text/LineBreaker" JClassLineWidth className = "android/text/LineWidth" JClassLoginFilter className = "android/text/LoginFilter" JClassMeasuredText className = "android/text/MeasuredText" JClassNoCopySpan className = "android/text/NoCopySpan" JClassOptimizingLineBreaker className = "android/text/OptimizingLineBreaker" JClassPackedIntVector className = "android/text/PackedIntVector" JClassPackedObjectVector className = "android/text/PackedObjectVector" JClassParcelableSpan className = "android/text/ParcelableSpan" JClassPrimitive className = "android/text/Primitive" JClassSelection className = "android/text/Selection" JClassSpanSet className = "android/text/SpanSet" JClassSpanWatcher className = "android/text/SpanWatcher" JClassSpannable className = "android/text/Spannable" JClassSpannableString className = "android/text/SpannableString" JClassSpannableStringBuilder className = "android/text/SpannableStringBuilder" JClassSpanned className = "android/text/Spanned" JClassSpannedString className = "android/text/SpannedString" JClassStaticLayout className = "android/text/StaticLayout" JClassStaticLayout_Delegate className = "android/text/StaticLayout_Delegate" JClassTabStops className = "android/text/TabStops" JClassTextDirectionHeuristic className = "android/text/TextDirectionHeuristic" JClassTextDirectionHeuristics className = "android/text/TextDirectionHeuristics" JClassTextLine className = "android/text/TextLine" JClassTextPaint className = "android/text/TextPaint" JClassTextUtils className = "android/text/TextUtils" JClassTextWatcher className = "android/text/TextWatcher" )
android/text/... class names.
const ( JClassCarrierConfigManager className = "android/telephony/CarrierConfigManager" JClassCarrierMessagingServiceManager className = "android/telephony/CarrierMessagingServiceManager" JClassCellBroadcastMessage className = "android/telephony/CellBroadcastMessage" JClassCellIdentityCdma className = "android/telephony/CellIdentityCdma" JClassCellIdentityGsm className = "android/telephony/CellIdentityGsm" JClassCellIdentityLte className = "android/telephony/CellIdentityLte" JClassCellIdentityWcdma className = "android/telephony/CellIdentityWcdma" JClassCellInfo className = "android/telephony/CellInfo" JClassCellInfoCdma className = "android/telephony/CellInfoCdma" JClassCellInfoGsm className = "android/telephony/CellInfoGsm" JClassCellInfoLte className = "android/telephony/CellInfoLte" JClassCellInfoWcdma className = "android/telephony/CellInfoWcdma" JClassCellLocation className = "android/telephony/CellLocation" JClassCellSignalStrength className = "android/telephony/CellSignalStrength" JClassCellSignalStrengthCdma className = "android/telephony/CellSignalStrengthCdma" JClassCellSignalStrengthGsm className = "android/telephony/CellSignalStrengthGsm" JClassCellSignalStrengthLte className = "android/telephony/CellSignalStrengthLte" JClassCellSignalStrengthWcdma className = "android/telephony/CellSignalStrengthWcdma" JClassDataConnectionRealTimeInfo className = "android/telephony/DataConnectionRealTimeInfo" JClassDisconnectCause className = "android/telephony/DisconnectCause" JClassIccOpenLogicalChannelResponse className = "android/telephony/IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse" JClassJapanesePhoneNumberFormatter className = "android/telephony/JapanesePhoneNumberFormatter" JClassModemActivityInfo className = "android/telephony/ModemActivityInfo" JClassNeighboringCellInfo className = "android/telephony/NeighboringCellInfo" JClassPhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher className = "android/telephony/PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher" JClassPhoneNumberUtils className = "android/telephony/PhoneNumberUtils" JClassPhoneStateListener className = "android/telephony/PhoneStateListener" JClassPreciseCallState className = "android/telephony/PreciseCallState" JClassPreciseDataConnectionState className = "android/telephony/PreciseDataConnectionState" JClassPreciseDisconnectCause className = "android/telephony/PreciseDisconnectCause" JClassRadioAccessFamily className = "android/telephony/RadioAccessFamily" JClassRlog className = "android/telephony/Rlog" JClassServiceState className = "android/telephony/ServiceState" JClassSignalStrength className = "android/telephony/SignalStrength" JClassSmsCbCmasInfo className = "android/telephony/SmsCbCmasInfo" JClassSmsCbEtwsInfo className = "android/telephony/SmsCbEtwsInfo" JClassSmsCbLocation className = "android/telephony/SmsCbLocation" JClassSmsCbMessage className = "android/telephony/SmsCbMessage" JClassSmsManager className = "android/telephony/SmsManager" JClassSmsMessage className = "android/telephony/SmsMessage" JClassSubscriptionInfo className = "android/telephony/SubscriptionInfo" JClassSubscriptionManager className = "android/telephony/SubscriptionManager" JClassTelephonyManager className = "android/telephony/TelephonyManager" JClassVoLteServiceState className = "android/telephony/VoLteServiceState" )
android/telephony/... class names.
const ( JClassCacheManager className = "android/webkit/CacheManager" JClassClientCertRequest className = "android/webkit/ClientCertRequest" JClassConsoleMessage className = "android/webkit/ConsoleMessage" JClassCookieManager className = "android/webkit/CookieManager" JClassCookieSyncManager className = "android/webkit/CookieSyncManager" JClassDateSorter className = "android/webkit/DateSorter" JClassDownloadListener className = "android/webkit/DownloadListener" JClassFindActionModeCallback className = "android/webkit/FindActionModeCallback" JClassGeolocationPermissions className = "android/webkit/GeolocationPermissions" JClassHttpAuthHandler className = "android/webkit/HttpAuthHandler" JClassJavascriptInterface className = "android/webkit/JavascriptInterface" JClassJsDialogHelper className = "android/webkit/JsDialogHelper" JClassJsPromptResult className = "android/webkit/JsPromptResult" JClassJsResult className = "android/webkit/JsResult" JClassLegacyErrorStrings className = "android/webkit/LegacyErrorStrings" JClassMimeTypeMap className = "android/webkit/MimeTypeMap" JClassPermissionRequest className = "android/webkit/PermissionRequest" JClassPlugin className = "android/webkit/Plugin" JClassPluginData className = "android/webkit/PluginData" JClassPluginList className = "android/webkit/PluginList" JClassPluginStub className = "android/webkit/PluginStub" JClassSslErrorHandler className = "android/webkit/SslErrorHandler" JClassURLUtil className = "android/webkit/URLUtil" JClassUrlInterceptHandler className = "android/webkit/UrlInterceptHandler" JClassUrlInterceptRegistry className = "android/webkit/UrlInterceptRegistry" JClassValueCallback className = "android/webkit/ValueCallback" JClassWebBackForwardList className = "android/webkit/WebBackForwardList" JClassWebChromeClient className = "android/webkit/WebChromeClient" JClassWebHistoryItem className = "android/webkit/WebHistoryItem" JClassWebIconDatabase className = "android/webkit/WebIconDatabase" JClassWebMessage className = "android/webkit/WebMessage" JClassWebMessagePort className = "android/webkit/WebMessagePort" JClassWebResourceError className = "android/webkit/WebResourceError" JClassWebResourceRequest className = "android/webkit/WebResourceRequest" JClassWebResourceResponse className = "android/webkit/WebResourceResponse" JClassWebSettings className = "android/webkit/WebSettings" JClassWebStorage className = "android/webkit/WebStorage" JClassWebSyncManager className = "android/webkit/WebSyncManager" JClassWebView className = "android/webkit/WebView" JClassWebViewClient className = "android/webkit/WebViewClient" JClassWebViewDatabase className = "android/webkit/WebViewDatabase" JClassWebViewDelegate className = "android/webkit/WebViewDelegate" JClassWebViewFactory className = "android/webkit/WebViewFactory" JClassWebViewFactoryProvider className = "android/webkit/WebViewFactoryProvider" JClassWebViewFragment className = "android/webkit/WebViewFragment" JClassWebViewProvider className = "android/webkit/WebViewProvider" )
android/webkit/... class names.
const ( JClassAndroidException className = "android/util/AndroidException" JClassAndroidRuntimeException className = "android/util/AndroidRuntimeException" JClassArrayMap className = "android/util/ArrayMap" JClassArraySet className = "android/util/ArraySet" JClassAtomicFile className = "android/util/AtomicFile" JClassAttributeSet className = "android/util/AttributeSet" JClassBase64 className = "android/util/Base64" JClassBase64DataException className = "android/util/Base64DataException" JClassBase64InputStream className = "android/util/Base64InputStream" JClassBase64OutputStream className = "android/util/Base64OutputStream" JClassBridgeXmlPullAttributes className = "android/util/BridgeXmlPullAttributes" JClassConfig className = "android/util/Config" JClassContainerHelpers className = "android/util/ContainerHelpers" JClassDayOfMonthCursor className = "android/util/DayOfMonthCursor" JClassDebugUtils className = "android/util/DebugUtils" JClassDisplayMetrics className = "android/util/DisplayMetrics" JClassEventLog className = "android/util/EventLog" JClassEventLogTags className = "android/util/EventLogTags" JClassExceptionUtils className = "android/util/ExceptionUtils" JClassFastImmutableArraySet className = "android/util/FastImmutableArraySet" JClassFloatMath className = "android/util/FloatMath" JClassFloatMathBenchmark className = "android/util/FloatMathBenchmark" JClassFloatProperty className = "android/util/FloatProperty" JClassGridScenario className = "android/util/GridScenario" JClassIntArray className = "android/util/IntArray" JClassIntProperty className = "android/util/IntProperty" JClassInternalSelectionView className = "android/util/InternalSelectionView" JClassJsonReader className = "android/util/JsonReader" JClassJsonScope className = "android/util/JsonScope" JClassJsonToken className = "android/util/JsonToken" JClassJsonWriter className = "android/util/JsonWriter" JClassKeyUtils className = "android/util/KeyUtils" JClassKeyValueListParser className = "android/util/KeyValueListParser" JClassLayoutDirection className = "android/util/LayoutDirection" JClassListItemFactory className = "android/util/ListItemFactory" JClassListScenario className = "android/util/ListScenario" JClassListUtil className = "android/util/ListUtil" JClassLocalLog className = "android/util/LocalLog" JClassLog className = "android/util/Log" JClassLogPrinter className = "android/util/LogPrinter" JClassLogWriter className = "android/util/LogWriter" JClassLog_Delegate className = "android/util/Log_Delegate" JClassLongArray className = "android/util/LongArray" JClassLongSparseArray className = "android/util/LongSparseArray" JClassLongSparseLongArray className = "android/util/LongSparseLongArray" JClassLruCache className = "android/util/LruCache" JClassMalformedJsonException className = "android/util/MalformedJsonException" JClassMapCollections className = "android/util/MapCollections" JClassMathUtils className = "android/util/MathUtils" JClassMonthDisplayHelper className = "android/util/MonthDisplayHelper" JClassMutableBoolean className = "android/util/MutableBoolean" JClassMutableByte className = "android/util/MutableByte" JClassMutableChar className = "android/util/MutableChar" JClassMutableDouble className = "android/util/MutableDouble" JClassMutableFloat className = "android/util/MutableFloat" JClassMutableInt className = "android/util/MutableInt" JClassMutableLong className = "android/util/MutableLong" JClassMutableShort className = "android/util/MutableShort" JClassNoSuchPropertyException className = "android/util/NoSuchPropertyException" JClassNtpTrustedTime className = "android/util/NtpTrustedTime" JClassPair className = "android/util/Pair" JClassPathParser className = "android/util/PathParser" JClassPatterns className = "android/util/Patterns" JClassPools className = "android/util/Pools" JClassPrefixPrinter className = "android/util/PrefixPrinter" JClassPrintStreamPrinter className = "android/util/PrintStreamPrinter" JClassPrintWriterPrinter className = "android/util/PrintWriterPrinter" JClassPrinter className = "android/util/Printer" JClassProperty className = "android/util/Property" JClassRange className = "android/util/Range" JClassRational className = "android/util/Rational" JClassReflectiveProperty className = "android/util/ReflectiveProperty" JClassScrollViewScenario className = "android/util/ScrollViewScenario" JClassSingleton className = "android/util/Singleton" JClassSize className = "android/util/Size" JClassSizeF className = "android/util/SizeF" JClassSlog className = "android/util/Slog" JClassSparseArray className = "android/util/SparseArray" JClassSparseBooleanArray className = "android/util/SparseBooleanArray" JClassSparseIntArray className = "android/util/SparseIntArray" JClassSparseLongArray className = "android/util/SparseLongArray" JClassSpline className = "android/util/Spline" JClassStateSet className = "android/util/StateSet" JClassStringBuilderPrinter className = "android/util/StringBuilderPrinter" JClassSuperNotCalledException className = "android/util/SuperNotCalledException" JClassTimeFormatException className = "android/util/TimeFormatException" JClassTimeUtils className = "android/util/TimeUtils" JClassTimedRemoteCaller className = "android/util/TimedRemoteCaller" JClassTimingLogger className = "android/util/TimingLogger" JClassTouchModeFlexibleAsserts className = "android/util/TouchModeFlexibleAsserts" JClassTrustedTime className = "android/util/TrustedTime" JClassTypedValue className = "android/util/TypedValue" JClassXml className = "android/util/Xml" JClassXmlPullAttributes className = "android/util/XmlPullAttributes" JClassXml_Delegate className = "android/util/Xml_Delegate" )
android/util/... class names.
const ( JClassAbstractMethodError className = "java/lang/AbstractMethodError" JClassAbstractStringBuilder className = "java/lang/AbstractStringBuilder" JClassAppendable className = "java/lang/Appendable" JClassArithmeticException className = "java/lang/ArithmeticException" JClassArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException className = "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" JClassArrayStoreException className = "java/lang/ArrayStoreException" JClassAssertionError className = "java/lang/AssertionError" JClassAutoCloseable className = "java/lang/AutoCloseable" JClassBoolean className = "java/lang/Boolean" JClassByte className = "java/lang/Byte" JClassCaseMapper className = "java/lang/CaseMapper" JClassCharSequence className = "java/lang/CharSequence" JClassCharacter className = "java/lang/Character" JClassClass className = "java/lang/Class" JClassClassCastException className = "java/lang/ClassCastException" JClassClassCircularityError className = "java/lang/ClassCircularityError" JClassClassFormatError className = "java/lang/ClassFormatError" JClassClassLoader className = "java/lang/ClassLoader" JClassClassNotFoundException className = "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException" JClassCloneNotSupportedException className = "java/lang/CloneNotSupportedException" JClassCloneable className = "java/lang/Cloneable" JClassComparable className = "java/lang/Comparable" JClassCompiler className = "java/lang/Compiler" JClassDaemons className = "java/lang/Daemons" JClassDeprecated className = "java/lang/Deprecated" JClassDexCache className = "java/lang/DexCache" JClassDouble className = "java/lang/Double" JClassEnum className = "java/lang/Enum" JClassEnumConstantNotPresentException className = "java/lang/EnumConstantNotPresentException" JClassError className = "java/lang/Error" JClassException className = "java/lang/Exception" JClassExceptionInInitializerError className = "java/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError" JClassFindBugsSuppressWarnings className = "java/lang/FindBugsSuppressWarnings" JClassFloat className = "java/lang/Float" JClassHexStringParser className = "java/lang/HexStringParser" JClassIllegalAccessError className = "java/lang/IllegalAccessError" JClassIllegalAccessException className = "java/lang/IllegalAccessException" JClassIllegalArgumentException className = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException" JClassIllegalMonitorStateException className = "java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException" JClassIllegalStateException className = "java/lang/IllegalStateException" JClassIllegalThreadStateException className = "java/lang/IllegalThreadStateException" JClassIncompatibleClassChangeError className = "java/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError" JClassIndexOutOfBoundsException className = "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException" JClassInheritableThreadLocal className = "java/lang/InheritableThreadLocal" JClassInstantiationError className = "java/lang/InstantiationError" JClassInstantiationException className = "java/lang/InstantiationException" JClassInteger className = "java/lang/Integer" JClassIntegralToString className = "java/lang/IntegralToString" JClassInternalError className = "java/lang/InternalError" JClassInterruptedException className = "java/lang/InterruptedException" JClassIterable className = "java/lang/Iterable" JClassJavaClass className = "java/lang/JavaClass" JClassLinkageError className = "java/lang/LinkageError" JClassLong className = "java/lang/Long" JClassMath className = "java/lang/Math" JClassNegativeArraySizeException className = "java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException" JClassNoClassDefFoundError className = "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError" JClassNoSuchFieldError className = "java/lang/NoSuchFieldError" JClassNoSuchFieldException className = "java/lang/NoSuchFieldException" JClassNoSuchMethodError className = "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError" JClassNoSuchMethodException className = "java/lang/NoSuchMethodException" JClassNullPointerException className = "java/lang/NullPointerException" JClassNumber className = "java/lang/Number" JClassNumberFormatException className = "java/lang/NumberFormatException" JClassObject className = "java/lang/Object" JClassOutOfMemoryError className = "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" JClassOverride className = "java/lang/Override" JClassPackage className = "java/lang/Package" JClassReadable className = "java/lang/Readable" JClassRealToString className = "java/lang/RealToString" JClassReflectiveOperationException className = "java/lang/ReflectiveOperationException" JClassRunnable className = "java/lang/Runnable" JClassRuntime className = "java/lang/Runtime" JClassRuntimeException className = "java/lang/RuntimeException" JClassRuntimePermission className = "java/lang/RuntimePermission" JClassSafeVarargs className = "java/lang/SafeVarargs" JClassSecurityException className = "java/lang/SecurityException" JClassSecurityManager className = "java/lang/SecurityManager" JClassShort className = "java/lang/Short" JClassStackOverflowError className = "java/lang/StackOverflowError" JClassStackTraceElement className = "java/lang/StackTraceElement" JClassStrictMath className = "java/lang/StrictMath" JClassString className = "java/lang/String" JClassStringBuffer className = "java/lang/StringBuffer" JClassStringBuilder className = "java/lang/StringBuilder" JClassStringFactory className = "java/lang/StringFactory" JClassStringIndexOutOfBoundsException className = "java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" JClassStringToReal className = "java/lang/StringToReal" JClassSuppressWarnings className = "java/lang/SuppressWarnings" JClassSystem className = "java/lang/System" JClassThread className = "java/lang/Thread" JClassThreadDeath className = "java/lang/ThreadDeath" JClassThreadGroup className = "java/lang/ThreadGroup" JClassThreadLocal className = "java/lang/ThreadLocal" JClassThrowable className = "java/lang/Throwable" JClassTypeNotPresentException className = "java/lang/TypeNotPresentException" JClassUnknownError className = "java/lang/UnknownError" JClassUnsatisfiedLinkError className = "java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError" JClassUnsupportedClassVersionError className = "java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError" JClassUnsupportedOperationException className = "java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException" JClassVMClassLoader className = "java/lang/VMClassLoader" JClassVerifyError className = "java/lang/VerifyError" JClassVirtualMachineError className = "java/lang/VirtualMachineError" JClassVoid className = "java/lang/Void" )
java/lang/... class names.
const (
// LooperPrepareAllowNonCallbacks as declared in android/looper.h:55
LooperPrepareAllowNonCallbacks = 1 << 0
const (
// MotionEventFlagWindowIsObscured as declared in android/input.h:323
MotionEventFlagWindowIsObscured = 0x1
const (
// ObbinfoOverlay as declared in android/obb.h:31
ObbinfoOverlay = 0x0001
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AssetClose ¶
func AssetClose(asset *Asset)
AssetClose function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:112
func AssetDirClose ¶
func AssetDirClose(assetDir *AssetDir)
AssetDirClose function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:81
func AssetDirGetNextFileName ¶
AssetDirGetNextFileName function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:71
func AssetDirRewind ¶
func AssetDirRewind(assetDir *AssetDir)
AssetDirRewind function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:76
func AssetGetBuffer ¶
AssetGetBuffer function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:119
func AssetGetLength ¶
AssetGetLength function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:124
func AssetGetLength64 ¶
AssetGetLength64 function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:130
func AssetGetRemainingLength ¶
AssetGetRemainingLength function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:135
func AssetGetRemainingLength64 ¶
AssetGetRemainingLength64 function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:142
func AssetIsAllocated ¶
AssetIsAllocated function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:169
func AssetOpenFileDescriptor ¶
AssetOpenFileDescriptor function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:152
func AssetOpenFileDescriptor64 ¶
AssetOpenFileDescriptor64 function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:163
func AssetSeek64 ¶
AssetSeek64 function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:107
func ConfigurationCopy ¶
func ConfigurationCopy(dest *Configuration, src *Configuration)
ConfigurationCopy function as declared in android/configuration.h:142
func ConfigurationDelete ¶
func ConfigurationDelete(config *Configuration)
ConfigurationDelete function as declared in android/configuration.h:131
func ConfigurationDiff ¶
func ConfigurationDiff(config1 *Configuration, config2 *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationDiff function as declared in android/configuration.h:359
func ConfigurationFromAssetManager ¶
func ConfigurationFromAssetManager(out *Configuration, am *AssetManager)
ConfigurationFromAssetManager function as declared in android/configuration.h:137
func ConfigurationGetCountry ¶
func ConfigurationGetCountry(config *Configuration, outCountry *byte)
ConfigurationGetCountry function as declared in android/configuration.h:182
func ConfigurationGetDensity ¶
func ConfigurationGetDensity(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetDensity function as declared in android/configuration.h:213
func ConfigurationGetKeyboard ¶
func ConfigurationGetKeyboard(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetKeyboard function as declared in android/configuration.h:223
func ConfigurationGetKeysHidden ¶
func ConfigurationGetKeysHidden(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetKeysHidden function as declared in android/configuration.h:243
func ConfigurationGetLanguage ¶
func ConfigurationGetLanguage(config *Configuration, outLanguage *byte)
ConfigurationGetLanguage function as declared in android/configuration.h:169
func ConfigurationGetLayoutDirection ¶
func ConfigurationGetLayoutDirection(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetLayoutDirection function as declared in android/configuration.h:347
func ConfigurationGetMcc ¶
func ConfigurationGetMcc(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetMcc function as declared in android/configuration.h:147
func ConfigurationGetMnc ¶
func ConfigurationGetMnc(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetMnc function as declared in android/configuration.h:157
func ConfigurationGetNavHidden ¶
func ConfigurationGetNavHidden(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetNavHidden function as declared in android/configuration.h:253
func ConfigurationGetNavigation ¶
func ConfigurationGetNavigation(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetNavigation function as declared in android/configuration.h:233
func ConfigurationGetOrientation ¶
func ConfigurationGetOrientation(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetOrientation function as declared in android/configuration.h:193
func ConfigurationGetScreenHeightDp ¶
func ConfigurationGetScreenHeightDp(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetScreenHeightDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:325
func ConfigurationGetScreenLong ¶
func ConfigurationGetScreenLong(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetScreenLong function as declared in android/configuration.h:283
func ConfigurationGetScreenSize ¶
func ConfigurationGetScreenSize(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetScreenSize function as declared in android/configuration.h:273
func ConfigurationGetScreenWidthDp ¶
func ConfigurationGetScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetScreenWidthDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:314
func ConfigurationGetSdkVersion ¶
func ConfigurationGetSdkVersion(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetSdkVersion function as declared in android/configuration.h:263
func ConfigurationGetSmallestScreenWidthDp ¶
func ConfigurationGetSmallestScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetSmallestScreenWidthDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:336
func ConfigurationGetTouchscreen ¶
func ConfigurationGetTouchscreen(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetTouchscreen function as declared in android/configuration.h:203
func ConfigurationGetUiModeNight ¶
func ConfigurationGetUiModeNight(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetUiModeNight function as declared in android/configuration.h:303
func ConfigurationGetUiModeType ¶
func ConfigurationGetUiModeType(config *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationGetUiModeType function as declared in android/configuration.h:293
func ConfigurationIsBetterThan ¶
func ConfigurationIsBetterThan(base *Configuration, test *Configuration, requested *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationIsBetterThan function as declared in android/configuration.h:378
func ConfigurationMatch ¶
func ConfigurationMatch(base *Configuration, requested *Configuration) int32
ConfigurationMatch function as declared in android/configuration.h:366
func ConfigurationSetCountry ¶
func ConfigurationSetCountry(config *Configuration, country string)
ConfigurationSetCountry function as declared in android/configuration.h:188
func ConfigurationSetDensity ¶
func ConfigurationSetDensity(config *Configuration, density int32)
ConfigurationSetDensity function as declared in android/configuration.h:218
func ConfigurationSetKeyboard ¶
func ConfigurationSetKeyboard(config *Configuration, keyboard int32)
ConfigurationSetKeyboard function as declared in android/configuration.h:228
func ConfigurationSetKeysHidden ¶
func ConfigurationSetKeysHidden(config *Configuration, keysHidden int32)
ConfigurationSetKeysHidden function as declared in android/configuration.h:248
func ConfigurationSetLanguage ¶
func ConfigurationSetLanguage(config *Configuration, language string)
ConfigurationSetLanguage function as declared in android/configuration.h:175
func ConfigurationSetLayoutDirection ¶
func ConfigurationSetLayoutDirection(config *Configuration, value int32)
ConfigurationSetLayoutDirection function as declared in android/configuration.h:352
func ConfigurationSetMcc ¶
func ConfigurationSetMcc(config *Configuration, mcc int32)
ConfigurationSetMcc function as declared in android/configuration.h:152
func ConfigurationSetMnc ¶
func ConfigurationSetMnc(config *Configuration, mnc int32)
ConfigurationSetMnc function as declared in android/configuration.h:162
func ConfigurationSetNavHidden ¶
func ConfigurationSetNavHidden(config *Configuration, navHidden int32)
ConfigurationSetNavHidden function as declared in android/configuration.h:258
func ConfigurationSetNavigation ¶
func ConfigurationSetNavigation(config *Configuration, navigation int32)
ConfigurationSetNavigation function as declared in android/configuration.h:238
func ConfigurationSetOrientation ¶
func ConfigurationSetOrientation(config *Configuration, orientation int32)
ConfigurationSetOrientation function as declared in android/configuration.h:198
func ConfigurationSetScreenHeightDp ¶
func ConfigurationSetScreenHeightDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
ConfigurationSetScreenHeightDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:330
func ConfigurationSetScreenLong ¶
func ConfigurationSetScreenLong(config *Configuration, screenLong int32)
ConfigurationSetScreenLong function as declared in android/configuration.h:288
func ConfigurationSetScreenSize ¶
func ConfigurationSetScreenSize(config *Configuration, screenSize int32)
ConfigurationSetScreenSize function as declared in android/configuration.h:278
func ConfigurationSetScreenWidthDp ¶
func ConfigurationSetScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
ConfigurationSetScreenWidthDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:319
func ConfigurationSetSdkVersion ¶
func ConfigurationSetSdkVersion(config *Configuration, sdkVersion int32)
ConfigurationSetSdkVersion function as declared in android/configuration.h:268
func ConfigurationSetSmallestScreenWidthDp ¶
func ConfigurationSetSmallestScreenWidthDp(config *Configuration, value int32)
ConfigurationSetSmallestScreenWidthDp function as declared in android/configuration.h:341
func ConfigurationSetTouchscreen ¶
func ConfigurationSetTouchscreen(config *Configuration, touchscreen int32)
ConfigurationSetTouchscreen function as declared in android/configuration.h:208
func ConfigurationSetUiModeNight ¶
func ConfigurationSetUiModeNight(config *Configuration, uiModeNight int32)
ConfigurationSetUiModeNight function as declared in android/configuration.h:308
func ConfigurationSetUiModeType ¶
func ConfigurationSetUiModeType(config *Configuration, uiModeType int32)
ConfigurationSetUiModeType function as declared in android/configuration.h:298
func InputEventGetDeviceId ¶
func InputEventGetDeviceId(event *InputEvent) int32
InputEventGetDeviceId function as declared in android/input.h:511
func InputEventGetSource ¶
func InputEventGetSource(event *InputEvent) int32
InputEventGetSource function as declared in android/input.h:514
func InputEventGetType ¶
func InputEventGetType(event *InputEvent) int32
InputEventGetType function as declared in android/input.h:499
func InputQueueAttachLooper ¶
func InputQueueAttachLooper(queue *InputQueue, looper *Looper, ident int32, callback LooperCallbackFunc, data unsafe.Pointer)
InputQueueAttachLooper function as declared in android/input.h:809
func InputQueueDetachLooper ¶
func InputQueueDetachLooper(queue *InputQueue)
InputQueueDetachLooper function as declared in android/input.h:815
func InputQueueFinishEvent ¶
func InputQueueFinishEvent(queue *InputQueue, event *InputEvent, handled int32)
InputQueueFinishEvent function as declared in android/input.h:844
func InputQueueGetEvent ¶
func InputQueueGetEvent(queue *InputQueue, outEvent **InputEvent) int32
InputQueueGetEvent function as declared in android/input.h:828
func InputQueueHasEvents ¶
func InputQueueHasEvents(queue *InputQueue) int32
InputQueueHasEvents function as declared in android/input.h:822
func InputQueuePreDispatchEvent ¶
func InputQueuePreDispatchEvent(queue *InputQueue, event *InputEvent) int32
InputQueuePreDispatchEvent function as declared in android/input.h:838
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualVoidMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue)
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualVoidMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:71
func JNIEnvCallStaticVoidMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticVoidMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:106
func JNIEnvCallVoidMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallVoidMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:60
func JNIEnvDeleteGlobalRef ¶
JNIEnvDeleteGlobalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:37
func JNIEnvDeleteLocalRef ¶
JNIEnvDeleteLocalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:38
func JNIEnvDeleteWeakGlobalRef ¶
JNIEnvDeleteWeakGlobalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:204
func JNIEnvExceptionClear ¶
func JNIEnvExceptionClear(env *JNIEnv)
JNIEnvExceptionClear function as declared in android/jni_call.h:30
func JNIEnvExceptionDescribe ¶
func JNIEnvExceptionDescribe(env *JNIEnv)
JNIEnvExceptionDescribe function as declared in android/jni_call.h:29
func JNIEnvFatalError ¶
JNIEnvFatalError function as declared in android/jni_call.h:31
func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:170
func JNIEnvGetByteArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetByteArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
JNIEnvGetByteArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:171
func JNIEnvGetCharArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetCharArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, start int32, length int32, buf *uint16)
JNIEnvGetCharArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:172
func JNIEnvGetDirectBufferAddress ¶
JNIEnvGetDirectBufferAddress function as declared in android/jni_call.h:209
func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float64)
JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:177
func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float32)
JNIEnvGetFloatArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:176
func JNIEnvGetIntArrayRegion ¶
JNIEnvGetIntArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:174
func JNIEnvGetLongArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetLongArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int64)
JNIEnvGetLongArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:175
func JNIEnvGetPrimitiveArrayCritical ¶
JNIEnvGetPrimitiveArrayCritical function as declared in android/jni_call.h:197
func JNIEnvGetShortArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvGetShortArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int16)
JNIEnvGetShortArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:173
func JNIEnvGetStringRegion ¶
JNIEnvGetStringRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:194
func JNIEnvGetStringUTFChars ¶
JNIEnvGetStringUTFChars function as declared in android/jni_call.h:136
func JNIEnvGetStringUTFRegion ¶
JNIEnvGetStringUTFRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:195
func JNIEnvReleaseBooleanArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, elems *byte, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseBooleanArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:161
func JNIEnvReleaseByteArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseByteArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, elems *byte, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseByteArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:162
func JNIEnvReleaseCharArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseCharArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, elems *uint16, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseCharArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:163
func JNIEnvReleaseDoubleArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, elems *float64, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseDoubleArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:168
func JNIEnvReleaseFloatArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseFloatArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, elems *float32, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseFloatArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:167
func JNIEnvReleaseIntArrayElements ¶
JNIEnvReleaseIntArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:165
func JNIEnvReleaseLongArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseLongArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, elems *int64, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseLongArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:166
func JNIEnvReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical ¶
func JNIEnvReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env *JNIEnv, arr Jarray, carray unsafe.Pointer, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical function as declared in android/jni_call.h:198
func JNIEnvReleaseShortArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvReleaseShortArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, elems *int16, mode int32)
JNIEnvReleaseShortArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:164
func JNIEnvReleaseStringChars ¶
JNIEnvReleaseStringChars function as declared in android/jni_call.h:133
func JNIEnvReleaseStringCritical ¶
JNIEnvReleaseStringCritical function as declared in android/jni_call.h:201
func JNIEnvReleaseStringUTFChars ¶
JNIEnvReleaseStringUTFChars function as declared in android/jni_call.h:137
func JNIEnvSetBooleanArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetBooleanArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
JNIEnvSetBooleanArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:179
func JNIEnvSetBooleanField ¶
JNIEnvSetBooleanField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:86
func JNIEnvSetByteArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetByteArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, start int32, length int32, buf *byte)
JNIEnvSetByteArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:180
func JNIEnvSetByteField ¶
JNIEnvSetByteField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:87
func JNIEnvSetCharArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetCharArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, start int32, length int32, buf *uint16)
JNIEnvSetCharArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:181
func JNIEnvSetCharField ¶
JNIEnvSetCharField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:88
func JNIEnvSetDoubleArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetDoubleArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float64)
JNIEnvSetDoubleArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:186
func JNIEnvSetDoubleField ¶
JNIEnvSetDoubleField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:93
func JNIEnvSetFloatArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetFloatArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, start int32, length int32, buf *float32)
JNIEnvSetFloatArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:185
func JNIEnvSetFloatField ¶
JNIEnvSetFloatField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:92
func JNIEnvSetIntArrayRegion ¶
JNIEnvSetIntArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:183
func JNIEnvSetIntField ¶
JNIEnvSetIntField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:90
func JNIEnvSetLongArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetLongArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int64)
JNIEnvSetLongArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:184
func JNIEnvSetLongField ¶
JNIEnvSetLongField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:91
func JNIEnvSetObjectArrayElement ¶
func JNIEnvSetObjectArrayElement(env *JNIEnv, arr *JobjectArray, index int32, obj Jobject)
JNIEnvSetObjectArrayElement function as declared in android/jni_call.h:141
func JNIEnvSetObjectField ¶
JNIEnvSetObjectField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:85
func JNIEnvSetShortArrayRegion ¶
func JNIEnvSetShortArrayRegion(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, start int32, length int32, buf *int16)
JNIEnvSetShortArrayRegion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:182
func JNIEnvSetShortField ¶
JNIEnvSetShortField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:89
func JNIEnvSetStaticBooleanField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticBooleanField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:121
func JNIEnvSetStaticByteField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticByteField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:122
func JNIEnvSetStaticCharField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticCharField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:123
func JNIEnvSetStaticDoubleField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticDoubleField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:128
func JNIEnvSetStaticFloatField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticFloatField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:127
func JNIEnvSetStaticIntField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticIntField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:125
func JNIEnvSetStaticLongField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticLongField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:126
func JNIEnvSetStaticObjectField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticObjectField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:120
func JNIEnvSetStaticShortField ¶
JNIEnvSetStaticShortField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:124
func JNIMethodSig ¶
func JNIMethodSig(ret JNITypeSpec, args ...JNITypeSpec) string
JNIMethodSig generates a NULL-terminated Java VM Type Signature of method. See
func JNITypeSig ¶
JNITypeSig generates a non-NULL terminated Java VM Type Signature string. See
func KeyEventGetAction ¶
func KeyEventGetAction(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetAction function as declared in android/input.h:519
func KeyEventGetDownTime ¶
func KeyEventGetDownTime(keyEvent *InputEvent) int64
KeyEventGetDownTime function as declared in android/input.h:546
func KeyEventGetEventTime ¶
func KeyEventGetEventTime(keyEvent *InputEvent) int64
KeyEventGetEventTime function as declared in android/input.h:550
func KeyEventGetFlags ¶
func KeyEventGetFlags(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetFlags function as declared in android/input.h:522
func KeyEventGetKeyCode ¶
func KeyEventGetKeyCode(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetKeyCode function as declared in android/input.h:526
func KeyEventGetMetaState ¶
func KeyEventGetMetaState(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetMetaState function as declared in android/input.h:533
func KeyEventGetRepeatCount ¶
func KeyEventGetRepeatCount(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetRepeatCount function as declared in android/input.h:539
func KeyEventGetScanCode ¶
func KeyEventGetScanCode(keyEvent *InputEvent) int32
KeyEventGetScanCode function as declared in android/input.h:530
func LooperAcquire ¶
func LooperAcquire(looper *Looper)
LooperAcquire function as declared in android/looper.h:99
func LooperAddFd ¶
func LooperAddFd(looper *Looper, fd int32, ident int32, events int32, callback LooperCallbackFunc, data unsafe.Pointer) int32
LooperAddFd function as declared in android/looper.h:230
func LooperPollAll ¶
func LooperPollAll(timeoutMillis int32, outFd *int32, outEvents *int32, outData []unsafe.Pointer) int32
LooperPollAll function as declared in android/looper.h:194
func LooperPollOnce ¶
func LooperPollOnce(timeoutMillis int32, outFd *int32, outEvents *int32, outData []unsafe.Pointer) int32
LooperPollOnce function as declared in android/looper.h:187
func LooperRelease ¶
func LooperRelease(looper *Looper)
LooperRelease function as declared in android/looper.h:104
func LooperRemoveFd ¶
LooperRemoveFd function as declared in android/looper.h:250
func LooperWake ¶
func LooperWake(looper *Looper)
LooperWake function as declared in android/looper.h:202
func MotionEventGetAction ¶
func MotionEventGetAction(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
MotionEventGetAction function as declared in android/input.h:555
func MotionEventGetAxisValue ¶
func MotionEventGetAxisValue(motionEvent *InputEvent, axis int32, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetAxisValue function as declared in android/input.h:684
func MotionEventGetButtonState ¶
func MotionEventGetButtonState(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
MotionEventGetButtonState function as declared in android/input.h:565
func MotionEventGetDownTime ¶
func MotionEventGetDownTime(motionEvent *InputEvent) int64
MotionEventGetDownTime function as declared in android/input.h:574
func MotionEventGetEdgeFlags ¶
func MotionEventGetEdgeFlags(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
MotionEventGetEdgeFlags function as declared in android/input.h:570
func MotionEventGetEventTime ¶
func MotionEventGetEventTime(motionEvent *InputEvent) int64
MotionEventGetEventTime function as declared in android/input.h:578
func MotionEventGetFlags ¶
func MotionEventGetFlags(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
MotionEventGetFlags function as declared in android/input.h:558
func MotionEventGetHistoricalAxisValue ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalAxisValue(motionEvent *InputEvent, axis int32, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalAxisValue function as declared in android/input.h:792
func MotionEventGetHistoricalEventTime ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalEventTime(motionEvent *InputEvent, historyIndex uint32) int64
MotionEventGetHistoricalEventTime function as declared in android/input.h:695
func MotionEventGetHistoricalOrientation ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalOrientation(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalOrientation function as declared in android/input.h:787
func MotionEventGetHistoricalPressure ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalPressure(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalPressure function as declared in android/input.h:737
func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawX ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalRawX function as declared in android/input.h:705
func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawY ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalRawY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalRawY function as declared in android/input.h:715
func MotionEventGetHistoricalSize ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalSize(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalSize function as declared in android/input.h:747
func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMajor ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMajor function as declared in android/input.h:767
func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMinor ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalToolMinor function as declared in android/input.h:775
func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMajor ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMajor function as declared in android/input.h:753
func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMinor ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalTouchMinor function as declared in android/input.h:759
func MotionEventGetHistoricalX ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalX function as declared in android/input.h:722
func MotionEventGetHistoricalY ¶
func MotionEventGetHistoricalY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32, historyIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetHistoricalY function as declared in android/input.h:729
func MotionEventGetHistorySize ¶
func MotionEventGetHistorySize(motionEvent *InputEvent) uint32
MotionEventGetHistorySize function as declared in android/input.h:691
func MotionEventGetMetaState ¶
func MotionEventGetMetaState(motionEvent *InputEvent) int32
MotionEventGetMetaState function as declared in android/input.h:562
func MotionEventGetOrientation ¶
func MotionEventGetOrientation(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetOrientation function as declared in android/input.h:681
func MotionEventGetPointerCount ¶
func MotionEventGetPointerCount(motionEvent *InputEvent) uint32
MotionEventGetPointerCount function as declared in android/input.h:604
func MotionEventGetPointerId ¶
func MotionEventGetPointerId(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) int32
MotionEventGetPointerId function as declared in android/input.h:610
func MotionEventGetPressure ¶
func MotionEventGetPressure(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetPressure function as declared in android/input.h:643
func MotionEventGetRawX ¶
func MotionEventGetRawX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetRawX function as declared in android/input.h:621
func MotionEventGetRawY ¶
func MotionEventGetRawY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetRawY function as declared in android/input.h:627
func MotionEventGetSize ¶
func MotionEventGetSize(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetSize function as declared in android/input.h:651
func MotionEventGetToolMajor ¶
func MotionEventGetToolMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetToolMajor function as declared in android/input.h:665
func MotionEventGetToolMinor ¶
func MotionEventGetToolMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetToolMinor function as declared in android/input.h:671
func MotionEventGetToolType ¶
func MotionEventGetToolType(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) int32
MotionEventGetToolType function as declared in android/input.h:615
func MotionEventGetTouchMajor ¶
func MotionEventGetTouchMajor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetTouchMajor function as declared in android/input.h:655
func MotionEventGetTouchMinor ¶
func MotionEventGetTouchMinor(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetTouchMinor function as declared in android/input.h:659
func MotionEventGetX ¶
func MotionEventGetX(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetX function as declared in android/input.h:632
func MotionEventGetXOffset ¶
func MotionEventGetXOffset(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
MotionEventGetXOffset function as declared in android/input.h:584
func MotionEventGetXPrecision ¶
func MotionEventGetXPrecision(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
MotionEventGetXPrecision function as declared in android/input.h:595
func MotionEventGetY ¶
func MotionEventGetY(motionEvent *InputEvent, pointerIndex uint32) float32
MotionEventGetY function as declared in android/input.h:637
func MotionEventGetYOffset ¶
func MotionEventGetYOffset(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
MotionEventGetYOffset function as declared in android/input.h:590
func MotionEventGetYPrecision ¶
func MotionEventGetYPrecision(motionEvent *InputEvent) float32
MotionEventGetYPrecision function as declared in android/input.h:600
func NativeActivityFinish ¶
func NativeActivityFinish(activity *NativeActivity)
NativeActivityFinish function as declared in android/native_activity.h:252
func NativeActivityHideSoftInput ¶
func NativeActivityHideSoftInput(activity *NativeActivity, flags uint32)
NativeActivityHideSoftInput function as declared in android/native_activity.h:303
func NativeActivitySetWindowFlags ¶
func NativeActivitySetWindowFlags(activity *NativeActivity, addFlags uint32, removeFlags uint32)
NativeActivitySetWindowFlags function as declared in android/native_activity.h:268
func NativeActivitySetWindowFormat ¶
func NativeActivitySetWindowFormat(activity *NativeActivity, format int32)
NativeActivitySetWindowFormat function as declared in android/native_activity.h:260
func NativeActivityShowSoftInput ¶
func NativeActivityShowSoftInput(activity *NativeActivity, flags uint32)
NativeActivityShowSoftInput function as declared in android/native_activity.h:286
func NativeWindowAcquire ¶
func NativeWindowAcquire(window *NativeWindow)
NativeWindowAcquire function as declared in android/native_window.h:63
func NativeWindowGetFormat ¶
func NativeWindowGetFormat(window *NativeWindow) int32
NativeWindowGetFormat function as declared in android/native_window.h:86
func NativeWindowGetHeight ¶
func NativeWindowGetHeight(window *NativeWindow) int32
NativeWindowGetHeight function as declared in android/native_window.h:80
func NativeWindowGetWidth ¶
func NativeWindowGetWidth(window *NativeWindow) int32
NativeWindowGetWidth function as declared in android/native_window.h:74
func NativeWindowLock ¶
func NativeWindowLock(window *NativeWindow, outBuffer *NativeWindowBuffer, inOutDirtyBounds *Rect) int32
NativeWindowLock function as declared in android/native_window.h:113
func NativeWindowRelease ¶
func NativeWindowRelease(window *NativeWindow)
NativeWindowRelease function as declared in android/native_window.h:68
func NativeWindowSetBuffersGeometry ¶
func NativeWindowSetBuffersGeometry(window *NativeWindow, width int32, height int32, format int32) int32
NativeWindowSetBuffersGeometry function as declared in android/native_window.h:102
func NativeWindowUnlockAndPost ¶
func NativeWindowUnlockAndPost(window *NativeWindow) int32
NativeWindowUnlockAndPost function as declared in android/native_window.h:120
func ObbInfoDelete ¶
func ObbInfoDelete(obbInfo *ObbInfo)
ObbInfoDelete function as declared in android/obb.h:42
func ObbInfoGetFlags ¶
ObbInfoGetFlags function as declared in android/obb.h:57
func ObbInfoGetPackageName ¶
ObbInfoGetPackageName function as declared in android/obb.h:47
func ObbInfoGetVersion ¶
ObbInfoGetVersion function as declared in android/obb.h:52
func SensorEventQueueDisableSensor ¶
func SensorEventQueueDisableSensor(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor) int32
SensorEventQueueDisableSensor function as declared in android/sensor.h:247
func SensorEventQueueEnableSensor ¶
func SensorEventQueueEnableSensor(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor) int32
SensorEventQueueEnableSensor function as declared in android/sensor.h:242
func SensorEventQueueGetEvents ¶
func SensorEventQueueGetEvents(queue *SensorEventQueue, events *SensorEvent, count uint32) int32
SensorEventQueueGetEvents function as declared in android/sensor.h:278
func SensorEventQueueHasEvents ¶
func SensorEventQueueHasEvents(queue *SensorEventQueue) int32
SensorEventQueueHasEvents function as declared in android/sensor.h:263
func SensorEventQueueSetEventRate ¶
func SensorEventQueueSetEventRate(queue *SensorEventQueue, sensor *Sensor, usec int32) int32
SensorEventQueueSetEventRate function as declared in android/sensor.h:256
func SensorGetFifoMaxEventCount ¶
SensorGetFifoMaxEventCount function as declared in android/sensor.h:315
func SensorGetFifoReservedEventCount ¶
SensorGetFifoReservedEventCount function as declared in android/sensor.h:320
func SensorGetMinDelay ¶
SensorGetMinDelay function as declared in android/sensor.h:309
func SensorGetName ¶
SensorGetName function as declared in android/sensor.h:287
func SensorGetReportingMode ¶
SensorGetReportingMode function as declared in android/sensor.h:330
func SensorGetResolution ¶
SensorGetResolution function as declared in android/sensor.h:302
func SensorGetStringType ¶
SensorGetStringType function as declared in android/sensor.h:325
func SensorGetType ¶
SensorGetType function as declared in android/sensor.h:297
func SensorGetVendor ¶
SensorGetVendor function as declared in android/sensor.h:292
func SensorIsWakeUpSensor ¶
SensorIsWakeUpSensor function as declared in android/sensor.h:335
func SensorManagerDestroyEventQueue ¶
func SensorManagerDestroyEventQueue(manager *SensorManager, queue *SensorEventQueue) int32
SensorManagerDestroyEventQueue function as declared in android/sensor.h:234
func StorageManagerDelete ¶
func StorageManagerDelete(mgr *StorageManager)
StorageManagerDelete function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:93
func StorageManagerGetMountedObbPath ¶
func StorageManagerGetMountedObbPath(mgr *StorageManager, filename string) string
StorageManagerGetMountedObbPath function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:120
func StorageManagerIsObbMounted ¶
func StorageManagerIsObbMounted(mgr *StorageManager, filename string) int32
StorageManagerIsObbMounted function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:115
func StorageManagerMountObb ¶
func StorageManagerMountObb(mgr *StorageManager, filename string, key string, cb StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc, data unsafe.Pointer)
StorageManagerMountObb function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:103
func StorageManagerUnmountObb ¶
func StorageManagerUnmountObb(mgr *StorageManager, filename string, force int32, cb StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc, data unsafe.Pointer)
StorageManagerUnmountObb function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:109
Types ¶
type Asset ¶
Asset as declared in android/asset_manager.h:34
func AssetManagerOpen ¶
func AssetManagerOpen(mgr *AssetManager, filename string, mode int32) *Asset
AssetManagerOpen function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:59
func NewAsset ¶
func NewAsset() *Asset
NewAsset allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewAssetRef ¶
NewAssetRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
type AssetDir ¶
AssetDir as declared in android/asset_manager.h:31
func AssetManagerOpenDir ¶
func AssetManagerOpenDir(mgr *AssetManager, dirName string) *AssetDir
AssetManagerOpenDir function as declared in android/asset_manager.h:52
func NewAssetDir ¶
func NewAssetDir() *AssetDir
NewAssetDir allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewAssetDirRef ¶
NewAssetDirRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
type AssetManager ¶
type AssetManager C.AAssetManager
AssetManager as declared in android/asset_manager.h:28
func AssetManagerFromJava ¶
func AssetManagerFromJava(env *JNIEnv, assetManager Jobject) *AssetManager
AssetManagerFromJava function as declared in android/asset_manager_jni.h:34
func NewAssetManager ¶
func NewAssetManager() *AssetManager
NewAssetManager allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewAssetManagerRef ¶
func NewAssetManagerRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *AssetManager
NewAssetManagerRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*AssetManager) Free ¶
func (x *AssetManager) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*AssetManager) PassRef ¶
func (x *AssetManager) PassRef() *C.AAssetManager
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*AssetManager) Ref ¶
func (x *AssetManager) Ref() *C.AAssetManager
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration C.AConfiguration
Configuration as declared in android/configuration.h:27
func ConfigurationNew ¶
func ConfigurationNew() *Configuration
ConfigurationNew function as declared in android/configuration.h:125
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
NewConfiguration allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewConfigurationRef ¶
func NewConfigurationRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *Configuration
NewConfigurationRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*Configuration) Free ¶
func (x *Configuration) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*Configuration) PassRef ¶
func (x *Configuration) PassRef() *C.AConfiguration
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*Configuration) Ref ¶
func (x *Configuration) Ref() *C.AConfiguration
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type HeartRateEvent ¶
HeartRateEvent as declared in android/sensor.h:148
func NewHeartRateEventRef ¶
func NewHeartRateEventRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *HeartRateEvent
NewHeartRateEventRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*HeartRateEvent) Deref ¶
func (x *HeartRateEvent) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*HeartRateEvent) Free ¶
func (x *HeartRateEvent) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*HeartRateEvent) PassRef ¶
func (x *HeartRateEvent) PassRef() (*C.AHeartRateEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (HeartRateEvent) PassValue ¶
func (x HeartRateEvent) PassValue() (C.AHeartRateEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*HeartRateEvent) Ref ¶
func (x *HeartRateEvent) Ref() *C.AHeartRateEvent
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type InputEvent ¶
type InputEvent C.AInputEvent
InputEvent as declared in android/input.h:136
func NewInputEvent ¶
func NewInputEvent() *InputEvent
NewInputEvent allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewInputEventRef ¶
func NewInputEventRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *InputEvent
NewInputEventRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*InputEvent) Free ¶
func (x *InputEvent) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*InputEvent) PassRef ¶
func (x *InputEvent) PassRef() *C.AInputEvent
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*InputEvent) Ref ¶
func (x *InputEvent) Ref() *C.AInputEvent
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type InputQueue ¶
type InputQueue C.AInputQueue
InputQueue as declared in android/input.h:803
func NewInputQueue ¶
func NewInputQueue() *InputQueue
NewInputQueue allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewInputQueueRef ¶
func NewInputQueueRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *InputQueue
NewInputQueueRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*InputQueue) Free ¶
func (x *InputQueue) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*InputQueue) PassRef ¶
func (x *InputQueue) PassRef() *C.AInputQueue
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*InputQueue) Ref ¶
func (x *InputQueue) Ref() *C.AInputQueue
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type JNINativeMethod ¶
type JNINativeMethod C.JNINativeMethod
JNINativeMethod as declared in include/jni.h:147
func NewJNINativeMethod ¶
func NewJNINativeMethod() *JNINativeMethod
NewJNINativeMethod allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewJNINativeMethodRef ¶
func NewJNINativeMethodRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *JNINativeMethod
NewJNINativeMethodRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*JNINativeMethod) Free ¶
func (x *JNINativeMethod) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*JNINativeMethod) PassRef ¶
func (x *JNINativeMethod) PassRef() *C.JNINativeMethod
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*JNINativeMethod) Ref ¶
func (x *JNINativeMethod) Ref() *C.JNINativeMethod
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type JNITypeSpec ¶
type JNITypeSpec struct { // Signature specifies custom signature that will be used if provided. Expected non NULL-terminated. Signature string // Class specifies a class name of type, e.g. JNIClassString that will be used // to generate a proper Java VM type signature string. Not used if Signature is provided. Class className // IsArray specifies whether there should be an array. Not used if Signature is provided. IsArray bool }
JNITypeSpec defines a Java VM Type Signature specification that can be used to specify signatures of method args or class fields.
func (JNITypeSpec) Sig ¶
func (j JNITypeSpec) Sig() string
Returns a NULL-terminated Java VM Type Signature for this spec.
type JavaVMAttachArgs ¶
type JavaVMAttachArgs struct { Version Jint Name string Group Jobject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
JavaVMAttachArgs as declared in include/jni.h:1106
func NewJavaVMAttachArgsRef ¶
func NewJavaVMAttachArgsRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *JavaVMAttachArgs
NewJavaVMAttachArgsRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*JavaVMAttachArgs) Deref ¶
func (x *JavaVMAttachArgs) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*JavaVMAttachArgs) Free ¶
func (x *JavaVMAttachArgs) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*JavaVMAttachArgs) PassRef ¶
func (x *JavaVMAttachArgs) PassRef() (*C.JavaVMAttachArgs, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (JavaVMAttachArgs) PassValue ¶
func (x JavaVMAttachArgs) PassValue() (C.JavaVMAttachArgs, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*JavaVMAttachArgs) Ref ¶
func (x *JavaVMAttachArgs) Ref() *C.JavaVMAttachArgs
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type JavaVMInitArgs ¶
type JavaVMInitArgs C.JavaVMInitArgs
JavaVMInitArgs as declared in include/jni.h:1123
func NewJavaVMInitArgs ¶
func NewJavaVMInitArgs() *JavaVMInitArgs
NewJavaVMInitArgs allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewJavaVMInitArgsRef ¶
func NewJavaVMInitArgsRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *JavaVMInitArgs
NewJavaVMInitArgsRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*JavaVMInitArgs) Free ¶
func (x *JavaVMInitArgs) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*JavaVMInitArgs) PassRef ¶
func (x *JavaVMInitArgs) PassRef() *C.JavaVMInitArgs
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*JavaVMInitArgs) Ref ¶
func (x *JavaVMInitArgs) Ref() *C.JavaVMInitArgs
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type JavaVMOption ¶
type JavaVMOption C.JavaVMOption
JavaVMOption as declared in include/jni.h:1115
func NewJavaVMOption ¶
func NewJavaVMOption() *JavaVMOption
NewJavaVMOption allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewJavaVMOptionRef ¶
func NewJavaVMOptionRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *JavaVMOption
NewJavaVMOptionRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*JavaVMOption) Free ¶
func (x *JavaVMOption) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*JavaVMOption) PassRef ¶
func (x *JavaVMOption) PassRef() *C.JavaVMOption
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*JavaVMOption) Ref ¶
func (x *JavaVMOption) Ref() *C.JavaVMOption
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type Jboolean ¶
type Jboolean byte
Jboolean type as declared in include/jni.h:44
func JNIEnvCallBooleanMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallBooleanMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:52
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jboolean
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:63
func JNIEnvCallStaticBooleanMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallStaticBooleanMethod(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jboolean
JNIEnvCallStaticBooleanMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:98
func JNIEnvExceptionCheck ¶
JNIEnvExceptionCheck function as declared in android/jni_call.h:206
func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbooleanArray, isCopy *byte) *Jboolean
JNIEnvGetBooleanArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:152
func JNIEnvGetBooleanField ¶
JNIEnvGetBooleanField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:76
func JNIEnvGetStaticBooleanField ¶
JNIEnvGetStaticBooleanField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:111
func JNIEnvIsAssignableFrom ¶
JNIEnvIsAssignableFrom function as declared in android/jni_call.h:22
func JNIEnvIsInstanceOf ¶
JNIEnvIsInstanceOf function as declared in android/jni_call.h:48
type JbooleanArray ¶
JbooleanArray type as declared in include/jni.h:103
func JNIEnvNewBooleanArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewBooleanArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JbooleanArray
JNIEnvNewBooleanArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:143
type Jbyte ¶
type Jbyte byte
Jbyte type as declared in include/jni.h:45
func JNIEnvCallByteMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallByteMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:53
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualByteMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualByteMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jbyte
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualByteMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:64
func JNIEnvCallStaticByteMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticByteMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:99
func JNIEnvGetByteArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetByteArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JbyteArray, isCopy *byte) *Jbyte
JNIEnvGetByteArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:153
func JNIEnvGetByteField ¶
JNIEnvGetByteField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:77
type JbyteArray ¶
JbyteArray type as declared in include/jni.h:104
func JNIEnvNewByteArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewByteArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JbyteArray
JNIEnvNewByteArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:144
type Jchar ¶
type Jchar uint16
Jchar type as declared in include/jni.h:46
func JNIEnvCallCharMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallCharMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:54
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualCharMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualCharMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jchar
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualCharMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:65
func JNIEnvCallStaticCharMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticCharMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:100
func JNIEnvGetCharArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetCharArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JcharArray, isCopy *byte) *Jchar
JNIEnvGetCharArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:154
func JNIEnvGetCharField ¶
JNIEnvGetCharField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:78
func JNIEnvGetStaticCharField ¶
JNIEnvGetStaticCharField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:113
func JNIEnvGetStringChars ¶
JNIEnvGetStringChars function as declared in android/jni_call.h:132
type JcharArray ¶
JcharArray type as declared in include/jni.h:105
func JNIEnvNewCharArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewCharArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JcharArray
JNIEnvNewCharArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:145
type Jclass ¶
Jclass type as declared in include/jni.h:99
func JNIEnvDefineClass ¶
JNIEnvDefineClass function as declared in android/jni_call.h:14
func JNIEnvFindClass ¶
JNIEnvFindClass function as declared in android/jni_call.h:15
func JNIEnvGetObjectClass ¶
JNIEnvGetObjectClass function as declared in android/jni_call.h:47
func JNIEnvGetSuperclass ¶
JNIEnvGetSuperclass function as declared in android/jni_call.h:21
type Jdouble ¶
type Jdouble float64
Jdouble type as declared in include/jni.h:51
func JNIEnvCallDoubleMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallDoubleMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:59
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jdouble
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:70
func JNIEnvCallStaticDoubleMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticDoubleMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:105
func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JdoubleArray, isCopy *byte) *Jdouble
JNIEnvGetDoubleArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:159
func JNIEnvGetDoubleField ¶
JNIEnvGetDoubleField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:83
type JdoubleArray ¶
JdoubleArray type as declared in include/jni.h:110
func JNIEnvNewDoubleArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewDoubleArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JdoubleArray
JNIEnvNewDoubleArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:150
type JfieldID ¶
JfieldID as declared in include/jni.h:117
func JNIEnvFromReflectedField ¶
JNIEnvFromReflectedField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:18
func JNIEnvGetFieldID ¶
JNIEnvGetFieldID function as declared in android/jni_call.h:73
type Jfloat ¶
type Jfloat float32
Jfloat type as declared in include/jni.h:50
func JNIEnvCallFloatMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallFloatMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:58
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualFloatMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualFloatMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jfloat
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualFloatMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:69
func JNIEnvCallStaticFloatMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticFloatMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:104
func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetFloatArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JfloatArray, isCopy *byte) *Jfloat
JNIEnvGetFloatArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:158
func JNIEnvGetFloatField ¶
JNIEnvGetFloatField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:82
type JfloatArray ¶
JfloatArray type as declared in include/jni.h:109
func JNIEnvNewFloatArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewFloatArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JfloatArray
JNIEnvNewFloatArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:149
type Jint ¶
type Jint int32
Jint type as declared in include/jni.h:48
func JNIAttachCurrentThread ¶
func JNIAttachCurrentThread(vm *JavaVM, pEnv **JNIEnv, thrArgs *JavaVMAttachArgs) Jint
JNIAttachCurrentThread function as declared in android/jni_call.h:7
func JNIAttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon ¶
JNIAttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon function as declared in android/jni_call.h:10
func JNIDestroyJavaVM ¶
JNIDestroyJavaVM function as declared in android/jni_call.h:6
func JNIDetachCurrentThread ¶
JNIDetachCurrentThread function as declared in android/jni_call.h:8
func JNIEnvCallIntMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallIntMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:56
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualIntMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualIntMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jint
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualIntMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:67
func JNIEnvCallStaticIntMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticIntMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:102
func JNIEnvEnsureLocalCapacity ¶
JNIEnvEnsureLocalCapacity function as declared in android/jni_call.h:42
func JNIEnvGetIntArrayElements ¶
JNIEnvGetIntArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:156
func JNIEnvGetIntField ¶
JNIEnvGetIntField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:80
func JNIEnvGetJavaVM ¶
JNIEnvGetJavaVM function as declared in android/jni_call.h:192
func JNIEnvGetStaticIntField ¶
JNIEnvGetStaticIntField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:115
func JNIEnvGetVersion ¶
JNIEnvGetVersion function as declared in android/jni_call.h:12
func JNIEnvMonitorEnter ¶
JNIEnvMonitorEnter function as declared in android/jni_call.h:190
func JNIEnvMonitorExit ¶
JNIEnvMonitorExit function as declared in android/jni_call.h:191
func JNIEnvPushLocalFrame ¶
JNIEnvPushLocalFrame function as declared in android/jni_call.h:33
func JNIEnvRegisterNatives ¶
func JNIEnvRegisterNatives(env *JNIEnv, clazz *Jclass, methods *JNINativeMethod, nMethods int32) Jint
JNIEnvRegisterNatives function as declared in android/jni_call.h:188
func JNIEnvThrow ¶
func JNIEnvThrow(env *JNIEnv, ex *Jthrowable) Jint
JNIEnvThrow function as declared in android/jni_call.h:26
func JNIEnvThrowNew ¶
JNIEnvThrowNew function as declared in android/jni_call.h:27
func JNIEnvUnregisterNatives ¶
JNIEnvUnregisterNatives function as declared in android/jni_call.h:189
type JintArray ¶
JintArray type as declared in include/jni.h:107
func JNIEnvNewIntArray ¶
JNIEnvNewIntArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:147
type Jlong ¶
type Jlong int64
Jlong type as declared in include/jni.h:49
func JNIEnvCallLongMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallLongMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:57
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualLongMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualLongMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jlong
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualLongMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:68
func JNIEnvCallStaticLongMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticLongMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:103
func JNIEnvGetDirectBufferCapacity ¶
JNIEnvGetDirectBufferCapacity function as declared in android/jni_call.h:210
func JNIEnvGetLongArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetLongArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JlongArray, isCopy *byte) *Jlong
JNIEnvGetLongArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:157
func JNIEnvGetLongField ¶
JNIEnvGetLongField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:81
type JlongArray ¶
JlongArray type as declared in include/jni.h:108
func JNIEnvNewLongArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewLongArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JlongArray
JNIEnvNewLongArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:148
type JmethodID ¶
JmethodID as declared in include/jni.h:120
func JNIEnvFromReflectedMethod ¶
JNIEnvFromReflectedMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:17
func JNIEnvGetMethodID ¶
JNIEnvGetMethodID function as declared in android/jni_call.h:49
type Jobject ¶
Jobject type as declared in include/jni.h:98
func JNIEnvAllocObject ¶
JNIEnvAllocObject function as declared in android/jni_call.h:44
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualObjectMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualObjectMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jobject
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualObjectMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:62
func JNIEnvCallObjectMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallObjectMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:51
func JNIEnvCallStaticObjectMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticObjectMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:97
func JNIEnvGetObjectArrayElement ¶
func JNIEnvGetObjectArrayElement(env *JNIEnv, arr *JobjectArray, index int32) Jobject
JNIEnvGetObjectArrayElement function as declared in android/jni_call.h:140
func JNIEnvGetObjectField ¶
JNIEnvGetObjectField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:75
func JNIEnvGetStaticObjectField ¶
JNIEnvGetStaticObjectField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:110
func JNIEnvNewDirectByteBuffer ¶
JNIEnvNewDirectByteBuffer function as declared in android/jni_call.h:208
func JNIEnvNewGlobalRef ¶
JNIEnvNewGlobalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:36
func JNIEnvNewLocalRef ¶
JNIEnvNewLocalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:41
func JNIEnvNewObject ¶
JNIEnvNewObject function as declared in android/jni_call.h:45
func JNIEnvPopLocalFrame ¶
JNIEnvPopLocalFrame function as declared in android/jni_call.h:34
func JNIEnvToReflectedField ¶
JNIEnvToReflectedField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:24
type JobjectArray ¶
JobjectArray type as declared in include/jni.h:102
func JNIEnvNewObjectArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewObjectArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32, clazz *Jclass, obj Jobject) *JobjectArray
JNIEnvNewObjectArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:139
type JobjectRefType ¶
type JobjectRefType int32
JobjectRefType as declared in include/jni.h:141
const ( JNIinvalidreftype JobjectRefType = iota JNIlocalreftype JobjectRefType = 1 JNIglobalreftype JobjectRefType = 2 JNIweakglobalreftype JobjectRefType = 3 )
JobjectRefType enumeration from include/jni.h:141
func JNIEnvGetObjectRefType ¶
func JNIEnvGetObjectRefType(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject) JobjectRefType
JNIEnvGetObjectRefType function as declared in android/jni_call.h:212
type Jshort ¶
type Jshort int16
Jshort type as declared in include/jni.h:47
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualShortMethod ¶
func JNIEnvCallNonvirtualShortMethod(env *JNIEnv, obj Jobject, clazz *Jclass, id JmethodID, args []Jvalue) Jshort
JNIEnvCallNonvirtualShortMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:66
func JNIEnvCallShortMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallShortMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:55
func JNIEnvCallStaticShortMethod ¶
JNIEnvCallStaticShortMethod function as declared in android/jni_call.h:101
func JNIEnvGetShortArrayElements ¶
func JNIEnvGetShortArrayElements(env *JNIEnv, arr *JshortArray, isCopy *byte) *Jshort
JNIEnvGetShortArrayElements function as declared in android/jni_call.h:155
func JNIEnvGetShortField ¶
JNIEnvGetShortField function as declared in android/jni_call.h:79
type JshortArray ¶
JshortArray type as declared in include/jni.h:106
func JNIEnvNewShortArray ¶
func JNIEnvNewShortArray(env *JNIEnv, length int32) *JshortArray
JNIEnvNewShortArray function as declared in android/jni_call.h:146
type Jsize ¶
type Jsize int32
Jsize type as declared in include/jni.h:55
func JNIEnvGetArrayLength ¶
JNIEnvGetArrayLength function as declared in android/jni_call.h:138
func JNIEnvGetStringLength ¶
JNIEnvGetStringLength function as declared in android/jni_call.h:131
func JNIEnvGetStringUTFLength ¶
JNIEnvGetStringUTFLength function as declared in android/jni_call.h:135
type Jstring ¶
Jstring type as declared in include/jni.h:100
func JNIEnvNewString ¶
JNIEnvNewString function as declared in android/jni_call.h:130
func JNIEnvNewStringUTF ¶
JNIEnvNewStringUTF function as declared in android/jni_call.h:134
type Jthrowable ¶
Jthrowable type as declared in include/jni.h:111
func JNIEnvExceptionOccurred ¶
func JNIEnvExceptionOccurred(env *JNIEnv) *Jthrowable
JNIEnvExceptionOccurred function as declared in android/jni_call.h:28
type Jweak ¶
Jweak type as declared in include/jni.h:112
func JNIEnvNewWeakGlobalRef ¶
JNIEnvNewWeakGlobalRef function as declared in android/jni_call.h:203
type LogPriority ¶
type LogPriority int32
LogPriority as declared in android/log.h:89
const ( LogUnknown LogPriority = iota LogDefault LogPriority = 1 LogVerbose LogPriority = 2 LogDebug LogPriority = 3 LogInfo LogPriority = 4 LogWarn LogPriority = 5 LogError LogPriority = 6 LogFatal LogPriority = 7 LogSilent LogPriority = 8 )
LogPriority enumeration from android/log.h:89
type Looper ¶
Looper as declared in android/looper.h:39
func LooperForThread ¶
func LooperForThread() *Looper
LooperForThread function as declared in android/looper.h:45
func LooperPrepare ¶
LooperPrepare function as declared in android/looper.h:65
func NewLooper ¶
func NewLooper() *Looper
NewLooper allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewLooperRef ¶
NewLooperRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
type LooperCallbackFunc ¶
LooperCallbackFunc type as declared in android/looper.h:159
func NewLooperCallbackFuncRef ¶
func NewLooperCallbackFuncRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *LooperCallbackFunc
func (LooperCallbackFunc) PassRef ¶
func (x LooperCallbackFunc) PassRef() (ref *C.ALooper_callbackFunc, allocs *cgoAllocMap)
func (LooperCallbackFunc) PassValue ¶
func (x LooperCallbackFunc) PassValue() (ref C.ALooper_callbackFunc, allocs *cgoAllocMap)
type MetaDataEvent ¶
MetaDataEvent as declared in android/sensor.h:124
func NewMetaDataEventRef ¶
func NewMetaDataEventRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *MetaDataEvent
NewMetaDataEventRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*MetaDataEvent) Deref ¶
func (x *MetaDataEvent) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*MetaDataEvent) Free ¶
func (x *MetaDataEvent) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*MetaDataEvent) PassRef ¶
func (x *MetaDataEvent) PassRef() (*C.AMetaDataEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (MetaDataEvent) PassValue ¶
func (x MetaDataEvent) PassValue() (C.AMetaDataEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*MetaDataEvent) Ref ¶
func (x *MetaDataEvent) Ref() *C.AMetaDataEvent
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type NativeActivity ¶
type NativeActivity struct { Callbacks *NativeActivityCallbacks Vm *JavaVM Env *JNIEnv Clazz Jobject InternalDataPath string ExternalDataPath string SdkVersion int32 Instance unsafe.Pointer AssetManager *AssetManager ObbPath string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NativeActivity as declared in android/native_activity.h:108
func NewNativeActivityRef ¶
func NewNativeActivityRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *NativeActivity
NewNativeActivityRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*NativeActivity) Deref ¶
func (x *NativeActivity) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*NativeActivity) Free ¶
func (x *NativeActivity) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*NativeActivity) JNICall ¶
func (a *NativeActivity) JNICall(fn func(env *JNIEnv, activity Jobject, activityClass, contextClass *Jclass) error) (err error)
JNICall attaches a JavaVM thread and does JNI stuff, provide a handler that will work with JNIEnv and activity/context classes to invoke methods, read fields of Android SDK.
Caution: the call is not thread safe, also it must run from a thread-locked goroutine, i.e. that's locked using runtime.LockOSThread(). The main android-go goroutine is a such goroutine.
func (*NativeActivity) KeyEventGetUnicodeChar ¶
func (a *NativeActivity) KeyEventGetUnicodeChar(action, keyCode, metaState int32) (rune, error)
KeyEventGetUnicodeChar gets the Unicode character generated by the specified key and meta key state combination.
func (*NativeActivity) PassRef ¶
func (x *NativeActivity) PassRef() (*C.ANativeActivity, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (NativeActivity) PassValue ¶
func (x NativeActivity) PassValue() (C.ANativeActivity, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*NativeActivity) Ref ¶
func (x *NativeActivity) Ref() *C.ANativeActivity
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
func (*NativeActivity) SetSoftKeyboardState ¶
func (a *NativeActivity) SetSoftKeyboardState(state SoftKeyboardState) error
SetSoftKeyboardState allows to toggle Android virtual keyboard using JNI calls into JavaVM.
type NativeActivityCallbacks ¶
type NativeActivityCallbacks C.ANativeActivityCallbacks
NativeActivityCallbacks as declared in android/native_activity.h:225
func NewNativeActivityCallbacks ¶
func NewNativeActivityCallbacks() *NativeActivityCallbacks
NewNativeActivityCallbacks allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewNativeActivityCallbacksRef ¶
func NewNativeActivityCallbacksRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *NativeActivityCallbacks
NewNativeActivityCallbacksRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*NativeActivityCallbacks) Free ¶
func (x *NativeActivityCallbacks) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*NativeActivityCallbacks) PassRef ¶
func (x *NativeActivityCallbacks) PassRef() *C.ANativeActivityCallbacks
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*NativeActivityCallbacks) Ref ¶
func (x *NativeActivityCallbacks) Ref() *C.ANativeActivityCallbacks
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type NativeActivityCreateFunc ¶
type NativeActivityCreateFunc func(activity *NativeActivity, savedState unsafe.Pointer, savedStateSize uint32)
NativeActivityCreateFunc type as declared in android/native_activity.h:235
func NewNativeActivityCreateFuncRef ¶
func NewNativeActivityCreateFuncRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *NativeActivityCreateFunc
func (NativeActivityCreateFunc) PassRef ¶
func (x NativeActivityCreateFunc) PassRef() (ref *C.ANativeActivity_createFunc, allocs *cgoAllocMap)
type NativeWindow ¶
type NativeWindow C.ANativeWindow
NativeWindow as declared in android/native_window.h:36
func NativeWindowFromSurface ¶
func NativeWindowFromSurface(env *JNIEnv, surface Jobject) *NativeWindow
NativeWindowFromSurface function as declared in android/native_window_jni.h:34
func NewNativeWindow ¶
func NewNativeWindow() *NativeWindow
NewNativeWindow allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewNativeWindowRef ¶
func NewNativeWindowRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *NativeWindow
NewNativeWindowRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func (*NativeWindow) Free ¶
func (x *NativeWindow) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*NativeWindow) PassRef ¶
func (x *NativeWindow) PassRef() *C.ANativeWindow
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*NativeWindow) Ptr ¶
func (w *NativeWindow) Ptr() uintptr
func (*NativeWindow) Ref ¶
func (x *NativeWindow) Ref() *C.ANativeWindow
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type NativeWindowBuffer ¶
type NativeWindowBuffer struct { Width int32 Height int32 Stride int32 Format int32 Bits unsafe.Pointer Reserved [6]uint32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NativeWindowBuffer as declared in android/native_window.h:57
func NewNativeWindowBufferRef ¶
func NewNativeWindowBufferRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *NativeWindowBuffer
NewNativeWindowBufferRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*NativeWindowBuffer) Deref ¶
func (x *NativeWindowBuffer) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*NativeWindowBuffer) Free ¶
func (x *NativeWindowBuffer) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*NativeWindowBuffer) PassRef ¶
func (x *NativeWindowBuffer) PassRef() (*C.ANativeWindow_Buffer, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (NativeWindowBuffer) PassValue ¶
func (x NativeWindowBuffer) PassValue() (C.ANativeWindow_Buffer, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*NativeWindowBuffer) Ref ¶
func (x *NativeWindowBuffer) Ref() *C.ANativeWindow_Buffer
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type ObbInfo ¶
ObbInfo as declared in android/obb.h:28
func NewObbInfo ¶
func NewObbInfo() *ObbInfo
NewObbInfo allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewObbInfoRef ¶
NewObbInfoRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func ObbScannerGetObbInfo ¶
ObbScannerGetObbInfo function as declared in android/obb.h:37
type Rect ¶
type Rect struct { Left int32 Top int32 Right int32 Bottom int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Rect as declared in android/rect.h:35
func NewRectRef ¶
NewRectRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*Rect) Deref ¶
func (x *Rect) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*Rect) Free ¶
func (x *Rect) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*Rect) PassRef ¶
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
type Sensor ¶
Sensor as declared in android/sensor.h:190
func NewSensor ¶
func NewSensor() *Sensor
NewSensor allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewSensorRef ¶
NewSensorRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func SensorManagerGetDefaultSensor ¶
func SensorManagerGetDefaultSensor(manager *SensorManager, kind int32) *Sensor
SensorManagerGetDefaultSensor function as declared in android/sensor.h:216
func SensorManagerGetDefaultSensorEx ¶
func SensorManagerGetDefaultSensorEx(manager *SensorManager, kind int32, wakeUp bool) *Sensor
SensorManagerGetDefaultSensorEx function as declared in android/sensor.h:222
type SensorEvent ¶
type SensorEvent struct { Version int32 Sensor int32 Type int32 Reserved0 int32 Timestamp int64 Flags uint32 Reserved1 [3]int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SensorEvent as declared in android/sensor.h:181
func NewSensorEventRef ¶
func NewSensorEventRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *SensorEvent
NewSensorEventRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (SensorEvent) Acceleration ¶
func (e SensorEvent) Acceleration() (x, y, z float32)
func (*SensorEvent) Deref ¶
func (x *SensorEvent) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*SensorEvent) Free ¶
func (x *SensorEvent) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*SensorEvent) PassRef ¶
func (x *SensorEvent) PassRef() (*C.ASensorEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (SensorEvent) PassValue ¶
func (x SensorEvent) PassValue() (C.ASensorEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*SensorEvent) Ref ¶
func (x *SensorEvent) Ref() *C.ASensorEvent
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type SensorEventQueue ¶
type SensorEventQueue C.ASensorEventQueue
SensorEventQueue as declared in android/sensor.h:187
func NewSensorEventQueue ¶
func NewSensorEventQueue() *SensorEventQueue
NewSensorEventQueue allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewSensorEventQueueRef ¶
func NewSensorEventQueueRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *SensorEventQueue
NewSensorEventQueueRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func SensorManagerCreateEventQueue ¶
func SensorManagerCreateEventQueue(manager *SensorManager, looper *Looper, ident int32, callback LooperCallbackFunc, data unsafe.Pointer) *SensorEventQueue
SensorManagerCreateEventQueue function as declared in android/sensor.h:228
func (*SensorEventQueue) Free ¶
func (x *SensorEventQueue) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*SensorEventQueue) PassRef ¶
func (x *SensorEventQueue) PassRef() *C.ASensorEventQueue
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*SensorEventQueue) Ref ¶
func (x *SensorEventQueue) Ref() *C.ASensorEventQueue
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type SensorManager ¶
type SensorManager C.ASensorManager
SensorManager as declared in android/sensor.h:184
func NewSensorManager ¶
func NewSensorManager() *SensorManager
NewSensorManager allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewSensorManagerRef ¶
func NewSensorManagerRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *SensorManager
NewSensorManagerRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func SensorManagerGetInstance ¶
func SensorManagerGetInstance() *SensorManager
SensorManagerGetInstance function as declared in android/sensor.h:204
func (*SensorManager) Free ¶
func (x *SensorManager) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*SensorManager) PassRef ¶
func (x *SensorManager) PassRef() *C.ASensorManager
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*SensorManager) Ref ¶
func (x *SensorManager) Ref() *C.ASensorManager
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type SensorVector ¶
SensorVector as declared in android/sensor.h:119
func NewSensorVectorRef ¶
func NewSensorVectorRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *SensorVector
NewSensorVectorRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*SensorVector) Deref ¶
func (x *SensorVector) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*SensorVector) Free ¶
func (x *SensorVector) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*SensorVector) PassRef ¶
func (x *SensorVector) PassRef() (*C.ASensorVector, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (SensorVector) PassValue ¶
func (x SensorVector) PassValue() (C.ASensorVector, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*SensorVector) Ref ¶
func (x *SensorVector) Ref() *C.ASensorVector
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.
type SoftKeyboardState ¶
type SoftKeyboardState int32
const ( SoftKeyboardHidden SoftKeyboardState = iota SoftKeyboardVisible )
type StorageManager ¶
type StorageManager C.AStorageManager
StorageManager as declared in android/storage_manager.h:28
func NewStorageManager ¶
func NewStorageManager() *StorageManager
NewStorageManager allocates a new C object of this type and converts the reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func NewStorageManagerRef ¶
func NewStorageManagerRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *StorageManager
NewStorageManagerRef converts the C object reference into a raw struct reference without wrapping.
func StorageManagerNew ¶
func StorageManagerNew() *StorageManager
StorageManagerNew function as declared in android/storage_manager.h:88
func (*StorageManager) Free ¶
func (x *StorageManager) Free()
Free cleanups the referenced memory using C free.
func (*StorageManager) PassRef ¶
func (x *StorageManager) PassRef() *C.AStorageManager
PassRef returns a reference to C object as it is or allocates a new C object of this type.
func (*StorageManager) Ref ¶
func (x *StorageManager) Ref() *C.AStorageManager
Ref returns a reference to C object as it is.
type StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc ¶
StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc type as declared in android/storage_manager.h:98
func NewStorageManagerObbCallbackFuncRef ¶
func NewStorageManagerObbCallbackFuncRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc
func (StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc) PassRef ¶
func (x StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc) PassRef() (ref *C.AStorageManager_obbCallbackFunc, allocs *cgoAllocMap)
func (StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc) PassValue ¶
func (x StorageManagerObbCallbackFunc) PassValue() (ref C.AStorageManager_obbCallbackFunc, allocs *cgoAllocMap)
type UncalibratedEvent ¶
type UncalibratedEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UncalibratedEvent as declared in android/sensor.h:143
func NewUncalibratedEventRef ¶
func NewUncalibratedEventRef(ref unsafe.Pointer) *UncalibratedEvent
NewUncalibratedEventRef creates a new wrapper struct with underlying reference set to the original C object. Returns nil if the provided pointer to C object is nil too.
func (*UncalibratedEvent) Deref ¶
func (x *UncalibratedEvent) Deref()
Deref uses the underlying reference to C object and fills the wrapping struct with values. Do not forget to call this method whether you get a struct for C object and want to read its values.
func (*UncalibratedEvent) Free ¶
func (x *UncalibratedEvent) Free()
Free invokes alloc map's free mechanism that cleanups any allocated memory using C free. Does nothing if struct is nil or has no allocation map.
func (*UncalibratedEvent) PassRef ¶
func (x *UncalibratedEvent) PassRef() (*C.AUncalibratedEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassRef returns the underlying C object, otherwise it will allocate one and set its values from this wrapping struct, counting allocations into an allocation map.
func (UncalibratedEvent) PassValue ¶
func (x UncalibratedEvent) PassValue() (C.AUncalibratedEvent, *cgoAllocMap)
PassValue does the same as PassRef except that it will try to dereference the returned pointer.
func (*UncalibratedEvent) Ref ¶
func (x *UncalibratedEvent) Ref() *C.AUncalibratedEvent
Ref returns the underlying reference to C object or nil if struct is nil.