Overview ¶
Package parameters implements dynamic, concurrency-safe parameters that determine Psiphon client and server behaviors.
Parameters include network timeouts, probabilities for actions, lists of protocols, etc. Parameters are initialized with reasonable defaults. New values may be applied, allowing the client or server to customize its parameters from both a config file and tactics data. Sane minimum values are enforced.
Parameters may be read and updated concurrently. The read mechanism offers a snapshot so that related parameters, such as two Ints representing a range; or a more complex series of related parameters; may be read in an atomic and consistent way. For example:
p := params.Get() min := p.Int("Min") max := p.Int("Max") p = nil
For long-running operations, it is recommended to set any pointer to the snapshot to nil to allow garbage collection of old snaphots in cases where the parameters change.
In general, parameters should be read as close to the point of use as possible to ensure that dynamic changes to the parameter values take effect.
For duration parameters, time.ParseDuration-compatible string values are supported when applying new values. This allows specifying durations as, for example, "100ms" or "24h".
Values read from the parameters are not deep copies and must be treated as read-only.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func IsServerSideOnly(name string) bool
- type BPFInstructionSpec
- type BPFProgramSpec
- type FrontingSpec
- type FrontingSpecs
- type KeyValues
- type PacketManipulationSpec
- type PacketManipulationSpecs
- type Parameters
- type ParametersAccessor
- func (p ParametersAccessor) BPFProgram(name string) (bool, string, []bpf.RawInstruction)
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Bool(name string) bool
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Close()
- func (p ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfile(name string) *protocol.CustomTLSProfile
- func (p ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfileNames() []string
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Duration(name string) time.Duration
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Float(name string) float64
- func (p ParametersAccessor) FrontingSpecs(name string) FrontingSpecs
- func (p ParametersAccessor) HTTPHeaders(name string) http.Header
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Int(name string) int
- func (p ParametersAccessor) IsNil() bool
- func (p ParametersAccessor) KeyValues(name string) KeyValues
- func (p ParametersAccessor) LabeledQUICVersions(name, label string) protocol.QUICVersions
- func (p ParametersAccessor) LabeledTLSProfiles(name, label string) protocol.TLSProfiles
- func (p ParametersAccessor) PacketManipulationSpecs(name string) PacketManipulationSpecs
- func (p ParametersAccessor) ProtocolPacketManipulations(name string) ProtocolPacketManipulations
- func (p ParametersAccessor) QUICVersions(name string) protocol.QUICVersions
- func (p ParametersAccessor) RateLimits(name string) common.RateLimits
- func (p ParametersAccessor) RegexStrings(name string) RegexStrings
- func (p ParametersAccessor) String(name string) string
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Strings(name string) []string
- func (p ParametersAccessor) TLSProfiles(name string) protocol.TLSProfiles
- func (p ParametersAccessor) Tag() string
- func (p ParametersAccessor) TransferURLs(name string) TransferURLs
- func (p ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocolPortLists(name string) TunnelProtocolPortLists
- func (p ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocols(name string) protocol.TunnelProtocols
- func (p ParametersAccessor) WeightedCoinFlip(name string) bool
- type ProtocolPacketManipulations
- type RegexStrings
- type TransferURL
- type TransferURLs
- type TunnelProtocolPortLists
Constants ¶
const ( NetworkLatencyMultiplier = "NetworkLatencyMultiplier" NetworkLatencyMultiplierMin = "NetworkLatencyMultiplierMin" NetworkLatencyMultiplierMax = "NetworkLatencyMultiplierMax" NetworkLatencyMultiplierLambda = "NetworkLatencyMultiplierLambda" TacticsWaitPeriod = "TacticsWaitPeriod" TacticsRetryPeriod = "TacticsRetryPeriod" TacticsRetryPeriodJitter = "TacticsRetryPeriodJitter" TacticsTimeout = "TacticsTimeout" ConnectionWorkerPoolSize = "ConnectionWorkerPoolSize" TunnelPoolSize = "TunnelPoolSize" TunnelConnectTimeout = "TunnelConnectTimeout" EstablishTunnelTimeout = "EstablishTunnelTimeout" EstablishTunnelWorkTime = "EstablishTunnelWorkTime" EstablishTunnelPausePeriod = "EstablishTunnelPausePeriod" EstablishTunnelPausePeriodJitter = "EstablishTunnelPausePeriodJitter" EstablishTunnelServerAffinityGracePeriod = "EstablishTunnelServerAffinityGracePeriod" StaggerConnectionWorkersPeriod = "StaggerConnectionWorkersPeriod" StaggerConnectionWorkersJitter = "StaggerConnectionWorkersJitter" LimitIntensiveConnectionWorkers = "LimitIntensiveConnectionWorkers" UpstreamProxyErrorMinWaitDuration = "UpstreamProxyErrorMinWaitDuration" UpstreamProxyErrorMaxWaitDuration = "UpstreamProxyErrorMaxWaitDuration" IgnoreHandshakeStatsRegexps = "IgnoreHandshakeStatsRegexps" PrioritizeTunnelProtocolsProbability = "PrioritizeTunnelProtocolsProbability" PrioritizeTunnelProtocols = "PrioritizeTunnelProtocols" PrioritizeTunnelProtocolsCandidateCount = "PrioritizeTunnelProtocolsCandidateCount" InitialLimitTunnelProtocolsProbability = "InitialLimitTunnelProtocolsProbability" InitialLimitTunnelProtocols = "InitialLimitTunnelProtocols" InitialLimitTunnelProtocolsCandidateCount = "InitialLimitTunnelProtocolsCandidateCount" LimitTunnelProtocolsProbability = "LimitTunnelProtocolsProbability" LimitTunnelProtocols = "LimitTunnelProtocols" LimitTunnelDialPortNumbersProbability = "LimitTunnelDialPortNumbersProbability" LimitTunnelDialPortNumbers = "LimitTunnelDialPortNumbers" LimitTLSProfilesProbability = "LimitTLSProfilesProbability" LimitTLSProfiles = "LimitTLSProfiles" UseOnlyCustomTLSProfiles = "UseOnlyCustomTLSProfiles" CustomTLSProfiles = "CustomTLSProfiles" SelectRandomizedTLSProfileProbability = "SelectRandomizedTLSProfileProbability" NoDefaultTLSSessionIDProbability = "NoDefaultTLSSessionIDProbability" DisableFrontingProviderTLSProfiles = "DisableFrontingProviderTLSProfiles" LimitQUICVersionsProbability = "LimitQUICVersionsProbability" LimitQUICVersions = "LimitQUICVersions" DisableFrontingProviderQUICVersions = "DisableFrontingProviderQUICVersions" QUICDisableClientPathMTUDiscoveryProbability = "QUICDisableClientPathMTUDiscoveryProbability" FragmentorProbability = "FragmentorProbability" FragmentorLimitProtocols = "FragmentorLimitProtocols" FragmentorMinTotalBytes = "FragmentorMinTotalBytes" FragmentorMaxTotalBytes = "FragmentorMaxTotalBytes" FragmentorMinWriteBytes = "FragmentorMinWriteBytes" FragmentorMaxWriteBytes = "FragmentorMaxWriteBytes" FragmentorMinDelay = "FragmentorMinDelay" FragmentorMaxDelay = "FragmentorMaxDelay" FragmentorDownstreamProbability = "FragmentorDownstreamProbability" FragmentorDownstreamLimitProtocols = "FragmentorDownstreamLimitProtocols" FragmentorDownstreamMinTotalBytes = "FragmentorDownstreamMinTotalBytes" FragmentorDownstreamMaxTotalBytes = "FragmentorDownstreamMaxTotalBytes" FragmentorDownstreamMinWriteBytes = "FragmentorDownstreamMinWriteBytes" FragmentorDownstreamMaxWriteBytes = "FragmentorDownstreamMaxWriteBytes" FragmentorDownstreamMinDelay = "FragmentorDownstreamMinDelay" FragmentorDownstreamMaxDelay = "FragmentorDownstreamMaxDelay" ObfuscatedSSHMinPadding = "ObfuscatedSSHMinPadding" ObfuscatedSSHMaxPadding = "ObfuscatedSSHMaxPadding" TunnelOperateShutdownTimeout = "TunnelOperateShutdownTimeout" TunnelPortForwardDialTimeout = "TunnelPortForwardDialTimeout" PacketTunnelReadTimeout = "PacketTunnelReadTimeout" TunnelRateLimits = "TunnelRateLimits" AdditionalCustomHeaders = "AdditionalCustomHeaders" SpeedTestPaddingMinBytes = "SpeedTestPaddingMinBytes" SpeedTestPaddingMaxBytes = "SpeedTestPaddingMaxBytes" SpeedTestMaxSampleCount = "SpeedTestMaxSampleCount" SSHKeepAliveSpeedTestSampleProbability = "SSHKeepAliveSpeedTestSampleProbability" SSHKeepAlivePaddingMinBytes = "SSHKeepAlivePaddingMinBytes" SSHKeepAlivePaddingMaxBytes = "SSHKeepAlivePaddingMaxBytes" SSHKeepAlivePeriodMin = "SSHKeepAlivePeriodMin" SSHKeepAlivePeriodMax = "SSHKeepAlivePeriodMax" SSHKeepAlivePeriodicTimeout = "SSHKeepAlivePeriodicTimeout" SSHKeepAlivePeriodicInactivePeriod = "SSHKeepAlivePeriodicInactivePeriod" SSHKeepAliveProbeTimeout = "SSHKeepAliveProbeTimeout" SSHKeepAliveProbeInactivePeriod = "SSHKeepAliveProbeInactivePeriod" SSHKeepAliveNetworkConnectivityPollingPeriod = "SSHKeepAliveNetworkConnectivityPollingPeriod" SSHKeepAliveResetOnFailureProbability = "SSHKeepAliveResetOnFailureProbability" HTTPProxyOriginServerTimeout = "HTTPProxyOriginServerTimeout" HTTPProxyMaxIdleConnectionsPerHost = "HTTPProxyMaxIdleConnectionsPerHost" FetchRemoteServerListTimeout = "FetchRemoteServerListTimeout" FetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriod = "FetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriod" FetchRemoteServerListStalePeriod = "FetchRemoteServerListStalePeriod" RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey = "RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey" RemoteServerListURLs = "RemoteServerListURLs" ObfuscatedServerListRootURLs = "ObfuscatedServerListRootURLs" PsiphonAPIRequestTimeout = "PsiphonAPIRequestTimeout" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPeriodMin = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPeriodMin" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPeriodMax = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPeriodMax" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestShortPeriodMin = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestShortPeriodMin" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestShortPeriodMax = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestShortPeriodMax" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPaddingMinBytes = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPaddingMinBytes" PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPaddingMaxBytes = "PsiphonAPIStatusRequestPaddingMaxBytes" PsiphonAPIPersistentStatsMaxCount = "PsiphonAPIPersistentStatsMaxCount" PsiphonAPIConnectedRequestPeriod = "PsiphonAPIConnectedRequestPeriod" PsiphonAPIConnectedRequestRetryPeriod = "PsiphonAPIConnectedRequestRetryPeriod" FetchSplitTunnelRoutesTimeout = "FetchSplitTunnelRoutesTimeout" SplitTunnelRoutesURLFormat = "SplitTunnelRoutesURLFormat" SplitTunnelRoutesSignaturePublicKey = "SplitTunnelRoutesSignaturePublicKey" SplitTunnelDNSServer = "SplitTunnelDNSServer" SplitTunnelClassificationTTL = "SplitTunnelClassificationTTL" SplitTunnelClassificationMaxEntries = "SplitTunnelClassificationMaxEntries" FetchUpgradeTimeout = "FetchUpgradeTimeout" FetchUpgradeRetryPeriod = "FetchUpgradeRetryPeriod" FetchUpgradeStalePeriod = "FetchUpgradeStalePeriod" UpgradeDownloadURLs = "UpgradeDownloadURLs" UpgradeDownloadClientVersionHeader = "UpgradeDownloadClientVersionHeader" TotalBytesTransferredNoticePeriod = "TotalBytesTransferredNoticePeriod" TotalBytesTransferredEmitMemoryMetrics = "TotalBytesTransferredEmitMemoryMetrics" MeekDialDomainsOnly = "MeekDialDomainsOnly" MeekLimitBufferSizes = "MeekLimitBufferSizes" MeekCookieMaxPadding = "MeekCookieMaxPadding" MeekFullReceiveBufferLength = "MeekFullReceiveBufferLength" MeekReadPayloadChunkLength = "MeekReadPayloadChunkLength" MeekLimitedFullReceiveBufferLength = "MeekLimitedFullReceiveBufferLength" MeekLimitedReadPayloadChunkLength = "MeekLimitedReadPayloadChunkLength" MeekMinPollInterval = "MeekMinPollInterval" MeekMinPollIntervalJitter = "MeekMinPollIntervalJitter" MeekMaxPollInterval = "MeekMaxPollInterval" MeekMaxPollIntervalJitter = "MeekMaxPollIntervalJitter" MeekPollIntervalMultiplier = "MeekPollIntervalMultiplier" MeekPollIntervalJitter = "MeekPollIntervalJitter" MeekApplyPollIntervalMultiplierProbability = "MeekApplyPollIntervalMultiplierProbability" MeekRoundTripRetryDeadline = "MeekRoundTripRetryDeadline" MeekRoundTripRetryMinDelay = "MeekRoundTripRetryMinDelay" MeekRoundTripRetryMaxDelay = "MeekRoundTripRetryMaxDelay" MeekRoundTripRetryMultiplier = "MeekRoundTripRetryMultiplier" MeekRoundTripTimeout = "MeekRoundTripTimeout" MeekTrafficShapingProbability = "MeekTrafficShapingProbability" MeekTrafficShapingLimitProtocols = "MeekTrafficShapingLimitProtocols" MeekMinTLSPadding = "MeekMinTLSPadding" MeekMaxTLSPadding = "MeekMaxTLSPadding" MeekMinLimitRequestPayloadLength = "MeekMinLimitRequestPayloadLength" MeekMaxLimitRequestPayloadLength = "MeekMaxLimitRequestPayloadLength" MeekRedialTLSProbability = "MeekRedialTLSProbability" TransformHostNameProbability = "TransformHostNameProbability" PickUserAgentProbability = "PickUserAgentProbability" LivenessTestMinUpstreamBytes = "LivenessTestMinUpstreamBytes" LivenessTestMaxUpstreamBytes = "LivenessTestMaxUpstreamBytes" LivenessTestMinDownstreamBytes = "LivenessTestMinDownstreamBytes" LivenessTestMaxDownstreamBytes = "LivenessTestMaxDownstreamBytes" ReplayCandidateCount = "ReplayCandidateCount" ReplayDialParametersTTL = "ReplayDialParametersTTL" ReplayTargetUpstreamBytes = "ReplayTargetUpstreamBytes" ReplayTargetDownstreamBytes = "ReplayTargetDownstreamBytes" ReplayTargetTunnelDuration = "ReplayTargetTunnelDuration" ReplayBPF = "ReplayBPF" ReplaySSH = "ReplaySSH" ReplayObfuscatorPadding = "ReplayObfuscatorPadding" ReplayFragmentor = "ReplayFragmentor" ReplayTLSProfile = "ReplayTLSProfile" ReplayRandomizedTLSProfile = "ReplayRandomizedTLSProfile" ReplayFronting = "ReplayFronting" ReplayHostname = "ReplayHostname" ReplayQUICVersion = "ReplayQUICVersion" ReplayObfuscatedQUIC = "ReplayObfuscatedQUIC" ReplayConjureRegistration = "ReplayConjureRegistration" ReplayConjureTransport = "ReplayConjureTransport" ReplayLivenessTest = "ReplayLivenessTest" ReplayUserAgent = "ReplayUserAgent" ReplayAPIRequestPadding = "ReplayAPIRequestPadding" ReplayLaterRoundMoveToFrontProbability = "ReplayLaterRoundMoveToFrontProbability" ReplayRetainFailedProbability = "ReplayRetainFailedProbability" ReplayHoldOffTunnel = "ReplayHoldOffTunnel" APIRequestUpstreamPaddingMinBytes = "APIRequestUpstreamPaddingMinBytes" APIRequestUpstreamPaddingMaxBytes = "APIRequestUpstreamPaddingMaxBytes" APIRequestDownstreamPaddingMinBytes = "APIRequestDownstreamPaddingMinBytes" APIRequestDownstreamPaddingMaxBytes = "APIRequestDownstreamPaddingMaxBytes" PersistentStatsMaxStoreRecords = "PersistentStatsMaxStoreRecords" PersistentStatsMaxSendBytes = "PersistentStatsMaxSendBytes" RecordRemoteServerListPersistentStatsProbability = "RecordRemoteServerListPersistentStatsProbability" RecordFailedTunnelPersistentStatsProbability = "RecordFailedTunnelPersistentStatsProbability" ServerEntryMinimumAgeForPruning = "ServerEntryMinimumAgeForPruning" ApplicationParametersProbability = "ApplicationParametersProbability" ApplicationParameters = "ApplicationParameters" BPFServerTCPProgram = "BPFServerTCPProgram" BPFServerTCPProbability = "BPFServerTCPProbability" BPFClientTCPProgram = "BPFClientTCPProgram" BPFClientTCPProbability = "BPFClientTCPProbability" ServerPacketManipulationSpecs = "ServerPacketManipulationSpecs" ServerProtocolPacketManipulations = "ServerProtocolPacketManipulations" ServerPacketManipulationProbability = "ServerPacketManipulationProbability" FeedbackUploadURLs = "FeedbackUploadURLs" FeedbackEncryptionPublicKey = "FeedbackEncryptionPublicKey" FeedbackTacticsWaitPeriod = "FeedbackTacticsWaitPeriod" FeedbackUploadMaxAttempts = "FeedbackUploadMaxAttempts" FeedbackUploadRetryMinDelaySeconds = "FeedbackUploadRetryMinDelaySeconds" FeedbackUploadRetryMaxDelaySeconds = "FeedbackUploadRetryMaxDelaySeconds" FeedbackUploadTimeoutSeconds = "FeedbackUploadTimeoutSeconds" ServerReplayPacketManipulation = "ServerReplayPacketManipulation" ServerReplayFragmentor = "ServerReplayFragmentor" ServerReplayUnknownGeoIP = "ServerReplayUnknownGeoIP" ServerReplayTTL = "ServerReplayTTL" ServerReplayTargetWaitDuration = "ServerReplayTargetWaitDuration" ServerReplayTargetTunnelDuration = "ServerReplayTargetTunnelDuration" ServerReplayTargetUpstreamBytes = "ServerReplayTargetUpstreamBytes" ServerReplayTargetDownstreamBytes = "ServerReplayTargetDownstreamBytes" ServerReplayFailedCountThreshold = "ServerReplayFailedCountThreshold" ServerBurstUpstreamDeadline = "ServerBurstUpstreamDeadline" ServerBurstUpstreamTargetBytes = "ServerBurstUpstreamTargetBytes" ServerBurstDownstreamDeadline = "ServerBurstDownstreamDeadline" ServerBurstDownstreamTargetBytes = "ServerBurstDownstreamTargetBytes" ClientBurstUpstreamDeadline = "ClientBurstUpstreamDeadline" ClientBurstUpstreamTargetBytes = "ClientBurstUpstreamTargetBytes" ClientBurstDownstreamDeadline = "ClientBurstDownstreamDeadline" ClientBurstDownstreamTargetBytes = "ClientBurstDownstreamTargetBytes" ConjureCachedRegistrationTTL = "ConjureCachedRegistrationTTL" ConjureAPIRegistrarURL = "ConjureAPIRegistrarURL" ConjureAPIRegistrarBidirectionalURL = "ConjureAPIRegistrarBidirectionalURL" ConjureAPIRegistrarFrontingSpecs = "ConjureAPIRegistrarFrontingSpecs" ConjureAPIRegistrarMinDelay = "ConjureAPIRegistrarMinDelay" ConjureAPIRegistrarMaxDelay = "ConjureAPIRegistrarMaxDelay" ConjureDecoyRegistrarProbability = "ConjureDecoyRegistrarProbability" ConjureDecoyRegistrarWidth = "ConjureDecoyRegistrarWidth" ConjureDecoyRegistrarMinDelay = "ConjureDecoyRegistrarMinDelay" ConjureDecoyRegistrarMaxDelay = "ConjureDecoyRegistrarMaxDelay" ConjureTransportObfs4Probability = "ConjureTransportObfs4Probability" CustomHostNameRegexes = "CustomHostNameRegexes" CustomHostNameProbability = "CustomHostNameProbability" CustomHostNameLimitProtocols = "CustomHostNameLimitProtocols" HoldOffTunnelMinDuration = "HoldOffTunnelMinDuration" HoldOffTunnelMaxDuration = "HoldOffTunnelMaxDuration" HoldOffTunnelProtocols = "HoldOffTunnelProtocols" HoldOffTunnelFrontingProviderIDs = "HoldOffTunnelFrontingProviderIDs" HoldOffTunnelProbability = "HoldOffTunnelProbability" RestrictFrontingProviderIDs = "RestrictFrontingProviderIDs" RestrictFrontingProviderIDsServerProbability = "RestrictFrontingProviderIDsServerProbability" RestrictFrontingProviderIDsClientProbability = "RestrictFrontingProviderIDsClientProbability" UpstreamProxyAllowAllServerEntrySources = "UpstreamProxyAllowAllServerEntrySources" DestinationBytesMetricsASN = "DestinationBytesMetricsASN" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IsServerSideOnly ¶ added in v1.0.9
IsServerSideOnly indicates if the parameter specified by name is used server-side only.
Types ¶
type BPFInstructionSpec ¶
type BPFInstructionSpec struct { Op string Args json.RawMessage }
BPFInstructionSpec represents a and can be marshaled.
func (*BPFInstructionSpec) GetInstruction ¶
func (s *BPFInstructionSpec) GetInstruction() (bpf.Instruction, error)
GetInstruction coverts a BPFInstructionSpec to the equivilent
type BPFProgramSpec ¶
type BPFProgramSpec struct { Name string Instructions []BPFInstructionSpec }
BPFProgramSpec specifies a BPF program. The Name field is informational and may be used for logging. The Instructions field is a list of values which map to and which can be marshaled.
func (*BPFProgramSpec) Assemble ¶
func (s *BPFProgramSpec) Assemble() ([]bpf.RawInstruction, error)
Assemble converts the Instructions to equivilent values and assembles these into raw instructions suitable for attaching to a socket.
func (*BPFProgramSpec) Validate ¶
func (s *BPFProgramSpec) Validate() error
Validate validates a BPF program spec.
type FrontingSpec ¶
type FrontingSpec struct { FrontingProviderID string Addresses []string DisableSNI bool VerifyServerName string VerifyPins []string Host string }
FrontingSpec specifies a domain fronting configuration, to be used with MeekConn and MeekModePlaintextRoundTrip. In MeekModePlaintextRoundTrip, the fronted origin is an arbitrary web server, not a Psiphon server. This MeekConn mode requires HTTPS and server certificate validation: VerifyServerName is required; VerifyPins is recommended. See also psiphon.MeekConfig and psiphon.MeekConn.
FrontingSpec.Addresses supports the functionality of both ServerEntry.MeekFrontingAddressesRegex and ServerEntry.MeekFrontingAddresses: multiple candidates are supported, and each candidate may be a regex, or a static value (with regex syntax).
type FrontingSpecs ¶
type FrontingSpecs []*FrontingSpec
FrontingSpecs is a list of domain fronting specs.
func (FrontingSpecs) SelectParameters ¶
func (specs FrontingSpecs) SelectParameters() ( string, string, string, string, []string, string, error)
SelectParameters selects fronting parameters from the given FrontingSpecs, first selecting a spec at random. SelectParameters is similar to psiphon.selectFrontingParameters, which operates on server entries.
The return values are: - Dial Address (domain or IP address) - SNI (which may be transformed; unless it is "", which indicates omit SNI) - VerifyServerName (see psiphon.CustomTLSConfig) - VerifyPins (see psiphon.CustomTLSConfig) - Host (Host header value)
func (FrontingSpecs) Validate ¶
func (specs FrontingSpecs) Validate() error
Validate checks that the JSON values are well-formed.
type KeyValues ¶
type KeyValues map[string]json.RawMessage
KeyValues represents a set of name/JSON pairs.
type PacketManipulationSpec ¶
PacketManipulationSpec is type-compatible with psiphon/common.packetman.Spec.
type PacketManipulationSpecs ¶
type PacketManipulationSpecs []*PacketManipulationSpec
PacketManipulationSpecs is a list of packet manipulation specs.
func (PacketManipulationSpecs) Validate ¶
func (specs PacketManipulationSpecs) Validate() error
Validate checks that each spec name is unique and that each spec compiles.
type Parameters ¶
type Parameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Parameters is a set of parameters. To use the parameters, call Get. To apply new values to the parameters, call Set.
func NewParameters ¶
func NewParameters( getValueLogger func(error)) (*Parameters, error)
NewParameters initializes a new Parameters with the default parameter values.
getValueLogger is optional, and is used to report runtime errors with getValue; see comment in getValue.
func (*Parameters) Get ¶
func (p *Parameters) Get() ParametersAccessor
Get returns the current parameters.
Values read from the current parameters are not deep copies and must be treated read-only.
The returned ParametersAccessor may be used to read multiple related values atomically and consistently while the current set of values in Parameters may change concurrently.
Get does not perform any heap allocations and is intended for repeated, direct, low-overhead invocations.
func (*Parameters) GetCustom ¶
func (p *Parameters) GetCustom( customNetworkLatencyMultiplier float64) ParametersAccessor
GetCustom returns the current parameters while also setting customizations for this instance.
The properties of Get also apply to GetCustom: must be read-only; atomic and consisent view; no heap allocations.
Customizations include:
- customNetworkLatencyMultiplier, which overrides NetworkLatencyMultiplier for this instance only.
func (*Parameters) Set ¶
func (p *Parameters) Set( tag string, skipOnError bool, applyParameters[string]interface{}) ([]int, error)
Set replaces the current parameters. First, a set of parameters are initialized using the default values. Then, each applyParameters is applied in turn, with the later instances having precedence.
When skipOnError is true, unknown or invalid parameters in any applyParameters are skipped instead of aborting with an error.
For protocol.TunnelProtocols and protocol.TLSProfiles type values, when skipOnError is true the values are filtered instead of validated, so only known tunnel protocols and TLS profiles are retained.
When an error is returned, the previous parameters remain completely unmodified.
For use in logging, Set returns a count of the number of parameters applied from each applyParameters.
type ParametersAccessor ¶
type ParametersAccessor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParametersAccessor provides consistent, atomic access to parameter values. Any customizations are applied transparently.
func MakeNilParametersAccessor ¶
func MakeNilParametersAccessor() ParametersAccessor
MakeNilParametersAccessor produces a stub ParametersAccessor which returns true for IsNil. This may be used where a ParametersAccessor value is required, but Parameters.Get may not succeed. In contexts where MakeNilParametersAccessor may be used, calls to ParametersAccessor must first check IsNil before calling accessor functions.
func (ParametersAccessor) BPFProgram ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) BPFProgram(name string) (bool, string, []bpf.RawInstruction)
BPFProgram returns an assembled BPF program corresponding to a BPFProgramSpec parameter value. Returns nil in the case of any empty program.
func (ParametersAccessor) Bool ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Bool(name string) bool
Bool returns a bool parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) Close ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Close()
Close clears internal references to large memory objects, allowing them to be garbage collected. Call Close when done using a ParametersAccessor, where memory footprint is a concern, and where the ParametersAccessor is not immediately going out of scope. After Close is called, all other ParametersAccessor functions will panic if called.
func (ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfile ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfile(name string) *protocol.CustomTLSProfile
CustomTLSProfile returns the CustomTLSProfile fields with the specified Name field if it exists in the CustomTLSProfiles parameter value. Returns nil if not found.
func (ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfileNames ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) CustomTLSProfileNames() []string
CustomTLSProfileNames returns the CustomTLSProfile.Name fields for each profile in the CustomTLSProfiles parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) Duration ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Duration(name string) time.Duration
Duration returns a time.Duration parameter value. When the duration parameter has the useNetworkLatencyMultiplier flag, the NetworkLatencyMultiplier is applied to the returned value.
func (ParametersAccessor) Float ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Float(name string) float64
Float returns a float64 parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) FrontingSpecs ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) FrontingSpecs(name string) FrontingSpecs
FrontingSpecs returns a FrontingSpecs parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) HTTPHeaders ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) HTTPHeaders(name string) http.Header
HTTPHeaders returns an http.Header parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) Int ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Int(name string) int
Int returns an int parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) IsNil ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) IsNil() bool
IsNil indicates that this ParametersAccessor is a stub and its accessor functions may not be called. A ParametersAccessor produced by Parameters.Get will never return true for IsNil and IsNil guards are not required for ParametersAccessors known to be produced by Parameters.Get.
func (ParametersAccessor) KeyValues ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) KeyValues(name string) KeyValues
KeyValues returns a KeyValues parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) LabeledQUICVersions ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) LabeledQUICVersions(name, label string) protocol.QUICVersions
LabeledQUICVersions returns a protocol.QUICVersions parameter value corresponding to the specified labeled set and label value. The return value is nil when no set is found.
func (ParametersAccessor) LabeledTLSProfiles ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) LabeledTLSProfiles(name, label string) protocol.TLSProfiles
LabeledTLSProfiles returns a protocol.TLSProfiles parameter value corresponding to the specified labeled set and label value. The return value is nil when no set is found.
func (ParametersAccessor) PacketManipulationSpecs ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) PacketManipulationSpecs(name string) PacketManipulationSpecs
PacketManipulationSpecs returns a PacketManipulationSpecs parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) ProtocolPacketManipulations ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) ProtocolPacketManipulations(name string) ProtocolPacketManipulations
ProtocolPacketManipulations returns a ProtocolPacketManipulations parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) QUICVersions ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) QUICVersions(name string) protocol.QUICVersions
QUICVersions returns a protocol.QUICVersions parameter value. If there is a corresponding Probability value, a weighted coin flip will be performed and, depending on the result, the value or the parameter default will be returned.
func (ParametersAccessor) RateLimits ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) RateLimits(name string) common.RateLimits
RateLimits returns a common.RateLimits parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) RegexStrings ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) RegexStrings(name string) RegexStrings
RegexStrings returns a RegexStrings parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) String ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) String(name string) string
String returns a string parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) Strings ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Strings(name string) []string
func (ParametersAccessor) TLSProfiles ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) TLSProfiles(name string) protocol.TLSProfiles
TLSProfiles returns a protocol.TLSProfiles parameter value. If there is a corresponding Probability value, a weighted coin flip will be performed and, depending on the result, the value or the parameter default will be returned.
func (ParametersAccessor) Tag ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) Tag() string
Tag returns the tag associated with these parameters.
func (ParametersAccessor) TransferURLs ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) TransferURLs(name string) TransferURLs
TransferURLs returns a TransferURLs parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocolPortLists ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocolPortLists(name string) TunnelProtocolPortLists
TunnelProtocolPortLists returns a TunnelProtocolPortLists parameter value.
func (ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocols ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) TunnelProtocols(name string) protocol.TunnelProtocols
TunnelProtocols returns a protocol.TunnelProtocols parameter value. If there is a corresponding Probability value, a weighted coin flip will be performed and, depending on the result, the value or the parameter default will be returned.
func (ParametersAccessor) WeightedCoinFlip ¶
func (p ParametersAccessor) WeightedCoinFlip(name string) bool
WeightedCoinFlip returns the result of prng.FlipWeightedCoin using the specified float parameter as the probability input.
type ProtocolPacketManipulations ¶
ProtocolPacketManipulations is a map from tunnel protocol names (or "All") to a list of packet manipulation spec names.
func (ProtocolPacketManipulations) Validate ¶
func (manipulations ProtocolPacketManipulations) Validate(specs PacketManipulationSpecs) error
Validate checks that tunnel protocol and spec names are valid. Duplicate spec names are allowed in each entry, enabling weighted selection.
type RegexStrings ¶
type RegexStrings []string
RegexStrings is a list of regex values.
func (RegexStrings) Validate ¶
func (regexes RegexStrings) Validate() error
Validate checks that the regex values are well-formed.
type TransferURL ¶
type TransferURL struct { // URL is the location of the resource. This string is slightly obfuscated // with base64 encoding to mitigate trivial binary executable string scanning. URL string // SkipVerify indicates whether to verify HTTPS certificates. In some // circumvention scenarios, verification is not possible. This must // only be set to true when the resource has its own verification mechanism. SkipVerify bool // OnlyAfterAttempts specifies how to schedule this URL when transferring // the same resource (same entity, same ETag) from multiple different // candidate locations. For a value of N, this URL is only a candidate // after N rounds of attempting the transfer to or from other URLs. OnlyAfterAttempts int // B64EncodedPublicKey is a base64-encoded RSA public key to be used for // encrypting the resource, when uploading, or for verifying a signature of // the resource, when downloading. Required by some operations, such as // uploading feedback. B64EncodedPublicKey string `json:",omitempty"` // RequestHeaders are optional HTTP headers to set on any requests made to // the destination. RequestHeaders map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` }
TransferURL specifies a URL for uploading or downloading resources along with parameters for the transfer strategy.
type TransferURLs ¶
type TransferURLs []*TransferURL
TransferURLs is a list of transfer URLs.
func (TransferURLs) CanonicalURL ¶
func (t TransferURLs) CanonicalURL() string
CanonicalURL returns the canonical URL, to be used as a key when storing information related to the TransferURLs, such as an ETag.
func (TransferURLs) DecodeAndValidate ¶
func (t TransferURLs) DecodeAndValidate() error
DecodeAndValidate validates a list of transfer URLs.
At least one TransferURL in the list must have OnlyAfterAttempts of 0, or no TransferURL would be selected on the first attempt.
func (TransferURLs) Select ¶
func (t TransferURLs) Select(attempt int) *TransferURL
Select chooses a TransferURL from the list.
The TransferURL is selected based at random from the candidates allowed in the specified attempt.
type TunnelProtocolPortLists ¶
TunnelProtocolPortLists is a map from tunnel protocol names (or "All") to a list of port number ranges.
func (TunnelProtocolPortLists) Validate ¶
func (lists TunnelProtocolPortLists) Validate() error
Validate checks that tunnel protocol names are valid.