Table of Contents
- About This Project
- Built With
- Project Structure
- Getting Started with Backend
- System Users
- Frontend Development
- Developer's Guide
- License
About This Project
QuantumLab is an open-source quantum computing platform aiming to enhance researchers' experience by gathering the access to quantum computing resources from multiple providers. In addition, QuantumLab provides customisable analysis and visualisation tool based on Apache-Superset for quantum circuit execution results.
Built With
Project Structure
├─ api # Backend API endpoints
├─ bootstrap # Env bootstrap
├─ cluster # Kubernetes cluster
├─ cmd # Backend entrypoint
├─ docs # Documents
├─ internal # Backend internal utils
├─ model # Backend data model
├─ repository # Backend data repository
├─ usecase # Backend usscase (Business logic)
├─ website # Frontend code
├─ DOCKERFILE # Dockerfile for building docker image
├─ go.mod
├─ go.sum
├─ README.md
Getting Started with Backend
Make sure you properly installed Go 1.20 on your OS. Refer to the Go official documentation for more details.
Install dependencies
Note: Make sure you execute all following commands from the root project directory.
go get ./...
Several environment variables need to be set up before developing this repository. An example .env
file is provided (.env.example), and you may need to replace these example values environment variables. The .env
file must be put in the root project directory for development.
Run server program
go run cmd/main.go
API Documentation Swagger
Install swag CLI:
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
Create or update swagger API documentation:
swag init -g ./cmd/main.go ./docs --pd true
You can visit the API documentation after starting up the server: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html#/
System Users
System roles
By default, the system has the following three different roles:
id |
name |
0 |
Root Administrator |
1 |
Administrator |
2 |
Researcher |
Initialise Root Administrator
Navigate to the following page to initialise the Root Administrator if the system has not had any user yet:
Invite researchers
Login as an Administrator, hit this link (http://localhost:8000/admin/users) and click on the "Invite New" button to invite new users with the Researcher role. The login credential will be sent to the email address entered.
Frontend Development
For the frontend development, please refer to the website/README.md
Developer's Guide
Getting Start to run the whole project
Pipeline Migration
If you need to migrate and establish your own development pipeline, please refer to the following document:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.