Snippets is a small web application that can be used to track diary
entries on a weekly basis. By allowing users of this web application to
subscribe to others, they may receive weekly reports of all snippets
written that week. Work on this utility was inspired by
an identically named tool in use at Google.
Running Snippets
Create your own Bazel workspace that contains
Snippets as a dependency (either as http_archive, git_repository
or go_repository), e.g.:
name = "snippets",
sha256 = "<checksum of source tarball>",
strip_prefix = "snippets-<tag or commit>",
url = "<tag or commit>.tar.gz",
You will also need to pull in Go dependencies from Snippets, which you
can find in its WORKSPACE.
In your BUILD.bazel, add container_push() directives to push Docker
containers of the individual applications into your own Docker registry,
name = "snippets_cron_reminders_push",
format = "Docker",
image = "@snippets//cmd/snippets_cron_reminders:snippets_cron_reminders_container",
registry = "",
repository = "snippets_cron_reminders",
Run the following commands in your Bazel workspace to push the
container images:
bazel build //...
for i in $(bazel query //... | grep '_push$'); do
bazel run $i
Create a PostgreSQL or CockroachDB
database with the tables specified in database_schema.sql.
Run the snippets_web container to enable the Snippets web application.
Place an authenticating proxy, such as
keycloak-proxy in front of it
that at least sets the headers X-Auth-Subject, X-Auth-Name and
X-Auth-Email, containing the user's username, real name and email
address, respectively.
Set up a cronjob that runs the snippets_cron_reminders container on
Fridays to send weekly reminders to users of the service, so that
they don't forget to write a snippet.
Set up a cronjob that runs the snippets_cron_subscriptions
container on Mondays to send copies of snippets written in the
previous week to subscribers.
Each of the containers can be configured by providing command line
flags. Please refer to the main.go source files or start the
containers with -help to get a list of supported command line flags.
Snippets has been written by @EdSchouten and @mickael-carl for use at
Prodrive Technologies B.V. This repository is intended to act as a
canonical example of how a Go-based application may be structured.