A Terraform plugin to manage files in git repositories.
This allows you to export terraform managed state into other systems which are controlled
by git repositories - for example commit server IPs to DNS config repositories,
or write out hiera data into your puppet configuration.
resource "gitfile_checkout" "example" {
repo = "git@yourcompany.com:example"
branch = "master"
path = "${path.root}/../other_git_checkouts/example"
resource "aws_instance" "importantbox" {
count = 5
resource "gitfile_file" "importantbox" {
count = 5
checkout_dir = "${gitfile_checkout.example.path}"
path = "directory_of_ips/${element(aws_instance.importantbox.*.private_ip, count.index)}"
contents = "this is a super important box"
resource "gitfile_commit" "importantboxes" {
checkout_dir = "${gitfile_checkout.example.path}"
commit_message = "Added example IP files for some important boxes"
handles = ["${gitfile_file.importantbox.*.id}"]
Checks out a git repository onto your local filesystem from within a terraform provider.
This is mostly used to ensure that a checkout is present, before using the gitfile_commit
resource to commit some Terraform generated data.
- repo - The git path to the repository, this can be anything you can feed to 'git clone'
- branch - The branch to checkout, defaults to 'master'
- path - The file path on filesystem for where to put the checkout
- path - The file path on filesystem where the repository has been checked out
Creates a file within a git repository with some content from terraform
- checkout_dir - The path to a git checkout, this can have been made by gitfile_checkout or any other mechanism.
- count - The number of files to create (so you can create one file per resource for other sets of resources)
- path - The path within the checkout to create the file at
- contents - The contents of the file
- id - The id of the created file. This is usually passed to gitfile_commit
Creates a symlink within a git repository from terraform
- checkout_dir - The path to a git checkout, this can have been made by gitfile_checkout or any other mechanism.
- count - The number of symlinks to create (so you can create one symlink per resource for other sets of resources)
- path - The path within the checkout to create the symlink at
- target - The place the symlink should point to. Can be an absolute or relative path.
- id - The id of the created symlink. This is usually passed to gitfile_commit
Makes a git commit of a set of gitfile_commit and gitfile_file resources in a git
repository, and pushes it to origin.
Note that even if the a file with the same contents Terraform creates already exists,
Terraform will create an empty commit with the specified commit message.
- checkout_dir - The path to a git checkout, this can have been made by gitfile_checkout or any other mechanism.
- commit_message - The commit message to use for the commit
- handles - An array of ids from gitfile_file or gitfile_symlink resources which should be included in this commit
- commit_message - The commit message for the commit that will be made
- checkout_dir - The path to the git checkout input
- file - The file(s) committed to.
Apache2 - See the included LICENSE file for more details.