Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BigIntToIntBytes(i *big.Int, bytelen int) ([]byte, error)
- func BigIntToUintBytes(i *big.Int, bytelen int) ([]byte, error)
- func DecodeFromBytes(bz []byte, target interface{}) error
- func DecodeFromHexString(str string, target interface{}) error
- func EncodeToBytes(value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func EncodeToHexString(value interface{}) (string, error)
- func EncodedLength(value interface{}) (int, error)
- func Eq(one, other interface{}) bool
- func Hex(value interface{}) (string, error)
- func HexDecodeString(s string) ([]byte, error)
- func HexEncodeToString(b []byte) string
- func IntBytesToBigInt(b []byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func MustHexDecodeString(str string) []byte
- func SetSerDeOptions(so SerDeOptions)
- func UintBytesToBigInt(b []byte) (*big.Int, error)
- type AccountID
- type AccountIndex
- type AccountInfo
- type AccountInfoV4deprecated
- type Address
- type Args
- type AuthorityID
- type BalanceStatus
- type BeefySignature
- type Block
- type BlockNumber
- type Bool
- type BountyIndex
- type Bytes
- type Bytes1024
- type Bytes128
- type Bytes16
- type Bytes2048
- type Bytes256
- type Bytes32
- type Bytes512
- type Bytes64
- type Bytes8
- type BytesBare
- type Call
- type CallIndex
- type ChainProperties
- type ChangesTrieConfiguration
- type ChangesTrieSignal
- type Commitment
- type Consensus
- type ConsensusEngineID
- type Data
- type Digest
- type DigestItem
- type DigestOf
- type DispatchClass
- type DispatchError
- type DispatchInfo
- type DispatchResult
- type DoubleMapTypeV10
- type DoubleMapTypeV4
- type DoubleMapTypeV5
- type ElectionCompute
- type ErrorMetadataV8
- type EventAssetDestroyed
- type EventAssetIssued
- type EventAssetTransferred
- type EventBalancesBalanceSet
- type EventBalancesDeposit
- type EventBalancesDustLost
- type EventBalancesEndowed
- type EventBalancesReserveRepatriated
- type EventBalancesReserved
- type EventBalancesTransfer
- type EventBalancesUnreserved
- type EventClaimsClaimed
- type EventCollectiveApproved
- type EventCollectiveClosed
- type EventCollectiveDisapproved
- type EventCollectiveExecuted
- type EventCollectiveMemberExecuted
- type EventCollectiveProposed
- type EventCollectiveVoted
- type EventContractsCodeStored
- type EventContractsContractExecution
- type EventContractsEvicted
- type EventContractsInstantiated
- type EventContractsRestored
- type EventContractsScheduleUpdated
- type EventDemocracyBlacklisted
- type EventDemocracyCancelled
- type EventDemocracyDelegated
- type EventDemocracyExecuted
- type EventDemocracyExternalTabled
- type EventDemocracyNotPassed
- type EventDemocracyPassed
- type EventDemocracyPreimageInvalid
- type EventDemocracyPreimageMissing
- type EventDemocracyPreimageNoted
- type EventDemocracyPreimageReaped
- type EventDemocracyPreimageUsed
- type EventDemocracyProposed
- type EventDemocracyStarted
- type EventDemocracyTabled
- type EventDemocracyUndelegated
- type EventDemocracyUnlocked
- type EventDemocracyVetoed
- type EventElectionsElectionError
- type EventElectionsEmptyTerm
- type EventElectionsMemberKicked
- type EventElectionsMemberRenounced
- type EventElectionsNewTerm
- type EventElectionsVoterReported
- type EventGrandpaNewAuthorities
- type EventGrandpaPaused
- type EventGrandpaResumed
- type EventID
- type EventIdentityCleared
- type EventIdentityJudgementGiven
- type EventIdentityJudgementRequested
- type EventIdentityJudgementUnrequested
- type EventIdentityKilled
- type EventIdentityRegistrarAdded
- type EventIdentitySet
- type EventIdentitySubIdentityAdded
- type EventIdentitySubIdentityRemoved
- type EventIdentitySubIdentityRevoked
- type EventImOnlineAllGood
- type EventImOnlineHeartbeatReceived
- type EventImOnlineSomeOffline
- type EventIndicesIndexAssigned
- type EventIndicesIndexFreed
- type EventIndicesIndexFrozen
- type EventMetadataV4
- type EventMultisigApproval
- type EventMultisigCancelled
- type EventMultisigExecuted
- type EventMultisigNewMultisig
- type EventOffencesOffence
- type EventProxyAnnounced
- type EventProxyAnonymousCreated
- type EventProxyProxyExecuted
- type EventRecords
- type EventRecordsRaw
- type EventRecoveryAccountRecovered
- type EventRecoveryClosed
- type EventRecoveryCreated
- type EventRecoveryInitiated
- type EventRecoveryRemoved
- type EventRecoveryVouched
- type EventSchedulerCanceled
- type EventSchedulerDispatched
- type EventSchedulerScheduled
- type EventSessionNewSession
- type EventSocietyAutoUnbid
- type EventSocietyBid
- type EventSocietyCandidateSuspended
- type EventSocietyChallenged
- type EventSocietyDefenderVote
- type EventSocietyDeposit
- type EventSocietyFounded
- type EventSocietyInducted
- type EventSocietyMemberSuspended
- type EventSocietyNewMaxMembers
- type EventSocietySuspendedMemberJudgement
- type EventSocietyUnbid
- type EventSocietyUnfounded
- type EventSocietyUnvouch
- type EventSocietyVote
- type EventSocietyVouch
- type EventStakingBonded
- type EventStakingEraPayout
- type EventStakingOldSlashingReportDiscarded
- type EventStakingReward
- type EventStakingSlash
- type EventStakingSolutionStored
- type EventStakingStakingElection
- type EventStakingUnbonded
- type EventStakingWithdrawn
- type EventSudoAsDone
- type EventSudoKeyChanged
- type EventSudoSudid
- type EventSystemCodeUpdated
- type EventSystemExtrinsicFailed
- type EventSystemExtrinsicFailedV8deprecated
- type EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess
- type EventSystemExtrinsicSuccessV8deprecated
- type EventSystemKilledAccount
- type EventSystemNewAccount
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeApproved
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeClosed
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeDisapproved
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeExecuted
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeMemberExecuted
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeProposed
- type EventTechnicalCommitteeVoted
- type EventTechnicalMembershipDummy
- type EventTechnicalMembershipKeyChanged
- type EventTechnicalMembershipMemberAdded
- type EventTechnicalMembershipMemberRemoved
- type EventTechnicalMembershipMembersReset
- type EventTechnicalMembershipMembersSwapped
- type EventTreasuryAwarded
- type EventTreasuryBountyAwarded
- type EventTreasuryBountyBecameActive
- type EventTreasuryBountyCanceled
- type EventTreasuryBountyClaimed
- type EventTreasuryBountyExtended
- type EventTreasuryBountyProposed
- type EventTreasuryBountyRejected
- type EventTreasuryBurnt
- type EventTreasuryDeposit
- type EventTreasuryNewTip
- type EventTreasuryProposed
- type EventTreasuryRejected
- type EventTreasuryRollover
- type EventTreasurySpending
- type EventTreasuryTipClosed
- type EventTreasuryTipClosing
- type EventTreasuryTipRetracted
- type EventUtilityBatchCompleted
- type EventUtilityBatchInterrupted
- type EventVestingVestingCompleted
- type EventVestingVestingUpdated
- type ExampleEnum
- type ExampleStruct
- type ExampleTuple
- type ExampleVec
- type ExampleVecAny
- type Exposure
- type Extrinsic
- func (e *Extrinsic) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (e Extrinsic) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (e Extrinsic) IsSigned() bool
- func (e Extrinsic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *Extrinsic) Sign(signer signature.KeyringPair, o SignatureOptions) error
- func (e Extrinsic) Type() uint8
- func (e *Extrinsic) UnmarshalJSON(bz []byte) error
- type ExtrinsicEra
- type ExtrinsicPayloadV3
- type ExtrinsicPayloadV4
- type ExtrinsicSignatureV3
- type ExtrinsicSignatureV4
- type ExtrinsicStatus
- type ExtrinsicV11
- type ExtrinsicV13
- type FunctionArgumentMetadata
- type FunctionMetadataV4
- type H160
- type H256
- type H512
- type Hash
- type Header
- type Health
- type Hexer
- type I128
- type I16
- type I256
- type I32
- type I64
- type I8
- type IndividualExposure
- type Justification
- type KeyValueOption
- type MapTypeV10
- type MapTypeV4
- type Metadata
- func (m *Metadata) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m Metadata) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *Metadata) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *Metadata) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *Metadata) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *Metadata) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV10
- func (m *MetadataV10) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV10) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV10) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV10) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV10) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV10) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV11
- type MetadataV12
- func (m *MetadataV12) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV12) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV12) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV12) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV12) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV12) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV13
- func (m *MetadataV13) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV13) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV13) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV13) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV13) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV13) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV4
- func (m *MetadataV4) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV4) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV4) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV4) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV4) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV4) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV7
- func (m *MetadataV7) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV7) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV7) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV7) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV7) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV7) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV8
- func (m *MetadataV8) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV8) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV8) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV8) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV8) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV8) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type MetadataV9
- func (m *MetadataV9) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (m MetadataV9) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (m *MetadataV9) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
- func (m *MetadataV9) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
- func (m *MetadataV9) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
- func (m *MetadataV9) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
- type ModuleConstantMetadataV6
- type ModuleMetadataV10
- type ModuleMetadataV12
- type ModuleMetadataV13
- type ModuleMetadataV4
- type ModuleMetadataV7
- type ModuleMetadataV8
- type Moment
- type MortalEra
- type MultiAddress
- type MultiSignature
- type NetworkState
- type Null
- type OptionBeefySignature
- func (o *OptionBeefySignature) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBeefySignature) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBeefySignature) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBeefySignature) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBeefySignature) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBeefySignature) SetSome(value BeefySignature)
- func (o OptionBeefySignature) Unwrap() (ok bool, value BeefySignature)
- type OptionBool
- func (o *OptionBool) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBool) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBool) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBool) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBool) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBool) SetSome(value Bool)
- func (o OptionBool) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bool)
- type OptionBytes
- func (o *OptionBytes) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes) SetSome(value Bytes)
- func (o OptionBytes) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes)
- type OptionBytes1024
- func (o *OptionBytes1024) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes1024) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes1024) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes1024) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes1024) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes1024) SetSome(value Bytes1024)
- func (o OptionBytes1024) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes1024)
- type OptionBytes128
- func (o *OptionBytes128) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes128) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes128) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes128) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes128) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes128) SetSome(value Bytes128)
- func (o OptionBytes128) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes128)
- type OptionBytes16
- func (o *OptionBytes16) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes16) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes16) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes16) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes16) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes16) SetSome(value Bytes16)
- func (o OptionBytes16) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes16)
- type OptionBytes2048
- func (o *OptionBytes2048) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes2048) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes2048) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes2048) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes2048) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes2048) SetSome(value Bytes2048)
- func (o OptionBytes2048) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes2048)
- type OptionBytes256
- func (o *OptionBytes256) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes256) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes256) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes256) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes256) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes256) SetSome(value Bytes256)
- func (o OptionBytes256) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes256)
- type OptionBytes32
- func (o *OptionBytes32) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes32) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes32) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes32) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes32) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes32) SetSome(value Bytes32)
- func (o OptionBytes32) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes32)
- type OptionBytes512
- func (o *OptionBytes512) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes512) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes512) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes512) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes512) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes512) SetSome(value Bytes512)
- func (o OptionBytes512) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes512)
- type OptionBytes64
- func (o *OptionBytes64) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes64) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes64) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes64) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes64) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes64) SetSome(value Bytes64)
- func (o OptionBytes64) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes64)
- type OptionBytes8
- func (o *OptionBytes8) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes8) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionBytes8) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionBytes8) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionBytes8) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionBytes8) SetSome(value Bytes8)
- func (o OptionBytes8) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes8)
- type OptionH160
- func (o *OptionH160) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionH160) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionH160) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionH160) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionH160) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionH160) SetSome(value H160)
- func (o OptionH160) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H160)
- type OptionH256
- func (o *OptionH256) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionH256) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionH256) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionH256) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionH256) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionH256) SetSome(value H256)
- func (o OptionH256) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H256)
- type OptionH512
- func (o *OptionH512) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionH512) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionH512) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionH512) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionH512) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionH512) SetSome(value H512)
- func (o OptionH512) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H512)
- type OptionHash
- func (o *OptionHash) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
- func (o OptionHash) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
- func (o OptionHash) IsNone() bool
- func (o OptionHash) IsSome() bool
- func (o *OptionHash) SetNone()
- func (o *OptionHash) SetSome(value Hash)
- func (o OptionHash) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Hash)
- type OptionI16
- type OptionI32
- type OptionI64
- type OptionI8
- type OptionU16
- type OptionU32
- type OptionU64
- type OptionU8
- type Origin
- type Pays
- type PeerInfo
- type Phase
- type PreRuntime
- type ProxyType
- type RuntimeVersion
- type RuntimeVersionAPI
- type Seal
- type SerDeOptions
- type Signature
- type SignatureOptions
- type SignaturePayload
- type SignedBlock
- type SignedCommitment
- type StorageChangeSet
- type StorageDataRaw
- type StorageEntryMetadata
- type StorageFunctionMetadataV10
- type StorageFunctionMetadataV4
- type StorageFunctionMetadataV5
- type StorageFunctionModifierV0
- type StorageFunctionTypeV10
- type StorageFunctionTypeV4
- type StorageFunctionTypeV5
- type StorageHasher
- type StorageHasherV10
- type StorageKey
- type StorageMetadata
- type StorageMetadataV10
- type TaskAddress
- type Text
- type TimePoint
- type Type
- type U128
- type U16
- type U256
- type U32
- type U64
- type U8
- type UCompact
- type USizedeprecated
- type VoteThreshold
- type Weight
- type WeightMultiplier
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( ExtrinsicBitSigned = 0x80 ExtrinsicBitUnsigned = 0 ExtrinsicUnmaskVersion = 0x7f ExtrinsicDefaultVersion = 1 ExtrinsicVersionUnknown = 0 // v0 is unknown ExtrinsicVersion1 = 1 ExtrinsicVersion2 = 2 ExtrinsicVersion3 = 3 ExtrinsicVersion4 = 4 )
const ( NanosInSecond = 1e9 MillisInSecond = 1e3 )
const MagicNumber uint32 = 0x6174656d
Variables ¶
var ExamplaryExtrinsic = Extrinsic{Version: 0x84, Signature: ExtrinsicSignatureV4{Signer: MultiAddress{IsID: true, AsID: AccountID{0xd4, 0x35, 0x93, 0xc7, 0x15, 0xfd, 0xd3, 0x1c, 0x61, 0x14, 0x1a, 0xbd, 0x4, 0xa9, 0x9f, 0xd6, 0x82, 0x2c, 0x85, 0x58, 0x85, 0x4c, 0xcd, 0xe3, 0x9a, 0x56, 0x84, 0xe7, 0xa5, 0x6d, 0xa2, 0x7d}}, Signature: MultiSignature{IsSr25519: true, AsSr25519: Signature{0x5c, 0x77, 0x1d, 0xd5, 0x6a, 0xe0, 0xce, 0xed, 0x68, 0xd, 0xb3, 0xbb, 0x4c, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x38, 0x96, 0x99, 0x97, 0xae, 0xb6, 0xa, 0x2c, 0x62, 0x39, 0x1, 0x6, 0x2f, 0x7f, 0x8e, 0xbf, 0x2f, 0xe7, 0x73, 0x3a, 0x61, 0x3c, 0xf1, 0x6b, 0x78, 0xf6, 0x10, 0xc6, 0x52, 0x32, 0xa2, 0x3c, 0xc5, 0xce, 0x25, 0xda, 0x29, 0xa3, 0xd5, 0x84, 0x85, 0xd8, 0x7b, 0xd8, 0x3d, 0xb8, 0x18, 0x3f, 0x8}}, Era: ExtrinsicEra{IsImmortalEra: true, IsMortalEra: false, AsMortalEra: MortalEra{First: 0x0, Second: 0x0}}, Nonce: UCompact(*big.NewInt(1)), Tip: UCompact(*big.NewInt(2))}, Method: Call{CallIndex: CallIndex{SectionIndex: 0x3, MethodIndex: 0x0}, Args: Args{0xff, 0x8e, 0xaf, 0x4, 0x15, 0x16, 0x87, 0x73, 0x63, 0x26, 0xc9, 0xfe, 0xa1, 0x7e, 0x25, 0xfc, 0x52, 0x87, 0x61, 0x36, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x12, 0x90, 0x9c, 0xb2, 0x26, 0xaa, 0x47, 0x94, 0xf2, 0x6a, 0x48, 0xe5, 0x6c}}} //nolint:lll
var ExamplaryMetadataV10 = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0xa, IsMetadataV4: false, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4(nil)}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}, IsMetadataV8: false, AsMetadataV8: MetadataV8{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV9: false, AsMetadataV9: MetadataV9{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV10: true, AsMetadataV10: MetadataV10{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV10{ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "System", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AccountNonce", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Index", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics nonce for accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AllExtrinsicsWeight", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Weight", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total weight for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "DigestOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EventIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of events in the `Events<T>` list."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventTopics", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "()", Key2: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes", " of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.", "", " The first key serves no purpose. This field is declared as double_map just", " for convenience of using `remove_prefix`.", "", " All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This", " allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and", " in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.", "", " The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just", " the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block", " no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fill_block", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" A big dispatch that will disallow any other transaction to be included."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new code."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_prefix", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefix", Type: "Key"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type{"DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type{"DispatchError", "DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Utility", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Utility", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Multisigs", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "T::AccountId", Key2: "[u8; 32]", Value: "Multisig<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of open multisig operations."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "batch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "calls", Type: "Vec<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a batch of dispatch calls.", "", " This will execute until the first one fails and then stop.", "", " May be called from any origin.", "", " - `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin.", "", " # <weight>", " - The sum of the weights of the `calls`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>", "", " This will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an", " event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the", " `BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls made", " and the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`", " event is deposited."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - The weight of the `call`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " If there are enough, then dispatch the call.", "", " Payment: `MultisigDepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `MultisigDepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call`: The call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use", " `approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.", "", " Result is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. Otherwise", " on success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,", " may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S + Z + Call)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - The weight of the `call`.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `MultisigDepositBase + threshold * MultisigDepositFactor`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " Payment: `MultisigDepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `MultisigDepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `MultisigDepositBase + threshold * MultisigDepositFactor`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "timepoint", Type: "Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previously", " for this operation will be unreserved on success.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval", " transaction for this dispatch.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - One event.", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.", " - Storage: removes one item.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchInterrupted", Args: []Type{"u32", "DispatchError"}, Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as", " well as the error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchCompleted", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewMultisig", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new multisig operation has begun. First param is the account that is approving,", " second is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigApproval", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been approved by someone. First param is the account that is", " approving, third is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigExecuted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been executed. First param is the account that is", " approving, third is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigCancelled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been cancelled. First param is the account that is", " cancelling, third is the multisig account."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Babe", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Babe", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EpochIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, BabeAuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch authorities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GenesisSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0", " until the first block of the chain."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current slot number."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Randomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.", "", " # Security", "", " This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a", " malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many", " cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this", " (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be", " used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an", " adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextRandomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch randomness."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SegmentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Randomness under construction.", "", " We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length.", " We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to", " `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`.", "", " Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.", " We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every", " epoch."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnderConstruction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<[u8; 32]>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Initialized", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "MaybeVrf", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`", " if per-block initialization has already been called for current block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EpochDuration", Type: "u64", Value: Bytes{0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of **slots** that an epoch takes. We couple sessions to", " epochs, i.e. we start a new session once the new epoch begins."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExpectedBlockTime", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xb8, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating", " blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out", " what the expected average block time should be based on the slot", " duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents", " the probability of a slot being empty)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Timestamp", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization", " phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by", " `MinimumPeriod`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumPeriod", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xdc, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Authorship", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Authorship", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Uncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<UncleEntryItem<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, T::AccountId>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Uncles"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Author", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Author of current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidSetUncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Whether uncles were already set in this block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_uncles", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_uncles", Type: "Vec<T::Header>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a set of uncles."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidUncleParent", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle parent not in the chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnclesAlreadySet", Documentation: []Text{" Uncles already set in the block."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyUncles", Documentation: []Text{" Too many uncles."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "GenesisUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is genesis."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooHighUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is too high in chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UncleAlreadyIncluded", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is already included."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OldUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle isn't recent enough to be included."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Indices", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextEnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free enumeration set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The enumeration sets."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAccountIndex", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account index was assigned.", "", " This event is not triggered when an existing index is reassigned", " to another `AccountId`."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingSchedule<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "FreeBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The 'free' balance of a given account.", "", " This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on tokens. It", " alone is used to determine the balance when in the contract execution environment. When this", " balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then the 'current account' is", " deleted: specifically `FreeBalance`. Further, the `OnFreeBalanceZero` callback", " is invoked, giving a chance to external modules to clean up data associated with", " the deleted account.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `ReservedBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReservedBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the balance of a given account that is externally reserved; this can still get", " slashed, but gets slashed last of all.", "", " This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order to set aside tokens", " that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but which are suspendable.", "", " When this balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then this 'reserve account'", " is deleted: specifically, `ReservedBalance`.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `FreeBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`.)"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.", "", " # <weight>", " - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for", " input config types. See related functions below.", " - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.", "", " Related functions:", "", " - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.", " - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause", " `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.", " - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger", " `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced` and `T::OnFreeBalanceZero::on_free_balance_zero`.", " - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional", " check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.", "", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will", " also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments.", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be", " specified."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer_keep_alive", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the", " origin account.", "", " 99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.", "", " [`transfer`]: struct.Module.html#method.transfer"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account was created."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ReapedAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was reaped."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded (from, to, value, fees)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BalanceSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A balance was set by root (who, free, reserved)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransferFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CreationFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "VestingBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Vesting balance too high to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LiquidityRestrictions", Documentation: []Text{" Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" Got an overflow after adding"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Balance too low to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low to create account due to existential deposit"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "KeepAlive", Documentation: []Text{" Transfer/payment would kill account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistingVestingSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" A vesting schedule already exists for this account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DeadAccount", Documentation: []Text{" Beneficiary account must pre-exist"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TransactionPayment", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextFeeMultiplier", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Multiplier", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Staking", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're", " easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four", " invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Nominations<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate.", "", " NOTE: is private so that we can ensure upgraded before all typical accesses.", " Direct storage APIs can still bypass this protection."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Stakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate", " through validators here, but you can find them in the Session module.", "", " This is keyed by the stash account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraStart", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "MomentOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The start of the current era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraStartSessionIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the current era started."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraPointsEarned", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraPoints", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for the current era. Using indices of current elected set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlotStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently.", "", " This is used to derive rewards and punishments."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ForceEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Forcing", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the next session change will be a new era regardless of index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashRewardFraction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.", "", " The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CanceledSlashPayout", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was", " canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnappliedSlashes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "Vec<UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All unapplied slashes that are queued for later."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BondedEras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Perbill, BalanceOf<T>)", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion", " and slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NominatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashingSpans", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "slashing::SlashingSpans", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Slashing spans for stash accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SpanSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::AccountId, slashing::SpanIndex)", Value: "slashing::SpanRecord<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span,", " as well as how much reward has been paid out."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EarliestUnappliedSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The version of storage for upgrade."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will", " be the account that controls it.", "", " `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.", " - O(1).", " - Three extra DB entries.", "", " NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned unless", " the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up", " for staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", " Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount", " that can be added.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)", " can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need", " to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)", " will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.", " The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via `withdraw_unbonded`.", " - One DB entry.", " </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.", " It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is", " indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.", " - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`,", " which is capped at `MAX_NOMINATIONS`.", " - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains one read.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the controller of a stash.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of validators."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_no_eras", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be", " reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any)."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_unstake", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era_always", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_deferred_slash", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "slash_indices", Type: "Vec<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel enactment of a deferred slash. Can be called by either the root origin or", " the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.", " passing the era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" All validators have been rewarded by the first balance; the second is the remainder", " from the maximum amount of reward."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Slash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "OldSlashingReportDiscarded", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could", " not be processed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SessionsPerEra", Type: "SessionIndex", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of sessions per era."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BondingDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0xa0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotController", Documentation: []Text{" Not a controller account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotStash", Documentation: []Text{" Not a stash account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyBonded", Documentation: []Text{" Stash is already bonded."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyPaired", Documentation: []Text{" Controller is already paired."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "EmptyTargets", Documentation: []Text{" Targets cannot be empty."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSlashIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Slash record index out of bounds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientValue", Documentation: []Text{" Can not bond with value less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoMoreChunks", Documentation: []Text{" Can not schedule more unlock chunks."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Session", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedChanged", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators", " has changed in the queued validator set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::Keys)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys", " will be used to determine the validator's session keys."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DisabledValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<u32>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Indices of disabled validators.", "", " The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "T::Keys", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session keys for a validator.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "KeyOwner", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "(KeyTypeId, Vec<u8>)", Value: "T::ValidatorId", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The owner of a key. The second key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "T::Keys"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proof", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `key`.", " Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(log n) in number of accounts.", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX", Type: "&[u8]", Value: Bytes{0x34, 0x3a, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x73}, Documentation: []Text{" Used as first key for `NextKeys` and `KeyOwner` to put all the data into the same branch", " of the trie."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProof", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid ownership proof."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoAssociatedValidatorId", Documentation: []Text{" No associated validator ID for account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedKey", Documentation: []Text{" Registered duplicate key."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Democracy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Hash, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted. The second item is the proposal's hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Preimages", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(Vec<u8>, T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of hashes to the proposal preimage, along with who registered it and their deposit.", " The block number is the block at which it was deposited."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LowestUnbaked", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum. Equal to", " `ReferendumCount` if there isn't a unbaked referendum."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, ReferendumIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Queue of successful referenda to be dispatched. Stored ordered by block number."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VotersFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the voters for the current proposal."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(ReferendumIndex, T::AccountId)", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the vote in a given referendum of a particular voter. The result is meaningful only", " if `voters_for` includes the voter when called with the referendum (you'll get the", " default `Vote` value otherwise). If you don't want to check `voters_for`, then you can", " also check for simple existence with `VoteOf::exists` first."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the", " vote-transaction-sending account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Delegations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Conviction)", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the account (and lock periods) to which another account is delegating vote."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LastTabledWasExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public", " proposal."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::Hash, VoteThreshold)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal.", " This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met:", " - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or", " - `PublicProps` is empty."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Blacklist", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number", " (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Cancellations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two DB changes, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "proxy_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum on behalf of a stash. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact", " the proposal; otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "emergency_cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule an emergency cancellation of a referendum. Cannot happen twice to the same", " referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an external", " referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_majority", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedule", " an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_default", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to", " schedule an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fast_track", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "voting_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabled", " immediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is one", " but it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.", " - `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal. Increased to", " `EmergencyVotingPeriod` if too low.", " - `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be", " enacted. This doesn't have a minimum amount."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "veto_external", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "which", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Specify a proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "resign_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the proxy.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "conviction", Type: "Conviction"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_public_proposals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the proposal hash. Must be from Root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_imminent_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reap_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an expired proposal preimage and collect the deposit.", "", " This will only work after `VotingPeriod` blocks from the time that the preimage was", " noted, if it's the same account doing it. If it's a different account, then it'll only", " work an additional `EnactmentPeriod` later."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion has been proposed by a public account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExternalTabled", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been tabled."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has begun."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been approved by referendum."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been rejected by referendum."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has been cancelled."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been enacted."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has delegated their vote to another account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has cancelled a previous delegation operation."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Vetoed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been vetoed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageNoted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageUsed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageMissing", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageReaped", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper (last item)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EnactmentPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x2f, 0xd, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period of locking and the period between a proposal being approved and enacted.", "", " It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that", " voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where", " they are on the losing side of a vote."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "LaunchPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc1, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EmergencyVotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x51, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum voting period allowed for an emergency referendum."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CooloffPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "PreimageByteDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance that must be deposited per byte of preimage stored."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ValueLow", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal does not exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Not a proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Unknown index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyCanceled", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot cancel the same proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal already made"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalBlacklisted", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal still blacklisted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSimpleMajority", Documentation: []Text{" Next external proposal not simple majority"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidHash", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid hash"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoProposal", Documentation: []Text{" No external proposal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyVetoed", Documentation: []Text{" Identity may not veto a proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Already a proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Wrong proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotDelegated", Documentation: []Text{" Not delegated"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatePreimage", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage already noted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotImminent", Documentation: []Text{" Not imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Early", Documentation: []Text{" Too early"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Imminent", Documentation: []Text{" Imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage not found"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReferendumInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Vote given for invalid referendum"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid preimage"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoneWaiting", Documentation: []Text{" No proposals waiting"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalCommittee", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance2Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Elections", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "PhragmenElection", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current elected membership. Sorted based on account id."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RunnersUp", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current runners_up. Sorted based on low to high merit (worse to best runner)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ElectionRounds", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VotesOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes of a particular voter, with the round index of the votes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StakeOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Locked stake of a voter."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list. Sorted based on account id. A current member can never enter", " this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election.", "", " The `votes` should:", " - not be empty.", " - be less than the number of candidates.", "", " Upon voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a bond amount is reserved.", " It is the responsibility of the caller to not place all of their balance into the lock", " and keep some for further transactions.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(V) given `V` votes. V is bounded by 16.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove `origin` as a voter. This removes the lock and returns the bond.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_defunct_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report `target` for being an defunct voter. In case of a valid report, the reporter is", " rewarded by the bond amount of `target`. Otherwise, the reporter itself is removed and", " their bond is slashed.", "", " A defunct voter is defined to be:", " - a voter whose current submitted votes are all invalid. i.e. all of them are no", " longer a candidate nor an active member.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(NLogM) given M current candidates and N votes for `target`.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " A candidate will either:", " - Lose at the end of the term and forfeit their deposit.", " - Win and become a member. Members will eventually get their stash back.", " - Become a runner-up. Runners-ups are reserved members in case one gets forcefully", " removed.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(LogN) Given N candidates.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "renounce_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Renounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potential", " outcomes exist:", " - `origin` is a candidate and not elected in any set. In this case, the bond is", " unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a candidate.", " - `origin` is a current runner up. In this case, the bond is unreserved, returned and", " origin is removed as a runner.", " - `origin` is a current member. In this case, the bond is unreserved and origin is", " removed as a member, consequently not being a candidate for the next round anymore.", " Similar to [`remove_voter`], if replacement runners exists, they are immediately used."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond of", " the outgoing member is slashed.", "", " If a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces the", " outgoing member. Otherwise, a new phragmen round is started.", "", " Note that this does not affect the designated block number of the next election.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(do_phragmen)", " Writes: O(do_phragmen)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewTerm", Args: []Type{"Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new term with new members. This indicates that enough candidates existed, not that", " enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examined for this purpose."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "EmptyTerm", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberKicked", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` ot", " `EmptyTerm`."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRenounced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has renounced their candidacy."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "VoterReported", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voter (first element) was reported (byt the second element) with the the report being", " successful or not (third element)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CandidacyBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredMembers", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredRunnersUp", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TermDuration", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x13, 0x3, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToVote", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Must vote for at least one candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than candidates."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaximumVotesExceeded", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than maximum allowed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LowBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToPayBond", Documentation: []Text{" Voter can not pay voting bond."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MustBeVoter", Documentation: []Text{" Must be a voter."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReportSelf", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot report self."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedCandidate", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated candidate submission."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MemberSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Member cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "RunnerSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Runner cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientCandidateFunds", Documentation: []Text{" Candidate does not have enough funds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidOrigin", Documentation: []Text{" Origin is not a candidate, member or a runner up."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Not a member."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalMembership", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Membership", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a member `who` to the set.", "", " May only be called from `AddOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a member `who` from the set.", "", " May only be called from `RemoveOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "swap_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "remove", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "add", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out one member `remove` for another `add`.", "", " May only be called from `SwapOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reset_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice and", " pass `members` pre-sorted.", "", " May only be called from `ResetOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "change_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out the sending member for some other key `new`.", "", " May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberAdded", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was added; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRemoved", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was removed; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersSwapped", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Two members were swapped; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersReset", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" One of the members' keys changed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Dummy", Args: []Type{"sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(AccountId, Event)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" Phantom member, never used."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "FinalityTracker", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "WindowSize", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x65, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is 101."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ReportLatency", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay after which point things become suspicious. Default is 1000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyUpdated", Documentation: []Text{" Final hint must be updated only once in the block"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadHint", Documentation: []Text{" Finalized height above block number"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Grandpa", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "AuthorityList", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" DEPRECATED", "", " This used to store the current authority set, which has been migrated to the well-known", " GRANDPA_AUTHORITES_KEY unhashed key."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "State", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredState<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" State of the current authority set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" next block number where we can force a change."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Stalled", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" `true` if we are currently stalled."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSetId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SetId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)", " in the \"set\" of Grandpa validators from genesis."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SetIdSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "SetId", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its members were responsible."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"AuthorityList"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Paused", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been paused."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Resumed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been resumed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PauseFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live", " (either paused or already pending pause)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ResumeFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused", " (either live or already pending resume)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ChangePending", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooSoon", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot signal forced change so soon after last."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Treasury", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change, one extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rejected", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been deposited."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBond", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x50, 0xc3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal.", " An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SpendPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x70, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "Burn", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientProposersBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Proposer's balance is too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProposalIndex", Documentation: []Text{" No proposal at that index."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Contracts", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Contract", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GasSpent", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Gas spent so far in this block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSchedule", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Schedule", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x87, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current cost schedule for contracts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PristineCode", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CodeStorage", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "wasm::PrefabWasmModule", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for execution."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AccountCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The subtrie counter."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ContractInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ContractInfo<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GasPrice", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The price of one unit of gas."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "update_schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "schedule", Type: "Schedule"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Updates the schedule for metering contracts.", "", " The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "put_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `codehash`.", " You can instantiate contracts only with stored code."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "call", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be", " executed and any value will be transferred.", " * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.", " * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,", " a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "instantiate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "endowment", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code_hash", Type: "CodeHash<T>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Instantiates a new contract from the `codehash` generated by `put_code`, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " Instantiation is executed as follows:", "", " - The destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.", " - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.", " - The `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly-created account. Buffer returned", " after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked", " upon any call received by this account.", " - The contract is initialized."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "claim_surcharge", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "aux_sender", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allows block producers to claim a small reward for evicting a contract. If a block producer", " fails to do so, a regular users will be allowed to claim the reward.", "", " If contract is not evicted as a result of this call, no actions are taken and", " the sender is not eligible for the reward."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer happened `from` to `to` with given `value` as part of a `call` or `instantiate`."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Instantiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract deployed by address at the specified address."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "CodeStored", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" Code with the specified hash has been stored."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ScheduleUpdated", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Triggered when the current schedule is updated."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Dispatched", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A call was dispatched from the given account. The bool signals whether it was", " successful execution or not."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Contract", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<u8>"}, Documentation: []Text{" An event from contract of account."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SignedClaimHandicap", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.", "", " When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked", " for current_block - delay"}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TombstoneDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "StorageSizeOffset", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Size of a contract at the time of instantiaion. This is a simple way to ensure that", " empty contracts eventually gets deleted."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RentByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Price of a byte of storage per one block interval. Should be greater than 0."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RentDepositOffset", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x8a, 0x5d, 0x78, 0x45, 0x63, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of funds a contract should deposit in order to offset", " the cost of one byte.", "", " Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,", " then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.", " But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,", " then it would pay 500 BU/day."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SurchargeReward", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xa1, 0xa7, 0x6b, 0x4a, 0x35, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led", " to removal of a contract."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransferFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CreationFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ContractFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to instantiate a contract instance. A reasonable default value", " is 21."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CallBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for calling into a contract. A reasonable default", " value is 135."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "InstantiateBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for instantiating a contract. A reasonable default value", " is 175."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxDepth", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack. A reasonable default", " value is 100."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxValueSize", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum size of a storage value in bytes. A reasonable default is 16 KiB."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BlockGasLimit", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x96, 0x98, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of gas that could be expended per block. A reasonable", " default value is 10_000_000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidScheduleVersion", Documentation: []Text{" A new schedule must have a greater version than the current one."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSurchargeClaim", Documentation: []Text{" An origin must be signed or inherent and auxiliary sender only provided on inherent."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSourceContract", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot restore from nonexisting or tombstone contract."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidDestinationContract", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot restore to nonexisting or alive contract."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidTombstone", Documentation: []Text{" Tombstones don't match."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidContractOrigin", Documentation: []Text{" An origin TrieId written in the current block."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Sudo", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Key", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The `AccountId` of the sudo key."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "sudo", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "sudo_as", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Signed` origin from", " a given account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Sudid", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The sudoer just switched identity; the old key is supplied."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SudoAsDone", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "RequireSudo", Documentation: []Text{" Sender must be the Sudo account"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "ImOnline", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "ImOnline", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GossipAt", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The block number when we should gossip."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Keys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AuthorityId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReceivedHeartbeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "AuthIndex", Value: "Vec<u8>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `AuthIndex`", " to `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AuthoredBlocks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "u32", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `T::ValidatorId` to the", " number of blocks authored by the given authority."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "heartbeat", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "heartbeat", Type: "Heartbeat<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_signature", Type: "<T::AuthorityId as RuntimeAppPublic>::Signature"}}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "HeartbeatReceived", Args: []Type{"AuthorityId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AllGood", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, no offence was committed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SomeOffline", Args: []Type{"Vec<IdentificationTuple>"}, Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, at least once validator was found to be offline."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidKey", Documentation: []Text{" Non existent public key."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedHeartbeat", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated heartbeat."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "AuthorityDiscovery", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Offences", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Offences", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Reports", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReportIdOf<T>", Value: "OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, T::IdentificationTuple>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ConcurrentReportsIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "Kind", Key2: "OpaqueTimeSlot", Value: "Vec<ReportIdOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReportsByKindIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "Kind", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened.", "", " All reports are sorted by the time of offence.", "", " Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec<u8>`, this is because values of", " different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Offence", Args: []Type{"Kind", "OpaqueTimeSlot"}, Documentation: []Text{" There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and", " (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RandomMaterial", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This", " is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of", " the oldest hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Nicks", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NameOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Vec<u8>, BalanceOf<T>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lookup table for names."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "name", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set an account's name. The name should be a UTF-8-encoded string by convention, though", " we don't check it.", "", " The name may not be more than `T::MaxLength` bytes, nor less than `T::MinLength` bytes.", "", " If the account doesn't already have a name, then a fee of `ReservationFee` is reserved", " in the account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - At most one balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear an account's name and return the deposit. Fails if the account was not named.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an account's name and take charge of the deposit.", "", " Fails if `who` has not been named. The deposit is dealt with through `T::Slashed`", " imbalance handler.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_ or match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One unbalanced handler (probably a balance transfer)", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "name", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set a third-party account's name with no deposit.", "", " No length checking is done on the name.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_ or match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - At most one balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NameSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was set."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NameForced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was forcibly set."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NameChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was changed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NameCleared", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was cleared, and the given balance returned."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NameKilled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was removed and the given balance slashed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ReservationFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reservation fee."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinLength", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum length a name may be."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxLength", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum length a name may be."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooShort", Documentation: []Text{" A name is too short."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooLong", Documentation: []Text{" A name is too long."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Unnamed", Documentation: []Text{" An account in't named."}}}}}}} //nolint:lll,dupl
ExamplaryMetadataV10 is example metadata v10
var ExamplaryMetadataV10Polkadot = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0xa, IsMetadataV4: false, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4(nil)}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}, IsMetadataV8: false, AsMetadataV8: MetadataV8{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV9: false, AsMetadataV9: MetadataV9{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV10: true, AsMetadataV10: MetadataV10{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV10{ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "System", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AccountNonce", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Index", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics nonce for accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AllExtrinsicsWeight", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Weight", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total weight for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "DigestOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EventIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of events in the `Events<T>` list."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventTopics", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes", " of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.", "", " All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This", " allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and", " in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.", "", " The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just", " the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block", " no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fill_block", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" A big dispatch that will disallow any other transaction to be included."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new code."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_prefix", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefix", Type: "Key"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type{"DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type{"DispatchError", "DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RandomMaterial", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This", " is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of", " the oldest hash."}}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Babe", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Babe", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EpochIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, BabeAuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch authorities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GenesisSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0", " until the first block of the chain."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current slot number."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Randomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.", "", " # Security", "", " This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a", " malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many", " cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this", " (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be", " used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an", " adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextRandomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch randomness."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SegmentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Randomness under construction.", "", " We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length.", " We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to", " `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`.", "", " Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.", " We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every", " epoch."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnderConstruction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<[u8; 32]>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Initialized", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "MaybeVrf", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`", " if per-block initialization has already been called for current block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EpochDuration", Type: "u64", Value: Bytes{0x58, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of **slots** that an epoch takes. We couple sessions to", " epochs, i.e. we start a new session once the new epoch begins."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExpectedBlockTime", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0x70, 0x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating", " blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out", " what the expected average block time should be based on the slot", " duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents", " the probability of a slot being empty)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Timestamp", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization", " phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by", " `MinimumPeriod`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumPeriod", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xb8, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Indices", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextEnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free enumeration set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The enumeration sets."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAccountIndex", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account index was assigned.", "", " This event is not triggered when an existing index is reassigned", " to another `AccountId`."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingSchedule<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "FreeBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The 'free' balance of a given account.", "", " This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on tokens. It", " alone is used to determine the balance when in the contract execution environment. When this", " balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then the 'current account' is", " deleted: specifically `FreeBalance`. Further, the `OnFreeBalanceZero` callback", " is invoked, giving a chance to external modules to clean up data associated with", " the deleted account.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `ReservedBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReservedBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the balance of a given account that is externally reserved; this can still get", " slashed, but gets slashed last of all.", "", " This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order to set aside tokens", " that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but which are suspendable.", "", " When this balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then this 'reserve account'", " is deleted: specifically, `ReservedBalance`.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `FreeBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`.)"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.", "", " # <weight>", " - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for", " input config types. See related functions below.", " - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.", "", " Related functions:", "", " - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.", " - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause", " `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.", " - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger", " `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced` and `T::OnFreeBalanceZero::on_free_balance_zero`.", " - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional", " check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.", "", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will", " also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments.", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be", " specified."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer_keep_alive", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the", " origin account.", "", " 99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.", "", " [`transfer`]: struct.Module.html#method.transfer"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account was created."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ReapedAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was reaped."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded (from, to, value, fees)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BalanceSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A balance was set by root (who, free, reserved)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransferFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CreationFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "VestingBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Vesting balance too high to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LiquidityRestrictions", Documentation: []Text{" Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" Got an overflow after adding"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Balance too low to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low to create account due to existential deposit"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "KeepAlive", Documentation: []Text{" Transfer/payment would kill account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistingVestingSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" A vesting schedule already exists for this account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DeadAccount", Documentation: []Text{" Beneficiary account must pre-exist"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TransactionPayment", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextFeeMultiplier", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Multiplier", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe1, 0xf5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Authorship", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Authorship", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Uncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<UncleEntryItem<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, T::AccountId>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Uncles"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Author", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Author of current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidSetUncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Whether uncles were already set in this block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_uncles", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_uncles", Type: "Vec<T::Header>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a set of uncles."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidUncleParent", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle parent not in the chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnclesAlreadySet", Documentation: []Text{" Uncles already set in the block."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyUncles", Documentation: []Text{" Too many uncles."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "GenesisUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is genesis."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooHighUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is too high in chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UncleAlreadyIncluded", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is already included."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OldUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle isn't recent enough to be included."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Staking", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're", " easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four", " invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Nominations<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate.", "", " NOTE: is private so that we can ensure upgraded before all typical accesses.", " Direct storage APIs can still bypass this protection."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Stakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate", " through validators here, but you can find them in the Session module.", "", " This is keyed by the stash account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraStart", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "MomentOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The start of the current era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraStartSessionIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the current era started."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEraPointsEarned", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraPoints", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for the current era. Using indices of current elected set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlotStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently.", "", " This is used to derive rewards and punishments."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ForceEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Forcing", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the next session change will be a new era regardless of index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashRewardFraction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.", "", " The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CanceledSlashPayout", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was", " canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnappliedSlashes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "Vec<UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All unapplied slashes that are queued for later."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BondedEras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Perbill, BalanceOf<T>)", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion", " and slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NominatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashingSpans", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "slashing::SlashingSpans", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Slashing spans for stash accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SpanSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::AccountId, slashing::SpanIndex)", Value: "slashing::SpanRecord<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span,", " as well as how much reward has been paid out."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EarliestUnappliedSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The version of storage for upgrade."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will", " be the account that controls it.", "", " `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.", " - O(1).", " - Three extra DB entries.", "", " NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned unless", " the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up", " for staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", " Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount", " that can be added.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)", " can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need", " to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)", " will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.", " The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via `withdraw_unbonded`.", " - One DB entry.", " </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "rebond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.", "", " # <weight>", " - Time complexity: O(1). Bounded by `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`.", " - Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.", " It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is", " indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.", " - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`,", " which is capped at `MAX_NOMINATIONS`.", " - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains one read.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the controller of a stash.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of validators."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_no_eras", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be", " reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any)."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_unstake", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era_always", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_deferred_slash", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "slash_indices", Type: "Vec<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel enactment of a deferred slash. Can be called by either the root origin or", " the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.", " passing the era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" All validators have been rewarded by the first balance; the second is the remainder", " from the maximum amount of reward."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Slash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "OldSlashingReportDiscarded", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could", " not be processed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SessionsPerEra", Type: "SessionIndex", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of sessions per era."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BondingDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotController", Documentation: []Text{" Not a controller account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotStash", Documentation: []Text{" Not a stash account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyBonded", Documentation: []Text{" Stash is already bonded."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyPaired", Documentation: []Text{" Controller is already paired."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "EmptyTargets", Documentation: []Text{" Targets cannot be empty."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSlashIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Slash record index out of bounds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientValue", Documentation: []Text{" Can not bond with value less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoMoreChunks", Documentation: []Text{" Can not schedule more unlock chunks."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoUnlockChunk", Documentation: []Text{" Can not rebond without unlocking chunks."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Offences", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Offences", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Reports", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReportIdOf<T>", Value: "OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, T::IdentificationTuple>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ConcurrentReportsIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "Kind", Key2: "OpaqueTimeSlot", Value: "Vec<ReportIdOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReportsByKindIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "Kind", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened.", "", " All reports are sorted by the time of offence.", "", " Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec<u8>`, this is because values of", " different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Offence", Args: []Type{"Kind", "OpaqueTimeSlot"}, Documentation: []Text{" There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and", " (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Session", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedChanged", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators", " has changed in the queued validator set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::Keys)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys", " will be used to determine the validator's session keys."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DisabledValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<u32>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Indices of disabled validators.", "", " The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "T::Keys", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session keys for a validator.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "KeyOwner", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "(KeyTypeId, Vec<u8>)", Value: "T::ValidatorId", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The owner of a key. The second key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "T::Keys"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proof", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `key`.", " Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(log n) in number of accounts.", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX", Type: "&[u8]", Value: Bytes{0x34, 0x3a, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x73}, Documentation: []Text{" Used as first key for `NextKeys` and `KeyOwner` to put all the data into the same branch", " of the trie."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProof", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid ownership proof."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoAssociatedValidatorId", Documentation: []Text{" No associated validator ID for account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedKey", Documentation: []Text{" Registered duplicate key."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "FinalityTracker", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "WindowSize", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x65, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is 101."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ReportLatency", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay after which point things become suspicious. Default is 1000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyUpdated", Documentation: []Text{" Final hint must be updated only once in the block"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadHint", Documentation: []Text{" Finalized height above block number"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Grandpa", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "AuthorityList", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" DEPRECATED", "", " This used to store the current authority set, which has been migrated to the well-known", " GRANDPA_AUTHORITES_KEY unhashed key."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "State", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredState<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" State of the current authority set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" next block number where we can force a change."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Stalled", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" `true` if we are currently stalled."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSetId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SetId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)", " in the \"set\" of Grandpa validators from genesis."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SetIdSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "SetId", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its members were responsible."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"AuthorityList"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Paused", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been paused."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Resumed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been resumed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PauseFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live", " (either paused or already pending pause)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ResumeFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused", " (either live or already pending resume)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ChangePending", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooSoon", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot signal forced change so soon after last."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "ImOnline", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "ImOnline", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GossipAt", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The block number when we should gossip."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Keys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AuthorityId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReceivedHeartbeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "AuthIndex", Value: "Vec<u8>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `AuthIndex`", " to `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AuthoredBlocks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "u32", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `T::ValidatorId` to the", " number of blocks authored by the given authority."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "heartbeat", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "heartbeat", Type: "Heartbeat<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_signature", Type: "<T::AuthorityId as RuntimeAppPublic>::Signature"}}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "HeartbeatReceived", Args: []Type{"AuthorityId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AllGood", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, no offence was committed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SomeOffline", Args: []Type{"Vec<IdentificationTuple>"}, Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, at least once validator was found to be offline."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidKey", Documentation: []Text{" Non existent public key."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedHeartbeat", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated heartbeat."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "AuthorityDiscovery", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Democracy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Hash, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted. The second item is the proposal's hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Preimages", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(Vec<u8>, T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of hashes to the proposal preimage, along with who registered it and their deposit.", " The block number is the block at which it was deposited."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LowestUnbaked", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum. Equal to", " `ReferendumCount` if there isn't a unbaked referendum."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, ReferendumIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Queue of successful referenda to be dispatched. Stored ordered by block number."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VotersFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the voters for the current proposal."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(ReferendumIndex, T::AccountId)", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the vote in a given referendum of a particular voter. The result is meaningful only", " if `voters_for` includes the voter when called with the referendum (you'll get the", " default `Vote` value otherwise). If you don't want to check `voters_for`, then you can", " also check for simple existence with `VoteOf::exists` first."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the", " vote-transaction-sending account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Delegations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Conviction)", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the account (and lock periods) to which another account is delegating vote."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LastTabledWasExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public", " proposal."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::Hash, VoteThreshold)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal.", " This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met:", " - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or", " - `PublicProps` is empty."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Blacklist", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number", " (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Cancellations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two DB changes, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "proxy_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum on behalf of a stash. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact", " the proposal; otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "emergency_cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule an emergency cancellation of a referendum. Cannot happen twice to the same", " referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an external", " referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_majority", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedule", " an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_default", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to", " schedule an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fast_track", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "voting_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabled", " immediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is one", " but it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.", " - `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal. Increased to", " `EmergencyVotingPeriod` if too low.", " - `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be", " enacted. This doesn't have a minimum amount."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "veto_external", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "which", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Specify a proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "resign_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the proxy.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "conviction", Type: "Conviction"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_public_proposals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the proposal hash. Must be from Root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_imminent_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reap_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an expired proposal preimage and collect the deposit.", "", " This will only work after `VotingPeriod` blocks from the time that the preimage was", " noted, if it's the same account doing it. If it's a different account, then it'll only", " work an additional `EnactmentPeriod` later."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion has been proposed by a public account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExternalTabled", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been tabled."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has begun."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been approved by referendum."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been rejected by referendum."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has been cancelled."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been enacted."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has delegated their vote to another account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has cancelled a previous delegation operation."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Vetoed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been vetoed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageNoted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageUsed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageMissing", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageReaped", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper (last item)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EnactmentPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xc2, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period of locking and the period between a proposal being approved and enacted.", "", " It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that", " voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where", " they are on the losing side of a vote."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "LaunchPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xc0, 0x89, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xc0, 0x89, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EmergencyVotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum voting period allowed for an emergency referendum."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CooloffPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xc0, 0x89, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "PreimageByteDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe1, 0xf5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance that must be deposited per byte of preimage stored."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ValueLow", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal does not exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Not a proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Unknown index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyCanceled", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot cancel the same proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal already made"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalBlacklisted", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal still blacklisted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSimpleMajority", Documentation: []Text{" Next external proposal not simple majority"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidHash", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid hash"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoProposal", Documentation: []Text{" No external proposal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyVetoed", Documentation: []Text{" Identity may not veto a proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Already a proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Wrong proxy"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotDelegated", Documentation: []Text{" Not delegated"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatePreimage", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage already noted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotImminent", Documentation: []Text{" Not imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Early", Documentation: []Text{" Too early"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Imminent", Documentation: []Text{" Imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage not found"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReferendumInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Vote given for invalid referendum"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid preimage"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoneWaiting", Documentation: []Text{" No proposals waiting"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalCommittee", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance2Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "ElectionsPhragmen", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "PhragmenElection", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current elected membership. Sorted based on account id."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RunnersUp", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current runners_up. Sorted based on low to high merit (worse to best runner)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ElectionRounds", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VotesOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes of a particular voter, with the round index of the votes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StakeOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Locked stake of a voter."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list. Sorted based on account id. A current member can never enter", " this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election.", "", " The `votes` should:", " - not be empty.", " - be less than the number of candidates.", "", " Upon voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a bond amount is reserved.", " It is the responsibility of the caller to not place all of their balance into the lock", " and keep some for further transactions.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(V) given `V` votes. V is bounded by 16.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove `origin` as a voter. This removes the lock and returns the bond.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_defunct_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report `target` for being an defunct voter. In case of a valid report, the reporter is", " rewarded by the bond amount of `target`. Otherwise, the reporter itself is removed and", " their bond is slashed.", "", " A defunct voter is defined to be:", " - a voter whose current submitted votes are all invalid. i.e. all of them are no", " longer a candidate nor an active member.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(NLogM) given M current candidates and N votes for `target`.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " A candidate will either:", " - Lose at the end of the term and forfeit their deposit.", " - Win and become a member. Members will eventually get their stash back.", " - Become a runner-up. Runners-ups are reserved members in case one gets forcefully", " removed.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(LogN) Given N candidates.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "renounce_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Renounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potential", " outcomes exist:", " - `origin` is a candidate and not elected in any set. In this case, the bond is", " unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a candidate.", " - `origin` is a current runner up. In this case, the bond is unreserved, returned and", " origin is removed as a runner.", " - `origin` is a current member. In this case, the bond is unreserved and origin is", " removed as a member, consequently not being a candidate for the next round anymore.", " Similar to [`remove_voter`], if replacement runners exists, they are immediately used."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond of", " the outgoing member is slashed.", "", " If a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces the", " outgoing member. Otherwise, a new phragmen round is started.", "", " Note that this does not affect the designated block number of the next election.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(do_phragmen)", " Writes: O(do_phragmen)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewTerm", Args: []Type{"Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new term with new members. This indicates that enough candidates existed, not that", " enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examined for this purpose."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "EmptyTerm", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberKicked", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` ot", " `EmptyTerm`."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRenounced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has renounced their candidacy."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "VoterReported", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voter (first element) was reported (byt the second element) with the the report being", " successful or not (third element)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CandidacyBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x74, 0x3b, 0xa4, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredMembers", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredRunnersUp", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TermDuration", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x38, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToVote", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Must vote for at least one candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than candidates."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaximumVotesExceeded", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than maximum allowed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LowBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToPayBond", Documentation: []Text{" Voter can not pay voting bond."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MustBeVoter", Documentation: []Text{" Must be a voter."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReportSelf", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot report self."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedCandidate", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated candidate submission."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MemberSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Member cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "RunnerSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Runner cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientCandidateFunds", Documentation: []Text{" Candidate does not have enough funds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidOrigin", Documentation: []Text{" Origin is not a candidate, member or a runner up."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Not a member."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalMembership", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Membership", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a member `who` to the set.", "", " May only be called from `AddOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a member `who` from the set.", "", " May only be called from `RemoveOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "swap_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "remove", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "add", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out one member `remove` for another `add`.", "", " May only be called from `SwapOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reset_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice and", " pass `members` pre-sorted.", "", " May only be called from `ResetOrigin` or root."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "change_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out the sending member for some other key `new`.", "", " May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberAdded", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was added; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRemoved", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was removed; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersSwapped", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Two members were swapped; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersReset", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" One of the members' keys changed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Dummy", Args: []Type{"sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(AccountId, Event)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" Phantom member, never used."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Treasury", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Tips", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "OpenTip<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber, T::Hash>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Tips that are not yet completed. Keyed by the hash of `(reason, who)` from the value.", " This has the insecure enumerable hash function since the key itself is already", " guaranteed to be a secure hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Reasons", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Simple preimage lookup from the reason's hash to the original data. Again, has an", " insecure enumerable hash since the key is guaranteed to be the result of a secure hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_awesome", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reason", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report something `reason` that deserves a tip and claim any eventual the finder's fee.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Payment: `TipReportDepositBase` will be reserved from the origin account, as well as", " `TipReportDepositPerByte` for each byte in `reason`.", "", " - `reason`: The reason for, or the thing that deserves, the tip; generally this will be", " a UTF-8-encoded URL.", " - `who`: The account which should be credited for the tip.", "", " Emits `NewTip` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)` where `R` length of `reason`.", " - One balance operation.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(R)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "retract_tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Retract a prior tip-report from `report_awesome`, and cancel the process of tipping.", "", " If successful, the original deposit will be unreserved.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the tip identified by `hash`", " must have been reported by the signing account through `report_awesome` (and not", " through `tip_new`).", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.", "", " Emits `TipRetracted` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(T)`", " - One balance operation.", " - Two storage removals (one read, codec `O(T)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "tip_new", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reason", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "tip_value", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Give a tip for something new; no finder's fee will be taken.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be a", " member of the `Tippers` set.", "", " - `reason`: The reason for, or the thing that deserves, the tip; generally this will be", " a UTF-8-encoded URL.", " - `who`: The account which should be credited for the tip.", " - `tip_value`: The amount of tip that the sender would like to give. The median tip", " value of active tippers will be given to the `who`.", "", " Emits `NewTip` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + T)` where `R` length of `reason`, `T` is the number of tippers. `T` is", " naturally capped as a membership set, `R` is limited through transaction-size.", " - Two storage insertions (codecs `O(R)`, `O(T)`), one read `O(1)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "tip_value", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare a tip value for an already-open tip.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be a", " member of the `Tippers` set.", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the hash of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary", " account ID.", " - `tip_value`: The amount of tip that the sender would like to give. The median tip", " value of active tippers will be given to the `who`.", "", " Emits `TipClosing` if the threshold of tippers has been reached and the countdown period", " has started.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(T)`", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(T)`), one storage read `O(1)`.", " - Up to one event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "close_tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Close and payout a tip.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " The tip identified by `hash` must have finished its countdown period.", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(T)`", " - One storage retrieval (codec `O(T)`) and two removals.", " - Up to three balance operations.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change, one extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rejected", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been deposited."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewTip", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new tip suggestion has been opened."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipClosing", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has reached threshold and is closing."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipClosed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has been closed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipRetracted", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has been retracted."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBond", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x50, 0xc3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal.", " An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0xe5, 0x9c, 0x30, 0x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SpendPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x51, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "Burn", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipCountdown", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x38, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The period for which a tip remains open after is has achieved threshold tippers."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipFindersFee", Type: "Percent", Value: Bytes{0x14}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the final tip which goes to the original reporter of the tip."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipReportDepositBase", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit for placing a tip report."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipReportDepositPerByte", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit per byte within the tip report reason."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientProposersBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Proposer's balance is too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProposalIndex", Documentation: []Text{" No proposal at that index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReasonTooBig", Documentation: []Text{" The reason given is just too big."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyKnown", Documentation: []Text{" The tip was already found/started."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnknownTip", Documentation: []Text{" The tip hash is unknown."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFinder", Documentation: []Text{" The account attempting to retract the tip is not the finder of the tip."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "StillOpen", Documentation: []Text{" The tip cannot be claimed/closed because there are not enough tippers yet."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Premature", Documentation: []Text{" The tip cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Claims", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Claims", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Claims", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EthereumAddress", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Total", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EthereumAddress", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Vesting schedule for a claim.", " First balance is the total amount that should be held for vesting.", " Second balance is how much should be unlocked per block.", " The block number is when the vesting should start."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "claim", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ethereum_signature", Type: "EcdsaSignature"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make a claim."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "mint_claim", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "EthereumAddress"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vesting_schedule", Type: "Option<(BalanceOf<T>, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a new claim, if you are root."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Claimed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "EthereumAddress", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Someone claimed some DOTs."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "Prefix", Type: "&[u8]", Value: Bytes{0x7c, 0x50, 0x61, 0x79, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x53, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x75, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x20, 0x61, 0x63, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x3a}, Documentation: []Text{" The Prefix that is used in signed Ethereum messages for this network"}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Parachains", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Parachains", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All authorities' keys at the moment."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Code", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The parachains registered at present."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Heads", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The heads of the parachains registered at present."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Watermarks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "T::BlockNumber", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The watermark heights of the parachains registered at present.", " For every parachain, this is the block height from which all messages targeting", " that parachain have been processed. Can be `None` only if the parachain doesn't exist."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnroutedIngress", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::BlockNumber, ParaId)", Value: "Vec<(ParaId, Hash)>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Unrouted ingress. Maps (BlockNumber, to_chain) pairs to [(from_chain, egress_root)].", "", " There may be an entry under (i, p) in this map for every i between the parachain's", " watermark and the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RelayDispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "Vec<UpwardMessage>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Messages ready to be dispatched onto the relay chain. It is subject to", " `MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT` and `WATERMARK_MESSAGE_SIZE`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RelayDispatchQueueSize", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "(u32, u32)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Size of the dispatch queues. Separated from actual data in order to avoid costly", " decoding when checking receipt validity. First item in tuple is the count of messages", "\tsecond if the total length (in bytes) of the message payloads."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NeedsDispatch", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ParaId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ordered list of ParaIds that have a `RelayDispatchQueue` entry."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ParaId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Some if the parachain heads get updated in this block, along with the parachain IDs that", " did update. Ordered in the same way as `registrar::Active` (i.e. by ParaId).", "", " None if not yet updated."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_heads", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "heads", Type: "Vec<AttestedCandidate>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide candidate receipts for parachains, in ascending order by id."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Attestations", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Attestations", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RecentParaBlocks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "IncludedBlocks<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from modular block number (n % AttestationPeriod)", " to session index and the list of candidate hashes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ParaBlockAttestations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "T::BlockNumber", Key2: "Hash", Value: "BlockAttestations<T>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: true, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Attestations on a recent parachain block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "more_attestations", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_more", Type: "MoreAttestations"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide candidate receipts for parachains, in ascending order by id."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Slots", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Slots", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AuctionCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "AuctionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of auctions that have been started so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ManagedIds", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ParaId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Ordered list of all `ParaId` values that are managed by this module. This includes", " chains that are not yet deployed (but have won an auction in the future)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Deposits", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "Vec<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Various amounts on deposit for each parachain. An entry in `ManagedIds` implies a non-", " default entry here.", "", " The actual amount locked on its behalf at any time is the maximum item in this list. The", " first item in the list is the amount locked for the current Lease Period. Following", " items are for the subsequent lease periods.", "", " The default value (an empty list) implies that the parachain no longer exists (or never", " existed) as far as this module is concerned.", "", " If a parachain doesn't exist *yet* but is scheduled to exist in the future, then it", " will be left-padded with one or more zeroes to denote the fact that nothing is held on", " deposit for the non-existent chain currently, but is held at some point in the future."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AuctionInfo", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(LeasePeriodOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information relating to the current auction, if there is one.", "", " The first item in the tuple is the lease period index that the first of the four", " contiguous lease periods on auction is for. The second is the block number when the", " auction will \"begin to end\", i.e. the first block of the Ending Period of the auction."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Winning", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "WinningData<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The winning bids for each of the 10 ranges at each block in the final Ending Period of", " the current auction. The map's key is the 0-based index into the Ending Period. The", " first block of the ending period is 0; the last is `EndingPeriod - 1`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReservedAmounts", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "Bidder<T::AccountId>", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Amounts currently reserved in the accounts of the bidders currently winning", " (sub-)ranges."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "OnboardQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "LeasePeriodOf<T>", Value: "Vec<ParaId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of Para IDs that have won and need to be on-boarded at an upcoming lease-period.", " This is cleared out on the first block of the lease period."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Onboarding", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "(LeasePeriodOf<T>, IncomingParachain<T::AccountId, T::Hash>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The actual on-boarding information. Only exists when one of the following is true:", " - It is before the lease period that the parachain should be on-boarded.", " - The full on-boarding information has not yet been provided and the parachain is not", " yet due to be off-boarded."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Offboarding", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Off-boarding account; currency held on deposit for the parachain gets placed here if the", " parachain gets off-boarded; i.e. its lease period is up and it isn't renewed."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "new_auction", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "duration", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "lease_period_index", Type: "Compact<LeasePeriodOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Create a new auction.", "", " This can only happen when there isn't already an auction in progress and may only be", " called by the root origin. Accepts the `duration` of this auction and the", " `lease_period_index` of the initial lease period of the four that are to be auctioned."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bid", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "sub", Type: "Compact<SubId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "auction_index", Type: "Compact<AuctionIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "first_slot", Type: "Compact<LeasePeriodOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "last_slot", Type: "Compact<LeasePeriodOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "amount", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make a new bid from an account (including a parachain account) for deploying a new", " parachain.", "", " Multiple simultaneous bids from the same bidder are allowed only as long as all active", " bids overlap each other (i.e. are mutually exclusive). Bids cannot be redacted.", "", " - `sub` is the sub-bidder ID, allowing for multiple competing bids to be made by (and", " funded by) the same account.", " - `auction_index` is the index of the auction to bid on. Should just be the present", " value of `AuctionCounter`.", " - `first_slot` is the first lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the", " absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.", " - `last_slot` is the last lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the", " absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.", " - `amount` is the amount to bid to be held as deposit for the parachain should the", " bid win. This amount is held throughout the range."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bid_renew", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "auction_index", Type: "Compact<AuctionIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "first_slot", Type: "Compact<LeasePeriodOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "last_slot", Type: "Compact<LeasePeriodOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "amount", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make a new bid from a parachain account for renewing that (pre-existing) parachain.", "", " The origin *must* be a parachain account.", "", " Multiple simultaneous bids from the same bidder are allowed only as long as all active", " bids overlap each other (i.e. are mutually exclusive). Bids cannot be redacted.", "", " - `auction_index` is the index of the auction to bid on. Should just be the present", " value of `AuctionCounter`.", " - `first_slot` is the first lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the", " absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.", " - `last_slot` is the last lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the", " absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.", " - `amount` is the amount to bid to be held as deposit for the parachain should the", " bid win. This amount is held throughout the range."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_offboarding", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the off-boarding information for a parachain.", "", " The origin *must* be a parachain account.", "", " - `dest` is the destination account to receive the parachain's deposit."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fix_deploy_data", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "sub", Type: "Compact<SubId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "para_id", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "initial_head_data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the deploy information for a successful bid to deploy a new parachain.", "", " - `origin` must be the successful bidder account.", " - `sub` is the sub-bidder ID of the bidder.", " - `para_id` is the parachain ID allotted to the winning bidder.", " - `code_hash` is the hash of the parachain's Wasm validation function.", " - `initial_head_data` is the parachain's initial head data."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "elaborate_deploy_data", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "para_id", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Note a new parachain's code.", "", " This must be called after `fix_deploy_data` and `code` must be the preimage of the", " `code_hash` passed there for the same `para_id`.", "", " This may be called before or after the beginning of the parachain's first lease period.", " If called before then the parachain will become active at the first block of its", " starting lease period. If after, then it will become active immediately after this call.", "", " - `_origin` is irrelevant.", " - `para_id` is the parachain ID whose code will be elaborated.", " - `code` is the preimage of the registered `code_hash` of `para_id`."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewLeasePeriod", Args: []Type{"LeasePeriod"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new lease period is beginning."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AuctionStarted", Args: []Type{"AuctionIndex", "LeasePeriod", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" An auction started. Provides its index and the block number where it will begin to", " close and the first lease period of the quadruplet that is auctioned."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AuctionClosed", Args: []Type{"AuctionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An auction ended. All funds become unreserved."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "WonDeploy", Args: []Type{"NewBidder<AccountId>", "SlotRange", "ParaId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Someone won the right to deploy a parachain. Balance amount is deducted for deposit."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "WonRenewal", Args: []Type{"ParaId", "SlotRange", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An existing parachain won the right to continue.", " First balance is the extra amount reseved. Second is the total amount reserved."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Reserved", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Funds were reserved for a winning bid. First balance is the extra amount reserved.", " Second is the total."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unreserved", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Funds were unreserved since bidder is no longer active."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Registrar", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Registrar", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Parachains", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ParaId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ThreadCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of threads to schedule per block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SelectedThreads", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Vec<(ParaId, CollatorId)>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" An array of the queue of set of threads scheduled for the coming blocks; ordered by", " ascending para ID. There can be no duplicates of para ID in each list item."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Active", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(ParaId, Option<(CollatorId, Retriable)>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Parathreads/chains scheduled for execution this block. If the collator ID is set, then", " a particular collator has already been chosen for the next block, and no other collator", " may provide the block. In this case we allow the possibility of the combination being", " retried in a later block, expressed by `Retriable`.", "", " Ordered by ParaId."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextFreeId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ParaId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next unused ParaId value. Start this high in order to keep low numbers for", " system-level chains."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PendingSwap", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "ParaId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending swap operations."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Paras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "ParaInfo", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of all registered parathreads/chains."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RetryQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Vec<(ParaId, CollatorId)>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current queue for parathreads that should be retried."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Debtors", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ParaId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Users who have paid a parathread's deposit"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "register_para", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "id", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "info", Type: "ParaInfo"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "initial_head_data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register a parachain with given code.", " Fails if given ID is already used."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "deregister_para", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "id", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Deregister a parachain with given id"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_thread_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "count", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reset the number of parathreads that can pay to be scheduled in a single block.", "", " - `count`: The number of parathreads.", "", " Must be called from Root origin."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "register_parathread", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "initial_head_data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register a parathread for immediate use.", "", " Must be sent from a Signed origin that is able to have ParathreadDeposit reserved.", " `code` and `initial_head_data` are used to initialize the parathread's state."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "select_parathread", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_id", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_collator", Type: "CollatorId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_head_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Place a bid for a parathread to be progressed in the next block.", "", " This is a kind of special transaction that should be heavily prioritized in the", " transaction pool according to the `value`; only `ThreadCount` of them may be presented", " in any single block."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "deregister_parathread", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Deregister a parathread and retrieve the deposit.", "", " Must be sent from a `Parachain` origin which is currently a parathread.", "", " Ensure that before calling this that any funds you want emptied from the parathread's", " account is moved out; after this it will be impossible to retrieve them (without", " governance intervention)."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "swap", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other", Type: "Compact<ParaId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap a parachain with another parachain or parathread. The origin must be a `Parachain`.", " The swap will happen only if there is already an opposite swap pending. If there is not,", " the swap will be stored in the pending swaps map, ready for a later confirmatory swap.", "", " The `ParaId`s remain mapped to the same head data and code so external code can rely on", " `ParaId` to be a long-term identifier of a notional \"parachain\". However, their", " scheduling info (i.e. whether they're a parathread or parachain), auction information", " and the auction deposit are switched."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "ParathreadRegistered", Args: []Type{"ParaId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A parathread was registered; its new ID is supplied."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ParathreadDeregistered", Args: []Type{"ParaId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The parathread of the supplied ID was de-registered."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Utility", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Utility", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Multisigs", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "T::AccountId", Key2: "[u8; 32]", Value: "Multisig<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of open multisig operations."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "batch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "calls", Type: "Vec<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a batch of dispatch calls.", "", " This will execute until the first one fails and then stop.", "", " May be called from any origin.", "", " - `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin.", "", " # <weight>", " - The sum of the weights of the `calls`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>", "", " This will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an", " event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the", " `BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls made", " and the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`", " event is deposited."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - The weight of the `call`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " If there are enough, then dispatch the call.", "", " Payment: `MultisigDepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `MultisigDepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call`: The call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use", " `approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.", "", " Result is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. Otherwise", " on success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,", " may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S + Z + Call)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - The weight of the `call`.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `MultisigDepositBase + threshold * MultisigDepositFactor`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " Payment: `MultisigDepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `MultisigDepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `MultisigDepositBase + threshold * MultisigDepositFactor`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "timepoint", Type: "Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previously", " for this operation will be unreserved on success.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval", " transaction for this dispatch.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - One event.", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.", " - Storage: removes one item.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchInterrupted", Args: []Type{"u32", "DispatchError"}, Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as", " well as the error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchCompleted", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewMultisig", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new multisig operation has begun. First param is the account that is approving,", " second is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigApproval", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been approved by someone. First param is the account that is", " approving, third is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigExecuted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been executed. First param is the account that is", " approving, third is the multisig account."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigCancelled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been cancelled. First param is the account that is", " cancelling, third is the multisig account."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Identity", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "IdentityOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Registration<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information that is pertinent to identify the entity behind an account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SuperOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Data)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The super-identity of an alternative \"sub\" identity together with its name, within that", " context. If the account is not some other account's sub-identity, then just `None`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SubsOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Alternative \"sub\" identities of this account.", "", " The first item is the deposit, the second is a vector of the accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Registrars", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Option<RegistrarInfo<BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of registrars. Not expected to get very big as can only be added through a", " special origin (likely a council motion).", "", " The index into this can be cast to `RegistrarIndex` to get a valid value."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_registrar", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a registrar to the system.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `RegistrarOrigin` or `Root`.", "", " - `account`: the account of the registrar.", "", " Emits `RegistrarAdded` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)` where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(R)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "info", Type: "IdentityInfo"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set an account's identity information and reserve the appropriate deposit.", "", " If the account already has identity information, the deposit is taken as part payment", " for the new deposit.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " identity.", "", " - `info`: The identity information.", "", " Emits `IdentitySet` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(X + R)` where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded).", " - At most two balance operations.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(X + R)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_subs", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "subs", Type: "Vec<(T::AccountId, Data)>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the sub-accounts of the sender.", "", " Payment: Any aggregate balance reserved by previous `set_subs` calls will be returned", " and an amount `SubAccountDeposit` will be reserved for each item in `subs`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " identity.", "", " - `subs`: The identity's sub-accounts.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)` where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).", " - At most two balance operations.", " - At most O(2 * S + 1) storage mutations; codec complexity `O(1 * S + S * 1)`);", " one storage-exists.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear an account's identity info and all sub-account and return all deposits.", "", " Payment: All reserved balances on the account are returned.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " identity.", "", " Emits `IdentityCleared` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + S + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - `S + 2` storage deletions.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "request_judgement", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_fee", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Request a judgement from a registrar.", "", " Payment: At most `max_fee` will be reserved for payment to the registrar if judgement", " given.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a", " registered identity.", "", " - `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is requested.", " - `max_fee`: The maximum fee that may be paid. This should just be auto-populated as:", "", " ```nocompile", " Self::registrars(reg_index).uwnrap().fee", " ```", "", " Emits `JudgementRequested` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(X + R)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_request", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "RegistrarIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a previous request.", "", " Payment: A previously reserved deposit is returned on success.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a", " registered identity.", "", " - `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is no longer requested.", "", " Emits `JudgementUnrequested` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - One storage mutation `O(R + X)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_fee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "fee", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the fee required for a judgement to be requested from a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `fee`: the new fee.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_account_id", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the account associated with a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `new`: the new account ID.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_fields", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "fields", Type: "IdentityFields"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the field information for a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `fields`: the fields that the registrar concerns themselves with.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "provide_judgement", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "judgement", Type: "Judgement<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a judgement for an account's identity.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `reg_index`.", "", " - `reg_index`: the index of the registrar whose judgement is being made.", " - `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an account", " with a registered identity.", " - `judgement`: the judgement of the registrar of index `reg_index` about `target`.", "", " Emits `JudgementGiven` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-transfer operation.", " - Up to one account-lookup operation.", " - Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(R + X)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an account's identity and sub-account information and slash the deposits.", "", " Payment: Reserved balances from `set_subs` and `set_identity` are slashed and handled by", " `Slash`. Verification request deposits are not returned; they should be cancelled", " manually using `cancel_request`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_ or match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " - `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an account", " with a registered identity.", "", " Emits `IdentityKilled` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + S + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - `S + 2` storage mutations.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentitySet", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was set or reset (which will remove all judgements)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentityCleared", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was cleared, and the given balance returned."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentityKilled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was removed and the given balance slashed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementRequested", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement was asked from a registrar."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementUnrequested", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement request was retracted."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementGiven", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement was given by a registrar."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RegistrarAdded", Args: []Type{"RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registrar was added."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManySubAccounts", Documentation: []Text{" Too many subs-accounts."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFound", Documentation: []Text{" Account isn't found."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotNamed", Documentation: []Text{" Account isn't named."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "EmptyIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Empty index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FeeChanged", Documentation: []Text{" Fee is changed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoIdentity", Documentation: []Text{" No identity found."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "StickyJudgement", Documentation: []Text{" Sticky judgement."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "JudgementGiven", Documentation: []Text{" Judgement given."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidJudgement", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid judgement."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidIndex", Documentation: []Text{" The index is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidTarget", Documentation: []Text{" The target is invalid."}}}}}}} //nolint:lll
ExamplaryMetadataV10Polkadot is example metadata v10 from Polkadot
var ExamplaryMetadataV10PolkadotString = "" //nolint:lll /* 170390-byte string literal not displayed */
ExamplaryMetadataV10PolkadotString is example metadata v10 from Polkadot encoded in a hex string
var ExamplaryMetadataV10String = "" //nolint:lll /* 135402-byte string literal not displayed */
ExamplaryMetadataV10String is example metadata v10 encoded in a hex string
var ExamplaryMetadataV11PolkadotString = "" /* 150478-byte string literal not displayed */
var ExamplaryMetadataV11Substrate = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0xb, IsMetadataV4: false, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4(nil)}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}, IsMetadataV8: false, AsMetadataV8: MetadataV8{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV9: false, AsMetadataV9: MetadataV9{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV10: false, AsMetadataV10: MetadataV10{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV10(nil)}, IsMetadataV11: true, AsMetadataV11: MetadataV11{MetadataV10: MetadataV10{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV10{ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "System", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Account", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "AccountInfo<T::Index, T::AccountData>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The full account information for a particular account ID."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BlockWeight", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "weights::ExtrinsicsWeight", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current weight for the block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "DigestOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EventIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of events in the `Events<T>` list."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EventTopics", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes", " of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.", "", " All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This", " allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and", " in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.", "", " The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just", " the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block", " no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LastRuntimeUpgrade", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "LastRuntimeUpgradeInfo", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the `spec_version` and `spec_name` of when the last runtime upgrade happened."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ExecutionPhase", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Phase", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The execution phase of the block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fill_block", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_ratio", Type: "Perbill"}}, Documentation: []Text{" A dispatch that will fill the block weight up to the given ratio."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`", " - Base Weight: 0.665 µs, independent of remark length.", " - No DB operations.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`", " - 1 storage write.", " - Base Weight: 1.405 µs", " - 1 write to HEAP_PAGES", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new runtime code.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(C + S)` where `C` length of `code` and `S` complexity of `can_set_code`", " - 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).", " - 1 call to `can_set_code`: `O(S)` (calls `sp_io::misc::runtime_version` which is expensive).", " - 1 event.", " The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime, but generally this is very expensive.", " We will treat this as a full block.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_code_without_checks", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given `code`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(C)` where `C` length of `code`", " - 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).", " - 1 event.", " The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime. We will treat this as a full block.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_changes_trie_config", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "changes_trie_config", Type: "Option<ChangesTrieConfiguration>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new changes trie configuration.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`", " - 1 storage write or delete (codec `O(1)`).", " - 1 call to `deposit_log`: Uses `append` API, so O(1)", " - Base Weight: 7.218 µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Writes: Changes Trie, System Digest", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(I)` where `I` length of `items`", " - `I` storage writes (`O(1)`).", " - Base Weight: 0.568 * i µs", " - Writes: Number of items", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(IK)` where `I` length of `keys` and `K` length of one key", " - `I` storage deletions.", " - Base Weight: .378 * i µs", " - Writes: Number of items", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_prefix", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefix", Type: "Key"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_subkeys", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.", "", " **NOTE:** We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys under", " the prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(P)` where `P` amount of keys with prefix `prefix`", " - `P` storage deletions.", " - Base Weight: 0.834 * P µs", " - Writes: Number of subkeys + 1", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "suicide", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Kill the sending account, assuming there are no references outstanding and the composite", " data is equal to its default value.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`", " - 1 storage read and deletion.", " --------------------", " Base Weight: 8.626 µs", " No DB Read or Write operations because caller is already in overlay", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type{"DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully. [info]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type{"DispatchError", "DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed. [error, info]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "CodeUpdated", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" `:code` was updated."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new [account] was created."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KilledAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An [account] was reaped."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BlockHashCount", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x60, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum number of blocks to allow in mortal eras."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaximumBlockWeight", Type: "Weight", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x20, 0x4a, 0xa9, 0xd1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum weight of a block."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DbWeight", Type: "RuntimeDbWeight", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x78, 0x7d, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe1, 0xf5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The weight of runtime database operations the runtime can invoke."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BlockExecutionWeight", Type: "Weight", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xf2, 0x5, 0x2a, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base weight of executing a block, independent of the transactions in the block."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExtrinsicBaseWeight", Type: "Weight", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x59, 0x73, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base weight of an Extrinsic in the block, independent of the of extrinsic being executed."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaximumBlockLength", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x50, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum length of a block (in bytes)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSpecName", Documentation: []Text{" The name of specification does not match between the current runtime", " and the new runtime."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease", Documentation: []Text{" The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime", " and the new runtime."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion", Documentation: []Text{" Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.", "", " Either calling `Core_version` or decoding `RuntimeVersion` failed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NonDefaultComposite", Documentation: []Text{" Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NonZeroRefCount", Documentation: []Text{" There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Utility", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "batch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "calls", Type: "Vec<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a batch of dispatch calls.", "", " May be called from any origin.", "", " - `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin.", "", " If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includes", " bypassing `frame_system::Trait::BaseCallFilter`).", "", " # <weight>", " - Base weight: 14.39 + .987 * c µs", " - Plus the sum of the weights of the `calls`.", " - Plus one additional event. (repeat read/write)", " # </weight>", "", " This will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an", " event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the", " `BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls made", " and the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`", " event is deposited."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_derivative", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.", "", " Filter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin which", " use the same filter as the origin of this call.", "", " NOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e.", " because you expect `proxy` to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not want", " the call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use `as_multi_threshold_1`", " in the Multisig pallet instead.", "", " NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called `as_limited_sub`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchInterrupted", Args: []Type{"u32", "DispatchError"}, Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as", " well as the error. [index, error]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BatchCompleted", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Babe", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Babe", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EpochIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch index."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, BabeAuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch authorities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "GenesisSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0", " until the first block of the chain."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current slot number."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Randomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "schnorrkel::Randomness", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.", "", " # Security", "", " This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a", " malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many", " cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this", " (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be", " used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an", " adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextEpochConfig", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "NextConfigDescriptor", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch configuration, if changed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextRandomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "schnorrkel::Randomness", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch randomness."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SegmentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Randomness under construction.", "", " We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length.", " We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to", " `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`.", "", " Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.", " We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every", " epoch."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnderConstruction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<schnorrkel::Randomness>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" TWOX-NOTE: `SegmentIndex` is an increasing integer, so this is okay."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Initialized", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "MaybeRandomness", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`", " if per-block initialization has already been called for current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Lateness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How late the current block is compared to its parent.", "", " This entry is populated as part of block execution and is cleaned up", " on block finalization. Querying this storage entry outside of block", " execution context should always yield zero."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_equivocation", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "equivocation_proof", Type: "EquivocationProof<T::Header>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "key_owner_proof", Type: "T::KeyOwnerProof"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify", " the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof", " against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will", " be reported."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_equivocation_unsigned", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "equivocation_proof", Type: "EquivocationProof<T::Header>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "key_owner_proof", Type: "T::KeyOwnerProof"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify", " the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof", " against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will", " be reported.", " This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only", " block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such", " if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation", " reporter."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EpochDuration", Type: "u64", Value: Bytes{0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of **slots** that an epoch takes. We couple sessions to", " epochs, i.e. we start a new session once the new epoch begins."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExpectedBlockTime", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xb8, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating", " blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out", " what the expected average block time should be based on the slot", " duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents", " the probability of a slot being empty)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Timestamp", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization", " phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by", " `MinimumPeriod`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(T)` where `T` complexity of `on_timestamp_set`", " - 1 storage read and 1 storage mutation (codec `O(1)`). (because of `DidUpdate::take` in `on_finalize`)", " - 1 event handler `on_timestamp_set` `O(T)`.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumPeriod", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xdc, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Authorship", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Authorship", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Uncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<UncleEntryItem<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, T::AccountId>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Uncles"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Author", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Author of current block."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DidSetUncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Whether uncles were already set in this block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_uncles", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_uncles", Type: "Vec<T::Header>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a set of uncles."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidUncleParent", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle parent not in the chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnclesAlreadySet", Documentation: []Text{" Uncles already set in the block."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyUncles", Documentation: []Text{" Too many uncles."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "GenesisUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is genesis."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooHighUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is too high in chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UncleAlreadyIncluded", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle is already included."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OldUncle", Documentation: []Text{" The uncle isn't recent enough to be included."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Indices", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Accounts", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, bool)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lookup from index to account."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "claim", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "T::AccountIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Assign an previously unassigned index.", "", " Payment: `Deposit` is reserved from the sender account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `index`: the index to be claimed. This must not be in use.", "", " Emits `IndexAssigned` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).", " - One reserve operation.", " - One event.", " -------------------", " - Base Weight: 28.69 µs", " - DB Weight: 1 Read/Write (Accounts)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "T::AccountIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Assign an index already owned by the sender to another account. The balance reservation", " is effectively transferred to the new account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `index`: the index to be re-assigned. This must be owned by the sender.", " - `new`: the new owner of the index. This function is a no-op if it is equal to sender.", "", " Emits `IndexAssigned` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).", " - One transfer operation.", " - One event.", " -------------------", " - Base Weight: 33.74 µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Reads: Indices Accounts, System Account (recipient)", " - Writes: Indices Accounts, System Account (recipient)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "free", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "T::AccountIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Free up an index owned by the sender.", "", " Payment: Any previous deposit placed for the index is unreserved in the sender account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must own the index.", "", " - `index`: the index to be freed. This must be owned by the sender.", "", " Emits `IndexFreed` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).", " - One reserve operation.", " - One event.", " -------------------", " - Base Weight: 25.53 µs", " - DB Weight: 1 Read/Write (Accounts)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "T::AccountIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "freeze", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force an index to an account. This doesn't require a deposit. If the index is already", " held, then any deposit is reimbursed to its current owner.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.", "", " - `index`: the index to be (re-)assigned.", " - `new`: the new owner of the index. This function is a no-op if it is equal to sender.", " - `freeze`: if set to `true`, will freeze the index so it cannot be transferred.", "", " Emits `IndexAssigned` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).", " - Up to one reserve operation.", " - One event.", " -------------------", " - Base Weight: 26.83 µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Reads: Indices Accounts, System Account (original owner)", " - Writes: Indices Accounts, System Account (original owner)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "freeze", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "T::AccountIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Freeze an index so it will always point to the sender account. This consumes the deposit.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must have a", " non-frozen account `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index to be frozen in place.", "", " Emits `IndexFrozen` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).", " - Up to one slash operation.", " - One event.", " -------------------", " - Base Weight: 30.86 µs", " - DB Weight: 1 Read/Write (Accounts)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "IndexAssigned", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A account index was assigned. [who, index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IndexFreed", Args: []Type{"AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A account index has been freed up (unassigned). [index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IndexFrozen", Args: []Type{"AccountIndex", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A account index has been frozen to its current account ID. [who, index]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Account", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "AccountData<T::Balance>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The balance of an account.", "", " NOTE: This is only used in the case that this module is used to store balances."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances.", " NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Releases", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Storage version of the pallet.", "", " This is set to v2.0.0 for new networks."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.", "", " # <weight>", " - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for", " input config See related functions below.", " - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.", "", " Related functions:", "", " - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.", " - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause", " `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.", " - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced`.", " - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional", " check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.", " ---------------------------------", " - Base Weight: 73.64 µs, worst case scenario (account created, account removed)", " - DB Weight: 1 Read and 1 Write to destination account", " - Origin account is already in memory, so no DB operations for them.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will", " also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments.", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " ---------------------", " - Base Weight:", " - Creating: 27.56 µs", " - Killing: 35.11 µs", " - DB Weight: 1 Read, 1 Write to `who`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be", " specified.", " # <weight>", " - Same as transfer, but additional read and write because the source account is", " not assumed to be in the overlay.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "transfer_keep_alive", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the", " origin account.", "", " 99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.", "", " [`transfer`]: struct.Module.html#method.transfer", " # <weight>", " - Cheaper than transfer because account cannot be killed.", " - Base Weight: 51.4 µs", " - DB Weight: 1 Read and 1 Write to dest (sender is in overlay already)", " #</weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Endowed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was created with some free balance. [account, free_balance]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "DustLost", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was removed whose balance was non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit,", " resulting in an outright loss. [account, balance]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded. [from, to, value]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "BalanceSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A balance was set by root. [who, free, reserved]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees). [who, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Reserved", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved). [who, value]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unreserved", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free). [who, value]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ReserveRepatriated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Status"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account.", " Final argument indicates the destination balance type.", " [from, to, balance, destination_status]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "VestingBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Vesting balance too high to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LiquidityRestrictions", Documentation: []Text{" Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" Got an overflow after adding"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Balance too low to send value"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low to create account due to existential deposit"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "KeepAlive", Documentation: []Text{" Transfer/payment would kill account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistingVestingSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" A vesting schedule already exists for this account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DeadAccount", Documentation: []Text{" Beneficiary account must pre-exist"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TransactionPayment", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "TransactionPayment", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextFeeMultiplier", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Multiplier", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x64, 0xa7, 0xb3, 0xb6, 0xe0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Releases", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "WeightToFee", Type: "Vec<WeightToFeeCoefficient<BalanceOf<T>>>", Value: Bytes{0x4, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}, Documentation: []Text{" The polynomial that is applied in order to derive fee from weight."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Staking", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "HistoryDepth", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x54, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras to keep in history.", "", " Information is kept for eras in `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`.", "", " Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session otherwise. I.e. active era must", " always be in history. I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be", " guaranteed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're", " easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four", " invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Nominations<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index.", "", " This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator", " set, it might be active or not."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ActiveEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ActiveEraInfo", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The active era information, it holds index and start.", "", " The active era is the era currently rewarded.", " Validator set of this era must be equal to `SessionInterface::validators`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasStartSessionIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasStakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Exposure of validator at era.", "", " This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.", "", " Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.", " If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasStakersClipped", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Clipped Exposure of validator at era.", "", " This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the", " `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers.", " (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged).", " This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.", "", " This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.", "", " Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.", " If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasValidatorPrefs", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators.", "", " This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.", "", " Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasValidatorReward", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.", "", " Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasRewardPoints", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "EraRewardPoints<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.", " If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ErasTotalStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.", " If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ForceEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Forcing", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mode of era forcing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashRewardFraction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.", "", " The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CanceledSlashPayout", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was", " canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "UnappliedSlashes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "Vec<UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All unapplied slashes that are queued for later."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "BondedEras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era.", "", " Must contains information for eras for the range:", " `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]`"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ValidatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Perbill, BalanceOf<T>)", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion", " and slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NominatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SlashingSpans", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "slashing::SlashingSpans", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Slashing spans for stash accounts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SpanSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "(T::AccountId, slashing::SpanIndex)", Value: "slashing::SpanRecord<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span,", " as well as how much reward has been paid out."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EarliestUnappliedSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SnapshotValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Snapshot of validators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only", " have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SnapshotNominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Snapshot of nominators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only", " have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ElectionResult<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next validator set. At the end of an era, if this is available (potentially from the", " result of an offchain worker), it is immediately used. Otherwise, the on-chain election", " is executed."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedScore", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ElectionScore", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The score of the current [`QueuedElected`]."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "EraElectionStatus", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ElectionStatus<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Flag to control the execution of the offchain election. When `Open(_)`, we accept", " solutions to be submitted."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "IsCurrentSessionFinal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the current **planned** session is final. Note that this does not take era", " forcing into account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Releases", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x3}, Documentation: []Text{" True if network has been upgraded to this version.", " Storage version of the pallet.", "", " This is set to v3.0.0 for new networks."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will", " be the account that controls it.", "", " `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.", "", " Emits `Bonded`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.", " - O(1).", " - Three extra DB entries.", "", " NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned", " unless the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.", " ------------------", " Base Weight: 67.87 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: Bonded, Ledger, [Origin Account], Current Era, History Depth, Locks", " - Write: Bonded, Payee, [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up", " for staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", " Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount", " that can be added.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller and", " it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " Emits `Bonded`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " ------------", " Base Weight: 54.88 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: Era Election Status, Bonded, Ledger, [Origin Account], Locks", " - Write: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)", " can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need", " to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", " And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " Emits `Unbonded`.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)", " will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.", " The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via", " `withdraw_unbonded`.", " - One DB entry.", " ----------", " Base Weight: 50.34 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: Era Election Status, Ledger, Current Era, Locks, [Origin Account]", " - Write: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger", " </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "num_slashing_spans", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", " And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " Emits `Withdrawn`.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.", " It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is", " indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.", " - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " ---------------", " Complexity O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to remove", " Base Weight:", " Update: 50.52 + .028 * S µs", " - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Current Era, Locks, [Origin Account]", " - Writes: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger", " Kill: 79.41 + 2.366 * S µs", " - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Current Era, Bonded, Slashing Spans, [Origin Account], Locks", " - Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, [Origin Account], Locks", " - Writes Each: SpanSlash * S", " NOTE: Weight annotation is the kill scenario, we refund otherwise.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", " And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " -----------", " Base Weight: 17.13 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: Era Election Status, Ledger", " - Write: Nominators, Validators", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. This can only be called when", " [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", " And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets` (N)", " which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT (MAX_NOMINATIONS).", " - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.", " ---------", " Base Weight: 22.34 + .36 * N µs", " where N is the number of targets", " DB Weight:", " - Reads: Era Election Status, Ledger, Current Era", " - Writes: Validators, Nominators", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", " And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains one read.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " --------", " Base Weight: 16.53 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: EraElectionStatus, Ledger", " - Write: Validators, Nominators", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " ---------", " - Base Weight: 11.33 µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Ledger", " - Write: Payee", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the controller of a stash.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " ----------", " Base Weight: 25.22 µs", " DB Weight:", " - Read: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller", " - Write: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the ideal number of validators.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " Base Weight: 1.717 µs", " Write: Validator Count", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "increase_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "additional", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Increments the ideal number of validators.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " Base Weight: 1.717 µs", " Read/Write: Validator Count", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "scale_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "factor", Type: "Percent"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Scale up the ideal number of validators by a factor.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " Base Weight: 1.717 µs", " Read/Write: Validator Count", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_no_eras", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " - Base Weight: 1.857 µs", " - Write: ForceEra", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be", " reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " - Base Weight: 1.959 µs", " - Write ForceEra", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(V)", " - Base Weight: 2.208 + .006 * V µs", " - Write: Invulnerables", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_unstake", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "num_slashing_spans", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to be removed", " Base Weight: 53.07 + 2.365 * S µs", " Reads: Bonded, Slashing Spans, Account, Locks", " Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, Account, Locks", " Writes Each: SpanSlash * S", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_new_era_always", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.", "", " The dispatch origin must be Root.", "", " # <weight>", " - Base Weight: 2.05 µs", " - Write: ForceEra", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_deferred_slash", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "slash_indices", Type: "Vec<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel enactment of a deferred slash.", "", " Can be called by the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.", "", " Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.", "", " # <weight>", " Complexity: O(U + S)", " with U unapplied slashes weighted with U=1000", " and S is the number of slash indices to be canceled.", " - Base: 5870 + 34.61 * S µs", " - Read: Unapplied Slashes", " - Write: Unapplied Slashes", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "payout_stakers", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "validator_stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Pay out all the stakers behind a single validator for a single era.", "", " - `validator_stash` is the stash account of the validator. Their nominators, up to", " `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, will also receive their rewards.", " - `era` may be any era between `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`.", "", " The origin of this call must be _Signed_. Any account can call this function, even if", " it is not one of the stakers.", "", " This can only be called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator).", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " -----------", " N is the Number of payouts for the validator (including the validator)", " Base Weight:", " - Reward Destination Staked: 110 + 54.2 * N µs (Median Slopes)", " - Reward Destination Controller (Creating): 120 + 41.95 * N µs (Median Slopes)", " DB Weight:", " - Read: EraElectionStatus, CurrentEra, HistoryDepth, ErasValidatorReward,", " ErasStakersClipped, ErasRewardPoints, ErasValidatorPrefs (8 items)", " - Read Each: Bonded, Ledger, Payee, Locks, System Account (5 items)", " - Write Each: System Account, Locks, Ledger (3 items)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "rebond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.", "", " The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller, and it can be only called when", " [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks", " - Bounded by `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`.", " - Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.", " ---------------", " - Base Weight: 34.51 µs * .048 L µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Locks, [Origin Account]", " - Writes: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_history_depth", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_history_depth", Type: "Compact<EraIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_era_items_deleted", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set `HistoryDepth` value. This function will delete any history information", " when `HistoryDepth` is reduced.", "", " Parameters:", " - `new_history_depth`: The new history depth you would like to set.", " - `era_items_deleted`: The number of items that will be deleted by this dispatch.", " This should report all the storage items that will be deleted by clearing old", " era history. Needed to report an accurate weight for the dispatch. Trusted by", " `Root` to report an accurate number.", "", " Origin must be root.", "", " # <weight>", " - E: Number of history depths removed, i.e. 10 -> 7 = 3", " - Base Weight: 29.13 * E µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Reads: Current Era, History Depth", " - Writes: History Depth", " - Clear Prefix Each: Era Stakers, EraStakersClipped, ErasValidatorPrefs", " - Writes Each: ErasValidatorReward, ErasRewardPoints, ErasTotalStake, ErasStartSessionIndex", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reap_stash", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "num_slashing_spans", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove all data structure concerning a staker/stash once its balance is zero.", " This is essentially equivalent to `withdraw_unbonded` except it can be called by anyone", " and the target `stash` must have no funds left.", "", " This can be called from any origin.", "", " - `stash`: The stash account to reap. Its balance must be zero.", "", " # <weight>", " Complexity: O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans on the account.", " Base Weight: 75.94 + 2.396 * S µs", " DB Weight:", " - Reads: Stash Account, Bonded, Slashing Spans, Locks", " - Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, Stash Account, Locks", " - Writes Each: SpanSlash * S", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "submit_election_solution", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "winners", Type: "Vec<ValidatorIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "compact", Type: "CompactAssignments"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "score", Type: "ElectionScore"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "size", Type: "ElectionSize"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Submit an election result to the chain. If the solution:", "", " 1. is valid.", " 2. has a better score than a potentially existing solution on chain.", "", " then, it will be _put_ on chain.", "", " A solution consists of two pieces of data:", "", " 1. `winners`: a flat vector of all the winners of the round.", " 2. `assignments`: the compact version of an assignment vector that encodes the edge", " weights.", "", " Both of which may be computed using _phragmen_, or any other algorithm.", "", " Additionally, the submitter must provide:", "", " - The `score` that they claim their solution has.", "", " Both validators and nominators will be represented by indices in the solution. The", " indices should respect the corresponding types ([`ValidatorIndex`] and", " [`NominatorIndex`]). Moreover, they should be valid when used to index into", " [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`]. Any invalid index will cause the", " solution to be rejected. These two storage items are set during the election window and", " may be used to determine the indices.", "", " A solution is valid if:", "", " 0. It is submitted when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Open`.", " 1. Its claimed score is equal to the score computed on-chain.", " 2. Presents the correct number of winners.", " 3. All indexes must be value according to the snapshot vectors. All edge values must", " also be correct and should not overflow the granularity of the ratio type (i.e. 256", " or billion).", " 4. For each edge, all targets are actually nominated by the voter.", " 5. Has correct self-votes.", "", " A solutions score is consisted of 3 parameters:", "", " 1. `min { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be maximized.", " 2. `sum { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be minimized.", " 3. `sum {^2 }` for each support of a winner. This value should be", " minimized (to ensure less variance)", "", " # <weight>", " See `crate::weight` module.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "submit_election_solution_unsigned", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "winners", Type: "Vec<ValidatorIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "compact", Type: "CompactAssignments"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "score", Type: "ElectionScore"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "size", Type: "ElectionSize"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Unsigned version of `submit_election_solution`.", "", " Note that this must pass the [`ValidateUnsigned`] check which only allows transactions", " from the local node to be included. In other words, only the block author can include a", " transaction in the block.", "", " # <weight>", " See `crate::weight` module.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "EraPayout", Args: []Type{"EraIndex", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" The era payout has been set; the first balance is the validator-payout; the second is", " the remainder from the maximum amount of reward.", " [era_index, validator_payout, remainder]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" The staker has been rewarded by this amount. [stash, amount]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Slash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount.", " [validator, amount]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "OldSlashingReportDiscarded", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could", " not be processed. [session_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "StakingElection", Args: []Type{"ElectionCompute"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new set of stakers was elected with the given [compute]."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SolutionStored", Args: []Type{"ElectionCompute"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new solution for the upcoming election has been stored. [compute]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Bonded", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has bonded this amount. [stash, amount]", "", " NOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably,", " it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unbonded", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has unbonded this amount. [stash, amount]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Withdrawn", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance`", " from the unlocking queue. [stash, amount]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SessionsPerEra", Type: "SessionIndex", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of sessions per era."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BondingDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0xa0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SlashDeferDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0xa8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that slashes are deferred by, after computation.", "", " This should be less than the bonding duration.", " Set to 0 if slashes should be applied immediately, without opportunity for", " intervention."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ElectionLookahead", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x32, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of blocks before the end of the era from which election submissions are allowed.", "", " Setting this to zero will disable the offchain compute and only on-chain seq-phragmen will", " be used.", "", " This is bounded by being within the last session. Hence, setting it to a value more than the", " length of a session will be pointless."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxIterations", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Maximum number of balancing iterations to run in the offchain submission.", "", " If set to 0, balance_solution will not be executed at all."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinSolutionScoreBump", Type: "Perbill", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The threshold of improvement that should be provided for a new solution to be accepted."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum number of nominators rewarded for each validator.", "", " For each validator only the `$MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers can claim", " their reward. This used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotController", Documentation: []Text{" Not a controller account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotStash", Documentation: []Text{" Not a stash account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyBonded", Documentation: []Text{" Stash is already bonded."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyPaired", Documentation: []Text{" Controller is already paired."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "EmptyTargets", Documentation: []Text{" Targets cannot be empty."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSlashIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Slash record index out of bounds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientValue", Documentation: []Text{" Can not bond with value less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoMoreChunks", Documentation: []Text{" Can not schedule more unlock chunks."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoUnlockChunk", Documentation: []Text{" Can not rebond without unlocking chunks."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FundedTarget", Documentation: []Text{" Attempting to target a stash that still has funds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidEraToReward", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid era to reward."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidNumberOfNominations", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid number of nominations."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSortedAndUnique", Documentation: []Text{" Items are not sorted and unique."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyClaimed", Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionEarlySubmission", Documentation: []Text{" The submitted result is received out of the open window."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionWeakSubmission", Documentation: []Text{" The submitted result is not as good as the one stored on chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "SnapshotUnavailable", Documentation: []Text{" The snapshot data of the current window is missing."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusWinnerCount", Documentation: []Text{" Incorrect number of winners were presented."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusWinner", Documentation: []Text{" One of the submitted winners is not an active candidate on chain (index is out of range", " in snapshot)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusCompact", Documentation: []Text{" Error while building the assignment type from the compact. This can happen if an index", " is invalid, or if the weights _overflow_."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusNominator", Documentation: []Text{" One of the submitted nominators is not an active nominator on chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusNomination", Documentation: []Text{" One of the submitted nominators has an edge to which they have not voted on chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionSlashedNomination", Documentation: []Text{" One of the submitted nominators has an edge which is submitted before the last non-zero", " slash of the target."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusSelfVote", Documentation: []Text{" A self vote must only be originated from a validator to ONLY themselves."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusEdge", Documentation: []Text{" The submitted result has unknown edges that are not among the presented winners."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusScore", Documentation: []Text{" The claimed score does not match with the one computed from the data."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OffchainElectionBogusElectionSize", Documentation: []Text{" The election size is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "CallNotAllowed", Documentation: []Text{" The call is not allowed at the given time due to restrictions of election period."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "IncorrectHistoryDepth", Documentation: []Text{" Incorrect previous history depth input provided."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "IncorrectSlashingSpans", Documentation: []Text{" Incorrect number of slashing spans provided."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Session", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedChanged", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators", " has changed in the queued validator set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "QueuedKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::Keys)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys", " will be used to determine the validator's session keys."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DisabledValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<u32>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Indices of disabled validators.", "", " The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "T::Keys", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session keys for a validator."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "KeyOwner", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "(KeyTypeId, Vec<u8>)", Value: "T::ValidatorId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The owner of a key. The key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "keys", Type: "T::Keys"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proof", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `keys`.", " Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.", " - DbReads: `origin account`, `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`", " - DbWrites: `origin account`, `NextKeys`", " - DbReads per key id: `KeyOwner`", " - DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwner`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "purge_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)` in number of key ", " Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.", " - DbReads: `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`, `origin account`", " - DbWrites: `NextKeys`, `origin account`", " - DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwnder`", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the [session_index], not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProof", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid ownership proof."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoAssociatedValidatorId", Documentation: []Text{" No associated validator ID for account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedKey", Documentation: []Text{" Registered duplicate key."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoKeys", Documentation: []Text{" No keys are associated with this account."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Democracy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Hash, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted. The second item is the proposal's hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(Vec<T::AccountId>, BalanceOf<T>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: Safe, as increasing integer keys are safe."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Preimages", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "PreimageStatus<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of hashes to the proposal preimage, along with who registered it and their deposit.", " The block number is the block at which it was deposited."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LowestUnbaked", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum. Equal to", " `ReferendumCount` if there isn't a unbaked referendum."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as indexes are not under an attacker’s control."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "VotingOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Voting<BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All votes for a particular voter. We store the balance for the number of votes that we", " have recorded. The second item is the total amount of delegations, that will be added.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as `AccountId`s are crypto hashes anyway."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::BlockNumber", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Accounts for which there are locks in action which may be removed at some point in the", " future. The value is the block number at which the lock expires and may be removed.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: OK ― `AccountId` is a secure hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "LastTabledWasExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public", " proposal."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::Hash, VoteThreshold)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal.", " This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met:", " - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or", " - `PublicProps` is empty."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Blacklist", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number", " (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Cancellations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Releases", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Storage version of the pallet.", "", " New networks start with last version."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must", " have funds to cover the deposit.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal preimage.", " - `value`: The amount of deposit (must be at least `MinimumDeposit`).", "", " Emits `Proposed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " - Db reads: `PublicPropCount`, `PublicProps`", " - Db writes: `PublicPropCount`, `PublicProps`, `DepositOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "seconds_upper_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Signals agreement with a particular proposal.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sender", " must have funds to cover the deposit, equal to the original deposit.", "", " - `proposal`: The index of the proposal to second.", " - `seconds_upper_bound`: an upper bound on the current number of seconds on this", " proposal. Extrinsic is weighted according to this value with no refund.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(S)` where S is the number of seconds a proposal already has.", " - Db reads: `DepositOf`", " - Db writes: `DepositOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "vote", Type: "AccountVote<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `ref_index`: The index of the referendum to vote for.", " - `vote`: The vote configuration.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter has voted on.", " weight is charged as if maximum votes.", " - Db reads: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`, `balances locks`", " - Db writes: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`, `balances locks`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "emergency_cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule an emergency cancellation of a referendum. Cannot happen twice to the same", " referendum.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be `CancellationOrigin`.", "", " -`ref_index`: The index of the referendum to cancel.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`.", " - Db reads: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `Cancellations`", " - Db writes: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `Cancellations`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an external", " referendum.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be `ExternalOrigin`.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity `O(V)` with V number of vetoers in the blacklist of proposal.", " Decoding vec of length V. Charged as maximum", " - Db reads: `NextExternal`, `Blacklist`", " - Db writes: `NextExternal`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_majority", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedule", " an external referendum.", "", " The dispatch of this call must be `ExternalMajorityOrigin`.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " - Db write: `NextExternal`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "external_propose_default", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to", " schedule an external referendum.", "", " The dispatch of this call must be `ExternalDefaultOrigin`.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " - Db write: `NextExternal`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "fast_track", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "voting_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabled", " immediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is one", " but it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.", "", " The dispatch of this call must be `FastTrackOrigin`.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.", " - `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal. Increased to", " `FastTrackVotingPeriod` if too low.", " - `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be", " enacted. This doesn't have a minimum amount.", "", " Emits `Started`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " - Db reads: `NextExternal`, `ReferendumCount`", " - Db writes: `NextExternal`, `ReferendumCount`, `ReferendumInfoOf`", " - Base Weight: 30.1 µs", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "veto_external", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be `VetoOrigin`.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal to veto and blacklist.", "", " Emits `Vetoed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(V + log(V))` where V is number of `existing vetoers`", " Performs a binary search on `existing_vetoers` which should not be very large.", " - Db reads: `NextExternal`, `Blacklist`", " - Db writes: `NextExternal`, `Blacklist`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.", "", " - `ref_index`: The index of the referendum to cancel.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`.", " - Db writes: `ReferendumInfoOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "which", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.", "", " - `which`: The index of the referendum to cancel.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(D)` where `D` is the items in the dispatch queue. Weighted as `D = 10`.", " - Db reads: `scheduler lookup`, scheduler agenda`", " - Db writes: `scheduler lookup`, scheduler agenda`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "conviction", Type: "Conviction"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "balance", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate the voting power (with some given conviction) of the sending account.", "", " The balance delegated is locked for as long as it's delegated, and thereafter for the", " time appropriate for the conviction's lock period.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_, and the signing account must either:", " - be delegating already; or", " - have no voting activity (if there is, then it will need to be removed/consolidated", " through `reap_vote` or `unvote`).", "", " - `to`: The account whose voting the `target` account's voting power will follow.", " - `conviction`: The conviction that will be attached to the delegated votes. When the", " account is undelegated, the funds will be locked for the corresponding period.", " - `balance`: The amount of the account's balance to be used in delegating. This must", " not be more than the account's current balance.", "", " Emits `Delegated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter delegating to has", " voted on. Weight is charged as if maximum votes.", " - Db reads: 3*`VotingOf`, `origin account locks`", " - Db writes: 3*`VotingOf`, `origin account locks`", " - Db reads per votes: `ReferendumInfoOf`", " - Db writes per votes: `ReferendumInfoOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate the voting power of the sending account.", "", " Tokens may be unlocked following once an amount of time consistent with the lock period", " of the conviction with which the delegation was issued.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be", " currently delegating.", "", " Emits `Undelegated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter delegating to has", " voted on. Weight is charged as if maximum votes.", " - Db reads: 2*`VotingOf`", " - Db writes: 2*`VotingOf`", " - Db reads per votes: `ReferendumInfoOf`", " - Db writes per votes: `ReferendumInfoOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_public_proposals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clears all public proposals.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - Db writes: `PublicProps`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `encoded_proposal`: The preimage of a proposal.", "", " Emits `PreimageNoted`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(E)` with E size of `encoded_proposal` (protected by a required deposit).", " - Db reads: `Preimages`", " - Db writes: `Preimages`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_preimage_operational", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as `note_preimage` but origin is `OperationalPreimageOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_imminent_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed. When this call is successful, i.e.", " the preimage has not been uploaded before and matches some imminent proposal,", " no fee is paid.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `encoded_proposal`: The preimage of a proposal.", "", " Emits `PreimageNoted`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(E)` with E size of `encoded_proposal` (protected by a required deposit).", " - Db reads: `Preimages`", " - Db writes: `Preimages`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_imminent_preimage_operational", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as `note_imminent_preimage` but origin is `OperationalPreimageOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reap_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_len_upper_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an expired proposal preimage and collect the deposit.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of a proposal.", " - `proposal_length_upper_bound`: an upper bound on length of the proposal.", " Extrinsic is weighted according to this value with no refund.", "", " This will only work after `VotingPeriod` blocks from the time that the preimage was", " noted, if it's the same account doing it. If it's a different account, then it'll only", " work an additional `EnactmentPeriod` later.", "", " Emits `PreimageReaped`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(D)` where D is length of proposal.", " - Db reads: `Preimages`, provider account data", " - Db writes: `Preimages` provider account data", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unlock", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Unlock tokens that have an expired lock.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `target`: The account to remove the lock on.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity `O(R)` with R number of vote of target.", " - Db reads: `VotingOf`, `balances locks`, `target account`", " - Db writes: `VotingOf`, `balances locks`, `target account`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a vote for a referendum.", "", " If:", " - the referendum was cancelled, or", " - the referendum is ongoing, or", " - the referendum has ended such that", " - the vote of the account was in opposition to the result; or", " - there was no conviction to the account's vote; or", " - the account made a split vote", " ...then the vote is removed cleanly and a following call to `unlock` may result in more", " funds being available.", "", " If, however, the referendum has ended and:", " - it finished corresponding to the vote of the account, and", " - the account made a standard vote with conviction, and", " - the lock period of the conviction is not over", " ...then the lock will be aggregated into the overall account's lock, which may involve", " *overlocking* (where the two locks are combined into a single lock that is the maximum", " of both the amount locked and the time is it locked for).", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_, and the signer must have a vote", " registered for referendum `index`.", "", " - `index`: The index of referendum of the vote to be removed.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + log R)` where R is the number of referenda that `target` has voted on.", " Weight is calculated for the maximum number of vote.", " - Db reads: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`", " - Db writes: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_other_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a vote for a referendum.", "", " If the `target` is equal to the signer, then this function is exactly equivalent to", " `remove_vote`. If not equal to the signer, then the vote must have expired,", " either because the referendum was cancelled, because the voter lost the referendum or", " because the conviction period is over.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `target`: The account of the vote to be removed; this account must have voted for", " referendum `index`.", " - `index`: The index of referendum of the vote to be removed.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + log R)` where R is the number of referenda that `target` has voted on.", " Weight is calculated for the maximum number of vote.", " - Db reads: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`", " - Db writes: `ReferendumInfoOf`, `VotingOf`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "enact_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Enact a proposal from a referendum. For now we just make the weight be the maximum."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion has been proposed by a public account. [proposal_index, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote. [proposal_index, deposit, depositors]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ExternalTabled", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been tabled."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has begun. [ref_index, threshold]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been approved by referendum. [ref_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been rejected by referendum. [ref_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has been cancelled. [ref_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been enacted. [ref_index, is_ok]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has delegated their vote to another account. [who, target]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An [account] has cancelled a previous delegation operation."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Vetoed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been vetoed. [who, proposal_hash, until]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageNoted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken. [proposal_hash, who, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageUsed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned).", " [proposal_hash, provider, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid. [proposal_hash, ref_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageMissing", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing. [proposal_hash, ref_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "PreimageReaped", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper.", " [proposal_hash, provider, deposit, reaper]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unlocked", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An [account] has been unlocked successfully."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "EnactmentPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x2f, 0xd, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period of locking and the period between a proposal being approved and enacted.", "", " It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that", " voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where", " they are on the losing side of a vote."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "LaunchPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinimumDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc1, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "FastTrackVotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x51, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum voting period allowed for an emergency referendum."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CooloffPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "PreimageByteDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance that must be deposited per byte of preimage stored."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxVotes", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum number of votes for an account."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ValueLow", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal does not exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Unknown index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyCanceled", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot cancel the same proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal already made"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalBlacklisted", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal still blacklisted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSimpleMajority", Documentation: []Text{" Next external proposal not simple majority"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidHash", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid hash"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoProposal", Documentation: []Text{" No external proposal"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyVetoed", Documentation: []Text{" Identity may not veto a proposal twice"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotDelegated", Documentation: []Text{" Not delegated"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatePreimage", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage already noted"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotImminent", Documentation: []Text{" Not imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooEarly", Documentation: []Text{" Too early"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Imminent", Documentation: []Text{" Imminent"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage not found"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReferendumInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Vote given for invalid referendum"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PreimageInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid preimage"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoneWaiting", Documentation: []Text{" No proposals waiting"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotLocked", Documentation: []Text{" The target account does not have a lock."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotExpired", Documentation: []Text{" The lock on the account to be unlocked has not yet expired."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotVoter", Documentation: []Text{" The given account did not vote on the referendum."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoPermission", Documentation: []Text{" The actor has no permission to conduct the action."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyDelegating", Documentation: []Text{" The account is already delegating."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" An unexpected integer overflow occurred."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Underflow", Documentation: []Text{" An unexpected integer underflow occurred."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientFunds", Documentation: []Text{" Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotDelegating", Documentation: []Text{" The account is not currently delegating."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "VotesExist", Documentation: []Text{" The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed until", " these are removed, either through `unvote` or `reap_vote`."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InstantNotAllowed", Documentation: []Text{" The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Nonsense", Documentation: []Text{" Delegation to oneself makes no sense."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongUpperBound", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid upper bound."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaxVotesReached", Documentation: []Text{" Maximum number of votes reached."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Prime", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The member who provides the default vote for any other members that do not vote before", " the timeout. If None, then no member has that privilege."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prime", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "old_count", Type: "MemberCount"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership.", "", " - `new_members`: The new member list. Be nice to the chain and provide it sorted.", " - `prime`: The prime member whose vote sets the default.", " - `old_count`: The upper bound for the previous number of members in storage.", " Used for weight estimation.", "", " Requires root origin.", "", " NOTE: Does not enforce the expected `MAX_MEMBERS` limit on the amount of members, but", " the weight estimations rely on it to estimate dispatchable weight.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(MP + N)` where:", " - `M` old-members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `N` new-members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `P` proposals-count (code-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage mutation (codec `O(M)` read, `O(N)` write) for reading and writing the members", " - 1 storage read (codec `O(P)`) for reading the proposals", " - `P` storage mutations (codec `O(M)`) for updating the votes for each proposal", " - 1 storage write (codec `O(1)`) for deleting the old `prime` and setting the new one", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(M + P)` where `M` members-count (code-bounded) and `P` complexity of dispatching `proposal`", " - DB: 1 read (codec `O(M)`) + DB access of `proposal`", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a new proposal to either be voted on or executed directly.", "", " Requires the sender to be member.", "", " `threshold` determines whether `proposal` is executed directly (`threshold < 2`)", " or put up for voting.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(B + M + P1)` or `O(B + M + P2)` where:", " - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded)", " - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - branching is influenced by `threshold` where:", " - `P1` is proposal execution complexity (`threshold < 2`)", " - `P2` is proposals-count (code-bounded) (`threshold >= 2`)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage read `is_member` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 storage read `ProposalOf::contains_key` (codec `O(1)`)", " - DB accesses influenced by `threshold`:", " - EITHER storage accesses done by `proposal` (`threshold < 2`)", " - OR proposal insertion (`threshold <= 2`)", " - 1 storage mutation `Proposals` (codec `O(P2)`)", " - 1 storage mutation `ProposalCount` (codec `O(1)`)", " - 1 storage write `ProposalOf` (codec `O(B)`)", " - 1 storage write `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add an aye or nay vote for the sender to the given proposal.", "", " Requires the sender to be a member.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(M)` where `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage read `Members` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 storage mutation `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "close", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_weight_bound", Type: "Compact<Weight>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Close a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.", "", " May be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.", "", " If called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it is", " has enough votes to be approved or disapproved.", "", " If called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections", " unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.", "", " + `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed proposal.", " + `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via", " `storage::read` so it is `size_of::<u32>() == 4` larger than the pure length.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where:", " - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded)", " - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage.", " - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)", " - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec `O(P2)`)", " - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)", " - up to 3 events", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "disapprove_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Disapprove a proposal, close, and remove it from the system, regardless of its current state.", "", " Must be called by the Root origin.", "", " Parameters:", " * `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal that should be disapproved.", "", " # <weight>", " Complexity: O(P) where P is the number of max proposals", " Base Weight: .49 * P", " DB Weight:", " * Reads: Proposals", " * Writes: Voting, Proposals, ProposalOf", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`).", " [account, proposal_index, proposal_hash, threshold]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).", " [account, proposal_hash, voted, yes, no]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold.", " [proposal_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold.", " [proposal_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.", " [proposal_hash, result]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.", " [proposal_hash, result]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Closed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up.", " [proposal_hash, yes, no]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooEarly", Documentation: []Text{" The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyProposals", Documentation: []Text{" There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProposalWeight", Documentation: []Text{" The given weight bound for the proposal was too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProposalLength", Documentation: []Text{" The given length bound for the proposal was too low."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalCommittee", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance2Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Prime", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The member who provides the default vote for any other members that do not vote before", " the timeout. If None, then no member has that privilege."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "prime", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "old_count", Type: "MemberCount"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership.", "", " - `new_members`: The new member list. Be nice to the chain and provide it sorted.", " - `prime`: The prime member whose vote sets the default.", " - `old_count`: The upper bound for the previous number of members in storage.", " Used for weight estimation.", "", " Requires root origin.", "", " NOTE: Does not enforce the expected `MAX_MEMBERS` limit on the amount of members, but", " the weight estimations rely on it to estimate dispatchable weight.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(MP + N)` where:", " - `M` old-members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `N` new-members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `P` proposals-count (code-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage mutation (codec `O(M)` read, `O(N)` write) for reading and writing the members", " - 1 storage read (codec `O(P)`) for reading the proposals", " - `P` storage mutations (codec `O(M)`) for updating the votes for each proposal", " - 1 storage write (codec `O(1)`) for deleting the old `prime` and setting the new one", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(M + P)` where `M` members-count (code-bounded) and `P` complexity of dispatching `proposal`", " - DB: 1 read (codec `O(M)`) + DB access of `proposal`", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a new proposal to either be voted on or executed directly.", "", " Requires the sender to be member.", "", " `threshold` determines whether `proposal` is executed directly (`threshold < 2`)", " or put up for voting.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(B + M + P1)` or `O(B + M + P2)` where:", " - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded)", " - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - branching is influenced by `threshold` where:", " - `P1` is proposal execution complexity (`threshold < 2`)", " - `P2` is proposals-count (code-bounded) (`threshold >= 2`)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage read `is_member` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 storage read `ProposalOf::contains_key` (codec `O(1)`)", " - DB accesses influenced by `threshold`:", " - EITHER storage accesses done by `proposal` (`threshold < 2`)", " - OR proposal insertion (`threshold <= 2`)", " - 1 storage mutation `Proposals` (codec `O(P2)`)", " - 1 storage mutation `ProposalCount` (codec `O(1)`)", " - 1 storage write `ProposalOf` (codec `O(B)`)", " - 1 storage write `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add an aye or nay vote for the sender to the given proposal.", "", " Requires the sender to be a member.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(M)` where `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 1 storage read `Members` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 storage mutation `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)", " - 1 event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "close", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_weight_bound", Type: "Compact<Weight>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "length_bound", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Close a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.", "", " May be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.", "", " If called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it is", " has enough votes to be approved or disapproved.", "", " If called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections", " unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.", "", " + `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed proposal.", " + `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via", " `storage::read` so it is `size_of::<u32>() == 4` larger than the pure length.", "", " # <weight>", " ## Weight", " - `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where:", " - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded)", " - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)", " - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage.", " - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)", " - DB:", " - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)", " - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec `O(P2)`)", " - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)", " - up to 3 events", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "disapprove_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Disapprove a proposal, close, and remove it from the system, regardless of its current state.", "", " Must be called by the Root origin.", "", " Parameters:", " * `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal that should be disapproved.", "", " # <weight>", " Complexity: O(P) where P is the number of max proposals", " Base Weight: .49 * P", " DB Weight:", " * Reads: Proposals", " * Writes: Voting, Proposals, ProposalOf", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`).", " [account, proposal_index, proposal_hash, threshold]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).", " [account, proposal_hash, voted, yes, no]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold.", " [proposal_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold.", " [proposal_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.", " [proposal_hash, result]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.", " [proposal_hash, result]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Closed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up.", " [proposal_hash, yes, no]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooEarly", Documentation: []Text{" The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyProposals", Documentation: []Text{" There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProposalWeight", Documentation: []Text{" The given weight bound for the proposal was too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongProposalLength", Documentation: []Text{" The given length bound for the proposal was too low."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Elections", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "PhragmenElection", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current elected membership. Sorted based on account id."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RunnersUp", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current runners_up. Sorted based on low to high merit (worse to best runner)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ElectionRounds", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes and locked stake of a particular voter.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as `AccountId` is a crypto hash"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list. Sorted based on account-id. A current member or runner-up", " can never enter this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election. This can be called to", " set the initial votes, or update already existing votes.", "", " Upon initial voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a bond amount is", " reserved.", "", " The `votes` should:", " - not be empty.", " - be less than the number of possible candidates. Note that all current members and", " runners-up are also automatically candidates for the next round.", "", " It is the responsibility of the caller to not place all of their balance into the lock", " and keep some for further transactions.", "", " # <weight>", " Base weight: 47.93 µs", " State reads:", " \t- Candidates.len() + Members.len() + RunnersUp.len()", " \t- Voting (is_voter)", " \t- [AccountBalance(who) (unreserve + total_balance)]", " State writes:", " \t- Voting", " \t- Lock", " \t- [AccountBalance(who) (unreserve -- only when creating a new voter)]", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove `origin` as a voter. This removes the lock and returns the bond.", "", " # <weight>", " Base weight: 36.8 µs", " All state access is from do_remove_voter.", " State reads:", " \t- Voting", " \t- [AccountData(who)]", " State writes:", " \t- Voting", " \t- Locks", " \t- [AccountData(who)]", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_defunct_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "defunct", Type: "DefunctVoter<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report `target` for being an defunct voter. In case of a valid report, the reporter is", " rewarded by the bond amount of `target`. Otherwise, the reporter itself is removed and", " their bond is slashed.", "", " A defunct voter is defined to be:", " - a voter whose current submitted votes are all invalid. i.e. all of them are no", " longer a candidate nor an active member or a runner-up.", "", "", " The origin must provide the number of current candidates and votes of the reported target", " for the purpose of accurate weight calculation.", "", " # <weight>", " No Base weight based on min square analysis.", " Complexity of candidate_count: 1.755 µs", " Complexity of vote_count: 18.51 µs", " State reads:", " \t- Voting(reporter)", " \t- Candidate.len()", " \t- Voting(Target)", " \t- Candidates, Members, RunnersUp (is_defunct_voter)", " State writes:", " \t- Lock(reporter || target)", " \t- [AccountBalance(reporter)] + AccountBalance(target)", " \t- Voting(reporter || target)", " Note: the db access is worse with respect to db, which is when the report is correct.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "candidate_count", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " A candidate will either:", " - Lose at the end of the term and forfeit their deposit.", " - Win and become a member. Members will eventually get their stash back.", " - Become a runner-up. Runners-ups are reserved members in case one gets forcefully", " removed.", "", " # <weight>", " Base weight = 33.33 µs", " Complexity of candidate_count: 0.375 µs", " State reads:", " \t- Candidates.len()", " \t- Candidates", " \t- Members", " \t- RunnersUp", " \t- [AccountBalance(who)]", " State writes:", " \t- [AccountBalance(who)]", " \t- Candidates", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "renounce_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "renouncing", Type: "Renouncing"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Renounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potential", " outcomes exist:", " - `origin` is a candidate and not elected in any set. In this case, the bond is", " unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a candidate.", " - `origin` is a current runner-up. In this case, the bond is unreserved, returned and", " origin is removed as a runner-up.", " - `origin` is a current member. In this case, the bond is unreserved and origin is", " removed as a member, consequently not being a candidate for the next round anymore.", " Similar to [`remove_voter`], if replacement runners exists, they are immediately used.", " <weight>", " If a candidate is renouncing:", " \tBase weight: 17.28 µs", " \tComplexity of candidate_count: 0.235 µs", " \tState reads:", " \t\t- Candidates", " \t\t- [AccountBalance(who) (unreserve)]", " \tState writes:", " \t\t- Candidates", " \t\t- [AccountBalance(who) (unreserve)]", " If member is renouncing:", " \tBase weight: 46.25 µs", " \tState reads:", " \t\t- Members, RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member),", " \t\t- [AccountData(who) (unreserve)]", " \tState writes:", " \t\t- Members, RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member),", " \t\t- [AccountData(who) (unreserve)]", " If runner is renouncing:", " \tBase weight: 46.25 µs", " \tState reads:", " \t\t- RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member),", " \t\t- [AccountData(who) (unreserve)]", " \tState writes:", " \t\t- RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member),", " \t\t- [AccountData(who) (unreserve)]", "", " Weight note: The call into changeMembers need to be accounted for.", " </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "has_replacement", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond of", " the outgoing member is slashed.", "", " If a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces the", " outgoing member. Otherwise, a new phragmen election is started.", "", " Note that this does not affect the designated block number of the next election.", "", " # <weight>", " If we have a replacement:", " \t- Base weight: 50.93 µs", " \t- State reads:", " \t\t- RunnersUp.len()", " \t\t- Members, RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member)", " \t- State writes:", " \t\t- Members, RunnersUp (remove_and_replace_member)", " Else, since this is a root call and will go into phragmen, we assume full block for now.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewTerm", Args: []Type{"Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new term with [new_members]. This indicates that enough candidates existed to run the", " election, not that enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examined for", " this purpose. A `NewTerm([])` indicates that some candidates got their bond slashed and", " none were elected, whilst `EmptyTerm` means that no candidates existed to begin with."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "EmptyTerm", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round. This is different from", " `NewTerm([])`. See the description of `NewTerm`."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberKicked", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [member] has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` ot", " `EmptyTerm`."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRenounced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [member] has renounced their candidacy."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "VoterReported", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voter was reported with the the report being successful or not.", " [voter, reporter, success]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CandidacyBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "VotingBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredMembers", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "DesiredRunnersUp", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TermDuration", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x13, 0x3, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ModuleId", Type: "LockIdentifier", Value: Bytes{0x70, 0x68, 0x72, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToVote", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Must vote for at least one candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyVotes", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than candidates."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaximumVotesExceeded", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote more than maximum allowed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "LowBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnableToPayBond", Documentation: []Text{" Voter can not pay voting bond."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MustBeVoter", Documentation: []Text{" Must be a voter."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReportSelf", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot report self."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedCandidate", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated candidate submission."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MemberSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Member cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "RunnerSubmit", Documentation: []Text{" Runner cannot re-submit candidacy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientCandidateFunds", Documentation: []Text{" Candidate does not have enough funds."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Not a member."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidCandidateCount", Documentation: []Text{" The provided count of number of candidates is incorrect."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidVoteCount", Documentation: []Text{" The provided count of number of votes is incorrect."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidRenouncing", Documentation: []Text{" The renouncing origin presented a wrong `Renouncing` parameter."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidReplacement", Documentation: []Text{" Prediction regarding replacement after member removal is wrong."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "TechnicalMembership", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Instance1Membership", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Prime", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current prime member, if one exists."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a member `who` to the set.", "", " May only be called from `T::AddOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a member `who` from the set.", "", " May only be called from `T::RemoveOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "swap_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "remove", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "add", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out one member `remove` for another `add`.", "", " May only be called from `T::SwapOrigin`.", "", " Prime membership is *not* passed from `remove` to `add`, if extant."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reset_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice and", " pass `members` pre-sorted.", "", " May only be called from `T::ResetOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "change_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out the sending member for some other key `new`.", "", " May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member.", "", " Prime membership is passed from the origin account to `new`, if extant."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_prime", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the prime member. Must be a current member.", "", " May only be called from `T::PrimeOrigin`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_prime", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove the prime member if it exists.", "", " May only be called from `T::PrimeOrigin`."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberAdded", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was added; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberRemoved", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was removed; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersSwapped", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Two members were swapped; see the transaction for who."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MembersReset", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" One of the members' keys changed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Dummy", Args: []Type{"sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(AccountId, Event)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" Phantom member, never used."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "FinalityTracker", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "WindowSize", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x65, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is 101."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ReportLatency", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay after which point things become suspicious. Default is 1000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyUpdated", Documentation: []Text{" Final hint must be updated only once in the block"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadHint", Documentation: []Text{" Finalized height above block number"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Grandpa", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "State", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredState<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" State of the current authority set."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" next block number where we can force a change."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Stalled", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" `true` if we are currently stalled."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSetId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "SetId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)", " in the \"set\" of Grandpa validators from genesis."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SetIdSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "SetId", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its", " members were responsible.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: `SetId` is not under user control."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_equivocation", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "equivocation_proof", Type: "EquivocationProof<T::Hash, T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "key_owner_proof", Type: "T::KeyOwnerProof"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the", " equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof", " against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence", " will be reported."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_equivocation_unsigned", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "equivocation_proof", Type: "EquivocationProof<T::Hash, T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "key_owner_proof", Type: "T::KeyOwnerProof"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the", " equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof", " against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence", " will be reported.", "", " This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only", " block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such", " if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation", " reporter."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "note_stalled", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "best_finalized_block_number", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Note that the current authority set of the GRANDPA finality gadget has", " stalled. This will trigger a forced authority set change at the beginning", " of the next session, to be enacted `delay` blocks after that. The delay", " should be high enough to safely assume that the block signalling the", " forced change will not be re-orged (e.g. 1000 blocks). The GRANDPA voters", " will start the new authority set using the given finalized block as base.", " Only callable by root."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"AuthorityList"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied. [authority_set]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Paused", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been paused."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Resumed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been resumed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "PauseFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live", " (either paused or already pending pause)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ResumeFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused", " (either live or already pending resume)."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ChangePending", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooSoon", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot signal forced change so soon after last."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidKeyOwnershipProof", Documentation: []Text{" A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidEquivocationProof", Documentation: []Text{" An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicateOffenceReport", Documentation: []Text{" A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Treasury", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Tips", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "OpenTip<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber, T::Hash>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Tips that are not yet completed. Keyed by the hash of `(reason, who)` from the value.", " This has the insecure enumerable hash function since the key itself is already", " guaranteed to be a secure hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Reasons", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Simple preimage lookup from the reason's hash to the original data. Again, has an", " insecure enumerable hash since the key is guaranteed to be the result of a secure hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: O(1)", " - DbReads: `ProposalCount`, `origin account`", " - DbWrites: `ProposalCount`, `Proposals`, `origin account`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.", "", " May only be called from `T::RejectOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: O(1)", " - DbReads: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`", " - DbWrites: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned.", "", " May only be called from `T::ApproveOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: O(1).", " - DbReads: `Proposals`, `Approvals`", " - DbWrite: `Approvals`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "report_awesome", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reason", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report something `reason` that deserves a tip and claim any eventual the finder's fee.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Payment: `TipReportDepositBase` will be reserved from the origin account, as well as", " `TipReportDepositPerByte` for each byte in `reason`.", "", " - `reason`: The reason for, or the thing that deserves, the tip; generally this will be", " a UTF-8-encoded URL.", " - `who`: The account which should be credited for the tip.", "", " Emits `NewTip` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(R)` where `R` length of `reason`.", " - encoding and hashing of 'reason'", " - DbReads: `Reasons`, `Tips`, `who account data`", " - DbWrites: `Tips`, `who account data`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "retract_tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Retract a prior tip-report from `report_awesome`, and cancel the process of tipping.", "", " If successful, the original deposit will be unreserved.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the tip identified by `hash`", " must have been reported by the signing account through `report_awesome` (and not", " through `tip_new`).", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.", "", " Emits `TipRetracted` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(1)`", " - Depends on the length of `T::Hash` which is fixed.", " - DbReads: `Tips`, `origin account`", " - DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`, `origin account`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "tip_new", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reason", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "tip_value", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Give a tip for something new; no finder's fee will be taken.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be a", " member of the `Tippers` set.", "", " - `reason`: The reason for, or the thing that deserves, the tip; generally this will be", " a UTF-8-encoded URL.", " - `who`: The account which should be credited for the tip.", " - `tip_value`: The amount of tip that the sender would like to give. The median tip", " value of active tippers will be given to the `who`.", "", " Emits `NewTip` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(R + T)` where `R` length of `reason`, `T` is the number of tippers.", " - `O(T)`: decoding `Tipper` vec of length `T`", " `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`.", " The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`.", " - `O(R)`: hashing and encoding of reason of length `R`", " - DbReads: `Tippers`, `Reasons`", " - DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "tip_value", Type: "BalanceOf<T>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare a tip value for an already-open tip.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be a", " member of the `Tippers` set.", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the hash of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary", " account ID.", " - `tip_value`: The amount of tip that the sender would like to give. The median tip", " value of active tippers will be given to the `who`.", "", " Emits `TipClosing` if the threshold of tippers has been reached and the countdown period", " has started.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(T)` where `T` is the number of tippers.", " decoding `Tipper` vec of length `T`, insert tip and check closing,", " `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`.", " The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`.", "", " Actually weight could be lower as it depends on how many tips are in `OpenTip` but it", " is weighted as if almost full i.e of length `T-1`.", " - DbReads: `Tippers`, `Tips`", " - DbWrites: `Tips`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "close_tip", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Close and payout a tip.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " The tip identified by `hash` must have finished its countdown period.", "", " - `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed", " as the hash of the tuple of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.", "", " # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(T)` where `T` is the number of tippers.", " decoding `Tipper` vec of length `T`.", " `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`.", " The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`.", " - DbReads: `Tips`, `Tippers`, `tip finder`", " - DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`, `Tippers`, `tip finder`", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal. [proposal_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds. [budget_remaining]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated. [proposal_index, award, beneficiary]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rejected", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed. [proposal_index, slashed]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt. [burn]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend. [budget_remaining]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been deposited. [deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewTip", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new tip suggestion has been opened. [tip_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipClosing", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has reached threshold and is closing. [tip_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipClosed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has been closed. [tip_hash, who, payout]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "TipRetracted", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tip suggestion has been retracted. [tip_hash]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBond", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x50, 0xc3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal.", " An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SpendPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x70, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "Burn", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipCountdown", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x70, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The period for which a tip remains open after is has achieved threshold tippers."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipFindersFee", Type: "Percent", Value: Bytes{0x14}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the final tip which goes to the original reporter of the tip."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipReportDepositBase", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit for placing a tip report."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TipReportDepositPerByte", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit per byte within the tip report reason."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ModuleId", Type: "ModuleId", Value: Bytes{0x70, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x72, 0x73, 0x72, 0x79}, Documentation: []Text{" The treasury's module id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientProposersBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Proposer's balance is too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidProposalIndex", Documentation: []Text{" No proposal at that index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ReasonTooBig", Documentation: []Text{" The reason given is just too big."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyKnown", Documentation: []Text{" The tip was already found/started."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnknownTip", Documentation: []Text{" The tip hash is unknown."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFinder", Documentation: []Text{" The account attempting to retract the tip is not the finder of the tip."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "StillOpen", Documentation: []Text{" The tip cannot be claimed/closed because there are not enough tippers yet."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Premature", Documentation: []Text{" The tip cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Contracts", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Contracts", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CurrentSchedule", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Schedule", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0xf7, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x24, 0x37, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0xf7, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0xf0, 0xfa, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe1, 0xf5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current cost schedule for contracts."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "PristineCode", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "CodeStorage", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "wasm::PrefabWasmModule", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for execution."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AccountCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The subtrie counter."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ContractInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ContractInfo<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "update_schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "schedule", Type: "Schedule"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Updates the schedule for metering contracts.", "", " The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "put_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `codehash`.", " You can instantiate contracts only with stored code."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "call", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be", " executed and any value will be transferred.", " * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.", " * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,", " a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "instantiate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "endowment", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "code_hash", Type: "CodeHash<T>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Instantiates a new contract from the `codehash` generated by `put_code`, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " Instantiation is executed as follows:", "", " - The destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.", " - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.", " - The `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly-created account. Buffer returned", " after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked", " upon any call received by this account.", " - The contract is initialized."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "claim_surcharge", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "dest", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "aux_sender", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allows block producers to claim a small reward for evicting a contract. If a block producer", " fails to do so, a regular users will be allowed to claim the reward.", "", " If contract is not evicted as a result of this call, no actions are taken and", " the sender is not eligible for the reward."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Instantiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract deployed by address at the specified address. [owner, contract]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Evicted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract has been evicted and is now in tombstone state.", " [contract, tombstone]", " ", " # Params", "", " - `contract`: `AccountId`: The account ID of the evicted contract.", " - `tombstone`: `bool`: True if the evicted contract left behind a tombstone."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Restored", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Hash", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Restoration for a contract has been successful.", " [donor, dest, code_hash, rent_allowance]", " ", " # Params", "", " - `donor`: `AccountId`: Account ID of the restoring contract", " - `dest`: `AccountId`: Account ID of the restored contract", " - `code_hash`: `Hash`: Code hash of the restored contract", " - `rent_allowance: `Balance`: Rent allowance of the restored contract"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "CodeStored", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" Code with the specified hash has been stored.", " [code_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ScheduleUpdated", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Triggered when the current [schedule] is updated."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "ContractExecution", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<u8>"}, Documentation: []Text{" An event deposited upon execution of a contract from the account.", " [account, data]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SignedClaimHandicap", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.", "", " When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked", " for current_block - delay"}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "TombstoneDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xa0, 0xac, 0xb9, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "StorageSizeOffset", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A size offset for an contract. A just created account with untouched storage will have that", " much of storage from the perspective of the state rent.", "", " This is a simple way to ensure that contracts with empty storage eventually get deleted", " by making them pay rent. This creates an incentive to remove them early in order to save", " rent."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RentByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x28, 0x6b, 0xee, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Price of a byte of storage per one block interval. Should be greater than 0."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RentDepositOffset", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of funds a contract should deposit in order to offset", " the cost of one byte.", "", " Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,", " then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.", " But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,", " then it would pay 500 BU/day."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SurchargeReward", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x5c, 0xb2, 0xec, 0x22, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led", " to removal of a contract."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxDepth", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack. A reasonable default", " value is 100."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxValueSize", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum size of a storage value in bytes. A reasonable default is 16 KiB."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidScheduleVersion", Documentation: []Text{" A new schedule must have a greater version than the current one."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSurchargeClaim", Documentation: []Text{" An origin must be signed or inherent and auxiliary sender only provided on inherent."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidSourceContract", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot restore from nonexisting or tombstone contract."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidDestinationContract", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot restore to nonexisting or alive contract."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidTombstone", Documentation: []Text{" Tombstones don't match."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidContractOrigin", Documentation: []Text{" An origin TrieId written in the current block."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OutOfGas", Documentation: []Text{" The executed contract exhausted its gas limit."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OutputBufferTooSmall", Documentation: []Text{" The output buffer supplied to a contract API call was too small."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BelowSubsistenceThreshold", Documentation: []Text{" Performing the requested transfer would have brought the contract below", " the subsistence threshold. No transfer is allowed to do this in order to allow", " for a tombstone to be created. Use `seal_terminate` to remove a contract without", " leaving a tombstone behind."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NewContractNotFunded", Documentation: []Text{" The newly created contract is below the subsistence threshold after executing", " its contructor. No contracts are allowed to exist below that threshold."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TransferFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Performing the requested transfer failed for a reason originating in the", " chosen currency implementation of the runtime. Most probably the balance is", " too low or locks are placed on it."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaxCallDepthReached", Documentation: []Text{" Performing a call was denied because the calling depth reached the limit", " of what is specified in the schedule."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotCallable", Documentation: []Text{" The contract that was called is either no contract at all (a plain account)", " or is a tombstone."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "CodeTooLarge", Documentation: []Text{" The code supplied to `put_code` exceeds the limit specified in the current schedule."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "CodeNotFound", Documentation: []Text{" No code could be found at the supplied code hash."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "OutOfBounds", Documentation: []Text{" A buffer outside of sandbox memory was passed to a contract API function."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DecodingFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Input passed to a contract API function failed to decode as expected type."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ContractTrapped", Documentation: []Text{" Contract trapped during execution."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Sudo", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Key", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The `AccountId` of the sudo key."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "sudo", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Weight of derivative `call` execution + 10,000.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "sudo_unchecked_weight", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_weight", Type: "Weight"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", " This function does not check the weight of the call, and instead allows the", " Sudo user to specify the weight of the call.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - The weight of this call is defined by the caller.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "sudo_as", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Signed` origin from", " a given account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Weight of derivative `call` execution + 10,000.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Sudid", Args: []Type{"DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place. [result]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The [sudoer] just switched identity; the old key is supplied."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SudoAsDone", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place. [result]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "RequireSudo", Documentation: []Text{" Sender must be the Sudo account"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "ImOnline", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "ImOnline", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "HeartbeatAfter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The block number after which it's ok to send heartbeats in current session.", "", " At the beginning of each session we set this to a value that should", " fall roughly in the middle of the session duration.", " The idea is to first wait for the validators to produce a block", " in the current session, so that the heartbeat later on will not be necessary."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Keys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AuthorityId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReceivedHeartbeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "AuthIndex", Value: "Vec<u8>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `AuthIndex` to", " `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "AuthoredBlocks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "u32", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `T::ValidatorId` to the", " number of blocks authored by the given authority."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "heartbeat", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "heartbeat", Type: "Heartbeat<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "_signature", Type: "<T::AuthorityId as RuntimeAppPublic>::Signature"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Complexity: `O(K + E)` where K is length of `Keys` and E is length of", " `Heartbeat.network_state.external_address`", "", " - `O(K)`: decoding of length `K`", " - `O(E)`: decoding/encoding of length `E`", " - DbReads: pallet_session `Validators`, pallet_session `CurrentIndex`, `Keys`,", " `ReceivedHeartbeats`", " - DbWrites: `ReceivedHeartbeats`", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "HeartbeatReceived", Args: []Type{"AuthorityId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId` [authority_id]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AllGood", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, no offence was committed."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SomeOffline", Args: []Type{"Vec<IdentificationTuple>"}, Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be [offline]."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidKey", Documentation: []Text{" Non existent public key."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DuplicatedHeartbeat", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated heartbeat."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "AuthorityDiscovery", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Offences", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Offences", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Reports", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "ReportIdOf<T>", Value: "OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, T::IdentificationTuple>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DeferredOffences", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<DeferredOffenceOf<T>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Deferred reports that have been rejected by the offence handler and need to be submitted", " at a later time."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ConcurrentReportsIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "Kind", Key2: "OpaqueTimeSlot", Value: "Vec<ReportIdOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ReportsByKindIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "Kind", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened.", "", " All reports are sorted by the time of offence.", "", " Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec<u8>`, this is because values of", " different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Offence", Args: []Type{"Kind", "OpaqueTimeSlot", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and", " (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes. last", " element indicates of the offence was applied (true) or queued (false) ", " [kind, timeslot, applied]."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Historical", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10(nil)}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "RandomMaterial", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This", " is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of", " the oldest hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Identity", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Identity", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "IdentityOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Registration<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information that is pertinent to identify the entity behind an account.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: OK ― `AccountId` is a secure hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SuperOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Data)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The super-identity of an alternative \"sub\" identity together with its name, within that", " context. If the account is not some other account's sub-identity, then just `None`."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SubsOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Alternative \"sub\" identities of this account.", "", " The first item is the deposit, the second is a vector of the accounts.", "", " TWOX-NOTE: OK ― `AccountId` is a secure hash."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Registrars", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Option<RegistrarInfo<BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of registrars. Not expected to get very big as can only be added through a", " special origin (likely a council motion).", "", " The index into this can be cast to `RegistrarIndex` to get a valid value."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_registrar", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a registrar to the system.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `T::RegistrarOrigin`.", "", " - `account`: the account of the registrar.", "", " Emits `RegistrarAdded` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)` where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded and code-bounded).", " - One storage mutation (codec `O(R)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "info", Type: "IdentityInfo"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set an account's identity information and reserve the appropriate deposit.", "", " If the account already has identity information, the deposit is taken as part payment", " for the new deposit.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `info`: The identity information.", "", " Emits `IdentitySet` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(X + X' + R)`", " - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded)", " - where `R` judgements-count (registrar-count-bounded)", " - One balance reserve operation.", " - One storage mutation (codec-read `O(X' + R)`, codec-write `O(X + R)`).", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_subs", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "subs", Type: "Vec<(T::AccountId, Data)>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the sub-accounts of the sender.", "", " Payment: Any aggregate balance reserved by previous `set_subs` calls will be returned", " and an amount `SubAccountDeposit` will be reserved for each item in `subs`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " identity.", "", " - `subs`: The identity's (new) sub-accounts.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(P + S)`", " - where `P` old-subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).", " - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).", " - At most one balance operations.", " - DB:", " - `P + S` storage mutations (codec complexity `O(1)`)", " - One storage read (codec complexity `O(P)`).", " - One storage write (codec complexity `O(S)`).", " - One storage-exists (`IdentityOf::contains_key`).", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "clear_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear an account's identity info and all sub-accounts and return all deposits.", "", " Payment: All reserved balances on the account are returned.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " identity.", "", " Emits `IdentityCleared` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + S + X)`", " - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).", " - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).", " - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).", " - One balance-unreserve operation.", " - `2` storage reads and `S + 2` storage deletions.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "request_judgement", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_fee", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Request a judgement from a registrar.", "", " Payment: At most `max_fee` will be reserved for payment to the registrar if judgement", " given.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a", " registered identity.", "", " - `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is requested.", " - `max_fee`: The maximum fee that may be paid. This should just be auto-populated as:", "", " ```nocompile", " Self::registrars().get(reg_index).unwrap().fee", " ```", "", " Emits `JudgementRequested` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(X + R)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_request", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "RegistrarIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a previous request.", "", " Payment: A previously reserved deposit is returned on success.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a", " registered identity.", "", " - `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is no longer requested.", "", " Emits `JudgementUnrequested` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - One storage mutation `O(R + X)`.", " - One event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_fee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "fee", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the fee required for a judgement to be requested from a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `fee`: the new fee.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " - Benchmark: 7.315 + R * 0.329 µs (min squares analysis)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_account_id", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the account associated with a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `new`: the new account ID.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " - Benchmark: 8.823 + R * 0.32 µs (min squares analysis)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_fields", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "fields", Type: "IdentityFields"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the field information for a registrar.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `index`.", "", " - `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.", " - `fields`: the fields that the registrar concerns themselves with.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R)`.", " - One storage mutation `O(R)`.", " - Benchmark: 7.464 + R * 0.325 µs (min squares analysis)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "provide_judgement", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "reg_index", Type: "Compact<RegistrarIndex>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "judgement", Type: "Judgement<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a judgement for an account's identity.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the account", " of the registrar whose index is `reg_index`.", "", " - `reg_index`: the index of the registrar whose judgement is being made.", " - `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an account", " with a registered identity.", " - `judgement`: the judgement of the registrar of index `reg_index` about `target`.", "", " Emits `JudgementGiven` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + X)`.", " - One balance-transfer operation.", " - Up to one account-lookup operation.", " - Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(R + X)`.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_identity", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an account's identity and sub-account information and slash the deposits.", "", " Payment: Reserved balances from `set_subs` and `set_identity` are slashed and handled by", " `Slash`. Verification request deposits are not returned; they should be cancelled", " manually using `cancel_request`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " - `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an account", " with a registered identity.", "", " Emits `IdentityKilled` if successful.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(R + S + X)`.", " - One balance-reserve operation.", " - `S + 2` storage mutations.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "sub", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Data"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add the given account to the sender's subs.", "", " Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated", " to the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " sub identity of `sub`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "rename_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "sub", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "data", Type: "Data"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Alter the associated name of the given sub-account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " sub identity of `sub`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "sub", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove the given account from the sender's subs.", "", " Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated", " to the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " sub identity of `sub`."}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "quit_sub", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove the sender as a sub-account.", "", " Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated", " to the sender (*not* the original depositor).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered", " super-identity.", "", " NOTE: This should not normally be used, but is provided in the case that the non-", " controller of an account is maliciously registered as a sub-account."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentitySet", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was set or reset (which will remove all judgements). [who]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentityCleared", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was cleared, and the given balance returned. [who, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "IdentityKilled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was removed and the given balance slashed. [who, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementRequested", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement was asked from a registrar. [who, registrar_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementUnrequested", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement request was retracted. [who, registrar_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "JudgementGiven", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A judgement was given by a registrar. [target, registrar_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RegistrarAdded", Args: []Type{"RegistrarIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registrar was added. [registrar_index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SubIdentityAdded", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sub-identity was added to an identity and the deposit paid. [sub, main, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SubIdentityRemoved", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sub-identity was removed from an identity and the deposit freed.", " [sub, main, deposit]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SubIdentityRevoked", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sub-identity was cleared, and the given deposit repatriated from the", " main identity account to the sub-identity account. [sub, main, deposit]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "BasicDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit for a registered identity."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "FieldDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xa0, 0x31, 0xa9, 0x5f, 0xe3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit per additional field for a registered identity."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "SubAccountDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xf4, 0x20, 0xe6, 0xb5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount held on deposit for a registered subaccount. This should account for the fact", " that one storage item's value will increase by the size of an account ID, and there will be", " another trie item whose value is the size of an account ID plus 32 bytes."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxSubAccounts", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum number of sub-accounts allowed per identified account."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxAdditionalFields", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Maximum number of additional fields that may be stored in an ID. Needed to bound the I/O", " required to access an identity, but can be pretty high."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxRegistrars", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x14, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Maxmimum number of registrars allowed in the system. Needed to bound the complexity", " of, e.g., updating judgements."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManySubAccounts", Documentation: []Text{" Too many subs-accounts."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFound", Documentation: []Text{" Account isn't found."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotNamed", Documentation: []Text{" Account isn't named."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "EmptyIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Empty index."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FeeChanged", Documentation: []Text{" Fee is changed."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoIdentity", Documentation: []Text{" No identity found."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "StickyJudgement", Documentation: []Text{" Sticky judgement."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "JudgementGiven", Documentation: []Text{" Judgement given."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidJudgement", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid judgement."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidIndex", Documentation: []Text{" The index is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InvalidTarget", Documentation: []Text{" The target is invalid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyFields", Documentation: []Text{" Too many additional fields."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManyRegistrars", Documentation: []Text{" Maximum amount of registrars reached. Cannot add any more."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyClaimed", Documentation: []Text{" Account ID is already named."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSub", Documentation: []Text{" Sender is not a sub-account."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotOwned", Documentation: []Text{" Sub-account isn't owned by sender."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Society", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Society", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Founder", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The first member."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Rules", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A hash of the rules of this society concerning membership. Can only be set once and", " only by the founder."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Bid<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of candidates; bidders that are attempting to become members."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SuspendedCandidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(BalanceOf<T, I>, BidKind<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of suspended candidates."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Pot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T, I>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Amount of our account balance that is specifically for the next round's bid(s)."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Head", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The most primary from the most recently approved members."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of members, ordered."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "SuspendedMembers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of suspended members."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Bids", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<Bid<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T, I>>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current bids, stored ordered by the value of the bid."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Vouching", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VouchingStatus", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Members currently vouching or banned from vouching again"}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Payouts", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T, I>)>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending payouts; ordered by block number, with the amount that should be paid out."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Strikes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StrikeCount", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ongoing number of losing votes cast by the member."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Votes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "T::AccountId", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vote", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Double map from Candidate -> Voter -> (Maybe) Vote."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Defender", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The defending member currently being challenged."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "DefenderVotes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes for the defender."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "MaxMembers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The max number of members for the society at one time."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "bid", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" A user outside of the society can make a bid for entry.", "", " Payment: `CandidateDeposit` will be reserved for making a bid. It is returned", " when the bid becomes a member, or if the bid calls `unbid`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `value`: A one time payment the bid would like to receive when joining the society.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids), C (len of candidates), M (len of members), X (balance reserve)", " - Storage Reads:", " \t- One storage read to check for suspended candidate. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to check for suspended member. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all current bids. O(B)", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all current candidates. O(C)", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all members. O(M)", " - Storage Writes:", " \t- One storage mutate to add a new bid to the vector O(B) (TODO: possible optimization w/ read)", " \t- Up to one storage removal if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT. O(1)", " - Notable Computation:", " \t- O(B + C + log M) search to check user is not already a part of society.", " \t- O(log B) search to insert the new bid sorted.", " - External Module Operations:", " \t- One balance reserve operation. O(X)", " \t- Up to one balance unreserve operation if bids.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.", " - Events:", " \t- One event for new bid.", " \t- Up to one event for AutoUnbid if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + B + C + logM + logB + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unbid", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "pos", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" A bidder can remove their bid for entry into society.", " By doing so, they will have their candidate deposit returned or", " they will unvouch their voucher.", "", " Payment: The bid deposit is unreserved if the user made a bid.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a bidder.", "", " Parameters:", " - `pos`: Position in the `Bids` vector of the bid who wants to unbid.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids), X (balance unreserve)", " - One storage read and write to retrieve and update the bids. O(B)", " - Either one unreserve balance action O(X) or one vouching storage removal. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(B + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vouch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "value", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "tip", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" As a member, vouch for someone to join society by placing a bid on their behalf.", "", " There is no deposit required to vouch for a new bid, but a member can only vouch for", " one bid at a time. If the bid becomes a suspended candidate and ultimately rejected by", " the suspension judgement origin, the member will be banned from vouching again.", "", " As a vouching member, you can claim a tip if the candidate is accepted. This tip will", " be paid as a portion of the reward the member will receive for joining the society.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.", "", " Parameters:", " - `who`: The user who you would like to vouch for.", " - `value`: The total reward to be paid between you and the candidate if they become", " a member in the society.", " - `tip`: Your cut of the total `value` payout when the candidate is inducted into", " the society. Tips larger than `value` will be saturated upon payout.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids), C (len of candidates), M (len of members)", " - Storage Reads:", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all members. O(M)", " \t- One storage read to check member is not already vouching. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to check for suspended candidate. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to check for suspended member. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all current bids. O(B)", " \t- One storage read to retrieve all current candidates. O(C)", " - Storage Writes:", " \t- One storage write to insert vouching status to the member. O(1)", " \t- One storage mutate to add a new bid to the vector O(B) (TODO: possible optimization w/ read)", " \t- Up to one storage removal if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT. O(1)", " - Notable Computation:", " \t- O(log M) search to check sender is a member.", " \t- O(B + C + log M) search to check user is not already a part of society.", " \t- O(log B) search to insert the new bid sorted.", " - External Module Operations:", " \t- One balance reserve operation. O(X)", " \t- Up to one balance unreserve operation if bids.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.", " - Events:", " \t- One event for vouch.", " \t- Up to one event for AutoUnbid if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + B + C + logM + logB + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unvouch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "pos", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" As a vouching member, unvouch a bid. This only works while vouched user is", " only a bidder (and not a candidate).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a vouching member.", "", " Parameters:", " - `pos`: Position in the `Bids` vector of the bid who should be unvouched.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids)", " - One storage read O(1) to check the signer is a vouching member.", " - One storage mutate to retrieve and update the bids. O(B)", " - One vouching storage removal. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(B)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "candidate", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" As a member, vote on a candidate.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.", "", " Parameters:", " - `candidate`: The candidate that the member would like to bid on.", " - `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should be", " approved (`true`) or rejected (`false`).", "", " # <weight>", " Key: C (len of candidates), M (len of members)", " - One storage read O(M) and O(log M) search to check user is a member.", " - One account lookup.", " - One storage read O(C) and O(C) search to check that user is a candidate.", " - One storage write to add vote to votes. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + logM + C)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "defender_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" As a member, vote on the defender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.", "", " Parameters:", " - `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should be", " approved (`true`) or rejected (`false`).", "", " # <weight>", " - Key: M (len of members)", " - One storage read O(M) and O(log M) search to check user is a member.", " - One storage write to add vote to votes. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + logM)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "payout", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Transfer the first matured payout for the sender and remove it from the records.", "", " NOTE: This extrinsic needs to be called multiple times to claim multiple matured payouts.", "", " Payment: The member will receive a payment equal to their first matured", " payout to their free balance.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member with", " payouts remaining.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: M (len of members), P (number of payouts for a particular member)", " - One storage read O(M) and O(log M) search to check signer is a member.", " - One storage read O(P) to get all payouts for a member.", " - One storage read O(1) to get the current block number.", " - One currency transfer call. O(X)", " - One storage write or removal to update the member's payouts. O(P)", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + logM + P + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "found", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "founder", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_members", Type: "u32"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "rules", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Found the society.", "", " This is done as a discrete action in order to allow for the", " module to be included into a running chain and can only be done once.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _FounderSetOrigin_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `founder` - The first member and head of the newly founded society.", " - `max_members` - The initial max number of members for the society.", " - `rules` - The rules of this society concerning membership.", "", " # <weight>", " - Two storage mutates to set `Head` and `Founder`. O(1)", " - One storage write to add the first member to society. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "unfound", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Annul the founding of the society.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed, and the signing account must be both", " the `Founder` and the `Head`. This implies that it may only be done when there is one", " member.", "", " # <weight>", " - Two storage reads O(1).", " - Four storage removals O(1).", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "judge_suspended_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "forgive", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allow suspension judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended member.", "", " If a suspended member is forgiven, we simply add them back as a member, not affecting", " any of the existing storage items for that member.", "", " If a suspended member is rejected, remove all associated storage items, including", " their payouts, and remove any vouched bids they currently have.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _SuspensionJudgementOrigin_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `who` - The suspended member to be judged.", " - `forgive` - A boolean representing whether the suspension judgement origin", " forgives (`true`) or rejects (`false`) a suspended member.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids), M (len of members)", " - One storage read to check `who` is a suspended member. O(1)", " - Up to one storage write O(M) with O(log M) binary search to add a member back to society.", " - Up to 3 storage removals O(1) to clean up a removed member.", " - Up to one storage write O(B) with O(B) search to remove vouched bid from bids.", " - Up to one additional event if unvouch takes place.", " - One storage removal. O(1)", " - One event for the judgement.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + logM + B)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "judge_suspended_candidate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "judgement", Type: "Judgement"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allow suspended judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended candidate.", "", " If the judgement is `Approve`, we add them to society as a member with the appropriate", " payment for joining society.", "", " If the judgement is `Reject`, we either slash the deposit of the bid, giving it back", " to the society treasury, or we ban the voucher from vouching again.", "", " If the judgement is `Rebid`, we put the candidate back in the bid pool and let them go", " through the induction process again.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _SuspensionJudgementOrigin_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `who` - The suspended candidate to be judged.", " - `judgement` - `Approve`, `Reject`, or `Rebid`.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: B (len of bids), M (len of members), X (balance action)", " - One storage read to check `who` is a suspended candidate.", " - One storage removal of the suspended candidate.", " - Approve Logic", " \t- One storage read to get the available pot to pay users with. O(1)", " \t- One storage write to update the available pot. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)", " \t- One storage read to get all members. O(M)", " \t- Up to one unreserve currency action.", " \t- Up to two new storage writes to payouts.", " \t- Up to one storage write with O(log M) binary search to add a member to society.", " - Reject Logic", " \t- Up to one repatriate reserved currency action. O(X)", " \t- Up to one storage write to ban the vouching member from vouching again.", " - Rebid Logic", " \t- Storage mutate with O(log B) binary search to place the user back into bids.", " - Up to one additional event if unvouch takes place.", " - One storage removal.", " - One event for the judgement.", "", " Total Complexity: O(M + logM + B + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_max_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allows root origin to change the maximum number of members in society.", " Max membership count must be greater than 1.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be from _ROOT_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `max` - The maximum number of members for the society.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write to update the max. O(1)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Founded", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The society is founded by the given identity. [founder]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Bid", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A membership bid just happened. The given account is the candidate's ID and their offer", " is the second. [candidate_id, offer]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Vouch", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A membership bid just happened by vouching. The given account is the candidate's ID and", " their offer is the second. The vouching party is the third. [candidate_id, offer, vouching]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AutoUnbid", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [candidate] was dropped (due to an excess of bids in the system)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unbid", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [candidate] was dropped (by their request)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unvouch", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [candidate] was dropped (by request of who vouched for them)."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Inducted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A group of candidates have been inducted. The batch's primary is the first value, the", " batch in full is the second. [primary, candidates]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "SuspendedMemberJudgement", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A suspended member has been judged. [who, judged]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "CandidateSuspended", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [candidate] has been suspended"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MemberSuspended", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [member] has been suspended"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Challenged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A [member] has been challenged"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Vote", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A vote has been placed [candidate, voter, vote]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "DefenderVote", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A vote has been placed for a defending member [voter, vote]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewMaxMembers", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new [max] member count has been set"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Unfounded", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Society is unfounded. [founder]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds were deposited into the society account. [value]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "CandidateDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount of a deposit required for a bid to be made."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "WrongSideDeduction", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xf4, 0x20, 0xe6, 0xb5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the unpaid reward that gets deducted in the case that either a skeptic", " doesn't vote or someone votes in the wrong way."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxStrikes", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of times a member may vote the wrong way (or not at all, when they are a skeptic)", " before they become suspended."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "PeriodSpend", Type: "BalanceOf<T, I>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc5, 0x2e, 0xbc, 0xa2, 0xb1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of incentive paid within each period. Doesn't include VoterTip."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RotationPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x77, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of blocks between candidate/membership rotation periods."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ChallengePeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x13, 0x3, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of blocks between membership challenges."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ModuleId", Type: "ModuleId", Value: Bytes{0x70, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x69, 0x65}, Documentation: []Text{" The societies's module id"}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "BadPosition", Documentation: []Text{" An incorrect position was provided."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" User is not a member."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyMember", Documentation: []Text{" User is already a member."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Suspended", Documentation: []Text{" User is suspended."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSuspended", Documentation: []Text{" User is not suspended."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoPayout", Documentation: []Text{" Nothing to payout."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyFounded", Documentation: []Text{" Society already founded."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "InsufficientPot", Documentation: []Text{" Not enough in pot to accept candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyVouching", Documentation: []Text{" Member is already vouching or banned from vouching again."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotVouching", Documentation: []Text{" Member is not vouching."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Head", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot remove the head of the chain."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Founder", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot remove the founder."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyBid", Documentation: []Text{" User has already made a bid."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyCandidate", Documentation: []Text{" User is already a candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotCandidate", Documentation: []Text{" User is not a candidate."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaxMembers", Documentation: []Text{" Too many members in the society."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFounder", Documentation: []Text{" The caller is not the founder."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotHead", Documentation: []Text{" The caller is not the head."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Recovery", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Recovery", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Recoverable", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RecoveryConfig<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of recoverable accounts and their recovery configuration."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "ActiveRecoveries", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "T::AccountId", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "ActiveRecovery<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Active recovery attempts.", "", " First account is the account to be recovered, and the second account", " is the user trying to recover the account."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The list of allowed proxy accounts.", "", " Map from the user who can access it to the recovered account."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_recovered", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a call through a recovered account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered to", " be able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.", "", " Parameters:", " - `account`: The recovered account you want to make a call on-behalf-of.", " - `call`: The call you want to make with the recovered account.", "", " # <weight>", " - The weight of the `call` + 10,000.", " - One storage lookup to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "set_recovered", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "lost", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "rescuer", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allow ROOT to bypass the recovery process and set an a rescuer account", " for a lost account directly.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _ROOT_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `lost`: The \"lost account\" to be recovered.", " - `rescuer`: The \"rescuer account\" which can call as the lost account.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write O(1)", " - One event", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "create_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "friends", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "delay_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Create a recovery configuration for your account. This makes your account recoverable.", "", " Payment: `ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends balance", " will be reserved for storing the recovery configuration. This deposit is returned", " in full when the user calls `remove_recovery`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `friends`: A list of friends you trust to vouch for recovery attempts.", " Should be ordered and contain no duplicate values.", " - `threshold`: The number of friends that must vouch for a recovery attempt", " before the account can be recovered. Should be less than or equal to", " the length of the list of friends.", " - `delay_period`: The number of blocks after a recovery attempt is initialized", " that needs to pass before the account can be recovered.", "", " # <weight>", " - Key: F (len of friends)", " - One storage read to check that account is not already recoverable. O(1).", " - A check that the friends list is sorted and unique. O(F)", " - One currency reserve operation. O(X)", " - One storage write. O(1). Codec O(F).", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(F + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "initiate_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Initiate the process for recovering a recoverable account.", "", " Payment: `RecoveryDeposit` balance will be reserved for initiating the", " recovery process. This deposit will always be repatriated to the account", " trying to be recovered. See `close_recovery`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `account`: The lost account that you want to recover. This account", " needs to be recoverable (i.e. have a recovery configuration).", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage read to check that account is recoverable. O(F)", " - One storage read to check that this recovery process hasn't already started. O(1)", " - One currency reserve operation. O(X)", " - One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)", " - One storage write. O(1).", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(F + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vouch_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "lost", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "rescuer", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allow a \"friend\" of a recoverable account to vouch for an active recovery", " process for that account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a \"friend\"", " for the recoverable account.", "", " Parameters:", " - `lost`: The lost account that you want to recover.", " - `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue the lost account that you", " want to vouch for.", "", " The combination of these two parameters must point to an active recovery", " process.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: F (len of friends in config), V (len of vouching friends)", " - One storage read to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)", " - One storage read to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)", " - One binary search to confirm caller is a friend. O(logF)", " - One binary search to confirm caller has not already vouched. O(logV)", " - One storage write. O(1), Codec O(V).", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(F + logF + V + logV)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "claim_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allow a successful rescuer to claim their recovered account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a \"rescuer\"", " who has successfully completed the account recovery process: collected", " `threshold` or more vouches, waited `delay_period` blocks since initiation.", "", " Parameters:", " - `account`: The lost account that you want to claim has been successfully", " recovered by you.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: F (len of friends in config), V (len of vouching friends)", " - One storage read to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)", " - One storage read to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)", " - One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)", " - One storage write. O(1), Codec O(V).", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(F + V)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "close_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "rescuer", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" As the controller of a recoverable account, close an active recovery", " process for your account.", "", " Payment: By calling this function, the recoverable account will receive", " the recovery deposit `RecoveryDeposit` placed by the rescuer.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a", " recoverable account with an active recovery process for it.", "", " Parameters:", " - `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue this recoverable account.", "", " # <weight>", " Key: V (len of vouching friends)", " - One storage read/remove to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)", " - One balance call to repatriate reserved. O(X)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(V + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_recovery", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove the recovery process for your account. Recovered accounts are still accessible.", "", " NOTE: The user must make sure to call `close_recovery` on all active", " recovery attempts before calling this function else it will fail.", "", " Payment: By calling this function the recoverable account will unreserve", " their recovery configuration deposit.", " (`ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends)", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a", " recoverable account (i.e. has a recovery configuration).", "", " # <weight>", " Key: F (len of friends)", " - One storage read to get the prefix iterator for active recoveries. O(1)", " - One storage read/remove to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)", " - One balance call to unreserved. O(X)", " - One event.", "", " Total Complexity: O(F + X)", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_recovered", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "account", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel the ability to use `as_recovered` for `account`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered to", " be able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.", "", " Parameters:", " - `account`: The recovered account you are able to call on-behalf-of.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage mutation to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "RecoveryCreated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process has been set up for an [account]."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RecoveryInitiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process has been initiated for lost account by rescuer account.", " [lost, rescuer]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RecoveryVouched", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been vouched for by sender.", " [lost, rescuer, sender]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RecoveryClosed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been closed.", " [lost, rescuer]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AccountRecovered", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Lost account has been successfully recovered by rescuer account.", " [lost, rescuer]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "RecoveryRemoved", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process has been removed for an [account]."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ConfigDepositBase", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x63, 0x52, 0xbf, 0xc6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a recovery configuration."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "FriendDepositFactor", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x20, 0x3d, 0x88, 0x79, 0x2d, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency needed per additional user when creating a recovery configuration."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxFriends", Type: "u16", Value: Bytes{0x9, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of friends allowed in a recovery configuration."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "RecoveryDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x63, 0x52, 0xbf, 0xc6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base amount of currency needed to reserve for starting a recovery."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotAllowed", Documentation: []Text{" User is not allowed to make a call on behalf of this account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ZeroThreshold", Documentation: []Text{" Threshold must be greater than zero"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotEnoughFriends", Documentation: []Text{" Friends list must be greater than zero and threshold"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MaxFriends", Documentation: []Text{" Friends list must be less than max friends"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotSorted", Documentation: []Text{" Friends list must be sorted and free of duplicates"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotRecoverable", Documentation: []Text{" This account is not set up for recovery"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyRecoverable", Documentation: []Text{" This account is already set up for recovery"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyStarted", Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process has already started for this account"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotStarted", Documentation: []Text{" A recovery process has not started for this rescuer"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFriend", Documentation: []Text{" This account is not a friend who can vouch"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "DelayPeriod", Documentation: []Text{" The friend must wait until the delay period to vouch for this recovery"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyVouched", Documentation: []Text{" This user has already vouched for this recovery"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Threshold", Documentation: []Text{" The threshold for recovering this account has not been met"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "StillActive", Documentation: []Text{" There are still active recovery attempts that need to be closed"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" There was an overflow in a calculation"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyProxy", Documentation: []Text{" This account is already set up for recovery"}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Vesting", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Vesting", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingInfo<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vest", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Unlock any vested funds of the sender account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have funds still", " locked under this module.", "", " Emits either `VestingCompleted` or `VestingUpdated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - DbWeight: 2 Reads, 2 Writes", " - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, [Sender Account]", " - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, [Sender Account]", " - Benchmark:", " - Unlocked: 48.76 + .048 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Locked: 44.43 + .284 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Using 50 µs fixed. Assuming less than 50 locks on any user, else we may want factor in number of locks.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vest_other", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Unlock any vested funds of a `target` account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `target`: The account whose vested funds should be unlocked. Must have funds still", " locked under this module.", "", " Emits either `VestingCompleted` or `VestingUpdated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - DbWeight: 3 Reads, 3 Writes", " - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account", " - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account", " - Benchmark:", " - Unlocked: 44.3 + .294 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Locked: 48.16 + .103 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Using 50 µs fixed. Assuming less than 50 locks on any user, else we may want factor in number of locks.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "vested_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "schedule", Type: "VestingInfo<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Create a vested transfer.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `target`: The account that should be transferred the vested funds.", " - `amount`: The amount of funds to transfer and will be vested.", " - `schedule`: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.", "", " Emits `VestingCreated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - DbWeight: 3 Reads, 3 Writes", " - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, [Sender Account]", " - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, [Sender Account]", " - Benchmark: 100.3 + .365 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Using 100 µs fixed. Assuming less than 50 locks on any user, else we may want factor in number of locks.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "force_vested_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "schedule", Type: "VestingInfo<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force a vested transfer.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.", "", " - `source`: The account whose funds should be transferred.", " - `target`: The account that should be transferred the vested funds.", " - `amount`: The amount of funds to transfer and will be vested.", " - `schedule`: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.", "", " Emits `VestingCreated`.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(1)`.", " - DbWeight: 4 Reads, 4 Writes", " - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, Source Account", " - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, Source Account", " - Benchmark: 100.3 + .365 * l µs (min square analysis)", " - Using 100 µs fixed. Assuming less than 50 locks on any user, else we may want factor in number of locks.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "VestingUpdated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount vested has been updated. This could indicate more funds are available. The", " balance given is the amount which is left unvested (and thus locked). ", " [account, unvested]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "VestingCompleted", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An [account] has become fully vested. No further vesting can happen."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MinVestedTransfer", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc1, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be transferred to create a new vesting schedule."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotVesting", Documentation: []Text{" The account given is not vesting."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "ExistingVestingSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" An existing vesting schedule already exists for this account that cannot be clobbered."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AmountLow", Documentation: []Text{" Amount being transferred is too low to create a vesting schedule."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Scheduler", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Scheduler", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Agenda", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "Vec<Option<Scheduled<<T as Trait>::Call, T::BlockNumber, T::\nPalletsOrigin, T::AccountId>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Items to be executed, indexed by the block number that they should be executed on."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Lookup", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "Vec<u8>", Value: "TaskAddress<T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Lookup from identity to the block number and index of the task."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: true, AsType: "Releases", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Storage version of the pallet.", "", " New networks start with last version."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "when", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_periodic", Type: "Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "priority", Type: "schedule::Priority"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Anonymously schedule a task.", "", " # <weight>", " - S = Number of already scheduled calls", " - Base Weight: 22.29 + .126 * S µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Agenda", " - Write: Agenda", " - Will use base weight of 25 which should be good for up to 30 scheduled calls", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "when", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u32"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel an anonymously scheduled task.", "", " # <weight>", " - S = Number of already scheduled calls", " - Base Weight: 22.15 + 2.869 * S µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Agenda", " - Write: Agenda, Lookup", " - Will use base weight of 100 which should be good for up to 30 scheduled calls", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "schedule_named", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "id", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "when", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_periodic", Type: "Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "priority", Type: "schedule::Priority"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a named task.", "", " # <weight>", " - S = Number of already scheduled calls", " - Base Weight: 29.6 + .159 * S µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Agenda, Lookup", " - Write: Agenda, Lookup", " - Will use base weight of 35 which should be good for more than 30 scheduled calls", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_named", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "id", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a named scheduled task.", "", " # <weight>", " - S = Number of already scheduled calls", " - Base Weight: 24.91 + 2.907 * S µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Agenda, Lookup", " - Write: Agenda, Lookup", " - Will use base weight of 100 which should be good for up to 30 scheduled calls", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "schedule_after", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "after", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_periodic", Type: "Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "priority", Type: "schedule::Priority"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Anonymously schedule a task after a delay.", "", " # <weight>", " Same as [`schedule`].", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "schedule_named_after", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "id", Type: "Vec<u8>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "after", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_periodic", Type: "Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "priority", Type: "schedule::Priority"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a named task after a delay.", "", " # <weight>", " Same as [`schedule_named`].", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "Scheduled", Args: []Type{"BlockNumber", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Scheduled some task. [when, index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Canceled", Args: []Type{"BlockNumber", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Canceled some task. [when, index]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "Dispatched", Args: []Type{"TaskAddress<BlockNumber>", "Option<Vec<u8>>", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatched some task. [task, id, result]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FailedToSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" Failed to schedule a call"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "FailedToCancel", Documentation: []Text{" Failed to cancel a scheduled call"}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TargetBlockNumberInPast", Documentation: []Text{" Given target block number is in the past."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Proxy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Proxy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Proxies", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Vec<(T::AccountId, T::ProxyType)>, BalanceOf<T>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of account proxies. Maps the account which has delegated to the accounts", " which are being delegated to, together with the amount held on deposit."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "real", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "force_proxy_type", Type: "Option<T::ProxyType>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch the given `call` from an account that the sender is authorised for through", " `add_proxy`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.", " - `force_proxy_type`: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.", " - `call`: The call to be made by the `real` account.", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 19.87 + .141 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read.", " - Plus the weight of the `call`", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "add_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy_type", Type: "T::ProxyType"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register a proxy account for the sender that is able to make calls on its behalf.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to make a proxy.", " - `proxy_type`: The permissions allowed for this proxy account.", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 17.48 + .176 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read and write.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy_type", Type: "T::ProxyType"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Unregister a proxy account for the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " Parameters:", " - `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to remove as a proxy.", " - `proxy_type`: The permissions currently enabled for the removed proxy account.", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 14.37 + .164 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read and write.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "remove_proxies", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Unregister all proxy accounts for the sender.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " WARNING: This may be called on accounts created by `anonymous`, however if done, then", " the unreserved fees will be inaccessible. **All access to this account will be lost.**", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 13.73 + .129 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read and write.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "anonymous", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy_type", Type: "T::ProxyType"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u16"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Spawn a fresh new account that is guaranteed to be otherwise inaccessible, and", " initialize it with a proxy of `proxy_type` for `origin` sender.", "", " Requires a `Signed` origin.", "", " - `proxy_type`: The type of the proxy that the sender will be registered as over the", " new account. This will almost always be the most permissive `ProxyType` possible to", " allow for maximum flexibility.", " - `index`: A disambiguation index, in case this is called multiple times in the same", " transaction (e.g. with `utility::batch`). Unless you're using `batch` you probably just", " want to use `0`.", "", " Fails with `Duplicate` if this has already been called in this transaction, from the", " same sender, with the same parameters.", "", " Fails if there are insufficient funds to pay for deposit.", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 36.48 + .039 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read and write.", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "kill_anonymous", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "spawner", Type: "T::AccountId"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "proxy_type", Type: "T::ProxyType"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "index", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "height", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "ext_index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Removes a previously spawned anonymous proxy.", "", " WARNING: **All access to this account will be lost.** Any funds held in it will be", " inaccessible.", "", " Requires a `Signed` origin, and the sender account must have been created by a call to", " `anonymous` with corresponding parameters.", "", " - `spawner`: The account that originally called `anonymous` to create this account.", " - `index`: The disambiguation index originally passed to `anonymous`. Probably `0`.", " - `proxy_type`: The proxy type originally passed to `anonymous`.", " - `height`: The height of the chain when the call to `anonymous` was processed.", " - `ext_index`: The extrinsic index in which the call to `anonymous` was processed.", "", " Fails with `NoPermission` in case the caller is not a previously created anonymous", " account whose `anonymous` call has corresponding parameters.", "", " # <weight>", " P is the number of proxies the user has", " - Base weight: 15.65 + .137 * P µs", " - DB weight: 1 storage read and write.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "ProxyExecuted", Args: []Type{"DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proxy was executed correctly, with the given [result]."}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "AnonymousCreated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "ProxyType", "u16"}, Documentation: []Text{" Anonymous account has been created by new proxy with given", " disambiguation index and proxy type. [anonymous, who, proxy_type, disambiguation_index]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProxyDepositBase", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xf0, 0x9e, 0x54, 0x4c, 0x39, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a proxy."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "ProxyDepositFactor", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x60, 0xaa, 0x77, 0x14, 0xb4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency needed per proxy added."}}, ModuleConstantMetadataV6{Name: "MaxProxies", Type: "u16", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of proxies allowed for a single account."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooMany", Documentation: []Text{" There are too many proxies registered."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFound", Documentation: []Text{" Proxy registration not found."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Unproxyable", Documentation: []Text{" A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "Duplicate", Documentation: []Text{" Account is already a proxy."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoPermission", Documentation: []Text{" Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges."}}}}, ModuleMetadataV10{Name: "Multisig", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadataV10{Prefix: "Multisig", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV10{StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Multisigs", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "T::AccountId", Key2: "[u8; 32]", Value: "Multisig<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The set of open multisig operations."}}, StorageFunctionMetadataV10{Name: "Calls", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV10{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: true}, Key: "[u8; 32]", Value: "(OpaqueCall, T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV10{Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasherV10{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsBlake2_128Concat: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false, IsIdentity: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_multi_threshold_1", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Immediately dispatch a multi-signature call using a single approval from the caller.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who are part of the", " multi-signature, but do not participate in the approval process.", " - `call`: The call to be executed.", "", " Result is equivalent to the dispatched result.", "", " # <weight>", " O(Z + C) where Z is the length of the call and C its execution weight.", " -------------------------------", " - Base Weight: 33.72 + 0.002 * Z µs", " - DB Weight: None", " - Plus Call Weight", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call", Type: "OpaqueCall"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "store_call", Type: "bool"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_weight", Type: "Weight"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " If there are enough, then dispatch the call.", "", " Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call`: The call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use", " `approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.", "", " Result is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. Otherwise", " on success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,", " may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S + Z + Call)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - The weight of the `call`.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.", " -------------------------------", " - Base Weight:", " - Create: 41.89 + 0.118 * S + .002 * Z µs", " - Create w/ Store: 53.57 + 0.119 * S + .003 * Z µs", " - Approve: 31.39 + 0.136 * S + .002 * Z µs", " - Complete: 39.94 + 0.26 * S + .002 * Z µs", " - DB Weight:", " - Reads: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`)", " - Writes: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`)", " - Plus Call Weight", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "approve_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "maybe_timepoint", Type: "Option<Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "max_weight", Type: "Weight"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if", " approved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.", "", " Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus", " `threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or", " is cancelled.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it is", " not the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number and", " transaction index) of the first approval transaction.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.", " - One event.", " - Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a", " deposit taken for its lifetime of", " `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.", " ----------------------------------", " - Base Weight:", " - Create: 44.71 + 0.088 * S", " - Approve: 31.48 + 0.116 * S", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account]", " - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account]", " # </weight>"}}, FunctionMetadataV4{Name: "cancel_as_multi", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "threshold", Type: "u16"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "other_signatories", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "timepoint", Type: "Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>"}, FunctionArgumentMetadata{Name: "call_hash", Type: "[u8; 32]"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previously", " for this operation will be unreserved on success.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " - `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.", " - `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this", " dispatch. May not be empty.", " - `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval", " transaction for this dispatch.", " - `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.", "", " # <weight>", " - `O(S)`.", " - Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.", " - One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of", " signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.", " - One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.", " - One event.", " - I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.", " - Storage: removes one item.", " ----------------------------------", " - Base Weight: 36.07 + 0.124 * S", " - DB Weight:", " - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls", " - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{EventMetadataV4{Name: "NewMultisig", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "CallHash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new multisig operation has begun. [approving, multisig, call_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigApproval", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId", "CallHash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been approved by someone. [approving, timepoint, multisig, call_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigExecuted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId", "CallHash", "DispatchResult"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been executed. [approving, timepoint, multisig, call_hash]"}}, EventMetadataV4{Name: "MultisigCancelled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Timepoint<BlockNumber>", "AccountId", "CallHash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A multisig operation has been cancelled. [cancelling, timepoint, multisig, call_hash]"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "MinimumThreshold", Documentation: []Text{" Threshold must be 2 or greater."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyApproved", Documentation: []Text{" Call is already approved by this signatory."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoApprovalsNeeded", Documentation: []Text{" Call doesn't need any (more) approvals."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooFewSignatories", Documentation: []Text{" There are too few signatories in the list."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "TooManySignatories", Documentation: []Text{" There are too many signatories in the list."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "SignatoriesOutOfOrder", Documentation: []Text{" The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "SenderInSignatories", Documentation: []Text{" The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotFound", Documentation: []Text{" Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NotOwner", Documentation: []Text{" Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "NoTimepoint", Documentation: []Text{" No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WrongTimepoint", Documentation: []Text{" A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "UnexpectedTimepoint", Documentation: []Text{" A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "WeightTooLow", Documentation: []Text{" The maximum weight information provided was too low."}}, ErrorMetadataV8{Name: "AlreadyStored", Documentation: []Text{" The data to be stored is already stored."}}}}}}, Extrinsic: ExtrinsicV11{Version: 0x4, SignedExtensions: []string{"CheckSpecVersion", "CheckTxVersion", "CheckGenesis", "CheckMortality", "CheckNonce", "CheckWeight", "ChargeTransactionPayment"}}}}
Parsed from ExamplaryMetadataV11SubstrateString
var ExamplaryMetadataV11SubstrateString = "" /* 356240-byte string literal not displayed */
var ExamplaryMetadataV12PolkadotString = "" /* 369452-byte string literal not displayed */
var ExamplaryMetadataV4 = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0x4, IsMetadataV4: true, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4{{Name: "system", Prefix: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "AccountNonce", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Index", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics nonce for accounts."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, {Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length in bytes for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, {Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, {Name: "RandomSeed", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Random seed of the current block."}}, {Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, {Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Digest", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed."}}}}, {Name: "aura", Prefix: "", HasStorage: false, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil)}, {Name: "timestamp", Prefix: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, {Name: "BlockPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Old storage item provided for compatibility. Remove after all networks upgraded."}}, {Name: "MinimumPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}, {Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization phase,", " if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by `minimum_period`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil)}, {Name: "consensus", Prefix: "Consensus", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "OriginalAuthorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::SessionKey>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}, {Name: "note_offline", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "offline", Type: "<T::InherentOfflineReport as InherentOfflineReport>::Inherent"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Note that the previous block's validator missed its opportunity to propose a block."}}, {Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark."}}, {Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap."}}, {Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new code."}}, {Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage."}}, {Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil)}, {Name: "indices", Prefix: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "NextEnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free enumeration set."}}, {Name: "EnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The enumeration sets."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccountIndex", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account index was assigned.", "", " This event is not triggered when an existing index is reassigned", " to another `AccountId`."}}}}, {Name: "balances", Prefix: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, {Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}, {Name: "TransferFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, {Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, {Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingSchedule<T::Balance>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}, {Name: "FreeBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The 'free' balance of a given account.", "", " This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on tokens. It", " alone is used to determine the balance when in the contract execution environment. When this", " balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then the 'current account' is", " deleted: specifically `FreeBalance`. Further, the `OnFreeBalanceZero` callback", " is invoked, giving a chance to external modules to clean up data associated with", " the deleted account.", "", " `system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `ReservedBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`."}}, {Name: "ReservedBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the balance of a given account that is externally reserved; this can still get", " slashed, but gets slashed last of all.", "", " This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order to set aside tokens", " that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but which are suspendable.", "", " When this balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then this 'reserve account'", " is deleted: specifically, `ReservedBalance`.", "", " `system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `FreeBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`.)"}}, {Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor."}}, {Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, {Name: "reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage.", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`)", " and reset the account nonce (`system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account was created."}}, {Name: "ReapedAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was reaped."}}, {Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded (from, to, value, fees)."}}}}, {Name: "session", Prefix: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, {Name: "SessionLength", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current length of the session."}}, {Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, {Name: "CurrentStart", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Timestamp when current session started."}}, {Name: "ForcingNewSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" New session is being forced if this entry exists; in which case, the boolean value is whether", " the new session should be considered a normal rotation (rewardable) or exceptional (slashable)."}}, {Name: "LastLengthChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Block at which the session length last changed."}}, {Name: "NextKeyFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::SessionKey", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next key for a given validator."}}, {Name: "NextSessionLength", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session length."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "key", Type: "T::SessionKey"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key of `_validator` to `_key`. This doesn't take effect until the next", " session."}}, {Name: "set_length", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set a new session length. Won't kick in until the next session change (at current length)."}}, {Name: "force_new_session", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "apply_rewards", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Forces a new session."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}}, {Name: "staking", Prefix: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, {Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, {Name: "SessionsPerEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The length of a staking era in sessions."}}, {Name: "SessionReward", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x3c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Maximum reward, per validator, that is provided per acceptable session."}}, {Name: "OfflineSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x40, 0x42, 0xf, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Slash, per validator that is taken for the first time they are found to be offline."}}, {Name: "OfflineSlashGrace", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of instances of offline reports before slashing begins for validators."}}, {Name: "BondingDuration", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The length of the bonding duration in blocks."}}, {Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're easy to initialize", " and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, {Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, {Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, {Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, {Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, {Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate."}}, {Name: "Stakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate through validators here,", " but you can find them in the `sessions` module.", "", " This is keyed by the stash account."}}, {Name: "CurrentElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID."}}, {Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index."}}, {Name: "CurrentSessionReward", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Maximum reward, per validator, that is provided per acceptable session."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraReward", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The accumulated reward for the current era. Reset to zero at the beginning of the era and", " increased for every successfully finished session."}}, {Name: "NextSessionsPerEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next value of sessions per era."}}, {Name: "LastEraLengthChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the era length last changed."}}, {Name: "SlotStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently.", "", " This is used to derive rewards and punishments."}}, {Name: "SlashCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "u32", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of times a given validator has been reported offline. This gets decremented by one each era that passes."}}, {Name: "ForcingNewEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "()", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" We are forcing a new era."}}, {Name: "RecentlyOffline", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber, u32)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Most recent `RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT` instances. (who it was, when it was reported, how many instances they were offline for)."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will be the", " account that controls it.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account."}}, {Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up for", " staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller."}}, {Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::existential_deposit(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`]."}}, {Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`]."}}, {Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash."}}, {Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash."}}, {Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash."}}, {Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash."}}, {Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller."}}, {Name: "set_sessions_per_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of sessions in an era."}}, {Name: "set_bonding_duration", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The length of the bonding duration in eras."}}, {Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of validators."}}, {Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "apply_rewards", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era. This also forces a new session immediately after.", " `apply_rewards` should be true for validators to get the session reward."}}, {Name: "set_offline_slash_grace", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the offline slash grace period."}}, {Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any)."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" All validators have been rewarded by the given balance."}}, {Name: "OfflineWarning", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and their nominators) has been given a offline-warning (they're still", " within their grace). The accrued number of slashes is recorded, too."}}, {Name: "OfflineSlash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and their nominators) has been slashed by the given amount."}}}}, {Name: "democracy", Prefix: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, {Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Proposal, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted. `T::AccountId` refers to the account that proposed."}}, {Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit."}}, {Name: "LaunchPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, {Name: "MinimumDeposit", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, {Name: "PublicDelay", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay before enactment for all public referenda."}}, {Name: "MaxLockPeriods", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "LockPeriods", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum number of additional lock periods a voter may offer to strengthen their vote."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, {Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, {Name: "NextTally", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next referendum index that should be tallied."}}, {Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "(ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Proposal>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum."}}, {Name: "DispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "Vec<Option<(T::Proposal, ReferendumIndex)>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Queue of successful referenda to be dispatched."}}, {Name: "VotersFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the voters for the current proposal."}}, {Name: "VoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(ReferendumIndex, T::AccountId)", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the vote in a given referendum of a particular voter. The result is meaningful only if `voters_for` includes the", " voter when called with the referendum (you'll get the default `Vote` value otherwise). If you don't want to check", " `voters_for`, then you can also check for simple existence with `VoteOf::exists` first."}}, {Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the vote-transaction-sending account."}}, {Name: "Delegations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, LockPeriods)", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the account (and lock periods) to which another account is delegating vote."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken."}}, {Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Second (sponsor) a proposal."}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote on a referendum. If `vote.is_aye`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo."}}, {Name: "proxy_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote on a referendum using a proxy account on behalf of a stash account. If `vote.is_aye`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo."}}, {Name: "start_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}, {Name: "threshold", Type: "VoteThreshold"}, {Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Start a referendum."}}, {Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum."}}, {Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "when", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}, {Name: "which", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment."}}, {Name: "set_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Specify a proxy. Called by the stash."}}, {Name: "resign_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the proxy."}}, {Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the stash."}}, {Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "lock_periods", Type: "LockPeriods"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate vote."}}, {Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate vote."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, {Name: "council", Prefix: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "CandidacyBond", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Amount that must be locked up in order to submit one's candidacy."}}, {Name: "VotingBond", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Amount that must be locked up in order to be able to submit votes."}}, {Name: "PresentSlashPerVoter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The punishment, per voter, if you provide an invalid presentation."}}, {Name: "CarryCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of runners-up who should have their approvals persist until the next vote."}}, {Name: "PresentationDuration", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of blocks to give each top candidate to present themselves after the vote ends."}}, {Name: "InactiveGracePeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "VoteIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of vote indices that need to go by after a target voter's last vote before they can", " be reaped if their approvals are moot."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, {Name: "TermDuration", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How long (in blocks) each position is active for."}}, {Name: "DesiredSeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of accounts that should be sitting on the council."}}, {Name: "ActiveCouncil", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current council. When there's a vote going on, this should still be used for executive", " matters. The block number is the block that the associated account ID's position is", " active until (calculated by the sum of the block number when the council member was", " elected and their term duration)."}}, {Name: "VoteCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "VoteIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of votes that have happened or are in progress."}}, {Name: "ApprovalsOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<bool>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A list of votes for each voter, respecting the last cleared vote index that this voter was", " last active at."}}, {Name: "RegisterInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(VoteIndex, u32)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The vote index and list slot in which the candidate account ID was registered or `None` if", " they are not currently registered."}}, {Name: "LastActiveOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VoteIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The last cleared vote index that this voter was last active at."}}, {Name: "Voters", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present voter list."}}, {Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list."}}, {Name: "CandidateCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of candidates."}}, {Name: "NextFinalize", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, u32, Vec<T::AccountId>)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The accounts holding the seats that will become free on the next tally. Tuple of the block number", " at which the next tally will occur, the number of seats, and a list of the account IDs."}}, {Name: "SnapshotedStakes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<BalanceOf<T>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The stakes as they were at the point that the vote ended."}}, {Name: "Leaderboard", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the leaderboard if we're in the presentation phase."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_approvals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<bool>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set candidate approvals. Approval slots stay valid as long as candidates in those slots", " are registered."}}, {Name: "proxy_set_approvals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<bool>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set candidate approvals from a proxy. Approval slots stay valid as long as candidates in those slots", " are registered."}}, {Name: "reap_inactive_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "reporter_index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "who_index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "assumed_vote_index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a voter. For it not to be a bond-consuming no-op, all approved candidate indices", " must now be either unregistered or registered to a candidate that registered the slot after", " the voter gave their last approval set.", "", " May be called by anyone. Returns the voter deposit to `signed`."}}, {Name: "retract_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a voter. All votes are cancelled and the voter deposit is returned."}}, {Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "slot", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " Account must have enough transferrable funds in it to pay the bond."}}, {Name: "present_winner", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "candidate", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "total", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Present a candidate to be inserted into the leaderboard.", "", " The presenter (`origin`) must be slashable and will be slashed in the cases", " of an incorrect total or a duplicate presentation."}}, {Name: "set_desired_seats", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the desired member count; if less than or equal to the number of seats to be retained,", " then seats will not be up for election when they expire. If more, then a new vote will be", " started if one is not already in progress."}}, {Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member. A tally will happen instantly (if not already in a presentation", " period) to fill the seat if removal means that the desired number of members is not met.", " This is effective immediately."}}, {Name: "set_presentation_duration", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the presentation duration (number of blocks)."}}, {Name: "set_term_duration", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the term duration (number of blocks)."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "VoterReaped", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voter has been reaped. The tuple corresponds to the reaped voter and reaper, respectively."}}, {Name: "BadReaperSlashed", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A reaper has been slashed."}}, {Name: "TallyStarted", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tally (for approval votes of council seat(s)) has started."}}, {Name: "TallyFinalized", Args: []Type{"Vec<AccountId>", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tally (for approval votes of council seat(s)) has ended (with one or more new members)."}}}}, {Name: "council_voting", Prefix: "CouncilVoting", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "CooloffPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period (in blocks) that a veto is in effect."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period (in blocks) that a vote is open for."}}, {Name: "EnactDelayPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of blocks by which to delay enactment of successful,", " non-unanimous, council-instigated referendum proposals."}}, {Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, T::Hash)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A list of proposals by block number and proposal ID."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "T::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from proposal ID to the proposal."}}, {Name: "ProposalVoters", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" List of voters that have voted on a proposal ID."}}, {Name: "CouncilVoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::Hash, T::AccountId)", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from a proposal ID and voter to the outcome of the vote. True indicates that it passed."}}, {Name: "VetoedProposal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A veto of a proposal. The veto has an expiry (block number) and a list of vetoers."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make a proposal.", "", " A councillor vote of yay from `origin` is applied by default.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by a _councillor_ by the time", " the proposal is subject to voting. See [`voting_period`](./voting/struct.VotingPeriod.html)."}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote on a proposal.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by a _councillor_."}}, {Name: "veto", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto a proposal.", "", " A proposal cannot be vetoed while in the cooloff period.", " A proposal cannot be vetoed twice by the same account.", "", " The proposal information, including voters, is removed and only veto information is kept", " to indicate when the proposal can be re-proposed, and to make sure that no single councillor", " can veto it twice.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by a _councillor_."}}, {Name: "set_cooloff_period", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "blocks", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the cooloff period."}}, {Name: "set_voting_period", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "blocks", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the voting period."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "TallyCancellation", Args: []Type{"Hash", "u32", "u32", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voting tally has happened for a referendum cancellation vote.", " Last three are yes, no, abstain counts."}}, {Name: "TallyReferendum", Args: []Type{"Hash", "u32", "u32", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voting tally has happened for a referendum vote.", " Last three are yes, no, abstain counts."}}}}, {Name: "council_motions", Prefix: "CouncilMotions", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The (hashes of) the active proposals."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, {Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(ProposalIndex, u32, Vec<T::AccountId>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes for a given proposal: (Proposal index, required number of yes votes, yes voters, no voters)."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make a proposal. `threshold` indicates the number of yes-votes needed for the proposal", " to execute.", "", " The proposal must be unique.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by a _councillor_."}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote on a proposal.", "", " The proposal hash and the index of the vote must be correctly provided.", " A voter can change their vote from yes to no, but duplicate votes will raise an error.", "", " Each submitted vote _may_ cause the proposal to be executed, if the required", " threshold is reached. Similarly, enough no-votes can cause the proposal to be", " removed from storage.", "", " The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by a _councillor_."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given `u32`)."}}, {Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "u32", "u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given as `u32`s respectively)."}}, {Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}}, {Name: "finality_tracker", Prefix: "", HasStorage: false, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil)}, {Name: "grandpa", Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber, T::SessionKey>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"Vec<(SessionKey, u64)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied."}}}}, {Name: "treasury", Prefix: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "ProposalBond", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Permill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proportion of funds that should be bonded in order to place a proposal. An accepted", " proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal doesn't."}}, {Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, {Name: "SpendPeriod", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, {Name: "Burn", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Permill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}, {Name: "Pot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total funds available to this module for spending."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded."}}, {Name: "set_pot", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_pot", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balance of funds available to spend."}}, {Name: "configure", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_bond", Type: "Compact<Permill>"}, {Name: "proposal_bond_minimum", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "spend_period", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}, {Name: "burn", Type: "Compact<Permill>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)configure this module."}}, {Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed."}}, {Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal."}}, {Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds."}}, {Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated."}}, {Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt."}}, {Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend."}}}}, {Name: "contract", Prefix: "Contract", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "TransferFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, {Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, {Name: "ContractFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x15, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create a contract instance."}}, {Name: "CallBaseFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x87, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for calling into a contract."}}, {Name: "CreateBaseFee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for creating a contract."}}, {Name: "GasPrice", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The price of one unit of gas."}}, {Name: "MaxDepth", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum nesting level of a call/create stack."}}, {Name: "BlockGasLimit", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x80, 0x96, 0x98, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of gas that could be expended per block."}}, {Name: "GasSpent", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Gas spent so far in this block."}}, {Name: "CurrentSchedule", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "Schedule<T::Gas>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current cost schedule for contracts."}}, {Name: "CodeHashOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "CodeHash<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account."}}, {Name: "PristineCode", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation."}}, {Name: "CodeStorage", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "wasm::PrefabWasmModule", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for the execution."}}, {Name: "AccountCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The subtrie counter"}}, {Name: "AccountInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "AccountInfo", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "update_schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "schedule", Type: "Schedule<T::Gas>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Updates the schedule for metering contracts.", "", " The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule."}}, {Name: "put_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<T::Gas>"}, {Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chains storage and returns its `codehash`.", " You can instantiate contracts only with stored code."}}, {Name: "call", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<T::Gas>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be", " executed and any value will be transferred.", " * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.", " * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,", " a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred."}}, {Name: "create", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "endowment", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<T::Gas>"}, {Name: "code_hash", Type: "CodeHash<T>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Creates a new contract from the `codehash` generated by `put_code`, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " Creation is executed as follows:", "", " - the destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.", " - the smart-contract account is created at the computed address.", " - the `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly created account. Buffer returned", " after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked", " upon any call received by this account.", " - The contract is initialized."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer happened `from` to `to` with given `value` as part of a `call` or `create`."}}, {Name: "Instantiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract deployed by address at the specified address."}}, {Name: "CodeStored", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" Code with the specified hash has been stored."}}, {Name: "ScheduleUpdated", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Triggered when the current schedule is updated."}}, {Name: "Dispatched", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A call was dispatched from the given account. The bool signals whether it was", " successful execution or not."}}, {Name: "Contract", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<u8>"}, Documentation: []Text{" An event from contract of account."}}}}, {Name: "sudo", Prefix: "Sudo", HasStorage: true, Storage: []StorageFunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "Key", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV4{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: ""}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The `AccountId` of the sudo key."}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "sudo", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_."}}, {Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Sudid", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}, {Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The sudoer just switched identity; the old key is supplied."}}}}}}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}} //nolint:lll,dupl
ExamplaryMetadataV4 is example metadata v4
var ExamplaryMetadataV4String = "" //nolint:lll /* 67752-byte string literal not displayed */
ExamplaryMetadataV4String is example metadata v4 encoded in a hex string
var ExamplaryMetadataV8 = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0x8, IsMetadataV4: false, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4(nil)}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}, IsMetadataV8: true, AsMetadataV8: MetadataV8{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8{{Name: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "System", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "AccountNonce", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Index", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics nonce for accounts."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, {Name: "AllExtrinsicsWeight", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Weight", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total weight for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, {Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, {Name: "NextWeightMultiplier", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "WeightMultiplier", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next weight multiplier. This should be updated at the end of each block based on the", " saturation level (weight)."}}, {Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, {Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, {Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "DigestOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}, {Name: "EventCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EventIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of events in the `Events<T>` list."}}, {Name: "EventTopics", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "()", Key2: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes", " of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.", "", " The first key serves no purpose. This field is declared as double_map just", " for convenience of using `remove_prefix`.", "", " All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This", " allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and", " in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.", "", " The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just", " the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block", " no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "fill_block", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" A big dispatch that will disallow any other transaction to be included."}}, {Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark."}}, {Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap."}}, {Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new code."}}, {Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage."}}, {Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage."}}, {Name: "kill_prefix", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "prefix", Type: "Key"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type{"DispatchError"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "BadSignature", Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "BlockFull", Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "RequireSignedOrigin", Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "RequireRootOrigin", Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "RequireNoOrigin", Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, {Name: "Utility", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "batch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "calls", Type: "Vec<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a batch of dispatch calls (only root)."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "BatchExecuted", Args: []Type{"Vec<Result<(), DispatchError>>"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Babe", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Babe", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "EpochIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch index."}}, {Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, BabeAuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch authorities."}}, {Name: "GenesisSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0", " until the first block of the chain."}}, {Name: "CurrentSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current slot number."}}, {Name: "Randomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.", "", " # Security", "", " This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a", " malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many", " cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this", " (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be", " used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an", " adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs."}}, {Name: "NextRandomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch randomness."}}, {Name: "SegmentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Randomness under construction.", "", " We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length.", " We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to", " `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`.", "", " Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.", " We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every", " epoch."}}, {Name: "UnderConstruction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<[u8; 32]>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Initialized", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "MaybeVrf", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`", " if per-block initialization has already been called for current block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "EpochDuration", Type: "u64", Value: Bytes{0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of **slots** that an epoch takes. We couple sessions to", " epochs, i.e. we start a new session once the new epoch begins."}}, {Name: "ExpectedBlockTime", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xb8, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating", " blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out", " what the expected average block time should be based on the slot", " duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents", " the probability of a slot being empty)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Timestamp", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, {Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization", " phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by", " `MinimumPeriod`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "MinimumPeriod", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xdc, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Authorship", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Authorship", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Uncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<UncleEntryItem<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, T::AccountId>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Uncles"}}, {Name: "Author", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Author of current block."}}, {Name: "DidSetUncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Whether uncles were already set in this block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_uncles", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_uncles", Type: "Vec<T::Header>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a set of uncles."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Indices", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "NextEnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free enumeration set."}}, {Name: "EnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The enumeration sets."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccountIndex", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account index was assigned.", "", " This event is not triggered when an existing index is reassigned", " to another `AccountId`."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, {Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingSchedule<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}, {Name: "FreeBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The 'free' balance of a given account.", "", " This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on tokens. It", " alone is used to determine the balance when in the contract execution environment. When this", " balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then the 'current account' is", " deleted: specifically `FreeBalance`. Further, the `OnFreeBalanceZero` callback", " is invoked, giving a chance to external modules to clean up data associated with", " the deleted account.", "", " `system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `ReservedBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`."}}, {Name: "ReservedBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the balance of a given account that is externally reserved; this can still get", " slashed, but gets slashed last of all.", "", " This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order to set aside tokens", " that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but which are suspendable.", "", " When this balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then this 'reserve account'", " is deleted: specifically, `ReservedBalance`.", "", " `system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `FreeBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`.)"}}, {Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.", "", " # <weight>", " - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for", " input config See related functions below.", " - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.", "", " Related functions:", "", " - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.", " - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause", " `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.", " - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger", " `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced` and `T::OnFreeBalanceZero::on_free_balance_zero`.", "", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "new_free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, {Name: "new_reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will", " also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will reset the account nonce (`system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments.", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be", " specified."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account was created."}}, {Name: "ReapedAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was reaped."}}, {Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded (from, to, value, fees)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}, {Name: "TransferFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, {Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Staking", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, {Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, {Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're", " easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four", " invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, {Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, {Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, {Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, {Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, {Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate."}}, {Name: "Stakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate", " through validators here, but you can find them in the Session module.", "", " This is keyed by the stash account."}}, {Name: "CurrentElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID."}}, {Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraStart", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "MomentOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The start of the current era."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraStartSessionIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the current era started."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraPointsEarned", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EraPoints", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for the current era. Using indices of current elected set."}}, {Name: "SlotStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently.", "", " This is used to derive rewards and punishments."}}, {Name: "ForceEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Forcing", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the next session change will be a new era regardless of index."}}, {Name: "SlashRewardFraction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.", "", " The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`."}}, {Name: "BondedEras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era."}}, {Name: "EraSlashJournal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "Vec<SlashJournalEntry<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashes that have occurred in a given era."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will", " be the account that controls it.", "", " `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.", " - O(1).", " - Three extra DB entries.", "", " NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned unless", " the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up", " for staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", " Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount", " that can be added.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)", " can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need", " to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)", " will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.", " The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via `withdraw_unbonded`.", " - One DB entry.", " </weight>"}}, {Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.", " It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is", " indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.", " - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`,", " which is capped at `MAX_NOMINATIONS`.", " - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains one read.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the controller of a stash.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of validators."}}, {Name: "force_no_eras", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be", " reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any)."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" All validators have been rewarded by the given balance."}}, {Name: "Slash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount."}}, {Name: "OldSlashingReportDiscarded", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could", " not be processed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "SessionsPerEra", Type: "SessionIndex", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of sessions per era."}}, {Name: "BondingDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0xa0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Session", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, {Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, {Name: "QueuedChanged", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators", " has changed in the queued validator set."}}, {Name: "QueuedKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::Keys)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys", " will be used to determine the validator's session keys."}}, {Name: "DisabledValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<u32>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Indices of disabled validators.", "", " The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities."}}, {Name: "NextKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "T::Keys", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session keys for a validator.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}, {Name: "KeyOwner", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "(KeyTypeId, Vec<u8>)", Value: "T::ValidatorId", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The owner of a key. The second key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "keys", Type: "T::Keys"}, {Name: "proof", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `key`.", " Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(log n) in number of accounts.", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX", Type: "&[u8]", Value: Bytes{0x34, 0x3a, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x73}, Documentation: []Text{" Used as first key for `NextKeys` and `KeyOwner` to put all the data into the same branch", " of the trie."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Democracy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, {Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Proposal, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted."}}, {Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit."}}, {Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, {Name: "NextTally", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next referendum index that should be tallied."}}, {Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "(ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Proposal>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum."}}, {Name: "DispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "Vec<Option<(T::Proposal, ReferendumIndex)>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Queue of successful referenda to be dispatched."}}, {Name: "VotersFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the voters for the current proposal."}}, {Name: "VoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(ReferendumIndex, T::AccountId)", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the vote in a given referendum of a particular voter. The result is meaningful only", " if `voters_for` includes the voter when called with the referendum (you'll get the", " default `Vote` value otherwise). If you don't want to check `voters_for`, then you can", " also check for simple existence with `VoteOf::exists` first."}}, {Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the", " vote-transaction-sending account."}}, {Name: "Delegations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Conviction)", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the account (and lock periods) to which another account is delegating vote."}}, {Name: "LastTabledWasExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public", " proposal."}}, {Name: "NextExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::Proposal, VoteThreshold)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal.", " This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met:", " - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or", " - `PublicProps` is empty."}}, {Name: "Blacklist", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number", " (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it."}}, {Name: "Cancellations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two DB changes, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "proxy_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum on behalf of a stash. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact", " the proposal; otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "emergency_cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule an emergency cancellation of a referendum. Cannot happen twice to the same", " referendum."}}, {Name: "external_propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an external", " referendum."}}, {Name: "external_propose_majority", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedule", " an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, {Name: "external_propose_default", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to", " schedule an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, {Name: "fast_track", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "voting_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, {Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabled", " immediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is one", " but it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.", " - `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal.", " - `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be", " enacted. Increased to `EmergencyVotingPeriod` if too low."}}, {Name: "veto_external", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash."}}, {Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum."}}, {Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "when", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}, {Name: "which", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "what", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment."}}, {Name: "set_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Specify a proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "resign_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the proxy.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "conviction", Type: "Conviction"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "ExternalTabled", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Vetoed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "EnactmentPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x2f, 0xd, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period of locking and the period between a proposal being approved and enacted.", "", " It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that", " voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where", " they are on the losing side of a vote."}}, {Name: "LaunchPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, {Name: "MinimumDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc1, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, {Name: "EmergencyVotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x51, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum voting period allowed for an emergency referendum."}}, {Name: "CooloffPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance1Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, {Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, {Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, {Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, {Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, {Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "TechnicalCommittee", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance2Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, {Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, {Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, {Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, {Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, {Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Elections", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Council", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "PresentationDuration", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How long to give each top candidate to present themselves after the vote ends."}}, {Name: "TermDuration", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How long each position is active for."}}, {Name: "DesiredSeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of accounts that should constitute the collective."}}, {Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership. When there's a vote going on, this should still be used for", " executive matters. The block number (second element in the tuple) is the block that", " their position is active until (calculated by the sum of the block number when the", " member was elected and their term duration)."}}, {Name: "VoteCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "VoteIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of vote rounds that have happened or are in progress."}}, {Name: "ApprovalsOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::AccountId, SetIndex)", Value: "Vec<ApprovalFlag>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "RegisterInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(VoteIndex, u32)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The vote index and list slot that the candidate `who` was registered or `None` if they", " are not currently registered."}}, {Name: "VoterInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VoterInfo<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Basic information about a voter."}}, {Name: "Voters", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "SetIndex", Value: "Vec<Option<T::AccountId>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present voter list (chunked and capped at [`VOTER_SET_SIZE`])."}}, {Name: "NextVoterSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SetIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" the next free set to store a voter in. This will keep growing."}}, {Name: "VoterCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SetIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current number of Voters."}}, {Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list."}}, {Name: "CandidateCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current number of active candidates"}}, {Name: "NextFinalize", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, u32, Vec<T::AccountId>)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The accounts holding the seats that will become free on the next tally."}}, {Name: "Leaderboard", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the leaderboard if we're in the presentation phase. The first element is the weight", " of each entry; It may be the direct summed approval stakes, or a weighted version of it.", " Sorted from low to high."}}, {Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the", " vote-transaction-sending account."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_approvals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<bool>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}, {Name: "hint", Type: "SetIndex"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set candidate approvals. Approval slots stay valid as long as candidates in those slots", " are registered.", "", " Locks `value` from the balance of `origin` indefinitely. Only [`retract_voter`] or", " [`reap_inactive_voter`] can unlock the balance.", "", " `hint` argument is interpreted differently based on:", " - if `origin` is setting approvals for the first time: The index will be checked for", " being a valid _hole_ in the voter list.", " - if the hint is correctly pointing to a hole, no fee is deducted from `origin`.", " - Otherwise, the call will succeed but the index is ignored and simply a push to the", " last chunk with free space happens. If the new push causes a new chunk to be", " created, a fee indicated by [`VotingFee`] is deducted.", " - if `origin` is already a voter: the index __must__ be valid and point to the correct", " position of the `origin` in the current voters list.", "", " Note that any trailing `false` votes in `votes` is ignored; In approval voting, not", " voting for a candidate and voting false, are equal.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two extra DB entries, one DB change.", " - Argument `votes` is limited in length to number of candidates.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "proxy_set_approvals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<bool>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}, {Name: "hint", Type: "SetIndex"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set candidate approvals from a proxy. Approval slots stay valid as long as candidates in", " those slots are registered.", "", " # <weight>", " - Same as `set_approvals` with one additional storage read.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "reap_inactive_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "reporter_index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "who_index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}, {Name: "assumed_vote_index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a voter. For it not to be a bond-consuming no-op, all approved candidate indices", " must now be either unregistered or registered to a candidate that registered the slot", " after the voter gave their last approval set.", "", " Both indices must be provided as explained in [`voter_at`] function.", "", " May be called by anyone. Returns the voter deposit to `signed`.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two fewer DB entries, one DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "retract_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "index", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a voter. All votes are cancelled and the voter deposit is returned.", "", " The index must be provided as explained in [`voter_at`] function.", "", " Also removes the lock on the balance of the voter. See [`do_set_approvals()`].", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two fewer DB entries, one DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "slot", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " Account must have enough transferrable funds in it to pay the bond.", "", " NOTE: if `origin` has already assigned approvals via [`set_approvals`],", " it will NOT have any usable funds to pass candidacy bond and must first retract.", " Note that setting approvals will lock the entire balance of the voter until", " retraction or being reported.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of input.", " - Three DB changes.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "present_winner", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "candidate", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "total", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<VoteIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Claim that `candidate` is one of the top `carry_count + desired_seats` candidates. Only", " works iff the presentation period is active. `candidate` should have at least collected", " some non-zero `total` votes and `origin` must have enough funds to pay for a potential", " slash.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(voters) compute.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_desired_seats", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the desired member count; if lower than the current count, then seats will not be up", " election when they expire. If more, then a new vote will be started if one is not", " already in progress."}}, {Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately.", "", " Note: A tally should happen instantly (if not already in a presentation", " period) to fill the seat if removal means that the desired members are not met."}}, {Name: "set_presentation_duration", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the presentation duration. If there is currently a vote being presented for, will", " invoke `finalize_vote`."}}, {Name: "set_term_duration", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "count", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the presentation duration. If there is current a vote being presented for, will", " invoke `finalize_vote`."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "VoterReaped", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" reaped voter, reaper"}}, {Name: "BadReaperSlashed", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" slashed reaper"}}, {Name: "TallyStarted", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tally (for approval votes of seat(s)) has started."}}, {Name: "TallyFinalized", Args: []Type{"Vec<AccountId>", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A tally (for approval votes of seat(s)) has ended (with one or more new members)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "CandidacyBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How much should be locked up in order to submit one's candidacy. A reasonable", " default value is 9."}}, {Name: "VotingBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How much should be locked up in order to be able to submit votes."}}, {Name: "VotingFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xf4, 0x20, 0xe6, 0xb5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of fee paid upon each vote submission, unless if they submit a", " _hole_ index and replace it."}}, {Name: "PresentSlashPerVoter", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The punishment, per voter, if you provide an invalid presentation. A", " reasonable default value is 1."}}, {Name: "CarryCount", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How many runners-up should have their approvals persist until the next", " vote. A reasonable default value is 2."}}, {Name: "InactiveGracePeriod", Type: "VoteIndex", Value: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How many vote indices need to go by after a target voter's last vote before", " they can be reaped if their approvals are moot. A reasonable default value", " is 1."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe1, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes. A reasonable default value", " is 1000."}}, {Name: "MinimumVotingLock", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum about that can be used as the locked value for voting."}}, {Name: "DecayRatio", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Decay factor of weight when being accumulated. It should typically be set to", " __at least__ `membership_size -1` to keep the collective secure.", " When set to `N`, it indicates `(1/N)^t` of staked is decayed at weight", " increment step `t`. 0 will result in no weight being added at all (normal", " approval voting). A reasonable default value is 24."}}, {Name: "VOTER_SET_SIZE", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The chunk size of the voter vector."}}, {Name: "APPROVAL_SET_SIZE", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The chunk size of the approval vector."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "TechnicalMembership", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance1Membership", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "add_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a member `who` to the set.", "", " May only be called from `AddOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a member `who` from the set.", "", " May only be called from `RemoveOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "swap_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "remove", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "add", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out one member `remove` for another `add`.", "", " May only be called from `SwapOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "reset_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice and", " pass `members` pre-sorted.", "", " May only be called from `ResetOrigin` or root."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "MemberAdded", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was added; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MemberRemoved", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was removed; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MembersSwapped", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Two members were swapped; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MembersReset", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is."}}, {Name: "Dummy", Args: []Type{"rstd::marker::PhantomData<(AccountId, Event)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" Phantom member, never used."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "FinalityTracker", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "WindowSize", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x65, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is 101."}}, {Name: "ReportLatency", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay after which point things become suspicious. Default is 1000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Grandpa", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, AuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current authority set."}}, {Name: "State", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredState<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" State of the current authority set."}}, {Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."}}, {Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" next block number where we can force a change."}}, {Name: "Stalled", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" `true` if we are currently stalled."}}, {Name: "CurrentSetId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SetId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)", " in the \"set\" of Grandpa validators from genesis."}}, {Name: "SetIdSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "SetId", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its members were responsible."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"Vec<(AuthorityId, AuthorityWeight)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied."}}, {Name: "Paused", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been paused."}}, {Name: "Resumed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been resumed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Treasury", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change, one extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal."}}, {Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds."}}, {Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated."}}, {Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt."}}, {Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "ProposalBond", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x50, 0xc3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal.", " An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not."}}, {Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, {Name: "SpendPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x70, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, {Name: "Burn", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Contracts", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Contract", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "GasSpent", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Gas spent so far in this block."}}, {Name: "CurrentSchedule", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Schedule", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x87, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current cost schedule for contracts."}}, {Name: "PristineCode", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation."}}, {Name: "CodeStorage", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "wasm::PrefabWasmModule", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for execution."}}, {Name: "AccountCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The subtrie counter."}}, {Name: "ContractInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ContractInfo<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account."}}, {Name: "GasPrice", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The price of one unit of gas."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "update_schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "schedule", Type: "Schedule"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Updates the schedule for metering contracts.", "", " The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule."}}, {Name: "put_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `codehash`.", " You can instantiate contracts only with stored code."}}, {Name: "call", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be", " executed and any value will be transferred.", " * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.", " * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,", " a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred."}}, {Name: "instantiate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "endowment", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "code_hash", Type: "CodeHash<T>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Instantiates a new contract from the `codehash` generated by `put_code`, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " Instantiation is executed as follows:", "", " - The destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.", " - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.", " - The `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly-created account. Buffer returned", " after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked", " upon any call received by this account.", " - The contract is initialized."}}, {Name: "claim_surcharge", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "aux_sender", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allows block producers to claim a small reward for evicting a contract. If a block producer", " fails to do so, a regular users will be allowed to claim the reward.", "", " If contract is not evicted as a result of this call, no actions are taken and", " the sender is not eligible for the reward."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer happened `from` to `to` with given `value` as part of a `call` or `instantiate`."}}, {Name: "Instantiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract deployed by address at the specified address."}}, {Name: "CodeStored", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" Code with the specified hash has been stored."}}, {Name: "ScheduleUpdated", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Triggered when the current schedule is updated."}}, {Name: "Dispatched", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A call was dispatched from the given account. The bool signals whether it was", " successful execution or not."}}, {Name: "Contract", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<u8>"}, Documentation: []Text{" An event from contract of account."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "SignedClaimHandicap", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.", "", " When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked", " for current_block - delay"}}, {Name: "TombstoneDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone."}}, {Name: "StorageSizeOffset", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Size of a contract at the time of instantiaion. This is a simple way to ensure that", " empty contracts eventually gets deleted."}}, {Name: "RentByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Price of a byte of storage per one block interval. Should be greater than 0."}}, {Name: "RentDepositOffset", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x8a, 0x5d, 0x78, 0x45, 0x63, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of funds a contract should deposit in order to offset", " the cost of one byte.", "", " Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,", " then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.", " But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,", " then it would pay 500 BU/day."}}, {Name: "SurchargeReward", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xa1, 0xa7, 0x6b, 0x4a, 0x35, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led", " to removal of a contract."}}, {Name: "TransferFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, {Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, {Name: "ContractFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to instantiate a contract instance. A reasonable default value", " is 21."}}, {Name: "CallBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for calling into a contract. A reasonable default", " value is 135."}}, {Name: "InstantiateBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for instantiating a contract. A reasonable default value", " is 175."}}, {Name: "MaxDepth", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack. A reasonable default", " value is 100."}}, {Name: "MaxValueSize", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum size of a storage value in bytes. A reasonable default is 16 KiB."}}, {Name: "BlockGasLimit", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x96, 0x98, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of gas that could be expended per block. A reasonable", " default value is 10_000_000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Sudo", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Key", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The `AccountId` of the sudo key."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "sudo", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "sudo_as", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Signed` origin from", " a given account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Sudid", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}, {Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The sudoer just switched identity; the old key is supplied."}}, {Name: "SudoAsDone", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "ImOnline", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "ImOnline", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "GossipAt", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The block number when we should gossip."}}, {Name: "Keys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AuthorityId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat."}}, {Name: "ReceivedHeartbeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "AuthIndex", Value: "Vec<u8>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index we keep a mapping of `AuthorityId`", " to `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "heartbeat", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "heartbeat", Type: "Heartbeat<T::BlockNumber>"}, {Name: "signature", Type: "<T::AuthorityId as RuntimeAppPublic>::Signature"}}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "HeartbeatReceived", Args: []Type{"AuthorityId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`"}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "AuthorityDiscovery", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Offences", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Offences", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Reports", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReportIdOf<T>", Value: "OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, T::IdentificationTuple>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers."}}, {Name: "ConcurrentReportsIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "Kind", Key2: "OpaqueTimeSlot", Value: "Vec<ReportIdOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot."}}, {Name: "ReportsByKindIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "Kind", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened.", "", " All reports are sorted by the time of offence.", "", " Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec<u8>`, this is because values of", " different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Offence", Args: []Type{"Kind", "OpaqueTimeSlot"}, Documentation: []Text{" There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and", " (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "RandomMaterial", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This", " is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of", " the oldest hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}}}} //nolint:lll,dupl
ExamplaryMetadataV8 is example metadata v8
var ExamplaryMetadataV9 = &Metadata{MagicNumber: 0x6174656d, Version: 0x9, IsMetadataV4: false, AsMetadataV4: MetadataV4{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV4(nil)}, IsMetadataV7: false, AsMetadataV7: MetadataV7{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV7(nil)}, IsMetadataV8: false, AsMetadataV8: MetadataV8{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8(nil)}, IsMetadataV9: true, AsMetadataV9: MetadataV9{Modules: []ModuleMetadataV8{{Name: "System", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "System", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "AccountNonce", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Index", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics nonce for accounts."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total extrinsics count for the current block."}}, {Name: "AllExtrinsicsWeight", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Weight", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total weight for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, {Name: "AllExtrinsicsLen", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block."}}, {Name: "BlockHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::BlockNumber", Value: "T::Hash", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of block numbers to block hashes."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicData", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data)."}}, {Name: "Number", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`."}}, {Name: "ParentHash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Hash of the previous block."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicsRoot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Hash", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Digest", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "DigestOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Digest of the current block, also part of the block header."}}, {Name: "Events", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Events deposited for the current block."}}, {Name: "EventCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EventIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of events in the `Events<T>` list."}}, {Name: "EventTopics", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "()", Key2: "T::Hash", Value: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes", " of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.", "", " The first key serves no purpose. This field is declared as double_map just", " for convenience of using `remove_prefix`.", "", " All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This", " allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and", " in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.", "", " The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just", " the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block", " no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "fill_block", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" A big dispatch that will disallow any other transaction to be included."}}, {Name: "remark", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_remark", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Make some on-chain remark."}}, {Name: "set_heap_pages", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "pages", Type: "u64"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap."}}, {Name: "set_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the new code."}}, {Name: "set_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "items", Type: "Vec<KeyValue>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set some items of storage."}}, {Name: "kill_storage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "keys", Type: "Vec<Key>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill some items from storage."}}, {Name: "kill_prefix", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "prefix", Type: "Key"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "ExtrinsicSuccess", Args: []Type{"DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic completed successfully."}}, {Name: "ExtrinsicFailed", Args: []Type{"DispatchError", "DispatchInfo"}, Documentation: []Text{" An extrinsic failed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Utility", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "batch", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "calls", Type: "Vec<<T as Trait>::Call>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Send a batch of dispatch calls (only root)."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "BatchExecuted", Args: []Type{"Vec<Result<(), DispatchError>>"}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Babe", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Babe", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "EpochIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch index."}}, {Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(AuthorityId, BabeAuthorityWeight)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current epoch authorities."}}, {Name: "GenesisSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0", " until the first block of the chain."}}, {Name: "CurrentSlot", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current slot number."}}, {Name: "Randomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.", "", " # Security", "", " This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a", " malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many", " cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this", " (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be", " used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an", " adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs."}}, {Name: "NextRandomness", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "[u8; 32]", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Next epoch randomness."}}, {Name: "SegmentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Randomness under construction.", "", " We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length.", " We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to", " `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`.", "", " Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.", " We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every", " epoch."}}, {Name: "UnderConstruction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "u32", Value: "Vec<[u8; 32]>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "Initialized", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "MaybeVrf", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`", " if per-block initialization has already been called for current block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "EpochDuration", Type: "u64", Value: Bytes{0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of **slots** that an epoch takes. We couple sessions to", " epochs, i.e. we start a new session once the new epoch begins."}}, {Name: "ExpectedBlockTime", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xb8, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating", " blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out", " what the expected average block time should be based on the slot", " duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents", " the probability of a slot being empty)."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Timestamp", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Timestamp", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Now", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Moment", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current time for the current block."}}, {Name: "DidUpdate", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Did the timestamp get updated in this block?"}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "now", Type: "Compact<T::Moment>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the current time.", "", " This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization", " phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.", "", " The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by", " `MinimumPeriod`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "MinimumPeriod", Type: "T::Moment", Value: Bytes{0xdc, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period", " that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally", " work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this", " period on default settings."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Authorship", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Authorship", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Uncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<UncleEntryItem<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, T::AccountId>>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Uncles"}}, {Name: "Author", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Author of current block."}}, {Name: "DidSetUncles", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Whether uncles were already set in this block."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_uncles", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_uncles", Type: "Vec<T::Header>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Provide a set of uncles."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Indices", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Indices", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "NextEnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free enumeration set."}}, {Name: "EnumSet", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The enumeration sets."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccountIndex", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account index was assigned.", "", " This event is not triggered when an existing index is reassigned", " to another `AccountId`."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Balances", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "TotalIssuance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::Balance", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total units issued in the system."}}, {Name: "Vesting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "VestingSchedule<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information regarding the vesting of a given account."}}, {Name: "FreeBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The 'free' balance of a given account.", "", " This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on tokens. It", " alone is used to determine the balance when in the contract execution environment. When this", " balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then the 'current account' is", " deleted: specifically `FreeBalance`. Further, the `OnFreeBalanceZero` callback", " is invoked, giving a chance to external modules to clean up data associated with", " the deleted account.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `ReservedBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`."}}, {Name: "ReservedBalance", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::Balance", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of the balance of a given account that is externally reserved; this can still get", " slashed, but gets slashed last of all.", "", " This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order to set aside tokens", " that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but which are suspendable.", "", " When this balance falls below the value of `ExistentialDeposit`, then this 'reserve account'", " is deleted: specifically, `ReservedBalance`.", "", " `frame_system::AccountNonce` is also deleted if `FreeBalance` is also zero (it also gets", " collapsed to zero if it ever becomes less than `ExistentialDeposit`.)"}}, {Name: "Locks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance, T::BlockNumber>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any liquidity locks on some account balances."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.", "", " `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.", " It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.", " If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result", " of the transfer, the account will be reaped.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.", "", " # <weight>", " - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for", " input config See related functions below.", " - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.", "", " Related functions:", "", " - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.", " - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause", " `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.", " - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger", " `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced` and `T::OnFreeBalanceZero::on_free_balance_zero`.", " - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional", " check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.", "", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_balance", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "new_free", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}, {Name: "new_reserved", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the balances of a given account.", "", " This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will", " also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).", " If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,", " it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments.", " - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "force_transfer", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "source", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be", " specified."}}, {Name: "transfer_keep_alive", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<T::Balance>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the", " origin account.", "", " 99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.", "", " [`transfer`]: struct.Module.html#method.transfer"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new account was created."}}, {Name: "ReapedAccount", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account was reaped."}}, {Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer succeeded (from, to, value, fees)."}}, {Name: "BalanceSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A balance was set by root (who, free, reserved)."}}, {Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to keep an account open."}}, {Name: "TransferFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Type: "T::Balance", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "VestingBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Vesting balance too high to send value"}}, {Name: "LiquidityRestrictions", Documentation: []Text{" Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal"}}, {Name: "Overflow", Documentation: []Text{" Got an overflow after adding"}}, {Name: "InsufficientBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Balance too low to send value"}}, {Name: "ExistentialDeposit", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low to create account due to existential deposit"}}, {Name: "KeepAlive", Documentation: []Text{" Transfer/payment would kill account"}}, {Name: "ExistingVestingSchedule", Documentation: []Text{" A vesting schedule already exists for this account"}}, {Name: "DeadAccount", Documentation: []Text{" Beneficiary account must pre-exist"}}}}, {Name: "TransactionPayment", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Balances", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "NextFeeMultiplier", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Multiplier", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}}, HasCalls: false, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Staking", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Staking", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "ValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of staking participants."}}, {Name: "MinimumValidatorCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed."}}, {Name: "Invulnerables", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're", " easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four", " invulnerables) and restricted to testnets."}}, {Name: "Bonded", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all locked \"stash\" accounts to the controller account."}}, {Name: "Ledger", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map from all (unlocked) \"controller\" accounts to the info regarding the staking."}}, {Name: "Payee", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "RewardDestination", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash."}}, {Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ValidatorPrefs", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator."}}, {Name: "Nominators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Nominations<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate.", "", " NOTE: is private so that we can ensure upgraded before all typical accesses.", " Direct storage APIs can still bypass this protection."}}, {Name: "Stakers", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Nominators for a particular account that is in action right now. You can't iterate", " through validators here, but you can find them in the Session module.", "", " This is keyed by the stash account."}}, {Name: "CurrentElected", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The currently elected validator set keyed by stash account ID."}}, {Name: "CurrentEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current era index."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraStart", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "MomentOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The start of the current era."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraStartSessionIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The session index at which the current era started."}}, {Name: "CurrentEraPointsEarned", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EraPoints", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Rewards for the current era. Using indices of current elected set."}}, {Name: "SlotStake", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance actively at stake for each validator slot, currently.", "", " This is used to derive rewards and punishments."}}, {Name: "ForceEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Forcing", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the next session change will be a new era regardless of index."}}, {Name: "SlashRewardFraction", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Perbill", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.", "", " The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`."}}, {Name: "CanceledSlashPayout", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was", " canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance)."}}, {Name: "UnappliedSlashes", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "EraIndex", Value: "Vec<UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All unapplied slashes that are queued for later."}}, {Name: "BondedEras", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(EraIndex, SessionIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era."}}, {Name: "ValidatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Perbill, BalanceOf<T>)", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion", " and slash value of the era."}}, {Name: "NominatorSlashInEra", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "EraIndex", Key2: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: true, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era."}}, {Name: "SlashingSpans", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "slashing::SlashingSpans", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Slashing spans for stash accounts."}}, {Name: "SpanSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(T::AccountId, slashing::SpanIndex)", Value: "slashing::SpanRecord<BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span,", " as well as how much reward has been paid out."}}, {Name: "EarliestUnappliedSlash", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "EraIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash."}}, {Name: "StorageVersion", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The version of storage for upgrade."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "bond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will", " be the account that controls it.", "", " `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.", " - O(1).", " - Three extra DB entries.", "", " NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned unless", " the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "bond_extra", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "max_additional", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up", " for staking.", "", " Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.", " Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount", " that can be added.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "unbond", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond", " period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than", " T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.", "", " Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move", " the funds out of management ready for transfer.", "", " No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)", " can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need", " to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)", " will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.", " The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via `withdraw_unbonded`.", " - One DB entry.", " </weight>"}}, {Name: "withdraw_unbonded", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.", "", " This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do", " whatever it wants.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " See also [`Call::unbond`].", "", " # <weight>", " - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.", " It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is", " indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.", " - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "validate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "prefs", Type: "ValidatorPrefs"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "nominate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "targets", Type: "Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`,", " which is capped at `MAX_NOMINATIONS`.", " - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "chill", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains one read.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_payee", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "payee", Type: "RewardDestination"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_controller", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "controller", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" (Re-)set the controller of a stash.", "", " Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.", "", " # <weight>", " - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.", " - Contains a limited number of reads.", " - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_validator_count", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "Compact<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" The ideal number of validators."}}, {Name: "force_no_eras", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "force_new_era", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be", " reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.", "", " # <weight>", " - No arguments.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_invulnerables", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "validators", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any)."}}, {Name: "force_unstake", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "stash", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately."}}, {Name: "force_new_era_always", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "cancel_deferred_slash", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "era", Type: "EraIndex"}, {Name: "slash_indices", Type: "Vec<u32>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel enactment of a deferred slash. Can be called by either the root origin or", " the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.", " passing the era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.", "", " # <weight>", " - One storage write.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Reward", Args: []Type{"Balance", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" All validators have been rewarded by the first balance; the second is the remainder", " from the maximum amount of reward."}}, {Name: "Slash", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount."}}, {Name: "OldSlashingReportDiscarded", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could", " not be processed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "SessionsPerEra", Type: "SessionIndex", Value: Bytes{0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of sessions per era."}}, {Name: "BondingDuration", Type: "EraIndex", Value: Bytes{0xa0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "NotController", Documentation: []Text{" Not a controller account."}}, {Name: "NotStash", Documentation: []Text{" Not a stash account."}}, {Name: "AlreadyBonded", Documentation: []Text{" Stash is already bonded."}}, {Name: "AlreadyPaired", Documentation: []Text{" Controller is already paired."}}, {Name: "EmptyTargets", Documentation: []Text{" Targets cannot be empty."}}, {Name: "DuplicateIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate index."}}, {Name: "InvalidSlashIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Slash record index out of bounds."}}, {Name: "InsufficientValue", Documentation: []Text{" Can not bond with value less than minimum balance."}}, {Name: "NoMoreChunks", Documentation: []Text{" Can not schedule more unlock chunks."}}}}, {Name: "Session", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Session", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Validators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::ValidatorId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of validators."}}, {Name: "CurrentIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SessionIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current index of the session."}}, {Name: "QueuedChanged", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators", " has changed in the queued validator set."}}, {Name: "QueuedKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::Keys)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys", " will be used to determine the validator's session keys."}}, {Name: "DisabledValidators", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<u32>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Indices of disabled validators.", "", " The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities."}}, {Name: "NextKeys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "T::Keys", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next session keys for a validator.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}, {Name: "KeyOwner", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: true}, Key1: "Vec<u8>", Key2: "(KeyTypeId, Vec<u8>)", Value: "T::ValidatorId", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The owner of a key. The second key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.", "", " The first key is always `DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX` to have all the data in the same branch of", " the trie. Having all data in the same branch should prevent slowing down other queries."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_keys", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "keys", Type: "T::Keys"}, {Name: "proof", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `key`.", " Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.", " This doesn't take effect until the next session.", "", " The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(log n) in number of accounts.", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewSession", Args: []Type{"SessionIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block", " number as the type might suggest."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "DEDUP_KEY_PREFIX", Type: "&[u8]", Value: Bytes{0x34, 0x3a, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x73}, Documentation: []Text{" Used as first key for `NextKeys` and `KeyOwner` to put all the data into the same branch", " of the trie."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "InvalidProof", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid ownership proof."}}, {Name: "NoAssociatedValidatorId", Documentation: []Text{" No associated validator ID for account."}}, {Name: "DuplicatedKey", Documentation: []Text{" Registered duplicate key."}}}}, {Name: "Democracy", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Democracy", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "PublicPropCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "PropIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far."}}, {Name: "PublicProps", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(PropIndex, T::Hash, T::AccountId)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The public proposals. Unsorted. The second item is the proposal's hash."}}, {Name: "Preimages", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(Vec<u8>, T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Map of hashes to the proposal preimage, along with who registered it and their deposit.", " The block number is the block at which it was deposited."}}, {Name: "DepositOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "PropIndex", Value: "(BalanceOf<T>, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Those who have locked a deposit."}}, {Name: "ReferendumCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far."}}, {Name: "LowestUnbaked", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ReferendumIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum. Equal to", " `ReferendumCount` if there isn't a unbaked referendum."}}, {Name: "ReferendumInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "ReferendumInfo<T::BlockNumber, T::Hash>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Information concerning any given referendum."}}, {Name: "DispatchQueue", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, ReferendumIndex)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Queue of successful referenda to be dispatched. Stored ordered by block number."}}, {Name: "VotersFor", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReferendumIndex", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the voters for the current proposal."}}, {Name: "VoteOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "(ReferendumIndex, T::AccountId)", Value: "Vote", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the vote in a given referendum of a particular voter. The result is meaningful only", " if `voters_for` includes the voter when called with the referendum (you'll get the", " default `Vote` value otherwise). If you don't want to check `voters_for`, then you can", " also check for simple existence with `VoteOf::exists` first."}}, {Name: "Proxy", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "T::AccountId", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Who is able to vote for whom. Value is the fund-holding account, key is the", " vote-transaction-sending account."}}, {Name: "Delegations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(T::AccountId, Conviction)", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Get the account (and lock periods) to which another account is delegating vote."}}, {Name: "LastTabledWasExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "bool", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public", " proposal."}}, {Name: "NextExternal", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::Hash, VoteThreshold)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal.", " This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met:", " - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or", " - `PublicProps` is empty."}}, {Name: "Blacklist", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "(T::BlockNumber, Vec<T::AccountId>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number", " (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it."}}, {Name: "Cancellations", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "bool", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Two DB changes, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "second", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Compact<PropIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Propose a sensitive action to be taken.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;", " otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "proxy_vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}, {Name: "vote", Type: "Vote"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote in a referendum on behalf of a stash. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact", " the proposal; otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One DB change, one DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "emergency_cancel", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule an emergency cancellation of a referendum. Cannot happen twice to the same", " referendum."}}, {Name: "external_propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an external", " referendum."}}, {Name: "external_propose_majority", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedule", " an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, {Name: "external_propose_default", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to", " schedule an external referendum.", "", " Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace a", " pre-scheduled `external_propose` call."}}, {Name: "fast_track", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "voting_period", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}, {Name: "delay", Type: "T::BlockNumber"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Schedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabled", " immediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is one", " but it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.", "", " - `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.", " - `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal. Increased to", " `EmergencyVotingPeriod` if too low.", " - `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be", " enacted. This doesn't have a minimum amount."}}, {Name: "veto_external", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash."}}, {Name: "cancel_referendum", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "ref_index", Type: "Compact<ReferendumIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a referendum."}}, {Name: "cancel_queued", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "which", Type: "ReferendumIndex"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Cancel a proposal queued for enactment."}}, {Name: "set_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Specify a proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "resign_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the proxy.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "remove_proxy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proxy", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Clear the proxy. Called by the stash.", "", " # <weight>", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "delegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "to", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "conviction", Type: "Conviction"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Delegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - One extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "undelegate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Undelegate vote.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "clear_public_proposals", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Veto and blacklist the proposal hash. Must be from Root origin."}}, {Name: "note_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted."}}, {Name: "note_imminent_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "encoded_proposal", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be", " in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed."}}, {Name: "reap_preimage", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_hash", Type: "T::Hash"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an expired proposal preimage and collect the deposit.", "", " This will only work after `VotingPeriod` blocks from the time that the preimage was", " noted, if it's the same account doing it. If it's a different account, then it'll only", " work an additional `EnactmentPeriod` later."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion has been proposed by a public account."}}, {Name: "Tabled", Args: []Type{"PropIndex", "Balance", "Vec<AccountId>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote."}}, {Name: "ExternalTabled", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been tabled."}}, {Name: "Started", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "VoteThreshold"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has begun."}}, {Name: "Passed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been approved by referendum."}}, {Name: "NotPassed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been rejected by referendum."}}, {Name: "Cancelled", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A referendum has been cancelled."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"ReferendumIndex", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal has been enacted."}}, {Name: "Delegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has delegated their vote to another account."}}, {Name: "Undelegated", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" An account has cancelled a previous delegation operation."}}, {Name: "Vetoed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "BlockNumber"}, Documentation: []Text{" An external proposal has been vetoed."}}, {Name: "PreimageNoted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken."}}, {Name: "PreimageUsed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned)."}}, {Name: "PreimageInvalid", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid."}}, {Name: "PreimageMissing", Args: []Type{"Hash", "ReferendumIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing."}}, {Name: "PreimageReaped", Args: []Type{"Hash", "AccountId", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper (last item)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "EnactmentPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x2f, 0xd, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum period of locking and the period between a proposal being approved and enacted.", "", " It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that", " voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where", " they are on the losing side of a vote."}}, {Name: "LaunchPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched."}}, {Name: "VotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" How often (in blocks) to check for new votes."}}, {Name: "MinimumDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0xc1, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal."}}, {Name: "EmergencyVotingPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x51, 0x1, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum voting period allowed for an emergency referendum."}}, {Name: "CooloffPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x4e, 0xc, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed."}}, {Name: "PreimageByteDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of balance that must be deposited per byte of preimage stored."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "ValueLow", Documentation: []Text{" Value too low"}}, {Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal does not exist"}}, {Name: "NotProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Not a proxy"}}, {Name: "BadIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Unknown index"}}, {Name: "AlreadyCanceled", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot cancel the same proposal twice"}}, {Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal already made"}}, {Name: "ProposalBlacklisted", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal still blacklisted"}}, {Name: "NotSimpleMajority", Documentation: []Text{" Next external proposal not simple majority"}}, {Name: "InvalidHash", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid hash"}}, {Name: "NoProposal", Documentation: []Text{" No external proposal"}}, {Name: "AlreadyVetoed", Documentation: []Text{" Identity may not veto a proposal twice"}}, {Name: "AlreadyProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Already a proxy"}}, {Name: "WrongProxy", Documentation: []Text{" Wrong proxy"}}, {Name: "NotDelegated", Documentation: []Text{" Not delegated"}}, {Name: "DuplicatePreimage", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage already noted"}}, {Name: "NotImminent", Documentation: []Text{" Not imminent"}}, {Name: "Early", Documentation: []Text{" Too early"}}, {Name: "Imminent", Documentation: []Text{" Imminent"}}, {Name: "PreimageMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Preimage not found"}}, {Name: "ReferendumInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Vote given for invalid referendum"}}, {Name: "PreimageInvalid", Documentation: []Text{" Invalid preimage"}}, {Name: "NoneWaiting", Documentation: []Text{" No proposals waiting"}}}}, {Name: "Council", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance1Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, {Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, {Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, {Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, {Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, {Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, {Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, {Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, {Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, {Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, {Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, {Name: "TechnicalCommittee", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance2Collective", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The hashes of the active proposals."}}, {Name: "ProposalOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current."}}, {Name: "Voting", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::Hash", Value: "Votes<T::AccountId>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing."}}, {Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals so far."}}, {Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value)."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new_members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set the collective's membership manually to `new_members`. Be nice to the chain and", " provide it pre-sorted.", "", " Requires root origin."}}, {Name: "execute", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.", "", " Origin must be a member of the collective."}}, {Name: "propose", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "threshold", Type: "Compact<MemberCount>"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<<T as Trait<I>>::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage reads and writes.", " - Argument `threshold` has bearing on weight.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "T::Hash"}, {Name: "index", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}, {Name: "approve", Type: "bool"}}, Documentation: []Text{" # <weight>", " - Bounded storage read and writes.", " - Will be slightly heavier if the proposal is approved / disapproved after the vote.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "ProposalIndex", "Hash", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given", " `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Voted", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Hash", "bool", "MemberCount", "MemberCount"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving", " a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`)."}}, {Name: "Approved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Disapproved", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was not approved by the required threshold."}}, {Name: "Executed", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A motion was executed; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}, {Name: "MemberExecuted", Args: []Type{"Hash", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A single member did some action; `bool` is true if returned without error."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "NotMember", Documentation: []Text{" Account is not a member"}}, {Name: "DuplicateProposal", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate proposals not allowed"}}, {Name: "ProposalMissing", Documentation: []Text{" Proposal must exist"}}, {Name: "WrongIndex", Documentation: []Text{" Mismatched index"}}, {Name: "DuplicateVote", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicate vote ignored"}}, {Name: "AlreadyInitialized", Documentation: []Text{" Members are already initialized!"}}}}, {Name: "Elections", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "PhragmenElection", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current elected membership. Sorted based on account id."}}, {Name: "RunnersUp", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current runners_up. Sorted based on low to high merit (worse to best runner)."}}, {Name: "ElectionRounds", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u32", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one."}}, {Name: "VotesOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "Vec<T::AccountId>", Linked: true}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Votes of a particular voter, with the round index of the votes."}}, {Name: "StakeOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "BalanceOf<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Locked stake of a voter."}}, {Name: "Candidates", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The present candidate list. Sorted based on account id. A current member can never enter", " this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "vote", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "votes", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Vote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election.", "", " The `votes` should:", " - not be empty.", " - be less than the number of candidates.", "", " Upon voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a bond amount is reserved.", " It is the responsibility of the caller to not place all of their balance into the lock", " and keep some for further transactions.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(V) given `V` votes. V is bounded by 16.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "remove_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Remove `origin` as a voter. This removes the lock and returns the bond.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(1)", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "report_defunct_voter", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report `target` for being an defunct voter. In case of a valid report, the reporter is", " rewarded by the bond amount of `target`. Otherwise, the reporter itself is removed and", " their bond is slashed.", "", " A defunct voter is defined to be:", " - a voter whose current submitted votes are all invalid. i.e. all of them are no", " longer a candidate nor an active member.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(NLogM) given M current candidates and N votes for `target`.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "submit_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Submit oneself for candidacy.", "", " A candidate will either:", " - Lose at the end of the term and forfeit their deposit.", " - Win and become a member. Members will eventually get their stash back.", " - Become a runner-up. Runners-ups are reserved members in case one gets forcefully", " removed.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(LogN) Given N candidates.", " Writes: O(1)", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "renounce_candidacy", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Renounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potential", " outcomes exist:", " - `origin` is a candidate and not elected in any set. In this case, the bond is", " unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a candidate.", " - `origin` is a current runner up. In this case, the bond is unreserved, returned and", " origin is removed as a runner.", " - `origin` is a current member. In this case, the bond is unreserved and origin is", " removed as a member, consequently not being a candidate for the next round anymore.", " Similar to [`remove_voter`], if replacement runners exists, they are immediately used."}}, {Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond of", " the outgoing member is slashed.", "", " If a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces the", " outgoing member. Otherwise, a new phragmen round is started.", "", " Note that this does not affect the designated block number of the next election.", "", " # <weight>", " #### State", " Reads: O(do_phragmen)", " Writes: O(do_phragmen)", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewTerm", Args: []Type{"Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new term with new members. This indicates that enough candidates existed, not that", " enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examined for this purpose."}}, {Name: "EmptyTerm", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round."}}, {Name: "MemberKicked", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` ot", " `EmptyTerm`."}}, {Name: "MemberRenounced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A member has renounced their candidacy."}}, {Name: "VoterReported", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A voter (first element) was reported (byt the second element) with the the report being", " successful or not (third element)."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "CandidacyBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xc6, 0xa4, 0x7e, 0x8d, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "VotingBond", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "DesiredMembers", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "DesiredRunnersUp", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}, {Name: "TermDuration", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x13, 0x3, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "TechnicalMembership", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Instance1Membership", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Members", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AccountId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "add_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Add a member `who` to the set.", "", " May only be called from `AddOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "remove_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove a member `who` from the set.", "", " May only be called from `RemoveOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "swap_member", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "remove", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "add", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out one member `remove` for another `add`.", "", " May only be called from `SwapOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "reset_members", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "members", Type: "Vec<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice and", " pass `members` pre-sorted.", "", " May only be called from `ResetOrigin` or root."}}, {Name: "change_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "T::AccountId"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Swap out the sending member for some other key `new`.", "", " May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "MemberAdded", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was added; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MemberRemoved", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The given member was removed; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MembersSwapped", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Two members were swapped; see the transaction for who."}}, {Name: "MembersReset", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is."}}, {Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" One of the members' keys changed."}}, {Name: "Dummy", Args: []Type{"sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(AccountId, Event)>"}, Documentation: []Text{" Phantom member, never used."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "FinalityTracker", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "final_hint", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "hint", Type: "Compact<T::BlockNumber>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized", " block is the given number."}}}, HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "WindowSize", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x65, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is 101."}}, {Name: "ReportLatency", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The delay after which point things become suspicious. Default is 1000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "AlreadyUpdated", Documentation: []Text{" Final hint must be updated only once in the block"}}, {Name: "BadHint", Documentation: []Text{" Finalized height above block number"}}}}, {Name: "Grandpa", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "GrandpaFinality", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Authorities", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "AuthorityList", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" DEPRECATED", "", " This used to store the current authority set, which has been migrated to the well-known", " GRANDPA_AUTHORITES_KEY unhashed key."}}, {Name: "State", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredState<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" State of the current authority set."}}, {Name: "PendingChange", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."}}, {Name: "NextForced", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" next block number where we can force a change."}}, {Name: "Stalled", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "(T::BlockNumber, T::BlockNumber)", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" `true` if we are currently stalled."}}, {Name: "CurrentSetId", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "SetId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)", " in the \"set\" of Grandpa validators from genesis."}}, {Name: "SetIdSession", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "SetId", Value: "SessionIndex", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its members were responsible."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "report_misbehavior", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "_report", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Report some misbehavior."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NewAuthorities", Args: []Type{"AuthorityList"}, Documentation: []Text{" New authority set has been applied."}}, {Name: "Paused", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been paused."}}, {Name: "Resumed", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Current authority set has been resumed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "PauseFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live", " (either paused or already pending pause)."}}, {Name: "ResumeFailed", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused", " (either live or already pending resume)."}}, {Name: "ChangePending", Documentation: []Text{" Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending."}}, {Name: "TooSoon", Documentation: []Text{" Cannot signal forced change so soon after last."}}}}, {Name: "Treasury", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Treasury", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "ProposalCount", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "ProposalIndex", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Proposals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ProposalIndex", Value: "Proposal<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposals that have been made."}}, {Name: "Approvals", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<ProposalIndex>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "propose_spend", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "beneficiary", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value", " is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once the", " proposal is awarded.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change, one extra DB entry.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "reject_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB clear.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "approve_proposal", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal_id", Type: "Compact<ProposalIndex>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary", " and the original deposit will be returned.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Proposed", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex"}, Documentation: []Text{" New proposal."}}, {Name: "Spending", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds."}}, {Name: "Awarded", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been allocated."}}, {Name: "Rejected", Args: []Type{"ProposalIndex", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed."}}, {Name: "Burnt", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some of our funds have been burnt."}}, {Name: "Rollover", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend."}}, {Name: "Deposit", Args: []Type{"Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Some funds have been deposited."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "ProposalBond", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x50, 0xc3, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal.", " An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not."}}, {Name: "ProposalBondMinimum", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal."}}, {Name: "SpendPeriod", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x70, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Period between successive spends."}}, {Name: "Burn", Type: "Permill", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0xa1, 0x7, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "InsufficientProposersBalance", Documentation: []Text{" Proposer's balance is too low."}}, {Name: "InvalidProposalIndex", Documentation: []Text{" No proposal at that index."}}}}, {Name: "Contracts", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Contract", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "GasSpent", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Gas", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Gas spent so far in this block."}}, {Name: "CurrentSchedule", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Schedule", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x87, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Current cost schedule for contracts."}}, {Name: "PristineCode", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation."}}, {Name: "CodeStorage", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "CodeHash<T>", Value: "wasm::PrefabWasmModule", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for execution."}}, {Name: "AccountCounter", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "u64", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The subtrie counter."}}, {Name: "ContractInfoOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "ContractInfo<T>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The code associated with a given account."}}, {Name: "GasPrice", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "BalanceOf<T>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The price of one unit of gas."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "update_schedule", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "schedule", Type: "Schedule"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Updates the schedule for metering contracts.", "", " The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule."}}, {Name: "put_code", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "code", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `codehash`.", " You can instantiate contracts only with stored code."}}, {Name: "call", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "value", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be", " executed and any value will be transferred.", " * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.", " * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,", " a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred."}}, {Name: "instantiate", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "endowment", Type: "Compact<BalanceOf<T>>"}, {Name: "gas_limit", Type: "Compact<Gas>"}, {Name: "code_hash", Type: "CodeHash<T>"}, {Name: "data", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Instantiates a new contract from the `codehash` generated by `put_code`, optionally transferring some balance.", "", " Instantiation is executed as follows:", "", " - The destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.", " - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.", " - The `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly-created account. Buffer returned", " after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked", " upon any call received by this account.", " - The contract is initialized."}}, {Name: "claim_surcharge", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "dest", Type: "T::AccountId"}, {Name: "aux_sender", Type: "Option<T::AccountId>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Allows block producers to claim a small reward for evicting a contract. If a block producer", " fails to do so, a regular users will be allowed to claim the reward.", "", " If contract is not evicted as a result of this call, no actions are taken and", " the sender is not eligible for the reward."}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Transfer", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" Transfer happened `from` to `to` with given `value` as part of a `call` or `instantiate`."}}, {Name: "Instantiated", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" Contract deployed by address at the specified address."}}, {Name: "CodeStored", Args: []Type{"Hash"}, Documentation: []Text{" Code with the specified hash has been stored."}}, {Name: "ScheduleUpdated", Args: []Type{"u32"}, Documentation: []Text{" Triggered when the current schedule is updated."}}, {Name: "Dispatched", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A call was dispatched from the given account. The bool signals whether it was", " successful execution or not."}}, {Name: "Contract", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Vec<u8>"}, Documentation: []Text{" An event from contract of account."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "SignedClaimHandicap", Type: "T::BlockNumber", Value: Bytes{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.", "", " When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked", " for current_block - delay"}}, {Name: "TombstoneDeposit", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone."}}, {Name: "StorageSizeOffset", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Size of a contract at the time of instantiaion. This is a simple way to ensure that", " empty contracts eventually gets deleted."}}, {Name: "RentByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Price of a byte of storage per one block interval. Should be greater than 0."}}, {Name: "RentDepositOffset", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x8a, 0x5d, 0x78, 0x45, 0x63, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The amount of funds a contract should deposit in order to offset", " the cost of one byte.", "", " Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,", " then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.", " But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,", " then it would pay 500 BU/day."}}, {Name: "SurchargeReward", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x80, 0xa1, 0xa7, 0x6b, 0x4a, 0x35, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led", " to removal of a contract."}}, {Name: "TransferFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to make a transfer."}}, {Name: "CreationFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to create an account."}}, {Name: "TransactionBaseFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the base."}}, {Name: "TransactionByteFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0xe4, 0xb, 0x54, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee to be paid for making a transaction; the per-byte portion."}}, {Name: "ContractFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x10, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0xe8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The fee required to instantiate a contract instance. A reasonable default value", " is 21."}}, {Name: "CallBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for calling into a contract. A reasonable default", " value is 135."}}, {Name: "InstantiateBaseFee", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0xe8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The base fee charged for instantiating a contract. A reasonable default value", " is 175."}}, {Name: "MaxDepth", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack. A reasonable default", " value is 100."}}, {Name: "MaxValueSize", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum size of a storage value in bytes. A reasonable default is 16 KiB."}}, {Name: "BlockGasLimit", Type: "Gas", Value: Bytes{0x80, 0x96, 0x98, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum amount of gas that could be expended per block. A reasonable", " default value is 10_000_000."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Sudo", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Key", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::AccountId", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The `AccountId` of the sudo key."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "sudo", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "set_key", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "new", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB change.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "sudo_as", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "who", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "proposal", Type: "Box<T::Proposal>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Signed` origin from", " a given account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - Limited storage reads.", " - One DB write (event).", " - Unknown weight of derivative `proposal` execution.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Sudid", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}, {Name: "KeyChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" The sudoer just switched identity; the old key is supplied."}}, {Name: "SudoAsDone", Args: []Type{"bool"}, Documentation: []Text{" A sudo just took place."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "RequireSudo", Documentation: []Text{" Sender must be the Sudo account"}}}}, {Name: "ImOnline", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "ImOnline", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "GossipAt", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "T::BlockNumber", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The block number when we should gossip."}}, {Name: "Keys", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::AuthorityId>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat."}}, {Name: "ReceivedHeartbeats", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "AuthIndex", Value: "Vec<u8>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `AuthIndex`", " to `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`."}}, {Name: "AuthoredBlocks", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "SessionIndex", Key2: "T::ValidatorId", Value: "u32", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" For each session index, we keep a mapping of `T::ValidatorId` to the", " number of blocks authored by the given authority."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "heartbeat", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "heartbeat", Type: "Heartbeat<T::BlockNumber>"}, {Name: "_signature", Type: "<T::AuthorityId as RuntimeAppPublic>::Signature"}}, Documentation: []Text(nil)}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "HeartbeatReceived", Args: []Type{"AuthorityId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`"}}, {Name: "AllGood", Args: []Type(nil), Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, no offence was committed."}}, {Name: "SomeOffline", Args: []Type{"Vec<IdentificationTuple>"}, Documentation: []Text{" At the end of the session, at least once validator was found to be offline."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "InvalidKey", Documentation: []Text{" Non existent public key."}}, {Name: "DuplicatedHeartbeat", Documentation: []Text{" Duplicated heartbeat."}}}}, {Name: "AuthorityDiscovery", HasStorage: false, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5(nil)}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Offences", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Offences", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "Reports", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "ReportIdOf<T>", Value: "OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, T::IdentificationTuple>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers."}}, {Name: "ConcurrentReportsIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: true, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "Kind", Key2: "OpaqueTimeSlot", Value: "Vec<ReportIdOf<T>>", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot."}}, {Name: "ReportsByKindIndex", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "Kind", Value: "Vec<u8>", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened.", "", " All reports are sorted by the time of offence.", "", " Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec<u8>`, this is because values of", " different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "Offence", Args: []Type{"Kind", "OpaqueTimeSlot"}, Documentation: []Text{" There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and", " (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "RandomMaterial", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: false, IsDefault: true, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: true, AsType: "Vec<T::Hash>", IsMap: false, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "", Value: "", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This", " is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of", " the oldest hash."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4(nil), HasEvents: false, Events: []EventMetadataV4(nil), Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6(nil), Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8(nil)}, {Name: "Nicks", HasStorage: true, Storage: StorageMetadata{Prefix: "Sudo", Items: []StorageFunctionMetadataV5{{Name: "NameOf", Modifier: StorageFunctionModifierV0{IsOptional: true, IsDefault: false, IsRequired: false}, Type: StorageFunctionTypeV5{IsType: false, AsType: "", IsMap: true, AsMap: MapTypeV4{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: true, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key: "T::AccountId", Value: "(Vec<u8>, BalanceOf<T>)", Linked: false}, IsDoubleMap: false, AsDoubleMap: DoubleMapTypeV5{Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}, Key1: "", Key2: "", Value: "", Key2Hasher: StorageHasher{IsBlake2_128: false, IsBlake2_256: false, IsTwox128: false, IsTwox256: false, IsTwox64Concat: false}}}, Fallback: Bytes{0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The lookup table for names."}}}}, HasCalls: true, Calls: []FunctionMetadataV4{{Name: "set_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "name", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set an account's name. The name should be a UTF-8-encoded string by convention, though", " we don't check it.", "", " The name may not be more than `T::MaxLength` bytes, nor less than `T::MinLength` bytes.", "", " If the account doesn't already have a name, then a fee of `ReservationFee` is reserved", " in the account.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - At most one balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "clear_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata(nil), Documentation: []Text{" Clear an account's name and return the deposit. Fails if the account was not named.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "kill_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Remove an account's name and take charge of the deposit.", "", " Fails if `who` has not been named. The deposit is dealt with through `T::Slashed`", " imbalance handler.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_ or match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - One unbalanced handler (probably a balance transfer)", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}, {Name: "force_name", Args: []FunctionArgumentMetadata{{Name: "target", Type: "<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source"}, {Name: "name", Type: "Vec<u8>"}}, Documentation: []Text{" Set a third-party account's name with no deposit.", "", " No length checking is done on the name.", "", " The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_ or match `T::ForceOrigin`.", "", " # <weight>", " - O(1).", " - At most one balance operation.", " - One storage read/write.", " - One event.", " # </weight>"}}}, HasEvents: true, Events: []EventMetadataV4{{Name: "NameSet", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was set."}}, {Name: "NameForced", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was forcibly set."}}, {Name: "NameChanged", Args: []Type{"AccountId"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was changed."}}, {Name: "NameCleared", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was cleared, and the given balance returned."}}, {Name: "NameKilled", Args: []Type{"AccountId", "Balance"}, Documentation: []Text{" A name was removed and the given balance slashed."}}}, Constants: []ModuleConstantMetadataV6{{Name: "ReservationFee", Type: "BalanceOf<T>", Value: Bytes{0x0, 0x40, 0x7a, 0x10, 0xf3, 0x5a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" Reservation fee."}}, {Name: "MinLength", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The minimum length a name may be."}}, {Name: "MaxLength", Type: "u32", Value: Bytes{0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Documentation: []Text{" The maximum length a name may be."}}}, Errors: []ErrorMetadataV8{{Name: "TooShort", Documentation: []Text{" A name is too short."}}, {Name: "TooLong", Documentation: []Text{" A name is too long."}}, {Name: "Unnamed", Documentation: []Text{" An account in't named."}}}}}}} //nolint:lll,dupl
ExamplaryMetadataV9 is example metadata v9
Functions ¶
func BigIntToIntBytes ¶
BigIntToIntBytes encodes the given big.Int to a big endian encoded signed integer byte slice of the given byte length, using a two's complement if the big.Int is negative and returning an error if the given big.Int would be bigger than the maximum positive (negative) numbers the byte slice of the given length could hold
func BigIntToUintBytes ¶
BigIntToUintBytes encodes the given big.Int to a big endian encoded unsigned integer byte slice of the given byte length, returning an error if the given big.Int would be bigger than the maximum number the byte slice of the given length could hold
func DecodeFromBytes ¶
DecodeFromBytes decodes `bz` with the scale codec into `target`. `target` should be a pointer. TODO rename to Decode
func DecodeFromHexString ¶
DecodeFromHexString decodes `str` with the scale codec into `target`. `target` should be a pointer. TODO rename to DecodeFromHex
func EncodeToBytes ¶
EncodeToBytes encodes `value` with the scale codec with passed EncoderOptions, returning []byte TODO rename to Encode
func EncodeToHexString ¶
EncodeToHexString encodes `value` with the scale codec, returning a hex string (prefixed by 0x) TODO rename to EncodeToHex
func EncodedLength ¶
EncodedLength returns the length of the value when encoded as a byte array
func Eq ¶
func Eq(one, other interface{}) bool
Eq compares the value of the input to see if there is a match
func HexDecodeString ¶
HexDecodeString decodes bytes from a hex string. Contrary to hex.DecodeString, this function does not error if "0x" is prefixed, and adds an extra 0 if the hex string has an odd length.
func HexEncodeToString ¶
HexEncode encodes bytes to a hex string. Contrary to hex.EncodeToString, this function prefixes the hex string with "0x"
func IntBytesToBigInt ¶
IntBytesToBigInt decodes the given byte slice containing a big endian encoded signed integer to a big.Int, using a two's complement if the most significant bit is 1
func MustHexDecodeString ¶
MustHexDecodeString panics if str cannot be decoded
func SetSerDeOptions ¶
func SetSerDeOptions(so SerDeOptions)
SetSerDeOptions overrides default serialise and deserialize options
Types ¶
type AccountIndex ¶
type AccountIndex uint32
AccountIndex is a shortened, variable-length encoding for an Account
func NewAccountIndex ¶
func NewAccountIndex(i uint32) AccountIndex
NewAccountIndex creates a new AccountIndex type
type AccountInfo ¶
type AccountInfo struct { Nonce U32 Consumers U32 Providers U32 Data struct { Free U128 Reserved U128 MiscFrozen U128 FreeFrozen U128 } }
AccountInfo contains information of an account
type AccountInfoV4
Deprecated: AccountInfoV4 is an account information structure for contracts
func NewAccountInfoV4
func NewAccountInfoV4(trieID []byte, currentMemStored uint64) AccountInfoV4
Deprecated: NewAccountInfoV4 creates a new AccountInfoV4 type
type Address ¶
type Address struct { IsAccountID bool AsAccountID AccountID IsAccountIndex bool AsAccountIndex AccountIndex }
Address is a wrapper around an AccountId or an AccountIndex. It is encoded with a prefix in case of an AccountID. Basically the Address is encoded as `[ <prefix-byte>, ...publicKey/...bytes ]` as per spec
func NewAddressFromAccountID ¶
NewAddressFromAccountID creates an Address from the given AccountID (public key)
func NewAddressFromAccountIndex ¶
NewAddressFromAccountIndex creates an Address from the given AccountIndex
func NewAddressFromHexAccountID ¶
NewAddressFromHexAccountID creates an Address from the given hex string that contains an AccountID (public key)
type Args ¶
type Args []byte
Args are the encoded arguments for a Call
type AuthorityID ¶
type AuthorityID [32]byte
AuthorityID represents a public key (an 32 byte array)
func NewAuthorityID ¶
func NewAuthorityID(b [32]byte) AuthorityID
NewAuthorityID creates a new AuthorityID type
type BalanceStatus ¶
type BalanceStatus byte
const ( // Funds are free, as corresponding to `free` item in Balances. Free BalanceStatus = 0 // Funds are reserved, as corresponding to `reserved` item in Balances. Reserved BalanceStatus = 1 )
type BlockNumber ¶
type BlockNumber U32
func (*BlockNumber) Decode ¶
func (b *BlockNumber) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode implements decoding for BlockNumber, which just wraps the bytes in BlockNumber
func (BlockNumber) Encode ¶
func (b BlockNumber) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
Encode implements encoding for BlockNumber, which just unwraps the bytes of BlockNumber
func (BlockNumber) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b BlockNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of BlockNumber
func (*BlockNumber) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BlockNumber) UnmarshalJSON(bz []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON fills BlockNumber with the JSON encoded byte array given by bz
type BountyIndex ¶
type BountyIndex U32
type Bytes ¶
type Bytes []byte
Bytes represents byte slices. Bytes has a variable length, it is encoded with a scale prefix
type Bytes1024 ¶
type Bytes1024 [1024]byte
Bytes1024 represents an 1024 byte array
func NewBytes1024 ¶
NewBytes1024 creates a new Bytes1024 type
type Bytes2048 ¶
type Bytes2048 [2048]byte
Bytes2048 represents an 2048 byte array
func NewBytes2048 ¶
NewBytes2048 creates a new Bytes2048 type
type BytesBare ¶
type BytesBare []byte
BytesBare represents byte slices that will be encoded bare, i. e. without a compact length prefix. This makes it impossible to decode the bytes, but is used as the payload for signing.
type CallIndex ¶
Callindex is a 16 bit wrapper around the `[sectionIndex, methodIndex]` value that uniquely identifies a method
type ChainProperties ¶
type ChainProperties struct { IsSS58Format bool AsSS58Format U8 IsTokenDecimals bool AsTokenDecimals U32 IsTokenSymbol bool AsTokenSymbol Text }
ChainProperties contains the SS58 format, the token decimals and the token symbol
type ChangesTrieSignal ¶
type Commitment ¶
type Commitment struct { Payload H256 BlockNumber BlockNumber ValidatorSetID U64 }
Commitment is a beefy commitment
type Consensus ¶
type Consensus struct { ConsensusEngineID ConsensusEngineID Bytes Bytes }
type ConsensusEngineID ¶
type ConsensusEngineID U32
ConsensusEngineID is a 4-byte identifier (actually a [u8; 4]) identifying the engine, e.g. for Aura it would be [b'a', b'u', b'r', b'a']
type Data ¶
type Data []byte
Data is a raw data structure, containing raw bytes that are not decoded/encoded (without any length encoding). Be careful using this in your own structs – it only works as the last value in a struct since it will consume the remainder of the encoded data. The reason for this is that it does not contain any length encoding, so it would not know where to stop.
func (*Data) Decode ¶
Decode implements decoding for Data, which just reads all the remaining bytes into Data
type Digest ¶
type Digest []DigestItem
Digest contains logs
func (Digest) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*Digest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type DigestItem ¶
type DigestItem struct { IsChangesTrieRoot bool // 2 AsChangesTrieRoot Hash IsPreRuntime bool // 6 AsPreRuntime PreRuntime IsConsensus bool // 4 AsConsensus Consensus IsSeal bool // 5 AsSeal Seal IsChangesTrieSignal bool // 7 AsChangesTrieSignal ChangesTrieSignal IsOther bool // 0 AsOther Bytes }
DigestItem specifies the item in the logs of a digest
type DigestOf ¶
type DigestOf []DigestItem
DigestOf contains logs
func (DigestOf) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*DigestOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type DispatchClass ¶
type DispatchClass struct { // A normal dispatch IsNormal bool // An operational dispatch IsOperational bool // A mandatory dispatch IsMandatory bool }
DispatchClass is a generalized group of dispatch types. This is only distinguishing normal, user-triggered transactions (`Normal`) and anything beyond which serves a higher purpose to the system (`Operational`).
type DispatchError ¶
DispatchError is an error occurring during extrinsic dispatch
type DispatchInfo ¶
type DispatchInfo struct { // Weight of this transaction Weight Weight // Class of this transaction Class DispatchClass // PaysFee indicates whether this transaction pays fees PaysFee Pays }
DispatchInfo contains a bundle of static information collected from the `#[weight = $x]` attributes.
type DispatchResult ¶
type DispatchResult struct { Ok bool Error DispatchError }
DispatchResult can be returned from dispatchable functions
type DoubleMapTypeV10 ¶
type DoubleMapTypeV10 struct { Hasher StorageHasherV10 Key1 Type Key2 Type Value Type Key2Hasher StorageHasherV10 }
type DoubleMapTypeV4 ¶
type DoubleMapTypeV4 struct { Hasher StorageHasher Key1 Type Key2 Type Value Type Key2Hasher Text }
type DoubleMapTypeV5 ¶
type DoubleMapTypeV5 struct { Hasher StorageHasher Key1 Type Key2 Type Value Type Key2Hasher StorageHasher }
type ElectionCompute ¶
type ElectionCompute byte
const ( // Result was forcefully computed on chain at the end of the session. OnChain ElectionCompute = 0 // Result was submitted and accepted to the chain via a signed transaction. Signed ElectionCompute = 1 // Result was submitted and accepted to the chain via an unsigned transaction (by an authority). Unsigned ElectionCompute = 2 )
type ErrorMetadataV8 ¶
type EventAssetDestroyed ¶
type EventAssetDestroyed struct { Phase Phase AssetID U32 Who AccountID Balance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventAssetDestroyed is emitted when an asset is destroyed.
type EventAssetIssued ¶
EventAssetIssued is emitted when an asset is issued.
type EventAssetTransferred ¶
type EventAssetTransferred struct { Phase Phase AssetID U32 To AccountID From AccountID Balance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventAssetTransferred is emitted when an asset is transferred.
type EventBalancesBalanceSet ¶
type EventBalancesBalanceSet struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID Free U128 Reserved U128 Topics []Hash }
EventBalanceSet is emitted when a balance is set by root
type EventBalancesDeposit ¶
EventDeposit is emitted when an account receives some free balance
type EventBalancesDustLost ¶
EventDustLost is emitted when an account is removed with a balance that is non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit, resulting in a loss.
type EventBalancesEndowed ¶
EventBalancesEndowed is emitted when an account is created with some free balance
type EventBalancesReserveRepatriated ¶
type EventBalancesReserveRepatriated struct { Phase Phase From AccountID To AccountID Balance U128 DestinationStatus BalanceStatus Topics []Hash }
EventBalancesReserveRepatriated is emitted when some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account.
type EventBalancesReserved ¶
EventBalancesReserved is emitted when some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved)
type EventBalancesTransfer ¶
type EventBalancesTransfer struct { Phase Phase From AccountID To AccountID Value U128 Topics []Hash }
EventBalancesTransfer is emitted when a transfer succeeded (from, to, value)
type EventBalancesUnreserved ¶
EventBalancesUnreserved is emitted when some balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free)
type EventClaimsClaimed ¶
type EventClaimsClaimed struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID EthereumAddress H160 Amount U128 Topics []Hash }
EventClaimsClaimed is emitted when an account claims some DOTs
type EventCollectiveApproved ¶
EventCollectiveApproved is emitted when a motion was approved by the required threshold.
type EventCollectiveClosed ¶
type EventCollectiveClosed struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash YesCount U32 NoCount U32 Topics []Hash }
EventCollectiveClosed is emitted when a proposal was closed after its duration was up.
type EventCollectiveDisapproved ¶
EventCollectiveDisapproved is emitted when a motion was not approved by the required threshold.
type EventCollectiveExecuted ¶
type EventCollectiveExecuted struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventCollectiveExecuted is emitted when a motion was executed; `result` is true if returned without error.
type EventCollectiveMemberExecuted ¶
type EventCollectiveMemberExecuted struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventCollectiveMemberExecuted is emitted when a single member did some action; `result` is true if returned without error.
type EventCollectiveProposed ¶
type EventCollectiveProposed struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID ProposalIndex U32 Proposal Hash MemberCount U32 Topics []Hash }
EventCollectiveProposed is emitted when a motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given `MemberCount`).
type EventCollectiveVoted ¶
type EventCollectiveVoted struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID Proposal Hash Approve bool YesCount U32 NoCount U32 Topics []Hash }
EventCollectiveVote is emitted when a motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).
type EventContractsCodeStored ¶
EventContractsCodeStored is emitted when code with the specified hash has been stored
type EventContractsContractExecution ¶
type EventContractsContractExecution struct { Phase Phase Account AccountID Data Bytes Topics []Hash }
EventContractsContractExecution is triggered when an event deposited upon execution of a contract from the account
type EventContractsEvicted ¶
EventContractsEvicted is emitted when a contract has been evicted and is now in tombstone state.
type EventContractsInstantiated ¶
type EventContractsInstantiated struct { Phase Phase Owner AccountID Contract AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventContractsInstantiated is emitted when a contract is deployed by address at the specified address
type EventContractsRestored ¶
type EventContractsRestored struct { Phase Phase Donor AccountID Destination AccountID CodeHash Hash RentAllowance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventContractsRestored is emitted when a restoration for a contract has been successful.
type EventContractsScheduleUpdated ¶
EventContractsScheduleUpdated is triggered when the current [schedule] is updated
type EventDemocracyBlacklisted ¶
EventDemocracyBlacklisted is emitted when A proposal has been blacklisted permanently
type EventDemocracyCancelled ¶
EventDemocracyCancelled is emitted when a referendum has been cancelled.
type EventDemocracyDelegated ¶
EventDemocracyDelegated is emitted when an account has delegated their vote to another account.
type EventDemocracyExecuted ¶
EventDemocracyExecuted is emitted when a proposal has been enacted.
type EventDemocracyExternalTabled ¶
EventDemocracyExternalTabled is emitted when an external proposal has been tabled.
type EventDemocracyNotPassed ¶
EventDemocracyNotPassed is emitted when a proposal has been rejected by referendum.
type EventDemocracyPassed ¶
EventDemocracyPassed is emitted when a proposal has been approved by referendum.
type EventDemocracyPreimageInvalid ¶
type EventDemocracyPreimageInvalid struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash ReferendumIndex U32 Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyPreimageInvalid is emitted when a proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid.
type EventDemocracyPreimageMissing ¶
type EventDemocracyPreimageMissing struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash ReferendumIndex U32 Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyPreimageMissing is emitted when a proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing.
type EventDemocracyPreimageNoted ¶
type EventDemocracyPreimageNoted struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash AccountID AccountID Balance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyPreimageNoted is emitted when a proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken.
type EventDemocracyPreimageReaped ¶
type EventDemocracyPreimageReaped struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash Provider AccountID Balance U128 Who AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyPreimageReaped is emitted when a registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper (last item).
type EventDemocracyPreimageUsed ¶
type EventDemocracyPreimageUsed struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash AccountID AccountID Balance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyPreimageUsed is emitted when a proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned).
type EventDemocracyProposed ¶
EventDemocracyProposed is emitted when a motion has been proposed by a public account.
type EventDemocracyStarted ¶
type EventDemocracyStarted struct { Phase Phase ReferendumIndex U32 VoteThreshold VoteThreshold Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyStarted is emitted when a referendum has begun.
type EventDemocracyTabled ¶
type EventDemocracyTabled struct { Phase Phase ProposalIndex U32 Balance U128 Accounts []AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyTabled is emitted when a public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote.
type EventDemocracyUndelegated ¶
EventDemocracyUndelegated is emitted when an account has cancelled a previous delegation operation.
type EventDemocracyUnlocked ¶
EventDemocracyUnlocked is emitted when an account has been unlocked successfully.
type EventDemocracyVetoed ¶
type EventDemocracyVetoed struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID Hash Hash BlockNumber BlockNumber Topics []Hash }
EventDemocracyVetoed is emitted when an external proposal has been vetoed.
type EventElectionsElectionError ¶
EventElectionsElectionError is emitted when an internal error happened while trying to perform election
type EventElectionsEmptyTerm ¶
EventElectionsEmpty is emitted when No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round.
type EventElectionsMemberKicked ¶
EventElectionsMemberKicked is emitted when a member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` or `EmptyTerm`.
type EventElectionsMemberRenounced ¶
EventElectionsMemberRenounced is emitted when a member has renounced their candidacy.
type EventElectionsNewTerm ¶
type EventElectionsNewTerm struct { Phase Phase NewMembers []struct { Member AccountID Balance U128 } Topics []Hash }
EventElectionsNewTerm is emitted when a new term with new members. This indicates that enough candidates existed, not that enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examined for this purpose.
type EventElectionsVoterReported ¶
type EventElectionsVoterReported struct { Phase Phase Target, Reporter AccountID Valid bool Topics []Hash }
EventElectionsVoterReported is emitted when a voter (first element) was reported (by the second element) with the the report being successful or not (third element).
type EventGrandpaNewAuthorities ¶
type EventGrandpaNewAuthorities struct { Phase Phase NewAuthorities []struct { AuthorityID AuthorityID AuthorityWeight U64 } Topics []Hash }
EventGrandpaNewAuthorities is emitted when a new authority set has been applied
type EventGrandpaPaused ¶
EventGrandpaPaused is emitted when the current authority set has been paused
type EventGrandpaResumed ¶
EventGrandpaResumed is emitted when the current authority set has been resumed
type EventIdentityCleared ¶
A name was cleared, and the given balance returned.
type EventIdentityJudgementGiven ¶
type EventIdentityJudgementGiven struct { Phase Phase Target AccountID RegistrarIndex U32 Topics []Hash }
A judgement was given by a registrar.
type EventIdentityJudgementRequested ¶
type EventIdentityJudgementRequested struct { Phase Phase Sender AccountID RegistrarIndex U32 Topics []Hash }
A judgement was asked from a registrar.
type EventIdentityJudgementUnrequested ¶
type EventIdentityJudgementUnrequested struct { Phase Phase Sender AccountID RegistrarIndex U32 Topics []Hash }
A judgement request was retracted.
type EventIdentityKilled ¶
A name was removed and the given balance slashed.
type EventIdentityRegistrarAdded ¶
A registrar was added.
type EventIdentitySet ¶
A name was set or reset (which will remove all judgements).
type EventIdentitySubIdentityAdded ¶
type EventIdentitySubIdentityAdded struct { Phase Phase Sub AccountID Main AccountID Deposit U128 Topics []Hash }
EventIdentitySubIdentityAdded is emitted when a sub-identity was added to an identity and the deposit paid
type EventIdentitySubIdentityRemoved ¶
type EventIdentitySubIdentityRemoved struct { Phase Phase Sub AccountID Main AccountID Deposit U128 Topics []Hash }
EventIdentitySubIdentityRemoved is emitted when a sub-identity was removed from an identity and the deposit freed
type EventIdentitySubIdentityRevoked ¶
type EventIdentitySubIdentityRevoked struct { Phase Phase Sub AccountID Main AccountID Deposit U128 Topics []Hash }
EventIdentitySubIdentityRevoked is emitted when a sub-identity was cleared, and the given deposit repatriated from the main identity account to the sub-identity account.
type EventImOnlineAllGood ¶
EventImOnlineAllGood is emitted when at the end of the session, no offence was committed
type EventImOnlineHeartbeatReceived ¶
type EventImOnlineHeartbeatReceived struct { Phase Phase AuthorityID AuthorityID Topics []Hash }
EventImOnlineHeartbeatReceived is emitted when a new heartbeat was received from AuthorityId
type EventImOnlineSomeOffline ¶
type EventImOnlineSomeOffline struct { Phase Phase IdentificationTuples []struct { ValidatorID AccountID FullIdentification Exposure } Topics []Hash }
EventImOnlineSomeOffline is emitted when the end of the session, at least once validator was found to be offline
type EventIndicesIndexAssigned ¶
type EventIndicesIndexAssigned struct { Phase Phase AccountID AccountID AccountIndex AccountIndex Topics []Hash }
EventIndicesIndexAssigned is emitted when an index is assigned to an AccountID.
type EventIndicesIndexFreed ¶
type EventIndicesIndexFreed struct { Phase Phase AccountIndex AccountIndex Topics []Hash }
EventIndicesIndexFreed is emitted when an index is unassigned.
type EventIndicesIndexFrozen ¶
type EventIndicesIndexFrozen struct { Phase Phase AccountIndex AccountIndex AccountID AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventIndicesIndexFrozen is emitted when an index is frozen to its current account ID.
type EventMetadataV4 ¶
type EventMultisigApproval ¶
type EventMultisigApproval struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID TimePoint TimePoint ID AccountID CallHash Hash Topics []Hash }
EventUtility is emitted when a multisig operation has been approved by someone. First param is the account that is approving, third is the multisig account, fourth is hash of the call.
type EventMultisigCancelled ¶
type EventMultisigCancelled struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID TimePoint TimePoint ID AccountID CallHash Hash Topics []Hash }
EventUtility is emitted when a multisig operation has been cancelled. First param is the account that is cancelling, third is the multisig account, fourth is hash of the call.
type EventMultisigExecuted ¶
type EventMultisigExecuted struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID TimePoint TimePoint ID AccountID CallHash Hash Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventUtility is emitted when a multisig operation has been executed. First param is the account that is approving, third is the multisig account, fourth is hash of the call to be executed.
type EventMultisigNewMultisig ¶
EventUtilityNewMultisig is emitted when a new multisig operation has begun. First param is the account that is approving, second is the multisig account, third is hash of the call.
type EventOffencesOffence ¶
EventOffencesOffence is emitted when there is an offence reported of the given kind happened at the session_index and (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes
type EventProxyAnnounced ¶
type EventProxyAnnounced struct { Phase Phase Real AccountID Proxy AccountID CallHash Hash Topics []Hash }
EventProxyAnnounced is emitted when an announcement was placed to make a call in the future
type EventProxyAnonymousCreated ¶
type EventProxyAnonymousCreated struct { Phase Phase Anonymous AccountID Who AccountID ProxyType ProxyType DisambiguationIndex U16 Topics []Hash }
EventProxyAnonymousCreated is emitted when an anonymous account has been created by new proxy with given, disambiguation index and proxy type.
type EventProxyProxyExecuted ¶
type EventProxyProxyExecuted struct { Phase Phase Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventProxyProxyExecuted is emitted when a proxy was executed correctly, with the given [result]
type EventRecords ¶
type EventRecords struct { Claims_Claimed []EventClaimsClaimed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_Endowed []EventBalancesEndowed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_DustLost []EventBalancesDustLost //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_Transfer []EventBalancesTransfer //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_BalanceSet []EventBalancesBalanceSet //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_Deposit []EventBalancesDeposit //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_Reserved []EventBalancesReserved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_Unreserved []EventBalancesUnreserved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Balances_ReservedRepatriated []EventBalancesReserveRepatriated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Grandpa_NewAuthorities []EventGrandpaNewAuthorities //nolint:stylecheck,golint Grandpa_Paused []EventGrandpaPaused //nolint:stylecheck,golint Grandpa_Resumed []EventGrandpaResumed //nolint:stylecheck,golint ImOnline_HeartbeatReceived []EventImOnlineHeartbeatReceived //nolint:stylecheck,golint ImOnline_AllGood []EventImOnlineAllGood //nolint:stylecheck,golint ImOnline_SomeOffline []EventImOnlineSomeOffline //nolint:stylecheck,golint Indices_IndexAssigned []EventIndicesIndexAssigned //nolint:stylecheck,golint Indices_IndexFreed []EventIndicesIndexFreed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Indices_IndexFrozen []EventIndicesIndexFrozen //nolint:stylecheck,golint Offences_Offence []EventOffencesOffence //nolint:stylecheck,golint Session_NewSession []EventSessionNewSession //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_EraPayout []EventStakingEraPayout //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_Reward []EventStakingReward //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_Slash []EventStakingSlash //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_OldSlashingReportDiscarded []EventStakingOldSlashingReportDiscarded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_StakingElection []EventStakingStakingElection //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_SolutionStored []EventStakingSolutionStored //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_Bonded []EventStakingBonded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_Unbonded []EventStakingUnbonded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Staking_Withdrawn []EventStakingWithdrawn //nolint:stylecheck,golint System_ExtrinsicSuccess []EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess //nolint:stylecheck,golint System_ExtrinsicFailed []EventSystemExtrinsicFailed //nolint:stylecheck,golint System_CodeUpdated []EventSystemCodeUpdated //nolint:stylecheck,golint System_NewAccount []EventSystemNewAccount //nolint:stylecheck,golint System_KilledAccount []EventSystemKilledAccount //nolint:stylecheck,golint Assets_Issued []EventAssetIssued //nolint:stylecheck,golint Assets_Transferred []EventAssetTransferred //nolint:stylecheck,golint Assets_Destroyed []EventAssetDestroyed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Proposed []EventDemocracyProposed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Tabled []EventDemocracyTabled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_ExternalTabled []EventDemocracyExternalTabled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Started []EventDemocracyStarted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Passed []EventDemocracyPassed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_NotPassed []EventDemocracyNotPassed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Cancelled []EventDemocracyCancelled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Executed []EventDemocracyExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Delegated []EventDemocracyDelegated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Undelegated []EventDemocracyUndelegated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Vetoed []EventDemocracyVetoed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_PreimageNoted []EventDemocracyPreimageNoted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_PreimageUsed []EventDemocracyPreimageUsed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_PreimageInvalid []EventDemocracyPreimageInvalid //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_PreimageMissing []EventDemocracyPreimageMissing //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_PreimageReaped []EventDemocracyPreimageReaped //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Unlocked []EventDemocracyUnlocked //nolint:stylecheck,golint Democracy_Blacklisted []EventDemocracyBlacklisted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Proposed []EventCollectiveProposed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Voted []EventCollectiveVoted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Approved []EventCollectiveApproved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Disapproved []EventCollectiveDisapproved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Executed []EventCollectiveExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_MemberExecuted []EventCollectiveMemberExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Council_Closed []EventCollectiveClosed //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Proposed []EventTechnicalCommitteeProposed //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Voted []EventTechnicalCommitteeVoted //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Approved []EventTechnicalCommitteeApproved //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Disapproved []EventTechnicalCommitteeDisapproved //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Executed []EventTechnicalCommitteeExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_MemberExecuted []EventTechnicalCommitteeMemberExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalCommittee_Closed []EventTechnicalCommitteeClosed //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_MemberAdded []EventTechnicalMembershipMemberAdded //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_MemberRemoved []EventTechnicalMembershipMemberRemoved //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_MembersSwapped []EventTechnicalMembershipMembersSwapped //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_MembersReset []EventTechnicalMembershipMembersReset //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_KeyChanged []EventTechnicalMembershipKeyChanged //nolint:stylecheck,golint TechnicalMembership_Dummy []EventTechnicalMembershipDummy //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_NewTerm []EventElectionsNewTerm //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_EmptyTerm []EventElectionsEmptyTerm //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_ElectionError []EventElectionsElectionError //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_MemberKicked []EventElectionsMemberKicked //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_MemberRenounced []EventElectionsMemberRenounced //nolint:stylecheck,golint Elections_VoterReported []EventElectionsVoterReported //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_IdentitySet []EventIdentitySet //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_IdentityCleared []EventIdentityCleared //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_IdentityKilled []EventIdentityKilled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_JudgementRequested []EventIdentityJudgementRequested //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_JudgementUnrequested []EventIdentityJudgementUnrequested //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_JudgementGiven []EventIdentityJudgementGiven //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_RegistrarAdded []EventIdentityRegistrarAdded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_SubIdentityAdded []EventIdentitySubIdentityAdded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_SubIdentityRemoved []EventIdentitySubIdentityRemoved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Identity_SubIdentityRevoked []EventIdentitySubIdentityRevoked //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Founded []EventSocietyFounded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Bid []EventSocietyBid //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Vouch []EventSocietyVouch //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_AutoUnbid []EventSocietyAutoUnbid //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Unbid []EventSocietyUnbid //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Unvouch []EventSocietyUnvouch //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Inducted []EventSocietyInducted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_SuspendedMemberJudgement []EventSocietySuspendedMemberJudgement //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_CandidateSuspended []EventSocietyCandidateSuspended //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_MemberSuspended []EventSocietyMemberSuspended //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Challenged []EventSocietyChallenged //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Vote []EventSocietyVote //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_DefenderVote []EventSocietyDefenderVote //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_NewMaxMembers []EventSocietyNewMaxMembers //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Unfounded []EventSocietyUnfounded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Society_Deposit []EventSocietyDeposit //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_RecoveryCreated []EventRecoveryCreated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_RecoveryInitiated []EventRecoveryInitiated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_RecoveryVouched []EventRecoveryVouched //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_RecoveryClosed []EventRecoveryClosed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_AccountRecovered []EventRecoveryAccountRecovered //nolint:stylecheck,golint Recovery_RecoveryRemoved []EventRecoveryRemoved //nolint:stylecheck,golint Vesting_VestingUpdated []EventVestingVestingUpdated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Vesting_VestingCompleted []EventVestingVestingCompleted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Scheduler_Scheduled []EventSchedulerScheduled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Scheduler_Canceled []EventSchedulerCanceled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Scheduler_Dispatched []EventSchedulerDispatched //nolint:stylecheck,golint Proxy_ProxyExecuted []EventProxyProxyExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Proxy_AnonymousCreated []EventProxyAnonymousCreated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Proxy_Announced []EventProxyAnnounced //nolint:stylecheck,golint Sudo_Sudid []EventSudoSudid //nolint:stylecheck,golint Sudo_KeyChanged []EventSudoKeyChanged //nolint:stylecheck,golint Sudo_SudoAsDone []EventSudoAsDone //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Proposed []EventTreasuryProposed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Spending []EventTreasurySpending //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Awarded []EventTreasuryAwarded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Rejected []EventTreasuryRejected //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Burnt []EventTreasuryBurnt //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Rollover []EventTreasuryRollover //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_Deposit []EventTreasuryDeposit //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_NewTip []EventTreasuryNewTip //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_TipClosing []EventTreasuryTipClosing //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_TipClosed []EventTreasuryTipClosed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_TipRetracted []EventTreasuryTipRetracted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyProposed []EventTreasuryBountyProposed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyRejected []EventTreasuryBountyRejected //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyBecameActive []EventTreasuryBountyBecameActive //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyAwarded []EventTreasuryBountyAwarded //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyClaimed []EventTreasuryBountyClaimed //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyCanceled []EventTreasuryBountyCanceled //nolint:stylecheck,golint Treasury_BountyExtended []EventTreasuryBountyExtended //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_Instantiated []EventContractsInstantiated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_Evicted []EventContractsEvicted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_Restored []EventContractsRestored //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_CodeStored []EventContractsCodeStored //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_ScheduleUpdated []EventContractsScheduleUpdated //nolint:stylecheck,golint Contracts_ContractExecution []EventContractsContractExecution //nolint:stylecheck,golint Utility_BatchInterrupted []EventUtilityBatchInterrupted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Utility_BatchCompleted []EventUtilityBatchCompleted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Multisig_NewMultisig []EventMultisigNewMultisig //nolint:stylecheck,golint Multisig_MultisigApproval []EventMultisigApproval //nolint:stylecheck,golint Multisig_MultisigExecuted []EventMultisigExecuted //nolint:stylecheck,golint Multisig_MultisigCancelled []EventMultisigCancelled //nolint:stylecheck,golint }
EventRecords is a default set of possible event records that can be used as a target for `func (e EventRecordsRaw) Decode(...`
type EventRecordsRaw ¶
type EventRecordsRaw []byte
EventRecordsRaw is a raw record for a set of events, represented as the raw bytes. It exists since decoding of events can only be done with metadata, so events can't follow the static way of decoding other types do. It exposes functions to decode events using metadata and targets. Be careful using this in your own structs – it only works as the last value in a struct since it will consume the remainder of the encoded data. The reason for this is that it does not contain any length encoding, so it would not know where to stop.
func (*EventRecordsRaw) Decode ¶
func (e *EventRecordsRaw) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode implements decoding for Data, which just reads all the remaining bytes into Data
Example ¶
e := EventRecordsRaw(MustHexDecodeString( "0x10" + "0000000000" + "0000" + "1027000000000000" + // Weight "01" + // Operational "01" + // PaysFee "00" + "0001000000" + "0000" + "1027000000000000" + // Weight "01" + // operational "01" + // PaysFee "00" + "0001000000" + // ApplyExtrinsic(1) "0302" + // Balances_Transfer "d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d" + // From "8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48" + // To "391b0000000000000000000000000000" + // Value "00" + // Topics "0002000000" + "0000" + "1027000000000000" + // Weight "00" + // Normal "01" + // PaysFee "00", )) events := EventRecords{} err := e.DecodeEventRecords(ExamplaryMetadataV8, &events) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Got %v System_ExtrinsicSuccess events\n", len(events.System_ExtrinsicSuccess)) fmt.Printf("Got %v Balances_Transfer events\n", len(events.Balances_Transfer)) t := events.Balances_Transfer[0] fmt.Printf("Transfer: %v tokens from %#x to\n%#x", t.Value, t.From, t.To)
Output: Got 3 System_ExtrinsicSuccess events Got 1 Balances_Transfer events Transfer: 6969 tokens from 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d to 0x8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48
func (EventRecordsRaw) DecodeEventRecords ¶
func (e EventRecordsRaw) DecodeEventRecords(m *Metadata, t interface{}) error
DecodeEventRecords decodes the events records from an EventRecordRaw into a target t using the given Metadata m If this method returns an error like `unable to decode Phase for event #x: EOF`, it is likely that you have defined a custom event record with a wrong type. For example your custom event record has a field with a length prefixed type, such as types.Bytes, where your event in reallity contains a fixed width type, such as a types.U32.
type EventRecoveryAccountRecovered ¶
type EventRecoveryAccountRecovered struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID Rescuer AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventRecoveryAccountRecovered is emitted when account_1 has been successfully recovered by account_2
type EventRecoveryClosed ¶
EventRecoveryClosed is emitted when a recovery process for account_1 by account_2 has been closed
type EventRecoveryCreated ¶
EventRecoveryCreated is emitted when a recovery process has been set up for an account
type EventRecoveryInitiated ¶
EventRecoveryInitiated is emitted when a recovery process has been initiated for account_1 by account_2
type EventRecoveryRemoved ¶
EventRecoveryRemoved is emitted when a recovery process has been removed for an account
type EventRecoveryVouched ¶
type EventRecoveryVouched struct { Phase Phase Lost AccountID Rescuer AccountID Who AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventRecoveryVouched is emitted when a recovery process for account_1 by account_2 has been vouched for by account_3
type EventSchedulerCanceled ¶
type EventSchedulerCanceled struct { Phase Phase When BlockNumber Index U32 Topics []Hash }
EventSchedulerCanceled is emitted when canceled some task
type EventSchedulerDispatched ¶
type EventSchedulerDispatched struct { Phase Phase Task TaskAddress ID OptionBytes Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventSchedulerDispatched is emitted when dispatched some task
type EventSchedulerScheduled ¶
type EventSchedulerScheduled struct { Phase Phase When BlockNumber Index U32 Topics []Hash }
EventSchedulerScheduled is emitted when scheduled some task
type EventSessionNewSession ¶
EventSessionNewSession is emitted when a new session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block number as the type might suggest
type EventSocietyAutoUnbid ¶
EventSocietyAutoUnbid is emitted when a [candidate] was dropped (due to an excess of bids in the system)
type EventSocietyBid ¶
EventSocietyBid is emitted when a membership bid just happened. The given account is the candidate's ID and their offer is the second
type EventSocietyCandidateSuspended ¶
EventSocietyCandidateSuspended is emitted when a [candidate] has been suspended
type EventSocietyChallenged ¶
EventSocietyChallenged is emitted when a [member] has been challenged
type EventSocietyDefenderVote ¶
EventSocietyDefenderVote is emitted when a vote has been placed for a defending member
type EventSocietyDeposit ¶
EventSocietyDeposit is emitted when some funds were deposited into the society account
type EventSocietyFounded ¶
EventSocietyFounded is emitted when the society is founded by the given identity
type EventSocietyInducted ¶
type EventSocietyInducted struct { Phase Phase Primary AccountID Candidates []AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventSocietyInducted is emitted when a group of candidates have been inducted. The batch's primary is the first value, the batch in full is the second.
type EventSocietyMemberSuspended ¶
EventSocietyMemberSuspended is emitted when a [member] has been suspended
type EventSocietyNewMaxMembers ¶
EventSocietyNewMaxMembers is emitted when a new [max] member count has been set
type EventSocietySuspendedMemberJudgement ¶
type EventSocietySuspendedMemberJudgement struct { Phase Phase Who AccountID Judged bool Topics []Hash }
EventSocietySuspendedMemberJudgement is emitted when a suspended member has been judged
type EventSocietyUnbid ¶
EventSocietyUnbid is emitted when a [candidate] was dropped (by their request)
type EventSocietyUnfounded ¶
EventSocietyUnfounded is emitted when society is unfounded
type EventSocietyUnvouch ¶
EventSocietyUnvouch is emitted when a [candidate] was dropped (by request of who vouched for them)
type EventSocietyVote ¶
type EventSocietyVote struct { Phase Phase Candidate AccountID Voter AccountID Vote bool Topics []Hash }
EventSocietyVote is emitted when a vote has been placed
type EventSocietyVouch ¶
type EventSocietyVouch struct { Phase Phase Candidate AccountID Offer U128 Vouching AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventSocietyVouch is emitted when a membership bid just happened by vouching. The given account is the candidate's ID and, their offer is the second. The vouching party is the third.
type EventStakingBonded ¶
EventStakingBonded is emitted when an account has bonded this amount
type EventStakingEraPayout ¶
type EventStakingEraPayout struct { Phase Phase EraIndex U32 ValidatorPayout U128 Remainder U128 Topics []Hash }
EventStakingEraPayout is emitted when the era payout has been set;
type EventStakingOldSlashingReportDiscarded ¶
EventStakingOldSlashingReportDiscarded is emitted when an old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could not be processed
type EventStakingReward ¶
EventStakingReward is emitted when the staker has been rewarded by this amount.
type EventStakingSlash ¶
EventStakingSlash is emitted when one validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount
type EventStakingSolutionStored ¶
type EventStakingSolutionStored struct { Phase Phase Compute ElectionCompute Topics []Hash }
EventStakingSolutionStored is emitted when a new solution for the upcoming election has been stored
type EventStakingStakingElection ¶
type EventStakingStakingElection struct { Phase Phase Compute ElectionCompute Topics []Hash }
EventStakingStakingElection is emitted when a new set of stakers was elected with the given
type EventStakingUnbonded ¶
EventStakingUnbonded is emitted when an account has unbonded this amount
type EventStakingWithdrawn ¶
EventStakingWithdrawn is emitted when an account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance` from the unlocking queue.
type EventSudoAsDone ¶
A sudo just took place.
type EventSudoKeyChanged ¶
EventSudoKeyChanged is emitted when the sudoer just switched identity; the old key is supplied.
type EventSudoSudid ¶
type EventSudoSudid struct { Phase Phase Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventSudoSudid is emitted when a sudo just took place.
type EventSystemCodeUpdated ¶
EventSystemCodeUpdated is emitted when the runtime code (`:code`) is updated
type EventSystemExtrinsicFailed ¶
type EventSystemExtrinsicFailed struct { Phase Phase DispatchError DispatchError DispatchInfo DispatchInfo Topics []Hash }
EventSystemExtrinsicFailed is emitted when an extrinsic failed
type EventSystemExtrinsicFailedV8
type EventSystemExtrinsicFailedV8 struct { Phase Phase DispatchError DispatchError Topics []Hash }
EventSystemExtrinsicFailedV8 is emitted when an extrinsic failed
Deprecated: EventSystemExtrinsicFailedV8 exists to allow users to simply implement their own EventRecords struct if they are on metadata version 8 or below. Use EventSystemExtrinsicFailed otherwise
type EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess ¶
type EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess struct { Phase Phase DispatchInfo DispatchInfo Topics []Hash }
EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess is emitted when an extrinsic completed successfully
type EventSystemExtrinsicSuccessV8
EventSystemExtrinsicSuccessV8 is emitted when an extrinsic completed successfully
Deprecated: EventSystemExtrinsicSuccessV8 exists to allow users to simply implement their own EventRecords struct if they are on metadata version 8 or below. Use EventSystemExtrinsicSuccess otherwise
type EventSystemKilledAccount ¶
EventSystemKilledAccount is emitted when an account is reaped
type EventSystemNewAccount ¶
EventSystemNewAccount is emitted when a new account was created
type EventTechnicalCommitteeApproved ¶
EventTechnicalCommitteeApproved is emitted when a motion was approved by the required threshold.
type EventTechnicalCommitteeClosed ¶
type EventTechnicalCommitteeClosed struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash YesCount U32 NoCount U32 Topics []Hash }
EventTechnicalCommitteeClosed is emitted when A proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up
type EventTechnicalCommitteeDisapproved ¶
EventTechnicalCommitteeDisapproved is emitted when a motion was not approved by the required threshold.
type EventTechnicalCommitteeExecuted ¶
type EventTechnicalCommitteeExecuted struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventTechnicalCommitteeExecuted is emitted when a motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.
type EventTechnicalCommitteeMemberExecuted ¶
type EventTechnicalCommitteeMemberExecuted struct { Phase Phase Proposal Hash Result DispatchResult Topics []Hash }
EventTechnicalCommitteeMemberExecuted is emitted when a single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error
type EventTechnicalCommitteeProposed ¶
type EventTechnicalCommitteeProposed struct { Phase Phase Account AccountID ProposalIndex U32 Proposal Hash Threshold U32 Topics []Hash }
EventTechnicalCommitteeProposed is emitted when a motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given, `MemberCount`)
type EventTechnicalCommitteeVoted ¶
type EventTechnicalCommitteeVoted struct { Phase Phase Account AccountID Proposal Hash Voted bool YesCount U32 NoCount U32 Topics []Hash }
EventTechnicalCommitteeVoted is emitted when a motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving, a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).
type EventTechnicalMembershipDummy ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipKeyChanged is emitted when - phantom member, never used.
type EventTechnicalMembershipKeyChanged ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipKeyChanged is emitted when one of the members' keys changed.
type EventTechnicalMembershipMemberAdded ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipMemberAdded is emitted when the given member was added; see the transaction for who
type EventTechnicalMembershipMemberRemoved ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipMemberRemoved is emitted when the given member was removed; see the transaction for who
type EventTechnicalMembershipMembersReset ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipMembersReset is emitted when the membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is.
type EventTechnicalMembershipMembersSwapped ¶
EventTechnicalMembershipMembersSwapped is emitted when two members were swapped;; see the transaction for who
type EventTreasuryAwarded ¶
type EventTreasuryAwarded struct { Phase Phase ProposalIndex U32 Amount U128 Beneficiary AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryAwarded is emitted when some funds have been allocated.
type EventTreasuryBountyAwarded ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyAwarded struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Beneficiary AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyAwarded is emitted when a bounty is awarded to a beneficiary
type EventTreasuryBountyBecameActive ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyBecameActive struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyBecameActive is emitted when a bounty proposal is funded and became active
type EventTreasuryBountyCanceled ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyCanceled struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyCanceled is emitted when a bounty is cancelled.
type EventTreasuryBountyClaimed ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyClaimed struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Payout U128 Beneficiary AccountID Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyClaimed is emitted when A bounty is claimed by beneficiary
type EventTreasuryBountyExtended ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyExtended struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyExtended is emitted when a bounty is extended.
type EventTreasuryBountyProposed ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyProposed struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyProposed is emitted for a new bounty proposal.
type EventTreasuryBountyRejected ¶
type EventTreasuryBountyRejected struct { Phase Phase Index BountyIndex Bond U128 Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryBountyRejected is emitted when a bounty proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.
type EventTreasuryBurnt ¶
EventTreasuryBurnt is emitted when some of our funds have been burnt.
type EventTreasuryDeposit ¶
EventTreasuryDeposit is emitted when some funds have been deposited.
type EventTreasuryNewTip ¶
EventTreasuryNewTip is emitted when a new tip suggestion has been opened.
type EventTreasuryProposed ¶
EventTreasuryProposed is emitted when New proposal.
type EventTreasuryRejected ¶
EventTreasuryRejected is emitted when s proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.
type EventTreasuryRollover ¶
EventTreasuryRollover is emitted when spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend.
type EventTreasurySpending ¶
EventTreasurySpending is emitted when we have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds.
type EventTreasuryTipClosed ¶
type EventTreasuryTipClosed struct { Phase Phase Hash Hash AccountID AccountID Balance U128 Topics []Hash }
EventTreasuryTipClosed is emitted when a tip suggestion has been closed.
type EventTreasuryTipClosing ¶
EventTreasuryTipClosing is emitted when a tip suggestion has reached threshold and is closing.
type EventTreasuryTipRetracted ¶
EventTreasuryTipRetracted is emitted when a tip suggestion has been retracted.
type EventUtilityBatchCompleted ¶
EventUtilityBatchCompleted is emitted when a batch of dispatches completed fully with no error.
type EventUtilityBatchInterrupted ¶
type EventUtilityBatchInterrupted struct { Phase Phase Index U32 DispatchError DispatchError Topics []Hash }
EventUtilityBatchInterrupted is emitted when a batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as well as the error.
type EventVestingVestingCompleted ¶
EventVestingVestingCompleted is emitted when an [account] has become fully vested. No further vesting can happen
type EventVestingVestingUpdated ¶
type EventVestingVestingUpdated struct { Phase Phase Account AccountID Unvested U128 Topics []Hash }
EventVestingVestingUpdated is emitted when the amount vested has been updated. This could indicate more funds are available. The balance given is the amount which is left unvested (and thus locked)
type ExampleEnum ¶
type ExampleEnum struct{}
ExampleEnum - Enum types can be represented using Go's structs. The ExampleEnum type itself is not used anywhere, it's just here for documentation purposes.
Example (ApplyExtrinsic) ¶
applyExtrinsic := PhaseEnum{ IsApplyExtrinsic: true, AsApplyExtrinsic: 1234, } enc, err := EncodeToHexString(applyExtrinsic) if err != nil { panic(err) } var dec PhaseEnum err = DecodeFromHexString(enc, &dec) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(applyExtrinsic, dec))
Example (Finalization) ¶
finalization := PhaseEnum{ IsFinalization: true, } enc, err := EncodeToHexString(finalization) if err != nil { panic(err) } var dec PhaseEnum err = DecodeFromHexString(enc, &dec) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(finalization, dec))
type ExampleStruct ¶
type ExampleStruct struct{}
ExampleStruct - Struct types (fixed-sized series of values with predetermined and fixed types, typically without names/labels/keys) can be represented using Go's structs. The ExampleStruct type itself is not used anywhere, it's just here for documentation purposes.
Example ¶
type Animal struct { Name string Legs U8 Children []string } dog := Animal{Name: "Bello", Legs: 2, Children: []string{"Sam"}} encoded, err := EncodeToHexString(dog) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(encoded) var decoded Animal err = DecodeFromHexString(encoded, &decoded) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(decoded)
Output: 0x1442656c6c6f02040c53616d {Bello 2 [Sam]}
type ExampleTuple ¶
type ExampleTuple struct{}
ExampleTuple - Tuple types (fixed-sized series of values with predetermined and fixed types, typically without names/labels/keys) can be represented using Go's structs. To use tuples, just define a struct that has exported fields with the right types for each value in the tuple, and the encoding manages the rest for you. The ExampleTuple type itself is not used anywhere, it's just here for documentation purposes.
Example ¶
// This represents a document tuple of types [uint64, hash] type Doc struct { ID U64 Hash Hash } doc := Doc{12, blake2b.Sum256([]byte("My document"))} encoded, err := EncodeToHexString(doc) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(encoded) var decoded Doc err = DecodeFromHexString(encoded, &decoded) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(decoded)
Output: 0x0c000000000000009199a254aedc9d92a3157cd27bd21ceccc1e2ecee5760788663a3e523bc1a759 {12 [145 153 162 84 174 220 157 146 163 21 124 210 123 210 28 236 204 30 46 206 229 118 7 136 102 58 62 82 59 193 167 89]}
type ExampleVec ¶
type ExampleVec struct{}
ExampleVec - Vec types (vectors, lists, series, sets, arrays, slices) can be represented using Go's native slices and arrays. The ExampleVec type itself is not used anywhere, it's just here for documentation purposes.
Example (Simple) ¶
ingredients := []string{"salt", "sugar"} encoded, err := EncodeToHexString(ingredients) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(encoded) var decoded []string err = DecodeFromHexString(encoded, &decoded) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(decoded)
Output: 0x081073616c74147375676172 [salt sugar]
Example (Struct) ¶
type Votes struct { Options [2]string Yay []string Nay []string Outstanding []string } votes := Votes{ Options: [2]string{"no deal", "muddle through"}, Yay: []string{"Alice"}, Nay: nil, Outstanding: []string{"Bob", "Carol"}, } encoded, err := EncodeToBytes(votes) if err != nil { panic(err) } var decoded Votes err = DecodeFromBytes(encoded, &decoded) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(votes, decoded))
Output: true
type ExampleVecAny ¶
type ExampleVecAny struct{}
ExampleVecAny - VecAny is used in polkadot-js as a list of elements that are of any type, while Vec and VecFixed require fixed types. Albeit Go has no dynamic types, VecAny can be implemented using arrays/slices of custom types with custom encoding. An example is provided here. The ExampleVecAny type itself is not used anywhere, it's just here for documentation purposes.
Example ¶
// Go Substrate RPC Client (GSRPC) provides APIs and types around Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain RPC calls // // Copyright 2019 Centrifuge GmbH // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" "" . "" ) // MyVal is a custom type that is used to hold arbitrarily encoded data. In this example, we encode uint8s with a 0x00 // and strings with 0x01 as the first byte. type MyVal struct { Value interface{} } func (a *MyVal) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error { b, err := decoder.ReadOneByte() if err != nil { return err } if b == 0 { var u uint8 err = decoder.Decode(&u) a.Value = u } else if b == 1 { var s string err = decoder.Decode(&s) a.Value = s } if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (a MyVal) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error { var err1, err2 error switch v := a.Value.(type) { case uint8: err1 = encoder.PushByte(0) err2 = encoder.Encode(v) case string: err1 = encoder.PushByte(1) err2 = encoder.Encode(v) default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown type %T", v) } if err1 != nil { return err1 } if err2 != nil { return err2 } return nil } func main() { myValSlice := []MyVal{{uint8(12)}, {"Abc"}} encoded, err := EncodeToBytes(myValSlice) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(encoded) var decoded []MyVal err = DecodeFromBytes(encoded, &decoded) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(myValSlice, decoded)) }
Output: [8 0 12 1 12 65 98 99] true
type Exposure ¶
type Exposure struct { Total UCompact Own UCompact Others []IndividualExposure }
Exposure lists the own and nominated stake of a validator
type Extrinsic ¶
type Extrinsic struct { // Version is the encoded version flag (which encodes the raw transaction version and signing information in one byte) Version byte // Signature is the ExtrinsicSignatureV4, it's presence depends on the Version flag Signature ExtrinsicSignatureV4 // Method is the call this extrinsic wraps Method Call }
Extrinsic is a piece of Args bundled into a block that expresses something from the "external" (i.e. off-chain) world. There are, broadly speaking, two types of extrinsic: transactions (which tend to be signed) and inherents (which don't).
Example ¶
bob, err := NewAddressFromHexAccountID("0x8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48") if err != nil { panic(err) } c, err := NewCall(ExamplaryMetadataV4, "balances.transfer", bob, NewUCompactFromUInt(6969)) if err != nil { panic(err) } ext := NewExtrinsic(c) ext.Method.CallIndex.SectionIndex = 5 ext.Method.CallIndex.MethodIndex = 0 era := ExtrinsicEra{IsMortalEra: true, AsMortalEra: MortalEra{0x95, 0x00}} o := SignatureOptions{ BlockHash: NewHash(MustHexDecodeString("0x223e3eb79416e6258d262b3a76e827aa0886b884a96bf96395cdd1c52d0eeb45")), Era: era, GenesisHash: NewHash(MustHexDecodeString("0x81ad0bfe2a0bccd91d2e89852d79b7ff696d4714758e5f7c6f17ec7527e1f550")), Nonce: NewUCompactFromUInt(1), SpecVersion: 170, Tip: NewUCompactFromUInt(0), } err = ext.Sign(signature.TestKeyringPairAlice, o) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("%#v", ext) extEnc, err := EncodeToHexString(ext) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("%#v", extEnc)
func NewExtrinsic ¶
NewExtrinsic creates a new Extrinsic from the provided Call
func (Extrinsic) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of Extrinsic
func (*Extrinsic) Sign ¶
func (e *Extrinsic) Sign(signer signature.KeyringPair, o SignatureOptions) error
Sign adds a signature to the extrinsic
func (Extrinsic) Type ¶
Type returns the raw transaction version (not flagged with signing information)
func (*Extrinsic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills Extrinsic with the JSON encoded byte array given by bz
type ExtrinsicEra ¶
type ExtrinsicEra struct { IsImmortalEra bool // AsImmortalEra ImmortalEra IsMortalEra bool AsMortalEra MortalEra }
ExtrinsicEra indicates either a mortal or immortal extrinsic
type ExtrinsicPayloadV3 ¶
type ExtrinsicPayloadV3 struct { Method BytesBare Era ExtrinsicEra // extra via system::CheckEra Nonce UCompact // extra via system::CheckNonce (Compact<Index> where Index is u32) Tip UCompact // extra via balances::TakeFees (Compact<Balance> where Balance is u128) SpecVersion U32 // additional via system::CheckVersion GenesisHash Hash // additional via system::CheckGenesis BlockHash Hash // additional via system::CheckEra }
ExtrinsicPayloadV3 is a signing payload for an Extrinsic. For the final encoding, it is variable length based on the contents included. Note that `BytesBare` is absolutely critical – we don't want the method (Bytes) to have the length prefix included. This means that the data-as-signed is un-decodable, but is also doesn't need the extra information, only the pure data (and is not decoded) ... The same applies to V1 & V1, if we have a V4, carry move this comment to latest
func (*ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Decode ¶
func (e *ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode does nothing and always returns an error. ExtrinsicPayloadV3 is only used for encoding, not for decoding
func (ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Encode ¶
func (e ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
Encode implements encoding for ExtrinsicPayloadV3, which just unwraps the bytes of ExtrinsicPayloadV3 without adding a compact length prefix
func (ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Sign ¶
func (e ExtrinsicPayloadV3) Sign(signer signature.KeyringPair) (Signature, error)
Sign the extrinsic payload with the given derivation path
type ExtrinsicPayloadV4 ¶
type ExtrinsicPayloadV4 struct { ExtrinsicPayloadV3 TransactionVersion U32 }
func (*ExtrinsicPayloadV4) Decode ¶
func (e *ExtrinsicPayloadV4) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode does nothing and always returns an error. ExtrinsicPayloadV4 is only used for encoding, not for decoding
func (ExtrinsicPayloadV4) Sign ¶
func (e ExtrinsicPayloadV4) Sign(signer signature.KeyringPair) (Signature, error)
Sign the extrinsic payload with the given derivation path
type ExtrinsicSignatureV3 ¶
type ExtrinsicSignatureV3 struct { Signer Address Signature Signature Era ExtrinsicEra // extra via system::CheckEra Nonce UCompact // extra via system::CheckNonce (Compact<Index> where Index is u32)) Tip UCompact // extra via balances::TakeFees (Compact<Balance> where Balance is u128)) }
type ExtrinsicSignatureV4 ¶
type ExtrinsicSignatureV4 struct { Signer MultiAddress Signature MultiSignature Era ExtrinsicEra // extra via system::CheckEra Nonce UCompact // extra via system::CheckNonce (Compact<Index> where Index is u32)) Tip UCompact // extra via balances::TakeFees (Compact<Balance> where Balance is u128)) }
type ExtrinsicStatus ¶
type ExtrinsicStatus struct { IsFuture bool // 00:: Future IsReady bool // 1:: Ready IsBroadcast bool // 2:: Broadcast(Vec<Text>) AsBroadcast []Text IsInBlock bool // 3:: InBlock(BlockHash) AsInBlock Hash IsRetracted bool // 4:: Retracted(BlockHash) AsRetracted Hash IsFinalityTimeout bool // 5:: FinalityTimeout(BlockHash) AsFinalityTimeout Hash IsFinalized bool // 6:: Finalized(BlockHash) AsFinalized Hash IsUsurped bool // 7:: Usurped(Hash) AsUsurped Hash IsDropped bool // 8:: Dropped IsInvalid bool // 9:: Invalid }
ExtrinsicStatus is an enum containing the result of an extrinsic submission
func (ExtrinsicStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (e ExtrinsicStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ExtrinsicStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *ExtrinsicStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ExtrinsicV11 ¶
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v10/toV11.ts
type ExtrinsicV13 ¶
type FunctionMetadataV4 ¶
type FunctionMetadataV4 struct { Name Text Args []FunctionArgumentMetadata Documentation []Text }
type H160 ¶
type H160 [20]byte
H160 is a hash containing 160 bits (20 bytes), typically used in blocks, extrinsics and as a sane default
type H256 ¶
type H256 [32]byte
H256 is a hash containing 256 bits (32 bytes), typically used in blocks, extrinsics and as a sane default
type H512 ¶
type H512 [64]byte
H512 is a hash containing 512 bits (64 bytes), typically used for signature
type Hash ¶
type Hash H256
Hash is the default hash that is used across the system. It is just a thin wrapper around H256
func NewHashFromHexString ¶
NewHashFromHexString creates a new Hash type from a hex string
func (Hash) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of h
func (*Hash) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills h with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type Header ¶
type Header struct { ParentHash Hash `json:"parentHash"` Number BlockNumber `json:"number"` StateRoot Hash `json:"stateRoot"` ExtrinsicsRoot Hash `json:"extrinsicsRoot"` Digest Digest `json:"digest"` }
type Hexer ¶
type Hexer interface {
Hex() string
Hexer interface is implemented by any type that has a Hex() function returning a string
type I128 ¶
I128 is a signed 128-bit integer, it is represented as a big.Int in Go.
type I16 ¶
type I16 int16
I16 is a signed 16-bit integer
func (I16) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of i
func (*I16) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills i with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type I256 ¶
I256 is a signed 256-bit integer, it is represented as a big.Int in Go.
type I32 ¶
type I32 int32
I32 is a signed 32-bit integer
func (I32) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of i
func (*I32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills i with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type I64 ¶
type I64 int64
I64 is a signed 64-bit integer
func (I64) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of i
func (*I64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills i with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type I8 ¶
type I8 int8
I8 is a signed 8-bit integer
func (I8) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of i
func (*I8) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills i with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type IndividualExposure ¶
IndividualExposure contains the nominated stake by one specific third party
type Justification ¶
type Justification Bytes
type KeyValueOption ¶
type KeyValueOption struct { StorageKey StorageKey HasStorageData bool StorageData StorageDataRaw }
func (KeyValueOption) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r KeyValueOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*KeyValueOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *KeyValueOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type MapTypeV10 ¶
type MapTypeV10 struct { Hasher StorageHasherV10 Key Type Value Type Linked bool }
type Metadata ¶
type Metadata struct { MagicNumber uint32 Version uint8 IsMetadataV4 bool AsMetadataV4 MetadataV4 IsMetadataV7 bool AsMetadataV7 MetadataV7 IsMetadataV8 bool AsMetadataV8 MetadataV8 IsMetadataV9 bool AsMetadataV9 MetadataV9 IsMetadataV10 bool AsMetadataV10 MetadataV10 IsMetadataV11 bool AsMetadataV11 MetadataV11 IsMetadataV12 bool AsMetadataV12 MetadataV12 IsMetadataV13 bool AsMetadataV13 MetadataV13 }
func NewMetadataV10 ¶
func NewMetadataV10() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV11 ¶
func NewMetadataV11() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV12 ¶
func NewMetadataV12() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV13 ¶
func NewMetadataV13() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV4 ¶
func NewMetadataV4() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV7 ¶
func NewMetadataV7() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV8 ¶
func NewMetadataV8() *Metadata
func NewMetadataV9 ¶
func NewMetadataV9() *Metadata
func (*Metadata) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (*Metadata) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (*Metadata) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *Metadata) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV10 ¶
type MetadataV10 struct {
Modules []ModuleMetadataV10
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v10/Metadata.ts
func (*MetadataV10) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV10) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV10) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV10) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV10) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV10) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV10) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV10) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV11 ¶
type MetadataV11 struct { MetadataV10 Extrinsic ExtrinsicV11 }
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v10/toV11.ts
type MetadataV12 ¶
type MetadataV12 struct { Modules []ModuleMetadataV12 Extrinsic ExtrinsicV11 }
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v11/toV12.ts
func (*MetadataV12) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV12) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV12) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV12) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV12) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV12) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV12) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV12) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV13 ¶
type MetadataV13 struct { Modules []ModuleMetadataV13 Extrinsic ExtrinsicV13 }
func (*MetadataV13) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV13) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV13) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV13) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV13) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV13) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV13) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV13) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV4 ¶
type MetadataV4 struct {
Modules []ModuleMetadataV4
Modelled after
func (*MetadataV4) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV4) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV4) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV4) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV4) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV4) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV4) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV4) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV7 ¶
type MetadataV7 struct {
Modules []ModuleMetadataV7
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v7/Metadata.ts
func (*MetadataV7) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV7) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV7) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV7) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV7) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV7) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV7) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV7) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV8 ¶
type MetadataV8 struct {
Modules []ModuleMetadataV8
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v8/Metadata.ts
func (*MetadataV8) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV8) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV8) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV8) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV8) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV8) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV8) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV8) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type MetadataV9 ¶
type MetadataV9 struct {
Modules []ModuleMetadataV8
Modelled after packages/types/src/Metadata/v9/Metadata.ts
func (*MetadataV9) ExistsModuleMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV9) ExistsModuleMetadata(module string) bool
func (*MetadataV9) FindCallIndex ¶
func (m *MetadataV9) FindCallIndex(call string) (CallIndex, error)
func (*MetadataV9) FindEventNamesForEventID ¶
func (m *MetadataV9) FindEventNamesForEventID(eventID EventID) (Text, Text, error)
func (*MetadataV9) FindStorageEntryMetadata ¶
func (m *MetadataV9) FindStorageEntryMetadata(module string, fn string) (StorageEntryMetadata, error)
type ModuleMetadataV10 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV10 struct { Name Text HasStorage bool Storage StorageMetadataV10 HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 Constants []ModuleConstantMetadataV6 Errors []ErrorMetadataV8 }
type ModuleMetadataV12 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV12 struct { Name Text HasStorage bool Storage StorageMetadataV10 HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 Constants []ModuleConstantMetadataV6 Errors []ErrorMetadataV8 Index uint8 }
type ModuleMetadataV13 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV13 struct { Name Text HasStorage bool Storage StorageMetadataV10 HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 Constants []ModuleConstantMetadataV6 Errors []ErrorMetadataV8 Index uint8 }
type ModuleMetadataV4 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV4 struct { Name Text Prefix Text HasStorage bool Storage []StorageFunctionMetadataV4 HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 }
type ModuleMetadataV7 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV7 struct { Name Text HasStorage bool Storage StorageMetadata HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 Constants []ModuleConstantMetadataV6 }
type ModuleMetadataV8 ¶
type ModuleMetadataV8 struct { Name Text HasStorage bool Storage StorageMetadata HasCalls bool Calls []FunctionMetadataV4 HasEvents bool Events []EventMetadataV4 Constants []ModuleConstantMetadataV6 Errors []ErrorMetadataV8 }
type MultiAddress ¶
type MultiAddress struct { IsID bool AsID AccountID IsIndex bool AsIndex AccountIndex IsRaw bool AsRaw []byte IsAddress32 bool AsAddress32 [32]byte IsAddress20 bool AsAddress20 [20]byte }
func NewMultiAddressFromAccountID ¶
func NewMultiAddressFromAccountID(b []byte) MultiAddress
NewMultiAddressFromAccountID creates an Address from the given AccountID (public key)
func NewMultiAddressFromHexAccountID ¶
func NewMultiAddressFromHexAccountID(str string) (MultiAddress, error)
NewMultiAddressFromHexAccountID creates an Address from the given hex string that contains an AccountID (public key)
type MultiSignature ¶
type MultiSignature struct { IsEd25519 bool // 0:: Ed25519(Ed25519Signature) AsEd25519 Signature // Ed25519Signature IsSr25519 bool // 1:: Sr25519(Sr25519Signature) AsSr25519 Signature // Sr25519Signature IsEcdsa bool // 2:: Ecdsa(EcdsaSignature) AsEcdsa Bytes // EcdsaSignature }
type NetworkState ¶
type NetworkState struct {
PeerID Text
NetworkState contains the current state of the network
type Null ¶
type Null byte
Null is a type that does not contain anything (apart from null)
type OptionBeefySignature ¶
type OptionBeefySignature struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBeefySignature is a structure that can store a BeefySignature or a missing value
func NewOptionBeefySignature ¶
func NewOptionBeefySignature(value BeefySignature) OptionBeefySignature
NewOptionBeefySignature creates an OptionBeefySignature with a value
func NewOptionBeefySignatureEmpty ¶
func NewOptionBeefySignatureEmpty() OptionBeefySignature
NewOptionBeefySignatureEmpty creates an OptionBeefySignature without a value
func (*OptionBeefySignature) Decode ¶
func (o *OptionBeefySignature) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
func (OptionBeefySignature) Encode ¶
func (o OptionBeefySignature) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
func (OptionBeefySignature) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBeefySignature) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBeefySignature) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBeefySignature) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBeefySignature) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBeefySignature) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBeefySignature) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBeefySignature) SetSome(value BeefySignature)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBeefySignature) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBeefySignature) Unwrap() (ok bool, value BeefySignature)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBool ¶
type OptionBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBool is a structure that can store a Bool or a missing value Note that encoding rules are slightly different from other "option" fields This implementation was adopted from
func NewOptionBool ¶
func NewOptionBool(value Bool) OptionBool
NewOptionBool creates an OptionBool with a value
func NewOptionBoolEmpty ¶
func NewOptionBoolEmpty() OptionBool
NewOptionBoolEmpty creates an OptionBool without a value
func (*OptionBool) Decode ¶
func (o *OptionBool) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode implements decoding for OptionBool as per Rust implementation
func (OptionBool) Encode ¶
func (o OptionBool) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
Encode implements encoding for OptionBool as per Rust implementation
func (OptionBool) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBool) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBool) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBool) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBool) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBool) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBool) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBool) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bool)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes ¶
type OptionBytes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes is a structure that can store a Bytes or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes ¶
func NewOptionBytes(value Bytes) OptionBytes
NewOptionBytes creates an OptionBytes with a value
func NewOptionBytesEmpty ¶
func NewOptionBytesEmpty() OptionBytes
NewOptionBytesEmpty creates an OptionBytes without a value
func (OptionBytes) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBytes) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes1024 ¶
type OptionBytes1024 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes1024 is a structure that can store a Bytes1024 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes1024 ¶
func NewOptionBytes1024(value Bytes1024) OptionBytes1024
NewOptionBytes1024 creates an OptionBytes1024 with a value
func NewOptionBytes1024Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes1024Empty() OptionBytes1024
NewOptionBytes1024Empty creates an OptionBytes1024 without a value
func (OptionBytes1024) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes1024) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes1024) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes1024) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes1024) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes1024) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBytes1024) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBytes1024) SetSome(value Bytes1024)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBytes1024) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes1024) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes1024)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes128 ¶
type OptionBytes128 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes128 is a structure that can store a Bytes128 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes128 ¶
func NewOptionBytes128(value Bytes128) OptionBytes128
NewOptionBytes128 creates an OptionBytes128 with a value
func NewOptionBytes128Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes128Empty() OptionBytes128
NewOptionBytes128Empty creates an OptionBytes128 without a value
func (OptionBytes128) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes128) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes128) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes128) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes128) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes128) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBytes128) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBytes128) SetSome(value Bytes128)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBytes128) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes128) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes128)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes16 ¶
type OptionBytes16 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes16 is a structure that can store a Bytes16 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes16 ¶
func NewOptionBytes16(value Bytes16) OptionBytes16
NewOptionBytes16 creates an OptionBytes16 with a value
func NewOptionBytes16Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes16Empty() OptionBytes16
NewOptionBytes16Empty creates an OptionBytes16 without a value
func (OptionBytes16) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes16) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes16) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes16) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes16) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes16) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBytes16) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes16) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes16)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes2048 ¶
type OptionBytes2048 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes2048 is a structure that can store a Bytes2048 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes2048 ¶
func NewOptionBytes2048(value Bytes2048) OptionBytes2048
NewOptionBytes2048 creates an OptionBytes2048 with a value
func NewOptionBytes2048Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes2048Empty() OptionBytes2048
NewOptionBytes2048Empty creates an OptionBytes2048 without a value
func (OptionBytes2048) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes2048) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes2048) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes2048) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes2048) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes2048) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBytes2048) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBytes2048) SetSome(value Bytes2048)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBytes2048) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes2048) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes2048)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes256 ¶
type OptionBytes256 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes256 is a structure that can store a Bytes256 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes256 ¶
func NewOptionBytes256(value Bytes256) OptionBytes256
NewOptionBytes256 creates an OptionBytes256 with a value
func NewOptionBytes256Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes256Empty() OptionBytes256
NewOptionBytes256Empty creates an OptionBytes256 without a value
func (OptionBytes256) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes256) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes256) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes256) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes256) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes256) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBytes256) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBytes256) SetSome(value Bytes256)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBytes256) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes256) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes256)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes32 ¶
type OptionBytes32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes32 is a structure that can store a Bytes32 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes32 ¶
func NewOptionBytes32(value Bytes32) OptionBytes32
NewOptionBytes32 creates an OptionBytes32 with a value
func NewOptionBytes32Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes32Empty() OptionBytes32
NewOptionBytes32Empty creates an OptionBytes32 without a value
func (OptionBytes32) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes32) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes32) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes32) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes32) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes32) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBytes32) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes32) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes32)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes512 ¶
type OptionBytes512 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes512 is a structure that can store a Bytes512 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes512 ¶
func NewOptionBytes512(value Bytes512) OptionBytes512
NewOptionBytes512 creates an OptionBytes512 with a value
func NewOptionBytes512Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes512Empty() OptionBytes512
NewOptionBytes512Empty creates an OptionBytes512 without a value
func (OptionBytes512) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes512) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes512) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes512) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes512) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes512) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (*OptionBytes512) SetSome ¶
func (o *OptionBytes512) SetSome(value Bytes512)
SetSome sets a value
func (OptionBytes512) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes512) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes512)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes64 ¶
type OptionBytes64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes64 is a structure that can store a Bytes64 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes64 ¶
func NewOptionBytes64(value Bytes64) OptionBytes64
NewOptionBytes64 creates an OptionBytes64 with a value
func NewOptionBytes64Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes64Empty() OptionBytes64
NewOptionBytes64Empty creates an OptionBytes64 without a value
func (OptionBytes64) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes64) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes64) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes64) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes64) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes64) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBytes64) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes64) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes64)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionBytes8 ¶
type OptionBytes8 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionBytes8 is a structure that can store a Bytes8 or a missing value
func NewOptionBytes8 ¶
func NewOptionBytes8(value Bytes8) OptionBytes8
NewOptionBytes8 creates an OptionBytes8 with a value
func NewOptionBytes8Empty ¶
func NewOptionBytes8Empty() OptionBytes8
NewOptionBytes8Empty creates an OptionBytes8 without a value
func (OptionBytes8) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionBytes8) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionBytes8) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionBytes8) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionBytes8) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionBytes8) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionBytes8) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionBytes8) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Bytes8)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionH160 ¶
type OptionH160 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionH160 is a structure that can store a H160 or a missing value
func NewOptionH160 ¶
func NewOptionH160(value H160) OptionH160
NewOptionH160 creates an OptionH160 with a value
func NewOptionH160Empty ¶
func NewOptionH160Empty() OptionH160
NewOptionH160Empty creates an OptionH160 without a value
func (OptionH160) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionH160) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionH160) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionH160) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionH160) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionH160) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionH160) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionH160) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H160)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionH256 ¶
type OptionH256 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionH256 is a structure that can store a H256 or a missing value
func NewOptionH256 ¶
func NewOptionH256(value H256) OptionH256
NewOptionH256 creates an OptionH256 with a value
func NewOptionH256Empty ¶
func NewOptionH256Empty() OptionH256
NewOptionH256Empty creates an OptionH256 without a value
func (OptionH256) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionH256) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionH256) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionH256) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionH256) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionH256) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionH256) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionH256) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H256)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionH512 ¶
type OptionH512 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionH512 is a structure that can store a H512 or a missing value
func NewOptionH512 ¶
func NewOptionH512(value H512) OptionH512
NewOptionH512 creates an OptionH512 with a value
func NewOptionH512Empty ¶
func NewOptionH512Empty() OptionH512
NewOptionH512Empty creates an OptionH512 without a value
func (OptionH512) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionH512) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionH512) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionH512) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionH512) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionH512) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionH512) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionH512) Unwrap() (ok bool, value H512)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionHash ¶
type OptionHash struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionHash is a structure that can store a Hash or a missing value
func NewOptionHash ¶
func NewOptionHash(value Hash) OptionHash
NewOptionHash creates an OptionHash with a value
func NewOptionHashEmpty ¶
func NewOptionHashEmpty() OptionHash
NewOptionHashEmpty creates an OptionHash without a value
func (OptionHash) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionHash) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionHash) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionHash) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
func (*OptionHash) SetNone ¶
func (o *OptionHash) SetNone()
SetNone removes a value and marks it as missing
func (OptionHash) Unwrap ¶
func (o OptionHash) Unwrap() (ok bool, value Hash)
Unwrap returns a flag that indicates whether a value is present and the stored value
type OptionI16 ¶
type OptionI16 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionI16 is a structure that can store a I16 or a missing value
func NewOptionI16 ¶
NewOptionI16 creates an OptionI16 with a value
func NewOptionI16Empty ¶
func NewOptionI16Empty() OptionI16
NewOptionI16Empty creates an OptionI16 without a value
func (OptionI16) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionI16) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionI16) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionI16) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionI32 ¶
type OptionI32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionI32 is a structure that can store a I32 or a missing value
func NewOptionI32 ¶
NewOptionI32 creates an OptionI32 with a value
func NewOptionI32Empty ¶
func NewOptionI32Empty() OptionI32
NewOptionI32Empty creates an OptionI32 without a value
func (OptionI32) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionI32) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionI32) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionI32) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionI64 ¶
type OptionI64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionI64 is a structure that can store a I64 or a missing value
func NewOptionI64 ¶
NewOptionI64 creates an OptionI64 with a value
func NewOptionI64Empty ¶
func NewOptionI64Empty() OptionI64
NewOptionI64Empty creates an OptionI64 without a value
func (OptionI64) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionI64) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionI64) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionI64) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionI8 ¶
type OptionI8 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionI8 is a structure that can store a I8 or a missing value
func NewOptionI8Empty ¶
func NewOptionI8Empty() OptionI8
NewOptionI8Empty creates an OptionI8 without a value
func (OptionI8) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionI8) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
type OptionU16 ¶
type OptionU16 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionU16 is a structure that can store a U16 or a missing value
func NewOptionU16 ¶
NewOptionU16 creates an OptionU16 with a value
func NewOptionU16Empty ¶
func NewOptionU16Empty() OptionU16
NewOptionU16Empty creates an OptionU16 without a value
func (OptionU16) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionU16) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionU16) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionU16) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionU32 ¶
type OptionU32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionU32 is a structure that can store a U32 or a missing value
func NewOptionU32 ¶
NewOptionU32 creates an OptionU32 with a value
func NewOptionU32Empty ¶
func NewOptionU32Empty() OptionU32
NewOptionU32Empty creates an OptionU32 without a value
func (OptionU32) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionU32) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionU32) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionU32) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionU64 ¶
type OptionU64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionU64 is a structure that can store a U64 or a missing value
func NewOptionU64 ¶
NewOptionU64 creates an OptionU64 with a value
func NewOptionU64Empty ¶
func NewOptionU64Empty() OptionU64
NewOptionU64Empty creates an OptionU64 without a value
func (OptionU64) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionU64) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
func (OptionU64) IsSome ¶
func (o OptionU64) IsSome() bool
IsNone returns true if a value is present
type OptionU8 ¶
type OptionU8 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OptionU8 is a structure that can store a U8 or a missing value
func NewOptionU8Empty ¶
func NewOptionU8Empty() OptionU8
NewOptionU8Empty creates an OptionU8 without a value
func (OptionU8) IsNone ¶
func (o OptionU8) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the value is missing
type Origin ¶
type Origin byte
Origin is an internal-only value that will be ignored when encoding/decoding
type PeerInfo ¶
type PeerInfo struct { PeerID Text Roles Text ProtocolVersion U32 BestHash Hash BestNumber BlockNumber }
PeerInfo contains information about a connected peer
type Phase ¶
type Phase struct { IsApplyExtrinsic bool AsApplyExtrinsic uint32 IsFinalization bool IsInitialization bool }
Phase is an enum describing the current phase of the event (applying the extrinsic or finalized)
type PreRuntime ¶
type PreRuntime struct { ConsensusEngineID ConsensusEngineID Bytes Bytes }
type RuntimeVersion ¶
type RuntimeVersion struct { APIs []RuntimeVersionAPI `json:"apis"` AuthoringVersion U32 `json:"authoringVersion"` ImplName string `json:"implName"` ImplVersion U32 `json:"implVersion"` SpecName string `json:"specName"` SpecVersion U32 `json:"specVersion"` TransactionVersion U32 `json:"transactionVersion"` }
func NewRuntimeVersion ¶
func NewRuntimeVersion() *RuntimeVersion
type RuntimeVersionAPI ¶
func (RuntimeVersionAPI) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RuntimeVersionAPI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RuntimeVersionAPI) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuntimeVersionAPI) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Seal ¶
type Seal struct { ConsensusEngineID ConsensusEngineID Bytes Bytes }
type SerDeOptions ¶
type SerDeOptions struct { // NoPalletIndices enable this to work with substrate chains that do not have indices pallet in runtime NoPalletIndices bool }
SerDeOptions are serialise and deserialize options for types
func SerDeOptionsFromMetadata ¶
func SerDeOptionsFromMetadata(meta *Metadata) SerDeOptions
SerDeOptionsFromMetadata returns Serialise and deserialize options from metadata
type SignatureOptions ¶
type SignatureOptions struct { Era ExtrinsicEra // extra via system::CheckEra Nonce UCompact // extra via system::CheckNonce (Compact<Index> where Index is u32) Tip UCompact // extra via balances::TakeFees (Compact<Balance> where Balance is u128) SpecVersion U32 // additional via system::CheckSpecVersion GenesisHash Hash // additional via system::CheckGenesis BlockHash Hash // additional via system::CheckEra TransactionVersion U32 // additional via system::CheckTxVersion }
type SignaturePayload ¶
type SignaturePayload struct { Address Address BlockHash Hash BlockNumber BlockNumber Era ExtrinsicEra GenesisHash Hash Method Call Nonce UCompact RuntimeVersion RuntimeVersion Tip UCompact Version uint8 }
type SignedBlock ¶
type SignedBlock struct { Block Block `json:"block"` Justification Justification `json:"justification"` }
type SignedCommitment ¶
type SignedCommitment struct { Commitment Commitment Signatures []OptionBeefySignature }
SignedCommitment is a beefy commitment with optional signatures from the set of validators
type StorageChangeSet ¶
type StorageChangeSet struct { Block Hash `json:"block"` Changes []KeyValueOption `json:"changes"` }
StorageChangeSet contains changes from storage subscriptions
type StorageDataRaw ¶
type StorageDataRaw []byte
StorageDataRaw contains raw bytes that are not decoded/encoded. Be careful using this in your own structs – it only works as the last value in a struct since it will consume the remainder of the encoded data. The reason for this is that it does not contain any length encoding, so it would not know where to stop.
func NewStorageDataRaw ¶
func NewStorageDataRaw(b []byte) StorageDataRaw
NewStorageDataRaw creates a new StorageDataRaw type
func (*StorageDataRaw) Decode ¶
func (s *StorageDataRaw) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode implements decoding for StorageDataRaw, which just reads all the remaining bytes into StorageDataRaw
func (StorageDataRaw) Encode ¶
func (s StorageDataRaw) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
Encode implements encoding for StorageDataRaw, which just unwraps the bytes of StorageDataRaw
func (StorageDataRaw) Hex ¶
func (s StorageDataRaw) Hex() string
Hex returns a hex string representation of the value
type StorageEntryMetadata ¶
type StorageFunctionMetadataV10 ¶
type StorageFunctionMetadataV10 struct { Name Text Modifier StorageFunctionModifierV0 Type StorageFunctionTypeV10 Fallback Bytes Documentation []Text }
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV10) Hasher ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV10) Hasher() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV10) Hasher2 ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV10) Hasher2() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsDoubleMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsDoubleMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsPlain ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV10) IsPlain() bool
type StorageFunctionMetadataV4 ¶
type StorageFunctionMetadataV4 struct { Name Text Modifier StorageFunctionModifierV0 Type StorageFunctionTypeV4 Fallback Bytes Documentation []Text }
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV4) Hasher ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV4) Hasher() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV4) Hasher2 ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV4) Hasher2() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsDoubleMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsDoubleMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsPlain ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV4) IsPlain() bool
type StorageFunctionMetadataV5 ¶
type StorageFunctionMetadataV5 struct { Name Text Modifier StorageFunctionModifierV0 Type StorageFunctionTypeV5 Fallback Bytes Documentation []Text }
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV5) Hasher ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV5) Hasher() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV5) Hasher2 ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV5) Hasher2() (hash.Hash, error)
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsDoubleMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsDoubleMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsMap ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsMap() bool
func (StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsPlain ¶
func (s StorageFunctionMetadataV5) IsPlain() bool
type StorageFunctionModifierV0 ¶
type StorageFunctionModifierV0 struct { IsOptional bool // 0 IsDefault bool // 1 IsRequired bool // 2 }
type StorageFunctionTypeV10 ¶
type StorageFunctionTypeV10 struct { IsType bool AsType Type // 0 IsMap bool AsMap MapTypeV10 // 1 IsDoubleMap bool AsDoubleMap DoubleMapTypeV10 // 2 }
type StorageFunctionTypeV4 ¶
type StorageFunctionTypeV4 struct { IsType bool AsType Type // 0 IsMap bool AsMap MapTypeV4 // 1 IsDoubleMap bool AsDoubleMap DoubleMapTypeV4 // 2 }
type StorageFunctionTypeV5 ¶
type StorageFunctionTypeV5 struct { IsType bool AsType Type // 0 IsMap bool AsMap MapTypeV4 // 1 IsDoubleMap bool AsDoubleMap DoubleMapTypeV5 // 2 }
type StorageHasher ¶
type StorageHasherV10 ¶
type StorageKey ¶
type StorageKey []byte
StorageKey represents typically hashed storage keys of the system. Be careful using this in your own structs – it only works as the last value in a struct since it will consume the remainder of the encoded data. The reason for this is that it does not contain any length encoding, so it would not know where to stop.
func CreateStorageKey ¶
func CreateStorageKey(meta *Metadata, prefix, method string, arg []byte, arg2 []byte) (StorageKey, error)
CreateStorageKey uses the given metadata and to derive the right hashing of method, prefix as well as arguments to create a hashed StorageKey
func NewStorageKey ¶
func NewStorageKey(b []byte) StorageKey
NewStorageKey creates a new StorageKey type
func (*StorageKey) Decode ¶
func (s *StorageKey) Decode(decoder scale.Decoder) error
Decode implements decoding for StorageKey, which just reads all the remaining bytes into StorageKey
func (StorageKey) Encode ¶
func (s StorageKey) Encode(encoder scale.Encoder) error
Encode implements encoding for StorageKey, which just unwraps the bytes of StorageKey
func (StorageKey) Hex ¶
func (s StorageKey) Hex() string
Hex returns a hex string representation of the value (not of the encoded value)
type StorageMetadata ¶
type StorageMetadata struct { Prefix Text Items []StorageFunctionMetadataV5 }
type StorageMetadataV10 ¶
type StorageMetadataV10 struct { Prefix Text Items []StorageFunctionMetadataV10 }
type TaskAddress ¶
type TaskAddress struct { When BlockNumber Index U32 }
TaskAddress holds the location of a scheduled task that can be used to remove it
type TimePoint ¶
TimePoint is a global extrinsic index, formed as the extrinsic index within a block, together with that block's height.
type U128 ¶
U128 is an unsigned 128-bit integer, it is represented as a big.Int in Go.
type U16 ¶
type U16 uint16
U16 is an unsigned 16-bit integer
func (U16) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*U16) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type U256 ¶
U256 is an usigned 256-bit integer, it is represented as a big.Int in Go.
type U32 ¶
type U32 uint32
U32 is an unsigned 32-bit integer
func (U32) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*U32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type U64 ¶
type U64 uint64
U64 is an unsigned 64-bit integer
func (U64) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*U64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type U8 ¶
type U8 uint8
U8 is an unsigned 8-bit integer
func (U8) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*U8) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type USize
type USize uint32
Deprecated: USize is a system default unsigned number, typically used in RPC to report non-consensus data. It is a wrapper for [U32] as a WASM default (as generated by Rust bindings). It is not to be used, since it created consensus mismatches.
func (USize) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoded byte array of u
func (*USize) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON fills u with the JSON encoded byte array given by b
type VoteThreshold ¶
type VoteThreshold byte
VoteThreshold is a means of determining if a vote is past pass threshold.
const ( // SuperMajorityApprove require super majority of approvals is needed to pass this vote. SuperMajorityApprove VoteThreshold = 0 // SuperMajorityAgainst require super majority of rejects is needed to fail this vote. SuperMajorityAgainst VoteThreshold = 1 // SimpleMajority require simple majority of approvals is needed to pass this vote. SimpleMajority VoteThreshold = 2 )
type WeightMultiplier ¶
type WeightMultiplier int64
WeightMultiplier represents how a fee value can be computed from a weighted transaction
func NewWeightMultiplier ¶
func NewWeightMultiplier(i int64) WeightMultiplier
NewWeightMultiplier creates a new WeightMultiplier type
Source Files ¶
- account_data.go
- account_id.go
- account_index.go
- account_info.go
- address.go
- balance_status.go
- beefy.go
- bool.go
- bytes.go
- chain_properties.go
- codec.go
- data.go
- digest.go
- digest_item.go
- digest_of.go
- election_compute.go
- event_record.go
- events.go
- example_enum.go
- example_struct.go
- example_tuple.go
- example_vec.go
- example_vec_any.go
- extrinsic.go
- extrinsic_era.go
- extrinsic_examplary.go
- extrinsic_payload.go
- extrinsic_signature.go
- extrinsic_status.go
- hash.go
- header.go
- health.go
- int.go
- metadata.go
- metadataV10.go
- metadataV10_examplary.go
- metadataV11.go
- metadataV11_examplary.go
- metadataV11_examplary_string.go
- metadataV12.go
- metadataV12_examplary_string.go
- metadataV13.go
- metadataV4.go
- metadataV4_examplary.go
- metadataV7.go
- metadataV8.go
- metadataV8_examplary.go
- metadataV9.go
- metadataV9_examplary.go
- moment.go
- multi_address.go
- multi_signature.go
- network_state.go
- null.go
- option.go
- option_bool.go
- option_bytes.go
- option_hash.go
- option_int.go
- option_uint.go
- origin.go
- peer_info.go
- runtime_version.go
- serde.go
- signature.go
- signed_block.go
- storage_change_set.go
- storage_data_raw.go
- storage_key.go
- text.go
- type.go
- ucompact.go
- uint.go
- usize.go
- weight.go
- weight_multiplier.go