
v1.1.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 2, 2021 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 50 Imported by: 0



Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

The vm package implements one EVM, a byte code VM. The BC (Byte Code) VM loops over a set of bytes and executes them according to the set of rules defined in the Ethereum yellow paper.



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const (
	TxWithdrawDelegateReward       = 5000
	FuncNameWithdrawDelegateReward = "WithdrawDelegateReward"
	QueryDelegateReward            = 5100
	FuncNameDelegateReward         = "QueryDelegateReward"
View Source
const (
	GasQuickStep   uint64 = 2
	GasFastestStep uint64 = 3
	GasFastStep    uint64 = 5
	GasMidStep     uint64 = 8
	GasSlowStep    uint64 = 10
	GasExtStep     uint64 = 20

Gas costs

View Source
const (
	SubmitText            = uint16(2000)
	SubmitVersion         = uint16(2001)
	SubmitParam           = uint16(2002)
	Vote                  = uint16(2003)
	Declare               = uint16(2004)
	SubmitCancel          = uint16(2005)
	GetProposal           = uint16(2100)
	GetResult             = uint16(2101)
	ListProposal          = uint16(2102)
	GetActiveVersion      = uint16(2103)
	GetGovernParamValue   = uint16(2104)
	GetAccuVerifiersCount = uint16(2105)
	ListGovernParam       = uint16(2106)
View Source
const (
	TxCreateRestrictingPlan = 4000
	QueryRestrictingInfo    = 4100
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const (
	TxReportDuplicateSign = 3000
	CheckDuplicateSign    = 3001
View Source
const (
	TxCreateStaking      = 1000
	TxEditorCandidate    = 1001
	TxIncreaseStaking    = 1002
	TxWithdrewCandidate  = 1003
	TxDelegate           = 1004
	TxWithdrewDelegation = 1005
	QueryVerifierList    = 1100
	QueryValidatorList   = 1101
	QueryCandidateList   = 1102
	QueryRelateList      = 1103
	QueryDelegateInfo    = 1104
	QueryCandidateInfo   = 1105
	GetPackageReward     = 1200
	GetStakingReward     = 1201
	GetAvgPackTime       = 1202
View Source
const (
	BLSPUBKEYLEN = 96 //  the bls public key length must be 96 byte
	BLSPROOFLEN  = 64 // the bls proof length must be 64 byte
View Source
const (
	CurrentValidatorKey = "current_validator"
	NextValidatorKey    = "next_validator"
View Source
const (
	InterpTypeLen = 4
	WasmTopicNum  = 4
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const (
	Unreachable  = 0x00
	Nop          = 0x01
	Block        = 0x02
	Loop         = 0x03
	If           = 0x04
	Else         = 0x05
	End          = 0x0b
	Br           = 0x0c
	BrIf         = 0x0d
	BrTable      = 0x0e
	Return       = 0x0f
	Call         = 0x10
	CallIndirect = 0x11

	Drop   = 0x1a
	Select = 0x1b

	GetLocal  = 0x20
	SetLocal  = 0x21
	TeeLocal  = 0x22
	GetGlobal = 0x23
	SetGlobal = 0x24

	I32Load    = 0x28
	I64Load    = 0x29
	F32Load    = 0x2a
	F64Load    = 0x2b
	I32Load8s  = 0x2c
	I32Load8u  = 0x2d
	I32Load16s = 0x2e
	I32Load16u = 0x2f
	I64Load8s  = 0x30
	I64Load8u  = 0x31
	I64Load16s = 0x32
	I64Load16u = 0x33
	I64Load32s = 0x34
	I64Load32u = 0x35

	I32Store   = 0x36
	I64Store   = 0x37
	F32Store   = 0x38
	F64Store   = 0x39
	I32Store8  = 0x3a
	I32Store16 = 0x3b
	I64Store8  = 0x3c
	I64Store16 = 0x3d
	I64Store32 = 0x3e

	CurrentMemory = 0x3f
	GrowMemory    = 0x40

	I32Const = 0x41
	I64Const = 0x42
	F32Const = 0x43
	F64Const = 0x44

	I32Eqz = 0x45
	I32Eq  = 0x46
	I32Ne  = 0x47
	I32LtS = 0x48
	I32LtU = 0x49
	I32GtS = 0x4a
	I32GtU = 0x4b
	I32LeS = 0x4c
	I32LeU = 0x4d
	I32GeS = 0x4e
	I32GeU = 0x4f
	I64Eqz = 0x50
	I64Eq  = 0x51
	I64Ne  = 0x52
	I64LtS = 0x53
	I64LtU = 0x54
	I64GtS = 0x55
	I64GtU = 0x56
	I64LeS = 0x57
	I64LeU = 0x58
	I64GeS = 0x59
	I64GeU = 0x5a
	F32Eq  = 0x5b
	F32Ne  = 0x5c
	F32Lt  = 0x5d
	F32Gt  = 0x5e
	F32Le  = 0x5f
	F32Ge  = 0x60
	F64Eq  = 0x61
	F64Ne  = 0x62
	F64Lt  = 0x63
	F64Gt  = 0x64
	F64Le  = 0x65
	F64Ge  = 0x66

	I32Clz      = 0x67
	I32Ctz      = 0x68
	I32Popcnt   = 0x69
	I32Add      = 0x6a
	I32Sub      = 0x6b
	I32Mul      = 0x6c
	I32DivS     = 0x6d
	I32DivU     = 0x6e
	I32RemS     = 0x6f
	I32RemU     = 0x70
	I32And      = 0x71
	I32Or       = 0x72
	I32Xor      = 0x73
	I32Shl      = 0x74
	I32ShrS     = 0x75
	I32ShrU     = 0x76
	I32Rotl     = 0x77
	I32Rotr     = 0x78
	I64Clz      = 0x79
	I64Ctz      = 0x7a
	I64Popcnt   = 0x7b
	I64Add      = 0x7c
	I64Sub      = 0x7d
	I64Mul      = 0x7e
	I64DivS     = 0x7f
	I64DivU     = 0x80
	I64RemS     = 0x81
	I64RemU     = 0x82
	I64And      = 0x83
	I64Or       = 0x84
	I64Xor      = 0x85
	I64Shl      = 0x86
	I64ShrS     = 0x87
	I64ShrU     = 0x88
	I64Rotl     = 0x89
	I64Rotr     = 0x8a
	F32Abs      = 0x8b
	F32Neg      = 0x8c
	F32Ceil     = 0x8d
	F32Floor    = 0x8e
	F32Trunc    = 0x8f
	F32Nearest  = 0x90
	F32Sqrt     = 0x91
	F32Add      = 0x92
	F32Sub      = 0x93
	F32Mul      = 0x94
	F32Div      = 0x95
	F32Min      = 0x96
	F32Max      = 0x97
	F32Copysign = 0x98
	F64Abs      = 0x99
	F64Neg      = 0x9a
	F64Ceil     = 0x9b
	F64Floor    = 0x9c
	F64Trunc    = 0x9d
	F64Nearest  = 0x9e
	F64Sqrt     = 0x9f
	F64Add      = 0xa0
	F64Sub      = 0xa1
	F64Mul      = 0xa2
	F64Div      = 0xa3
	F64Min      = 0xa4
	F64Max      = 0xa5
	F64Copysign = 0xa6

	I32WrapI64     = 0xa7
	I32TruncSF32   = 0xa8
	I32TruncUF32   = 0xa9
	I32TruncSF64   = 0xaa
	I32TruncUF64   = 0xab
	I64ExtendSI32  = 0xac
	I64ExtendUI32  = 0xad
	I64TruncSF32   = 0xae
	I64TruncUF32   = 0xaf
	I64TruncSF64   = 0xb0
	I64TruncUF64   = 0xb1
	F32ConvertSI32 = 0xb2
	F32ConvertUI32 = 0xb3
	F32ConvertSI64 = 0xb4
	F32ConvertUI64 = 0xb5
	F32DemoteF64   = 0xb6
	F64ConvertSI32 = 0xb7
	F64ConvertUI32 = 0xb8
	F64ConvertSI64 = 0xb9
	F64ConvertUI64 = 0xba
	F64PromoteF32  = 0xbb

	I32ReinterpretF32 = 0xbc
	I64ReinterpretF64 = 0xbd
	F32ReinterpretI32 = 0xbe
	F64ReinterpretI64 = 0xbf
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const (
	MigrateContractGas = uint64(68000)


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var (
	// ErrInvalidSubroutineEntry means that a BEGINSUB was reached via iteration,
	// as opposed to from a JUMPSUB instruction
	ErrInvalidSubroutineEntry   = errors.New("invalid subroutine entry")
	ErrOutOfGas                 = errors.New("out of gas")
	ErrCodeStoreOutOfGas        = errors.New("contract creation code storage out of gas")
	ErrDepth                    = errors.New("max call depth exceeded")
	ErrInsufficientBalance      = errors.New("insufficient balance for transfer")
	ErrContractAddressCollision = errors.New("contract address collision")
	ErrExecutionReverted        = errors.New("execution reverted")
	ErrMaxCodeSizeExceeded      = errors.New("max code size exceeded")
	ErrInvalidJump              = errors.New("invalid jump destination")
	ErrWriteProtection          = errors.New("write protection")
	ErrReturnDataOutOfBounds    = errors.New("return data out of bounds")
	ErrGasUintOverflow          = errors.New("gas uint64 overflow")
	ErrInvalidRetsub            = errors.New("invalid retsub")
	ErrReturnStackExceeded      = errors.New("return stack limit reached")
	ErrNoCompatibleInterpreter  = errors.New("no compatible interpreter")
	ErrAbort                    = errors.New("vm exec abort")
	ErrExecBadContract          = errors.New("exec bad contract")
	ErrUnderPrice               = errors.New("gas price is lower than minimum")

List evm execution errors

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var (
	EvmInterpOld = BytesToInterpType([]byte{0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x40}) // 60606040  Match until evm 4.2 version
	EvmInterpNew = BytesToInterpType([]byte{0x60, 0x80, 0x60, 0x40}) // 60806040  Matches after evm 4.2 version
	WasmInterp   = BytesToInterpType([]byte{0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d}) // 0061736d  Matches wasm
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var (
	ErrWASMWriteProtection          = errors.New("WASM: write protection")
	ErrWASMMigrate                  = errors.New("WASM: failed to migrate contract")
	ErrWASMEventCountToLarge        = errors.New("WASM: event indexed count too large")
	ErrWASMEventContentToLong       = errors.New("WASM: event indexed content too long")
	ErrWASMSha3DstToShort           = errors.New("WASM: sha3 dst len too short")
	ErrWASMPanicOp                  = errors.New("WASM: transaction err op")
	ErrWASMOldContractCodeNotExists = errors.New("WASM: old contract code is not exists")
	ErrWASMUndefinedPanic           = errors.New("WASM: vm undefined err")
	ErrWASMRlpItemCountTooLarge     = errors.New("WASM: itemCount too large for RLP")
View Source
var (
	Delimiter = []byte("")
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var PrecompiledContractsByzantium = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5}): &bigModExp{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{6}): &bn256Add{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{7}): &bn256ScalarMul{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{8}): &bn256Pairing{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{9}): &blake2F{},

PrecompiledContractsByzantium contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum contracts used in the Byzantium release.

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var PrecompiledContractsHomestead = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
	common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},

PrecompiledContractsHomestead contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum contracts used in the Frontier and Homestead releases.

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var WasmGasCostTable [255]uint64
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var WasmInstrString = map[byte]string{}/* 172 elements not displayed */


func Address added in v1.0.0

func Address(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

define: void address(char hash[20]);

func Balance added in v1.0.0

func Balance(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32, balance uint32) uint32

func BlockHash added in v1.0.0

func BlockHash(proc *exec.Process, num uint64, dst uint32)

func BlockNumber added in v1.0.0

func BlockNumber(proc *exec.Process) uint64

func CallContract added in v1.0.0

func CallContract(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr, args, argsLen, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

func CallValue added in v1.0.0

func CallValue(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32) uint32

define: uint8_t callValue();

func Caller added in v1.0.0

func Caller(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

func CallerNonce added in v1.0.0

func CallerNonce(proc *exec.Process) uint64

func CanUseEVMInterp added in v1.0.0

func CanUseEVMInterp(b []byte) bool

func CanUseWASMInterp added in v1.0.0

func CanUseWASMInterp(b []byte) bool

func Coinbase added in v1.0.0

func Coinbase(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

func ContractCode added in v1.0.0

func ContractCode(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr uint32, code uint32, codeLen uint32) int32

int32_t platon_contract_code(const uint8_t addr[20], uint8_t *code, size_t code_length);

func ContractCodeLength added in v1.0.0

func ContractCodeLength(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr uint32) uint32

size_t platon_contract_code_length(const uint8_t addr[20]);

func CreateContract added in v1.0.0

func CreateContract(proc *exec.Process, newAddr, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32, input []byte) int32

func Debug added in v1.0.0

func Debug(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32, len uint32)

func DelegateCallContract added in v1.0.0

func DelegateCallContract(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr, params, paramsLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

func DestroyContract added in v1.0.0

func DestroyContract(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr uint32) int32

func Ecrecover added in v1.0.0

func Ecrecover(proc *exec.Process, hashPtr, sigPtr, sigLen, addrPtr uint32) int32

func EmitEvent added in v1.0.0

func EmitEvent(proc *exec.Process, indexesPtr, indexesLen, args, argsLen uint32)

func Gas added in v1.0.0

func Gas(proc *exec.Process) uint64

func GasLimit added in v1.0.0

func GasLimit(proc *exec.Process) uint64

func GasPrice added in v1.0.0

func GasPrice(proc *exec.Process, gasPrice uint32) uint32

func GetCallOutput added in v1.0.0

func GetCallOutput(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

func GetCallOutputLength added in v1.0.0

func GetCallOutputLength(proc *exec.Process) uint32

func GetInput added in v1.0.0

func GetInput(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

func GetInputLength added in v1.0.0

func GetInputLength(proc *exec.Process) uint32

func GetState added in v1.0.0

func GetState(proc *exec.Process, key uint32, keyLen uint32, val uint32, valLen uint32) int32

func GetStateLength added in v1.0.0

func GetStateLength(proc *exec.Process, key uint32, keyLen uint32) uint32

func IsBlank added in v0.7.4

func IsBlank(i interface{}) bool

func IsEVMPrecompiledContract added in v1.0.0

func IsEVMPrecompiledContract(addr common.Address) bool

func IsPlatONPrecompiledContract added in v1.0.0

func IsPlatONPrecompiledContract(addr common.Address) bool

func IsPrecompiledContract added in v1.0.0

func IsPrecompiledContract(addr common.Address) bool

func MigrateCloneContract added in v1.0.0

func MigrateCloneContract(proc *exec.Process, oldAddr, newAddr, args, argsLen, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

func MigrateContract added in v1.0.0

func MigrateContract(proc *exec.Process, newAddr, args, argsLen, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

func MigrateInnerContract added in v1.0.0

func MigrateInnerContract(proc *exec.Process, newAddr, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32, input []byte) int32

func NewHostModule added in v1.0.0

func NewHostModule() *wasm.Module

func NewWasmEngineCreator added in v1.0.0

func NewWasmEngineCreator(vm WasmInsType) (wasmEngineCreator, error)

func Origin added in v1.0.0

func Origin(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32)

func Panic added in v1.0.0

func Panic(proc *exec.Process)

func PlatonClone added in v1.0.0

func PlatonClone(proc *exec.Process, oldAddr, newAddr, args, argsLen, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

int32_t platon_clone(const uint8_t old_addr[20], uint8_t newAddr[20], const uint8_t* args, size_t argsLen, const uint8_t* value, size_t valueLen, const uint8_t* callCost, size_t callCostLen);

func PlatonDeploy added in v1.0.0

func PlatonDeploy(proc *exec.Process, newAddr, args, argsLen, val, valLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

int32_t platon_deploy(uint8_t newAddr[20], const uint8_t* args, size_t argsLen, const uint8_t* value, size_t valueLen, const uint8_t* callCost, size_t callCostLen);

func ReadWasmModule added in v1.0.0

func ReadWasmModule(Code []byte, verify bool) (*exec.CompiledModule, error)

func ReturnContract added in v1.0.0

func ReturnContract(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32, len uint32)

func Revert added in v1.0.0

func Revert(proc *exec.Process)

func Ripemd160 added in v1.0.0

func Ripemd160(proc *exec.Process, inputPtr, inputLen uint32, outputPtr uint32)

func RlpBytes added in v1.0.0

func RlpBytes(proc *exec.Process, src uint32, length uint32, dest uint32)

void platon_rlp_bytes(const void *data, size_t len, void * dest);

func RlpBytesSize added in v1.0.0

func RlpBytesSize(proc *exec.Process, src uint32, length uint32) uint32

size_t rlp_bytes_size(const void *data, size_t len);

func RlpList added in v1.0.0

func RlpList(proc *exec.Process, src uint32, length uint32, dest uint32)

void platon_rlp_list(const void *data, size_t len, void * dest);

func RlpListSize added in v1.0.0

func RlpListSize(proc *exec.Process, length uint32) uint32

size_t rlp_list_size(const void *data, size_t len);

func RlpU128 added in v1.0.0

func RlpU128(proc *exec.Process, heigh uint64, low uint64, dest uint32)

void platon_rlp_u128(uint64_t heigh, uint64_t low, void * dest);

func RlpU128Size added in v1.0.0

func RlpU128Size(proc *exec.Process, heigh uint64, low uint64) uint32

size_t rlp_u128_size(uint64_t heigh, uint64_t low);

func RunPlatONPrecompiledContract added in v0.7.1

func RunPlatONPrecompiledContract(p PlatONPrecompiledContract, input []byte, contract *Contract) (ret []byte, err error)

func RunPrecompiledContract

func RunPrecompiledContract(p PrecompiledContract, input []byte, contract *Contract) (ret []byte, err error)

RunPrecompiledContract runs and evaluates the output of a precompiled contract.

func SetState added in v1.0.0

func SetState(proc *exec.Process, key uint32, keyLen uint32, val uint32, valLen uint32)

storage external function

func Sha256 added in v1.0.0

func Sha256(proc *exec.Process, inputPtr, inputLen uint32, outputPtr uint32)

func Sha3 added in v1.0.0

func Sha3(proc *exec.Process, src uint32, srcLen uint32, dst uint32, dstLen uint32)

define: void sha3(char *src, size_t srcLen, char *dest, size_t destLen);

func StaticCallContract added in v1.0.0

func StaticCallContract(proc *exec.Process, addrPtr, params, paramsLen, callCost, callCostLen uint32) int32

func Timestamp added in v1.0.0

func Timestamp(proc *exec.Process) int64

func Transfer added in v1.0.0

func Transfer(proc *exec.Process, dst uint32, amount uint32, len uint32) int32

func WriteLogs

func WriteLogs(writer io.Writer, logs []*types.Log)

WriteLogs writes vm logs in a readable format to the given writer

func WriteTrace

func WriteTrace(writer io.Writer, logs []StructLog)

WriteTrace writes a formatted trace to the given writer


type AccountRef

type AccountRef common.Address

AccountRef implements ContractRef.

Account references are used during EVM initialisation and it's primary use is to fetch addresses. Removing this object proves difficult because of the cached jump destinations which are fetched from the parent contract (i.e. the caller), which is a ContractRef.

func (AccountRef) Address

func (ar AccountRef) Address() common.Address

Address casts AccountRef to a Address

type CallContext

type CallContext interface {
	// Call another contract
	Call(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
	// Take another's contract code and execute within our own context
	CallCode(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
	// Same as CallCode except sender and value is propagated from parent to child scope
	DelegateCall(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
	// Create a new contract
	Create(env *EVM, me ContractRef, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, common.Address, error)

CallContext provides a basic interface for the EVM calling conventions. The EVM depends on this context being implemented for doing subcalls and initialising new EVM contracts.

type CanTransferFunc

type CanTransferFunc func(StateDB, common.Address, *big.Int) bool

CanTransferFunc is the signature of a transfer guard function

type Config

type Config struct {
	// Debug enable debugging Interpreter options
	Debug bool
	// Tracer is the op code logger
	Tracer Tracer
	// NoRecursion disabled interpreter call, callcode,
	// delegate call and create
	NoRecursion bool

	// JumpTable contains the EVM instruction table. This
	// may be left uninitialised and will be set to the default table.
	JumpTable [256]*operation

	ConsoleOutput bool

	// The actual implementation type of the wasm instance
	// This option is used in the configuration or command line
	WasmType WasmInsType

	// VM execution timeout duration (unit: ms)
	VmTimeoutDuration uint64

Config are the configuration options for the Interpreter

type Context

type Context struct {
	// CanTransfer returns whether the account contains
	// sufficient ether to transfer the value
	CanTransfer CanTransferFunc
	// Transfer transfers ether from one account to the other
	Transfer TransferFunc
	// GetHash returns the hash corresponding to n
	GetHash GetHashFunc

	// Message information
	Origin   common.Address // Provides information for ORIGIN
	GasPrice *big.Int       // Provides information for GASPRICE

	// Block information
	Coinbase    common.Address // Provides information for COINBASE
	GasLimit    uint64         // Provides information for GASLIMIT
	BlockNumber *big.Int       // Provides information for NUMBER
	Time        *big.Int       // Provides information for TIME
	Difficulty  *big.Int       // Provides information for DIFFICULTY  (This one must not be deleted, otherwise the solidity contract will be failed)

	BlockHash common.Hash // Only, the value will be available after the current block has been sealed.

	Ctx context.Context

Context provides the EVM with auxiliary information. Once provided it shouldn't be modified.

type Contract

type Contract struct {
	// CallerAddress is the result of the caller which initialised this
	// contract. However when the "call method" is delegated this value
	// needs to be initialised to that of the caller's caller.
	CallerAddress common.Address

	Code     []byte
	CodeHash common.Hash
	CodeAddr *common.Address
	Input    []byte

	ABI     []byte
	ABIHash common.Hash
	ABIAddr *common.Address

	Gas uint64

	DeployContract bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Contract represents an ethereum contract in the state database. It contains the contract code, calling arguments. Contract implements ContractRef

func NewContract

func NewContract(caller ContractRef, object ContractRef, value *big.Int, gas uint64) *Contract

NewContract returns a new contract environment for the execution of EVM.

func (*Contract) Address

func (c *Contract) Address() common.Address

Address returns the contracts address

func (*Contract) AsDelegate

func (c *Contract) AsDelegate() *Contract

AsDelegate sets the contract to be a delegate call and returns the current contract (for chaining calls)

func (*Contract) Caller

func (c *Contract) Caller() common.Address

Caller returns the caller of the contract.

Caller will recursively call caller when the contract is a delegate call, including that of caller's caller.

func (*Contract) GetByte

func (c *Contract) GetByte(n uint64) byte

GetByte returns the n'th byte in the contract's byte array

func (*Contract) GetOp

func (c *Contract) GetOp(n uint64) OpCode

GetOp returns the n'th element in the contract's byte array

func (*Contract) SetCallAbi added in v0.7.0

func (c *Contract) SetCallAbi(addr *common.Address, hash common.Hash, abi []byte)


func (*Contract) SetCallCode

func (c *Contract) SetCallCode(addr *common.Address, hash common.Hash, code []byte)

SetCallCode sets the code of the contract and address of the backing data object

func (*Contract) SetCodeOptionalHash added in v1.0.0

func (c *Contract) SetCodeOptionalHash(addr *common.Address, codeAndHash *codeAndHash)

SetCodeOptionalHash can be used to provide code, but it's optional to provide hash. In case hash is not provided, the jumpdest analysis will not be saved to the parent context

func (*Contract) UseGas

func (c *Contract) UseGas(gas uint64) (ok bool)

UseGas attempts the use gas and subtracts it and returns true on success

func (*Contract) Value

func (c *Contract) Value() *big.Int

Value returns the contract's value (sent to it from it's caller)

type ContractRef

type ContractRef interface {
	Address() common.Address

ContractRef is a reference to the contract's backing object

type DelegateRewardContract added in v0.7.6

type DelegateRewardContract struct {
	Plugin *plugin.RewardMgrPlugin

	Contract *Contract
	Evm      *EVM
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DelegateRewardContract) CheckGasPrice added in v0.7.6

func (rc *DelegateRewardContract) CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

func (*DelegateRewardContract) FnSigns added in v0.7.6

func (rc *DelegateRewardContract) FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{}

func (*DelegateRewardContract) RequiredGas added in v0.7.6

func (rc *DelegateRewardContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64

func (*DelegateRewardContract) Run added in v0.7.6

func (rc *DelegateRewardContract) Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error)

type EVM

type EVM struct {
	// Context provides auxiliary blockchain related information
	// StateDB gives access to the underlying state
	StateDB StateDB

	SnapshotDB snapshotdb.DB
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EVM is the Ethereum Virtual Machine base object and provides the necessary tools to run a contract on the given state with the provided context. It should be noted that any error generated through any of the calls should be considered a revert-state-and-consume-all-gas operation, no checks on specific errors should ever be performed. The interpreter makes sure that any errors generated are to be considered faulty code.

The EVM should never be reused and is not thread safe.

func NewEVM

func NewEVM(ctx Context, snapshotDB snapshotdb.DB, statedb StateDB, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, vmConfig Config) *EVM

NewEVM returns a new EVM. The returned EVM is not thread safe and should only ever be used *once*.

func (*EVM) Call

func (evm *EVM) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

Call executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an execution error or failed value transfer.

func (*EVM) CallCode

func (evm *EVM) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

CallCode executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an execution error or failed value transfer.

CallCode differs from Call in the sense that it executes the given address' code with the caller as context.

func (*EVM) Cancel

func (evm *EVM) Cancel()

Cancel cancels any running EVM operation. This may be called concurrently and it's safe to be called multiple times.

func (*EVM) Cancelled added in v1.0.0

func (evm *EVM) Cancelled() bool

Cancelled returns true if Cancel has been called

func (*EVM) ChainConfig

func (evm *EVM) ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig

ChainConfig returns the environment's chain configuration

func (*EVM) Create

func (evm *EVM) Create(caller ContractRef, code []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, contractAddr common.Address, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

Create creates a new contract using code as deployment code.

func (*EVM) Create2

func (evm *EVM) Create2(caller ContractRef, code []byte, gas uint64, endowment *big.Int, salt *uint256.Int) (ret []byte, contractAddr common.Address, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

Create2 creates a new contract using code as deployment code.

The different between Create2 with Create is Create2 uses sha3(0xff ++ msg.sender ++ salt ++ sha3(init_code))[12:] instead of the usual sender-and-nonce-hash as the address where the contract is initialized at.

func (*EVM) DBSnapshot added in v1.0.0

func (evm *EVM) DBSnapshot() (snapshotID int, StateDBID int)

func (*EVM) DelegateCall

func (evm *EVM) DelegateCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

DelegateCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It reverses the state in case of an execution error.

DelegateCall differs from CallCode in the sense that it executes the given address' code with the caller as context and the caller is set to the caller of the caller.

func (*EVM) GetEvm added in v0.7.0

func (evm *EVM) GetEvm() *EVM

func (*EVM) GetStateDB added in v0.7.0

func (evm *EVM) GetStateDB() StateDB

func (*EVM) GetVMConfig added in v1.0.0

func (evm *EVM) GetVMConfig() Config

func (*EVM) Interpreter

func (evm *EVM) Interpreter() Interpreter

Interpreter returns the current interpreter

func (*EVM) RevertToDBSnapshot added in v1.0.0

func (evm *EVM) RevertToDBSnapshot(snapshotDBID, stateDBID int)

func (*EVM) StaticCall

func (evm *EVM) StaticCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)

StaticCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters while disallowing any modifications to the state during the call. Opcodes that attempt to perform such modifications will result in exceptions instead of performing the modifications.

type EVMInterpreter

type EVMInterpreter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EVMInterpreter represents an EVM interpreter

func NewEVMInterpreter

func NewEVMInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *EVMInterpreter

NewEVMInterpreter returns a new instance of the Interpreter.

func (*EVMInterpreter) CanRun

func (in *EVMInterpreter) CanRun(code []byte) bool

CanRun tells if the contract, passed as an argument, can be run by the current interpreter.

func (*EVMInterpreter) Run

func (in *EVMInterpreter) Run(contract *Contract, input []byte, readOnly bool) (ret []byte, err error)

Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred.

It's important to note that any errors returned by the interpreter should be considered a revert-and-consume-all-gas operation except for ErrExecutionReverted which means revert-and-keep-gas-left.

type ErrInvalidOpCode added in v1.0.0

type ErrInvalidOpCode struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ErrInvalidOpCode wraps an evm error when an invalid opcode is encountered.

func (*ErrInvalidOpCode) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e *ErrInvalidOpCode) Error() string

type ErrStackOverflow added in v1.0.0

type ErrStackOverflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ErrStackOverflow wraps an evm error when the items on the stack exceeds the maximum allowance.

func (*ErrStackOverflow) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e *ErrStackOverflow) Error() string

type ErrStackUnderflow added in v1.0.0

type ErrStackUnderflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ErrStackUnderflow wraps an evm error when the items on the stack less than the minimal requirement.

func (*ErrStackUnderflow) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e *ErrStackUnderflow) Error() string

type GetHashFunc

type GetHashFunc func(uint64) common.Hash

GetHashFunc returns the n'th block hash in the blockchain and is used by the BLOCKHASH EVM op code.

type GovContract added in v0.7.1

type GovContract struct {
	Plugin   *plugin.GovPlugin
	Contract *Contract
	Evm      *EVM

func (*GovContract) CheckGasPrice added in v0.7.1

func (gc *GovContract) CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

func (*GovContract) FnSigns added in v0.7.1

func (gc *GovContract) FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{}

func (*GovContract) RequiredGas added in v0.7.1

func (gc *GovContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64

func (*GovContract) Run added in v0.7.1

func (gc *GovContract) Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error)

type InterpType added in v1.0.0

type InterpType [InterpTypeLen]byte

vm interpreter types

func BytesToInterpType added in v1.0.0

func BytesToInterpType(b []byte) InterpType

func (InterpType) Bytes added in v1.0.0

func (t InterpType) Bytes() []byte

func (*InterpType) SetBytes added in v1.0.0

func (t *InterpType) SetBytes(b []byte)

func (InterpType) String added in v1.0.0

func (t InterpType) String() string

type Interpreter

type Interpreter interface {
	// Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns
	// the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred.
	Run(contract *Contract, input []byte, static bool) ([]byte, error)
	// CanRun tells if the contract, passed as an argument, can be
	// run by the current interpreter. This is meant so that the
	// caller can do something like:
	// “`golang
	// for _, interpreter := range interpreters {
	//   if interpreter.CanRun(contract.code) {
	//     interpreter.Run(contract.code, input)
	//   }
	// }
	// “`
	CanRun([]byte) bool

Interpreter is used to run Ethereum based contracts and will utilise the passed environment to query external sources for state information. The Interpreter will run the byte code VM based on the passed configuration.

type JSONLogger added in v1.1.1

type JSONLogger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewJSONLogger added in v1.1.1

func NewJSONLogger(cfg *LogConfig, writer io.Writer) *JSONLogger

NewJSONLogger creates a new EVM tracer that prints execution steps as JSON objects into the provided stream.

func (*JSONLogger) CaptureEnd added in v1.1.1

func (l *JSONLogger) CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error

CaptureEnd is triggered at end of execution.

func (*JSONLogger) CaptureFault added in v1.1.1

func (l *JSONLogger) CaptureFault(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error

CaptureFault outputs state information on the logger.

func (*JSONLogger) CaptureStart added in v1.1.1

func (l *JSONLogger) CaptureStart(from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) error

func (*JSONLogger) CaptureState added in v1.1.1

func (l *JSONLogger) CaptureState(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, rData []byte, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error

CaptureState outputs state information on the logger.

type JumpTable added in v1.0.0

type JumpTable [256]*operation

JumpTable contains the EVM opcodes supported at a given fork.

type LogConfig

type LogConfig struct {
	DisableMemory     bool // disable memory capture
	DisableStack      bool // disable stack capture
	DisableStorage    bool // disable storage capture
	DisableReturnData bool // disable return data capture
	Debug             bool // print output during capture end
	Limit             int  // maximum length of output, but zero means unlimited

LogConfig are the configuration options for structured logger the EVM

type Memory

type Memory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Memory implements a simple memory model for the ethereum virtual machine.

func NewMemory

func NewMemory() *Memory

NewMemory returns a new memory model.

func (*Memory) Data

func (m *Memory) Data() []byte

Data returns the backing slice

func (*Memory) GetCopy added in v1.0.0

func (m *Memory) GetCopy(offset, size int64) (cpy []byte)

Get returns offset + size as a new slice

func (*Memory) GetPtr

func (m *Memory) GetPtr(offset, size int64) []byte

GetPtr returns the offset + size

func (*Memory) Len

func (m *Memory) Len() int

Len returns the length of the backing slice

func (*Memory) Print

func (m *Memory) Print()

Print dumps the content of the memory.

func (*Memory) Resize

func (m *Memory) Resize(size uint64)

Resize resizes the memory to size

func (*Memory) Set

func (m *Memory) Set(offset, size uint64, value []byte)

Set sets offset + size to value

func (*Memory) Set32

func (m *Memory) Set32(offset uint64, val *uint256.Int)

Set32 sets the 32 bytes starting at offset to the value of val, left-padded with zeroes to 32 bytes.

type NodeList added in v0.7.0

type NodeList []*ValidateNode

func (*NodeList) String added in v0.7.0

func (nl *NodeList) String() string

type OpCode

type OpCode byte

OpCode is an EVM opcode

const (
	STOP OpCode = iota

0x0 range - arithmetic ops.

const (
	LT OpCode = iota + 0x10

	SHA3 OpCode = 0x20

0x10 range - comparison ops.

const (
	ADDRESS OpCode = 0x30 + iota

0x30 range - closure state.

const (
	BLOCKHASH OpCode = 0x40 + iota
	CHAINID     OpCode = 0x46
	SELFBALANCE OpCode = 0x47

0x40 range - block operations.

const (
	POP       OpCode = 0x50
	MLOAD     OpCode = 0x51
	MSTORE    OpCode = 0x52
	MSTORE8   OpCode = 0x53
	SLOAD     OpCode = 0x54
	SSTORE    OpCode = 0x55
	JUMP      OpCode = 0x56
	JUMPI     OpCode = 0x57
	PC        OpCode = 0x58
	MSIZE     OpCode = 0x59
	GAS       OpCode = 0x5a
	JUMPDEST  OpCode = 0x5b
	BEGINSUB  OpCode = 0x5c
	RETURNSUB OpCode = 0x5d
	JUMPSUB   OpCode = 0x5e

0x50 range - 'storage' and execution.

const (
	PUSH1 OpCode = 0x60 + iota

0x60 range.

const (
	LOG0 OpCode = 0xa0 + iota

0xa0 range - logging ops.

const (
	PUSH OpCode = 0xb0 + iota

unofficial opcodes used for parsing.

const (
	CREATE OpCode = 0xf0 + iota
	STATICCALL   OpCode = 0xfa
	REVERT       OpCode = 0xfd

0xf0 range - closures.

func StringToOp

func StringToOp(str string) OpCode

StringToOp finds the opcode whose name is stored in `str`.

func (OpCode) IsPush

func (op OpCode) IsPush() bool

IsPush specifies if an opcode is a PUSH opcode.

func (OpCode) IsStaticJump

func (op OpCode) IsStaticJump() bool

IsStaticJump specifies if an opcode is JUMP.

func (OpCode) String

func (op OpCode) String() string

type PlatONPrecompiledContract added in v0.7.1

type PlatONPrecompiledContract interface {
	FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{} // Return PlatON PrecompiledContract methods signs
	CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

type PrecompiledContract

type PrecompiledContract interface {
	RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64  // RequiredPrice calculates the contract gas use
	Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error) // Run runs the precompiled contract

PrecompiledContract is the basic interface for native Go contracts. The implementation requires a deterministic gas count based on the input size of the Run method of the contract.

type PrecompiledContractCheck added in v1.0.0

type PrecompiledContractCheck struct{}

func (*PrecompiledContractCheck) IsPlatONPrecompiledContract added in v1.0.0

func (pcc *PrecompiledContractCheck) IsPlatONPrecompiledContract(address common.Address) bool

type ProofList added in v1.0.0

type ProofList [][]byte


func (*ProofList) Put added in v1.0.0

func (n *ProofList) Put(key []byte, value []byte) error

type RestrictingContract added in v0.7.1

type RestrictingContract struct {
	Plugin   *plugin.RestrictingPlugin
	Contract *Contract
	Evm      *EVM

func (*RestrictingContract) CheckGasPrice added in v0.7.1

func (rc *RestrictingContract) CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

func (*RestrictingContract) FnSigns added in v0.7.1

func (rc *RestrictingContract) FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{}

func (*RestrictingContract) RequiredGas added in v0.7.1

func (rc *RestrictingContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64

func (*RestrictingContract) Run added in v0.7.1

func (rc *RestrictingContract) Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error)

type ReturnStack added in v1.0.0

type ReturnStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReturnStack is an object for basic return stack operations.

type SlashingContract added in v0.7.1

type SlashingContract struct {
	Plugin   *plugin.SlashingPlugin
	Contract *Contract
	Evm      *EVM

func (*SlashingContract) CheckGasPrice added in v0.7.1

func (sc *SlashingContract) CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

func (*SlashingContract) FnSigns added in v0.7.1

func (sc *SlashingContract) FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{}

func (*SlashingContract) RequiredGas added in v0.7.1

func (sc *SlashingContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64

func (*SlashingContract) Run added in v0.7.1

func (sc *SlashingContract) Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error)

type Stack

type Stack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Stack is an object for basic stack operations. Items popped to the stack are expected to be changed and modified. stack does not take care of adding newly initialised objects.

func (*Stack) Back

func (st *Stack) Back(n int) *uint256.Int

Back returns the n'th item in stack

func (*Stack) Data

func (st *Stack) Data() []uint256.Int

Data returns the underlying uint256.Int array.

func (*Stack) Print

func (st *Stack) Print()

Print dumps the content of the stack

type StakingContract added in v0.7.1

type StakingContract struct {
	Plugin   *plugin.StakingPlugin
	Contract *Contract
	Evm      *EVM

func (*StakingContract) CheckGasPrice added in v0.7.1

func (stkc *StakingContract) CheckGasPrice(gasPrice *big.Int, fcode uint16) error

func (*StakingContract) FnSigns added in v0.7.1

func (stkc *StakingContract) FnSigns() map[uint16]interface{}

func (*StakingContract) RequiredGas added in v0.7.1

func (stkc *StakingContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64

func (*StakingContract) Run added in v0.7.1

func (stkc *StakingContract) Run(input []byte) ([]byte, error)

type StateDB

type StateDB interface {

	SubBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
	AddBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
	GetBalance(common.Address) *big.Int

	GetNonce(common.Address) uint64
	SetNonce(common.Address, uint64)

	GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash
	GetCode(common.Address) []byte
	SetCode(common.Address, []byte)
	GetCodeSize(common.Address) int

	GetRefund() uint64

	// todo: hash -> bytes
	GetCommittedState(common.Address, []byte) []byte
	//GetState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
	//SetState(common.Address, common.Hash, common.Hash)
	GetState(common.Address, []byte) []byte
	SetState(common.Address, []byte, []byte)

	Suicide(common.Address) bool
	HasSuicided(common.Address) bool

	// Exist reports whether the given account exists in state.
	// Notably this should also return true for suicided accounts.
	Exist(common.Address) bool
	// Empty returns whether the given account is empty. Empty
	// is defined according to EIP161 (balance = nonce = code = 0).
	Empty(common.Address) bool

	Snapshot() int

	GetLogs(hash common.Hash) []*types.Log
	AddPreimage(common.Hash, []byte)

	ForEachStorage(common.Address, func([]byte, []byte) bool)
	MigrateStorage(from, to common.Address)
	//ppos add
	TxHash() common.Hash
	TxIdx() uint32

	IntermediateRoot(deleteEmptyObjects bool) common.Hash

	GetCurrentActiveVersion() uint32

StateDB is an EVM database for full state querying.

type Storage

type Storage map[common.Hash]common.Hash

Storage represents a contract's storage.

func (Storage) Copy

func (s Storage) Copy() Storage

Copy duplicates the current storage.

type StructLog

type StructLog struct {
	Pc            uint64                      `json:"pc"`
	Op            OpCode                      `json:"op"`
	Gas           uint64                      `json:"gas"`
	GasCost       uint64                      `json:"gasCost"`
	Memory        []byte                      `json:"memory"`
	MemorySize    int                         `json:"memSize"`
	Stack         []*big.Int                  `json:"stack"`
	ReturnStack   []uint32                    `json:"returnStack"`
	ReturnData    []byte                      `json:"returnData"`
	Storage       map[common.Hash]common.Hash `json:"-"`
	Depth         int                         `json:"depth"`
	RefundCounter uint64                      `json:"refund"`
	Err           error                       `json:"-"`

StructLog is emitted to the EVM each cycle and lists information about the current internal state prior to the execution of the statement.

func (*StructLog) ErrorString

func (s *StructLog) ErrorString() string

ErrorString formats the log's error as a string.

func (StructLog) MarshalJSON

func (s StructLog) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.

func (*StructLog) OpName

func (s *StructLog) OpName() string

OpName formats the operand name in a human-readable format.

func (*StructLog) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *StructLog) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.

type StructLogger

type StructLogger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StructLogger is an EVM state logger and implements Tracer.

StructLogger can capture state based on the given Log configuration and also keeps a track record of modified storage which is used in reporting snapshots of the contract their storage.

func NewStructLogger

func NewStructLogger(cfg *LogConfig) *StructLogger

NewStructLogger returns a new logger

func (*StructLogger) CaptureEnd

func (l *StructLogger) CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error

CaptureEnd is called after the call finishes to finalize the tracing.

func (*StructLogger) CaptureFault

func (l *StructLogger) CaptureFault(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error

CaptureFault implements the Tracer interface to trace an execution fault while running an opcode.

func (*StructLogger) CaptureStart

func (l *StructLogger) CaptureStart(from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) error

CaptureStart implements the Tracer interface to initialize the tracing operation.

func (*StructLogger) CaptureState

func (l *StructLogger) CaptureState(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, rData []byte, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error

CaptureState logs a new structured log message and pushes it out to the environment

CaptureState also tracks SLOAD/SSTORE ops to track storage change.

func (*StructLogger) Error

func (l *StructLogger) Error() error

Error returns the VM error captured by the trace.

func (*StructLogger) Output

func (l *StructLogger) Output() []byte

Output returns the VM return value captured by the trace.

func (*StructLogger) StructLogs

func (l *StructLogger) StructLogs() []StructLog

StructLogs returns the captured log entries.

type Tracer

type Tracer interface {
	CaptureStart(from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) error
	CaptureState(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, rData []byte, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error
	CaptureFault(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, rStack *ReturnStack, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error
	CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error

Tracer is used to collect execution traces from an EVM transaction execution. CaptureState is called for each step of the VM with the current VM state. Note that reference types are actual VM data structures; make copies if you need to retain them beyond the current call.

type TransferFunc

type TransferFunc func(StateDB, common.Address, common.Address, *big.Int)

TransferFunc is the signature of a transfer function

type VMContext added in v1.0.0

type VMContext struct {
	Input   []byte
	CallOut []byte
	Output  []byte

	Revert bool
	Log    *WasmLogger
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ValidateNode added in v0.7.0

type ValidateNode struct {
	Index     uint               `json:"index"`
	NodeID    discover.NodeID    `json:"nodeID"`
	Address   common.NodeAddress `json:"-"`
	BlsPubKey bls.PublicKey      `json:"blsPubKey"`

type ValidatorInnerContractBase added in v0.7.0

type ValidatorInnerContractBase interface {
	UpdateValidators(validators *Validators) error
	CurrentValidators() (*Validators, error)
	NextValidators() (*Validators, error)
	SwitchValidators(validBlockNumber uint64) error

type Validators added in v0.7.0

type Validators struct {
	ValidateNodes    NodeList `json:"validateNodes"`
	ValidBlockNumber uint64   `json:"-"`

func (*Validators) String added in v0.7.0

func (vds *Validators) String() string

type WASMInterpreter added in v0.7.0

type WASMInterpreter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WASMInterpreter represents an WASM interpreter

func NewWASMInterpreter added in v0.7.0

func NewWASMInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *WASMInterpreter

NewWASMInterpreter returns a new instance of the Interpreter

func (*WASMInterpreter) CanRun added in v0.7.0

func (in *WASMInterpreter) CanRun(code []byte) bool

CanRun tells if the contract, passed as an argument, can be run by the current interpreter

func (*WASMInterpreter) Run added in v0.7.0

func (in *WASMInterpreter) Run(contract *Contract, input []byte, readOnly bool) (ret []byte, err error)

Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns. the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred

It's important to note that any errors returned by the interpreter should be considered a revert-and-consume-all-gas operations except for ErrExecutionReverted which means revert-and-keep-gas-lfet.

type WasmDeploy added in v1.0.0

type WasmDeploy struct {
	VM   byte
	Args [][]byte

type WasmInoke added in v1.0.0

type WasmInoke struct {
	VM   byte
	Args *WasmParams

type WasmInsType added in v1.0.0

type WasmInsType byte
const (
	Unknown WasmInsType = 0x00
	Wagon   WasmInsType = 0x01

func Str2WasmType added in v1.0.0

func Str2WasmType(str string) WasmInsType

func (WasmInsType) String added in v1.0.0

func (t WasmInsType) String() string

type WasmLogger added in v0.7.0

type WasmLogger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewWasmLogger added in v0.7.0

func NewWasmLogger(cfg Config, root log.Logger) *WasmLogger

func (*WasmLogger) Crit added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Crit(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

func (*WasmLogger) Debug added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Debug(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

func (*WasmLogger) Error added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Error(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

func (*WasmLogger) Flush added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Flush()

func (*WasmLogger) GetHandler added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) GetHandler() log.Handler

GetHandler gets the handler associated with the logger.

func (*WasmLogger) Info added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Info(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

func (*WasmLogger) New added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) New(ctx ...interface{}) log.Logger

func (*WasmLogger) SetHandler added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) SetHandler(h log.Handler)

SetHandler updates the logger to write records to the specified handler.

func (*WasmLogger) Trace added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Trace(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

Log a message at the given level with context key/value pairs

func (*WasmLogger) Warn added in v0.7.0

func (wl *WasmLogger) Warn(msg string, ctx ...interface{})

type WasmParams added in v1.0.0

type WasmParams struct {
	FuncName []byte
	Args     [][]byte


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Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.

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