Google Vertex AI API Client
Since the Vertex AI API does not allow API Keys,
the API Client will automatically use the credentials
from the environment to create an access token to be used
in the request.
Access tokens are short-lived, so a new client should be created for each request.
go get
Authenticate with user GCP credentials
gcloud auth application-default login
package main
import (
vertexai ""
func main() {
client, err := vertexai.NewClient(vertexai.ClientConfig{Debug: true})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to create client client: %s", err.Error())
// code model
request := vertexai.ChatRequest{
Debug: true,
ModelID: vertexai.BISON_CODE_MODEL_ID,
Prompt: "Who do most people consider to be the best basketball player of all time",
response, err := client.ChatResponse(request)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to get client response: %s", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("Vertex Response: %s", response)
// text model
request = vertexai.ChatRequest{
Debug: true,
ModelID: vertexai.BISON_TEXT_MODEL_ID,
Instances: []vertexai.Instance{
Content: "Who is the best basketball player of all time?",
response, err = client.ChatResponse(request)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to get client response: %s", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("Vertex Response: %s", response)