Run go get
Edit influxdb-zabbix.conf to match your needs
Create user:
CREATE USER influxdb_zabbix WITH PASSWORD '***';
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO influxdb_zabbix;
Grants at the database level:
GRANT SELECT ON public.history, public.history_uint TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.trends, public.trends_uint TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.applications TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.items TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.hosts TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.hosts_groups TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.hstgrp TO influxdb_zabbix;
GRANT SELECT ON public.items_applications TO influxdb_zabbix;
Create indexes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_history_clock_ns_itemid
ON public.history USING btree (clock)
TABLESPACE zabbixindex;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_history_uint_clock_ns_itemid
ON public.history_uint USING btree (clock)
TABLESPACE zabbixindex;
CREATE INDEX idx_trends_clock_itemid
ON public.trends USING btree (clock)
TABLESPACE zabbixindex;
CREATE INDEX idx_trends_uint_clock_itemid
ON public.trends_uint USING btree (clock)
TABLESPACE zabbixindex;
MariaDB / MySQL:
Create user:
CREATE USER 'influxdb_zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '***';
Grants at the database level:
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.trends TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.trends_uint TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.history TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.history_uint TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.applications TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.items TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.hosts TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.hosts_groups TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.hstgrp TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON zabbix.items_applications TO influxdb_zabbix@localhost;
flush privileges;
Create indexes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_history_clock_ns_itemid
ON history (clock) USING btree;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_history_uint_clock_ns_itemid
ON history_uint (clock) USING btree;
CREATE INDEX idx_trends_clock_itemid
ON trends (clock) USING btree;
CREATE INDEX idx_trends_uint_clock_itemid
ON trends_uint (clock) USING btree;
For trends_* tables we can use pt-online-schema-change for online index create without lock, but for history_* tables we can
only use create index, because primary key for these tables does not exist.
How to use GO code
Run in background: go run influxdb-zabbix.go &
Build in the current directory: go build influxdb-zabbix.go
Install in $GOPATH/bin: go install influxdb-zabbix.go