Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func IsBadRequest(err error) bool
- func IsForbidden(err error) bool
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsUnauthorized(err error) bool
- type APIcastPolicy
- type APIcastPolicyItem
- type APIcastPolicyRegistry
- type APIcastPolicySchema
- type AccessToken
- type Account
- type AccountElem
- type AccountList
- type ActiveDoc
- type ActiveDocItem
- type ActiveDocList
- type AdminPortal
- type AfterResponseCB
- type ApiErr
- type Application
- type ApplicationElem
- type ApplicationList
- type ApplicationPlan
- type ApplicationPlanItem
- type ApplicationPlanJSONList
- type ApplicationPlanLimit
- type ApplicationPlanLimitItem
- type ApplicationPlanLimitList
- type ApplicationPlanPricingRule
- type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleItem
- type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList
- type ApplicationPlansList
- type Backend
- type BackendAPIUsage
- type BackendAPIUsageItem
- type BackendAPIUsageList
- type BackendApi
- type BackendApiItem
- type BackendApiList
- type BillingAddressSpec
- type Configuration
- type Content
- type ContentProxy
- type DeveloperAccount
- type DeveloperAccountItem
- type DeveloperAccountList
- type DeveloperUser
- type DeveloperUserItem
- type DeveloperUserList
- type ErrorResp
- type Limit
- type LimitList
- type MappingRule
- type MappingRuleItem
- type MappingRuleJSON
- type MappingRuleJSONList
- type MappingRuleList
- type Method
- type MethodItem
- type MethodList
- type Metric
- type MetricItem
- type MetricJSON
- type MetricJSONList
- type MetricList
- type OIDCConfiguration
- type OIDCConfigurationItem
- type Params
- type Plan
- type PoliciesConfigList
- type PolicyChain
- type PolicyConfig
- type Product
- type ProductItem
- type ProductList
- type Proxy
- type ProxyConfig
- type ProxyConfigElement
- type ProxyConfigList
- type ProxyItem
- type ProxyJSON
- type ProxyRule
- type Service
- type ServiceList
- type Signup
- type Tenant
- type ThreeScaleClient
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActivateDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActivateUser(accountID, userID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActiveDoc(id int64) (*ActiveDoc, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlan(productID, id int64) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApi(id int64) (*BackendApi, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToAdminDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToMemberDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateAPIcastPolicy(item *APIcastPolicy) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateActiveDoc(activeDoc *ActiveDoc) (*ActiveDoc, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApp(accountId string, planId string, name string, description string) (Application, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateAppPlan(svcId string, name string, stateEvent string) (Plan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlan(productID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanPricingRule(planID, metricID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanPricingRule, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApi(params Params) (*BackendApi, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMetric(backendapiID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiUsage(productID int64, params Params) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateDeveloperUser(accountID int64, user *DeveloperUser) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, period string, value int) (Limit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitEndUserPlan(endUserPlanId string, metricId string, period string, value int) (Limit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateMappingRule(svcId string, method string, pattern string, delta int, metricId string) (MappingRule, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateMetric(svcId string, name string, description string, unit string) (Metric, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProduct(name string, params Params) (*Product, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMappingRule(productID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMethod(productID, hitsID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMetric(productID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateService(name string) (Service, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateTenant(orgName, username, email, password string) (*Tenant, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAPIcastPolicy(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteActiveDoc(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAppPlan(svcId string, appPlanId string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplication(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlan(productID, id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanPricingRule(planID, metricID, ruleID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApi(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperAccount(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerEndUserPlan(userPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMappingRule(svcId string, id string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMetric(svcId string, id string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProduct(id int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMetric(productID, metricID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteService(id string) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteTenant(tenantID int64) error
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeployProductProxy(productID int64) (*ProxyJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperAccount(accountID int64) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) GetLatestProxyConfig(svcId string, env string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) GetProxyConfig(svcId string, env string, version string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAPIcastPolicies() (*APIcastPolicyRegistry, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAccounts() (*AccountList, error)deprecated
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListActiveDocs() (*ActiveDocList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlan() (ApplicationPlansList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlanByServiceId(svcId string) (ApplicationPlansList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansByProduct(productID int64) (*ApplicationPlanJSONList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansLimits(planID int64) (*ApplicationPlanLimitList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansPricingRules(planID int64) (*ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplications(accountID int64) (*ApplicationList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendApis() (*BackendApiList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMappingRules(backendapiID int64) (*MappingRuleJSONList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMethods(backendapiID, hitsID int64) (*MethodList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMetrics(backendapiID int64) (*MetricJSONList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiUsages(productID int64) (BackendAPIUsageList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperAccounts() (*DeveloperAccountList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperUsers(accountID int64, filterParams Params) (*DeveloperUserList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerAppPlan(appPlanId string) (LimitList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerEndUserPlan(endUserPlanId string, metricId string) (LimitList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerMetric(appPlanId string, metricId string) (LimitList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListMappingRule(svcId string) (MappingRuleList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListMetrics(svcId string) (MetricList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMappingRules(productID int64) (*MappingRuleJSONList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMethods(productID, hitsID int64) (*MethodList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMetrics(productID int64) (*MetricJSONList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProducts() (*ProductList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProxyConfig(svcId string, env string) (ProxyConfigList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListServices() (ServiceList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListUsers(accountID int64, filterParams Params) (*UserList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) OIDCConfiguration(productID int64) (*OIDCConfiguration, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Policies(productID int64) (*PoliciesConfigList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Product(id int64) (*Product, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMetric(productID, metricID int64) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductProxy(productID int64) (*ProxyJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) PromoteProxyConfig(svcId string, env string, version string, toEnv string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadAPIcastPolicy(id int64) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadProxy(svcID string) (Proxy, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadUser(accountID, userID int64) (*User, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetCredentials(credential string)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetDefaultPlan(svcId string, id string) (Plan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetHook(cb AfterResponseCB)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ShowTenant(tenantID int64) (*Tenant, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Signup(params Params) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SuspendDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UnbindActiveDocFromProduct(id int64) (*ActiveDoc, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UnsuspendDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAPIcastPolicy(item *APIcastPolicy) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateActiveDoc(activeDoc *ActiveDoc) (*ActiveDoc, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAppPlan(svcId string, appPlanId string, name string, stateEvent string, params Params) (Plan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlan(productID, id int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApi(id int64, params Params) (*BackendApi, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64, params Params) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperAccount(account *DeveloperAccount) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperUser(accountID int64, user *DeveloperUser) (*DeveloperUser, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string, p Params) (Limit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerEndUserPlan(userPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string, p Params) (Limit, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateMappingRule(svcId string, id string, params Params) (MappingRule, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateMetric(svcId string, id string, params Params) (Metric, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateOIDCConfiguration(productID int64, oidcConf *OIDCConfiguration) (*OIDCConfiguration, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdatePolicies(productID int64, policies *PoliciesConfigList) (*PoliciesConfigList, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProduct(id int64, params Params) (*Product, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMetric(productID, metricID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductProxy(productID int64, params Params) (*ProxyJSON, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProxy(svcId string, params Params) (Proxy, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateService(id string, params Params) (Service, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateTenant(tenantID int64, params Params) (*Tenant, error)
- func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateUser(accountID int64, userID int64, userParams Params) (*User, error)
- type Userdeprecated
- type UserElemdeprecated
- type UserListdeprecated
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IsBadRequest ¶
IsBadRequest determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is invalid.
func IsForbidden ¶
IsForbidden determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is forbidden and cannot be completed as requested.
func IsNotFound ¶
IsNotFound returns true if the specified error was created by NewNotFound.
func IsUnauthorized ¶
IsUnauthorized determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is unauthorized and requires authentication by the user.
Types ¶
type APIcastPolicy ¶
type APIcastPolicy struct {
Element APIcastPolicyItem `json:"policy"`
type APIcastPolicyItem ¶
type APIcastPolicyRegistry ¶
type APIcastPolicyRegistry struct {
Items []APIcastPolicy `json:"policies"`
type APIcastPolicySchema ¶
type APIcastPolicySchema struct { Summary *string `json:"summary,omitempty"` Description *[]string `json:"description,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Schema *string `json:"$schema,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Configuration *json.RawMessage `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
type AccessToken ¶
type AccountElem ¶
type AccountElem struct {
Account Account `json:"account"`
type AccountList ¶
type AccountList struct {
Accounts []AccountElem `json:"accounts"`
type ActiveDoc ¶
type ActiveDoc struct {
Element ActiveDocItem `json:"api_doc"`
type ActiveDocItem ¶
type ActiveDocItem struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` SystemName *string `json:"system_name,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Published *bool `json:"published,omitempty"` SkipSwaggerValidations *bool `json:"skip_swagger_validations,omitempty"` Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` ServiceID *int64 `json:"service_id,omitempty"` CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
type ActiveDocList ¶
type ActiveDocList struct {
ActiveDocs []ActiveDoc `json:"api_docs"`
type AdminPortal ¶
type AdminPortal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AdminPortal defines a 3scale adminPortal service
func NewAdminPortal ¶
func NewAdminPortal(scheme string, host string, port int) (*AdminPortal, error)
Returns a custom AdminPortal which integrates with the users Account Management API. Supported schemes are http and https
func NewAdminPortalFromStr ¶
func NewAdminPortalFromStr(portaURL string) (*AdminPortal, error)
Returns a custom AdminPortal which integrates with the users Account Management API.
type AfterResponseCB ¶
AfterResponseCB provides a hook that can be used to infer details of the underlying HTTP request/response
type Application ¶
type Application struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` State string `json:"state"` UserAccountID string `json:"user_account_id"` FirstTrafficAt string `json:"first_traffic_at"` FirstDailyTrafficAt string `json:"first_daily_traffic_at"` EndUserRequired bool `json:"end_user_required"` ServiceID int64 `json:"service_id"` UserKey string `json:"user_key"` ProviderVerificationKey string `json:"provider_verification_key"` PlanID int64 `json:"plan_id"` AppName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` ExtraFields string `json:"extra_fields"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Application - API response for create app endpoint
type ApplicationElem ¶
type ApplicationElem struct {
Application Application `json:"application"`
ApplicationElem - Holds a intenal application element
type ApplicationList ¶
type ApplicationList struct {
Applications []ApplicationElem `json:"applications"`
ApplicationList - Holds a list of applications
type ApplicationPlan ¶
type ApplicationPlan struct {
Element ApplicationPlanItem `json:"application_plan"`
ApplicationPlan - Holds an Application Plan obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanItem ¶
type ApplicationPlanItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` State string `json:"state"` SetupFee float64 `json:"setup_fee"` CostPerMonth float64 `json:"cost_per_month"` TrialPeriodDays int `json:"trial_period_days"` CancellationPeriod int `json:"cancellation_period"` ApprovalRequired bool `json:"approval_required"` Default bool `json:"default"` Custom bool `json:"custom"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
ApplicationPlanItem - Defines the application plan object serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanJSONList ¶
type ApplicationPlanJSONList struct {
Plans []ApplicationPlan `json:"plans"`
ApplicationPlanJSONList - Holds a list of Application plans serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanLimit ¶
type ApplicationPlanLimit struct {
Element ApplicationPlanLimitItem `json:"limit"`
ApplicationPlanLimit - Holds an Application Plan limit obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanLimitItem ¶
type ApplicationPlanLimitItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Period string `json:"period"` Value int `json:"value"` MetricID int64 `json:"metric_id"` PlanID int64 `json:"plan_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
ApplicationPlanLimitItem - Holds an Application Plan limit item obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanLimitList ¶
type ApplicationPlanLimitList struct {
Limits []ApplicationPlanLimit `json:"limits"`
ApplicationPlanLimitList - Holds a list of Application Plan limits serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanPricingRule ¶
type ApplicationPlanPricingRule struct {
Element ApplicationPlanPricingRuleItem `json:"pricing_rule"`
ApplicationPlanPricingRule - Holds an Application Plan pricing rule obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleItem ¶
type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` MetricID int64 `json:"metric_id"` CostPerUnit string `json:"cost_per_unit"` Min int `json:"min"` Max int `json:"max"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
ApplicationPlanPricingRuleItem - Holds an Application Plan pricing rule item obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList ¶
type ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList struct {
Rules []ApplicationPlanPricingRule `json:"pricing_rules"`
ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList - Holds a list of Application Plan pricing rules serialized/Unserialized in json format
type ApplicationPlansList ¶
ApplicationPlansList - Holds a list of application plans Deprecated. Use ApplicationPlanJSONList instead
type BackendAPIUsage ¶
type BackendAPIUsage struct {
Element BackendAPIUsageItem `json:"backend_usage"`
BackendAPIUsage - Defines the backend usage object serialized/Unserialized in json format
type BackendAPIUsageItem ¶
type BackendAPIUsageItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Path string `json:"path"` ProductID int64 `json:"service_id"` BackendAPIID int64 `json:"backend_id"` }
BackendAPIUsageItem - Defines the backend usage object serialized/Unserialized in json format
type BackendAPIUsageList ¶
type BackendAPIUsageList []BackendAPIUsage
BackendAPIUsageList - Holds a list of MappingRules serialized/Unserialized in json format
type BackendApi ¶
type BackendApi struct {
Element BackendApiItem `json:"backend_api"`
type BackendApiItem ¶
type BackendApiItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` Description string `json:"description"` PrivateEndpoint string `json:"private_endpoint"` AccountID int64 `json:"account_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
type BackendApiList ¶
type BackendApiList struct {
Backends []BackendApi `json:"backend_apis"`
type BillingAddressSpec ¶
type BillingAddressSpec struct { Company *string `json:"company,omitempty"` Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` Address1 *string `json:"address1,omitempty"` Address2 *string `json:"address2,omitempty"` PhoneNumber *string `json:"phone_number,omitempty"` City *string `json:"city,omitempty"` Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Zip *string `json:"zip,omitempty"` }
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { }
type Content ¶
type Content struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` AccountID int64 `json:"account_id"` Name string `json:"name"` OnelineDescription interface{} `json:"oneline_description"` Description interface{} `json:"description"` TxtAPI interface{} `json:"txt_api"` TxtSupport interface{} `json:"txt_support"` TxtFeatures interface{} `json:"txt_features"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` LogoFileName interface{} `json:"logo_file_name"` LogoContentType interface{} `json:"logo_content_type"` LogoFileSize interface{} `json:"logo_file_size"` State string `json:"state"` IntentionsRequired bool `json:"intentions_required"` DraftName string `json:"draft_name"` Infobar interface{} `json:"infobar"` Terms interface{} `json:"terms"` DisplayProviderKeys bool `json:"display_provider_keys"` TechSupportEmail interface{} `json:"tech_support_email"` AdminSupportEmail interface{} `json:"admin_support_email"` CreditCardSupportEmail interface{} `json:"credit_card_support_email"` BuyersManageApps bool `json:"buyers_manage_apps"` BuyersManageKeys bool `json:"buyers_manage_keys"` CustomKeysEnabled bool `json:"custom_keys_enabled"` BuyerPlanChangePermission string `json:"buyer_plan_change_permission"` BuyerCanSelectPlan bool `json:"buyer_can_select_plan"` NotificationSettings interface{} `json:"notification_settings"` DefaultApplicationPlanID int64 `json:"default_application_plan_id"` DefaultServicePlanID int64 `json:"default_service_plan_id"` DefaultEndUserPlanID interface{} `json:"default_end_user_plan_id"` EndUserRegistrationRequired bool `json:"end_user_registration_required"` TenantID int64 `json:"tenant_id"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` BackendVersion string `json:"backend_version"` MandatoryAppKey bool `json:"mandatory_app_key"` BuyerKeyRegenerateEnabled bool `json:"buyer_key_regenerate_enabled"` SupportEmail string `json:"support_email"` ReferrerFiltersRequired bool `json:"referrer_filters_required"` DeploymentOption string `json:"deployment_option"` Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable?"` BackendAuthenticationType string `json:"backend_authentication_type"` BackendAuthenticationValue string `json:"backend_authentication_value"` Proxy ContentProxy `json:"proxy"` }
type ContentProxy ¶
type ContentProxy struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` TenantID int64 `json:"tenant_id"` ServiceID int64 `json:"service_id"` Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` DeployedAt interface{} `json:"deployed_at"` APIBackend string `json:"api_backend"` AuthAppKey string `json:"auth_app_key"` AuthAppID string `json:"auth_app_id"` AuthUserKey string `json:"auth_user_key"` CredentialsLocation string `json:"credentials_location"` ErrorAuthFailed string `json:"error_auth_failed"` ErrorAuthMissing string `json:"error_auth_missing"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` ErrorStatusAuthFailed int64 `json:"error_status_auth_failed"` ErrorHeadersAuthFailed string `json:"error_headers_auth_failed"` ErrorStatusAuthMissing int64 `json:"error_status_auth_missing"` ErrorHeadersAuthMissing string `json:"error_headers_auth_missing"` ErrorNoMatch string `json:"error_no_match"` ErrorStatusNoMatch int64 `json:"error_status_no_match"` ErrorHeadersNoMatch string `json:"error_headers_no_match"` SecretToken string `json:"secret_token"` HostnameRewrite *string `json:"hostname_rewrite"` OauthLoginURL interface{} `json:"oauth_login_url"` SandboxEndpoint string `json:"sandbox_endpoint"` APITestPath string `json:"api_test_path"` APITestSuccess *bool `json:"api_test_success"` ApicastConfigurationDriven bool `json:"apicast_configuration_driven"` OidcIssuerEndpoint interface{} `json:"oidc_issuer_endpoint"` LockVersion int64 `json:"lock_version"` AuthenticationMethod string `json:"authentication_method"` HostnameRewriteForSandbox string `json:"hostname_rewrite_for_sandbox"` EndpointPort int64 `json:"endpoint_port"` Valid bool `json:"valid?"` ServiceBackendVersion string `json:"service_backend_version"` Hosts []string `json:"hosts"` Backend Backend `json:"backend"` PolicyChain []PolicyChain `json:"policy_chain"` ProxyRules []ProxyRule `json:"proxy_rules"` }
type DeveloperAccount ¶
type DeveloperAccount struct {
Element DeveloperAccountItem `json:"account"`
type DeveloperAccountItem ¶
type DeveloperAccountItem struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` CreditCardStored *bool `json:"credit_card_stored,omitempty"` MonthlyBillingEnabled *bool `json:"monthly_billing_enabled,omitempty"` MonthlyChargingEnabled *bool `json:"monthly_charging_enabled,omitempty"` VatRate *string `json:"vat_rate,omitempty"` OrgName *string `json:"org_name,omitempty"` City *string `json:"city,omitempty"` OrgLegalAddress *string `json:"org_legaladdress,omitempty"` BillingAddress *BillingAddressSpec `json:"billing_address,omitempty"` BussinessCategory *string `json:"business_category,omitempty"` OrgLegaladdressCont *string `json:"org_legaladdress_cont,omitempty"` VatCode *string `json:"vat_code,omitempty"` TelephoneNumber *string `json:"telephone_number,omitempty"` FiscalCode *string `json:"fiscale_code,omitempty"` StateRegion *string `json:"state_region,omitempty"` Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"` Zip *string `json:"zip,omitempty"` PrimaryBussiness *string `json:"primary_business,omitempty"` PoNumber *string `json:"po_number,omitempty"` CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
type DeveloperAccountList ¶
type DeveloperAccountList struct {
Items []DeveloperAccount `json:"accounts"`
type DeveloperUser ¶
type DeveloperUser struct {
Element DeveloperUserItem `json:"user"`
type DeveloperUserItem ¶
type DeveloperUserItem struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
type DeveloperUserList ¶
type DeveloperUserList struct {
Items []DeveloperUser `json:"users"`
type Limit ¶
type Limit struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"limit"` ID string `xml:"id"` MetricID string `xml:"metric_id"` PlanID string `xml:"plan_id"` Period string `xml:"period"` Value string `xml:"value"` }
Limit - Defines the object returned via the API for creation of a limit
type MappingRule ¶
type MappingRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"mapping_rule"` ID string `xml:"id,omitempty"` MetricID string `xml:"metric_id,omitempty"` Pattern string `xml:"pattern,omitempty"` HTTPMethod string `xml:"http_method,omitempty"` Delta string `xml:"delta,omitempty"` CreatedAt string `xml:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt string `xml:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
MappingRule - Defines the object returned via the API for creation of mapping rule
type MappingRuleItem ¶
type MappingRuleItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` MetricID int64 `json:"metric_id"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` HTTPMethod string `json:"http_method"` Delta int `json:"delta"` Position int `json:"position"` Last bool `json:"last"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
MappingRuleItem - Defines the mapping rule object serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MappingRuleJSON ¶
type MappingRuleJSON struct {
Element MappingRuleItem `json:"mapping_rule"`
MappingRuleJSON - Holds a MappingRule obj serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MappingRuleJSONList ¶
type MappingRuleJSONList struct {
MappingRules []MappingRuleJSON `json:"mapping_rules"`
MappingRuleJSONList - Holds a list of MappingRules serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MappingRuleList ¶
type MappingRuleList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"mapping_rules"` MappingRules []MappingRule `xml:"mapping_rule"` }
MappingRuleList - Holds a list of MappingRule
type Method ¶
type Method struct {
Element MethodItem `json:"method"`
type MethodItem ¶
type MethodItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"friendly_name"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` Description string `json:"description"` ParentID int64 `json:"parent_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
MethodItem - Defines the method object
type MethodList ¶
type MethodList struct {
Methods []Method `json:"methods"`
MethodList - Holds a list of Methods
type Metric ¶
type Metric struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"metric"` ID string `xml:"id"` MetricName string `xml:"name"` SystemName string `xml:"system_name"` FriendlyName string `xml:"friendly_name"` ServiceID string `xml:"service_id"` Description string `xml:"description"` Unit string `xml:"unit"` }
Metric - Defines the object returned via the API for creation of metric
type MetricItem ¶
type MetricItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"friendly_name"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` Description string `json:"description"` Unit string `json:"unit"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` }
MetricItem - Defines the metric object serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MetricJSON ¶
type MetricJSON struct {
Element MetricItem `json:"metric"`
MetricJSON - Holds a obj Metric serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MetricJSONList ¶
type MetricJSONList struct {
Metrics []MetricJSON `json:"metrics"`
MetricJSONList - Holds a list of Metrics serialized/Unserialized in json format
type MetricList ¶
MetricList - Holds a list of Metric
type OIDCConfiguration ¶
type OIDCConfiguration struct {
Element OIDCConfigurationItem `json:"oidc_configuration"`
OIDCConfiguration - Holds an OIDC configuration object
type OIDCConfigurationItem ¶
type OIDCConfigurationItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` StandardFlowEnabled bool `json:"standard_flow_enabled"` ImplicitFlowEnabled bool `json:"implicit_flow_enabled"` ServiceAccountsEnabled bool `json:"service_accounts_enabled"` DirectAccessGrantsEnabled bool `json:"direct_access_grants_enabled"` }
OIDCConfigurationItem - Holds an OIDC configuration item object
type Plan ¶
type Plan struct { XMLNameName xml.Name `xml:"plan"` Custom string `xml:"custom,attr"` Default bool `xml:"default,attr"` ID string `xml:"id"` PlanName string `xml:"name"` Type string `xml:"type"` State string `xml:"state"` ServiceID string `xml:"service_id"` EndUserRequired string `xml:"end_user_required"` ApprovalRequired string `xml:"approval_required"` SetupFee string `xml:"setup_fee"` CostPerMonth string `xml:"cost_per_month"` TrialPeriodDays string `xml:"trial_period_days"` CancellationPeriod string `xml:"cancellation_period"` Error string `xml:"error,omitempty"` }
Plan - API response for create application plan endpoint Deprecated. Use ApplicationPlanItem instead
type PoliciesConfigList ¶
type PoliciesConfigList struct {
Policies []PolicyConfig `json:"policies_config"`
PoliciesConfigList - Holds a list of policy configs serialized/Unserialized in json format
type PolicyChain ¶
type PolicyChain struct { Name string `json:"name"` Version string `json:"version"` Configuration Configuration `json:"configuration"` }
type PolicyConfig ¶
type PolicyConfig struct { // Name defines the policy unique name Name string `json:"name"` // Version defines the policy version Version string `json:"version"` // Configuration defines the policy configuration Configuration map[string]interface{} `json:"configuration"` // Version defines the policy version Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
PolicyConfig defines policy definition
type Product ¶
type Product struct {
Element ProductItem `json:"service"`
type ProductItem ¶
type ProductItem struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` DeploymentOption string `json:"deployment_option"` State string `json:"state"` SystemName string `json:"system_name"` BackendVersion string `json:"backend_version"` SupportEmail string `json:"support_email"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` IntentionsRequired bool `json:"intentions_required"` BuyersManageApps bool `json:"buyers_manage_apps"` BuyersManageKeys bool `json:"buyers_manage_keys"` ReferrerFiltersRequired bool `json:"referrer_filters_required"` CustomKeysEnabled bool `json:"custom_keys_enabled"` BuyerKeyRegenerateEnabled bool `json:"buyer_key_regenerate_enabled"` MandatoryAppKey bool `json:"mandatory_app_key"` BuyerCanSelectPlan bool `json:"buyer_can_select_plan"` BuyerPlanChangePermission string `json:"buyer_plan_change_permission"` }
type ProductList ¶
type ProductList struct {
Products []Product `json:"services"`
type Proxy ¶
type Proxy struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"proxy"` ServiceID string `xml:"service_id"` Endpoint string `xml:"endpoint"` ApiBackend string `xml:"api_backend"` CredentialsLocation string `xml:"credentials_location"` AuthAppKey string `xml:"auth_app_key"` AuthAppID string `xml:"auth_app_id"` AuthUserKey string `xml:"auth_user_key"` ErrorAuthFailed string `xml:"error_auth_failed"` ErrorAuthMissing string `xml:"error_auth_missing"` ErrorStatusAuthFailed string `xml:"error_status_auth_failed"` ErrorHeadersAuthFailed string `xml:"error_headers_auth_failed"` ErrorStatusAuthMissing string `xml:"error_status_auth_missing"` ErrorHeadersAuthMissing string `xml:"error_headers_auth_missing"` ErrorNoMatch string `xml:"error_no_match"` ErrorStatusNoMatch string `xml:"error_status_no_match"` ErrorHeadersNoMatch string `xml:"error_headers_no_match"` SecretToken string `xml:"secret_token"` HostnameRewrite string `xml:"hostname_rewrite"` SandboxEndpoint string `xml:"sandbox_endpoint"` ApiTestPath string `xml:"api_test_path"` PoliciesConfig string `xml:"policies_config"` CreatedAt string `xml:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `xml:"updated_at"` LockVersion string `xml:"lock_version"` OidcIssuerEndpoint string `xml:"oidc_issuer_endpoint"` }
Deprecated. Use ProxyItem instead
type ProxyConfig ¶
type ProxyConfigElement ¶
type ProxyConfigElement struct {
ProxyConfig ProxyConfig `json:"proxy_config"`
type ProxyConfigList ¶
type ProxyConfigList struct {
ProxyConfigs []ProxyConfigElement `json:"proxy_configs"`
type ProxyItem ¶
type ProxyItem struct { ServiceID int64 `json:"service_id"` Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` ApiBackend string `json:"api_backend"` CredentialsLocation string `json:"credentials_location"` AuthAppKey string `json:"auth_app_key"` AuthAppID string `json:"auth_app_id"` AuthUserKey string `json:"auth_user_key"` ErrorAuthFailed string `json:"error_auth_failed"` ErrorAuthMissing string `json:"error_auth_missing"` ErrorStatusAuthFailed int `json:"error_status_auth_failed"` ErrorHeadersAuthFailed string `json:"error_headers_auth_failed"` ErrorStatusAuthMissing int `json:"error_status_auth_missing"` ErrorHeadersAuthMissing string `json:"error_headers_auth_missing"` ErrorNoMatch string `json:"error_no_match"` ErrorStatusNoMatch int `json:"error_status_no_match"` ErrorHeadersNoMatch string `json:"error_headers_no_match"` ErrorLimitsExceeded string `json:"error_limits_exceeded"` ErrorStatusLimitsExceeded int `json:"error_status_limits_exceeded"` ErrorHeadersLimitsExceeded string `json:"error_headers_limits_exceeded"` SecretToken string `json:"secret_token"` HostnameRewrite string `json:"hostname_rewrite"` SandboxEndpoint string `json:"sandbox_endpoint"` ApiTestPath string `json:"api_test_path"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` LockVersion int `json:"lock_version"` OidcIssuerEndpoint string `json:"oidc_issuer_endpoint"` OidcIssuerType string `json:"oidc_issuer_type,omitempty"` JwtClaimWithClientID string `json:"jwt_claim_with_client_id,omitempty"` JwtClaimWithClientIDType string `json:"jwt_claim_with_client_id_type,omitempty"` }
type ProxyRule ¶
type ProxyRule struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` ProxyID int64 `json:"proxy_id"` HTTPMethod string `json:"http_method"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` MetricID int64 `json:"metric_id"` MetricSystemName string `json:"metric_system_name"` Delta int64 `json:"delta"` TenantID int64 `json:"tenant_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` RedirectURL interface{} `json:"redirect_url"` Parameters []string `json:"parameters"` QuerystringParameters Configuration `json:"querystring_parameters"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` Last bool `json:"last,omitempty"` }
type Service ¶
type Service struct { ID string `xml:"id"` AccountID string `xml:"account_id"` Name string `xml:"name"` Description string `xml:"description"` DeploymentOption string `xml:"deployment_option"` State string `xml:"state"` SystemName string `xml:"system_name"` BackendVersion string `xml:"backend_version"` EndUserRegistrationRequired string `xml:"end_user_registration_required"` Metrics MetricList `xml:"metrics"` }
Deprecated use Product instead
type ServiceList ¶
type Signup ¶
type Signup struct { Account Account `json:"account"` AccessToken AccessToken `json:"access_token"` }
type ThreeScaleClient ¶
type ThreeScaleClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ThreeScaleClient interacts with 3scale Service Management API
func NewThreeScale ¶
func NewThreeScale(backEnd *AdminPortal, credential string, httpClient *http.Client) *ThreeScaleClient
Creates a ThreeScaleClient to communicate with Account Management API. If http Client is nil, the default http client will be used
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ActivateDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActivateDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
ActivateDeveloperUser activates user of a given account from pending state to active
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ActivateUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActivateUser(accountID, userID int64) error
ActivateUser activates user of a given account from pending state to active Deprecated: Use ActivateDeveloperUser instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ActiveDoc ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ActiveDoc(id int64) (*ActiveDoc, error)
ActiveDoc Reads 3scale Activedoc
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlan(productID, id int64) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
ApplicationPlan Read 3scale product application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlanLimit ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
ApplicationPlanLimit Read 3scale application plan limit
func (*ThreeScaleClient) BackendApi ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApi(id int64) (*BackendApi, error)
BackendApi Read 3scale Backend
func (*ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64) (*Method, error)
BackendApiMethod Read 3scale Backend method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64) (*MetricJSON, error)
BackendApiMetric Read 3scale Backend metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
BackendapiMappingRule Read 3scale Backend mapping rule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiUsage ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) BackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
BackendapiUsage Read 3scale Backend usage
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToAdminDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToAdminDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
ChangeRoleToAdminDeveloperUser sets user of a given account to member role
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToMemberDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ChangeRoleToMemberDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
ChangeRoleToMemberDeveloperUser sets user of a given account to member role
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateAPIcastPolicy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateAPIcastPolicy(item *APIcastPolicy) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
CreateAPIcastPolicy Create 3scale apicast policy in the registry
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateActiveDoc ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateActiveDoc(activeDoc *ActiveDoc) (*ActiveDoc, error)
CreateActiveDoc Create 3scale activedoc
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateApp ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApp(accountId string, planId string, name string, description string) (Application, error)
CreateApp - Create an application. The application object can be extended with Fields Definitions in the Admin Portal where you can add/remove fields
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateAppPlan(svcId string, name string, stateEvent string) (Plan, error)
CreateAppPlan - Creates an application plan. Deprecated. Use CreateApplicationPlan instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlan(productID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
CreateApplicationPlan Create 3scale product application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanLimit ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
CreateApplicationPlanLimit Create 3scale application plan limit
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanPricingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateApplicationPlanPricingRule(planID, metricID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanPricingRule, error)
CreateApplicationPlanPricingRule Create 3scale application plan pricing rule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApi ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApi(params Params) (*BackendApi, error)
CreateBackendApi Create 3scale Backend
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
CreateBackendApiMethod Create 3scale Backend method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendApiMetric(backendapiID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
CreateBackendApiMetric Create 3scale Backend metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
CreateBackendapiMappingRule Create 3scale Backend mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiUsage ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateBackendapiUsage(productID int64, params Params) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
CreateBackendapiUsage Create 3scale Backend usage
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateDeveloperUser(accountID int64, user *DeveloperUser) (*DeveloperUser, error)
CreateDeveloperUser creates a new developer user username and email are unique fields for the entire provider account role attribute ["member", "admin"] cannot be set. All new developer users have member role state attribute ["pending", "active", "suspended"] cannot be set. All new developer users are in "pending" state
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, period string, value int) (Limit, error)
CreateLimitAppPlan - Adds a limit to a metric of an application plan. All applications with the application plan (application_plan_id) will be constrained by this new limit on the metric (metric_id). Deprecated. Use CreateApplicationPlanLimit instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitEndUserPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateLimitEndUserPlan(endUserPlanId string, metricId string, period string, value int) (Limit, error)
CreateLimitEndUserPlan - Adds a limit to a metric of an end user plan All applications with the application plan (end_user_plan_id) will be constrained by this new limit on the metric (metric_id). Deprecated. End User plans are deprecated
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateMappingRule( svcId string, method string, pattern string, delta int, metricId string) (MappingRule, error)
CreateMappingRule - Create API for Mapping Rule endpoint
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateMetric(svcId string, name string, description string, unit string) (Metric, error)
CreateMetric - Creates a metric on a service. All metrics are scoped by service.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateProduct ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProduct(name string, params Params) (*Product, error)
CreateProduct Create 3scale Product
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMappingRule(productID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
CreateProductMappingRule Create 3scale product mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMethod(productID, hitsID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
CreateProductMethod Create 3scale product method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateProductMetric(productID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
CreateProductMetric Create 3scale product metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateService ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateService(name string) (Service, error)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) CreateTenant ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) CreateTenant(orgName, username, email, password string) (*Tenant, error)
CreateTenant creates new tenant using 3scale API
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAPIcastPolicy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAPIcastPolicy(id int64) error
DeleteAPIcastPolicy Delete existing apicast policy in the registry
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteActiveDoc ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteActiveDoc(id int64) error
DeleteActiveDoc Delete existing activedoc
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteAppPlan(svcId string, appPlanId string) error
DeleteAppPlan - Deletes an application plan Deprecated. Use DeleteApplicationPlan instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplication ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplication(id int64) error
DeleteApplication Delete existing application
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlan(productID, id int64) error
DeleteApplicationPlan Delete 3scale product plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanLimit ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64) error
DeleteApplicationPlanLimit Delete 3scale application plan limit
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanPricingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteApplicationPlanPricingRule(planID, metricID, ruleID int64) error
DeleteApplicationPlanPricingRule Delete 3scale application plan pricing rule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApi ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApi(id int64) error
DeleteBackendApi Delete existing backend
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64) error
DeleteBackendApiMethod Delete 3scale Backend method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64) error
DeleteBackendApiMetric Delete 3scale Backend metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64) error
DeleteBackendapiMappingRule Delete 3scale Backend mapping rule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiUsage ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteBackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64) error
DeleteBackendapiUsage Delete 3scale Backend usage
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperAccount ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperAccount(id int64) error
DeleteDeveloperAccount Delete existing developerAccount
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) error
DeleteDeveloperUser Delete existing developerUser
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string) error
DeleteLimitPerAppPlan - Deletes a limit on a metric of an application plan Deprecated. Use DeleteApplicationPlanLimit instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerEndUserPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteLimitPerEndUserPlan(userPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string) error
DeleteLimitPerEndUserPlan - Deletes a limit on a metric of an end user plan Deprecated. End User plans are deprecated
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMappingRule(svcId string, id string) error
DeleteMappingRule - Deletes a Proxy Mapping Rule. The proxy object must be updated after a mapping rule deletion to apply the change to proxy config
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteMetric(svcId string, id string) error
DeleteMetric - Deletes the metric of a service. When a metric is deleted, the associated limits across application plans are removed
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProduct ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProduct(id int64) error
DeleteProduct Delete existing product
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64) error
DeleteProductMappingRule Delete 3scale product mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64) error
DeleteProductMethod Delete 3scale product method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteProductMetric(productID, metricID int64) error
DeleteProductMetric Delete 3scale product metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteService ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteService(id string) error
DeleteService - Delete the service. Deleting a service removes all applications and service subscriptions.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeleteTenant ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeleteTenant(tenantID int64) error
DeleteTenant - Schedules a tenant account to be permanently deleted in X days (check Porta doc)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeployProductProxy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeployProductProxy(productID int64) (*ProxyJSON, error)
ProductProxyDeploy Promotes proxy configuration to staging
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperAccount ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperAccount(accountID int64) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
Account fetches 3scale developer account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) DeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) GetLatestProxyConfig ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) GetLatestProxyConfig(svcId string, env string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
GetLatestProxyConfig - Returns the latest Proxy Config Supports invoking client callback upon response from 3scale
func (*ThreeScaleClient) GetProxyConfig ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) GetProxyConfig(svcId string, env string, version string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
GetProxyConfig - Returns the Proxy Configs of a Service Supports invoking client callback upon response from 3scale
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListAPIcastPolicies ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAPIcastPolicies() (*APIcastPolicyRegistry, error)
ListAPIcastPolicies List existing apicast policies in the registry for the client provider account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListAccounts
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAccounts() (*AccountList, error)
Deprecated: Use ListDeveloperAccounts instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListActiveDocs ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListActiveDocs() (*ActiveDocList, error)
ListActiveDocs List existing activedocs for the client provider account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlan() (ApplicationPlansList, error)
ListAppPlan - List all application plans
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlanByServiceId ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListAppPlanByServiceId(svcId string) (ApplicationPlansList, error)
ListAppPlanByServiceId - Lists all application plans, filtering on service id Deprecated. Use ListApplicationPlansByProduct instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansByProduct ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansByProduct(productID int64) (*ApplicationPlanJSONList, error)
ListApplicationPlansByProduct List existing application plans for a given product
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansLimits ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansLimits(planID int64) (*ApplicationPlanLimitList, error)
ListApplicationPlansLimits List existing application plan limits for a given application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansPricingRules ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplicationPlansPricingRules(planID int64) (*ApplicationPlanPricingRuleList, error)
ListApplicationPlansPricingRules List existing application plans pricing rules for a given application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListApplications ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListApplications(accountID int64) (*ApplicationList, error)
ListApplications - List of applications for a given account.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendApis ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendApis() (*BackendApiList, error)
ListBackends List existing backends
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMappingRules ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMappingRules(backendapiID int64) (*MappingRuleJSONList, error)
ListBackendapiMappingRules List existing backend mapping rules
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMethods ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMethods(backendapiID, hitsID int64) (*MethodList, error)
ListBackendapiMethods List existing backend methods
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMetrics ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiMetrics(backendapiID int64) (*MetricJSONList, error)
ListBackendapiMetrics List existing backend metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiUsages ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListBackendapiUsages(productID int64) (BackendAPIUsageList, error)
ListBackendapiUsages List existing backend usages for a given product
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperAccounts ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperAccounts() (*DeveloperAccountList, error)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperUsers ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListDeveloperUsers(accountID int64, filterParams Params) (*DeveloperUserList, error)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerAppPlan(appPlanId string) (LimitList, error)
ListLimitsPerAppPlan - Returns the list of all limits associated to an application plan. Deprecated. Use ListApplicationPlansLimits instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerEndUserPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerEndUserPlan(endUserPlanId string, metricId string) (LimitList, error)
ListLimitsPerEndUserPlan - Returns the list of all limits associated to an end user plan. Deprecated. End User plans are deprecated
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListLimitsPerMetric(appPlanId string, metricId string) (LimitList, error)
ListLimitsPerMetric - Returns the list of all limits associated to a metric of an application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListMappingRule(svcId string) (MappingRuleList, error)
ListMappingRule - List API for Mapping Rule endpoint
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListMetrics ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListMetrics(svcId string) (MetricList, error)
ListMetric - Returns the list of metrics of a service
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMappingRules ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMappingRules(productID int64) (*MappingRuleJSONList, error)
ListProductMappingRules List existing product mappingrules
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMethods ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMethods(productID, hitsID int64) (*MethodList, error)
ListProductMethods List existing product methods
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMetrics ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProductMetrics(productID int64) (*MetricJSONList, error)
ListProductMetrics List existing product metrics
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListProducts ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProducts() (*ProductList, error)
ListProducts List existing products
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListProxyConfig ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListProxyConfig(svcId string, env string) (ProxyConfigList, error)
ListProxyConfig - Returns the Proxy Configs of a Service env parameter should be one of 'sandbox', 'production'
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListServices ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListServices() (ServiceList, error)
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ListUsers ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ListUsers(accountID int64, filterParams Params) (*UserList, error)
ListUser list users of a given account and a given filter params Deprecated: Use ListDeveloperAccounts instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) OIDCConfiguration ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) OIDCConfiguration(productID int64) (*OIDCConfiguration, error)
OIDCConfiguration fetches 3scale product oidc configuration
func (*ThreeScaleClient) Policies ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Policies(productID int64) (*PoliciesConfigList, error)
Policies fetches 3scale product policy chain
func (*ThreeScaleClient) Product ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Product(id int64) (*Product, error)
BackendApi Read 3scale Backend
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ProductMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
ProductMappingRule Read 3scale product mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ProductMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64) (*Method, error)
ProductMethod Read 3scale product method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ProductMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductMetric(productID, metricID int64) (*MetricJSON, error)
ProductMetric Read 3scale product metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ProductProxy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ProductProxy(productID int64) (*ProxyJSON, error)
ProductProxy Read 3scale product proxy
func (*ThreeScaleClient) PromoteProxyConfig ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) PromoteProxyConfig(svcId string, env string, version string, toEnv string) (ProxyConfigElement, error)
PromoteProxyConfig - Promotes a Proxy Config from one environment to another environment.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ReadAPIcastPolicy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadAPIcastPolicy(id int64) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
ReadAPIcastPolicy Reads 3scale apicast policy from registry
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ReadProxy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadProxy(svcID string) (Proxy, error)
ReadProxy - Returns the Proxy for a specific Service. Deprecated - Use ProductProxy function instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ReadUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ReadUser(accountID, userID int64) (*User, error)
ReadUser reads user of a given account Deprecated: Use DeveloperUser instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) SetCredentials ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetCredentials(credential string)
SetCredentials allow the user to set the client credentials
func (*ThreeScaleClient) SetDefaultPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetDefaultPlan(svcId string, id string) (Plan, error)
SetDefaultPlan - Makes the application plan the default one
func (*ThreeScaleClient) SetHook ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SetHook(cb AfterResponseCB)
SetHook sets the callback which gets invoked upon response from 3scale Note, this is not supported by all endpoints, refer to endpoints documentation
func (*ThreeScaleClient) ShowTenant ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) ShowTenant(tenantID int64) (*Tenant, error)
ShowTenant - Returns tenant info for the specified ID
func (*ThreeScaleClient) Signup ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) Signup(params Params) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
Signup will create an Account, an Admin User for the account, and optionally an Application with its keys. If the plan_id is not passed, the default plan will be used instead.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) SuspendDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) SuspendDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
SuspendDeveloperUser suspends the user of a given account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UnbindActiveDocFromProduct ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UnbindActiveDocFromProduct(id int64) (*ActiveDoc, error)
UnbindActiveDocFromProduct removes product relationship from activedoc object
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UnsuspendDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UnsuspendDeveloperUser(accountID, userID int64) (*DeveloperUser, error)
UnsuspendDeveloperUser unsuspends the user of a given account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAPIcastPolicy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAPIcastPolicy(item *APIcastPolicy) (*APIcastPolicy, error)
UpdateAPIcastPolicy Update existing apicast policy in the registry
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateActiveDoc ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateActiveDoc(activeDoc *ActiveDoc) (*ActiveDoc, error)
UpdateActiveDoc Update existing activedoc
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateAppPlan(svcId string, appPlanId string, name string, stateEvent string, params Params) (Plan, error)
UpdateAppPlan - Updates an application plan Deprecated. Use UpdateApplicationPlan instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlan(productID, id int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlan, error)
UpdateApplicationPlan Update 3scale product application plan
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlanLimit ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateApplicationPlanLimit(planID, metricID, limitID int64, params Params) (*ApplicationPlanLimit, error)
UpdateApplicationPlanLimit Update 3scale application plan limit
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApi ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApi(id int64, params Params) (*BackendApi, error)
UpdateBackendApi Update 3scale Backend
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMethod(backendapiID, hitsID, methodID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
UpdateBackendApiMethod Update 3scale Backend method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendApiMetric(backendapiID, metricID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
UpdateBackendApiMetric Update 3scale Backend metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiMappingRule(backendapiID, mrID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
UpdateBackendapiMappingRule Update 3scale Backend mapping rule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiUsage ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateBackendapiUsage(productID, backendUsageID int64, params Params) (*BackendAPIUsage, error)
UpdateBackendapiUsage Update 3scale Backend usage
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperAccount ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperAccount(account *DeveloperAccount) (*DeveloperAccount, error)
UpdateDeveloperAccount Update existing developer account
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateDeveloperUser(accountID int64, user *DeveloperUser) (*DeveloperUser, error)
UpdateDeveloperUser Update existing developer user
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerAppPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerAppPlan(appPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string, p Params) (Limit, error)
UpdateLimitsPerPlan - Updates a limit on a metric of an end user plan Valid params keys and their purpose are as follows: "period" - Period of the limit "value" - Value of the limit Deprecated. Use UpdateApplicationPlanLimit instead
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerEndUserPlan ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateLimitPerEndUserPlan(userPlanId string, metricId string, limitId string, p Params) (Limit, error)
UpdateLimitsPerMetric - Updates a limit on a metric of an application plan Valid params keys and their purpose are as follows: "period" - Period of the limit "value" - Value of the limit Deprecated. End User plans are deprecated
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateMappingRule(svcId string, id string, params Params) (MappingRule, error)
UpdateMetric - Updates a Proxy Mapping Rule The proxy object must be updated after a mapping rule update to apply the change to proxy config Valid params keys and their purpose are as follows: "http_method" - HTTP method "pattern" - Mapping Rule pattern "delta" - Increase the metric by this delta "metric_id" - The metric ID
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateMetric ¶
UpdateMetric - Updates the metric of a service. Valid params keys and their purpose are as follows: "friendly_name" - Name of the metric. "unit" - Measure unit of the metric. "description" - Description of the metric.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateOIDCConfiguration ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateOIDCConfiguration(productID int64, oidcConf *OIDCConfiguration) (*OIDCConfiguration, error)
UpdateOIDCConfiguration Update 3scale product oidc configuration
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdatePolicies ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdatePolicies(productID int64, policies *PoliciesConfigList) (*PoliciesConfigList, error)
UpdatePolicies Update 3scale product policy chain
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProduct ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProduct(id int64, params Params) (*Product, error)
UpdateProduct Update existing product
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMappingRule ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMappingRule(productID, itemID int64, params Params) (*MappingRuleJSON, error)
UpdateProductMappingRule Update 3scale product mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMethod ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMethod(productID, hitsID, methodID int64, params Params) (*Method, error)
UpdateProductMethod Update 3scale product method
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMetric ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductMetric(productID, metricID int64, params Params) (*MetricJSON, error)
UpdateProductMetric Update 3scale product metric
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductProxy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProductProxy(productID int64, params Params) (*ProxyJSON, error)
UpdateProductProxy Update 3scale product mappingrule
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProxy ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateProxy(svcId string, params Params) (Proxy, error)
UpdateProxy - Changes the Proxy settings. This will create a new APIcast configuration version for the Staging environment with the updated settings.
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateService ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateService(id string, params Params) (Service, error)
UpdateService - Update the service. Valid params keys and their purpose are as follows: "name" - Name of the service. "description" - Description of the service "support_email" - New support email. "tech_support_email" - New tech support email. "admin_support_email" - New admin support email. "deployment_option" - Deployment option for the gateway: 'hosted' for APIcast hosted, 'self-managed' for APIcast Self-managed option "backend_version" - Authentication mode: '1' for API key, '2' for App Id / App Key, 'oauth' for OAuth mode, 'oidc' for OpenID Connect
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateTenant ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateTenant(tenantID int64, params Params) (*Tenant, error)
UpdateTenant - Updates tenant info for the specified ID
func (*ThreeScaleClient) UpdateUser ¶
func (c *ThreeScaleClient) UpdateUser(accountID int64, userID int64, userParams Params) (*User, error)
UpdateUser updates user of a given account Deprecated: Use UpdateDeveloperUser instead