Most of Gofem was developed to support the numerical research that resulted in the following papers:
Pedroso DM (2015) A consistent u-p formulation for porous media with hysteresis. Int Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 101(8) 606-634
Pedroso DM (2015) A solution to transient seepage in unsaturated porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285 791-816
Pedroso DM, Sheng D and Zhao, J (2009) The concept of reference curves for constitutive modelling in soil mechanics, Computers and Geotechnics, 36(1-2), 149-165,
Pedroso DM and Williams DJ (2010) A novel approach for modelling soil-water characteristic curves with hysteresis, Computers and Geotechnics, 37(3), 374-380,
Pedroso DM and Williams DJ (2011) Automatic Calibration of soil-water characteristic curves using genetic algorithms. Computers and Geotechnics, 38(3), 330-340,
Funding from the Australian Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.