OGC APIs are constructed by different building blocks. These building blocks are composed of the different OGC API standards as defined by the OGC. Each OGC building block resides in its own Go package.
Naming convention
When coding we will try to use the naming convention as that is used by the OGC. So it is clean which specification or part is referred to in the code.
We use templates to generate static/pre-defined API responses based on the given GoKoala configuration file. Lots of OGC API responses can be statically generated. Generation happens at startup and results are served from memory when an API request is received. Benefits of this approach are:
- Lightning fast responses to API calls since everything is served from memory
- Fail fast since validation is performed during startup
We will have duplication between JSON and HTML templates: that's ok. They're different representations of the same data. Don't try to be clever and "optimize" it. The duplication is pretty obvious/visible since the files only differ by extension, so it's clear any changes need to be done in both representations. Having independent files keeps the templates simple and flexible.
IDE support
See README in the root.
Tip: handling JSON
When generating JSON arrays using templates you need to be aware of trailing commas. The last element in an array must not contain a comma. To prevent this, either:
- Add the comma in front of array items
- Use the index of a
to check array position and place the comma based on the index - The most comprehensive solution is to use:
{{ $first := true }}
{{ range $_, $element := .}}
{{if not $first}}, {{else}} {{$first = false}} {{end}}