Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type ActivationUser
- type AgentDetail
- type AgentListResponse
- type AgentLoginRequest
- type AgentLoginResponse
- type AppInfo
- type AppInfoRequest
- type AppInfoResponse
- type AppListRequest
- type AppListResponse
- type AppStatsRequest
- type ApplyClubRequest
- type ApplyForDailyMatchRequest
- type BalanceListRequest
- type BalanceListResponse
- type BashiCoinOpRequest
- type BeHuInfo
- type CalcLastTingRequest
- type CalcLastTingResponse
- type CardConsume
- type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummary
- type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummaryResponse
- type ChannelAndAppStatsSummaryRequest
- type CheckOrderReqeust
- type CheckOrderResponse
- type CheckUserInfoRequest
- type ChooseOneScoreRequest
- type ClientConfig
- type ClientInitCompletedRequest
- type ClubItem
- type ClubListResponse
- type CoinChangeInformation
- type CommonResponse
- type CommonStatsItem
- type CreateDeskRequest
- type CreateDeskResponse
- type CreateOrderByAdminRequest
- type CreateOrderRequest
- type CreateOrderSnakeResponse
- type CreateOrderWechatReponse
- type CreateProductionRequest
- type DailyMatchProgressInfo
- type DailyStats
- type DeleteAppRequest
- type DeleteDeskByIDRequest
- type DeleteHistoryRequest
- type DeleteProductionRequest
- type DeleteUserRequest
- type Desk
- type DeskBasicInfo
- type DeskByIDRequest
- type DeskByIDResponse
- type DeskListRequest
- type DeskListResponse
- type DeskOptions
- type DeskPlayerData
- type DestoryDeskRequest
- type DestroyDeskResponse
- type Device
- type DingQue
- type DissolveResponse
- type DissolveResult
- type DissolveStatusItem
- type DissolveStatusRequest
- type DissolveStatusResponse
- type DuanPai
- type DuanPaiInfo
- type EmptyRequest
- type EncryptTest
- type EncryptTestTest
- type EnterDeskInfo
- type ErrorMessage
- type ErrorResponse
- type ExitRequest
- type ExitResponse
- type FanPaiRequest
- type GameEndScoreChange
- type GangPaiScoreChange
- type GetRankInfoRequest
- type HandTilesInfo
- type Hint
- type History
- type HistoryByIDRequest
- type HistoryByIDResponse
- type HistoryListRequest
- type HistoryListResponse
- type HistoryLite
- type HistoryLiteListRequest
- type HistoryLiteListResponse
- type HuInfo
- type HuPaiType
- type JQToCoinRequest
- type JiangMa
- type JoinDeskRequest
- type JoinDeskResponse
- type LiangDaoHintMessage
- type LiangDaoMessage
- type LoginInfo
- type LoginRequest
- type LoginResponse
- type LoginToGameServerRequest
- type LoginToGameServerResponse
- type MailOperateRequest
- type MatchStats
- type MingAction
- type MoPai
- type None
- type ObtainBalanceReqeust
- type ObtainBalanceResponse
- type Op
- type OpChooseRequest
- type OpChoosed
- type OpTypeDo
- type Ops
- type OrderByAdminListRequest
- type OrderInfo
- type OrderListRequest
- type OrderListResponse
- type PayOrderListRequest
- type PayOrderListResponse
- type PlayRecordingVoice
- type PlayerEnterDesk
- type PlayerOfflineStatus
- type PlayerReady
- type ProductionInfo
- type ProductionInfoLite
- type ProductionListLiteResponse
- type ProductionListRequest
- type ProductionListResponse
- type QueItem
- type QueryInfo
- type QueryUserByAttrRequest
- type QueryUserRequest
- type QueryUserResponse
- type Rank
- type ReConnect
- type ReEnterDeskRequest
- type ReEnterDeskResponse
- type ReJoinDeskRequest
- type ReJoinDeskResponse
- type RechargeDetail
- type RechargeListResponse
- type RechargeRequest
- type RecordingVoice
- type RegisterAgentRequest
- type RegisterAppRequest
- type RegisterAppResponse
- type RegisterUserRequest
- type Retention
- type RetentionListRequest
- type RetentionLite
- type RetentionResponse
- type RoundOverStats
- type RoundReady
- type RoundStats
- type ScoreInfo
- type SnakePayOrderInfo
- type StringMessage
- type StringResponse
- type SyncDesk
- type TableInfo
- type TestMessage
- type TestRequest
- type ThirdUserLoginRequest
- type Ting
- type Tings
- type TradeInfo
- type TradeListRequest
- type TradeListResponse
- type UnCompleteDeskResponse
- type UnifyOrderCallbackRequest
- type UpdateAppRequest
- type UpdateProductionRequest
- type UserInfo
- type UserInfoRequest
- type UserInfoResponse
- type UserListRequest
- type UserListResponse
- type UserLoginResponse
- type UserStatsInfo
- type UserStatsInfoListRequest
- type UserStatsInfoListResponse
- type UserStatsSummary
- type UserStatsSummaryRequest
- type UserStatsSummaryResponse
- type Version
- type WechatOrderCallbackRequest
- type WechatOrderCallbackResponse
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( LoginStatusSucc = 1 LoginStatusFail = 2 )
View Source
const ( ActionNewAccountSignIn = "accountLogin" ActionGuestSignIn = "anonymousLogin" ActionOldAccountSignIn = "oldAccountLogin" ActionWebChatSignIn = "webChatSignIn" ActionPhoneNumberRegister = "phoneRegister" ActionNormalRegister = "normalRegister" ActionGetVerification = "getVerification" ActionAccountRegister = "accountRegister" )
View Source
const ( LoginTypeAuto = "auto" LoginTypeManual = "manual" )
View Source
const ( VerificationTypeRegister = "register" VerificationTypeFindPW = "findPW" )
View Source
const ( MatchTypeClassic = 1 //经典 MatchTypeDaily = 3 //每日匹配 )
View Source
const ( CoinTypeSliver = 0 //银币 CoinTypeGold = 1 //金币 )
View Source
const ( RoomTypeClassic = 0 RoomTypeDailyMatch = 1 RoomTypeMonthlyMatch = 2 RoomTypeFinalMatch = 3 )
View Source
const ( DailyMatchLevelJunior = 0 DailyMatchLevelSenior = 1 DailyMatchLevelMaster = 2 )
View Source
const ( ClassicLevelJunior = 0 ClassicLevelMiddle = 1 ClassicLevelSenior = 2 ClassicLevelElite = 3 ClassicLevelMaster = 4 )
View Source
const ( ExitTypeExitDeskUI = -1 ExitTypeDissolve = 6 ExitTypeSelfRequest = 0 ExitTypeClassicCoinNotEnough = 1 ExitTypeDailyMatchEnd = 2 ExitTypeNotReadyForStart = 3 ExitTypeChangeDesk = 4 ExitTypeRepeatLogin = 5 )
View Source
const ( DeskStatusZb = 1 DeskStatusDq = 2 DeskStatusPlaying = 3 DeskStatusEnded = 4 )
View Source
const ( SexTypeUnknown = 0 SexTypeMale = 1 SexTypeFemale = 2 )
View Source
const ( UserTypeGuest = 0 UserTypeLaoBaShi = 1 )
View Source
const ( FanPaiStepK91 = 0 FanPaiStepK61 = 1 FanPaiStepK41 = 2 FanPaiStepK31 = 3 FanPaiStepK21 = 4 )
View Source
const ( FanPaiStatusKNotOpen1 = 0 FanPaiStatusKOpenFailed1 = 1 FanPaiStatusKOpenSuccessY1 = 2 FanPaiStatusKOpenSuccessN1 = 3 FanPaiStatusKNotOpen2 = 4 FanPaiStatusKOpenFailed2 = 5 FanPaiStatusKOpenSuccessY2 = 6 FanPaiStatusKOpenSuccessN2 = 7 )
View Source
const ( OptypeIllegal = 0 OptypeChu = 1 OptypePeng = 2 OptypeGang = 3 OptypeHu = 4 OptypePass = 5 OptyMoPai = 500 //摸牌 //以下三种杠的分类主要用以解决上面的 OptypeGang分类不细致,导致抢杠等操作处理麻烦的问题 //在判定时必须满足两条件 x % 10 == 4 && x >1000 OptypeAnGang = 1004 OptypeMingGang = 1014 OptypeBaGang = 1024 )
View Source
const ( FanXingQingYiSe = 1 // "清一色" FanXingQingQiDui = 2 // "清七对" FanXingQingDaDui = 3 // "清大对" FanXingQingDaiYao = 4 // "清带幺" FanXingQingJiangDui = 5 // "清将对" FanXingSuFan = 6 // "素番" FanXingQiDui = 7 // "七对" FanXingDaDui = 8 // "大对子" FanXingQuanDaiYao = 9 // "全带幺" FanXingJiangDui = 10 // "将对" FanXingYaoJiuQiDui = 11 // "幺九七对" FanXingQingLongQiDui = 12 // "清龙七对" FanXingLongQiDui = 13 // "龙七对" )
View Source
const ( ChannelOptionAll = "allChannel" ChannelOptionHalf = "halfChannel" )
View Source
const ( RouteOpTypeHint = "onOpTypeHint" RouteTypeDo = "onOpTypeDo" )
View Source
const (
RegTypeThird = 5 //三方平台添加账号
Variables ¶
View Source
var EmptyMessage = &None{}
View Source
var SuccessMessage = &StringMessage{Message: "success"}
View Source
var SuccessResponse = StringResponse{0, "success"}
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AgentDetail ¶
type AgentListResponse ¶
type AgentListResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Agents []AgentDetail `json:"agents"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
type AgentLoginRequest ¶
type AgentLoginResponse ¶
type AgentLoginResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Token string `json:"token"` Detail AgentDetail `json:"detail"` }
type AppInfo ¶
type AppInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` //应用名 AppID string `json:"appid"` //应用id AppKey string `json:"appkey"` //应用key RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` //注册时填的redirect_uri Extra string `json:"extra"` //额外信息 ThirdProperties map[string]map[string]string `json:"third_properties"` //此app在第三方平台(eg: wechat)上的相关配置 }
type AppInfoRequest ¶
type AppInfoRequest struct {
AppID string `json:"appid"` //应用ID
type AppInfoResponse ¶
type AppListRequest ¶
type AppListResponse ¶
type AppStatsRequest ¶
type ApplyClubRequest ¶
type ApplyClubRequest struct {
ClubId int64 `json:"clubId"`
type BalanceListRequest ¶
type BalanceListRequest struct {
Uids []string `json:"uids"` //uid列表
type BalanceListResponse ¶
type BashiCoinOpRequest ¶
type CalcLastTingRequest ¶
type CalcLastTingResponse ¶
type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummary ¶
type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummary struct { Start int64 `json:"start"` AppId string `json:"app_id"` ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"` AppName string `json:"app_name"` ChannelName string `json:"channel_name"` AccountInc int64 `json:"account_inc"` //新增用户 DeviceInc int64 `json:"device_inc"` //新增设备 TotalRecharge int64 `json:"total_recharge"` //总充值 TotalRechargeAccount int64 `json:"total_recharge_account"` //总充值人数 PaidAccountInc int64 `json:"paid_account_inc"` //新增付费用户 PaidTotalRechargeInc int64 `json:"paid_total_recharge_inc"` //新增付费总额 RegPaidAccountInc int64 `json:"reg_paid_account_inc"` //新增注册并付费用户 RegPaidTotalRechargeInc int64 `json:"reg_paid_total_recharge_inc"` //新增注册并付费总额 //PaidAccountIncRate float32 `json:"paid_account_inc_rate"` //新增用户付费率 RegPaidAccountIncRate string `json:"reg_paid_account_inc_rate"` //新增注册用户付费率 }
type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummaryResponse ¶
type ChannelAndAPPStatsSummaryResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` //状态码 Data []*ChannelAndAPPStatsSummary `json:"data"` // Total int `json:"total"` //总数量 }
type CheckOrderReqeust ¶
type CheckOrderReqeust struct {
OrderID string `json:"orderid"`
type CheckOrderResponse ¶
type CheckUserInfoRequest ¶
type ChooseOneScoreRequest ¶
type ChooseOneScoreRequest struct {
Pos int `json:"pos"`
type ClientConfig ¶
type ClientConfig struct { Version string `json:"version"` Android string `json:"android"` IOS string `json:"ios"` Heartbeat int `json:"heartbeat"` ForceUpdate bool `json:"forceUpdate"` Title string `json:"title"` // 分享标题 Desc string `json:"desc"` // 分享描述 Daili1 string `json:"daili1"` Daili2 string `json:"daili2"` Kefu1 string `json:"kefu1"` AppId string `json:"appId"` AppKey string `json:"appKey"` }
type ClientInitCompletedRequest ¶
type ClientInitCompletedRequest struct {
IsReEnter bool `json:"isReenter"`
type ClubListResponse ¶
type CoinChangeInformation ¶
type CoinChangeInformation struct {
Coin int64 `json:"coin"`
type CommonResponse ¶
type CommonResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` //状态码 Data interface{} `json:"data"` //整数状态 }
type CommonStatsItem ¶
type CreateDeskRequest ¶
type CreateDeskRequest struct { Version string `json:"version"` //客户端版本 ClubId int64 `json:"clubId"` // 俱乐部ID DeskOpts *DeskOptions `json:"options"` // 游戏额外选项 }
type CreateDeskResponse ¶
type CreateOrderByAdminRequest ¶
type CreateOrderByAdminRequest struct { AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自哪个应用的订单 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自哪个渠道的订单 Extra string `json:"extra"` //描述信息 Operator string `json:"operator"` //管理员账号 Money int `json:"money"` //金额 Uid int64 `json:"uid"` //用户ID Device Device `json:"device"` //设备信息 }
type CreateOrderRequest ¶
type CreateProductionRequest ¶
type DailyMatchProgressInfo ¶
type DailyMatchProgressInfo struct { HasProgress bool `json:"hasProgress"` IsHaveFanPai bool `json:"isHaveFanPai"` Heart int `json:"heart"` //最大只能是3 BaoPaiMax int `json:"baoPaiMax"` BaoPaiNum int `json:"baoPaiNum"` Coin int64 `json:"coin"` Score int `json:"score"` RoomType int `json:"roomType"` BaoPaiID int `json:"baoPaiId"` }
type DailyStats ¶
type DeleteAppRequest ¶
type DeleteAppRequest struct {
AppID string `json:"appid"` //应用ID
type DeleteDeskByIDRequest ¶
type DeleteDeskByIDRequest struct {
ID string `json:"id"` //房间ID
type DeleteHistoryRequest ¶
type DeleteHistoryRequest struct {
ID string `json:"id"` //历史ID
type DeleteProductionRequest ¶
type DeleteProductionRequest struct {
ProductionID string `json:"production_id"` //商品ID
type DeleteUserRequest ¶
type DeleteUserRequest struct {
UID int64 `json:"uid"`
type Desk ¶
type Desk struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Creator int64 `json:"creator"` Round int `json:"round"` DeskNo string `json:"desk_no"` Mode int `json:"mode"` Player0 int64 `json:"player0"` Player1 int64 `json:"player1"` Player2 int64 `json:"player2"` Player3 int64 `json:"player3"` PlayerName0 string `json:"player_name0"` PlayerName1 string `json:"player_name1"` PlayerName2 string `json:"player_name2"` PlayerName3 string `json:"player_name3"` ScoreChange0 int `json:"score_change0"` ScoreChange1 int `json:"score_change1"` ScoreChange2 int `json:"score_change2"` ScoreChange3 int `json:"score_change3"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` CreatedAtStr string `json:"created_at_str"` DismissAt int64 `json:"dismiss_at"` Extras string `json:"extras"` }
type DeskBasicInfo ¶
type DeskByIDRequest ¶
type DeskByIDRequest struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"` //房间ID
type DeskByIDResponse ¶
type DeskListRequest ¶
type DeskListResponse ¶
type DeskOptions ¶
type DeskOptions struct { Mode int `json:"mode"` MaxRound int `json:"round"` MaxFan int `json:"maxFan"` Zimo string `json:"zimo"` // 玩法 Menqing bool `json:"menqing"` // 门清中张 Jiangdui bool `json:"jiangdui"` // 幺九将对 Jiaxin bool `json:"jiaxin"` // 夹心五 Pengpeng bool `json:"pengpeng"` // 碰碰胡两番 Pinghu bool `json:"pinghu"` // 点炮可平胡 Yaojiu bool `json:"yaojiu"` // 全幺九 }
type DeskPlayerData ¶
type DeskPlayerData struct { Uid int64 `json:"acId"` HandTiles []int `json:"shouPaiIds"` ChuTiles []int `json:"chuPaiIds"` PGTiles []int `json:"gangInfos"` LatestTile int `json:"lastTile"` IsHu bool `json:"isHu"` HuPai int `json:"huPai"` HuType int `json:"huType"` Que int `json:"que"` Score int `json:"score"` }
type DestoryDeskRequest ¶
type DestoryDeskRequest struct {
DeskNo string `json:"deskId"`
type DestroyDeskResponse ¶
type DestroyDeskResponse struct { RoundStats *RoundOverStats `json:"roundStats"` MatchStats []MatchStats `json:"stats"` Title string `json:"title"` IsNormalFinished bool `json:"isNormalFinished"` }
type DissolveResponse ¶
type DissolveResponse struct { DissolveUid int64 `json:"dissolveUid"` DissolveStatus []DissolveStatusItem `json:"dissolveStatus"` RestTime int32 `json:"restTime"` }
type DissolveResult ¶
type DissolveResult struct {
DeskPos int `json:"deskPos"`
type DissolveStatusItem ¶
type DissolveStatusRequest ¶
type DissolveStatusRequest struct {
Result bool `json:"result"`
type DissolveStatusResponse ¶
type DissolveStatusResponse struct { DissolveStatus []DissolveStatusItem `json:"dissolveStatus"` RestTime int32 `json:"restTime"` }
type DuanPai ¶
type DuanPai struct { MarkerID int64 `json:"markerId"` //庄家 Dice1 int `json:"dice1"` Dice2 int `json:"dice2"` AccountInfo []DuanPaiInfo `json:"accountInfo"` }
type DuanPaiInfo ¶
type EmptyRequest ¶
type EmptyRequest struct{}
type EncryptTest ¶
type EncryptTestTest ¶
type EncryptTestTest struct {
Result string `json:"result"`
type EnterDeskInfo ¶
type EnterDeskInfo struct { DeskPos int `json:"deskPos"` Uid int64 `json:"acId"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` IsReady bool `json:"isReady"` Sex int `json:"sex"` IsExit bool `json:"isExit"` HeadUrl string `json:"headURL"` Score int `json:"score"` IP string `json:"ip"` Offline bool `json:"offline"` }
type ErrorMessage ¶
type ErrorResponse ¶
type ExitRequest ¶
type ExitRequest struct {
IsDestroy bool `json:"isDestroy"`
type ExitResponse ¶
type FanPaiRequest ¶
type GameEndScoreChange ¶
type GangPaiScoreChange ¶
type GetRankInfoRequest ¶
type HandTilesInfo ¶
type History ¶
type History struct { HistoryLite Snapshot string `json:"snapshot"` }
type HistoryByIDRequest ¶
type HistoryByIDRequest struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"` //历史ID
type HistoryByIDResponse ¶
type HistoryListRequest ¶
type HistoryListResponse ¶
type HistoryLite ¶
type HistoryLite struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` DeskId int64 `json:"desk_id"` Mode int `json:"mode"` BeginAt int64 `json:"begin_at"` BeginAtStr string `json:"begin_at_str"` EndAt int64 `json:"end_at"` PlayerName0 string `json:"player_name0"` PlayerName1 string `json:"player_name1"` PlayerName2 string `json:"player_name2"` PlayerName3 string `json:"player_name3"` ScoreChange0 int `json:"score_change0"` ScoreChange1 int `json:"score_change1"` ScoreChange2 int `json:"score_change2"` ScoreChange3 int `json:"score_change3"` }
type HistoryLiteListRequest ¶
type HistoryLiteListResponse ¶
type HistoryLiteListResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Total int64 `json:"total"` //总数量 Data []HistoryLite `json:"data"` }
type JQToCoinRequest ¶
type JQToCoinRequest struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
type JoinDeskRequest ¶
type JoinDeskResponse ¶
type LiangDaoHintMessage ¶
type LiangDaoMessage ¶
type LoginInfo ¶
type LoginInfo struct { // 三方登录字段 Platform string `json:"platform"` //三方平台 ThirdAccount string `json:"third_account"` //三方平台唯一ID ThirdName string `json:"account"` //三方平台账号名 Token string `json:"token"` //用户Token ExpireTime int64 `json:"expire_time"` //Token过期时间 AccountID int64 `json:"acId"` //用户的uuid,即user表的pk GameServerIP string `json:"ip"` //游戏服的ip&port GameServerPort int `json:"port"` }
type LoginRequest ¶
type LoginResponse ¶
type LoginResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Name string `json:"name"` Uid int64 `json:"uid"` HeadUrl string `json:"headUrl"` FangKa int64 `json:"fangka"` Sex int `json:"sex"` //[0]未知 [1]男 [2]女 IP string `json:"ip"` Port int `json:"port"` PlayerIP string `json:"playerIp"` Config ClientConfig `json:"config"` Messages []string `json:"messages"` ClubList []ClubItem `json:"clubList"` Debug int `json:"debug"` }
type MailOperateRequest ¶
type MailOperateRequest struct {
MailIDs []int64 `json:"mailids"`
type MatchStats ¶
type MatchStats struct { ZiMoNum int `json:"ziMo"` //自摸次数 HuNum int `json:"hu"` //和数 PaoNum int `json:"pao"` //炮数 AnGangNum int `json:"anGang"` //暗杠数 MingGangNum int `json:"mingGang"` //明杠数 TotalScore int `json:"totalScore"` //总分 Uid int64 `json:"uid"` //id Account string `json:"account"` //名字 IsPaoWang bool `json:"isPaoWang"` //是否是炮王 IsBigWinner bool `json:"isBigWinner"` //是否是大赢家 IsCreator bool `json:"isCreator"` //是否是房主 }
type MingAction ¶
type ObtainBalanceReqeust ¶
type ObtainBalanceReqeust struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
type ObtainBalanceResponse ¶
type OpChooseRequest ¶
type OrderByAdminListRequest ¶
type OrderByAdminListRequest struct { Offset int `json:"offset"` Count int `json:"count"` Start int64 `json:"start"` //时间起点 End int64 `json:"end"` //时间终点 Uid int64 `json:"uid"` //用户id OrderId string `json:"order_id"` AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自哪个应用的订单 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自哪个渠道的订单 }
OrderByAdminListRequest 由管理员创建的订单列表
type OrderInfo ¶
type OrderInfo struct { OrderId string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 Uid string `json:"uid"` //接收者id AppId string `json:"appid"` //应用id ServerName string `json:"server_name"` //区服名 RoleID string `json:"role_id"` //角色id Extra string `json:"extra"` //额外信息 Imei string `json:"imei"` //imei ProductName string `json:"product_name"` //商品名 PayBy string `json:"pay_by"` //收支类型: alipay, wechat ... ProductCount int `json:"product_count"` //商品数量 Money int `json:"money"` //标价 RealMoney int `json:"real_money"` //实际售价 Status int `json:"status"` // 订单状态 1-创建 2-完成 3-游戏服务器已经确认 CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` //发放时间 }
type OrderListRequest ¶
type OrderListRequest struct { Offset int `json:"offset"` Count int `json:"count"` Status uint8 `json:"status"` Start int64 `json:"start"` //时间起点 End int64 `json:"end"` //时间终点 PayBy string `json:"pay_by"` Uid string `json:"uid"` //用户id OrderID string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自哪个应用的订单 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自哪个渠道的订单 }
OrderListRequest 订单列表
type OrderListResponse ¶
type PayOrderListRequest ¶
type PayOrderListRequest struct { Offset int `json:"offset"` Count int `json:"count"` Type int `json:"type"` //查询类型: 1-购买代币 2-消费代币 Start int64 `json:"start"` //时间起点 End int64 `json:"end"` //时间终点 Uid int64 `json:"uid"` //用户id OrderID string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自哪个应用的订单 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自哪个渠道的订单 }
PayOrderListRequest 由管理员创建的订单列表
type PayOrderListResponse ¶
type PayOrderListResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` //状态码 Data []SnakePayOrderInfo `json:"data"` //渠道列表 Total int `json:"total"` //总数量 }
type PlayRecordingVoice ¶
type PlayerEnterDesk ¶
type PlayerEnterDesk struct {
Data []EnterDeskInfo `json:"data"`
type PlayerOfflineStatus ¶
type PlayerReady ¶
type PlayerReady struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
type ProductionInfo ¶
type ProductionInfo struct { ProductionInfoLite Currency string //币种 OnlineAt int64 //上架时间 //OfflineAt int64 //下架时间 Type int //产品类型: 代币还是游戏商品 Extra string //额外信息 }
type ProductionInfoLite ¶
type ProductionInfoLite struct { ProductionID string `json:"production_id"` //商品ID Name string `json:"name"` //名字 Price int `json:"price"` //金额 RealPrice int `json:"real_price"` //实际充值金额 }
type ProductionListLiteResponse ¶
type ProductionListLiteResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Data []ProductionInfoLite `json:"data"` }
type ProductionListRequest ¶
type ProductionListResponse ¶
type ProductionListResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Total int64 `json:"total"` //总数量 Data []ProductionInfo `json:"data"` }
type QueryUserByAttrRequest ¶
type QueryUserByAttrRequest struct {
Attr string `json:"attr"` //属性
type QueryUserRequest ¶
type QueryUserRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"` //用户名
type QueryUserResponse ¶
type ReEnterDeskRequest ¶
type ReEnterDeskRequest struct {
DeskNo string `json:"deskId"`
type ReEnterDeskResponse ¶
type ReJoinDeskRequest ¶
type ReJoinDeskRequest struct {
DeskNo string `json:"deskId"`
type ReJoinDeskResponse ¶
type RechargeDetail ¶
type RechargeListResponse ¶
type RechargeListResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Recharges []RechargeDetail `json:"recharges"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
type RechargeRequest ¶
type RecordingVoice ¶
type RecordingVoice struct {
FileId string `json:"fileId"`
type RegisterAgentRequest ¶
type RegisterAppRequest ¶
type RegisterAppResponse ¶
type RegisterUserRequest ¶
type RegisterUserRequest struct { Type int `json:"type"` //注册方式: 1-手机 2-贪玩蛇 Name string `json:"name"` //用户名, 可空,当非游客注册时用户名与手机号必须至少出现一项 Password string `json:"password"` //MD5后的用户密码, 长度>=6 VerifyID string `json:"verify_id"` //验证码ID VerifyCode string `json:"verify_code"` //验证码 Phone string `json:"phone"` //手机号,可空 AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自于哪一个应用的注册 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自于哪一个渠道的注册 Device Device `json:"device"` //设备信息 Token string `json:"token"` //Token, 游客注册并绑定时, 验证游客身份 }
type Retention ¶
type Retention struct { Date int `json:"date"` Register int64 `json:"register"` Retention_1 RetentionLite `json:"retention_1"` //次日 Retention_2 RetentionLite `json:"retention_2"` //2日 Retention_3 RetentionLite `json:"retention_3"` //3日 Retention_7 RetentionLite `json:"retention_7"` //7日 Retention_14 RetentionLite `json:"retention_14"` //14日 Retention_30 RetentionLite `json:"retention_30"` //30日 }
type RetentionListRequest ¶
type RetentionLite ¶
type RetentionResponse ¶
type RetentionResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Data interface{} `json:"data"` }
type RoundOverStats ¶
type RoundOverStats struct { Title string `json:"title"` Round string `json:"round"` HandTiles []*HandTilesInfo `json:"tiles"` Stats []*RoundStats `json:"stats"` ScoreChange []GameEndScoreChange `json:"scoreChange"` }
type RoundReady ¶
type RoundReady struct {
Multiple int `json:"multiple"`
type RoundStats ¶
type SnakePayOrderInfo ¶
type SnakePayOrderInfo struct { OrderId string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 Uid string `json:"uid"` //接收者id ServerName string `json:"server_name"` //区服名 RoleID string `json:"role_id"` //角色id AppId string `json:"appid"` //应用id ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"` //渠道id Extra string `json:"extra"` //额外信息 Imei string `json:"imei"` //imei ProductName string `json:"product_name"` //商品名 Type int `json:"type"` //收支类型: 1-购买代币 2-消费代币 Money int `json:"money"` //标价 RealMoney int `json:"real_money"` //实际售价 ProductCount int `json:"product_count"` //商品数量 Status int `json:"status"` // 订单状态 1-创建 2-完成 3-游戏服务器已经确认 CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` //发放时间 }
type StringMessage ¶
type StringResponse ¶
type SyncDesk ¶
type SyncDesk struct { Status constant.DeskStatus `json:"status"` //1,2,3,4,5 Players []DeskPlayerData `json:"players"` ScoreInfo []ScoreInfo `json:"scoreInfo"` MarkerUid int64 `json:"markerAcId"` LastMoPaiUid int64 `json:"lastMoPaiAcId"` RestCount int `json:"restCnt"` Dice1 int `json:"dice1"` Dice2 int `json:"dice2"` Hint *Hint `json:"hint"` LastTileId int `json:"lastChuPaiId"` LastChuPaiUid int64 `json:"lastChuPaiUid"` }
type TestMessage ¶
type TestRequest ¶
type ThirdUserLoginRequest ¶
type ThirdUserLoginRequest struct { Platform string `json:"platform"` //三方平台/渠道 AppID string `json:"appId"` //用户来自于哪一个应用 ChannelID string `json:"channelId"` //用户来自于哪一个渠道 Device Device `json:"device"` //设备信息 Name string `json:"name"` //微信平台名 OpenID string `json:"openid"` //微信平台openid AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` //微信AccessToken }
type TradeInfo ¶
type TradeInfo struct { OrderId string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 Uid string `json:"uid"` //snake uid PayPlatformUid string `json:"pay_platform_uid"` //支付平台uid AppId string `json:"appid"` //应用id ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"` //渠道id ProductName string `json:"product_name"` //商品名 PayBy string `json:"pay_by"` //收支类型: alipay, wechat ... ServerName string `json:"server_name"` RoleName string `json:"role_name"` RoleId string `json:"role_id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` ProductCount int `json:"product_count"` //商品数量 Money int `json:"money"` //标价 RealMoney int `json:"real_money"` //实际售价 PayAt int64 `json:"pay_at"` //支付时间 }
type TradeListRequest ¶
type TradeListRequest struct { Offset int `json:"offset"` Count int `json:"count"` Start int64 `json:"start"` //时间起点 End int64 `json:"end"` //时间终点 OrderID string `json:"order_id"` //订单号 AppID string `json:"appid"` //来自哪个应用的订单 ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //来自哪个渠道的订单 }
TradeListRequest 交易列表
type TradeListResponse ¶
type UnCompleteDeskResponse ¶
type UnifyOrderCallbackRequest ¶
type UnifyOrderCallbackRequest struct { PayPlatform string RawRequest interface{} }
type UpdateAppRequest ¶
type UpdateAppRequest struct { Type int `json:"type"` //更新类型, 1为重新生成appkey/appsecret, 2为更新其他内容 AppID string `json:"appid"` //应用ID Name string `json:"name"` //应用名 RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` //回调地址 Extra string `json:"extra"` //应用描述 ThirdProperties map[string]map[string]string `json:"third_properties"` //第三方属性 }
type UpdateProductionRequest ¶
type UpdateProductionRequest struct { ProductionID string `json:"production_id"` //商品ID Name string `json:"name"` //名字 Extra string `json:"extra"` //额外信息 Currency string `json:"currency"` //币种 Price int `json:"price"` //金额 RealPrice int `json:"real_price"` //实际充值金额 Type int `json:"type"` //类型, 1-SDK充值, 2-渠道, 3-全部 }
type UserInfoRequest ¶
type UserInfoRequest struct {
UID int64 `json:"uid"`
type UserInfoResponse ¶
type UserListRequest ¶
type UserListResponse ¶
type UserLoginResponse ¶
type UserStatsInfo ¶
type UserStatsInfo struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Uid int64 `json:"uid"` Name string `json:"name"` RegisterAt int64 `json:"register_at"` RegisterIP string `json:"register_ip"` LastestLoginAt int64 `json:"lastest_login_at"` LastestLoginIP string `json:"lastest_login_ip"` TotalMatch int64 `json:"total_match"` //总对局数 RemainCard int64 `json:"remain_card"` //剩余房卡 StatsAt []int64 //统计时间 Stats map[int64]*DailyStats //时间对应的数据 }
type UserStatsInfoListRequest ¶
type UserStatsInfoListRequest struct { RoleTypes []uint8 `json:"role_types"` Account string `json:"account"` }
type UserStatsSummary ¶
type UserStatsSummary struct { Name string `json:"name"` //名字 Uid int64 `json:"uid"` //uid Role byte `json:"role"` //角色 AppID string `json:"app_id"` //appid ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` //channel id OS string `json:"os"` IP string `json:"ip"` //最后登录ip Device string `json:"deivce"` //最后登录设备 LoginAt int64 `json:"login_at"` //最后登录时间 RegisterAt int64 `json:"register_at"` //注册时间 LoginNum int64 `json:"login_num"` //登录次数 RechargeNum int64 `json:"recharge_num"` //充值次数 RechargeTotal int64 `json:"total_recharge"` //充值总金额 }
type UserStatsSummaryRequest ¶
type UserStatsSummaryResponse ¶
type UserStatsSummaryResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` //状态码 Data []*UserStatsSummary `json:"data"` Total int `json:"total"` //总数量 }
type WechatOrderCallbackRequest ¶
type WechatOrderCallbackRequest struct { ReturnMsg string `xml:"return_msg,omitempty"` DeviceInfo string `xml:"device_info,omitempty"` ErrCode string `xml:"err_code,omitempty"` ErrCodeDes string `xml:"err_code_des,omitempty"` Attach string `xml:"attach,omitempty"` CashFeeType string `xml:"cash_fee_type,omitempty"` CouponFee int `xml:"coupon_fee,omitempty"` CouponCount int `xml:"coupon_count,omitempty"` CouponIDDollarN string `xml:"coupon_id_$n,omitempty"` CouponFeeDollarN string `xml:"coupon_fee_$n,omitempty"` ReturnCode string `xml:"return_code"` Appid string `xml:"appid"` MchID string `xml:"mch_id"` Nonce string `xml:"nonce_str"` Sign string `xml:"sign"` ResultCode string `xml:"result_code"` Openid string `xml:"openid"` IsSubscribe string `xml:"is_subscribe"` TradeType string `xml:"trade_type"` BankType string `xml:"bank_type"` TotalFee int `xml:"total_fee"` FeeType string `xml:"fee_type"` CashFee int `xml:"cash_fee"` TransactionID string `xml:"transaction_id"` OutTradeNo string `xml:"out_trade_no"` TimeEnd string `xml:"time_end"` Raw string }
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