This plugin requires rrdtool installed in advance.
sudo apt install librrd-dev
brew install rrdtool
Build with -tags rrd
go build -tags rrd
Usage example
## RRD database file path
path = "./tmp/test.rrd"
## Overwrite the file if it already exists
overwrite = false
## Input data interval (minimum is 1s)
step = "1s"
## default heartbeat that will be used for all data sources
heartbeat = "2s"
## which time field to use for the data source (default is "_ts")
time_field = "_ts"
## field field to map to the data source
## ds Data Source Name (if not specified, field name will be used)
## If ds contains invalid characters for RRD(e.g. ':'), it will be replaced with "_"
## dst Data Source Type
## heartbeat hould be larger than step
## min minimum value, "U" means unknown,
## if input value is less than min, it will be treated as unknown
## max maximum value, "U" means unknown,
## if input value is greater than max, it will be treated as unknown
## rpn Reverse Polish Notation expression
fields = [
{ field="load1", dst="GAUGE", heartbeat="2s", min=0.0, max="U", rpn="" },
{ field="load5", dst="GAUGE", heartbeat="2s", min=0.0, max="U", rpn="" },
{ field="load15", dst="GAUGE", heartbeat="2s", min=0.0, max="U", rpn="" },
## Round Robin Archive
## cf consolidation function
## xxf xfiles factor, how long to consider data as known when unknown data comes in.
## It's a value between 0 and 1, with the default being 0.5.
## For example, if xff is set to 0.5 and 50% of the data points are known (1, unknown, unknown, 1),
## the average will be 1. If 75% of the data points are unknown (1, unknown, unknown, unknown),
## the result will be unknown.
## steps how many steps to use for calculation of this RRA
## 1 means every data point is used which is equal to the 'LAST' function
## rows how many rows to store in this RRA
rra = [
{ cf = "AVERAGE", steps = "1s", rows="3h" },
{ cf = "AVERAGE", steps = "1m", rows="3d" },
{ cf = "AVERAGE", steps = "1h", rows="30d" },
{ cf = "AVERAGE", steps = "1d", rows="13M" },
## RRD database file path to read
path = "./tmp/test.rrd"
## rrdtool graph generation interval
## if not set, it will generate graph once
interval = "1s"
## graph title
title = "Test Graph"
## time range: from now - range to now
range = "15m"
## graph size [width, height]
size = [450,130]
## border
border = 0
## units length
units_length = 5
## units exponent
units_exponent = 0
## watermark text (default is pipeline name)
watermark = "My Watermark"
## vertical label
v_label = "Load"
## zoom factor
zoom = 1.5
## graph color theme
theme = "gchart2"
## specify each color override for theme colors
# back = "#ffffff"
# canvas = "#ffffff"
# font = "#000000"
## data sources to draw
## ds data source name in rrd
## cf consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
## type line, area, stack, etc.
## color color code (e.g. "#ff0000") override for theme colors
## name data source name format (e.g. name="%-6s\\n")
## min minimum value format (e.g. min="%3.1lf"), omit not to show
## max maximum value format (e.g. max="%3.1lf"), omit not to show
## avg average value format (e.g. avg="%3.1lf"), omit not to show
## last last value format (e.g. last="%3.1lf"), omit not to show
fields = [
{ ds = "load1", cf="AVERAGE", type="line", name="%-6s", min="%3.1lf", max="%3.1lf", avg="%3.1lf", last="%3.1lf\\n"},
{ ds = "load5", cf="AVERAGE", type="line", name="%-6s", min="%3.1lf", max="%3.1lf", avg="%3.1lf", last="%3.1lf\\n"},
{ ds = "load15", cf="AVERAGE", type="area", name="%-6s", min="%3.1lf", max="%3.1lf", avg="%3.1lf", last="%3.1lf\\n"},