OpenSlides3 Autoupdate Service
The OpenSlides3 autoupdate service is a messaging system for openslides 3.x.
To work, the service needs running OpenSlides 3 instance. It reads the data from
redis, gets autoupdates via redis and authenticates request via the openslides
IMPORTANT: The data are sent via an open http-connection. All browsers limit the
amount of open http1.1 connections to a domain. For this service to work, the
browser has to connect to the service with http2 and therefore needs https.
Install and Start
To start the service, the file /run/secrets/django
has to exist and has to
contain the same django secret that is used be the server. It can be created
mkdir -p /run/secrets
echo "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY='MY_SECRET'" > /run/secrets/django
With Go
When Go is installed, the service can be installed with:
go install
This command is case sensitive!
After this command, the binary is installed inside the
gopath. When the gopath is
integrated correctly, the autoupdate service can be started with:
With Checked out repository and Go
When the repository is checked out, the service can be build and started with
go build ./cmd/autoupdate && ./autoupdate
With Docker
docker build . --tag openslides3-autoupdate
docker run --network host openslides3-autoupdate
This example uses the host network to connect to redis.
Example requests with curl
Curl needs the flag -N / --no-buffer
or it can happen, that the output is not
printed immediately. With a self signed certificat (the default of the
autoupdate-service) is also needs the flag -k / --insecure
To get all data:
curl -N localhost:8002/system/autoupdate
To get all data after a change id:
curl -N localhost:8002/system/autoupdate?change_id=133188953000
To test an authenticated request, login to OpenSlides and find the given session
id. Afterwards the session cookie can be used with curl:
curl -N --cookie "OpenSlidesSessionID=3e38tw8kpx64p4gxq80qf2hg4k60ix6w" localhost:8002/system/autoupdate
To get the projector data for a list of projectors:
curl -N localhost:8002/system/projector?projector_ids=1,2,3
To listen for messages:
curl -N localhost:8002/system/notify
It returns a message like this one to tell the channel id:
{"channelID": "lVbO2irQ:1:0"}
The value of channelID is just a string. The format may change in the future.
Currently the first part is a random string that is constant for a server
instance. The second part is the user id. The last part is a counter.
If a message is received, it has the format:
"sender_user_id": int -> User id of the sender.
"sender_channel_id": string -> Channel id of the sender.
"name": string -> Name of the message.
"message": json -> Message send by the sender.
To send a messages:
To send a notify message, you need to be logged-in. A seesion cookies has to be created and
used. See the --cookie flag above.
curl localhost:8002/system/notify/send -d '{"channel_id":"foo:1:0", "name":"title", "to_all":true, "message": "some json"}'
The body has to be a valid json object with at least the fields channel_id
, and message
"channel_id": string -> channel_id of the sender.
"name": string -> Name of the message.
"message": json -> valid json containing the message.
"to_all": bool -> If true, message is send to every connection.
"to_users": list[int] -> List of user ids that should receive the message.
"to_channels": list[string] -> List of channel ids that should receive the message.
The notify system also handels applause. To send an applause, send the following request:
curl localhost:8002/system/applause
For this to work, a sessionID is required (see above)
Run Test
To run the tests, call:
go test ./...
To replace the export.json copy it to internal/test/export.json and run:
go generate ./...
Environment variables
The service can be configured with the following environment variables:
:Port to listen on. The default is 8002
: The device where the service starts. The default is an
empty string which starts the service on every device.
: Host of the redis server for reading. The default is
: Port of the redis server for reading. The default is
: Host of the redis server for writing. The default is the
: Port of the redis server for writing. The default is the
: Time to calc the applause in milliseconds (Default:
: Name of the auth-session-cookie (Default: OpenSlidesSessionID
: Prefix of the redis session keys (Default: session:
: If set, the auth system is skipped and the given user id is used
for all requests (Default: -1