Index ¶
- func Parse(r io.Reader, entries chan<- Entry, errors chan<- error)
- func Read(path string) (chan Entry, chan error, error)
- type Absorption
- type AlternativeName
- type Anon6
- type CitationType
- type CofactorType
- type CommentType
- type Component
- type Conflict
- type ConsortiumType
- type Dataset
- type Date
- type DbReferenceType
- type Direction
- type Disease
- type Domain
- type Entry
- type EventType
- type EvidenceType
- type EvidencedStringType
- type FeatureType
- type Fragment
- type GeneLocationType
- type GeneNameType
- type GeneType
- type ImportedFromType
- type IntListType
- type InteractantType
- type IsoformType
- type KeywordType
- type Kinetics
- type Lineage
- type Link
- type LocationType
- type Name
- type NameListType
- type OrganismNameType
- type OrganismType
- type PersonType
- type PhDependence
- type PhysiologicalReactionType
- type Plasmid
- type PositionType
- type PropertyType
- type ProteinExistenceType
- type ProteinType
- type ReactionType
- type RecommendedName
- type RedoxPotential
- type ReferenceType
- type Resource
- type Sequence
- type SequenceType
- type SourceDataType
- type SourceType
- type Status
- type StatusType
- type Strain
- type SubcellularLocationType
- type SubmittedName
- type TemperatureDependence
- type Tissue
- type Transposon
- type Type
- type Uniprot
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Parse ¶
Parse parses Uniprot entries into a channel.
Example ¶
xmlFile, _ := os.Open("data/uniprot_sprot_mini.xml.gz") unzippedBytes, _ := gzip.NewReader(xmlFile) entries := make(chan Entry, 100) // if you don't have a buffered channel, nothing will be read in loops on the channel. decoderErrors := make(chan error, 100) go Parse(unzippedBytes, entries, decoderErrors) var entry Entry for singleEntry := range entries { entry = singleEntry } fmt.Println(entry.Accession[0])
Output: O55723
func Read ¶
Read reads a gzipped Uniprot XML dump. Failing to open the XML dump gives a single error, while errors encountered while decoding the XML dump are added to the errors channel.
Example ¶
entries, _, _ := Read("data/uniprot_sprot_mini.xml.gz") var entry Entry for singleEntry := range entries { entry = singleEntry } fmt.Println(entry.Accession[0])
Output: O55723
Types ¶
type Absorption ¶
type Absorption struct { Max EvidencedStringType `xml:" max,omitempty"` Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text,omitempty"` }
type AlternativeName ¶
type AlternativeName struct { FullName EvidencedStringType `xml:" fullName,omitempty"` ShortName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" shortName,omitempty"` EcNumber []EvidencedStringType `xml:" ecNumber,omitempty"` }
type CitationType ¶
type CitationType struct { Title string `xml:" title,omitempty"` EditorList NameListType `xml:" editorList,omitempty"` AuthorList NameListType `xml:" authorList,omitempty"` Locator string `xml:" locator,omitempty"` DbReference []DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference,omitempty"` Type Type `xml:"type,attr"` Date Date `xml:"date,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Volume string `xml:"volume,attr,omitempty"` First string `xml:"first,attr,omitempty"` Last string `xml:"last,attr,omitempty"` Publisher string `xml:"publisher,attr,omitempty"` City string `xml:"city,attr,omitempty"` Db string `xml:"db,attr,omitempty"` Number string `xml:"number,attr,omitempty"` Institute string `xml:"institute,attr,omitempty"` Country string `xml:"country,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes different types of citations. Equivalent to the flat file RX-, RG-, RA-, RT- and RL-lines.
type CofactorType ¶
type CofactorType struct { Name string `xml:" name"` DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes a cofactor.
type CommentType ¶
type CommentType struct { Molecule string `xml:" molecule,omitempty"` Absorption Absorption `xml:" absorption,omitempty"` Kinetics Kinetics `xml:" kinetics,omitempty"` PhDependence PhDependence `xml:" phDependence,omitempty"` RedoxPotential RedoxPotential `xml:" redoxPotential,omitempty"` TemperatureDependence TemperatureDependence `xml:" temperatureDependence,omitempty"` Reaction ReactionType `xml:" reaction,omitempty"` PhysiologicalReaction []PhysiologicalReactionType `xml:" physiologicalReaction,omitempty"` Cofactor []CofactorType `xml:" cofactor,omitempty"` SubcellularLocation []SubcellularLocationType `xml:" subcellularLocation,omitempty"` Conflict Conflict `xml:" conflict,omitempty"` Link []Link `xml:" link,omitempty"` Event []EventType `xml:" event,omitempty"` Isoform []IsoformType `xml:" isoform,omitempty"` Interactant []InteractantType `xml:" interactant,omitempty"` OrganismsDiffer bool `xml:" organismsDiffer,omitempty"` Experiments int `xml:" experiments,omitempty"` Disease Disease `xml:" disease,omitempty"` Location []LocationType `xml:" location,omitempty"` Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text,omitempty"` Type Type `xml:"type,attr"` LocationType string `xml:"locationType,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Mass float32 `xml:"mass,attr,omitempty"` Error string `xml:"error,attr,omitempty"` Method string `xml:"method,attr,omitempty"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes different types of general annotations. Equivalent to the flat file CC-line.
func (*CommentType) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (t *CommentType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type Component ¶
type Component struct { RecommendedName RecommendedName `xml:" recommendedName,omitempty"` AlternativeName []AlternativeName `xml:" alternativeName,omitempty"` SubmittedName []SubmittedName `xml:" submittedName,omitempty"` AllergenName EvidencedStringType `xml:" allergenName,omitempty"` BiotechName EvidencedStringType `xml:" biotechName,omitempty"` CdAntigenName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" cdAntigenName,omitempty"` InnName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" innName,omitempty"` }
type ConsortiumType ¶
type ConsortiumType struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Describes the authors of a citation when these are represented by a consortium. Equivalent to the flat file RG-line.
type DbReferenceType ¶
type DbReferenceType struct { Molecule string `xml:" molecule,omitempty"` Property []PropertyType `xml:" property,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes a database cross-reference. Equivalent to the flat file DR-line.
type Disease ¶
type Disease struct { Name string `xml:" name"` Acronym string `xml:" acronym"` Description string `xml:" description"` DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"` }
type Domain ¶
type Domain struct { RecommendedName RecommendedName `xml:" recommendedName,omitempty"` AlternativeName []AlternativeName `xml:" alternativeName,omitempty"` SubmittedName []SubmittedName `xml:" submittedName,omitempty"` AllergenName EvidencedStringType `xml:" allergenName,omitempty"` BiotechName EvidencedStringType `xml:" biotechName,omitempty"` CdAntigenName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" cdAntigenName,omitempty"` InnName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" innName,omitempty"` }
type Entry ¶
type Entry struct { Accession []string `xml:" accession"` Name []string `xml:" name"` Protein ProteinType `xml:" protein"` Gene []GeneType `xml:" gene,omitempty"` Organism OrganismType `xml:" organism"` OrganismHost []OrganismType `xml:" organismHost,omitempty"` GeneLocation []GeneLocationType `xml:" geneLocation,omitempty"` Reference []ReferenceType `xml:" reference"` Comment []CommentType `xml:" comment,omitempty"` DbReference []DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference,omitempty"` ProteinExistence ProteinExistenceType `xml:" proteinExistence"` Keyword []KeywordType `xml:" keyword,omitempty"` Feature []FeatureType `xml:" feature,omitempty"` Evidence []EvidenceType `xml:" evidence,omitempty"` Sequence SequenceType `xml:" sequence"` Dataset Dataset `xml:"dataset,attr"` Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr"` Modified time.Time `xml:"modified,attr"` Version int `xml:"version,attr"` }
func (*Entry) UnmarshalXML ¶
type EventType ¶
type EventType struct {
Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
Describes the type of events that cause alternative products.
type EvidenceType ¶
type EvidenceType struct { Source SourceType `xml:" source,omitempty"` ImportedFrom ImportedFromType `xml:" importedFrom,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Key int `xml:"key,attr"` }
Describes the evidence for an annotation. No flat file equivalent.
type EvidencedStringType ¶
type EvidencedStringType struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type FeatureType ¶
type FeatureType struct { Original string `xml:" original,omitempty"` Variation []string `xml:" variation,omitempty"` Location LocationType `xml:" location"` Type Type `xml:"type,attr"` Description string `xml:"description,attr,omitempty"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes different types of sequence annotations. Equivalent to the flat file FT-line.
type GeneLocationType ¶
type GeneLocationType struct { Name []StatusType `xml:" name,omitempty"` Type Type `xml:"type,attr"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes non-nuclear gene locations (organelles and plasmids). Equivalent to the flat file OG-line.
type GeneNameType ¶
type GeneNameType struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` Type Type `xml:"type,attr"` }
Describes different types of gene designations. Equivalent to the flat file GN-line.
type GeneType ¶
type GeneType struct {
Name []GeneNameType `xml:" name"`
Describes a gene. Equivalent to the flat file GN-line.
type ImportedFromType ¶
type ImportedFromType struct {
DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"`
Describes the source of the evidence, when it is not assigned by UniProt, but imported from an external database.
type IntListType ¶
type IntListType []int
func (*IntListType) UnmarshalText ¶
func (x *IntListType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type InteractantType ¶
type InteractantType struct { Id string `xml:" id"` Label string `xml:" label,omitempty"` DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference,omitempty"` IntactId string `xml:"intactId,attr"` }
type IsoformType ¶
type IsoformType struct { Id []string `xml:" id"` Name []Name `xml:" name"` Sequence Anon6 `xml:" sequence"` Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text,omitempty"` }
Describes isoforms in 'alternative products' annotations.
type KeywordType ¶
type KeywordType struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type Kinetics ¶
type Kinetics struct { KM []EvidencedStringType `xml:" KM,omitempty"` Vmax []EvidencedStringType `xml:" Vmax,omitempty"` Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text,omitempty"` }
type LocationType ¶
type LocationType struct { Begin PositionType `xml:" begin,omitempty"` End PositionType `xml:" end,omitempty"` Position PositionType `xml:" position,omitempty"` Sequence string `xml:"sequence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes a sequence location as either a range with a begin and end or as a position. The 'sequence' attribute is only used when the location is not on the canonical sequence displayed in the current entry.
type Name ¶
type Name struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type NameListType ¶
type NameListType struct { Consortium ConsortiumType `xml:" consortium,omitempty"` Person PersonType `xml:" person,omitempty"` }
type OrganismNameType ¶
Describes different types of source organism names.
type OrganismType ¶
type OrganismType struct { Name []OrganismNameType `xml:" name"` DbReference []DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"` Lineage Lineage `xml:" lineage,omitempty"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes the source organism.
type PersonType ¶
type PersonType struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type PhDependence ¶
type PhDependence struct {
Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text"`
type PhysiologicalReactionType ¶
type PhysiologicalReactionType struct { DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"` Direction Direction `xml:"direction,attr"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes a physiological reaction.
type Plasmid ¶
type Plasmid struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type PositionType ¶
type PositionType struct { Position uint64 `xml:"position,attr,omitempty"` Status Status `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
func (*PositionType) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (t *PositionType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type PropertyType ¶
type ProteinExistenceType ¶
type ProteinExistenceType struct {
Type Type `xml:"type,attr"`
Describes the evidence for the protein's existence. Equivalent to the flat file PE-line.
type ProteinType ¶
type ProteinType struct { RecommendedName RecommendedName `xml:" recommendedName,omitempty"` AlternativeName []AlternativeName `xml:" alternativeName,omitempty"` SubmittedName []SubmittedName `xml:" submittedName,omitempty"` AllergenName EvidencedStringType `xml:" allergenName,omitempty"` BiotechName EvidencedStringType `xml:" biotechName,omitempty"` CdAntigenName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" cdAntigenName,omitempty"` InnName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" innName,omitempty"` Domain []Domain `xml:" domain,omitempty"` Component []Component `xml:" component,omitempty"` }
Describes the names for the protein and parts thereof. Equivalent to the flat file DE-line.
type ReactionType ¶
type ReactionType struct { Text string `xml:" text"` DbReference []DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
Describes a chemical reaction.
type RecommendedName ¶
type RecommendedName struct { FullName EvidencedStringType `xml:" fullName"` ShortName []EvidencedStringType `xml:" shortName,omitempty"` EcNumber []EvidencedStringType `xml:" ecNumber,omitempty"` }
type RedoxPotential ¶
type RedoxPotential struct {
Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text"`
type ReferenceType ¶
type ReferenceType struct { Citation CitationType `xml:" citation"` Scope []string `xml:" scope"` Source SourceDataType `xml:" source,omitempty"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,attr"` }
Describes a citation and a summary of its content. Equivalent to the flat file RN-, RP-, RC-, RX-, RG-, RA-, RT- and RL-lines.
type SequenceType ¶
type SequenceType struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Length int `xml:"length,attr"` Mass int `xml:"mass,attr"` Checksum string `xml:"checksum,attr"` Modified time.Time `xml:"modified,attr"` Version int `xml:"version,attr"` Precursor bool `xml:"precursor,attr,omitempty"` Fragment Fragment `xml:"fragment,attr,omitempty"` }
func (*SequenceType) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (t *SequenceType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type SourceDataType ¶
type SourceDataType struct { Strain Strain `xml:" strain,omitempty"` Plasmid Plasmid `xml:" plasmid,omitempty"` Transposon Transposon `xml:" transposon,omitempty"` Tissue Tissue `xml:" tissue,omitempty"` }
Describes the source of the sequence according to the citation. Equivalent to the flat file RC-line.
type SourceType ¶
type SourceType struct {
DbReference DbReferenceType `xml:" dbReference,omitempty"`
Describes the source of the data using a database cross-reference (or a 'ref' attribute when the source cannot be found in a public data source, such as PubMed, and is cited only within the UniProtKB entry).
type StatusType ¶
type StatusType struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Status Status `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` }
Indicates whether the name of a plasmid is known or unknown.
type Strain ¶
type Strain struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type SubcellularLocationType ¶
type SubcellularLocationType struct { Location []EvidencedStringType `xml:" location"` Topology []EvidencedStringType `xml:" topology,omitempty"` Orientation []EvidencedStringType `xml:" orientation,omitempty"` }
Describes the subcellular location and optionally the topology and orientation of a molecule.
type SubmittedName ¶
type SubmittedName struct { FullName EvidencedStringType `xml:" fullName"` EcNumber []EvidencedStringType `xml:" ecNumber,omitempty"` }
type TemperatureDependence ¶
type TemperatureDependence struct {
Text []EvidencedStringType `xml:" text"`
type Tissue ¶
type Tissue struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }
type Transposon ¶
type Transposon struct { Value string `xml:",chardata"` Evidence IntListType `xml:"evidence,attr,omitempty"` }