Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( GeneralErr = 999 // all errors without error code InvalidParams = 1001 IncorrectAddress = 100101 IOError = 1002 IOErrorNodeKey = 100201 ParseError = 1003 ParseErrorAddress = 100301 ParseErrorBadBTCTxn = 100302 ParseErrorBTCAddress = 100303 ConfigurationError = 1004 ConfigurationErrorChainType = 100401 ResourceNotFoundError = 1005 AccountNotFound = 100501 DomainNotFound = 100502 CurrencyNotFound = 100503 TxNotFound = 100504 InternalError = 1006 InternalErrorSerialization = 100601 InternalErrorSigning = 100602 InternalErrorGeneratingKeyPair = 100603 InternalErrorGettingBalance = 100604 InternalErrorListValidators = 100605 InternalErrorGettingTracker = 100606 InternalErrorTrackerNotFound = 100607 InternalErrorTrackerBusy = 100608 InternalErrorTrackerInsufficientBalance = 100609 InternalErrorListWitnesses = 100610 InternalErrorGettingProposal = 100611 InternalErrorGettingBidConv = 100612 ONSError = 1007 ONSErrDomainMissing = 100701 ONSErrOwnerAddressMissing = 100702 ONSErrOnSaleFlagNotSet = 100703 ONSErrDomainExists = 100704 ONSErrDebitingFromAddress = 100705 ONSErrAddingToFeePool = 100706 ONSErrInvalidUri = 100707 ONSErrGettingParentName = 100708 ONSErrParentDoesNotExist = 100709 ONSErrParentNotOwned = 100710 ONSErrFailedToCalculateExpiry = 100711 ONSErrFailedToCreateDomain = 100712 ONSErrFailedAddingDomainToStore = 100713 ONSErrInvalidDomainName = 100714 WalletError = 2006 WalletErrorAddingAccount = 200601 WalletErrorGettingAccount = 200602 WalletErrorDeleteAccount = 200603 BalanceError BalanceErrorAddFailed = 210600 BalanceErrorMinusFailed = 210601 AccountsError = 2007 AccountsErrorGeneratingNewAccount = 200701 // Transaction statuses TxErrMissingData = 300101 TxErrUnserializable = 300102 TxErrWrongTxType = 300103 TxErrInvalidAmount = 300104 TxErrInvalidPubKey = 300105 TxErrUnmatchedSigner = 300106 TxErrInvalidSignature = 300107 TxErrInvalidFeeCurrency = 300108 TxErrInvalidFeePrice = 300109 TxErrPoolDoesNotExist = 300113 TxErrInsufficientFunds = 300110 TxErrGasOverflow = 300111 TxErrInvalidExtTx = 300112 TxErrMaliciousValidator = 300113 ExternalErr = 400100 ExternalErrBitcoinTxNotFound = 400101 ExternalErrGettingBTCTxn = 400102 ExternalErrNotEnoughConfirmations = 400103 ExternalErrNotSpendable = 400104 ExternalErrUnableToCreateEthTX = 400105 ExternalErrUnableToCreateOLTLockTX = 400106 ErrUnmarshalingRedeem = 400107 //ERC20 ExternalErrUnableToCreateErc20OLTLockTX = 500100 ExternalErrTokenNotSuported = 500101 ExternalTransactionNotSupported = 500102 //ValidatorStore ValidatorsUnableGetList = 410100 //Tracker ETHTrackerNotFoundFailed = 600100 ETHTrackerNotFoundSuccess = 600101 ETHTrackerNotFoundOngoing = 600102 ETHTrackerExists = 600103 ETHTrackerUnabletoSet = 600104 // Staking DelgErr = 6003 DelgErrStakeAddressInUse = 600301 DelgErrStakeAddressMismatch = 600302 NetDelgErr = 6005 NetDelgErrGettingActiveDelgAmount = 600501 NetDelgErrDeductingActiveDelgAmount = 600502 NetDelgErrSettingActiveDelgAmount = 600503 NetDelgErrGettingDelgOption = 600504 NetDelgErrSettingPendingDelgAmount = 600505 NetDelgErrGettingPendingDelgAmount = 600506 NetDelgErrWithdraw = 600507 NetDelgErrFinalizingDelgRewards = 600508 NetDelgErrAddingWithdrawAmountToBalance = 600509 NetDelgErrReinvest = 600510 GovErr = 7001 GovErrGetProposalOptions = 700101 GovErrInvalidProposalId = 700102 GovErrInvalidProposalType = 700103 GovErrInvalidProposerAddr = 700104 GovErrInvalidProposalDesc = 700105 GovErrProposalExists = 700106 GovErrProposalNotExists = 700107 GovErrAddingProposalToActiveStore = 700108 GovErrDeletingProposalFromActiveStore = 700109 GovErrAddingProposalToPassedStore = 700110 GovErrAddingProposalToFailedStore = 700111 GovErrDeletingProposalFromFailedStore = 700112 GovErrDeductFunding = 700113 GovErrAddFunding = 700114 GovErrInvalidFunderAddr = 700115 GovErrInvalidBeneficiaryAddr = 700116 GovErrGettingValidatorList = 700117 GovErrGettingWitnessList = 700217 GovErrSetupVotingValidator = 700118 GovErrProposalWithdrawNotEligible = 700119 GovErrNoSuchFunder = 700120 GovErrVotingHeightReached = 700121 GovErrAddingVoteToVoteStore = 700122 GovErrPeekingVoteResult = 700123 GovErrUnmatchedProposer = 700124 GovErrInvalidVoterId = 700125 GovErrInvalidValidatorAddr = 700126 GovErrInvalidVoteOpinion = 700127 GovErrVoteUpdate = 700128 GovErrVoteDeleteVoteRecords = 700129 GovErrVoteCheckVoteResult = 700130 GovErrWithdrawCheckFundsFailed = 700131 GovErrStatusNotCompleted = 700133 GovErrStatusNotVoting = 700134 GovErrStatusNotFunding = 700135 GovErrVotingTBD = 700136 GovErrFinalizeDistributtionFailed = 700137 GovErrFinalizeConfigUpdateFailed = 700138 GovErrStatusUnableToSetFinalized = 700139 GovErrUnabletoQueryVoteResult = 700140 GovErrFundingDeadlineCrossed = 700141 StatusUnableToSetVoting = 700142 GovFundUnableToAdd = 700143 GovFundUnableToDelete = 700144 GovFundBalanceMismatch = 700145 GovErrUnableToSetFinalizeFailed = 700146 GovErrInvalidFundingGoal = 700147 GovErrInvalidPassPercentage = 700148 GovErrInvalidFundingDeadline = 700149 GovErrInvalidVotingDeadline = 700150 TxErrGettingETHOptions = 700151 TxErrGettingONSOptions = 700152 TxErrGettingBTCOptions = 700153 TxErrGettingRewardsOptions = 700154 TxErrGettingFeeOptions = 700155 TxErrValidateGovState = 700156 TxErrGetStakingOptions = 700158 TxErrInvalidOptions = 700159 TxErrEvidenceError = 700160 //Rewards Error RewardsUnableToGetMaturedAmount = 800001 RewardsUnableToWithdraw = 800002 RewardsYearRewardsMissing = 800003 TxErrVMExecution = 900001 )
Variables ¶
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var ( ErrSerialization = ProtocolError{InternalErrorSerialization, "error in serialization"} ErrLoadingNodeKey = ProtocolError{IOErrorNodeKey, "error reading node key file"} ErrParsingAddress = ProtocolError{ParseErrorAddress, "error parsing address"} ErrChainType = ProtocolError{ConfigurationErrorChainType, "error getting chain type"} ErrAddingAccount = ProtocolError{WalletErrorAddingAccount, "error adding account to wallet"} ErrGettingAccount = ProtocolError{WalletErrorGettingAccount, "error getting account from wallet"} ErrDeletingAccount = ProtocolError{WalletErrorDeleteAccount, "error in deleting account"} ErrGeneratingAccount = ProtocolError{AccountsErrorGeneratingNewAccount, "error generating new account"} ErrAccountNotFound = ProtocolError{AccountNotFound, "account is not in wallet"} ErrSigningError = ProtocolError{InternalErrorSigning, "error while signing"} ErrKeyGeneration = ProtocolError{InternalErrorGeneratingKeyPair, "error generating key pair"} ErrGettingTracker = ProtocolError{InternalErrorGettingTracker, "error getting tracker"} ErrTrackerNotFound = ProtocolError{InternalErrorTrackerNotFound, "tracker not found"} ErrTrackerBusy = ProtocolError{InternalErrorTrackerBusy, "tracker busy"} ErrTrackerBalance = ProtocolError{InternalErrorTrackerInsufficientBalance, "insufficient balance in tracker"} // Query errors ErrBadAddress = ProtocolError{IncorrectAddress, "address incorrect"} ErrGettingBalance = ProtocolError{InternalErrorGettingBalance, "error getting balance"} ErrListValidators = ProtocolError{InternalErrorListValidators, "error getting list of validators"} ErrListWitnesses = ProtocolError{InternalErrorListWitnesses, "error getting list of witnesses"} ErrGetProposal = ProtocolError{InternalErrorGettingProposal, "error getting proposal"} ErrFindingCurrency = ProtocolError{CurrencyNotFound, "error finding currency"} ErrGetTx = ProtocolError{TxNotFound, "error get tx from tendermint"} // ONS errors ErrBadName = ProtocolError{ONSErrDomainMissing, "domain name not provided"} ErrBadOwner = ProtocolError{ONSErrOwnerAddressMissing, "owner address not provided"} ErrDomainNotFound = ProtocolError{DomainNotFound, "domain not found"} ErrFlagNotSet = ProtocolError{ONSErrOnSaleFlagNotSet, "onsale flag not set"} ErrDomainExists = ProtocolError{ONSErrDomainExists, "domain already exists"} ErrDebitingFromAddress = ProtocolError{ONSErrDebitingFromAddress, "cannot debit from address"} ErrAddingToFeePool = ProtocolError{ONSErrAddingToFeePool, "cannot add to fee pool"} ErrInvalidUri = ProtocolError{ONSErrInvalidUri, "invalid uri"} ErrGettingParentName = ProtocolError{ONSErrGettingParentName, "cannot get parent name"} ErrParentDoesNotExist = ProtocolError{ONSErrParentDoesNotExist, "parent domain does not exist"} ErrParentNotOwned = ProtocolError{ONSErrParentNotOwned, "parent domain not owned"} ErrFailedToCalculateExpiry = ProtocolError{ONSErrFailedToCalculateExpiry, "failed to calculate expiry"} ErrFailedToCreateDomain = ProtocolError{ONSErrFailedToCreateDomain, "failed to create domain"} ErrFailedAddingDomainToStore = ProtocolError{ONSErrFailedAddingDomainToStore, "failed to add domain to store"} ErrInvalidDomainName = ProtocolError{ONSErrInvalidDomainName, "invalid domain name"} // External Errors ErrBTCTxNotFound = ProtocolError{ExternalErrBitcoinTxNotFound, "bitcoin txn not found"} ErrBadBTCAddress = ProtocolError{ParseErrorBTCAddress, "bad btc address"} ErrBTCNotEnoughConfirmations = ProtocolError{ExternalErrNotEnoughConfirmations, "not enough btc confirmations"} ErrBTCNotSpendable = ProtocolError{ExternalErrNotSpendable, "btc source not spendable"} ErrBTCReadingTxn = ProtocolError{ExternalErrGettingBTCTxn, "err getting btc txn"} ErrBadBTCTxn = ProtocolError{ParseErrorBadBTCTxn, "bad btc txn"} //Ethereum Errors ErrPreparingETHLock = ProtocolError{Code: ExternalErrUnableToCreateEthTX, Msg: "Unable to create an unsigned lock transaction for Ethereum"} ErrPreparingOLTLock = ProtocolError{Code: ExternalErrUnableToCreateOLTLockTX, Msg: "Unable to create OLT lock Tx for Ethereum"} ErrPreparingErc20OLTLock = ProtocolError{Code: ExternalErrUnableToCreateErc20OLTLockTX, Msg: "Unable to create OLT lock Tx for ERC20 Token"} ErrUnmarshaling = ProtocolError{Code: ErrUnmarshalingRedeem, Msg: "Unable to unmarshall the incoming transaction into struct ,Wrong Json data"} //Tracker Error ErrGettingTrackerStatusFailed = ProtocolError{Code: ETHTrackerNotFoundFailed, Msg: "Ethereum Tracker not found in the Failed tracker store"} ErrGettingTrackerStatusSuccess = ProtocolError{Code: ETHTrackerNotFoundSuccess, Msg: "Ethereum Tracker not found in the Success tracker store"} ErrGettingTrackerStatusOngoing = ProtocolError{Code: ETHTrackerNotFoundOngoing, Msg: "Ethereum Tracker not found in the Ongoing tracker store"} )
Status declarations
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ProtocolError ¶
Protocol Error definition
func UnMarshalError ¶ added in v0.14.3
func UnMarshalError(str string) (ProtocolError, error)
func (ProtocolError) Error ¶
func (se ProtocolError) Error() string
func (ProtocolError) ErrorMsg ¶
func (se ProtocolError) ErrorMsg() string
func (ProtocolError) Marshal ¶ added in v0.14.3
func (se ProtocolError) Marshal() string
func (ProtocolError) Wrap ¶
func (se ProtocolError) Wrap(err error) *ProtocolError
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