
v0.61.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 5, 2025 License: MIT



Command-line client providing handy helper tools for the ONS Dissemination Platform software engineering team

⚠ Still in active development. If you notice any bugs/issues please open a GitHub issue.

Getting started

Clone the code (not needed if you brew install on macOS ⚠)

git clone git@github.com:ONSdigital/dp-cli.git

dp-cli uses Go Modules and must be cloned to a location outside of your $GOPATH.



Check that session-manager-plugin is installed by running the following command

which session-manager-plugin

if not installed, you can install it using the following:

brew install --cask session-manager-plugin

or by follow this doc.

Optional but common requirements

The following are only required for some common functionality of this tool.

In order to use the dp ssh sub-command you will need:

  • dp-setup cloned locally:

    git clone git@github.com:ONSdigital/dp-setup
  • dp-ci cloned locally:

    git clone git@github.com:ONSdigital/dp-ci
  • dp-nisra-infrastructure cloned locally:

    git clone git@github.com:ONSdigital/dp-nisra-infrastructure

Note: Make sure your repo's are on the right branches and are uptodate:

  • dp-setup is on the awsb (or main) branch
  • dp-ci is on the main branch
  • dp-nisra-infrastructure is on the develop branch

This is necessary because they have the required SSH configuration and the relevant ansible inventories.

Optional and less common CMD requirements

In order to use the dp import cmd sub-command (e.g. when you are using Neo4j; however, import is currently not needed if you are using Neptune) you will need:


Configuration is defined in a YAML file:

  • By default the CLI expects the config file to be ~/.dp-cli-config.yml.
  • The config file location can be customised by setting the DP_CLI_CONFIG environment variable to your chosen path.

The sample config file should be copied and tailored to suit you. For example:

cp -i config/example_config.yml ~/.dp-cli-config.yml
vi ~/.dp-cli-config.yml

update the paths and user-name:

    dp-setup-path: path to your local dp-setup
    dp-ci-path: path to your local dp-ci
    dp-nisra-path: path to dp-nisra-infrastructure
    dp-hierarchy-builder-path: path to your local dp-hierarchy-builder-path
    dp-code-list-scripts-path: path to your local dp-code-list-scripts-path
    dp-cli-path: path to your local dp-cli
    user-name: Your first and last name concatenated eg. JaneBloggs"

You can uncomment more environments values as and when you get access to them.

Brew Installation

If using macOS, you can install using brew:

  • Create tap

    brew tap ONSdigital/homebrew-dp-cli git@github.com:ONSdigital/homebrew-dp-cli
  • Run brew install

    brew install dp-cli
Build and run

If not using the brew installation (above), you can build, install and start the CLI thus:

make install
  • If you get:

    command not found: dp

    Then either edit your ~/.zshrc file to have the correct path or do:

    echo 'export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

    and restart the terminal

Or to build a binary in this directory:

make build

You should be presented with a help menu similar to:

dp is a command-line client providing handy helper tools for ONS Dissemination Platform software engineers

  dp [command]

Available Commands:
  clean            Delete data from your local environment
  create-repo      Creates a new repository with the typical Dissemination Platform configurations
  generate-project Generates the boilerplate for a given project type
  help             Help about any command
  import           Import data into your local developer environment
  remote           Allow or deny remote access to environment
  scp              Push (or `--pull`) a file to (from) an environment using scp
  spew             Log out some useful debugging info
  ssh              Access an environment using ssh
  version          Print the app version

  -h, --help   help for dp

Use "dp [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Use the available commands for more info on the functionality available.

Common issues
Credentials error
  1. If sandbox/prod/staging are not in the dp cli output try unsetting AWS_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

  2. SSOProviderInvalidToken: the SSO session has expired or is invalid

    If you see the above error, you need to re-authenticate with sign-in information

    Try: dp remote login

  3. error fetching ec2: {Name:sandbox Profile:dp-sandbox SSHUser:ubuntu Tag: CI:false ExtraPorts:{Bastion:[] Publishing:[] Web:[]}}: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration

    check that you have the correct AWS profile names in your ~/.aws/config file (dp-sandbox, dp-staging, dp-prod, dp-ci). A sample config for ~/.aws/config is included at the end of this guide as a reference.

  4. Error: no security groups matching environment: "sandbox" with name "sandbox - bastion"

    check ~/.aws/credentials and remove any profile information added for dp-sandbox, dp-staging and dp-prod as this is not needed

    If you do not want to set up separate profiles, another option is to not specify any profiles in your ~/.dp-cli-config.yml. That way the default credentials will be used.

      - name: prod
      - name: staging
SSH/SCP command fails
$ dp ssh sandbox
ssh to sandbox

If the SSH or SCP command fails, ensure that the dp remote allow command has been run for the environment you want to connect to.

Remote Allow security group error

Error: no security groups matching environment: "sandbox" with name "sandbox - bastion"

Ensure you have region=eu-west-2 in your AWS configuration.

Depending on the command you're trying to run, and what you're trying to access:

  • ensure your AWS_PROFILE is set correctly
  • and there is no dp-prod/dp-sandbox/dp-ci config in the ~/.aws/credentials file.


export AWS_PROFILE=dp-staging
Remote Allow security group rule already exists error
$ dp remote allow sandbox
[dp] allowing access to sandbox
Error: error adding rules to bastionSG: InvalidPermission.Duplicate: the specified rule "peer: X.X.X.X/32, TCP, from port: 22, to port: 22, ALLOW" already exists
        status code: 400, request id: 26a61345-8391-4c65-bfd7-4f0052892b6b

The error occurs when rules have previously been added and the command is run again. Use (e.g.) dp remote deny sandbox to clear out existing rules and try again.

Note: This error should no longer appear - the code should now avoid re-adding existing rules. However, it is possible that the rule has been added with a description that does not match your username. If so, you will have to use the AWS web UI/console to remove any offending Security Group rules.

Advanced use
ssh commands

You can run ssh commands from the command-line, for example to determine the time on a given host:

$ dp ssh sandbox web 1 date
[...motd banner...]
[result of date command when run on remote host]

⚠ However, if you wish to include flags in the (remote) command, you must tell dp to stop looking for flags - use the -- flag:

$ dp ssh sandbox web 1 -- ls -la
$ dp ssh sandbox web_mount 1 --to 2 -- ls -la
# runs `ls -la` on web_mount 1 and 2
$ dp ssh sandbox web 1 --to 0 -- ls -la
# runs `ls -la` on ALL web boxes
Manually configuring your IP or user

Optionally, (e.g. to avoid the program looking-up your IP), you can use the --ip flag (or an environment variable MY_IP) to force the IP used when running dp remote allow. For example:

dp remote --ip allow sandbox
# or
MY_IP= dp remote allow sandbox

Similarly, use the --user flag to change the label attached to the IP that is put into (or removed from) the allow table.

dp remote --user MyColleaguesName --ip --http-only allow sandbox
Remote allow extra ports

You can expand the allowed ports in your config for publishing, web or bastion with:

  - name: example-environment
        - 80
AWS Command Line Access

Follow the guide in dp


When creating new releases, please be sure to:

  • update the version (tag)
  • update the brew formula in the tap.

Sample config for ~/.aws/config

[profile dp-sandbox]
sso_start_url  = https://ons.awsapps.com/start
sso_account_id = 1234556253   # replace this with correct account id (from above URL)
sso_role_name  = AdministratorAccess
sso_region     = eu-west-2
region         = eu-west-2

Repeat the above for any other environments (with the appropriate profile-name and account-id changes).


See CONTRIBUTING for details.


Copyright © 2024, Office for National Statistics https://www.ons.gov.uk

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL