as its name suggests will create the JSON payload for the Recipe API
All below commands need running from this directory.
It can also check whether the expected data exists in the metadata server.
A list of "working" (in the sense of the metadata journey working to preview)
ONS Dataset IDs is included and can be displayed by:
go run . -list
This list worked against cantabm_v10-1-0__ar2776-c21ew_metadata-v1-0_cantab_20220812-1_20220817-1
with the sed modifications in dp-cantabular-metadata-service/Makefile
at 20220902.
Sending a req to the Recipe API
The simplest use is to use the wrapper script
Use an ID from the "working list" with IDs starting with TS ("Topic Summary")
to be preferred since at the time of writing that was the focus for data
eg. $ ./ TS002
will use curl to POST a request with the correct headers.
If you need to confirm using the correct UUID in a request like
curl "http://localhost:8081/recipes/258cd19a-58c5-4e12-b2c9-b18b6376a0a3"
will confirm by querying the Recipe API (via Florence)
Generating the JSON body
If you wish to use Postman or similar just use
go run . -id TS002
to generate the JSON payload
On a Mac piping like
go run . -id TS002|pbcopy
will put the payload into the Copy/Paste buffer (or use xsel
or similar on
You can set the correct (?) alias/name of the recipe rather than using the
hard-coded "Testing for metadata demo v3" via
go run . -id TS002 -setalias
(note this breaks the selenium test)
go run . -id TS002 -check
will confirm the expected dataset id and metadata dimensions (non-geographic)
are in use by the metadata-server.
go run . -checkdims "ltla,sex"
will confirm the presence of those dimensions in the main cantabular server.
(This is useful for finding working recipes given the current limitations of
synthetic data)
Using against sandbox
Set up port forwarding the ext-api and metadata servers and use the
and host