Common client code - in go - for ONS APIs:
- clientlog - logging
- codelist
- dataset
- filter
- headers - common API request headers
- healthcheck -> health
- hierarchy
- identity
- image
- importapi
- renderer
- search
(WIP) Each client defines two constructor functions: one that creates a new healthcheck client (with a new dp-net/http Clienter), and the other that allows you to provide it externally, so that you can reuse it among different clients.
For example, you may create a new image API client like so:
import "github.com/ONSdigital/dp-api-clients-go/image"
imageClient := image.NewAPIClient(<url>)
Or you may create it providing a Healthcheck client:
import "github.com/ONSdigital/dp-api-clients-go/image"
import "github.com/ONSdigital/dp-api-clients-go/health"
hcClient := health.NewClient(<genericName>, <url>)
imageClient := image.NewWithHealthClient(hcClient)
Package docs
Run tests using make test
Copyright © 2019, Crown Copyright (Office for National Statistics) (https://www.ons.gov.uk)
Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.