Natural Language Processing microservices
Incorporation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) into dp-search-api as a search engine. It's powered by three microservices: dp-berlin-api, dp-category-api, and dp-scrubber-api.
These services work together to upgrade the search experience. By utilizing NLP, the system delivers more accurate and intuitive search results, making searches more effective and user-friendly.
Our aim is to optimize search results without compromising the current functionality.
Berlin and Category are python microservices which is why their Go clients have been added to dp-api-clients-go with more description below.
Berlin Client
Responsible for identifying geospational data for more information on the api read this
Check this readme
Category Client
Responsible for categorisation of the query for more information on the api read this
Check this readme
Scrubber Client
This API allows users to identify Output Areas (OA) and Industry Classification (SIC) associated with a given location. OAs are small geographical areas in the UK used for statistical purposes, while SIC codes are a system of numerical codes used to identify and categorize industries.
Scrubber is written in go so has it's own Go SDK available here.
Check this readme