Nolus Core
Install golang, tomlq and jq.
Get started
make install
Init, setup the DEX parameters and run
First generate the mnemonic you will use for Hermes:
nolusd keys mnemonic
Then recover osmosis key and use the UI to get some uosmo:
osmosisd keys add hermes_key --recover
Init and start:
./scripts/ --reserve-tokens <reserve_account_init_tokens> --hermes-mnemonic <the_mnemonic_generated_by_the_previous_steps>
The make install
command will compile and locally install nolusd on your machine.
generates a node setup, including setting the dex parameter (run --help
for more configuration options). For more details check the scripts README
Make sure "nolus-money-market" repo is checked out as a sibling to this repo.
The Osmosis binary is required: Follow the steps.
Before running the "./scripts/" again, make sure the nolusd and hermes processes are killed.
The "hermes" and "nolusd" logs are stored in ~/hermes and ~/.nolus respectively.
nolusd start --home "networks/nolus/local-validator-1"
Follow the steps here. Write down the connection and channel identifiers at Nolus and Osmosis for further usage.
Setup the DEX parameters manually
The goal is to let smart contracts know the details of the connectivity to Osmosis. Herebelow is a sample request.
nolusd tx wasm execute nolus1wn625s4jcmvk0szpl85rj5azkfc6suyvf75q6vrddscjdphtve8s5gg42f '{"setup_dex": {"connection_id": "connection-0", "transfer_channel": {"local_endpoint": "channel-0", "remote_endpoint": "channel-1499"}}}' --fees 387unls --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.1
"channel-1499" should be replaced, so you can get the actual channel ID of the remote endpoint with:
nolusd q ibc channel connections connection-0 --output json | jq '.channels[0].counterparty.channel_id' | tr -d '"'
Check the transaction has passed:
nolusd q wasm contract-state smart nolus1wn625s4jcmvk0szpl85rj5azkfc6suyvf75q6vrddscjdphtve8s5gg42f '{"config":{}}'
Build statically linked binary
By default, make build
generates a dynamically linked binary. In case someone would like to reproduce the way the binary is built in the pipeline then the command to achieve it locally is:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/code<replace_with_the latest_tag> make build -C /code
Upgrade wasmvm
- Update the Go modules
- Update the wasmvm version in the builder Dockerfile at build/builder_spec
- Increment the NOLUS_BUILDER_TAG in the Gitlab pipeline definition at .gitlab-ci.yml
- (optional step if the branch is not Gitlab protected) In order to let the pipeline build and publish the new Nolus builder image, the build should be done on a protected branch. By default only main is protected. If the upgrade is done in another one then turn it protected until a successfull build finishes.
Run a full node with docker