Nginx New Relic Plugin
This is a re-implementation of the official NGiNX New Relic plugin in Go so
that it compiles down to a static binary with no Python runtime required. It
only grabs the stats that are including the http-stub-status module and does
not add all the stats available from NGiNX Plus.
Aside from being just a static binary, it's also a 12-factor app which is good
for running in containers:
- All configuration is from environment variables
- Logging is to stdout
On startup the plugin prints its configuration to the log so you can see how
it ran.
Example Config
AGENT_STATS_URL=http://localhost:32768/health \
AGENT_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY="<your license key here>" \
You can also change the New Relic API URL used like this:
AGENT_NEW_RELIC_API_URL="<your url here>"
Generally this is not a setting you'll need to change.