Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( Yes = "yes" No = "no" ObjectIP = "object.ip" Port = "port" UserName = "username" Password = "password" Timeout = "timeout" RetryCount = "retry.count" ConfigDirectory = "config" Errors = "errors" Result = "result" Context = "context" Error = "error" ErrorCode = "error.code" Message = "message" GoroutineResults = "goroutine.results" CorrelationMetrics = "correlation.metrics" URLParams = "url.parameters" JsonURL = "url.json" URLHeaders = "url.headers" URLMethod = "url.method" URLMethodPost = "post" ContentType = "content.type" Cookies = "cookie" XCsrfToken = "X-Csrf-Token" URLProtocol = "url.protocol" Objects = "objects" CloudActiveServices = "" ObjectTarget = "" ObjectInstanceId = "" ObjectType = "object.type" ObjectCategory = "object.category" ObjectContext = "object.context" ObjectTypeSwitch = "Switch" ObjectTypeFirewall = "Firewall" CloudServiceDiscoveryTags = "cloud.service.discovery.tags" Status = "status" StatusSucceed = "succeed" StatusFail = "fail" StatusUnknown = "Unknown" StatusUp = "Up" StatusMaintenance = "Maintenance" StatusDown = "Down" StatusEnabled = "Enabled" StatusDisabled = "Disabled" StartedTimeSeconds = "started.time.seconds" StartedTime = "started.time" BlankString = "" ColonSeparator = ":" EqualSeparator = "=" Separator = "|" MotadataSeparator = "_|@#|_" CloudTagSeparator = "_|@#|_" SpaceSeparator = " " CommaSeparator = "," ForwardSlashSeparator = "/" NewLineSeparator = "\n" PipeSeparator = '|' TabSeparator = "\t" InstanceSeparator = "_" TimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" CloudTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000" TimeFormatCloud = "2006-01-02" ObjectCredentialProfile = "object.credential.profile" CredentialProfileName = "" DiscoveryCredentialProfiles = "discovery.credential.profiles" ObjectHost = "" ObjectName = "" SSBinPath = "ss.bin.path" ObjectTypeWindows = "Windows" ObjectTypeWindowsCluster = "Windows Cluster" ObjectTypeHyperV = "Hyper-V" ObjectTypeHyperVCluster = "Hyper-V Cluster" ObjectTypeLinux = "Linux" ObjectTypeIBMAIX = "IBM AIX" ObjectTypeHPUX = "HP-UX" ObjectTypeSolaris = "Solaris" ObjectSystemOID = "object.system.oid" ObjectTypeCitrixXen = "Citrix Xen" ObjectTypeCitrixXenCluster = "Citrix Xen Cluster" ObjectTypeVMwareESXi = "VMware ESXi" ObjectTypeVcenter = "vCenter" ObjectTypeSMG = "Symantec Messaging Gateway" ObjectCategoryWireless = "Wireless" ObjectCategoryOther = "Other" ObjectCategoryServer = "Server" ObjectCategoryNetwork = "Network" ObjectCategoryVirtualization = "Virtualization" Id = "id" PluginId = "" MACAddressRegexPattern = "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$" IPAddressRegexPattern = "^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" ExponentialRegexPattern = "(\\d+.\\d+E.*)" NumberRegexPattern = "\\d+" DecimalRegexPattern = "\\d+.\\d+" NewLineRegexPattern = "\r\n" CarriageReturnRegexPattern = "\r" ObjectDiscoveryMethod = "object.discovery.method" ObjectDiscoveryMethodAgent = "AGENT" DiscoveryOID = "discovery.oid" AccessId = "" SecretKey = "cloud.secret.key" ClientId = "" TenantId = "" ObjectRegion = "object.region" ObjectMakeModel = "object.make.model" ObjectAccountId = "" ObjectResourceGroup = "" URLResponseContent = "url-content" AccessToken = "access_token" TokenType = "token_type" URLResponseBuffer = "url-buffer" URLResponseHeaders = "url.response.headers" URLResponseCode = "response-code" URLResponseCodeSuccess = 200 URLResponseCodeForbidden = 403 URLResponseCodeBadRequest = 400 HTTPGETRequest = "GET" HTTPPOSTRequest = "POST" PingCheckRetryCount = "ping.check.retry.count" TopologyPluginOIDs = "topology.plugin.oids" Command = "command" RunbookPluginScriptVariables = "runbook.plugin.variables" InfoMessageConnectionDestroyed = "disconnecting from %s : %s" ErrorMessageCommandExecutionFailed = "Command Execution Error: Failed to execute command %s on target %s with error %s." InfoMessageConnectionEstablished = "Connected to %s:%d" ErrorMessageVendorNotSupported = "Unsupported Vendor: Please contact Motadata support team for help on '%s.'" ErrorMessageConnectionTimeout = "Timeout Error: The %s request for %s:%d has timed out." ErrorMessageInvalidPort = "Connection Error: Invalid Port %d" ErrorMessageConnectionFailed = "Connection Error: Failed to Establish %s Connection on %s:%d" ErrorMessageInvalidCredentials = "Authentication Error: Invalid Credentials for %s:%d" ErrorMessageInvalidURLPrivilege = "HTTP Error: User might not have privileges to access the URL %s on %s." ErrorMessageOIDGroupNotFound = "OID Group Not Found." DebugMessageRequest = "Request of : %s" DebugMessageResult = "Result %s : %s" InfoMessageCloudClientConnected = "%s client connected to %s" InfoMessageCloudClientConnecting = "%s client connecting to %s" AzureStorageGroup = "Azure Storage Resource group: %s target: %s " ErrorMessageInvalidSecret = "Connection Error: The Secret Key specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageInvalidAccessId = "Connection Error: The Access Key specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageInvalidTenantId = "Connection Error: The Tenant ID specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageInvalidClientId = "Connection Error: The Client ID specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageInvalidSubscriptionId = "Connection Error: The Subscription ID specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageInvalidResourceGroup = "Connection Error: The Resource Group specified for %s Cloud might be invalid." ErrorMessageAzureInstanceNotFound = "Instance Not Found: Instance '%s' not found on '%s'." ErrorMessageAWSInstanceNotFound = "Instance Not Found : Instance '%s' from '%s' was not found in the '%s' region." ErrorMessageFailedToListObjects = "Failed to list objects of %s service" ErrorMessagePluginNotFound = "Plugin Type not found" ErrorMessageRequestNotFound = "Request Type not found" ErrorMessageFailedToSerialize = "Serialization Error: Unable to ingest data." ErrorMessageInvalidUserName = "Authentication Error: Invalid Username." ErrorMessageInvalidAuthPassword = "Authentication Error: Invalid Password." ErrorMessageNoResponse = "No response: %s" ErrorMessageBadResponse = "Bad Response %s" ErrorMessageSSLVerificationFailed = "SSL Verification Failed : %s" ErrorMessageNoActiveMetrics = "Bad Response %v" ErrorMessageInvalidDatabase = "Invalid Database" ErrorMessageInvalidHost = "Connection Error: Invalid Host %s" ErrorMessageInvalidLoginPrivilege = "Connection Error: User might not have sufficient privileges to log on to %s on %s" ErrorMessageUnknowDriver = "Unknown Driver" ErrorMessageDHCPServiceNotRunning = "Windows DHCP services are not currently running" ErrorMessagePingFailed = "Network Error: Ping failed for the specified device." ErrorMessageInvalidDomain = "Invalid domain %s" ErrorMessageUnableToResolveDomainName = "Unable to resolve domain name" ErrorMessageInvalidCertificate = "Certificate verification failed or has expired" ErrorMessageNoSSLCertificateFound = "No valid SSL certificate found" ErrorMessageInvalidLeaseFile = "Command Error: Lease file not found on {} server" ErrorMessageInvalidConfigFile = "Command Error: Config file not found on {} server" PathSeparator = string(os.PathSeparator) WindowsPathSeparator = "\\" LogLevelTrace = 0 LogLevelDebug = 1 LogLevelInfo = 2 LogDirectory = "logs" LogFileDateFormat = "02-January-2006" LogFileTimeFormat = "03:04:05.000000 PM" LogFile = "@@@-###.log" ErrorCodeInvalidDatabase = "MD005" ErrorCodeInvalidHost = "MD310" ErrorCodeDatabaseLogin = "MD013" ErrorCodeInternalError = "MD031" ErrorCodeTimeout = "MD004" ErrorCodeSSLVerificationFailed = "MD123" ErrorCodePingFailed = "MD001" ErrorCodeInvalidPort = "MD002" ErrorCodeInvalidCredentials = "MD003" ErrorCodeInvalidCertificate = "MD0312" ErrorCodeConnectionFailed = "MD047" ErrorCodeFTPServiceNotRunning = "MD070" ErrorCodeInvalidPublicOrPrivateSSHKey = "MD103" ErrorCodeConnectionReset = "MD058" ErrorCodeCommandExecutionFailed = "MD059" ErrorCodeOIDGroupNotFound = "MD060" ErrorCodeInvalidLinuxORUnixHost = "MD099" ErrorCodeInvalidOIDValue = "MD063" ErrorCodeRoutingProtocolNotFound = "MD074" ErrorCodeInvalidQueryTime = "MD115" ErrorCodeVRFNotFound = "MD077" ErrorCodeVLANNotFound = "MD078" ErrorCodeIPSLANotFound = "MD082" ErrorCodeSymantecEmailGatewayNotFound = "MD075" ErrorCodeWirelessControllerNotFound = "MD076" ErrorCodeBadResponse = "MD083" ErrorCodeNoItemFound = "MD084" ErrorCodeSTPNotFound = "MD080" ErrorCodeSiteVPNNotFound = "MD048" ErrorCodeSNMPContextConfigurationError = "MD102" ErrorCodeVendorNotSupported = "MD049" ErrorCodeCloudInstanceNotFound = "MD072" ErrorCodeNoResponse = "MD056" ErrorCodeBadRequest = "MD022" ErrorCodeAPIInvalidAccessKey = "MD009" ErrorCodeAPIInvalidSecretKey = "MD008" ErrorCodeSNMPAgentSystemOIDNotFound = "MD101" ErrorCodeRemoteVPNNotFound = "MD081" ErrorCodeMulticastNotFound = "MD079" ErrorCodeWindowsClusterServiceNotRunning = "MD071" ErrorCodeAzureInvalidResourceGroup = "MD054" ErrorCodeAPIInvalidTenantId = "MD010" ErrorCodeAPIInvalidSubscriptionId = "MD011" ErrorCodeAPIInvalidClientId = "MD012" ErrorCodeInvalidRegionGroup = "MD055" ErrorCodeInvalidSecretKey = "MD008" ErrorCodeInvalidAccessKey = "MD009" ErrorCodeInvalidUserName = "MD108" ErrorCodeInvalidAuthPassword = "MD109" ErrorCodeFailedToListObjects = "MD110" ErrorCodeNoActiveMetrics = "MD113" ErrorCodeNoCiscoStackMetrics = "MD114" ErrorCodeHyperVClusterServiceNotRunning = "MD096" ErrorCodeADServiceNotRunning = "MD069" ErrorCodeInvalidExchangeHost = "MD116" ErrorCodeDHCPServiceNotRunning = "MD065" ErrorCodeDNSServiceNotRunning = "MD097" ErrorCodeTerminalServiceNotRunning = "MD064" ErrorCodeInvalidSecret = "MD136" ErrorCodeInvalidDomain = "MD067" ErrorCodeEmailServiceDown = "MD026" ErrorCodeInvalidSSLCertificateFound = "MD066" ErrorCodeIISServiceNotRunning = "MD068" URLProtocolHTTPs = "https" URLProtocolHTTP = "http" HTTP = "http://" HTTPS = "https://" ErrorCodeTraceRouteFailed = "MD111" ErrorCodeUnAuthorizedURLAccess = "MD007" RunbookPluginOIDS = "runbook.plugin.oids" PluginEngineLogDirectory = "plugin-engine" SystemTags = "system.tags" TagSeparator = ":" MaxPoolSize = 10 HttpContentType = "content-type" ErrorCodeDHCPLeaseFileNotFound = "MD050" ErrorCodeDHCPConfigFileNotFound = "MD051" )
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const ( SystemService = "system.service" SystemServiceDisplayName = "" SystemServiceDescription = "system.service.description" SystemServiceState = "system.service.state" SystemServiceStartupType = "system.service.startup.type" InterfaceDiscovery = "interface.discovery" LocalIP = "" LocalHost = "localhost" Interface64Bit = "1" Interface = "interface" InterfaceIndex = "interface.index" InterfaceName = "" InterfaceOperationalStatus = "interface.operational.status" InterfaceSpeedBytesPerSec = "interface.speed.bytes.per.sec" InterfaceType = "interface.type" InterfaceDescription = "interface.description" InterfaceAddress = "interface.address" InterfaceAlias = "interface.alias" InterfaceAdminStatus = "interface.admin.status" InterfaceOutPackets = "interface.out.packets" InterfaceSentOctets = "interface.sent.octets" InterfaceReceivedOctets = "interface.received.octets" InterfaceInPackets = "" InterfaceReceivedDiscardPackets = "interface.received.discard.packets" InterfaceSentDiscardPackets = "interface.sent.discard.packets" InterfaceDiscardPackets = "interface.discard.packets" InterfaceReceivedErrorPackets = "interface.received.error.packets" InterfaceSentErrorPackets = "interface.sent.error.packets" InterfacePackets = "interface.packets" InterfaceErrorPackets = "interface.error.packets" InterfaceLastChange = "interface.last.change" InterfaceBitType = "interface.bit.type" InterfaceIPAddress = "interface.ip.address" WirelessAccessPoint = "wireless.access.point" WirelessAccessPointIPAddress = "wireless.access.point.ip.address" WirelessAccessPointMACAddress = "wireless.access.point.mac.address" WirelessAccessPointOperationalStatus = "wireless.access.point.operational.status" WirelessAccessPointStatus = "wireless.access.point.status" SNMPDigitRegexPattern = "[0-9]+" SNMPInterfaceStatusUp = "up" SNMPInterfaceStatusDown = "down" MetricPlugin = "metric.plugin" EventType = "event.type" EventDiscovery = "discovery" EventRediscover = "rediscover" EventPoll = "metric.poll" EventPluginEngine = "plugin.engine" EventTopology = "topology" TopologyPluginType = "topology.plugin.type" SNMPTopology = "SNMP" PluginEngineRequest = "plugin.engine.request" PluginEngineRequestNetworkMetric = "Network Metric" PluginEngineRequestRunbook = "Runbook" RunbookPluginType = "runbook.plugin.type" SNMPRunbook = "SNMP" PowershellRunbook = "Powershell Script" SSHRunbook = "SSH Script" HTTPRunbook = "HTTP Script" TraceRouteRunbook = "Trace Route" MACScannerRunbook = "MAC Scanner" PluginEngineRequestStreaming = "Streaming" SNMPDevice = "snmp" ObjectStatus = "objectstatus" Windows = "windows" WindowsDirectory = "windowsdirectory" WindowsFile = "windowsfile" WindowsCPUCore = "windowscpucore" WindowsDisk = "windowsdisk" WindowsNetworkInterface = "windowsnetworkinterface" WindowsCluster = "windowscluster" WindowsClusterDisk = "windowsclusterdisk" WindowsProcess = "windowsprocess" WindowsService = "windowsservice" NullString = "null" CitrixXen = "citrixxen" CitrixXenCluster = "citrixxencluster" CitrixXenClusterConfig = "citrixxenclusterconfig" CitrixXenConfig = "citrixxenconfig" CitrixXenNetwork = "citrixxennetwork" CitrixXenStorage = "citrixxenstorage" CitrixXenVM = "citrixxenvm" HyperV = "hyperv" HyperVCluster = "hypervcluster" HyperVClusterStorage = "hypervclusterstorage" HyperVConfig = "hypervconfig" HyperVNetwork = "hypervnetwork" HyperVService = "hypervservice" HyperVStorage = "hypervstorage" HyperVVM = "hypervvm" WindowsTaskScheduler = "windowstaskscheduler" DotNet = "dotnet" SNMPScalarMetric = "snmpscalarmetric" SNMPTabularMetric = "snmptabularmetric" SNMPInterface = "snmpinterface" SNMPNetworkConnection = "snmpnetworkconnection" Multicast = "multicast" RemoteVPNConnection = "remotevpnconnection" SiteVPN = "sitevpn" VRF = "vrf" URL = "url" Powershell = "powershell" Routing = "routing" STP = "stp" SwitchPortMapper = "switchportmapper" IPSLA = "ipsla" Linux = "linux" LinuxProcess = "linuxprocess" LinuxCPUCore = "linuxcpucore" LinuxDhcp = "linuxdhcp" LinuxDisk = "linuxdisk" LinuxNetworkInterface = "linuxnetworkinterface" LinuxDirectory = "linuxdirectory" LinuxFile = "linuxfile" IBMAIX = "ibmaix" IBMAIXCPUCore = "ibmaixcpucore" IBMAIXDisk = "ibmaixdisk" IBMAIXNetworkInterface = "ibmaixnetworkinterface" IBMAIXProcess = "ibmaixprocess" HPUX = "hpux" HPUXCPUCore = "hpuxcpucore" HPUXDisk = "hpuxdisk" HPUXProcess = "hpuxprocess" SymantecMessagingGateway = "symantecemailgateway" Solaris = "solaris" SolarisCPUCore = "solariscpucore" SolarisDisk = "solarisdisk" SolarisNetworkInterface = "solarisnetworkinterface" SolarisProcess = "solarisprocess" CiscoStack = "ciscostack" CiscoWireless = "ciscowireless" CiscoWirelessAP = "ciscowirelessap" CiscoWirelessClient = "ciscowirelessclient" CiscoWirelessRogueAP = "ciscowirelessrogueap" ArubaWireless = "arubawireless" ArubaWirelessAP = "arubawirelessap" ArubaWirelessClient = "arubawirelessclient" ArubaWirelessRogueAP = "arubawirelessrogueap" CiscoHardwareSensor = "ciscohardwaresensor" CloudMetrics = "cloud.metrics" AWS = "aws" AWSBilling = "awsbilling" AmazonDynamoDB = "amazondynamodb" AmazonEBS = "amazonebs" AmazonEC2 = "amazonec2" AWSELB = "awselb" AmazonRDS = "amazonrds" AmazonS3 = "amazons3" AmazonSNS = "amazonsns" AmazonCloudFront = "amazoncloudfront" AWSAutoScaling = "awsautoscaling" AWSLambda = "awslambda" AmazonSQS = "amazonsqs" AWSElasticBeanstalk = "awselasticbeanstalk" Teams = "teams" OneDrive = "onedrive" AmazonDocumentDB = "amazondocumentdb" AzureCloud = "azure" AzureBilling = "azurebilling" AzureCosmosDB = "azurecosmosdb" AzureSQLDatabase = "azuresqldatabase" AzureStorage = "azurestorage" AzureVM = "azurevm" AzureWebApp = "azurewebapp" AzureMySQL = "azuremysql" AzurePostgreSQL = "azurepostgresql" AzureServiceBus = "azureservicebus" AzureApplicationGateway = "azureapplicationgateway" AzureFunction = "azurefunction" AzureLoadBalancer = "azureloadbalancer" AzureVMScaleSet = "azurevmscaleset" AzureCDN = "azurecdn" VLAN = "vlan" VLANStatus = "vlan.status" VLANPort = "vlan.port" VLANPorts = "vlan.ports" VLANName = "" VLANType = "vlan.type" UniqueIdentifier = "linux.plugin.command.identifier." CPUIdlePercent = "system.cpu.idle.percent" CPUUserPercent = "system.cpu.user.percent" CPUIOPercent = "" CPUInterruptPercent = "system.cpu.interrupt.percent" CPUUsedPercent = "system.cpu.percent" CPUSystemPercent = "system.cpu.kernel.percent" CPUCore = "system.cpu.core" CPUCoreIdlePercent = "system.cpu.core.idle.percent" CPUCoreUserPercent = "system.cpu.core.user.percent" CPUCoreIOPercent = "" CPUCoreInterruptPercent = "system.cpu.core.interrupt.percent" CPUCoreSystemPercent = "system.cpu.core.kernel.percent" CPUCoreUsedPercent = "system.cpu.core.percent" DiskVolume = "system.disk.volume" DiskVolumeCapacityBytes = "system.disk.volume.capacity.bytes" DiskVolumeUsedBytes = "system.disk.volume.used.bytes" DiskVolumeFreeBytes = "" DiskVolumeUsedPercent = "system.disk.volume.used.percent" DiskVolumeFreePercent = "" DiskVolumeMountPath = "system.disk.volume.mount.path" DiskCapacityBytes = "system.disk.capacity.bytes" DiskUsedBytes = "system.disk.used.bytes" DiskFreeBytes = "" DiskUsedPercent = "system.disk.used.percent" DiskFreePercent = "" MemoryInstalledBytes = "system.memory.installed.bytes" MemoryUsedBytes = "system.memory.used.bytes" MemoryFreeBytes = "" MemoryUsedPercent = "system.memory.used.percent" MemoryFreePercent = "" MemoryAvailableBytes = "system.memory.available.bytes" OverallMemoryUsedBytes = "system.overall.memory.used.bytes" OverallMemoryFreeBytes = "" OverallMemoryUsedPercent = "system.overall.memory.used.percent" OverallMemoryFreePercent = "" BufferMemoryBytes = "system.buffer.memory.bytes" CacheMemoryBytes = "system.cache.memory.bytes" SwapMemoryBytes = "system.swap.memory.provisioned.bytes" SwapMemoryUsedBytes = "system.swap.memory.used.bytes" SwapMemoryFreeBytes = "" SwapMemoryUsedPercent = "system.swap.memory.used.percent" SwapMemoryFreePercent = "" Disk = "system.disk" DiskWriteBytesPerSec = "system.disk.write.bytes.per.sec" DiskReadBytesPerSec = "" DiskBytesPerSec = "system.disk.bytes.per.sec" DiskWriteOpsPerSec = "system.disk.write.ops.per.sec" DiskReadOpsPerSec = "" DiskOpsPerSec = "system.disk.ops.per.sec" DiskReadTimePercent = "" DiskWriteTimePercent = "system.disk.write.time.percent" DiskTimePercent = "system.disk.time.percent" DiskQueueLength = "system.disk.queue.length" SystemDiskIOReadOpsPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOWriteOpsPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOOpsPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOBytesPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOWriteBytesPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOReadBytesPerSec = "" SystemDiskIOQueueLength = "" SystemDiskIOTimePercent = "" SystemDiskIOIdleTimePercent = "" RunningProcesses = "system.running.processes" Virtual = "system.virtual" SystemVendor = "system.vendor" Model = "system.model" Threads = "system.threads" OSName = "" CPUType = "system.cpu.type" SystemName = "" OSVersion = "system.os.version" ProcessorQueueLength = "system.processor.queue.length" BlockedProcesses = "system.blocked.processes" InterruptsPerSec = "system.interrupts.per.sec" ContextSwitchesPerSec = "system.context.switches.per.sec" OpenFileDescriptors = "system.opened.file.descriptors" CPUCores = "system.cpu.cores" SystemNetworkInterface = "" SystemNetworkInterfaceMACAddress = "" SystemNetworkInterfaceIPAddress = "" NetworkInTrafficBytesRate = "" NetworkOutTrafficBytesRate = "" NetworkTrafficBytesRate = "" NetworkInPacketsRate = "" NetworkOutPacketsRate = "" NetworkPacketsRate = "" NetworkConnection = "" NetworkInBytesPerSec = "" NetworkOutBytesPerSec = "" NetworkInPacketsPerSec = "" NetworkOutPacketsPerSec = "" InterfaceOutPacketsPerSec = "" InterfaceInPacketsPerSec = "" NetworkBytesPerSec = "" NetworkTCPConnections = "" NetworkUDPConnections = "" NetworkErrorPackets = "" NetworkTCPRetransmissions = "" InterfaceInTrafficBytesRate = "" InterfaceOutTrafficBytesRate = "" InterfaceTrafficBytesRate = "" InterfaceInPacketsRate = "" InterfaceOutPacketsRate = "" InterfacePacketsRate = "" InterfacePacketLoss = "" InterfaceInBytesPerSec = "" InterfaceOutBytesPerSec = "" InterfaceOutputQueueLength = "" InterfaceBytesPerSec = "" LoadAverage1Min = "system.load.avg1.min" LoadAverage5Min = "system.load.avg5.min" LoadAverage15Min = "system.load.avg15.min" CPUDescription = "system.cpu.description" PagesFaultsPerSec = "system.pages.faults.per.sec" LogicalProcessors = "system.logical.processors" PhysicalProcessors = "system.physical.processors" OSServicePack = "system.os.service.pack" SerialNumber = "system.serial.number" MemoryCommittedBytes = "system.memory.committed.bytes" PagesPerSec = "system.pages.per.sec" PagedMemoryBytes = "system.paged.memory.bytes" NonPagedMemoryBytes = "system.non.paged.memory.bytes" NetworkQueueLength = "" DestinationIP = "system.process.destination.ip" DestinationPort = "system.process.destination.port" SourceIP = "system.process.source.ip" SourcePort = "system.process.source.port" Process = "system.process" ProcessName = "" ProcessHandles = "system.process.handles" ProcessId = "" ProcessUser = "system.process.user" ProcessCommand = "system.process.command" ProcessThreads = "system.process.threads" ProcessCPUPercent = "system.process.cpu.percent" ProcessMemoryPercent = "system.process.memory.used.percent" ProcessVirtualMemoryBytes = "system.process.virtual.memory.bytes" ProcessMemoryUsedBytes = "system.process.memory.used.bytes" ProcessIOOpsPerSec = "" ProcessStartedTimeSeconds = "system.process.started.time.seconds" ProcessStartedTime = "system.process.started.time" ProcessIOBytesPerSec = "" Metric = "metric" MetricName = "" MetricUnit = "metric.unit" MetricStatistic = "metric.statistic" DirectorySize = "" DirectoryFiles = "" DirectoryDirs = "" SystemDirectory = "" DirectoryOwner = "" SystemFileOwner = "system.file.owner" SystemFileSizeBytes = "system.file.size.bytes" SystemFile = "system.file" SystemFileCreationTime = "system.file.creation.time" SystemDirectoryCreationTime = "" ResourceId = "subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/%s/%s" PT5M = "PT5M" PT1M = "PT1M" PT1H = "PT1H" MetricBytes = "Bytes" MetricTotal = "Total" MetricCount = "Count" AzureMetricCountPerSec = "CountPerSecond" MetricAverage = "Average" AWSMetricCountPerSec = "Count/Second" MetricPercent = "Percent" MetricSum = "Sum" MetricSeconds = "Seconds" MetricMaximum = "Maximum" MetricMinimum = "Minimum" MetricNone = "None" MetricMillisecond = "Milliseconds" AzureMetricBytesPerSec = "BytesPerSecond" AWSMetricBytesPerSec = "Bytes/Second" AzureMetricTimeStampLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:00Z" AWSDynamoDBName = "" AWSDynamoDBTableSizeBytes = "aws.dynamodb.table.size.bytes" AWSSNSSubscriptions = "aws.sns.subscriptions" AWSELBCreationInstanceTime = "aws.elb.instance.creation.time" AWSELBCreationInstanceTimeSeconds = "aws.elb.instance.creation.time.seconds" AWSELBType = "aws.elb.type" AWSELBVPCId = "" AWSEBSVolumeType = "aws.ebs.volume.type" AWSEBSVolumeSnapshotId = "" AWSEBSVolumeSizeBytes = "aws.ebs.volume.size.bytes" AWSEBSVolumeAttachmentState = "aws.ebs.volume.attachment.status" AWSEBSVolumeEC2InstanceId = "" AWSEBSVolumeAttachedTime = "aws.ebs.volume.attached.time" AWSEBSVolumeAttachedTimeSeconds = "aws.ebs.volume.attached.time.seconds" AzureVMPublicIPAddress = "azure.vm.public.ip.address" AzureVMPrivateIPAddress = "azure.vm.private.ip.address" AzureCosmosDBDocumentEndpoint = "azure.cosmos.db.document.endpoint" AzureCosmosDBReadLocations = "" AzureCosmosDBWriteLocations = "azure.cosmos.db.write.locations" AzureCosmosDBRegionID = "" AzureVMSize = "azure.vm.size" AzureVMComputerName = "" AzureVMOSType = "azure.vm.os.type" AzureVMOSDisk = "azure.vm.os.disk" AzureVMPublisher = "azure.vm.publisher" AzureSQLDatabaseElasticPoolName = "" AzureSQLDatabaseFailOverGroupId = "" AzureSQLDatabaseServer = "azure.sql.database.server" AzureSQLDatabaseServerFQDN = "azure.sql.database.server.fqdn" AzureSQLDatabaseStorageSizeBytes = "" AzureSQLDatabaseEarliestRestoreDate = "" AzureSQLDatabaseCreationTime = "azure.sql.database.creation.time" AzureSQLDatabaseCreationTimeSeconds = "azure.sql.database.creation.time.seconds" AzureMySQLServerFQDN = "azure.mysql.server.fqdn" AzureMySQLServerEarliestRestoreDate = "" AzureMySQLServerBackupRetentionDays = "azure.mysql.server.backup.retention.days" AzureMySQLServerStorageSizeBytes = "" AzurePostgreSQLServerFQDN = "azure.postgresql.server.fqdn" AzurePostgreSQLServerStorageSizeBytes = "" AzurePostgreSQLServerBackupRetentionDays = "azure.postgresql.server.backup.retention.days" AzurePostgreSQLServerEarliestRestoreDate = "" AzureWebAppDefaultHost = "" AWSEC2Monitoring = "aws.ec2.monitoring" AWSEC2PublicIPAddress = "aws.ec2.public.ip.address" AWSEC2PublicDNSName = "" AWSAutoScalingHealthCheckType = "" AWSS3BucketCreationTime = "aws.s3.bucket.creation.time" AWSS3BucketCreationTimeSeconds = "aws.s3.bucket.creation.time.seconds" AWSRDSAllocatedStorageBytes = "" AWSRDSInstanceId = "" AWSEBSVolumeCreationTime = "aws.ebs.volume.creation.time" AWSEBSVolumeCreationTimeSeconds = "aws.ebs.volume.creation.time.seconds" AWSCloudFrontDomainName = "" AWSCloudFrontHTTPVersion = "aws.cloudfront.http.version" AWSCloudFrontLastModifiedTime = "aws.cloudfront.last.modified.time" AWSCloudFrontIPv6Enabled = "aws.cloudfront.ipv6.enabled" AWSDocumentDBDBIResourceId = "" AWSDocumentDBEngine = "aws.documentdb.engine" AWSDocumentDBBackupRetentionDays = "aws.documentdb.backup.retention.days" AWSInstanceCreationTime = "aws.instance.creation.time" AWSInstanceCreationTimeSeconds = "aws.instance.creation.time.seconds" AWSAutoScalingInstanceMaxLifeTimeSeconds = "" AWSLambdaVersion = "aws.lambda.version" AWSLambdaCodeSizeBytes = "aws.lambda.code.size.bytes" AWSLambdaMemorySizeBytes = "aws.lambda.memory.size.bytes" AWSLambdaRuntimeEnvironment = "aws.lambda.runtime.environment" AWSAvailabilityZone = "" CloudServiceDownInstanceDiscovery = "cloud.service.down.instance.discovery" AWSState = "aws.state" AWSStatus = "aws.status" AzureProvisioningState = "azure.provisioning.state" AWSLocation = "aws.location" AzureStatus = "azure.status" AzureName = "" AzureETag = "azure.etag" AzureType = "azure.type" AzureSKU = "" AzureLocation = "azure.location" SystemLocation = "system.location" SystemOID = "system.oid" SystemDescription = "system.description" ArubaControllerType = "aruba.controller.type" ArubaWLC = "wirelesscontroller" ArubaIAP = "instantaccesspoint" EventTimestamp = "event.timestamp" LastPollTime = "last.poll.time" LastQueryTime = "last.query.time" Bind9 = "bind9" Bind9NetStat = "bind9netstat" Bind9SockStat = "bind9sockstat" VMNode = "vm" ESXi = "esxi" ESXiConfig = "esxiconfig" ESXiDatastore = "esxidatastore" ESXiDisk = "esxidisk" ESXiHardwareSensor = "esxihardwaresensor" ESXiNetwork = "esxinetwork" ESXiStorage = "esxistorage" ESXiVM = "esxivm" Tomcat = "tomcat" Nginx = "nginx" LightHTTPd = "lighthttpd" MSMQ = "msmq" PluginHTTP = "http" Vcenter = "vcenter" Zimbra = "zimbra" WildFly = "wildfly" VcenterDatastore = "vcenterdatastore" VcenterCluster = "vcentercluster" VcenterDatacenter = "vcenterdatacenter" RuckusWireless = "ruckuswireless" RuckusWirelessClient = "ruckuswirelessclient" RuckusWirelessWLAN = "ruckuswirelesswlan" RuckusWirelessAP = "ruckuswirelessap" RuckusWirelessRogueAP = "ruckuswirelessrogueap" ActiveDirectory = "activedirectory" ActiveDirectoryRole = "activedirectoryrole" ActiveDirectoryReplication = "activedirectoryreplication" HAProxy = "haproxy" HAProxySession = "haproxysession" Office365 = "office365" NTP = "ntp" Ping = "ping" PostgreSQL = "postgresql" PostgreSQLDatabase = "postgresqldatabase" PostgreSQLSession = "postgresqlsession" PostgreSQLTablespace = "postgresqltablespace" PostgreSQLIndex = "postgresqlindex" Radius = "radius" MSSQL = "mssql" MSSQLBackup = "mssqlbackup" MSSQLDatabase = "mssqldatabase" MSSQLIndex = "mssqlindex" MSSQLJob = "mssqljob" MSSQLProcess = "mssqlprocess" MSSQLReplication = "mssqlreplication" MSSQLSession = "mssqlsession" MSSQLSlowQuery = "mssqlslowquery" HostSystem = "HostSystem" VirtualMachine = "VirtualMachine" Datastore = "Datastore" ClusterComputeResource = "ClusterComputeResource" ResourcePool = "ResourcePool" Network = "Network" Datacenter = "Datacenter" MetricPollingTime = "metric.polling.time" InfoMessageCitrixXenConnectionCreate = "creating citrix xen api connection for %s metrics" InfoMessageCitrixXenConnectionCreated = " citrix xen api connection created for %s metrics" ValidLinuxPort = 22 CitrixRunningPowerState = "Running" CitrixHaltedPowerState = "Halted" CitrixPausedPowerState = "Paused" CitrixSuspendedPowerState = "Suspended" URLBuffer = "url-buffer" Installed = "Installed" NotInstalled = "Not Installed" Database = "database" Saphana = "saphana" ServiceCheckStatus = "service.check.status" ServiceCheckLatency = "" SaphanaBackup = "saphanabackup" SaphanaDisk = "saphanadisk" SaphanaHost = "saphanahost" SaphanaService = "saphanaservice" SaphanaSession = "saphanasession" SaphanaTransaction = "saphanatransaction" SaphanaWorkload = "saphanaworkload" Version = "version" Type = "type" MariaDB = "mariadb" MariaDBProcess = "mariadbprocess" HDB = "hdb" Postgres = "postgres" MariaDBCommand = "mariadbcommand" MySQL = "mysql" Apache = "apache" MySQLCommand = "mysqlcommand" MySQLIndex = "mysqlindex" MySQLInnoDB = "mysqlinnodb" MySQLProcess = "mysqlprocess" MariaDBInnodb = "mariadbinnodb" MySQLConnectionURL = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?timeout=%ds" PostgreSQLConnectionURL = "postgres://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?sslmode=disable&&connect_timeout=%d" SQLServer = "sqlserver" MSSQLPortConnectionURL = "sqlserver://%s:%s@%s:%d?encrypt=disable&connection+timeout=%d" MSSQLInstanceConnectionURL = "sqlserver://%s:%s@%s/%s?encrypt=disable&connection+timeout=%d" RabbitmqStatusUrl = "/api/overview" RabbitMQ = "rabbitmq" RabbitMQChannel = "rabbitmqchannel" RabbitMQConnection = "rabbitmqconnection" RabbitMQExchange = "rabbitmqexchange" RabbitMQQueue = "rabbitmqqueue" Office365URL = "" CloudErrorCodeInvalidTenantId = 90002 CloudErrorCodeInvalidClientId = 700016 CloudErrorCodeInvalidSecretId = 7000215 ExchangeClientAccessRole = "exchangeclientaccessrole" ExchangeEdgeTransportRole = "exchangeedgetransportrole" ExchangeMailbox = "exchangemailbox" ExchangeMailboxRole = "exchangemailboxrole" ExchangeOnlineMailbox = "exchangeonlinemailbox" WebsphereStatusUrl = "/wasPerfTool/servlet/perfservlet" Websphere = "websphere" WebsphereServlet = "websphereservlet" WindowsDHCP = "windowsdhcp" WindowsDNS = "windowsdns" WindowsRDP = "windowsrdp" WindowsDHCPScope = "windowsdhcpscope" FTP = "ftp" Domain = "domain" SSH = "ssh" Email = "email" Certificate = "certificate" IIS = "iis" IISApplication = "iisapplication" IISAppPool = "iisapppool" IISASPNET = "iisaspnet" Oracle = "oracle" OracleASMDisk = "oracleasmdisk" OracleIndex = "oracleindex" OracleJob = "oraclejob" OracleRAC = "oraclerac" OracleRollbackSegment = "oraclerollbacksegment" OracleSession = "oraclesession" OracleSlowQuery = "oracleslowquery" OracleTableSpace = "oracletablespace" OIDs = "oids" CompositeOIDs = "compositeOIDs" )
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const ( DefaultTimeout = 5 InvalidHost = "" InvalidPort = 123 InvalidUserName = "abc123" InvalidSNMPCommunity = "xysdd" InvalidPassword = "motasdcsddataaa" InvalidSecretKey = "pu6mxO0hJxJHQ3/sfsdfee5d4rNmErG/sKvlfVoYhCVGS" InvalidTenantId = "5b4acec3-8790-4187-9489-98c654cc6c87" InvalidClientId = "aaa130f3-5ed7-345g-87f5-mota123dataa" InvalidTarget = "dsgdfhcfgj" InvalidObjectAccountId = "5382234645637" InvalidResource = "motadata1234" InvalidRegion = "motaddata1234" InvalidSubscriptionId = "5807cSDGDfb0-41a6-4da6-b920-71d934d4a2af" InvalidDatabase = "asduhasuic" InvalidAccessId = "AKIAX2UDTUK4657QTNUV" ProdEnv = "prod" TimeRegex = `( \d+ (?:days|day) \d+ (?:hours|hour) \d+ (?:minutes|minute) \d+ (?:seconds|second))` AccountId = "5382234645637" )
Variables ¶
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var (
CurrentDir, _ = os.Getwd()
SensitiveFields = []string{"$$$password$$$", "$$$snmp.private.password$$$", "$$$$$$",
"$$$snmp.authentication.password$$$", "$$$$$$",
"$$$snmp.authentication.password$$$", "$$$snmp.private.password$$$",
"$$$user.password$$$", "$$$secret.key$$$", "$$$$$$",
"$$$$$$", "$$$ssh.key$$$", "$$$passphrase$$$", Password,
"", "snmp.authentication.password", "snmp.private.password",
ObjectContext, DiscoveryCredentialProfiles,
"cloud.secret.key", "", "", "",
"ssh.key", "passphrase", "SNMP Community", "Authentication Password",
"Private Password", "metric.plugin.variables", "mail.server.password",
"ldap.server.password", "discovery.context", "credential.profile.context",
View Source
var Office365Data = url.Values{
"grant_type": {"client_credentials"},
"resource": {""},
"client_id": {""},
"client_secret": {""},
View Source
var RediscoverMetrics = []string{SNMPInterface, SNMPDevice} // we have used native string []
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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