Overview ¶
Urls for normal build
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func FormDataToStruct(data map[string]string, s any)
- func FormatIfDateTime(val any) any
- func GetValue(s any, column string) any
- func InputWithLabel(t ...string) (*Element, *Element, *Element)
- func ReflectModelName(s any) string
- func SetValue(s any, column string, value any)
- func SetValueStrict(s any, f reflect.StructField, v reflect.Value, column string, value any)
- func TransformValue(s any, field string, val any) (any, error)
- type Buffer
- type Element
- func A(t ...string) *Element
- func Abbr(t ...string) *Element
- func Address(t ...string) *Element
- func Area(t ...string) *Element
- func Article(t ...string) *Element
- func Aside(t ...string) *Element
- func Audio(t ...string) *Element
- func B(t ...string) *Element
- func Bdi(t ...string) *Element
- func Bdo(t ...string) *Element
- func Blockquote(t ...string) *Element
- func Body(t ...string) *Element
- func Br() *Element
- func Button(t ...string) *Element
- func Canvas(t ...string) *Element
- func Caption(t ...string) *Element
- func Cite(t ...string) *Element
- func Code(t ...string) *Element
- func Col(t ...string) *Element
- func Colgroup(t ...string) *Element
- func Command(t ...string) *Element
- func Datalist(t ...string) *Element
- func Dd(t ...string) *Element
- func Del(t ...string) *Element
- func Details(t ...string) *Element
- func Dfn(t ...string) *Element
- func Div(t ...string) *Element
- func Dl(t ...string) *Element
- func Dt(t ...string) *Element
- func Elem(t string, inner ...string) *Element
- func Em(t ...string) *Element
- func Embed(t ...string) *Element
- func Fieldset(t ...string) *Element
- func Figcaption(t ...string) *Element
- func Figure(t ...string) *Element
- func Footer(t ...string) *Element
- func Form(t ...string) *Element
- func H1(t ...string) *Element
- func H2(t ...string) *Element
- func H3(t ...string) *Element
- func H4(t ...string) *Element
- func H5(t ...string) *Element
- func H6(t ...string) *Element
- func Header(t ...string) *Element
- func Hr() *Element
- func I(t ...string) *Element
- func Iframe(t ...string) *Element
- func Img(src string, alt ...string) *Element
- func Input(t ...string) *Element
- func Ins(t ...string) *Element
- func Kbd(t ...string) *Element
- func Keygen(t ...string) *Element
- func Label(t ...string) *Element
- func Legend(t ...string) *Element
- func Li(t ...string) *Element
- func Main(t ...string) *Element
- func Map(t ...string) *Element
- func Mark(t ...string) *Element
- func Menu(t ...string) *Element
- func Meter(t ...string) *Element
- func Nav(t ...string) *Element
- func Object(t ...string) *Element
- func Ol(t ...string) *Element
- func Optgroup(t ...string) *Element
- func Option(t ...string) *Element
- func Output(t ...string) *Element
- func P(t ...string) *Element
- func Param(t ...string) *Element
- func Pre(t ...string) *Element
- func Progress(t ...string) *Element
- func Q(t ...string) *Element
- func Rp(t ...string) *Element
- func Rt(t ...string) *Element
- func Ruby(t ...string) *Element
- func S(t ...string) *Element
- func Samp(t ...string) *Element
- func Script(src string, typ ...string) *Element
- func ScriptInline(sourceCode string, typ ...string) *Element
- func Section(t ...string) *Element
- func Select(name string, listItems []any, deflt ...string) *Element
- func Small(t ...string) *Element
- func Source(t ...string) *Element
- func Span(t ...string) *Element
- func Strong(t ...string) *Element
- func StructToForm(s any, inputClass string) *Element
- func StyleBlock(t ...string) *Element
- func StyleSheet(href string, rel string) *Element
- func Sub(t ...string) *Element
- func Summary(t ...string) *Element
- func Sup(t ...string) *Element
- func Table(t ...string) *Element
- func Tbody(t ...string) *Element
- func Td(t ...string) *Element
- func Textarea(t ...string) *Element
- func Tfoot(t ...string) *Element
- func Th(t ...string) *Element
- func Thead(t ...string) *Element
- func Time(t ...string) *Element
- func Tr(t ...string) *Element
- func Track(t ...string) *Element
- func U(t ...string) *Element
- func Ul(t ...string) *Element
- func Var(t ...string) *Element
- func Video(t ...string) *Element
- func Wbr(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Accept(attr_accept ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Accesskey(attr_accesskey ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Align(attr_align ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Async() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Autocomplete(def bool) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Autofocus() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Autoplay() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Cite(attr_cite ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Cols(attr_cols string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Colspan(attr_colspan string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Content(attr_content ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Contenteditable() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Contextmenu(attr_contextmenu ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Controls(attr_controls ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Coords(attr_coords ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Data(attr_data ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Datetime(attr_datetime ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Default(attr_default ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Defer() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Dir(attr_dir ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Dirname(attr_dirname ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Disabled() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Download(attr_download ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Draggable() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Dropzone(attr_dropzone ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Enctype(attr_enctype ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_For(attr_for ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Form(attr_form ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Formaction(attr_formaction ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Headers(attr_headers ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_High(attr_high ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Hreflang(attr_hreflang ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Http(attr_http ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Ismap(attr_ismap ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Kind(attr_kind ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Label(attr_label ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Lang(attr_lang ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_List(attr_list ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Loop(attr_loop ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Low(attr_low ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Max(attr_max ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Maxlength(attr_maxlength ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Media(attr_media ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Min(attr_min ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Multiple(attr_multiple ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Muted() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Novalidate() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Open(attr_open ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Optimum(attr_optimum ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Pattern(attr_pattern ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Placeholder(attr_placeholder ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Poster(attr_poster ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Preload(attr_preload bool) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Readonly() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Rel(attr_rel string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Required() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Reversed() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Rows(attr_rows string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Rowspan(attr_rowspan string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Sandbox(attr_sandbox ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Scope(attr_scope ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Selected() *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Shape(attr_shape ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Size(attr_size ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Sizes(attr_sizes ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Span(attr_span ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Spellcheck(attr_spellcheck bool) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Srcdoc(attr_srcdoc ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Srclang(attr_srclang ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Srcset(attr_srcset ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Start(attr_start ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Step(attr_step ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Tabindex(attr_tabindex ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Target(attr_target ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Title(attr_title string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Translate(attr_translate bool) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Type(attr_type string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Usemap(attr_usemap ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Value(attr_value string) *Element
- func (e *Element) A_Wrap(attr_wrap ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Abbr(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Action(attr_action ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Add(elems ...*Element) *Element
- func (e *Element) Address(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) All() Elements
- func (e *Element) Alt(attr_alt string) *Element
- func (e *Element) AppendChild(child *Element)
- func (e *Element) Area(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Article(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Aside(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) AsyncForEach(fn func(*Element) bool)
- func (e *Element) Audio(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) B(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) BackgroundColor(color string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Bdi(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Bdo(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Bgcolor(attr_bgcolor string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Blockquote(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Body(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Border(attr_border ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Br(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Button(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Canvas(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Caption(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Charset(attr_charset ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Checked() *Element
- func (e *Element) Children() Elements
- func (e *Element) Cite(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Class(classes ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Code(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Col(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Colgroup(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Color(attr_color string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Command(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Custom(key string, values ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Datalist(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Dd(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Del(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) DelAttr(name string) *Element
- func (e *Element) DeleteInnerElementByID(id string)
- func (e *Element) Details(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Dfn(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Div(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Dl(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Dt(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Em(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Embed(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Fieldset(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Figcaption(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Figure(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Footer(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) ForEach(fn func(*Element))
- func (e *Element) Form(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Generate(spacing string, buf Buffer)
- func (e *Element) GetByClassname(className string) Elements
- func (e *Element) GetByID(id string) *Element
- func (e *Element) GetClasses() []string
- func (e *Element) GetID() string
- func (e *Element) GetText() string
- func (e *Element) H1(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) H2(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) H3(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) H4(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) H5(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) H6(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) HTML(templateData any, buffer ...Buffer) string
- func (e *Element) Header(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Height(attr_height string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Hidden() *Element
- func (e *Element) Hr() *Element
- func (e *Element) Href(href string) *Element
- func (e *Element) I(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) ID(id string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Iframe(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Img(src string, alt ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) InnerText(text string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Input(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) InputWithLabel(t ...string) (*Element, *Element, *Element)
- func (e *Element) Ins(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Kbd(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Keygen(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Label(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Legend(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Li(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Main(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Map(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Mark(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Menu(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Meter(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Method(attr_method ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Name(attr_name string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Nav(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) NoClose() *Element
- func (e *Element) Object(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ol(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onabort(attr_onabort ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onafterprint(attr_onafterprint ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onbeforeprint(attr_onbeforeprint ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onbeforeunload(attr_onbeforeunload ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onblur(attr_onblur ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncanplay(attr_oncanplay ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncanplaythrough(attr_oncanplaythrough ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onchange(attr_onchange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onclick(attr_onclick ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncontextmenu(attr_oncontextmenu ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncopy(attr_oncopy ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncuechange(attr_oncuechange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oncut(attr_oncut ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondblclick(attr_ondblclick ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondrag(attr_ondrag ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondragend(attr_ondragend ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondragenter(attr_ondragenter ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondragleave(attr_ondragleave ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondragover(attr_ondragover ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondragstart(attr_ondragstart ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondrop(attr_ondrop ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ondurationchange(attr_ondurationchange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onemptied(attr_onemptied ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onended(attr_onended ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onerror(attr_onerror ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onfocus(attr_onfocus ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onhashchange(attr_onhashchange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oninput(attr_oninput ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Oninvalid(attr_oninvalid ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onkeydown(attr_onkeydown ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onkeypress(attr_onkeypress ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onkeyup(attr_onkeyup ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onload(attr_onload ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onloadeddata(attr_onloadeddata ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onloadedmetadata(attr_onloadedmetadata ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onloadstart(attr_onloadstart ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmousedown(attr_onmousedown ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmousemove(attr_onmousemove ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmouseout(attr_onmouseout ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmouseover(attr_onmouseover ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmouseup(attr_onmouseup ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onmousewheel(attr_onmousewheel ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onoffline(attr_onoffline ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ononline(attr_ononline ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onpagehide(attr_onpagehide ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onpageshow(attr_onpageshow ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onpaste(attr_onpaste ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onpause(attr_onpause ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onplay(attr_onplay ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onplaying(attr_onplaying ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onpopstate(attr_onpopstate ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onprogress(attr_onprogress ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onratechange(attr_onratechange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onreset(attr_onreset ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onresize(attr_onresize ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onscroll(attr_onscroll ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onsearch(attr_onsearch ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onseeked(attr_onseeked ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onseeking(attr_onseeking ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onselect(attr_onselect ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onshow(attr_onshow ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onstalled(attr_onstalled ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onstorage(attr_onstorage ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onsubmit(attr_onsubmit ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onsuspend(attr_onsuspend ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ontimeupdate(attr_ontimeupdate ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ontoggle(attr_ontoggle ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onunload(attr_onunload ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onvolumechange(attr_onvolumechange ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onwaiting(attr_onwaiting ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Onwheel(attr_onwheel ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Optgroup(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Option(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Output(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) P(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Param(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Pre(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Progress(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Q(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) RenderBuffer(buf Buffer, templateData any) Buffer
- func (e *Element) Rp(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Rt(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ruby(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) S(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Samp(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Script(src string, useWasm bool, typ ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) ScriptInline(sourceCode string, useWasm bool, typ ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Section(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Select(name string, listItems []any, deflt ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) SetAttr(name string, values ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) SetBool(name string, val bool) *Element
- func (e *Element) SetSemiColon(name string, values ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Small(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Source(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Span(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Src(src string) *Element
- func (e *Element) String() string
- func (e *Element) Strong(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Style(styles ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) StyleBlock(sourceCode ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) StyleSheet(src string, rel string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Sub(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Summary(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Sup(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Table(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Tbody(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Td(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) TextAfter() *Element
- func (e *Element) Textarea(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Tfoot(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Th(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Thead(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Time(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Tr(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Track(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) U(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Ul(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Var(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Video(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Wbr(t ...string) *Element
- func (e *Element) Width(attr_width string) *Element
- type Elements
- type Logo
- type URL
- type URLs
Constants ¶
const ( ID_MAIN_CONTENT = "gohtml-main-content" CLASS_NAVBAR = "gohtml-navbar" CLASS_NAVBAR_LEFT = "gohtml-left" CLASS_NAVBAR_RIGHT = "gohtml-right" CLASS_NAVIGATION_LINK = "gohtml-navigation-link" ID_SIDE_OPEN_BTN = "gohtml-openbtn" ID_SIDE_CLOSE_BTN = "gohtml-closebtn" ID_SIDE_NAVBAR = "gohtml-sidenav" CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR = "gohtml-sidenav" CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR_FOOTER = "gohtml-footer" CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR_CONTENT = "gohtml-content-nav" CLASS_ACTIVE = "gohtml-active" )
const SPACING string = " "
Variables ¶
Elem("div") nav.Class(CLASS_NAVBAR) left := Elem("div") right := Elem("div") left.Class(CLASS_NAVBAR_LEFT) right.Class(CLASS_NAVBAR_RIGHT) var elems Elements // Selectors //.Class("gohtml-navbar") //.Class("gohtml-left") //.Class("gohtml-right") //.Class("gohtml-navigation-link") var logoElem *Element if logo != nil { logoElem = Elem("a").Class(CLASS_NAVIGATION_LINK).Href(logo.URL.URL) if logo.Image != "" { logoElem.Add(Img(logo.Image)) } elems = append(elems, logoElem) if logo.LeftOrRight { left.Add(logoElem.Style("float:left !important")) } else { right.Add(logoElem.Style("float:right !important")) } } for _, url := range urls { var urlElem *Element = Elem("a").Class(CLASS_NAVIGATION_LINK).InnerText(" " + url.Name).Href(url.URL) if url.Icon != "" { urlElem.Add(I().Class(url.Icon).Style("margin-left:5px;")) } elems = append(elems, urlElem) if url.LeftOrRight { left.Add(urlElem.Style("float:left !important")) } else { right.Add(urlElem.Style("float:right !important")) } } nav.Add(left, right) return nav, elems }nav :=
make(Elements, len(urls)) for i, url := range urls { var urlElem = A(" " + url.Name).Href(url.URL).Class(CLASS_NAVIGATION_LINK) if url.Icon != "" { urlElem.Add(I().Class(url.Icon)).TextAfter() } urlElems[i] = urlElem } var footerElems = make(Elements, len(footer_urls)) for i, url := range footer_urls { var urlElem = A(" " + url.Name).Href(url.URL).Class(CLASS_NAVIGATION_LINK) if url.Icon != "" { urlElem.Add(I().Class(url.Icon)).TextAfter() } footerElems[i] = urlElem } var body = Elem("div") body.Add( StyleBlock(DefaultSideNavStyle), ) var navbar_btn = Span("☰").Style("font-size:40px").ID(ID_SIDE_OPEN_BTN).Onclick("document.getElementById(`gohtml-sidenav`).style.width = `250px`;document.getElementById(`gohtml-main-content`).style.marginLeft = `250px`;") var sidenav = Elem("div").ID(ID_SIDE_NAVBAR).Class(CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR) var inner_footer = Elem("div").Class(CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR_FOOTER) var content_div = Elem("div").ID(ID_MAIN_CONTENT) inner_footer.Add(footerElems...) var sideNavCloseBtnDiv = Div().Style("width: 100%") var logoElem *Element if logo != nil { logoElem = A().Href(logo.URL.URL).Style("width: 70%", "height: auto", "margin-left:15px") if logo.Image != "" { logoElem.Add(Img(logo.Image).Style("width: 70%", "height: auto")) } sideNavCloseBtnDiv.Add(logoElem) } var allURLS = make(Elements, len(urlElems)+len(footerElems)) var n = copy(allURLS, urlElems) copy(allURLS[n:], footerElems) if logo != nil { allURLS = append(allURLS, logoElem) } sidenav.Add( sideNavCloseBtnDiv.Add( A("×").Href("javascript:void(0)").ID(ID_SIDE_CLOSE_BTN).Style("float:right").Onclick("document.getElementById(`gohtml-sidenav`).style.width = `0`;document.getElementById(`gohtml-main-content`).style.marginLeft= `0`;")), ) sidenav.Add(Div().Class(CLASS_SIDE_NAVBAR_CONTENT).Add(append(urlElems, inner_footer)...)) body.Add(navbar_btn, sidenav, content_div) return body, content_div, allURLS }var urlElems =
Returns the navbar body to append to your HTML, the main-content area and all URLS
Functions ¶
func FormDataToStruct ¶
func FormatIfDateTime ¶
func InputWithLabel ¶
func ReflectModelName ¶
func SetValueStrict ¶ added in v1.2.1
Types ¶
type Buffer ¶
type Buffer interface { WriteString(string) (int, error) String() string Reset() Len() int Write(p []byte) (int, error) }
func ParseToTemplate ¶
type Element ¶
type Element struct { Type string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func Blockquote ¶
func Figcaption ¶
func ScriptInline ¶
func StructToForm ¶
func StyleBlock ¶
func StyleSheet ¶
func (*Element) A_Accesskey ¶
Accesskey is the attr_accesskey attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Autocomplete ¶
Autocomplete is the attr_autocomplete attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Autofocus ¶
Autofocus is the attr_autofocus attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Autoplay ¶
Autoplay is the attr_autoplay attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Contenteditable ¶
Contenteditable is the attr_contenteditable attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Contextmenu ¶
Contextmenu is the attr_contextmenu attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Controls ¶
Controls is the attr_controls attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Datetime ¶
Datetime is the attr_datetime attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Disabled ¶
Disabled is the attr_disabled attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Download ¶
Download is the attr_download attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Draggable ¶
Draggable is the attr_draggable attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Dropzone ¶
Dropzone is the attr_dropzone attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Formaction ¶
Formaction is the attr_formaction attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Hreflang ¶
Hreflang is the attr_hreflang attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Maxlength ¶
Maxlength is the attr_maxlength attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Multiple ¶
Multiple is the attr_multiple attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Novalidate ¶
Novalidate is the attr_novalidate attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Placeholder ¶
Placeholder is the attr_placeholder attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Readonly ¶
Readonly is the attr_readonly attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Required ¶
Required is the attr_required attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Reversed ¶
Reversed is the attr_reversed attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Selected ¶
Selected is the attr_selected attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Spellcheck ¶
Spellcheck is the attr_spellcheck attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Tabindex ¶
Tabindex is the attr_tabindex attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) A_Translate ¶
Translate is the attr_translate attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) AppendChild ¶
func (*Element) AsyncForEach ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Element) BackgroundColor ¶
func (*Element) Blockquote ¶
func (*Element) DeleteInnerElementByID ¶
func (*Element) Figcaption ¶
func (*Element) GetByClassname ¶
func (*Element) GetClasses ¶
func (*Element) InputWithLabel ¶
func (*Element) Onafterprint ¶
Onafterprint is the attr_onafterprint attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onbeforeprint ¶
Onbeforeprint is the attr_onbeforeprint attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onbeforeunload ¶
Onbeforeunload is the attr_onbeforeunload attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Oncanplaythrough ¶
Oncanplaythrough is the attr_oncanplaythrough attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Oncontextmenu ¶
Oncontextmenu is the attr_oncontextmenu attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Oncuechange ¶
Oncuechange is the attr_oncuechange attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondblclick ¶
Ondblclick is the attr_ondblclick attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondragenter ¶
Ondragenter is the attr_ondragenter attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondragleave ¶
Ondragleave is the attr_ondragleave attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondragover ¶
Ondragover is the attr_ondragover attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondragstart ¶
Ondragstart is the attr_ondragstart attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ondurationchange ¶
Ondurationchange is the attr_ondurationchange attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onhashchange ¶
Onhashchange is the attr_onhashchange attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onkeypress ¶
Onkeypress is the attr_onkeypress attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onloadeddata ¶
Onloadeddata is the attr_onloadeddata attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onloadedmetadata ¶
Onloadedmetadata is the attr_onloadedmetadata attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onloadstart ¶
Onloadstart is the attr_onloadstart attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onmousedown ¶
Onmousedown is the attr_onmousedown attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onmousemove ¶
Onmousemove is the attr_onmousemove attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onmouseout ¶
Onmouseout is the attr_onmouseout attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onmouseover ¶
Onmouseover is the attr_onmouseover attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onmousewheel ¶
Onmousewheel is the attr_onmousewheel attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onpagehide ¶
Onpagehide is the attr_onpagehide attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onpageshow ¶
Onpageshow is the attr_onpageshow attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onpopstate ¶
Onpopstate is the attr_onpopstate attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onprogress ¶
Onprogress is the attr_onprogress attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onratechange ¶
Onratechange is the attr_onratechange attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Ontimeupdate ¶
Ontimeupdate is the attr_ontimeupdate attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) Onvolumechange ¶
Onvolumechange is the attr_onvolumechange attribute. (Autogenerated)
func (*Element) RenderBuffer ¶
Render element to buffer
func (*Element) Script ¶
Append a script to an element. If the GOOS == JS and GOARCH == wasm, the script will be appended to the document head instead.
func (*Element) ScriptInline ¶
Append a script with sourcecode to an element.
- If the GOOS == JS and GOARCH == wasm, the script will be appended to the document head instead.
- Returns nil if GOOS == JS and GOARCH == wasm.
func (*Element) SetSemiColon ¶
func (*Element) StyleBlock ¶
type Elements ¶
type Elements []*Element
func (Elements) RecursiveForEach ¶
Return false to stop the loop
type FORMTYPES string