
package module
v5.2.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: May 18, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 6



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Golang Keycloak API Package

This client is based on: go-keycloak

For Questions either raise an issue, or come to the gopher-slack into the channel #gocloak

If u are using the echo framework have a look at gocloak-echo

Benchmarks: https://nerzal.github.io/gocloak/dev/bench/


(WIP) https://github.com/Nerzal/gocloak/wiki/Contribute



There is only one change, but it's backward incompatible:

  • Wrap Errors and use APIError struct to also provide the httpstatus code. (#146)

There are a lot of backward incompatible changes:

  • all functions what create an object now return an ID of the created object. The return statement of those functions has been changed from (error) to (string, error)
  • All structures now use pointers instead of general types (bool -> *bool, string -> *string). It has been done to properly use omitempty tag, otherwise it was impossible to set a false value for any of the bool propertires.


	import "github.com/Nerzal/gocloak/v5"

or v3 (latest release is v3.10.0):

	import "github.com/Nerzal/gocloak/v3"
Create New User
	client := gocloak.NewClient("https://mycool.keycloak.instance")
	token, err := client.LoginAdmin("user", "password", "realmName")
	if err != nil {
		panic("Something wrong with the credentials or url")
	user := gocloak.User{
		FirstName: "Bob",
		LastName:  "Uncle",
		Email:     "something@really.wrong",
		Enabled:   true,
		Username:  "CoolGuy",
	_, err = client.CreateUser(token.AccessToken, "realm", user)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Oh no!, failed to create user :(")
Introspect Token
	client := gocloak.NewClient(hostname)
	token, err := client.LoginClient(clientid, clientSecret, realm)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Login failed:"+ err.Error())

	rptResult, err := client.RetrospectToken(token.AccessToken, clientid, clientSecret, realm)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Inspection failed:"+ err.Error())

	if !rptResult.Active {
		panic("Token is not active")

	permissions := rptResult.Permissions
	//Do something with the permissions ;)


// GoCloak holds all methods a client should fullfill
type GoCloak interface {
	GetRequestingPartyToken(token, realm string, options RequestingPartyTokenOptions) (*JWT, error)

	Login(clientID string, clientSecret string, realm string, username string, password string) (*JWT, error)
	Logout(clientID, clientSecret, realm, refreshToken string) error
	LogoutPublicClient(clientID, realm, accessToken, refreshToken string) error
	LoginClient(clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	LoginAdmin(username, password, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	RequestPermission(clientID string, clientSecret string, realm string, username string, password string, permission string) (*JWT, error)
	RefreshToken(refreshToken string, clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	DecodeAccessToken(accessToken string, realm string) (*jwt.Token, *jwt.MapClaims, error)
	DecodeAccessTokenCustomClaims(accessToken string, realm string, claims jwt.Claims) (*jwt.Token, error)
	RetrospectToken(accessToken string, clientID, clientSecret string, realm string) (*RetrospecTokenResult, error)
	GetIssuer(realm string) (*IssuerResponse, error)
	GetCerts(realm string) (*CertResponse, error)
	GetServerInfo(accessToken string) (*ServerInfoRepesentation, error)
	GetUserInfo(accessToken string, realm string) (*UserInfo, error)
	SetPassword(token string, userID string, realm string, password string, temporary bool) error
	ExecuteActionsEmail(token string, realm string, params ExecuteActionsEmail) error

	CreateUser(token string, realm string, user User) (string, error)
	CreateGroup(accessToken string, realm string, group Group) error
	CreateChildGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, group Group) (string, error)
	CreateClientRole(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string, role Role) error
	CreateClient(accessToken string, realm string, clientID Client) error
	CreateClientScope(accessToken string, realm string, scope ClientScope) error
	CreateComponent(accessToken string, realm string, component Component) error

	UpdateUser(accessToken string, realm string, user User) error
	UpdateGroup(accessToken string, realm string, updatedGroup Group) error
	UpdateRole(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string, role Role) error
	UpdateClient(accessToken string, realm string, updatedClient Client) error
	UpdateClientScope(accessToken string, realm string, scope ClientScope) error

	DeleteUser(accessToken string, realm, userID string) error
	DeleteComponent(accessToken string, realm, componentID string) error
	DeleteGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) error
	DeleteClientRole(accessToken string, realm, clientID, roleName string) error
	DeleteClient(accessToken string, realm, clientID string) error
	DeleteClientScope(accessToken string, realm, scopeID string) error

	GetClient(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string) (*Client, error)
	GetClientsDefaultScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	AddDefaultScopeToClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	RemoveDefaultScopeFromClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	GetClientsOptionalScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	AddOptionalScopeToClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	RemoveOptionalScopeFromClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	GetDefaultOptionalClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	GetDefaultDefaultClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	GetClientScope(token string, realm string, scopeID string) (*ClientScope, error)
	GetClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	GetClientSecret(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*CredentialRepresentation, error)
	GetClientServiceAccount(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*User, error)
	RegenerateClientSecret(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*CredentialRepresentation, error)
	GetKeyStoreConfig(accessToken string, realm string) (*KeyStoreConfig, error)
	GetUserByID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*User, error)
	GetUserCount(accessToken string, realm string) (int, error)
	GetUsers(accessToken string, realm string, params GetUsersParams) ([]*User, error)
	GetUserGroups(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) ([]*UserGroup, error)
	GetComponents(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Component, error)
	GetGroups(accessToken string, realm string, params GetGroupsParams) ([]*Group, error)
	GetGroupsCount(token string, realm string) (int, error)
	GetGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) (*Group, error)
	GetDefaultGroups(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Group, error)
	AddDefaultGroup(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) error
	RemoveDefaultGroup(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) error
	GetGroupMembers(accessToken string, realm, groupID string, params GetGroupsParams) ([]*User, error)
	GetRoleMappingByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) (*MappingsRepresentation, error)
	GetRoleMappingByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*MappingsRepresentation, error)
	GetClientRoles(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetClientRole(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleName string) (*Role, error)
	GetClients(accessToken string, realm string, params GetClientsParams) ([]*Client, error)
	AddClientRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleID string, roles []Role) error
	DeleteClientRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleID string, roles []Role) error
	GetUsersByRoleName(token string, realm string, roleName string) ([]*User, error)
	GetUsersByClientRoleName(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleName string, params GetUsersByRoleParams) ([]*User, error)
	UserAttributeContains(attributes map[string][]string, attribute string, value string) bool
	CreateClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID string, mapper ProtocolMapperRepresentation) error
	UpdateClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID string, mapperID string, mapper ProtocolMapperRepresentation) error
	DeleteClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID, mapperID string) error

	// *** Realm Roles ***

	CreateRealmRole(token string, realm string, role Role) error
	GetRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string) (*Role, error)
	GetRealmRoles(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetRealmRolesByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetRealmRolesByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)
	UpdateRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string, role Role) error
	DeleteRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string) error
	AddRealmRoleToUser(token string, realm string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	DeleteRealmRoleFromUser(token string, realm string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	AddRealmRoleToGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	DeleteRealmRoleFromGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	AddRealmRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleName string, roles []Role) error
	DeleteRealmRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleName string, roles []Role) error

	// *** Client Roles ***

	AddClientRoleToGroup(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	DeleteClientRoleFromGroup(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	GetCompositeClientRolesByRoleID(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetClientRolesByUserID(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetClientRolesByGroupID(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetCompositeClientRolesByUserID(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	GetCompositeClientRolesByGroupID(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)

	// *** Realm ***

	GetRealm(token string, realm string) (*RealmRepresentation, error)
	GetRealms(token string) ([]*RealmRepresentation, error)
	CreateRealm(token string, realm RealmRepresentation) (string, error)
	UpdateRealm(token string, realm RealmRepresentation) error
	DeleteRealm(token string, realm string) error
	ClearRealmCache(token string, realm string) error
	ClearUserCache(token string, realm string) error
	ClearKeysCache(token string, realm string) error

	GetClientUserSessions(token, realm, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	GetClientOfflineSessions(token, realm, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	GetUserSessions(token, realm, userID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	GetUserOfflineSessionsForClient(token, realm, userID, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)

	// *** Protection API ***
	GetResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resourceID string) (*Resource, error)
	GetResources(token string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*Resource, error)
	CreateResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource Resource) (*Resource, error)
	UpdateResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource Resource) error
	DeleteResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resourceID string) error

	GetScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) (*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	GetScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetScopeParams) ([]*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	CreateScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scope ScopeRepresentation) (*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	UpdateScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource ScopeRepresentation) error
	DeleteScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error

	GetPolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policyID string) (*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	GetPolicies(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetPolicyParams) ([]*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	CreatePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policy PolicyRepresentation) (*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	UpdatePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policy PolicyRepresentation) error
	DeletePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policyID string) error

	GetPermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permissionID string) (*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	GetPermissions(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetPermissionParams) ([]*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	CreatePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permission PermissionRepresentation) (*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	UpdatePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permission PermissionRepresentation) error
	DeletePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permissionID string) error

Configure gocloak to skip TLS Insecure Verification

    client := gocloak.NewClient(serverURL)
    restyClient := client.RestyClient()
    restyClient.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true }

developing & testing

For local testing you need to start a docker container. Simply run following commands prior to starting the tests:

docker pull quay.io/keycloak/keycloak
docker run -d \
	-e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin \
	-e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/gocloak-realm.json \
	-v "`pwd`/testdata/gocloak-realm.json:/tmp/gocloak-realm.json" \
	-p 8080:8080 \
	--name gocloak-test \
	quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:latest -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.upload_scripts=enabled

go test

Or you can run the tests on you own keycloak:

export GOCLOAK_TEST_CONFIG=/path/to/gocloak/config.json

All resources created as a result of unit tests will be deleted, except for the test user defined in the configuration file.

To remove running docker container after completion of tests:

docker stop gocloak-test
docker rm gocloak-test


FOSSA Status




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func BoolP

func BoolP(value bool) *bool

BoolP returns a pointer of a boolean variable

func Float32P

func Float32P(value float32) *float32

Float32P returns a pointer of a float32 variable

func Float64P

func Float64P(value float64) *float64

Float64P returns a pointer of a float64 variable

func GetQueryParams

func GetQueryParams(s interface{}) (map[string]string, error)

GetQueryParams converts the struct to map[string]string The fields tags must have `json:"<name>,string,omitempty"` format for all types, except strings The string fields must have: `json:"<name>,omitempty"`. The `json:"<name>,string,omitempty"` tag for string field will add additional double quotes. "string" tag allows to convert the non-string fields of a structure to map[string]string. "omitempty" allows to skip the fields with default values.

func Int32P

func Int32P(value int32) *int32

Int32P returns a pointer of an int32 variable

func Int64P

func Int64P(value int64) *int64

Int64P returns a pointer of an int64 variable

func IntP

func IntP(value int) *int

IntP returns a pointer of an integer variable

func NilOrEmpty

func NilOrEmpty(value *string) bool

NilOrEmpty returns true if string is empty or has a nil value

func PBool

func PBool(value *bool) bool

PBool returns a boolean value from a pointer

func PFloat32

func PFloat32(value *float32) float32

PFloat32 returns an flaot32 value from a pointer

func PFloat64

func PFloat64(value *float64) float64

PFloat64 returns an flaot64 value from a pointer

func PInt

func PInt(value *int) int

PInt returns an integer value from a pointer

func PInt32

func PInt32(value *int32) int32

PInt32 returns an int32 value from a pointer

func PInt64

func PInt64(value *int64) int64

PInt64 returns an int64 value from a pointer

func PString

func PString(value *string) string

PString returns a string value from a pointer

func StringP

func StringP(value string) *string

StringP returns a pointer of a string variable


type APIError

type APIError struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

APIError holds message and statusCode for api errors

func (APIError) Error

func (apiError APIError) Error() string

Error stringifies the APIError

type Access

type Access struct {
	ManageGroupMembership *bool `json:"manageGroupMembership"`
	View                  *bool `json:"view"`
	MapRoles              *bool `json:"mapRoles"`
	Impersonate           *bool `json:"impersonate"`
	Manage                *bool `json:"manage"`

Access represents access

type ActiveKeys

type ActiveKeys struct {
	HS256 *string `json:"HS256,omitempty"`
	RS256 *string `json:"RS256,omitempty"`
	AES   *string `json:"AES,omitempty"`

ActiveKeys holds the active keys

type AggregatedPolicyRepresentation

type AggregatedPolicyRepresentation struct {
	Policies []string `json:"policies,omitempty"`

AggregatedPolicyRepresentation represents aggregated policies

type Attributes

type Attributes struct {
	LDAPENTRYDN []string `json:"LDAP_ENTRY_DN,omitempty"`
	LDAPID      []string `json:"LDAP_ID,omitempty"`

Attributes holds Attributes

type CertResponse

type CertResponse struct {
	Keys []*CertResponseKey `json:"keys,omitempty"`

CertResponse is returned by the certs endpoint

type CertResponseKey

type CertResponseKey struct {
	Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"`
	Kty *string `json:"kty,omitempty"`
	Alg *string `json:"alg,omitempty"`
	Use *string `json:"use,omitempty"`
	N   *string `json:"n,omitempty"`
	E   *string `json:"e,omitempty"`

CertResponseKey is returned by the certs endpoint

type Client

type Client struct {
	Access                             map[string]interface{}          `json:"access,omitempty"`
	AdminURL                           *string                         `json:"adminUrl,omitempty"`
	Attributes                         map[string]string               `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	AuthenticationFlowBindingOverrides map[string]string               `json:"authenticationFlowBindingOverrides,omitempty"`
	AuthorizationServicesEnabled       *bool                           `json:"authorizationServicesEnabled"`
	AuthorizationSettings              *ResourceServerRepresentation   `json:"authorizationSettings,omitempty"`
	BaseURL                            *string                         `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"`
	BearerOnly                         *bool                           `json:"bearerOnly"`
	ClientAuthenticatorType            *string                         `json:"clientAuthenticatorType,omitempty"`
	ClientID                           *string                         `json:"clientId,omitempty"`
	ConsentRequired                    *bool                           `json:"consentRequired"`
	DefaultClientScopes                []string                        `json:"defaultClientScopes,omitempty"`
	DefaultRoles                       []string                        `json:"defaultRoles,omitempty"`
	Description                        *string                         `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DirectAccessGrantsEnabled          *bool                           `json:"directAccessGrantsEnabled"`
	Enabled                            *bool                           `json:"enabled"`
	FrontChannelLogout                 *bool                           `json:"frontchannelLogout"`
	FullScopeAllowed                   *bool                           `json:"fullScopeAllowed"`
	ID                                 *string                         `json:"id,omitempty"`
	ImplicitFlowEnabled                *bool                           `json:"implicitFlowEnabled"`
	Name                               *string                         `json:"name,omitempty"`
	NodeReRegistrationTimeout          *int32                          `json:"nodeReRegistrationTimeout,omitempty"`
	NotBefore                          *int32                          `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
	OptionalClientScopes               []string                        `json:"optionalClientScopes,omitempty"`
	Origin                             *string                         `json:"origin,omitempty"`
	Protocol                           *string                         `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
	ProtocolMappers                    []*ProtocolMapperRepresentation `json:"protocolMappers,omitempty"`
	PublicClient                       *bool                           `json:"publicClient"`
	RedirectURIs                       []string                        `json:"redirectUris,omitempty"`
	RegisteredNodes                    map[string]string               `json:"registeredNodes,omitempty"`
	RegistrationAccessToken            *string                         `json:"registrationAccessToken,omitempty"`
	RootURL                            *string                         `json:"rootUrl,omitempty"`
	Secret                             *string                         `json:"secret,omitempty"`
	ServiceAccountsEnabled             *bool                           `json:"serviceAccountsEnabled"`
	StandardFlowEnabled                *bool                           `json:"standardFlowEnabled"`
	SurrogateAuthRequired              *bool                           `json:"surrogateAuthRequired"`
	WebOrigins                         []string                        `json:"webOrigins,omitempty"`

Client is a ClientRepresentation

type ClientMappingsRepresentation

type ClientMappingsRepresentation struct {
	ID       *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Client   *string `json:"client,omitempty"`
	Mappings []*Role `json:"mappings,omitempty"`

ClientMappingsRepresentation is a client role mappings

type ClientPolicyRepresentation

type ClientPolicyRepresentation struct {
	Clients []string `json:"clients,omitempty"`

ClientPolicyRepresentation represents client based policies

type ClientScope

type ClientScope struct {
	ID                    *string                `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                  *string                `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description           *string                `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Protocol              *string                `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
	ClientScopeAttributes *ClientScopeAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	ProtocolMappers       []*ProtocolMappers     `json:"protocolMappers,omitempty"`

ClientScope is a ClientScope

type ClientScopeAttributes

type ClientScopeAttributes struct {
	ConsentScreenText      *string `json:"consent.screen.text,omitempty"`
	DisplayOnConsentScreen *string `json:"display.on.consent.screen,omitempty"`
	IncludeInTokenScope    *string `json:"include.in.token.scope,omitempty"`

ClientScopeAttributes are attributes of client scopes

type Component

type Component struct {
	ID              *string          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name            *string          `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ProviderID      *string          `json:"providerId,omitempty"`
	ProviderType    *string          `json:"providerType,omitempty"`
	ParentID        *string          `json:"parentId,omitempty"`
	ComponentConfig *ComponentConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`
	SubType         *string          `json:"subType,omitempty"`

Component is a component

type ComponentConfig

type ComponentConfig struct {
	Priority  []string `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	Algorithm []string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`

ComponentConfig is a componentconfig

type CredentialRepresentation

type CredentialRepresentation struct {
	Algorithm         *string             `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
	Config            *MultiValuedHashMap `json:"config,omitempty"`
	Counter           *int32              `json:"counter,omitempty"`
	CreatedDate       *int64              `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	Device            *string             `json:"device,omitempty"`
	Digits            *int32              `json:"digits,omitempty"`
	HashIterations    *int32              `json:"hashIterations,omitempty"`
	HashedSaltedValue *string             `json:"hashedSaltedValue,omitempty"`
	Period            *int32              `json:"period,omitempty"`
	Salt              *string             `json:"salt,omitempty"`
	Temporary         *bool               `json:"temporary"`
	Type              *string             `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Value             *string             `json:"value,omitempty"`

CredentialRepresentation represents credentials

type DecisionStrategy

type DecisionStrategy string

DecisionStrategy is an enum type for DecisionStrategy of PolicyRepresentation

var (
	AFFIRMATIVE *DecisionStrategy = DecisionStrategyP("AFFIRMATIVE")
	UNANIMOUS   *DecisionStrategy = DecisionStrategyP("UNANIMOUS")
	CONSENSUS   *DecisionStrategy = DecisionStrategyP("CONSENSUS")

DecisionStrategy values

func DecisionStrategyP

func DecisionStrategyP(value DecisionStrategy) *DecisionStrategy

DecisionStrategyP returns a pointer for a DecisionStrategy value

type ExecuteActionsEmail

type ExecuteActionsEmail struct {
	UserID      *string  `json:"-"`
	ClientID    *string  `json:"client_id,omitempty"`
	Lifespan    *int     `json:"lifespan,string,omitempty"`
	RedirectURI *string  `json:"redirect_uri,omitempty"`
	Actions     []string `json:"-"`

ExecuteActionsEmail represents parameters for executing action emails

type FederatedIdentityRepresentation added in v5.1.0

type FederatedIdentityRepresentation struct {
	IdentityProvider *string `json:"identityProvider,omitempty"`
	UserID           *string `json:"userId,omitempty"`
	UserName         *string `json:"userName,omitempty"`

FederatedIdentityRepresentation represents an user federated identity

type GetClientsParams

type GetClientsParams struct {
	ClientID     *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"`
	ViewableOnly *bool   `json:"viewableOnly,string"`

GetClientsParams represents the query parameters

type GetGroupsParams

type GetGroupsParams struct {
	First               *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max                 *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Search              *string `json:"search,omitempty"`
	Full                *bool   `json:"full,string,omitempty"`
	BriefRepresentation *bool   `json:"briefRepresentation,string,omitempty"`

GetGroupsParams represents the optional parameters for getting groups

func (GetGroupsParams) MarshalJSON

func (obj GetGroupsParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is a custom json marshaling function to automatically set the Full and BriefRepresentation properties for backward compatibility

type GetPermissionParams

type GetPermissionParams struct {
	First    *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max      *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Name     *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
	Scope    *string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	Type     *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

GetPermissionParams represents the optional parameters for getting permissions

type GetPolicyParams

type GetPolicyParams struct {
	First      *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max        *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Permission *bool   `json:"permission,string,omitempty"`
	Type       *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

GetPolicyParams represents the optional parameters for getting policies TODO: more policy params?

type GetResourceParams

type GetResourceParams struct {
	Deep  *bool   `json:"deep,string,omitempty"`
	First *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max   *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Name  *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	Type  *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	URI   *string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
	Scope *string `json:"scope,omitempty"`

GetResourceParams represents the optional parameters for getting resources

type GetScopeParams

type GetScopeParams struct {
	Deep  *bool   `json:"deep,string,omitempty"`
	First *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max   *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Name  *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

GetScopeParams represents the optional parameters for getting scopes

type GetUsersByRoleParams

type GetUsersByRoleParams struct {
	First *int `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	Max   *int `json:"max,string,omitempty"`

GetUsersByRoleParams represents the optional parameters for getting users by role

type GetUsersParams

type GetUsersParams struct {
	BriefRepresentation *bool   `json:"briefRepresentation,string"`
	Email               *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	First               *int    `json:"first,string,omitempty"`
	FirstName           *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName            *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	Max                 *int    `json:"max,string,omitempty"`
	Search              *string `json:"search,omitempty"`
	Username            *string `json:"username,omitempty"`

GetUsersParams represents the optional parameters for getting users

type GoCloak

type GoCloak interface {
	// RestyClient returns a resty client that gocloak uses
	RestyClient() *resty.Client
	// Sets the resty Client that gocloak uses
	SetRestyClient(restyClient *resty.Client)

	// GetToken returns a token
	GetToken(realm string, options TokenOptions) (*JWT, error)
	// GetRequestingPartyToken returns a requesting party token with permissions granted by the server
	GetRequestingPartyToken(token, realm string, options RequestingPartyTokenOptions) (*JWT, error)
	// Login sends a request to the token endpoint using user and client credentials
	Login(clientID, clientSecret, realm, username, password string) (*JWT, error)
	// Logout sends a request to the logout endpoint using refresh token
	Logout(clientID, clientSecret, realm, refreshToken string) error
	// LogoutPublicClient sends a request to the logout endpoint using refresh token
	LogoutPublicClient(clientID, realm, accessToken, refreshToken string) error
	// LoginClient sends a request to the token endpoint using client credentials
	LoginClient(clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	// LoginAdmin login as admin
	LoginAdmin(username, password, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	// RefreshToken used to refresh the token
	RefreshToken(refreshToken string, clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
	// DecodeAccessToken decodes the accessToken
	DecodeAccessToken(accessToken string, realm string) (*jwt.Token, *jwt.MapClaims, error)
	// DecodeAccessTokenCustomClaims decodes the accessToken and fills the given claims
	DecodeAccessTokenCustomClaims(accessToken string, realm string, claims jwt.Claims) (*jwt.Token, error)
	// DecodeAccessTokenCustomClaims calls the token introspection endpoint
	RetrospectToken(accessToken string, clientID, clientSecret string, realm string) (*RetrospecTokenResult, error)
	// GetIssuer calls the issuer endpoint for the given realm
	GetIssuer(realm string) (*IssuerResponse, error)
	// GetCerts gets the public keys for the given realm
	GetCerts(realm string) (*CertResponse, error)
	// GetServerInfo returns the server info
	GetServerInfo(accessToken string) (*ServerInfoRepesentation, error)
	// GetUserInfo gets the user info for the given realm
	GetUserInfo(accessToken string, realm string) (*UserInfo, error)

	// ExecuteActionsEmail executes an actions email
	ExecuteActionsEmail(token string, realm string, params ExecuteActionsEmail) error

	// CreateGroup creates a new group
	CreateGroup(accessToken, realm string, group Group) (string, error)
	// CreateChildGroup creates a new child group
	CreateChildGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, group Group) (string, error)
	// CreateClient creates a new client
	CreateClient(accessToken, realm string, clientID Client) (string, error)
	// CreateClientScope creates a new clientScope
	CreateClientScope(accessToken, realm string, scope ClientScope) (string, error)
	// CreateComponent creates a new component
	CreateComponent(accessToken, realm string, component Component) (string, error)

	// UpdateGroup updates the given group
	UpdateGroup(accessToken string, realm string, updatedGroup Group) error
	// UpdateRole updates the given role
	UpdateRole(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string, role Role) error
	// UpdateClient updates the given client
	UpdateClient(accessToken string, realm string, updatedClient Client) error
	// UpdateClientScope updates the given clientScope
	UpdateClientScope(accessToken string, realm string, scope ClientScope) error

	// DeleteComponent deletes the given component
	DeleteComponent(accessToken string, realm, componentID string) error
	// DeleteGroup deletes the given group
	DeleteGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) error
	// DeleteClient deletes the given client
	DeleteClient(accessToken string, realm, clientID string) error
	// DeleteClientScope
	DeleteClientScope(accessToken string, realm, scopeID string) error

	// GetClient returns a client
	GetClient(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string) (*Client, error)
	// GetClientsDefaultScopes returns a list of the client's default scopes
	GetClientsDefaultScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	// AddDefaultScopeToClient adds a client scope to the list of client's default scopes
	AddDefaultScopeToClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	// RemoveDefaultScopeFromClient removes a client scope from the list of client's default scopes
	RemoveDefaultScopeFromClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	// GetClientsOptionalScopes returns a list of the client's optional scopes
	GetClientsOptionalScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	// AddOptionalScopeToClient adds a client scope to the list of client's optional scopes
	AddOptionalScopeToClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	// RemoveOptionalScopeFromClient deletes a client scope from the list of client's optional scopes
	RemoveOptionalScopeFromClient(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error
	// GetDefaultOptionalClientScopes returns a list of default realm optional scopes
	GetDefaultOptionalClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	// GetDefaultDefaultClientScopes returns a list of default realm default scopes
	GetDefaultDefaultClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	// GetClientScope returns a clientscope
	GetClientScope(token string, realm string, scopeID string) (*ClientScope, error)
	// GetClientScopes returns all client scopes
	GetClientScopes(token string, realm string) ([]*ClientScope, error)
	// GetClientSecret returns a client's secret
	GetClientSecret(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*CredentialRepresentation, error)
	// GetClientServiceAccount retrieves the service account "user" for a client if enabled
	GetClientServiceAccount(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*User, error)
	// RegenerateClientSecret creates a new client secret returning the updated CredentialRepresentation
	RegenerateClientSecret(token string, realm string, clientID string) (*CredentialRepresentation, error)
	// GetKeyStoreConfig gets the keyStoreConfig
	GetKeyStoreConfig(accessToken string, realm string) (*KeyStoreConfig, error)
	// GetComponents gets components of the given realm
	GetComponents(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Component, error)
	// GetDefaultGroups returns a list of default groups
	GetDefaultGroups(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Group, error)
	// AddDefaultGroup adds group to the list of default groups
	AddDefaultGroup(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) error
	// RemoveDefaultGroup removes group from the list of default groups
	RemoveDefaultGroup(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) error
	// GetGroups gets all groups of the given realm
	GetGroups(accessToken string, realm string, params GetGroupsParams) ([]*Group, error)
	// GetGroupsCount gets groups count of the given realm
	GetGroupsCount(token string, realm string) (int, error)
	// GetGroup gets the given group
	GetGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) (*Group, error)
	// GetGroupMembers get a list of users of group with id in realm
	GetGroupMembers(accessToken string, realm, groupID string, params GetGroupsParams) ([]*User, error)
	// GetRoleMappingByGroupID gets the rolemapping for the given group id
	GetRoleMappingByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) (*MappingsRepresentation, error)
	// GetRoleMappingByUserID gets the rolemapping for the given user id
	GetRoleMappingByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*MappingsRepresentation, error)
	// GetClients gets the clients in the realm
	GetClients(accessToken string, realm string, params GetClientsParams) ([]*Client, error)
	// GetClientOfflineSessions returns offline sessions associated with the client
	GetClientOfflineSessions(token, realm, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	// GetClientUserSessions returns user sessions associated with the client
	GetClientUserSessions(token, realm, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	// CreateClientProtocolMapper creates a protocol mapper in client scope
	CreateClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID string, mapper ProtocolMapperRepresentation) (string, error)
	// CreateClientProtocolMapper updates a protocol mapper in client scope
	UpdateClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID string, mapperID string, mapper ProtocolMapperRepresentation) error
	// DeleteClientProtocolMapper deletes a protocol mapper in client scope
	DeleteClientProtocolMapper(token, realm, clientID, mapperID string) error

	// UserAttributeContains checks if the given attribute has the given value
	UserAttributeContains(attributes map[string][]string, attribute string, value string) bool

	// CreateRealmRole creates a role in a realm
	CreateRealmRole(token, realm string, role Role) (string, error)
	// GetRealmRole returns a role from a realm by role's name
	GetRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string) (*Role, error)
	// GetRealmRoles get all roles of the given realm. It's an alias for the GetRoles function
	GetRealmRoles(accessToken string, realm string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetRealmRolesByUserID returns all roles assigned to the given user
	GetRealmRolesByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetRealmRolesByGroupID returns all roles assigned to the given group
	GetRealmRolesByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// UpdateRealmRole updates a role in a realm
	UpdateRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string, role Role) error
	// DeleteRealmRole deletes a role in a realm by role's name
	DeleteRealmRole(token string, realm string, roleName string) error
	// AddRealmRoleToUser adds realm-level role mappings
	AddRealmRoleToUser(token string, realm string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	// DeleteRealmRoleFromUser deletes realm-level role mappings
	DeleteRealmRoleFromUser(token string, realm string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	// AddRealmRoleToGroup adds realm-level role mappings
	AddRealmRoleToGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	// DeleteRealmRoleFromGroup deletes realm-level role mappings
	DeleteRealmRoleFromGroup(token string, realm string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	// AddRealmRoleComposite adds roles as composite
	AddRealmRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleName string, roles []Role) error
	// AddRealmRoleComposite adds roles as composite
	DeleteRealmRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleName string, roles []Role) error

	// AddClientRoleToUser adds a client role to the user
	AddClientRoleToUser(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	// AddClientRoleToGroup adds a client role to the group
	AddClientRoleToGroup(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	// CreateClientRole creates a new role for a client
	CreateClientRole(accessToken, realm, clientID string, role Role) (string, error)
	// DeleteClientRole deletes the given role
	DeleteClientRole(accessToken, realm, clientID, roleName string) error
	// DeleteClientRoleFromUser removes a client role from from the user
	DeleteClientRoleFromUser(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string, roles []Role) error
	// DeleteClientRoleFromGroup removes a client role from from the group
	DeleteClientRoleFromGroup(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string, roles []Role) error
	// GetClientRoles gets roles for the given client
	GetClientRoles(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetRealmRolesByUserID returns all client roles assigned to the given user
	GetClientRolesByUserID(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetClientRolesByGroupID returns all client roles assigned to the given group
	GetClientRolesByGroupID(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetCompositeClientRolesByRoleID returns all client composite roles associated with the given client role
	GetCompositeClientRolesByRoleID(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetCompositeClientRolesByUserID returns all client roles and composite roles assigned to the given user
	GetCompositeClientRolesByUserID(token string, realm string, clientID string, userID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetCompositeClientRolesByGroupID returns all client roles and composite roles assigned to the given group
	GetCompositeClientRolesByGroupID(token string, realm string, clientID string, groupID string) ([]*Role, error)
	// GetClientRole get a role for the given client in a realm by role name
	GetClientRole(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleName string) (*Role, error)
	// AddClientRoleComposite adds roles as composite
	AddClientRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleID string, roles []Role) error
	// DeleteClientRoleComposite deletes composites from a role
	DeleteClientRoleComposite(token string, realm string, roleID string, roles []Role) error

	// GetRealm returns top-level representation of the realm
	GetRealm(token string, realm string) (*RealmRepresentation, error)
	// GetRealms returns top-level representation of all realms
	GetRealms(token string) ([]*RealmRepresentation, error)
	// CreateRealm creates a realm
	CreateRealm(token string, realm RealmRepresentation) (string, error)
	// UpdateRealm updates a given realm
	UpdateRealm(token string, realm RealmRepresentation) error
	// DeleteRealm removes a realm
	DeleteRealm(token string, realm string) error
	// ClearRealmCache clears realm cache
	ClearRealmCache(token string, realm string) error
	// ClearUserCache clears realm cache
	ClearUserCache(token string, realm string) error
	// ClearKeysCache clears realm cache
	ClearKeysCache(token string, realm string) error

	// *** Users ***
	// CreateUser creates a new user
	CreateUser(token string, realm string, user User) (string, error)
	// DeleteUser deletes the given user
	DeleteUser(accessToken string, realm, userID string) error
	// GetUserByID gets the user with the given id
	GetUserByID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*User, error)
	// GetUser count returns the userCount of the given realm
	GetUserCount(accessToken string, realm string) (int, error)
	// GetUsers gets all users of the given realm
	GetUsers(accessToken string, realm string, params GetUsersParams) ([]*User, error)
	// GetUserGroups gets the groups of the given user
	GetUserGroups(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) ([]*UserGroup, error)
	// GetUsersByRoleName returns all users have a given role
	GetUsersByRoleName(token string, realm string, roleName string) ([]*User, error)
	// GetUsersByClientRoleName returns all users have a given client role
	GetUsersByClientRoleName(token string, realm string, clientID string, roleName string, params GetUsersByRoleParams) ([]*User, error)
	// SetPassword sets a new password for the user with the given id. Needs elevated privileges
	SetPassword(token string, userID string, realm string, password string, temporary bool) error
	// UpdateUser updates the given user
	UpdateUser(accessToken string, realm string, user User) error
	// AddUserToGroup puts given user to given group
	AddUserToGroup(token string, realm string, userID string, groupID string) error
	// DeleteUserFromGroup deletes given user from given group
	DeleteUserFromGroup(token string, realm string, userID string, groupID string) error
	// GetUserSessions returns user sessions associated with the user
	GetUserSessions(token, realm, userID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	// GetUserOfflineSessionsForClient returns offline sessions associated with the user and client
	GetUserOfflineSessionsForClient(token, realm, userID, clientID string) ([]*UserSessionRepresentation, error)
	// GetUserFederatedIdentities gets all user federated identities
	GetUserFederatedIdentities(token, realm, userID string) ([]*FederatedIdentityRepresentation, error)
	// CreateUserFederatedIdentity creates an user federated identity
	CreateUserFederatedIdentity(token, realm, userID, providerID string, federatedIdentityRep FederatedIdentityRepresentation) error
	// DeleteUserFederatedIdentity deletes an user federated identity
	DeleteUserFederatedIdentity(token, realm, userID, providerID string) error

	// *** Identity Provider **
	// CreateIdentityProvider creates an identity provider in a realm
	CreateIdentityProvider(token string, realm string, providerRep IdentityProviderRepresentation) (string, error)
	// GetIdentityProviders gets identity providers in a realm
	GetIdentityProviders(token string, realm string) ([]*IdentityProviderRepresentation, error)
	// GetIdentityProvider gets the identity provider in a realm
	GetIdentityProvider(token string, realm string, alias string) (*IdentityProviderRepresentation, error)
	// UpdateIdentityProvider updates the identity provider in a realm
	UpdateIdentityProvider(token string, realm string, alias string, providerRep IdentityProviderRepresentation) error
	// DeleteIdentityProvider deletes the identity provider in a realm
	DeleteIdentityProvider(token string, realm string, alias string) error

	// *** Protection API ***
	// GetResource returns a client's resource with the given id
	GetResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resourceID string) (*ResourceRepresentation, error)
	// GetResources a returns resources associated with the client
	GetResources(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetResourceParams) ([]*ResourceRepresentation, error)
	// CreateResource creates a resource associated with the client
	CreateResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource ResourceRepresentation) (*ResourceRepresentation, error)
	// UpdateResource updates a resource associated with the client
	UpdateResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource ResourceRepresentation) error
	// DeleteResource deletes a resource associated with the client
	DeleteResource(token string, realm string, clientID string, resourceID string) error

	// GetScope returns a client's scope with the given id
	GetScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) (*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	// GetScopes returns scopes associated with the client
	GetScopes(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetScopeParams) ([]*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	// CreateScope creates a scope associated with the client
	CreateScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scope ScopeRepresentation) (*ScopeRepresentation, error)
	// UpdateScope updates a scope associated with the client
	UpdateScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, resource ScopeRepresentation) error
	// DeleteScope deletes a scope associated with the client
	DeleteScope(token string, realm string, clientID string, scopeID string) error

	// GetPolicy returns a client's policy with the given id
	GetPolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policyID string) (*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	// GetPolicies returns policies associated with the client
	GetPolicies(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetPolicyParams) ([]*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	// CreatePolicy creates a policy associated with the client
	CreatePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policy PolicyRepresentation) (*PolicyRepresentation, error)
	// UpdatePolicy updates a policy associated with the client
	UpdatePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policy PolicyRepresentation) error
	// DeletePolicy deletes a policy associated with the client
	DeletePolicy(token string, realm string, clientID string, policyID string) error

	// GetPermission returns a client's permission with the given id
	GetPermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permissionID string) (*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	// GetPermissions returns permissions associated with the client
	GetPermissions(token string, realm string, clientID string, params GetPermissionParams) ([]*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	// CreatePermission creates a permission associated with the client
	CreatePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permission PermissionRepresentation) (*PermissionRepresentation, error)
	// UpdatePermission updates a permission associated with the client
	UpdatePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permission PermissionRepresentation) error
	// DeletePermission deletes a permission associated with the client
	DeletePermission(token string, realm string, clientID string, permissionID string) error

GoCloak holds all methods a client should fulfill

func NewClient

func NewClient(basePath string) GoCloak

NewClient creates a new Client

type Group

type Group struct {
	ID          *string             `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        *string             `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Path        *string             `json:"path,omitempty"`
	SubGroups   []*Group            `json:"subGroups,omitempty"`
	Attributes  map[string][]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	Access      map[string]bool     `json:"access,omitempty"`
	ClientRoles map[string][]string `json:"clientRoles,omitempty"`
	RealmRoles  []string            `json:"realmRoles,omitempty"`

Group is a Group

type GroupDefinition

type GroupDefinition struct {
	ID             *string `json:"id"`
	Path           *string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	ExtendChildren *bool   `json:"extendChildren,omitempty"`

GroupDefinition represents a group in a GroupPolicyRepresentation

type GroupPolicyRepresentation

type GroupPolicyRepresentation struct {
	Groups      []*GroupDefinition `json:"groups,omitempty"`
	GroupsClaim *string            `json:"groupsClaim,omitempty"`

GroupPolicyRepresentation represents group based policies

type GroupsCount added in v5.2.0

type GroupsCount struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`

GroupsCount represents the groups count response from keycloak

type HTTPErrorResponse

type HTTPErrorResponse struct {
	Error       string `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Message     string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`

HTTPErrorResponse is a model of an error response

func (HTTPErrorResponse) NotEmpty added in v5.1.0

func (e HTTPErrorResponse) NotEmpty() bool

NotEmpty validates that error is not emptyp

func (HTTPErrorResponse) String added in v5.1.0

func (e HTTPErrorResponse) String() string

String returns a string representation of an error

type IdentityProviderRepresentation

type IdentityProviderRepresentation struct {
	AddReadTokenRoleOnCreate  *bool             `json:"addReadTokenRoleOnCreate,omitempty"`
	Alias                     *string           `json:"alias,omitempty"`
	Config                    map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty"`
	DisplayName               *string           `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Enabled                   *bool             `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	FirstBrokerLoginFlowAlias *string           `json:"firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias,omitempty"`
	InternalID                *string           `json:"internalId,omitempty"`
	LinkOnly                  *bool             `json:"linkOnly,omitempty"`
	PostBrokerLoginFlowAlias  *string           `json:"postBrokerLoginFlowAlias,omitempty"`
	ProviderID                *string           `json:"providerId,omitempty"`
	StoreToken                *bool             `json:"storeToken,omitempty"`
	TrustEmail                *bool             `json:"trustEmail,omitempty"`

IdentityProviderRepresentation represents an identity provider

type IssuerResponse

type IssuerResponse struct {
	Realm           *string `json:"realm,omitempty"`
	PublicKey       *string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
	TokenService    *string `json:"token-service,omitempty"`
	AccountService  *string `json:"account-service,omitempty"`
	TokensNotBefore *int    `json:"tokens-not-before,omitempty"`

IssuerResponse is returned by the issuer endpoint

type JSPolicyRepresentation

type JSPolicyRepresentation struct {
	Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`

JSPolicyRepresentation represents js based policies

type JWT

type JWT struct {
	AccessToken      string `json:"access_token"`
	IDToken          string `json:"id_token"`
	ExpiresIn        int    `json:"expires_in"`
	RefreshExpiresIn int    `json:"refresh_expires_in"`
	RefreshToken     string `json:"refresh_token"`
	TokenType        string `json:"token_type"`
	NotBeforePolicy  int    `json:"not-before-policy"`
	SessionState     string `json:"session_state"`
	Scope            string `json:"scope"`

JWT is a JWT

type Key

type Key struct {
	ProviderID       *string `json:"providerId,omitempty"`
	ProviderPriority *int    `json:"providerPriority,omitempty"`
	Kid              *string `json:"kid,omitempty"`
	Status           *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Type             *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Algorithm        *string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
	PublicKey        *string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	Certificate      *string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`

Key is a key

type KeyStoreConfig

type KeyStoreConfig struct {
	ActiveKeys *ActiveKeys `json:"active,omitempty"`
	Key        []*Key      `json:"keys,omitempty"`

KeyStoreConfig holds the keyStoreConfig

type Logic

type Logic string

Logic is an enum type for policy logic

var (

Logic values

func LogicP

func LogicP(value Logic) *Logic

LogicP returns a pointer for a LogicP value

type MappingsRepresentation

type MappingsRepresentation struct {
	ClientMappings map[string]*ClientMappingsRepresentation `json:"clientMappings,omitempty"`
	RealmMappings  []*Role                                  `json:"realmMappings,omitempty"`

MappingsRepresentation is a representation of role mappings

type MemoryInfoRepresentation

type MemoryInfoRepresentation struct {
	Free           *int    `json:"free,omitempty"`
	FreeFormated   *string `json:"freeFormated,omitempty"`
	FreePercentage *int    `json:"freePercentage,omitempty"`
	Total          *int    `json:"total,omitempty"`
	TotalFormated  *string `json:"totalFormated,omitempty"`
	Used           *int    `json:"used,omitempty"`
	UsedFormated   *string `json:"usedFormated,omitempty"`

MemoryInfoRepresentation represents a memory info

type MultiValuedHashMap

type MultiValuedHashMap struct {
	Empty      *bool    `json:"empty"`
	LoadFactor *float32 `json:"loadFactor,omitempty"`
	Threshold  *int32   `json:"threshold,omitempty"`

MultiValuedHashMap represents something

type PermissionRepresentation

type PermissionRepresentation struct {
	DecisionStrategy *DecisionStrategy `json:"decisionStrategy,omitempty"`
	Description      *string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	ID               *string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Logic            *Logic            `json:"logic,omitempty"`
	Name             *string           `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Policies         []string          `json:"policies,omitempty"`
	Resources        []string          `json:"resources,omitempty"`
	ResourceType     *string           `json:"resource_type,omitempty"`
	Scopes           []string          `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	Type             *string           `json:"type,omitempty"`

PermissionRepresentation is a representation of a Permission

type PolicyEnforcementMode

type PolicyEnforcementMode int

PolicyEnforcementMode is an enum type for PolicyEnforcementMode of ResourceServerRepresentation

const (
	ENFORCING PolicyEnforcementMode = iota

PolicyEnforcementMode values

type PolicyRepresentation

type PolicyRepresentation struct {
	Config           map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty"`
	DecisionStrategy *DecisionStrategy `json:"decisionStrategy,omitempty"`
	Description      *string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	ID               *string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Logic            *Logic            `json:"logic,omitempty"`
	Name             *string           `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Owner            *string           `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	Policies         []string          `json:"policies,omitempty"`
	Resources        []string          `json:"resources,omitempty"`
	Scopes           []string          `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	Type             *string           `json:"type,omitempty"`

PolicyRepresentation is a representation of a Policy

type ProtocolMapperRepresentation

type ProtocolMapperRepresentation struct {
	Config         map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty"`
	ID             *string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name           *string           `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Protocol       *string           `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
	ProtocolMapper *string           `json:"protocolMapper,omitempty"`

ProtocolMapperRepresentation represents....

type ProtocolMappers

type ProtocolMappers struct {
	ID                    *string                `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                  *string                `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Protocol              *string                `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
	ProtocolMapper        *string                `json:"protocolMapper,omitempty"`
	ConsentRequired       *bool                  `json:"consentRequired"`
	ProtocolMappersConfig *ProtocolMappersConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`

ProtocolMappers are protocolmappers

type ProtocolMappersConfig

type ProtocolMappersConfig struct {
	UserinfoTokenClaim                 *string `json:"userinfo.token.claim,omitempty"`
	UserAttribute                      *string `json:"user.attribute,omitempty"`
	IDTokenClaim                       *string `json:"id.token.claim,omitempty"`
	AccessTokenClaim                   *string `json:"access.token.claim,omitempty"`
	ClaimName                          *string `json:"claim.name,omitempty"`
	ClaimValue                         *string `json:"claim.value,omitempty"`
	JSONTypeLabel                      *string `json:"jsonType.label,omitempty"`
	Multivalued                        *string `json:"multivalued,omitempty"`
	UsermodelClientRoleMappingClientID *string `json:"usermodel.clientRoleMapping.clientId,omitempty"`
	IncludedClientAudience             *string `json:"included.client.audience,omitempty"`

ProtocolMappersConfig is a config of a protocol mapper

type RealmRepresentation

type RealmRepresentation struct {
	AccessCodeLifespan                  *int              `json:"accessCodeLifespan,omitempty"`
	AccessCodeLifespanLogin             *int              `json:"accessCodeLifespanLogin,omitempty"`
	AccessCodeLifespanUserAction        *int              `json:"accessCodeLifespanUserAction,omitempty"`
	AccessTokenLifespan                 *int              `json:"accessTokenLifespan,omitempty"`
	AccessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow  *int              `json:"accessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow,omitempty"`
	AccountTheme                        *string           `json:"accountTheme,omitempty"`
	ActionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan *int              `json:"actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan,omitempty"`
	ActionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan  *int              `json:"actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan,omitempty"`
	AdminEventsDetailsEnabled           *bool             `json:"adminEventsDetailsEnabled"`
	AdminEventsEnabled                  *bool             `json:"adminEventsEnabled"`
	AdminTheme                          *string           `json:"adminTheme,omitempty"`
	Attributes                          map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	AuthenticationFlows                 []interface{}     `json:"authenticationFlows,omitempty"`
	AuthenticatorConfig                 []interface{}     `json:"authenticatorConfig,omitempty"`
	BrowserFlow                         *string           `json:"browserFlow,omitempty"`
	BrowserSecurityHeaders              map[string]string `json:"browserSecurityHeaders,omitempty"`
	BruteForceProtected                 *bool             `json:"bruteForceProtected"`
	ClientAuthenticationFlow            *string           `json:"clientAuthenticationFlow,omitempty"`
	ClientScopeMappings                 map[string]string `json:"clientScopeMappings,omitempty"`
	ClientScopes                        []*ClientScope    `json:"clientScopes,omitempty"`
	Clients                             []*Client         `json:"clients,omitempty"`
	Components                          interface{}       `json:"components,omitempty"`
	DefaultDefaultClientScopes          []string          `json:"defaultDefaultClientScopes,omitempty"`
	DefaultGroups                       []string          `json:"defaultGroups,omitempty"`
	DefaultLocale                       *string           `json:"defaultLocale,omitempty"`
	DefaultOptionalClientScopes         []string          `json:"defaultOptionalClientScopes,omitempty"`
	DefaultRoles                        []string          `json:"defaultRoles,omitempty"`
	DefaultSignatureAlgorithm           *string           `json:"defaultSignatureAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	DirectGrantFlow                     *string           `json:"directGrantFlow,omitempty"`
	DisplayName                         *string           `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	DisplayNameHTML                     *string           `json:"displayNameHtml,omitempty"`
	DockerAuthenticationFlow            *string           `json:"dockerAuthenticationFlow,omitempty"`
	DuplicateEmailsAllowed              *bool             `json:"duplicateEmailsAllowed"`
	EditUsernameAllowed                 *bool             `json:"editUsernameAllowed"`
	EmailTheme                          *string           `json:"emailTheme,omitempty"`
	Enabled                             *bool             `json:"enabled"`
	EnabledEventTypes                   []string          `json:"enabledEventTypes,omitempty"`
	EventsEnabled                       *bool             `json:"eventsEnabled"`
	EventsExpiration                    *int64            `json:"eventsExpiration,omitempty"`
	EventsListeners                     []string          `json:"eventsListeners,omitempty"`
	FailureFactor                       *int              `json:"failureFactor,omitempty"`
	FederatedUsers                      []interface{}     `json:"federatedUsers,omitempty"`
	Groups                              []interface{}     `json:"groups,omitempty"`
	ID                                  *string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	IdentityProviderMappers             []interface{}     `json:"identityProviderMappers,omitempty"`
	IdentityProviders                   []interface{}     `json:"identityProviders,omitempty"`
	InternationalizationEnabled         *bool             `json:"internationalizationEnabled"`
	KeycloakVersion                     *string           `json:"keycloakVersion,omitempty"`
	LoginTheme                          *string           `json:"loginTheme,omitempty"`
	LoginWithEmailAllowed               *bool             `json:"loginWithEmailAllowed"`
	MaxDeltaTimeSeconds                 *int              `json:"maxDeltaTimeSeconds,omitempty"`
	MaxFailureWaitSeconds               *int              `json:"maxFailureWaitSeconds,omitempty"`
	MinimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds        *int              `json:"minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds,omitempty"`
	NotBefore                           *int              `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
	OfflineSessionIdleTimeout           *int              `json:"offlineSessionIdleTimeout,omitempty"`
	OfflineSessionMaxLifespan           *int              `json:"offlineSessionMaxLifespan,omitempty"`
	OfflineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled    *bool             `json:"offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled"`
	OtpPolicyAlgorithm                  *string           `json:"otpPolicyAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	OtpPolicyDigits                     *int              `json:"otpPolicyDigits,omitempty"`
	OtpPolicyInitialCounter             *int              `json:"otpPolicyInitialCounter,omitempty"`
	OtpPolicyLookAheadWindow            *int              `json:"otpPolicyLookAheadWindow,omitempty"`
	OtpPolicyPeriod                     *int              `json:"otpPolicyPeriod,omitempty"`
	OtpPolicyType                       *string           `json:"otpPolicyType,omitempty"`
	OtpSupportedApplications            []string          `json:"otpSupportedApplications,omitempty"`
	PasswordPolicy                      *string           `json:"passwordPolicy,omitempty"`
	PermanentLockout                    *bool             `json:"permanentLockout"`
	ProtocolMappers                     []interface{}     `json:"protocolMappers,omitempty"`
	QuickLoginCheckMilliSeconds         *int64            `json:"quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds,omitempty"`
	Realm                               *string           `json:"realm,omitempty"`
	RefreshTokenMaxReuse                *int              `json:"refreshTokenMaxReuse,omitempty"`
	RegistrationAllowed                 *bool             `json:"registrationAllowed"`
	RegistrationEmailAsUsername         *bool             `json:"registrationEmailAsUsername"`
	RegistrationFlow                    *string           `json:"registrationFlow,omitempty"`
	RememberMe                          *bool             `json:"rememberMe"`
	RequiredActions                     []interface{}     `json:"requiredActions,omitempty"`
	ResetCredentialsFlow                *string           `json:"resetCredentialsFlow,omitempty"`
	ResetPasswordAllowed                *bool             `json:"resetPasswordAllowed"`
	RevokeRefreshToken                  *bool             `json:"revokeRefreshToken"`
	Roles                               interface{}       `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	ScopeMappings                       []interface{}     `json:"scopeMappings,omitempty"`
	SMTPServer                          map[string]string `json:"smtpServer,omitempty"`
	SslRequired                         *string           `json:"sslRequired,omitempty"`
	SsoSessionIdleTimeout               *int              `json:"ssoSessionIdleTimeout,omitempty"`
	SsoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe     *int              `json:"ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe,omitempty"`
	SsoSessionMaxLifespan               *int              `json:"ssoSessionMaxLifespan,omitempty"`
	SsoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe     *int              `json:"ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe,omitempty"`
	SupportedLocales                    []string          `json:"supportedLocales,omitempty"`
	UserFederationMappers               []interface{}     `json:"userFederationMappers,omitempty"`
	UserFederationProviders             []interface{}     `json:"userFederationProviders,omitempty"`
	UserManagedAccessAllowed            *bool             `json:"userManagedAccessAllowed"`
	Users                               []*User           `json:"users,omitempty"`
	VerifyEmail                         *bool             `json:"verifyEmail"`
	WaitIncrementSeconds                *int              `json:"waitIncrementSeconds,omitempty"`

RealmRepresentation represent a realm

type RequestingPartyTokenOptions

type RequestingPartyTokenOptions struct {
	GrantType                   *string  `json:"grant_type"`
	Ticket                      *string  `json:"ticket,omitempty"`
	ClaimToken                  *string  `json:"claim_token,omitempty"`
	ClaimTokenFormat            *string  `json:"claim_token_format,omitempty"`
	RPT                         *string  `json:"rpt,omitempty"`
	Permissions                 []string `json:"-"`
	Audience                    *string  `json:"audience,omitempty"`
	ResponseIncludeResourceName *bool    `json:"response_include_resource_name,string"`
	ResponsePermissionsLimit    *uint32  `json:"response_permissions_limit,omitempty"`
	SubmitRequest               *bool    `json:"submit_request,string,omitempty"`
	ResponseMode                *string  `json:"response_mode,omitempty"`

RequestingPartyTokenOptions represents the options to obtain a requesting party token

func (*RequestingPartyTokenOptions) FormData

func (t *RequestingPartyTokenOptions) FormData() map[string]string

FormData returns a map of options to be used in SetFormData function

type ResourceOwnerRepresentation

type ResourceOwnerRepresentation struct {
	ID   *string `json:"id"`
	Name *string `json:"name"`

ResourceOwnerRepresentation represents a resource's owner

type ResourcePermission

type ResourcePermission struct {
	RSID           *string  `json:"rsid,omitempty"`
	ResourceID     *string  `json:"resource_id,omitempty"`
	RSName         *string  `json:"rsname,omitempty"`
	Scopes         []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	ResourceScopes []string `json:"resource_scopes,omitempty"`

ResourcePermission represents a permission granted to a resource

type ResourceRepresentation

type ResourceRepresentation struct {
	ID                 *string                      `json:"_id,omitempty"` // TODO: is marked "_optional" in template, input error or deliberate?
	Attributes         map[string][]string          `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	DisplayName        *string                      `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	IconURI            *string                      `json:"icon_uri,omitempty"` // TODO: With "_" because that's how it's written down in the template
	Name               *string                      `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Owner              *ResourceOwnerRepresentation `json:"owner"`
	OwnerManagedAccess *bool                        `json:"ownerManagedAccess"`
	Scopes             []*ScopeRepresentation       `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	Type               *string                      `json:"type,omitempty"`
	URIs               []string                     `json:"uris,omitempty"`

ResourceRepresentation is a representation of a Resource

type ResourceServerRepresentation

type ResourceServerRepresentation struct {
	AllowRemoteResourceManagement *bool                     `json:"allowRemoteResourceManagement"`
	ClientID                      *string                   `json:"clientId,omitempty"`
	ID                            *string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                          *string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Policies                      []*PolicyRepresentation   `json:"policies,omitempty"`
	PolicyEnforcementMode         *PolicyEnforcementMode    `json:"policyEnforcementMode,omitempty"`
	Resources                     []*ResourceRepresentation `json:"resources,omitempty"`
	Scopes                        []*ScopeRepresentation    `json:"scopes,omitempty"`

ResourceServerRepresentation represents the resources of a Server

type RetrospecTokenResult

type RetrospecTokenResult struct {
	Permissions []*ResourcePermission `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	Exp         *int                  `json:"exp,omitempty"`
	Nbf         *int                  `json:"nbf,omitempty"`
	Iat         *int                  `json:"iat,omitempty"`
	Aud         *StringOrArray        `json:"aud,omitempty"`
	Active      *bool                 `json:"active"`
	AuthTime    *int                  `json:"auth_time,omitempty"`
	Jti         *string               `json:"jti,omitempty"`
	Type        *string               `json:"typ,omitempty"`

RetrospecTokenResult is returned when a token was checked

type Role

type Role struct {
	ID                 *string             `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name               *string             `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ScopeParamRequired *bool               `json:"scopeParamRequired"`
	Composite          *bool               `json:"composite"`
	ClientRole         *bool               `json:"clientRole"`
	ContainerID        *string             `json:"containerId,omitempty"`
	Description        *string             `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Attributes         map[string][]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

Role is a role

type RoleDefinition

type RoleDefinition struct {
	ID      *string `json:"id"`
	Private *bool   `json:"private,omitempty"`

RoleDefinition represents a role in a RolePolicyRepresentation

type RolePolicyRepresentation

type RolePolicyRepresentation struct {
	Roles []*RoleDefinition `json:"roles,omitempty"`

RolePolicyRepresentation represents role based policies

type ScopeRepresentation

type ScopeRepresentation struct {
	DisplayName *string                   `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	IconURI     *string                   `json:"iconUri,omitempty"`
	ID          *string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        *string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Policies    []*PolicyRepresentation   `json:"policies,omitempty"`
	Resources   []*ResourceRepresentation `json:"resources,omitempty"`

ScopeRepresentation is a represents a Scope

type ServerInfoRepesentation

type ServerInfoRepesentation struct {
	SystemInfo *SystemInfoRepresentation `json:"systemInfo,omitempty"`
	MemoryInfo *MemoryInfoRepresentation `json:"memoryInfo"`

ServerInfoRepesentation represents a server info

type SetPasswordRequest

type SetPasswordRequest struct {
	Type      *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Temporary *bool   `json:"temporary"`
	Password  *string `json:"value,omitempty"`

SetPasswordRequest sets a new password

type StringOrArray

type StringOrArray []string

StringOrArray represents a value that can either be a string or an array of strings

func (*StringOrArray) MarshalJSON

func (s *StringOrArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON converts the array of strings to a JSON array or JSON string if there is only one item in the array

func (*StringOrArray) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *StringOrArray) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a string or an array object from a JSON array or a JSON string

type SystemInfoRepresentation

type SystemInfoRepresentation struct {
	FileEncoding   *string `json:"fileEncoding"`
	JavaHome       *string `json:"javaHome"`
	JavaRuntime    *string `json:"javaRuntime,omitempty"`
	JavaVendor     *string `json:"javaVendor,omitempty"`
	JavaVersion    *string `json:"javaVersion,omitempty"`
	JavaVM         *string `json:"javaVm,omitempty"`
	JavaVMVersion  *string `json:"javaVmVersion,omitempty"`
	OSArchitecture *string `json:"osArchitecture,omitempty"`
	OSName         *string `json:"osName,omitempty"`
	OSVersion      *string `json:"osVersion,omitempty"`
	ServerTime     *string `json:"serverTime,omitempty"`
	Uptime         *string `json:"uptime,omitempty"`
	UptimeMillis   *int    `json:"uptimeMillis,omitempty"`
	UserDir        *string `json:"userDir,omitempty"`
	UserLocale     *string `json:"userLocale,omitempty"`
	UserName       *string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	UserTimezone   *string `json:"userTimezone,omitempty"`
	Version        *string `json:"version,omitempty"`

SystemInfoRepresentation represents a system info

type TimePolicyRepresentation

type TimePolicyRepresentation struct {
	NotBefore    *string `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
	NotOnOrAfter *string `json:"notOnOrAfter,omitempty"`
	DayMonth     *string `json:"dayMonth,omitempty"`
	DayMonthEnd  *string `json:"dayMonthEnd,omitempty"`
	Month        *string `json:"month,omitempty"`
	MonthEnd     *string `json:"monthEnd,omitempty"`
	Year         *string `json:"year,omitempty"`
	YearEnd      *string `json:"yearEnd,omitempty"`
	Hour         *string `json:"hour,omitempty"`
	HourEnd      *string `json:"hourEnd,omitempty"`
	Minute       *string `json:"minute,omitempty"`
	MinuteEnd    *string `json:"minuteEnd,omitempty"`

TimePolicyRepresentation represents time based policies

type TokenOptions

type TokenOptions struct {
	ClientID      *string  `json:"client_id"`
	ClientSecret  *string  `json:"-"`
	GrantType     *string  `json:"grant_type"`
	RefreshToken  *string  `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
	Scopes        []string `json:"-"`
	Scope         *string  `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	ResponseTypes []string `json:"-"`
	ResponseType  *string  `json:"response_type,omitempty"`
	Permission    *string  `json:"permission,omitempty"`
	Username      *string  `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Password      *string  `json:"password,omitempty"`

TokenOptions represents the options to obtain a token

func (*TokenOptions) FormData

func (t *TokenOptions) FormData() map[string]string

FormData returns a map of options to be used in SetFormData function

type User

type User struct {
	ID                         *string                     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	CreatedTimestamp           *int64                      `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
	Username                   *string                     `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Enabled                    *bool                       `json:"enabled"`
	Totp                       *bool                       `json:"totp"`
	EmailVerified              *bool                       `json:"emailVerified"`
	FirstName                  *string                     `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName                   *string                     `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	Email                      *string                     `json:"email,omitempty"`
	FederationLink             *string                     `json:"federationLink,omitempty"`
	Attributes                 map[string][]string         `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	DisableableCredentialTypes []interface{}               `json:"disableableCredentialTypes,omitempty"`
	RequiredActions            []string                    `json:"requiredActions,omitempty"`
	Access                     map[string]bool             `json:"access"`
	ClientRoles                map[string][]string         `json:"clientRoles,omitempty"`
	RealmRoles                 []string                    `json:"realmRoles,omitempty"`
	ServiceAccountClientID     *string                     `json:"serviceAccountClientId,omitempty"`
	Credentials                []*CredentialRepresentation `json:"credentials,omitempty"`

User represents the Keycloak User Structure

type UserGroup

type UserGroup struct {
	ID   *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"`

UserGroup is a UserGroup

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	Sub               *string     `json:"sub,omitempty"`
	EmailVerified     *bool       `json:"email_verified"`
	Address           interface{} `json:"address,omitempty"`
	PreferredUsername *string     `json:"preferred_username,omitempty"`
	Email             *string     `json:"email,omitempty"`

UserInfo is returned by the userinfo endpoint

type UserPolicyRepresentation

type UserPolicyRepresentation struct {
	Users []string `json:"users,omitempty"`

UserPolicyRepresentation represents user based policies

type UserSessionRepresentation

type UserSessionRepresentation struct {
	Clients    map[string]string `json:"clients,omitempty"`
	ID         *string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	IPAddress  *string           `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	LastAccess *int64            `json:"lastAccess,omitempty"`
	Start      *int64            `json:"start,omitempty"`
	UserID     *string           `json:"userId,omitempty"`
	Username   *string           `json:"username,omitempty"`

UserSessionRepresentation represents a list of user's sessions


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL