Index ¶
- Variables
- type AbortTestRunRequest
- type AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs
- type AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs
- type AfnStrip
- type AggregatedDataForResultTrend
- type AggregatedResultsAnalysis
- type AggregatedResultsByOutcome
- type AggregatedResultsDifference
- type AggregatedRunsByOutcome
- type AggregatedRunsByState
- type AttachmentType
- type BatchResponse
- type BuildConfiguration
- type BuildCoverage
- type BuildReference
- type BuildReference2
- type BulkResultUpdateRequest
- type Client
- type ClientImpl
- func (client *ClientImpl) AddTestCasesToSuite(ctx context.Context, args AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) AddTestResultsToTestRun(ctx context.Context, args AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestResultAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestRun(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestRunAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestSession(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestSubResultAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteTestCase(ctx context.Context, args DeleteTestCaseArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteTestRun(ctx context.Context, args DeleteTestRunArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetActionResults(ctx context.Context, args GetActionResultsArgs) (*[]TestActionResultModel, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBuildCodeCoverage(ctx context.Context, args GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]BuildCoverage, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPoint(ctx context.Context, args GetPointArgs) (*TestPoint, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPoints(ctx context.Context, args GetPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPointsByQuery(ctx context.Context, args GetPointsByQueryArgs) (*TestPointsQuery, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetResultParameters(ctx context.Context, args GetResultParametersArgs) (*[]TestResultParameterModel, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetResultRetentionSettings(ctx context.Context, args GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestCaseById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestCaseByIdArgs) (*SuiteTestCase, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestCases(ctx context.Context, args GetTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestIteration(ctx context.Context, args GetTestIterationArgs) (*TestIterationDetailsModel, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestIterations(ctx context.Context, args GetTestIterationsArgs) (*[]TestIterationDetailsModel, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultByIdArgs) (*TestCaseResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResults(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunByIdArgs) (*TestRun, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunCodeCoverage(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]TestRunCoverage, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunStatistics(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunStatisticsArgs) (*TestRunStatistic, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRuns(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunsArgs) (*[]TestRun, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSessions(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSessionsArgs) (*[]TestSession, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryTestHistory(ctx context.Context, args QueryTestHistoryArgs) (*TestHistoryQuery, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryTestRuns(ctx context.Context, args QueryTestRunsArgs) (*QueryTestRunsResponseValue, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrl(ctx context.Context, args RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateResultRetentionSettings(ctx context.Context, args UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateSuiteTestCases(ctx context.Context, args UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestPoints(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestResults(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestRun(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestSession(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error)
- type CloneOperationInformation
- type CloneOperationState
- type CloneOptions
- type CloneStatistics
- type CodeCoverageData
- type CodeCoverageStatistics
- type CodeCoverageSummary
- type CodeCoverageSummary2
- type Coverage2
- type CoverageQueryFlags
- type CoverageStatistics
- type CoverageStatus
- type CoverageSummaryStatus
- type CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest
- type CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs
- type CreateTestResultsRequest
- type CreateTestRunArgs
- type CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs
- type CreateTestRunRequest
- type CreateTestSessionArgs
- type CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs
- type CustomTestField
- type CustomTestFieldDefinition
- type CustomTestFieldScope
- type CustomTestFieldType
- type DatedTestFieldData
- type DefaultAfnStripBinding
- type DeleteTestCaseArgs
- type DeleteTestRunArgs
- type DeleteTestRunRequest
- type DownloadAttachmentsRequest
- type DtlEnvironmentDetails
- type FailingSince
- type FetchTestResultsRequest
- type FetchTestResultsResponse
- type FieldDetailsForTestResults
- type FileCoverage
- type FileCoverageRequest
- type FilterPointQuery
- type FlakyDetection
- type FlakyDetectionPipelines
- type FlakyDetectionType
- type FlakySettings
- type FunctionCoverage
- type FunctionCoverage2
- type GetActionResultsArgs
- type GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs
- type GetPointArgs
- type GetPointsArgs
- type GetPointsByQueryArgs
- type GetResultParametersArgs
- type GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs
- type GetTestCaseByIdArgs
- type GetTestCasesArgs
- type GetTestIterationArgs
- type GetTestIterationsArgs
- type GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs
- type GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs
- type GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs
- type GetTestResultByIdArgs
- type GetTestResultsArgs
- type GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs
- type GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs
- type GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs
- type GetTestRunByIdArgs
- type GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs
- type GetTestRunStatisticsArgs
- type GetTestRunsArgs
- type GetTestSessionsArgs
- type GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs
- type GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs
- type GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs
- type HttpPostedTcmAttachment
- type JobReference
- type LastResultDetails
- type LegacyBuildConfiguration
- type LegacyReleaseReference
- type LegacyTestCaseResult
- type LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier
- type LegacyTestRun
- type LegacyTestRunStatistic
- type LegacyTestSettings
- type LineBlockCoverage
- type LinkedWorkItemsQuery
- type LinkedWorkItemsQueryResult
- type ModuleCoverage
- type ModuleCoverage2
- type NameValuePair
- type OperationType
- type PhaseReference
- type PipelineReference
- type PlanUpdateModel
- type PointAssignment
- type PointLastResult
- type PointUpdateModel
- type PointWorkItemProperty
- type PointsFilter
- type PointsReference2
- type PointsResults2
- type PropertyBag
- type QueryByPointRequest
- type QueryByRunRequest
- type QueryModel
- type QueryTestActionResultRequest
- type QueryTestActionResultResponse
- type QueryTestHistoryArgs
- type QueryTestMessageLogEntryRequest
- type QueryTestRunStatsRequest
- type QueryTestRuns2Request
- type QueryTestRunsArgs
- type QueryTestRunsRequest
- type QueryTestRunsResponseValue
- type ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference
- type ReleaseReference
- type ReleaseReference2
- type RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs
- type RequirementsToTestsMapping2
- type ResetTestResultsRequest
- type Response
- type ResultDetails
- type ResultGroupType
- type ResultMetaDataDetails
- type ResultObjectType
- type ResultRetentionSettings
- type ResultUpdateRequest
- type ResultUpdateRequestModel
- type ResultUpdateResponse
- type ResultUpdateResponseModel
- type ResultsByQueryRequest
- type ResultsByQueryResponse
- type ResultsFilter
- type ResultsStoreQuery
- type RunCreateModel
- type RunFilter
- type RunStatistic
- type RunSummaryModel
- type RunType
- type RunUpdateModel
- type Service
- type ShallowReference
- type ShallowTestCaseResult
- type SharedStepModel
- type StageReference
- type SuiteCreateModel
- type SuiteEntry
- type SuiteEntryUpdateModel
- type SuiteExpand
- type SuiteTestCase
- type SuiteTestCaseUpdateModel
- type SuiteUpdateModel
- type TCMPropertyBag2
- type TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus
- type TestActionResult
- type TestActionResult2
- type TestActionResultModel
- type TestAttachment
- type TestAttachmentReference
- type TestAttachmentRequestModel
- type TestAuthoringDetails
- type TestCaseMetadata2
- type TestCaseReference2
- type TestCaseResult
- type TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
- type TestCaseResultIdAndRev
- type TestCaseResultIdentifier
- type TestCaseResultUpdateModel
- type TestConfiguration
- type TestConfigurationState
- type TestExecutionReportData
- type TestExtensionField
- type TestExtensionFieldDetails
- type TestFailureDetails
- type TestFailureType
- type TestFailuresAnalysis
- type TestFieldData
- type TestFieldsEx2
- type TestFlakyIdentifier
- type TestHistoryQuery
- type TestIterationDetailsModel
- type TestLog
- type TestLogReference
- type TestLogScope
- type TestLogStatus
- type TestLogStatusCode
- type TestLogStoreEndpointDetails
- type TestLogStoreEndpointType
- type TestLogStoreOperationType
- type TestLogType
- type TestMessageLog2
- type TestMessageLogDetails
- type TestMessageLogEntry
- type TestMessageLogEntry2
- type TestMethod
- type TestOperationReference
- type TestOutcome
- type TestOutcomeSettings
- type TestParameter2
- type TestPlan
- type TestPlanCloneRequest
- type TestPlanHubData
- type TestPlansWithSelection
- type TestPoint
- type TestPointReference
- type TestPointState
- type TestPointsEvent
- type TestPointsQuery
- type TestPointsUpdatedEvent
- type TestResolutionState
- type TestResult2
- type TestResultAcrossProjectResponse
- type TestResultAttachment
- type TestResultAttachmentIdentity
- type TestResultCreateModel
- type TestResultDocument
- type TestResultGroupBy
- type TestResultHistory
- type TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup
- type TestResultHistoryForGroup
- type TestResultMetaData
- type TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput
- type TestResultMetaDataUpdateResponse
- type TestResultModelBase
- type TestResultParameter
- type TestResultParameterModel
- type TestResultPayload
- type TestResultReset2
- type TestResultSummary
- type TestResultTrendFilter
- type TestResultsContext
- type TestResultsContextType
- type TestResultsDetails
- type TestResultsDetailsForGroup
- type TestResultsEx2
- type TestResultsGroupsForBuild
- type TestResultsGroupsForRelease
- type TestResultsQuery
- type TestResultsSettings
- type TestResultsSettingsType
- type TestResultsUpdateSettings
- type TestResultsWithWatermark
- type TestRun
- type TestRun2
- type TestRunCanceledEvent
- type TestRunContext2
- type TestRunCoverage
- type TestRunCreatedEvent
- type TestRunEvent
- type TestRunEx2
- type TestRunExtended2
- type TestRunOutcome
- type TestRunPublishContext
- type TestRunStartedEvent
- type TestRunState
- type TestRunStatistic
- type TestRunSubstate
- type TestRunSummary2
- type TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent
- type TestSession
- type TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference
- type TestSessionSource
- type TestSessionState
- type TestSessionWorkItemReference
- type TestSettings
- type TestSettings2
- type TestSettingsMachineRole
- type TestSubResult
- type TestSuite
- type TestSuiteCloneRequest
- type TestSummaryForWorkItem
- type TestTag
- type TestTagSummary
- type TestTagsUpdateModel
- type TestToWorkItemLinks
- type TestVariable
- type UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs
- type UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs
- type UpdateTestPointsArgs
- type UpdateTestResultsArgs
- type UpdateTestRunArgs
- type UpdateTestRunRequest
- type UpdateTestRunResponse
- type UpdateTestSessionArgs
- type UpdatedProperties
- type UploadAttachmentsRequest
- type WorkItemReference
- type WorkItemToTestLinks
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var AttachmentTypeValues = attachmentTypeValuesType{
GeneralAttachment: "generalAttachment",
CodeCoverage: "codeCoverage",
ConsoleLog: "consoleLog",
var CloneOperationStateValues = cloneOperationStateValuesType{
Failed: "failed",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Queued: "queued",
Succeeded: "succeeded",
var CoverageQueryFlagsValues = coverageQueryFlagsValuesType{
Modules: "modules",
Functions: "functions",
BlockData: "blockData",
var CoverageStatusValues = coverageStatusValuesType{
Covered: "covered",
NotCovered: "notCovered",
PartiallyCovered: "partiallyCovered",
var CoverageSummaryStatusValues = coverageSummaryStatusValuesType{
None: "none",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Completed: "completed",
Finalized: "finalized",
Pending: "pending",
var CustomTestFieldScopeValues = customTestFieldScopeValuesType{
None: "none",
TestRun: "testRun",
TestResult: "testResult",
System: "system",
All: "all",
var CustomTestFieldTypeValues = customTestFieldTypeValuesType{
Bit: "bit",
DateTime: "dateTime",
Int: "int",
Float: "float",
String: "string",
Guid: "guid",
var FlakyDetectionTypeValues = flakyDetectionTypeValuesType{
Custom: "custom",
System: "system",
var OperationTypeValues = operationTypeValuesType{
Add: "add",
Delete: "delete",
var ResourceAreaId, _ = uuid.Parse("c2aa639c-3ccc-4740-b3b6-ce2a1e1d984e")
var ResultDetailsValues = resultDetailsValuesType{
None: "none",
Iterations: "iterations",
WorkItems: "workItems",
SubResults: "subResults",
Point: "point",
var ResultGroupTypeValues = resultGroupTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
Rerun: "rerun",
DataDriven: "dataDriven",
OrderedTest: "orderedTest",
Generic: "generic",
var ResultMetaDataDetailsValues = resultMetaDataDetailsValuesType{
None: "none",
FlakyIdentifiers: "flakyIdentifiers",
var ResultObjectTypeValues = resultObjectTypeValuesType{
TestSuite: "testSuite",
TestPlan: "testPlan",
var RunTypeValues = runTypeValuesType{
Unspecified: "unspecified",
Normal: "normal",
Blocking: "blocking",
Web: "web",
MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb: "mtrRunInitiatedFromWeb",
RunWithDtlEnv: "runWithDtlEnv",
NoConfigRun: "noConfigRun",
var ServiceValues = serviceValuesType{
Any: "any",
Tcm: "tcm",
Tfs: "tfs",
var SuiteExpandValues = suiteExpandValuesType{
Children: "children",
DefaultTesters: "defaultTesters",
var TCMServiceDataMigrationStatusValues = tcmServiceDataMigrationStatusValuesType{
NotStarted: "notStarted",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Completed: "completed",
Failed: "failed",
var TestConfigurationStateValues = testConfigurationStateValuesType{
Active: "active",
Inactive: "inactive",
var TestLogScopeValues = testLogScopeValuesType{
Run: "run",
Build: "build",
Release: "release",
var TestLogStatusCodeValues = testLogStatusCodeValuesType{
Success: "success",
Failed: "failed",
FileAlreadyExists: "fileAlreadyExists",
InvalidInput: "invalidInput",
InvalidFileName: "invalidFileName",
InvalidContainer: "invalidContainer",
TransferFailed: "transferFailed",
FeatureDisabled: "featureDisabled",
BuildDoesNotExist: "buildDoesNotExist",
RunDoesNotExist: "runDoesNotExist",
ContainerNotCreated: "containerNotCreated",
ApiNotSupported: "apiNotSupported",
FileSizeExceeds: "fileSizeExceeds",
ContainerNotFound: "containerNotFound",
FileNotFound: "fileNotFound",
DirectoryNotFound: "directoryNotFound",
var TestLogStoreEndpointTypeValues = testLogStoreEndpointTypeValuesType{
Root: "root",
File: "file",
var TestLogStoreOperationTypeValues = testLogStoreOperationTypeValuesType{
Read: "read",
Create: "create",
ReadAndCreate: "readAndCreate",
var TestLogTypeValues = testLogTypeValuesType{
GeneralAttachment: "generalAttachment",
CodeCoverage: "codeCoverage",
TestImpact: "testImpact",
Intermediate: "intermediate",
var TestOutcomeValues = testOutcomeValuesType{
Unspecified: "unspecified",
None: "none",
Passed: "passed",
Failed: "failed",
Inconclusive: "inconclusive",
Timeout: "timeout",
Aborted: "aborted",
Blocked: "blocked",
NotExecuted: "notExecuted",
Warning: "warning",
Error: "error",
NotApplicable: "notApplicable",
Paused: "paused",
InProgress: "inProgress",
NotImpacted: "notImpacted",
var TestPointStateValues = testPointStateValuesType{
None: "none",
Ready: "ready",
Completed: "completed",
NotReady: "notReady",
InProgress: "inProgress",
MaxValue: "maxValue",
var TestResultGroupByValues = testResultGroupByValuesType{
Branch: "branch",
Environment: "environment",
var TestResultsContextTypeValues = testResultsContextTypeValuesType{
Build: "build",
Release: "release",
var TestResultsSettingsTypeValues = testResultsSettingsTypeValuesType{
All: "all",
Flaky: "flaky",
var TestRunOutcomeValues = testRunOutcomeValuesType{
Passed: "passed",
Failed: "failed",
NotImpacted: "notImpacted",
Others: "others",
var TestRunPublishContextValues = testRunPublishContextValuesType{
Build: "build",
Release: "release",
All: "all",
var TestRunStateValues = testRunStateValuesType{
Unspecified: "unspecified",
NotStarted: "notStarted",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Completed: "completed",
Aborted: "aborted",
Waiting: "waiting",
NeedsInvestigation: "needsInvestigation",
var TestRunSubstateValues = testRunSubstateValuesType{
None: "none",
CreatingEnvironment: "creatingEnvironment",
RunningTests: "runningTests",
CanceledByUser: "canceledByUser",
AbortedBySystem: "abortedBySystem",
TimedOut: "timedOut",
PendingAnalysis: "pendingAnalysis",
Analyzed: "analyzed",
CancellationInProgress: "cancellationInProgress",
var TestSessionSourceValues = testSessionSourceValuesType{
Unknown: "unknown",
XtDesktop: "xtDesktop",
FeedbackDesktop: "feedbackDesktop",
XtWeb: "xtWeb",
FeedbackWeb: "feedbackWeb",
XtDesktop2: "xtDesktop2",
SessionInsightsForAll: "sessionInsightsForAll",
var TestSessionStateValues = testSessionStateValuesType{
Unspecified: "unspecified",
NotStarted: "notStarted",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Paused: "paused",
Completed: "completed",
Declined: "declined",
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbortTestRunRequest ¶
type AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs ¶
type AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan that contains the suite. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the test suite to which the test cases must be added. SuiteId *int // (required) IDs of the test cases to add to the suite. Ids are specified in comma separated format. TestCaseIds *string }
Arguments for the AddTestCasesToSuite function
type AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs ¶
type AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs struct { // (required) List of test results to add. Results *[]TestCaseResult // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Test run ID into which test results to add. RunId *int }
Arguments for the AddTestResultsToTestRun function
type AfnStrip ¶
type AfnStrip struct { // Auxiliary Url to be consumed by MTM AuxiliaryUrl *string `json:"auxiliaryUrl,omitempty"` // Creation date of the AfnStrip CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // File name of the attachment created FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` // ID of AfnStrip. This is same as the attachment ID. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Project identifier which contains AfnStrip Project *string `json:"project,omitempty"` // Service in which this attachment is stored in StoredIn *string `json:"storedIn,omitempty"` // Afn strip stream. Stream *string `json:"stream,omitempty"` // ID of the testcase. TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` // Backing test result id. TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` // Backing test run id. TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` // Byte stream (uncompressed) length of Afn strip. UnCompressedStreamLength *uint64 `json:"unCompressedStreamLength,omitempty"` // Url of the attachment created. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedDataForResultTrend ¶
type AggregatedDataForResultTrend struct { // This is tests execution duration. Duration interface{} `json:"duration,omitempty"` ResultsByOutcome *map[TestOutcome]AggregatedResultsByOutcome `json:"resultsByOutcome,omitempty"` RunSummaryByState *map[TestRunState]AggregatedRunsByState `json:"runSummaryByState,omitempty"` TestResultsContext *TestResultsContext `json:"testResultsContext,omitempty"` TotalTests *int `json:"totalTests,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedResultsAnalysis ¶
type AggregatedResultsAnalysis struct { Duration interface{} `json:"duration,omitempty"` NotReportedResultsByOutcome *map[TestOutcome]AggregatedResultsByOutcome `json:"notReportedResultsByOutcome,omitempty"` PreviousContext *TestResultsContext `json:"previousContext,omitempty"` ResultsByOutcome *map[TestOutcome]AggregatedResultsByOutcome `json:"resultsByOutcome,omitempty"` ResultsDifference *AggregatedResultsDifference `json:"resultsDifference,omitempty"` RunSummaryByOutcome *map[TestRunOutcome]AggregatedRunsByOutcome `json:"runSummaryByOutcome,omitempty"` RunSummaryByState *map[TestRunState]AggregatedRunsByState `json:"runSummaryByState,omitempty"` TotalTests *int `json:"totalTests,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedResultsByOutcome ¶
type AggregatedResultsByOutcome struct { Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` Duration interface{} `json:"duration,omitempty"` GroupByField *string `json:"groupByField,omitempty"` GroupByValue interface{} `json:"groupByValue,omitempty"` Outcome *TestOutcome `json:"outcome,omitempty"` RerunResultCount *int `json:"rerunResultCount,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedResultsDifference ¶
type AggregatedResultsDifference struct { IncreaseInDuration interface{} `json:"increaseInDuration,omitempty"` IncreaseInFailures *int `json:"increaseInFailures,omitempty"` IncreaseInOtherTests *int `json:"increaseInOtherTests,omitempty"` IncreaseInPassedTests *int `json:"increaseInPassedTests,omitempty"` IncreaseInTotalTests *int `json:"increaseInTotalTests,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedRunsByOutcome ¶
type AggregatedRunsByOutcome struct { Outcome *TestRunOutcome `json:"outcome,omitempty"` RunsCount *int `json:"runsCount,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedRunsByState ¶
type AggregatedRunsByState struct { ResultsByOutcome *map[TestOutcome]AggregatedResultsByOutcome `json:"resultsByOutcome,omitempty"` RunsCount *int `json:"runsCount,omitempty"` State *TestRunState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
type BatchResponse ¶
type BuildConfiguration ¶
type BuildConfiguration struct { // Branch name for which build is generated. BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` // BuildDefinitionId for build. BuildDefinitionId *int `json:"buildDefinitionId,omitempty"` // Build system. BuildSystem *string `json:"buildSystem,omitempty"` // Build Creation Date. CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // Build flavor (eg Build/Release). Flavor *string `json:"flavor,omitempty"` // BuildConfiguration Id. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Build Number. Number *string `json:"number,omitempty"` // BuildConfiguration Platform. Platform *string `json:"platform,omitempty"` // Project associated with this BuildConfiguration. Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Repository Guid for the Build. RepositoryGuid *string `json:"repositoryGuid,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Use RepositoryGuid instead RepositoryId *int `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` // Repository Type (eg. TFSGit). RepositoryType *string `json:"repositoryType,omitempty"` // Source Version(/first commit) for the build was triggered. SourceVersion *string `json:"sourceVersion,omitempty"` // Target BranchName. TargetBranchName *string `json:"targetBranchName,omitempty"` // Build Uri. Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
BuildConfiguration Details.
type BuildCoverage ¶
type BuildCoverage struct { // Code Coverage File Url CodeCoverageFileUrl *string `json:"codeCoverageFileUrl,omitempty"` // Build Configuration Configuration *BuildConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Last Error LastError *string `json:"lastError,omitempty"` // List of Modules Modules *[]ModuleCoverage `json:"modules,omitempty"` // State State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` }
Build Coverage Detail
type BuildReference ¶
type BuildReference struct { // Branch name. BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` // Build system. BuildSystem *string `json:"buildSystem,omitempty"` // Build Definition ID. DefinitionId *int `json:"definitionId,omitempty"` // Build ID. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Build Number. Number *string `json:"number,omitempty"` // Repository ID. RepositoryId *string `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` // Build URI. Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
Reference to a build.
type BuildReference2 ¶
type BuildReference2 struct { BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` BuildConfigurationId *int `json:"buildConfigurationId,omitempty"` BuildDefinitionId *int `json:"buildDefinitionId,omitempty"` BuildDeleted *bool `json:"buildDeleted,omitempty"` BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` BuildId *int `json:"buildId,omitempty"` BuildNumber *string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"` BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` BuildSystem *string `json:"buildSystem,omitempty"` BuildUri *string `json:"buildUri,omitempty"` CoverageId *int `json:"coverageId,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` RepoId *string `json:"repoId,omitempty"` RepoType *string `json:"repoType,omitempty"` SourceVersion *string `json:"sourceVersion,omitempty"` }
type BulkResultUpdateRequest ¶
type BulkResultUpdateRequest struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` Requests *[]ResultUpdateRequest `json:"requests,omitempty"` }
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // Add test cases to suite. AddTestCasesToSuite(context.Context, AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error) // Add test results to a test run. AddTestResultsToTestRun(context.Context, AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error) // [Preview API] Attach a file to a test result. CreateTestResultAttachment(context.Context, CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error) // Create new test run. CreateTestRun(context.Context, CreateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error) // [Preview API] Attach a file to a test run. CreateTestRunAttachment(context.Context, CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error) // [Preview API] Create a test session CreateTestSession(context.Context, CreateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error) // [Preview API] Attach a file to a test result CreateTestSubResultAttachment(context.Context, CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error) // [Preview API] Delete a test case. DeleteTestCase(context.Context, DeleteTestCaseArgs) error // Delete a test run by its ID. DeleteTestRun(context.Context, DeleteTestRunArgs) error // Gets the action results for an iteration in a test result. GetActionResults(context.Context, GetActionResultsArgs) (*[]TestActionResultModel, error) // [Preview API] Get code coverage data for a build. GetBuildCodeCoverage(context.Context, GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]BuildCoverage, error) // Get a test point. GetPoint(context.Context, GetPointArgs) (*TestPoint, error) // Get a list of test points. GetPoints(context.Context, GetPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error) // [Preview API] Get test points using query. GetPointsByQuery(context.Context, GetPointsByQueryArgs) (*TestPointsQuery, error) // Get a list of parameterized results GetResultParameters(context.Context, GetResultParametersArgs) (*[]TestResultParameterModel, error) // [Preview API] Get test result retention settings GetResultRetentionSettings(context.Context, GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error) // Get a specific test case in a test suite with test case id. GetTestCaseById(context.Context, GetTestCaseByIdArgs) (*SuiteTestCase, error) // Get all test cases in a suite. GetTestCases(context.Context, GetTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error) // Get iteration for a result GetTestIteration(context.Context, GetTestIterationArgs) (*TestIterationDetailsModel, error) // Get iterations for a result GetTestIterations(context.Context, GetTestIterationsArgs) (*[]TestIterationDetailsModel, error) // [Preview API] Download a test result attachment by its ID. GetTestResultAttachmentContent(context.Context, GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get list of test result attachments reference. GetTestResultAttachments(context.Context, GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error) // [Preview API] Download a test result attachment by its ID. GetTestResultAttachmentZip(context.Context, GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get a test result for a test run. GetTestResultById(context.Context, GetTestResultByIdArgs) (*TestCaseResult, error) // Get test results for a test run. GetTestResults(context.Context, GetTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error) // [Preview API] Download a test run attachment by its ID. GetTestRunAttachmentContent(context.Context, GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get list of test run attachments reference. GetTestRunAttachments(context.Context, GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error) // [Preview API] Download a test run attachment by its ID. GetTestRunAttachmentZip(context.Context, GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get a test run by its ID. GetTestRunById(context.Context, GetTestRunByIdArgs) (*TestRun, error) // [Preview API] Get code coverage data for a test run GetTestRunCodeCoverage(context.Context, GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]TestRunCoverage, error) // Get a list of test runs. GetTestRuns(context.Context, GetTestRunsArgs) (*[]TestRun, error) // Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome. GetTestRunStatistics(context.Context, GetTestRunStatisticsArgs) (*TestRunStatistic, error) // [Preview API] Get a list of test sessions GetTestSessions(context.Context, GetTestSessionsArgs) (*[]TestSession, error) // [Preview API] Download a test sub result attachment GetTestSubResultAttachmentContent(context.Context, GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get list of test sub result attachments GetTestSubResultAttachments(context.Context, GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error) // [Preview API] Download a test sub result attachment GetTestSubResultAttachmentZip(context.Context, GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get history of a test method using TestHistoryQuery QueryTestHistory(context.Context, QueryTestHistoryArgs) (*TestHistoryQuery, error) // Query Test Runs based on filters. Mandatory fields are minLastUpdatedDate and maxLastUpdatedDate. QueryTestRuns(context.Context, QueryTestRunsArgs) (*QueryTestRunsResponseValue, error) // The test points associated with the test cases are removed from the test suite. The test case work item is not deleted from the system. See test cases resource to delete a test case permanently. RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrl(context.Context, RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs) error // [Preview API] Update test result retention settings UpdateResultRetentionSettings(context.Context, UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error) // Updates the properties of the test case association in a suite. UpdateSuiteTestCases(context.Context, UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error) // Update test points. UpdateTestPoints(context.Context, UpdateTestPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error) // Update test results in a test run. UpdateTestResults(context.Context, UpdateTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error) // Update test run by its ID. UpdateTestRun(context.Context, UpdateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error) // [Preview API] Update a test session UpdateTestSession(context.Context, UpdateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error) }
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, connection *azuredevops.Connection) (Client, error)
type ClientImpl ¶
type ClientImpl struct {
Client azuredevops.Client
func (*ClientImpl) AddTestCasesToSuite ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) AddTestCasesToSuite(ctx context.Context, args AddTestCasesToSuiteArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
Add test cases to suite.
func (*ClientImpl) AddTestResultsToTestRun ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) AddTestResultsToTestRun(ctx context.Context, args AddTestResultsToTestRunArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
Add test results to a test run.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateTestResultAttachment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestResultAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
[Preview API] Attach a file to a test result.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateTestRun ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestRun(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error)
Create new test run.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateTestRunAttachment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestRunAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
[Preview API] Attach a file to a test run.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateTestSession ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestSession(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error)
[Preview API] Create a test session
func (*ClientImpl) CreateTestSubResultAttachment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateTestSubResultAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs) (*TestAttachmentReference, error)
[Preview API] Attach a file to a test result
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteTestCase ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteTestCase(ctx context.Context, args DeleteTestCaseArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete a test case.
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteTestRun ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteTestRun(ctx context.Context, args DeleteTestRunArgs) error
Delete a test run by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetActionResults ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetActionResults(ctx context.Context, args GetActionResultsArgs) (*[]TestActionResultModel, error)
Gets the action results for an iteration in a test result.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBuildCodeCoverage ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBuildCodeCoverage(ctx context.Context, args GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]BuildCoverage, error)
[Preview API] Get code coverage data for a build.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPoint ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPoint(ctx context.Context, args GetPointArgs) (*TestPoint, error)
Get a test point.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPoints ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPoints(ctx context.Context, args GetPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error)
Get a list of test points.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPointsByQuery ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPointsByQuery(ctx context.Context, args GetPointsByQueryArgs) (*TestPointsQuery, error)
[Preview API] Get test points using query.
func (*ClientImpl) GetResultParameters ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetResultParameters(ctx context.Context, args GetResultParametersArgs) (*[]TestResultParameterModel, error)
Get a list of parameterized results
func (*ClientImpl) GetResultRetentionSettings ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetResultRetentionSettings(ctx context.Context, args GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error)
[Preview API] Get test result retention settings
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestCaseById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestCaseById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestCaseByIdArgs) (*SuiteTestCase, error)
Get a specific test case in a test suite with test case id.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestCases ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestCases(ctx context.Context, args GetTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
Get all test cases in a suite.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestIteration ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestIteration(ctx context.Context, args GetTestIterationArgs) (*TestIterationDetailsModel, error)
Get iteration for a result
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestIterations ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestIterations(ctx context.Context, args GetTestIterationsArgs) (*[]TestIterationDetailsModel, error)
Get iterations for a result
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test result attachment by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test result attachment by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachments ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
[Preview API] Get list of test result attachments reference.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestResultById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResultById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultByIdArgs) (*TestCaseResult, error)
Get a test result for a test run.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestResults ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestResults(ctx context.Context, args GetTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
Get test results for a test run.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test run attachment by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test run attachment by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachments ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
[Preview API] Get list of test run attachments reference.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunById(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunByIdArgs) (*TestRun, error)
Get a test run by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunCodeCoverage ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunCodeCoverage(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs) (*[]TestRunCoverage, error)
[Preview API] Get code coverage data for a test run
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRunStatistics ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRunStatistics(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunStatisticsArgs) (*TestRunStatistic, error)
Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestRuns ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestRuns(ctx context.Context, args GetTestRunsArgs) (*[]TestRun, error)
Get a list of test runs.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestSessions ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSessions(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSessionsArgs) (*[]TestSession, error)
[Preview API] Get a list of test sessions
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test sub result attachment
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Download a test sub result attachment
func (*ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachments ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTestSubResultAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs) (*[]TestAttachment, error)
[Preview API] Get list of test sub result attachments
func (*ClientImpl) QueryTestHistory ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryTestHistory(ctx context.Context, args QueryTestHistoryArgs) (*TestHistoryQuery, error)
[Preview API] Get history of a test method using TestHistoryQuery
func (*ClientImpl) QueryTestRuns ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryTestRuns(ctx context.Context, args QueryTestRunsArgs) (*QueryTestRunsResponseValue, error)
Query Test Runs based on filters. Mandatory fields are minLastUpdatedDate and maxLastUpdatedDate.
func (*ClientImpl) RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrl ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrl(ctx context.Context, args RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs) error
The test points associated with the test cases are removed from the test suite. The test case work item is not deleted from the system. See test cases resource to delete a test case permanently.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateResultRetentionSettings ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateResultRetentionSettings(ctx context.Context, args UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs) (*ResultRetentionSettings, error)
[Preview API] Update test result retention settings
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateSuiteTestCases ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateSuiteTestCases(ctx context.Context, args UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs) (*[]SuiteTestCase, error)
Updates the properties of the test case association in a suite.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateTestPoints ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestPoints(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestPointsArgs) (*[]TestPoint, error)
Update test points.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateTestResults ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestResults(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestResultsArgs) (*[]TestCaseResult, error)
Update test results in a test run.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateTestRun ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestRun(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestRunArgs) (*TestRun, error)
Update test run by its ID.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateTestSession ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateTestSession(ctx context.Context, args UpdateTestSessionArgs) (*TestSession, error)
[Preview API] Update a test session
type CloneOperationInformation ¶
type CloneOperationInformation struct { // Clone Statistics CloneStatistics *CloneStatistics `json:"cloneStatistics,omitempty"` // If the operation is complete, the DateTime of completion. If operation is not complete, this is DateTime.MaxValue CompletionDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completionDate,omitempty"` // DateTime when the operation was started CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the destination DestinationObject *ShallowReference `json:"destinationObject,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the destination DestinationPlan *ShallowReference `json:"destinationPlan,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the destination DestinationProject *ShallowReference `json:"destinationProject,omitempty"` // If the operation has Failed, Message contains the reason for failure. Null otherwise. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The ID of the operation OpId *int `json:"opId,omitempty"` // The type of the object generated as a result of the Clone operation ResultObjectType *ResultObjectType `json:"resultObjectType,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the source SourceObject *ShallowReference `json:"sourceObject,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the source SourcePlan *ShallowReference `json:"sourcePlan,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the source SourceProject *ShallowReference `json:"sourceProject,omitempty"` // Current state of the operation. When State reaches Succeeded or Failed, the operation is complete State *CloneOperationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Url for getting the clone information Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Detail About Clone Operation.
type CloneOptions ¶
type CloneOptions struct { // If set to true requirements will be cloned CloneRequirements *bool `json:"cloneRequirements,omitempty"` // copy all suites from a source plan CopyAllSuites *bool `json:"copyAllSuites,omitempty"` // copy ancestor hierarchy CopyAncestorHierarchy *bool `json:"copyAncestorHierarchy,omitempty"` // Name of the workitem type of the clone DestinationWorkItemType *string `json:"destinationWorkItemType,omitempty"` // Key value pairs where the key value is overridden by the value. OverrideParameters *map[string]string `json:"overrideParameters,omitempty"` // Comment on the link that will link the new clone test case to the original Set null for no comment RelatedLinkComment *string `json:"relatedLinkComment,omitempty"` }
Clone options for cloning the test suite.
type CloneStatistics ¶
type CloneStatistics struct { // Number of requirements cloned so far. ClonedRequirementsCount *int `json:"clonedRequirementsCount,omitempty"` ClonedSharedStepsCount *int `json:"clonedSharedStepsCount,omitempty"` // Number of test cases cloned so far ClonedTestCasesCount *int `json:"clonedTestCasesCount,omitempty"` // Total number of requirements to be cloned TotalRequirementsCount *int `json:"totalRequirementsCount,omitempty"` // Total number of test cases to be cloned TotalTestCasesCount *int `json:"totalTestCasesCount,omitempty"` }
Clone Statistics Details.
type CodeCoverageData ¶
type CodeCoverageData struct { // Flavor of build for which data is retrieved/published BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` // Platform of build for which data is retrieved/published BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` // List of coverage data for the build CoverageStats *[]CodeCoverageStatistics `json:"coverageStats,omitempty"` }
Represents the build configuration (platform, flavor) and coverage data for the build
type CodeCoverageStatistics ¶
type CodeCoverageStatistics struct { // Covered units Covered *int `json:"covered,omitempty"` // Delta of coverage Delta *float64 `json:"delta,omitempty"` // Is delta valid IsDeltaAvailable *bool `json:"isDeltaAvailable,omitempty"` // Label of coverage data ("Blocks", "Statements", "Modules", etc.) Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Position of label Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` // Total units Total *int `json:"total,omitempty"` }
Represents the code coverage statistics for a particular coverage label (modules, statements, blocks, etc.)
type CodeCoverageSummary ¶
type CodeCoverageSummary struct { // Uri of build for which data is retrieved/published Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // List of coverage data and details for the build CoverageData *[]CodeCoverageData `json:"coverageData,omitempty"` // Uri of build against which difference in coverage is computed DeltaBuild *ShallowReference `json:"deltaBuild,omitempty"` // Uri of build against which difference in coverage is computed Status *CoverageSummaryStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Represents the code coverage summary results Used to publish or retrieve code coverage summary against a build
type CodeCoverageSummary2 ¶
type CodeCoverageSummary2 struct { BuildConfigurationId *int `json:"buildConfigurationId,omitempty"` Covered *int `json:"covered,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` Total *int `json:"total,omitempty"` }
type Coverage2 ¶
type Coverage2 struct { CoverageId *int `json:"coverageId,omitempty"` DateCreated *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"` DateModified *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateModified,omitempty"` LastError *string `json:"lastError,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` }
type CoverageQueryFlags ¶
type CoverageQueryFlags string
[Flags] Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call.
type CoverageStatistics ¶
type CoverageStatistics struct { BlocksCovered *int `json:"blocksCovered,omitempty"` BlocksNotCovered *int `json:"blocksNotCovered,omitempty"` LinesCovered *int `json:"linesCovered,omitempty"` LinesNotCovered *int `json:"linesNotCovered,omitempty"` LinesPartiallyCovered *int `json:"linesPartiallyCovered,omitempty"` }
type CoverageStatus ¶
type CoverageStatus string
type CoverageSummaryStatus ¶
type CoverageSummaryStatus string
Represents status of code coverage summary for a build
type CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest ¶
type CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` TestMessageLogEntry *[]TestMessageLogEntry `json:"testMessageLogEntry,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs ¶
type CreateTestResultAttachmentArgs struct { // (required) Attachment details TestAttachmentRequestModel AttachmentRequestModel *TestAttachmentRequestModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result against which attachment has to be uploaded. TestCaseResultId *int }
Arguments for the CreateTestResultAttachment function
type CreateTestResultsRequest ¶
type CreateTestResultsRequest struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` Results *[]LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` }
type CreateTestRunArgs ¶
type CreateTestRunArgs struct { // (required) Run details RunCreateModel TestRun *RunCreateModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateTestRun function
type CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs ¶
type CreateTestRunAttachmentArgs struct { // (required) Attachment details TestAttachmentRequestModel AttachmentRequestModel *TestAttachmentRequestModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run against which attachment has to be uploaded. RunId *int }
Arguments for the CreateTestRunAttachment function
type CreateTestRunRequest ¶
type CreateTestRunRequest struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` Results *[]LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` TestRun *LegacyTestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"` TestSettings *LegacyTestSettings `json:"testSettings,omitempty"` }
type CreateTestSessionArgs ¶
type CreateTestSessionArgs struct { // (required) Test session details for creation TestSession *TestSession // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Team ID or team name Team *string }
Arguments for the CreateTestSession function
type CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs ¶
type CreateTestSubResultAttachmentArgs struct { // (required) Attachment Request Model. AttachmentRequestModel *TestAttachmentRequestModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test results that contains sub result. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test sub results against which attachment has to be uploaded. TestSubResultId *int }
Arguments for the CreateTestSubResultAttachment function
type CustomTestField ¶
type CustomTestField struct { // Field Name. FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` // Field value. Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
A custom field information. Allowed Key : Value pairs - ( AttemptId: int value, IsTestResultFlaky: bool)
type CustomTestFieldDefinition ¶
type CustomTestFieldDefinition struct { FieldId *int `json:"fieldId,omitempty"` FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` FieldType *CustomTestFieldType `json:"fieldType,omitempty"` Scope *CustomTestFieldScope `json:"scope,omitempty"` }
type CustomTestFieldType ¶
type CustomTestFieldType string
type DatedTestFieldData ¶
type DatedTestFieldData struct { Date *azuredevops.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` Value *TestFieldData `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type DefaultAfnStripBinding ¶
type DeleteTestCaseArgs ¶
type DeleteTestCaseArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Id of test case to delete. TestCaseId *int }
Arguments for the DeleteTestCase function
type DeleteTestRunArgs ¶
type DeleteTestRunArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the run to delete. RunId *int }
Arguments for the DeleteTestRun function
type DeleteTestRunRequest ¶
type DtlEnvironmentDetails ¶
type DtlEnvironmentDetails struct { CsmContent *string `json:"csmContent,omitempty"` CsmParameters *string `json:"csmParameters,omitempty"` SubscriptionName *string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
This is a temporary class to provide the details for the test run environment.
type FailingSince ¶
type FailingSince struct { // Build reference since failing. Build *BuildReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // Time since failing. Date *azuredevops.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` // Release reference since failing. Release *ReleaseReference `json:"release,omitempty"` }
Failing since information of a test result.
type FetchTestResultsRequest ¶
type FetchTestResultsRequest struct { IdAndRevs *[]TestCaseResultIdAndRev `json:"idAndRevs,omitempty"` IncludeActionResults *bool `json:"includeActionResults,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` }
type FetchTestResultsResponse ¶
type FetchTestResultsResponse struct { ActionResults *[]TestActionResult `json:"actionResults,omitempty"` Attachments *[]TestResultAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` DeletedIds *[]LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"deletedIds,omitempty"` Results *[]LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` TestParameters *[]TestResultParameter `json:"testParameters,omitempty"` }
type FieldDetailsForTestResults ¶
type FieldDetailsForTestResults struct { // Group by field name FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` // Group by field values GroupsForField *[]interface{} `json:"groupsForField,omitempty"` }
type FileCoverage ¶
type FileCoverage struct { // List of line blocks along with their coverage status LineBlocksCoverage *[]LineBlockCoverage `json:"lineBlocksCoverage,omitempty"` // File path for which coverage information is sought for Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
type FileCoverageRequest ¶
type FileCoverageRequest struct { FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` PullRequestBaseIterationId *int `json:"pullRequestBaseIterationId,omitempty"` PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` PullRequestIterationId *int `json:"pullRequestIterationId,omitempty"` RepoId *string `json:"repoId,omitempty"` }
type FilterPointQuery ¶
type FlakyDetection ¶
type FlakyDetection struct { // FlakyDetectionPipelines defines Pipelines for Detection. FlakyDetectionPipelines *FlakyDetectionPipelines `json:"flakyDetectionPipelines,omitempty"` // FlakyDetectionType defines Detection type i.e. 1. System or 2. Manual. FlakyDetectionType *FlakyDetectionType `json:"flakyDetectionType,omitempty"` }
type FlakyDetectionPipelines ¶
type FlakyDetectionPipelines struct { // AllowedPipelines - List All Pipelines allowed for detection. AllowedPipelines *[]int `json:"allowedPipelines,omitempty"` // IsAllPipelinesAllowed if users configure all system's pipelines. IsAllPipelinesAllowed *bool `json:"isAllPipelinesAllowed,omitempty"` }
type FlakyDetectionType ¶
type FlakyDetectionType string
type FlakySettings ¶
type FlakySettings struct { // FlakyDetection defines types of detection. FlakyDetection *FlakyDetection `json:"flakyDetection,omitempty"` // FlakyInSummaryReport defines flaky data should show in summary report or not. FlakyInSummaryReport *bool `json:"flakyInSummaryReport,omitempty"` // ManualMarkUnmarkFlaky defines manual marking unmarking of flaky testcase. ManualMarkUnmarkFlaky *bool `json:"manualMarkUnmarkFlaky,omitempty"` }
type FunctionCoverage ¶
type FunctionCoverage struct { Class *string `json:"class,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` SourceFile *string `json:"sourceFile,omitempty"` Statistics *CoverageStatistics `json:"statistics,omitempty"` }
type FunctionCoverage2 ¶
type FunctionCoverage2 struct { BlocksCovered *int `json:"blocksCovered,omitempty"` BlocksNotCovered *int `json:"blocksNotCovered,omitempty"` Class *string `json:"class,omitempty"` CoverageId *int `json:"coverageId,omitempty"` FunctionId *int `json:"functionId,omitempty"` LinesCovered *int `json:"linesCovered,omitempty"` LinesNotCovered *int `json:"linesNotCovered,omitempty"` LinesPartiallyCovered *int `json:"linesPartiallyCovered,omitempty"` ModuleId *int `json:"moduleId,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` SourceFile *string `json:"sourceFile,omitempty"` }
type GetActionResultsArgs ¶
type GetActionResultsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result that contains the iterations. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the iteration that contains the actions. IterationId *int // (optional) Path of a specific action, used to get just that action. ActionPath *string }
Arguments for the GetActionResults function
type GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs ¶
type GetBuildCodeCoverageArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the build for which code coverage data needs to be fetched. BuildId *int // (required) Value of flags determine the level of code coverage details to be fetched. Flags are additive. Expected Values are 1 for Modules, 2 for Functions, 4 for BlockData. Flags *int }
Arguments for the GetBuildCodeCoverage function
type GetPointArgs ¶
type GetPointArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite that contains the point. SuiteId *int // (required) ID of the test point to get. PointIds *int // (optional) Comma-separated list of work item field names. WitFields *string }
Arguments for the GetPoint function
type GetPointsArgs ¶
type GetPointsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite that contains the points. SuiteId *int // (optional) Comma-separated list of work item field names. WitFields *string // (optional) Get test points for specific configuration. ConfigurationId *string // (optional) Get test points for a specific test case, valid when configurationId is not set. TestCaseId *string // (optional) Get test points for comma-separated list of test point IDs, valid only when configurationId and testCaseId are not set. TestPointIds *string // (optional) Include all properties for the test point. IncludePointDetails *bool // (optional) Number of test points to skip.. Skip *int // (optional) Number of test points to return. Top *int }
Arguments for the GetPoints function
type GetPointsByQueryArgs ¶
type GetPointsByQueryArgs struct { // (required) TestPointsQuery to get test points. Query *TestPointsQuery // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Number of test points to skip.. Skip *int // (optional) Number of test points to return. Top *int }
Arguments for the GetPointsByQuery function
type GetResultParametersArgs ¶
type GetResultParametersArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result that contains the iterations. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the iteration that contains the parameterized results. IterationId *int // (optional) Name of the parameter. ParamName *string }
Arguments for the GetResultParameters function
type GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs ¶
type GetResultRetentionSettingsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetResultRetentionSettings function
type GetTestCaseByIdArgs ¶
type GetTestCaseByIdArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan that contains the suites. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite that contains the test case. SuiteId *int // (required) ID of the test case to get. TestCaseIds *int }
Arguments for the GetTestCaseById function
type GetTestCasesArgs ¶
type GetTestCasesArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan that contains the suites. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite to get. SuiteId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestCases function
type GetTestIterationArgs ¶
type GetTestIterationArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result that contains the iterations. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) Id of the test results Iteration. IterationId *int // (optional) Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration. IncludeActionResults *bool }
Arguments for the GetTestIteration function
type GetTestIterationsArgs ¶
type GetTestIterationsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result that contains the iterations. TestCaseResultId *int // (optional) Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration. IncludeActionResults *bool }
Arguments for the GetTestIterations function
type GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs ¶
type GetTestResultAttachmentContentArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the testCaseResultId. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result whose attachment has to be downloaded. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test result attachment to be downloaded. AttachmentId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestResultAttachmentContent function
type GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs ¶
type GetTestResultAttachmentZipArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the testCaseResultId. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result whose attachment has to be downloaded. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test result attachment to be downloaded. AttachmentId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestResultAttachmentZip function
type GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs ¶
type GetTestResultAttachmentsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test result. TestCaseResultId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestResultAttachments function
type GetTestResultByIdArgs ¶
type GetTestResultByIdArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Test run ID of a test result to fetch. RunId *int // (required) Test result ID. TestCaseResultId *int // (optional) Details to include with test results. Default is None. Other values are Iterations, WorkItems and SubResults. DetailsToInclude *ResultDetails }
Arguments for the GetTestResultById function
type GetTestResultsArgs ¶
type GetTestResultsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Test run ID of test results to fetch. RunId *int // (optional) Details to include with test results. Default is None. Other values are Iterations and WorkItems. DetailsToInclude *ResultDetails // (optional) Number of test results to skip from beginning. Skip *int // (optional) Number of test results to return. Maximum is 1000 when detailsToInclude is None and 200 otherwise. Top *int // (optional) Comma separated list of test outcomes to filter test results. Outcomes *[]TestOutcome }
Arguments for the GetTestResults function
type GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs ¶
type GetTestRunAttachmentContentArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run whose attachment has to be downloaded. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test run attachment to be downloaded. AttachmentId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRunAttachmentContent function
type GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs ¶
type GetTestRunAttachmentZipArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run whose attachment has to be downloaded. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test run attachment to be downloaded. AttachmentId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRunAttachmentZip function
type GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs ¶
type GetTestRunAttachmentsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run. RunId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRunAttachments function
type GetTestRunByIdArgs ¶
type GetTestRunByIdArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the run to get. RunId *int // (optional) Default value is true. It includes details like run statistics, release, build, test environment, post process state, and more. IncludeDetails *bool }
Arguments for the GetTestRunById function
type GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs ¶
type GetTestRunCodeCoverageArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run for which code coverage data needs to be fetched. RunId *int // (required) Value of flags determine the level of code coverage details to be fetched. Flags are additive. Expected Values are 1 for Modules, 2 for Functions, 4 for BlockData. Flags *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRunCodeCoverage function
type GetTestRunStatisticsArgs ¶
type GetTestRunStatisticsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the run to get. RunId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRunStatistics function
type GetTestRunsArgs ¶
type GetTestRunsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) URI of the build that the runs used. BuildUri *string // (optional) Team foundation ID of the owner of the runs. Owner *string // (optional) TmiRunId *string // (optional) ID of the test plan that the runs are a part of. PlanId *int // (optional) If true, include all the properties of the runs. IncludeRunDetails *bool // (optional) If true, only returns automated runs. Automated *bool // (optional) Number of test runs to skip. Skip *int // (optional) Number of test runs to return. Top *int }
Arguments for the GetTestRuns function
type GetTestSessionsArgs ¶
type GetTestSessionsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Team ID or team name Team *string // (optional) Period in days from now, for which test sessions are fetched. Period *int // (optional) If false, returns test sessions for current user. Otherwise, it returns test sessions for all users AllSessions *bool // (optional) If true, it returns all properties of the test sessions. Otherwise, it returns the skinny version. IncludeAllProperties *bool // (optional) Source of the test session. Source *TestSessionSource // (optional) If true, it returns test sessions in completed state. Otherwise, it returns test sessions for all states IncludeOnlyCompletedSessions *bool }
Arguments for the GetTestSessions function
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs ¶
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentContentArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test results that contains sub result. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test result attachment to be downloaded AttachmentId *int // (required) ID of the test sub result whose attachment has to be downloaded TestSubResultId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestSubResultAttachmentContent function
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs ¶
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentZipArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test results that contains sub result. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test result attachment to be downloaded AttachmentId *int // (required) ID of the test sub result whose attachment has to be downloaded TestSubResultId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestSubResultAttachmentZip function
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs ¶
type GetTestSubResultAttachmentsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test run that contains the result. RunId *int // (required) ID of the test results that contains sub result. TestCaseResultId *int // (required) ID of the test sub result whose attachment has to be downloaded TestSubResultId *int }
Arguments for the GetTestSubResultAttachments function
type HttpPostedTcmAttachment ¶
type JobReference ¶
type JobReference struct { // Attempt number of the job Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` // Matrixing in YAML generates copies of a job with different inputs in matrix. JobName is the name of those input. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. JobName *string `json:"jobName,omitempty"` }
Job in pipeline. This is related to matrixing in YAML.
type LastResultDetails ¶
type LastResultDetails struct { // CompletedDate of LastResult. DateCompleted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCompleted,omitempty"` // Duration of LastResult. Duration *uint64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // RunBy. RunBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"runBy,omitempty"` }
Last result details of test point.
type LegacyBuildConfiguration ¶
type LegacyBuildConfiguration struct { BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` BuildConfigurationId *int `json:"buildConfigurationId,omitempty"` BuildDefinitionId *int `json:"buildDefinitionId,omitempty"` BuildDefinitionName *string `json:"buildDefinitionName,omitempty"` BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` BuildId *int `json:"buildId,omitempty"` BuildNumber *string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"` BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` BuildQuality *string `json:"buildQuality,omitempty"` BuildSystem *string `json:"buildSystem,omitempty"` BuildUri *string `json:"buildUri,omitempty"` CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` OldBuildConfigurationId *int `json:"oldBuildConfigurationId,omitempty"` RepositoryId *string `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` RepositoryType *string `json:"repositoryType,omitempty"` SourceVersion *string `json:"sourceVersion,omitempty"` TeamProjectName *string `json:"teamProjectName,omitempty"` }
type LegacyReleaseReference ¶
type LegacyReleaseReference struct { Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` EnvironmentCreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"environmentCreationDate,omitempty"` PrimaryArtifactBuildId *int `json:"primaryArtifactBuildId,omitempty"` PrimaryArtifactProjectId *string `json:"primaryArtifactProjectId,omitempty"` PrimaryArtifactType *string `json:"primaryArtifactType,omitempty"` ReleaseCreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"releaseCreationDate,omitempty"` ReleaseDefId *int `json:"releaseDefId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvDefId *int `json:"releaseEnvDefId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvId *int `json:"releaseEnvId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvName *string `json:"releaseEnvName,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvUri *string `json:"releaseEnvUri,omitempty"` ReleaseId *int `json:"releaseId,omitempty"` ReleaseName *string `json:"releaseName,omitempty"` ReleaseRefId *int `json:"releaseRefId,omitempty"` ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` }
type LegacyTestCaseResult ¶
type LegacyTestCaseResult struct { AfnStripId *int `json:"afnStripId,omitempty"` AreaId *int `json:"areaId,omitempty"` AreaUri *string `json:"areaUri,omitempty"` AutomatedTestId *string `json:"automatedTestId,omitempty"` AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` AutomatedTestType *string `json:"automatedTestType,omitempty"` AutomatedTestTypeId *string `json:"automatedTestTypeId,omitempty"` BuildNumber *string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"` BuildReference *LegacyBuildConfiguration `json:"buildReference,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` ConfigurationId *int `json:"configurationId,omitempty"` ConfigurationName *string `json:"configurationName,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` CustomFields *[]TestExtensionField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` DateCompleted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCompleted,omitempty"` DateStarted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateStarted,omitempty"` Duration *uint64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` FailingSince *FailingSince `json:"failingSince,omitempty"` FailureType *byte `json:"failureType,omitempty"` Id *LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"id,omitempty"` IsRerun *bool `json:"isRerun,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdatedByName *string `json:"lastUpdatedByName,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` OwnerName *string `json:"ownerName,omitempty"` Priority *byte `json:"priority,omitempty"` ReleaseReference *LegacyReleaseReference `json:"releaseReference,omitempty"` ResetCount *int `json:"resetCount,omitempty"` ResolutionStateId *int `json:"resolutionStateId,omitempty"` ResultGroupType *ResultGroupType `json:"resultGroupType,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` RunBy *uuid.UUID `json:"runBy,omitempty"` RunByName *string `json:"runByName,omitempty"` SequenceId *int `json:"sequenceId,omitempty"` StackTrace *TestExtensionField `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` SubResultCount *int `json:"subResultCount,omitempty"` SuiteName *string `json:"suiteName,omitempty"` TestCaseArea *string `json:"testCaseArea,omitempty"` TestCaseAreaUri *string `json:"testCaseAreaUri,omitempty"` TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` TestCaseReferenceId *int `json:"testCaseReferenceId,omitempty"` TestCaseRevision *int `json:"testCaseRevision,omitempty"` TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` TestPlanId *int `json:"testPlanId,omitempty"` TestPointId *int `json:"testPointId,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` TestRunTitle *string `json:"testRunTitle,omitempty"` TestSuiteId *int `json:"testSuiteId,omitempty"` }
type LegacyTestRun ¶
type LegacyTestRun struct { BugsCount *int `json:"bugsCount,omitempty"` BuildConfigurationId *int `json:"buildConfigurationId,omitempty"` BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` BuildNumber *string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"` BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` BuildReference *LegacyBuildConfiguration `json:"buildReference,omitempty"` BuildUri *string `json:"buildUri,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CompleteDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completeDate,omitempty"` ConfigurationIds *[]int `json:"configurationIds,omitempty"` Controller *string `json:"controller,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` CsmContent *string `json:"csmContent,omitempty"` CsmParameters *string `json:"csmParameters,omitempty"` CustomFields *[]TestExtensionField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` DropLocation *string `json:"dropLocation,omitempty"` DtlAutEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlAutEnvironment,omitempty"` DtlTestEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlTestEnvironment,omitempty"` DueDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` Filter *RunFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` IncompleteTests *int `json:"incompleteTests,omitempty"` IsAutomated *bool `json:"isAutomated,omitempty"` IsBvt *bool `json:"isBvt,omitempty"` Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdatedByName *string `json:"lastUpdatedByName,omitempty"` NotApplicableTests *int `json:"notApplicableTests,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` OwnerName *string `json:"ownerName,omitempty"` PassedTests *int `json:"passedTests,omitempty"` PostProcessState *byte `json:"postProcessState,omitempty"` PublicTestSettingsId *int `json:"publicTestSettingsId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvironmentUri *string `json:"releaseEnvironmentUri,omitempty"` ReleaseReference *LegacyReleaseReference `json:"releaseReference,omitempty"` ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` RowVersion *[]byte `json:"rowVersion,omitempty"` RunHasDtlEnvironment *bool `json:"runHasDtlEnvironment,omitempty"` RunTimeout interface{} `json:"runTimeout,omitempty"` ServiceVersion *string `json:"serviceVersion,omitempty"` SourceWorkflow *string `json:"sourceWorkflow,omitempty"` StartDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` SubscriptionName *string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` Substate *byte `json:"substate,omitempty"` TeamProject *string `json:"teamProject,omitempty"` TeamProjectUri *string `json:"teamProjectUri,omitempty"` TestConfigurationsMapping *string `json:"testConfigurationsMapping,omitempty"` TestEnvironmentId *uuid.UUID `json:"testEnvironmentId,omitempty"` TestMessageLogEntries *[]TestMessageLogDetails `json:"testMessageLogEntries,omitempty"` TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"` TestPlanId *int `json:"testPlanId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` TestRunStatistics *[]LegacyTestRunStatistic `json:"testRunStatistics,omitempty"` TestSettingsId *int `json:"testSettingsId,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` TotalTests *int `json:"totalTests,omitempty"` Type *byte `json:"type,omitempty"` UnanalyzedTests *int `json:"unanalyzedTests,omitempty"` Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type LegacyTestRunStatistic ¶
type LegacyTestRunStatistic struct { Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` ResolutionState *TestResolutionState `json:"resolutionState,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type LegacyTestSettings ¶
type LegacyTestSettings struct { AreaId *int `json:"areaId,omitempty"` AreaPath *string `json:"areaPath,omitempty"` CreatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` CreatedByName *string `json:"createdByName,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` IsAutomated *bool `json:"isAutomated,omitempty"` IsPublic *bool `json:"isPublic,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdatedByName *string `json:"lastUpdatedByName,omitempty"` MachineRoles *[]TestSettingsMachineRole `json:"machineRoles,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` Settings *string `json:"settings,omitempty"` TeamProjectUri *string `json:"teamProjectUri,omitempty"` }
type LineBlockCoverage ¶
type LinkedWorkItemsQuery ¶
type LinkedWorkItemsQuery struct { AutomatedTestNames *[]string `json:"automatedTestNames,omitempty"` PlanId *int `json:"planId,omitempty"` PointIds *[]int `json:"pointIds,omitempty"` SuiteIds *[]int `json:"suiteIds,omitempty"` TestCaseIds *[]int `json:"testCaseIds,omitempty"` WorkItemCategory *string `json:"workItemCategory,omitempty"` }
type LinkedWorkItemsQueryResult ¶
type LinkedWorkItemsQueryResult struct { AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` PlanId *int `json:"planId,omitempty"` PointId *int `json:"pointId,omitempty"` SuiteId *int `json:"suiteId,omitempty"` TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` WorkItems *[]WorkItemReference `json:"workItems,omitempty"` }
type ModuleCoverage ¶
type ModuleCoverage struct { BlockCount *int `json:"blockCount,omitempty"` BlockData *[]byte `json:"blockData,omitempty"` // Code Coverage File Url FileUrl *string `json:"fileUrl,omitempty"` Functions *[]FunctionCoverage `json:"functions,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Signature *uuid.UUID `json:"signature,omitempty"` SignatureAge *int `json:"signatureAge,omitempty"` Statistics *CoverageStatistics `json:"statistics,omitempty"` }
type ModuleCoverage2 ¶
type ModuleCoverage2 struct { BlockCount *int `json:"blockCount,omitempty"` BlockData *[]byte `json:"blockData,omitempty"` BlockDataLength *int `json:"blockDataLength,omitempty"` BlocksCovered *int `json:"blocksCovered,omitempty"` BlocksNotCovered *int `json:"blocksNotCovered,omitempty"` CoverageFileUrl *string `json:"coverageFileUrl,omitempty"` CoverageId *int `json:"coverageId,omitempty"` LinesCovered *int `json:"linesCovered,omitempty"` LinesNotCovered *int `json:"linesNotCovered,omitempty"` LinesPartiallyCovered *int `json:"linesPartiallyCovered,omitempty"` ModuleId *int `json:"moduleId,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Signature *uuid.UUID `json:"signature,omitempty"` SignatureAge *int `json:"signatureAge,omitempty"` }
type NameValuePair ¶
type NameValuePair struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Name value pair
type OperationType ¶
type OperationType string
type PhaseReference ¶
type PhaseReference struct { // Attempt number of the phase Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` // Name of the phase. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. PhaseName *string `json:"phaseName,omitempty"` }
Phase in pipeline
type PipelineReference ¶
type PipelineReference struct { // Reference of the job JobReference *JobReference `json:"jobReference,omitempty"` // Reference of the phase. PhaseReference *PhaseReference `json:"phaseReference,omitempty"` // Reference of the pipeline with which this pipeline instance is related. PipelineId *int `json:"pipelineId,omitempty"` // Reference of the stage. StageReference *StageReference `json:"stageReference,omitempty"` }
Pipeline reference
type PlanUpdateModel ¶
type PlanUpdateModel struct { // Area path to which the test plan belongs. This should be set to area path of the team that works on this test plan. Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` // Build ID of the build whose quality is tested by the tests in this test plan. For automated testing, this build ID is used to find the test binaries that contain automated test methods. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // The Build Definition that generates a build associated with this test plan. BuildDefinition *ShallowReference `json:"buildDefinition,omitempty"` // IDs of configurations to be applied when new test suites and test cases are added to the test plan. ConfigurationIds *[]int `json:"configurationIds,omitempty"` // Description of the test plan. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // End date for the test plan. EndDate *string `json:"endDate,omitempty"` // Iteration path assigned to the test plan. This indicates when the target iteration by which the testing in this plan is supposed to be complete and the product is ready to be released. Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` // Name of the test plan. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Owner of the test plan. Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Release Environment to be used to deploy the build and run automated tests from this test plan. ReleaseEnvironmentDefinition *ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference `json:"releaseEnvironmentDefinition,omitempty"` // Start date for the test plan. StartDate *string `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // State of the test plan. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Test Outcome settings TestOutcomeSettings *TestOutcomeSettings `json:"testOutcomeSettings,omitempty"` }
A model class used for creating and updating test plans.
type PointAssignment ¶
type PointAssignment struct { // Configuration that was assigned to the test case. Configuration *ShallowReference `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Tester that was assigned to the test case Tester *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"tester,omitempty"` }
Adding test cases to a suite creates one of more test points based on the default configurations and testers assigned to the test suite. PointAssignment is the list of test points that were created for each of the test cases that were added to the test suite.
type PointLastResult ¶
type PointLastResult struct { LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` PointId *int `json:"pointId,omitempty"` }
type PointUpdateModel ¶
type PointUpdateModel struct { // Outcome to update. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Reset test point to active. ResetToActive *bool `json:"resetToActive,omitempty"` // Tester to update. Type IdentityRef. Tester *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"tester,omitempty"` }
Model to update test point.
type PointWorkItemProperty ¶
type PointWorkItemProperty struct { // key value pair of test point work item property. WorkItem *azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"workItem,omitempty"` }
Test point workitem property.
type PointsFilter ¶
type PointsFilter struct { // List of Configurations for filtering. ConfigurationNames *[]string `json:"configurationNames,omitempty"` // List of test case id for filtering. TestcaseIds *[]int `json:"testcaseIds,omitempty"` // List of tester for filtering. Testers *[]webapi.IdentityRef `json:"testers,omitempty"` }
Filter class for test point.
type PointsReference2 ¶
type PointsResults2 ¶
type PointsResults2 struct { ChangeNumber *int `json:"changeNumber,omitempty"` LastFailureType *byte `json:"lastFailureType,omitempty"` LastResolutionStateId *int `json:"lastResolutionStateId,omitempty"` LastResultOutcome *byte `json:"lastResultOutcome,omitempty"` LastResultState *byte `json:"lastResultState,omitempty"` LastTestResultId *int `json:"lastTestResultId,omitempty"` LastTestRunId *int `json:"lastTestRunId,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` PlanId *int `json:"planId,omitempty"` PointId *int `json:"pointId,omitempty"` }
type PropertyBag ¶
type PropertyBag struct { // Generic store for test session data Bag *map[string]string `json:"bag,omitempty"` }
The class to represent a Generic store for test session data.
type QueryByPointRequest ¶
type QueryByRunRequest ¶
type QueryByRunRequest struct { IncludeActionResults *bool `json:"includeActionResults,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` PageSize *int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type QueryModel ¶
type QueryModel struct {
Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"`
type QueryTestActionResultRequest ¶
type QueryTestActionResultRequest struct { Identifier *LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` }
type QueryTestActionResultResponse ¶
type QueryTestActionResultResponse struct { TestActionResults *[]TestActionResult `json:"testActionResults,omitempty"` TestAttachments *[]TestResultAttachment `json:"testAttachments,omitempty"` TestResultParameters *[]TestResultParameter `json:"testResultParameters,omitempty"` }
type QueryTestHistoryArgs ¶
type QueryTestHistoryArgs struct { // (required) TestHistoryQuery to get history Filter *TestHistoryQuery // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the QueryTestHistory function
type QueryTestRuns2Request ¶
type QueryTestRuns2Request struct { IncludeStatistics *bool `json:"includeStatistics,omitempty"` Query *ResultsStoreQuery `json:"query,omitempty"` }
type QueryTestRunsArgs ¶
type QueryTestRunsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Minimum Last Modified Date of run to be queried (Mandatory). MinLastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time // (required) Maximum Last Modified Date of run to be queried (Mandatory, difference between min and max date can be atmost 7 days). MaxLastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time // (optional) Current state of the Runs to be queried. State *TestRunState // (optional) Plan Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). PlanIds *[]int // (optional) Automation type of the Runs to be queried. IsAutomated *bool // (optional) PublishContext of the Runs to be queried. PublishContext *TestRunPublishContext // (optional) Build Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). BuildIds *[]int // (optional) Build Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). BuildDefIds *[]int // (optional) Source Branch name of the Runs to be queried. BranchName *string // (optional) Release Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). ReleaseIds *[]int // (optional) Release Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). ReleaseDefIds *[]int // (optional) Release Environment Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). ReleaseEnvIds *[]int // (optional) Release Environment Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 10). ReleaseEnvDefIds *[]int // (optional) Run Title of the Runs to be queried. RunTitle *string // (optional) Number of runs to be queried. Limit is 100 Top *int // (optional) continuationToken received from previous batch or null for first batch. It is not supposed to be created (or altered, if received from last batch) by user. ContinuationToken *string }
Arguments for the QueryTestRuns function
type QueryTestRunsRequest ¶
type QueryTestRunsRequest struct { BuildUri *string `json:"buildUri,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` PlanId *int `json:"planId,omitempty"` Skip *int `json:"skip,omitempty"` TeamProjectName *string `json:"teamProjectName,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` Top *int `json:"top,omitempty"` }
type QueryTestRunsResponseValue ¶
type QueryTestRunsResponseValue struct { Value []TestRun // The continuation token to be used to get the next page of results. ContinuationToken string }
Return type for the QueryTestRuns function
type ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference ¶
type ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference struct { // ID of the release definition that contains the release environment definition. DefinitionId *int `json:"definitionId,omitempty"` // ID of the release environment definition. EnvironmentDefinitionId *int `json:"environmentDefinitionId,omitempty"` }
Reference to release environment resource.
type ReleaseReference ¶
type ReleaseReference struct { // Number of Release Attempt. Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` // Release Creation Date. CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // Release definition ID. DefinitionId *int `json:"definitionId,omitempty"` // Environment creation Date. EnvironmentCreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"environmentCreationDate,omitempty"` // Release environment definition ID. EnvironmentDefinitionId *int `json:"environmentDefinitionId,omitempty"` // Release environment definition name. EnvironmentDefinitionName *string `json:"environmentDefinitionName,omitempty"` // Release environment ID. EnvironmentId *int `json:"environmentId,omitempty"` // Release environment name. EnvironmentName *string `json:"environmentName,omitempty"` // Release ID. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Release name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Reference to a release.
type ReleaseReference2 ¶
type ReleaseReference2 struct { Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` EnvironmentCreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"environmentCreationDate,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` ReleaseCreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"releaseCreationDate,omitempty"` ReleaseDefId *int `json:"releaseDefId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvDefId *int `json:"releaseEnvDefId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvId *int `json:"releaseEnvId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvName *string `json:"releaseEnvName,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvUri *string `json:"releaseEnvUri,omitempty"` ReleaseId *int `json:"releaseId,omitempty"` ReleaseName *string `json:"releaseName,omitempty"` ReleaseRefId *int `json:"releaseRefId,omitempty"` ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` }
type RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs ¶
type RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrlArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan that contains the suite. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite to get. SuiteId *int // (required) IDs of the test cases to remove from the suite. TestCaseIds *string }
Arguments for the RemoveTestCasesFromSuiteUrl function
type RequirementsToTestsMapping2 ¶
type RequirementsToTestsMapping2 struct { CreatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DeletedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"deletedBy,omitempty"` DeletionDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"deletionDate,omitempty"` IsMigratedToWIT *bool `json:"isMigratedToWIT,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` TestMetadataId *int `json:"testMetadataId,omitempty"` WorkItemId *int `json:"workItemId,omitempty"` }
type ResetTestResultsRequest ¶
type ResetTestResultsRequest struct { Ids *[]LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"ids,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` }
type ResultMetaDataDetails ¶
type ResultMetaDataDetails string
Additional details with test result metadata
type ResultObjectType ¶
type ResultObjectType string
The top level entity that is being cloned as part of a Clone operation
type ResultRetentionSettings ¶
type ResultRetentionSettings struct { // Automated test result retention duration in days AutomatedResultsRetentionDuration *int `json:"automatedResultsRetentionDuration,omitempty"` // Last Updated by identity LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last updated date LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Manual test result retention duration in days ManualResultsRetentionDuration *int `json:"manualResultsRetentionDuration,omitempty"` }
Test result retention settings
type ResultUpdateRequest ¶
type ResultUpdateRequest struct { ActionResultDeletes *[]TestActionResult `json:"actionResultDeletes,omitempty"` ActionResults *[]TestActionResult `json:"actionResults,omitempty"` AttachmentDeletes *[]TestResultAttachmentIdentity `json:"attachmentDeletes,omitempty"` Attachments *[]TestResultAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` ParameterDeletes *[]TestResultParameter `json:"parameterDeletes,omitempty"` Parameters *[]TestResultParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` TestCaseResult *LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"testCaseResult,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type ResultUpdateRequestModel ¶
type ResultUpdateRequestModel struct { ActionResultDeletes *[]TestActionResultModel `json:"actionResultDeletes,omitempty"` ActionResults *[]TestActionResultModel `json:"actionResults,omitempty"` ParameterDeletes *[]TestResultParameterModel `json:"parameterDeletes,omitempty"` Parameters *[]TestResultParameterModel `json:"parameters,omitempty"` TestCaseResult *TestCaseResultUpdateModel `json:"testCaseResult,omitempty"` }
type ResultUpdateResponse ¶
type ResultUpdateResponse struct { AttachmentIds *[]int `json:"attachmentIds,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdatedByName *string `json:"lastUpdatedByName,omitempty"` MaxReservedSubResultId *int `json:"maxReservedSubResultId,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` TestPlanId *int `json:"testPlanId,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` }
type ResultUpdateResponseModel ¶
type ResultUpdateResponseModel struct {
Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"`
type ResultsByQueryRequest ¶
type ResultsByQueryRequest struct { PageSize *int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"` Query *ResultsStoreQuery `json:"query,omitempty"` }
type ResultsByQueryResponse ¶
type ResultsByQueryResponse struct { ExcessIds *[]LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"excessIds,omitempty"` TestResults *[]LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"testResults,omitempty"` }
type ResultsFilter ¶
type ResultsFilter struct { AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` ExecutedIn *Service `json:"executedIn,omitempty"` GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` MaxCompleteDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"maxCompleteDate,omitempty"` ResultsCount *int `json:"resultsCount,omitempty"` TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` TestCaseReferenceIds *[]int `json:"testCaseReferenceIds,omitempty"` TestPlanId *int `json:"testPlanId,omitempty"` TestPointIds *[]int `json:"testPointIds,omitempty"` TestResultsContext *TestResultsContext `json:"testResultsContext,omitempty"` TrendDays *int `json:"trendDays,omitempty"` }
type ResultsStoreQuery ¶
type RunCreateModel ¶
type RunCreateModel struct { // true if test run is automated, false otherwise. By default it will be false. Automated *bool `json:"automated,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to the build that it belongs. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // Drop location of the build used for test run. BuildDropLocation *string `json:"buildDropLocation,omitempty"` // Flavor of the build used for test run. (E.g: Release, Debug) BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` // Platform of the build used for test run. (E.g.: x86, amd64) BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` // BuildReference of the test run. BuildReference *BuildConfiguration `json:"buildReference,omitempty"` // Comments entered by those analyzing the run. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Completed date time of the run. CompleteDate *string `json:"completeDate,omitempty"` // IDs of the test configurations associated with the run. ConfigurationIds *[]int `json:"configurationIds,omitempty"` // Name of the test controller used for automated run. Controller *string `json:"controller,omitempty"` // Additional properties of test Run. CustomTestFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customTestFields,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to DtlAutEnvironment. DtlAutEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlAutEnvironment,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to DtlTestEnvironment. DtlTestEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlTestEnvironment,omitempty"` // Due date and time for test run. DueDate *string `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` EnvironmentDetails *DtlEnvironmentDetails `json:"environmentDetails,omitempty"` // Error message associated with the run. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // Filter used for discovering the Run. Filter *RunFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // The iteration in which to create the run. Root iteration of the team project will be default Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` // Name of the test run. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Display name of the owner of the run. Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Reference of the pipeline to which this test run belongs. PipelineReference.PipelineId should be equal to RunCreateModel.Build.Id PipelineReference *PipelineReference `json:"pipelineReference,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to the plan that it belongs. Plan *ShallowReference `json:"plan,omitempty"` // IDs of the test points to use in the run. PointIds *[]int `json:"pointIds,omitempty"` // URI of release environment associated with the run. ReleaseEnvironmentUri *string `json:"releaseEnvironmentUri,omitempty"` // Reference to release associated with test run. ReleaseReference *ReleaseReference `json:"releaseReference,omitempty"` // URI of release associated with the run. ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` // Run summary for run Type = NoConfigRun. RunSummary *[]RunSummaryModel `json:"runSummary,omitempty"` // Timespan till the run times out. RunTimeout interface{} `json:"runTimeout,omitempty"` // SourceWorkFlow(CI/CD) of the test run. SourceWorkflow *string `json:"sourceWorkflow,omitempty"` // Start date time of the run. StartDate *string `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // The state of the run. Type TestRunState Valid states - Unspecified ,NotStarted, InProgress, Completed, Waiting, Aborted, NeedsInvestigation State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Tags to attach with the test run, maximum of 5 tags can be added to run. Tags *[]TestTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // TestConfigurationMapping of the test run. TestConfigurationsMapping *string `json:"testConfigurationsMapping,omitempty"` // ID of the test environment associated with the run. TestEnvironmentId *string `json:"testEnvironmentId,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to the test settings resource. TestSettings *ShallowReference `json:"testSettings,omitempty"` // Type of the run(RunType) Valid Values : (Unspecified, Normal, Blocking, Web, MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb, RunWithDtlEnv, NoConfigRun) Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Test run create details.
type RunFilter ¶
type RunFilter struct { // filter for the test case sources (test containers) SourceFilter *string `json:"sourceFilter,omitempty"` // filter for the test cases TestCaseFilter *string `json:"testCaseFilter,omitempty"` }
This class is used to provide the filters used for discovery
type RunStatistic ¶
type RunStatistic struct { // Test result count fo the given outcome. Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` // Test result outcome Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Test run Resolution State. ResolutionState *TestResolutionState `json:"resolutionState,omitempty"` // State of the test run State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` }
Test run statistics per outcome.
type RunSummaryModel ¶
type RunSummaryModel struct { // Total time taken in milliseconds. Duration *uint64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Number of results for Outcome TestOutcome ResultCount *int `json:"resultCount,omitempty"` // Summary is based on outcome TestOutcome *TestOutcome `json:"testOutcome,omitempty"` }
Run summary for each output type of test.
type RunUpdateModel ¶
type RunUpdateModel struct { // An abstracted reference to the build that it belongs. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // Drop location of the build used for test run. BuildDropLocation *string `json:"buildDropLocation,omitempty"` // Flavor of the build used for test run. (E.g: Release, Debug) BuildFlavor *string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` // Platform of the build used for test run. (E.g.: x86, amd64) BuildPlatform *string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` // Comments entered by those analyzing the run. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Completed date time of the run. CompletedDate *string `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Name of the test controller used for automated run. Controller *string `json:"controller,omitempty"` // true to delete inProgess Results , false otherwise. DeleteInProgressResults *bool `json:"deleteInProgressResults,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to DtlAutEnvironment. DtlAutEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlAutEnvironment,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to DtlEnvironment. DtlEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlEnvironment,omitempty"` DtlEnvironmentDetails *DtlEnvironmentDetails `json:"dtlEnvironmentDetails,omitempty"` // Due date and time for test run. DueDate *string `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Error message associated with the run. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // The iteration in which to create the run. Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` // Log entries associated with the run. Use a comma-separated list of multiple log entry objects. { logEntry }, { logEntry }, ... LogEntries *[]TestMessageLogDetails `json:"logEntries,omitempty"` // Name of the test run. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // URI of release environment associated with the run. ReleaseEnvironmentUri *string `json:"releaseEnvironmentUri,omitempty"` // URI of release associated with the run. ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` // Run summary for run Type = NoConfigRun. RunSummary *[]RunSummaryModel `json:"runSummary,omitempty"` // SourceWorkFlow(CI/CD) of the test run. SourceWorkflow *string `json:"sourceWorkflow,omitempty"` // Start date time of the run. StartedDate *string `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // The state of the test run Below are the valid values - NotStarted, InProgress, Completed, Aborted, Waiting State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // The types of sub states for test run. Substate *TestRunSubstate `json:"substate,omitempty"` // Tags to attach with the test run. Tags *[]TestTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // ID of the test environment associated with the run. TestEnvironmentId *string `json:"testEnvironmentId,omitempty"` // An abstracted reference to test setting resource. TestSettings *ShallowReference `json:"testSettings,omitempty"` }
type ShallowReference ¶
type ShallowReference struct { // ID of the resource Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the linked resource (definition name, controller name, etc.) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Full http link to the resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
An abstracted reference to some other resource. This class is used to provide the build data contracts with a uniform way to reference other resources in a way that provides easy traversal through links.
type ShallowTestCaseResult ¶
type ShallowTestCaseResult struct { AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` DurationInMs *float64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` IsReRun *bool `json:"isReRun,omitempty"` Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` Priority *int `json:"priority,omitempty"` RefId *int `json:"refId,omitempty"` RunId *int `json:"runId,omitempty"` Tags *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty"` TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` }
type SharedStepModel ¶
type SharedStepModel struct { int `json:"id,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` }Id *
Reference to shared step workitem.
type StageReference ¶
type StageReference struct { // Attempt number of stage Attempt *int `json:"attempt,omitempty"` // Name of the stage. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. StageName *string `json:"stageName,omitempty"` }
Stage in pipeline
type SuiteCreateModel ¶
type SuiteCreateModel struct { // Name of test suite. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // For query based suites, query string that defines the suite. QueryString *string `json:"queryString,omitempty"` // For requirements test suites, the IDs of the requirements. RequirementIds *[]int `json:"requirementIds,omitempty"` // Type of test suite to create. It can have value from DynamicTestSuite, StaticTestSuite and RequirementTestSuite. SuiteType *string `json:"suiteType,omitempty"` }
Suite create model
type SuiteEntry ¶
type SuiteEntry struct { // Id of child suite in the test suite. ChildSuiteId *int `json:"childSuiteId,omitempty"` // Sequence number for the test case or child test suite in the test suite. SequenceNumber *int `json:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // Id for the test suite. SuiteId *int `json:"suiteId,omitempty"` // Id of a test case in the test suite. TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` }
A suite entry defines properties for a test suite.
type SuiteEntryUpdateModel ¶
type SuiteEntryUpdateModel struct { // Id of the child suite in the test suite. ChildSuiteId *int `json:"childSuiteId,omitempty"` // Updated sequence number for the test case or child test suite in the test suite. SequenceNumber *int `json:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // Id of the test case in the test suite. TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` }
A model to define sequence of test suite entries in a test suite.
type SuiteTestCase ¶
type SuiteTestCase struct { // Point Assignment for test suite's test case. PointAssignments *[]PointAssignment `json:"pointAssignments,omitempty"` // Test case workItem reference. TestCase *WorkItemReference `json:"testCase,omitempty"` }
Test case for the suite.
type SuiteTestCaseUpdateModel ¶
type SuiteTestCaseUpdateModel struct { // Shallow reference of configurations for the test cases in the suite. Configurations *[]ShallowReference `json:"configurations,omitempty"` }
Test suite update model.
type SuiteUpdateModel ¶
type SuiteUpdateModel struct { // Shallow reference of default configurations for the suite. DefaultConfigurations *[]ShallowReference `json:"defaultConfigurations,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of test suite. DefaultTesters *[]ShallowReference `json:"defaultTesters,omitempty"` // Specifies if the default configurations have to be inherited from the parent test suite in which the test suite is created. InheritDefaultConfigurations *bool `json:"inheritDefaultConfigurations,omitempty"` // Test suite name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Shallow reference of the parent. Parent *ShallowReference `json:"parent,omitempty"` // For query based suites, the new query string. QueryString *string `json:"queryString,omitempty"` }
Test suite update model.
type TCMPropertyBag2 ¶
type TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus ¶
type TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus string
type TestActionResult ¶
type TestActionResult struct { ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DateCompleted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCompleted,omitempty"` DateStarted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateStarted,omitempty"` Duration *uint64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` Id *LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"id,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` }
type TestActionResult2 ¶
type TestActionResult2 struct { ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DateCompleted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCompleted,omitempty"` DateStarted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateStarted,omitempty"` Duration *uint64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestActionResultModel ¶
type TestActionResultModel struct { // Comment in result. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Time when execution completed. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Duration of execution. DurationInMs *float64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` // Error message in result. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // Test outcome of result. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Time when execution started. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // Path identifier test step in test case workitem. ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` // Iteration ID of test action result. IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` SharedStepModel *SharedStepModel `json:"sharedStepModel,omitempty"` // This is step Id of test case. For shared step, it is step Id of shared step in test case workitem; step Id in shared step. Example: TestCase workitem has two steps: 1) Normal step with Id = 1 2) Shared Step with Id = 2. Inside shared step: a) Normal Step with Id = 1 Value for StepIdentifier for First step: "1" Second step: "2;1" StepIdentifier *string `json:"stepIdentifier,omitempty"` // Url of test action result. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Represents a test step result.
type TestAttachment ¶
type TestAttachment struct { // Attachment type. AttachmentType *AttachmentType `json:"attachmentType,omitempty"` // Comment associated with attachment. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Attachment created date. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Attachment file name FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` // ID of the attachment. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Attachment size. Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Attachment Url. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type TestAttachmentReference ¶
type TestAttachmentReference struct { // ID of the attachment. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Url to download the attachment. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Reference to test attachment.
type TestAttachmentRequestModel ¶
type TestAttachmentRequestModel struct { // Attachment type By Default it will be GeneralAttachment. It can be one of the following type. { GeneralAttachment, AfnStrip, BugFilingData, CodeCoverage, IntermediateCollectorData, RunConfig, TestImpactDetails, TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles, TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles, TmiTestResultDetail, TmiTestRunSummary } AttachmentType *string `json:"attachmentType,omitempty"` // Comment associated with attachment Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Attachment filename FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` // Base64 encoded file stream Stream *string `json:"stream,omitempty"` }
Test attachment request model
type TestAuthoringDetails ¶
type TestAuthoringDetails struct { ConfigurationId *int `json:"configurationId,omitempty"` IsAutomated *bool `json:"isAutomated,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` PointId *int `json:"pointId,omitempty"` Priority *byte `json:"priority,omitempty"` RunBy *uuid.UUID `json:"runBy,omitempty"` State *TestPointState `json:"state,omitempty"` SuiteId *int `json:"suiteId,omitempty"` TesterId *uuid.UUID `json:"testerId,omitempty"` }
type TestCaseMetadata2 ¶
type TestCaseReference2 ¶
type TestCaseReference2 struct { AreaId *int `json:"areaId,omitempty"` AutomatedTestId *string `json:"automatedTestId,omitempty"` AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` AutomatedTestNameHash *[]byte `json:"automatedTestNameHash,omitempty"` AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` AutomatedTestStorageHash *[]byte `json:"automatedTestStorageHash,omitempty"` AutomatedTestType *string `json:"automatedTestType,omitempty"` ConfigurationId *int `json:"configurationId,omitempty"` CreatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` LastRefTestRunDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastRefTestRunDate,omitempty"` Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` Priority *byte `json:"priority,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` TestCaseRefId *int `json:"testCaseRefId,omitempty"` TestCaseRevision *int `json:"testCaseRevision,omitempty"` TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` TestPointId *int `json:"testPointId,omitempty"` }
type TestCaseResult ¶
type TestCaseResult struct { // Test attachment ID of action recording. AfnStripId *int `json:"afnStripId,omitempty"` // Reference to area path of test. Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` // Reference to bugs linked to test result. AssociatedBugs *[]ShallowReference `json:"associatedBugs,omitempty"` // ID representing test method in a dll. AutomatedTestId *string `json:"automatedTestId,omitempty"` // Fully qualified name of test executed. AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` // Container to which test belongs. AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` // Type of automated test. AutomatedTestType *string `json:"automatedTestType,omitempty"` // TypeId of automated test. AutomatedTestTypeId *string `json:"automatedTestTypeId,omitempty"` // Shallow reference to build associated with test result. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // Reference to build associated with test result. BuildReference *BuildReference `json:"buildReference,omitempty"` // Comment in a test result with maxSize= 1000 chars. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Time when test execution completed. Completed date should be greater than StartedDate. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Machine name where test executed. ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` // Reference to test configuration. Type ShallowReference. Configuration *ShallowReference `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Timestamp when test result created. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Additional properties of test result. CustomFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` // Duration of test execution in milliseconds. If not provided value will be set as CompletedDate - StartedDate DurationInMs *float64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` // Error message in test execution. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // Information when test results started failing. FailingSince *FailingSince `json:"failingSince,omitempty"` // Failure type of test result. Valid Value= (Known Issue, New Issue, Regression, Unknown, None) FailureType *string `json:"failureType,omitempty"` // ID of a test result. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Test result details of test iterations used only for Manual Testing. IterationDetails *[]TestIterationDetailsModel `json:"iterationDetails,omitempty"` // Reference to identity last updated test result. LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last updated datetime of test result. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Test outcome of test result. Valid values = (Unspecified, None, Passed, Failed, Inconclusive, Timeout, Aborted, Blocked, NotExecuted, Warning, Error, NotApplicable, Paused, InProgress, NotImpacted) Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Reference to test owner. Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Priority of test executed. Priority *int `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Reference to team project. Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Shallow reference to release associated with test result. Release *ShallowReference `json:"release,omitempty"` // Reference to release associated with test result. ReleaseReference *ReleaseReference `json:"releaseReference,omitempty"` // ResetCount. ResetCount *int `json:"resetCount,omitempty"` // Resolution state of test result. ResolutionState *string `json:"resolutionState,omitempty"` // ID of resolution state. ResolutionStateId *int `json:"resolutionStateId,omitempty"` // Hierarchy type of the result, default value of None means its leaf node. ResultGroupType *ResultGroupType `json:"resultGroupType,omitempty"` // Revision number of test result. Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Reference to identity executed the test. RunBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"runBy,omitempty"` // Stacktrace with maxSize= 1000 chars. StackTrace *string `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // Time when test execution started. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // State of test result. Type TestRunState. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // List of sub results inside a test result, if ResultGroupType is not None, it holds corresponding type sub results. SubResults *[]TestSubResult `json:"subResults,omitempty"` // Reference to the test executed. TestCase *ShallowReference `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Reference ID of test used by test result. Type TestResultMetaData TestCaseReferenceId *int `json:"testCaseReferenceId,omitempty"` // TestCaseRevision Number. TestCaseRevision *int `json:"testCaseRevision,omitempty"` // Name of test. TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` // Reference to test plan test case workitem is part of. TestPlan *ShallowReference `json:"testPlan,omitempty"` // Reference to the test point executed. TestPoint *ShallowReference `json:"testPoint,omitempty"` // Reference to test run. TestRun *ShallowReference `json:"testRun,omitempty"` // Reference to test suite test case workitem is part of. TestSuite *ShallowReference `json:"testSuite,omitempty"` // Url of test result. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Represents a test result.
type TestCaseResultAttachmentModel ¶
type TestCaseResultAttachmentModel struct { // Path identifier test step in test case workitem. ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` // Attachment ID. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Iteration ID. IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` // Name of attachment. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Attachment size. Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Url to attachment. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Test attachment information in a test iteration.
type TestCaseResultIdAndRev ¶
type TestCaseResultIdAndRev struct { Id *LegacyTestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"id,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` }
type TestCaseResultIdentifier ¶
type TestCaseResultIdentifier struct { // Test result ID. TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` // Test run ID. TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
Reference to a test result.
type TestCaseResultUpdateModel ¶
type TestCaseResultUpdateModel struct { AssociatedWorkItems *[]int `json:"associatedWorkItems,omitempty"` AutomatedTestTypeId *string `json:"automatedTestTypeId,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CompletedDate *string `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` CustomFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` DurationInMs *string `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` FailureType *string `json:"failureType,omitempty"` Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` ResolutionState *string `json:"resolutionState,omitempty"` RunBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"runBy,omitempty"` StackTrace *string `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` StartedDate *string `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` TestCasePriority *string `json:"testCasePriority,omitempty"` TestResult *ShallowReference `json:"testResult,omitempty"` }
type TestConfiguration ¶
type TestConfiguration struct { // Area of the configuration Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` // Description of the configuration Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id of the configuration Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is the configuration a default for the test plans IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // Last Updated By Reference LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last Updated Data LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Name of the configuration Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Project to which the configuration belongs Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Revision of the the configuration Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // State of the configuration State *TestConfigurationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Url of Configuration Resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Dictionary of Test Variable, Selected Value Values *[]NameValuePair `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Test configuration
type TestConfigurationState ¶
type TestConfigurationState string
Represents the state of an ITestConfiguration object.
type TestExecutionReportData ¶
type TestExecutionReportData struct {
ReportData *[]DatedTestFieldData `json:"reportData,omitempty"`
type TestExtensionField ¶
type TestExtensionField struct { Field *TestExtensionFieldDetails `json:"field,omitempty"` Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type TestExtensionFieldDetails ¶
type TestExtensionFieldDetails struct { Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` IsResultScoped *bool `json:"isResultScoped,omitempty"` IsRunScoped *bool `json:"isRunScoped,omitempty"` IsSystemField *bool `json:"isSystemField,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type *system.SqlDbType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type TestFailureDetails ¶
type TestFailureDetails struct { Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` TestResults *[]TestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"testResults,omitempty"` }
type TestFailureType ¶
type TestFailureType struct { Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` }
type TestFailuresAnalysis ¶
type TestFailuresAnalysis struct { ExistingFailures *TestFailureDetails `json:"existingFailures,omitempty"` FixedTests *TestFailureDetails `json:"fixedTests,omitempty"` NewFailures *TestFailureDetails `json:"newFailures,omitempty"` PreviousContext *TestResultsContext `json:"previousContext,omitempty"` }
type TestFieldData ¶
type TestFieldsEx2 ¶
type TestFieldsEx2 struct { FieldId *int `json:"fieldId,omitempty"` FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` FieldType *byte `json:"fieldType,omitempty"` IsResultScoped *bool `json:"isResultScoped,omitempty"` IsRunScoped *bool `json:"isRunScoped,omitempty"` IsSystemField *bool `json:"isSystemField,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` }
type TestFlakyIdentifier ¶
type TestFlakyIdentifier struct { // Branch Name where Flakiness has to be Marked/Unmarked BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` // State for Flakiness IsFlaky *bool `json:"isFlaky,omitempty"` }
Test Flaky Identifier
type TestHistoryQuery ¶
type TestHistoryQuery struct { // Automated test name of the TestCase. AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` // Results to be get for a particular branches. Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Get the results history only for this BuildDefinitionId. This to get used in query GroupBy should be Branch. If this is provided, Branch will have no use. BuildDefinitionId *int `json:"buildDefinitionId,omitempty"` // It will be filled by server. If not null means there are some results still to be get, and we need to call this REST API with this ContinuousToken. It is not supposed to be created (or altered, if received from server in last batch) by user. ContinuationToken *string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"` // Group the result on the basis of TestResultGroupBy. This can be Branch, Environment or null(if results are fetched by BuildDefinitionId) GroupBy *TestResultGroupBy `json:"groupBy,omitempty"` // History to get between time interval MaxCompleteDate and (MaxCompleteDate - TrendDays). Default is current date time. MaxCompleteDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"maxCompleteDate,omitempty"` // Get the results history only for this ReleaseEnvDefinitionId. This to get used in query GroupBy should be Environment. ReleaseEnvDefinitionId *int `json:"releaseEnvDefinitionId,omitempty"` // List of TestResultHistoryForGroup which are grouped by GroupBy ResultsForGroup *[]TestResultHistoryForGroup `json:"resultsForGroup,omitempty"` // Get the results history only for this testCaseId. This to get used in query to filter the result along with automatedtestname TestCaseId *int `json:"testCaseId,omitempty"` // Number of days for which history to collect. Maximum supported value is 7 days. Default is 7 days. TrendDays *int `json:"trendDays,omitempty"` }
Filter to get TestCase result history.
type TestIterationDetailsModel ¶
type TestIterationDetailsModel struct { // Test step results in an iteration. ActionResults *[]TestActionResultModel `json:"actionResults,omitempty"` // Reference to attachments in test iteration result. Attachments *[]TestCaseResultAttachmentModel `json:"attachments,omitempty"` // Comment in test iteration result. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Time when execution completed. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Duration of execution. DurationInMs *float64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` // Error message in test iteration result execution. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // ID of test iteration result. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Test outcome if test iteration result. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Test parameters in an iteration. Parameters *[]TestResultParameterModel `json:"parameters,omitempty"` // Time when execution started. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // Url to test iteration result. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Represents a test iteration result.
type TestLog ¶
type TestLog struct { // Test Log Context run, build LogReference *TestLogReference `json:"logReference,omitempty"` MetaData *map[string]string `json:"metaData,omitempty"` // LastUpdatedDate for Log file ModifiedOn *azuredevops.Time `json:"modifiedOn,omitempty"` // Size in Bytes for Log file Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` }
Represents Test Log Result object.
type TestLogReference ¶
type TestLogReference struct { // BuildId for test log, if context is build BuildId *int `json:"buildId,omitempty"` // FileName for log file FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` // ReleaseEnvId for test log, if context is Release ReleaseEnvId *int `json:"releaseEnvId,omitempty"` // ReleaseId for test log, if context is Release ReleaseId *int `json:"releaseId,omitempty"` // Resultid for test log, if context is run and log is related to result ResultId *int `json:"resultId,omitempty"` // runid for test log, if context is run RunId *int `json:"runId,omitempty"` // Test Log Reference object Scope *TestLogScope `json:"scope,omitempty"` // SubResultid for test log, if context is run and log is related to subresult SubResultId *int `json:"subResultId,omitempty"` // Log Type Type *TestLogType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type TestLogStatus ¶
type TestLogStatus struct { // Exception message Exception *string `json:"exception,omitempty"` // Test Log Status code Status *TestLogStatusCode `json:"status,omitempty"` // Blob Transfer Error code TransferFailureType *string `json:"transferFailureType,omitempty"` }
Represents Test Log Status object.
type TestLogStoreEndpointDetails ¶
type TestLogStoreEndpointDetails struct { // Test log store connection Uri. EndpointSASUri *string `json:"endpointSASUri,omitempty"` // Test log store endpoint type. EndpointType *TestLogStoreEndpointType `json:"endpointType,omitempty"` // Test log store status code Status *TestLogStatusCode `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Represents Test Log store endpoint details.
type TestLogStoreEndpointType ¶
type TestLogStoreEndpointType string
type TestLogStoreOperationType ¶
type TestLogStoreOperationType string
type TestMessageLog2 ¶
type TestMessageLog2 struct {
TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"`
type TestMessageLogDetails ¶
type TestMessageLogDetails struct { // Date when the resource is created DateCreated *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"` // Id of the resource EntryId *int `json:"entryId,omitempty"` // Message of the resource Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
An abstracted reference to some other resource. This class is used to provide the build data contracts with a uniform way to reference other resources in a way that provides easy traversal through links.
type TestMessageLogEntry ¶
type TestMessageLogEntry struct { DateCreated *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"` EntryId *int `json:"entryId,omitempty"` LogLevel *byte `json:"logLevel,omitempty"` LogUser *uuid.UUID `json:"logUser,omitempty"` LogUserName *string `json:"logUserName,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"` }
type TestMessageLogEntry2 ¶
type TestMessageLogEntry2 struct { DateCreated *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"` EntryId *int `json:"entryId,omitempty"` LogLevel *byte `json:"logLevel,omitempty"` LogUser *uuid.UUID `json:"logUser,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"` }
type TestMethod ¶
type TestOperationReference ¶
type TestOperationReference struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Class representing a reference to an operation.
type TestOutcomeSettings ¶
type TestOutcomeSettings struct { // Value to configure how test outcomes for the same tests across suites are shown SyncOutcomeAcrossSuites *bool `json:"syncOutcomeAcrossSuites,omitempty"` }
Test outcome settings
type TestParameter2 ¶
type TestParameter2 struct { ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` Actual *[]byte `json:"actual,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DataType *byte `json:"dataType,omitempty"` DateModified *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateModified,omitempty"` Expected *[]byte `json:"expected,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` ParameterName *string `json:"parameterName,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestPlan ¶
type TestPlan struct { // Area of the test plan. Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` // Build to be tested. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // The Build Definition that generates a build associated with this test plan. BuildDefinition *ShallowReference `json:"buildDefinition,omitempty"` // Description of the test plan. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // End date for the test plan. EndDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"` // ID of the test plan. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Iteration path of the test plan. Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` // Name of the test plan. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Owner of the test plan. Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` PreviousBuild *ShallowReference `json:"previousBuild,omitempty"` // Project which contains the test plan. Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Release Environment to be used to deploy the build and run automated tests from this test plan. ReleaseEnvironmentDefinition *ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference `json:"releaseEnvironmentDefinition,omitempty"` // Revision of the test plan. Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Root test suite of the test plan. RootSuite *ShallowReference `json:"rootSuite,omitempty"` // Start date for the test plan. StartDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // State of the test plan. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Value to configure how same tests across test suites under a test plan need to behave TestOutcomeSettings *TestOutcomeSettings `json:"testOutcomeSettings,omitempty"` UpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"updatedBy,omitempty"` UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // URL of the test plan resource. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
The test plan resource.
type TestPlanCloneRequest ¶
type TestPlanCloneRequest struct { DestinationTestPlan *TestPlan `json:"destinationTestPlan,omitempty"` Options *CloneOptions `json:"options,omitempty"` SuiteIds *[]int `json:"suiteIds,omitempty"` }
type TestPlanHubData ¶
type TestPlansWithSelection ¶
type TestPoint ¶
type TestPoint struct { // AssignedTo. Type IdentityRef. AssignedTo *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"assignedTo,omitempty"` // Automated. Automated *bool `json:"automated,omitempty"` // Comment associated with test point. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Configuration. Type ShallowReference. Configuration *ShallowReference `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Failure type of test point. FailureType *string `json:"failureType,omitempty"` // ID of the test point. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last date when test point was reset to Active. LastResetToActive *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastResetToActive,omitempty"` // Last resolution state id of test point. LastResolutionStateId *int `json:"lastResolutionStateId,omitempty"` // Last result of test point. Type ShallowReference. LastResult *ShallowReference `json:"lastResult,omitempty"` // Last result details of test point. Type LastResultDetails. LastResultDetails *LastResultDetails `json:"lastResultDetails,omitempty"` // Last result state of test point. LastResultState *string `json:"lastResultState,omitempty"` // LastRun build number of test point. LastRunBuildNumber *string `json:"lastRunBuildNumber,omitempty"` // Last testRun of test point. Type ShallowReference. LastTestRun *ShallowReference `json:"lastTestRun,omitempty"` // Test point last updated by. Type IdentityRef. LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last updated date of test point. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Outcome of test point. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Revision number. Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // State of test point. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Suite of test point. Type ShallowReference. Suite *ShallowReference `json:"suite,omitempty"` // TestCase associated to test point. Type WorkItemReference. TestCase *WorkItemReference `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TestPlan of test point. Type ShallowReference. TestPlan *ShallowReference `json:"testPlan,omitempty"` // Test point Url. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Work item properties of test point. WorkItemProperties *[]interface{} `json:"workItemProperties,omitempty"` }
Test point.
type TestPointReference ¶
type TestPointReference struct { Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` State *TestPointState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
type TestPointState ¶
type TestPointState string
type TestPointsEvent ¶
type TestPointsEvent struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` TestPoints *[]TestPointReference `json:"testPoints,omitempty"` }
type TestPointsQuery ¶
type TestPointsQuery struct { // Order by results. OrderBy *string `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` // List of test points Points *[]TestPoint `json:"points,omitempty"` // Filter PointsFilter *PointsFilter `json:"pointsFilter,omitempty"` // List of workitem fields to get. WitFields *[]string `json:"witFields,omitempty"` }
Test point query class.
type TestPointsUpdatedEvent ¶
type TestPointsUpdatedEvent struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` TestPoints *[]TestPointReference `json:"testPoints,omitempty"` }
type TestResolutionState ¶
type TestResolutionState struct { // Test Resolution state Id. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Test Resolution State Name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` }
Test Resolution State Details.
type TestResult2 ¶
type TestResult2 struct { AfnStripId *int `json:"afnStripId,omitempty"` ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DateCompleted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateCompleted,omitempty"` DateStarted *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateStarted,omitempty"` EffectivePointState *byte `json:"effectivePointState,omitempty"` FailureType *byte `json:"failureType,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` Outcome *byte `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` ResetCount *int `json:"resetCount,omitempty"` ResolutionStateId *int `json:"resolutionStateId,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` RunBy *uuid.UUID `json:"runBy,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` TestCaseRefId *int `json:"testCaseRefId,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultAcrossProjectResponse ¶
type TestResultAcrossProjectResponse struct { ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` TestResult *LegacyTestCaseResult `json:"testResult,omitempty"` }
type TestResultAttachment ¶
type TestResultAttachment struct { ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` AttachmentType *AttachmentType `json:"attachmentType,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DownloadQueryString *string `json:"downloadQueryString,omitempty"` FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` IsComplete *bool `json:"isComplete,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` Length *uint64 `json:"length,omitempty"` SessionId *int `json:"sessionId,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` TmiRunId *uuid.UUID `json:"tmiRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultCreateModel ¶
type TestResultCreateModel struct { Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` AssociatedWorkItems *[]int `json:"associatedWorkItems,omitempty"` AutomatedTestId *string `json:"automatedTestId,omitempty"` AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` AutomatedTestType *string `json:"automatedTestType,omitempty"` AutomatedTestTypeId *string `json:"automatedTestTypeId,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CompletedDate *string `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` Configuration *ShallowReference `json:"configuration,omitempty"` CustomFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` DurationInMs *string `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` FailureType *string `json:"failureType,omitempty"` Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` ResolutionState *string `json:"resolutionState,omitempty"` RunBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"runBy,omitempty"` StackTrace *string `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` StartedDate *string `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` TestCase *ShallowReference `json:"testCase,omitempty"` TestCasePriority *string `json:"testCasePriority,omitempty"` TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` TestPoint *ShallowReference `json:"testPoint,omitempty"` }
type TestResultDocument ¶
type TestResultDocument struct { OperationReference *TestOperationReference `json:"operationReference,omitempty"` Payload *TestResultPayload `json:"payload,omitempty"` }
type TestResultHistory ¶
type TestResultHistory struct { GroupByField *string `json:"groupByField,omitempty"` ResultsForGroup *[]TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup `json:"resultsForGroup,omitempty"` }
type TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup ¶
type TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup struct { GroupByValue interface{} `json:"groupByValue,omitempty"` LatestResult *TestCaseResult `json:"latestResult,omitempty"` }
type TestResultHistoryForGroup ¶
type TestResultHistoryForGroup struct { // Display name of the group. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Name or Id of the group identifier by which results are grouped together. GroupByValue *string `json:"groupByValue,omitempty"` // List of results for GroupByValue Results *[]TestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` }
List of test results filtered on the basis of GroupByValue
type TestResultMetaData ¶
type TestResultMetaData struct { // AutomatedTestName of test result. AutomatedTestName *string `json:"automatedTestName,omitempty"` // AutomatedTestStorage of test result. AutomatedTestStorage *string `json:"automatedTestStorage,omitempty"` // List of Flaky Identifier for TestCaseReferenceId FlakyIdentifiers *[]TestFlakyIdentifier `json:"flakyIdentifiers,omitempty"` // Owner of test result. Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Priority of test result. Priority *int `json:"priority,omitempty"` // ID of TestCaseReference. TestCaseReferenceId *int `json:"testCaseReferenceId,omitempty"` // TestCaseTitle of test result. TestCaseTitle *string `json:"testCaseTitle,omitempty"` }
Represents a Meta Data of a test result.
type TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput ¶
type TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput struct { // List of Flaky Identifiers FlakyIdentifiers *[]TestFlakyIdentifier `json:"flakyIdentifiers,omitempty"` }
Represents a TestResultMetaData Input
type TestResultMetaDataUpdateResponse ¶
type TestResultMetaDataUpdateResponse struct {
Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
type TestResultModelBase ¶
type TestResultModelBase struct { // Comment in result. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Time when execution completed. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Duration of execution. DurationInMs *float64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` // Error message in result. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // Test outcome of result. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Time when execution started. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` }
type TestResultParameter ¶
type TestResultParameter struct { ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` Actual *[]byte `json:"actual,omitempty"` Expected *[]byte `json:"expected,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` ParameterName *string `json:"parameterName,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultParameterModel ¶
type TestResultParameterModel struct { // Test step path where parameter is referenced. ActionPath *string `json:"actionPath,omitempty"` // Iteration ID. IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` // Name of parameter. ParameterName *string `json:"parameterName,omitempty"` // This is step Id of test case. For shared step, it is step Id of shared step in test case workitem; step Id in shared step. Example: TestCase workitem has two steps: 1) Normal step with Id = 1 2) Shared Step with Id = 2. Inside shared step: a) Normal Step with Id = 1 Value for StepIdentifier for First step: "1" Second step: "2;1" StepIdentifier *string `json:"stepIdentifier,omitempty"` // Url of test parameter. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Value of parameter. Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Test parameter information in a test iteration.
type TestResultPayload ¶
type TestResultReset2 ¶
type TestResultReset2 struct { AuditIdentity *uuid.UUID `json:"auditIdentity,omitempty"` DateModified *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateModified,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestResultRV *[]byte `json:"testResultRV,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultSummary ¶
type TestResultSummary struct { AggregatedResultsAnalysis *AggregatedResultsAnalysis `json:"aggregatedResultsAnalysis,omitempty"` NoConfigRunsCount *int `json:"noConfigRunsCount,omitempty"` TeamProject *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"teamProject,omitempty"` TestFailures *TestFailuresAnalysis `json:"testFailures,omitempty"` TestResultsContext *TestResultsContext `json:"testResultsContext,omitempty"` TotalRunsCount *int `json:"totalRunsCount,omitempty"` }
type TestResultTrendFilter ¶
type TestResultTrendFilter struct { BranchNames *[]string `json:"branchNames,omitempty"` BuildCount *int `json:"buildCount,omitempty"` DefinitionIds *[]int `json:"definitionIds,omitempty"` EnvDefinitionIds *[]int `json:"envDefinitionIds,omitempty"` MaxCompleteDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"maxCompleteDate,omitempty"` PublishContext *string `json:"publishContext,omitempty"` TestRunTitles *[]string `json:"testRunTitles,omitempty"` TrendDays *int `json:"trendDays,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsContext ¶
type TestResultsContext struct { Build *BuildReference `json:"build,omitempty"` ContextType *TestResultsContextType `json:"contextType,omitempty"` Release *ReleaseReference `json:"release,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsContextType ¶
type TestResultsContextType string
type TestResultsDetails ¶
type TestResultsDetails struct { GroupByField *string `json:"groupByField,omitempty"` ResultsForGroup *[]TestResultsDetailsForGroup `json:"resultsForGroup,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsDetailsForGroup ¶
type TestResultsDetailsForGroup struct { GroupByValue interface{} `json:"groupByValue,omitempty"` Results *[]TestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` ResultsCountByOutcome *map[TestOutcome]AggregatedResultsByOutcome `json:"resultsCountByOutcome,omitempty"` Tags *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsEx2 ¶
type TestResultsEx2 struct { BitValue *bool `json:"bitValue,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DateTimeValue *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateTimeValue,omitempty"` FieldId *int `json:"fieldId,omitempty"` FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` FloatValue *float64 `json:"floatValue,omitempty"` GuidValue *uuid.UUID `json:"guidValue,omitempty"` IntValue *int `json:"intValue,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` StringValue *string `json:"stringValue,omitempty"` TestResultId *int `json:"testResultId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsGroupsForBuild ¶
type TestResultsGroupsForBuild struct { // BuildId for which groupby result is fetched. BuildId *int `json:"buildId,omitempty"` // The group by results Fields *[]FieldDetailsForTestResults `json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsGroupsForRelease ¶
type TestResultsGroupsForRelease struct { // The group by results Fields *[]FieldDetailsForTestResults `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Release Environment Id for which groupby result is fetched. ReleaseEnvId *int `json:"releaseEnvId,omitempty"` // ReleaseId for which groupby result is fetched. ReleaseId *int `json:"releaseId,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsQuery ¶
type TestResultsQuery struct { Fields *[]string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Results *[]TestCaseResult `json:"results,omitempty"` ResultsFilter *ResultsFilter `json:"resultsFilter,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsSettings ¶
type TestResultsSettings struct { // IsRequired and EmitDefaultValue are passed as false as if users doesn't pass anything, should not come for serialisation and deserialisation. FlakySettings *FlakySettings `json:"flakySettings,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsSettingsType ¶
type TestResultsSettingsType string
type TestResultsUpdateSettings ¶
type TestResultsUpdateSettings struct { // FlakySettings defines Flaky Settings Data. FlakySettings *FlakySettings `json:"flakySettings,omitempty"` }
type TestResultsWithWatermark ¶
type TestResultsWithWatermark struct { ChangedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"changedDate,omitempty"` PointsResults *[]PointsResults2 `json:"pointsResults,omitempty"` ResultId *int `json:"resultId,omitempty"` RunId *int `json:"runId,omitempty"` }
type TestRun ¶
type TestRun struct { // Build associated with this test run. Build *ShallowReference `json:"build,omitempty"` // Build configuration details associated with this test run. BuildConfiguration *BuildConfiguration `json:"buildConfiguration,omitempty"` // Comments entered by those analyzing the run. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Completed date time of the run. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Test Run Controller. Controller *string `json:"controller,omitempty"` // Test Run CreatedDate. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // List of Custom Fields for TestRun. CustomFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` // Drop Location for the test Run. DropLocation *string `json:"dropLocation,omitempty"` DtlAutEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlAutEnvironment,omitempty"` DtlEnvironment *ShallowReference `json:"dtlEnvironment,omitempty"` DtlEnvironmentCreationDetails *DtlEnvironmentDetails `json:"dtlEnvironmentCreationDetails,omitempty"` // Due date and time for test run. DueDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Error message associated with the run. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` Filter *RunFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // ID of the test run. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Number of Incomplete Tests. IncompleteTests *int `json:"incompleteTests,omitempty"` // true if test run is automated, false otherwise. IsAutomated *bool `json:"isAutomated,omitempty"` // The iteration to which the run belongs. Iteration *string `json:"iteration,omitempty"` // Team foundation ID of the last updated the test run. LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last updated date and time LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Name of the test run. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Number of Not Applicable Tests. NotApplicableTests *int `json:"notApplicableTests,omitempty"` // Team Foundation ID of the owner of the runs. Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Number of passed tests in the run PassedTests *int `json:"passedTests,omitempty"` // Phase/State for the testRun. Phase *string `json:"phase,omitempty"` // Reference of the pipeline to which this test run belongs. PipelineReference *PipelineReference `json:"pipelineReference,omitempty"` // Test plan associated with this test run. Plan *ShallowReference `json:"plan,omitempty"` // Post Process State. PostProcessState *string `json:"postProcessState,omitempty"` // Project associated with this run. Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Release Reference for the Test Run. Release *ReleaseReference `json:"release,omitempty"` // Release Environment Uri for TestRun. ReleaseEnvironmentUri *string `json:"releaseEnvironmentUri,omitempty"` // Release Uri for TestRun. ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // RunSummary by outcome. RunStatistics *[]RunStatistic `json:"runStatistics,omitempty"` // Start date time of the run. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // The state of the run. Type TestRunState Valid states - Unspecified ,NotStarted, InProgress, Completed, Waiting, Aborted, NeedsInvestigation State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // TestRun Substate. Substate *TestRunSubstate `json:"substate,omitempty"` // Tags attached with this test run. Tags *[]TestTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"` TestSettings *ShallowReference `json:"testSettings,omitempty"` // Total tests in the run TotalTests *int `json:"totalTests,omitempty"` // Number of failed tests in the run. UnanalyzedTests *int `json:"unanalyzedTests,omitempty"` // Url of the test run Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Web Access Url for TestRun. WebAccessUrl *string `json:"webAccessUrl,omitempty"` }
Test run details.
type TestRun2 ¶
type TestRun2 struct { BuildConfigurationId *int `json:"buildConfigurationId,omitempty"` BuildNumber *string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CompleteDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completeDate,omitempty"` Controller *string `json:"controller,omitempty"` CoverageId *int `json:"coverageId,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` DeletedOn *azuredevops.Time `json:"deletedOn,omitempty"` DropLocation *string `json:"dropLocation,omitempty"` DueDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` IncompleteTests *int `json:"incompleteTests,omitempty"` IsAutomated *bool `json:"isAutomated,omitempty"` IsBvt *bool `json:"isBvt,omitempty"` IsMigrated *bool `json:"isMigrated,omitempty"` IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *uuid.UUID `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` MaxReservedResultId *int `json:"maxReservedResultId,omitempty"` NotApplicableTests *int `json:"notApplicableTests,omitempty"` Owner *uuid.UUID `json:"owner,omitempty"` PassedTests *int `json:"passedTests,omitempty"` PostProcessState *byte `json:"postProcessState,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` PublicTestSettingsId *int `json:"publicTestSettingsId,omitempty"` ReleaseEnvironmentUri *string `json:"releaseEnvironmentUri,omitempty"` ReleaseUri *string `json:"releaseUri,omitempty"` Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` StartDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"` State *byte `json:"state,omitempty"` TestEnvironmentId *uuid.UUID `json:"testEnvironmentId,omitempty"` TestMessageLogId *int `json:"testMessageLogId,omitempty"` TestPlanId *int `json:"testPlanId,omitempty"` TestRunContextId *int `json:"testRunContextId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` TestSettingsId *int `json:"testSettingsId,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` TotalTests *int `json:"totalTests,omitempty"` Type *byte `json:"type,omitempty"` UnanalyzedTests *int `json:"unanalyzedTests,omitempty"` Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type TestRunCanceledEvent ¶
type TestRunCanceledEvent struct {
TestRun *TestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"`
type TestRunContext2 ¶
type TestRunCoverage ¶
type TestRunCoverage struct { // Last Error LastError *string `json:"lastError,omitempty"` // List of Modules Coverage Modules *[]ModuleCoverage `json:"modules,omitempty"` // State State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Reference of test Run. TestRun *ShallowReference `json:"testRun,omitempty"` }
Test Run Code Coverage Details
type TestRunCreatedEvent ¶
type TestRunCreatedEvent struct {
TestRun *TestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"`
type TestRunEvent ¶
type TestRunEvent struct {
TestRun *TestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"`
type TestRunEx2 ¶
type TestRunEx2 struct { BitValue *bool `json:"bitValue,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` DateTimeValue *azuredevops.Time `json:"dateTimeValue,omitempty"` FieldId *int `json:"fieldId,omitempty"` FieldName *string `json:"fieldName,omitempty"` FloatValue *float64 `json:"floatValue,omitempty"` GuidValue *uuid.UUID `json:"guidValue,omitempty"` IntValue *int `json:"intValue,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` StringValue *string `json:"stringValue,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestRunExtended2 ¶
type TestRunExtended2 struct { AutEnvironmentUrl *string `json:"autEnvironmentUrl,omitempty"` CsmContent *string `json:"csmContent,omitempty"` CsmParameters *string `json:"csmParameters,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` SourceFilter *string `json:"sourceFilter,omitempty"` SubscriptionName *string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` Substate *byte `json:"substate,omitempty"` TestCaseFilter *string `json:"testCaseFilter,omitempty"` TestEnvironmentUrl *string `json:"testEnvironmentUrl,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` }
type TestRunPublishContext ¶
type TestRunPublishContext string
The types of publish context for run.
type TestRunStartedEvent ¶
type TestRunStartedEvent struct {
TestRun *TestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"`
type TestRunStatistic ¶
type TestRunStatistic struct { Run *ShallowReference `json:"run,omitempty"` RunStatistics *[]RunStatistic `json:"runStatistics,omitempty"` }
Test run statistics.
type TestRunSubstate ¶
type TestRunSubstate string
The types of sub states for test run. It gives the user more info about the test run beyond the high level test run state
type TestRunSummary2 ¶
type TestRunSummary2 struct { IsRerun *bool `json:"isRerun,omitempty"` ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` ResultCount *int `json:"resultCount,omitempty"` ResultDuration *uint64 `json:"resultDuration,omitempty"` RunDuration *uint64 `json:"runDuration,omitempty"` TestOutcome *byte `json:"testOutcome,omitempty"` TestRunCompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"testRunCompletedDate,omitempty"` TestRunContextId *int `json:"testRunContextId,omitempty"` TestRunId *int `json:"testRunId,omitempty"` TestRunStatsId *int `json:"testRunStatsId,omitempty"` }
type TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent ¶
type TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent struct { TestRun *TestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"` ConfigurationIds *[]int `json:"configurationIds,omitempty"` MappedTestRunEventType *string `json:"mappedTestRunEventType,omitempty"` RunTimeout interface{} `json:"runTimeout,omitempty"` TestConfigurationsMapping *string `json:"testConfigurationsMapping,omitempty"` }
type TestSession ¶
type TestSession struct { // Area path of the test session Area *ShallowReference `json:"area,omitempty"` // Comments in the test session Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Duration of the session EndDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"` // Id of the test session Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last Updated By Reference LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last updated date LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Owner of the test session Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Project to which the test session belongs Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Generic store for test session data PropertyBag *PropertyBag `json:"propertyBag,omitempty"` // Revision of the test session Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Source of the test session Source *TestSessionSource `json:"source,omitempty"` // Start date StartDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // State of the test session State *TestSessionState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Title of the test session Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Url of Test Session Resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Test Session
type TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference ¶
type TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference struct { // Id of the workitem Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Type of the workitem Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Workitem references of workitems filed as a part of the current workitem exploration. AssociatedWorkItems *[]TestSessionWorkItemReference `json:"associatedWorkItems,omitempty"` // Time when exploration of workitem ended. EndTime *azuredevops.Time `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Time when explore of workitem was started. StartTime *azuredevops.Time `json:"startTime,omitempty"` }
type TestSessionSource ¶
type TestSessionSource string
Represents the source from which the test session was created
type TestSettings ¶
type TestSettings struct { // Area path required to create test settings AreaPath *string `json:"areaPath,omitempty"` // Description of the test settings. Used in create test settings. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Indicates if the tests settings is public or private.Used in create test settings. IsPublic *bool `json:"isPublic,omitempty"` // Xml string of machine roles. Used in create test settings. MachineRoles *string `json:"machineRoles,omitempty"` // Test settings content. TestSettingsContent *string `json:"testSettingsContent,omitempty"` // Test settings id. TestSettingsId *int `json:"testSettingsId,omitempty"` // Test settings name. TestSettingsName *string `json:"testSettingsName,omitempty"` }
Represents the test settings of the run. Used to create test settings and fetch test settings
type TestSettings2 ¶
type TestSettings2 struct { // Area path required to create test settings AreaPath *string `json:"areaPath,omitempty"` CreatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Description of the test settings. Used in create test settings. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Indicates if the tests settings is public or private.Used in create test settings. IsPublic *bool `json:"isPublic,omitempty"` LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Xml string of machine roles. Used in create test settings. MachineRoles *string `json:"machineRoles,omitempty"` // Test settings content. TestSettingsContent *string `json:"testSettingsContent,omitempty"` // Test settings id. TestSettingsId *int `json:"testSettingsId,omitempty"` // Test settings name. TestSettingsName *string `json:"testSettingsName,omitempty"` }
Represents the test settings of the run. Used to create test settings and fetch test settings
type TestSettingsMachineRole ¶
type TestSubResult ¶
type TestSubResult struct { // Comment in sub result. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Time when test execution completed. CompletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"` // Machine where test executed. ComputerName *string `json:"computerName,omitempty"` // Reference to test configuration. Configuration *ShallowReference `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Additional properties of sub result. CustomFields *[]CustomTestField `json:"customFields,omitempty"` // Name of sub result. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Duration of test execution. DurationInMs *uint64 `json:"durationInMs,omitempty"` // Error message in sub result. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // ID of sub result. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Time when result last updated. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Outcome of sub result. Outcome *string `json:"outcome,omitempty"` // Immediate parent ID of sub result. ParentId *int `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // Hierarchy type of the result, default value of None means its leaf node. ResultGroupType *ResultGroupType `json:"resultGroupType,omitempty"` // Index number of sub result. SequenceId *int `json:"sequenceId,omitempty"` // Stacktrace. StackTrace *string `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // Time when test execution started. StartedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"startedDate,omitempty"` // List of sub results inside a sub result, if ResultGroupType is not None, it holds corresponding type sub results. SubResults *[]TestSubResult `json:"subResults,omitempty"` // Reference to test result. TestResult *TestCaseResultIdentifier `json:"testResult,omitempty"` // Url of sub result. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Represents a sub result of a test result.
type TestSuite ¶
type TestSuite struct { // Area uri of the test suite. AreaUri *string `json:"areaUri,omitempty"` // Child test suites of current test suite. Children *[]TestSuite `json:"children,omitempty"` // Test suite default configuration. DefaultConfigurations *[]ShallowReference `json:"defaultConfigurations,omitempty"` // Test suite default testers. DefaultTesters *[]ShallowReference `json:"defaultTesters,omitempty"` // Id of test suite. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Default configuration was inherited or not. InheritDefaultConfigurations *bool `json:"inheritDefaultConfigurations,omitempty"` // Last error for test suite. LastError *string `json:"lastError,omitempty"` // Last populated date. LastPopulatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastPopulatedDate,omitempty"` // IdentityRef of user who has updated test suite recently. LastUpdatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` // Last update date. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Name of test suite. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Test suite parent shallow reference. Parent *ShallowReference `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Test plan to which the test suite belongs. Plan *ShallowReference `json:"plan,omitempty"` // Test suite project shallow reference. Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Test suite query string, for dynamic suites. QueryString *string `json:"queryString,omitempty"` // Test suite requirement id. RequirementId *int `json:"requirementId,omitempty"` // Test suite revision. Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // State of test suite. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // List of shallow reference of suites. Suites *[]ShallowReference `json:"suites,omitempty"` // Test suite type. SuiteType *string `json:"suiteType,omitempty"` // Test cases count. TestCaseCount *int `json:"testCaseCount,omitempty"` // Test case url. TestCasesUrl *string `json:"testCasesUrl,omitempty"` // Used in tree view. If test suite is root suite then, it is name of plan otherwise title of the suite. Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Url of test suite. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Test suite
type TestSuiteCloneRequest ¶
type TestSuiteCloneRequest struct { // Clone options for cloning the test suite. CloneOptions *CloneOptions `json:"cloneOptions,omitempty"` // Suite id under which, we have to clone the suite. DestinationSuiteId *int `json:"destinationSuiteId,omitempty"` // Destination suite project name. DestinationSuiteProjectName *string `json:"destinationSuiteProjectName,omitempty"` }
Test suite clone request
type TestSummaryForWorkItem ¶
type TestSummaryForWorkItem struct { Summary *AggregatedDataForResultTrend `json:"summary,omitempty"` WorkItem *WorkItemReference `json:"workItem,omitempty"` }
type TestTag ¶
type TestTag struct { // Name of the tag, alphanumeric value less than 30 chars Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Tag attached to a run or result.
type TestTagSummary ¶
type TestTagSummary struct { // Dictionary which contains tags associated with a test run. TagsGroupByTestArtifact *map[int][]TestTag `json:"tagsGroupByTestArtifact,omitempty"` }
Test tag summary for build or release grouped by test run.
type TestTagsUpdateModel ¶
type TestTagsUpdateModel struct {
Tags *[]azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"tags,omitempty"`
Tags to update to a run or result.
type TestToWorkItemLinks ¶
type TestToWorkItemLinks struct { Test *TestMethod `json:"test,omitempty"` WorkItems *[]WorkItemReference `json:"workItems,omitempty"` }
type TestVariable ¶
type TestVariable struct { // Description of the test variable Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id of the test variable Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the test variable Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Project to which the test variable belongs Project *ShallowReference `json:"project,omitempty"` // Revision Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Url of the test variable Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // List of allowed values Values *[]string `json:"values,omitempty"` }
type UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs ¶
type UpdateResultRetentionSettingsArgs struct { // (required) Test result retention settings details to be updated RetentionSettings *ResultRetentionSettings // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdateResultRetentionSettings function
type UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs ¶
type UpdateSuiteTestCasesArgs struct { // (required) Model for updation of the properties of test case suite association. SuiteTestCaseUpdateModel *SuiteTestCaseUpdateModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan that contains the suite. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the test suite to which the test cases must be added. SuiteId *int // (required) IDs of the test cases to add to the suite. Ids are specified in comma separated format. TestCaseIds *string }
Arguments for the UpdateSuiteTestCases function
type UpdateTestPointsArgs ¶
type UpdateTestPointsArgs struct { // (required) Data to update. PointUpdateModel *PointUpdateModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the test plan. PlanId *int // (required) ID of the suite that contains the points. SuiteId *int // (required) ID of the test point to get. Use a comma-separated list of IDs to update multiple test points. PointIds *string }
Arguments for the UpdateTestPoints function
type UpdateTestResultsArgs ¶
type UpdateTestResultsArgs struct { // (required) List of test results to update. Results *[]TestCaseResult // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Test run ID whose test results to update. RunId *int }
Arguments for the UpdateTestResults function
type UpdateTestRunArgs ¶
type UpdateTestRunArgs struct { // (required) Run details RunUpdateModel RunUpdateModel *RunUpdateModel // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the run to update. RunId *int }
Arguments for the UpdateTestRun function
type UpdateTestRunRequest ¶
type UpdateTestRunRequest struct { AttachmentsToAdd *[]TestResultAttachment `json:"attachmentsToAdd,omitempty"` AttachmentsToDelete *[]TestResultAttachmentIdentity `json:"attachmentsToDelete,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` ShouldHyderate *bool `json:"shouldHyderate,omitempty"` TestRun *LegacyTestRun `json:"testRun,omitempty"` }
type UpdateTestRunResponse ¶
type UpdateTestRunResponse struct { AttachmentIds *[]int `json:"attachmentIds,omitempty"` UpdatedProperties *UpdatedProperties `json:"updatedProperties,omitempty"` }
type UpdateTestSessionArgs ¶
type UpdateTestSessionArgs struct { // (required) Test session details for update TestSession *TestSession // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Team ID or team name Team *string }
Arguments for the UpdateTestSession function
type UpdatedProperties ¶
type UploadAttachmentsRequest ¶
type UploadAttachmentsRequest struct { Attachments *[]HttpPostedTcmAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` RequestParams *map[string]string `json:"requestParams,omitempty"` }
type WorkItemReference ¶
type WorkItemReference struct { // WorkItem Id. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // WorkItem Name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // WorkItem Type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // WorkItem Url. Valid Values : (Bug, Task, User Story, Test Case) Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // WorkItem WebUrl. WebUrl *string `json:"webUrl,omitempty"` }
WorkItem reference Details.
type WorkItemToTestLinks ¶
type WorkItemToTestLinks struct { ExecutedIn *Service `json:"executedIn,omitempty"` Tests *[]TestMethod `json:"tests,omitempty"` WorkItem *WorkItemReference `json:"workItem,omitempty"` }