Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- type AcquisitionAssignmentType
- type AcquisitionOperation
- type AcquisitionOperationState
- type AcquisitionOperationType
- type AcquisitionOptions
- type AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs
- type AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs
- type Answers
- type AssetDetails
- type AssociateAzurePublisherArgs
- type AzurePublisher
- type AzureRestApiRequestModel
- type AzureRestApiResponseModel
- type CategoriesResult
- type CategoryLanguageTitle
- type Client
- type ClientImpl
- func (client *ClientImpl) AddAssetForEditExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) AddAssetForNewExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) AssociateAzurePublisher(ctx context.Context, args AssociateAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCategory(ctx context.Context, args CreateCategoryArgs) (*ExtensionCategory, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateDraftForEditExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateDraftForNewExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateExtensionWithPublisher(ctx context.Context, args CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePublisher(ctx context.Context, args CreatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateQuestion(ctx context.Context, args CreateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateResponse(ctx context.Context, args CreateResponseArgs) (*Response, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateReview(ctx context.Context, args CreateReviewArgs) (*Review, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateSupportRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateSupportRequestArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteExtension(ctx context.Context, args DeleteExtensionArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args DeleteExtensionByIdArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePublisher(ctx context.Context, args DeletePublisherArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args DeletePublisherAssetArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteQuestion(ctx context.Context, args DeleteQuestionArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteResponse(ctx context.Context, args DeleteResponseArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteReview(ctx context.Context, args DeleteReviewArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) ExtensionValidator(ctx context.Context, args ExtensionValidatorArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) FetchDomainToken(ctx context.Context, args FetchDomainTokenArgs) (*string, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GenerateKey(ctx context.Context, args GenerateKeyArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAcquisitionOptions(ctx context.Context, args GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs) (*AcquisitionOptions, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAsset(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetAuthenticated(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetByName(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetByNameArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetWithToken(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetWithTokenArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategories(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoriesArgs) (*[]string, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategoryDetails(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoryDetailsArgs) (*CategoriesResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategoryTree(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoryTreeArgs) (*ProductCategory, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, args GetCertificateArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetContentVerificationLog(ctx context.Context, args GetContentVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtension(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStats(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymous(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionEvents(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionEventsArgs) (*ExtensionEvents, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionReports(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionReportsArgs) (interface{}, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetGalleryUserSettings(ctx context.Context, args GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) (*map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPackage(ctx context.Context, args GetPackageArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisher(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisherWithoutToken(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs) (*Publisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetQuestions(ctx context.Context, args GetQuestionsArgs) (*QuestionsResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetReviews(ctx context.Context, args GetReviewsArgs) (*ReviewsResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetReviewsSummary(ctx context.Context, args GetReviewsSummaryArgs) (*ReviewSummary, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRootCategories(ctx context.Context, args GetRootCategoriesArgs) (*ProductCategoriesResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetSigningKey(ctx context.Context, args GetSigningKeyArgs) (*string, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetVerificationLog(ctx context.Context, args GetVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) IncrementExtensionDailyStat(ctx context.Context, args IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) PerformEditExtensionDraftOperation(ctx context.Context, args PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) PerformNewExtensionDraftOperation(ctx context.Context, args PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) PublishExtensionEvents(ctx context.Context, args PublishExtensionEventsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryAssociatedAzurePublisher(ctx context.Context, args QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryExtensions(ctx context.Context, args QueryExtensionsArgs) (*ExtensionQueryResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryPublishers(ctx context.Context, args QueryPublishersArgs) (*PublisherQueryResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) ReportQuestion(ctx context.Context, args ReportQuestionArgs) (*Concern, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) RequestAcquisition(ctx context.Context, args RequestAcquisitionArgs) (*ExtensionAcquisitionRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) SendNotifications(ctx context.Context, args SendNotificationsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) SetGalleryUserSettings(ctx context.Context, args SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtension(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionByIdArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtensionWithHost(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionWithHostArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtension(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionByIdArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionWithHost(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionProperties(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionStatistics(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisher(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherAssetArgs) (*map[string]string, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherMembers(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherMembersArgs) (*[]PublisherRoleAssignment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateQuestion(ctx context.Context, args UpdateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateResponse(ctx context.Context, args UpdateResponseArgs) (*Response, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateReview(ctx context.Context, args UpdateReviewArgs) (*ReviewPatch, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatistics(ctx context.Context, args UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) VerifyDomainToken(ctx context.Context, args VerifyDomainTokenArgs) error
- type Concern
- type ConcernCategory
- type CreateCategoryArgs
- type CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs
- type CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs
- type CreateExtensionArgs
- type CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs
- type CreatePublisherArgs
- type CreateQuestionArgs
- type CreateResponseArgs
- type CreateReviewArgs
- type CreateSupportRequestArgs
- type CustomerLastContact
- type CustomerSupportRequest
- type DeleteExtensionArgs
- type DeleteExtensionByIdArgs
- type DeletePublisherArgs
- type DeletePublisherAssetArgs
- type DeleteQuestionArgs
- type DeleteResponseArgs
- type DeleteReviewArgs
- type DraftPatchOperation
- type DraftStateType
- type EventCounts
- type ExtensionAcquisitionRequest
- type ExtensionBadge
- type ExtensionCategory
- type ExtensionDailyStat
- type ExtensionDailyStats
- type ExtensionDeploymentTechnology
- type ExtensionDraft
- type ExtensionDraftAsset
- type ExtensionDraftPatch
- type ExtensionEvent
- type ExtensionEvents
- type ExtensionFile
- type ExtensionFilterResult
- type ExtensionFilterResultMetadata
- type ExtensionIdentifier
- type ExtensionLifecycleEventType
- type ExtensionPackage
- type ExtensionPayload
- type ExtensionPolicy
- type ExtensionPolicyFlags
- type ExtensionQuery
- type ExtensionQueryFilterType
- type ExtensionQueryFlags
- type ExtensionQueryResult
- type ExtensionShare
- type ExtensionStatistic
- type ExtensionStatisticOperation
- type ExtensionStatisticUpdate
- type ExtensionStatsAggregateType
- type ExtensionValidatorArgs
- type ExtensionVersion
- type ExtensionVersionFlags
- type FetchDomainTokenArgs
- type FilterCriteria
- type GenerateKeyArgs
- type GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs
- type GetAssetArgs
- type GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs
- type GetAssetByNameArgs
- type GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs
- type GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs
- type GetAssetWithTokenArgs
- type GetCategoriesArgs
- type GetCategoryDetailsArgs
- type GetCategoryTreeArgs
- type GetCertificateArgs
- type GetContentVerificationLogArgs
- type GetExtensionArgs
- type GetExtensionByIdArgs
- type GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs
- type GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs
- type GetExtensionEventsArgs
- type GetExtensionReportsArgs
- type GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs
- type GetPackageArgs
- type GetPublisherArgs
- type GetPublisherAssetArgs
- type GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs
- type GetQuestionsArgs
- type GetReviewsArgs
- type GetReviewsSummaryArgs
- type GetRootCategoriesArgs
- type GetSigningKeyArgs
- type GetVerificationLogArgs
- type IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs
- type InstallationTarget
- type MetadataItem
- type NotificationTemplateType
- type NotificationsData
- type PagingDirection
- type PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs
- type PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs
- type ProductCategoriesResult
- type ProductCategory
- type PublishExtensionEventsArgs
- type PublishedExtension
- type PublishedExtensionFlags
- type Publisher
- type PublisherBase
- type PublisherFacts
- type PublisherFilterResult
- type PublisherFlags
- type PublisherPermissions
- type PublisherQuery
- type PublisherQueryFlags
- type PublisherQueryResult
- type PublisherRoleAccess
- type PublisherRoleAssignment
- type PublisherSecurityRole
- type PublisherState
- type PublisherUserRoleAssignmentRef
- type QnAItem
- type QnAItemStatus
- type QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs
- type QueryExtensionsArgs
- type QueryFilter
- type QueryPublishersArgs
- type Question
- type QuestionsResult
- type RatingCountPerRating
- type ReportQuestionArgs
- type RequestAcquisitionArgs
- type Response
- type RestApiResponseStatus
- type RestApiResponseStatusModel
- type Review
- type ReviewEventOperation
- type ReviewEventProperties
- type ReviewFilterOptions
- type ReviewPatch
- type ReviewPatchOperation
- type ReviewReply
- type ReviewResourceType
- type ReviewSummary
- type ReviewsResult
- type SendNotificationsArgs
- type SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs
- type ShareExtensionArgs
- type ShareExtensionByIdArgs
- type ShareExtensionWithHostArgs
- type SortByType
- type SortOrderType
- type UnpackagedExtensionData
- type UnshareExtensionArgs
- type UnshareExtensionByIdArgs
- type UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs
- type UpdateExtensionArgs
- type UpdateExtensionByIdArgs
- type UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs
- type UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs
- type UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs
- type UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs
- type UpdatePublisherArgs
- type UpdatePublisherAssetArgs
- type UpdatePublisherMembersArgs
- type UpdateQuestionArgs
- type UpdateResponseArgs
- type UpdateReviewArgs
- type UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs
- type UserExtensionPolicy
- type UserIdentityRef
- type UserReportedConcern
- type VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType
- type VerifyDomainTokenArgs
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var AcquisitionAssignmentTypeValues = acquisitionAssignmentTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
Me: "me",
All: "all",
var AcquisitionOperationStateValues = acquisitionOperationStateValuesType{
Disallow: "disallow",
Allow: "allow",
Completed: "completed",
var AcquisitionOperationTypeValues = acquisitionOperationTypeValuesType{
Get: "get",
Install: "install",
Buy: "buy",
Try: "try",
Request: "request",
None: "none",
PurchaseRequest: "purchaseRequest",
var ConcernCategoryValues = concernCategoryValuesType{
General: "general",
Abusive: "abusive",
Spam: "spam",
var DraftPatchOperationValues = draftPatchOperationValuesType{
Publish: "publish",
Cancel: "cancel",
var DraftStateTypeValues = draftStateTypeValuesType{
Unpublished: "unpublished",
Published: "published",
Cancelled: "cancelled",
Error: "error",
var ExtensionDeploymentTechnologyValues = extensionDeploymentTechnologyValuesType{
Exe: "exe",
Msi: "msi",
Vsix: "vsix",
ReferralLink: "referralLink",
var ExtensionLifecycleEventTypeValues = extensionLifecycleEventTypeValuesType{
Uninstall: "uninstall",
Install: "install",
Review: "review",
Acquisition: "acquisition",
Sales: "sales",
Other: "other",
var ExtensionPolicyFlagsValues = extensionPolicyFlagsValuesType{
None: "none",
Private: "private",
Public: "public",
Preview: "preview",
Released: "released",
FirstParty: "firstParty",
All: "all",
var ExtensionQueryFilterTypeValues = extensionQueryFilterTypeValuesType{
Tag: "tag",
DisplayName: "displayName",
Private: "private",
Id: "id",
Category: "category",
ContributionType: "contributionType",
Name: "name",
InstallationTarget: "installationTarget",
Featured: "featured",
SearchText: "searchText",
FeaturedInCategory: "featuredInCategory",
ExcludeWithFlags: "excludeWithFlags",
IncludeWithFlags: "includeWithFlags",
Lcid: "lcid",
InstallationTargetVersion: "installationTargetVersion",
InstallationTargetVersionRange: "installationTargetVersionRange",
VsixMetadata: "vsixMetadata",
PublisherName: "publisherName",
PublisherDisplayName: "publisherDisplayName",
IncludeWithPublisherFlags: "includeWithPublisherFlags",
OrganizationSharedWith: "organizationSharedWith",
ProductArchitecture: "productArchitecture",
TargetPlatform: "targetPlatform",
ExtensionName: "extensionName",
var ExtensionQueryFlagsValues = extensionQueryFlagsValuesType{
None: "none",
IncludeVersions: "includeVersions",
IncludeFiles: "includeFiles",
IncludeCategoryAndTags: "includeCategoryAndTags",
IncludeSharedAccounts: "includeSharedAccounts",
IncludeVersionProperties: "includeVersionProperties",
ExcludeNonValidated: "excludeNonValidated",
IncludeInstallationTargets: "includeInstallationTargets",
IncludeAssetUri: "includeAssetUri",
IncludeStatistics: "includeStatistics",
IncludeLatestVersionOnly: "includeLatestVersionOnly",
UseFallbackAssetUri: "useFallbackAssetUri",
IncludeMetadata: "includeMetadata",
IncludeMinimalPayloadForVsIde: "includeMinimalPayloadForVsIde",
IncludeLcids: "includeLcids",
IncludeSharedOrganizations: "includeSharedOrganizations",
IncludeNameConflictInfo: "includeNameConflictInfo",
AllAttributes: "allAttributes",
var ExtensionStatisticOperationValues = extensionStatisticOperationValuesType{
None: "none",
Set: "set",
Increment: "increment",
Decrement: "decrement",
Delete: "delete",
var ExtensionStatsAggregateTypeValues = extensionStatsAggregateTypeValuesType{
Daily: "daily",
var ExtensionVersionFlagsValues = extensionVersionFlagsValuesType{
None: "none",
Validated: "validated",
var NotificationTemplateTypeValues = notificationTemplateTypeValuesType{
ReviewNotification: "reviewNotification",
QnaNotification: "qnaNotification",
CustomerContactNotification: "customerContactNotification",
PublisherMemberUpdateNotification: "publisherMemberUpdateNotification",
var PagingDirectionValues = pagingDirectionValuesType{
Backward: "backward",
Forward: "forward",
var PublishedExtensionFlagsValues = publishedExtensionFlagsValuesType{
None: "none",
Disabled: "disabled",
BuiltIn: "builtIn",
Validated: "validated",
Trusted: "trusted",
Paid: "paid",
Public: "public",
MultiVersion: "multiVersion",
System: "system",
Preview: "preview",
Unpublished: "unpublished",
Trial: "trial",
Locked: "locked",
Hidden: "hidden",
var PublisherFlagsValues = publisherFlagsValuesType{
UnChanged: "unChanged",
None: "none",
Disabled: "disabled",
Verified: "verified",
Certified: "certified",
ServiceFlags: "serviceFlags",
var PublisherPermissionsValues = publisherPermissionsValuesType{
Read: "read",
UpdateExtension: "updateExtension",
CreatePublisher: "createPublisher",
PublishExtension: "publishExtension",
Admin: "admin",
TrustedPartner: "trustedPartner",
PrivateRead: "privateRead",
DeleteExtension: "deleteExtension",
EditSettings: "editSettings",
ViewPermissions: "viewPermissions",
ManagePermissions: "managePermissions",
DeletePublisher: "deletePublisher",
var PublisherQueryFlagsValues = publisherQueryFlagsValuesType{
None: "none",
IncludeExtensions: "includeExtensions",
IncludeEmailAddress: "includeEmailAddress",
var PublisherRoleAccessValues = publisherRoleAccessValuesType{
Assigned: "assigned",
Inherited: "inherited",
var PublisherStateValues = publisherStateValuesType{
None: "none",
VerificationPending: "verificationPending",
CertificationPending: "certificationPending",
CertificationRejected: "certificationRejected",
CertificationRevoked: "certificationRevoked",
var QnAItemStatusValues = qnAItemStatusValuesType{
None: "none",
UserEditable: "userEditable",
PublisherCreated: "publisherCreated",
var ResourceAreaId, _ = uuid.Parse("69d21c00-f135-441b-b5ce-3626378e0819")
var RestApiResponseStatusValues = restApiResponseStatusValuesType{
Completed: "completed",
Failed: "failed",
Inprogress: "inprogress",
Skipped: "skipped",
var ReviewEventOperationValues = reviewEventOperationValuesType{
Create: "create",
Update: "update",
Delete: "delete",
var ReviewFilterOptionsValues = reviewFilterOptionsValuesType{
None: "none",
FilterEmptyReviews: "filterEmptyReviews",
FilterEmptyUserNames: "filterEmptyUserNames",
var ReviewPatchOperationValues = reviewPatchOperationValuesType{
FlagReview: "flagReview",
UpdateReview: "updateReview",
ReplyToReview: "replyToReview",
AdminResponseForReview: "adminResponseForReview",
DeleteAdminReply: "deleteAdminReply",
DeletePublisherReply: "deletePublisherReply",
var ReviewResourceTypeValues = reviewResourceTypeValuesType{ Review: "review", PublisherReply: "publisherReply", AdminReply: "adminReply", }
var SortByTypeValues = sortByTypeValuesType{ Relevance: "relevance", LastUpdatedDate: "lastUpdatedDate", Title: "title", Publisher: "publisher", InstallCount: "installCount", PublishedDate: "publishedDate", AverageRating: "averageRating", TrendingDaily: "trendingDaily", TrendingWeekly: "trendingWeekly", TrendingMonthly: "trendingMonthly", ReleaseDate: "releaseDate", Author: "author", WeightedRating: "weightedRating", }
var SortOrderTypeValues = sortOrderTypeValuesType{
Default: "default",
Ascending: "ascending",
Descending: "descending",
var VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsTypeValues = vsCodeWebExtensionStatisicsTypeValuesType{
Install: "install",
Update: "update",
Uninstall: "uninstall",
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcquisitionAssignmentType ¶
type AcquisitionAssignmentType string
How the acquisition is assigned
type AcquisitionOperation ¶
type AcquisitionOperation struct { // State of the AcquisitionOperation for the current user OperationState *AcquisitionOperationState `json:"operationState,omitempty"` // AcquisitionOperationType: install, request, buy, etc... OperationType *AcquisitionOperationType `json:"operationType,omitempty"` // Optional reason to justify current state. Typically used with Disallow state. Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
type AcquisitionOperationState ¶
type AcquisitionOperationState string
type AcquisitionOperationType ¶
type AcquisitionOperationType string
Set of different types of operations that can be requested.
type AcquisitionOptions ¶
type AcquisitionOptions struct { // Default Operation for the ItemId in this target DefaultOperation *AcquisitionOperation `json:"defaultOperation,omitempty"` // The item id that this options refer to ItemId *string `json:"itemId,omitempty"` // Operations allowed for the ItemId in this target Operations *[]AcquisitionOperation `json:"operations,omitempty"` // The target that this options refer to Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"` }
Market item acquisition options (install, buy, etc) for an installation target.
type AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs ¶
type AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (required) AssetType *string }
Arguments for the AddAssetForEditExtensionDraft function
type AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs ¶
type AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (required) AssetType *string }
Arguments for the AddAssetForNewExtensionDraft function
type AssetDetails ¶
type AssociateAzurePublisherArgs ¶
type AssociateAzurePublisherArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) AzurePublisherId *string }
Arguments for the AssociateAzurePublisher function
type AzurePublisher ¶
type AzureRestApiRequestModel ¶
type AzureRestApiRequestModel struct { // Gets or sets the Asset details AssetDetails *AssetDetails `json:"assetDetails,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset id AssetId *string `json:"assetId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset version AssetVersion *uint64 `json:"assetVersion,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the customer support email CustomerSupportEmail *string `json:"customerSupportEmail,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the integration contact email IntegrationContactEmail *string `json:"integrationContactEmail,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset version Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the plan identifier if any. PlanId *string `json:"planId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the publisher id PublisherId *string `json:"publisherId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the resource type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type AzureRestApiResponseModel ¶
type AzureRestApiResponseModel struct { // Gets or sets the Asset details AssetDetails *AssetDetails `json:"assetDetails,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset id AssetId *string `json:"assetId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset version AssetVersion *uint64 `json:"assetVersion,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the customer support email CustomerSupportEmail *string `json:"customerSupportEmail,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the integration contact email IntegrationContactEmail *string `json:"integrationContactEmail,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the asset version Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the plan identifier if any. PlanId *string `json:"planId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the publisher id PublisherId *string `json:"publisherId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the resource type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the Asset operation status OperationStatus *RestApiResponseStatusModel `json:"operationStatus,omitempty"` }
type CategoriesResult ¶
type CategoriesResult struct {
Categories *[]ExtensionCategory `json:"categories,omitempty"`
This is the set of categories in response to the get category query
type CategoryLanguageTitle ¶
type CategoryLanguageTitle struct { // The language for which the title is applicable Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` // The language culture id of the lang parameter Lcid *int `json:"lcid,omitempty"` // Actual title to be shown on the UI Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Definition of one title of a category
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // [Preview API] AddAssetForEditExtensionDraft(context.Context, AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error) // [Preview API] AddAssetForNewExtensionDraft(context.Context, AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error) // [Preview API] AssociateAzurePublisher(context.Context, AssociateAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error) // [Preview API] CreateCategory(context.Context, CreateCategoryArgs) (*ExtensionCategory, error) // [Preview API] CreateDraftForEditExtension(context.Context, CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] CreateDraftForNewExtension(context.Context, CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] CreateExtension(context.Context, CreateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] CreateExtensionWithPublisher(context.Context, CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] CreatePublisher(context.Context, CreatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error) // [Preview API] Creates a new question for an extension. CreateQuestion(context.Context, CreateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error) // [Preview API] Creates a new response for a given question for an extension. CreateResponse(context.Context, CreateResponseArgs) (*Response, error) // [Preview API] Creates a new review for an extension CreateReview(context.Context, CreateReviewArgs) (*Review, error) // [Preview API] CreateSupportRequest(context.Context, CreateSupportRequestArgs) error // [Preview API] DeleteExtension(context.Context, DeleteExtensionArgs) error // [Preview API] DeleteExtensionById(context.Context, DeleteExtensionByIdArgs) error // [Preview API] DeletePublisher(context.Context, DeletePublisherArgs) error // [Preview API] Delete publisher asset like logo DeletePublisherAsset(context.Context, DeletePublisherAssetArgs) error // [Preview API] Deletes an existing question and all its associated responses for an extension. (soft delete) DeleteQuestion(context.Context, DeleteQuestionArgs) error // [Preview API] Deletes a response for an extension. (soft delete) DeleteResponse(context.Context, DeleteResponseArgs) error // [Preview API] Deletes a review DeleteReview(context.Context, DeleteReviewArgs) error // [Preview API] ExtensionValidator(context.Context, ExtensionValidatorArgs) error // [Preview API] FetchDomainToken(context.Context, FetchDomainTokenArgs) (*string, error) // [Preview API] GenerateKey(context.Context, GenerateKeyArgs) error // [Preview API] GetAcquisitionOptions(context.Context, GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs) (*AcquisitionOptions, error) // [Preview API] GetAsset(context.Context, GetAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetAssetAuthenticated(context.Context, GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetAssetByName(context.Context, GetAssetByNameArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraft(context.Context, GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraft(context.Context, GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetAssetWithToken(context.Context, GetAssetWithTokenArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetCategories(context.Context, GetCategoriesArgs) (*[]string, error) // [Preview API] GetCategoryDetails(context.Context, GetCategoryDetailsArgs) (*CategoriesResult, error) // [Preview API] GetCategoryTree(context.Context, GetCategoryTreeArgs) (*ProductCategory, error) // [Preview API] GetCertificate(context.Context, GetCertificateArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetContentVerificationLog(context.Context, GetContentVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetExtension(context.Context, GetExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] GetExtensionById(context.Context, GetExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] GetExtensionDailyStats(context.Context, GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error) // [Preview API] This route/location id only supports HTTP POST anonymously, so that the page view daily stat can be incremented from Marketplace client. Trying to call GET on this route should result in an exception. Without this explicit implementation, calling GET on this public route invokes the above GET implementation GetExtensionDailyStats. GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymous(context.Context, GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error) // [Preview API] Get install/uninstall events of an extension. If both count and afterDate parameters are specified, count takes precedence. GetExtensionEvents(context.Context, GetExtensionEventsArgs) (*ExtensionEvents, error) // [Preview API] Returns extension reports GetExtensionReports(context.Context, GetExtensionReportsArgs) (interface{}, error) // [Preview API] Get all setting entries for the given user/all-users scope GetGalleryUserSettings(context.Context, GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) (*map[string]interface{}, error) // [Preview API] This endpoint gets hit when you download a VSTS extension from the Web UI GetPackage(context.Context, GetPackageArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetPublisher(context.Context, GetPublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error) // [Preview API] Get publisher asset like logo as a stream GetPublisherAsset(context.Context, GetPublisherAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] GetPublisherWithoutToken(context.Context, GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs) (*Publisher, error) // [Preview API] Returns a list of questions with their responses associated with an extension. GetQuestions(context.Context, GetQuestionsArgs) (*QuestionsResult, error) // [Preview API] Returns a list of reviews associated with an extension GetReviews(context.Context, GetReviewsArgs) (*ReviewsResult, error) // [Preview API] Returns a summary of the reviews GetReviewsSummary(context.Context, GetReviewsSummaryArgs) (*ReviewSummary, error) // [Preview API] GetRootCategories(context.Context, GetRootCategoriesArgs) (*ProductCategoriesResult, error) // [Preview API] GetSigningKey(context.Context, GetSigningKeyArgs) (*string, error) // [Preview API] GetVerificationLog(context.Context, GetVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Increments a daily statistic associated with the extension IncrementExtensionDailyStat(context.Context, IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs) error // [Preview API] PerformEditExtensionDraftOperation(context.Context, PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] PerformNewExtensionDraftOperation(context.Context, PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] API endpoint to publish extension install/uninstall events. This is meant to be invoked by EMS only for sending us data related to install/uninstall of an extension. PublishExtensionEvents(context.Context, PublishExtensionEventsArgs) error // [Preview API] QueryAssociatedAzurePublisher(context.Context, QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error) // [Preview API] QueryExtensions(context.Context, QueryExtensionsArgs) (*ExtensionQueryResult, error) // [Preview API] QueryPublishers(context.Context, QueryPublishersArgs) (*PublisherQueryResult, error) // [Preview API] Flags a concern with an existing question for an extension. ReportQuestion(context.Context, ReportQuestionArgs) (*Concern, error) // [Preview API] RequestAcquisition(context.Context, RequestAcquisitionArgs) (*ExtensionAcquisitionRequest, error) // [Preview API] Send Notification SendNotifications(context.Context, SendNotificationsArgs) error // [Preview API] Set all setting entries for the given user/all-users scope SetGalleryUserSettings(context.Context, SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) error ShareExtension(context.Context, ShareExtensionArgs) error ShareExtensionById(context.Context, ShareExtensionByIdArgs) error ShareExtensionWithHost(context.Context, ShareExtensionWithHostArgs) error UnshareExtension(context.Context, UnshareExtensionArgs) error UnshareExtensionById(context.Context, UnshareExtensionByIdArgs) error UnshareExtensionWithHost(context.Context, UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs) error // [Preview API] REST endpoint to update an extension. UpdateExtension(context.Context, UpdateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] UpdateExtensionById(context.Context, UpdateExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] UpdateExtensionProperties(context.Context, UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error) // [Preview API] UpdateExtensionStatistics(context.Context, UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs) error // [Preview API] UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtension(context.Context, UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtension(context.Context, UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error) // [Preview API] UpdatePublisher(context.Context, UpdatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error) // [Preview API] Update publisher asset like logo. It accepts asset file as an octet stream and file name is passed in header values. UpdatePublisherAsset(context.Context, UpdatePublisherAssetArgs) (*map[string]string, error) // [Preview API] Endpoint to add/modify publisher membership. Currently Supports only addition/modification of 1 user at a time Works only for adding members of same tenant. UpdatePublisherMembers(context.Context, UpdatePublisherMembersArgs) (*[]PublisherRoleAssignment, error) // [Preview API] Updates an existing question for an extension. UpdateQuestion(context.Context, UpdateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error) // [Preview API] Updates an existing response for a given question for an extension. UpdateResponse(context.Context, UpdateResponseArgs) (*Response, error) // [Preview API] Updates or Flags a review UpdateReview(context.Context, UpdateReviewArgs) (*ReviewPatch, error) // [Preview API] UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatistics(context.Context, UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs) error // [Preview API] VerifyDomainToken(context.Context, VerifyDomainTokenArgs) error }
type ClientImpl ¶
type ClientImpl struct {
Client azuredevops.Client
func (*ClientImpl) AddAssetForEditExtensionDraft ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) AddAssetForEditExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args AddAssetForEditExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) AddAssetForNewExtensionDraft ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) AddAssetForNewExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args AddAssetForNewExtensionDraftArgs) (*ExtensionDraftAsset, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) AssociateAzurePublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) AssociateAzurePublisher(ctx context.Context, args AssociateAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateCategory ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCategory(ctx context.Context, args CreateCategoryArgs) (*ExtensionCategory, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateDraftForEditExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateDraftForEditExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateDraftForNewExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateDraftForNewExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateExtension(ctx context.Context, args CreateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateExtensionWithPublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateExtensionWithPublisher(ctx context.Context, args CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePublisher(ctx context.Context, args CreatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) CreateQuestion ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateQuestion(ctx context.Context, args CreateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error)
[Preview API] Creates a new question for an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateResponse ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateResponse(ctx context.Context, args CreateResponseArgs) (*Response, error)
[Preview API] Creates a new response for a given question for an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateReview ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateReview(ctx context.Context, args CreateReviewArgs) (*Review, error)
[Preview API] Creates a new review for an extension
func (*ClientImpl) CreateSupportRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateSupportRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateSupportRequestArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteExtension(ctx context.Context, args DeleteExtensionArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteExtensionById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args DeleteExtensionByIdArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePublisher(ctx context.Context, args DeletePublisherArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePublisherAsset ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args DeletePublisherAssetArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete publisher asset like logo
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteQuestion ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteQuestion(ctx context.Context, args DeleteQuestionArgs) error
[Preview API] Deletes an existing question and all its associated responses for an extension. (soft delete)
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteResponse ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteResponse(ctx context.Context, args DeleteResponseArgs) error
[Preview API] Deletes a response for an extension. (soft delete)
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteReview ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteReview(ctx context.Context, args DeleteReviewArgs) error
[Preview API] Deletes a review
func (*ClientImpl) ExtensionValidator ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) ExtensionValidator(ctx context.Context, args ExtensionValidatorArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) FetchDomainToken ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) FetchDomainToken(ctx context.Context, args FetchDomainTokenArgs) (*string, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GenerateKey ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GenerateKey(ctx context.Context, args GenerateKeyArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAcquisitionOptions ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAcquisitionOptions(ctx context.Context, args GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs) (*AcquisitionOptions, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAsset ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAsset(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAssetAuthenticated ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetAuthenticated(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAssetByName ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetByName(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetByNameArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraft ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraft ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraft(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetAssetWithToken ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAssetWithToken(ctx context.Context, args GetAssetWithTokenArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetCategories ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategories(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoriesArgs) (*[]string, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetCategoryDetails ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategoryDetails(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoryDetailsArgs) (*CategoriesResult, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetCategoryTree ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCategoryTree(ctx context.Context, args GetCategoryTreeArgs) (*ProductCategory, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetCertificate ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, args GetCertificateArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetContentVerificationLog ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetContentVerificationLog(ctx context.Context, args GetContentVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtension(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtensionById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStats ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStats(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymous ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymous(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs) (*ExtensionDailyStats, error)
[Preview API] This route/location id only supports HTTP POST anonymously, so that the page view daily stat can be incremented from Marketplace client. Trying to call GET on this route should result in an exception. Without this explicit implementation, calling GET on this public route invokes the above GET implementation GetExtensionDailyStats.
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtensionEvents ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionEvents(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionEventsArgs) (*ExtensionEvents, error)
[Preview API] Get install/uninstall events of an extension. If both count and afterDate parameters are specified, count takes precedence.
func (*ClientImpl) GetExtensionReports ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetExtensionReports(ctx context.Context, args GetExtensionReportsArgs) (interface{}, error)
[Preview API] Returns extension reports
func (*ClientImpl) GetGalleryUserSettings ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetGalleryUserSettings(ctx context.Context, args GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) (*map[string]interface{}, error)
[Preview API] Get all setting entries for the given user/all-users scope
func (*ClientImpl) GetPackage ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPackage(ctx context.Context, args GetPackageArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] This endpoint gets hit when you download a VSTS extension from the Web UI
func (*ClientImpl) GetPublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisher(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetPublisherAsset ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherAssetArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Get publisher asset like logo as a stream
func (*ClientImpl) GetPublisherWithoutToken ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPublisherWithoutToken(ctx context.Context, args GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs) (*Publisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetQuestions ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetQuestions(ctx context.Context, args GetQuestionsArgs) (*QuestionsResult, error)
[Preview API] Returns a list of questions with their responses associated with an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) GetReviews ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetReviews(ctx context.Context, args GetReviewsArgs) (*ReviewsResult, error)
[Preview API] Returns a list of reviews associated with an extension
func (*ClientImpl) GetReviewsSummary ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetReviewsSummary(ctx context.Context, args GetReviewsSummaryArgs) (*ReviewSummary, error)
[Preview API] Returns a summary of the reviews
func (*ClientImpl) GetRootCategories ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRootCategories(ctx context.Context, args GetRootCategoriesArgs) (*ProductCategoriesResult, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetSigningKey ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetSigningKey(ctx context.Context, args GetSigningKeyArgs) (*string, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) GetVerificationLog ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetVerificationLog(ctx context.Context, args GetVerificationLogArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) IncrementExtensionDailyStat ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) IncrementExtensionDailyStat(ctx context.Context, args IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs) error
[Preview API] Increments a daily statistic associated with the extension
func (*ClientImpl) PerformEditExtensionDraftOperation ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) PerformEditExtensionDraftOperation(ctx context.Context, args PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) PerformNewExtensionDraftOperation ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) PerformNewExtensionDraftOperation(ctx context.Context, args PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) PublishExtensionEvents ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) PublishExtensionEvents(ctx context.Context, args PublishExtensionEventsArgs) error
[Preview API] API endpoint to publish extension install/uninstall events. This is meant to be invoked by EMS only for sending us data related to install/uninstall of an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) QueryAssociatedAzurePublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryAssociatedAzurePublisher(ctx context.Context, args QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs) (*AzurePublisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) QueryExtensions ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryExtensions(ctx context.Context, args QueryExtensionsArgs) (*ExtensionQueryResult, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) QueryPublishers ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryPublishers(ctx context.Context, args QueryPublishersArgs) (*PublisherQueryResult, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) ReportQuestion ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) ReportQuestion(ctx context.Context, args ReportQuestionArgs) (*Concern, error)
[Preview API] Flags a concern with an existing question for an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) RequestAcquisition ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) RequestAcquisition(ctx context.Context, args RequestAcquisitionArgs) (*ExtensionAcquisitionRequest, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) SendNotifications ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) SendNotifications(ctx context.Context, args SendNotificationsArgs) error
[Preview API] Send Notification
func (*ClientImpl) SetGalleryUserSettings ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) SetGalleryUserSettings(ctx context.Context, args SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs) error
[Preview API] Set all setting entries for the given user/all-users scope
func (*ClientImpl) ShareExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtension(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) ShareExtensionById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionByIdArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) ShareExtensionWithHost ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) ShareExtensionWithHost(ctx context.Context, args ShareExtensionWithHostArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UnshareExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtension(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionByIdArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionWithHost ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UnshareExtensionWithHost(ctx context.Context, args UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API] REST endpoint to update an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionById(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionByIdArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionProperties ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionProperties(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs) (*PublishedExtension, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionStatistics ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateExtensionStatistics(ctx context.Context, args UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtension ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtension(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs) (*ExtensionDraft, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePublisher ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisher(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherArgs) (*Publisher, error)
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherAsset ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherAsset(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherAssetArgs) (*map[string]string, error)
[Preview API] Update publisher asset like logo. It accepts asset file as an octet stream and file name is passed in header values.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherMembers ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePublisherMembers(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePublisherMembersArgs) (*[]PublisherRoleAssignment, error)
[Preview API] Endpoint to add/modify publisher membership. Currently Supports only addition/modification of 1 user at a time Works only for adding members of same tenant.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateQuestion ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateQuestion(ctx context.Context, args UpdateQuestionArgs) (*Question, error)
[Preview API] Updates an existing question for an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateResponse ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateResponse(ctx context.Context, args UpdateResponseArgs) (*Response, error)
[Preview API] Updates an existing response for a given question for an extension.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateReview ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateReview(ctx context.Context, args UpdateReviewArgs) (*ReviewPatch, error)
[Preview API] Updates or Flags a review
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatistics ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatistics(ctx context.Context, args UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs) error
[Preview API]
func (*ClientImpl) VerifyDomainToken ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) VerifyDomainToken(ctx context.Context, args VerifyDomainTokenArgs) error
[Preview API]
type Concern ¶
type Concern struct { // Time when the review was first created CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a QnA item Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Get status of item Status *QnAItemStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Text description of the QnA item Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Time when the review was edited/updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // User details for the item. User *UserIdentityRef `json:"user,omitempty"` // Category of the concern Category *ConcernCategory `json:"category,omitempty"` }
The structure of a Concern Rather than defining a separate data structure having same fields as QnAItem, we are inheriting from the QnAItem.
type ConcernCategory ¶
type ConcernCategory string
type CreateCategoryArgs ¶
type CreateCategoryArgs struct { // (required) Category *ExtensionCategory }
Arguments for the CreateCategory function
type CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs ¶
type CreateDraftForEditExtensionArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string }
Arguments for the CreateDraftForEditExtension function
type CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs ¶
type CreateDraftForNewExtensionArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) Header to pass the product type of the payload file Product *string // (optional) Header to pass the filename of the uploaded data FileName *string }
Arguments for the CreateDraftForNewExtension function
type CreateExtensionArgs ¶
type CreateExtensionArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (optional) ExtensionType *string // (optional) ReCaptchaToken *string }
Arguments for the CreateExtension function
type CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs ¶
type CreateExtensionWithPublisherArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (optional) ExtensionType *string // (optional) ReCaptchaToken *string }
Arguments for the CreateExtensionWithPublisher function
type CreatePublisherArgs ¶
type CreatePublisherArgs struct { // (required) Publisher *Publisher }
Arguments for the CreatePublisher function
type CreateQuestionArgs ¶
type CreateQuestionArgs struct { // (required) Question to be created for the extension. Question *Question // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string }
Arguments for the CreateQuestion function
type CreateResponseArgs ¶
type CreateResponseArgs struct { // (required) Response to be created for the extension. Response *Response // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (required) Identifier of the question for which response is to be created for the extension. QuestionId *uint64 }
Arguments for the CreateResponse function
type CreateReviewArgs ¶
type CreateReviewArgs struct { // (required) Review to be created for the extension Review *Review // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PubName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtName *string }
Arguments for the CreateReview function
type CreateSupportRequestArgs ¶
type CreateSupportRequestArgs struct { // (required) CustomerSupportRequest *CustomerSupportRequest }
Arguments for the CreateSupportRequest function
type CustomerLastContact ¶
type CustomerLastContact struct { // account for which customer was last contacted Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` // Date on which the customer was last contacted LastContactDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastContactDate,omitempty"` }
Stores Last Contact Date
type CustomerSupportRequest ¶
type CustomerSupportRequest struct { // Display name of extension in concern DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Email of user making the support request EmailId *string `json:"emailId,omitempty"` // Extension name ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` // Link to the extension details page ExtensionURL *string `json:"extensionURL,omitempty"` // User-provided support request message. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Publisher name PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` // Reason for support request Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` // VSID of the user making the support request ReporterVSID *string `json:"reporterVSID,omitempty"` // Review under concern Review *Review `json:"review,omitempty"` // The UI source through which the request was made SourceLink *string `json:"sourceLink,omitempty"` }
An entity representing the data required to create a Customer Support Request.
type DeleteExtensionArgs ¶
type DeleteExtensionArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (optional) Version *string }
Arguments for the DeleteExtension function
type DeleteExtensionByIdArgs ¶
type DeleteExtensionByIdArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Version *string }
Arguments for the DeleteExtensionById function
type DeletePublisherArgs ¶
type DeletePublisherArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the DeletePublisher function
type DeletePublisherAssetArgs ¶
type DeletePublisherAssetArgs struct { // (required) Internal name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (optional) Type of asset. Default value is 'logo'. AssetType *string }
Arguments for the DeletePublisherAsset function
type DeleteQuestionArgs ¶
type DeleteQuestionArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (required) Identifier of the question to be deleted for the extension. QuestionId *uint64 }
Arguments for the DeleteQuestion function
type DeleteResponseArgs ¶
type DeleteResponseArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (required) Identifies the question whose response is to be deleted. QuestionId *uint64 // (required) Identifies the response to be deleted. ResponseId *uint64 }
Arguments for the DeleteResponse function
type DeleteReviewArgs ¶
type DeleteReviewArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PubName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtName *string // (required) Id of the review which needs to be updated ReviewId *uint64 }
Arguments for the DeleteReview function
type DraftPatchOperation ¶
type DraftPatchOperation string
type DraftStateType ¶
type DraftStateType string
type EventCounts ¶
type EventCounts struct { // Average rating on the day for extension AverageRating *float32 `json:"averageRating,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was bought in hosted scenario (applies only to VSTS extensions) BuyCount *int `json:"buyCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was bought in connected scenario (applies only to VSTS extensions) ConnectedBuyCount *int `json:"connectedBuyCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was installed in connected scenario (applies only to VSTS extensions) ConnectedInstallCount *int `json:"connectedInstallCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was installed InstallCount *uint64 `json:"installCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was installed as a trial (applies only to VSTS extensions) TryCount *int `json:"tryCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was uninstalled (applies only to VSTS extensions) UninstallCount *int `json:"uninstallCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the extension was downloaded (applies to VSTS extensions and VSCode marketplace click installs) WebDownloadCount *uint64 `json:"webDownloadCount,omitempty"` // Number of detail page views WebPageViews *uint64 `json:"webPageViews,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionAcquisitionRequest ¶
type ExtensionAcquisitionRequest struct { // How the item is being assigned AssignmentType *AcquisitionAssignmentType `json:"assignmentType,omitempty"` // The id of the subscription used for purchase BillingId *string `json:"billingId,omitempty"` // The marketplace id (publisherName.extensionName) for the item ItemId *string `json:"itemId,omitempty"` // The type of operation, such as install, request, purchase OperationType *AcquisitionOperationType `json:"operationType,omitempty"` // Additional properties which can be added to the request. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // How many licenses should be purchased Quantity *int `json:"quantity,omitempty"` // A list of target guids where the item should be acquired (installed, requested, etc.), such as account id Targets *[]string `json:"targets,omitempty"` }
Contract for handling the extension acquisition process
type ExtensionBadge ¶
type ExtensionCategory ¶
type ExtensionCategory struct { // The name of the products with which this category is associated to. AssociatedProducts *[]string `json:"associatedProducts,omitempty"` CategoryId *int `json:"categoryId,omitempty"` // This is the internal name for a category CategoryName *string `json:"categoryName,omitempty"` // This parameter is obsolete. Refer to LanguageTitles for language specific titles Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // The list of all the titles of this category in various languages LanguageTitles *[]CategoryLanguageTitle `json:"languageTitles,omitempty"` // This is the internal name of the parent if this is associated with a parent ParentCategoryName *string `json:"parentCategoryName,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionDailyStat ¶
type ExtensionDailyStat struct { // Stores the event counts Counts *EventCounts `json:"counts,omitempty"` // Generic key/value pair to store extended statistics. Used for sending paid extension stats like Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel trend etc. ExtendedStats *map[string]interface{} `json:"extendedStats,omitempty"` // Timestamp of this data point StatisticDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"statisticDate,omitempty"` // Version of the extension Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionDailyStats ¶
type ExtensionDailyStats struct { // List of extension statistics data points DailyStats *[]ExtensionDailyStat `json:"dailyStats,omitempty"` // Id of the extension, this will never be sent back to the client. For internal use only. ExtensionId *uuid.UUID `json:"extensionId,omitempty"` // Name of the extension ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` // Name of the publisher PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` // Count of stats StatCount *int `json:"statCount,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionDeploymentTechnology ¶
type ExtensionDeploymentTechnology string
type ExtensionDraft ¶
type ExtensionDraft struct { Assets *[]ExtensionDraftAsset `json:"assets,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` DraftState *DraftStateType `json:"draftState,omitempty"` ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` Payload *ExtensionPayload `json:"payload,omitempty"` Product *string `json:"product,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` ValidationErrors *[]azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"validationErrors,omitempty"` ValidationWarnings *[]azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"validationWarnings,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionDraftAsset ¶
type ExtensionDraftPatch ¶
type ExtensionDraftPatch struct { ExtensionData *UnpackagedExtensionData `json:"extensionData,omitempty"` Operation *DraftPatchOperation `json:"operation,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionEvent ¶
type ExtensionEvent struct { // Id which identifies each data point uniquely Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the event occurred StatisticDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"statisticDate,omitempty"` // Version of the extension Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Stores details of each event
type ExtensionEvents ¶
type ExtensionEvents struct { // Generic container for events data. The dictionary key denotes the type of event and the list contains properties related to that event Events *map[string][]ExtensionEvent `json:"events,omitempty"` // Id of the extension, this will never be sent back to the client. This field will mainly be used when EMS calls into Gallery REST API to update install/uninstall events for various extensions in one go. ExtensionId *uuid.UUID `json:"extensionId,omitempty"` // Name of the extension ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` // Name of the publisher PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` }
Container object for all extension events. Stores all install and uninstall events related to an extension. The events container is generic so can store data of any type of event. New event types can be added without altering the contract.
type ExtensionFile ¶
type ExtensionFilterResult ¶
type ExtensionFilterResult struct { // This is the set of applications that matched the query filter supplied. Extensions *[]PublishedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"` // The PagingToken is returned from a request when more records exist that match the result than were requested or could be returned. A follow-up query with this paging token can be used to retrieve more results. PagingToken *string `json:"pagingToken,omitempty"` // This is the additional optional metadata for the given result. E.g. Total count of results which is useful in case of paged results ResultMetadata *[]ExtensionFilterResultMetadata `json:"resultMetadata,omitempty"` }
The FilterResult is the set of extensions that matched a particular query filter.
type ExtensionFilterResultMetadata ¶
type ExtensionFilterResultMetadata struct { // The metadata items for the category MetadataItems *[]MetadataItem `json:"metadataItems,omitempty"` // Defines the category of metadata items MetadataType *string `json:"metadataType,omitempty"` }
ExtensionFilterResultMetadata is one set of metadata for the result e.g. Total count. There can be multiple metadata items for one metadata.
type ExtensionIdentifier ¶
type ExtensionIdentifier struct { // The ExtensionName component part of the fully qualified ExtensionIdentifier ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` // The PublisherName component part of the fully qualified ExtensionIdentifier PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` }
Represents the component pieces of an extensions fully qualified name, along with the fully qualified name.
type ExtensionPackage ¶
type ExtensionPackage struct { // Base 64 encoded extension package ExtensionManifest *string `json:"extensionManifest,omitempty"` }
Package that will be used to create or update a published extension
type ExtensionPayload ¶
type ExtensionPayload struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` InstallationTargets *[]InstallationTarget `json:"installationTargets,omitempty"` IsPreview *bool `json:"isPreview,omitempty"` IsSignedByMicrosoft *bool `json:"isSignedByMicrosoft,omitempty"` IsValid *bool `json:"isValid,omitempty"` Metadata *[]azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Type *ExtensionDeploymentTechnology `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionPolicy ¶
type ExtensionPolicy struct { // Permissions on 'Install' operation Install *ExtensionPolicyFlags `json:"install,omitempty"` // Permission on 'Request' operation Request *ExtensionPolicyFlags `json:"request,omitempty"` }
Policy with a set of permissions on extension operations
type ExtensionPolicyFlags ¶
type ExtensionPolicyFlags string
[Flags] Set of flags that can be associated with a given permission over an extension
type ExtensionQuery ¶
type ExtensionQuery struct { // When retrieving extensions with a query; frequently the caller only needs a small subset of the assets. The caller may specify a list of asset types that should be returned if the extension contains it. All other assets will not be returned. AssetTypes *[]string `json:"assetTypes,omitempty"` // Each filter is a unique query and will have matching set of extensions returned from the request. Each result will have the same index in the resulting array that the filter had in the incoming query. Filters *[]QueryFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` // The Flags are used to determine which set of information the caller would like returned for the matched extensions. Flags *ExtensionQueryFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
An ExtensionQuery is used to search the gallery for a set of extensions that match one of many filter values.
type ExtensionQueryFilterType ¶
type ExtensionQueryFilterType string
Type of extension filters that are supported in the queries.
type ExtensionQueryFlags ¶
type ExtensionQueryFlags string
[Flags] Set of flags used to determine which set of information is retrieved when reading published extensions
type ExtensionQueryResult ¶
type ExtensionQueryResult struct { // For each filter supplied in the query, a filter result will be returned in the query result. Results *[]ExtensionFilterResult `json:"results,omitempty"` }
This is the set of extensions that matched a supplied query through the filters given.
type ExtensionShare ¶
type ExtensionShare struct {}
type ExtensionStatistic ¶
type ExtensionStatisticOperation ¶
type ExtensionStatisticOperation string
type ExtensionStatisticUpdate ¶
type ExtensionStatisticUpdate struct { ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` Operation *ExtensionStatisticOperation `json:"operation,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` Statistic *ExtensionStatistic `json:"statistic,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionValidatorArgs ¶
type ExtensionValidatorArgs struct { // (required) AzureRestApiRequestModel *AzureRestApiRequestModel }
Arguments for the ExtensionValidator function
type ExtensionVersion ¶
type ExtensionVersion struct { AssetUri *string `json:"assetUri,omitempty"` Badges *[]ExtensionBadge `json:"badges,omitempty"` FallbackAssetUri *string `json:"fallbackAssetUri,omitempty"` Files *[]ExtensionFile `json:"files,omitempty"` Flags *ExtensionVersionFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` Properties *[]azuredevops.KeyValuePair `json:"properties,omitempty"` TargetPlatform *string `json:"targetPlatform,omitempty"` ValidationResultMessage *string `json:"validationResultMessage,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionDescription *string `json:"versionDescription,omitempty"` }
type ExtensionVersionFlags ¶
type ExtensionVersionFlags string
[Flags] Set of flags that can be associated with a given extension version. These flags apply to a specific version of the extension.
type FetchDomainTokenArgs ¶
type FetchDomainTokenArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the FetchDomainToken function
type FilterCriteria ¶
type FilterCriteria struct { FilterType *int `json:"filterType,omitempty"` // The value used in the match based on the filter type. Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
One condition in a QueryFilter.
type GenerateKeyArgs ¶
type GenerateKeyArgs struct { // (required) KeyType *string // (optional) ExpireCurrentSeconds *int }
Arguments for the GenerateKey function
type GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs ¶
type GetAcquisitionOptionsArgs struct { // (required) ItemId *string // (required) InstallationTarget *string // (optional) TestCommerce *bool // (optional) IsFreeOrTrialInstall *bool }
Arguments for the GetAcquisitionOptions function
type GetAssetArgs ¶
type GetAssetArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionId *uuid.UUID // (required) Version *string // (required) AssetType *string // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) AcceptDefault *bool // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetAsset function
type GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs ¶
type GetAssetAuthenticatedArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Version *string // (required) AssetType *string // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetAssetAuthenticated function
type GetAssetByNameArgs ¶
type GetAssetByNameArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Version *string // (required) AssetType *string // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) AcceptDefault *bool // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetAssetByName function
type GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs ¶
type GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraftArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (required) AssetType *string // (required) ExtensionName *string }
Arguments for the GetAssetFromEditExtensionDraft function
type GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs ¶
type GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraftArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (required) AssetType *string }
Arguments for the GetAssetFromNewExtensionDraft function
type GetAssetWithTokenArgs ¶
type GetAssetWithTokenArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Version *string // (required) AssetType *string // (optional) AssetToken *string // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) AcceptDefault *bool // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetAssetWithToken function
type GetCategoriesArgs ¶
type GetCategoriesArgs struct { // (optional) Languages *string }
Arguments for the GetCategories function
type GetCategoryDetailsArgs ¶
type GetCategoryDetailsArgs struct { // (required) CategoryName *string // (optional) Languages *string // (optional) Product *string }
Arguments for the GetCategoryDetails function
type GetCategoryTreeArgs ¶
type GetCategoryTreeArgs struct { // (required) Product *string // (required) CategoryId *string // (optional) Lcid *int // (optional) Source *string // (optional) ProductVersion *string // (optional) Skus *string // (optional) SubSkus *string // (optional) ProductArchitecture *string }
Arguments for the GetCategoryTree function
type GetCertificateArgs ¶
type GetCertificateArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (optional) Version *string }
Arguments for the GetCertificate function
type GetContentVerificationLogArgs ¶
type GetContentVerificationLogArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string }
Arguments for the GetContentVerificationLog function
type GetExtensionArgs ¶
type GetExtensionArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (optional) Version *string // (optional) Flags *ExtensionQueryFlags // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetExtension function
type GetExtensionByIdArgs ¶
type GetExtensionByIdArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Version *string // (optional) Flags *ExtensionQueryFlags }
Arguments for the GetExtensionById function
type GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs ¶
type GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymousArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (required) Version of the extension Version *string }
Arguments for the GetExtensionDailyStatsAnonymous function
type GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs ¶
type GetExtensionDailyStatsArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (optional) Days *int // (optional) Aggregate *ExtensionStatsAggregateType // (optional) AfterDate *azuredevops.Time }
Arguments for the GetExtensionDailyStats function
type GetExtensionEventsArgs ¶
type GetExtensionEventsArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (optional) Count of events to fetch, applies to each event type. Count *int // (optional) Fetch events that occurred on or after this date AfterDate *azuredevops.Time // (optional) Filter options. Supported values: install, uninstall, review, acquisition, sales. Default is to fetch all types of events Include *string // (optional) Event properties to include. Currently only 'lastContactDetails' is supported for uninstall events IncludeProperty *string }
Arguments for the GetExtensionEvents function
type GetExtensionReportsArgs ¶
type GetExtensionReportsArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (optional) Last n days report. If afterDate and days are specified, days will take priority Days *int // (optional) Number of events to be returned Count *int // (optional) Use if you want to fetch events newer than the specified date AfterDate *azuredevops.Time }
Arguments for the GetExtensionReports function
type GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs ¶
type GetGalleryUserSettingsArgs struct { // (required) User-Scope at which to get the value. Should be "me" for the current user or "host" for all users. UserScope *string // (optional) Optional key under which to filter all the entries Key *string }
Arguments for the GetGalleryUserSettings function
type GetPackageArgs ¶
type GetPackageArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Version *string // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) AcceptDefault *bool // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the GetPackage function
type GetPublisherArgs ¶
Arguments for the GetPublisher function
type GetPublisherAssetArgs ¶
type GetPublisherAssetArgs struct { // (required) Internal name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (optional) Type of asset. Default value is 'logo'. AssetType *string }
Arguments for the GetPublisherAsset function
type GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs ¶
type GetPublisherWithoutTokenArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the GetPublisherWithoutToken function
type GetQuestionsArgs ¶
type GetQuestionsArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (optional) Number of questions to retrieve (defaults to 10). Count *int // (optional) Page number from which set of questions are to be retrieved. Page *int // (optional) If provided, results questions are returned which were posted after this date AfterDate *azuredevops.Time }
Arguments for the GetQuestions function
type GetReviewsArgs ¶
type GetReviewsArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (optional) Number of reviews to retrieve (defaults to 5) Count *int // (optional) FilterOptions to filter out empty reviews etcetera, defaults to none FilterOptions *ReviewFilterOptions // (optional) Use if you want to fetch reviews older than the specified date, defaults to null BeforeDate *azuredevops.Time // (optional) Use if you want to fetch reviews newer than the specified date, defaults to null AfterDate *azuredevops.Time }
Arguments for the GetReviews function
type GetReviewsSummaryArgs ¶
type GetReviewsSummaryArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PubName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtName *string // (optional) Use if you want to fetch summary of reviews older than the specified date, defaults to null BeforeDate *azuredevops.Time // (optional) Use if you want to fetch summary of reviews newer than the specified date, defaults to null AfterDate *azuredevops.Time }
Arguments for the GetReviewsSummary function
type GetRootCategoriesArgs ¶
type GetRootCategoriesArgs struct { // (required) Product *string // (optional) Lcid *int // (optional) Source *string // (optional) ProductVersion *string // (optional) Skus *string // (optional) SubSkus *string }
Arguments for the GetRootCategories function
type GetSigningKeyArgs ¶
type GetSigningKeyArgs struct { // (required) KeyType *string }
Arguments for the GetSigningKey function
type GetVerificationLogArgs ¶
type GetVerificationLogArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Version *string // (optional) TargetPlatform *string }
Arguments for the GetVerificationLog function
type IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs ¶
type IncrementExtensionDailyStatArgs struct { // (required) Name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (required) Version of the extension Version *string // (required) Type of stat to increment StatType *string // (optional) TargetPlatform *string }
Arguments for the IncrementExtensionDailyStat function
type InstallationTarget ¶
type InstallationTarget struct { ExtensionVersion *string `json:"extensionVersion,omitempty"` ProductArchitecture *string `json:"productArchitecture,omitempty"` Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"` TargetPlatform *string `json:"targetPlatform,omitempty"` TargetVersion *string `json:"targetVersion,omitempty"` }
type MetadataItem ¶
type MetadataItem struct { // The count of the metadata item Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` // The name of the metadata item Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MetadataItem is one value of metadata under a given category of metadata
type NotificationsData ¶
type NotificationsData struct { // Notification data needed Data *map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // List of users who should get the notification Identities *map[string]interface{} `json:"identities,omitempty"` // Type of Mail Notification.Can be Qna , review or CustomerContact Type *NotificationTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Information needed for sending mail notification
type PagingDirection ¶
type PagingDirection string
PagingDirection is used to define which set direction to move the returned result set based on a previous query.
type PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs ¶
type PerformEditExtensionDraftOperationArgs struct { // (required) DraftPatch *ExtensionDraftPatch // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID }
Arguments for the PerformEditExtensionDraftOperation function
type PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs ¶
type PerformNewExtensionDraftOperationArgs struct { // (required) DraftPatch *ExtensionDraftPatch // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID }
Arguments for the PerformNewExtensionDraftOperation function
type ProductCategoriesResult ¶
type ProductCategoriesResult struct {
Categories *[]ProductCategory `json:"categories,omitempty"`
This is the set of categories in response to the get category query
type ProductCategory ¶
type ProductCategory struct { // Indicator whether this is a leaf or there are children under this category HasChildren *bool `json:"hasChildren,omitempty"` Children *[]ProductCategory `json:"children,omitempty"` // Individual Guid of the Category Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` // Category Title in the requested language Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
This is the interface object to be used by Root Categories and Category Tree APIs for Visual Studio Ide.
type PublishExtensionEventsArgs ¶
type PublishExtensionEventsArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionEvents *[]ExtensionEvents }
Arguments for the PublishExtensionEvents function
type PublishedExtension ¶
type PublishedExtension struct { Categories *[]string `json:"categories,omitempty"` DeploymentType *ExtensionDeploymentTechnology `json:"deploymentType,omitempty"` DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` ExtensionId *uuid.UUID `json:"extensionId,omitempty"` ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` Flags *PublishedExtensionFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` InstallationTargets *[]InstallationTarget `json:"installationTargets,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LongDescription *string `json:"longDescription,omitempty"` // Check if Extension is in conflict list or not. Taking as String and not as boolean because we don't want end customer to see this flag and by making it Boolean it is coming as false for all the cases. PresentInConflictList *string `json:"presentInConflictList,omitempty"` // Date on which the extension was first uploaded. PublishedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"publishedDate,omitempty"` Publisher *PublisherFacts `json:"publisher,omitempty"` // Date on which the extension first went public. ReleaseDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"releaseDate,omitempty"` ShortDescription *string `json:"shortDescription,omitempty"` Statistics *[]ExtensionStatistic `json:"statistics,omitempty"` Tags *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Versions *[]ExtensionVersion `json:"versions,omitempty"` }
type PublishedExtensionFlags ¶
type PublishedExtensionFlags string
[Flags] Set of flags that can be associated with a given extension. These flags apply to all versions of the extension and not to a specific version.
type Publisher ¶
type Publisher struct { DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` EmailAddress *[]string `json:"emailAddress,omitempty"` Extensions *[]PublishedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"` Flags *PublisherFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LongDescription *string `json:"longDescription,omitempty"` PublisherId *uuid.UUID `json:"publisherId,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` ShortDescription *string `json:"shortDescription,omitempty"` State *PublisherState `json:"state,omitempty"` Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Domain *string `json:"domain,omitempty"` IsDnsTokenVerified *bool `json:"isDnsTokenVerified,omitempty"` IsDomainVerified *bool `json:"isDomainVerified,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` }
type PublisherBase ¶
type PublisherBase struct { DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` EmailAddress *[]string `json:"emailAddress,omitempty"` Extensions *[]PublishedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"` Flags *PublisherFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` LastUpdated *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` LongDescription *string `json:"longDescription,omitempty"` PublisherId *uuid.UUID `json:"publisherId,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` ShortDescription *string `json:"shortDescription,omitempty"` State *PublisherState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
Keeping base class separate since publisher DB model class and publisher contract class share these common properties
type PublisherFacts ¶
type PublisherFacts struct { DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` Domain *string `json:"domain,omitempty"` Flags *PublisherFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` IsDomainVerified *bool `json:"isDomainVerified,omitempty"` PublisherId *uuid.UUID `json:"publisherId,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` }
High-level information about the publisher, like id's and names
type PublisherFilterResult ¶
type PublisherFilterResult struct { // This is the set of applications that matched the query filter supplied. Publishers *[]Publisher `json:"publishers,omitempty"` }
The FilterResult is the set of publishers that matched a particular query filter.
type PublisherQuery ¶
type PublisherQuery struct { // Each filter is a unique query and will have matching set of publishers returned from the request. Each result will have the same index in the resulting array that the filter had in the incoming query. Filters *[]QueryFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` // The Flags are used to determine which set of information the caller would like returned for the matched publishers. Flags *PublisherQueryFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
An PublisherQuery is used to search the gallery for a set of publishers that match one of many filter values.
type PublisherQueryFlags ¶
type PublisherQueryFlags string
[Flags] Set of flags used to define the attributes requested when a publisher is returned. Some API's allow the caller to specify the level of detail needed.
type PublisherQueryResult ¶
type PublisherQueryResult struct { // For each filter supplied in the query, a filter result will be returned in the query result. Results *[]PublisherFilterResult `json:"results,omitempty"` }
This is the set of publishers that matched a supplied query through the filters given.
type PublisherRoleAssignment ¶
type PublisherRoleAssignment struct { // Designates the role as explicitly assigned or inherited. Access *PublisherRoleAccess `json:"access,omitempty"` // User friendly description of access assignment. AccessDisplayName *string `json:"accessDisplayName,omitempty"` // The user to whom the role is assigned. Identity *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"identity,omitempty"` // The role assigned to the user. Role *PublisherSecurityRole `json:"role,omitempty"` }
type PublisherSecurityRole ¶
type PublisherSecurityRole struct { // Permissions the role is allowed. AllowPermissions *int `json:"allowPermissions,omitempty"` // Permissions the role is denied. DenyPermissions *int `json:"denyPermissions,omitempty"` // Description of user access defined by the role Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // User friendly name of the role. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Globally unique identifier for the role. Identifier *string `json:"identifier,omitempty"` // Unique name of the role in the scope. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Returns the id of the ParentScope. Scope *string `json:"scope,omitempty"` }
type PublisherUserRoleAssignmentRef ¶
type PublisherUserRoleAssignmentRef struct { // The name of the role assigned. RoleName *string `json:"roleName,omitempty"` // Identifier of the user given the role assignment. UniqueName *string `json:"uniqueName,omitempty"` // Unique id of the user given the role assignment. UserId *uuid.UUID `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type QnAItem ¶
type QnAItem struct { // Time when the review was first created CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a QnA item Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Get status of item Status *QnAItemStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Text description of the QnA item Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Time when the review was edited/updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // User details for the item. User *UserIdentityRef `json:"user,omitempty"` }
The core structure of a QnA item
type QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs ¶
type QueryAssociatedAzurePublisherArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the QueryAssociatedAzurePublisher function
type QueryExtensionsArgs ¶
type QueryExtensionsArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionQuery *ExtensionQuery // (optional) AccountToken *string // (optional) Header to pass the account token AccountTokenHeader *string }
Arguments for the QueryExtensions function
type QueryFilter ¶
type QueryFilter struct { // The filter values define the set of values in this query. They are applied based on the QueryFilterType. Criteria *[]FilterCriteria `json:"criteria,omitempty"` // The PagingDirection is applied to a paging token if one exists. If not the direction is ignored, and Forward from the start of the resultset is used. Direction should be left out of the request unless a paging token is used to help prevent future issues. Direction *PagingDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` // The page number requested by the user. If not provided 1 is assumed by default. PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber,omitempty"` // The page size defines the number of results the caller wants for this filter. The count can't exceed the overall query size limits. PageSize *int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"` // The paging token is a distinct type of filter and the other filter fields are ignored. The paging token represents the continuation of a previously executed query. The information about where in the result and what fields are being filtered are embedded in the token. PagingToken *string `json:"pagingToken,omitempty"` // Defines the type of sorting to be applied on the results. The page slice is cut of the sorted results only. SortBy *int `json:"sortBy,omitempty"` // Defines the order of sorting, 1 for Ascending, 2 for Descending, else default ordering based on the SortBy value SortOrder *int `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
A filter used to define a set of extensions to return during a query.
type QueryPublishersArgs ¶
type QueryPublishersArgs struct { // (required) PublisherQuery *PublisherQuery }
Arguments for the QueryPublishers function
type Question ¶
type Question struct { // Time when the review was first created CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a QnA item Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Get status of item Status *QnAItemStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Text description of the QnA item Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Time when the review was edited/updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // User details for the item. User *UserIdentityRef `json:"user,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` // List of answers in for the question / thread Responses *[]Response `json:"responses,omitempty"` }
The structure of the question / thread
type QuestionsResult ¶
type RatingCountPerRating ¶
type ReportQuestionArgs ¶
type ReportQuestionArgs struct { // (required) User reported concern with a question for the extension. Concern *Concern // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PubName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtName *string // (required) Identifier of the question to be updated for the extension. QuestionId *uint64 }
Arguments for the ReportQuestion function
type RequestAcquisitionArgs ¶
type RequestAcquisitionArgs struct { // (required) AcquisitionRequest *ExtensionAcquisitionRequest }
Arguments for the RequestAcquisition function
type Response ¶
type Response struct { // Time when the review was first created CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a QnA item Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Get status of item Status *QnAItemStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Text description of the QnA item Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Time when the review was edited/updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // User details for the item. User *UserIdentityRef `json:"user,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` }
The structure of a response
type RestApiResponseStatus ¶
type RestApiResponseStatus string
The status of a REST Api response status.
type RestApiResponseStatusModel ¶
type RestApiResponseStatusModel struct { // Gets or sets the operation details OperationDetails interface{} `json:"operationDetails,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the operation id OperationId *string `json:"operationId,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the completed status percentage PercentageCompleted *int `json:"percentageCompleted,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the status Status *RestApiResponseStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Gets or sets the status message StatusMessage *string `json:"statusMessage,omitempty"` }
REST Api Response
type Review ¶
type Review struct { // Admin Reply, if any, for this review AdminReply *ReviewReply `json:"adminReply,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a review item Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Flag for soft deletion IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` IsIgnored *bool `json:"isIgnored,omitempty"` // Version of the product for which review was submitted ProductVersion *string `json:"productVersion,omitempty"` // Rating provided by the user Rating *byte `json:"rating,omitempty"` ReCaptchaToken *string `json:"reCaptchaToken,omitempty"` // Reply, if any, for this review Reply *ReviewReply `json:"reply,omitempty"` // Text description of the review Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Title of the review Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Time when the review was edited/updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // Name of the user UserDisplayName *string `json:"userDisplayName,omitempty"` // Id of the user who submitted the review UserId *uuid.UUID `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type ReviewEventProperties ¶
type ReviewEventProperties struct { // Operation performed on Event - Create\Update EventOperation *ReviewEventOperation `json:"eventOperation,omitempty"` // Flag to see if reply is admin reply IsAdminReply *bool `json:"isAdminReply,omitempty"` // Flag to record if the review is ignored IsIgnored *bool `json:"isIgnored,omitempty"` // Rating at the time of event Rating *int `json:"rating,omitempty"` // Reply update date ReplyDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"replyDate,omitempty"` // Publisher reply text or admin reply text ReplyText *string `json:"replyText,omitempty"` // User who responded to the review ReplyUserId *uuid.UUID `json:"replyUserId,omitempty"` // Review Event Type - Review ResourceType *ReviewResourceType `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` // Review update date ReviewDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"reviewDate,omitempty"` // ReviewId of the review on which the operation is performed ReviewId *uint64 `json:"reviewId,omitempty"` // Text in Review Text ReviewText *string `json:"reviewText,omitempty"` // User display name at the time of review UserDisplayName *string `json:"userDisplayName,omitempty"` // User who gave review UserId *uuid.UUID `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
Properties associated with Review event
type ReviewPatch ¶
type ReviewPatch struct { // Denotes the patch operation type Operation *ReviewPatchOperation `json:"operation,omitempty"` // Use when patch operation is FlagReview ReportedConcern *UserReportedConcern `json:"reportedConcern,omitempty"` // Use when patch operation is EditReview ReviewItem *Review `json:"reviewItem,omitempty"` }
type ReviewReply ¶
type ReviewReply struct { // Id of the reply Id *uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Flag for soft deletion IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // Version of the product when the reply was submitted or updated ProductVersion *string `json:"productVersion,omitempty"` // Content of the reply ReplyText *string `json:"replyText,omitempty"` // Id of the review, to which this reply belongs ReviewId *uint64 `json:"reviewId,omitempty"` // Title of the reply Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Date the reply was submitted or updated UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // Id of the user who left the reply UserId *uuid.UUID `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type ReviewSummary ¶
type ReviewSummary struct { // Average Rating AverageRating *float32 `json:"averageRating,omitempty"` // Count of total ratings RatingCount *uint64 `json:"ratingCount,omitempty"` // Split of count across rating RatingSplit *[]RatingCountPerRating `json:"ratingSplit,omitempty"` }
type ReviewsResult ¶
type ReviewsResult struct { // Flag indicating if there are more reviews to be shown (for paging) HasMoreReviews *bool `json:"hasMoreReviews,omitempty"` // List of reviews Reviews *[]Review `json:"reviews,omitempty"` // Count of total review items TotalReviewCount *uint64 `json:"totalReviewCount,omitempty"` }
type SendNotificationsArgs ¶
type SendNotificationsArgs struct { // (required) Denoting the data needed to send notification NotificationData *NotificationsData }
Arguments for the SendNotifications function
type SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs ¶
type SetGalleryUserSettingsArgs struct { // (required) A key-value pair of all settings that need to be set Entries *map[string]interface{} // (required) User-Scope at which to get the value. Should be "me" for the current user or "host" for all users. UserScope *string }
Arguments for the SetGalleryUserSettings function
type ShareExtensionArgs ¶
Arguments for the ShareExtension function
type ShareExtensionByIdArgs ¶
Arguments for the ShareExtensionById function
type ShareExtensionWithHostArgs ¶
type ShareExtensionWithHostArgs struct { string ExtensionName *string HostType *string HostName *string }PublisherName *
Arguments for the ShareExtensionWithHost function
type SortByType ¶
type SortByType string
Defines the sort order that can be defined for Extensions query
type SortOrderType ¶
type SortOrderType string
Defines the sort order that can be defined for Extensions query
type UnpackagedExtensionData ¶
type UnpackagedExtensionData struct { Categories *[]string `json:"categories,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` DraftId *uuid.UUID `json:"draftId,omitempty"` ExtensionName *string `json:"extensionName,omitempty"` InstallationTargets *[]InstallationTarget `json:"installationTargets,omitempty"` IsConvertedToMarkdown *bool `json:"isConvertedToMarkdown,omitempty"` IsPreview *bool `json:"isPreview,omitempty"` PricingCategory *string `json:"pricingCategory,omitempty"` Product *string `json:"product,omitempty"` PublisherName *string `json:"publisherName,omitempty"` QnAEnabled *bool `json:"qnAEnabled,omitempty"` ReferralUrl *string `json:"referralUrl,omitempty"` RepositoryUrl *string `json:"repositoryUrl,omitempty"` Tags *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` VsixId *string `json:"vsixId,omitempty"` }
type UnshareExtensionArgs ¶
type UnshareExtensionArgs struct { string ExtensionName *string AccountName *string }PublisherName *
Arguments for the UnshareExtension function
type UnshareExtensionByIdArgs ¶
Arguments for the UnshareExtensionById function
type UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs ¶
type UnshareExtensionWithHostArgs struct { string ExtensionName *string HostType *string HostName *string }PublisherName *
Arguments for the UnshareExtensionWithHost function
type UpdateExtensionArgs ¶
type UpdateExtensionArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) Name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtensionName *string // (optional) ExtensionType *string // (optional) ReCaptchaToken *string // (optional) This parameter decides if the scope change check needs to be invoked or not BypassScopeCheck *bool }
Arguments for the UpdateExtension function
type UpdateExtensionByIdArgs ¶
type UpdateExtensionByIdArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionId *uuid.UUID // (optional) ReCaptchaToken *string }
Arguments for the UpdateExtensionById function
type UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs ¶
type UpdateExtensionPropertiesArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) Flags *PublishedExtensionFlags }
Arguments for the UpdateExtensionProperties function
type UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs ¶
type UpdateExtensionStatisticsArgs struct { // (required) ExtensionStatisticsUpdate *ExtensionStatisticUpdate // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string }
Arguments for the UpdateExtensionStatistics function
type UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs ¶
type UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtensionArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) ExtensionName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Header to pass the filename of the uploaded data FileName *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePayloadInDraftForEditExtension function
type UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs ¶
type UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtensionArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) PublisherName *string // (required) DraftId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Header to pass the filename of the uploaded data FileName *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePayloadInDraftForNewExtension function
type UpdatePublisherArgs ¶
type UpdatePublisherArgs struct { // (required) Publisher *Publisher // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePublisher function
type UpdatePublisherAssetArgs ¶
type UpdatePublisherAssetArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) Internal name of the publisher PublisherName *string // (optional) Type of asset. Default value is 'logo'. AssetType *string // (optional) Header to pass the filename of the uploaded data FileName *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePublisherAsset function
type UpdatePublisherMembersArgs ¶
type UpdatePublisherMembersArgs struct { // (required) List of user identifiers(email address) and role to be added. Currently only one entry is supported. RoleAssignments *[]PublisherUserRoleAssignmentRef // (required) The name/id of publisher to which users have to be added PublisherName *string // (optional) Should cross tenant addtions be allowed or not. LimitToCallerIdentityDomain *bool }
Arguments for the UpdatePublisherMembers function
type UpdateQuestionArgs ¶
type UpdateQuestionArgs struct { // (required) Updated question to be set for the extension. Question *Question // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (required) Identifier of the question to be updated for the extension. QuestionId *uint64 }
Arguments for the UpdateQuestion function
type UpdateResponseArgs ¶
type UpdateResponseArgs struct { // (required) Updated response to be set for the extension. Response *Response // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension. PublisherName *string // (required) Name of the extension. ExtensionName *string // (required) Identifier of the question for which response is to be updated for the extension. QuestionId *uint64 // (required) Identifier of the response which has to be updated. ResponseId *uint64 }
Arguments for the UpdateResponse function
type UpdateReviewArgs ¶
type UpdateReviewArgs struct { // (required) ReviewPatch object which contains the changes to be applied to the review ReviewPatch *ReviewPatch // (required) Name of the publisher who published the extension PubName *string // (required) Name of the extension ExtName *string // (required) Id of the review which needs to be updated ReviewId *uint64 }
Arguments for the UpdateReview function
type UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs ¶
type UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatisticsArgs struct { // (required) ItemName *string // (required) Version *string // (required) StatType *VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType }
Arguments for the UpdateVSCodeWebExtensionStatistics function
type UserExtensionPolicy ¶
type UserExtensionPolicy struct { // User display name that this policy refers to DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // The extension policy applied to the user Permissions *ExtensionPolicy `json:"permissions,omitempty"` // User id that this policy refers to UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
Represents the extension policy applied to a given user
type UserIdentityRef ¶
type UserIdentityRef struct { // User display name DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // User VSID Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` }
Identity reference with name and guid
type UserReportedConcern ¶
type UserReportedConcern struct { // Category of the concern Category *ConcernCategory `json:"category,omitempty"` // User comment associated with the report ConcernText *string `json:"concernText,omitempty"` // Id of the review which was reported ReviewId *uint64 `json:"reviewId,omitempty"` // Date the report was submitted SubmittedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"submittedDate,omitempty"` // Id of the user who reported a review UserId *uuid.UUID `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType ¶
type VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType string
type VerifyDomainTokenArgs ¶
type VerifyDomainTokenArgs struct { // (required) PublisherName *string }
Arguments for the VerifyDomainToken function