Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GenerateMessageId() int64
- func GenerateNonce(size int) []byte
- func IsClosedConnErr(err error) bool
- func IsError(obj TL, message string) bool
- func IsErrorType(obj TL, code int32) bool
- func IsFloodError(obj TL) (time.Duration, bool)
- func SliceConvert(slice interface{}, newSliceType reflect.Type) interface{}
- func Sprint(obj TL) string
- func StringifyMessage(isIncoming bool, msg TL, id int64) string
- func TLName(obj interface{}) string
- func UnexpectedTL(name string, obj TL) string
- func WrapError(e error) error
- func WrongRespError(obj TL) error
- type AccessPointRule
- type AccountAcceptAuthorization
- type AccountAuthorizationForm
- type AccountAuthorizations
- type AccountAutoDownloadSettings
- type AccountCancelPasswordEmail
- type AccountChangePhone
- type AccountCheckUsername
- type AccountConfirmPasswordEmail
- type AccountConfirmPhone
- type AccountContentSettings
- type AccountCreateTheme
- type AccountDaysTTL
- type AccountDeleteAccount
- type AccountDeleteSecureValue
- type AccountFinishTakeoutSession
- type AccountGetAccountTTL
- type AccountGetAllSecureValues
- type AccountGetAuthorizationForm
- type AccountGetAuthorizations
- type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings
- type AccountGetContactSignUpNotification
- type AccountGetContentSettings
- type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings
- type AccountGetMultiWallPapers
- type AccountGetNotifyExceptions
- type AccountGetNotifySettings
- type AccountGetPassword
- type AccountGetPasswordSettings
- type AccountGetPrivacy
- type AccountGetSecureValue
- type AccountGetTheme
- type AccountGetThemes
- type AccountGetTmpPassword
- type AccountGetWallPaper
- type AccountGetWallPapers
- type AccountGetWebAuthorizations
- type AccountInitTakeoutSession
- type AccountInstallTheme
- type AccountInstallWallPaper
- type AccountPassword
- type AccountPasswordInputSettings
- type AccountPasswordSettings
- type AccountPrivacyRules
- type AccountRegisterDevice
- type AccountReportPeer
- type AccountResendPasswordEmail
- type AccountResetAuthorization
- type AccountResetNotifySettings
- type AccountResetWallPapers
- type AccountResetWebAuthorization
- type AccountResetWebAuthorizations
- type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings
- type AccountSaveSecureValue
- type AccountSaveTheme
- type AccountSaveWallPaper
- type AccountSendChangePhoneCode
- type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode
- type AccountSendVerifyEmailCode
- type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode
- type AccountSentEmailCode
- type AccountSetAccountTTL
- type AccountSetContactSignUpNotification
- type AccountSetContentSettings
- type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings
- type AccountSetPrivacy
- type AccountTakeout
- type AccountThemes
- type AccountThemesNotModified
- type AccountTmpPassword
- type AccountUnregisterDevice
- type AccountUpdateDeviceLocked
- type AccountUpdateNotifySettings
- type AccountUpdatePasswordSettings
- type AccountUpdateProfile
- type AccountUpdateStatus
- type AccountUpdateTheme
- type AccountUpdateUsername
- type AccountUploadTheme
- type AccountUploadWallPaper
- type AccountVerifyEmail
- type AccountVerifyPhone
- type AccountWallPapers
- type AccountWallPapersNotModified
- type AccountWebAuthorizations
- type AppConfig
- type AuthAcceptLoginToken
- type AuthAuthorization
- type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired
- type AuthBindTempAuthKey
- type AuthCancelCode
- type AuthCheckPassword
- type AuthCodeTypeCall
- type AuthCodeTypeFlashCall
- type AuthCodeTypeSms
- type AuthDataProvider
- type AuthDropTempAuthKeys
- type AuthExportAuthorization
- type AuthExportLoginToken
- type AuthExportedAuthorization
- type AuthImportAuthorization
- type AuthImportBotAuthorization
- type AuthImportLoginToken
- type AuthLogOut
- type AuthLoginToken
- type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo
- type AuthLoginTokenSuccess
- type AuthPasswordRecovery
- type AuthRecoverPassword
- type AuthRequestPasswordRecovery
- type AuthResendCode
- type AuthResetAuthorizations
- type AuthSendCode
- type AuthSentCode
- type AuthSentCodeTypeApp
- type AuthSentCodeTypeCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeSms
- type AuthSignIn
- type AuthSignUp
- type Authorization
- type AutoDownloadSettings
- type BadMsgNotification
- type BadServerSalt
- type BankCardOpenUrl
- type BaseAuth
- type BaseThemeArctic
- type BaseThemeClassic
- type BaseThemeDay
- type BaseThemeNight
- type BaseThemeTinted
- type BindAuthKeyInner
- type BoolFalse
- type BoolTrue
- type BotCommand
- type BotInfo
- type BotInlineMediaResult
- type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type BotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type BotInlineMessageText
- type BotInlineResult
- type BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQuery
- type BotsSendCustomRequest
- type BotsSetBotCommands
- type CdnConfig
- type CdnPublicKey
- type Channel
- type ChannelAdminLogEvent
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned
- type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter
- type ChannelForbidden
- type ChannelFull
- type ChannelLocation
- type ChannelLocationEmpty
- type ChannelMessagesFilter
- type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty
- type ChannelParticipant
- type ChannelParticipantAdmin
- type ChannelParticipantBanned
- type ChannelParticipantCreator
- type ChannelParticipantSelf
- type ChannelParticipantsAdmins
- type ChannelParticipantsBanned
- type ChannelParticipantsBots
- type ChannelParticipantsContacts
- type ChannelParticipantsKicked
- type ChannelParticipantsRecent
- type ChannelParticipantsSearch
- type ChannelsAdminLogResults
- type ChannelsChannelParticipant
- type ChannelsChannelParticipants
- type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified
- type ChannelsCheckUsername
- type ChannelsCreateChannel
- type ChannelsDeleteChannel
- type ChannelsDeleteHistory
- type ChannelsDeleteMessages
- type ChannelsDeleteUserHistory
- type ChannelsEditAdmin
- type ChannelsEditBanned
- type ChannelsEditCreator
- type ChannelsEditLocation
- type ChannelsEditPhoto
- type ChannelsEditTitle
- type ChannelsExportMessageLink
- type ChannelsGetAdminLog
- type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels
- type ChannelsGetChannels
- type ChannelsGetFullChannel
- type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion
- type ChannelsGetInactiveChannels
- type ChannelsGetLeftChannels
- type ChannelsGetMessages
- type ChannelsGetParticipant
- type ChannelsGetParticipants
- type ChannelsInviteToChannel
- type ChannelsJoinChannel
- type ChannelsLeaveChannel
- type ChannelsReadHistory
- type ChannelsReadMessageContents
- type ChannelsReportSpam
- type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup
- type ChannelsSetStickers
- type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden
- type ChannelsToggleSignatures
- type ChannelsToggleSlowMode
- type ChannelsUpdateUsername
- type Chat
- type ChatAdminRights
- type ChatBannedRights
- type ChatEmpty
- type ChatForbidden
- type ChatFull
- type ChatInvite
- type ChatInviteAlready
- type ChatInviteEmpty
- type ChatInviteExported
- type ChatInvitePeek
- type ChatOnlines
- type ChatParticipant
- type ChatParticipantAdmin
- type ChatParticipantCreator
- type ChatParticipants
- type ChatParticipantsForbidden
- type ChatPhoto
- type ChatPhotoEmpty
- type ClientDHInnerData
- type CodeSettings
- type Config
- type Contact
- type ContactStatus
- type ContactsAcceptContact
- type ContactsAddContact
- type ContactsBlock
- type ContactsBlockFromReplies
- type ContactsBlocked
- type ContactsBlockedSlice
- type ContactsContacts
- type ContactsContactsNotModified
- type ContactsDeleteByPhones
- type ContactsDeleteContacts
- type ContactsFound
- type ContactsGetBlocked
- type ContactsGetContactIDs
- type ContactsGetContacts
- type ContactsGetLocated
- type ContactsGetSaved
- type ContactsGetStatuses
- type ContactsGetTopPeers
- type ContactsImportContacts
- type ContactsImportedContacts
- type ContactsResetSaved
- type ContactsResetTopPeerRating
- type ContactsResolveUsername
- type ContactsResolvedPeer
- type ContactsSearch
- type ContactsToggleTopPeers
- type ContactsTopPeers
- type ContactsTopPeersDisabled
- type ContactsTopPeersNotModified
- type ContactsUnblock
- type DataJSON
- type DcOption
- type DecodeBuf
- func (m *DecodeBuf) BigInt() *big.Int
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Bool() bool
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Bytes(size int) []byte
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Double() float64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedBigInt(flags, num int32) *big.Int
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedDouble(flags, num int32) float64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedInt(flags, num int32) int32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedLong(flags, num int32) int64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedObject(flags, num int32) TL
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedString(flags, num int32) string
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedStringBytes(flags, num int32) []byte
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedUInt(flags, num int32) uint32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedVector(flags, num int32) []TL
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorInt(flags, num int32) []int32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorLong(flags, num int32) []int64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorString(flags, num int32) []string
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Int() int32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Long() int64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Object() TL
- func (m *DecodeBuf) ObjectGenerated(constructor uint32) (r TL)
- func (m *DecodeBuf) SeekBack(n int)
- func (m *DecodeBuf) String() string
- func (m *DecodeBuf) StringBytes() []byte
- func (m *DecodeBuf) UInt() uint32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) Vector() []TL
- func (m *DecodeBuf) VectorInt() []int32
- func (m *DecodeBuf) VectorLong() []int64
- func (m *DecodeBuf) VectorString() []string
- type DestroyAuthKey
- type DestroyAuthKeyFail
- type DestroyAuthKeyNone
- type DestroyAuthKeyOk
- type DestroySession
- type DestroySessionNone
- type DestroySessionOk
- type DhGenFail
- type DhGenOk
- type DhGenRetry
- type Dialog
- type DialogFilter
- type DialogFilterSuggested
- type DialogFolder
- type DialogPeer
- type DialogPeerFolder
- type Document
- type DocumentAttributeAnimated
- type DocumentAttributeAudio
- type DocumentAttributeFilename
- type DocumentAttributeHasStickers
- type DocumentAttributeImageSize
- type DocumentAttributeSticker
- type DocumentAttributeVideo
- type DocumentEmpty
- type DraftMessage
- type DraftMessageEmpty
- type EmojiKeyword
- type EmojiKeywordDeleted
- type EmojiKeywordsDifference
- type EmojiLanguage
- type EmojiURL
- type EncodeBuf
- func (e *EncodeBuf) BigInt(s *big.Int)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) Bytes(s []byte)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) Double(s float64)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) Int(s int32)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) Long(s int64)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) String(s string)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) StringBytes(s []byte)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) UInt(s uint32)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) Vector(v []TL)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) VectorInt(v []int32)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) VectorLong(v []int64)
- func (e *EncodeBuf) VectorString(v []string)
- type EncryptedChat
- type EncryptedChatDiscarded
- type EncryptedChatEmpty
- type EncryptedChatRequested
- type EncryptedChatWaiting
- type EncryptedFile
- type EncryptedFileEmpty
- type EncryptedMessage
- type EncryptedMessageService
- type Error
- type ExportedMessageLink
- type FileHash
- type FileLocationToBeDeprecated
- type Folder
- type FolderPeer
- type FoldersDeleteFolder
- type FoldersEditPeerFolders
- type FutureSalt
- type FutureSalts
- type Game
- type GeoPoint
- type GeoPointEmpty
- type GetFutureSalts
- type GlobalPrivacySettings
- type HelpAcceptTermsOfService
- type HelpAppUpdate
- type HelpConfigSimple
- type HelpCountriesList
- type HelpCountriesListNotModified
- type HelpCountry
- type HelpCountryCode
- type HelpDeepLinkInfo
- type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty
- type HelpDismissSuggestion
- type HelpEditUserInfo
- type HelpGetAppChangelog
- type HelpGetAppConfig
- type HelpGetAppUpdate
- type HelpGetCdnConfig
- type HelpGetConfig
- type HelpGetCountriesList
- type HelpGetDeepLinkInfo
- type HelpGetInviteText
- type HelpGetNearestDc
- type HelpGetPassportConfig
- type HelpGetPromoData
- type HelpGetRecentMeUrls
- type HelpGetSupport
- type HelpGetSupportName
- type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate
- type HelpGetUserInfo
- type HelpHidePromoData
- type HelpInviteText
- type HelpNoAppUpdate
- type HelpPassportConfig
- type HelpPassportConfigNotModified
- type HelpPromoData
- type HelpPromoDataEmpty
- type HelpRecentMeUrls
- type HelpSaveAppLog
- type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus
- type HelpSupport
- type HelpSupportName
- type HelpTermsOfService
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty
- type HelpUserInfo
- type HelpUserInfoEmpty
- type HighScore
- type HttpWait
- type ImportedContact
- type InitConnection
- type InlineBotSwitchPM
- type InputAppEvent
- type InputBotInlineMessageGame
- type InputBotInlineMessageID
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type InputBotInlineMessageText
- type InputBotInlineResult
- type InputBotInlineResultDocument
- type InputBotInlineResultGame
- type InputBotInlineResultPhoto
- type InputChannel
- type InputChannelEmpty
- type InputChannelFromMessage
- type InputChatPhoto
- type InputChatPhotoEmpty
- type InputChatUploadedPhoto
- type InputCheckPasswordEmpty
- type InputCheckPasswordSRP
- type InputClientProxy
- type InputDialogPeer
- type InputDialogPeerFolder
- type InputDocument
- type InputDocumentEmpty
- type InputDocumentFileLocation
- type InputEncryptedChat
- type InputEncryptedFile
- type InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded
- type InputEncryptedFileEmpty
- type InputEncryptedFileLocation
- type InputEncryptedFileUploaded
- type InputFile
- type InputFileBig
- type InputFileLocation
- type InputFolderPeer
- type InputGameID
- type InputGameShortName
- type InputGeoPoint
- type InputGeoPointEmpty
- type InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth
- type InputMediaContact
- type InputMediaDice
- type InputMediaDocument
- type InputMediaDocumentExternal
- type InputMediaEmpty
- type InputMediaGame
- type InputMediaGeoLive
- type InputMediaGeoPoint
- type InputMediaInvoice
- type InputMediaPhoto
- type InputMediaPhotoExternal
- type InputMediaPoll
- type InputMediaUploadedDocument
- type InputMediaUploadedPhoto
- type InputMediaVenue
- type InputMessageEntityMentionName
- type InputMessageID
- type InputMessagePinned
- type InputMessageReplyTo
- type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterContacts
- type InputMessagesFilterDocument
- type InputMessagesFilterEmpty
- type InputMessagesFilterGeo
- type InputMessagesFilterGif
- type InputMessagesFilterMusic
- type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions
- type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice
- type InputMessagesFilterUrl
- type InputMessagesFilterVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterVoice
- type InputNotifyBroadcasts
- type InputNotifyChats
- type InputNotifyPeer
- type InputNotifyUsers
- type InputPaymentCredentials
- type InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsSaved
- type InputPeerChannel
- type InputPeerChannelFromMessage
- type InputPeerChat
- type InputPeerEmpty
- type InputPeerNotifySettings
- type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPeerSelf
- type InputPeerUser
- type InputPeerUserFromMessage
- type InputPhoneCall
- type InputPhoneContact
- type InputPhoto
- type InputPhotoEmpty
- type InputPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation
- type InputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone
- type InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite
- type InputPrivacyKeyForwards
- type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall
- type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber
- type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P
- type InputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto
- type InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type InputReportReasonChildAbuse
- type InputReportReasonCopyright
- type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant
- type InputReportReasonOther
- type InputReportReasonPornography
- type InputReportReasonSpam
- type InputReportReasonViolence
- type InputSecureFile
- type InputSecureFileLocation
- type InputSecureFileUploaded
- type InputSecureValue
- type InputSingleMedia
- type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji
- type InputStickerSetDice
- type InputStickerSetEmpty
- type InputStickerSetID
- type InputStickerSetItem
- type InputStickerSetShortName
- type InputStickerSetThumb
- type InputStickeredMediaDocument
- type InputStickeredMediaPhoto
- type InputTakeoutFileLocation
- type InputTheme
- type InputThemeSettings
- type InputThemeSlug
- type InputUser
- type InputUserEmpty
- type InputUserFromMessage
- type InputUserSelf
- type InputWallPaper
- type InputWallPaperNoFile
- type InputWallPaperSlug
- type InputWebDocument
- type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation
- type InputWebFileLocation
- type Invoice
- type InvokeAfterMsg
- type InvokeAfterMsgs
- type InvokeWithLayer
- type InvokeWithMessagesRange
- type InvokeWithTakeout
- type InvokeWithoutUpdates
- type IpPort
- type IpPortSecret
- type JsonArray
- type JsonBool
- type JsonNull
- type JsonNumber
- type JsonObject
- type JsonObjectValue
- type JsonString
- type KeyboardButton
- type KeyboardButtonBuy
- type KeyboardButtonCallback
- type KeyboardButtonGame
- type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll
- type KeyboardButtonRow
- type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline
- type KeyboardButtonUrl
- type KeyboardButtonUrlAuth
- type LabeledPrice
- type LangPackDifference
- type LangPackLanguage
- type LangPackString
- type LangPackStringDeleted
- type LangPackStringPluralized
- type LangpackGetDifference
- type LangpackGetLangPack
- type LangpackGetLanguage
- type LangpackGetLanguages
- type LangpackGetStrings
- type Logger
- type MTMessage
- type MTProto
- func (m *MTProto) Auth(authData AuthDataProvider) error
- func (m *MTProto) AuthBot(token string) error
- func (m *MTProto) Connect() error
- func (m *MTProto) CopySession() *Session
- func (m *MTProto) DCAddr(dcID int32) (string, bool)
- func (m *MTProto) Disconnect() error
- func (m *MTProto) GetContacts() error
- func (m *MTProto) InitSessAndConnect() error
- func (m *MTProto) InitSession(isReady bool) error
- func (m *MTProto) NewConnection(dcID int32) (*MTProto, error)
- func (m *MTProto) Reconnect() error
- func (m *MTProto) Send(msg TLReq) chan TL
- func (m *MTProto) SendSync(msg TLReq) TL
- func (m *MTProto) SendSyncRetry(msg TLReq, failRetryInterval time.Duration, floodNumShortRetries int, ...) TL
- func (m *MTProto) SetDialer(d proxy.Dialer)
- func (m *MTProto) SetEventsHandler(handler func(TL))
- func (m *MTProto) SetIdleLimit(s time.Duration)
- func (m *MTProto) SetLogger(s *logrus.Logger)
- func (m *MTProto) SetMaxInterval(s time.Duration)
- func (m *MTProto) SetMinInterval(s time.Duration)
- func (m *MTProto) SetSession(s *Session)
- func (m *MTProto) UseIPv6(b bool)
- type MaskCoords
- type Message
- type MessageActionBotAllowed
- type MessageActionChannelCreate
- type MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom
- type MessageActionChatAddUser
- type MessageActionChatCreate
- type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto
- type MessageActionChatDeleteUser
- type MessageActionChatEditPhoto
- type MessageActionChatEditTitle
- type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink
- type MessageActionChatMigrateTo
- type MessageActionContactSignUp
- type MessageActionCustomAction
- type MessageActionEmpty
- type MessageActionGameScore
- type MessageActionHistoryClear
- type MessageActionPaymentSent
- type MessageActionPaymentSentMe
- type MessageActionPhoneCall
- type MessageActionPinMessage
- type MessageActionScreenshotTaken
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSent
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe
- type MessageEmpty
- type MessageEntityBankCard
- type MessageEntityBlockquote
- type MessageEntityBold
- type MessageEntityBotCommand
- type MessageEntityCashtag
- type MessageEntityCode
- type MessageEntityEmail
- type MessageEntityHashtag
- type MessageEntityItalic
- type MessageEntityMention
- type MessageEntityMentionName
- type MessageEntityPhone
- type MessageEntityPre
- type MessageEntityStrike
- type MessageEntityTextUrl
- type MessageEntityUnderline
- type MessageEntityUnknown
- type MessageEntityUrl
- type MessageFwdHeader
- type MessageInteractionCounters
- type MessageMediaContact
- type MessageMediaDice
- type MessageMediaDocument
- type MessageMediaEmpty
- type MessageMediaGame
- type MessageMediaGeo
- type MessageMediaGeoLive
- type MessageMediaInvoice
- type MessageMediaPhoto
- type MessageMediaPoll
- type MessageMediaUnsupported
- type MessageMediaVenue
- type MessageMediaWebPage
- type MessageRange
- type MessageReplies
- type MessageReplyHeader
- type MessageService
- type MessageUserVote
- type MessageUserVoteInputOption
- type MessageUserVoteMultiple
- type MessageViews
- type MessagesAcceptEncryption
- type MessagesAcceptUrlAuth
- type MessagesAddChatUser
- type MessagesAffectedHistory
- type MessagesAffectedMessages
- type MessagesAllStickers
- type MessagesAllStickersNotModified
- type MessagesArchivedStickers
- type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer
- type MessagesBotResults
- type MessagesChannelMessages
- type MessagesChatFull
- type MessagesChats
- type MessagesChatsSlice
- type MessagesCheckChatInvite
- type MessagesClearAllDrafts
- type MessagesClearRecentStickers
- type MessagesCreateChat
- type MessagesDeleteChatUser
- type MessagesDeleteHistory
- type MessagesDeleteMessages
- type MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages
- type MessagesDhConfig
- type MessagesDhConfigNotModified
- type MessagesDialogs
- type MessagesDialogsNotModified
- type MessagesDialogsSlice
- type MessagesDiscardEncryption
- type MessagesDiscussionMessage
- type MessagesEditChatAbout
- type MessagesEditChatAdmin
- type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights
- type MessagesEditChatPhoto
- type MessagesEditChatTitle
- type MessagesEditInlineBotMessage
- type MessagesEditMessage
- type MessagesExportChatInvite
- type MessagesFaveSticker
- type MessagesFavedStickers
- type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesForwardMessages
- type MessagesFoundStickerSets
- type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified
- type MessagesGetAllChats
- type MessagesGetAllDrafts
- type MessagesGetAllStickers
- type MessagesGetArchivedStickers
- type MessagesGetAttachedStickers
- type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer
- type MessagesGetChats
- type MessagesGetCommonChats
- type MessagesGetDhConfig
- type MessagesGetDialogFilters
- type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks
- type MessagesGetDialogs
- type MessagesGetDiscussionMessage
- type MessagesGetDocumentByHash
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywords
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages
- type MessagesGetEmojiURL
- type MessagesGetFavedStickers
- type MessagesGetFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesGetFullChat
- type MessagesGetGameHighScores
- type MessagesGetHistory
- type MessagesGetInlineBotResults
- type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores
- type MessagesGetMaskStickers
- type MessagesGetMessageEditData
- type MessagesGetMessages
- type MessagesGetMessagesViews
- type MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesGetOnlines
- type MessagesGetPeerDialogs
- type MessagesGetPeerSettings
- type MessagesGetPinnedDialogs
- type MessagesGetPollResults
- type MessagesGetPollVotes
- type MessagesGetRecentLocations
- type MessagesGetRecentStickers
- type MessagesGetReplies
- type MessagesGetSavedGifs
- type MessagesGetScheduledHistory
- type MessagesGetScheduledMessages
- type MessagesGetSearchCounters
- type MessagesGetSplitRanges
- type MessagesGetStatsURL
- type MessagesGetStickerSet
- type MessagesGetStickers
- type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters
- type MessagesGetUnreadMentions
- type MessagesGetWebPage
- type MessagesGetWebPagePreview
- type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar
- type MessagesHighScores
- type MessagesImportChatInvite
- type MessagesInactiveChats
- type MessagesInstallStickerSet
- type MessagesMarkDialogUnread
- type MessagesMessageEditData
- type MessagesMessageViews
- type MessagesMessages
- type MessagesMessagesNotModified
- type MessagesMessagesSlice
- type MessagesMigrateChat
- type MessagesPeerDialogs
- type MessagesReadDiscussion
- type MessagesReadEncryptedHistory
- type MessagesReadFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesReadHistory
- type MessagesReadMentions
- type MessagesReadMessageContents
- type MessagesReceivedMessages
- type MessagesReceivedQueue
- type MessagesRecentStickers
- type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified
- type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs
- type MessagesReorderStickerSets
- type MessagesReport
- type MessagesReportEncryptedSpam
- type MessagesReportSpam
- type MessagesRequestEncryption
- type MessagesRequestUrlAuth
- type MessagesSaveDraft
- type MessagesSaveGif
- type MessagesSaveRecentSticker
- type MessagesSavedGifs
- type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified
- type MessagesSearch
- type MessagesSearchCounter
- type MessagesSearchGlobal
- type MessagesSearchStickerSets
- type MessagesSendEncrypted
- type MessagesSendEncryptedFile
- type MessagesSendEncryptedService
- type MessagesSendInlineBotResult
- type MessagesSendMedia
- type MessagesSendMessage
- type MessagesSendMultiMedia
- type MessagesSendScheduledMessages
- type MessagesSendScreenshotNotification
- type MessagesSendVote
- type MessagesSentEncryptedFile
- type MessagesSentEncryptedMessage
- type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer
- type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults
- type MessagesSetBotShippingResults
- type MessagesSetEncryptedTyping
- type MessagesSetGameScore
- type MessagesSetInlineBotResults
- type MessagesSetInlineGameScore
- type MessagesSetTyping
- type MessagesStartBot
- type MessagesStickerSet
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess
- type MessagesStickers
- type MessagesStickersNotModified
- type MessagesToggleDialogPin
- type MessagesToggleStickerSets
- type MessagesUninstallStickerSet
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFilter
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder
- type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage
- type MessagesUploadEncryptedFile
- type MessagesUploadMedia
- type MessagesVotesList
- type MsgContainer
- type MsgDetailedInfo
- type MsgNewDetailedInfo
- type MsgResendReq
- type MsgsAck
- type MsgsAllInfo
- type MsgsStateInfo
- type MsgsStateReq
- type NearestDc
- type NewSessionCreated
- type NotifyBroadcasts
- type NotifyChats
- type NotifyPeer
- type NotifyUsers
- type PQInnerDataDc
- type PQInnerDataTempDc
- type Page
- type PageBlockAnchor
- type PageBlockAudio
- type PageBlockAuthorDate
- type PageBlockBlockquote
- type PageBlockChannel
- type PageBlockCollage
- type PageBlockCover
- type PageBlockDetails
- type PageBlockDivider
- type PageBlockEmbed
- type PageBlockEmbedPost
- type PageBlockFooter
- type PageBlockHeader
- type PageBlockKicker
- type PageBlockList
- type PageBlockMap
- type PageBlockOrderedList
- type PageBlockParagraph
- type PageBlockPhoto
- type PageBlockPreformatted
- type PageBlockPullquote
- type PageBlockRelatedArticles
- type PageBlockSlideshow
- type PageBlockSubheader
- type PageBlockSubtitle
- type PageBlockTable
- type PageBlockTitle
- type PageBlockUnsupported
- type PageBlockVideo
- type PageCaption
- type PageListItemBlocks
- type PageListItemText
- type PageListOrderedItemBlocks
- type PageListOrderedItemText
- type PageRelatedArticle
- type PageTableCell
- type PageTableRow
- type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow
- type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type PaymentCharge
- type PaymentRequestedInfo
- type PaymentSavedCredentialsCard
- type PaymentsBankCardData
- type PaymentsClearSavedInfo
- type PaymentsGetBankCardData
- type PaymentsGetPaymentForm
- type PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt
- type PaymentsGetSavedInfo
- type PaymentsPaymentForm
- type PaymentsPaymentReceipt
- type PaymentsPaymentResult
- type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded
- type PaymentsSavedInfo
- type PaymentsSendPaymentForm
- type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo
- type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo
- type PeerBlocked
- type PeerChannel
- type PeerChat
- type PeerLocated
- type PeerNotifySettings
- type PeerSelfLocated
- type PeerSettings
- type PeerUser
- type PhoneAcceptCall
- type PhoneCall
- type PhoneCallAccepted
- type PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy
- type PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect
- type PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup
- type PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed
- type PhoneCallDiscarded
- type PhoneCallEmpty
- type PhoneCallProtocol
- type PhoneCallRequested
- type PhoneCallWaiting
- type PhoneConfirmCall
- type PhoneConnection
- type PhoneConnectionWebrtc
- type PhoneDiscardCall
- type PhoneGetCallConfig
- type PhonePhoneCall
- type PhoneReceivedCall
- type PhoneRequestCall
- type PhoneSaveCallDebug
- type PhoneSendSignalingData
- type PhoneSetCallRating
- type Photo
- type PhotoCachedSize
- type PhotoEmpty
- type PhotoSize
- type PhotoSizeEmpty
- type PhotoSizeProgressive
- type PhotoStrippedSize
- type PhotosDeletePhotos
- type PhotosGetUserPhotos
- type PhotosPhoto
- type PhotosPhotos
- type PhotosPhotosSlice
- type PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto
- type PhotosUploadProfilePhoto
- type Ping
- type PingDelayDisconnect
- type Poll
- type PollAnswer
- type PollAnswerVoters
- type PollResults
- type Pong
- type PopularContact
- type PostAddress
- type PrivacyKeyAddedByPhone
- type PrivacyKeyChatInvite
- type PrivacyKeyForwards
- type PrivacyKeyPhoneCall
- type PrivacyKeyPhoneNumber
- type PrivacyKeyPhoneP2P
- type PrivacyKeyProfilePhoto
- type PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp
- type PrivacyValueAllowAll
- type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type PrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type PrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type ReceivedNotifyMessage
- type RecentMeUrlChat
- type RecentMeUrlChatInvite
- type RecentMeUrlStickerSet
- type RecentMeUrlUnknown
- type RecentMeUrlUser
- type ReplyInlineMarkup
- type ReplyKeyboardForceReply
- type ReplyKeyboardHide
- type ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- type ReqDHParams
- type ReqPqMulti
- type ResPQ
- type RestrictionReason
- type RpcAnswerDropped
- type RpcAnswerDroppedRunning
- type RpcAnswerUnknown
- type RpcDropAnswer
- type RpcError
- type RpcResult
- type SavedPhoneContact
- type SecureCredentialsEncrypted
- type SecureData
- type SecureFile
- type SecureFileEmpty
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type SecurePlainEmail
- type SecurePlainPhone
- type SecureRequiredType
- type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf
- type SecureSecretSettings
- type SecureValue
- type SecureValueError
- type SecureValueErrorData
- type SecureValueErrorFile
- type SecureValueErrorFiles
- type SecureValueErrorFrontSide
- type SecureValueErrorReverseSide
- type SecureValueErrorSelfie
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles
- type SecureValueHash
- type SecureValueTypeAddress
- type SecureValueTypeBankStatement
- type SecureValueTypeDriverLicense
- type SecureValueTypeEmail
- type SecureValueTypeIdentityCard
- type SecureValueTypeInternalPassport
- type SecureValueTypePassport
- type SecureValueTypePassportRegistration
- type SecureValueTypePersonalDetails
- type SecureValueTypePhone
- type SecureValueTypeRentalAgreement
- type SecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration
- type SecureValueTypeUtilityBill
- type SendMessageCancelAction
- type SendMessageChooseContactAction
- type SendMessageGamePlayAction
- type SendMessageGeoLocationAction
- type SendMessageRecordAudioAction
- type SendMessageRecordRoundAction
- type SendMessageRecordVideoAction
- type SendMessageTypingAction
- type SendMessageUploadAudioAction
- type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction
- type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction
- type SendMessageUploadRoundAction
- type SendMessageUploadVideoAction
- type ServerDHInnerData
- type ServerDHParamsFail
- type ServerDHParamsOk
- type Session
- type SetClientDHParams
- type ShippingOption
- type StatsAbsValueAndPrev
- type StatsBroadcastStats
- type StatsDateRangeDays
- type StatsGetBroadcastStats
- type StatsGetMegagroupStats
- type StatsGetMessagePublicForwards
- type StatsGetMessageStats
- type StatsGraph
- type StatsGraphAsync
- type StatsGraphError
- type StatsGroupTopAdmin
- type StatsGroupTopInviter
- type StatsGroupTopPoster
- type StatsLoadAsyncGraph
- type StatsMegagroupStats
- type StatsMessageStats
- type StatsPercentValue
- type StatsURL
- type StickerPack
- type StickerSet
- type StickerSetCovered
- type StickerSetMultiCovered
- type StickersAddStickerToSet
- type StickersChangeStickerPosition
- type StickersCreateStickerSet
- type StickersRemoveStickerFromSet
- type StickersSetStickerSetThumb
- type StorageFileGif
- type StorageFileJpeg
- type StorageFileMov
- type StorageFileMp3
- type StorageFileMp4
- type StorageFilePartial
- type StorageFilePdf
- type StorageFilePng
- type StorageFileUnknown
- type StorageFileWebp
- type TL
- type TLReq
- type TestUseConfigSimple
- type TestUseError
- type TextAnchor
- type TextBold
- type TextConcat
- type TextEmail
- type TextEmpty
- type TextFixed
- type TextImage
- type TextItalic
- type TextMarked
- type TextPhone
- type TextPlain
- type TextStrike
- type TextSubscript
- type TextSuperscript
- type TextUnderline
- type TextUrl
- type Theme
- type ThemeSettings
- type TopPeer
- type TopPeerCategoryBotsInline
- type TopPeerCategoryBotsPM
- type TopPeerCategoryChannels
- type TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents
- type TopPeerCategoryForwardChats
- type TopPeerCategoryForwardUsers
- type TopPeerCategoryGroups
- type TopPeerCategoryPeers
- type TopPeerCategoryPhoneCalls
- type True
- type UpdateBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateBotInlineQuery
- type UpdateBotInlineSend
- type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery
- type UpdateBotShippingQuery
- type UpdateBotWebhookJSON
- type UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery
- type UpdateChannel
- type UpdateChannelAvailableMessages
- type UpdateChannelMessageForwards
- type UpdateChannelMessageViews
- type UpdateChannelParticipant
- type UpdateChannelPinnedMessage
- type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateChannelTooLong
- type UpdateChannelUserTyping
- type UpdateChannelWebPage
- type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdd
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdmin
- type UpdateChatParticipantDelete
- type UpdateChatParticipants
- type UpdateChatPinnedMessage
- type UpdateChatUserTyping
- type UpdateConfig
- type UpdateContactsReset
- type UpdateDcOptions
- type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages
- type UpdateDeleteMessages
- type UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages
- type UpdateDialogFilter
- type UpdateDialogFilterOrder
- type UpdateDialogFilters
- type UpdateDialogPinned
- type UpdateDialogUnreadMark
- type UpdateDraftMessage
- type UpdateEditChannelMessage
- type UpdateEditMessage
- type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping
- type UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead
- type UpdateEncryption
- type UpdateFavedStickers
- type UpdateFolderPeers
- type UpdateGeoLiveViewed
- type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateLangPack
- type UpdateLangPackTooLong
- type UpdateLoginToken
- type UpdateMessageID
- type UpdateMessagePoll
- type UpdateMessagePollVote
- type UpdateNewChannelMessage
- type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage
- type UpdateNewMessage
- type UpdateNewScheduledMessage
- type UpdateNewStickerSet
- type UpdateNotifySettings
- type UpdatePeerBlocked
- type UpdatePeerLocated
- type UpdatePeerSettings
- type UpdatePhoneCall
- type UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData
- type UpdatePinnedDialogs
- type UpdatePrivacy
- type UpdatePtsChanged
- type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox
- type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox
- type UpdateReadChannelInbox
- type UpdateReadChannelOutbox
- type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers
- type UpdateReadHistoryInbox
- type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox
- type UpdateReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateRecentStickers
- type UpdateSavedGifs
- type UpdateServiceNotification
- type UpdateShort
- type UpdateShortChatMessage
- type UpdateShortMessage
- type UpdateShortSentMessage
- type UpdateStickerSets
- type UpdateStickerSetsOrder
- type UpdateTheme
- type UpdateUserName
- type UpdateUserPhone
- type UpdateUserPhoto
- type UpdateUserPinnedMessage
- type UpdateUserStatus
- type UpdateUserTyping
- type UpdateWebPage
- type Updates
- type UpdatesChannelDifference
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesCombined
- type UpdatesDifference
- type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesDifferenceSlice
- type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesGetChannelDifference
- type UpdatesGetDifference
- type UpdatesGetState
- type UpdatesState
- type UpdatesTooLong
- type UploadCdnFile
- type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded
- type UploadFile
- type UploadFileCdnRedirect
- type UploadGetCdnFile
- type UploadGetCdnFileHashes
- type UploadGetFile
- type UploadGetFileHashes
- type UploadGetWebFile
- type UploadReuploadCdnFile
- type UploadSaveBigFilePart
- type UploadSaveFilePart
- type UploadWebFile
- type UrlAuthResultAccepted
- type UrlAuthResultDefault
- type UrlAuthResultRequest
- type User
- type UserEmpty
- type UserFull
- type UserProfilePhoto
- type UserProfilePhotoEmpty
- type UserStatusEmpty
- type UserStatusLastMonth
- type UserStatusLastWeek
- type UserStatusOffline
- type UserStatusOnline
- type UserStatusRecently
- type UsersGetFullUser
- type UsersGetUsers
- type UsersSetSecureValueErrors
- type VectorInt
- type VectorLong
- type VectorObject
- type VideoSize
- type WallPaper
- type WallPaperNoFile
- type WallPaperSettings
- type WebAuthorization
- type WebDocument
- type WebDocumentNoProxy
- type WebPage
- type WebPageAttributeTheme
- type WebPageEmpty
- type WebPageNotModified
- type WebPagePending
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( ErrSeeOther = int32(303) ErrBadRequest = int32(400) ErrForbidden = int32(403) ErrNotFound = int32(404) ErrFlood = int32(420) ErrInternal = int32(500) )
View Source
const FloodWaitErrPrefix = "FLOOD_WAIT_"
View Source
const (
Layer = 119
View Source
const RoutinesCount = 4
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GenerateMessageId ¶
func GenerateMessageId() int64
func GenerateNonce ¶
func IsClosedConnErr ¶
func IsErrorType ¶
func SliceConvert ¶
func UnexpectedTL ¶
func WrongRespError ¶
Types ¶
type AccessPointRule ¶
type AccountAuthorizations ¶
type AccountAuthorizations struct {
Authorizations []TL // Authorization
type AccountCancelPasswordEmail ¶
type AccountCancelPasswordEmail struct { }
type AccountChangePhone ¶
type AccountCheckUsername ¶
type AccountCheckUsername struct {
Username string
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmail ¶
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmail struct {
Code string
type AccountConfirmPhone ¶
type AccountContentSettings ¶
type AccountCreateTheme ¶
type AccountDaysTTL ¶
type AccountDaysTTL struct {
Days int32
type AccountDeleteAccount ¶
type AccountDeleteAccount struct {
Reason string
type AccountDeleteSecureValue ¶
type AccountDeleteSecureValue struct {
Types []TL // SecureValueType
type AccountGetAccountTTL ¶
type AccountGetAccountTTL struct { }
type AccountGetAllSecureValues ¶
type AccountGetAllSecureValues struct { }
type AccountGetAuthorizations ¶
type AccountGetAuthorizations struct { }
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings ¶
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings struct { }
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotification ¶
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotification struct { }
type AccountGetContentSettings ¶
type AccountGetContentSettings struct { }
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings struct { }
type AccountGetMultiWallPapers ¶
type AccountGetMultiWallPapers struct {
Wallpapers []TL // InputWallPaper
type AccountGetNotifySettings ¶
type AccountGetNotifySettings struct {
Peer TL // InputNotifyPeer
type AccountGetPassword ¶
type AccountGetPassword struct { }
type AccountGetPasswordSettings ¶
type AccountGetPasswordSettings struct {
Password TL // InputCheckPasswordSRP
type AccountGetPrivacy ¶
type AccountGetPrivacy struct {
Key TL // InputPrivacyKey
type AccountGetSecureValue ¶
type AccountGetSecureValue struct {
Types []TL // SecureValueType
type AccountGetTheme ¶
type AccountGetThemes ¶
type AccountGetTmpPassword ¶
type AccountGetWallPaper ¶
type AccountGetWallPaper struct {
Wallpaper TL // InputWallPaper
type AccountGetWallPapers ¶
type AccountGetWallPapers struct {
Hash int32
type AccountGetWebAuthorizations ¶
type AccountGetWebAuthorizations struct { }
type AccountInstallTheme ¶
type AccountInstallWallPaper ¶
type AccountPassword ¶
type AccountPassword struct { Flags int32 HasRecovery bool // flag HasSecureValues bool // flag HasPassword bool // flag CurrentAlgo TL // PasswordKdfAlgo // flag SrpB []byte // flag SrpID int64 // flag Hint string // flag EmailUnconfirmedPattern string // flag NewAlgo TL // PasswordKdfAlgo NewSecureAlgo TL // SecurePasswordKdfAlgo SecureRandom []byte }
type AccountPasswordSettings ¶
type AccountPrivacyRules ¶
type AccountRegisterDevice ¶
type AccountReportPeer ¶
type AccountResendPasswordEmail ¶
type AccountResendPasswordEmail struct { }
type AccountResetAuthorization ¶
type AccountResetAuthorization struct {
Hash int64
type AccountResetNotifySettings ¶
type AccountResetNotifySettings struct { }
type AccountResetWallPapers ¶
type AccountResetWallPapers struct { }
type AccountResetWebAuthorization ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorization struct {
Hash int64
type AccountResetWebAuthorizations ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorizations struct { }
type AccountSaveSecureValue ¶
type AccountSaveTheme ¶
type AccountSaveWallPaper ¶
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCode ¶
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCode struct {
Email string
type AccountSentEmailCode ¶
type AccountSetAccountTTL ¶
type AccountSetAccountTTL struct {
Ttl TL // AccountDaysTTL
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotification ¶
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotification struct {
Silent TL // Bool
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings struct {
Settings TL // GlobalPrivacySettings
type AccountSetPrivacy ¶
type AccountTakeout ¶
type AccountTakeout struct {
ID int64
type AccountThemes ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified struct { }
type AccountTmpPassword ¶
type AccountUnregisterDevice ¶
type AccountUpdateDeviceLocked ¶
type AccountUpdateDeviceLocked struct {
Period int32
type AccountUpdateProfile ¶
type AccountUpdateStatus ¶
type AccountUpdateStatus struct {
Offline TL // Bool
type AccountUpdateTheme ¶
type AccountUpdateUsername ¶
type AccountUpdateUsername struct {
Username string
type AccountUploadTheme ¶
type AccountUploadWallPaper ¶
type AccountVerifyEmail ¶
type AccountVerifyPhone ¶
type AccountWallPapers ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified struct { }
type AppConfig ¶
type AppConfig struct { AppID int32 AppHash string AppVersion string DeviceModel string SystemVersion string SystemLangCode string LangPack string LangCode string }
func NewAppConfig ¶
type AuthAcceptLoginToken ¶
type AuthAcceptLoginToken struct {
Token []byte
type AuthAuthorization ¶
type AuthBindTempAuthKey ¶
type AuthCancelCode ¶
type AuthCheckPassword ¶
type AuthCheckPassword struct {
Password TL // InputCheckPasswordSRP
type AuthCodeTypeCall ¶
type AuthCodeTypeCall struct { }
type AuthCodeTypeFlashCall ¶
type AuthCodeTypeFlashCall struct { }
type AuthCodeTypeSms ¶
type AuthCodeTypeSms struct { }
type AuthDataProvider ¶
type AuthDropTempAuthKeys ¶
type AuthDropTempAuthKeys struct {
ExceptAuthKeys []int64
type AuthExportAuthorization ¶
type AuthExportAuthorization struct {
DcID int32
type AuthExportLoginToken ¶
type AuthImportAuthorization ¶
type AuthImportLoginToken ¶
type AuthImportLoginToken struct {
Token []byte
type AuthLogOut ¶
type AuthLogOut struct { }
type AuthLoginToken ¶
type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo ¶
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess ¶
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess struct {
Authorization TL // auth_Authorization
type AuthPasswordRecovery ¶
type AuthPasswordRecovery struct {
EmailPattern string
type AuthRecoverPassword ¶
type AuthRecoverPassword struct {
Code string
type AuthRequestPasswordRecovery ¶
type AuthRequestPasswordRecovery struct { }
type AuthResendCode ¶
type AuthResetAuthorizations ¶
type AuthResetAuthorizations struct { }
type AuthSendCode ¶
type AuthSentCode ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp struct {
Length int32
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall struct {
Length int32
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall struct {
Pattern string
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms struct {
Length int32
type AuthSignIn ¶
type AuthSignUp ¶
type Authorization ¶
type Authorization struct { Flags int32 Current bool // flag OfficialApp bool // flag PasswordPending bool // flag Hash int64 DeviceModel string Platform string SystemVersion string ApiID int32 AppName string AppVersion string DateCreated int32 DateActive int32 Ip string Country string Region string }
type AutoDownloadSettings ¶
type BadMsgNotification ¶
type BadServerSalt ¶
type BankCardOpenUrl ¶
type BaseThemeArctic ¶
type BaseThemeArctic struct { }
type BaseThemeClassic ¶
type BaseThemeClassic struct { }
type BaseThemeDay ¶
type BaseThemeDay struct { }
type BaseThemeNight ¶
type BaseThemeNight struct { }
type BaseThemeTinted ¶
type BaseThemeTinted struct { }
type BindAuthKeyInner ¶
type BotCommand ¶
type BotInlineMediaResult ¶
type BotInlineMessageText ¶
type BotInlineResult ¶
type BotsSendCustomRequest ¶
type BotsSetBotCommands ¶
type BotsSetBotCommands struct {
Commands []TL // BotCommand
type CdnPublicKey ¶
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { Flags int32 Creator bool // flag Left bool // flag Broadcast bool // flag Verified bool // flag Megagroup bool // flag Restricted bool // flag Signatures bool // flag Min bool // flag Scam bool // flag HasLink bool // flag HasGeo bool // flag SlowmodeEnabled bool // flag ID int32 AccessHash int64 // flag Title string Username string // flag Photo TL // ChatPhoto Date int32 Version int32 RestrictionReason []TL // RestrictionReason // flag AdminRights TL // ChatAdminRights // flag BannedRights TL // ChatBannedRights // flag DefaultBannedRights TL // ChatBannedRights // flag ParticipantsCount int32 // flag }
type ChannelAdminLogEvent ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage struct {
Message TL // Message
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite struct {
Participant TL // ChannelParticipant
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin struct { }
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave struct { }
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll struct {
Message TL // Message
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites struct {
NewValue TL // Bool
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden struct {
NewValue TL // Bool
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures struct {
NewValue TL // Bool
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned struct {
Message TL // Message
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter struct { Flags int32 Join bool // flag Leave bool // flag Invite bool // flag Ban bool // flag Unban bool // flag Kick bool // flag Unkick bool // flag Promote bool // flag Demote bool // flag Info bool // flag Settings bool // flag Pinned bool // flag Edit bool // flag Delete bool // flag }
type ChannelForbidden ¶
type ChannelFull ¶
type ChannelFull struct { Flags int32 CanViewParticipants bool // flag CanSetUsername bool // flag CanSetStickers bool // flag HiddenPrehistory bool // flag CanSetLocation bool // flag HasScheduled bool // flag CanViewStats bool // flag Blocked bool // flag ID int32 About string ParticipantsCount int32 // flag AdminsCount int32 // flag KickedCount int32 // flag BannedCount int32 // flag OnlineCount int32 // flag ReadInboxMaxID int32 ReadOutboxMaxID int32 UnreadCount int32 ChatPhoto TL // Photo NotifySettings TL // PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite TL // ExportedChatInvite BotInfo []TL // BotInfo MigratedFromChatID int32 // flag MigratedFromMaxID int32 // flag PinnedMsgID int32 // flag Stickerset TL // StickerSet // flag AvailableMinID int32 // flag FolderID int32 // flag LinkedChatID int32 // flag Location TL // ChannelLocation // flag SlowmodeSeconds int32 // flag SlowmodeNextSendDate int32 // flag StatsDc int32 // flag Pts int32 }
type ChannelLocation ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty struct { }
type ChannelMessagesFilter ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty struct { }
type ChannelParticipant ¶
type ChannelParticipantAdmin ¶
type ChannelParticipantSelf ¶
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins ¶
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins struct { }
type ChannelParticipantsBanned ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBanned struct {
Q string
type ChannelParticipantsBots ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBots struct { }
type ChannelParticipantsContacts ¶
type ChannelParticipantsContacts struct {
Q string
type ChannelParticipantsKicked ¶
type ChannelParticipantsKicked struct {
Q string
type ChannelParticipantsRecent ¶
type ChannelParticipantsRecent struct { }
type ChannelParticipantsSearch ¶
type ChannelParticipantsSearch struct {
Q string
type ChannelsAdminLogResults ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified struct { }
type ChannelsCheckUsername ¶
type ChannelsCreateChannel ¶
type ChannelsDeleteChannel ¶
type ChannelsDeleteChannel struct {
Channel TL // InputChannel
type ChannelsDeleteHistory ¶
type ChannelsDeleteMessages ¶
type ChannelsEditAdmin ¶
type ChannelsEditBanned ¶
type ChannelsEditCreator ¶
type ChannelsEditLocation ¶
type ChannelsEditPhoto ¶
type ChannelsEditTitle ¶
type ChannelsGetAdminLog ¶
type ChannelsGetChannels ¶
type ChannelsGetChannels struct {
ID []TL // InputChannel
type ChannelsGetFullChannel ¶
type ChannelsGetFullChannel struct {
Channel TL // InputChannel
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion ¶
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion struct { }
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannels ¶
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannels struct { }
type ChannelsGetLeftChannels ¶
type ChannelsGetLeftChannels struct {
Offset int32
type ChannelsGetMessages ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipant ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipants ¶
type ChannelsInviteToChannel ¶
type ChannelsJoinChannel ¶
type ChannelsJoinChannel struct {
Channel TL // InputChannel
type ChannelsLeaveChannel ¶
type ChannelsLeaveChannel struct {
Channel TL // InputChannel
type ChannelsReadHistory ¶
type ChannelsReportSpam ¶
type ChannelsSetStickers ¶
type ChannelsToggleSlowMode ¶
type ChannelsUpdateUsername ¶
type Chat ¶
type Chat struct { Flags int32 Creator bool // flag Kicked bool // flag Left bool // flag Deactivated bool // flag ID int32 Title string Photo TL // ChatPhoto ParticipantsCount int32 Date int32 Version int32 MigratedTo TL // InputChannel // flag AdminRights TL // ChatAdminRights // flag DefaultBannedRights TL // ChatBannedRights // flag }
type ChatAdminRights ¶
type ChatBannedRights ¶
type ChatBannedRights struct { Flags int32 ViewMessages bool // flag SendMessages bool // flag SendMedia bool // flag SendStickers bool // flag SendGifs bool // flag SendGames bool // flag SendInline bool // flag EmbedLinks bool // flag SendPolls bool // flag ChangeInfo bool // flag InviteUsers bool // flag PinMessages bool // flag UntilDate int32 }
type ChatForbidden ¶
type ChatFull ¶
type ChatFull struct { Flags int32 CanSetUsername bool // flag HasScheduled bool // flag ID int32 About string Participants TL // ChatParticipants ChatPhoto TL // Photo // flag NotifySettings TL // PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite TL // ExportedChatInvite BotInfo []TL // BotInfo // flag PinnedMsgID int32 // flag FolderID int32 // flag }
type ChatInvite ¶
type ChatInviteAlready ¶
type ChatInviteAlready struct {
Chat TL // Chat
type ChatInviteEmpty ¶
type ChatInviteEmpty struct { }
type ChatInviteExported ¶
type ChatInviteExported struct {
Link string
type ChatInvitePeek ¶
type ChatOnlines ¶
type ChatOnlines struct {
Onlines int32
type ChatParticipant ¶
type ChatParticipantAdmin ¶
type ChatParticipantCreator ¶
type ChatParticipantCreator struct {
UserID int32
type ChatParticipants ¶
type ChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type ChatPhotoEmpty struct { }
type ClientDHInnerData ¶
type CodeSettings ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Flags int32 PhonecallsEnabled bool // flag DefaultP2pContacts bool // flag PreloadFeaturedStickers bool // flag IgnorePhoneEntities bool // flag RevokePmInbox bool // flag BlockedMode bool // flag PfsEnabled bool // flag Date int32 Expires int32 TestMode TL // Bool ThisDc int32 DcOptions []TL // DcOption DcTxtDomainName string ChatSizeMax int32 MegagroupSizeMax int32 ForwardedCountMax int32 OnlineUpdatePeriodMs int32 OfflineBlurTimeoutMs int32 OfflineIdleTimeoutMs int32 OnlineCloudTimeoutMs int32 NotifyCloudDelayMs int32 NotifyDefaultDelayMs int32 PushChatPeriodMs int32 PushChatLimit int32 SavedGifsLimit int32 EditTimeLimit int32 RevokeTimeLimit int32 RevokePmTimeLimit int32 RatingEDecay int32 StickersRecentLimit int32 StickersFavedLimit int32 ChannelsReadMediaPeriod int32 TmpSessions int32 // flag PinnedDialogsCountMax int32 PinnedInfolderCountMax int32 CallReceiveTimeoutMs int32 CallRingTimeoutMs int32 CallConnectTimeoutMs int32 CallPacketTimeoutMs int32 MeUrlPrefix string AutoupdateUrlPrefix string // flag GifSearchUsername string // flag VenueSearchUsername string // flag ImgSearchUsername string // flag StaticMapsProvider string // flag CaptionLengthMax int32 MessageLengthMax int32 WebfileDcID int32 SuggestedLangCode string // flag LangPackVersion int32 // flag BaseLangPackVersion int32 // flag }
type ContactStatus ¶
type ContactsAcceptContact ¶
type ContactsAcceptContact struct {
ID TL // InputUser
type ContactsAddContact ¶
type ContactsBlock ¶
type ContactsBlock struct {
ID TL // InputPeer
type ContactsBlocked ¶
type ContactsBlockedSlice ¶
type ContactsContacts ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified struct { }
type ContactsDeleteByPhones ¶
type ContactsDeleteByPhones struct {
Phones []string
type ContactsDeleteContacts ¶
type ContactsDeleteContacts struct {
ID []TL // InputUser
type ContactsFound ¶
type ContactsGetBlocked ¶
type ContactsGetContactIDs ¶
type ContactsGetContactIDs struct {
Hash int32
type ContactsGetContacts ¶
type ContactsGetContacts struct {
Hash int32
type ContactsGetLocated ¶
type ContactsGetSaved ¶
type ContactsGetSaved struct { }
type ContactsGetStatuses ¶
type ContactsGetStatuses struct { }
type ContactsGetTopPeers ¶
type ContactsImportContacts ¶
type ContactsImportContacts struct {
Contacts []TL // InputContact
type ContactsResetSaved ¶
type ContactsResetSaved struct { }
type ContactsResolveUsername ¶
type ContactsResolveUsername struct {
Username string
type ContactsResolvedPeer ¶
type ContactsSearch ¶
type ContactsToggleTopPeers ¶
type ContactsToggleTopPeers struct {
Enabled TL // Bool
type ContactsTopPeers ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled struct { }
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified ¶
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified struct { }
type ContactsUnblock ¶
type ContactsUnblock struct {
ID TL // InputPeer
type DecodeBuf ¶
type DecodeBuf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDecodeBuf ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedDouble ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedInt ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedLong ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedObject ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedString ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedStringBytes ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedUInt ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedVector ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorInt ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorLong ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) FlaggedVectorString ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) ObjectGenerated ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) StringBytes ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) VectorLong ¶
func (*DecodeBuf) VectorString ¶
type DestroyAuthKey ¶
type DestroyAuthKey struct { }
type DestroyAuthKeyFail ¶
type DestroyAuthKeyFail struct { }
type DestroyAuthKeyNone ¶
type DestroyAuthKeyNone struct { }
type DestroyAuthKeyOk ¶
type DestroyAuthKeyOk struct { }
type DestroySession ¶
type DestroySession struct {
SessionID int64
type DestroySessionNone ¶
type DestroySessionNone struct {
SessionID int64
type DestroySessionOk ¶
type DestroySessionOk struct {
SessionID int64
type DhGenRetry ¶
type Dialog ¶
type Dialog struct { Flags int32 Pinned bool // flag UnreadMark bool // flag Peer TL // Peer TopMessage int32 ReadInboxMaxID int32 ReadOutboxMaxID int32 UnreadCount int32 UnreadMentionsCount int32 NotifySettings TL // PeerNotifySettings Pts int32 // flag Draft TL // DraftMessage // flag FolderID int32 // flag }
type DialogFilter ¶
type DialogFilter struct { Flags int32 Contacts bool // flag NonContacts bool // flag Groups bool // flag Broadcasts bool // flag Bots bool // flag ExcludeMuted bool // flag ExcludeRead bool // flag ExcludeArchived bool // flag ID int32 Title string Emoticon string // flag PinnedPeers []TL // InputPeer IncludePeers []TL // InputPeer ExcludePeers []TL // InputPeer }
type DialogFilterSuggested ¶
type DialogFolder ¶
type DialogPeer ¶
type DialogPeer struct {
Peer TL // Peer
type DialogPeerFolder ¶
type DialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderID int32
type DocumentAttributeAnimated ¶
type DocumentAttributeAnimated struct { }
type DocumentAttributeAudio ¶
type DocumentAttributeFilename ¶
type DocumentAttributeFilename struct {
FileName string
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers ¶
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers struct { }
type DocumentAttributeVideo ¶
type DocumentEmpty ¶
type DocumentEmpty struct {
ID int64
type DraftMessage ¶
type DraftMessageEmpty ¶
type EmojiKeyword ¶
type EmojiKeywordDeleted ¶
type EmojiKeywordsDifference ¶
type EmojiLanguage ¶
type EmojiLanguage struct {
LangCode string
type EncodeBuf ¶
type EncodeBuf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEncodeBuf ¶
func (*EncodeBuf) StringBytes ¶
func (*EncodeBuf) VectorLong ¶
func (*EncodeBuf) VectorString ¶
type EncryptedChat ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded struct {
ID int32
type EncryptedChatEmpty ¶
type EncryptedChatEmpty struct {
ID int32
type EncryptedChatRequested ¶
type EncryptedChatWaiting ¶
type EncryptedFile ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty struct { }
type EncryptedMessage ¶
type EncryptedMessageService ¶
type ExportedMessageLink ¶
type FolderPeer ¶
type FoldersDeleteFolder ¶
type FoldersDeleteFolder struct {
FolderID int32
type FoldersEditPeerFolders ¶
type FoldersEditPeerFolders struct {
FolderPeers []TL // InputFolderPeer
type FutureSalt ¶
type FutureSalts ¶
type GeoPointEmpty ¶
type GeoPointEmpty struct { }
type GetFutureSalts ¶
type GetFutureSalts struct {
Num int32
type GlobalPrivacySettings ¶
type HelpAcceptTermsOfService ¶
type HelpAcceptTermsOfService struct {
type HelpAppUpdate ¶
type HelpConfigSimple ¶
type HelpCountriesList ¶
type HelpCountriesListNotModified ¶
type HelpCountriesListNotModified struct { }
type HelpCountry ¶
type HelpCountryCode ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty struct { }
type HelpDismissSuggestion ¶
type HelpDismissSuggestion struct {
Suggestion string
type HelpEditUserInfo ¶
type HelpGetAppChangelog ¶
type HelpGetAppChangelog struct {
PrevAppVersion string
type HelpGetAppConfig ¶
type HelpGetAppConfig struct { }
type HelpGetAppUpdate ¶
type HelpGetAppUpdate struct {
Source string
type HelpGetCdnConfig ¶
type HelpGetCdnConfig struct { }
type HelpGetConfig ¶
type HelpGetConfig struct { }
type HelpGetCountriesList ¶
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfo ¶
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfo struct {
Path string
type HelpGetInviteText ¶
type HelpGetInviteText struct { }
type HelpGetNearestDc ¶
type HelpGetNearestDc struct { }
type HelpGetPassportConfig ¶
type HelpGetPassportConfig struct {
Hash int32
type HelpGetPromoData ¶
type HelpGetPromoData struct { }
type HelpGetRecentMeUrls ¶
type HelpGetRecentMeUrls struct {
Referer string
type HelpGetSupport ¶
type HelpGetSupport struct { }
type HelpGetSupportName ¶
type HelpGetSupportName struct { }
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate struct { }
type HelpGetUserInfo ¶
type HelpGetUserInfo struct {
UserID TL // InputUser
type HelpHidePromoData ¶
type HelpHidePromoData struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type HelpInviteText ¶
type HelpInviteText struct {
Message string
type HelpNoAppUpdate ¶
type HelpNoAppUpdate struct { }
type HelpPassportConfig ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified struct { }
type HelpPromoData ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty struct {
Expires int32
type HelpRecentMeUrls ¶
type HelpSaveAppLog ¶
type HelpSaveAppLog struct {
Events []TL // InputAppEvent
type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus ¶
type HelpSupport ¶
type HelpSupportName ¶
type HelpSupportName struct {
Name string
type HelpTermsOfService ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty struct {
Expires int32
type HelpUserInfo ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty struct { }
type ImportedContact ¶
type InitConnection ¶
type InlineBotSwitchPM ¶
type InputAppEvent ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageID ¶
type InputBotInlineResult ¶
type InputChannel ¶
type InputChannelEmpty ¶
type InputChannelEmpty struct { }
type InputChannelFromMessage ¶
type InputChatPhoto ¶
type InputChatPhoto struct {
ID TL // InputPhoto
type InputChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputChatPhotoEmpty struct { }
type InputChatUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty ¶
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty struct { }
type InputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
type InputClientProxy ¶
type InputDialogPeer ¶
type InputDialogPeer struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type InputDialogPeerFolder ¶
type InputDialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderID int32
type InputDocument ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty struct { }
type InputEncryptedChat ¶
type InputEncryptedFile ¶
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty struct { }
type InputFileBig ¶
type InputFileLocation ¶
type InputFolderPeer ¶
type InputGameID ¶
type InputGameShortName ¶
type InputGeoPoint ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty struct { }
type InputMediaContact ¶
type InputMediaDice ¶
type InputMediaDice struct {
Emoticon string
type InputMediaDocument ¶
type InputMediaEmpty ¶
type InputMediaEmpty struct { }
type InputMediaGame ¶
type InputMediaGame struct {
ID TL // InputGame
type InputMediaGeoLive ¶
type InputMediaGeoPoint ¶
type InputMediaGeoPoint struct {
GeoPoint TL // InputGeoPoint
type InputMediaInvoice ¶
type InputMediaPhoto ¶
type InputMediaPhotoExternal ¶
type InputMediaPoll ¶
type InputMediaUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputMediaVenue ¶
type InputMessageID ¶
type InputMessageID struct {
ID int32
type InputMessagePinned ¶
type InputMessagePinned struct { }
type InputMessageReplyTo ¶
type InputMessageReplyTo struct {
ID int32
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterContacts ¶
type InputMessagesFilterContacts struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterDocument ¶
type InputMessagesFilterDocument struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterGeo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGeo struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterGif ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGif struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterMusic ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMusic struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterUrl ¶
type InputMessagesFilterUrl struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVideo struct { }
type InputMessagesFilterVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVoice struct { }
type InputNotifyBroadcasts ¶
type InputNotifyBroadcasts struct { }
type InputNotifyChats ¶
type InputNotifyChats struct { }
type InputNotifyPeer ¶
type InputNotifyPeer struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type InputNotifyUsers ¶
type InputNotifyUsers struct { }
type InputPaymentCredentials ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay struct {
PaymentData TL // DataJSON
type InputPeerChannel ¶
type InputPeerChat ¶
type InputPeerChat struct {
ChatID int32
type InputPeerEmpty ¶
type InputPeerEmpty struct { }
type InputPeerNotifySettings ¶
type InputPeerSelf ¶
type InputPeerSelf struct { }
type InputPeerUser ¶
type InputPhoneCall ¶
type InputPhoneContact ¶
type InputPhoto ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty struct { }
type InputPhotoFileLocation ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyForwards ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyForwards struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto struct { }
type InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp ¶
type InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp struct { }
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll struct { }
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts struct { }
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []TL // InputUser
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll struct { }
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct { }
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []TL // InputUser
type InputReportReasonChildAbuse ¶
type InputReportReasonChildAbuse struct { }
type InputReportReasonCopyright ¶
type InputReportReasonCopyright struct { }
type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant ¶
type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant struct { }
type InputReportReasonOther ¶
type InputReportReasonOther struct {
Text string
type InputReportReasonPornography ¶
type InputReportReasonPornography struct { }
type InputReportReasonSpam ¶
type InputReportReasonSpam struct { }
type InputReportReasonViolence ¶
type InputReportReasonViolence struct { }
type InputSecureFile ¶
type InputSecureFileLocation ¶
type InputSecureFileUploaded ¶
type InputSecureValue ¶
type InputSecureValue struct { Flags int32 Type TL // SecureValueType Data TL // SecureData // flag FrontSide TL // InputSecureFile // flag ReverseSide TL // InputSecureFile // flag Selfie TL // InputSecureFile // flag Translation []TL // InputSecureFile // flag Files []TL // InputSecureFile // flag PlainData TL // SecurePlainData // flag }
type InputSingleMedia ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji struct { }
type InputStickerSetDice ¶
type InputStickerSetDice struct {
Emoticon string
type InputStickerSetEmpty ¶
type InputStickerSetEmpty struct { }
type InputStickerSetID ¶
type InputStickerSetItem ¶
type InputStickerSetShortName ¶
type InputStickerSetShortName struct {
ShortName string
type InputStickerSetThumb ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument struct {
ID TL // InputDocument
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto ¶
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto struct {
ID TL // InputPhoto
type InputTakeoutFileLocation ¶
type InputTakeoutFileLocation struct { }
type InputTheme ¶
type InputThemeSettings ¶
type InputThemeSlug ¶
type InputThemeSlug struct {
Slug string
type InputUserEmpty ¶
type InputUserEmpty struct { }
type InputUserFromMessage ¶
type InputUserSelf ¶
type InputUserSelf struct { }
type InputWallPaper ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile struct { }
type InputWallPaperSlug ¶
type InputWallPaperSlug struct {
Slug string
type InputWebDocument ¶
type InputWebFileLocation ¶
type InvokeAfterMsg ¶
type InvokeAfterMsgs ¶
type InvokeWithLayer ¶
type InvokeWithMessagesRange ¶
type InvokeWithTakeout ¶
type InvokeWithoutUpdates ¶
type InvokeWithoutUpdates struct {
Query TL
type IpPortSecret ¶
type JsonNumber ¶
type JsonNumber struct {
Value float64
type JsonObject ¶
type JsonObject struct {
Value []TL // JSONObjectValue
type JsonObjectValue ¶
type JsonString ¶
type JsonString struct {
Value string
type KeyboardButton ¶
type KeyboardButton struct {
Text string
type KeyboardButtonBuy ¶
type KeyboardButtonBuy struct {
Text string
type KeyboardButtonCallback ¶
type KeyboardButtonGame ¶
type KeyboardButtonGame struct {
Text string
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation struct {
Text string
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone struct {
Text string
type KeyboardButtonRow ¶
type KeyboardButtonRow struct {
Buttons []TL // KeyboardButton
type KeyboardButtonUrl ¶
type KeyboardButtonUrlAuth ¶
type LabeledPrice ¶
type LangPackDifference ¶
type LangPackLanguage ¶
type LangPackString ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted struct {
Key string
type LangpackGetDifference ¶
type LangpackGetLangPack ¶
type LangpackGetLanguage ¶
type LangpackGetLanguages ¶
type LangpackGetLanguages struct {
LangPack string
type LangpackGetStrings ¶
type MTProto ¶
type MTProto struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMTProto ¶
func (*MTProto) Auth ¶
func (m *MTProto) Auth(authData AuthDataProvider) error
func (*MTProto) CopySession ¶
func (*MTProto) Disconnect ¶
func (*MTProto) GetContacts ¶
func (*MTProto) InitSessAndConnect ¶
func (*MTProto) InitSession ¶
func (*MTProto) SendSyncRetry ¶
func (*MTProto) SetEventsHandler ¶
func (*MTProto) SetIdleLimit ¶
func (*MTProto) SetMaxInterval ¶
func (*MTProto) SetMinInterval ¶
func (*MTProto) SetSession ¶
type Message ¶
type Message struct { Flags int32 Out bool // flag Mentioned bool // flag MediaUnread bool // flag Silent bool // flag Post bool // flag FromScheduled bool // flag Legacy bool // flag EditHide bool // flag ID int32 FromID TL // Peer // flag PeerID TL // Peer FwdFrom TL // MessageFwdHeader // flag ViaBotID int32 // flag ReplyTo TL // MessageReplyHeader // flag Date int32 Message string Media TL // MessageMedia // flag ReplyMarkup TL // ReplyMarkup // flag Entities []TL // MessageEntity // flag Views int32 // flag Forwards int32 // flag Replies TL // MessageReplies // flag EditDate int32 // flag PostAuthor string // flag GroupedID int64 // flag RestrictionReason []TL // RestrictionReason // flag }
type MessageActionBotAllowed ¶
type MessageActionBotAllowed struct {
Domain string
type MessageActionChannelCreate ¶
type MessageActionChannelCreate struct {
Title string
type MessageActionChatAddUser ¶
type MessageActionChatAddUser struct {
Users []int32
type MessageActionChatCreate ¶
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto struct { }
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser ¶
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser struct {
UserID int32
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto struct {
Photo TL // Photo
type MessageActionChatEditTitle ¶
type MessageActionChatEditTitle struct {
Title string
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink ¶
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink struct {
InviterID int32
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo ¶
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo struct {
ChannelID int32
type MessageActionContactSignUp ¶
type MessageActionContactSignUp struct { }
type MessageActionCustomAction ¶
type MessageActionCustomAction struct {
Message string
type MessageActionEmpty ¶
type MessageActionEmpty struct { }
type MessageActionGameScore ¶
type MessageActionHistoryClear ¶
type MessageActionHistoryClear struct { }
type MessageActionPhoneCall ¶
type MessageActionPinMessage ¶
type MessageActionPinMessage struct { }
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken ¶
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken struct { }
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent ¶
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent struct {
Types []TL // SecureValueType
type MessageEmpty ¶
type MessageEmpty struct {
ID int32
type MessageEntityBankCard ¶
type MessageEntityBlockquote ¶
type MessageEntityBold ¶
type MessageEntityBotCommand ¶
type MessageEntityCashtag ¶
type MessageEntityCode ¶
type MessageEntityEmail ¶
type MessageEntityHashtag ¶
type MessageEntityItalic ¶
type MessageEntityMention ¶
type MessageEntityPhone ¶
type MessageEntityPre ¶
type MessageEntityStrike ¶
type MessageEntityTextUrl ¶
type MessageEntityUnderline ¶
type MessageEntityUnknown ¶
type MessageEntityUrl ¶
type MessageFwdHeader ¶
type MessageMediaContact ¶
type MessageMediaDice ¶
type MessageMediaDocument ¶
type MessageMediaEmpty ¶
type MessageMediaEmpty struct { }
type MessageMediaGame ¶
type MessageMediaGame struct {
Game TL // Game
type MessageMediaGeo ¶
type MessageMediaGeo struct {
Geo TL // GeoPoint
type MessageMediaGeoLive ¶
type MessageMediaInvoice ¶
type MessageMediaPhoto ¶
type MessageMediaPoll ¶
type MessageMediaUnsupported ¶
type MessageMediaUnsupported struct { }
type MessageMediaVenue ¶
type MessageMediaWebPage ¶
type MessageMediaWebPage struct {
Webpage TL // WebPage
type MessageRange ¶
type MessageReplies ¶
type MessageReplyHeader ¶
type MessageService ¶
type MessageUserVote ¶
type MessageUserVoteMultiple ¶
type MessageViews ¶
type MessagesAcceptUrlAuth ¶
type MessagesAddChatUser ¶
type MessagesAffectedHistory ¶
type MessagesAllStickers ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified struct { }
type MessagesBotResults ¶
type MessagesChannelMessages ¶
type MessagesChatFull ¶
type MessagesChats ¶
type MessagesChats struct {
Chats []TL // Chat
type MessagesChatsSlice ¶
type MessagesCheckChatInvite ¶
type MessagesCheckChatInvite struct {
Hash string
type MessagesClearAllDrafts ¶
type MessagesClearAllDrafts struct { }
type MessagesCreateChat ¶
type MessagesDeleteChatUser ¶
type MessagesDeleteHistory ¶
type MessagesDeleteMessages ¶
type MessagesDhConfig ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified struct {
Random []byte
type MessagesDialogs ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified struct {
Count int32
type MessagesDialogsSlice ¶
type MessagesDiscardEncryption ¶
type MessagesDiscardEncryption struct {
ChatID int32
type MessagesEditChatAbout ¶
type MessagesEditChatAdmin ¶
type MessagesEditChatPhoto ¶
type MessagesEditChatTitle ¶
type MessagesEditMessage ¶
type MessagesExportChatInvite ¶
type MessagesExportChatInvite struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesFaveSticker ¶
type MessagesFavedStickers ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified struct { }
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified struct {
Count int32
type MessagesForwardMessages ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified struct { }
type MessagesGetAllChats ¶
type MessagesGetAllChats struct {
ExceptIds []int32
type MessagesGetAllDrafts ¶
type MessagesGetAllDrafts struct { }
type MessagesGetAllStickers ¶
type MessagesGetAllStickers struct {
Hash int32
type MessagesGetAttachedStickers ¶
type MessagesGetAttachedStickers struct {
Media TL // InputStickeredMedia
type MessagesGetChats ¶
type MessagesGetChats struct {
ID []int32
type MessagesGetCommonChats ¶
type MessagesGetDhConfig ¶
type MessagesGetDialogFilters ¶
type MessagesGetDialogFilters struct { }
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks ¶
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks struct { }
type MessagesGetDialogs ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywords ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywords struct {
LangCode string
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages struct {
LangCodes []string
type MessagesGetEmojiURL ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiURL struct {
LangCode string
type MessagesGetFavedStickers ¶
type MessagesGetFavedStickers struct {
Hash int32
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickers ¶
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickers struct {
Hash int32
type MessagesGetFullChat ¶
type MessagesGetFullChat struct {
ChatID int32
type MessagesGetHistory ¶
type MessagesGetMaskStickers ¶
type MessagesGetMaskStickers struct {
Hash int32
type MessagesGetMessages ¶
type MessagesGetMessages struct {
ID []TL // InputMessage
type MessagesGetOnlines ¶
type MessagesGetOnlines struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesGetPeerDialogs ¶
type MessagesGetPeerDialogs struct {
Peers []TL // InputDialogPeer
type MessagesGetPeerSettings ¶
type MessagesGetPeerSettings struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogs ¶
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogs struct {
FolderID int32
type MessagesGetPollResults ¶
type MessagesGetPollVotes ¶
type MessagesGetReplies ¶
type MessagesGetSavedGifs ¶
type MessagesGetSavedGifs struct {
Hash int32
type MessagesGetSplitRanges ¶
type MessagesGetSplitRanges struct { }
type MessagesGetStatsURL ¶
type MessagesGetStickerSet ¶
type MessagesGetStickerSet struct {
Stickerset TL // InputStickerSet
type MessagesGetStickers ¶
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters ¶
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters struct { }
type MessagesGetWebPage ¶
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar ¶
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesHighScores ¶
type MessagesImportChatInvite ¶
type MessagesImportChatInvite struct {
Hash string
type MessagesInactiveChats ¶
type MessagesMessageEditData ¶
type MessagesMessageViews ¶
type MessagesMessages ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified struct {
Count int32
type MessagesMessagesSlice ¶
type MessagesMigrateChat ¶
type MessagesMigrateChat struct {
ChatID int32
type MessagesPeerDialogs ¶
type MessagesReadDiscussion ¶
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickers ¶
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickers struct {
ID []int64
type MessagesReadHistory ¶
type MessagesReadMentions ¶
type MessagesReadMentions struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesReadMessageContents ¶
type MessagesReadMessageContents struct {
ID []int32
type MessagesReceivedMessages ¶
type MessagesReceivedMessages struct {
MaxID int32
type MessagesReceivedQueue ¶
type MessagesReceivedQueue struct {
MaxQts int32
type MessagesRecentStickers ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified struct { }
type MessagesReport ¶
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpam ¶
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpam struct {
Peer TL // InputEncryptedChat
type MessagesReportSpam ¶
type MessagesReportSpam struct {
Peer TL // InputPeer
type MessagesRequestUrlAuth ¶
type MessagesSaveDraft ¶
type MessagesSaveGif ¶
type MessagesSavedGifs ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified struct { }
type MessagesSearch ¶
type MessagesSearchCounter ¶
type MessagesSearchGlobal ¶
type MessagesSendEncrypted ¶
type MessagesSendMedia ¶
type MessagesSendMedia struct { Flags int32 Silent bool // flag Background bool // flag ClearDraft bool // flag Peer TL // InputPeer ReplyToMsgID int32 // flag Media TL // InputMedia Message string RandomID int64 ReplyMarkup TL // ReplyMarkup // flag Entities []TL // MessageEntity // flag ScheduleDate int32 // flag }
type MessagesSendMessage ¶
type MessagesSendMessage struct { Flags int32 NoWebpage bool // flag Silent bool // flag Background bool // flag ClearDraft bool // flag Peer TL // InputPeer ReplyToMsgID int32 // flag Message string RandomID int64 ReplyMarkup TL // ReplyMarkup // flag Entities []TL // MessageEntity // flag ScheduleDate int32 // flag }
type MessagesSendMultiMedia ¶
type MessagesSendVote ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessage ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessage struct {
Date int32
type MessagesSetGameScore ¶
type MessagesSetTyping ¶
type MessagesStartBot ¶
type MessagesStickerSet ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive struct {
Sets []TL // StickerSetCovered
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess struct { }
type MessagesStickers ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified struct { }
type MessagesToggleDialogPin ¶
type MessagesUninstallStickerSet ¶
type MessagesUninstallStickerSet struct {
Stickerset TL // InputStickerSet
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder ¶
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder struct {
Order []int32
type MessagesUploadMedia ¶
type MessagesVotesList ¶
type MsgContainer ¶
type MsgContainer struct {
Items []MTMessage
type MsgDetailedInfo ¶
type MsgNewDetailedInfo ¶
type MsgResendReq ¶
type MsgResendReq struct {
MsgIds []int64
type MsgsAllInfo ¶
type MsgsStateInfo ¶
type MsgsStateReq ¶
type MsgsStateReq struct {
MsgIds []int64
type NewSessionCreated ¶
type NotifyBroadcasts ¶
type NotifyBroadcasts struct { }
type NotifyChats ¶
type NotifyChats struct { }
type NotifyPeer ¶
type NotifyPeer struct {
Peer TL // Peer
type NotifyUsers ¶
type NotifyUsers struct { }
type PQInnerDataDc ¶
type PQInnerDataTempDc ¶
type PageBlockAnchor ¶
type PageBlockAnchor struct {
Name string
type PageBlockAudio ¶
type PageBlockAuthorDate ¶
type PageBlockBlockquote ¶
type PageBlockChannel ¶
type PageBlockChannel struct {
Channel TL // Chat
type PageBlockCollage ¶
type PageBlockCover ¶
type PageBlockCover struct {
Cover TL // PageBlock
type PageBlockDetails ¶
type PageBlockDivider ¶
type PageBlockDivider struct { }
type PageBlockEmbed ¶
type PageBlockEmbedPost ¶
type PageBlockFooter ¶
type PageBlockFooter struct {
}type PageBlockHeader ¶
type PageBlockHeader struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockKicker ¶
type PageBlockKicker struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockList ¶
type PageBlockList struct {
Items []TL // PageListItem
type PageBlockMap ¶
type PageBlockOrderedList ¶
type PageBlockOrderedList struct {
Items []TL // PageListOrderedItem
type PageBlockParagraph ¶
type PageBlockParagraph struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockPhoto ¶
type PageBlockPreformatted ¶
type PageBlockPullquote ¶
type PageBlockSlideshow ¶
type PageBlockSubheader ¶
type PageBlockSubheader struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockSubtitle ¶
type PageBlockSubtitle struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockTable ¶
type PageBlockTitle ¶
type PageBlockTitle struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageBlockUnsupported ¶
type PageBlockUnsupported struct { }
type PageBlockVideo ¶
type PageCaption ¶
type PageListItemBlocks ¶
type PageListItemBlocks struct {
Blocks []TL // PageBlock
type PageListItemText ¶
type PageListItemText struct {
Text TL // RichText
type PageListOrderedItemText ¶
type PageRelatedArticle ¶
type PageTableCell ¶
type PageTableRow ¶
type PageTableRow struct {
Cells []TL // PageTableCell
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct { }
type PaymentCharge ¶
type PaymentRequestedInfo ¶
type PaymentsBankCardData ¶
type PaymentsClearSavedInfo ¶
type PaymentsGetBankCardData ¶
type PaymentsGetBankCardData struct {
Number string
type PaymentsGetPaymentForm ¶
type PaymentsGetPaymentForm struct {
MsgID int32
type PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt ¶
type PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt struct {
MsgID int32
type PaymentsGetSavedInfo ¶
type PaymentsGetSavedInfo struct { }
type PaymentsPaymentForm ¶
type PaymentsPaymentForm struct { Flags int32 CanSaveCredentials bool // flag PasswordMissing bool // flag BotID int32 Invoice TL // Invoice ProviderID int32 Url string NativeProvider string // flag NativeParams TL // DataJSON // flag SavedInfo TL // PaymentRequestedInfo // flag SavedCredentials TL // PaymentSavedCredentials // flag Users []TL // User }
type PaymentsPaymentReceipt ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResult ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResult struct {
Updates TL // Updates
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded ¶
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded struct {
Url string
type PaymentsSavedInfo ¶
type PaymentsSendPaymentForm ¶
type PeerBlocked ¶
type PeerChannel ¶
type PeerChannel struct {
ChannelID int32
type PeerLocated ¶
type PeerNotifySettings ¶
type PeerSelfLocated ¶
type PeerSelfLocated struct {
Expires int32
type PeerSettings ¶
type PhoneAcceptCall ¶
type PhoneCallAccepted ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy struct { }
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect struct { }
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup struct { }
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed struct { }
type PhoneCallDiscarded ¶
type PhoneCallEmpty ¶
type PhoneCallEmpty struct {
ID int64
type PhoneCallProtocol ¶
type PhoneCallRequested ¶
type PhoneCallWaiting ¶
type PhoneConfirmCall ¶
type PhoneConnection ¶
type PhoneConnectionWebrtc ¶
type PhoneDiscardCall ¶
type PhoneGetCallConfig ¶
type PhoneGetCallConfig struct { }
type PhonePhoneCall ¶
type PhoneReceivedCall ¶
type PhoneReceivedCall struct {
Peer TL // InputPhoneCall
type PhoneRequestCall ¶
type PhoneSaveCallDebug ¶
type PhoneSendSignalingData ¶
type PhoneSetCallRating ¶
type PhotoCachedSize ¶
type PhotoEmpty ¶
type PhotoEmpty struct {
ID int64
type PhotoSizeEmpty ¶
type PhotoSizeEmpty struct {
Type string
type PhotoSizeProgressive ¶
type PhotoStrippedSize ¶
type PhotosDeletePhotos ¶
type PhotosDeletePhotos struct {
ID []TL // InputPhoto
type PhotosGetUserPhotos ¶
type PhotosPhoto ¶
type PhotosPhotos ¶
type PhotosPhotosSlice ¶
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto ¶
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto struct {
ID TL // InputPhoto
type PingDelayDisconnect ¶
type PollAnswer ¶
type PollAnswerVoters ¶
type PollResults ¶
type PopularContact ¶
type PostAddress ¶
type PrivacyKeyAddedByPhone ¶
type PrivacyKeyAddedByPhone struct { }
type PrivacyKeyChatInvite ¶
type PrivacyKeyChatInvite struct { }
type PrivacyKeyForwards ¶
type PrivacyKeyForwards struct { }
type PrivacyKeyPhoneCall ¶
type PrivacyKeyPhoneCall struct { }
type PrivacyKeyPhoneNumber ¶
type PrivacyKeyPhoneNumber struct { }
type PrivacyKeyPhoneP2P ¶
type PrivacyKeyPhoneP2P struct { }
type PrivacyKeyProfilePhoto ¶
type PrivacyKeyProfilePhoto struct { }
type PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp ¶
type PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp struct { }
type PrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowAll struct { }
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts struct { }
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []int32
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll struct { }
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct { }
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []int32
type ReceivedNotifyMessage ¶
type RecentMeUrlChat ¶
type RecentMeUrlChatInvite ¶
type RecentMeUrlStickerSet ¶
type RecentMeUrlUnknown ¶
type RecentMeUrlUnknown struct {
Url string
type RecentMeUrlUser ¶
type ReplyInlineMarkup ¶
type ReplyInlineMarkup struct {
Rows []TL // KeyboardButtonRow
type ReplyKeyboardForceReply ¶
type ReplyKeyboardHide ¶
type ReplyKeyboardMarkup ¶
type ReqDHParams ¶
type ReqPqMulti ¶
type ReqPqMulti struct {
Nonce []byte
type RestrictionReason ¶
type RpcAnswerDropped ¶
type RpcAnswerDroppedRunning ¶
type RpcAnswerDroppedRunning struct { }
type RpcAnswerUnknown ¶
type RpcAnswerUnknown struct { }
type RpcDropAnswer ¶
type RpcDropAnswer struct {
ReqMsgID int64
type SavedPhoneContact ¶
type SecureData ¶
type SecureFile ¶
type SecureFileEmpty ¶
type SecureFileEmpty struct { }
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000 struct {
Salt []byte
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 struct {
Salt []byte
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct { }
type SecurePlainEmail ¶
type SecurePlainEmail struct {
Email string
type SecurePlainPhone ¶
type SecurePlainPhone struct {
Phone string
type SecureRequiredType ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf struct {
Types []TL // SecureRequiredType
type SecureSecretSettings ¶
type SecureValue ¶
type SecureValue struct { Flags int32 Type TL // SecureValueType Data TL // SecureData // flag FrontSide TL // SecureFile // flag ReverseSide TL // SecureFile // flag Selfie TL // SecureFile // flag Translation []TL // SecureFile // flag Files []TL // SecureFile // flag PlainData TL // SecurePlainData // flag Hash []byte }
type SecureValueError ¶
type SecureValueErrorData ¶
type SecureValueErrorFile ¶
type SecureValueErrorFiles ¶
type SecureValueErrorSelfie ¶
type SecureValueHash ¶
type SecureValueTypeAddress ¶
type SecureValueTypeAddress struct { }
type SecureValueTypeBankStatement ¶
type SecureValueTypeBankStatement struct { }
type SecureValueTypeDriverLicense ¶
type SecureValueTypeDriverLicense struct { }
type SecureValueTypeEmail ¶
type SecureValueTypeEmail struct { }
type SecureValueTypeIdentityCard ¶
type SecureValueTypeIdentityCard struct { }
type SecureValueTypeInternalPassport ¶
type SecureValueTypeInternalPassport struct { }
type SecureValueTypePassport ¶
type SecureValueTypePassport struct { }
type SecureValueTypePassportRegistration ¶
type SecureValueTypePassportRegistration struct { }
type SecureValueTypePersonalDetails ¶
type SecureValueTypePersonalDetails struct { }
type SecureValueTypePhone ¶
type SecureValueTypePhone struct { }
type SecureValueTypeRentalAgreement ¶
type SecureValueTypeRentalAgreement struct { }
type SecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration ¶
type SecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration struct { }
type SecureValueTypeUtilityBill ¶
type SecureValueTypeUtilityBill struct { }
type SendMessageCancelAction ¶
type SendMessageCancelAction struct { }
type SendMessageChooseContactAction ¶
type SendMessageChooseContactAction struct { }
type SendMessageGamePlayAction ¶
type SendMessageGamePlayAction struct { }
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction ¶
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction struct { }
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction struct { }
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction struct { }
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction struct { }
type SendMessageTypingAction ¶
type SendMessageTypingAction struct { }
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction struct {
Progress int32
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction struct {
Progress int32
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction struct {
Progress int32
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction struct {
Progress int32
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction struct {
Progress int32
type ServerDHInnerData ¶
type ServerDHParamsFail ¶
type ServerDHParamsOk ¶
type Session ¶
type Session struct { DcID int32 `json:"dc_id"` AuthKey []byte `json:"auth_key"` AuthKeyHash []byte `json:"auth_key_hash"` ServerSalt int64 `json:"server_salt"` Addr string `json:"addr"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func LoadSession ¶
type SetClientDHParams ¶
type ShippingOption ¶
type StatsAbsValueAndPrev ¶
type StatsBroadcastStats ¶
type StatsBroadcastStats struct { Period TL // StatsDateRangeDays Followers TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev ViewsPerPost TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev EnabledNotifications TL // StatsPercentValue GrowthGraph TL // StatsGraph FollowersGraph TL // StatsGraph MuteGraph TL // StatsGraph TopHoursGraph TL // StatsGraph InteractionsGraph TL // StatsGraph IvInteractionsGraph TL // StatsGraph ViewsBySourceGraph TL // StatsGraph NewFollowersBySourceGraph TL // StatsGraph LanguagesGraph TL // StatsGraph RecentMessageInteractions []TL // MessageInteractionCounters }
type StatsDateRangeDays ¶
type StatsGetBroadcastStats ¶
type StatsGetMegagroupStats ¶
type StatsGetMessageStats ¶
type StatsGraph ¶
type StatsGraphAsync ¶
type StatsGraphAsync struct {
Token string
type StatsGraphError ¶
type StatsGraphError struct {
Error string
type StatsGroupTopAdmin ¶
type StatsGroupTopInviter ¶
type StatsGroupTopPoster ¶
type StatsLoadAsyncGraph ¶
type StatsMegagroupStats ¶
type StatsMegagroupStats struct { Period TL // StatsDateRangeDays Members TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev Messages TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev Viewers TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev Posters TL // StatsAbsValueAndPrev GrowthGraph TL // StatsGraph MembersGraph TL // StatsGraph NewMembersBySourceGraph TL // StatsGraph LanguagesGraph TL // StatsGraph MessagesGraph TL // StatsGraph ActionsGraph TL // StatsGraph TopHoursGraph TL // StatsGraph WeekdaysGraph TL // StatsGraph TopPosters []TL // StatsGroupTopPoster TopAdmins []TL // StatsGroupTopAdmin TopInviters []TL // StatsGroupTopInviter Users []TL // User }
type StatsMessageStats ¶
type StatsMessageStats struct {
ViewsGraph TL // StatsGraph
type StatsPercentValue ¶
type StickerPack ¶
type StickerSet ¶
type StickerSetCovered ¶
type StickerSetMultiCovered ¶
type StickersAddStickerToSet ¶
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSet ¶
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSet struct {
Sticker TL // InputDocument
type StorageFileGif ¶
type StorageFileGif struct { }
type StorageFileJpeg ¶
type StorageFileJpeg struct { }
type StorageFileMov ¶
type StorageFileMov struct { }
type StorageFileMp3 ¶
type StorageFileMp3 struct { }
type StorageFileMp4 ¶
type StorageFileMp4 struct { }
type StorageFilePartial ¶
type StorageFilePartial struct { }
type StorageFilePdf ¶
type StorageFilePdf struct { }
type StorageFilePng ¶
type StorageFilePng struct { }
type StorageFileUnknown ¶
type StorageFileUnknown struct { }
type StorageFileWebp ¶
type StorageFileWebp struct { }
type TL ¶
type TL interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
func SliceToTLStable ¶
func SliceToTLStable(slice interface{}) []TL
type TestUseConfigSimple ¶
type TestUseConfigSimple struct { }
type TestUseError ¶
type TestUseError struct { }
type TextAnchor ¶
type TextConcat ¶
type TextConcat struct {
Texts []TL // RichText
type TextItalic ¶
type TextItalic struct {
Text TL // RichText
type TextMarked ¶
type TextMarked struct {
Text TL // RichText
type TextStrike ¶
type TextStrike struct {
Text TL // RichText
type TextSubscript ¶
type TextSubscript struct {
Text TL // RichText
type TextSuperscript ¶
type TextSuperscript struct {
Text TL // RichText
type TextUnderline ¶
type TextUnderline struct {
Text TL // RichText
type ThemeSettings ¶
type TopPeerCategoryBotsInline ¶
type TopPeerCategoryBotsInline struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryBotsPM ¶
type TopPeerCategoryBotsPM struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryChannels ¶
type TopPeerCategoryChannels struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents ¶
type TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryForwardChats ¶
type TopPeerCategoryForwardChats struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryForwardUsers ¶
type TopPeerCategoryForwardUsers struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryGroups ¶
type TopPeerCategoryGroups struct { }
type TopPeerCategoryPeers ¶
type TopPeerCategoryPhoneCalls ¶
type TopPeerCategoryPhoneCalls struct { }
type UpdateBotCallbackQuery ¶
type UpdateBotInlineQuery ¶
type UpdateBotInlineSend ¶
type UpdateBotShippingQuery ¶
type UpdateBotWebhookJSON ¶
type UpdateBotWebhookJSON struct {
Data TL // DataJSON
type UpdateChannel ¶
type UpdateChannel struct {
ChannelID int32
type UpdateChannelTooLong ¶
type UpdateChannelUserTyping ¶
type UpdateChannelWebPage ¶
type UpdateChatParticipants ¶
type UpdateChatParticipants struct {
Participants TL // ChatParticipants
type UpdateChatPinnedMessage ¶
type UpdateChatUserTyping ¶
type UpdateConfig ¶
type UpdateConfig struct { }
type UpdateContactsReset ¶
type UpdateContactsReset struct { }
type UpdateDcOptions ¶
type UpdateDcOptions struct {
DcOptions []TL // DcOption
type UpdateDeleteMessages ¶
type UpdateDialogFilter ¶
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder ¶
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder struct {
Order []int32
type UpdateDialogFilters ¶
type UpdateDialogFilters struct { }
type UpdateDialogPinned ¶
type UpdateDialogUnreadMark ¶
type UpdateDraftMessage ¶
type UpdateEditMessage ¶
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping ¶
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping struct {
ChatID int32
type UpdateEncryption ¶
type UpdateFavedStickers ¶
type UpdateFavedStickers struct { }
type UpdateFolderPeers ¶
type UpdateGeoLiveViewed ¶
type UpdateLangPack ¶
type UpdateLangPack struct {
Difference TL // LangPackDifference
type UpdateLangPackTooLong ¶
type UpdateLangPackTooLong struct {
LangCode string
type UpdateLoginToken ¶
type UpdateLoginToken struct { }
type UpdateMessageID ¶
type UpdateMessagePoll ¶
type UpdateMessagePollVote ¶
type UpdateNewChannelMessage ¶
type UpdateNewMessage ¶
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage ¶
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage struct {
Message TL // Message
type UpdateNewStickerSet ¶
type UpdateNewStickerSet struct {
Stickerset TL // messages_StickerSet
type UpdateNotifySettings ¶
type UpdatePeerBlocked ¶
type UpdatePeerLocated ¶
type UpdatePeerLocated struct {
Peers []TL // PeerLocated
type UpdatePeerSettings ¶
type UpdatePhoneCall ¶
type UpdatePhoneCall struct {
PhoneCall TL // PhoneCall
type UpdatePinnedDialogs ¶
type UpdatePrivacy ¶
type UpdatePtsChanged ¶
type UpdatePtsChanged struct { }
type UpdateReadChannelInbox ¶
type UpdateReadChannelOutbox ¶
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers ¶
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers struct { }
type UpdateReadHistoryInbox ¶
type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox ¶
type UpdateRecentStickers ¶
type UpdateRecentStickers struct { }
type UpdateSavedGifs ¶
type UpdateSavedGifs struct { }
type UpdateShort ¶
type UpdateShortChatMessage ¶
type UpdateShortChatMessage struct { Flags int32 Out bool // flag Mentioned bool // flag MediaUnread bool // flag Silent bool // flag ID int32 FromID int32 ChatID int32 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom TL // MessageFwdHeader // flag ViaBotID int32 // flag ReplyTo TL // MessageReplyHeader // flag Entities []TL // MessageEntity // flag }
type UpdateShortMessage ¶
type UpdateShortMessage struct { Flags int32 Out bool // flag Mentioned bool // flag MediaUnread bool // flag Silent bool // flag ID int32 UserID int32 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom TL // MessageFwdHeader // flag ViaBotID int32 // flag ReplyTo TL // MessageReplyHeader // flag Entities []TL // MessageEntity // flag }
type UpdateShortSentMessage ¶
type UpdateStickerSets ¶
type UpdateStickerSets struct { }
type UpdateStickerSetsOrder ¶
type UpdateTheme ¶
type UpdateTheme struct {
Theme TL // Theme
type UpdateUserName ¶
type UpdateUserPhone ¶
type UpdateUserPhoto ¶
type UpdateUserPinnedMessage ¶
type UpdateUserStatus ¶
type UpdateUserTyping ¶
type UpdateWebPage ¶
type UpdatesCombined ¶
type UpdatesDifference ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceSlice ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong struct {
Pts int32
type UpdatesGetDifference ¶
type UpdatesGetState ¶
type UpdatesGetState struct { }
type UpdatesState ¶
type UpdatesTooLong ¶
type UpdatesTooLong struct { }
type UploadCdnFile ¶
type UploadCdnFile struct {
Bytes []byte
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded ¶
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded struct {
RequestToken []byte
type UploadFile ¶
type UploadFileCdnRedirect ¶
type UploadGetCdnFile ¶
type UploadGetCdnFileHashes ¶
type UploadGetFile ¶
type UploadGetFileHashes ¶
type UploadGetWebFile ¶
type UploadReuploadCdnFile ¶
type UploadSaveBigFilePart ¶
type UploadSaveFilePart ¶
type UploadWebFile ¶
type UrlAuthResultAccepted ¶
type UrlAuthResultAccepted struct {
Url string
type UrlAuthResultDefault ¶
type UrlAuthResultDefault struct { }
type UrlAuthResultRequest ¶
type User ¶
type User struct { Flags int32 Self bool // flag Contact bool // flag MutualContact bool // flag Deleted bool // flag Bot bool // flag BotChatHistory bool // flag BotNochats bool // flag Verified bool // flag Restricted bool // flag Min bool // flag BotInlineGeo bool // flag Support bool // flag Scam bool // flag ApplyMinPhoto bool // flag ID int32 AccessHash int64 // flag FirstName string // flag LastName string // flag Username string // flag Phone string // flag Photo TL // UserProfilePhoto // flag Status TL // UserStatus // flag BotInfoVersion int32 // flag RestrictionReason []TL // RestrictionReason // flag BotInlinePlaceholder string // flag LangCode string // flag }
type UserFull ¶
type UserFull struct { Flags int32 Blocked bool // flag PhoneCallsAvailable bool // flag PhoneCallsPrivate bool // flag CanPinMessage bool // flag HasScheduled bool // flag VideoCallsAvailable bool // flag User TL // User About string // flag Settings TL // PeerSettings ProfilePhoto TL // Photo // flag NotifySettings TL // PeerNotifySettings BotInfo TL // BotInfo // flag PinnedMsgID int32 // flag CommonChatsCount int32 FolderID int32 // flag }
type UserProfilePhoto ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty struct { }
type UserStatusEmpty ¶
type UserStatusEmpty struct { }
type UserStatusLastMonth ¶
type UserStatusLastMonth struct { }
type UserStatusLastWeek ¶
type UserStatusLastWeek struct { }
type UserStatusOffline ¶
type UserStatusOffline struct {
WasOnline int32
type UserStatusOnline ¶
type UserStatusOnline struct {
Expires int32
type UserStatusRecently ¶
type UserStatusRecently struct { }
type UsersGetFullUser ¶
type UsersGetFullUser struct {
ID TL // InputUser
type UsersGetUsers ¶
type UsersGetUsers struct {
ID []TL // InputUser
type VectorLong ¶
type VectorLong []int64
type VectorObject ¶
type VectorObject []TL
type WallPaperNoFile ¶
type WallPaperSettings ¶
type WebAuthorization ¶
type WebDocument ¶
type WebDocumentNoProxy ¶
type WebPage ¶
type WebPage struct { Flags int32 ID int64 Url string DisplayUrl string Hash int32 Type string // flag SiteName string // flag Title string // flag Description string // flag Photo TL // Photo // flag EmbedUrl string // flag EmbedType string // flag EmbedWidth int32 // flag EmbedHeight int32 // flag Duration int32 // flag Author string // flag Document TL // Document // flag CachedPage TL // Page // flag Attributes []TL // WebPageAttribute // flag }
type WebPageAttributeTheme ¶
type WebPageEmpty ¶
type WebPageEmpty struct {
ID int64
type WebPageNotModified ¶
type WebPagePending ¶
Source Files ¶
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