Client is used to upload files to Myra's PushCDN.
In order to use this client you need to be a customer of Myra.
glide install
- The client requires a configuration file to operate.
Please see the example:
endpoint: https://upload.myracloud.com
language: en
proxy: "socks5://localhost:8080"
user: user1
apikey: deadbeef1fbd41116fe98bbeeeeeeeef
secret: deadaef1fbd41116fe98beefabc14142
If you do not use a proxy leave the field empty.
To get the login data you need to contact Myra Support.
The client will look up the config in the following order:
Config given via commandline flag
You can also copy the sample config file:
user@host:~/go-upload-client$ cp config.yml.dist config.yml
then replace placeholders (like: MYRA_CDN_USER ) inside the config.yml
with your real values.
See help for usage instructions.
./myra-upload --help
- It is also possible to have the Go Upload Client up and running on a dockerized environment.
This can save you time and effort you'd have spent setting up Golang and building the application.
Building the image
- First off, you have to build the docker image. It is as easy as running the following command:
user@host:~/go-upload-client$ make docker-build
Using the image
- Once you have built the image, you are ready to go. Login to the container:
user@host:~/go-upload-client$ make docker-login
and from there, you can run the myra-upload command:
root@463c419570cd:/go/src/github.com/Myra-Security-GmbH/go-upload-client# ./myra-upload --help
Usage: myra-upload [--init] --domain DOMAIN --bucket BUCKET [--recursive] [--silent] [--configfile CONFIGFILE] SOURCE TARGET
Positional arguments:
SOURCE Source file or folder
TARGET Target folder
--init Creates a default configuration file
--domain DOMAIN, -d DOMAIN
--bucket BUCKET, -b BUCKET
--recursive, -r Upload folder recursive
--silent, -s No progress output
Configfile to use [default: ./config.yml]
--help, -h display this help and exit
Then of course you can do the upload from within the container.
Stopping and spinning up the container
- If you want to stop the container (ex: save resources), just run the command:
user@host:~/go-upload-client$ make docker-stop
- If you want to spin it up again (without rebuilding it again):
user@host:~/go-upload-client$ make docker-up